26th april - 7th may newsletter college du leman

CDL News http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52] Preschool / Préscolaire Primary School / École Primaire 1er et 2nd cycles Middle School High School Boarding House Guidance Office / Bureau d'orientation Sports Primary PFA / APE primaire HS-MS PFA / APE de secondaire Parent Time Please note that depending on your email reader (i.e. Outlook) the message below might not display correctly. To view it properly click here. Selon le gestionnaire de messagerie (ex : Outlook) ce message risque de ne pas s'afficher correctement . Pour le voir correctement cliquez ici. Editorial by Rossella Cosso The CDL staff returned to school from the spring break, after what we hope was a refreshing vacation for everyone, to attend an inspiring professional development day on Monday, April 15 th . In an engaging keynote speech, based on her past experience as a Middle School teacher in the United States, Differentiated Instruction specialist Carol Ann Tomlinson illustrated how teachers may use Differentiated Instruction strategies to reach out to their students more effectively, by keeping their focus on the individual needs and characteristics of each pupil. Read more... Éditorial par Rossella Cosso Tous les membres de l'équipe du CDL sont rentrés de vacances pour participer à une journée de développement professionnel stimulante le lundi 15 avril, après ce qui nous l'espérons fut une pause relaxante pour tout le monde. Après un discours d'ouverture basé sur son expérience en tant que professeur de Middle School aux États-Unis, Carol Ann Tomlinson, spécialiste de la pédagogie différenciée, a montré comment les enseignants peuvent utiliser les stratégies de la pédagogie différenciée pour toucher leurs élèves de manière plus efficace, en restant attentifs aux besoins individuels et aux caractéristiques de chaque enfant. Lire la suite... Calendars Please note that due to recent changes the following calendars have been updated. They are all available on our website (ww.cdl.ch); under the section Admissions and the sub-section School Calendar. We encourage you to consult this webpage regularly and to refer to those calendars only. 1- Current School Year Calendar - 2012/2013 2 - End of School Year Calendar - 2012/2013 3 - Next School Year Calendar - 2013/2014 Calendriers Dû à de récents changements, les calendriers suivants ont été mis à jour. Ils sont tous accessibles sur notre site internet (www.cdl.ch) dans la rubrique Admissions, et la sous-rubrique Calendrier de l'école. Nous vous encourageons à consulter cette page régulièrement et à vous référer à ces calendriers uniquement. 1- Calendrier de l'année en cours - 2012/2013 2- Calendrier de fin d'année - 2012/2013 3- Calendrier de l'année prochaine - 2013/2014 If you cannot view this e-mail properly, you can visualize it in your browser "Ferocious" The CDL Panther says: "Life is like a ten speed bike.most of us have gears we never use" (Charles M. Schulz) "La vie, c'est comme un VTT, on a tous des vitesses que l'on n'utilise jamais" (Charles M. Schulz) Spring is finally here! Le printemps est enfin là! Good bye Nelia! Aurevoir Nelia ! After many years of working at CDL, Nelia is now retired. We wish here the best of luck for the future! Après des années de travail au CDL, Nelia est à présent à la retraite. Nous lui souhaitons plein de bonheur pour la suite !

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  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    Preschool / Prscolaire Primary School / cole Primaire 1er et 2nd cycles Middle School High School

    Boarding House Guidance Office / Bureau d'orientation Sports Primary PFA / APE primaire HS-MS PFA / APE

    de secondaire Parent Time

    Please note that depending on your email reader (i.e. Outlook) the message below might not display correctly. To view it properly click here.

    Selon le gestionnaire de messagerie (ex : Outlook) ce message risque de ne pas s'afficher correctement . Pour le voir correctement cliquez ici.

    Editorial by Rossella CossoThe CDL staff returned to school from the spring break, after what wehope was a refreshing vacation for everyone, to attend an inspiringprofessional development day on Monday, April 15th.In an engaging keynote speech, based on her past experience as aMiddle School teacher in the United States, Differentiated Instructionspecialist Carol Ann Tomlinson illustrated how teachers may useDifferentiated Instruction strategies to reach out to their studentsmore effectively, by keeping their focus on the individual needs andcharacteristics of each pupil.


    ditorial par Rossella CossoTous les membres de l'quipe du CDL sont rentrs de vacances pourparticiper une journe de dveloppement professionnel stimulante lelundi 15 avril, aprs ce qui nous l'esprons fut une pause relaxantepour tout le monde.Aprs un discours d'ouverture bas sur son exprience en tant queprofesseur de Middle School aux tats-Unis, Carol Ann Tomlinson,spcialiste de la pdagogie diffrencie, a montr comment lesenseignants peuvent utiliser les stratgies de la pdagogie diffrenciepour toucher leurs lves de manire plus efficace, en restantattentifs aux besoins individuels et aux caractristiques de chaqueenfant.

    Lire la suite...

    CalendarsPlease note that due to recent changes the following calendars havebeen updated. They are all available on our website (ww.cdl.ch); under the sectionAdmissions and the sub-section School Calendar. We encourage you to consult this webpage regularly and to refer tothose calendars only.

