2020 - travel shows · in an approachable manor so that prospective customers will feel comfortable...

EXHIBITOR ACTIVATION GUIDE 2020 Your guide to success at the Travel & Adventure Show The Most Important Travel Events In The U.S.

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Your guide to success at the Travel & Adventure Show

The Most Important Travel Events In The U.S.

CEO Welcome Letter ..................................................................................................... 1

2020 Show Dates ........................................................................................................... 2

Tips for First Time Exhibitors ........................................................................................ 3

How to Ensure Success ................................................................................................. 4

What Attendees Want ................................................................................................... 7

Pre-Show Marketing .................................................................................................... 11

Making the Most of Your Exhibiting Dollars .............................................................. 13

How to Increase Your R.O.I. ........................................................................................ 14

Attracting Media Attention ......................................................................................... 15

During the Show .......................................................................................................... 16

Lead Collection ............................................................................................................ 18

10 Ways to Stay Organized for Success .................................................................... 19

How to Make Sure Your Booth Stands Out ............................................................... 21

How to Maximize Your Presence ................................................................................ 23

Exhibitor Social Media Success Tips ......................................................................... 24

Measure Your Results.................................................................................................. 26

20 Tips for the TAS Exhibitor ...................................................................................... 27

Table of Contents

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On behalf of the entire Travel & Adventure Show team, I’d like to congratulate you on your decision to be part of the leading series of travel events across the United States.

We are pleased you chose to invest in America’s favorite Travel Market Shows, now in our 16th year. You will join a growing elite group of travel marketers who understand the benefit of getting in front of over 4,500 travel agents, 900 press and nearly 200,000 travel enthusiasts looking to find their next new vacation!

As an exhibitor, we are committed to maximizing your participation by assisting you in all aspects of your show experience. Our Customer Success Team will be communicating in the weeks and months ahead with information on show planning, pre-event marketing, establishing show objectives, on-site activation and “best practices” to engage with attendees.

When it comes to maximizing your return on these events, I cannot stress enough the importance of pre-show planning and setting of realistic objectives. It truly will maximize your results and minimize your costs.

As you interact with our team, I am sure you will find them to be extremely helpful. Should the occasion ever arise that an issue can’t be resolved to your satisfaction, I encourage you to contact me directly at 203-878-2577.

Again, welcome to the Travel & Adventure Shows – and thank you for partnering with Unicomm.

Best regards,

John V. Golicz CEO

Welcome to the Travel & Adventure Show

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2020 Travel & Adventure Show Dates









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Many exhibitors enter their first show without a solid event plan, which can lead them to make expensive decisions that deliver no meaningful or measurable contribution to their sales and marketing objectives. We don’t want that to happen to you! Let the TAS Customer Success Team take you through everything you need to know about being a first-time exhibitor with us, and howto maximize your participation. Understand What You’re Really BuyingWe have found that many first time exhibitors believe they are buying floor space, exposure, leads and eventually sales. Successful and experienced exhibitors have learned that they are buying face-to-face contact in an environment strategically designed to foster interaction with a highly qualitative and motivated travel audience. Give Yourself Enough Time to Prepare and Execute an Effective ExhibitSome first time exhibitors sign up too close to the show date to put in the time, planning and effort that it takes to make sure their investment is maximized. A lot more goes into this type of event than you might think: pre-show marketing, booth design, training the exhibit staff, booking travel accommodations, etc. Giving yourself enough time to make sure everything is perfect come set-up day will not only save you stress and anxiety, but it could also end up saving you money as well!

Confirm the Correct Person is Receiving TAS CommunicationsIt is CRITICAL to make sure that the person managing your company’s presence at the Show is receiving all communication from the TAS Customer Success Team. The TAS Customer Service emails contain important action items, deadline reminders, show information/updates and tips for minimizing costs and maximizing participation. If you are concerned you are not receiving TAS emails or the wrong person in your organization is receiving these emails, please contact TAS Customer Success at 203-878-2577 x 100.

Take Advantage of Pre-Show Discounts to Minimize ExpensesFor optimal savings, it is crucial to pay attention to discount pricing deadlines to take advantage of advanced pricing discounts for key items including shipping, electrical, booth furnishings, signage, and AV Services. All discount pricing deadlines to receive advanced pricing discount rates are noted clearly in each exhibitor kit and will be included in TAS Customer Success Communication to remind you to plan ahead.

