21st bomber command tactical mission report 312

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    ~STR I

    fi5~N A T H A N F . T W I N I N G

    l ;1, ~,tJ ; 4t

    r H t. t t I( t,U I S S : IO N N 0 : 3 1 2 , 3 13 ,3 1 4;- IJ I6 ..FLOWN 5/6 . A U G U S T '4 -S. .C O p y N O . 6


    AIPO 114

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    1 3141 61 71 820,252627 - < . . .23

    s:e f I30 ~l1 .J!. . . .t.32 g :r~ .J "-i3 3 -"34 .):!. -3 6 s, c~3~404 1424 54 51 . J . 7

    !JE., \D Q .U A R 'J :'E R ST :IE NT IE TH A IR F O R O EJlFO 234

    Field Order No. 14TACTICALMIS~ION REPOfI'l'

    Missions No. 312, 313. 31.4 a n a 316Target s; Urban .1lreas 01 Saga. Maobashi. Nishinomiya~Mika;3e and

    Imabari.5/6 }lllgUst i945Table of Contents 1

    Tactical Narrative . ~, . '. 'I .. ~.'Innex :. ~ Operations . . . . . . . ., . . . ,Part I~avigation Track Cha~rt and Report Part II _ Mean Points of Impact . .,

    Par-t I I I ~ BombinG . '.. Part IV ~ Fliglrt Engineering Chart & Ho:port;.Part V - Radar and RadeY PhotosPart VI - Gunnery Part VII- llir Sea Rescue Chart

    . .,j-..

    .Jlnnex B - \'Jaathcr ~ .' .. '. l 1 l i . . . " , ' ' . . . . ' ! !I :II .. Part I - Weather atmmary ., . .'Part II _ Chart--f'redictod vs. Obscrvea "'cather ,Part III - Prognostio NJap ,. ., ..Part IV - SynoJ?:ti~ Map ',

    ;'m:no:X:C - Communications . part I_adar Counter Measure,s Part II - Radio . .. , ,0 0

    ,:mnex D - Inte-lligc:ncc. . , . '" . ~ . . .. . . . . . . ,. . .Part I Psyehelogical 'Jar-fare E'Jchibit Part II _ Enemy :,ir Opposi tion 0 '. 0 . '.]?art III - MCroy Jd1.tiaircraft .0 . .Part IV - Damage Assessment. 0 ,. 0 '. Section A . - Nis,hinomiya-l.\IiIkagc

    Section B - Imabari . , , ~;nnex . I i : _ Consolidated Statistical SUmmary.. . ....mnex F _ Tilcntioth ,lir Force Field Order 0 59,.nncx G _ Distribution , , 65

    Prepared By:

    ;~-2SoctionTWOllt ioth .Ur Foree

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    ; SECRETBy Author. of C.O.Twentieth lur Force, Aug l L 5 . . . -If. D . . 5 zDate Initials



    .c -l J"." t :r'i .."0!!.. ~c : : i,..

    ..Mission iiing Force Pr imary Radar and Visu.al T3l?t:etNumber Jssirsned

    312 _S8th 2 Groups Saga Urban Area (~shu)313 3 13 th 3 Groups Maebashi Urban .\rea (Hon-shu)314 3l4th 4 Groups Nisainar.l.iya -:MilcageUrban ,'iI"ea73rd 4 Groups (Honshu)J16 58th ;2 Groups Imabar i Urban .\rca (::ihikolru)

    c. Operations Reported Separately: The attack against theUbe Coal Liquefaction Company by the 315th ,7ing is inc1u.ded in aseparate Tactical Jl(lission Report which combines Missions Number 303.310 and 31.5exeeuted by that ,ling.

    2. MISSION PLANNlID:a. Selection of T3T%~tB:

    (1:) Target!! CQl1sid_ered: The remainder of the 180 Japa."le.sesmall urban ihdustrial cities marked for I'\ttack that had not beenbombed successfully on _previous strikes wer-e considerod in the solectionof the targets for these missions.

    (2) Targets Selected and Reasons: The selection of theurban areas of Saga. Ma.ebashi. Nishinomiya-Mikage and lruiabnri I7I;[S acontinuation of tne '!\'10ntieth .lir Forco' s pr-ogran of night incendiaryattacks. Target selection \7as made on the Q~sis of intelligence reports,radar, time and peather factors and coordination of attacks. TheseI;ities met the stgna.ard requir-ements for night incen,liary tar~ets.

    b. lmp.ortancB of Targets:(1) Mission. Number 312 - SaIUl: This target is Lee-reed It

    miles northeast of the head of .rioke' I{ai at the upper end of Shi!:lsbaraY~iuen. 1 3 k miles southwest of Kurume. on the right bank of Chikugo


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    Gawaamongwidespread irrigated rice fialds. It is the junction oftha Nagasaki main line railroad and the smaller Yanagewa ,line., 'Ji th aPOpulation of 50,000 and a built-uP area of 1 . 3 square m~les. lt has,2 numbered targets besides small indastry scattered throughout the CJ. ty,consisting chief'Ly of iron and electrical equipment uorks.(2) Mission Number 313 - Maebashi: Located 60 miles D.ort~.:.west of the Imperial Palace in Tol'

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    2. Reason for Selection: The reasons for selec-tion of the bembs and fuzing for this mission IverGtho aarne as th?Se ,for the missiol'l against Saga.. The wooden construction in the resl.~entl.9.larea and the small textile mills of the area mara believed s1!Isceptl.ble r-edto conflagratioa.$ caused by the ])46 clusters if fire def~llses "e~e hlnde~by T 4 . E 4 bombs dropped after the main bomb load. The fuzlng and l.nter-valometer setting wers believed sufficient to insure eff iciont releaseand functioning of clusters and to achieve the desired density of 22 5tons per square mile.

    (c) Mission Number 314 - Nishinomiya-I!likage:1. BombSelection: Four Croups of the 73rd ,liDS

    were to attack with full load of Elj.6or E48' incondi!U"'J clu$ters ifsufficient bombs l7ere available. othe:r;fise, loads wore to be completedwith fl1l7 incendiary clusters. Four Groups of the 3l4th '.'linn uere tocarry'E46 incendiary clusters 17ith1T4E4fragmentation cluster per air-craft. loaded to be released last. ,'ul incendiary clusters ',1ere to befUzed to open 5.000 feet above the target and the Tlj.Elj.raan6ntationdusters were to be fuzed to open 3,000 feet belon the aircraft. ..11clusters rrez-e to be dropped on an intervalor.leter settin3 of 35 feet.

    2. Reasons for the Selection of the Bombs: Fuzingand intervalometer setting for this mission ,fera the S3l1lC as those forMissions Number312 and 313. The ML7 incendiary clusters 17ere considereda good alternate weapon for the E46 clusters and the T424 fragClentationclusters cat:J:1.edy the aircraft of tae 314th ',Eng were believed sufficientto hamper fire fighting thr-oughout; the targ-et area.

    - - _ . _-e . . .r:C :TsL. . : ; ; -.. .~ ,. . .ci,= - J' "" " =:::. : ! . .~(d) Mission Number 316 - rma-bari:1. BombSelectiol1.: Ti10 Groups of the 58th :.'ing"Ii,erescheduled to attack this target Viith the seme bombs, fuzing, andintervalometer setting as for the missions against Saga and M:lObashio

    2. Reasons for Selection of th e Bombs: Fuzing a n dand intervalometer setting for this mission rrero the eane as those forthe Saga and Maebashi missions.

    I (2) BombLoading:

    (a) Bomb Load Estimates ':Iere as Follows;MiSsion~ \71ng312 58th313 313th314 73rd

    314th316 58th

    PotentiKll CapacityPounds

    E:{pected :..Vl!,.Pou:lns

    Saga 15,000 15.00016,000aebashi 16,000

    Nisbinomiya-Jltlikage 18;00017,000


    Imabari 18,000 17.000(b) Eotent ial capec iie,s for bomb loads were Governodprimarily by the total distance to be traveled. The differences bot'lOen

    potential callaci ty and expected average wore causod by U51.ng bceibs I1hichcould not be loaded to full potential capacities because of space li,Jl-itations.,(c) ,\rnmuuition !.Qadil1g: The emmumti.on loading vras to

    be that prescribed by Tactical Doctrine for night incendiary attacks.(d) Gasoline Loading: Fuel reserve data indicated th~t


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    TO:3350N ~ 13445E This easily identi.:fied point of lnndo~ the aasterIl' shore of ShilcokU on theentrance to Osaka ',Janrras to serve asboth landfall and initial !Joint.TO. :Target Fol1017ing the bomb run aircr'aft 17ereto make' a left breaka17ay through thofol1o\"dng points to keep out of fl::tk

    areas:10:3453N ~ 13517ET O:.35 00N - 1 3420ETO:3335N - 13420ETO:1'110 Jima to Base Tactical Doctrine.

    (d,) Mission Number 316 .. Imab.:l.'['i:,Reason for Choice

    T'actical DoctrineBase to 1170TO:33.38N - 1 3430E OShima, an easily identified io91'1OOsoutheast o;f' Shikolru, I73.Schosen fOr

    a landfall point.T O:3415N .. lJ334E This ti,P of a peninsula on NortrlernShik0ku just south of Taron{lllina, easily

    identified by ;raaar,1'I3S Chosen as theinitial point.

    TO:Target ,~ left t,lWn after the attack 110.8 s];Jeci-fied.TO:1"'0 Jima to Base Tactical lloctrine.

