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Welcome!Welcome!In this year’s Advent calendar we will hear the stories of young people who are doing amazing things in their communities.

In England and Wales and overseas, they are changing the world for the better and making a real difference, locally and globally.

Along with prayer and reflection, there will also be opportunities for you to find out more and to take action.

Sunday 30 NovemberFirst Sunday of Advent

“We are all the work of your

hand.”Isaiah 64:8

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We will also catch up with baby Jansel from Guatemala – who featured in last year’s calendar.

Isaiah reminds us that we are all the work of God’s hands. This means we all have dignity. If we truly believe this, it affects the way we treat everyone.

How will I respect the dignity of other people today?

Creator God, this Advent, as I hear the stories of young people who work to uphold the dignity of others, inspire me to do the same. Amen.

Watch a video introducing Jansel and Santa. Share a meal with your family today.

“We are all the work of your

hand.”Isaiah 64:8

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Monday 1 December

Fabulous Fabulous footballfootballRodrigo plays football in a project run by our partner, GCASC, in Peixinhos, Brazil. He takes part in ‘conversation circles’ before and after football games to debate issues such as drugs, respect and solidarity. This has helped to bring together rival communities:

“I want to help my community... I want to work in the streets so that other guys don’t get involved in drugs and violence early, so they have something to occupy the mind.”

Rodrigo (18)

“When Jesus went into Capernaum, a centurion

came up and pleaded with

him.”Matthew 8:5

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Coming together with people from different communities with different views can be difficult. Jesus was amazed at the faith of the foreign soldier who asked healing for his Jewish servant.

Am I as open to help people who are different from me?

Lord, you ate and drank with outcasts, spoke to foreigners and healed their sick. Thank you for those people today who refuse to live in fear and prejudice. Amen.

Find out about the World Gift ‘fabulous football’.Think of ways sport can be used to build community.

“When Jesus went into Capernaum, a centurion

came up and pleaded with

him.”Matthew 8:5

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Tuesday 2 December

World GiftsWorld GiftsDuring Lent, Alice and her friend Freya from Aldridge raised £100 to buy a cow from our World Gifts range for a family overseas:

“We wanted to do something that would challenge us for the whole of Lent, not just an hour or a day... We gave up treats… offered our time to do jobs at home and at school... left a specially designed money tin in the staff room… Everyone has been amazing.”


“Happy the eyes that see what you see.”

Luke 10:23

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Could a group of you buy a World Gift for Christmas?Order a wallchart and create a virtual village.

World Gifts are a way to provide a useful gift for someone in a developing country on behalf of a friend or family member here.

The disciples were blessed to see Jesus and all that he was doing but today we can still see Jesus at work in the loving actions of others.

Where have I seen Jesus today?

Lord, open my eyes to spot you in the quiet people and unsuspected places. Amen.

“Happy the eyes that see what you see.”

Luke 10:23

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Wednesday 3 December

Held to Held to accountaccountIn March, CAFOD took 42 young people from around the UK to meet their MPs at Parliament.

“We sat down in our very own debating room with ministers... and other MPs. We discussed topics from poverty in Britain to poverty abroad and it was inspirational. Seeing so many young people just like me join together to serve a common purpose was amazing.”

Monica, 17, Northampton

Monica and Emilie

“I do not want to send them off hungry.”

Matthew 15:32

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Monica also said: “It helped us to think about others and how we can affect the lives of small-scale farmers in positive and negative ways, for example... through lobbying our MPs and acting together to change the world we live in.”

Next year there will be a General Election. You are tomorrow’s voters - politicians care about what you think!

Lord, thank you that my words and actions can influence others. Help me to influence political and other leaders to act for the good of my sisters and brothers. Amen.

See what happened on the visit to Parliament.Write a letter to your MP. We can help you to do this.

Monica and Emilie

“I do not want to send them off hungry.”

Matthew 15:32

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Thursday 4 December

Dig DeepDig DeepIn Lent we told the story of Mohammed in Sierra Leone who has helped his community to transform swampland into fertile fields to provide food.

14-year-old Mohammed labours in the fields: “I don’t daydream much. I can’t, it’s hard work, I have to concentrate. I work with a machete and it’s very dangerous.”

