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(25-Day Fast Weight Loss Diet) Diet Manual At Last! Discover How You Can Lose Up To 5-11 Kg Of Fat In 25 Days With The Most Strategic, FASTEST Weight Loss Program EVER Developed and Literally Burn Fat EVERY Minute Of Every Day -- All The While Eating WHATEVER You Want Every Fifth Day By Dr. ELA MARIS (Nutrition Biochemist) WeightLossNigeria.com

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(25-Day Fast Weight Loss Diet)

Diet Manual

At Last!

Discover How You Can Lose Up To

5-11 Kg Of Fat In 25 Days With The Most

Strategic, FASTEST Weight Loss Program

EVER Developed and Literally Burn Fat

EVERY Minute Of Every Day -- All The

While Eating WHATEVER You Want

Every Fifth Day


(Nutrition Biochemist)


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Medical Disclaimer

This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or nutrition program. The use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this program. The purpose of this program is to help healthy people reach their cosmetic fitness goals by educating them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines.

No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. The author is a not a medical doctor, registered dietitian, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a biochemist, a fitness and nutrition consultant.

If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring special nutritional considerations, we suggest you consult a health care professional with a clinical nutrition background (MD, RD, or CCN) for your special nutrition program.

Your nutrition plan will not be effective by itself. You must combine a good diet with an appropriate exercise program for optimal results. If you have been sedentary and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you should obtain your physician�s clearance before beginning an exercise program.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend that apparently healthy individuals who are male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to starting a vigorous exercise program.

A diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also recommended in individuals of any age who exhibit two or more of the major coronary risk factors (smoking, family history of heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes). Any individual with a known history of heart disease or other heart problems should be required to have a medical evaluation including a graded exercise test before engaging in strenuous physical activity.

The author, publisher (Dr. Ela Maris) and TLN Fitness Services and its affiliates shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual. The user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described in this course.

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All Rights Reserved

Retail Price: N5,500. This is NOT a free e-book. This report is for TLN Fitness clients only


You do NOT have resale rights to this product. No unauthorized reproduction or distribution is permitted. Copyright violation and

illegal distribution will be prosecuted

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Welcome to the Diet Manual! Alright, we�re not going to waste a lot of time with a bunch of ¯fluff in this manual, instead, I�m going to get right in to exactly what you want to know: the specifics of the Diet. There are 5 different types of days in your 25-day FAST Fat Loss journey making one cycle and each cycle contains these five types of days and five different types of exercise schedule. This means you are to repeat 5-day �diet and training� cycle five times. 5 x 5 = 25 days. The cycle goes like this: Day 1: Cheat Day (Density Training) Day 2: Fast Day (Lactic Acid Training) Day 3: Shake Day (Strength Training) Day 4: Moderate Carbohydrate Day (Dynamic Training) Day 5: Protein-only Depletion Day (Lactic Acid Training)

On Moderate Carbohydrate Days and Shake Days you�re going to see two different types of meals plans listed: 1. Protein + Fat (P+F) meals 2. Protein + Carbs (P+C) meals So as you can see this is not your usual type of weight loss program. It�s a SuperFAST weight loss program and so the methods you are going to use are �different� from what you�ve ever heard or seen before�BUT�it works!

Nutrient Timing and Two Types of Meals

On the Moderate Carbohydrate Days and Shake Days you�re going to see two different types of meals listed:

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1. Protein + Fat (P+F) 2. Protein + Carbs (P+C) All meals include protein, but certain meals avoid high levels of carbs and others high levels of fat. Why? The reason is two fold. First, we are avoiding combining fat and carbohydrates in a sigle meal because that combination leads to massive storage of fat, which is why fat and carb meals are sometimes referred to as �the deadly combination�. Secondly, our body�s natural tolerance to insulin is lowest in the evenings (reason why people gain weight even though they ate once a day � if the food is eaten in the evenings) and so we are avoiding protein + carb meals in the evenings. Remember, I told you we are going to use strategy to get the FASTEST fat loss results ever possible in 25 days, so I�m showing you what to avoid and exactly what to do. For these reasons, both Moderate Carb and Shake Days will start with P+C meals and transition to P+F meals later in the day. Let�s get right into the first day of your 25-Day diet, which is your Cheat Day. I�m awesome, right? I know�lol. Imagine starting the first day of your diet eating your favorite foods. There is a reason for that anyway � to reset your metabolism to get it super optimized to lose fat the very next day. So meet day 1:

