28th may 2021 - ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk

28 th May 2021 Dear Parents and Carers As you know, last Sunday 23 rd May was the Holy Day of Pentecost a day when Christians recall how God’s Holy Spirit was given to his disciples after Jesus’ accession, empowering them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. As the day focusses on God’s Spirit being poured out on believers, it is often one of the most popular days for Baptisms and Confirmations. I am aware that a number of members of our school community were indeed Baptised and Confirmed last weekend and wish to pass on my prayers and best wishes to them. Many churches set aside the ten days between Ascension and Pentecost as a special time of prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thy Kingdom Come, the global wave of prayer established in 2016 following an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, has seen millions of Christians across denominations and across the world joining together to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. If you would like to learn more and engage in this period do click on this link. “In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.” Archbishop Justin Welby This week, we have said our first farewells to Year 11 and Year 13 students as they all finish their courses and submit the final evidence for the Teacher Assessed Grades process. It would be fair to say that the 2-year courses both year groups embarked upon were not as expected with a variety of face to face and remote learning and formal and informal assessment taking place. Once again, I have been humbled and inspired by the dedication and determination of both staff and students as they worked together to ensure the evidence submitted is the best it can be. I am in the privileged position of having to review all of this work before it is submitted and I can say that it has been a joy to see such quality. I am pleased to say that I was able to say goodbye to Year 11 personally last Friday and will do so to the Year 13 students in our get together in early July. I include some words here from other staff members shared with students in their last few days. A note from Mrs Monaghan, Head of Year 11 We wish our Year 11 students well in their next steps, many of whom we are looking forward to welcoming into the Ranelagh 6th form and others who will be taking up new exciting opportunities. Over the five years that the cohort have been students at Ranelagh, I have had the honour of being their Head of Year for four of them. I have had the pleasure of witnessing their successes amongst others; being National Mock Trials Champions for two successive years, seeing them excel in their sporting achievements both inside and outside of school, admiring their magnificent artwork in the corridors and classrooms on a daily basis, being awed by their magnificent dramatic performances, watching them develop and strengthen their relationships that they should cherish through experiences such as the Year 9 trip and Oakwood.

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28th May 2021

Dear Parents and Carers As you know, last Sunday 23rd May was the Holy Day of Pentecost a day when Christians recall how God’s Holy Spirit was given to his disciples after Jesus’ accession, empowering them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. As the day focusses on God’s Spirit being poured out on believers, it is often one of the most popular days for Baptisms and Confirmations. I am aware that a number of members of our school community were indeed Baptised and Confirmed last weekend and wish to pass on my prayers and best wishes to them. Many churches set aside the ten days between Ascension and Pentecost as a special time of prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thy Kingdom Come, the global wave of prayer established in 2016 following an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, has seen millions of Christians across denominations and across the world joining together to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. If you would like to learn more and engage in this period do click on this link. “In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.” Archbishop Justin Welby This week, we have said our first farewells to Year 11 and Year 13 students as they all finish their courses and submit the final evidence for the Teacher Assessed Grades process. It would be fair to say that the 2-year courses both year groups embarked upon were not as expected with a variety of face to face and remote learning and formal and informal assessment taking place. Once again, I have been humbled and inspired by the dedication and determination of both staff and students as they worked together to ensure the evidence submitted is the best it can be. I am in the privileged position of having to review all of this work before it is submitted and I can say that it has been a joy to see such quality. I am pleased to say that I was able to say goodbye to Year 11 personally last Friday and will do so to the Year 13 students in our get together in early July. I include some words here from other staff members shared with students in their last few days. A note from Mrs Monaghan, Head of Year 11 We wish our Year 11 students well in their next steps, many of whom we are looking forward to welcoming into the Ranelagh 6th form and others who will be taking up new exciting opportunities. Over the five years that the cohort have been students at Ranelagh, I have had the honour of being their Head of Year for four of them. I have had the pleasure of witnessing their successes amongst others; being National Mock Trials Champions for two successive years, seeing them excel in their sporting achievements both inside and outside of school, admiring their magnificent artwork in the corridors and classrooms on a daily basis, being awed by their magnificent dramatic performances, watching them develop and strengthen their relationships that they should cherish through experiences such as the Year 9 trip and Oakwood.