    1- Current School Year Calendar - 2012/20132 - End of School Year Calendar - 2012/20133 - Next School Year Calendar - 2013/2014

    CalendriersD de rcents changements, les calendriers suivants ont t mis jour. Ils sont tous accessibles sur notre site internet (www.cdl.ch) dans larubrique Admissions, et la sous-rubrique Calendrier de l'cole. Nous vous encourageons consulter cette page rgulirement et vous rfrer ces calendriers uniquement.

    1- Calendrier de l'anne en cours - 2012/20132- Calendrier de fin d'anne - 2012/20133- Calendrier de l'anne prochaine - 2013/2014

    If you cannot view this e-mail properly, you can visualize it in your browser

    "Ferocious" The CDL Panther says:

    "Life is like a ten speed bike.most of us havegears we never use"(Charles M. Schulz)

    "La vie, c'est comme un VTT, on a tous desvitesses que l'on n'utilise jamais"

    (Charles M. Schulz)

    Spring is finally here!Le printemps est enfinl!

    Good bye Nelia!Aurevoir Nelia !

    After many years of working atCDL, Nelia is now retired. We wishhere the best of luck for thefuture!

    Aprs des annes de travail auCDL, Nelia est prsent laretraite. Nous lui souhaitons pleinde bonheur pour la suite !

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    PRIMARY International Day

    Please note that the Secondary International Day will take placeon Tuesday 28th May.

    Journe internationale duPRIMAIRE

    Nous vous rappelons que la journe internationale de l'colesecondaire aura lieu le mardi 28 mai.

    PreschoolTeachers Feast

    The PFA and preschool parents organized a lunch celebration on the PTmeeting day.The teachers came to discover a beautiful buffet in the lunchroom. Itwas covered with a multitude of different specialties from around theworld.

    The whole team greatly appreciated and was really touched by thisvery kind manifestation of gratefulness.

    PrscolaireLe festin des enseignantes.

    La journe de rencontre parents-professeurs fut agrmente cetteanne d'une pause repas festive, organise par le PFA et les parentsdu prscolaire.

    Les enseignantes ont dcouvert dans la salle manger un magnifiquebuffet compose d'une multitude de plats de toutes les cuisines dumonde. Un trs gentil tmoignage de reconnaissance qui nous abeaucoup touch et qui fut fort apprci par toute l'quipe duprscolaire.

    Le coin desartistes...

    Voici un pome etun article crits pardeux lves des1er et 2nd cycles.

    Visite de l'usine depotabilisation de LutryDans le cadre du moduled'Exploration Mthodes etPratiques Scientifiques , leslves de secondeBaccalaurat sont alls visiterl'usine de potabilisation deLutry. Lire ICI un compte rendude la sortie crit par Alice.

    Un peu de posie...Le 15 mars 2013, enassemble, a eu lieu la finaledu concours de posie. Tousrunis, nous avons cout noscamarades potesslectionns et nous avonsvot...Trois lves francophones ettrois lves anglophones sesont vus prims.

    Cliquez ici pour lire lepome de Max: qui aobtenu la deuxime placeparmi les francophones.

    Book FairFoire aux livres

    This year's Book Fair was a greatsuccess! Well done to the PrimaryPFA! La foire aux livres a t un vraisuccs ! Bravo l'APE du primaire!

  • CDL News

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    iPad use in preschool

    Among thousands applications available, here is a list of our preschoolstudents' favourites: click here to view the list.

    Utilisation de l'iPad au prscolaire

    Parmi les milliers d'applications disponibles, voici les dix favorites denos lves du prscolaire: cliquez ici pour voir la liste.

    PrimaryGrade 4 classes recently visited the Alimentarium in Vevey as part oftheir current IPC topic. We all had a fantastic day learning how tocook soup, a sweet and sour rice dish with prawns and a deliciousapple crumble. We also learned about how food is used by our bodiesas fuel and how it is digested.

    An expert chef! Chopping vegetables

    Getting ready to cook The view outside the alimentarium !

    To mark the Exit Point to our last unit, 'Seeing the Light' and tocelebrate the Entry Point to our current unit of work, 'Flowers andInsects', Grade 1 visited Papiliorama at Kerzers. We visited Nocturamaand saw a variety of nocturnal animals: the Butterfly garden,containing over 70 species of butterflies from the Blize and went on aJungle Trek where we saw different species of birds, fish andmammals.

    PrimaireDans le cadre du Projet d'Etudes sur la puissance de l'eau, les classesbilingues de CM1 ont visit une station d'puration des eaux uses etaussi le barrage de Seujet.

    Le mardi 26 mars s'est tenu le Grand Prix du CdL, course laquelle denombreux lves de CM2 et quelques enseignants ont particip.

