2019 macksville public school annual report€¦ · the annual report for 2019 is provided to the...

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Page 1: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Macksville Public School2019 Annual Report


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Page 2: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and


The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

School contact details

Macksville Public School35a Wallace StMacksville, 2447www.macksville-p.schools.nsw.edu.aumacksville-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au6568 1800

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Page 3: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

School background

School vision statement

At MPS we believe in creating innovative learners whose passions are nurtured by an expert teaching team, committedto high quality learning in an ever–changing world.

School context

Macksville Public School is situated on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Macksville Public School is distinguished as ahighly innovative and successful learning environment. The school has a Family Occupation and Employment Index of134, indicating that Macksville Public School draws from a low socio–economic community, with 19% of students beingAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The school has a strong culture that promotes student engagement and attainmentwhere positive participation is inclusive, and success is celebrated.

Macksville Public School is identified as an Outer Rural area which draws a location allowance ensuring the school isconnected with the wider global community. Our school vision is dedicated to strategic planning, instructional leadershipand community engagement to ensure graduands of Macksville Public School are positive members of the community,equipped with 21st century learning skills. The school is involved with the Early Action for Success strategy (EAfS) andwill continue with this reform until the end of 2021.

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Page 4: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Self-assessment and school achievement

This section of the annual report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework and participated in an externalvalidation. The Framework is a statement of what is valued as excellence for NSW public schools, both now and into thefuture. The Framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a cleardescription of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

Each year, we assess our practice against the Framework to inform our school plan and annual report. Every five years,our school undergoes an external validation process.

During the external validation process, an independent panel consisting of a Principal School Leadership and a peerprincipal considered our evidence and assessment of our school's progress against the School Excellence Framework.

Our self–assessment and the external validation process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to furtherimprovements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching–and–learning/school–excellence–and–accountability/school–excellence

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

Elements 2019 School Assessment

LEARNING: Learning Culture Sustaining and Growing

LEARNING: Wellbeing Sustaining and Growing

LEARNING: Curriculum Sustaining and Growing

LEARNING: Assessment Sustaining and Growing

LEARNING: Reporting Sustaining and Growing

LEARNING: Student performance measures Sustaining and Growing

TEACHING: Effective classroom practice Sustaining and Growing

TEACHING: Data skills and use Sustaining and Growing

TEACHING: Professional standards Sustaining and Growing

TEACHING: Learning and development Delivering

LEADING: Educational leadership Delivering

LEADING: School planning, implementation andreporting


LEADING: School resources Delivering

LEADING: Management practices and processes Delivering

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Page 5: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Strategic Direction 1

Excellence in Learning


To create learners who demonstrate innovation, confidence and are self–regulated. To build the efficacy and capabilitiesof students to be active participants in the development and monitoring of their own learning. Provide opportunities forfrequent, constructive feedback to enhance learning outcomes.

Improvement Measures

100% of Teaching and Learning programs and lesson observations show evidence of differentiated curriculumdelivery.

Increase of students being able to articulate their learning goals.

Teachers share success criteria for student assessment with students. Some classes have the students as partners inthe creation of success criteria.

The school analyses summative assessment data to identify learning progress of individual students and studentcohorts. Teachers use summative data to identify student learning and validate formative assessment practices.

Partnerships with parents and students support clear improvement aims and planning for learning. The school seeksto collaborate with parents of students whose continuity of learning is at risk.

Attendance data is regularly analysed and is used to inform planning. Whole of school and personalised attendanceapproaches are improving regular attendance rates for all students, including those at risk. The school reviewed thePBL matrix in 2019. Staff regularly review student needs and work with the learning and support team for studentsrequiring adjustments. School applied for TTFM survey for 2020.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Process 1: Tools to Learn – Building Learning Power (2011: Claxton, Chambers, Powell, Lucas). Students willlearn to articulate and use the school learner dispositions (Superheroes) to change learning behaviours.Students will have increase engagement and confidence in all areas of the curriculum. Students willlearn through a process of Learning Goals/Success Criteria and Feedback.

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: What does an effective VL classroom look like? Where do weaccess PL to build staff expertise in the identified extra curricular areas? Areall the staff aware of the connection between PBL and VL? Is feedback linkedto success criteria?

Data Sources: Reference books, exemplar classes, myPL and studentachievement and feedback, increased student performances, Sentral data.