Day 1 � The Cheat Day Each cycle begins with a Cheat Day to boost leptin levels and prime the body for optimal fat burning over the course of the next 5 day cycle.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Your cheat day is best done on Sunday where you can have a feast with your family, go for outings etc. You can actually choose anyday to be your Cheat day but I found out that Saturday or Sunday works best for my clients and I. While there are no major restrictions on the types or quantities of food you eat each day, there are a few loose �guidelines� you need to adhere to:

Eat the foods you crave without feeling guilty Don't get technical and start your Cheat Day at 12 a.m. midnight on

Sunday morning. Start when you normally wake up on Sunday Don't set the alarm for a very early time at 4 am either; start when

you normally wake up on Sunday Don't stuff yourself; eat until you're satisfied, not to the point of

discomfort Don't skip meals holding out for a single feast; eat throughout the

day Don't consume alcohol on this program. Consuming alcohol works

against what we are trying to accomplish hormonally with the Cheat Day

Stop all eating by 10pm. Other than the above loose guidelines, you can eat whatever you want. And you�ll be happy to know that over the course of the last 7 years, no matter which way we�ve tested it, the �eat-whatever-you-want� approach works best from a results standpoint than any other more restrictive or controlled approach. Exercise to be done: As mentioned earlier, on the Cheat Day you will be performing a Density Training workout from the FWLD Training Manual. The function of this type of workout is to utilize the surplus of calories, carbs, and insulin to your advantage, stimulating muscle growth and flooding it with nutrients.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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The result is the same fat burning �priming� effect from the Cheat Day while using those calories to maintain and even build muscle mass. Don�t be surprised if you gain a pound or two of sexy, calorie-burning, lean muscle over the course of the 25-day program. And as you do, realize how awesome that is�the fact is, the majority of dieters lose muscle even with �moderate� weight loss approaches yielding moderate results. On the other hand, losing fat ridiculously fast while potentially gaining lean body mass at the same time? That�s pretty darn sweet. Summary: Eat liberally throughout the day without stuffing yourself; perform a Density Training workout in the afternoon; no additional training.

Day 2 � The Fast Day The purpose of the post-cheat Fast Day is to create a massive calorie deficit while the body is uber primed to burn fat, and that�s exactly why it�s positioned after a leptin-boosting Cheat Day. You do not break the fast by 6pm but the next day when you wake up in the morning anytime from 5a.m AND using the next day�s type of day. It�s a 33 hour fast On this day you will consume nothing but fluids (non-calorie beverages like green tea � no milk or sugar in moderation are OK, but water is the recommended beverage) You can drink a LOT of water on this day and go about your normal business just make sure to do the exercises on this day � otherwise your fast is a WASTE in terms of what we are trying to achieve in this program. Exercise to be done: You will be doing the Lactic acid workout from the Training manual and 1-2 additional exercises as follows:

1 High Intensity Interval Training Workout (HIIT) done for 30 minutes 1 Longer-duration Slower Cardio Session ( for 30 minutes)