I am so proud of the way that the students have undertaken the challenges they have faced, both personal and brought about by the pandemic. They have demonstrated great courage, tenacity and resilience, all skills that we are sure will benefit them in future life. I would like to draw your attention to the channel that has been added to the Year 11 students’ group on Microsoft teams called “Post-GCSE opportunities”. We have gathered together some ideas of opportunities ranging from work experience to community projects should the students be looking to add to their CV or general life experience over the summer ahead. As I said to the students in their Leaver’s Assembly, the experiences that they have shared and the community that they have been a part of for five years will always bond them together. I wish all of the students the very best in their future ventures and look forward to seeing them further flourish. A note from Miss Sweeney, Head of Sixth Form Students finishing year 13 – what a journey it has been! Right back in those Revue days you showed that you were people of character and virtue; hard-working, committed, team-players. You should be extremely proud of the ways in which you have utilised these qualities over an extraordinary two years which have been anything but normal. We look forward to warmly welcoming you back for our Summer Formal Celebration on 9th July and to seeing you as alumni over the coming years. Well done! Go well, and take with you our shared vision – ‘For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control’ (2 Timothy 1.7) A note from Mrs Stevens, CEO Bonitas Trust I have so many very warm and happy memories of Ranelagh and its community of students and staff. Among these is my recollection of how, particularly at the start of a new school year, students gathered, like bees round a honeypot, to look at the whole school photographs hanging in the corridor at the front of the school. I could hear them from my office and enjoyed snippets of their conversation. Sometimes they were looking for themselves; sometimes they searched for a friend or pointed out an older brother or sister. And it wasn’t just the students. On parents’ evenings or at school events, I would often find parents and family members huddled around a particular picture on display – searching not just for their children; sometimes they were looking for themselves and their teachers, getting genuine pleasure at being able to reconnect with their school. For me this epitomised the deep affection and sense of belonging generated by the people, past and present, who make up our school family. It is special, and like lots of things in life, you do not appreciate quite how special it is until you move on to new experiences. Putting down roots, making memories and learning to develop your wings happens when you share together your joys, your tragedies, your triumphs and your mistakes – it is these, rather than your grades alone, that define the value of your school experience and it is in search of these that I urge you to look back today. And as for looking forward? Well, I turn to the words of St Paul when I say that, as a member of the Ranelagh family, having experienced the wisdom, love and care of your teachers, together with all who form part of this school community, my hope is that you are clothed with compassion, kindness, humility and patience. We cannot have enough of these things in our world. Kathy Winrow, ex-Headteacher, honoured

It gives me great pleasure to let you know that our ex-Headteacher, Kathy Winrow, has been

honoured by the Diocese of Oxford by being installed as part of The Order of St Frideswide. I

have included the notification from the Diocese below. I am sure you will join me in

congratulating Kathy for her dedication and service.

“Kathryn has held many senior roles in education and was headteacher at Ranelagh School in Bracknell, an 11-18 church secondary school. During this time, she was also a National Leader in Education and worked with schools in the diocese and beyond who needed support. She has served on the DBE several times and worked with five DDEs. Since 2012, she has been chair of ODST, an MAT which now has 38 schools. She worships at St George’s Church in Newbury, where her husband is associate priest. She has oversight of the work with children and young people, including the annual Holiday Club which welcomes over 100 youngsters. She is a PSO and leads on several PCC working groups. She has also served on General Synod for six years as an elected lay representative.” Covid-19 - testing and reporting The DfE have once again emphasised the importance of both staff and students:

✓ Continuing to test twice a week over the half term holiday (Monday and Thursday). ✓ Reporting results to the school and NHS track and trace. Students have been given

enough test kits to enable this level of testing. Parents and carers only need to inform us of a positive case if a student has developed symptoms/received a positive home test result within 48 hours of last being in school. Please do this using the [email protected] email address which will be monitored on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th May only. We will then identify close contacts and advise self-isolation as appropriate. If a student develops symptoms/receives a positive test result after Sunday 30th May then please contact NHS test and trace or dial 119.

Parking Students should not be dropped off on the school site. If there is an exceptional reason, please contact the school. Those parents dropping off/collecting children at the rear or front entrance to the school are also reminded of the importance of not obstructing driveways or access points for residents and other road users and of not waiting in their car with the engine running. The school enjoys positive relationships with its neighbours, and it is important to preserve these. DEPARTMENT NEWS


Royal Ascot Art Competition 2021 - Results

We were once again fortunate to be able to participate in the 2021 ‘Royal Ascot Schools Art

Competition’. Taking part in this competition, is one of those occasions when we are able to

showcase just some of the creative talent, that so many of our students here at Ranelagh have in

the lower school.