Tips for First Time Exhibitors





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We want to ensure that you have a successful experience and turn your goals into reality. From before-event planning, to during the show objectives, to post show follow-ups, the team at the Travel & Adventure Show has you covered! Before the ShowBefore the show begins, there are certain things that you and your team should be thinking about to guarantee success: 

Set Exhibiting ObjectivesWhether your main objective is to promote your destination, launch a new tour product, or simply to make sales and build revenue, it is important to decide what your primary reason is for exhibiting at the event. With thousands of travel enthusiasts looking for their dream vacation, deciding what you want out of the event is essential to meeting your goals!

Share Those Objectives With Your Booth StaffOnce you and your team have figured out what objectives you’d like to achieve at the Travel & Adventure Show, it is recommended that you go over those objectives with your booth staff. The shows have a reputation for consistently delivering top travel experts and personalities to the events, so booth traffic will be high. Making sure that your exhibition team is on the same page, displays a profound knowledge of your destination, which captures the attendees’ attention, and ultimately leads to more quality conversations! Know Your Product/Destination Knowing everything about your destination or product is essential to completing your objectives. We’ve often heard feedback from attendees that some of the staff in the booths weren’t very knowledgeable about their destination or tour product. Show goers will most likely be asking a lot of questions. Knowledge of your destination, such as different amenities for travelers with families, couples or adventure seekers, can mean the difference between an attendee being a potential customer, or moving on.

How to Make Sure Your Show Experience is a Success




Did You Know

of show attendees state that their #1 reason for attending the Travel &

Adventure Show is to meet with destination experts.


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During the ShowAfter your booth is set up you’ll hear the announcement that the doors are about to open to the general public. Travel buyers will soon be flooding the aisles and flocking to your booth to see what your destination can offer them.

 Gather LeadsAn opportunity to win something related to your destination is a great way to capture the names of people with an interest in what you are selling. Following up on these leads is a great way to generate sales! Also remember that sales leads should be treated as cash. Assigning a team member to keep track of leads is a great way to make sure your leads stay safe and organized.

Be AttentiveReading, talking or texting on the phone or looking bored may cause attendees to be reluctant about advancing towards your booth. Present yourself in an approachable manor so that prospective customers will feel comfortable about asking for more information and giving you the opportunity to make a sale. Dress Up It is recommended that you and your booth staff wear something with your destination or company logo, which presents a professional and unified identity. We also advise that you wear comfortable clothing and shoes as most of your day will be spent presenting your destination to the show population.

Walk the Show Floor Make time to see what your competitors are doing. Note how they set up and work their booths as a way to gain new ideas for your next Travel & Adventure Show. Walking the show floor also presents a great opportunity to network with fellow members of thetravel trade!

How to Make Sure Your Show Experience is a Success

Some destinations in shows past have given promo codes to attendees who are on the

cusp of booking their next trip with you! Offering a discount on a vacation booked within a certain time period after

the show gives prospective customers an incentive to book with your company!






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After the ShowAfter all the attendees have walked out the doors, excited about their next vacation to your destination, your job isn’t done—it’s just begun!

 Evaluate Your PerformanceAsk each person who worked the booth what they thought worked, what didn’t and what ideas they got from other exhibitors while walking the show floor. Once everyone is settled back at the office, have a brainstorming meeting while the show experience is still fresh!

Follow-Up On LeadsAn exhibitor recently told us that because he did not have adequate resources to follow up on all the leads he had received at the show, a hot prospect ended up booking their vacation with another tour operator at the show. Don’t let this happen to you! Be sure to have a plan in place for lead follow-ups and someone responsible for the leads before you leave for the show.

EmailA great way to impress a prospective customer is to have an email waiting for them when they get home from the show. We recommend having a specific email to refresh their memory about who you are and what destination you represent. This will dramatically increase your impact on the customer and give your sales team a head start on the next step in the sales process.

Direct MailWe recommend the first mailing goes 7-30 days after the show, with follow up mail being sent out on a regular basis. Be sure to send out interesting—and inexpensive—materials.

TelemarketingTelemarketing can be a tricky subject when it comes to sales. Make sure your telemarketing team has a reason to call. For example, set up an appointment or obtain customer needs. Your telemarketers should be well trained, have product knowledge, understand selling skills and have pleasant and effective communication skills. Plan For The Next ShowBooth space sells fast and prime booth locations are on a first come-first serve basis. Each Travel & Adventure Show offers amazing re-sign rates!

How to Make Sure Your Show Experience is a Success




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We recently undertook an extensive research project on Travel & Adventure Show attendees through Mercury CSC, a leading consumer research and market intelligence firm focusing on travel. The research was both quantitative, with over 3,000 past attendees participating in the survey, as well as qualitative, with dozens involved in our focus groups. The results reaffirmed many of our beliefs and, more importantly, presented us with some stunning new insights.