    Grand Prix

    Station d'puration

    Le jeudi 21 mars, les lves de CM1 et CM2 ont particip auKangourou des maths, occasion de faire des maths autrement.Pendant 50 minutes, ils ont rsolu des problmes plutt de logique dugenre : Quand Pinocchio ment son nez s'allonge de 6cm. Quand il ditla vrit, son nez raccourcit de 2 cm. Son nez mesurait 9 cm avant dedire 3 mensonges et 2 phrases vraies. Combien le nez de Pinocchiomesure-t-il aprs ? 14, 15, 19, 23 ou 31cm ? Les preuves sontcorriges de faon centralises par les Editions du Kangourou et nousattendons avec impatience les rsultats pour le mi-mai.

    Le 28 mars a eu lieu une Grande chasse aux ufs au niveau duprimaire, un peu perturbe par la pluie mais cela n'a pas empch lesenfants de manger du chocolat et de gagner des points pour leursmaisons.

    IB - AP Art Exhibition

    This year saw the first exhibition ofart works from both IB and APcourses. The work, which was ondisplay in the Cervin Auditorium,remained available for one week.

    Click HERE to know more and tosee more photos.

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    Photos from Grade 4/5

    From our garden: this month we picked our Spring bulbs.

    IPC Topic -The Power Of Water- we made some clay models ofcreatures from the deep.

    Primary Sports Day / Thursday 2nd May 2013Grade 4/5- Cm1/CM2Click HERE for more details.

    Le 28 mars, les classes de CE2/1 et CE2/2 sont parties la maison dela rivire Tolochenaz ( ct de Morges) pour participer uneanimation sur l'hiver dans la fort. Sous forme de jeux, ils ontrflchir sur l'attitude des animaux en hiver : hibernation, hivernation,vie active ou mort, sur le comportement des cureuils en hiver et surla mtamorphose des arbres selon les saisons. Ils ont galementfabriqu une boule de base de graisse de coco et de graines pournourrir les oiseaux en hiver.

    Les 3 classes de CM1, ont pass toute la semaine au Grau d'Agdepour dcouvrir et tudier le milieu marin. Les lves ont notammentvisit l'aquarium du Cap d'Agde, particip une pche en mer et unesoire astronomie et ralis des uvres d'art phmres dans lanature, en utilisant l'environnement comme source d'inspiration et decration. Merci aux 3 enseignantes, Mesdames Bremnes, Dommart etGoudouchaouri qui ont rendu possible cette belle aventure et merciaux parents concerns qui leur ont accord leur confiance pour celong voyage.

    Les 2 classes de CM2 bilingues ont commenc leur nouveau projetd'tudes sur l'tude des rivires par une marche le long de la rivireVersoix.

    Journe sportive du primaire / jeudi 2 mai 2013Grade 4/5 - CM1/CM2Cliquez ICI pour plus d'informations.

    1er et 2nd cyclesClasses de 6me- intgration des lves de CM2Les lves de CM2 ont pass quelques heures avec leurs camaradesde 6me afin de prparer leur intgration la rentre prochaine.L'exprience fut enrichissante et a permis de rassurer ces lves pourle passage au secondaire. Classes de 2nde Bac et Matu - Stage de dcouverte du milieuprofessionnel

    Middle SchoolAs we move rapidly towards the end of the school year, students willsoon need to start preparing for their final examinations.Next week, we will publicizing the FINAL EXAMINATION TIMETABLESto the students, and their Homeroom Advisors will then be able toassist them in starting to plan their revision program. Meantime, we have some important events coming up over the next 2weeks:

    Preschool ViolinProgram

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    Tous les lves des classes de 2nde Baccalaurat et Maturit, qui onteffectu un stage de dcouverte du milieu professionnel, ont rendu unrapport et vont ,la semaine prochaine, effectuer les soutenancesorales ,qui feront l'objet d'une note finale intgre dans le bulletin dela troisime priode de notation.Pour clturer cette exprience, un apritif , prvu le 3 mai, permettrade runir lves, professeurs et matres de stage. Troisime priode de notation - Examens de fin d'anne Cette anne, pour les classes de 6me 2nde, la troisime priodede notation s'achvera dbut juin et auront lieu, ds le 6 juin, lesexamens de fin d'anne. Une quatrime note sera attribue pour les examens de find'anne et ceux-ci compteront alors part dans la moyenne gnraleannuelle. Evnements Mercredi 1er mai : Concerts de fin de 1er cycle pour les classes de4me

    Sorties thtre Mercredi 15 mai 19h00 - Classes de 1re Bac et 1re Maturit -Mangeront-ils ? de Victor Hugo - CarougeMercredi 22 mai 17h30 - lves cours d'art dramatique de 5me

    et de 4me - Charlie et la Chocolaterie - Aula des Colombires -Versoix Examen du Baccalaurat session 2013 - dates des preuves(cliquez ici pour voir le calendrier)Les preuves crites du Baccalaurat gnral auront lieu du 17 au 21juin. Les lves de Terminale ES et S sont cette anne affects aulyce Jean Moulin Albertville et ils seront logs l'htel Million etaccompagns par leurs professeurs. Les oraux de langues sedrouleront du 26 juin au 2 juillet.Concernant les preuves anticipes, elles auront lieu le 18 juin pourl'histoire-gographie, le 19 juin pour le franais et le 21 juin pour lessciences. Les lves de Premire ES sont affects au lyce Sainte-famille La Roche-sur-Foron et ceux de premire S au lyce Jeanned'Arc Thonon. Les oraux de franais se drouleront entre le 26 juinet le 3 juillet La Roche-sur-Foron.Les rsultats seront communiqus le 5 juillet et les oraux derattrapage sont prvus les 9 et 10 juillet.