This year, we had 27 students enter the competition, with 8 of the students’ work shortlisted by

Ascot to go the live voting stage. As always, we are so proud of all our students who took the

time to contribute their ideas and creativity. We would like to congratulate them for their

fantastic effort and hard work.

The safety of all pedestrians must be our priority.

A special mention and well done for the shortlisted entries;

Year 7: Olivia Ciccarello (7U), Alice Murtha (7V) and Violet McMahon (7Z)

Year 8: Ruby Cuthbert (8X), Megan Jones (8Y), Maya Cirio (8V) and Lienkie du Plessis (8U)

Year 9: Daisy Williams (9V)

We are delighted to announce that Maya Cirio was the overall winner of the age 12-13 category

and Megan Jones was the runner up of the age 12-13 category.

Maya Cirio (8V) Winner Megan Jones (8Y) Runner Up

As well as receiving their own individual prize, Maya will be invited to attend Royal Ascot and

both Maya and Megan will be invited to attend a zoom video call with one of the jockeys in

celebration and recognition of their success.

Maya and Megan’s artwork will be enlarged and will join last year’s artwork display in the Ascot

Heath Tunnel before Royal Ascot takes place. Congratulations to them both!

Congratulations also to all the artists who took part. We are excited for another opportunity next

year. Hopefully we will see even more entries, so get practicing!

Royal Ascot Design Competition 2021

We have been incredibly fortunate to be able to participate in a new competition for the older

students at Ranelagh this year; working with both Royal Ascot and Samsung.

As part of Ascot Racecourse Supports Schools’ engagement programme, young designers were

invited to enter this competition; to style an outfit to be worn at Royal Ascot using a Samsung Flip

2, UHD interactive Digital Flipchart, which was donated by Samsung to each participating School.

Ranelagh Art Department have been incredibly lucky to have received this amazing piece of

technology which we will be able to incorporate into our lessons.

A few of our students rose to the challenge of creating their outfit designs. It was fantastic to

receive these, we are always proud of those who choose to have a go and the effort that they put

into creating their work. Well done to:

Caitlyn Street (10W), Anna-Rose Forsdick (12A), Isobel Butler (13D), Ellen Phillips (13B) and James

Simmons (13C) for entering this competition and for their beautiful designs!

Unfortunately, only three could be shortlisted to the next stage; which was to re-create their

designs using the Samsung Flip Chart. After mastering the new technology and a small amount of

practice, Ellen Phillips, Isobel Butler and James Simmons set about illustrating their designs on

this interactive board. It was a busy time for them, and we are grateful for the extra time that

they spent perfecting their entries and working to such a short deadline.

These are the designs drawn onto the interactive flipchart;

James Simmons 13C Ellen Phillips 13B Isobel Butler 13D

The final 3 entries were sent off, along with other participating schools’ designs, to be judged by

fashion designer Zeynep Kartal. Zeynep is a designer who produces beautiful dresses and

tailoring based in Manchester. Her website is currently under construction, but you can get an

idea of her designs here: (http://zeynepkartal.co.uk/).

We were thrilled to receive the news regarding the winner and are therefore delighted to

announce that Isobel Butler won the Competition. Congratulations to Isobel for her stunning


Isobel will be working with Zeynep, who will be manufacturing her winning design and she will be

invited to attend Royal Ascot, wearing her outfit to celebrate her success.

We are so proud of each of the students for taking part and delighted for Isobel to be able to

have this wonderful opportunity. We are hoping that this will be an annual competition and invite

all designers 15+ to start thinking of their designs for next year!

Creating the designs using the Samsung Flip2;


Sherlock Holmes Competition

In honour of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday on May 22nd, creator of

arguably the greatest fictional detective, all year 7 tutor groups took part in a

mysterious competition in their library lessons. Each tutor group had to

guess the six Sherlock Holmes related items in the mystery box. They were

limited to asking 20 yes or no questions – the tutor group with the most

correct guesses would win an edible grand prize. If each tutor group had the same correct

guesses, it would come down to the best, out-of-the-box, questions asked.

Perhaps Miss Oblein made it too tricky as everyone got the same 3 items but seemed stumped by

the remaining 3!

