· 2017-12-15 · " lir i i i hltf rtliii ns mi ' fi ii "...

" lir i I I Hltf rtliii ns mi ' fi II " iBaifaA., a ,.. ana. - n n3- - .nj, TT Y" L 111 is . nil y.'ytl -- I iem: PTTTS "TT A TT V "KYWE BY M'CkANAHAN, BUTTON & CO. MEMPHIS, TEM, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, JLS57. VOL. VII. NO. 3,03. "'oBUSHED DAII.t7tRI-WEKKL- T AND WBEELT, BT JJfe. R. Jd'CLANAHAN, LEOMDAS TROOSDA1E, TO. M. HUTTON, BENJAMIN r. DILL, pjtDEE. THE STTLE ARB FIRM 6T MTCTLAITAHAIT, HTJTTOK & CO., TO TTHOB ALL LETTERS ON BUtlSEtS, OR OTUEH-- IE, SHOULD BE ADDMUrO. pkice of iunscRirnos. - In 4xbw, r--r annua .....$'0 00 FWeekiy, " " " t "5 o Weekly. " " " 39 3" The 'Weekly paper will be f amisbed te CMi of ";n a uavow Tvreolr, at $2 SO each; to Claes of Iweuly ifcl sfwardf, at $2 each payable InvaslaMr 11 sSflBKrr, and'every OM le be ran up at see once. J2 An eM seeicrrber and a new see win be taken at C,4SS ea JJ-l- a ease wiHtb paper be seat to Bf w jubocrl-be- ts as setae order lor the sasae Is attended with ttse J3" Alt DaOy aabertptk will ..sWered da and paras ha'f-year- ty la advance. terms wffl be strictly end rfesily adhered) to. DAILY RATES FOR ADVERTISING. Aiefitd by fae ,!nai en4 Sanfc ut Basrirtr. FC one soaareof ten lines er lets. one laeertten... $1 69 Fere additional iaeerUen ef f i " i i4.e 4 Mj m SWM M SO 16 ec' so at 2? s e 14 S0' Co 18 7 21 so to 09 6 oa s mw colt vi'ie n:so riw t.i 7Mi 3.i: m, 4 16 u n !JT M ; sS 6fv2 13l Us tidkl 90 M m Ti&i6 . 3,8 e. ts 69 mIm eew oo1 aoote 8t so siu sriK-w- l w e w k e oo eiM eo w oee w i wits m tee m 2- - oe sqaare, reswwable weet'y. yer mmm, W iwm a t, " case S3- - Tiro wnires, renewable vteeTy, per anaaa, 60 69 " " twice a ireek. " 86 66 S3- - AH advertlfeaaenss required to be kept oa seeoc I page, charged as Nrw E 1CH DA V, afld an third pae, as advance over stated rate . S3- - Adrertlseaaents directed to be diqOayetf, or set la into type, charged docile rates. r-- - Taxtr airw'iMT. wi I be charmd extra far occu- - patskg ssuce over cuatract, and when LAR0E TYPk is rv- - - 6" . alirw Wuhe no, or tae aivntess aesai m wrwm: h E3"Tarlv advertisers willbechaigV xtr at rearolar rats for Wants, Sen s, Sastovais. Copartacxship Xo-ttt- e. To OonKes. &c X?"TRANIEST ADVEKTISIB SICST BE PAID JOS - Ill ADVANCE. ' will appear ic the Weel Jy paper ' rmmr--r by spec al contract. S3- - Adverttsements to be lKerted in tbe Vcellr paper Bttj, or at Irresoiar iatervile is either of the papers, will be eaarsed $1 per rqure fr every inrtioa. S3- - AaaoaficlazcaBdidites for Stale, Coaaty and OScts, $6 oack, to be paid ja advaaot to every tsMaaee. .. i.rf- - AU advertioeraeats tor Cb&ritalNe lostitatiocM, Fre Osaapaaies, Ward, Towa, aad other Pnhne Meetisgs, tojatoharaed half price. "t3" Xarriag aad Beaths are pahBshed ai sew ; bat Obnaarfs. Tribato. of Respect aad Faaorai JaritatloCi ,as eab-- r advertisements. ,r 3AB ME1 aad Transient Advottssosaoots wt be "sbarcod by 1k insertion. S3- - Bdttorial Notices in Local OtiasaB wBI be charged 0ant per line S3NoMactioaervaratavrai be aaadefromAe ttfaS45 ToltM. XeCLANAHAN. HUTTON Jk CO. Iroftsstonal (Lute. L. O. RIVES. AND COCXSSLOR AT VKVT, Memphis, ATTORNT5T in the Poet Omee BaiMiag. vjbatesentrBiedtohi carewtll receive prcaxot aad taithfal atteatioB. Owlectioos made ia Ae rersoandsag eoaatios of West Teaneseee, MiseiMsppi and Arkasras. aalS-den,- ly J. A. ANDERSON. AT L.VW, Menrphi., Tenn. Otae la ATTORNEX BaUdisg, over Jtanafl.-ld'- s Drag Stota, Xm street. jxaMy' el Garel SAMCEL GILB8RT, SR. . bas returned to hie old DH leaMilr itI Bear Memahis aad reteBvd bis lolrsa-ar- T saAwaireBHiapnaiaenUy. He treats the Diseases: Caneers.-Sorofflita- , Whie Sw.llio, LrWenaiadWeBS.TrUbMtS3rKiealoiratjaB4. Be aim. sreato-a- CrtobIc Fesaate dlesoe, S reset loagstaadiac. Tetter. Rbeamatisai, SypaiiU, aad a3 fotiss of Mercuilal ASAjctioBa. fft Q. deems it naaeceeeary te y more. ab t as liv-a- g iijlariii-- i ot his soocese ' from Jiaiae to Oregoa. ' BENJAMIN KOWCOTT, Dentist. HATtKG prepared myself weB OcotHtrTtaMemphM I respect ear soticu. ktbe patioaage of all who may n-- e my xr- - . timi in tbe usat isf. aan ma sktiu iv pertorm all operations on the Teeth, and insert ArtMctel Teeth ta the most approved style at we as it can te deee in thWoranv jthrr country. Omet on Main street, opposite WorSbsm Hosm, . dsc9-6- ts ACME e. w. asree - G. W. & K. 3r. ACREE, DENTISTS, oace cnion jhoci, wi itr.-- l. between Main am nam w. J Memphis, Tnaesee. All IXBlat leranom irwtw i ibe least poseiUe pain. Diseases of the Alveotor rroorcs and Gams treated la the most skiUfnl atanaer. Fan or partial Sets of Teeth set oa Gotta Percha or Gold, with tbe latest lmprejmaeatsaBd GUARANTIED, narm-l- y JAMES M. MURPHY, Gc&xxcfrsil. .Tmnrl -goiit. JACKSOXPORT, AKK- -, TTT1I.L attend personally to the locating of SapLad VV Sorlpand vTarraiits in the Jacks, nport and Betes BaHriots, seUle: Land aad paying Befereneos. B Ctoaaem. Ketaphls.TeBB.j A . 3. Hoey, LHtle Eock; W it Foiwell. " J- - Norton & Co , . O ; p'LaaefiOe, " J. A. Sonseean, LsGrasfe, k,H"'" Wt.,I.vrrecevUle, abm PoK " Pa ; ' C, W. Board, Jaeksonport; Pool Vat,Jksonpart aeci7-i- y : rn. Win. HEWITT TTTlCI. aoWev&eWtBe, m tar prtJflbat therete w -- i tm an aaa uow. an .i.h.ii.. eaJenrsou street, in th, Post Otae Balidla, sawtHB tawPoet Oflto. a tttc earner Bemaado and ZILjU streets. BRFBSENCB3 : Oat. J. B. Staatoo, N. AOaau, i., Bsymod camur-JUr.p.- BUni", Dr. J. B. Maetia, Fare.e esmJy. KSomerviae. RV. F P- - Martin. Ksq.,Tiptoa connty. - J.'L- - Wefci, J. B. Ashe, Meavpbis. tobi-de-m ' J. S. TTHITE, M. D.. T ATS of Hardetsaa oooatT. havUs; roaaovad b Mem-- ! . . . ,,..Ar.Lnal services to ths elUartn. oieai'poart o. dr - -- "t ofSWaflacVs Aoc-S- o7 KnUesc on Fuototoc stmt, slh side. tbmweaSt Patrick and St. Marfan. CT " - - R. F. LOOHEY, 4 TJORNET AT LAW. OSsot aver C. W. Cherry & : ir-t- f R. C. BROWN, ET AT IAW, Marioa, Ark., prjatjee. to ATTORN CrUtenden, MlsstselTPl, Grees J??y r. i'' and Manro .Coaaties, in Arkansas. ED. A. BEECHES. t. TT.:MHAM WICa.ERSHA7I & BEECKER, . nratVETS AT LAW. Memphis, TeBBeseee. OCSce, lwl-- t XX. Mo i jenerBQi SMITH P. BANZLHEAD, HORNET AT LAW, MemahU, Tena. Ome in tbe A Office Block, ever Aydlett fc Co., third story. af4 Dr. R. L L.ASRI, and Di eesoraf several BospHals LATEGeTrfw ber ef dlffarent todie Societies fa his located in the city of Memphis, aodof-- V bls"rrire to the paMsc a: Phyasdaa. Acooacher, Or'wSTt-rret- , baleen Slsmand St9aM W WHEATLEV..M. A.HIO0S. B.. V. RICHARDSOS..W. T?inTirdson. Wlieatley & Higgs, AT LAW Office oa tbe corner Second ATTORKETS ttreetor Memnais, Tena. I -1 r , innrv A Ta'tOflP.. . "ty dJVJa.A ss, a Aw"''y FTTOSNET AT LAW. Omce in tne reel OfflBa- - lag, Memphis, Teinir sovtl-t- f HASK.EL.L & SEARCY, A TTORKET AT J.AW. Memphis, Teaeee WauT. I Tirt RMnrr Jiave associated urcaa- - together ia ih. nrirtiw or Law. OfBe. la Wa& . aovSC-di- m J. BEN. S1TERROD, AT LAW. Oavlagten, Tenn. -- All b& ATTORNET witt receive prompt attoatste. llyI9-tf- ". LEBOI POPE, ' AT LAW. Memphis, Tena., wiB raaatee AS crtrci Hs 1 e Oulbof Coartaare, ade4as that tK-- 1t of the Bery Court qrk. Tonti.TtT . OSBORNE practice Law in the OonrU t Hardeman Fay- - entrnhimrrec fmltto. H- - 1. m the Chancery CWf ' BMIvar ILtrueman connty, Tenn JOHN P. FARRELrEY, . v--n vnrvanr ryiR AT LAW. HompWs. jV&n. Of rr of Mato and Jemsl streott, rrr?vv..T, it no .'a. - . TertoBM.Beniy PlrUe, W. V. BltoScai3f.5 a t. ntwll t. Son. Lewis Pan?. McGftsor. Arar K7a," GrSnwood, OrtetatJ . Vr AVpa-f- ta CoMeaj business (tarns J. C. JAOOSI & CO., 3S8 Mala, bet.Unton and Gayoio-s- t. ) Importers and aiannfacturcrs ot HAVANA & DOMESTIC CIG-AR- S AND TOBACCO. oQhawl. a lartt assortment of the nxl COKSTAXTLT at moderate piices. Jiu5-l- y A. J. "W ALT & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL & M O M M , DEALERS IS ALL SISSS Or UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE, Sautbeasl Corner et Main and Union Sti., MKitrniS, TBNN., alvajrs on hand a well and carefully aelecttd HAVK of articles in tboir Uae, KUcb they will teU at Uk- - lowi-a- t cnrruit prKes. Orders promptly filled 'wrtti trlipatch. )aol1-dtw-- lT !ATCI MAI.EE, J. AND DEALER 13 Watches. CIoclis. and Jewelry, CORKKR OF MAIN AXD ABAMS-ST3- ., TaKJC; this laetbod of informing Mb rrlfmoa, aad th. public geaeraliy, that be bu mored from 3 bis otd f ustd to tbe ooreer of Main atd Adams ilmk here be take Measure in exatciuns a sxnr and cboto- - iut of JEWEI.Iir, to those taaj favor bin TCitb a can. and vrUI r- - pleaeed to execute all orersfor ,f-- r - ,u VZ KfniJ. maiinin" M liberal patronage of aQ wbo may Ami iteenvenleal to vbi bis nstabHulrBSPnt. OFFICE OF CANDEE, MIX & CO., January Xr3,t, 1G57. card to th" rnblic we tender our INonVriasoar for tbe very liberal patronage extend- ed n during !b past year, and premise for tbe fat tire to rcrni-- b oarcuMnsaers th LARGEaT, CHEAPKiT and BRS1 S1LKCTED STOO 'u the Southern ruaatr. Oar Seaior partner TTlU be eonf tantly in tbe Eastern market, aad win keep as fully supplied with eveTdeslra-M- e style of Staple end Pancy Dry Goods, 8zc. We are Agents for iotrc of tbe best brands of OSNAbCKGS, Jtc., which we offer at Factory price. Jmitwla CAIVDEE, MIX & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS V SHOES 3? 9 CARPETING, GldflTHaaiVCr. MILLINERY GOODS, &C, tar3-dswS- m 226 MAIN-ST- ., MRMPIIIS, TENN. J. B. SHAEPE, WHOLESALE TOBACCO FACTOR, He. 25 JScMsBn-tt- ., between Front Row and Main, MEMPHIS, TBNN--, respectfully inform tbe mercaanis er WOCLD and sanoaa ing coaatry, that he has just rr-- tarsted from tae cities oi Virginia, wnercoe a permanent Aeeocy f r the sale of an srades of Virgin mTooocca, and iatesds to ke.p eonsisntly on bands stack equal to tbe demand, at manacacturers prices. Betnc fully able to compMe with the New Tork, Balti- more, Cmehmati and New Orleans raarketr, te invites the aMeatieti ot all dealers In tbe above article to bis atoak before parchasingelsewhere. ortl-ds- v t J a- - "Anr- r- A. T. Jl'CASE. .V". f. WILLI A3IS. McCAHE & WILLIAMS, (Successors to 'Wheat k Taylor,) FORTFARDINGAND COMMISSION HEECHANTS, Duvall's Bluffs, Arkansas, At Ae rratrinj of the MeptiU and Little Rett Rail- - keen ronsUntly on band Surer, Coffee, Salt, THET wiuh. and all other articles usually kept . tirrr which ther wiB s.U low for cash or ex- - obanac for Hides, Furs and Peltries, or any other articles tirongbt to tb market. t tar Tjitie Rock er tbe adjacent cavutlea shipped to Duvall's Bluffs, win be forwarded UBiaKdiately a there are always wages aad teams in t haul to any point. srtS awtf We are now receiving and opening oar Fall and Winter STOCK OP DRY GOODS, tONSl3 rl XG of every variety of Staple and Fancy Dry I . n u vr in Mii markt. Sup-rfl- ne Black and Blae Ciotas, Caseimeres, Doeskias. Cloaks, MantHlas, Moire Antique, Velvet Shawls, t e latest style ; Ladies' Ottm Gooos. of a tneerior quality; Craiit Shawls, a law U t of KanreU. Negro Cloth, Brogans, Ready Made CletMnf , Boots an 4 Shoes, Bats, and a variety of article?. too uaias roas to mesreian. til i wi as. "Come one. come alL" and examine ray stock, before making your Purchsfti, I bought en the and am e AFtit none sbU un JelTme. Trtall adopts tSivsTEM ew pt t. dealers. A u uun., panetaai Ko ---j Kain street, Old Stand of rergnton h. Nelll. O o V. FUSsSBIili, COMMISSION MERCHANT General 8Lgent9 tsto. -- 3.7 PHONT TAOTO, odS-- tf MEMPHIS, TENX. D. PAJN'TE & CO., Lard Oil, Soap and Candie IiIANUiPACTUKEiaS. Ill Main street, Mcmpuis. Tenn. mHB highest market k.-- s PM for roush and rendered DorZ-JT 1 Tallow. Lard and Scap Greae. JOHN B. BOTTO, BOOT ANT) SHOE No. G6 Frtiut Row, S1GX OF THE BIG BOOT, SHOES, ef hts own ar of other msnula-larer- He rTa. Leainrr, and Upper, van asm, r rrut.u CT,n. yindir-- .. Trunks Cant Bag, - Tall of wil eel. as chfap as an-- In wa market Ge La a call before rare' lr.g elsewhere. decl9 MAVUFACTUBKRS OF ALL KINDS OF RAILROAD CARS, CARTS, Ter OVISTS , ctsc, Poplar, between Main and Second Streets, aagH MZ MPIUS, TERN. & Brothers, SUSITACTCUEHS OF CLOTHING, AXD DEALERS ZN wvy Goods. Boots Slxocs, S3N7TLTOAOSWIA artel XiotEiiA, So. 79 Pront Bow. . w t..n in., niml ons hundred cases of Clotbtng. expressly manufactured for this .r,,.h,ff the best selected stocks of Stall kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ever brought here, wbier. wtafler at tatoatpolWpwa, ketne enabled to compete with any hnute through the V. nu. In IhiluMlltlll. m was oj.arwi- - We would eoperially invite Ue attention of country msfcatoau, knowii-- g thai i an auu m verv -- f e fist XI m.Tr r". ATVACCARO & CO., DEALERS Ii GKOCBKIES, Foreign and Domestic Liquors Wines, Cigars, Fruits, &c, NO. 293 MAIN-ST- ., MEMPHIS, TENxV ot31 "CrHSELER & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, Jfatntfrerf.nert ioorfo Odd TtUotsf JlaH, MEMPHIS, TENlf. X3NT ii PURR DRUGS ASD MEDICINES, -- 1HBMICALS. Surgical Increments. Faacy Goods and Botan Lf Pats, Oi. Window Medlctues7 Gai-le- n Seeds, Snaff, Tobacco and Cigars, Braaote ana w mes. .r .rticie sold bv si warrsnted as rerweniea, wbiect be retamed at oar j; een iZAL TT VOtXlKTINE. B., has removed his Law ' Oflce 1. over tbe Store aad comratition uouec v, - Vawnt fc Co. . on Jefferson street, between the Post Office cvsttLtiiirfrli Ale. TOST i weired, S09bs, Saslth'a rorlor rituhnrgh "ffeolS Mtto-i- t, fifioor North Wors an Boose, GRAHAM & HILL, COTTON FACTOKS, Commission and Grocer Merchants, dec30-IaiTl- in NO. 9 FBONT HOW. JAMES T. TAYLOR W. S. TAYLOR & ROSS, GENERAL COaiMISSIOX MERCHASTS AND WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, No. 6 Monroe Street, Memphis, WILL make liberal Cith adraooet on all consignments Prodnceor MerchandUe. Rtftreneu Henderson, Terry ac Co., a. o. eison no.. Orleans: Sueed & Stranie. 