    1) Parents are invited to the Grade 8/4me Celebration Concertson WEDNESDAY 1st MAY.Concert A will commence at 18.00 and will involve Grades 8/3, 8/4,8/5, F4a.Concert B will commence at 19.45 and will involve Grades 8/1, 8/2,8/6, F4b, F4c.

    2) A puppeteer will be visiting and working with each Grade 6/6meclass for a double period each, on THURSDAY 2nd MAY and FRIDAY3rd MAY.

    3) The annual Middle School/1er Cycle Sports Day will occuron TUESDAY 7th MAY. There will be no classes for that day.Students will participate in events at the La Bcassire Sports Centrein the morning, but will return to the school for lunch and afternoonevents.

    4) A reminder that THURSDAY 9th and FRIDAY 10th MAY areschool holidays.

    High SchoolIB, IGCSE, AP Study Leave and Exam TimetablePlease click here for a copy of the exam study leave letter which wassent to parents last month. For your information the exam timetablehas been posted on the school exam board in the Cervin entrance, onthe Moodle site and on the school website (academics/secondaryschool/high school/downloads).

    Important: Please be advised that the timetable is subject to minorchanges; we therefore encourage students to check the examtimetable regularly to ensure that they have the latest information.

    IB2 StudentsThe study leave for all IB2 students starts from 25th April and thistime should be filled with intensive preparations for their final IBwritten examinations. The IB exams will take place at Collge duLman from 2nd May until 22nd May both in the mornings and theafternoons.

    The final examination results will reflect the time and effort studentshave put into their IB studies over the past two years and we wouldlike to wish them good luck. The exam results will be available on 6thJuly from a password protected website.

    Boarding HouseThe Boarding House staff is proud to announce that new furniture hasarrived in the following houses: Concha Annexe, Champ desBois, Old Portena.



    Please click here for more "before and after" pictures.

    Guidance OfficeWe are pleased to be helping all Grade 11, IB01 and Premirestudents with their International University Applications withinthe CSL program through their Senior Portfolio. The SeniorPortfolio is a chance for students to complete a draft of theirapplications and receive feedback, ensuring their applications are

    Bureau d'orientationNous sommes heureux d'aider les lves de premire, Ib01 etGrade11 dans leurs dossiers universitaires internationaux travers leprogramme CSL et dans l'laboration de leur Senior-Portfolio . Ce Senior-Portfolio est une opportunit pour ces lves de produireun premier essai de leur demande et de recevoir nos conseils sur

    Middle School DanceShow - March 2013

    Click here for more pictures.

    Contact us Nous contacter

    Pour nous contacter ou pourpartager vos photos crivez-nous [email protected]

    For any enquiry or to shareyour pictures email usat [email protected]

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    the best they can be next Fall. All Senior Portfolios should havebeen completed by Wednesday, 24th April and handed in to MrBearblock for sign off in CR 171.

    University visits and Open Day

    Wednesday, 1st May to Sunday 5th May at PalexpoThe 27th student and book fair will take place in Palexpo next week.http://www.salondeletudiant.ch/fr/etudiant/http://www.salondulivre.ch/fr/

    Thursday, 2nd May 9 :00-14 :00Webster University is holding an Open Day in the Media &Communication Department. CDL will be taking students interested toparticipate. Students should register with Ms Cherhal (in Cervin 172)on Monday 29th April. Friday, 3rd May at 13.30 in CR 172An Admissions Representative from Connecticut College will be atCDL to meet with students. Connecticut College is a small, liberal artscollege in New London with over 40 majors. This event is for studentsonly.

    Wednesday, 8th May at 13.30The Sustainability Management School (SUMAS) will be having anOpen Day which includes a lecture by Dr. Frances Vorhies on"Understanding the Business Case for Biodiversity". To reserve please contact SUMAS at [email protected] or +41 22 999 0376. This event is open to students, parents and teachers.

    Tuesday, 14th May at 14.20 at the entrance of theCervin BuildingAdmissions Representatives from University of Rochester,University of Tampa, Rollins College, Chapman University andSt Edward's University will be at CDL to meet with students. Students must ask for their teacher's permission to attend. Thisevent is for students only.

    Tuesday, 14th May from 17.30-20.00Institut Le Rosey will be holding a College Fair (click here for moredetails). The Fair is open to CDL students who are particularlyinterested in applying to the US, as there will be representatives from15 US Universities in attendance. This event is open to students andparents.

    comment amliorer leur projet pour l'automne. Tous les Senior-Portfolios auraient d tre reu Mercredi 24 Avril et prsent M.Bearblock au bureau CR171.