His mother says: “I am very proud of him… In fact, he doesn’t complain, he just comes to work.”

“...like a sensible man who built his house on

rock.”Matthew 7:24

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During Lent, like the wise man building on rock and like all who hear Jesus’ words and act on them, Mohammed and supporters in England and Wales made sure to ‘Dig Deep’. They were laying firm foundations for the future so that many more people would have food to get them through Sierra Leone’s annual ‘hungry season’.

Do I act on Jesus’ words?

Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Help me to build for the future on the firm rock of your word. Amen.

Watch a video about Mohammed. Remind each other of what you did for Lent this year.

“...like a sensible man who built his house on

rock.”Matthew 7:24

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Friday 5 December

Running Running LondonLondonThe youngest runner in this year’s London marathon was Tom Jarvis, who postponed his eighteenth birthday celebrations to race and raise money for our Dig Deep Lent campaign.

“I’ve got some bad blisters, and it was pretty hot, but overall I’m feeling okay! The crowd support out there was amazing, and the CAFOD cheering spots really made a difference.”

Tom Jarvis

“Do you believe that I can do this?

Matthew 9:28

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Tom’s young age captured the media’s attention – he was interviewed by BBC Breakfast at the start line and had his photo taken with Michael Owen.

In today’s reading, Jesus challenges the disciples to believe. Tom believed he could do the marathon, but also that he could help other people through it.

Do I believe God can use me?

Lord, help me to believe in you and help me to believe in the amazing things you can do through me. Amen.

Find out about our Team CAFOD events.Tell a friend that he or she is amazing!

“Do you believe that I can do this?

Matthew 9:28

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“You received without charge, give without

charge.” Matthew 10:8

Saturday 6 December

John ManuelJohn ManuelThe month before Christmas 2013, Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines.

As well as rescuing his pet dog, Bruno, John Manuel helped a sick and partially paralysed neighbour to escape by keeping his head above the flood waters:

“I just held him, even when he passed out. I was crying and praying. Then my dad came back. He saved us.”

John Manuel

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In response to the generosity of those who supported the emergency appeal, John Manuel said: “Thank you to all those people who helped. Without those donations we would be going back to zero.”

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples to give generously.

Do I give without counting the cost?

Loving God, everything I have and am is a gift from you. Bless me too with a generous heart. Amen.

Watch John Manuel talking, a year after the typhoon. Find out about an emergency that is happening now.

“You received without charge, give without

charge.” Matthew 10:8

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Sunday 7 DecemberSecond Sunday of Advent

“’Console my people, console them’, says your

God.”Isaiah 40:1

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The boys were amazed to learn how complex an emergency response can be.

Isaiah tells us to console God’s people, but later explains that it involves hard work - valleys filled in and hills laid low.

CAFOD does not just send food or money to an affected country. We work with local communities through partners, helping them as they rebuild their lives. This is harder but has lasting impact.

Lord, bless those working hard in all emergency situations this Christmas to rebuild their communities . Amen.

Watch the video… and identify the famous narrator!Play the board game Flood!

“’Console my people, console them’, says your

God.”Isaiah 40:1

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Monday 8 DecemberFeast: Immaculate Conception

Bethlehem girlBethlehem girlOrianna lives in Bethlehem. She volunteers with Caritas Jerusalem, a CAFOD partner, taking part in a range of activities from cleaning up the environment to helping with clothes and food donation campaigns.

“I volunteer because I believe that God has given me a life which is much better than many others’. This belief continues to motivate me to take action.”


“She was greatly troubled by these

words.”Luke 1:29

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Today’s feast day reminds us that Mary was without sin from the first moment of her existence. But that does not mean she had an easy time! As Luke’s gospel tells us, “She was greatly troubled.”

In recent months we have seen how the land in which Mary lived and Orianna still lives is also greatly troubled.

Today, how will I spread peace?

Lord Jesus, you can turn a storm into calm. Breathe your Spirit on the troubled waters of the Middle East and bring peace. Amen.

Find out what has been happening in Gaza.Say “Peace” as a greeting to someone today.