3. M. Apperson k Co. Mempbls. noYlt-S- Grocers, Cotton Tac'rors, AND coaritfissiox merchants, rr. 49 Front Rsw, Memrbli Term. ebarees for selling Cotton' on arrival ars Fifty OUR per Bale ; for storing and s.Ulng Seventy-Fiv- e Cents. All Cotton insured nnless olberwue inarrncia. febl7-daw- ly K. t3IITH..J. B. MEACKAM... WniTErlEXJV. SMITH, MEACHAM & CO., Wholesale Gro c cir s , v. 1 , r. f1.MlrflAn rOriyaruiIlK a joainiiasiuu .iciiuauw) (Haiby f- - Flunt's A'cio BiUUingt,) No. IS Front Row, Memphis, nowonhsnda f is assorttreat rf Bagging and HAVE of tie best brands, together with a tompleto andwell selected stock of tbe various article usuauy keel In our busufes, to vnlca we invite me ainiwn v Aiasntsfor the tale of "Pike's celebrated Msg..Jl WXisky,'' and Jones, Lloyd JiCe.'s Southern Jianctac-tare- Nails. SMITH, MEACHAM 6. CO: aug27-f- m X. T. HATLEr. J. r. MILL HILL & HAYLEY, Cotton Factors, OVER D. H. TOWNSEND'S, MEMPHIS, TEITIT. FiK.TrI SSSrZEZX -- R0PK, B60M and Plantation SuPpUesy- -h tared by us will be covered by Insurance, unless othur- - wise Instructed. 3- - Bagging, Rope and Plantation Supplies furnished to customers. . . I I.WUAT a. w. itiiTn. Wmhi.. Memphis. Hernando. SMITHWICK, WRAY & CO., COTTON FACTORS ASS Commission Merchants, A'o.2MadUon-it.,beieteenFro7- tt Row end ilain-tt- ., L'o Stain. MEMPHIS. TEH If. OTRICT attention given to Selling .ahd Storing Cotton V b. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Plantation Sap- - Dlles filled with care ana uaaiscs iwooiuw and Storing Cotton, fifty cenu per bale. aug21-6- m A. HI. HOPKINS & CO., ( Succeuort t o PoweU $ Co., r.nttoii Factors ATO . ,.r,f,rmT MTnrinrr a 'ivrsriaa IJUilliJLlSSai.a i1JLBa,aji2J.'jL, NO. 4L1 UNION STREET, senl7-l- y VEW ORLEANS, LA. S. WILDS VERSOS, I 5 W. A. BRTAS, D. C. WILLIAMS, S ) M. S. BRYAS, Late of Panoia, suss.j Late of LaG range, Tenn. TERiT01T, BRTAS & CO. (jot ton jt actoraj ivumuiaoiui i Forwarding f MERCHAITT Xo. 6 Front Row, over Meaeham fc Oalbralth's, MEMPBIS, TENN. XI ARTICULAR attention paid to Storing, Shipping aad AT Sailing Cotton. Cbargea ou oenia per - an mti ati irnt to us will be covered 2 Insurance, unless otherwise Instructed. auca T. B. NORMENT, Cotton Factor AitD COMMISSION MERCHANT, "MOSBY & HUNT'S liHW BLOCK, Up Stairs, IT 1-- 2 Front Row, MEMP1IIS, LARGE stock of Bagging and Rope always on hand. A jalyS-dawl- y S. C. ZSIDEB, TELtX WALKER. 'tv Orleans, La. CofTeevlUe, MUs. WALKER & SNIDER, Cotton F act Or S ASD Commission merchants, Ko. 123 Canal Street, JalylSawly NEW ORIJANS. LA. ..n. c. hortos, c. M. DORTOS, LateBorton JtBnnter. Late of Monthalia, Miss. C. BI. HORTON CO., COTTON FACTORS, a .1 - m TlAw1onfc iJornm ssion a;roraruiuK iiKivauW, A'o. ziIadUon-St.,oppoHt- e I. B. Kirtland't Office, MEMPHIS, TBNN. n iin.. .rrtofore. civlnt JTedal atten W ...1 "rVtTa.i. .n . nr. of &ttsCaaafty cents .. . UUU W sua o rr h.n.. and to the selection and purcliajaaaane-.- article in market. OSes removed from No. Fy-0- ' 3 Madison street. netTly cpposlte Union acgao M- - WO0D S. M. GATES GATES & WOOD, COTTON PACTOKS, GEOCEBS, rndnce and Getsral Commission .Vo. S Valor. Street, betaeen Man mo s m A FTER an active application h tne ursi uw, v- - rievea veais, v. ior . . it. uitw 9 rVtf An !? fif if. n a ifat Af rvl r f r innilR in LUC UL'AWiJ v wow - We feel confident of our ability to pleaai such as may cocide their business to oar charge. Oar-s.o- ck of Bag- - glne.Rope and Gen-r- tl sappu's toi u- - "v. .. r.x.h .itianeaa. or acccDtances. will OT.y be '....mmnii in .tnre. Insurance on Cotton or ether Produce, In store, will only be effected upon actual instructlsns, or wnea tnucr 77,," Cotton by steamers will, at all times, te Insured transit, with open policy, unieai oiiki " o the face of bill" lading. .!. .i.n!. whe have so liberally patronised during years rast, we shall o3r the same lnducemcnia as heretofore for a continuance si . Junl Jda-vl- y " WARD LAW HOWARD wil. T. HOWABB, W. HOWARD & CO.. Cotton Factors, Commission ana Forward nig ineruHuum, vn a HdWARD'S ROW. MEMPHIS, T BALERS In Bacglag, Rope, Twine. Sugar, Coffte, Mc- -I I. ,.. n.., r .nt Ttsmn. Mackerel. Salt. London Porter, Ale, WIne,,WbUky, Tlnegar, Onano. Ume, Land-Plaste- r, and Groceries generally. A good stock nw oa hand, and far sale at reasonable prices. a.n..i. ..i..i m.iin r.n fVttons In store for sale or shipment. AH Cottons Insured uaJcraotherwlre Instruct- - .imui a . v w.t.r: , ue ristoi xirc .uiw siore, unless otherwise instructed. Oar prices for storing and selling Cottons, the sarw as ws hare charged frr ,ars part fifty cents per bale. ""r--" BERJ. REID... ... IS. REID. R. REID & BEO., Cotton Factors Commission Merchants, WO M FRONT ROW. MEMPBIS. TENN. A LL Cotton sent to cur aoaresn ic juit, uhicsk ihiiiuv r inn to tbe contrary are itojitcu. tuawuua orders ntled with care. Store and Sell Cottsn at fifty cents per bale. dfc2-trar- l7 T r. ATDLETT..J, T. P. AYDL.ETT & CO., COTTONFACTORS FORWARDING MERCHANTS, isn nn ,1 VIER-ST- .. XviiW un.A.iiaiij. DOUGHERTY & AVDL.ETT, WHOLESALE GROCERS ARD COMMISSION MERCH ANTS, NO 23 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS, make cash advances oa all CstUn or otler Pro- - WILL rr.bind to T. P. Avdlrtt & Co., New Orl'ans. ocS-- lr CARRInotor has ON, L. c. r. t Hslly Springs, Miss. icj, MASON & NORVELL, Cotton Factors GI?.OOEBL"Y", ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 1G5 3IAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. ANTLT oa htai, Bagging, Rope and Plantatloa CONST mayll-l- r (anon factors, BREWER & CALDWELL, CSETT YORK, GENERAL COMHSSION MERCHANTS AND Cotton and Grain Factors. h. orBfiEranTco., HobUe, Alabftina, GENERAL COM3IlS" AND SHIPPING MEHCHA1TTS, I J - m.r T IT KM.- - Bnk of CbariMton, S. i: w n.nv r Kst Tennessee, Knox- - m. i n VlRTLAND. Kq", and Messrs. F ALL3 i sep7-6r- n CASH, Mempnxs, kuu. . C. BOBXE ,L. C. JfORVELL MAIOff C 1T..U. Knfirea. Miss. Louisville, Ey. Klpley, Miss. MASON, BOONE & NORV tiiju, COTTON EAOTORS, GROCERS, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, 2-- lGlMain-St- ., Mempbis, Tenn. Rope,J ns,lJnseyii. """' BAGGING. Supplies-constantl- on hand. feLS-aaw-ly p..rrmY. BROWN & GO., COTTON FACTORS ASD OCXEUL ConimisHion ITfcrcliaiits, ? naifP STf.EKT. NEW ORLEANS. all Cotton or other Produce n ash advances made on U consigned as above, by jiiLsa ur. r..,. janli-t- r - .J.DATIDSOR J.B.ELLIS A. C. BLAIR DAVIDSON. ELLIS & oliAiu, COTTON FACTORS. GROCERS, EecelTing, ronvaraing anu ucuci ai COMMISSION MEROHAJJiS) Udn Street, Eut tide tetvten Jtfferttm end J. H. PATRICK & CO., COTTOKT DEV OTOH3 AD Commission Merchants, MmtDIIK TVV. , SO. 19 FROJsT liuw, c..uiu, (OFFICE . ilfi.HMi.M(nlfArllle TXTILL give strict atteat'ou w u vUl..- v- VV la this nars, or sniFcu-Jk- . Cttonconsnmedtou, gers of River JaTiaiiou- - J .Tid m.trncted. Orders for Baggln, Rope Snppilcl wUl meet our PrOTt",3tiS,:Tp1CK; v C0. augls-dawfi- m C0TT0NsF ACTOR rnwMISSION MERCHANT, No. 5 Monroe Street, bet Front Row &Main, (S0C1B SIDE,) ir r, ninnnpanDn. attention paid to sale and shipment of and other Produce Cotton . (nrnuhed at Bagging, Bope ri"" "-- " t2a lowest market prices. cottonFa'ctorommissionJIerchant, . muauj li-uu- - Up Stairs, No. 17 1-- 2 Front bow, aicmpma. ... ... 11 a. miinf nrdprm fol WILL psy particular aucuum w I Groceries, Bagging and Rope, &e. Jalri-aaw- iy . . C. GTLimXQ Mas .1. C. ORIFFING & liiiwv Commission merchants, Main Street, Mempms, Tenn. WBan'd' SS 7h.pmYntrto 7ur"f riends In New Orleans. rvr-wjc- r arloans . t-- a. THEOIALD. Frankfort, Ky. KV. Jiempuia, icuu. THEOBALD, GRIFFIIVC & uw Goneral Commission Merchants, NO. Tl CAMP STKEtA, .VEB' ORLEAiVS LA. lulyl9rdawtf .....A. W.LOT.SO. L. BEAS LEV Ti- - a cr PV LOVING. Cott0n Factors, Commission Mercies nonoral Or r o oo x- - s vn. II FRONT ROW, MEMPBI3. A LARGE stKk of Rope and Bagging alwsysw hd. A Jft, cents per bale, all other Produce at uamee?. instruction, strictly obeyed, rpt rmtuuee. All Produce Insured, it reded. E. BASIIXEaLIi & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Sale, Stera;e and Shipment of COTTON, ko. eg rnorrr now, Memphis, tess. orders for Barging, J0,,',:',,"" d ALL and Plantation Supplies, Pffirantly. at the lowest current rates. """glT c rr DUS8C0MB, J. T. STRATTOS, I J,- -- . DOMOIIO. TL. M'DAVITT. 4 ' sTniTTOV. McDAVITT & tj M. - J Cotton Factors, GROCERS AND GENERAL nnWMISSION HBSCHAflxo, NO.TOFRONTROW.MEMPUIS, man X ... t..wt.. I- 1 M . , t, consignments insornj -- ,- - -- COTTON JCXta. ASiia ior-u- uv- fcLM-l- y . a.,, n t iTvtr mrSTJ We eoatlnne to 3 lore uu ocii P!-!!- ,. . .i-- nf Pnwtr-lco- m and India Bag T...t'.r. ,r.,i .n. tocethcrwitbaheavy stoca of"GrierandV" . will furnish to our casiomcis k - angl2w6m "' &OSTS J$JJ? COST 1 iron CASH. s r rv wfiRTPI of new ana seasonable S!Zr.UUU CLOTniNG and FURNISBING rj j we efferat actual cost for eoii and casAonfy, our entire stock of Clothing no and to do so the stock raait be sold, persons la want of Goods ia our line, will find It to th'ir advanUge to u.Lx.n.un.wu.i giveusauiu. m..v. UM, ninek. ' 272" Main street. Janl-3- m XjT Engnlrar cc;y three months. r. H. WILLIAMSON. S, FRANSIGLL & WILLIAMSON, Importers, Wholesale ani netaii sea era lu Chlna,Glas and Earth- enware, French aud German Vases. Silver. Silver Plated, German Silver and Brltanla Ware, Fine Tabic Cut lery, etc., 1SS Main Street, MEMPHIS. Also Looting Glasses, Looking Glass Plates Tea Trays, Parlo Lamps, Chandaliers, Glrondoles, ac, &C Julyl7 fi. IS. &OCKE, Auctioneer and General Agent ARD R VI A T, ESTATE BBOKEE, 8S MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' BALL, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. attention to sale of City Coan PARTICULAR Merchandise, of every description Furniture, Land Scrip and Warrants, Stocks, Renting and Leasing Property, .c :::r;trrn..;rMr j. sr. Caldwell, I 4H.iJiU BUI1 C Li i 11UV.U ituvt v. w ap bim x fnnT prepared to attend tocMslriMnts and tll.., oi every dcscripUon. Liberal Cash ADVARezs I MADE OR C0XSI0HMERTS. 3Storage and consignments solicited. I p. s. I am Agent for The Adams Express Compsny. mails profltatlc and Honorable Employment TCrtTt TtW. WINTER. TiERSONS In town or country la search of employment V ....nn,nnr inram. . t in nn their leisure hours. may hear of such by enelotlng two sUmps. to par post- age, to Professor J IME3 T. BORNE. Box No. 4,Ml New Tork Post efsee. The employment U fitted to either sex statlca la life Immaterial. It-- Is an article of dally consumption, and can be manufactured la any persoa a dwelling! se eared by copyright; sales as permanent as Cour. An agent is wanted In every town in the Union, Jtiul-i- a - a ottlSs sluurants, to. LUNCH. V- - f f) Vtiave tbe honor to inform ibe pub Sii lie that they have their BAR-KO- un Adams street, oppolte Wersbam Bouse, as a LAGER BUElt SALOON, in which they will com. me nee on Monday, the 2d of February, to give a splendid I.tJNCn, (with a glass of Lager Beer ) at tbe low rate H nrTEEK cents, Good SOOP will be served up at each Lunch. Lunch at hair-pa- st ten o'Uock A. M.. every dar Jan3l-dl- m j. SCBW00B & S. BERRMAN HOUSE, Corner of Main and AdamB Street. MEMPHIS, TENN. Bouse is situated in the centre of business, art lsnowenishedandlncompleteorder. Tbe Pioprietor pledges blicself it i hall not be surpassed by any Bouse in the Sontt west. Being grateful for the very liberal patronage bestow, on him for tbe last two years, be hopes by a street atlen tlon ts business to merit a continuance of the same. ocT-- tf J. J. W0RSBAM, PrtprietCT COMMERCIAL. HOTEL,. CORNER FRONT BOW AND JEFFERSON ST3. establishment has Jnst undergone thorough TB1S in every department. Rooms newly pala'ed and papered; tedding thoroughly renovated; there is net even a mattress that is not new or equal to new ; carpeU mostly new, he In one word the house Is nw In oner than it has ever been since It wj built. Very grateful for the liberal to the Bouse since I have occupied It aud having renewed two leases, one on the Bouse, the otbr opoa my age, I hftpe to be abls to give more attention than hsretoforo I sc determined to make my guests comfortable. oc7-- tt D. COCKRBLL, Proprietor ' Restaurant ON UNION STSEET. iaformshls oM friends snd TnEsubCTibsrreipe..tfuUy Las cpenM a new Restau- rant oa Union kin et, wk-r- .- be W prepared to furnish the best viands that r. n be toaod in the market, served li the best Parisian styles. Oysters, Game, Straks. Salt aad Fresh Water Fish, Birds iu fact, .verythlBI suited to the fijiest and most Ucate epicurean taste. Give me a call I have six difftrenf rooms for the ac- commodation of Trivate Parties. I will not be outdone in any branch connected with my business. f eU20-- tt li Urt. Diusr i. uu . BENNETT HOTJSE, Corner Main and JacItsou-st3- ., BROWNSVILLE, 1ENN. mir, w,llknewnnotel. haviazehanged hsads. and be n thoroughly repaired, and provided with j new Furnitorj, is now opn lor tne accommotia-tlo- n of Bosrdera and Travelers. Th put lie may rest assurd that very exertlen will be made on the patt ef the Proprietor to read! mis Bouse econi to none tn West Tennessee. Bavinf active and attentive sirvants, and a tat:e always famished with tbe best the country a Cora?, ne connsenHy 'ciren .utu glvlnsentirefatlilactiontoallwbo may favor him with their patronage. WM. a7. sl,mi, Jstdlwaw3m rropnewr. ITS' Eoquiirr copy. WOKiliAM HOUSE CONFECTIONER!". WB0LE3ALETjfND RETAIL DEALER IN Plain and Fancy Candies, Adams Street, under tne Wor- - Klmm House. T"EEP3 constantly on band a large assortment of Green XV and Dry Fruits, Fruits in tneir wn juice, jeui, Preaerve. Sardines, Lobsters, apicea ana ricii uys-to-rs. Pickles, Cordials, Syiups, fine Wines, Brandies, aU kinds Nuts, &e. t iV v fw t in conaeraioa wjfcu- fcuia i Cm Rf o llshment I have Sited up an Oyster s7o S3,Saloon, and wnirtcelre FRESH VJQVjkS 0T3TERS by every packet. nov!6-dl- y 3. P. BiMCUbTTU. P. H. HEINEICH & BEO.. CONFECTIONERS ASD CANDY MANUFACTURERS, 597 MAIN STREET, P constantly en hand a Urge variety of PLAlJi JV and FANOT CANDIES. CASKS, fruits, Preserves, etc, wholesale ana retail. We are also prepar-- to fur nish parties at the shortest notice. . tt r- -. IN conn open our LADIKS- - ana ENTLEMENS' OTSTKR SA- - m 9 o'clock A . St., to Vi 'deck p. M..and are receiving during tn wnow seasou, FRESH OTSTKRS by every st'ami r. We soMctl a snare of tbe nubile patronage. nov2-dS- m ffimp Carte. W. ALEXANDER R- - J- - LAJUIKO. ALEXANDER & LANSING, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N03. C3 AND 63 LOCUST stbkkt, 3a.txt Xao xxija, . Mo, REFERENCES. J. Murphy, Memphis j Cook k Co., Memphis ; Barnett S. Walker Charles Pottei, frbtVGm JAMES ROW & CO., 41S Main Street, Eouisville, lty.. A BE now- - receiving their Siock of Dry Goods for tlx Acomlng Spring Sales, to which they Invite tbe atten tion of dealers. Their purchases of American uomeriii goods have been made nnder the most favorable circum- stances, for cs'b, betere tbe advance, which will ena We them to offer inducements i the parcbaw of these g.iods net to be aurpasscd by any dry goods concern It the United states. We flatter ourselves to be able to sell Domestic Good fully as lew as theycaa, at present, be purcbas' d irom th Dry Goods Commission Bouses In tbe Eastern mar- kets. We will have on hand of our own direct importa- tion from Europe, a large and ed stock of Jac- onets, Swiss Mulls. Nainsook, Ma llns. Cambric, IJuen. eambrlc, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery, Gloves, EnglUh Black Blatk and White, and Black and Gray Prints. French Plate Prints. English Purple and Ciocolate Print", togither with a full assortment ot Gooes suitable for men's wear Examine our stock before maklngyourpur-chases- , and you will find that we have made no state- ments that wa aro not fully abls to make good feb7-d2- n. BRAIfY & 3AViES. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Main Street, Louisville, .y., X MANUFACTURER'S Agents for jiamine nrp- -, s- - iA (ting. J'ans, Lsnsrys, &e. ama-i- y O. SMITH. ...R. r. OCTHRIE....aEO. J. ROWLASD. SMITn, GUTHRIE i CO., CoiiVKvissioii cvclr.ints AXD WHOLESALE GROCEHS, DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Laquors, AND ACESTS V0R THE SALE OP Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco, No. 564 Main Street, between "econa ana Antra, janlJ-l- y LQTJ13VILLE. KT. I. 17J. IttcFADKEN tfc CO., (LATE TRIT'ETT, II'rADDIK & CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 28 Levee, and 56 Commercial Street, ST. EOUIS, MO. fcr 3agginy, Rope, Bemp, Provisions, Flour, ORDERS Ac, solicited aad promptly executed. fblS-l- y II. IIARTET R. R- - IIARTXT. C. M. HARVEY & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 120 GRAVIZR-ST- ., NEW ORLEANS. OUR persoaal attention jWT.'PJt o our""1" as ' ' contract Preight oa the above'fifrc-shIpme- Bt cither by sail or steam vessels, at lowest rates. We have had several years- - rxpernuc- - in um i .v. nnn.t,.ainir nr Rtan'.ea aad assorted Merchandise. REFER TC un& ft ui,, v,i,."c , i Strange, Hannah &. Shanks. decis-l- y LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL. ' C. I. & A. V. DuPONT, MANUFACTURERS OF NEWS AND BOOK PRINTING PAPER AND DEALERS IN PAPERS OP ALL KINDS, JLYJ Main-Stree- t, Louisville, Ky. decSJ-uawi- y H. riTZOEBALD...CnAS. C. BILL..J. W00DW0RTK IX. FITZGERALD & CO., . (Succenon to Park, Slapion $ Co.,) Grocers, Produce Dealers COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 92 Pront Row, Jlomphis, ARB JACKSONPORT, ARKANSAS. July6-daw- ly DR. THOS. KELLER. i jltr af Tnscambia Alabama, has located Dermanent' I i ly In Memphis, nd offers his services to the pablle In all the branches ot hlsprofrsslon Be has tskenthe oface heretofore occupied by Dr. Bryan, corner of Shelby aad Union streets. Bavlng recently made careful and veneral selection of Surgical Instruments, be is prepared for all the operations ot Surgery. Residence, on Shelby itreet, between UJlug and Trcxevant streets. mj9-l- y D M. DUBOSE. A TTOHNET AT T.AW, Memphis, Tenn. Office on east X sWe ef Mala street, between Jcfftrson and Adams. Reter to F. Titus, MeEwen, Barria &. McNeill, J. D. Williams, w B. MHler and Miles Owes, Memphis, Tenn, lar.lafiou Supfiw, (Bit S. JB. WIIilillAillSON, (Succeuo to WUUeixjon 4" Hancock,) GROCER COMMISSION MERCHANT, To IMPORTER OF FINE "WINES, BRANDIES, Mavana Cigars &c. NO. It FRONT BOW. MEMPHIS. Juiyl Received this Day, A BBLS Mess Pets; ; MkrjH No. 1 Leaf Lard; w uerotssugar-osre- d aaa) 20 kegs Shot, assorted sixes lOObv's WhUky. All of which we will sell ehsap for cash at Ne. iS Front Row, Memphis. JulJl S. B. WILLIAMSON. GROCERIES, &c. THE subscribers keep on hand the fsMowlng artMes, they warrant to-b- of Brat quality, and for Sale low for caih Wheat Fans and Threshers ; E. Carver 4i Co.'s Improved OstUa Gins; 'VTaton., Northers andSoathernmaaafaclure; Bason, hog-rou- ; Flour, Salt, Whisky and Tobaem; Sugar, CuaVe, Teas and Motaasos ; Candles, rowder. Shot aad Load; Brandies and Wises, sopeiiur article ; Lime, Cement and Plaster Parts ; Together with a gtnerst aawrtaMtH ot all artMes at kept in a Grocery store. OWTNNE Sl GIBSON. utyl Nos. ! aad 2 Eirhangi- - Balldiavc. GREAT BARGAINS, AT TUK EMPOHITJM OP PASHION, And Ladies' General Furbishing, Cloak and Mantilla Estauliscmrnt, 299 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. a. WE an now receiving and opening oneof the largest and moat mtniBont stocks of, French MUlicenr and Fancy Dry Gni', I ever teoocht to this oity. Also, a very select assort ment ot Rich Dreea Goods, .ntirely new. Silks, Cash- meres, Mareaes, DeLaines, and a large variety ot aQ styles for Street, Traveling and Kvealag Dfesxes. We call aarticuiar att-nti- ts oar Millinery of Chenille, Moss and Cncat Velvet. of Sttin, Silk, Grecian, Italian and BagUah Bonnete ; Flow- ers, Feathers, Ribbons, Briual Veils and Wreaths, (6,006 worth of floe French Embroideries, Real Thread, Maltese and Gimpure Laces ; all styles of Embroidered, Velvet and Cloth CLOAKS, Ladies' Cloth and Vetvtt for Cloaks, Dress Caps, Head. Dresses, Ladies' abd Misses' Shots, Corsets, Eld Gloves, Furs, Trimmings of all deseriptHas for Cloaks and Dress. tl. ike, &c N. B. Embroidering and Stamping done. Cloaks acf Dresses made to order In a few boars at cheapest pricea Ladies, please call before parchaslng elsewhere. Orders from the country promptly attended to. cctl N. STIILMAN & CO. ETCH ATARKE & BRO., NTJBSEBYMEN, SITUATED ia Fort Pickering, on the jgQ, Bnrn Lake Rnad, have on hand a fine 5o sortment of SUP.UBBERT. in every te-P- ? parlmeat, coLsiatlng In part ot APPEES, PEACHES, PEUMS, 3?cfvrs, OXacxorlotaj , Apricots, Xcctiriiacs, 5aT.c. Also, Raspberry, Strawberry and Grape Vines, in va- rieties, with a good supply of Evergreens, Green Bouse Plants, Bulbous Roots, Ktuba b and Asiaragus. Orders from a distance, accompanied with draft or or- der on a respectable merchant at Memphis, will be ; attended to, and all Plants guarantied to order and delivered to any part of tbe city, free of charge. We attend to arranging and laying off Gardens la town or country, at the shortest notice. fib20-2-m KTCBAVtRNK Jt BXO. PAUJL FORMER '.Tot the firm t Mooney ft cSSJGrren, would respectfolly say to bi. oM 5t friends and customers that be is a till at' JESs tD 0,1 stand, with a good suppiyof Fruit lin, consisting ot Apples, Plums, Peaches, Cherries, AnricotR, Nectarines, &c. Also. Strawbenr and Grape Vines, In va rieties. with a good supply of Evergreen., Given Bouse Plants, Bulbous Rsots, Rhubarb and Asparagus. Orders from a distance, accompanied with draft or order oa a respectable merchant at Memphis, will be panctoaBy attended to and all plants guaranlli-- EO order and de livered any pal t ef tbe city, free or entree. Nursery oa Main street, iitrepon. . l'AUL, uUbfi.1, octli-dfi- m Receiver of M.w8y & Grren WIIEATON'S NURSERY. TO HORTICDL IDRIST3 AND PLANTERS. I would respectfully remind the cltliens the season for transplanting Fruit and Or- namental trees Is fast approaching. Great additions have been made in every derwrt- - mrui. mure particularly amose Fruits. A more select and varied collection has never been offered fot sale In tbe Southwest, consisting m part ot over oae hundred varieties of 3?on.r, jtPliiTrsei. 323.orriof5i, Catawba. Iaabella. Ohis. Scuppemoog, Call lorn la. etc. Grace Vines. Fiss. Raipberri's, Strawberries, Currants, Gooseberries, etc. English Walnuts and Filberts, Texas Pecans, Chef nuts, etc.. etc Ureea-nou- se punts, bbioous iriower noni, (isiporicu. Evergreen of every desirable variety, among which are nearly 2,000 Magnolia Grand Flora. In a dition to tbe a wove. I am now recttvicg a large :oi cf Bulbs, of all kinds. In coosequence of having to move most ef my stock on hand, I will sen it very Hv. Purchasers may rely oa everything being what it is represented.- - and sales maybe effected oa very favorable . . . f. 1 UK,. terms, uy appiyms i iik uatuvu ou -- ufrcij, usi u Riilrnad Debot, or aaareismg ACll-6- m 3. Ji. W1Z.A1U-1- - p. s During mr abvnce from tbe city, all orders win meet with premnt attention if leu at tne store or j WUdberger. a- - " Gentlemen's THE NEW STYLE FOR FALL AND WINTER IS RECEIVED BT WHEATOiV, Fashionable Matter, 75 Front Row. 10,000 PAIR5 OF BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGASS, FOR fALK CBEAP AT octll-l- y N"o- - 75 Front Row Carriasre Factory. undersigned have opecei a Carriage Factory on THE street, b tween Washington and A'Ums streets e thev are prepared to Manufacture and Re-r- Carriages at the short-s- i notice. AT wo-- k done by them will De gusraniivc, ana snare ei puuiic pairoaai,. solicited. ' . JanJ-l-y 1.. a hukk bl uu. 30,000 .O 3Ei "X SHI CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, At Manufacturers Prices. which may be fouad AMONG Crumptoa's celebrated brands, Lyachburg) Beaderson aaa uoicomce urauu,, Dr. James Saandera' " Barry of the West, ke. O. Ford's Aaaa Rice, &c, " R. J. Wade's braads, Jas.'Thomas, Jr.'s Crescent City rKn. Rlchmoad; Cosbv fc- - Wlnfree's Star of Richm'd Prld cf : v. A DlU's Fig, Mayflower, &e. Coleman Worthara's"O.W. Iris," , " HardETOve's "Indispenssble. ax., 0 'M., (0. M. Cosby brand) DaarMe,' Withers 4. Ayres'Tount America, . " w T Souinerima orauM, R."P7 Richardson " OM Caswell, ReedvHle, X. C. to mention, all of which wiU be sold at INVOICE PRI- CES. tocloseconlgnmnts. Er article warranted fresh and sennlne, and direct .from the factory. . r . J. B. SHARPS, Wholesale Tobacco Factor, m no. aiaauon street. C. C. MAYDWELL'S OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, MEMPHIS, TEXN., ttthsre can be fonnd all description of Grave Work. W which will be furnished as cheap as It can be got in any market West. Also, Banding Work done at short It is to the laterestof all persons wanting such work to purcbae from the yards at Memphis Instead ef purchas- ing from Agents, as the Manulactors have to add tbe twenty psr cent, thai la psld Agents to the work sold by them. soutBcraers. 100 10 jour interest. . dec3-daw-m O. O. MAT II WELL. 100 Rarrcls Flonr, brands, from the, best Extra to Superfine, VARIOUS try . B. MERRILL, ocGS " Mala' street, ' ' - - H' tiJ. U1. i ?i SHORTEST ROUTE FROM" MEM- PHIS TO ATLt 1NT1C CITIES. lty lniVroail from Cairo Chicago Direct in Sixteen llvart, toUtunU Ureal. of Ullage or Change of Cart or BcffjOe. BRANCH FROM CENTRAL! A IS NOW FINISHED, Thus sboneaiag the tmi to sxten boars to Chicago. AT Chicago, connecting wKa Michigan Central Can leaving the same Pepot, for iVtroii, Niagara Fall. Rochester, Albany, New Tork, Boston, and alt Baatern aadAtlantK lutes. Only two tfcouge of Cars from Cairo to Niagara, and threo from Cairo to Albany, and four from Cairo to New Totk. Tame i row Cairo to New Tork, fttrty-nm- e hoars. Fare as iuw, aad comfort great- er, than by any otner route. Pa laagers thfosgh art ROT subjected to the daisy conseoarat W lao frequtai ri shasges by shortdiaes of Hi 11 roads throagh Indiana and Ohio, to th East ana North. Also, connecting at Chicago' with Mteblfaa Southern Trains, for Clevetaad, Dankbk, and tboBost, with Lak Shore Railroad and Steamers tar RsciEM, Milwaukee Sheboygan, A., aad witt a sptcsdM Lme af First Claat Sloamers for Sauit Sta Marie, Lake Sapeiior, CoMtag p. wood, Toronto, he. -- raiasleaveOalrs Every Morning asd Eveatnsasfol lowit 6:05 A. St., Obieago aad Danleilh Expross, Sanday, exeeptrd. This Train nonaotts at Chicago witi New Tork Light-ant- s: Expr-ov-er 3t Kbigan Central, Sreat W-te- ra anc Near rofkCerUiiRaUrssds,ih(8Bghiatbirty-oo- e hoars This Tram aio oaanecta At Saadptat watn Ohio aa Mtssssstppi Rattratd lor St. Louts asm "VtocTiae- -; at Pana,wsth Trains af tho Terr Baate, AKssi aad at L'UU Raiirojd, for LoaMvCla aaa Mata' Una Haps ass fcr Galena Pan'.Hth j the lautr er naoniBc with tvaia to asrin-Hefd- , Naptej, Reeklsiimd.SurUiisjSBa aad Qnine. G.10 r. at.. New Totxjtlxjarscs, SEawaya ezeeatou. Slopniacosiy t imaexuat c tat two, esseat Signa' eeBaectlstg with ifiln LWe 2ay Exarem mm - tatar I. Dtnielta, H i a'rivwg at Chicago a: 2 r. m fvr the r'pper I! fjr-- l : Duc-Itit- steamers ot tke Danlellh aad Xaanesota Packet Company, ready ui .se on t: arnvsi of otter Coirr Trasa forLe Cro.- - , Redwing. 