    (2), Navigational and Radar Factors: (See .mnsx .\, Part V,for radar approach chart>s)

    (a) Mission Numbcr 312 ~ Saga:1. Two Jima is the only radar check point bet;;::een

    base and la,ndfall.2. Yoku Jima lIould nmke an excellent l.:!.ndfall

    :point because its size and high terrain .-rould make it easy for r:'ldarG,Peratoll"s to pick up at long ranges.. Radar navigation from the la!ldf~llto the initial point would be ea,sy because the course 11:16 to fo110i7along the i78sterncoast line of Kyuahu.. The mo.ny peninsula points 3lldislands "1"/81'9 ex,p0cted to be excellent for rlldElr ;rind runs. The r"1.d"U'initial U0int at 3 24 1N- 1 3008E. located on the distinctive .southerntip of the live.r-shaped peninsl::lla. ahouLd be easily rccogniz~~

    3.. The target., ~g!l. gives' a separ:)te distinctsignal. Wmtatis a good coastal check point for course and dl:"ift~ ThecO\lrsecuts through the riV'er mouth at 3311N- 1:301130EI7hich opens inaz.imuth a-t close r>mges. These 2 cour-se checks should give the operatoran opportunity to kill drift and p.erm t direct radar synchronous bombing.

    (b) NUssion Number 313 - Maebashi:

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    1 I1'1oJima and the chain of islmds oet',7een !110Jima and Japan would aer've as good radar check points for posit~oningthe aircrnft by range a n d bearing and for obtaining the route w~nd forthis mission.

    2. The landfall was to be' a reference point 5 . .miles' east of the distincti ve raaM' check point. Chosi Point. Th~.ill~t1,,upOint, 3b09N_ 140l9E, on the northern tip of tho large Kasumiga I~.can be recogl'lized at e di.stance of 40 nautical miles and should be recog-niz~ble to any radar operator.

    3. T h e course to tho target 1 7 . : L . S to run pn.rallelto the Tene Rawaand its distil'lctive curv.es an d bridGes should be goodnaVigation aids. The city, locatod at the top of the vulley. gives agood return and the surrounding cities of Tnlcasaki and Isesaki shouldmake good reference points. The bombing run selected is too only Boodradar run though it has the disadvantage Qf boing upnind into th e smokeand thermals. For this reason an a,ttack altitude of 15.000 rras to beused, employing direc't r,'J.der synchronoU,s bombing.

    (c) Mission Number 314 - Nishinor

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    (b) Because of the intense flak expected in the etaarea, along the route to Maebashi. 3 special jamning aircra.ft "ere .specified for the mission against this target" These special ~~r-craft l1ere to erbit the point 36..15N- l3923E at altitudes of 16,000,16.500, a n d 17.000 feet.

    (c) .Ul sRecial jamming aircraft were to be equippedto barrage jam the' 72 to 84. and 190 to 210 mega-cycle regions and to.spot j~ any gun-laying or searchlight radar signals appear~nG outs1uCth e barroge .ldditionul qUMltities of rO]2e oara to be c :u -r ~e d by thoaircraft',.

    ( d) The targets of Saga an d Imabari were expeoted tohave meager flak and searchlight defenses and no special ReM :liroraftvera recommended for these missions.. ;J.l strike aircraft ;-rere to beequipp.ed with elecw"On.iojammers tuned l7ithin the barrClge bands" Ropeua s to be carried by all aircrClft nnd. dispensed i n accordance ~ithe xi s ti n g r eg ul at io n s.(e) Search and direction-findiRg of enemy rad~s ~~s

    to be continued and enemy voice communic.J.tions were to be recorded.( 4 ) Flak Factors:

    (a) Mission Number 312 - ru;;a: No anti.::lircruftdefenses Vere aI/parent at Saga and the right brcakau

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    missions.(8) Rally :Points I Norally points 'Il'ore planned for th0S'l

    (9) Route Back: .ls listed under Routes, Part (1). ofthis aoction;

    f. BombingFactors:;(1) Bombing .l1titudes ',xes of .,~ttack,. Length and Time of'

    BombRuns., Dr ift and Forces:Mission Force ."\,xis of Bcmbim.g Length of Tima DriftNumber 'Iling (Groups) .~tta(lk Uti tude Run of'Run (degreos)(deg;r!l!es) (fect) (Miles~ (Minutes)

    3 12 58th 2 12 12,000 - 1 2,800 W ! - 10 8R31] ]l]th 3 283 12,000 - 1 2,800 71 19t - 3 R3, Groups - 1 2;8003 1 4 7 3 r d 4 28 12;0001 Group 27 14.000 - 1 4,800 6 7 : 2 > 1 M 7 L3 1 4 ,314th 4 ] Groups 28 14.000 - 1 4,800 67 1 4 7L

    1 Group 27 1 2,000 - 12,800316 58th 2 24 7 12,000 - 1 2,800 3 7 l o t 2 L

    (2) Mean Points of Impact: (Se,a .\.nne;x:.... Part II, forp,ietures of mean points of impact)

    (a) For Nllssion ]hlmher 312, the nonn point of inpnctselected l7as just north of the c"llilter of the north side of t,he c.:) ..rt-Lemoat in $nga,., _\.prObable circular error of 4.000 fGet ineludod necrIynll of the city and the primary target area of 1 square T_'liloo

    ( b) For Mission Number 313, the mean point of jmE~ot't7US nenrthe center of the city of Mabbashi and a prob:::tbleireulDrorEar of 4.000 feet included-most of the built-up o.ro~~

    (c) Fo r MisSion Number 3 1 4, 3 mean p o i p. ts o f im;;,u_.,t'I1ere chosen. one to the east, one to the "est and one Ln the' e e : , ' _ I j t < ; - . : - vi 'th e Nishinomiya-NJikaga nreaa . . 1 . PFobable cireuIflX' error of 4.000 i 'oe.ton each of these points- :i:nchl,d:edmost o f the buH t --up I')reU .G

    (d) For Mission NumbgJr 3 1 b the mean point of impnotselected il'as near th,e cent.er of Ir.l.:tbari

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    (U Fighter Escort: Nofighter escort was ]Iila.nnodforthese night mi s s i o n s .

    (2) Ooordination of AttacKs: These missions were executedsimultaneously with the attack on the Ube Coal Liquefa.ction1 Companybythe 315th i1ing in Twentieth ,\.ir Force Mission Number3~5.

    (3) ROM; .~ described in Flight Planning, Part (3), of thissection.

    ( 4 ) EnemyFighters:(n) i'llissions N.unher 31 2 and.31Q.: It ~aB estimat~d ~hO:t15 to 20 enemy fighters ntight be airborne \gllinst B-29 s on tlw ml.sSlOIlBagainst So .ga and Imaba;ri" though not more than 4 or 5 attacks l7erc .expected. It 110.8 believed that tho interceptors might inolude 5 ti7:Ln-engine aircraft and 10 to 15 single-engine fighters.,

    (b) Missions NUmber31 3 o nd 3Vk: Because these ~iseiOnsl10uld P.Onetrnte tho 3 meat hOQvily defended enstly fighter m'e::lS. Tokyo,Osaka-Nagoya, and Northern Kyushu, it vas believed that a toto.l of 60 to80 interceptors Might be ~irborne. This ,~ticipated opposition is slight-ly greater than that experienced en recent previous missi0l18 in thosea:reas'. The 313th ".7ing" striking at l\Ibebashi., rras expected. torecei venegligible to veak opposition from 30 to 40 fighters of the Tokyo defenses,I'1i th attacks occurring from the ini ti.:ll point to the t!JIget area. The73rd and 3l4th ilings li:ere expected to stir up [mother 30 to 40 fightersOn the Nishinomiya-Mikage strike, fIith attl'lcks occurring over the t:ll'Get.area.

    chart). h li r- Sea RCScU61(S8e Annex A, Part VII, for air-sea rescue(1) Navall The Navy ' ITas fUTnished iiih details of thesemissions and provided the submarines" surfR.ce veese Ls , iIIlumboirplanesand crash boats shoun on tae ch,~t listed above.

    (2) Twentieth .';ir Force: The Saller Dumbos lJI'ovided by the.lir Ferce are listed on the above-mentioned ch:trt.i. I'sychologic,al Warfare: (See..in.nex D. Part I~ for a collYof the leafie~ and the translation thereof used in conjunction gi~h .

    this series of missions.. For background information on t h i s pro~~~~,see Tactical ll/lission Re:pert covermg Missions Number 297 through 302on 28-29 J l: l. lY . 1 9 45 )

    (1) Lea1'lets I CincPac .ldval'J.cePsychologic.::\l :Tarf;TJSection'received a list of 12 cities, upon rrhich le~lets l1ere to bedropped, from the Twentieth .lir Force on 2 .'.ugust, The cities n3;! l+Jdwere Miyruoonojo. Saga~ Yawuta. Il'IliIkuni, .\kita" ot:rru, Tu1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    a... Take-off': Take-off on these missions was ll'Clcomplisl1edusf'o11orrs:1vlission_ Last Take-offNumber Wing P ! l o t h . f i n d e : t ' s Main Fore!;! First Take-off

    3 12 58th 11 54 050700 Z 050809 Z31 3 31 3th 12 90 050629 Z 050801 Z314- 73rd 129 050900 Z 051019 Z

    31lj_th 17 115 050836 z 050941 Z31 6 58l;h 12 54 050737 Z 050811 ZTmlntieth .:"ir ForceTnt.,l: 52 442"' 050629 Z 051019 ZIf < This does not include 7 17ind-rW1, 5 Super Dumbo, and 7 RCU .::lircrCl;ft.

    b. Route Out: Long-range navigAtion II'lS a.ccomplished byindividunl aircrnft to the target urens. The greatest reported londfollerror was 50 miles by 1 aircrnft. .Ul o th er o ir cr ~f t made landfall uith-i R Ravigationul tolerances.

    d. Targets:c. .'.ssemblies: No asseoblies uere effected during these nissioD:>.