“She was greatly troubled by these

words.”Luke 1:29

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Tuesday 9 December

Shout!Shout!In July, Rheanna and 57 other sixth form students from Clifton and Hallam completed a year-long CAFOD leadership course.

They came to our London office to receive their certificates from our Director, Chris Bain.

“CAFOD is important; it helps us relate to our brothers and sisters around the world and helps them become self-sufficient to provide for their families and communities.”


“Shout without fear,say to the towns of

Judah,‘Here is your God’”

Isaiah 40:9

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Rheanna believes that God is present in everyone, but especially in the poorest people; and she is not afraid to say so.

Speaking of the poor, Pope Francis said: ”We are called to find Christ in them, to lend our voice to their causes.”

How can I recognise God and shout out: ‘God is here!’?

Lord, thank you for all the people in my life who have shown me that you are alive. Help me to do the same for others. Amen.

Follow us @CAFOD on Twitter.Thank someone who has shown you God’s love.

“Shout without fear,say to the towns of

Judah,‘Here is your God’”

Isaiah 40:9

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Wednesday 10 December

Speak up!Speak up!Alexis (14) helps at the local community radio station in Guarjila, El Salvador:

“I’m a radio volunteer and I respond to the kind of things the community ask...If there is some need for raising awareness, for example about HIV, the clinic is always asking us to do radio spots about that. Also, about the environment. And we raise awareness about social problems here - for example, drugs, alcohol problems...”

“My yoke is easy and my burden light.”

Matthew 11:30

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Alexis is a normal teenager who enjoys football and attending a local youth group; but life is not always easy. In hard times, Alexis says his faith has helped:

“When I lost a relative who I loved very much, Jesus helped me to get through that time. When my brother went to hospital... and in many other things.”

Do I let Jesus lighten my burden?

Lord, lift my burden today and help me to lift other people’s burdens with your help. Amen.

Find out about El Salvador, where Alexis lives.Tell a local radio station about your CAFOD activities.

“My yoke is easy and my burden light.”

Matthew 11:30

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Thursday 11 December

Inspiring Inspiring othersothersIn March, Ciaran from St Peter’s secondary school in Guildford spoke at his local parish about the needs of the world and CAFOD’s work. His talk was so good that he inspired action:

“I really wanted to do something for CAFOD after listening to Ciaran. A sponsored run seemed the best way for me and my friends to do some good and raise money to help others.”

Madeleine (8)

“I will help you - it is the Lord who speaks”

Isaiah 41:13

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Ciaran had hoped his talk would inspire people to donate to the collection at Mass that day – he had no idea how inspiring he was! Madeleine and her friends Ania and Charlotte organised their own three-mile sponsored run around Godalming and raised more than £500.

Who can I inspire today?

Lord, I will trust that you are always there to help me when I choose to step beyond my fears. You can work miracles. Amen.

Read a blog about Ciaran’s impact.Find out how you can ‘speak up’ with CAFOD.

“I will help you - it is the Lord who speaks”

Isaiah 41:13

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Friday 12 December

MaristelyMaristelyMaristely lives in a favela in São Paulo. Her community has been working with CAFOD partner MDF to improve the favela and the lives of those who live in it:

“Being part of MDF has given me awareness of my dignity as a person. I have learned a lot about the problems we have in our society. I know that to live in a favela is nothing to be ashamed of. Because of my perseverance, I live in a better place.”


“I lead you in the way that you must go”.”

Isaiah 48:17

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When Jesus came to dwell among us he was not born in a palace but in a poor stable. And he still lives in the favelas of Brazil, in the slums of Nairobi and among the homeless in our own cities.

The reading reminds us that God will lead us as we try to live our call.

Do I recognise his face?

Lord, Pope Francis says there is a ‘mysterious wisdom’ that God wishes to share with us through the poor. Help me to discover that wisdom. Amen.

Watch the Fair play or foul video about Maristely. Caritas Australia has also filmed her community!

“I lead you in the way that you must go”.”