3i. Pan;, ic. tor JaaesriUe. aad Owrtral ana ansUora Wiie(.ra, omi sect at Frecport wn , Train tu Beiott aad Jtnes.ulc, aa. V from thence to Madison and Central aad Hasten Wit ooBsta. in TV- - Maps and Charts Indtea'inc the Great Ostrai Koateto the North and Bait an aa asset traaocrtotM ! Coitoa'aMapot the Bnited State, and pasMngers are naestrd to examine this rcate as wen as the rum.a Ubm cards of ih cuBtiecting Keods. at4 iadge tor thm-s1v- es to theeorrectaess of th abort- - statements. Th opening of the 1 thiols Central BJTod from Cairo u, Cnieagu, and thas forming a speedy and dlsect means o' eemmanieation between the Upper Lakes and Rivers, aad tte Lowtfr Missitslpvl, aaoras to the Maian traveler. wetlaa the hastaeH man. attractions and faculties r reachtag the North aad East, which snrptos those ef any other rente whatever. The aceoaimodationa tbenompaay for the eoBveaiesce of thetrar- - elwgpaate,tbeEwraBescy of the road and structure. ue sirearth and elegance of the Knglne aad Cars, cum-me- tewaMeives to those who desira la Iravoiint: tseed coafort aad tafety. TlCSSTi HWD TOK OJiS TKAB, with the prlvtVge laying over at any point, can be had at Messpht.. Cairo, and at the principal RiOlioad OOcrs on .he line. WILLIAM MORIN. Agent, Jual-l- y Mefaphas, Tenn. jT OfUce, Ko 15 JeferKB street. TO THE EAST AND NORTH, u TIA MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON M c 1 Ij M & fl 12 WESTERN DIVISION, OPE I TO CORINTH. and alter Arc. 15, 15i6. H MAILTRAI ON will leave Memphis, DA1LT, at 7.00 A 21.. arming at Corinth at 12:30 p. 31.; at Soraervitle at 100 a. 21. Returning Leaves Corinth at I p. ai. ; SomerviBe, 3 p. at. Arrives atMrmphu at 7 t p. at. This Train connects at Corinth with a doable Baity Line of first cuss rust ipacae to tne lernunaa or sac Eastern Division of the Memphis and Charleston Rail- road. Theace by Railway direct, aad coaneetieas a are with all Eastern cities. Staging reduced to ftrfy nifes, sad traek-layt- pre-- gressiag rapidly. THROUGH TlCKATTo som to the fonawmg potau: CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, WILMINGTON, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, AUGUSTA, MACON, HtJNTSVILLE, MtsswieOitBRT. SrKVKNSON, GRENADA. This Trant aba osaaecU wttata Miasisoippi Ceairai RaDrond to Hotly SpriaajaL Oxford, Grenada, Cantoa, In" son. &e Ac Also cwK-ct- at Graaa jaacttaa at; .a wna xsbbos-seeOtrt- ra! Railnod te Boiivar. Jaebsoo, BatMaodon and otaws aiace. AUoounn-c- ts at Pocaaoaias with Lino of Coacae ta Htalry, Paatetec, Aberdotm aad Oil east as Miestsl'iBt. jUltOUGirTO NASHVILLE IS 31 HOURS, Via tbe M k..Ma4 CbartrstoH. Naahvi '.n aadChatta nrsa Raiiru U LO miles ot St.giag, agaiast 1RO lvvoh-- r root. The AUlAJJSIUAriu. hm iiui-- i raas mij ti- - cept Sandaysi oetweeB Memphis a a tne jasction wiia theMlssisslani Central Raiiread: Leaves Junction 7.TO A.M.; arrives at Jiempais ii:w A.M. . . Lea res Memphis .Wr.M.; arrives sitae jancuas :00 p. a. Freight Trains I ve Memphis for Psoaasaias uaix.i at 1 a. sr. Doors close at p. sr.. Throagh Tickets eaty, on tne above itotrtea. eaa eeoe- - talned at the Cocmxroal Hotel, as weH as tajormason connected with the Boad. Passengers are reaaestod to Tickets betere en tering the cars, and save payoirat of extra fare. Bareare checked to all stations en the RiBrosd, aac no Basgate will be received wltb-r.i- t oHttt! checked. Each caisenser wilt be allowed ssventy-Bv- o poands of baggage by Railroad, and sixty pouU ay Sta;? ; bat no article will be carried as oaggase laat i not incsaeni to the person of the passenger. In case ot loos the Com pany wiH hold themselves responsible for aa aaeaat not exemdiBC U00. Negroes, when travenng aloce, mast have a permit, the point to which they ere to go, and speeUytBg that they are to travel by railroad, or they will not be carriea. B. ATRjSB, ep2l Sgperratendent of Trausporlatioa. For Baltimore, "WasHington, New York, Pliiladelpiiia, &c. Direct Through Line for the East! Maltlmore and Ohio R AI LR 0 AD . Rcid ran. from Wheeliac; to, (J7 TUIS aud to Vahington, (too raues,) and resente the tallest advantages both as a freight and pasaenges Hie. 1. tuns through wud and romantie regions ef la ALegbenles; ana bi-i- soiidiy cousiructed, conHk-tH- ) wait ped and carefaJty inaaaged, is one of the atosi at- tractive awl satrut Railroads it the United States. The Central Ohi xUuruad, irom Colnxbai aad ZanesBle t WheHmg, this road vilh aii portions of the Wl tnd Southwest. Tuz OSLY TnaouoH Ticksts rBou Mcaipiiis, LOCISTILLT lt ST. LOSIS U th.- - NATIOSAL are sud by this road, which ran. direct t. Washington witaout the delay ot passing through BalU-mor- e. It is also'the only iinv by which baggage can be ijccktd to Washington from the unto river. xyHj Ike MAIL bocte from Memphis, take the mab eteamcrs, running daily tor Loui.Tine, coaaecung tbert with mail steamers or Jefiersonvill? Raitroad for Ctum-nat- i, where tbvy arrivo so as 10 connect with tho ears 01 Little Miami Ktdroad tor Coiombcs, coanectsg then with Central Ohio Railroad, tcrough Newark and Zaaes-viil-e, to Wheeling. By the express train of this route, tb time from uiBcmsaii to saunnere ana 10 w asntngtos is less than 37 hours'. 23" Be sure to ask fsr tickets by the Baltimore aad Ohio Batireaa jioaie. from Memphis geiag East throagh St Loms, can buy Through Tickets by tneEaKimereandOfcie. Railroad. Tais route lays toreuga l incenees, Terra liable, Indianapolis, etc, to Wheeling, over the aew Ohio and Mississippi and ccnuuectlng Roads. These coaaecMoB are all direct, and th. time from St. Louis to Baitlmort or Washington i but abont 43 hours. Through Ticket by this route may be haa of tne Agent, anderthe Piaa- - tei's House, at th following rates : I'roia St. Lotus u Baltiaivie S15; to Washingtou S2S. At Wheeling the passenger takes the superior ears the Baltimore and Ohi- - Railroad, which leave three timet dailv for Baltimore, Washington, PhiladelDbia and New "y rk. Through u IS or 17 hours, ladoding stoppage.. For safety, spvot, reg;aisnly. beauty of the country, and general comfort, this road is s rond to none in the Union. FREIGHTS. This company possesses the large) ciuicmetfl of any Railroad in the United States, and it prepared to do an immense business in transportation. The road makes immediate connection at the wharves aad in the streets of Baltimore with the Railroad to Philadel phia and New York, steamers t Ericsson and Balti MORE STEAatSHir Lines, oy canal aad Sea to New Talk, and by new- - Merchants' and Miners' Line to Boston, steamers to Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, lie. For particulars, see frelsht tariff, copies of which maybe had ot the Forwarding Houses la the West, or of J. B. Ford, Receiving aad ForKaxcUng Aseat at Wheeling. Wit. 3. WOODSIDS, Master of Transportation, Balllmere. A. T. LAVALLETTE, A ten 1. 61 Front Row, Memphis. Just Received. O K BASKETS Created Bsuzy Champagne Wine. 4D B. B. POTTER. Main street, tebl9 Third dcor North Worshim Bouse. Clioice Irisli Potatoes. SACKS for sale by JQQ B. MERRILL, octSS No. S Monroe street. nagging:, Rale Rope and Twine, Vv iiil ua ijouu tum jvi xi wi CWOA B. MERRILL, octSS Monroe street. Ecoiioisay. 4 NEW, Utht, elegaat ond cheap Patent SPRING XX. MATTRESS, tor sale by ep2S--tf B. M. GR03VEN0R. JPianos ! X SUPERIOR assertmtnt of Pianos ana ifelodeoni. A inst received by sep-- tf B. M. GR03VENOR. Smoker. Attention! TTJTT received, 180,000 Cigars, xtaftos la price from ej 9lotoS49a tbonaaL,by - B. K. POTTER, l lTAOib TTXetf stv tTfcr decic , Jlia-i- t apsA U W k VI W. p WlotMVIsJVi UtaUroaiis. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL AND TEN-- RAILROAD from Junctisa with Memphis and Charlestcr-Railroa- to Time's Station, eight miles North ef Botivar, and eighteen miles Sonth et Jackson, Tenn. IMorn ing Tx-rtr- s. Leaves Bolivar DAILTtSandaxs excepted) at :M; Arrives at Janetien at :30, Connecting widi 7 A 51 Tram Into Memphis. Retaraiag, leaves Junction at 10 A. at., or ta arrival ef Mad Tram frm Mvatptils, arriving at Tooae's Stailet at 12:30 p. M.; connecimgat lh,t ptat wMh Wyly's Hne u Coaeneo for Jackson and Naihviiie, eta Huntington, ar.1 with Norwood's lineot Coaches to Jacksoa and NashviBe, Lextegtoa, Clifton, Wayn-sb,r- o, Mt Pleasant. and from Spring Hill ly IheTeaBesseeand Ala tanuRtUroad Also, with R. E. Smith's line l Backs. X2rdbta Leaves Tooae's Station daisy (Saadays excepted) at 1 15 M , cnenestlag at Grand Junstl.a with MaB Train, arriving at Memphis at 7:t5 p. at. JUtcrnaes., leaves Grand Junction on arrival otAccem-aodatlo- Train from Memphis, at t:5 p. ai , arriving at ?ostaratS35. Pa; rangers for aay.f the above named poiats by this Qte wi l pave less Staging than by aay other. fewe B. P. NEHLT, So?'t TRAVELING PUBLIC,, TO TOUR INTEREST! TUKOTbil TICKETS TO GRENADA. Fave RwCduced to G SO, TIA THE Memphis and Charleston and Mississippi Central Railroads, C10NNBCTING to. male- - th cf Itchy frrtags, has Hue m. j of Stagu.g tbe daeapnt, mbs ejsaal, and oaiekeot rente by fMB tsar M lea hour, imtbis roc ., thr staalfcg but see nu's tatthor th.r th- - Panola route, a tboagh the tatter is representta - hot arty-tw- o mites stazteg aad alters hua s 'hrv (t true di.Ui.-- e over . Panola rout is slxty-S-v iriiee .uaiiK In a tew weeks the Mississippi C- ntial Bailrosd wlh h -- X'rndrdt theTa;iaiat'tiie riv.r, aldl shortening ! -- taging seven miles Ie. Travelers will Jcot o then eomfoi! atid pocktt. A wo-- d to the wlae I. SBfadeat j For Tick, ts or information pol to SIMS kCU S Asenu at the Railroad, Si age aad Omnibus Ticket Ot ace. ujmmerciai UM1 fek3i-d- i: MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. tP021 tO CJOXkieo. ON aad after Mondav, Janaary 1Mb, 18S7. THHOCGa TRAIN wUl leave Memphis daBv. ISaadava xoep.d.lt7:30 a. St.. arriving al Coma at ta-- C RrtuTBiTX, leaves ttomo at Ifcae a. aad anirea r Messnbi. at I p af. This TraJa connects at Coae with J. p Vell.,. Co '. douy lme of First Class Pcet Coaches sr riv.' and Greaada Staging rraactd te X miles Dstwaea Mem- phis aad Grenada through In 15 ham. Th pubiie a ay rely oa ibis beta a saort-- r and cheaper roati Giensda, Canton, J actios and Tieksbarc than acv other. The FREIGHT TRAIN win sake da, Mn, excrplKt ) front and alter Monday, the 19th of January toComo. It will be expected that cocsizseea wt k.i. r angenvnts made to receive their rood, it th. oa arrival, as tho Coatpany have only temporary arraate--m- ois for taking care of freights, and will net be rerpen sible for the lost or damage to the same at that statWc ..7-cc- r. nqotsKu io pan ruse tickets before entering tne cars, aad save payment ef extra far Baggage checked ta all stalsoas oa the Railroad aad no baggage wiR be received wstbeet being chested. Baca panoeBger win be allowed K0 of bargage by XaiK road,andGaponndsbysLue, bat no article wflt be car-'i- ed as baggage that is not incident to the persoa of the passengers. In case of hs. the Compary will boai themselves fsr as a meant not exceeding $eo jwiwj, wnea iraveucg alone, must have a permit imieg tne point to whlsi thev ara la .n .7., travel by Railroad, or Mwy win notbv "T" at. rATRICK. J8' Superintendent PARE ItEDUOED! Prom Memphis to Jackson, $3 50. From flICEipIiIs to Naslirillc, $10 50. Via Jaclison, TfavnesDoroJ and Columbia. near Bruwnsviiie with the Memphis and Ohio Railroad and at Thompson wHh the Te-- i' Aiabama Railroad. Thu la the cheapest rout to Middle Tenncoteo, and travelers are asaared that ao s orexpeBsa win be spat ed to render them comforts, ale. The coaches, horses and drivers are superior Oar line connects at Jackson with J. w. Norwood is Co. 'i line ot four hrse post coach's to NashviU Jfra NORWOOD i. FORTUNE N. B. P0BE5T, No. S7 Adams-s- t, Memphis, Ten , riASjasc received from N-r- lh Carolina. twraty ave likrlr vounc ehm i v PA. desires to call tne atteatioa ot purchaser ,lfe win ta in the rernlar rrcMnt or CV irm Norih aad Soath Caroliaa every death Hi. Ne- gro Depot is one of .he most complete and sUbuhnenfi.ot the ktad ia the Soathera coanfcrTa" his rogalatieas exact and systematic, deanUaess, neat anaaadcon,f.rt beiag strictly observed aad enforced ilia aim is to famish to customers A. 1 servaata asu u hw,hhjw prrrect la bodr aad mini V- - graes mkea on osmmissiea. IsnSi TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS McMi..Nviixr, Tens., Jaaaary IS 1S3T Q BALED PROPOSALS wm be received at McMinavlL O until March loth. 1SJ7 for the Grading, Masonry id Bridging of wxty muos of the Southwestern RaHr.ed. coniBienctng -- t McMinnvuie, the Southern terminus aaj rarv-ir- g -- North throagh Warren, wti:e and PuCaaic ovanlk ro Livinaaioa, in Orertcn county Tbe character of the work is heavy, comprising a lerga amenat of rock excavstlea, several heavy Jobs ot bridge. ScCwrBeW. !l Proposals for Uie above wort raiT.m.. ,... . miasone each, or for thirty, or the whole six it miles, dopet bmMiags, and Ml ibe eqipaneLt necessary lor opera Hag ,ae road when inn Plans,, profiles and iFrrnii. v. . andaU oth. r loforaaloca Ruined at the oaeeatter March 1st. at MeMteavBls, or before thattX. JJW7 "w Mgmeers enee of tho MobLe and Ohio Rau road, Jackien. Tena. ROBT. STERLING, fen3-dtlls-ar Eaciaeer In sbtTt Parlor Seffs! TJTr" No 221 Mta street. t WINSTON. CBITRruir.r. v nn M. C. OAYGE & SON, ATJC TI03IEj3Ii.S COMMISSION MERCHANTS, General Agents & Real Estate Brokers No. 25 Madison Street, SEemphis, Tenn. attention will be gives 'o aH sales la . aty o- - country, of Negioes, Sai Estate. Merchsut se, rartnurr, uauacip, atock, ac A II kiads Real at and Leasing Property, etc. Storage aad Coasixr ats solici.ed from all secf..ui. Re' or nil., oar cratefnl aeknowledgmrats for the very liberal patr Jiage htretofare received, we new pledge ea-rlv- e. having determined on making Mrsphls our per- manent home, ta deahie oar if posslbl., at :hiok wiih twenty years experience iu th frjje, th. bt rl vea ia Memphis, we ought ta be graduates, and f canSdent' we b gl.o, as we thiak we hve dear, general satisfaction. SErniMES-- A. O.:Uarrls.0o.,R. A Parksr,S.H. Iamb X Co , W. Hswird, n. P. Paraswortt ft Co , Geo Raherty & Bra . I. B. Elrtlaad. R. C. Riaklev. Baa. P. Graham, Esq., Ooi. R. Topp. Dr. Sara. Gilbert, Mem- phis ; Baldwin & Starr, N. T. Denises A. Son. W L Brace fc Co Ciaeicaatl ; The. T. Read. Esq. , 8. Cs. dy. Loaisviae ; Messrs. Duncan, BawHngs. 3. F. SlWs Co , Taos. B. Winston, New Orkans , R. M. Soi - Co. fsM-3t- p PORTRAITS. Li re-Si- ze, in Oil Colors. HAS opened his STUDIO la Clark's MarMe Bulldi ?, ho will be pRaed to tee these that wish .0 employ h's pencil. EJ- - Portraits also Tainted from Daguerreotypes a-- U Pbotograpbe. Janl? ESTRAY. TAKEN up at oy boas, one BAT HORSE. .left hind foot white. Bad on new saddle end 'bridle. Inquire of K. J. B. L. WINN. JanH-t- f N9.231Mala-d- . Clerk's Sale of Slave. John B. Ptr-on- Cyntha Per-- ") sen., and Mary Persoss, ml-- 1 an, heirs of Ames Per-- 1 - ie petition t by their sn, deceaseu, next frl.nd and Guardian. I I Slave. Stalky Reddli. I PURSUANT to a decree cf the Circuit Court cf SI eTr this cause rendered an the 11. t da er Janaary last, I will in front of the office of Joslah Hi t at. Esq., in the city ot Memihls, on FRIDAT, the 20th da-- ef March next, sell at public auction the foHewicgds scrsseu vix: auursun, aged about, seveateai years. Terms cash. M. D. L. STEWART Oerk aad Mister. JntlHunjf. Sol for Petitioner, frf?lw3t Clerk's Sale of Slaves. Wm. Manning and Wife, Ma-y"- ) Elisabeth, Tbos. Saunders, I John Saunders Aaron Sinn- - I ders. Teaa.ssee Saandert, S- - Sx-pa- rt PetlUcn ic James B. Saanders, BLBors, I sell Slaves fordivlstou. bythHr next friead, Jofcn! Saunders. J to a decree of the Circuit Court ef Sb ty PUHSHANT this caase rendered oa the 31st 'i t Jaaaary list. I wiB la froaLof the Court Bouse doot . X the town ot Raleigh, oa SATORDAT, the 21st day or Mirth arxt, sell te the highest bidder, the fsHowln; de- scribed slaves, to-- : FILLIS, aged about 23 years, and her children. JTJLTA. 5 " JOE. " " 2 ' ' INFANT. TrRHS One-ha- lf cash, aad the residue so !v months credit from day of sale, with bond and go 3 se- curity, and a Hen retained cn the slaves aa til lie jf.r-re- d paymtat ls,made. M.D. L- - STEWART. Clerk.aad Ma-- : ai. U i . Harris, Sol's forPet'is. febCt-w- K