Travel & Adventure Show Attendees are Power TravelersWhile we can’t release all the information in the report, some of this data summarized below should help you with your final show planning. Using this data is important to understanding the wants and needs of attendees, which can help you serve them better.

What Attendees Want

95% of attendees plan on returning to another Travel & Adventure Show

60% have attended for more than two years

Attendees value their time spent at the Travel

& Adventure Show, think highly of the quality of exhibitors and enjoy

their overall time at the event. Take advantage of

the opportunity!

Trip Booking Impact

Show Impact

78% of those looking to book a vacation booked with an exhibitor they met at the show

79% of all attendees based a decision on what destination they would travel from attending the show

53% found more confidence in making travel plans with the exhibitors BASED on their involvement with the show

86% of attendees booked one or two trips based on meeting an exhibitor at the show 14% booked three or more trips

Attendees TRUST that our exhibitors will give them the best deal, the best experience and a

memorable vacation based on the fact that they can meet you face to face.

There is no marketing tool more powerful than face

to face marketing.

35% have attended three to seven years

Trip Spend

Domestic Travel Propensity

International Travel Propensity

89% of TAS Attendees will take a domestic trip in the next 12 months

64% of attendees spent more than $5,000 annually on travel27% spend over $10,000 annually on travel

91% will take at least one international trip in the next 12 months













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What Attendees WantTrip Planning: Our attendees are motivated to come to a Travel & Adventure Show to plan their next trip. In fact, many attendees stated they enjoy the planning process just as much as the trip.

Expert Advice: They want to meet exhibitors to learn from experts on how to travel like a local in their destination. So make sure you have authentic advisors in your booth ready and trained to answer many excellent questions from the attendees.

Knowledge and Experience: Attendees are motivated to attend for both the celebrity travel speakers, increasingly for destination seminars as well as the cultural theater.

Attendees Want A Deal:What surprised us the most were the very prevalent comments that attendees come to the Travel & Adventure Shows with the pre-conceived idea that they will get a great deal on travel from trusted suppliers.

We know that more than half of the attendees feel more confidence booking with a supplier they find at the show – that’s a key benefit of exhibiting! Your reputation increases simply by participating and being seen.

But, attendees want a deal. They overwhelmingly stated they would seek out and wanted to be offered a travel deal that is better than or more inclusive than they could find elsewhere.

Further, we were also told by many attendees that they were disappointed that so many exhibitors and destinations did not appear to offer a show only special. A deal with an exclusive add on no one else could get, affected who they booked with or which booth they stopped at.

How to Maximize this Inside InformationSo if you want to maximize your return at the Travel & Adventure Shows, make sure you display some kind of monetary savings or exclusive additions to itineraries that attendees can’t get elsewhere.

Make sure you make this visible for all passerby’s and make sure that the booth staff can pitch the deal as well as expert advice.

Let Us Market Your Special:Finally, make sure that you tell us about your special deals. We are working hard to let attendees know about show-only specials, on our website, post registration emails, social media outlets and at-show handouts.




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You’ve confirmed your booth space, picked out your booth staff and booked your trip to one or more of the Nation’s Biggest Travel Shows – what’s next? Our most successful exhibitors don’t wait until the show starts to target their attendees; they use targeted pre-show marketing to get themselves on attendees’ agendas before the show even opens.  Here at the Travel & Adventure Shows, your exhibiting success is our number one concern! Follow these tactics to help fill your booth with qualified buyers: Use Pre-Show Marketing Techniques to Attract More Buyers & Prospects  Clean and Update Your Database The first step of Pre-Show marketing is to go through your leads and customer database and decide who is worth your marketing dollars. This allows for your budget to be better spent on your top customers and prospects.

Develop a Master Schedule and BudgetCreating a Marketing Schedule and Budget is a fool-proof way to keep your team organized and in the know. Include when direct mailings and blast emails go out and when ads are due to publishers and website designers. Staying organized is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your team reach your exhibiting goals!

Take Advantage of WebsitesOne of the easiest and most efficient ways to promote your show schedule is on your company’s website. From listing all your shows, posting a photo of your booth display and staff working the show, to posting a link to the Travel & Adventure Show website. Giving your customers a preview of what they want to see is key to a successful event.

Pre-Show Marketing and Promotion

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Invite Key Customers to Visit Your BoothOn sales calls or through emails, inviting your key prospects or customers is a great way to boost sales and create new business. Face-to-face marketing is one of the most powerful tools to achieve strategic and long-term relationships for your travel brand!

Create Direct MailingsDirect mail is a great way to stand out to customers. Keep the message short and geared towards your audience and be sure to send multiple mailings to separate yourself from the com-petitors! Be sure to highlight show dates and locations, as well as booth numbers and special offers. We recommend sending the first mailing 30 days before the show, with the last mailing arriving to them a week before the show.