Isaiah 48:17

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Saturday 13 December

Brazil cup Brazil cup songsongEllie is CAFOD ambassador at St Vincent’s retreat centre in Whitstable. She helps to build global justice into the retreats and suggest ways that people can put their faith into action. In June, Ellie helped teach our World Cup song to thousands of young people, raising awareness of inequality in Brazil:

”CAFOD's video of Maristely, a young leader in Brazil, blew me away! It gives so much hope for anyone who questions being able to make a difference in this world!” Ellie

“Give us life that we may call upon your

namePsalm 79:18

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Although the world’s media spotlight has moved away from Brazil, CAFOD partners continue to work for justice among its poorest people.

They need our support, but they also have a lot to teach us.

What do I need to learn today?

God of surprises, help me to see your presence in unlikely people and be humble enough to listen. Amen.

Watch the World cup song video featuring Ellie.Can you write a song about justice?

“Give us life that we may call upon your

namePsalm 79:18

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Sunday 14 DecemberThird Sunday of Advent

From the From the heartheartLaura is mayoress of her school’s student council in a shanty town in Lima, Peru.

Last year, the student council consulted every class and found that the biggest need was for computers. They competed in a debate with other schools in the area for funding… and won!

“For me, the main qualities of a leader are to be honest and to work with others, not alone. Leadership should be voluntary and from the heart.” Laura (16)

“He has sent me to bring good news to the

poor”Isaiah 61:1

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When Jesus read out in the synagogue Isaiah’s words from today’s reading, he said “Today, this scripture has been fulfilled.”

Those attending Laura’s school are among the poorest in Peru. Laura and her fellow councillors tried to serve them and brought good news through their hard work. When she found out they had won the funding, Laura was so happy, she cried.

What good news can I bring to others today?

Lord, may I bring good news to the poor through my life. Amen.

Contact your local CAFOD office and offer to help.Follow us @CAFOD on Instagram.

“He has sent me to bring good news to the

poor”Isaiah 61:1

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Monday 15 December

Go forward!Go forward!James visited El Salvador in January as part of our gap year programme.

He was inspired by a meeting with Carlos, who drives an ambulance at the clinic set up by his community in Guarjila:

“He has not had it easy, but he told us his motto, to ‘go forward in spite of the adversities you face and never stop striving’.”

James Budzynski-Seymour

“He guides the humble in the right path”

Psalm 24:9

James and Carlos

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Oscar Romero is El Salvador’s hero. Find out why.Spend a minute in silence today, listening to God.

Carlos’ community listened to scripture and to the needs of the poorest people and, with CAFOD support, they set up a clinic which now serves an area of 19,000 people.

It can be hard to know which way to go when we’re faced with difficult situations.

Today’s psalm reminds us that God will guide us if we are humble enough to listen.

Lord, guide me in the decisions I make. Help me to recognise your voice, in scripture and in others, and to act on it. Amen.

James and Carlos

“He guides the humble in the right path”

Psalm 24:9

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Tuesday 16 December

Use your Use your gifts!gifts!After a CAFOD volunteer spoke at their school, Samantha and Phoebe from Grays Convent School in Brentwood put together their own film packed with simple tips for making a difference to the world.

“Get involved! Your time is the most valuable gift you have to offer… as Dr Seuss said, ‘Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. It’s not.’”

Phoebe and Samantha

“The son said ‘I will not go’ but afterwards

thought better of it and went… Which of the two

did the father’s will?”Matthew 21:31

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Jesus told the story of a father who asked his two sons to work in the vineyard. One said yes but did not go, the other said no, but later went and worked.

Advent is a good time to remember the times we have not done what we promised… and to get on with it!

My actions count. What have I neglected to do?

Lord, I’m sorry that I don’t always fulfil my promises. Give me the determination I need to serve others as you did. Amen.

Watch Samantha and Phoebe’s video.Make your own list of ways you can change the world.

“The son said ‘I will not go’ but afterwards

thought better of it and went… Which of the two

did the father’s will?”Matthew 21:31

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Wednesday 17 December

Great Great GenerationGenerationYara, a local sixth former, helped in the CAFOD Leeds office during the summer. She also spent time with us in London to work on our Great Generation pages and e-news.

“I think young people should take action for a better world because we are the future. We want a better world for ourselves and for the next generations to come.”

Yara (17)

“...from the Babylonian deportation to Christ,

fourteen generations”Matthew 1:17

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God spent many generations preparing his people for the coming Messiah. God sees the big picture. Too often, we focus only on our own concerns.