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A variety of HIIT workouts to choose from are given in the Training manual. Examples of the longer-duration slower cardio session are the aerobic exercises such as going on the treadmill, jogging, skipping, playing football, swimming or any other low heart rate exercises done for only 30 minutes. It is best to spread the 3 workouts on your fast day throughout the day. If you are doing all three sessions, an easy scheduling strategy is to perform the Lactic Acid session before work in the morning, the HIIT session on your lunch break or immediately after work, and the lower-intensity session at some point in the evening. If you can only perform one of the additional exercises, do the HITT exercise preferable but realize that performing 3 sessions (the lactic acid session, the HIIT session, and the slower cardio session) will provide the best results. NOTE: For those concerned about possible hypoglycemia resulting from activity performed during the short-term fast, please realize that it is extremely unlikely to occur given that glycogen stores will be maxed out from the previous day�s cheat. Summary: Don�t eat anything apart from water and a little green tea (optional). Drink lots of water, perform lactic acid resistance training, one HIIT session, and one lower intensity cardio session spread throughout the day (morning-afternoon-evening). If only doing two sessions, the evening session lower intensity cardio is the one to omit.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Day 3 � The Shake Day The Fast Day is followed up by the Shake Day in which you get the day�s nutrition exclusively from the Protein Shakes (GNC 100% Whey Protein Shakes). The Shake Day is strategically placed at this point in the cycle for a number reasons. One, is that it allows you to transition from the Fast Day back in to the diet while maintaining a great deal of focus and increasing adherence. The fact that you know the scheduled diet for this day only allows shakes makes it much easier to adhere to than if a wide variety of food choices were made available again immediately following a fast. In addition to that, it�s also a fairly low-calorie day teamed up with some strategic exercise to further move you along the continuation of rapid fat loss. So this is how you will drink your protein shakes on this day: Morning shakes will be protein + carb (minimal fat), and afternoon/evening shakes will be protein + fat (minimal carbs). Breakfast Shake (P+C): Protein Powder + fruit (blended or eaten) Mid-morning Shake (P+C): Protein Powder + fruit (blended or eaten) Lunch Shake (P+C): Protein Powder + fruit (blended or eaten) Mid-afternoon Shake (P+F): Protein Powder + oil (blended) Dinner Shake (P+F): Protein Powder + oil (blended) Shake Day Sample Daily Timeline 5:00 -7:00 am � Breakfast Shake (P+C) 10:00 am � Mid-morning Feeding (P+C) 12:30 pm � Lunch (P+C) 3:00 pm � Mid-afternoon Feeding (P+F) 6:00 pm � Dinner (P+F)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the recommended oil for Protein + Fat shakes. If you prefer to take the oil separately (1 tablespoon), as opposed to mixing them with the shakes, it is OK. You can get it from the big supermarkets. Or you could take one Omega 3 + 6 supplement with your shake.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Exercise to be done: You will be doing the Strength workout from the Training Manual and one additional cardio session of the lower-intensity variety will be included on this day. Examples of the longer-duration slower cardio session are the aerobic exercises such as going on the treadmill, jogging, skipping, playing football, swimming or any other low heart rate exercises done for only 30 minutes.

Summary: Consume three protein and carb shakes in the morning followed by two protein and fat shakes in the afternoon. Perform strength-based resistance training in addition to one lower intensity cardio session in the evening.

Day 4 � The Moderate Carbohydrate Day As you move toward the end of the cycle we insert a more moderate diet day with a higher carbohydrate intake. The purpose of this day is to give your body a break from the low calories, allowing it to �recover� while still losing fat. Consume 5 meals on this day, 2 Protein + Carb meals and 3 Protein + Fat meals. Ideally, it is best to exercise in the morning to take advantage of the heightened calorie burn for the entirety of the day, with your P+C meals coming in the morning and your P+F meals following later in the day. Moderate Carb Sample Daily Meal Timeline 7:00 am � Breakfast (P+C) 10:00 am � Mid-morning Snack (P+C) 12:30 pm � Lunch (P+F) 3:00 pm � Mid-afternoon Snack (P+F) 6:00 pm � Dinner (P+F)

NOTE: On your Moderate Carb day you are going to use the Portion method to measure your foods to be eaten. Here are the guidelines:

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Portion Method for Food Measurements

Our food contains any of these 3 macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates,

and fat. So we would use the hand/fist/thumb method for determining

your food servings per meal

With this method, a �portion� of protein is = to the size and thickness of

the open palm of your hand. This could be a chicken breast, piece of beef,

filet of fish, etc, of approximately that size.

