2.4 pore pressure developed during undrained loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) the estimation of pore...

Advanced Soil Mechanics I SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab. 2-113 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading (1) Undrained Loading Loading effects on soils can be divided into two phases; i) Undrained loading : Pore pressure is developed but there is no flow of pore fluid. ii) Dissipation : Total load remains constant and fluid flow occurs to dissipate the developed pore pressure. Can be distinctly created in the lab by i) loading with closed drainage line + ii) opening drainage line in triaxial test. Can be realized in the field whenever loading interval is very short compared to the dissipation time of pore pressure. Frequently this condition occurs with clays.

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Page 1: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading

(1) Undrained Loading

� Loading effects on soils can be divided into two phases;

i) Undrained loading : Pore pressure is developed but there is no

flow of pore fluid.

ii) Dissipation : Total load remains constant and fluid flow occurs to

dissipate the developed pore pressure.

⇒ Can be distinctly created in the lab by i) loading with closed

drainage line + ii) opening drainage line in triaxial test.

⇒ Can be realized in the field whenever loading interval is very short

compared to the dissipation time of pore pressure. ⇒ Frequently this

condition occurs with clays.

Page 2: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


� Field situation of loading + dissipation (Fig. 2-36)

Hydrostatic pore pressure.

­ Prior to the loading No variation of total head (⇒ no flow of


­ Right after the loading.

⇒ Increase of pore pressure and total head within clay layer.

⇒ No response of pore pressure within coarse material layers.

⇒ Gradient at top and bottom boundaries of clay initiates the


Transient (or unsteady) flow because total head is

changing with time.

­ The strength and compressibility at any given points of subsoils at

any given time.

⇒ Must know the effective stress (or pore pressure) at the point

at that time.

i) The initial pore pressure (undrained loading).

ii) The final equilibrium pressure (drained loading).

iii) The pore pressure during the intervening transient

condition (consolidation).

Page 3: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


Fig. 2-36 Undrained surface loading

Page 4: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


� Pore pressure parameters

­ Spring analogy of soil-water system in the oedometer;

Spring ⇒ soil skeleton.

Water ⇒ pore fluid.

­ For undrained loading (W),

Intuitively, nearly all of W ⇒ the water

very little amount of W ⇒ the spring

Similarly, most of 1σ∆ ⇒ carried by u∆ . → In real soil-water


Fig. 2-37 Loading in oedometer (a) Soil-water system (b) spring analogy

In spring


Page 5: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


­ Pore pressure parameter; σ∆∆u

A ratio of pore pressure increment to the total stress increment.

­ For oedometer test, pore pressure parameter C is equal to 1σ∆

∆u .

(Fig. 2-38 shows that slope of u∆−∆ 1σ plot is C (=1).)

Fig. 2-38 Results of loading in oedometer.

­ Pore pressure parameters based on types of stress system

i) Oedometer loading : C = 1σ∆


ii) Isotropic loading : B = σ∆∆u

iii) Uniaxial loading : D = 1σ∆


iv) Triaxial loading : Increment of pore pressure can be

determined by combining ii) and iii).

Page 6: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


� Other situations causing transient flow.

­ Given conditions ;

i) Clay layer between two permeable layers.

ii) Lowering the water table in the strata above the clay while the

piezometric level in the underlying gravel remains constant.

⇒ No change in total load but transient flow occurs.

Fig. 2-39 Water lowering from +1 to -2

­ Initial excess pore pressure ; sss uuu −=0

­ The excess pore pressure at any time ; sse uuu −=

⇒ eu ’s are referenced to the final steady-state pore pressure.

­ Final equilibrium condition; total head variation across the clay and

upward flow of water from the gravel to

the sand.

Page 7: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(2) Pore Pressure Developed in the Oedometer Test

� Apportioning total stress increment to a soil specimen.

⇒ Combining individual compression response of soil skeleton and

pore fluid. � One-dimensional compressibility of the soil skeleton with free escape of

pore fluid, (assuming drained compressibility is equal to undrained

compressibility based on effective stress.)