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terms wffl be strictly end rfesilyadhered) to.

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tsMaaee.. . i.rf-- AU advertioeraeats tor Cb&ritalNe lostitatiocM,

Fre Osaapaaies, Ward, Towa, aad other Pnhne Meetisgs,tojatoharaed half price."t3" Xarriag aad Beaths are pahBshed ai sew ; bat

Obnaarfs. Tribato. of Respect aad Faaorai JaritatloCi,as eab--r advertisements.

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S3- - Bdttorial Notices in Local OtiasaB wBI be charged0ant per lineS3NoMactioaervaratavrai be aaadefromAe


Iroftsstonal (Lute.L. O. RIVES.

AND COCXSSLOR AT VKVT, Memphis,ATTORNT5T in the Poet Omee BaiMiag.vjbatesentrBiedtohi carewtll receive prcaxot

aad taithfal atteatioB. Owlectioos made ia Aerersoandsag eoaatios of West Teaneseee, MiseiMsppi and

Arkasras.aalS-den,- ly

J. A. ANDERSON.AT L.VW, Menrphi., Tenn. Otae la

ATTORNEX BaUdisg, over Jtanafl.-ld'-s Drag Stota,

Xm street. jxaMy'

el GarelSAMCEL GILB8RT, SR. . bas returned to hie old

DH leaMilr itI Bear Memahis aad reteBvd bis lolrsa-ar- T

saAwaireBHiapnaiaenUy. He treats theDiseases: Caneers.-Sorofflita-

, Whie Sw.llio,LrWenaiadWeBS.TrUbMtS3rKiealoiratjaB4. Be aim.

sreato-a- CrtobIc Fesaate dlesoe, S reset loagstaadiac.Tetter. Rbeamatisai, SypaiiU, aad a3 fotiss of MercuilalASAjctioBa.

fft Q. deems it naaeceeeary te y more. a b t as liv-a- g

iijlariii-- i ot his soocese'

from Jiaiae to Oregoa.'

BENJAMIN KOWCOTT, Dentist.HATtKG prepared myself weB

OcotHtrTtaMemphM I respect ear soticu.ktbe patioaage of all who may n-- e my xr--. timi in tbe usat isf. aan ma sktiu iv

pertorm all operations on the Teeth, and insert ArtMctelTeeth ta the most approved style at we as it can tedeee in thWoranv jthrr country.

Omet on Main street, opposite WorSbsm Hosm, .dsc9-6- ts

ACMEe. w. asree -G. W. & K. 3r. ACREE,

DENTISTS, oace cnion jhoci, wiitr.-- l. between Main am nam w.

J Memphis, Tnaesee.All IXBlat leranom irwtw i

ibe least poseiUe pain. Diseases of the Alveotor rroorcsand Gams treated la the most skiUfnl atanaer. Fan orpartial Sets of Teeth set oa Gotta Percha or Gold, withtbe latest lmprejmaeatsaBd GUARANTIED,

narm-l- y

JAMES M. MURPHY,Gc&xxcfrsil. .Tmnrl -goiit.


TTT1I.L attend personally to the locating of SapLadVV Sorlpand vTarraiits in the Jacks, nport and Betes

BaHriots, seUle: Land aad paying

Befereneos.B Ctoaaem. Ketaphls.TeBB.j A . 3. Hoey, LHtle Eock;

W it Foiwell. " J- - Norton & Co , . O ;p'LaaefiOe, " J. A. Sonseean, LsGrasfe,

k,H"'" Wt.,I.vrrecevUle,abm PoK " Pa ;

'C, W. Board, Jaeksonport; Pool Vat,Jksonpart

aeci7-i- y

: rn. Win. HEWITTTTTlCI. aoWev&eWtBe, m tar prtJflbat therete

w -- i tm an aaa uow. an .i.h.ii..eaJenrsou street, in th, Post Otae Balidla,sawtHB tawPoet Oflto. a tttc earner

Bemaado and ZILjU streets.BRFBSENCB3 :

Oat. J. B. Staatoo, N. AOaau, i., Bsymod camur-JUr.p.-

BUni", Dr. J. B. Maetia, Fare.e esmJy.KSomerviae. RV. F P- - Martin. Ksq.,Tiptoa connty.

- J.'L- - Wefci, J. B. Ashe, Meavpbis.tobi-de-m

' J. S. TTHITE, M. D..T ATS of Hardetsaa oooatT. havUs; roaaovad b Mem--! . . . ,,..Ar.Lnal services to ths elUartn.

oieai'poart o. dr - --"t ofSWaflacVs Aoc-S-

o7 KnUesc on Fuototoc stmt, slh side.

tbmweaSt Patrick and St. Marfan. CT "- - R. F. LOOHEY,

4 TJORNET AT LAW. OSsot aver C. W. Cherry &

: ir-t- f

R. C. BROWN,ET AT IAW, Marioa, Ark., prjatjee. to

ATTORN CrUtenden, MlsstselTPl, Grees J??yr.i''and Manro .Coaaties, in Arkansas.ED. A. BEECHES.t. TT.:MHAM

WICa.ERSHA7I & BEECKER,. nratVETS AT LAW. Memphis, TeBBeseee. OCSce,

lwl-- tXX. Mo i jenerBQi


A Office Block, ever Aydlett fc Co., third story.


Dr. R. L L.ASRI,and Di eesoraf several BospHals

LATEGeTrfw ber ef dlffarent todie Societies

fa his located in the city of Memphis, aodof-- V

bls"rrire to the paMsc a: Phyasdaa. Acooacher,


baleen SlsmandSt9aM


T?inTirdson. Wlieatley & Higgs,AT LAW Office oa tbe corner Second

ATTORKETS ttreetor Memnais, Tena. I -1 r, innrv A Ta'tOflP.. ."ty dJVJa.A ss, a Aw"''y

FTTOSNET AT LAW. Omce in tne reel OfflBa- -

lag, Memphis, Teinir sovtl-t- f

HASK.EL.L & SEARCY,A TTORKET AT J.AW. Memphis, Teaeee WauT.I Tirt RMnrr Jiave associated urcaa- -

together ia ih. nrirtiw or Law. OfBe. laWa& . aovSC-di- m


BEN. S1TERROD,AT LAW. Oavlagten, Tenn. -- All b&

ATTORNET witt receive prompt attoatste.llyI9-tf- ".

LEBOI POPE, 'AT LAW. Memphis, Tena., wiB raaateeAS crtrci Hs 1 e

Oulbof Coartaare, ade4as thattK-- 1t

of the

Bery Court qrk.Tonti.TtT . OSBORNEpractice Law in the OonrU t Hardeman Fay- -

entrnhimrrecfmltto. H- - 1. m the Chancery CWf 'BMIvar ILtrueman connty, Tenn

JOHN P. FARRELrEY,. v--n vnrvanr ryiR AT LAW. HompWs.

jV&n. Of rr of Mato and Jemsl streott,rrr?vv..T, it no.'a. - .

TertoBM.Beniy PlrUe, W. V. BltoScai3f.5a t. ntwll t. Son. Lewis Pan?.

McGftsor. Arar K7a,"GrSnwood, OrtetatJ .Vr AVpa-f- ta CoMeaj

business (tarns

J. C. JAOOSI & CO.,3S8 Mala, bet.Unton and Gayoio-s- t. )

Importers and aiannfacturcrs otHAVANA & DOMESTIC

CIG-AR- S AND TOBACCO.oQhawl. a lartt assortment of the nxlCOKSTAXTLT at moderate piices.

Jiu5-l- y



UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE,Sautbeasl Corner et Main and Union Sti.,

MKitrniS, TBNN.,alvajrs on hand a well and carefully aelecttd

HAVK of articles in tboir Uae, KUcb they will teU atUk-- lowi-a- t cnrruit prKes.

Orders promptly filled 'wrtti trlipatch.)aol1-dtw-- lT



Watches. CIoclis. and Jewelry,CORKKR OF MAIN AXD ABAMS-ST3- .,

TaKJC; this laetbod of informing Mb rrlfmoa,

aad th. public geaeraliy, that be bu mored from3 bis otd fustd to tbe ooreer of Main atd Adams

ilmk here be take Measure in exatciunsa sxnr and cboto- - iut of JEWEI.Iir, to those taajfavor bin TCitb a can. and vrUI r- - pleaeed to execute allorersfor ,f--

r - ,u VZKfniJ. maiinin"M liberal patronage of aQ wbo may Ami iteenvenleal tovbi bis nstabHulrBSPnt.


January Xr3,t, 1G57.card to th" rnblic we tender our

INonVriasoar for tbe very liberal patronage extend-

ed n during !b past year, and premise for tbe fat tire torcrni-- b oarcuMnsaers th LARGEaT, CHEAPKiT andBRS1 S1LKCTED STOO 'u the Southernruaatr.

Oar Seaior partner TTlU be eonf tantly in tbe Easternmarket, aad win keep as fully supplied with eveTdeslra-M- e

style of

Staple end Pancy Dry Goods, 8zc.We are Agents for iotrc of tbe best brands of

OSNAbCKGS, Jtc., which we offer at Factoryprice. Jmitwla

CAIVDEE, MIX & CO.,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in



tar3-dswS-m 226 MAIN-ST- ., MRMPIIIS, TENN.


TOBACCO FACTOR,He. 25 JScMsBn-tt- ., between Front Row and Main,

MEMPHIS, TBNN--,respectfully inform tbe mercaanis er

WOCLD and sanoaa ing coaatry, that he has just rr--tarsted from tae cities oi Virginia, wnercoea permanent Aeeocy f r the sale of an srades of VirginmTooocca, and iatesds to ke.p eonsisntly on bandsstack equal to tbe demand, at manacacturers prices.

Betnc fully able to compMe with the New Tork, Balti-more, Cmehmati and New Orleans raarketr, te invitesthe aMeatieti ot all dealers In tbe above article to bisatoak before parchasingelsewhere.

ortl-ds- v t J a- - "Anr- r-

A. T. Jl'CASE. .V". f. WILLI A3IS.

McCAHE & WILLIAMS,(Successors to 'Wheat k Taylor,)


Duvall's Bluffs, Arkansas,At Ae rratrinj of the MeptiU and Little Rett Rail--

keen ronsUntly on band Surer, Coffee, Salt,THET wiuh. and all other articles usually kept. tirrr which ther wiB s.U low for cash or ex- -

obanac for Hides, Furs and Peltries, or any other articlestirongbt to tb market.t tar Tjitie Rock er tbe adjacentcavutlea shipped to Duvall's Bluffs, win be forwardedUBiaKdiately a there are always wages aad teams in

t haul to any point.srtS awtf

We are now receiving and opening oar

Fall and WinterSTOCK OP

DRY GOODS,tONSl3 rl XG of every variety of Staple and Fancy Dry

I . n u vr in Mii markt. Sup-rfl- ne Blackand Blae Ciotas, Caseimeres, Doeskias. Cloaks, MantHlas,Moire Antique, Velvet Shawls, t e latest style ; Ladies'

Ottm Gooos. of a tneerior quality; Craiit Shawls, alaw U t of KanreU. Negro Cloth, Brogans, Ready Made

CletMnf , Boots an 4 Shoes, Bats, and a variety of article?.too uaias roas to mesreian.

til i wi as. "Come one. come alL" and examine ray

stock, before making your Purchsfti, I bought en theand am e AFtit none sbU un

JelTme. Trtall adopts tSivsTEM ew pt t.dealers. A u uun.,panetaai Ko ---j Kain street,

Old Stand of rergnton h. Nelll.


General 8Lgent9tsto. --3.7 PHONT TAOTO,


D. PAJN'TE & CO.,Lard Oil, Soap and Candie

IiIANUiPACTUKEiaS.Ill Main street, Mcmpuis. Tenn.mHB highest market k.-- s PM for roush and rendered

DorZ-JT1 Tallow. Lard and Scap Greae.


BOOT ANT) SHOENo. G6 Frtiut Row,


SHOES, ef hts own ar of othermsnula-larer- He rTa. Leainrr,

and Upper, van asm, r rrut.uCT,n. yindir-- .. Trunks Cant Bag, -

Tall of wil eel. as chfap as an-- In wamarket Ge La a call before rare' lr.g elsewhere.




Poplar, between Main and Second Streets,



wvy Goods. Boots Slxocs,S3N7TLTOAOSWIA artel XiotEiiA,

So. 79 Pront Bow.. w t..n in., niml ons hundred cases of

Clotbtng. expressly manufactured for this.r,,.h,ff the best selected stocks of

Stall kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ever

brought here, wbier. wtafler at tatoatpolWpwa,ketne enabled to compete with any hnute through the

V. nu. In IhiluMlltlll.m was oj.arwi- -

We would eoperially invite Ue attention of country

msfcatoau, knowii-- g thai i an auu mverv -- f e fist XI m.Tr r".