Findings: Exemplar class visits have been schedules by AP and IL, studentsare participating in additional extra curricular activities.

Implications: Increased team teaching opportunities encouraged betweenstaff. Library to reflect VL flexible learning space.

Professional Learning Days to releaseteaching and SLSO staff

Funding Sources: • ($17680.00)

Process 2: Developing the Whole Child– Whole school events and activities to enhance student, school andcommunity wellbeing. Extra curricular opportunities to develop the whole child. Embedded Aboriginalperspectives in learning activities. Most students can articulate their learning and understand what theyneed to learn next to enable continuous improvement in most key learning areas.

Student Wellbeing –Students, staff and the community recognise that student wellbeing andengagement are important conditions for learning. Positive Behaviour Learning focuses on creating aneffective environment for learning. Students have a teacher to speak to in confidence.

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: What does an effective VL classroom look like? What extracurricular activities fo the students want? How do we increase parentattendance at the Beez Neez assembly?

Data Sources: Reference books, exemplar classes, myPL and studentachievement and feedback, increased student performances.

Findings: Exemplar class visits have been schedules by AP and IL, studentsare participating in additional extra curricular activities.

Implementation: Consideration for ongoing timetabling to ensure staff havetime to plan, organise and teach students in the identified extra curricularareas. Succession planning of staff with skills in the identified extra curricularareas to ensure ongoing expertise in the school.

Uncle Ritchie

Ocean Day buses and staff

Bowra Cup buses and staff

NAIDOC bush tucker

Rainbow path

Girls Leadership Group

Gumbaynngirr Language

Funding Sources: • ($21530.00)

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Page 7: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Strategic Direction 2

Excellence in Teaching


High quality teaching is vital to develop innovation, confidence and self–regulated learners. There will be a strongcommitment to maintaining high expectations and building teacher capacity through professional learning andInstructional Leadership. We will ensure all staff are supported in the delivery of contemporary teaching practices throughfocused, evidence–based and relevant professional learning. Development of personalised learning programs thatenhance the social, emotional and psychomotor skills of our students, and will build a sense of identity and anopportunity to reach individual potential.

Improvement Measures

Students achieve expected growth in school collected data including Literacy and Numeracy PLAN 2, NAPLAN andSyllabus outcomes.

Student voice growth from Term 1 to Term 4 each year with continuing improvement over three years.

Teachers regularly review and revise lesson plans and sequences, ensuring that the content is based on thecurriculum and the teaching practices are effective.

Teachers regularly use student progress and achievement data to inform lesson planning.

Teachers provide explicit, specific and timely formative feedback related to defined success criteria. Teachers'feedback supports improved student learning.

The leadership team comprehensively analyses student progress and achievement data for insights into studentlearning and discusses results with the whole staff.

All teachers contribute to gathering and analysing data.

The school monitors the accreditation status of all staff and encourages the pursuit of higher levels of accreditation.

All teachers use professional standards and PDPs to identify and monitor specific areas for development or continualimprovement.

The school's structure and organisation ensure that direct support is available to new staff members from experiencedteachers, and beginning teachers are mentored.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Process 1: What to learn – Build curriculum knowledge – Building staff capacity in syllabus implementation anddifferentiation for students.

Teachers demonstrate currency of content knowledge and evidence–based teaching practice in all theirteaching areas.

Aboriginal Cultural Education through professional learning and career development experiences for allstaff .

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: How do we measure student achievement? How do we knowwhat PL our staff need? Critical examination of how reading is beingtaught/assessed in the K–2 classes.

Data Sources: Peer observation, IL observation, Reading Monitoring Sheets,LaST observation of reading behaviours, Effect Size, NAPLAN (SCOUT),PLAN2 and students reports.

Findings: Comprehension achievement impacting working mathematically

Additional 45 minutes release for allstaff to work with IL to build capacity inthe area of curriculum each fortnight.

QTSS to enable exec staff to collectstudent voice data and peerobservations

Learning and Support staff included in

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures


Implications: School plan directions. Re– visit Super Six ComprehensionStrategies and implement Newman's Error Analysis and continue MindalaReading Program as an extension program similar to Bump It Up program forNSW schools.

data collection and analysis to buildcapacity

Instructional Leadership

Building teacher capacity to analysedata to improve teaching and learningcycles – Executive staff, InstructionalLeadership.