Use Promotional ItemsYou may want to consider bringing promotional items, such as pens or refrigerator magnets, they are a great way to keep your brand in your customer’s minds long after the show ends.Promising a giveaway —whether a vacation, excursion, branded merchandise or a one of a kind attraction—is one of the best waysto gain volume at your booth!

Let us Market your Booth GiveawaysAre you planning to give away fun promotional items at your booth or even better a trip give away? Exhibitors will receive a form to submit there promo offers to appear on the website and in the on-site show guide,

All of these pre-show marketing tactics are one of the ways you, the exhibitor, can make your goal of success a reality

Pre-Show Marketing and Promotion

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Oftentimes tradeshows can either be an investment that offers a solid return or a big expense that gets you little in return. Getting that solid return all depends on how you view your trade shows and how you manage your exhibition dollars.

Most view their exhibiting as a sales and marketing investment. After all, you are marketing your destination or service to thousands of travel enthusiasts while trying to gather leads to boost your sales. Here’s how to make sure that your exhibiting experience boost your ROI.

Budget Area to ReviewThe first budget area to review is how much to spend at each show. Studies have shown that the average company spends 24% of its sales and marketing dollars on exhibitions. At TAS we believe that our quality attendees are not only highly qualified, but are also of high-quality. Our show-goers know what they’re looking for when they enter our show floor—to find their next vacation. The Travel & Adventure Show is America’s Favorite Travel show for a reason!

Major Exhibit Expenses and PercentagesPlease note: these are just estimates formulated by our show team inorder to give you an idea how much exhibitors spend in each areduring a show.

32% spent on exhibit space rental. Remember that corner booths cost more than a regular booth because of its prime location and highvisibility to the consumer!

20% spent on exhibit design. This includes everything from display materials to graphics and video.

18% spent on travel and entertainment. From airfare to hotel costs to meals and taxis to training and staff attire, everything your exhibiting team needs

14% spent on show services. This includes services from electric to cleaning services to drayage.

9% includes freight and material handling or shipping costs.

6% on advertising and promotions. This includes everything from print advertising to sponsorship costs to sales literature and promotional giveaways. Everything you need to make sure that your company stands out and gets the recognition it deserves is accounted for in this percentage.

1% miscellaneous expenses.

Making the Most of Your Exhibiting Dollars to Achieve High ROI

Exhibit Space

Exhibit Design


Show Services

Material Handling










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To increase your shows return on investment, your first and most important step is to decide what your company’s goals are by exhibiting at the Travel & Adventure Show. We’ve compiled a list to guide you in forming your own measurable objectives. Be sure that your sales team is involved in the creation process of these objectives and that your executive management team agrees and supports you exhibiting goals.  Your Measurable Objectives Must...

Reflect your company’s overall marketing plan Make sure that your goals align with your destinations overall marketing plan. If your destination is marketed towards giving families with children the vacation of a life time, be sure that your goals are geared for that type of vacation.

Target Attendees Be sure that your objectives are targeting current customers, both likely and non-likely prospec-tive customers as well as new leads generated from the show.

Examples of Successful Measurable Objectives• Promote destination or product awareness• Introduce new tours/products/initiatives• Gather sales leads from new prospects• Gather sales leads from present customers

How to Increase Your Shows ROI

• Enter new markets• Generate immediate sales orders• Public relations

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A great way to get attention at the show is by using the media to your advantage. Not only will the media take note, but the attendees at the show who see your destination on TV will take note as well. At the Travel & Adventure Shows, we pride ourselves in giving you access to many of the top media outlets in each show market. From top Morning News stations on networks such as ABC and FOX, to top radio shows, TAS has you covered for all of your media needs. Here’s how to attract the most media attention that you can in order to make sure that your destination or company is marketed correctly and exposed to millions of people.

Pre-ShowPress releases are a great way to get your company’s brand out to the public before the event. To get an editor interested in your press release, you need to make it newsworthy. To ac-complish this, there are many different aspects to include:

• New Technology• First-Time or Unique Product Introductions/Offerings• Show-related Promotions or Attractions• Product Improvements• Noting Recent Mergers or Acquisitions

During the ShowPress kits are an effective way to get news about your destination and services to the media. At each Travel & Adventure Show, there is a press room located on the show floor. Be sure to bring enough materials for your booth as well as the press room. These kits should include:

• Press Releases• Photos with Captions• Your Destination/Service Logo• Sales Literature• Business Cards or Contact Information• Make New Attractions Part of your Exhibit

Post-ShowOnce the show concludes and your team is back at the office, be sure to send a press release to the media members who attended the show. These press releases should include:

• A Show Recap of the Activity in Your Booth• Why Attendees Were Attracted to Your Product or Destination• Any Upgrades to the Information Provided During the Show

How to Attract Media Attention

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One constant that you will see on most tabletops at the Travel & Adventure Show are giveaways and literature. From pens and pencils, to notepads and candy, we’ve seen it all here at America’s Favorite Travel Show. Here are some tips on how to handle literature, giveaways and premiums!