    (1) Primary Visual and Radar TQI'gets! (For details of in:-di vidual missions, see . m n e x : E,_ Consolid!l.ted Statistical &u-Jmary) Targeta re a n av iga ti on ,. w in d determination and bombing l7ere a.ccomplished byrad'3.r.. On these 4 missions 47 4 aircL'aft ( 3 6 1 of 'I'I1hichs.ight.ed b y rad2X!l:Ild ll3. visually) dropped a total of 3696.6 tons of bombs on the targetsbetween" 051240 Z and 051701 Z at, alti tudes ranging froCl l2,;:?OO tole6,900 feet.. Included in the tnto.l af nircraft bonbing ];iI'irM'xy tar ",etaWere 4 . RCM and 1 l 7i n d- ru n aircrnft .

    (2) T:xrgets (If' Opportulli ty; Seven aircraft di'oPIled 0.tat~ a t 5 4 . 4 tons of bombs bet~een 051336 Z and 051404 z~at. aItitudesranging from 8.500 to 13,100' feet ,. On the foH611ing tC1!l'gets of opi)or-tunity; Tateyama Na.val Base , Chesi,. Kushimoto, S11ingu and Tanabe~

    (3) Remainder of Force: Eighteen :J.ircraft were non-effective on these missions.

    e.. Route Back: Routiea l1lnck 170re flown by individual ai:r-craft 'i1Hhaut difficulty.. Sixty a.ircraft landed at 11"10Jima.f. Lalldin,gs;1 ~\ircreft landed ('I>S follolTS':

    Mission.Number :ifu!g_ Firs.t Lrmding

    3 1 2 5 8th 0 5 2 1 3 7 z3 1 3 3L3th. 0 5 2 0 0 9 Z314 7 J r d 0 . 5 2 2 3 8 Z3 1 4 3 1 4 t h 0 5 2 2 4 5 Z3 1 6 58th 0 5 2 2 2 3 Z'I'I1entieth .'.:ir Force Total: 0 5 2 0 0 9 Z


    Last Lnnd:'ng052348 Z052308 Z060050 Z060049 , .,u052348 Z060050 Z

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    M;i.ssion ilir c raf t, Take-off TargetS. B o m b Nlli;ll:lor of;.ltitude,

    ))'lumb.er .lirbo.l'ne TiiIlQ; Rele::lsS loafletof

    DOl'olDS released R.elooee(foot)

    13 1 04080/4. Z Miyakonojo041/4.56Z :3 15;000 I

    Saga o4l62ti, Z 3 15 .ooow ;..-: E I

    Ya~a;ta O1j.:lt538Z : 3 15;000 1 : 5 ~IwakUmi 04.1609 z : 3 15.000 2 .:;. . . . gL4 1 04oilo5 Z Miyakonojo 041505 Z '3

    14;600 ~ . .Saga O L ~ 1 5 : 3 4 Z 3 14;600

    eIJ:.~ JYawata 041544 Z 3 14~600 . .I'!e.'kUmi 041621 Z 14.600

    \II -:3

    ~ - =~~!::15 1 04Q807 Z' 'l\1.l.msh.ina 04154S:k Z 2 1.5,500Akita 041t.24 " 2 15.500~otaxu 041723 Z :3 15~500

    Heehinoe 041818 Z : 3 15.500

    16 1 040508 Z .'I$,it:a 041616 Z 2 15;000otaru 04171 Z 2 15;000Tukushi= 041536 Z 3 15;000Haehi.neQ 041820 Z . 3 15.000

    17 1 040806 z lmabari 041445 Z 3 15.000

    Tottori 041518 ~ 3 1 .5 ;000Ttll i:aya."":l.8 041608 Z 3 15;000Ural72.l. 0 4 1 6 4 3 Z : 3 15,000

    1 0 4 0 8 1 . 8 z Imabnri 041501 Z 3 15;000Tottori 041535 Z :3 15.000Tuknya:ma. 041624 Z :3 15;000Ura'178. 041700 '3 .3 15.000,

    g. LOm! end r>arn:ega':' T\ro.. B-29' s I'lere :lost on, th~~H) nrl.S'S~OI1s.One o;mll'Sh-landed at baGIil"wit.h ;ICi'CasulLlties and an-otber dl.:tched w;.thaU crew members reseueOi. althOugh 1 nan was slightly inj~od OnaB..29 suffered =jer dSl1l8ga tror.l enemy aircraft and 5 recGl.ved ml.nOl'damage from. enemy antiairoraf1l. fire.

    h. Exe~tion Vs .. 1'l8l'lllin,g:. Tile ~ocution. of the missionS didnAt vary greartly f'rGlJl_he .original )ll:il.onning.. Some generCIJ. ])l,ll'gosebO!Obs.wero inc):u!il)sd iII, bomb lQads to. h=L10r firo fighting ..

    1,. Rsyohologica1 Wort.ore:(1) Leaflets l1.er9 distributed on the n'ight of 4~5 .\U.l3ust,

    ia. 8lseries. of 6 li,eaflat t;1issions flown by the 7 : 3 rd -:Iing. The r.:.ir.ri.ngpoint was the conte,I' of each tor-mond bombs noro ,fuzed to .open 2,000teet G:Ver' the targ';~.. M 4 6 llhoto i'lallh bombs .. set to oporu.ta fit. onali.titude . 5 , 000 f.eet above the target., took 13;QoJ}O pictures: uhi ch indicatedtl).at. b.omb_uns ]l\3Ssed CiVS" ta;rget arcalS>.

    /4... RESULTS OFMISSIONS; (For dQt.ails of daDl!lJg9,.MO :mno:x 0,Fart IV)

    ~.. T)1bro is no denne;e easessoent for the Dission M!linstMae'oeShi at tho moiting of this roport. Tlw oissioa against. Sag;lcmisSGd the tall'get. ontirely. -

    b.. o r the 9.46sotunro miles of bui.lt ..UP'orca of NishinoDiya:~Mikage .. Mission Nunoer 314. 2 ..8 s,quex.e t!1.iles (29.6 pOl' cent) l1erodestrOYGd.,


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



    Part I _ NaV'iga.tion: HeJ.1ort alldTraelt. Ohwt;Part II-Jrileoo Raint.s of Impao,tPar.t III - Bonbins ..Part IV _ Flight Enginooring RaHOrt and Chart,.far.t. V - Radam GiEdRadar J?hoto,sPart VI- GunneryPart VII - Air ..SeaRescue Cb.Pr11

    5/6 .lugus"t 1945

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    P .m' I - N,WIG.'lTl'ON

    . . 1. Lang I"Ol!I1;genuvigEl$ion ';l '!l.S B' O COlllpiLihed by Clircrro"t freo oeding ,l!l(hvidually to. the t.a:l:'get areas.. Tho ur-ban aroasaf Sago; (58t11 '.7ing) p~~~~i_ (J13t~.;'Iime;). Nishinem.iya-Milmg_o (7]rd. and 314th :7ing) .:rnd~la!Ja:h (58t h .hug) WGrDat ta:.cll:cd.. Maximum t;J1ror at landfall ";"letS 50tl1.1:s. r'e~orted by 1 airerato .Ul othcr aircrQ.f:t !:Wds 111OOfn11 uith ion a vl.gat i ou a l t o lo r a:n c as .

    2.. T1ll'gct, area n.avigaltiol1'.- wind detoI'!:'Una t iOl1'.. and bocb ing 'I1eroaee~~ishod by radar. Targot~ea winds vDried fr~ 115 to 225 dogroesat. 1 . 5 .kl:J.nts. -

    3.. Comproasionfactors wore generally good. The 313th :7ing put90 per cent or its strl.king fore) oval" the target. in 59 uinutos and. tho314th '.1ing aOCanrllished it in 62 o.inutos.. The othor2 .lings took. allp:t'ox-il!lately 70 ruinutos tQ put 90 per cont of thoir forcos over tho target.4. Return to base was as briofed. vit11 the. exception of 60 air-

    cr,a!'t. land.ing 8lt Iwo Jir.JS:~r:- 5. Loran work p~forI:l0d an the r.:lissioHl was as [0110'll'&:u.. Hueber Loran LOP'Sb+ Number Loran FixesCo- Nw:tb.er equil)tlent malfunctions 4 5d. Average naxir:ul!':ll:!rangeS\

    Fixed antenna.Trailing ';{ire

    1175 N.M.1225 N.M ."

    e. No interference ro : janning was re:gorteat.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    AP'lIL 1945

    ~' -


    PART : 1 : ,.1350



    58th WiDI>!.!1""1on#~12


    200 , + - i:~eo~~-:::::Landf"n .---Target -----Land's End --Lanil

    -rakeo! i' -----1"0 --------I:.&lldteU ----Target -----,Lanll)s End --_._ "Land" I IIII1350

    TakeoU-----Iw o - -- -- -- -hmdifell ----Targe:t ------land S End - ...Land

    05 C i ' 1 OD Z0511126Z051359Z05JA4lZ051506Z0521311:

    050e11Z051151Z051522Z051541205160eZeSeM6Z"l-3rd 'W1ng





    " 312-313-MISSION NO,}!~-~I!itDATE 5-6 AUG 45 ,

    _\_-35"LEk>END158th WING__________--'nrd WING

    _----.__j,,313Ih WING_-X__I1411'1 WING\ .\

    Takeoff ----1 10 0 - - - - - - - -, LendfeJ.l----,Target -- ----'Lend'S end -.'Laild ,-------

    05073120 5 : 1 1 1 4 2051;440Z0515052051519Z052e&3Zr

    314t)"\ Wtng,1.!15'5101\ N~U"