There was, of course, a deerstalker hat, a pipe and a

magnifying glass. The remaining items were… a jigsaw

puzzle piece for all the puzzles and riddles Mr Holmes

solves, a crown as he was often asked to find valuable

items and finally…a red herring, to represent the

misleading clues in his investigations!

As each tutor group had the same number of correct

guesses, the winner was determined by their

questioning prowess. The best interrogating tutor

group, with the most intriguing and thoughtful

questions was…7Y!


Legacy Books

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Year 11 and 13

students and parents who have kindly donated Legacy Books

from our school Amazon wish list. These books will be used and

treasured by all our students; both present and future. Should

you wish to donate a book to the library please do look at our

current list which can be found here: tiny.cc/RanelaghBooks We

are always delighted to receive new books to add to the library’s

collection and aid the student’s thirst for knowledge and

enjoyment of reading.


Ranelagh’s IT support team have been hard at work recently, updating access to the Ranelagh e-

library. When students log in now, they must use their Microsoft 365 username and password,

the same as when they log in to the school computer or from home. Their old e-library account

will soon be deleted.

The e-library is a wonderful resource for students to access, with a wide range of fun titles to


To log on, go to: https://ranelagh-hantssls.wheelers.co

If there are any issues with the e-library please email: [email protected]


Year 7 students have been hard at work in geography thinking about

sustainable settlements for the future. As part of this topic, they

created a model of a sustainable house using only recyclable materials

from home. The students then gave a presentation to their class,

showing their building and explaining their reason for its design. They

rose to this challenge with great enthusiasm and created some truly

fantastic models, demonstrating creativity, curiosity and geographical

knowledge. The quality of the models was very high. We would like to

congratulate all the students. A special mention goes to those whose models were voted 'most

sustainable' by the class. Alice Murtha (7V), Lewis Anderson (7Z), Freya Dawkins (7V), Alexander

De Lan Pascua (7V), Artjoms Stevens (7V) and Lily Marshall (7Z).


Duke of Edinburgh

Firstly, I would like to thank Craig Barter, Victoria Jacques, Rebecca Jacques and Emma Vaughan

for the part they played in the recent memorial events for the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh.

They spoke with great positivity and enthusiasm about the awards that they took part in. The

interviews were played on BBC Radio Berkshire on the day of the funeral. Emma and Craig also

took part in TV interviews that aired on the 6 o’clock news on BBC South Today. It was a fantastic

thing to be involved in and to promote the great experiences the DofE award can offer.

On that positivity, on Tuesday 25th and

Wednesday 26th May it was fantastic to

have Duke of Edinburgh expeditions

running once again. The year 11 have been

waiting to do their expedition since March

2020 and it is taken them over a year to get

out and about. What a wonderful couple of

days it was to have the groups out

exploring the local area and really

testing their navigation skills. All

the teams worked really hard and

took onboard advice even if some

of them became navigationally

challenged. Each group practised

their navigational skills and somewhat edited camping skills to complete their qualifying

expedition in the Waltham St Lawrence and Swinley area. The groups now need to complete

their volunteering skill and physical sections before completing their award. Congratulations on

persevering through these tough times and coming out the other side with an award.


School opening times

The School Office will be closed over the May half term break.


PTA – Please find the PTA Newsletter and information sheet (Appendix 1).


Karate – Chloe Makepeace

Chloe Makepeace (9V) passed her karate

black belt grading over the Easter weekend.

This was achieved following 5 years of

training and over the last 12 weeks, training

or teaching karate for 8 hours a week on top

of her school work, piano practice and

dancing lessons.

I think you will all agree this is an amazing

achievement and a wonderful show of


Well done!

Irish Dancing – Megan Green (11Y)

Some of you may remember the article on Megan in the Newsletter of May 2017

(picture right).

Megan has been a competitive Irish Dancer since the age of 5. She has taken part in

many school dance shows since starting at Ranelagh in year 7 showcasing her talent.

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, Megan was unable to take part in the World

Championships in 2020 and the majority of the Major

dance tournaments were also cancelled. Megan’s dance

school moved to online training and teaching, so students

could keep up to date with their skills and progression. Last

summer Megan auditioned and was accepted onto the inaugural

Riverdance online Summer School and whilst she had planned to

attend Dublin in person after her exams this summer, sadly this has

once again moved online. As a dance community there have been

many opportunities online for the dancers to learn from the

professionals of Riverdance, Lord of the Dance and Fusion Fighters.