Sales LiteratureFor each show, we recommend integrating your company’s entire message into one low-cost brochure or one-page flyer. We have had many cases in each show where exhibitors have run out of literature by the end of day one and have had to stash their extras to make sure they have enough for day two! Here are a couple guidelines for handling sales literature: Avoid handing out expensive literature to the massesRealize that over 60% of literature handed out at most shows is thrown away. That being said, we recommend creating an inexpensive piece to hand out or leave at the booth for taking.

Offer to send or e-mail informationSince producing sales literature can be expensive to create, print and then ship to the show, it may be a good idea to offer to send information or e-mail it to prospects. By getting their information, you are also generating new leads!

Limit literature to qualified customersBy limiting your literature to qualified customers, you will be able to save money and also produce better quality pieces. If an attendee is serious about traveling to your destination or using your service, odds are they won’t be throwing your information piece out.

Literature doesn’t sell – people do!Sales literature should be created to enhance a conversation. By just standing at your booth handing out these information pieces, you may be creating a barrier between yourself and conversation between you and your prospective customers.

During the Show

VALERIE JOBSTSales Director, Air Malta

The show has been fantastic…They had done their research, were educated travelers and came to the booth with a real interest. It’s been non-stop and I ran out of materials by Saturday afternoon.

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Giveaways and PremiumsMany exhibitors at our shows give out a range of different giveaways. From vacations to pens, to sunglasses and magnets, premium giveaways are a great way to create an impression with your prospects! Here are a few tips for handling premium giveaways:

Give out giftsBy giving these giveaways to anyone who decides to walk by your booth, you are creating a walking advertisement outside the confines of your booth space. These gifts will often drive traffic to your booth and create exposure about your destination or product.

Get quality informationSince these premium giveaways are more expensive and even more valuable than just a one page flyer or brochure, we recommend getting quality information from attendees before giving away a gift. If they are truly interested in your destination brand, they willgive you their information without you having to givethem something in exchange. It may be a good ideato use the gift as a way of saying “thank you” forstopping by your booth.

During the Show

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One of the main reasons that exhibitors decide to participate in the Travel & Adventure Show series is ultimately to make more sales and increase revenue. The best way to do that, and maybe the only way to do that, is to collect as many leads as possible during the show hours. Since TAS only attracts highly qualified, affluent travel enthusiasts, exhibitors don’t have to worry about the quality of their leads or worry about seeking out a certain type of prospect. Here are a couple different ways to effectively collect leads while still attracting visitors to your booth:

Contests and GiveawaysContests are a great way to generate leads as well as attract visitors to your exhibit space. From trips to your destination, to hotel stays, restaurant gift cards, etc., figuring out an incentive for attendees to give you their contact information. From prize draw forms, to iPads and laptops, there are new, innovative ways to capture leads.

Participate in a Broadcast Media Giveaway ContestThis is a first-come, first-serve opportunity to be featured in the TAS media broadcast blitz by donating a complete trip ( land & air ) for use as a TV, Radio and Social Media promotion. Last year Switzerland Tourism sponsored a Swiss Adventure Giveaway promoted by top radio and TV stations leading up and during the LA, Washington DC, SF/Bay Area and Dallas Travel & Adventure Shows. The Swiss Adventure Giveaway included a trip for two to Switzerland that included two round trip tickets, seven nights’ hotel accommodations, a custom itinerary and a Swiss Travel Pass! Each Giveaway Sweepstakes ran for a two week campaign and produced over 6,500 combined entries!

Lead Collection

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The single most important factor in your exhibiting success is your booth-staff selection. More than the way your booth looks from graphics to signage, to what promotional items and literature you give away, the exhibiting team you put on the show floor to staff your booth can give attendees everything they need to know about your destination! Your exhibition team acts as your brand ambassadors as they represent your company for thousands of travel enthusiasts to see. To ensure overall success at the Travel & Adventure Show, we recommend preparing your exhibition team four to six months prior to the event. While you prepare yourself and your team, be sure to ask yourself these 10 questions to make sure that your destination stands out from all the rest:

How many people should be on site when staffing a booth?Variables to consider: How big is your booth space? Do you have enough people for set up, break down and 2 days of exhibiting? It is important to make sure that you have enough staff on site so that every member can take a break every 4 to 6 hours. If your exhibition requires an attraction, do you have enough staff to run the attraction while also running your booth?