    Visite d'universits et journes Porte-Ouverte

    Mecredi 1er mai au dimanche 5 mai Palexpo.Le 27me salon de l'tudiant et de la formation et salon du livre setiendront Palexpo la semaine prochaine.http://www.salondeletudiant.ch/fr/etudiant/http://www.salondulivre.ch/fr/

    Jeudi 2 mai de 9h 14hL'universit Webster propose une journe porte-ouverte dudpartment Media & Communications. Le CDL se proposed'accompagner les lves intresss. Les lves sont pris des'inscrire dans le bureau de Mme Cherhal (Cervin 172) Lundi 29 avril. Vendredi 3 mai 13h30 au CR 172Un reprsentant des admissions de Connecticut College sera au CDLpour rencontrer les lves. Connecticut College est un petittablissement New London offrant 40 bachelors diffrents. Cetvnement est rserv aux lves.

    Mercredi 8 mai 13h30La Sustainability Management School (SUMAS) propose unejourne porte-ouverte incluant un sminaire par Dr. Frances Vorhiessur "Comprendre le business pour la biodiversit".Pour rserver, veuillez contacter SUMAS [email protected] ou +41 22999 03 76. Cet vnement est pour les lves, parents etprofesseurs.

    Mardi 14 mai 14h20 l'entre du btiment CervinDes reprsentants des admissions de University of Rochester,University of Tampa, Rollins College, Chapman University et StEdward's University seront au CDL pour rencontrer les lves. Leslves doivent demander la permission leurs professeurs. Cetvnement est rserv aux lves.

    Mardi 14 mai de 17h30 20hL' Institut Le Rosey organise un Salon des universits (cliquez icipour plus de dtails). Le Salon est ouvert aux lves du CDL qui sontintresss par les Etats-Unis, car 15 universits amricaines serontprsentes. Cet vnement est pour les parents et les lves.

    Performing ArtsMeritas Dance and Theatre Festival in NYC The 24 CDL drama/dance students returned very tired but happy aftera fantastic festival in New York. We were among 130 students fromall of the Meritas Schools, taking part in dance lessons, (ballet, hip-hop and contemporary) and Theatre (mime, improv and monologue). The students learned so much from the expert tuition withBroadway clinicians and enjoyed working in fabulous studios in NewYork city. We returned uplifted, inspired and energised! Staying in the Marriott Hotel, Manhattan was quite an experience,since it was right next to the 9/11 Memorial Sight, which we visited onthe first day. This was a salutary experience to see all the names ofthose who died, engraved on the copper slabs. Especially touchingwas reading a name "and her unborn child". We also visited The Topof the Rock, Radio City Music Hall and Times Square. A highlight ofthe sight-seeing were the two boat cruises, one at night, with a dinnerand disco and the other during the day. We were treated to two shows, "Newsies", an energetic musical, and"Peter and the Starcatcher", an outstandingly creative piece oftheatre. Food is always good in New York, dinners on the cruise and Hard RockCafe, lunch at John's Pizzaria to name a few notable meals. The Leman School, Manhattan were great hosts. Their school is onthe floor 21, 22 and 23 of a tower block! Great views but no playground!

    Bravo! Flicitations !FAST, FEARLESS and FOCUSED!

    Tim Vaughan-Whitehead (CM2) and Zachary Harvey-Seutcheu (Grade4) were invited to join a team of boys from Geneva to attend aninternational basketball tournament this Easter.

    The tournament takes place every year in the North of France in atown called Bourbourg. Twenty-five teams took part, all players under11 years old. Many were from France, but there were also teams fromRussia, Turkey, Portugal, Germany, England, Belgium and Holland.Despite the young age of the players, the matches were intense.

    Tim and Zachary played very well, but the Geneva team did not winenough of their matches to qualify for the finals. There was a greatatmosphere and the organizers did a fantastic job of making the wholeevent an unforgettable moment.www.minimondialbasket.fr

    Help us show how talented our students are!! Feel free to send us pictures or copy of your child's creative works(writing, artwork, photos...) and news of outisde-of-schoolachievements such as sporting successes, artistic performances... etc.

    Email us at [email protected]

    Henri Natacha

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    Click HERE to view more photos.

    Aidez-nous montrer combien nos lves sont talentueux !N'hsitez pas nous envoyer des photos ou des copies de crationsartistiques (criture, illustration ...) ainsi que des informations sur lessuccs de vos enfants en dehors de l'cole (exploits sportifs,performances artistiques ... etc).

    crivez-nous [email protected]

    SportsSports information:

    SOCCER: On Tuesday April 30, the CDL Staff/Parent Ladies Team willbe playing the CDL Varsity and CDL J.V Girls teams in a "ChallengeTournament". The event is co-organized by the Secondary PFA andPE/Sports Department. So far this year there have been fourchallenge events involving CDL student teams and Staff/Parentsteams, with 2 victories for each team.. Latest Results from PANTHER NATION: CDL GRAND PRIX IXOne of CDL`s most popular and exciting sports events, the Grand Prix(running event) took place on Tuesday March 26. The PE/SportsDepartment would like to take this opportunity to thank the CDLcommunity, to all who assisted with the organization of the event andto our sponsors for the generous prizes. WELL DONE TO ALL THE RUNNERS who participated.Special Mention of CONGRATULATIONS to the medal winners: Grade 5/6Girls 1

    st Kaitlin W 2nd Lulu M. 3rd Anna L

    Grade 5/6Boys 1

    st Ben J 2nd Carson F 3rd Tanguy


    Grade 7/8Girls 1

    st Sofia K 2nd Annabel G 3rd Anna J

    Grade 7/8Boys

    1st SebastianM

    2nd Nevin Z 3rd Anthony


    HS Girls 1st Grace L 2nd Lizzie A 3rd Emily

    HS Boys 1st Ryan Z 2nd Jacob D. 3rd Marnix


    Staff Ladies

    1st MsParkins

    2nd Ms Stressing 3rd Coach


    Staff Men 1st Coach

    Pierre 2nd /tie CoachJamie/Mr Lamy

    A video of the event is being prepared and soon will be posted on thewebsite.

    RUGBY "CLASH OF TITANS II"A large crowd of over 75 student, parent and teacher supporters werethrilled by the high-tempo match between the Senior 'Titans' and the'Next Generation' of CDL Rugby on Wednesday March 27th. The gamewas played in excellent spirits, with players from grades 9,-12 takingpart. The Senior team proved to be too strong and prevailed 25-0.However, the future looks very promising for CDL rugby, by theexcellent play demonstrated by the "New Generation" team. BASKETBALLCongratulations to the junior boys team for winning the ADISRTournament. The team composed mostly of 6th graders wentundefeated in the competition, beating LGB in the final 44-18. FOOTBALLIn the first round of the Geneva Inter-scolaire tournament CDL had 7teams (75 students) from the primary and middle school thatparticipated. Our teams played well and will be action this Wednesdayin the second round of the "knock-out" phase. In friendlies the J.Vboys beat Nations 3-2 and the J.V. Girls 2-0.

    UPCOMING Fixtures

    Saturday April 27 | RUNNING | Students/Staff 20km |Lausanne (different distances) Tuesday April 30 | SOCCER | Girls Varsity/J.V Teams- LadyStaff/teachers Challenge Tournament Sat/Sun May 4/5 | RUNNING | Staff/Students GenevaMarathon/1/2 Marathon/Ladies Genvois Race Tuesday May 7 | SPORTS DAY | Middle School UBS Kids Cupand House Activities Tuesday May 7 | RUGBY | Moy Varsity ADISR Tournoi | @Geneva Wednesday May 15 | SOCCER | Junior Boys/Girls TournoiGeneve

    Sports PhotosCheck out the latest photos from PANTHER NATION! For even morephotos and videos visit our webpage dedicated to special events.

    Volleyball Tournament - March 2013

    Grand Prix - March 2013

    Click HERE to see more photos of the Grand Prix.

    Rugby - "Clash Of The Titans II" - March 2013

  • CDL News

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    Primary PFAThe Primary PFA is excited for final two months of school. We arebusy planning International Day, our biggest event of the year! Please see some early details below and mark your calendars! Upcoming Activities and Events Primary PFA General MeetingWednesday, May 8th8:45 am (Portena Lounge) All are welcome at this monthly meeting. Coffee and croissants areprovided. The PFA would welcome your input and assistance with ourupcoming spring events! International DaySaturday, June 8th, 12:00 - 5:00 pmCDL Main Campus Please mark your calendars to join us for this family event thatcelebrates the amazing cultural diversity of CDL. We are excited toexpand our event this year and spread out on the main campus ofCDL.

    Talent Show

    CDL has talent! Our students prove that every year. This year is noexception, so sign up by May 6th in order to participate. Talent showregistration forms can be found on Primary PFA website, in theInternational Day box on the right hand side of the page.

    Parade of Nations

    A large parade will be lead around the main campus. Children areencouraged to dress in clothing from their native country.

    Bouncy Houses, Crafts and Games

    Six bouncy houses, face painting, crafts, wooden games and Tombolato keep the children busy all afternoon.

    International Food Stands

    Sample food from around the globe prepared by our very ownparents. No one will leave hungry!

    Charity Auction

    Come out and support the Aarohan Children's Charity with yourparticipation in the charity auction. There will be student artwork aswell as prizes from in and around the Geneva area. Please let us know if you are willing to volunteer for part of the daywith any of the events listed below. We need your help to make thisevent a success! Simply send an e-mail to [email protected].

    PFA PrimaireL'APE du primaire se rjouit l'ide d'entrer dans la dernire priodede l'anne scolaire. Nous sommes tous trs occups organiser lajourne internationale qui est notre plus gros vnement de l'anne !Vous trouverez plus de dtails ce sujet ci-dessous, alors sortez vosagendas ! Activits et vnements venir

    Runion mensuelle de l'APE primaireMercredi 8 mai8h45 (salon de la villa Portena)

    Vous tes tous bienvenus cette runion mensuelle. Caf etcroissants seront servis. L'APE se rjouit de recueillir vos ides et derecevoir votre aide pour l'organisation des vnements venir !