For carbohydrates, a �portion� is = to the size of your clenched fist. Think

of a medium sized apple, orange, or other piece of fruit of approximately

that size, or a portion of pasta, rice, beans, etc, similar in size.

Lastly, for fat a �portion� is = to the size and thickness of the tip of your

thumb or one tablespoon. This is particularly useful for �pure� fats like olive

oil, coconut oil etc. For other sources of fat like nuts or seeds, portion size is

one handful.

For cheese, two thumbfuls that�s all.

To summarize, here are the portion guidelines:

Protein � size and thickness of the palm of your hand

Carbohydrate � size of your clenched fist

Fat � size and thickness of the tip of your thumb

The reason why hand-based portion sizes work so well is that they are

relative to the size of the individual. Smaller people with smaller hands will

eat less food because they require less calories. Also, larger people with

bigger hands will eat more food because they require more calories.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Exercise to be done: You will be doing Dynamic Training exercise from the Training Manual. Dynamic workouts are excellent fat burning workouts, but not quite as intense as Lactic Acid workouts. This further allows for continued fat burning on this day while allowing the body to recover from the high intensity (from both a diet and exercise perspective) that is present at the beginning of each cycle. In addition to the Dynamic Training, you will perform an additional HIIT Workout listed in the Training manual.

Remember, the more calories you burn through exercise on this program, the better. If you have the opportunity to move, do it. Summary: Consume two P+C meals followed by three P+F meals when ideally working out in the morning. If working out at another time, P+C meals should follow resistance training. Perform Dynamic exercises in addition to one HIIT session in the evening.

Day 5 � The Protein-only Day

The Protein-only Depletion Day wraps up the 5 day cycle. It is the day just before the next Cheat Day and next cycle, and serves the purpose of depleting your muscle glycogen and triglyceride stores to make �room� for the influx of calories and carbohydrates that will take place on the following day�the Cheat Day. On this day you will consume protein mostly protein meals throughout the day split up into 5 meals like chicken and fish pepper soup, protein shakes etc. You can also eat free veggies in form of salads (No creams please) as desired. �Free Veggies� are listed on the pages following. Exercise to be done: You will be doing Lactic Acid resistance Training Workout from the Training Manual and an additional 30 minutes, lower-intensity cardio workout in the evening.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Protein Only Sample Daily Meal Timeline 7:00 am � Breakfast (P meals) 10:00 am � Mid-morning Snack (P meals) 12:30 pm � Lunch (P meals) 3:00 pm � Mid-afternoon Snack (P meals) 6:00 pm � Dinner (P meals) Summary: Consume only protein foods throughout the day split up over 5 meals along with lactic acid resistance training and slower-duration evening cardio. Free veggies are permissible as desired. NOTE: Be sure to drink plenty of fluids on all days, but especially on fast days and protein-only depletion days. Do NOT eat beans as protein on this day, beans are more of carbohydrate foods than protein meals.

Free Veggies

Cabbage Carrots Cucumber Eggplant Green Onion Leek Lettuce Mushroom Okra or Okro Onion Pepper, Bell Spinach or �green�

Tomato Green pepper Water leaf Pumpkin leaf or �ugwu� Broccoli Cauliflower Green peas Green beans Celery Garden eggs

*Free Veggies can be added to any meal or consumed as a snack throughout the day (exception; Fast Days).