Who are the best people to represent youtravel brand?Your exhibition team should be comprised of employees with many different attributes to ensure that your experience is a success.You want your team to be made up of people with excellent knowledgeof your destination, outstanding people skills, exceptional sales instinctsand an engaging personality.

Have you organized a training session for your staff?Be sure to prepare your team with all the skills and tools they need to guarantee your objectives are met. From qualifying prospects, to handling difficult attendees, to lead generation and follow up, make sure that your staff is ready for anything once theyhit the show floor.

Is your exhibition team knowledgeable about your destination?To market your destination, and ultimately make sales, your staff needs to know everything and anything about your brand. Attendees will most likely come to your booth once, before moving on to the next, so make sure that your exhibiting team knows the answers the first time in order to push show goers in the right direction.

Have you created an itinerary for your team? Having everyone on the same page is crucial to not only being organized, but also being successful. Your itinerary should have everything from flight times to meal times, to set up times and break down times.

10 Ways to Stay Organized for Success






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Have you established a dress code?Well before you even think about leaving for an event, make sure your exhibit team knows what the dress code is for the show, travel itinerary, and off-site activities. Unless your team is wearing uniforms, we recommend wearing clothes that have your destinations’ logo on them. Dress codes at TAS range from a dress shirt and slacks to shorts and a t-shirt. It all depends on what image you want your customers to see.

When is your pre-show meeting? A pre-show meeting can make or break your exhibiting experience. Make sure that your team knows the objectives, duties and goals of the show.

Does each exhibition team member have enough business cards? Make sure your team is adequately prepared with too many business cards. Prepare to hand out double the amount of what you’re expecting to. With so many exhibitors, your business card canb be the one link that an attendee will have to you following the show.

Who will be responsible for overseeing booth installation and dismantling?Before set up, appoint one or two staff members to oversee the set up and break down of your booth. At all TAS events, you are provided with a 6 foot table, drape, 2 chairs, wastebasket, carpeting and an Exhibitor ID Sign. The rest, is up to you.

Have you received your Travel & Adventure Show Exhibitor Kit? Last, but certainly not least, is one of your most important tools to be a well organized and successful exhibitor. Our Operations Team spends a lot of time compiling an Exhibitor Kit which addresses any and all of your questions. From storage, to drayage, to set up times and the closest FedEx location, the Exhibitor Kit has all the information you need regarding the Travel & Adventure Show.

10 Ways to Stay Organized for Success






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Thousands of qualified attendees flock to each Travel & Adventure Show in search of one thing: the perfect vacation. Although they may have one in mind, you, along with exhibitors from other states, countries and continents, compete for the opportunity to persuade them to visit your destination or utilize your tour services. So wow your audience, draw a crowd and ensure that your exhibiting experience is a success!

Booth DesignYour booth’s appearance is the first aspect that potential customers will look at when walking the show floor.

Be sure to design your booth with bright colors, clean, crisp pictures of vacationers enjoying your product or even using video to attract show goers.

Make your booth more inviting with open space and even a place to sit while discussing your product. The more appealing your booth is, the more likely you get attendees to stop.

Also, make sure attendees can immediately understand what you are marketing through your booth design and signage.

Draw a CrowdOnce your well lit, bright colored, inviting booth is set up and the show begins, it’s time to start getting attendees to your booth. Drawing a crowd to your booth is one way to make your booth stand out to other attendees as they wander the show floor. It’s human nature for people to “want to be where the action is.”

Prize drawings and contests, promotional items and even a hands-on display of your product or attractions are all great ways to build volume around your booth and attract more than just the occasional wanderer.

But also, don’t forget that a smile and good eye contact goes a long way in attracting people from the aisle to your booth!

How to Make Your Booth Stand Out

This RV Company brought in a vehicle forattendees to check out before their next road trip!

Not only did this exhibitor hold a prize drawing at her booth to attract attendees, she also made the rule that the winner had to present to receive the giveaway!

of attendees who pass your booth without stopping still take away some

sort of impression of your exhibit.


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Engage VisitorsOne of the most important aspects to making sure your booth stands out among the rest is engaging your visitors. Since your booth visitors are the ones who are buying your product, it is essential to keep them informed and interested.

Be sure to have plenty of sales literature on your tabletop. Of course you want your booth staff to be talking to the attendee, but since the odds are they will be visiting more than just one booth, giving them something to remind them of what you talked about is imperative to making sure they remember your destination as something they want to seriously look into.