    0 5 0 8 3 6 2051. 2 ll!Z051502Z6S151l6Z05160ZZ1)5ZZ45Z

    050941Z051316:Z051619:;:OSlG36Z0 5 1 7 1 4 20600492: __



    ~ \~CH1.CHI JIMA I'. I-+_.-25

    III1 -I

    3~0t.n Iftnp,Yb$lon pli!i

    050eolZ05Ui30Z0 5 1 4 < 1 5 : ; :05150eZ0515382:Ose~06Z


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    PiliRT III - EOMBlJ)G

    1, lllission. Nu:r:lboll ~12 ~ Saga Urban and Indus'tx-ial A;t"ea.H. Bombing VIas accomplished Jlri=ily by radar as a thinunder.C8!st e:o::istedover the t=get-. Observers reported tt..at fir~a ,'Ierescat.tered and there 19a8 81 l.a:ck of concentrati on of fires' ae desl-red.b. The greatest'difficu~ty encountered gas the weak targetreturn on the radar scope , \V'hiahmade it difficult to interpret themean point af impact. The initial point and the axis of attack weresatisfactory but the target was not too desirable for a night strikeoThe a'verage drift. reported was four degrees left~ The compress.ibility

    for the force was 62 minutes.c. Pathfinder aircraf't were dispatched: to identify thet&rget far the main force and it 'I'1a:sbelieved they misinterpreted

    the mean PQint of 'impao'!; and started fires beyond the aiming area.2. Mission Number 116: Imabari Urban and Industrial .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    a. Cruise to the, Mainland: Ind ividual ClilUbs \rot'e madeimmediately after talte off to altitudes between 5,000 to 9.000 feetwhere the initial cruise was flown.. No as semhlies \"IereCl.e.de.

    b.. Bomb Run:, Bombing I-las conducted by individual a.ircroita,t an average a1ti tude of 1.],000 feet '0.c.. Return to Base: Return to the base 'ilas conducted by

    indi vidual aircraft without dirficul ty. Minimumfu.el was used byairplal)ea cruising at 15,000 feet and descending 250 feet per minuteinto the traffic pattetn. Maximumrange speeds 3.S specified by thisheadquarteJ::s gave the bes t fuel consumpt ion.

    2.. Conmlents : N o air cr'a.ft loaded bomb bay tauks, mro::il!l1.lJ!!capacities of borJ'b loads being carried in neElrly all cases. Trle1veper cent or al airborne aircraft landed at IV/a Jima.3. Ex:hibi ts:a. For historical record, see Chart tpat follO\19S this

    report.-'il.. For further information, see Annex E, Consolid3.ted

    St at ist ical SUlrunary ..



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    at8j1J T//t/J}t;"...)!;tJ 00


    (lEtTf~5}-RYr;;00(e#/s) /000


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    P1I.RT V - RADAR

    L. ;!1;guiE!!!entPerformance of ANLJU>Q,-3:eJ.. Number of sets o'p'erative on take oIr - 4 8 2 .b .. Number of sets operative over target - 4 6 9 .c... Number of sets operative on landing - 4 6 2 .d.. Number of planeS" using azimuth stabiliz-ation - 3 8 6 e.- Number of set failures in lead aircraft - 1.f.. Average maximumrll.Dge of targets. in nautical miles;76 at 5,000 - 1 0,000 ft~72 at 10,000 - 15,000 ft.g., Average maocimumange of beacons in nautieal miles:1 29 at 5,000 - 10,000 ft.1 3 0 at 1 0,000 - 15,000 ft.h. Interference l'7as from light to moderate, noticeably in thevicinity of Chost EOint, according to the 313th .Iing.i.. Average range of Japanese Ooast line - 62 nautical miles.j.. Recurring malfunctions - NG lne rellorted.

    2. . Radar Bombing ANj .U'Q, 1 3 :a.. Briefing material was reported as excellent l'7ith theexception oI the 58th Wing which reported that scope yietures were notat the right altitude.. The 313th rling reWJrted a poor litho.b. ~timing };1:ointsWere picked up. fairly well.. The 58th 'aing

    aiming points were difficuLt to pick up at short ranges .c. landfall identification was reDorted as. excellent.d. Methods of release: Individu~l releacses nith direct

    synchronous procedure.e. Number of radar releases - 3 7 7 .

    3.. IFF se n 695:a.. Location turned on and off were as SOP.b. ./iverage number of times~ checked - 36.e., NUmberof sets with malfunctions - 1.

    4. Absolute .utime~ter SGH 718.a. NUmberGf seta Gperative - 2 7 1 .,b. Number of malfunctions - 1.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    JULi 1945 SHEE


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    :< ;.,.~e ~. I. E -- C O ' . . .~I0- J'i0 =. 2 . . , .~ .


    T J F.800UA400

    't.4001 - . . .400


    1. Noof' Ale firing; 6

    3.. .\vera.ge. No.,o'! rounds fired in CO!1lbat :per turret:' l ! . .40

    4. No. of rounds f.ired in cOOlbat: 340.5. fu. of rounds used for t est firing: 2,7586. Gun . ' } J:.aa"dod: 'i.8th7Ting lqrd'.hng 313th l1iMHot Cold Hot

    31b.th 'JingCold

    7 . l'u/alfunotiona:Ill. C.F. C.: Turret would not staR, dynamotor aut ,. , v a p011er

    sui.tch out and lartching so.lonoid out.b~. Caliber.50 MG: None.

    8.. To..talp.eroentage of 6

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312




    IIII- - - , - - + -III.


    1ora.h Boat; 'on station vi';a,tty-\ at Tlfantleth Alr Force, Basesduring take-orr and l&n

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



    t 1 E A T H E l R

    Part II _ Observed va P,t.-edicted HeatherPart III M Prognostic ChartPart IV .. SynopHc ChaTt

    5/6 ,lugust 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



    3-5/10 lou cloud, base 2QOOt, tops 6000 ft ~it~ scatteredmiddle and higa cloud ..To 1 SON: Same a : . s baSOS,To 22oN: 6/10 1011cloud base 2000 ft I ~ops 8-12. 000 f't ~i th00c8siollUl shouers; layered lIll.dd1eoloud a n a hleholoud in thin a n d broken l a ' l e t ' s .To COSlSt: 4-.5/10 low cloud base 1800 ft,toys 50~0 ft;scattered thin middle c16ud.Tokyo and Nagoya: 6-8/10 low cloud, ba5e 2000 ft, tops 6000.ft ~th ] arge clear a reas ~ear north and east fnclngslopes ..Rest: 3-5/10 low cloud b3se 2000 ft. tops 6000 ft \7ith largear eas of 6-8/10 coverage on south nnd rrest fa,cingslopes.



    OPEIMTION. \L FOREC;STBase at Take-OffThere will be scattered broken 1011 and high clouds withscattered middle clouds l1ith scattered light shol7erS.Route There will be scattered a n d broken low a n d high clouds l7ith

    s_cattered middle clouds and scattered licrbt showers to 200NFrom 200N to 23N there 'I1ill be broken low, middle and highclouds l'7ith moderate showers;. From 23N to 33N there \"7illbe scattered 100, middle and high clouds.. From 33N to 35Nthere l7i11 be broken 10\"7and sc~ttered middle and high clouds.

    Targets Nishinomiya: 6/10 cumulus. base 2000 f t, t6ps 5000 ft; 3/10a-ltastra'tus at 15.000 it; 3/10 cirrus at 30,000 ft.. "hods at15.000 ft "Iill be 2400 at 20 knots.Maebashi: 2/10 cumu'Lua , base 2500 ft. top, 5000 it; 3/10cirrus at 30,000. ,"findsat l5,000."rt l7i11 be 260 at 20 knots,Saga: 6/10 cumulus. base 2000 ft, to~ 7000 it; 4/10 alto-stratus in layers bet~een 12,000 and 15,000 ft; 3/10 cirrusat 29.000 ft . ,linds- at 12,000 ft .;1ill be 2500 at 20 knots .:~abari: 4/10 stratoc'UIDulus, base 2000 ft, top 5000 ft ...hnes at 12,000 ft will be 240

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    v- s,oa,IX )

    , .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    ,< . . . . .sC :r7- -


    II.~_ _ , _ _ J _ S ~ S A _ I _ P A _ N ~ - - -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    r e ,C O M M U N I C , , , i T I O N S

    Part I .. R eMPart II -Radio

    Mi.sai9l\S No.~ 312. 313. 311l am.d 316

    5/6 July 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    P;.RT I ..,ReM

    1 P t : u - pose:~. To D/F enernwradars.b o. To.conduc.t a general scarch in tho 20-3000 me. region.c. To. barrage jam the 9.1lClllY CunlBying rrnd s~axchli(5ht r-c.d=s

    in the 72-84 mc. and 190-210 me. regions and to spo.t lr.u:l.:my gunlL:yingor searchlight radars' appoaring outsidc the bcm;'rage.

    do . To confuse ene~ radar defenses by the usc of rope.2 . NJethod:

    a. Forty-TUo ROMobservers particiD~tod and used the foll~ingeq,_uiIJlll6nt to D. C camp,lisl'! the search' and jal!lrnil1j$: 365 - APr-I, 1 55 -.. -2.39 _ .l.Pl'-3. 19 - . IRQ-8, . . 42 - ,lPR-4. I - .l .FR-5. 1 - ARR-7. 7 - .iPi..24 ,7 - .\pA-6 and 22 - i.PA-ll

    b. TbrcGls:pecio.l jar.Jming airplanes ucre er;wil.oyea by the ]l]th.',7ing. target Maeb.a:shi. and 4 special jammil'l3 airplanos ncr'e elllpl0'Jcdbythe 73rd and 3l4th ',1ing, target NishinoLliyn. These special ja."!llingairpianes- circled the fla;k areas duritlg the strike ...bm-roged and spotja.t:llll.edhe ener.zy-radar defenses and infested the area ui th rope ..