Funding Sources: • ($82241.00)

Process 2: How to Learn Visible Learning – Building staff capacity in the following areas; • Learning intentions (learning goals) evident for all lessons. • Success criteria evident in lessons and whole school working towards negotiating success criteria withstudents. • Emotional engagement. • Effective feedback from peers and teachers for learning activities.

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: How do we measure student achievement? How do we knowwhat PL our staff need?

Data Sources: Student Voice Data, Peer observation, IL observation.

Findings: Improvements in Student Voice data is apparent.

Implications: School plan directions continue with the 'How to Learn'curriculum at MPS for 2020.

• Additional 45 minutes release for allstaff to work with IL to build capacity inthe area of integrated approach to VLpedagogy each fortnight. • QTSS to enable exec staff to collectstudent voice data • Learning and Support staff includedin data collection and analysis to buildcapacity.Funding Sources: • ($82241.00)

Process 3: Professional Learning

Teachers engage in professional learning targeted to school priorities, the needs of their students, andthe achievement of their professional goals. • Establish a Professional Learning Leadership Team to plan, monitor and review staff learning isaligned to school plan. • Support staff NESA accreditation with PL that builds capacity and aligns to the MPS school plan.

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: How do we know what PL our staff need? How do we measurethe impact of professional learning?

Data Sources: Students academic achievements, effect size, monitoringsheets, anecdotal evidence, peer observations, NAPLAN data

Findings: Comprehension achievement impacting working mathematicallystrand.

Implications: Targeted PL to continue in line with the school plan.

Staff representatives from each stageto form a professional learning teams.

Funding Sources: • ($0.00)

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Page 9: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Strategic Direction 3

Excellence in Leading


The principal and school leadership team model instructional leadership and support a culture of high expectations andcommunity engagement, resulting in sustained and measureable whole school improvement. Macksville Public School iscontinuing to work towards a culture of high expectations, inclusivity and engagement for all, through enhancedcommunity connections. We value our community and plan to expand the current level of community input and expertiseto enrich curricular programs for students.

Improvement Measures

High levels of community involvement – parents and community members engage in a range of school relatedactivities.

Increase in the amount of student, staff parent and wider community feedback on school performance.

The leadership team ensures that implementation of syllabuses and associated assessment and reporting processesmeet NESA and Department of Education requirements, forming a sound basis for student learning.

Parents and community members will continue to have the opportunity to engage in a range of school–relatedactivities which help build the school as a cohesive educational community.

The leadership team engages in a process of planning, implementation, monitoring and self–assessment, and leadsthe collaborative development of evidence–based school plans. In 2019 we participated in External Validation process.

The school's physical resources and facilities are well maintained and provide a safe environment for learning.

The school plans for community use of school facilities.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Process 1: School Planning, Implementation and Reporting The school plan and milestones are linked toresources. • Community Engagement continues as a priority. • Building teacher capacity (as per strategic directions one and two). Staff PDPs are aligned to theschool plan and professional learning to ensure continued growth for staff. • School Aesthetics – The school's physical resources and facilities are well maintained and provide asafe environment for learning. There are plan for new buildings in 2020. • Technology is accessible to staff and students. All school staff are supported to develop skills for thesuccessful operation of administrative systems and a positive customer service. • Administrative practices and systems effectively support school operations and a holistic approach toteaching for example PBL and Sentral.

Evaluation Funds Expended(Resources)

Questions: How do we measure the impact of Instructional Leadership

Data Sources: Sentral data, Observational Data, Tell Them from Me Survey,Academic results, increased staff understanding of curriculum, visualevidence in class observation and team teaching opportunities

Findings: Increased student understanding of Tools to learn and curriculumunderstanding, increased student achievement in Numeracy results andreading monitoring sheets.

Implications: Increase data collection and evidence of success – TTFMsurvey 2020.

Building teacher capacity throughinstructional leadership

Funding Sources: • ($195905.00)

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Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading 77 901 Macksville Public School has embeddedAboriginal perspectives in the teaching andlearning programs in all classrooms. Thereare additional cultural opportunities forstudents including; Aboriginal ConsultativeGroup, Bowraville Cup, Ocean Day, NAIDOC,Reconciliation, Aboriginal Leadership Group.All students in years 1–6 have been involvedin Gumbaynggirr language classes. StudentsK–6 engage in the Uncle Ritchielanguage/sport program each Wednesday.

