257 6061. nursery volunteersaug 08, 2019  · b. letter - a member of another church of like faith...

New Salem Phone System Remember, the church phone number is 257 – 6061. You can leave a message for our staff, hear the church’s schedule, and information about upcoming events. Budget Report 2018-2019 Budget: $198,000 Monthly Budget Need: $16,500 July Offerings: $14,719 Needed: Nursery Volunteers See Kathy Ferguson for details. Nursery Volunteers Today, August 25 AM – Jessie and Hunter Hodge Alternate: (We need more volunteers.) Next Sunday, September 1 AM – Deanna Curtis & Tracey Shipley Alternate: (We need more volunteers.) Church Phone: 423-257-6061 www.NewSalemChurch.net www.facebook.com/newsalemtn Pastor Dr. Craig Ponder Home 257-5466 Mobile 329-5901 [email protected] Associate Pastor of Youth Tim Jaynes 483-8401 [email protected] Associate Pastor of Family Ministry Joe Barker 426-1604 Deacon of the Week Bob StJohn Home: 257-4902 Mobile: 747-0011 The Weekly Bulletin Of New Salem Baptist Church Limestone, Tennessee August 25, 2019 Your Journey. Our Focus. ….but by love serve one another. Galations 5:13b Are you being led to fill one of these positions? It’s never too late to serve. Our audio/visual team needs volunteers willing to learn the ins and outs of our weekly operation, so we can form rotating teams. The safety team needs more volunteers to patrol the property during worship services. The nursery needs volunteers to watch over our youngest family members. MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK Trent & Lisa Davis are serving in Washington, D.C.. Trent is a chaplain at the U.S. Air Forces Central Command. Email: [email protected]. He asks us to pray that our deployed airmen would know the peace and security we have in Christ and for their families to find support in the community of God. Also, Clint Clifton, the Washington, D.C. Send City Missionary, asks us to pray for the over 6 ¼ million people in metro Washington, D.C.. Almost 73% are estimated as lost. Pray that church planters would have bold faith to preach the gospel in the midst of the city.

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Page 1: 257 6061. Nursery VolunteersAug 08, 2019  · b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a

New Salem Phone System

Remember, the church phone number is 257 – 6061.

You can leave a message for our staff, hear the church’s schedule, and information about upcoming events.

Budget Report

2018-2019 Budget: $198,000

Monthly Budget Need: $16,500 July Offerings: $14,719

Needed: Nursery Volunteers See Kathy Ferguson for details.

Nursery Volunteers

Today, August 25

AM – Jessie and Hunter Hodge

Alternate: (We need more volunteers.)

Next Sunday, September 1

AM – Deanna Curtis & Tracey Shipley

Alternate: (We need more volunteers.)

Church Phone: 423-257-6061




Dr. Craig Ponder

Home 257-5466 ⬥ Mobile 329-5901 [email protected]

Associate Pastor of Youth

Tim Jaynes 483-8401

[email protected]

Associate Pastor of Family Ministry

Joe Barker 426-1604

Deacon of the Week

Bob StJohn Home: 257-4902 Mobile: 747-0011

The Weekly Bulletin Of New Salem Baptist Church ♦ Limestone, Tennessee

August 25, 2019

Your Journey. Our Focus.

….but by love serve one another. Galations 5:13b

Are you being led to fill one of these positions? It’s never too late to serve.

Our audio/visual team needs volunteers willing to learn the ins and outs of our weekly operation, so we can form rotating teams.

The safety team needs more volunteers to patrol the property during worship services.

The nursery needs volunteers to watch over our youngest family members.


Trent & Lisa Davis are serving in Washington, D.C.. Trent is a chaplain at the U.S. Air Forces Central Command. Email: [email protected]. He asks us to pray that our deployed airmen would know the peace and security we have in Christ and for their families to find support in the community of God. Also, Clint Clifton, the Washington, D.C. Send City Missionary, asks us to

pray for the over 6 ¼ million people in metro Washington, D.C.. Almost 73% are estimated as lost. Pray that church planters would have bold faith to preach the gospel in the midst of the city.