    c.. .Ul strike aircraft were aq"uiJll-ped"ith one or more jar:llleI'Sand. carried 50 or more units of ro:ge for J;l1'ot.ectiGnl from s.earch).ights ..3. Results:

    a. 'Fhe special iarm:rlng aircraft. a:g;g:Oait'oQ to b. e affect ive iureducing f lak danese~

    b.. Some radors ceased operati;ng in the f'ace of sr;ait jO'J".lr.1ingwhile crthers, attem:@t.ed to avoid the S O - t ia1llll1.ers by char!giLlg freq.uency.0... Ninety-sU!: intercepts were recor4e

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    _ ]'.2.s _1:.1 4 & 1 - 9 . ! . _ I F 1 . 7 . - J ' l F . . T S _

    00068 0485 4 J I . 32451: 15259S 060645 0149 21 122 ?! f o r C::1I

    o o c68 0500 00 31,51' 136JOJ OG061~5 0119 21 121 S g-." C;~I00070 1010 26 33181' 131 !-201': 0(30645 0125 21 121 8 S ':!:iIC0071 0573 00 3120;- 136353 08061f5 0117 21 121 is ~~~Cnil00(172 O.t; '20 26 35(0)' 13h30~ o E ; . O , ; f , / j. . 5 0213 21 121 S " ]: . . . . .. 1 ' GEl00073 050Q 3 0 32~5N 13015E o 8061fS 0125 21 122 P ~~,r c:a00073 1010 00 31l0~! 1361f5s 0&0645 011:5 21 121 S00rf(4 0750 21i! 3254H 1;;230

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    - 1. Stike Repgrts: There uere 4 1 strike r e p o r t s r e c e i v e d d u r i n ntheae missions. -""2. F0.:![_raDs.jnissi0na,: In adai tion to the -,~ 1 h d"'~"TIeather a.nd tir.J.c '" 1 b rc~ar y so e ~..,...., S1.!Sna s roadcasts. there TIere sovor-af "F" typo "Du.r:qy"nessagcs transmitted frora the d' -. .per cent of these "groun stahon to' o.iroraft.. Eichty-tllI'oOClp.el':ators logged the f.10ssages correctly Only 4o.:gepa;torshad, nn . reason for at '. ..n r c c o ~ v ~ r l G those Bessl:rgos ..3.. Fregucnci_eS:,1 Follow' .ll;or fro5 2531 21 121 S :;-..0130545 2353 21 122 P :;-..000545 2100 21 122 P ' ! : ' . .oaoSl f5 2202 21 122 p ~...oe06q,5 0225 21 122 P S '"OW6~f5 0157 21 122 F s -D80345 2209 21 122 P S '"080645 0030 21 121 S g''', '080645 0147 21 122 P : 1 : ' "000645 oJl~5 21 121 SO~0545 23.58 21 121 S ');... 0010)00030805L'5 2245 21 121 ~ E.0006l~.5 0112 21 122 P GL 004010806~..5 0006 21 121 S GL 0040100054.5 221'.0 21 121 S GL 0,:,.~o108054.5 2228 21 121 )3 8-L 00401000545 22::;2 21 121 ::: GJ.. OTAGI


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    Radio ranges. haoors and broa~cas~ stations ~ere cffecti~ely used.5., Nflt DiscipiLine enl Securit~: Tho ~collont ~anaard of notdisciJi)lline continued duriIlll the:!l:elllS'sions ,nth all. ranfl8. roporting~celIen ~ n at discipline. ~s o. agai n , th ero wore no, broaches of socurity.6.,Euegy T ra ne ni ss io ns i T he follouing inc~dents: of e~m:e:'iacr.llnc;.interference and t.rensnissions flore recorded d1:lr1.ng tne90 r.nSSl,ons:~. 3020 ICcs:'(1) rn erna voice frap lOooZto 2100Z. uas very effective.(2) Steady tone fran 1207Z to,1235Z, ~Q5 very effoctive.(3) Unreadable voice at, 1310Zp \Tas ineffectiVe.(4,) Voice frOIl 1340Z to 1400Z was i~effcctiv0D(5) Steady tone fron 1515Z to 1 5 4 5 Z , \TaG very effective.6615 Kcs:(1) CO a t 1100Z. 1235Z, 1300Z,1330Z, w a s ~~tial1y ef~ectivo.(2) Unidentified C ' . 7 at 1345Z to 1600z, was partiul1y effective.(3) Unidentifiod ca at 1930Z. l"T'1lB partiMly effective.

    c. 10305 Kcs: Negligible.d.' 3160 KCf> : Moderate to heavy C~l interference tbroug.i1out

    the m.iS'sion.~= partially effec.tive.e. 6055 Kes:(1) Jap, CI7 between 10* and 19QOZ, >las partially effective.,

    r ,(2) JaIl voice beween 1200Z and l600z. was effective.(3) Jap voice over target aroa; was partially effective.f. l0880 Kes:

    effective . (1) Unidentified CT I betf>leen l524Z a.nd 1700Z~ wa s narti2l1y


    ~2 ) UnintellUgihlc 0'.7 chara.cters at 1720

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    k.. 7310 Kc.s: Musical note art; 1130Z, was inef'focti Vee'1. ,1012SKeso' Negligibl~.

    I D . . o 3810 Kes: Contiauous keyioo between 0900Z aM 2200Z, I7SlSincffecive.n . blf>40Kes: Continu.ous keying S ind voico transmissisns overthe target, were ineffective.e , 1096" Ke.sl Cl7trsllsmissions between 09002: and 1600Z,

    l'leI'o PaJrtiaJ.lY ef'_fectiva.7.. Distress: Nodistress trai'fic ffSS carried. out duri .... thos(')missions.8.. Equipment ~ful1ctions I, A N I ART-13: 1 antenna. relay stuck j 1keying rela,y inoperative; 4 . transmitters inoperative; 1 no mOdulaltioll;

    BC-%B.: 3 inopera,1;iv9j SCR-'i22: 7 inoporative; 1 ohannel ".\." inoperative;.AN!.4RN-]: 1 inol)erative; 2 inollerative on c.ompass Plllsitioll; 2 left rightloojl switches' inoperative; 3 sense a:nt01111asbroken; 1 tuniqg controlbroke.llj' r,leoIt a:ntcnna inoperative; In'torphone.: 3am.Pil.ificrs inoper-ati VOi3 mierophona 811itchl;ls' inop.cra.t;i vc;. 2 micropnone butt ens inoDerati ve;Rt~42; 3 in(;lll0ra:ti ve; 1 17eight lost.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312





    Bart I - Psychol!lgica1 .7ru-fa:re ExhibitPart. II-Enellzy"Air OJ;lpositionPart III - EneJ;IJYAntiaircraft, Parrt IV - Damage JlBsessment

    Section A - Nishinomiya-Mi~eSection B .. Imaibari

    Missions No~3,.12. 31"l. ~il1 and 3).6

    5/6 .A l . l_gust 194.5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



    This is a sample of the ~oalf'let used in conjunction with thesemissionS'.


    " Read this c~efully as it maw sa~e yQUXlife or the life of ~relative er friend. In the next fevr days" the military ina.t.al~al : _C>'ll" . ..in fol!U"or more of tile eities named on tho reverse side of this l.';L,'"lv,un]: be d:os.troyed by AUllerieal'lbombs.

    These cities contain military insta~ions mld ~orkshQPs axfactories, Which produce military goods" ']e arc determined "(;0 d

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    .~QBlj:1P;.RT I _ psYCHOLOG1CbL W;.RFW E

    Below is :;I. 5amp~" of l'Hlflet used in conjunction with the semissions,

    ! i, 'Wc . rl' .. .J

    4 i" c ~ @.-"'. . . . .\- . .~- - C D . . . . . tL, . . . ; ; . . ,, ~---

    gelo\'! ~.s the tr"hSlaUon of lenf'let snovm "-be",,,:~Re:>.dhis curef"ully 0.6 1tmay save your life, or the uri;!

    of 0. rcool(l.tie or friend. In tho next foV!d,:l.Ysthe mili tnry insi;o.lD.-tions in some or all of tho cities, named on the reverse side o r this10of let. wi 11 ba d

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    .. b ' Cp tile nose of the _ ~- "h ~1iruu Am;)roxiTllElltely '30 9!lem,y air-Mi 'on-31S. Maeha,$l1. 3~3t 'd nti:fied as tl'..I'l->llmgilj).o~ 1. k~"ml3- sS:-dBDti!iedo Five w~e, 1.de ircralf1t .. as thought, to be a 'cra:ft ";1er~ UD1.On of the UDide~t1.fJ.e alIed aircra.t't... Of 14 attacks,

    to be a N1.ck. b:lieved to b~ Jet-pr~erienced in the immediate targetBa.101and . 3 'i7er~ .t did no- c .- 5 , '73rd 'Jinp;,: A n' as,timatC:ld 7 toNi.shinOmiya-IJ1iJ~~:-.I- __ l"""" ... ~,~.+~. .; . ., .. ,...."1 t . . . . .. . .. . .. . .u~_.-...:I .:~'""i.- Miss-ion _Jlb,