    Journe internationaleSamedi 8 juin, 12h00-17h00Campus principal du CDL

    Notez bien cet vnement dans votre agenda pour pouvoir nousrejoindre en famille lors de cette journe qui clbre l'extraordinairediversit culturelle du CDL ! Nous avons hte de pouvoir nouveaufaire grandir cette fte et de l'installer sur le campus principal du CDLcette anne.

    Talent Show (spectacle des enfants)

    Le CDL a du talent ! Nos lves nous le prouvent tous les ans, etcette anne ne droge pas la rgle. Les formulaires d'inscriptionpour le Talent Show sont disponibles sur la page web de l'APE duprimaire, dans l'espace rserv la journe internationale qui setrouve en haut droite de la page.

    Le dfil des nations

    Un grand dfil sera organis autour du campus principal du CDL. Lesenfants sont encourags s'habiller avec des vtements traditionnelsde leur pays d'origine.

    Maisons gonflables, travaux manuels et jeux

    6 maisons gonflables, du maquillage, des travaux manuels, des jeuxen bois et une tombola feront le plaisir des enfants durant toutel'aprs-midi.

    Stands de nourriture du monde

    Venez goter des plats traditionnels du monde entier prpars parnos parents. Personne ne repartira le ventre vide !

    Vente aux enchres caritative

    Venez soutenir Aarohan, l'uvre de charit du primaire pour lesenfants, en participant cette vente aux enchres. Il y aura desuvres d'art d'lves du CDL ainsi que des prix provenant de Genveet des alentours.

    N'hsitez pas nous contacter si vous souhaitez tre bnvole pourune partie de la journe en participant l'une des activits listes ci-dessus. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour faire de cette journeune russite ! crivez-nous [email protected].

    MS & HS PFATEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON On Monday, more than 100Secondary teachers enjoyed a lunch sponsored by the PFA. Theteachers gathered at La Concha for lunch on the terrace. Thanks toall the parents who helped serve lunch, made desserts and providedflowers as well as to CdL's Logistics team and Compass Catering.

    MS and HS PFA is happy to offer a second CHF 2500 TEACHERINNOVATION FUND GRANT this year. Deadline for teacherapplications is 30 April.

    MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Teacher-Student SoccerThrowdown on Tuesday, 30 April. The women and the girls will battleit out at 16h30 on the soccer field. Come and support your favoriteteam!!

    CDL MARKETPLACE: If you have items you would like advertised to

    APE du secondaireDEJEUNER EN RECONNAISSANCE DE NOS PROFESSEURS : Lundiplus de 100 enseignants du secondaire se sont runis La Conchapour un djeuner en terrasse parrain par l'APE. Merci tous lesparents qui ont aid servir les repas, les desserts faits maison etfourni des fleurs ainsi qu'aux quipes de logistique du CdL et derestauration de Compass.

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

    the CDL community, email the ad information [email protected].

    PIZZA FRIDAY: Our last two Pizza Fridays will be 3 May and 17May. We are looking for volunteers to serve and/or provide bakedgoods. Please contact [email protected] to help out.

    NEXT PFA MEETING, Thursday 2 May, 8h30, Leman Building.Please join us for a cup of coffee and hear what we have planned forthe rest of the school year.

    Looking for a babysitter in your area or would your high schoolstudent like to be added to the list? The PFA has compiled aBabysitter List of High School Students for CDL parents. Pleasecontact [email protected].

    L'APE du Secondaire est heureuse d'accorder cette anne uneseconde subvention d'un montant de 2500 CHF pour LE FONDD'INNOVATION DES ENSEIGNANTS. Date limite de dpt desdossiers des enseignants : le 30 Avril.

    A METTRE DANS VOS AGENDAS ! Le match de foot FEMININElves-Professeurs Mardi 30 avril. Rendez-vous 16h30 sur le terrainde foot pour venir encourager votre quipe favorite !

    PLACE de MARCH en LIGNE du CDL: Si vous souhaitez faireparaitre des petites annonces auprs de la communaut du CDL,envoyer vos informations [email protected].

    VENDREDIS PIZZA : Nos deux derniers Vendredis Pizza auront lieules 3 et 17 Mai. Nous recherchons des bnvoles pour le service et/oula cuisson. Merci de contacter [email protected] pour aider.

    PROCHAINE REUNION de l'APE, Jeudi 2 Mai, 8h30, BtimentLman. N'hsitez pas venir nous rejoindre pour un caf etconnatre ce que nous prvoyons d'ici la fin de l'anne scolaire.A la recherch d'un/d'une babysitter prs de chez vous ? L'APEa constitu une Liste de

    Babysitters d'lves du 2me cycle secondaire pour les parents duCDL. Veuillez contacter [email protected].

