25 march 2014 campus session 3 bapp arts

BAPP Arts Campus Session 3 25 th March 2014 Strategies for using and developing knowledge that is situated in your professional practice

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BAPP ArtsCampus Session 3

25th March 2014

Strategies for using and developing knowledge that is situated in your

professional practice

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Recap on the 3 Campus Sessions this study period

SearchingTheorising Love

PhilosophyConstructivismDeweyPoints of view

Knowledge situated inIndividual contexts


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What do you want to know?The inquiry process…

Finding K Explaining

Using K to inform practice


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Alan talked about our positioning in the inquiry process…

Constructivism tells us that we learn by fitting new understanding and knowledge into and with, extending and supplanting, old understanding and knowledge. …

Mezirow (1991) says learning is to bring about change or transformation

Fry et al. A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ( 2003)

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Nancy Osbaldeston – photo courtesy of Arnaud Stephenson.

A body of knowledge … what do you know?

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Jurgen Appelo

FIGURE 16.2 The body of knowledge of software developmentThis illustration is part of the book Management 3.0.

This is a ‘ragdoll exmaple of using the body image to map out a “body of knowledge’ for the software industry.

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Try out your own ‘body’ to see what you know… how does this knowledge mapping relate to the knowledge you have onyour CV?

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What do you want to know?The inquiry process…

Finding K Explaining

Using K to inform practice

Knowledge and understanding that is informed by your context

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What is knowledge?

Knowledge in the arts and humanities – not just skills and competences but a structured series of engagement with a body of knowledge or (in the case of the practical arts) a body of practice… BUT NOTE THE BELOW

“[knowledge in] the arts and humanities change continuously by virtue of their being elements of a culture always ina condition of transformation. Theus they transform through internal dispute, contestation, revision of tastes and methods, discovery ofr recuperative research, politics and philosophies. These subjects are continuously in debate and discussion….”

Fry et al. A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ( 2003)

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Social science and education inquiry tools

Arts, creative, cultural – inc Performance

Trans-disciplinarity in work - inc. business, psychology, leisure, within the same project or inquiry

What areas of knowledge do we use for BAPP Arts?

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The changing nature of knowledge

Lyotard(1984) knowledge is narrative and performative – only true of the time being – (value free?)

Foucault (1972) treated knowledge as discourse – ideological – that which is accepted as true usually discourse of the powerful

Jarvis (2001) The Age f Learning education and the Knowledge Society

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What do you know and what do you want to know? Write down what you know and don’t know(anything – not just BAPP Arts related)

What I know


What I want to know


Compare your list with others and come up with some common themes about what you know…. these might change and may not be value-free

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Networking Doing the inquiry – staging your work – applause (?)

Professional Practice/Work based learning

• Acknowledges that learning is political and performative in that learning based in work seeks not only a somewhat of rigid ‘knowledge of’ but also seeks to change, improve or subvert situated practice through reflection and research

• Asserts that learning should be emancipatory, in that it has the potential to empower learners

UALL WBL Network http://www.uall.ac.uk/wbl

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Dynamic - contextual K with new ideas

used with social media and reflection



plan for change within and after inquiry

Doing the inquiry

Staging your work

experience nowledgeperformanceapplause (?)

Recognition of Learning – prior experiential – contextual K

BAPP Arts – completing your work for the study period

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Areas of Learning and Critical Essay (RoL)

What kind of knowledge and understanding are you gaining?

What else have you learned?

How will you evaluate and analyse what your know in order to communicate your understanding to others?

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Your adviser can describe past practice and talk to others on the course – this is looking mainly at past practice.

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Networking (social media and reflective practice) (Module 1)

What kind of knowledge and understanding are you gaining?

What else have you learned?

How will you evaluate and analyse what your know in order to communicate your understanding to others?

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Planning (Module 2)

What kind of knowledge and understanding are you gaining?

What else have you learned?

How will you evaluate and analyse what your know in order to communicate your understanding to others?

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Inquiry work (Module 3)

What kind of knowledge and understanding are you gaining?

What else have you learned?

How will you evaluate and analyse what your know in order to communicate your understanding to others?