    "f I: If;.L< t;f:f ~ilfi \ t . . . . , ~ ; . . A._A.1) 1;1~:6'~:tl ~# A . . - J 1 Jt~ 1~ ~D "",( .:.;t)'''(~..(l;t' f::-.i, 7~? "iJllitU~~~~" ~ :. ~t:ft "'('It ~ t~'I;f";fl1' t q; - c t f." t ~1) J. I) ~ f J : f ! 1;' ~ t.~';Oqt ~ .: ~ f/) ~ < . art:. ~ht.[-{';.iL-q)~rll ti:t'?t (tl)~1tIJ [..,~1~!..1ribtj~()~ifz(;Ll)~ltltt.: l3~t;l~t' I:' ;'11~ tM t.1 J J . . , J . . . , 1 J - { t")f) IJ I) l . . I:..t r p ~ g. '* I1,, '1l 1 . 11 * -Q Lt~ t 1-t t J ? J : i,~.Y)"'C" i " . f ) 11:' 't ?~~;l~t~~::., 1 - I: If " 7 J ~. . - r f:. n \' ' I J J . _ ~ \r' t ' ~ l . ; J'!~~-tt.: f 1!1!t,~,)~I:t lj: I>t:.1 r ~~$ t - t 1 > 1 . 1 " " ' ( A ~ ifr;~" ~r : 11..'\' ( t J . . ( . , / ~ > r.f!:-'i~~tl~- I) ~~ I:b'~ ~i1)'JiJ l,tj 6-fq)-('~!-J ,('!1J-ap;t),1tJ-"~.;'fffq) t : " . & a *tI: t 0 f:r ~-( ~~~ 'J ~ j5 11 ,r. ~ fa : ~ ~ ~ ll':~ :; (r Jt (

    < f#tt~ ~ . : m tit ! _ Q :~r: 1 1 . l F ~ t : ' t , * . f - ') ~;1 ~ ~~~.~R' Ill';t1~ ~ ! . f . ~ :r 4 '.f-t ....~ ~~ (1) 1) .:*~~1\"ij Q) J : 't t i-t, ~ A i r 3 : c - 7t ~? ; I fa~l>t : " ft ! 1J - t 1 ( : . ~ ' f~t, ' I * i ( A - i ! ." ( 1 . f j)1! 1 j _ - . . ( : J : . - t I;t"(~Itj ~'A, \' t :. . .;il:' 1 . t ~ 1ft . . t 1 - ~ t " ' d )

    , ,This is a sam_p1IlllSSlons.

    The fc..!..lar;~ is

    i:J. four or ::lore of t rMr.i:l 1 : 0 0 d_,jtrcy_

    th i s us cl~s ~. Buscecrdaae ......i ,_b.;::,ic. : . . : . r ?orCQ "hJ.ch .lees';".':lr~Db to C'\"aC' to th

    .un,rica is :lot i'imilitary oup -rhicb. rThl. ,feace whichap~::'essicn of th e ~itar

    JSil8ll.You 0= restore .pend the >7ar.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    Solow is the trqnslation of lor/let shown nbove:DRen d th i s carefully a s it may s ~v~ your l ife. or th o li foo f a relative or fr ie n d e I n tho ne x t row d ays the mi li ta ry I ns ta ln -ti ens in soma or all of th o e1ti cs , nrun ed on the rever 80 side of this

    loaf let, will be dC-Btroyod by .'Jl\criCan born ss,ftThese 01tios contnin mill tary installo.tlons l:.nd work shops

    or factories which produce rnilitc.ry goods. ','[e a rc d eter mi ned to des-troy all the tools of the milita.ry clique "Ihich they oro using toprolong this uselSB war, But, un fortun atJ ly, bombs hnvo no 6y s.So, in nocordnnce with Nneriea.' swell-known hurna.nitaria.n prlncipl 8tho ;.meric an I,ir Force, which doe s not wi sh to injuro in n o c e nt poopl InOWgives you wa.rning to evacuate th0 citi3s nC.l'llod and seve your livcs,

    RAmeriea i s not fighting tho Japanese peopl& b"t i s fightingthe military group which has enel aved the Japanose people.nThe pettce w h i c h AmoLca will b rIng will free the p'!Jo'Dletr :a~he.oppress1on of the military and. ca~se. th? cmargonc~ of a new and

    be tt er J apa n .


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    t4. . !fissio.n 314. Nis:b.ino.miya-lIili.kage. 31uth Wing: .. m estimated 18 .

    to 20 fighters; were encount er ed., The usuat, light llIctivi ty was ollServed..with enemy aircraft reported to. be using emaer , green and yel10'il. andred and green light",.. Part ef the enemy aircraft encountered trailedB-29s bt Ie E~ ~-= J~ ~~ r. . . : ; ; .:iZ. . .c1 1 1 1 ti~I~

    '~e canno.t ~omis:etha't- only t1\.8se cities :rill be among thOseattacked but at leas;!; four will be, sa heed thl.s warning end eva!cua.t.ethese cit.ies.~

    The cities named were l MiyakoIio4~t~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    1.. Mission N o .. 312 - Saga:a~. The ~rimary targe~~as bombed by 63 a i rcraft of th e 58th\ 1 ing bet"l'l.eel'l1441Z - 15432: from 12,400 - 1.5.500 feat...

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    target, area ..

    TochioUtswlomiyaOhoshiJima:Oyaml'l lTakaaakiTsuahidaTochigiMaebaalli (Target)Tateyama

    6 > - 84-1131094410-154 - 3 710


    aJ_ -'I "'earrchlights ware ineffective l1ith the fo110'.71.'""In gener """' ~ --exception; The aircrOift bombing Tat.eyama BlS a TO W!lS' bracketed by abeams, sdmu.ltaneouS'ly ..-i thout search. Aircralf't recai VEldIllOdorat.e andaccurat-e medium flak .

    Misc.eJilaneous M Observ!rliol1s:(1) Over the target 3 - 4 very large orango bursts Were

    obS'erved burnins slowly for 15-20 seconds.(2) Several crews reported several parachute flares over

    the target.. They l7ere a yelloi7iah-red and lasted about 10 aeconds.,Estimatsd aJ_ti tuds flas, 1.5.000-16,000 feet '"

    (3) Eight crews. reported 5 huge green flashes: in the

    3.. MiS!Sion NOft 114 - Niahil1'Omiya-Mikaige:at.. The J;!Timary target. PEDS bombed by'255 airct;:xd't of the 7')c'd

    and 314t11;1ing_s; bet>r.een 1525Z - 1701Z from 12,600 - 16,000 feet.,. Axisof attack averaged 350.. ':leather r,7,aB: repart,ec1 to be 0-3/10 underc:l5t.l1ith winds of 20 knots from 120 ..

    b.. En route to the taa:-get. meager and inaccura.te, heavy flak"as encoun:t.ercd! by one aircraft from Tokt!lshima",

    c, Over the target heavy fllak 'd1&;S described as meager t.o.moderato, inaccurate to accura1ie" )JI'.edilltll.flak i '1 !B lS m '381ger to l!.l.oje'l:'atcand, inaccura.te.. Duration of fire ",as ooout one rmi!!u:t.cfoc each ea=-'craft.& Between 20 and 38 searchlight~ were in acti~~ (10~15 iuKube,6-8 im target. area and 10-;r5 am Osaka) 0 The lights "'ere not tooeffective even though 25-30 .81il?craft were i11uffiil'lat.ed ~or ollt;haJf te2 ~.nutes", RO]le W0ved very effective as ' malzy ('.858:3' rrcr e rclf:-:.r.-:-:r,:;,J;.in,!,h::.ch .-:;h9 beems fell off' on dis;p:ena:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



    1113g. MiscelLaneoUS> AA Observ81tions=_

    (1) One aircraft oboorvad 2 bBlI'rage bal100rra OV"el1'th Sffaoiner of tbe targe~ area. Their altitude was estimated at 8000 :nd10,000 reet re~ectlvely.

    (2) At least 5 orel1's re]i!Orted a possible ne'i'l'type 01'rocket.. Uirge redi nares were seen: on Ule ground (~nlike a gun flash)fallow.ed im each casco by ell1equal number Ilrf bursts In the air.. The;rewerB! no . racket. trails in. the sk. ~ the air tlJ.l.rst.s (inaceurat.~)eppaar.ed, as pnecLic,-t.ed concentrations r t J f flak. (It "",as IS'Q'oAbl.e thatthe ground flashes. w:ere' gun f:lashes)Oo

    () One crerr obs9rved. a ][lass ible ground-to-adr rocket.just. nest. of Cap Quae at JLand's < endi . Thee rl,c.ke1i;Was a silwer stJ.oeakrising to the altitllde of' the aircreBt and. 200 YBII'ds: on the flank.it burned Ollt without am e:gU.os;iorr. The: rocket. b.ody appearel1 to heabout 6 r.twlt long and l!feet Lmdiameter. It. had a trail at silverysparks 3 0 - 4 0 feet longo

    (4) Blackout of' the ilMge't al!ea VlaS gaoi.40 MiffiSdon, No. 316, - Im.abam.:ft:

    8 1 . . The primary 1ratrget "faS bombed by 6 4 1 aircraft; of the 58th'fling, between 1505Z - 1547Z from. 12.200 - 12.800 f'ee"ttG Average a;ris oratta .ck- was 2450~ Weathe:tr was l'epOPwd as CA.W-2/10 undel1cast.Oo

    1 1 . " En ro.utre to . the target qn-e 1!i!t'crat: ancount.ereli. meagerand inac.-curate medium. flak frQID..Kannarrdi: Airfield, (34 09 ~ - 133 38 E!.

    e. Over. the target. f'l.ak was ; described as meager, inaccurate.medi\llIlJ a n a . heavy. Many ]p)lan:es: ab:ser.Vad. m!l> flak. Sev:el'w. p!lS-sible E/;"'RiJac&rS'R were obaenved flying, ]!araJUel tGl the ]3..295' Clursa. ' i l i ( ! ) .ineffect,ive Siawch1ights w.w.e Gbs-:erV'edim the t.arget, anea.