Let’s try to see with God’s eyes today, so that we can see the big picture too.

What kind of world would I like to leave for the next generation?

Lord, thank you for your gifts, given for us all to share. Keep me awake to the needs of my sisters and brothers. Amen.

Catch up with CAFOD on our Facebook page and describe to us the world you’d like to help create.

“...from the Babylonian deportation to Christ,

fourteen generations”Matthew 1:17

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Thursday 18 December

Women’s Women’s rightsrightsAhmad lives in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Many women in the camp experience discrimination daily.

Our partner, Association Najdeh, puts on interactive theatre shows - a safe environment where issues like domestic violence and women’s rights can be discussed.

“In our society there is intolerance; also customs and traditions are overwhelming.”

Ahmad, 17

“...she was found to be with child through the

Holy Spirit” Matthew 1:18

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Ahmad attended two shows, as they looked like fun, but the message hit home and he has tried to tackle his friends on their behaviour towards women.

Now he says, “There should be no discrimination between men and women... then we can say it is a good society.”

Do I treat others as equals?

St. Joseph, thank you for taking Mary into your home and caring for her, despite what society might think. May I too seek to do what is right, not what is expected. Amen.

Find out about MDG3 and whether it is achieved.Do a kind act for a female relative today.

“...she was found to be with child through the

Holy Spirit” Matthew 1:18

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Friday 19 December

Messengers of Messengers of hopehopeIn July, Olivia attended a conference led by CAFOD Wales to find out more and to develop leadership skills, including learning ideas for inspiring others and for making presentations clear and engaging. Now she says she wants to help more:

“It truly made me realise that it’s the small things like sharing a photo on twitter or a simple assembly in front of your year that can really make a big difference!”

“I am Gabriel... I have been sent to speak

to you” Luke 1:19

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In today’s reading, the angel Gabriel was sent to speak to Zechariah. Angel means ‘messenger’.

We too are called to be messengers, in word and deed, since Jesus told his disciples “you are my witnesses”.

What message will others hear through my words and actions today?

Lord, thank you that I have a voice and the freedom to use it. Help me to speak up for justice and for what is right. Amen.

View pictures of the conference Olivia attended.Send a Christmas message to someone who’s lonely.

“I am Gabriel... I have been sent to speak

to you” Luke 1:19

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Saturday 20 December

Help each Help each otherotherMartin attends lives in a shanty town in Lima, Peru.

He is campaigning to set up a local skate board park.

“I want the skaters to have somewhere nearby to go, so they don’t have to go to faraway and dangerous places. I think I’ll convince the authorities because they’ll realise that, even if they couldn’t achieve their dreams, they should let others do so.”

Martin (17)

“The Lord’s is… the world and all its peoples.”

Psalm 23:1

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Although Martin and his friends enjoy similar things to young people in the UK, they have far less. But Martin’s message to young people in the UK is: “If you have something you want to do, do it… and help each other to achieve your dreams”.

Today’s psalm reminds us that everyone – anywhere in the world – belongs to the Lord.

How will I help others around the world achieve their dreams?

Lord, may my dreams inspire me to share your love with others. Amen.

If you don’t have one, request a CAFOD collection box today by emailing [email protected] To help others, save money by forgoing a treat.

“The Lord’s is… the world and all its peoples.”

Psalm 23:1

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Sunday 21 DecemberFourth Sunday of Advent

Rap for a Rap for a reasonreasonDuring Lent, Sacha and Jamie from Coventry wrote and recorded a rap, “Why”, as part of their school’s fundraising for CAFOD.

“I visited Uganda last summer and saw a lot of suffering children. I thought it was unfair that people born there are not as fortunate as people born in Coventry.”

Sacha, 10

“I will be a father to him and he a son to me.”

2 Samuel 7:14

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God told King David that his heir would also be God’s son. This came true centuries later in a greater way than David could ever have imagined when Jesus, David’s descendant and the Son of God, was born in Bethlehem.

Through Jesus, we too have become heirs of the Kingdom.

How will I live my nobility today?

Son of God, my brother, in everything I do, help me to treat every person with the respect they deserve. Amen.