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Acceptable Protein Sources

Beef (steak, ground beef, etc) Deer/Venison or Bush meat Eggs (whole or egg whites) Fish �Fresh and Frozen fish (salmon, tilapia, sardines, mackerel, tuna, cat

fish, etc) Lamb or Goat meat 100% Whey Protein Powder Pork meat (tenderloin, chop with no skin, etc) Shellfish ( shrimp, clams, oysters, crab, lobster, etc) Skinless Chicken (breast, thigh with no skin, etc) Turkey breast (no skin) Cottage Cheese

Acceptable Carbohydrate Choices for Moderate Carb Days

Legumes: All manner of beans e.g. white beans, brown beans, kidney

beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red beans, marrowfat peas, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans, navy beans etc

Fruit: green apples, grapefruit, grapes , oranges, pears, mango,watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, plum, pineapple, paw paw, cherries, banana, lemon

Whole Grain Breads: 100% Whole Wheat bread Other Grains: barley, basmati, quinoa, etc Oats, oatmeal, oat bran Sweet potato Yam Brown rice Couscous Cereals: All-Bran, Special K, Cheerios, Fiber One, Bran Flakes, Weetabix New irish potatoes Millet, Acha or Fonio or Hungry rice

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Ideally, the bulk of carbs on your moderate carb days should come from legumes and fruits and a small amount of the starchier carbs listed toward the latter part of the list.

Acceptable Fat Sources

Cottage Cheese Beef Chicken Duck Lamb Pork Turkey Fish (fresh and frozen) Coconut Oil

Extra Virgin Olive oil Almonds Brazil Nuts Hazelnuts Walnuts Almond Butter Avocado pear Eggs

NOTE: Because some protein sources are also great sources of fat, they are listed under both the acceptable proteins and fats lists. I also told you about the 25-Day Recipes you can have access to at a token of N1,000. See the Introductory manual for details.

How to Track Your Progress Tracking your progress throughout the course of the 25 day program is critically important to your overall success. A very popular saying amongst fitness professionals is �If you�re not assessing, you�re just guessing!� And that�s essentially true. The only real way to know if something is working is to regularly assess and track your progress. With the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet, we will be using 3 methods of tracking your progress� the use of pictures, girth measurements and scale weight.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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On the first day (Cheat day) you begin this program, snap a picture of

yourself wearing a spaghetti or sleeveless top and shorts (if female) and

just shorts no shirt (if you are male).

This is the Picture method of tracking your progress. Get a friend, your

spouse or one of your kids to snap this picture even if it�s using your camera

phone to do it as seen below:

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For men, snap your Before Picture like this:

Why should you snap this picture? I have 100% conviction that this fat loss program is going to work for you when you follow the instructions and advice in it. And one of the quickest way to see your weight loss transformation is through pictures and NOT the scale! Very few people know this and I don�t want you to make that mistake. Infact the weighing scale is the LEAST accurate way of measuring your weight loss progress. So pictures, your clothes getting loose on you are better ways of telling if you are losing weight and fat but you�ll use the scale only three times in this program AFTER using the first 2 methods of tracking. I�ll tell you exactly how to use the scale in Method 3 below: You will first cycle (first cheat day), your 3rd cycle (third cheat day) and the 25th day of the program.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Method 1 � Four (4) Ways you will know this program is working for you

Here are other ways of knowing if the 25-Day Diet program is working to

help you reduce weight and burn off fat off your belly and other �problem�


1. A Positive shift in energy: You will wake up in the morning and be

surprised that you actually have energy and that energy lasts ALL day Long!

2. Your clothes: Pull out your skinny jeans and those lovely clothes you

have, which are no longer your size or are tight on you and wear them.

They were the first to tell you that you gained weight, they will also be the

first to tell you that you are losing it!

3. Listen to Others: Yes, those around you will see the changes in you

before you see it in yourself. You may not notice a radical change from day

to day, but someone who hasn't seen you in a 2-3 weeks is certain to

comment in a positive way.

4. Your picture: You snap a picture of you on the first day of your cycle (Day 1 - First cheat day), Day 12 and Day 25 of the program.

Method 2 - How to Track Your Progress

The next way to track your progress is using the Girth measurement

method of tracking. You will take this measurement on the FIRST day you

begin this program (your cheat day) and in the morning when you wake up.