Page 2: 257 6061. Nursery VolunteersAug 08, 2019  · b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a


Many will argue that there is no

scriptural mandate for church

membership, and they’re right. But

there is certainly nothing to prohibit

it. It sure seems the early church was

structured in such a way that people

clearly knew if someone was “in” or

“out” of the church.

Church membership is a way of

identifying oneself with a local body

of believers and of making oneself

accountable to proper spiritual


Church membership is a statement

of solidarity and like-mindedness.

Church membership is not

required of Christians… but it’s a

good and simple way of saying, “I am

a Christian, and I believe this

church is where I belong.”

“Church membership is our opportunity to grasp hold of each other in responsibility and love. By identifying ourselves with a particular church, we let the pastors and other members of that local church know that we intend to be committed in attendance, giving, prayer, and service. We allow fellow believers to have great expectations of us in these areas, and we make it known that we are the responsibility of this local church. We assure the church of our commitment to Christ in serving with them, and we call for their commitment to serve and encourage as well.”

Mark Dever

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church

May the challenge of today’s message find root in the heart of those who need it most.

Homecoming Family Picture

A copy of the picture we took last week at Homecoming is on the Welcome Desk. If you would like to have a copy, please sign up on the clipboard near the picture. The cost is $5 each.

Join Our FB Group If you haven’t yet joined our Facebook group, we invite you to do so. Search for NSBC Limestone and simply request to join the group.

Weekly Schedule for August 25 to September 1


Sunday School ……………..…………………….…..10:00 am

Morning Worship …………………….……………...11:00 am

Evening Worship ………………………………………6:00 pm (Choir practice: following evening service.)


Men’s Breakfast..…………………………………….….9:00 am Ladies’ Prayer Group ………………………………….9:30 am

(at Rena Cutshall’s home)


Kids In Action (K.I.A.)

The Experience* Junior High Small Group*

(* meets at the Spot)

Adults’ Prayer & Bible Study with the Pastor

Next Sunday

Sunday School ……………..…………………….…..10:00 am

Morning Worship …………………….……………...11:00 am

Evening Worship ………………………………………6:00 pm (Choir practice: following evening service.)


Michelle Curtis Mon. Aug. 26

Billigene Wood Tues. Aug. 27

Joe Barker Wed. Aug. 28

Donna Bishop Sat. Aug. 31

Monday, August 26 Larry & Judy Smith Joe & Jenny Barker

Tuesday, August 27 Tommy & Linda Bailey

Friday, August 30 Larry & Ginger Lane

Ray & Suza Selle

All group activities begin at 7:00 p.m.

All group activities begin at 7:00 p.m.

“God is Spirit, and those

who worship Him must

worship in spirit and

truth.” John 4:24

Camping Event 2019

It’s that time of year again! Our church camping trip to David Crockett Birthplace State Park is

scheduled for September 13-15.

Campers need to book their own sites right away!

There will be evening activities for anyone who wants to join the fellowship time without actually camping. Watch the upcoming

bulletins for more details.

Meanwhile, Lori Davis will be happy to answer your questions.


Michelle Curtis Mon. Aug. 26

Monday, August 26 Larry & Judy Smith Joe & Jenny Barker

Monday, August 27 Tommy & Linda Bailey

Monday, August 30 Larry & Ginger Lane

Page 3: 257 6061. Nursery VolunteersAug 08, 2019  · b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a

Keep in Your Prayers

“…since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you…” (Colossians 1:9)

August 25, 2019 – September 1, 2019

Sickness & Hospital Other Requests Salvation

Tanner Bailey Tommy Bailey B.F. Barker Charles Barkley Mike Bowser Jackie Broyles Liz Broyles Tony Broyles Pam Bryant Charlie Callahan Sadie Campbell Mary Davidson The Dilday family David France Jessica Franklin Sonja Green Barbara Harrison Emma Harrod Mary Lou Hawk Ron Hawkins Lisa Henley George Holley Jim Hylton Leroy Kiker