    c L . . On withdJil~ flak vzas; mil.a.. No. aircraft; Ware' li.oSit; or damag_ad as til ~esU].t of flak on

    this lIl!i.asion.f. lilisc;el1anaouS1 M.. Obs:ervations:

    (1) Sevell'el c.re~ re:llor

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    Sq. Mi. total - 9.46; Sq., Mi. deatrQyEld _Percent destroyod - 29.6 . 2.8Planned target area: 4,.5 Sq. mid Percent destroyed 62.3Total damage to dat 0: .3.,5 sq. mi.; Peroent of built -up at'ea.: 3 7Target damaged by current atl' ike ,:(Comp.lete 24 ~coverage)

    o numbered; 0 0thor.

    e: ~magel7it,hin limiTISof built-up area;Ill. .!rea dama'p:e from current strike:

    Destroyed59 .Mi. Pere.ontBuilt-up area (UTban) 8 . 9 6 2. 8 3L.2Built-up area (Industrial) .50Built-uP area (Tot,sl) 9.46 2.8 29.6

    b. !rell! dama/.l:8from all strikes;Built-up area (Urban) 8.% 322 3 6 . 0Built-Uil axes.. (I!".dustriru ) ,,5 ,28 56..0Built-up area (Total) 9 . 4 6 3 . 5 0 3 7 . 0

    3. Damage outsida built-up areS( (wHhin 5 mile I)adil1s of centerof the oi ty ) :

    lin are8Jof .32 sq .mi. is damaged in Kobe, along the arbitraryline separating Kobe and M:ikag~.Refere!lOl; A.'IF...!iirObjective Folder 90.25-Osaka. June 15. l.944

    (Inclosures; l.. Moe80ic of' Nishi nomiya-Mikage annat a:ted toshpw damage).' O i l . Based on 20th A.F, 0111D.A. Report No. 193.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    . . .Jt-z'woLL ..zoo



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    P.UlT IV - S21)CTI O N B D ..lM .i.G E . ' ! SSESSMBNl ' .4 1 IM iLBARI

    1. Summary af damage:Built-ull area: S~.Mi. l1ota.l.- .97: Sq.lili. Dastroyed - .73Pezeerre destroyed - 76Pla~ed target area,: 0.8 sq.mi. Percent destroyed: '1 7Total damage to datel .72 sq.mi. Porcent of built-up area: 76Tarset damaged by cur!I'"ontstrike.; 5 numbered; 5 idustrial areaS'.Note: Noprevious dB.1llBge.

    2. Lel:Dage within limits of built-up !!Tea: DestroyedSg.Mi. Percent. Jrea: damage from curroR.t strike:

    Built-up. area (Urban)Buil t-u:g; area (Industriail.)Buil t..p area (Total)

    .59.3 8.97.51 86.22 58. 7 3 76

    b. Damage to targets IXXI-6096XXI-6097XXI-6098XXI-6099XXI-6l00I

    Unidentified IndustryUnidentified Ind~stryUnidentified IndustryUnidentified IndlllstryUnidentified Industry

    10% d es t ro ye d5 0 % destrOyed100% d es tr oyed3 5 % destreyed4 0% d es tr oy ed

    Industrial areas (numbered targets l1ithin thes.e areas)1. Unidemtified2.. Unidentified3. Unidentified4 . Unidentified5.- Unidentified

    20% des;troyed3 5 % destroyed70% destroyed.100% deS'troyed2 5 % destroyed

    3. Damage OU.tside huilt...up area. (\1ithin 5miles radius ofcenter oL city).a. .l.reedl.amage: .\;pproximately O.02 sq;. mi.b. Iamage to t.arge'ts: None

    {Inclosures:: 1 .l.nnotated mosaic shoi1ing CFaIII/.'!ge~.II< Based on 20th .l.F CIUD.A. Report No. 169.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    1. Summa:ry of damage:Built -u,p,area: SqoMi .totru - .97. 8'1.Mi. llsstroyed. - 073

    Pe'l:'cel'lt de.stvoyed - 7 6Planned target area.Mi_.. 5 1 8 6.22 58. 7 3 7 6

    Built-up area (Urb$l)Built -uw area (Industriati.)Built-up area (Total)

    b. Damage to targets'

    X X I - 6 o q 6X X I - 6 0 9 7X X I - 6 o ' j ) 8X X I - 6 0 9 9. x x I - 6 l 0 0

    Unidentifi!9d IndustryUnidentified IndustryB'nidentified J1ndustryUnidentified IndustryUnidentified Industry'

    10%d.estroyed.5 0 % destroyed100% deS,troyed3 5 % aestroyed40%destroyed

    Industria>l areas (numbered t~gets rri thin thcoo areas)1. Unidentified2.. Unidentified3. Unidentified4. Unidentified. 5 0 Unidentified

    2Q%desftroyed3 5 % destrGyed70% destroyedloaf. destroyed2 . 5 % a.estToyed

    3. I.'

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    I. . . _

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312




    MiSSiOllB No. 312. 313. 314 and 316


    5/6 . \1 l , !>:ust 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312



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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    ...:.. . . .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    IBOll'!------JUSSIOlf ;312,313.314 & E l l , a

    5 }'Ut;>lB1; ~

    nIGHT DATA .. li'VEL CONStJoU'TIONMISSIOl!l ! IUHBER #312 11313 #314 f / 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 6"UUT I " " " " . " ' 1 " '1 " - ; ,. , m - .,rr k,t' '"/""1"1 1" O O r . '>.1 J.'I'U I'J INC, PER HOUR U 4 5 - 4 1 7 2 3813 9 3 1 41 9 9'rO 'UL USED ON AIRBORNE ./ C 4 2 0 9 2 1 6 2 9 4 1 2 7 9 0 2 6 4 825559 3 8 8 3 1 4-



    W EIGH T D A~ANO. .AIRCRAFTAWORD 6 5 1 02 132 1 3 2 6 6AVG . :B A SIC W ' T . OJ ' AmCB .U " f 7 4 9 0 1 7 4 9 8 2 1 5 0 9 1 7 5 6 3 S 7 4 9 1 5A V E l ! A G E U SE F U L L O A D 6 0 1 3 5 4 6 1 2 9 2 61004 6 1 2 9 . 61311.VG. N O. O F J> OM BS L OA DE D M i x e d n i x e d ! f i x e d i'1ixe~ l l i . x e d

    Load LODd L o a d L o a d L o a dAVG. ItT. O F lIO MB S LO AD E D 1 5 5 2 6 1 6 8 4 0 16861 16565 16Q8 .VE BA GE FUE L UUD ED 6635 6552 6 5 3 5 66 6 6 5 2 (Ava. 'liT . OF FlIE L L O A D E D 3 9 B I O 3 9 3 1 2 )9210 3 9 9 6 ~ ]912C~VD AGE M ISC. W EIGn' 5 5 1 8 511.J 4 9 3 3 476 5 : 5.VG. GllOSS ItT. AT TAD on 1 3 5 7 5 5 1 } 6 2 7 4 1 3 6 ; ) 9 5 1 3 6 9 3 1 ) 6 2 : : ? ~

    BombWeights: M - 1 9 - 42'5 Ibs.T4E4 - 4 2 5 Ibs.t~-64 (TNT) - 5 3 5 Lbs,M-64 (Camp B) - 5 5 0 lbs.H - 1 7 - 4 6 5 Ibs ,! . 1 - 4 7 '70 Ibs.M-46 - 5 2 !,,!.~!!

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    , A N N E X


    1" . 7El i ITIETH A IR .fl'O BG E F lE Ul O RD E R

    Missions. N0. "112. 313, 314 and 31(,

    5/6 .~gust 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    T A R G E T M J > 1 FOR CE R EgU IR ID(a) IMABJ'LRI 125114 :2 Grou p s NorP . \a l(b) S A G A 082060 :2 Grou p s No rma l

    FIZ{D ORD ERS )N U J . 1 B iiR 14)

    SE easrAut),., ca, l'.ventieth Air Forcelni tials : - - : : , & ~ . ~:'''' '-I:e~:,....-::'~=--_Date :2 AU'jUst 1945' lJIENT:c!lI' H AIR FORCEG U l I M5 Au :ust 1945- 0400K


    Map: JAPANAviation Chart 1:218,880.1. O:r::dtted.2. TlventiBth Air Force attacks DW3A.RI, SAGA , NISHlNOIUYA/MLXAGB,. andI !AEBASH I U R B A N P .REAS , and 9 0 .32 - l~.l, UB.ECOA L LIQllEFI\CTION" COon ni;;;ht of 5/6 Au;;ust 1945.3. a. 58th Wing:.

    (1 ) Primary v isu al and radar targets: ll! !A B A R I a nd SAGA lJREl .I.NINDUSTR IAL i J' .E l \S

    laPI Reference",:; Twentieth lUI' Force Litho-Mosaics:(a) JM! lBJL l1 .1AREA9Q.29 -sUrban ,(b ) S I.GA A R E ! \ . 90.35 - Urban.

    (2) Routes:(a) BasaI I TG J IM A3338N - 13430E3 4 1 5 N ~ 13334E ( I F )Tar'istLeft runI I NO J IM A

    Base .

    (b) BaseFro JJJ:1\2900N - 13700E3 0 4 7 N - 13013E3 1 4 B N - 1 Z 9 5 3 E32I.lN- l]OOBE (IF)Target3240N - 1 3 1 5DE2900N - 1 3 7 0 0 E11m JDiABase.

    Ca) Enroute t.o ta.rn-et:.S,800 ft. .~( b) Atta ck: 12,000 - 12,A06 f t.