Low level adjustment for disability 193 574 Employment of SLSO and teacher release tomeet with parents and members of thelearning and support team to prepare andupdated learning plans, risk assessments andanalysis of data for academic progress.

Quality Teaching, SuccessfulStudents (QTSS)

61 000 which equates to 1day a week per exec staffmember

At Macksville Public School QTSS is utilisedto release executive staff for the purpose ofbuilding teacher capacity through teamteaching, planning, data analysis andreviewing. They also participate in teachingobservations and collection of student voicedata.

Socio–economic background 354 529 Macksville Public School paid for anadditional teacher to reduce class sizes.Resources including technology, flexiblelearning furniture, new books, libraryrefurbishment, school beautification projects,were purchased to enhance teachinginstruction.

Support for beginning teachers 8 538 Beginning teachers opted to build theircapacity with additional release time with theInstructional Leader and visits to otherschools. They also attended professionallearning as indicated in PDP and aligned toschool plans.

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Page 11: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2016 2017 2018 2019

Boys 189 181 164 160

Girls 204 193 174 165

Student attendance profile


Year 2016 2017 2018 2019

K 92.2 93.4 90.9 91.7

1 91.8 91.3 88.8 92.3

2 92.8 93.1 89.5 91.9

3 91.2 93.1 89.8 89.8

4 91.7 92 91.6 93.4

5 89.3 92 90.3 92.9

6 90.7 89.5 89.7 90.2

All Years 91.3 92 90.1 91.7

State DoE

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019

K 94.4 94.4 93.8 93.1

1 93.9 93.8 93.4 92.7

2 94.1 94 93.5 93

3 94.2 94.1 93.6 93

4 93.9 93.9 93.4 92.9

5 93.9 93.8 93.2 92.8

6 93.4 93.3 92.5 92.1

All Years 94 93.9 93.4 92.8

Management of non-attendance

Attendance at school has a big impact on longer term outcomes for children and young people. When a child is not atschool they miss important opportunities to learn, build friendships and develop their skills through play. Regularattendance at school is a shared responsibility between schools and parents. By working together we can have a positiveeffect on supporting our children and young people to regularly attend school.

Our teachers promote and monitor regular attendance at school and all our schools have effective measures in place torecord attendance and follow up student absences promptly. They are guided by the School Attendance policy whichdetails the management of non–attendance.

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Page 12: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal(s) 1

Assistant Principal(s) 3

Classroom Teacher(s) 12.67

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.42

Learning and Support Teacher(s) 1.2

Teacher Librarian 0.6

School Counsellor 1

School Administration and Support Staff 5.22

*Full Time Equivalent

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce composition

The Department actively supports the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employeesthrough the use of identified positions, scholarship opportunities to become a teacher and by providing a culturally safeworkplace. As of 2019, 3.9% of the Department's workforce identify as Aboriginal people.

Workforce ATSI

Staff type Benchmark1 2019 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representation2

School Support 3.30% 7.20%

Teachers 3.30% 2.90%

Note 1 – The NSW Public Sector Aboriginal Employment Strategy 2014–17 introduced an aspirational target of 1.8% by 2021 for each of the sector'ssalary bands. If the aspirational target of 1.8% is achieved in salary bands not currently at or above 1.8%, the cumulative representation of Aboriginalemployees in the sector is expected to reach 3.3%.

Note 2 – Representation of diversity groups are calculated as the estimated number of staff in each group divided by the total number of staff. Thesestatistics have been weighted to estimate the representation of diversity groups in the workforce, where diversity survey response rates were less than100 per cent. The total number of staff is based on a headcount of permanent and temporary employees.

Teacher qualifications

All casual, temporary and permanent teachers in NSW public schools must hold a NSW Department of Educationapproval to teach. Teachers with approval to teach must be accredited with the NSW Education Standards Authority, andhold a recognised teaching degree. All NSW teachers must hold a valid NSW Working With Children Check clearance.

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

Professional learning is core to enabling staff to improve their practice.

Professional learning includes five student–free School Development Days and induction programs for staff new to ourschool and/or system. These days are used to improve the capacity of teaching and non–teaching staff in line withschool and departmental priorities.

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Page 13: 2019 Macksville Public School Annual Report€¦ · The Annual Report for 2019 is provided to the community of Macksville Public School as an account of the school's operations and

Financial information

Financial summary

The information provided in the financial summary includes reporting from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. ThePrincipal is responsible for the financial management of the school and ensuring all school funds are managed in linewith Department policy requirements.