However, in the midst of all the changes we have all had to face

over the past year, it gives me great please to tell you that two

weeks ago and after months of only online classes, Megan took Grade 10 and has been awarded

one of the highest distinction grades. She will go on to take the remaining grades over the next

couple of years.

Congratulations Megan!

Golf - Joseph Byrne 10W

Joseph is a very passionate golf player and as a result of his hard work and dedication has been

invited to play golf at The Junior Masters Golf Tournament in June. This will take place at the

Pollak Golf Club in Glasgow, it is a sponsored event and is played as a 54-hole stroke play event,

with a 36-hole cut for the leading players to contest the final round.

The event will count for World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR).

It is Joseph’s ambition to attend a college/university in the US to play college golf in 2024.

What a great achievement, and we wish him well for June. Good luck!


If you would like to learn more about the Bracknell Forest Futures 2021 event please do click on

this link.


Monday 31 (bank holiday)

- Friday 4 June

Half term

Monday 7 June New term begins

Tuesday 20 July End of Summer Term

Wednesday 21st July Professional Training Day

Wednesday 1 September Professional Training Day

Thursday 2 September Year 7 and Year 12 induction only

Friday 3 September Year 7 only

Monday 6th September All students return

And finally…

I would like to wish you all a lovely half term holiday. I hope you all have a relaxing time over the next week and that you are able to catch up with family and friends. I am looking forward to returning on Monday 7th June with the possibility of even more normality ahead of us.

Yours sincerely

Mr TRS Griffith


Ranelagh School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Appendix 1

Dear Parents and Carers  Thank you to all of you who have supported us over the past half term. You may have joined in with our online Spring market, participated in our first virtual quiz night, or bought/donated second hand uniform or revision guides perhaps. All support is truly appreciated. Here are few updates on the next activities we have planned: Bag 2 School  We have arranged a Bag 2 School second hand clothing and shoes collection on Friday 18 June to raise funds for our school. Details of what we can and cannot accept can be found here – https://bag2school.com/what-we-collect. If you do have anything to donate, you are welcome to drop donations to one of our PTA volunteers, Liz, at 10 Lysander Drive (The Parks) RG12 9NZ, any time between now and 8pm on Thursday 17 June.  Alternatively, you can drop donations to the metal cage that will be available in the school car park between 8.30am on 16th June and 9.00am on 18th June. Clothes can come from anywhere, so please ask your neighbours for donations too!   Pre-Loved Uniform & Textbook Donations 

Now that the uniform isn’t changing until September 2022, we hope to hold a second-hand uniform sale (on an appointment-only basis) in the summer term and are appealing for donations of pre-loved uniform, PE kit, text books and revision guides. You can drop items into the metal cage that will be made available at the front of school from 7th June, or you can drop donations any time to one of our PTA volunteers – at either; 10 Lysander Drive (The Parks), RG12 9NZ or 27 Top Common (Warfield), RG42 3SH.  Find out more about our SHU sales on the school website.

  Online Auction  This year’s auction is moving online. This allows us to expand our audience, increase the timescale over which we can accept bids. This makes it easier and safer for supporters to make payments online through a secure auction site.  The auction will be going live sometime in June (we will let you know when and how to bid after half term!) and we would love to receive more donations before then. Any donations that are suitable for auction can be dropped to our PTA co-chair (Liz) who lives near Ranelagh – 10 Lysander Drive, The Parks, Bracknell, RG12 9NZ – or emailed over to us (for vouchers etc) - [email protected].

Does your Company have a Match Funding Scheme?   There are many companies that support charities through match funding schemes. This means they match any funds raised for charitable causes if one of their employees is linked to the charity event. So, if you work for a big company or your company supports charities in this way, please do get in touch. 

Ranelagh School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Appendix 1

Other PTA events Coronavirus has hampered our ability to hold face to face events for those in our school community this year. Rest assured that as soon as we are given the green light by the government, the local authority, and the school to go ahead with face-to-face events again, we will get planning but as yet there are no firm dates in the diary! We will let you know as soon as anything changes! Our next committee meeting is scheduled for w/c 14th June (date and time TBC). Email us for meeting details.  Everyone is welcome!   You can keep in touch with the PTA via school emails, our Facebook page, or the school website PTA pages.  You can also email us - [email protected] or [email protected].   Wishing you all a very enjoyable half term break. Ranelagh PTA