2212605 swadhisthan chakra

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  • 8/14/2019 2212605 Swadhisthan Chakra


    Deity: Shri Brahmadeva (Shri Saraswati)Physical counterpart: Aortic Plexus

    Looks after: Liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas

    Qualities: Creativity, aesthetics/art, pure knowledge.

    No of Petals: Six (6)Day: Wednesday Colour: Yellow Element: Fire

    Gem: Amethyst Symbol: Star of David

    The Swadhisthan Chakra is suspended like a satellite on a

    chord from the Nabhi Chakra, and moves around the Void

    area giving sustenance to the ten petals of the Void (which

    represent the Ten Commandments). When the Kundalini

    rises, it passes into the Nabhi Chakra first and then along

    the chord to enlighten the Swadhisthan and then returns to

    the Nabhi Chakra to continue the journey to the crown of

    the head.


    The fundamental quality of this Chakra is that of creativity

    It is here that the energy for our individual creativity is

    generated. After our Realisation we discover that the true

    key to creativity lies in achieving a state of thoughtless

    awareness (Nirvichara Samadhi) through our meditations

    and from this we discover that all the beauty of the creation

    is reflected within us like a still and silent lake. Once we

    locate this pool of beauty we can become the channel for it

    and the creative instrument of the collective unconscious,

    without ego to distort the purity of the art. We become, as

    Wordsworth says A heart that watches and receives!

    Art which is produced in this balanced state without ego,

    can be said to be spiritually enhanced, i.e. it comes from the

    heart. If the person producing it is a Realised Soul, as with

    the classic works from artists of the past such as Mozart and

    Michelangelo (who were born as evolved Realised Souls)

    then it can become inspired. Works of this quality are

    immortal, and provide joy and beauty which define a whole


    The Spirit which resides in our heart is the real reservoir of

    creativity, and people who think excessively or are

    egotistically obsessed with fame or success will usually

    suffer a weak Swadhisthan Chakra and tend to be offbalance personalities. Their ambition to be superior to

    others or to be acclaimed by them for their talents comes

    from their ego, which is connected to the right side of the

    Swadhisthan Chakra through the right channel. Their

    spontaneity is lost in this ambitious and competitive effort

    to create. This explains why many modern artistic creations

    in different genres lack vitality, spirit and heart.


    The presiding Deity (or role model) for the Swadhisthan

    Chakra is Shri Brahmadeva. He represents the ultimate

    Creator, and has as his power Shri Saraswati, who is the

    Goddess of music and arts.

    Gross Physical Aspect

    One of the most important functions of this centre is that it

    breaks down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey

    and white cells of the brain, and so generates the energy

    which fuels our thinking. Excessive thinking and planning

    overworks this process and exhausts the centre. TheSwadhisthan also looks after the liver (along with the Nabhi

    Centre). If the Chakra is having to cope with excessive

    thinking, then the other organs it is supposed to look after

    are neglected..

    The liver has a particular importance in that it is the seat of

    our Attention (chitta).A balanced liver sustains and

    nourishes our Attention and filters it by scanning out any

    external clutter. From this purified Attention comes the

    peace and stillness that we obtain in our meditation. A liver

    which has been overheated by the consumption of excessive

    amounts of alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants can spoil

    our Attention which will have the knock on effect of

    weakening our meditation and so on..

    Causes of problems with the Swadhisthan Chakra

    Left side: Black magic, false knowledge, drug abuse

    Right side: Excessive thinking/planning, bad eating habits,

    ego oriented life, domination of others.

    Looking after the Swadhisthan Chakra

    A weak Swadhisthan may show up as - irritability,

    difficulty meditating, inability to sit still.

    To help clear any problems of the Right Chakra we can:A. Use the elements

    Soak the feet in a bowl of COLD (or even iced) salted water

    at meditation.

    Place an ice pack on right Swadhisthan Chakra position

    B. Affirmations:

    Mother please take away my thoughts

    Mother, you do everything, I do nothing.

    Mother, you are my Guru

    General Advice:

    Place the left hand on the Chakra and right towards the

    photo.Raise the left channel and bring down the right channel 108

    times, with the right hand.

    Use the liver diet (a diet which encourages us to eat food

    which is helpful to the functioning of this organ ask for

    details at your local meeting).

    For the Left Chakra we can use WARM water instead of

    cold, use the affirmation Mother, please give me the pure

    knowledge and use the 3 candle treatment on the left

    Swadhisthan area.

    Swadhisthan Chakra