You will use a tailoring tape or tape measure, to take the following areas of

your body and record it in inches:

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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The girth measurements:


Waist (around the navel)


Right Arm

Right Thigh

Right Calf

For arm, thigh, and calf measurements, simply double each to account for

the other limb when calculating total inches lost. For example, if your right

thigh measurement has gone down one inch, it is safe to assume that your

left thigh measurement has also decreased by one inch, so you would have

lost a total of two inches from both thighs collectively.

Here is a sample girth measurement:

Starting Date (Day 1 � First Cycle day): Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

2nd Weigh in Date (Day 12): Thursday, June 14th, 2012

3rd Weigh in Date (Day 25): Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

My weight loss measurements

Starting � Day 1 (in inches)

2nd Weigh in Day � Day 12 (in inches)

Difference (in inches)

Bust 40 37 -3

Waist 38 35 -3

Hips 40 38 -2

Right Arm 13 12.5 -0.5 x 2 = 1

Right Thigh 26 24.5 -1.5 x 2 = 3

Right Calf 13 12.5 -0.5 x 2 = -1

Total Lost = 13 inches LOST

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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The Best Time To Measure Your Progress

Measurements should be taken 3 times in the 25 program on Day 1 (your

first cheat day, Day 12 and Day 25. And should be done in the morning

(first thing in the morning before eating anything) �that�s it.

This is the way you will always measure to track your progress - Consistent

measuring practices ensure consistency and accuracy in your


Method 3 - How to Track Your Progress Do not�I repeat; do NOT weigh yourself daily on the scale or using the girth measurement. Due to the fluctuations in food intake throughout the program, you will absolutely experience fluctuations in water balance throughout the week causing daily measurements to be different. The 3rd weight to track your progress is to measure your weight in Kg using the measuring scale on the same Day 1, day 12 and Day 25. But remember that this scale is not the most accurate tracking tool to measure your weight loss progress unlike the girth measurement and the picture method. With this program, daily scale readings mean nothing. What we are concerned with is consistent, week to week progress, and that is assessed by taking consistent weekly measurements. Just a reminder: Stepping on the scale daily will do nothing more than break your focus and cause unnecessary stress and worry (which will in turn slow progress) - don�t do it. You can log your progress easily via the log sheets in the 25-Day FAST Diet Success Journal & Workbook.

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FAQs � Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can pregnant women do this program? A: No, pregnant women are not allowed to this program because of the type of

dieting and exercises used. Instead they can use my lastest Weight loss and

Weight management for Pregnant women program at our sister website,


Another reason is, your baby needs all the care and nutrients to grow properly in

the belly. That being said, you CAN avoid excess weight gain during this time

Q: What if my schedule does not allow me to exercise every day during the 25 day program? A: The goal in designing the 25 day program was to provide you with the ideal, most effective set-up, so that if you were to follow it to the letter, it�d yield the greatest possible results. Another goal is to help busy people lose weight in the shortest possible time. This means that whatever your schedule is, carve out as much days for the program as you can. It�s just 25 days, not the next 3 months or 6 months. That said, here are a couple things to keep in mind: 1. We�ve had people do the diet portion of the program only along with other workout programs and still have very good success 2. We�ve had other people just do strategically timed cardio workouts (and no resistance training) and still lose a ton of weight We also understand that you may want to or need to take a day off from exercise during the program, which is OK if needed. If you can manage to follow the program even 90%, you�re going to do exceptionally well.