Freddie Lewis Shirlene Light Jean Lynch Sam McPeak Riley Morris Faye Morrow Gracelyn Oaks Buddy Payne Wayne Percell Catherine Richards Larry Smith Alma Ruth Snapp Mildred Snapp Lucille Southerland Jordan StJohn Judie Stillwell Mary Ward Mike Waterhouse Paula Waterhouse Gladys West Helen Whistine Jack Young

The Spot Washington County Jail Ministry The families of our community The young couples of our church

Unspoken requests

American Military Issac Cutshall

Our church family

Need for ministry volunteers

Ben Franklin

Kids facing new challenges at school

K. Adamson Kevin Ayers Michelle Ayers Robin Booth Charles Bowers S. Branstractor Karen Burgin Rick Burgin Mary S. Carter Heather Crumb Jessica Curtis John Dowdy Jon Fazio Karen Ingram Patton Jervis Donna Laws Betty Lewis Scott Lewis Diane Miller John Nichols Jim Norris Becky Norton Harry Norton Kenzie Nunley Pam Nunley Steve Pointer Jennie Reasor Larry Richardson Amy Roberts Dustin Roberts Sue Roberts Bill Shelton Rita Shelton Kelly Shoun Elsie Vance Gaither Vance Tammy Waterhouse Kevin Whistine

Keep in Your Prayers

“…since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you…” (Colossians 1:9)

August 25, 2019 – September 1, 2019

Sickness & Hospital Other Requests Salvation

Tanner Bailey Tommy Bailey B.F. Barker Charles Barkley Mike Bowser Jackie Broyles Liz Broyles Tony Broyles Pam Bryant Charlie Callahan Sadie Campbell Mary Davidson The Dilday family David France Jessica Franklin Sonja Green Barbara Harrison Emma Harrod Mary Lou Hawk Ron Hawkins Lisa Henley George Holley Jim Hylton Leroy Kiker

Freddie Lewis Shirlene Light Jean Lynch Sam McPeak Riley Morris Faye Morrow Gracelyn Oaks Buddy Payne Wayne Percell Catherine Richards Larry Smith Alma Ruth Snapp Mildred Snapp Lucille Southerland Jordan StJohn Judie Stillwell Mary Ward Mike Waterhouse Paula Waterhouse Gladys West Helen Whistine Jack Young

The Spot Washington County Jail Ministry The families of our community The young couples of our church

Unspoken requests

American Military Issac Cutshall

Our church family

Need for ministry volunteers

Ben Franklin

Kids facing new challenges at school

K. Adamson Kevin Ayers Michelle Ayers Robin Booth Charles Bowers S. Branstractor Karen Burgin Rick Burgin Mary S. Carter Heather Crumb Jessica Curtis John Dowdy Jon Fazio Karen Ingram Patton Jervis Donna Laws Betty Lewis Scott Lewis Diane Miller John Nichols Jim Norris Becky Norton Harry Norton Kenzie Nunley Pam Nunley Steve Pointer Jennie Reasor Larry Richardson Amy Roberts Dustin Roberts Sue Roberts Bill Shelton Rita Shelton Kelly Shoun Elsie Vance Gaither Vance Tammy Waterhouse Kevin Whistine

Note: We try to keep our prayer list as up-to-date as possible, which means from time to time we do remove names. If you discover a name has been removed from the prayer list that needs to remain, please inform Linda King in person or at 948-0079, or Pastor Craig, or use the prayer book at the altar.

Note: We try to keep our prayer list as up-to-date as possible, which means from time to time we do remove names. If you discover a name has been removed from the prayer list that needs to remain, please inform Linda King in person or at 948-0079, or Pastor Craig, or use the prayer book at the altar.