σσ ∆⋅






VCc ----------------------------- (1)

� Compressibility of the pore fluid.


VCw ∆

⋅∆+= 1


------------------------------------------------- (2)

� Derivation of pore pressure parameter C.

psk VV ∆=∆ (assuming solid is incompressible.) --------- (3)

Based on coefficient of compressibility,


110 σ∆+=∆ csk CVV

uCnVV wp ∆+=∆ 0

From (3), uCnVCV wc ∆=∆ 0


110 σ

unCuC wc ∆=∆−∆ )( 11 σ

Therefore, )(1










-------------------------------------- (4)

­ Table 2-6 lists values of C computed from measured values of wC

and 1cC .

­ For saturated soils, C is essentially unity ( 1cC >> wC ).

Page 8: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


Fig. 2-40 One-dimensional deformation (a) Soil skeleton (b) Water

Table 2-6 Values of Parameter C

Page 9: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(3) Pore Pressure Developed by an Increment of Isotropic Stress

Fig. 2-41 Three-dimensional loading (a) Loading (b) Deformation

For the three-dimensional loading, the total change in volume of the soil

skeleton is









0 σσσ ∆+∆+∆=∆ cccsk CVCVCVV


uCnVV wp ∆=∆ 0

For the isotropic stress application, σσσσ ∆=∆=∆=∆ 321


u∆−∆=∆=∆=∆=∆ σσσσσ____






So, with psk VV ∆=∆ .

))(( 32100 cccw CCCuVuCnV ++∆−∆=∆ σ










Page 10: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


If the soil element is isotropic,



3cw CCn





where __






VCC cc

­ In most soils, 31 cc CC ≈ ⇒ BC ≈ .

Table 2-7 Values of Parameter B

Page 11: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(4) Pore Pressure Developed by an Increment of Uniaxial Stress

� Uniaxial loading with free lateral strain.

Fig. 2-42 Uniaxial loading (a) Loading (b) Deformations

(Compression curve for 1cC by increasing 1σ with constant 2σ and 3σ .)

(Expansion curves for 2sC or 3

sC by decreasing 2σ and 3σ with

constant 1σ .)

� An increment of 1σ∆ .

→ u∆−∆=∆ 11 σσ .

→ u∆−=∆=∆ 32 σσ .

Since skp VV ∆=∆ ,

)()()( 30


100 uCVuCVuCVuCnV sscw ∆−+∆−+∆−∆=∆ σ


1 )(1


cscscw CCCCCCn




Page 12: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


If 32ss CC = ,


1 2)(1


cscw CCCCn




If the soil element is elastic ( sc CC = ) and isotropic,



1 ++=


cw CCn



For a saturated soil ( =1 0w cC C ),



Thus, 31 =∆σ 1=∆u 21 =∆σ

02 =∆σ 12 −=∆σ

03 =∆σ 13 −=∆σ

⇒ No change in effective isotropic stress.

→ Gives correct result if no volume change is occurred.

Page 13: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(5) Pore Pressure Developed by Triaxial Stress

Fig. 2-43 Isotropic loading followed by uniaxial loading

� Triaxial loading can be considered to be made up of )( 313 σσσ ∆−∆+∆ .

→ Initially, 3σ∆ and then failed under an increase )( 31 σσ ∆−∆ .

→ )(2)(1)(1 131




cscwcw CCCCnCCnu


+∆=∆ σσσ

)( 313 σσσ ∆−∆+∆= DB

For an saturated soils,


3 21 cs CCu

+∆−∆+∆=∆ σσσ

)( 313 σσσ ∆−∆+∆= A

where 1

213 1




cscs CCCCA



)2( 3322 ssss CCCC =+=

For an isotropic and elastic soil mass saturated with an incompressible

pore fluid,


1313 σσσ ∆−∆+∆=∆u

Page 14: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(6) The Pore Pressure Parameter A




∆−∆∆−∆= u


For the usual undrained triaxial test ( 03 =∆σ ),


∆= uA

� Pore pressure parameter associated with effective stress path on CIU

TXC test.