    Parent TimeParent Time activities are offered for CDL parents by CDL parents withspecial interests and skills that they want to share. If you have anactivity you would like to share, contact [email protected]

    Parent Time Tours: Lausanne City Tour 3 May, 8h30-2h00, Day inthe Vineyard 16 May, 8h30-12h00, Franck Muller Watches 31 May, 2tours 10h00 & 11h00, Red Cross Museum 13 June, 14h00-15h00.Contact [email protected] for more details.

    Parent Time Hiking Club: Parent time Hiking Club - Check out newdates & activities for spring hiking and powerwalks on the calendarof www.fraicheair.com. The next activities are a powerwalk on Thurs2 May and a hike on Mon 6 May. Send an email toYvette [email protected] to be on the mailing list.

    Book Club: Meets monthly, next date 16 May at 19h30. We will bereading The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson. [email protected] for more details.

    Computer Workshops: 3 May: Bookmarks & Evernote: Remembereverything, 24 May: Creating a Blog, 31 May: Subscription to RSSfeeds & Podcasts, 7 June: Using Google Maps, 14 June: Hotspot.Contact [email protected] or [email protected]

    International Living: The Impact on Your Child. 3 Day Course inNyon 13-15 May, 9h00-17h30. For more information contact,Suellen Bonga: [email protected] or Linda Bridge:[email protected]

    Health Workshop: Healing Allergies. The conference will be givenby a nutritionist and a psychotherapist. Free talk on May 15th at 7pm,workshop on May 18th from 10am to 6pm. More information onwww.gemmacalzada.com or contact Gemma [email protected]

    International Cooking: Want to share the foods of your country withother parents or find out about upcoming cooking classes, pleasecontact Louis Bonno at [email protected]

    Inner Fitness Studio: Think gym for your mental self. JoinAnnette weekly or bi-weekly for a one hour MENTAL workout that iscentered in mindfulness, sophrology, energy balancing, andmeditation. Tuesdays 20:00 to 21:00 or Thursdays 14:00 - 15:00.Cost is 20 CHF per session or 5 for 80 CHF.Contact [email protected] for more information.

    Parent TimeDes activits sont offertes aux parents du CDL par des parents du CDLayant des intrts et des comptences particulires qu'ils souhaitentfaire partager. Pour proposer une activit, merci de [email protected]. Visites du Parent Time : Visite de la ville de Lausanne 3 Mai, 8h30-14h00 - Journe dans les vignes 16 Mai, 8h30-12h00 - Montres FranckMuller 31 Mai - 2 visites au Muse de la Croix Rouge le 13 Juin, soit de10h00 11h00, soit de 14h00 15h00. Contactez [email protected] plus d'informations.

    Club Randonne du Parent Time : Consultez nos dates et activitspour les randonnes du printemps et les marches sportives surl'agenda de www.fraicheair.com. Les prochaines activits prvues sontle Jeudi 2 Mai pour une marche sportive et le lundi 6 Mai pour unerandonne. Envoyez un courriel Yvette [email protected] pourajouter votre nom sa liste de distribution.

    Club de lecture : Rencontres mensuelles, prochaine date 16 mai 19h30. Nous discuterons du livre The Orphan Master's Son d'Adam Johnson. Contactez [email protected] pour plusd'informations. Ateliers Informatiques : 3 Mai : Favoris & Evernote: Se souvenir detout, 24 Mai : Crer un Blog, 31 Mai : S'abonner aux flux RSS & auxPodcasts, 7 Juin : Savoir utiliser Google Maps, 14 Juin : Hotspot oules bornes d'accs Wifi. Contactez [email protected] [email protected]

    Vivre l'international : l'impact sur votre enfant. Stage de 3 jours Nyon, du 13 au 15 mai de 9h00 17h30. Pour plus d'informationscontactez Suellen Bonga : [email protected] ou LindaBridge: [email protected]

    Cours Sant : Soigner les Allergies. La confrence sera tenue parune nutritionniste et une psychothrapeute. Confrence gratuite le 15May 19h, cours le 18 mai de 10h 18h. Plus d'informations surwww.gemmacalzada.com ou contactez Gemma [email protected] Cuisine Internationale : Vous souhaitez partager la cuisine de votrepays avec d'autres parents ? Si vous souhaitez accueillir un cours decuisine chez vous, merci de contacter Louis Bonno [email protected].

    Atelier Forme Intrieure : Pensez gym pour votre mental.Rejoignez Annette 1 fois ou 2 fois par semaine pour un entranementMENTAL d'une heure centr sur l'attention, la sophrologie, l'quilibragede l'nergie et la mditation. Mardi de 20h00 21h00 ou jeudi de14h00 15h00. Le cot est de 20 CHF par sance ou 80 CHF pour 5sances. Contactez [email protected] pour plusd'informations.

  • CDL News

    http://email.cdl.ch/HM?a=FtX7CqgnQIwe8SA9MKJrFQznGHxKLJ3-RwjtS5kGaPBO0bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdAQ8ksz[08.05.2013 14:01:52]

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