Shut-in & Nursing Home

Marie Feathers Edith Grindstaff Shelby Grindstaff Rena Hensley Joyce Holtsinger Martha Quinn Larry Smith Wanda Stillwagon Mary Ward

Praise the Lord!

Linda King

Shut-in & Nursing Home

Marie Feathers Edith Grindstaff Shelby Grindstaff Rena Hensley Joyce Holtsinger Martha Quinn Larry Smith Wanda Stillwagon Mary Ward

Praise the Lord!

Linda King











Page 4: 257 6061. Nursery VolunteersAug 08, 2019  · b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a

(The following is an excerpt from our church’s constitution that outlines the path to church membership.)


Section A – Qualifications

1. Membership in this Church shall be granted only to persons who give

satisfactory evidence of their repentance toward God, their personal faith in

the Lord Jesus Christ as their Redeemer and Savior and who have been

immersed in water in accordance with the Biblical example of Baptism.

Section B - Admission of Members

1. Those applying for membership shall be received upon pastor

recommendation and by majority acknowledgment by this Church at any

regular or special service.

2. In the rare incident of opposition to the acceptance of a person into

membership, the matter shall be referred to the Pastor and Deacons without

discussion for their investigation and report.

3. Membership will be granted under the following conditions:

a. Baptism - Upon satisfactory evidence of repentance toward God and

profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, an applicant may be

received as a Candidate for Baptism by immersion. After Baptism

he/she will automatically enjoy the full fellowship of this Church.

b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be

received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a

member is received on promise of a letter and such a letter cannot be

secured within a ninety day period; the Clerk shall at that time record

such member as, "Received on the statement of Faith and prior

Baptism by Immersion".

c. Statement of Faith - Any person not covered by paragraph 3a and 3b,

section B, of Article III may be received as a member upon statement

of faith in Jesus as Savior and statement of prior Biblical Baptism by


d. Restoration - Any former member whose membership has been

terminated on account of some offense, upon satisfactory evidence of

true repentance and reformation, may be restored to full fellowship

by a vote of this Church. Any former member whose membership has

been terminated on account of continued absence, upon satisfactory

explanation, may be restored to full fellowship by vote of this Church.

(The following is an excerpt from our church’s constitution that outlines the path to church membership.)


Section A – Qualifications

1. Membership in this Church shall be granted only to persons who give

satisfactory evidence of their repentance toward God, their personal faith in

the Lord Jesus Christ as their Redeemer and Savior and who have been

immersed in water in accordance with the Biblical example of Baptism.

Section B - Admission of Members

1. Those applying for membership shall be received upon pastor

recommendation and by majority acknowledgment by this Church at any

regular or special service.

2. In the rare incident of opposition to the acceptance of a person into

membership, the matter shall be referred to the Pastor and Deacons without

discussion for their investigation and report.

3. Membership will be granted under the following conditions:

a. Baptism - Upon satisfactory evidence of repentance toward God and

profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, an applicant may be

received as a Candidate for Baptism by immersion. After Baptism

he/she will automatically enjoy the full fellowship of this Church.

b. Letter - A member of another church of like faith and order may be

received by a letter of recommendation from such church. When a

member is received on promise of a letter and such a letter cannot be

secured within a ninety day period; the Clerk shall at that time record

such member as, "Received on the statement of Faith and prior

Baptism by Immersion".

c. Statement of Faith - Any person not covered by paragraph 3a and 3b,

section B, of Article III may be received as a member upon statement

of faith in Jesus as Savior and statement of prior Biblical Baptism by


d. Restoration - Any former member whose membership has been

terminated on account of some offense, upon satisfactory evidence of

true repentance and reformation, may be restored to full fellowship

by a vote of this Church. Any former member whose membership has

been terminated on account of continued absence, upon satisfactory

explanation, may be restored to full fellowship by vote of this Church.