Fig. 2-44 Special values of A

­ A > 1 ⇒ Soil with a loose structure, which collapses upon load


­ A < 0 ⇒ A heavily OC clay or a very dense sand.

� The pore pressure parameter A is not a constant soil property.

⇒ Factors influencing A.

i) Strain.

ii) Initial stress system.

iii) Stress history.

iv) Total stress path.

Page 15: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


Table 2-8 Values of Parameter A

Fig. 2-45 Factors influencing A (a) Strain (b) Initial stress system

(c) stress history (d) Type of stress change

Page 16: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field

� Pore pressure parameters

⇒ Estimating the initial pore pressure accompanied by total stress


i) Loading Example

­ Comparison of the developed pore pressures of a foundation soil

caused by a heavy preload.

→ Measured value by piezometer.

→ Estimated value based on pore pressure parameter

determined by lab test.

­ Point under consideration;

At elev. of -9.45 m under center of load (P21)

→ Initial stresses,

kPav 4.67=σ , kPaus 3.64=

→ Stress increments by a preload (elastic theory), kPa 2.853 =∆σ , kPa 8.1951 =∆σ

­ Estimation of the developed excess pore pressure

→ Performing CIU TXC test,

) 4.67( 74 v31 kPakPacc =>== σσσ

(isotropic consolidation)

→ A = 0.85 at strain greater than 3%.

( fieldatpeak kPa 3131 )( 110)( σ∆−σ∆≈≈σ−σ∆ )

⇒ It means that clay layer almost reaches to the failure

state. (But partial drainage during loading would

prevent failure.)

Page 17: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


→ )( 313 σσσ ∆−∆+∆=∆ Au

2/ 2.179 mkN= water 3.18 m= .

­ Measured piezometer reading

mhp 7.17=∆

Page 18: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


Fig. 2-45 Determination of iu∆

Page 19: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


ii) Unloading Example

­ Unloading by an excavation (43.3 m by 71.6 m in plan) for a


Stage 1 : from elev. +6.86 m to elev. +4.88 m (1.98 m excavation).

Stage 2 : from elev. +4.88 m to elev. +2.29 m (2.59 m excavation).

­ Points under consideration ;

At elev. -14.51 m (P3) and elev. -18.81 m (P4) at the

approximate center at the excavation.

→ Stress paths for the unloading at P4 are shown in Fig. 2-46

­ AB , BC → total stress path.

­ Point B and C were found by computing the p-q values with decrements in 1σ and 3σ at P4 for the 1st and 2nd

stages of excavation.

→ Performing stress path tests with undrained condition,

following exact stress states at initial and following

excavation conditions.

­ It gives the location of B and C .

( AB , BC → effective stress path)

→ kPaue 8.41−= (pore pressure reduced from 218.6 kPa

to 176.8 kPa)

→ From effective stress path, we can find out that A is

approximately equal to 0.5.

Based on effective and total stress paths.

Page 20: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


→ Determination of iu∆ for unloading.


Number Stage

iu∆ (kPa)

Calculated Measured

P3 1 -21.5 -21.1

P4 1 -18.7 -22.0

P3 2 -47.9 -61.8

P4 2 -41.8 -54.1

measured directly from

lab test.

Fig. 2-46 Determination of iu∆ for unloading

Page 21: 2.4 Pore Pressure Developed during Undrained Loading · 2018. 1. 30. · (7) The Estimation of Pore Pressure in the Field Pore pressure parameters ⇒ Estimating the initial pore

Advanced Soil Mechanics I

SNU Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Lab.


(8) Pore Pressure in Soil not Saturated with Water

� Pore pressure parameters of soils filled with air or partly with air and

partly with water.

→ Highly compressible in pore phase relative to the compressibility of

soil skeleton.

→ Gives very small pore pressure parameter.





B 1



For a coarse, well-graded sand,

S=0% → B=0.00380

S=50% → B=0.00967 → The air has a very significant effect

on the pore pressure parameters.