Watch Sacha and Jamie performing their rap. Write your own rap with our Change your tune session.

“I will be a father to him and he a son to me.”

2 Samuel 7:14

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Monday 22 December

Sharing peaceSharing peaceIn Sri Lanka, after a 25-year conflict ending in 2009, tensions between different ethnic groups still continue.

Maseeha, who is in Year 13, received training in non-violent communication (NVC) from our partner, CCT.

“I was able to introduce NVC to my community by forming practice groups in the school… Subsequently, I helped establish groups with friends living close to my home.”

“...the rich sent empty away” Luke 1:53

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Maseeha says that when she and her friends discuss their issues in the NVC groups they feel that they are living in a different environment.

Mary’s hymn of praise in today’s reading is also about creating a different environment – one where the proud are scattered and the lowly are lifted up.Facing up to injustice is the first step towards real peace.

What does God want to change around me? Will I help?

Lord, Pope Francis says, “Peace-making calls for courage, much more so than warfare”. Give me the courage to be a peacemaker. Amen.

Read reflections from a visit to Sri Lanka last Easter.Make peace this Advent with someone you have hurt.

“...the rich sent empty away” Luke 1:53

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Tuesday 23 December

Fasting Fasting challengechallengeEarlier this year, Julia from the Youth Mission Team near Newcastle, challenged herself to live on £1 a day for five days.

“My five days were tough... and every day that goes by I try to spend at least a few minutes remembering all those who had to continue living this challenge when I finished it last Tuesday. It made me more aware of the challenges they face but also of the price of food.”

Julia Corcoran

“What will this child turn out to be?”

Luke 1:66

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Julia realised that her challenge was far smaller than challenges faced daily by families she had met in Sierra Leone on CAFOD’s gap year programme.

The child in today’s reading grew up to be John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest person ever born.

All children, wherever they live, have the right to enough nourishing food so that they can grow into whatever God is calling them to be.

Lord, help us all to work for a world where every child can grow up with enough to eat and can live life to the full. Amen.Read Julia’s blog about her £1 a day challenge.

Share your lunch with someone today.

“What will this child turn out to be?”

Luke 1:66

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Wednesday 24 December

FirewoodFirewoodNicholas lives in Kenya. You will hear more about his community in January when we launch our new One climate, one world campaign to young people.

Nicholas’ mum cooks school lunches on an energy-saving stove provided by our partner: “The new stove is good… My mum uses less firewood. She doesn’t have to worry because she only needs a little bit... I go with my friends to collect bits of firewood for her.”

“For he has visited his people…”

Luke 1:68

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We sometimes think the little we do is unimportant. But helping in little ways – like using less firewood – can make a big difference.

If each of us lived sustainably and persuaded companies to do the same, it would make a huge difference to the planet and to its poorest people – those most affected by climate change.

How can I live more sustainably today?

Lord, help me to protect our planet for the sake of its poorest people.Amen

Watch a video about how climate change affects you. Take our ‘For the love of…’ action today.

“For he has visited his people…”

Luke 1:68

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Jansel, one Jansel, one year onyear onLast year, our Advent calendar told the story of Santa (no, not that Santa!) and her baby, Jansel, in Guatemala.

Through your support for the infant nutrition programme run by our partner, the Jesuit-run parish of La Natividad, and as the photograph shows, Jansel continues to grow up strong and healthy - good news!

Thursday 25 DecemberChristmas Day

“When they saw the child, they repeated what they

had been told” Luke 2:17

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Today we celebrate even greater news: Jesus has been born – sent to bring good news to the poor. If we live by the teachings and example he gave us, all children will be able to grow up in a just world with access to nourishing food and health care.

Like the shepherds, the first witnesses to Jesus’ birth, we should be bursting to share the message we have been given.


Jesus, you enter into our poverty and transform it. Empower me with joy to share and live your good news for all. Amen.Watch a video to remind yourself of Jansel’s story.

Share Christmas lunch with your family today.

“When they saw the child, they repeated what they

had been told” Luke 2:17

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Picture creditsNikola Ivanovski; Simon Rawles; Annie Bungeroth; Caritas Australia; CAFODDesignClaire BogueMapd-maps.com