GKOCBKIES,Foreign and Domestic Liquors

Wines, Cigars, Fruits, &c,NO. 293 MAIN-ST- ., MEMPHIS, TENxVot31

"CrHSELER & CO.,Druggists and Apothecaries,

Jfatntfrerf.nert ioorfo Odd TtUotsf JlaH,


PURR DRUGS ASD MEDICINES,--1HBMICALS. Surgical Increments. Faacy Goods

and BotanLf Pats, Oi. WindowMedlctues7 Gai-le- n Seeds, Snaff, Tobacco and Cigars,

Braaote ana w mes..r .rticie sold bv si warrsnted as rerweniea,

wbiect be retamed at oar j; een iZAL

TT VOtXlKTINE. B., has removed his Law ' Oflce

1. over tbe Store aad comratition uouec v, -Vawnt fc Co. . on Jefferson street, between the Post Office

cvsttLtiiirfrli Ale.TOST i weired, S09bs, Saslth'a rorlor rituhnrgh

"ffeolS Mtto-i- t, fifioor North Wors an Boose,


Commission and Grocer Merchants,dec30-IaiTl- in NO. 9 FBONT HOW.




WHOLESALE GBOCEBS,No. 6 Monroe Street, Memphis,WILL make liberal Cith adraooet on all consignments

Prodnceor MerchandUe.Rtftreneu Henderson, Terry ac Co., a. o. eison

no.. Orleans: Sueed & Stranie. 3. M. Apperson kCo. Mempbls. noYlt-S-

Grocers, Cotton Tac'rors,AND

coaritfissiox merchants,rr. 49 Front Rsw, Memrbli Term.ebarees for selling Cotton' on arrival ars Fifty

OUR per Bale ; for storing and s.Ulng Seventy-Fiv- e

Cents. All Cotton insured nnless olberwue inarrncia.febl7-daw- ly



Wholesale Gro c cir s ,v. 1 , r. f1.MlrflAn a joainiiasiuu .iciiuauw)

(Haiby f- - Flunt's A'cio BiUUingt,)

No. IS Front Row, Memphis,nowonhsnda f is assorttreat rf Bagging and

HAVE of tie best brands, together with a tompletoandwell selected stock of tbe various article usuauykeel In our busufes, to vnlca we invite me ainiwn v

Aiasntsfor the tale of "Pike's celebrated Msg..JlWXisky,'' and Jones, Lloyd JiCe.'s Southern Jianctac-tare-

Nails. SMITH, MEACHAM 6. CO:aug27-f- m



Cotton Factors,OVER D. H. TOWNSEND'S,



R0PK, B60M and Plantation SuPpUesy--htared by us will be covered by Insurance, unless othur- -

wise Instructed.3-- Bagging, Rope and Plantation Supplies furnished

to customers.. . I I.WUAT a. w. itiiTn.Wmhi.. Memphis. Hernando.



Commission Merchants,A'o.2MadUon-it.,beieteenFro7- tt Row end ilain-tt- .,

L'o Stain. MEMPHIS. TEH If.OTRICT attention given to Selling .ahd Storing Cotton

V b. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Plantation Sap- -Dlles filled with care ana uaaiscs iwooiuwand Storing Cotton, fifty cenu per bale. aug21-6- m

A. HI. HOPKINS & CO.,( Succeuort to PoweU $ Co.,

r.nttoii FactorsATO. ,.r,f,rmT MTnrinrr a 'ivrsriaa

IJUilliJLlSSai.a i1JLBa,aji2J.'jL,NO. 4L1 UNION STREET,

senl7-l- y VEW ORLEANS, LA.


Late of Panoia, suss.j Late of LaG range, Tenn.

TERiT01T, BRTAS & CO.(jot ton jt actoraj ivumuiaoiui i

Forwarding fMERCHAITT

Xo. 6 Front Row, over Meaeham fc Oalbralth's,MEMPBIS, TENN.

XI ARTICULAR attention paid to Storing, Shipping aadAT Sailing Cotton. Cbargea ou oenia per- an mti ati irnt to us will be covered 2 Insurance,unless otherwise Instructed. auca


Cotton FactorAitD


Up Stairs, IT 1-- 2 Front Row,MEMP1IIS,

LARGE stock of Bagging and Rope always on hand.A jalyS-dawl- y

S. C. ZSIDEB,TELtX WALKER.'tv Orleans, La. CofTeevlUe, MUs.


Cotton F act Or SASD

Commission merchants,Ko. 123 Canal Street,


..n. c. hortos,c. M. DORTOS,LateBorton JtBnnter. Late of Monthalia, Miss.


COTTON FACTORS,a .1 - m TlAw1onfc

iJornm ssion a;roraruiuK iiKivauW,A'o. ziIadUon-St.,oppoHt- e I. B. Kirtland't Office,

MEMPHIS, TBNN.n iin.. .rrtofore. civlnt JTedal atten

W ...1"rVtTa.i. .n. nr. of &ttsCaaafty cents. . .UUU W sua o

rr h.n.. and to the selection and purcliajaaaane-.- articlein market. OSes removed from No. Fy-0- '3 Madison street. netTly cpposlte Union acgao


GATES & WOOD,COTTON PACTOKS, GEOCEBS,rndnce and Getsral Commission

.Vo. S Valor. Street, betaeen Man mo s m

A FTER an active applicationh tne ursi uw, v--

rievea veais, v. ior. . it. uitw 9 rVtf An !? fif if.n a ifat Af rvl r fr innilR in LUC UL'AWiJ v wow -We feel confident of our ability to pleaai such as may

cocide their business to oar charge. Oar-s.o- ck of Bag- -glne.Rope and Gen-r- tl sappu's toi u- - "v.

.. r.x.h .itianeaa. or acccDtances. will OT.y be'....mmnii in .tnre. Insurance on Cotton or

ether Produce, In store, will only be effected upon actualinstructlsns, or wnea tnucr 77,,"Cotton by steamers will, at all times, te Insuredtransit, with open policy, unieai oiiki " o

the face of bill" lading..!. .i.n!. whe have so liberally patronised

during years rast, we shall o3r the same lnducemcnia as

heretofore for a continuance si .Junl Jda-vl- y "


W. HOWARD & CO..Cotton Factors, Commission ana

Forwardnig ineruHuum,vn a HdWARD'S ROW. MEMPHIS,

T BALERS In Bacglag, Rope, Twine. Sugar, Coffte, Mc--I

I . ,.. n.., r .nt Ttsmn. Mackerel. Salt.London Porter, Ale, WIne,,WbUky, Tlnegar, Onano.Ume, Land-Plaste- r, and Groceries generally. A good

stock nw oa hand, and far sale at reasonable prices.a.n..i. ..i..i m.iin r.n fVttons In store for sale or

shipment. AH Cottons Insured uaJcraotherwlre Instruct- -

.imui a . v w.t.r: , ue ristoi xirc .uiwsiore, unless otherwise instructed. Oar prices for storingand selling Cottons, the sarw as ws hare charged frr,ars part fifty cents per bale. ""r--"



Cotton FactorsCommission Merchants,

WO M FRONT ROW. MEMPBIS. TENN.A LL Cotton sent to cur aoaresn ic juit, uhicsk ihiiiuvr inn to tbe contrary are itojitcu. tuawuua

orders ntled with care. Store and Sell Cottsn at fiftycents per bale. dfc2-trar- l7



isn nn ,1 VIER-ST- .. XviiW un.A.iiaiij.




make cash advances oa all CstUn or otler Pro--WILLrr.bind to T. P. Avdlrtt & Co., New Orl'ans.

ocS-- lr

CARRInotor has ON, L. c. r. tHslly Springs, Miss. icj,




MEMPHIS, TENN.ANTLT oa htai, Bagging, Rope and Plantatloa

CONST mayll-l-r

(anon factors,



Cotton and Grain Factors.

h. orBfiEranTco.,HobUe, Alabftina,



Bnk of CbariMton, S.

i: w n.nv r Kst Tennessee, Knox- -

m. i n VlRTLAND. Kq", and Messrs. F ALL3 isep7-6r- n

CASH, Mempnxs, kuu.. C. BOBXE ,L. C. JfORVELL

MAIOffC1T..U. Knfirea. Miss. Louisville, Ey. Klpley, Miss.


Commission & Forwarding Merchants,2-- lGlMain-St- ., Mempbis, Tenn.

Rope,J ns,lJnseyii. """'BAGGING. Supplies-constantl- on hand.feLS-aaw-ly

p..rrmY. BROWN & GO.,


ConimisHion ITfcrcliaiits,? naifP STf.EKT. NEW ORLEANS.

all Cotton or other Producen ash advances made onU consigned as above, by jiiLsa ur. r..,.



COTTON FACTORS. GROCERS,EecelTing, ronvaraing anu ucuci ai

COMMISSION MEROHAJJiS)Udn Street, Eut tide tetvten Jtfferttm end



Commission Merchants,MmtDIIK TVV. ,

SO. 19 FROJsT liuw, c..uiu,(OFFICE . ilfi.HMi.M(nlfArllle

TXTILL give strict atteat'ou w u vUl..- v-

V V la this nars, or sniFcu-Jk- .

Cttonconsnmedtou,gers of River JaTiaiiou- - J .Tidm.trncted. Orders for Baggln, Rope

Snppilcl wUl meet our PrOTt",3tiS,:Tp1CK; v C0.augls-dawfi- m


No. 5 Monroe Street, bet Front Row &Main,

(S0C1B SIDE,)ir r, ninnnpanDn.

attention paid to sale and shipment of

and other ProduceCotton . (nrnuhed atBagging, Bope ri"" "-- " t2a

lowest market prices.

cottonFa'ctorommissionJIerchant,.muauj li-uu--

Up Stairs, No. 17 1--2 Front bow, aicmpma.... ... 11 a. miinf nrdprm folWILL psy particular aucuum wI Groceries, Bagging and Rope, &e.

Jalri-aaw- iy .

. C. GTLimXQ Mas

.1. C. ORIFFING & liiiwvCommission merchants,

Main Street, Mempms, Tenn.WBan'd'SS 7h.pmYntrto 7ur"f riends In

New Orleans.

rvr-wjc- r arloans. t-- a. THEOIALD.Frankfort, Ky. KV. Jiempuia, icuu.THEOBALD, GRIFFIIVC & uw

Goneral Commission Merchants,NO. Tl CAMP STKEtA,

.VEB' ORLEAiVS LA.lulyl9rdawtf.....A. W.LOT.SO.


Cott0n Factors, Commission Merciesnonoral Or r o o o x-- s


A LARGE stKk of Rope and Bagging alwsysw hd.A Jft, cents per bale, all other Produce atuamee?. instruction, strictly obeyed, rptrmtuuee. All Produce Insured,



For the Sale, Stera;e and Shipment of

COTTON,ko. eg rnorrr now, Memphis, tess.

orders for Barging, J0,,',:',,"" dALL and Plantation Supplies,Pffirantly. at the lowest current rates. """glT

c rr DUS8C0MB,J. T. STRATTOS, I J,- --




X ... t..wt.. I - 1 M ., t, consignments insornj --

,- - COTTONJCXta. ASiia ior-u- uv-

fcLM-l- y

. a.,, n t iTvtr mrSTJWe eoatlnne to 3 lore uu ocii

P!-!!- ,. . .i-- nf Pnwtr-lco- m and India BagT...t'.r. ,r.,i .n. tocethcrwitbaheavy stoca

of"GrierandV" .will furnish to our casiomcis k -angl2w6m "'


iron CASH.s r rv wfiRTPI of new ana seasonable

S!Zr.UUU CLOTniNG and FURNISBINGrj we efferat actual

cost for eoii and casAonfy, our entire stock of Clothing

no and to do so the stock raait be sold, persons la wantof Goods ia our line, will find It to th'ir advanUge to

u.Lx.n.un.wu.igiveusauiu. m..v. UM, ninek.'272" Main street.

Janl-3- m

XjT Engnlrar cc;y three months.


Importers, Wholesaleani netaii sea era luChlna,Glas and Earth-enware, French audGerman Vases. Silver.Silver Plated, GermanSilver and BrltanlaWare, Fine Tabic Cutlery, etc.,

1SS Main Street,MEMPHIS.

Also Looting Glasses,Looking Glass PlatesTea Trays, ParloLamps, Chandaliers,Glrondoles, ac, &C


fi. IS. &OCKE,Auctioneer and General Agent



MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.attention to sale of City Coan

PARTICULAR Merchandise, of every description

Furniture, Land Scrip and Warrants, Stocks, Renting and

Leasing Property, .c

:::r;trrn..;rMr j. sr. Caldwell,I 4H.iJiU BUI1 C Li i 11UV.U ituvt v.w ap

bim x fnnT prepared to attend tocMslriMnts and

tll.., oi every dcscripUon. Liberal Cash ADVARezsI MADE OR C0XSI0HMERTS.

3Storage and consignments solicited.I p. s. I am Agent for The Adams Express Compsny.


profltatlc and Honorable EmploymentTCrtTt TtW. WINTER.

TiERSONS In town or country la search of employmentV ....nn,nnr inram. . t in nn their leisure hours.

may hear of such by enelotlng two sUmps. to par post-

age, to Professor J IME3 T. BORNE. Box No. 4,Ml NewTork Post efsee. The employment U fitted to either sex

statlca la life Immaterial. It-- Is an article of dallyconsumption, and can be manufactured la any persoa a

dwelling! se eared by copyright; sales as permanent as

Cour. An agent is wanted In every town in the Union,

Jtiul-i- a - a

ottlSs sluurants, to.

LUNCH.V- - f f) Vtiave tbe honor to inform ibe pub

Sii lie that they have theirBAR-KO- un Adams street, oppolte Wersbam Bouse,as a LAGER BUElt SALOON, in which they will nee on Monday, the 2d of February, to give a splendidI.tJNCn, (with a glass of Lager Beer ) at tbe low rate HnrTEEK cents, Good SOOP will be served up at eachLunch. Lunch at hair-pa- st ten o'Uock A. M.. every dar

Jan3l-dl- m j. SCBW00B & S. BERRMAN

HOUSE,Corner of Main and AdamB Street.

MEMPHIS, TENN.Bouse is situated in the centre of business, art

lsnowenishedandlncompleteorder. Tbe Pioprietorpledges blicself it ihall not be surpassed by any Bouse inthe Sontt west.

Being grateful for the very liberal patronage bestow,on him for tbe last two years, be hopes by a street atlentlon ts business to merit a continuance of the same.

ocT-- tf J. J. W0RSBAM, PrtprietCT


establishment has Jnst undergone thoroughTB1S in every department. Rooms newly pala'edand papered; tedding thoroughly renovated; there is neteven a mattress that is not new or equal to new ; carpeUmostly new, he In one word the house Is nw In

oner than it has ever been since It wjbuilt. Very grateful for the liberal to theBouse since I have occupied It aud having renewed twoleases, one on the Bouse, the otbr opoa my age, I hftpe

to be abls to give more attention than hsretoforo I scdetermined to make my guests comfortable.

oc7-- tt D. COCKRBLL, Proprietor

' Restaurant

ON UNION STSEET.iaformshls oM friends snd

TnEsubCTibsrreipe..tfuUy Las cpenM a new Restau-rant oa Union kin et, wk-r- .- be W prepared to furnishthe best viands that r. n be toaod in the market, served

li the best Parisian styles. Oysters, Game, Straks. Saltaad Fresh Water Fish, Birds iu fact, .verythlBI suitedto the fijiest and most Ucate epicurean taste.

Give me a call I have six difftrenf rooms for the ac-

commodation of Trivate Parties. I will not be outdonein any branch connected with my business.

feU20-- tt li Urt. Diusr i. uu .

BENNETT HOTJSE,Corner Main and JacItsou-st3- .,

BROWNSVILLE, 1ENN.mir, w,llknewnnotel. haviazehanged hsads.

and be n thoroughly repaired, and provided with j

new Furnitorj, is now opn lor tne accommotia-tlo- n

of Bosrdera and Travelers.Th put lie may rest assurd that very exertlen will

be made on the patt ef the Proprietor to read! misBouse econi to none tn West Tennessee. Bavinf activeand attentive sirvants, and a tat:e always famished withtbe best the country a Cora?, ne connsenHy 'ciren .utuglvlnsentirefatlilactiontoallwbo may favor him withtheir patronage. WM. a7. sl,mi,

Jstdlwaw3m rropnewr.ITS' Eoquiirr copy.


Plain and Fancy Candies,Adams Street, under tne Wor- -

Klmm House.T"EEP3 constantly on band a large assortment of GreenXV and Dry Fruits, Fruits in tneir wn juice, jeui,Preaerve. Sardines, Lobsters, apicea ana ricii uys-to-rs.