    5~OOO- 5, (lOa it.and 8,000 -(3) Altitudes:

    (c) Breakaway: Force (a) - 13,000 ft.; Force (b) - 14,CXlO it.( 4 ) B o m b L o a d : E - 4 6 I C s .(5) Takeoff: 051700K.

    b. 73rd Wing:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    FIE LD ORD ERS )N U ! . 1 B ,; ; R 14)

    SECRETAuth: ca, 'l\ventiath Air ForceInitials :~;='b f . . , y : : : . . _ ' ---:-=-c=-----Date: 5 Au'.ust 1945'IW EN TD )f H A IR FCR CEG U A M5 Au;ust 1945 - 0400K

    M a p : J A P A N A v i at i o n C h ar t 1 : 2 1 8 , 8 8 0 .1. Omitted.2. ' I \ v e n t i e t hAir Force attacks D.W3ARI, SAGA, NISHlNOUIYA/MIKAGE, andMAEBASHIURBILIIfREAS, and 90.32 - ISH. UBE COAL LIQllEFACTI01,! CO.,

    on n i g h t of 5/6 Au.,;ust 1945.3. a. 58th W i n g :

    (1) Primary visual and radar targets: D:UtBARIand S AGA URB I,NINDUS 'I DL'I L I il l A S

    ~(a) n!.Al3ARI(b) SAGA

    FO RC E R EQU IR ED125114 2 Groups Nor-raa.I

    (a) BaseI v rO J I1 !A3338N - l34JOE3415N - IJJ34E (IP)Tar~etkit 'TurnI T ' J O JD, iABase.

    (b) Base11'10 In.iA2900N - 13700E3047N - 1]018E3 1 4 3 N - 12953E324lN - 1300$ET

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    (a) Enroute to tar~!Ot: 5,.000 - 5,800 n . and B ,m ) O -8,800 ft.

    (b) Attack: Force (a) "_ 12,000 - 12,800 ft.; Force (b) -14,000 - 14,800 ft.

    (0) Breakaway: Force (a) - 17,000 ft.:; Foree (b) - 15,.000 ft.(4) B o m b Load: E-46 and E-48 r o s to &tent available; rGlllainder'M-l? lCs.

    (1) Primary visual and radar tar(~ets: N IS H INOMI'lA j1 mu ... GE URl3 AJ IiI NDU ST RI AL A ~S

    F,0. #14

    TARGET(,,) N IS HmO MlYA(b ) M lKAGE


    FORCE R) ! J; ))1IRED3 G ro \l.p s N orm al1 Group Normal

    Ml'I References: XXI BomComr,itho-I!osll.ics:(a) NISIUNOMTIl \ . I,REA90.25 - Urban.(b ) K OB E..1iRE A. KAWAN I SH I I\IRCPJIFT CO,. 90.25 - 1702.

    (2) Route:;BaseFlO JIMA3350M- 13435E (IF)3444N - 1352.0E (Tar:let )3453N - 13517E350QN - l3420E3335N - 13420EI\ YO J IM ABaee,

    (3) Altitudes:

    (5) TYIO special jam'lting airplanes will be'dispatched to orbitthe point 344230N - 13515E, one at 17,dOO ft. and the othera t 17,500 ft.

    (6) 'Takeoff: 05l900K.c. 313th ' l " H . r ' . ; 1(I) Pril;tary visual and radar tareet:.~l!\EBl\SHI UR.B'fiNNDV5TRL,L

    A R E ! ,

    1020'72 : 3 Groups NormalM.PI Reference: XX:I BomOomLi,tho-.llosaic ~JUIDASHI A.'\EA90.13 - Urban.

    (2) Route:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    !lase- rN O J I M A3 5 4 5 N - 1 4 1 0 5 E]609N - 14019E (IF)3727N - 1385lE (Target)Right Tu.rn3605N - 14100E: m o J IMABase.

    F .0. #14

    (3) Altitudes:( a) Enroute to tarr,et: 3 ,000 - 3 ,800 ft. and 7,000 -

    7,800 ft.Cb ) Attacln 12,000 - 12,$00 ft.(e) Breakaway: Above 15,000 ft.

    (4) Bomb Load: E-46 ICa. (5) Th ree s peci al ja~nb a ir pl an es w il l b~ d is pa tch ed to o rbi tth e p oL nt 3615N - 13923E, 'one at 16,000 ft9 one at 16,500

    ft., and one at 17,000 ft.

    T A R G E T MPl FORCE R E ~U I R ED(a) NISHINOMIYA 103048 3 Greups Normal(b) MIKAGE 042040 1 Group Normal

    ( 6 1 Takeoff: 0 5 1 6 3 0 K .d. 314th \'l:ine:

    (1 ) Primary visual and radar tar;;;ets: N IS H lNO I,lI YA /M 1K .'i.~ URBANINDUSTRIAL AREIIS

    r HPI Referenoes: XXI BOP-1COn;. Litho-Mosaics:(a) ;'s' (b) 0",10)'1.(b) K OBE ARE il, K A1tlA}IISH I AD "1CRAFT CO ., 90.25 - 1702.

    (2) Route:Baser J ' J O JThIA3J50N - 134,45E (IP)3444N - 13520E (Tareet)3 4 5 3 N - 1 3 5 17 E. 35 0 0 ! > ! - 13420E3 . 33 5 H - 13420ED IO JIM ABase.

    ( .3) Altitudes:(a) Enroute to tru",get: 3,000 - 3,800 ft. and 7,000 -7 ,800 f t.(h ) Attack: Force (a) - 14,000 - 14,900 ft.; Force (~) -1 2,000 - 1 2,800 ft.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    Basepm JIMA330lN - 13306E334330N - 13l4lE (IF)Targf:t2900N - 1 37 00Ers o J IMABase.

    (c) Breakaway: Force (a) - 17,000 it.;Force (b) - 15,,000 ft.(4) Bomb Load: E-46 I C s.

    F .0. #lA

    (5) ' I\QO special jarnll1in,~ aiI:'planes will be dispatched to orhit thepoint 3442)ON- 13.515E,.one at 18,000 ft. and tho other ~t19,.500 ft.

    (6)) TakeoUt 0519301(.e. 315th Wine:

    (1) Primary visual and radar target: THEUBE COl .L L lQUEF /,C' l' ION CO.9 0.] 2 - 1841M P I097122

    ~REQ!J:mED100 A /c

    MPI Reference: XXI EomComLitho-Mosaic UBE COALLI '1UEF: lCTIONc o .(2} Route:

    (3) Altitudes:(a~ Enroute to target: 6,000 - 6,000 n. and 9,000 -9,800 ft.( b) &ttaek: 10,000 - 11,000 ft.(e) Breakaway: Below n,ooo ft.

    U, ) Bomb Load: 500 Ih GPs.( 5) T akeoff: 051630K.

    x. (1) Method ef A.ttack: By individ\ilal aircraft com~essed into asshort a strike time as possible. On 8l).. inccndi,:l.ry t"lrr:.3ts,the main force is preceded by pathfinders, flo\~n by "est rc.d.":!'crews.

    (2) fill Ale, except 315tt lJiIing, will cliu,b to a mini.mw:n of 13,JOOft. on breakaway. 315th ll'fine: will stay below 11,000 it.(~) 2 pat.hf i.nder-s from each -winE', except, 315th Win.;, will cnrr:\"

    full le~d of 500 lb GPs.(4) Each "lircrait will carry one T4E4 ira cluster Loaded to be

    released lo.st.

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312




    Jl.liss;i.onsNo. 312, Q}.3. 314 and 316

    5/6 .\ugust 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    CoRYNo.1234~5678910111 2I)1 4 -15161 7181920212223 242 526 - 272829 - 3334353 63 7) 8 - 676 8 - 6 97 07 1727 37 47 57 &7 77879 - e o


    CommandingGeneral; A r m l f Ai~ ~orce3CommandingGeneral; U.B. Arnzy' Strategic til' Force:, (Rear)Co!lBD8.ndingeneral, U.S \rmy Strategic ,.ir FOC'ces (Gul.l:n)Chief of Sta ff, U.S .l.rmy 8tratElgic -Air Forces (G-J/1er_tieth Air ForceA C of S, A - 2 . Tuentieth ~ir ForceChem1 cal Harfare' Qffies:'. 'I\76ntie11h Air Force0rcrkl".ce Officer. TV4el:.tleth A1.r Fo~'ceDireC'il?r of Tactics. A-3. T-.;entietl. Air ForceHistoric13.1 Officer, Tv.entieth Air For-ce

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 312


    818.283848 . 5868788

    909 19 29 3949 596979 89 91 0010110210310 41 0 51 0 61071081 091 10III11211,91 1 4 -1 1 5116117 ~ 130

    RESTRICTED-. . . . . . . . . . . ...._'-~-'.."".--

    CowmaIlding Gen6.ral; 58th Bombar~ment ~IingCormnendins General, 73rd Bombardment ;"/j .J1gCommanding General; j13th Bombardment "'ingGC>l'!lJn_'1ndingGeneral; J14th Bombardment 'JinC;GOI'!l!nanding General; 315tb Bomb=dment ;7 ingCorrmand ing Of:fioe~; 3rd Photo Reconnaissance SqCommand iog Offic6I1: 41st Photo Reconnai aaanea SqComwarrling Offi oar, 55th Reoonnaissomce Sq, W11i3R::II!.~e:1ootherCOll !J l l ,Olnding Officer. 'I\7entiet h A ir For ce Oonbat Stagi nl >GenteiI' (17ovisional)Commanding Offi cer ; 3]I'd Stat iat io:1i Control UnitCo!mna.llding Officer; 6th Bomb Grdup (VH)CommruJd08 Otf ieer ; 9th Bomb Group (VH)Comma.nding O:rficru>; 16th Bomb GToUJ,l(V'H)Commao.ding Officer; 19th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Oflicsr; 29th Bomb GToup (VB)C