Make sure that your booth is staffed by knowledgeable staff members at all times. 93% of attendees state that their #1 reason for coming to the show is to meet with exhibitors like YOU. If an attendee shows up with questions that your booth staff can’t answer, the likelihood of them booking their trip with you become slim.

Last but certainly not least, make sure your staff is presenting itself in the right manner. Staff should be standing at all times and shouldn’t be on their cell phones or laptops unless they’re going through something with a visitor. Eating should also be done at the Exhibitor Lounge which is located at every show in the Show Office. Enforce a dress code for staff members. From matching shirts with your company logo to simply the same colored clothing, presentation is vital to looking professional.

How to Make Your Booth Stand Out

These travel product exhibitors dressed up as flight attendants and brought in actual airplane seats so attendees could get the full experience when testing out their pillow and mask. Engaging and Fun!

This exhibitor had a very simple method to engage with attendees. A video, narrated by the owner, looped all day. The video allowed attendees to imagine themselves being on this tour…it was fascinating how many people would stop and watch and listen to the commentary and then stay to ask more probing questions.

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More often than not, your participation in the Nation’s Leading Travel Show is a vital part of being a true member of the travel industry. Taking full advantage of the benefits will make it an effective event for your business. Here is what you need to consider when you’re planning for the Travel & Adventure Show.

Your Trade BudgetBefore starting to plan you’re eye-catching, revenue-boosting booth, make sure to create a budget for everything from pre-show marketing to post-show lead follow ups. This budget should include things such as promotional items, staff travel, hotel arrangements, actual booth space, electricity, marketing items, etc.  Your Target AudienceOur Show Series attracts an audience of highly qualified, affluent travel enthusiasts who are looking to book their next vacation. Mix in some press members and trade professionals, and there’s your show population. This being said, your exhibit needs to be attractive to an audience who doesn’t necessarily know everything about the industry and your travel brand. So, create a display that most everyone can easily understand and respond to.

Get Your TAS Exhibit Going ViralThe management team here at TAS, lead by CEO John Golicz, believes in rewarding our exhibitors for their hard work in making our show look as good as possible. At last year’s LA Travel & Adventure Show, we passed out various awards to different exhibitors to show our appreciation and let them, and everyone around them, know that their booth stood out. One of those awards was “Best in Show” for booth design. We recommend getting together with your exhibit team and coming up with unique ideas to help your booth stand out.

An Assessment of the Trade Show ExhibitLast but not least, consider conducting an assessment of how your trade show exhibit worked for you. Questions might include: what did you accomplish by exhibiting at TAS? Did you find out anything important about any other companies at the show that may help your brand? Were customers engaged in your booth and more importantly, in your destination? A full assessment will help you figure out what needs improvement and what you can build upon for the next Travel & Adventure Show!

How to Maximize Your Company’s Presence at the Travel & Adventure Show

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Looking to get the word out about your participation in the Travel & Adventure Show series? From Facebook to Twitter, and Instagram, social media is the newest way to showcase your destination or product to a select group of people who are genuinely interested in what you’re offering. Following these tips will help you expand your social reach across different outlets and media in order to capture the attention of your followers and drive them to the show to meet you face to face.

Focus on using social media tools to release cutting- edge information about your destination, tour or product.

Set measurable goals for your social media strategy. Defining your audience or hitting a specific number of interactions or followers are examples of measurable goals that set the stage for the type of information you will be sharing!

Find relevant blogs. Bloggers are important because they usually have an audience that are a part of your target market. Bloggers also post information as they receive it, which can be very useful at the show itself.

Promote your TAS plans on your social media accounts at least 1 month in advance.

Use our official hash tag which includes the current show city and “TravelShow.” For example, the Dallas Travel & Adventure Show official hashtag would be #DallasTravelShow.

Exhibitor Social Media Success Tips






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Tease attendees to your booth. Promote a news release that you will reveal at the event, share new product pic-tures and post the TAS logo on your website along with your booth number.

Point out sessions that your company will be involved in or sponsoring.

Recognize special events as they are happening at your booth!

Find fun ways to make your booth set up moreengaging and photo friendly

Take advantage of what TAS has to offer. From premium placement in TAS pre-show campaign to Facebook fan photo contests, to inclusion in at-show promotion and live streaming, we make sure that you’re exposed to the right people in each market to drive traffic to your booth and help you gather leads.

Exhibitor Social Media Success Tips






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One important takeaway from exhibiting at the Travel & Adventure Show is the amount of leads that your destination or service can generate. Being exposed to tens of thousands of people each show means that your booth is getting non-stop exposure from highly qualified travel enthusiasts! It doesn’t matter if your lead collection system is done electronically or on paper; the important thing is to design a lead collection system that works best for your company. 80% of leads gathered at a show are never followed up on by exhibitors. Remember, leads are the best way to measure your success and boost sales!