Pickles, Cordials, Syiups, fine Wines, Brandies, aU

kinds Nuts, &e. t iV vfw t in conaeraioa wjfcu- fcuia

i Cm Rf o llshment I have Sited up an Oysters7o S3,Saloon, and wnirtcelre FRESHVJQVjkS 0T3TERS by every packet.

nov!6-dl- y 3. P. BiMCUbTTU.




P constantly en hand a Urge variety of PLAlJiJV and FANOT CANDIES. CASKS, fruits, Preserves,

etc, wholesale ana retail. We are also prepar-- to furnish parties at the shortest notice.

. tt r--. IN connopen our LADIKS- - ana

ENTLEMENS' OTSTKR SA- -m 9 o'clock A . St., to Vi

'deck p. M..and are receiving during tn wnow seasou,FRESH OTSTKRS by every st'ami r. We soMctl a snare

of tbe nubile patronage. nov2-dS- m

ffimp Carte.W. ALEXANDER R- - J- - LAJUIKO.



3a.txt Xaoxxija, . Mo,REFERENCES.

J. Murphy, Memphis j Cook k Co., Memphis ;

Barnett S. WalkerCharles Pottei, frbtVGm

JAMES ROW & CO.,41S Main Street, Eouisville, lty..

A BE now-- receiving their Siock of Dry Goods for tlxAcomlng Spring Sales, to which they Invite tbe attention of dealers. Their purchases of American uomeriiigoods have been made nnder the most favorable circum-stances, for cs'b, betere tbe advance, which will enaWe them to offer inducements i the parcbaw of theseg.iods net to be aurpasscd by any dry goods concern Itthe United states.

We flatter ourselves to be able to sell Domestic Good

fully as lew as theycaa, at present, be purcbas' d iromth Dry Goods Commission Bouses In tbe Eastern mar-

kets. We will have on hand of our own direct importa-tion from Europe, a large and ed stock of Jac-

onets, Swiss Mulls. Nainsook, Ma llns. Cambric, IJuen.eambrlc, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery, Gloves, EnglUh BlackBlatk and White, and Black and Gray Prints. FrenchPlate Prints. English Purple and Ciocolate Print",togither with a full assortment ot Gooes suitable formen's wear Examine our stock before maklngyourpur-chases- ,

and you will find that we have made no state-

ments that wa aro not fully abls to make good feb7-d2- n.


Main Street, Louisville, .y.,X MANUFACTURER'S Agents for jiamine nrp--, s--iA (ting. J'ans, Lsnsrys, &e. ama-i- y



CoiiVKvissioii cvclr.intsAXD


Foreign and Domestic Laquors,AND ACESTS V0R THE SALE OP

Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco,No. 564 Main Street, between "econa ana Antra,

janlJ-l-y LQTJ13VILLE. KT.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 28 Levee, and 56 Commercial Street,

ST. EOUIS, MO.fcr 3agginy, Rope, Bemp, Provisions, Flour,

ORDERS Ac, solicited aad promptly executed.fblS-l-y




OUR persoaal attention jWT.'PJt

o our""1" as ' '

contract Preight oa theabove'fifrc-shIpme- Bt cither by sail or steam vessels, atlowest rates.

We have had several years- - rxpernuc- - in umi .v. nnn.t,.ainir nr Rtan'.ea aad assorted Merchandise.

REFER TC un& ft ui,, v,i,."c ,

i Strange, Hannah &. Shanks. decis-l- y





JLYJ Main-Stree- t, Louisville, Ky.decSJ-uawi- y



(Succenon to Park, Slapion $ Co.,)


No. 92 Pront Row, Jlomphis,ARB


DR. THOS. KELLER.i jltr af Tnscambia Alabama, has located Dermanent'I i ly In Memphis, nd offers his services to the pablle

In all the branches ot hlsprofrsslon Be has tskentheoface heretofore occupied by Dr. Bryan, corner of Shelbyaad Union streets. Bavlng recently made careful andveneral selection of Surgical Instruments, be is preparedfor all the operations ot Surgery. Residence, on Shelbyitreet, between UJlug and Trcxevant streets.

mj9-l- y

D M. DUBOSE.A TTOHNET AT T.AW, Memphis, Tenn. Office on eastX sWe ef Mala street, between Jcfftrson and Adams.Reter to F. Titus, MeEwen, Barria &. McNeill, J. D.

Williams, w B. MHler and Miles Owes, Memphis, Tenn,

lar.lafiou Supfiw, (Bit

S. JB. WIIilillAillSON,(Succeuo to WUUeixjon 4" Hancock,)



FINE "WINES, BRANDIES,Mavana Cigars &c.


Received this Day,A BBLS Mess Pets; ;

MkrjH No. 1 Leaf Lard;w uerotssugar-osre- d aaa)20 kegs Shot, assorted sixes

lOObv's WhUky.All of which we will sell ehsap for cash at Ne. iS

Front Row, Memphis.JulJl S. B. WILLIAMSON.

GROCERIES, &c.THE subscribers keep on hand the fsMowlng artMes,

they warrant to-b- of Brat quality, and forSale low for caih

Wheat Fans and Threshers ;E. Carver 4i Co.'s Improved OstUa Gins;'VTaton., Northers andSoathernmaaafaclure;Bason, hog-rou- ;Flour, Salt, Whisky and Tobaem;Sugar, CuaVe, Teas and Motaasos ;Candles, rowder. Shot aad Load;Brandies and Wises, sopeiiur article ;Lime, Cement and Plaster Parts ;

Together with a gtnerst aawrtaMtH ot all artMes atkept in a Grocery store.

OWTNNE Sl GIBSON.utyl Nos. ! aad 2 Eirhangi- - Balldiavc.


EMPOHITJM OP PASHION,And Ladies' General Furbishing, Cloak

and Mantilla Estauliscmrnt,299 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN.

a.WE an now receiving and opening oneofthe largest and moat mtniBont stocks of,French MUlicenr and Fancy Dry Gni', I

ever teoocht to this oity. Also, a very select assortment ot Rich Dreea Goods, .ntirely new. Silks, Cash-meres, Mareaes, DeLaines, and a large variety ot aQstyles for Street, Traveling and Kvealag Dfesxes.

We call aarticuiar att-nti- ts oar Millineryof Chenille, Moss and Cncat Velvet. ofSttin, Silk, Grecian, Italian and BagUah Bonnete ; Flow-

ers, Feathers, Ribbons, Briual Veils and Wreaths, (6,006worth of floe French Embroideries, Real Thread, Malteseand Gimpure Laces ; all styles of

Embroidered, Velvet and ClothCLOAKS,

Ladies' Cloth and Vetvtt for Cloaks, Dress Caps, Head.Dresses, Ladies' abd Misses' Shots, Corsets, Eld Gloves,Furs, Trimmings of all deseriptHas for Cloaks and ike, &c

N. B. Embroidering and Stamping done. Cloaks acfDresses made to order In a few boars at cheapest pricea

Ladies, please call before parchaslng elsewhere.Orders from the country promptly attended to.cctl N. STIILMAN & CO.


SITUATED ia Fort Pickering, on the jgQ,Bnrn Lake Rnad, have on hand a fine 5o

sortment of SUP.UBBERT. in every te-P- ?

parlmeat, coLsiatlng In part ot

APPEES, PEACHES, PEUMS,3?cfvrs, OXacxorlotaj ,

Apricots, Xcctiriiacs, 5aT.c.

Also, Raspberry, Strawberry and Grape Vines, in va-

rieties, with a good supply of Evergreens, Green BousePlants, Bulbous Roots, Ktuba b and Asiaragus.

Orders from a distance, accompanied with draft or or-

der on a respectable merchant at Memphis, will be ;attended to, and all Plants guarantied to order

and delivered to any part of tbe city, free of charge.We attend to arranging and laying off Gardens la town

or country, at the shortest notice.fib20-2-m KTCBAVtRNK Jt BXO.

PAUJLFORMER '.Tot the firm t Mooney ft

cSSJGrren, would respectfolly say to bi. oM

5t friends and customers that be is a till at'JESs tD 0,1 stand, with a good suppiyof Fruitlin, consisting ot




Nectarines, &c.Also. Strawbenr and Grape Vines, In va

rieties. with a good supply of Evergreen., Given BousePlants, Bulbous Rsots, Rhubarb and Asparagus.

Orders from a distance, accompanied with draft or orderoa a respectable merchant at Memphis, will be panctoaByattended to and all plants guaranlli-- EO order and delivered any pal t ef tbe city, free or entree.

Nursery oa Main street, iitrepon. .l'AUL, uUbfi.1,

octli-dfi- m Receiver of M.w8y & Grren


TO HORTICDL IDRIST3 AND PLANTERS.I would respectfully remind the cltliens

the season for transplanting Fruit and Or-

namental trees Is fast approaching. Greatadditions have been made in every derwrt- -

mrui. mure particularly amose Fruits. A more selectand varied collection has never been offered fot sale Intbe Southwest, consisting m part ot over oae hundredvarieties of


323.orriof5i,Catawba. Iaabella. Ohis. Scuppemoog, Call lorn la. etc.Grace Vines. Fiss. Raipberri's, Strawberries, Currants,Gooseberries, etc. English Walnuts and Filberts, TexasPecans, Chef nuts, etc.. etc

Ureea-nou- se punts, bbioous iriower noni, (isiporicu.Evergreen of every desirable variety, among which arenearly 2,000 Magnolia Grand Flora.

In a dition to tbe a wove. I am now recttvicg a large :oicf Bulbs, of all kinds. In coosequence of having tomove most ef my stock on hand, I will sen it very Hv.

Purchasers may rely oa everything being what it isrepresented.- - and sales maybe effected oa very favorable. . . f. 1 UK,.terms, uy appiyms i iik uatuvu ou -- ufrcij, usi uRiilrnad Debot, or aaareismg

ACll-6- m 3. Ji. W1Z.A1U-1- -p. s During mr abvnce from tbe city, all orders win

meet with premnt attention if leu at tne store or jWUdberger. a- - "



WHEATOiV,Fashionable Matter, 75 Front Row.



octll-l- y N"o- - 75 Front Row

Carriasre Factory.undersigned have opecei a Carriage Factory on

THE street, b tween Washington and A'Umsstreets e thev are prepared to Manufacture and Re-r-

Carriages at the short-s- i notice. AT wo-- k done bythem will De gusraniivc, ana snare ei puuiic pairoaai,.solicited. ' .

JanJ-l-y 1.. a hukk bl uu.

30,000 .O 3Ei "X SHI


which may be fouadAMONG Crumptoa's celebrated brands, Lyachburg)Beaderson aaa uoicomce urauu,,Dr. James Saandera' " Barry of the West, ke.O. Ford's Aaaa Rice, &c, "R. J. Wade's braads,Jas.'Thomas, Jr.'s Crescent City rKn. Rlchmoad;Cosbv fc- - Wlnfree's Star of Richm'd Prld cf: v.A DlU's Fig, Mayflower, &e.

Coleman Worthara's"O.W. Iris," ,"HardETOve's "Indispenssble. ax.,

0 'M., (0. M. Cosby brand) DaarMe,'Withers 4. Ayres'Tount America, . "w T Souinerima orauM,R."P7 Richardson " OM Caswell, ReedvHle, X. C.

to mention, all of which wiU be sold at INVOICE PRI-

CES. tocloseconlgnmnts.Er article warranted fresh and sennlne, and direct

.from the factory. .r . J. B. SHARPS, Wholesale Tobacco Factor,m no. aiaauon street.



ttthsre can be fonnd all description of Grave Work.W which will be furnished as cheap as It can be gotin any market West. Also, Banding Work done at short

It is to the laterestof all persons wanting such work topurcbae from the yards at Memphis Instead ef purchas-ing from Agents, as the Manulactors have to add tbetwenty psr cent, thai la psld Agents to the work sold bythem. soutBcraers. 100 10 jour interest.

. dec3-daw-m O. O. MAT II WELL.

100 Rarrcls Flonr,brands, from the, best Extra to Superfine,


" Mala' street,' '- - H'

tiJ. U1. i ?i


lty lniVroail from CairoChicago Direct in Sixteen llvart, toUtunU Ureal.

of Ullage or Change of Cart or BcffjOe.BRANCH FROM CENTRAL! A IS NOW FINISHED,

Thus sboneaiag the tmi to sxten boars to Chicago.

AT Chicago, connecting wKa Michigan Central Canleaving the same Pepot, for iVtroii, Niagara Fall.

Rochester, Albany, New Tork, Boston, and alt BaaternaadAtlantK lutes. Only two tfcouge of Cars fromCairo to Niagara, and threo from Cairo to Albany, andfour from Cairo to New Totk. Tame i row Cairo to NewTork, fttrty-nm- e hoars. Fare as iuw, aad comfort great-er, than by any otner route. Pa laagers thfosgh artROT subjected to the daisy conseoarat W lao frequtai rishasges by shortdiaes of Hi 11 roads throagh Indiana andOhio, to th East ana North.

Also, connecting at Chicago' with Mteblfaa SouthernTrains, for Clevetaad, Dankbk, and tboBost, with LakShore Railroad and Steamers tar RsciEM, MilwaukeeSheboygan, A., aad witt a sptcsdM Lme af First ClaatSloamers for Sauit Sta Marie, Lake Sapeiior, CoMtag p.wood, Toronto, he.

--raiasleaveOalrs Every Morning asd Eveatnsasfollowit

6:05 A. St., Obieago aad Danleilh Expross, Sanday,exeeptrd.

This Train nonaotts at Chicago witi New Tork Light-ant- s:

Expr-ov-er 3t Kbigan Central, Sreat W-te- ra ancNear rofkCerUiiRaUrssds,ih(8Bghiatbirty-oo- e hoars

This Tram aio oaanecta At Saadptat watn Ohio aaMtssssstppi Rattratd lor St. Louts asm "VtocTiae- -; atPana,wsth Trains af tho Terr Baate, AKssi aad atL'UU Raiirojd, for LoaMvCla aaa

Mata' Una Haps ass fcr GalenaPan'.Hth j the lautr er naoniBc with tvaia to asrin-Hefd- ,

Naptej, Reeklsiimd.SurUiisjSBa aad Qnine.G.10 r. at.. New Totxjtlxjarscs, SEawaya ezeeatou.Slopniacosiy t imaexuat c tat two, esseat Signa'

eeBaectlstg with ifiln LWe 2ay Exarem mm - tatar I.Dtnielta, H i a'rivwg at Chicago a: 2 r. m

fvr the r'pper I! fjr-- l : Duc-Itit-

steamers ot tke Danlellh aad Xaanesota PacketCompany, ready ui .se on t: arnvsi of otter CoirrTrasa forLe Cro.- - , Redwing. 3i. Pan;, ic.tor JaaesriUe. aad Owrtral ana ansUora Wiie(.ra, omisect at Frecport wn , Train tu Beiott aad Jtnes.ulc, aa. Vfrom thence to Madison and Central aad Hasten WitooBsta. in

TV- - Maps and Charts Indtea'inc the Great OstraiKoateto the North and Bait an aa asset traaocrtotM !Coitoa'aMapot the Bnited State, and pasMngers arenaestrd to examine this rcate as wen as the rum.aUbm cards of ih cuBtiecting Keods. at4 iadge tor thm-s1v- es

to theeorrectaess of th abort- - statements. Thopening of the 1thiols Central BJTod from Cairo u,Cnieagu, and thas forming a speedy and dlsect means o'eemmanieation between the Upper Lakes and Rivers, aadtte Lowtfr Missitslpvl, aaoras to the Maian traveler.

wetlaa the hastaeH man. attractions and facultiesr reachtag the North aad East, which snrptos those ef

any other rente whatever. The aceoaimodationatbenompaay for the eoBveaiesce of thetrar- -

elwgpaate,tbeEwraBescy of the road and structure.ue sirearth and elegance of the Knglne aad Cars, cum-me-

tewaMeives to those who desira la Iravoiint: tseedcoafort aad tafety.

TlCSSTi HWD TOK OJiS TKAB, with the prlvtVgelaying over at any point, can be had at Messpht..

Cairo, and at the principal RiOlioad OOcrs on .he line.WILLIAM MORIN. Agent,

Jual-l- y Mefaphas, Tenn.jT OfUce, Ko 15 JeferKB street.





OPE I TO CORINTH.and alter Arc. 15, 15i6. H MAILTRAIONwill leave Memphis, DA1LT, at 7.00 A 21.. arming

at Corinth at 12:30 p. 31.; at Soraervitle at 100 a. 21.Returning Leaves Corinth at I p. ai. ; SomerviBe, 3

p. at. Arrives atMrmphu at 7 t p. at.This Train connects at Corinth with a doable Baity

Line of first cuss rust ipacae to tne lernunaa or sacEastern Division of the Memphis and Charleston Rail-road. Theace by Railway direct, aad coaneetieas a arewith all Eastern cities.

Staging reduced to ftrfy nifes, sad traek-layt- pre--gressiag rapidly.

THROUGH TlCKATTo som to the fonawmg potau:CHARLESTON,






This Trant aba osaaecU wttata Miasisoippi CeairaiRaDrond to Hotly SpriaajaL Oxford, Grenada, Cantoa,In" son. &e Ac

Also cwK-ct- at Graaa jaacttaa at; .a wna xsbbos-seeOtrt- ra!