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Here are the main guidelines to keep in mind for the best success: 1. If you want the best results, do as many of the scheduled exercises as possible and follow the workout program as best as you can to the very letter. 2. If you have to miss a workout or need to schedule a day off, omitting a Cheat Day Density Workout or a Shake Day Strength Workout will have the least effect on results. This means - you must make sure to do the fast day, protein-only day and moderate carb day exercises. 3. Whatever you do, strive to get in all the 3 workouts on your Fast Days while being as active as possible. Lastly, keep in mind that this is a 25 day, short-term program that will yield the best results if you perform it at a time in which you have a full 25 days to fully dedicate yourself to it. So schedule your start date appropriately based on your calendar. If you can manage to follow the program even 90%, you�re going to do exceptionally well. Q: If I have a social activity planned on another day other than my scheduled Cheat Day, is there a way I can switch my Cheat Day? A: On our Total Fat Loss program, this is OK; on the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet, it is not recommended. The magic of the 5 day cycle comes when it is followed exactly and being that this is a short term program, it is recommended that it be followed to a tee over the course of 25 short days for the best, most rapid results. See details on the Total Fat Loss Plan at www.weightlossnigeria.com/specialoffer.htm

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Q: Are there any long-term negative health effects that I should be concerned about with the regular indulgence of the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet? A: With the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet, you�re rapidly losing weight and increasing your physical fitness � do you think that one day of enjoying some of your favorite foods is going to negate all those positive adaptations and the extremely healthy choices that you are making during the other 90% of the plan? I�m sure you see my point, but just in case, that answer is �No, it�s not.� Beyond that, it�s a short term, 25 day program, which makes the concern even less of an issue. Finally, please understand that if you have any medical conditions whatsoever, you must clear you participation in any weight loss program (including this one) with your physician first. Q: What about special populations such as diabetics or those with cardiovascular disease? Is this diet safe for them? A: Piggy-backing off of the last question, I want to make sure I�m clear here: consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program to make sure it is a good fit for you, and always, always follow his or her advice. Q: I�m still a little anxious about a full day of dietary indulgence; can�t I just have a single cheat meal? A: Not if you want to experience the best results. Research has proven that cheat �meals� DO NOT WORK for substantially replenishing leptin levels. For that to happen, you need a prolonged period of overfeeding (8 to 12 hours), not a single meal. Sure, cheat meals are a nice psychological outlet, but that�s where it ends. If you are looking for the physiological benefit of faster fat loss, then you need to take a leap of faith and trust me with the approach I�ve recommended here. Cheat Days, not meals, prevent diet plateaus and help bring about steady, consistent, fast fat loss each and every cycle. Use them.

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com

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Q: Do you recommend the use of any supplements in this program? A: No, you do not need any supplements in this program, although I recommended omega 3 + 6 (only if you want to mix your protein shake with the olive oil and you don�t have access to it should you use it) Q: How often can I use the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss system? A: Because the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet is a rather intense program, it is only recommended to be done for 25 days at a time. Once you complete the 25 day cycle, it is recommended that you transition into a more moderate diet. The absolute best program to follow up the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss with is Total Fat Loss Plan. It�s a more moderate version of FWDP that still incorporates strategic cheating and is formulated on the best, most strategic methods for continued, steady, consistent week to week fat loss while allowing your body to recover from the intensity of the FWDP. You may repeat the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Cycle again after about 5 weeks of a more moderate approach like Total Fat Loss Plan. Q: I�ve completed the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss Diet program and am now transitioning into Total Fat Loss program. Should I begin with the Introductory Phase or move directly into the Beginner Phase? A: Because you were already intensely dieting with the 25-Day FAST Weight Loss, you should move directly into the Beginner Phase for 2 weeks and then the Intermediate Phase.

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Thank you for reading this Diet manual of the 5-Day FAST Weight Loss program.

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(3pm � 6pm Weekdays ONLY).

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You can get the latest tips and weight loss advice particularly suited for the

Nigerian environment on my blog at www.WeightLossNigeria.com

To your Amazing NEW Body,

Dr. Ela Maris

Nutrition Biochemist Author � Total Fat Loss Plan www.WeightLossNigeria.com

08027262539 (Calls from 3pm � 6pm Weekdays ONLY)

(SMS 24 hours)

© 2012 and Beyond. Dr. Ela Maris. TLN Fitness Services and WeightLossNigeria.com