2019 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 902,985

Revenue 4,223,380

Appropriation 4,120,661

Sale of Goods and Services 1,205

Grants and contributions 94,782

Investment income 6,632

Other revenue 100

Expenses -3,992,789

Employee related -3,537,668

Operating expenses -455,120

Surplus / deficit for the year 230,591

Figures presented in this report may be subject to rounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottom line totals,which are calculated without any rounding.

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Financial summary - Equity loadings

The equity loading data is the main component of the 'Appropriation' line item of the financial summary above.

2019 Approved SBA ($)

Targeted Total 328,392

Equity Total 626,404

Equity - Aboriginal 77,901

Equity - Socio-economic 354,529

Equity - Language 400

Equity - Disability 193,574

Base Total 2,268,535

Base - Per Capita 79,308

Base - Location 49,153

Base - Other 2,140,074

Other Total 706,636

Grand Total 3,929,968

Figures presented in this report may be subject to rounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottom line totals,which are calculated without any rounding.

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School performance - NAPLAN

In the National Assessment Program, the results across the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and numeracy assessments arereported on a scale from Band 1 to Band 10. The achievement scale represents increasing levels of skills andunderstandings demonstrated in these assessments.

From 2018 to 2021 NAPLAN is moving from a paper test to an online test. Individual schools are transitioning to theonline test, with some schools participating in NAPLAN on paper and others online. Results for both online and paperformats are reported on the same NAPLAN assessment scale. Any comparison of NAPLAN results – such ascomparisons to previous NAPLAN results or to results for students who did the assessment in a different format – shouldbe treated with care.


The My School website provides detailed information and data for national literacy and numeracy testing. Go tomyschool.edu.au to access the school data. As schools transition to NAPLAN online, the band distribution of results isnot directly comparable to band averages from previous years. While the 10 band distribution available to schools whocompleted NAPLAN online is a more accurate reflection of student performance, caution should be taken whenconsidering results relative to what was formerly a six band distribution. As the full transition of NAPLAN onlinecontinues, the most appropriate way to communicate results for NAPLAN online is by scaled scores and scaled growth.This is the reporting format agreed by state and territory education ministers, and is reflected on the myschool website.

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Parent/caregiver, student, teacher satisfaction

Each term students at Macksville Public School are surveyed about their learning through the Student Voice survey.During student voice surveys students are asked four questions. The questions are for the school to measure howstudents are interpreting the learning for lessons. The questions are as follows. What are you learning about this lesson?What is your learning goal? How will you know if you are successful? How are you being a superhero? This informationis used by staff to refine the teaching and learning cycles for students. Parents frequently make comment on the schoolFacebook page. P&C meetings and teacher meetings. Macksville Public School has increased our efforts to work withcommunity members and organisations. We have increased our ability to do this through employment of an EarlyIntervention teacher. The Early Intervention teacher works with all the Community Pre–Schools and has a well attendedPlaygroup held at the school each Friday. In 2020 the school has decided to participate the Tell Them From Me Survey.

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Policy requirements

Aboriginal Education Policy

The responsibility for enacting the Aboriginal Education Policy rests with all Departmental staff. The policy shouldunderpin and inform planning, teaching practice and approaches to educational leadership in all educational settings.

Evidence of effective implementation of the policy included: • Establishing, building and strengthening relationships with the Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group,

Aboriginal people and communities. • Providing, in partnership with Aboriginal people and communities, education which promotes quality teaching, is

engaging, and is culturally appropriate and relevant. • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will match or better the outcomes of the broader student population. • Implementation of Personalised Learning Pathways for all Aboriginal students in a school culture of high


Anti-Racism Policy

All teachers are responsible for supporting students to develop an understanding of racism and discrimination and theimpact these may have on individuals and the broader community. Principals are responsible for examining schoolpractices and procedures to ensure they are consistent with the policy. All schools have an Anti–Racism Contact Officerwho is trained to respond to concerns in relation to racism.

Multicultural Education Policy

Teachers address the specific learning and wellbeing needs of students from culturally diverse backgrounds throughtheir teaching and learning programs. Principals are responsible for ensuring that school policies, programs andpractices respond to the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of the school community, and provide opportunities thatenable all students to achieve equitable education and social outcomes.

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