Railnod te Boiivar. Jaebsoo, BatMaodonand otaws aiace.

AUoounn-c- ts at Pocaaoaias with Lino ofCoacae ta Htalry, Paatetec, Aberdotm aad Oil east asMiestsl'iBt.jUltOUGirTO NASHVILLE IS 31 HOURS,

Via tbe M k..Ma4 CbartrstoH. Naahvi '.n aadChattanrsa Raiiru U LO miles ot St.giag, agaiast1RO lvvoh-- r root.

The AUlAJJSIUAriu. hm iiui-- i raas mij ti--cept Sandaysi oetweeB Memphis aa tne jasction wiiatheMlssisslani Central Raiiread:

Leaves Junction 7.TO A.M.; arrives at Jiempais ii:wA.M. . .

Lea res Memphis .Wr.M.; arrives sitae jancuas:00 p. a.Freight Trains I ve Memphis for Psoaasaias uaix.i

at 1 a. sr. Doors close at p. sr..Throagh Tickets eaty, on tne above itotrtea. eaa eeoe- -

talned at the Cocmxroal Hotel, as weH as tajormasonconnected with the Boad.

Passengers are reaaestod to Tickets betere entering the cars, and save payoirat of extra fare.

Bareare checked to all stations en the RiBrosd, aacno Basgate will be received wltb-r.i- t oHttt! checked.

Each caisenser wilt be allowed ssventy-Bv- o poands ofbaggage by Railroad, and sixty pouU ay Sta;? ; bat noarticle will be carried as oaggase laat i not incsaeni tothe person of the passenger. In case ot loos the Company wiH hold themselves responsible for aa aaeaat notexemdiBC U00.

Negroes, when travenng aloce, mast have a permit,the point to which they ere to go, and speeUytBg

that they are to travel by railroad, or they will not be

carriea.B. ATRjSB,

ep2l Sgperratendent of Trausporlatioa.

For Baltimore, "WasHington, NewYork, Pliiladelpiiia, &c.

Direct Through Line for the East!

Maltlmore and Ohio

R AI LR 0 AD .Rcid ran. from Wheeliac; to, (J7TUIS aud to Vahington, (too raues,) and resente

the tallest advantages both as a freight and pasaengesHie. 1. tuns through wud and romantie regions ef laALegbenles; ana bi-i- soiidiy cousiructed, conHk-tH- )

wait ped and carefaJty inaaaged, is one of the atosi at-

tractive awl satrut Railroads it the United States. TheCentral Ohi xUuruad, irom Colnxbai aad ZanesBle tWheHmg, this road vilh aii portions of the Wltnd Southwest.

Tuz OSLY TnaouoH Ticksts rBou Mcaipiiis,LOCISTILLT lt ST. LOSIS U th.- - NATIOSAL

are sud by this road, which ran. direct t.Washington witaout the delay ot passing through BalU-mor- e.

It is also'the only iinv by which baggage can be

ijccktd to Washington from the unto river.xyHj Ike MAIL bocte from Memphis, take the mab

eteamcrs, running daily tor Loui.Tine, coaaecung tbertwith mail steamers or Jefiersonvill? Raitroad for Ctum-nat- i,

where tbvy arrivo so as 10 connect with tho ears 01

Little Miami Ktdroad tor Coiombcs, coanectsg thenwith Central Ohio Railroad, tcrough Newark and Zaaes-viil-e,

to Wheeling. By the express train of this route,tb time from uiBcmsaii to saunnere ana 10 w asntngtosis less than 37 hours'.

23" Be sure to ask fsr tickets by the Baltimore aad OhioBatireaa jioaie.

from Memphis geiag East throagh StLoms, can buy Through Tickets by tneEaKimereandOfcie.Railroad. Tais route lays toreuga l incenees, Terra liable,Indianapolis, etc, to Wheeling, over the aew Ohio andMississippi and ccnuuectlng Roads. These coaaecMoBare all direct, and th. time from St. Louis to Baitlmortor Washington i but abont 43 hours. Through Ticketby this route may be haa of tne Agent, anderthe Piaa- -

tei's House, at th following rates : I'roia St. Lotus uBaltiaivie S15; to Washingtou S2S.

At Wheeling the passenger takes the superior earsthe Baltimore and Ohi- - Railroad, which leave three timetdailv for Baltimore, Washington, PhiladelDbia and New"y rk. Through u IS or 17 hours, ladoding stoppage..For safety, spvot, reg;aisnly. beauty of the country, andgeneral comfort, this road is s rond to none in the Union.

FREIGHTS. This company possesses the large)ciuicmetfl of any Railroad in the United States, and itprepared to do an immense business in transportation.The road makes immediate connection at the wharves aadin the streets of Baltimore with the Railroad to Philadelphia and New York, steamers t Ericsson and BaltiMORE STEAatSHir Lines, oy canal aad Sea to NewTalk, and by new-- Merchants' and Miners' Line to Boston,steamers to Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, lie. Forparticulars, see frelsht tariff, copies of which maybe hadot the Forwarding Houses la the West, or of J. B. Ford,Receiving aad ForKaxcUng Aseat at Wheeling.

Wit. 3. WOODSIDS,Master of Transportation, Balllmere.

A. T. LAVALLETTE, A ten 1. 61 Front Row, Memphis.

Just Received.O K BASKETS Created Bsuzy Champagne Wine.4D B. B. POTTER. Main street,tebl9 Third dcor North Worshim Bouse.

Clioice Irisli Potatoes.SACKS for sale byJQQ B. MERRILL,

octSS No. S Monroe street.

nagging:, Rale Rope and Twine,Vv iiil ua ijouu tum jvi xi wiCWOA B. MERRILL,

octSS Monroe street.

Ecoiioisay.4 NEW, Utht, elegaat ond cheap Patent SPRING

XX. MATTRESS, tor sale byep2S--tf B. M. GR03VEN0R.

JPianos !X SUPERIOR assertmtnt of Pianos ana ifelodeoni.A inst received by

sep-- tf B. M. GR03VENOR.

Smoker. Attention!TTJTT received, 180,000 Cigars, xtaftos la price fromej 9lotoS49a tbonaaL,by -

B. K. POTTER,l lTAOib TTXetf stv tTfcrdecic , Jlia-i- t apsA U W k VI W. p WlotMVIsJVi


RAILROADfrom Junctisa with Memphis and Charlestcr-Railroa-

to Time's Station, eight miles North efBotivar, and eighteen miles Sonth et Jackson, Tenn.

IMorn ing Tx-rtr-s.

Leaves Bolivar DAILTtSandaxs excepted) at :M;Arrives at Janetien at :30,

Connecting widi 7 A 51 Tram Into Memphis.Retaraiag, leaves Junction at 10 A. at., or ta arrival ef

Mad Tram frm Mvatptils, arriving at Tooae's Stailet at12:30 p. M.; connecimgat lh,t ptat wMh Wyly's Hne uCoaeneo for Jackson and Naihviiie, eta Huntington, ar.1with Norwood's lineot Coaches to Jacksoa and NashviBe,

Lextegtoa, Clifton, Wayn-sb,r- o, Mt Pleasant.and from Spring Hill ly IheTeaBesseeand Ala

tanuRtUroad Also, with R. E. Smith's line lBacks.

X2rdbtaLeaves Tooae's Station daisy (Saadays excepted) at 1 15

M , cnenestlag at Grand Junstl.a with MaB Train,arriving at Memphis at 7:t5 p. at.

JUtcrnaes., leaves Grand Junction on arrival otAccem-aodatlo-

Train from Memphis, at t:5 p. ai , arriving at?ostaratS35.

Pa; rangers for aay.f the above named poiats by thisQte wi l pave less Staging than by aay other.fewe B. P. NEHLT, So?'t



Fave RwCduced to G SO,TIA THE

Memphis and Charleston andMississippi Central Railroads,

C10NNBCTING to. male- - th cf Itchy frrtags, has Huem. j of Stagu.g tbe daeapnt, mbs

ejsaal, and oaiekeot rente by fMB tsar M lea hour,imtbis roc ., thr staalfcg but see nu's tatthor th.r

th-- Panola route, a tboagh the tatter is representta -

hot arty-tw- o mites stazteg aad alters hua s 'hrv (ttrue di.Ui.-- e over . Panola rout is slxty-S-v

iriiee .uaiiKIn a tew weeks the Mississippi C- ntial Bailrosd wlh h

-- X'rndrdt theTa;iaiat'tiie riv.r, aldl shortening !-- taging seven miles Ie. Travelers will Jcot o theneomfoi! atid pocktt. A wo-- d to the wlae I. SBfadeat

j For Tick, ts or information pol to SIMS kCU SAsenu at the Railroad, Si age aad Omnibus Ticket Otace. ujmmerciai UM1 fek3i-d- i:


RAILROAD.tP021 tO CJOXkieo.ON aad after Mondav, Janaary 1Mb, 18S7. THHOCGa

TRAIN wUl leave Memphis daBv. ISaadavaxoep.d.lt7:30 a. St.. arriving al Coma at ta-- CRrtuTBiTX, leaves ttomo at Ifcae a. aad anirea rMessnbi. at I p af.

This TraJa connects at Coae with J. p Vell.,.Co '. douy lme of First Class Pcet Coaches sr riv.'and Greaada Staging rraactd te X miles Dstwaea Mem-phis aad Grenada through In 15 ham. Thpubiie a ay rely oa ibis beta a saort-- r and cheaper roatiGiensda, Canton, Jactios and Tieksbarc than acvother.

The FREIGHT TRAIN win sake da, Mn,excrplKt ) front and alter Monday, the 19th of JanuarytoComo. It will be expected that cocsizseea wt k.i.r angenvnts made to receive their rood, it th.oa arrival, as tho Coatpany have only temporary arraate--m-

ois for taking care of freights, and will net be rerpensible for the lost or damage to the same at that statWc

..7-cc- r. nqotsKu io pan ruse tickets beforeentering tne cars, aad save payment ef extra farBaggage checked ta all stalsoas oa the Railroad aad nobaggage wiR be received wstbeet being chested. BacapanoeBger win be allowed K0 of bargage by XaiKroad,andGaponndsbysLue, bat no article wflt be car-'i- edas baggage that is not incident to the persoa of thepassengers.

In case of hs. the Compary will boai themselvesfsr as ameant not exceeding $eo

jwiwj, wnea iraveucg alone, must have a permitimieg tne point to whlsi thev ara la .n .7.,travel by Railroad, or Mwy win notbv"T" at. rATRICK.J8' Superintendent

PARE ItEDUOED!Prom Memphis to Jackson, $3 50.

From flICEipIiIs to Naslirillc, $10 50.Via Jaclison, TfavnesDoroJ andColumbia.

near Bruwnsviiie with the Memphisand Ohio Railroad and at Thompson wHh the Te-- i'

Aiabama Railroad. Thu la the cheapest routto Middle Tenncoteo, and travelers are asaared that aos orexpeBsa win be spat ed to render them comforts,ale. The coaches, horses and drivers are superiorOar line connects at Jackson with J. w. Norwood isCo. 'i line ot four hrse post coach's to NashviUJfra NORWOOD i. FORTUNE

N. B. P0BE5T,

No. S7 Adams-s- t, Memphis, Ten ,riASjasc received from N-r- lh Carolina.twraty ave likrlr vounc ehm i v PA.

desires to call tne atteatioa ot purchaser,lfe win ta in the rernlar rrcMnt or CVirm Norih aad Soath Caroliaa every death Hi. Ne-gro Depot is one of .he most complete andsUbuhnenfi.ot the ktad ia the Soathera coanfcrTa"his rogalatieas exact and systematic, deanUaess, neatanaaadcon,f.rt beiag strictly observed aad enforcedilia aim is to famish to customers A. 1 servaata asuu hw,hhjw prrrect la bodr aad mini V- -graes mkea on osmmissiea. IsnSi


Q BALED PROPOSALS wm be received at McMinavlLO until March loth. 1SJ7 for the Grading, Masonry idBridging of wxty muos of the Southwestern RaHr.ed.coniBienctng -- t McMinnvuie, the Southern terminus aajrarv-ir- g --North throagh Warren, wti:e and PuCaaicovanlk ro Livinaaioa, in Orertcn county

Tbe character of the work is heavy, comprising a lergaamenat of rock excavstlea, several heavy Jobs ot bridge.

ScCwrBeW. !lProposals for Uie above wort raiT.m.. ,... .

miasone each, or for thirty, or the whole six it miles,dopet bmMiags, and Ml ibeeqipaneLt necessary lor opera Hag ,ae road when inn

Plans,, profiles and iFrrnii. v. .andaU oth. r loforaaloca Ruined at theoaeeatter March 1st. at MeMteavBls, or before thattX.JJW7 "w Mgmeers enee of tho MobLeand Ohio Rau road, Jackien. Tena.

ROBT. STERLING,fen3-dtlls-ar Eaciaeer In sbtTt

Parlor Seffs!TJTr" No 221 Mta street.t WINSTON. CBITRruir.r. v nn


COMMISSION MERCHANTS,General Agents & Real Estate BrokersNo. 25 Madison Street,

SEemphis, Tenn.attention will be gives 'o aH sales la .

aty o- - country, of Negioes, Sai Estate. Merchsutse, rartnurr, uauacip, atock, ac A II kiads Real

at and Leasing Property, etc. Storage aad Coasixrats solici.ed from all secf..ui.

Re' or nil., oar cratefnl aeknowledgmrats for the veryliberal patr Jiage htretofare received, we new pledge ea-rlv- e.

having determined on making Mrsphls our per-manent home, ta deahie oar if posslbl., at:hiok wiih twenty years experience iu th frjje, th. btrl vea ia Memphis, we ought ta be graduates, and fcanSdent' we b gl.o, as we thiak we hve dear,general satisfaction.

SErniMES-- A. O.:Uarrls.0o.,R. A Parksr,S.H.Iamb X Co , W. Hswird, n. P. Paraswortt ft Co , GeoRaherty & Bra . I. B. Elrtlaad. R. C. Riaklev. Baa. P.Graham, Esq., Ooi. R. Topp. Dr. Sara. Gilbert, Mem-phis ; Baldwin & Starr, N. T. Denises A. Son. W LBrace fc Co Ciaeicaatl ; The. T. Read. Esq. , 8. Cs.dy. Loaisviae ; Messrs. Duncan, BawHngs. 3. F. SlWs

Co , Taos. B. Winston, New Orkans , R. M. Soi -Co. fsM-3t- p

PORTRAITS.Li re-Si- ze, in Oil Colors.

HAS opened his STUDIO la Clark's MarMe Bulldi ?,ho will be pRaed to tee these that wish .0

employ h's pencil.EJ- - Portraits also Tainted from Daguerreotypes a-- U

Pbotograpbe. Janl?

ESTRAY.TAKEN up at oy boas, one BAT HORSE.

.left hind foot white. Bad on new saddle end'bridle. Inquire of K. J. B. L. WINN.

JanH-t- f N9.231Mala-d- .Clerk's Sale of Slave.

John B. Ptr-on- Cyntha Per-- ")

sen., and Mary Persoss, ml-- 1an, heirs of Ames Per--1 - ie petition tby theirsn, deceaseu,next frl.nd and Guardian.

II Slave.

Stalky Reddli. I

PURSUANT to a decree cf the Circuit Court cf SI eTrthis cause rendered an the 11. t da er

Janaary last, I will in front of the office of Joslah Hi t at.Esq., in the city ot Memihls, on FRIDAT, the 20th da-- ef

March next, sell at public auction the foHewicgdsscrsseu vix: auursun, aged about, seveateaiyears. Terms cash.

M. D. L. STEWART Oerk aad Mister.JntlHunjf. Sol for Petitioner, frf?lw3t

Clerk's Sale of Slaves.Wm. Manning and Wife, Ma-y"- )

Elisabeth, Tbos. Saunders, I

John Saunders Aaron Sinn- - Iders. Teaa.ssee Saandert, S- - Sx-pa- rt PetlUcn icJames B. Saanders, BLBors, I sell Slaves fordivlstou.bythHr next friead, Jofcn!Saunders. J

to a decree of the Circuit Court ef Sb tyPUHSHANT this caase rendered oa the 31st 'i tJaaaary list. I wiB la froaLof the Court Bouse doot . X

the town ot Raleigh, oa SATORDAT, the 21st day orMirth arxt, sell te the highest bidder, the fsHowln; de-

scribed slaves, to-- :

FILLIS, aged about 23 years, and her children.JTJLTA. 5 "JOE. " " 2 '

' INFANT.TrRHS One-ha- lf cash, aad the residue so !v

months credit from day of sale, with bond and go 3 se-

curity, and a Hen retained cn the slaves aa til lie jf.r-re- dpaymtat ls,made.

M.D. L-- STEWART. Clerk.aad Ma--

: ai. U i . Harris, Sol's forPet'is. febCt-w- K