Post-Show Follow UpPlan for your post-show follow up before you even leave for the show. Whether you plan on emailing your prospects, calling them or sending them direct mail, your plan should be in place so when you get back to the office post-show, you’re ready to make your sales! Here are some of our recommendations on how to follow up with your leads following your TAS experience.

EmailConsider emailing your prospects. In today’s business world, most people are on-the-go. Email is an easy and effective way to make sure that your leads hear from you while you’re destination is still fresh in their mind!

Direct MailAlthough slowly becoming a thing of the past, direct mail is still a very valuable resource for lead follow up and marketing purposes. Since some customers still like to have a physical piece of information they can reference, direct mail should be sent out with a brochure or other marketing tools such as a DVD.

Phone CallPicking up the phone and following up with a lead can be just as effective, and personal, as a face to face interaction! Speaking with someone directly is a great way to create relationships which can speed up the process of making a sale!

Post-show distribution of requested information and materials and then following-up are the first two steps in the sales process. Take advantage of the booth volume you’ve acquired from the Travel & Adventure Show and start growing your company’s sales!

Measure Your Results!

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Who’s on the exhibiting team? What flight are we on? Who are we expecting to market our destination or tour product to? If that sounds like the questions you would expect to hear as you’re about to leave for your first Travel & Adventure Show, we have you covered. Here are 20 tips compiled by our team to make sure that your first TAS is a successful first, and not your last!

Give yourself enough time to prepare. Planning and preparing for a show of this size can take from anywhere between six and eight months. Be sure to pay attention to discount pricing deadlines to take advantage of advanced pricing discounts for pre-show booth services and shipping.

Prepare 4 to 6 engaging questions to ask attendees and prospective customers before the show. Questions that stimulate their interest and capture their attention can encourage conversation which gives you the opportunity to make your sales pitch.

Create the right first impression. Remember that people can read attitude! Be sure to stand up, smile and act welcoming to attract attendeesto your booth space.

Create a booth that makes attendees feel welcome. Pictures of your destination are recommended along with other types of marketing materials!

Initiate both pre-show and in-show promotions.Using a prize draw or a contest is a great way to attract attendees to your booth. Sending materials out to your current and prospective customers and using social medi tactics are ways to spread the word about your participation in the show.

Establish a dress code for your exhibiting team. Travel & Adventure Show exhibitors tend to wear business casual clothing with their company logo displayed somewhere on their person. Depending on what type of destination or service you are exhibiting with, this may vary. Dressing the same, or almost the same, reflects unity and organization which is very attractive to prospective consumers!

Set measurable goals for the show. Do you want to promote your destination, launch a new tour product, or simply to make sales and build revenue? Setting goals will help you focus your efforts.

Send email and direct mail campaigns to loyal customers and hot prospects before the show, urging them to stop by your booth. This is also where you can mention the before mentioned promotions.

Go over lead collection and follow up techniques so leads can be gathered quicklyand efficiently.

20 Tips for the TAS Exhibitor










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Decide on your main message. Try to make this message short, catchy and memorable.

Finalize all travel arrangements as early as possible and make sure everyone has the itinerary. With everyone on the same page, it is nearly impossible for someone to get left behind!

Set your booth apart from the others. Do your best to make your exhibit stand out from the rest of the exhibits on the show floor.

Pictures, music, video and other attractions make attendees feel welcome and intrigued!

Try to set up meetings with qualified contacts, Influencers, existing customers and prospective customers while at the show. Face to face contact is a powerful force that can create the relationships you need to succeed!

Take advantage of social media tactics. Utilize Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to get your name out there and create a buzz before and after the event.

Walk the floor and take note of what your competitors are doing. This is a good way to gauge your competitor’s strategies so you and your company can do one better!

Make it easy for attendees to get sales literature and other promotional items at your booth. Be sure to have plenty of material as most exhibitors claim they run out by the end of day one!

Have a box or bag full of everything you’re going to need during the show time. Pens, pencils, paper, business cards, paper clips and name tags. Having everything organized and at your fingertips will show your customers that you are prepared and ready for anything!

Keep notes on customers asking you questions about your destination or travel service. Being able to follow up with them using details about what you talked about with them shows them how much you appreciate their business!

Be sure to bring snacks and water to the event. The TAS Sales Office is always stocked with water, candy, and a complimentary bars/snacks in the morning, but we do not provide lunch or snacks!

20 Tips for the TAS Exhibitor (continued)