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creation granaries 2016 call: proyecto inestable’s artistic residencies bases and manure


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creation granaries 2016 call: proyecto inestable’s artistic residencies bases and manure


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creation granaries

2016 call: proyecto inestable’s artistic residencies proyecto inestable it is a space that deals with protecting and caring for the artistic and creative process.

it is a space that wants to reformulate the scenic fact. the place of the creator and the place of the viewer.

It is an organic space where you can experience, investigate, create, show, live, breathe, judge and where is maintained a social, political and artistic position.

It is a living and organic space, attentive to what happens, agile, dynamic and contemporary.

spaces of residence

the project will have different spaces of residences: espacio inestable, a contar mentiras and the vincle.

espacio inestable: stage space has 10 x 10 metres. it is the most requested room. residents can use it in the days before their premiere and in all the possible empty gaps during their working process. They may also make use of all the facilities of the proyecto inestable: ambigú, dressing rooms, terrace, and bathroom.

the vincle: this space has 5 x 9 metres. it is a space that has a soundboard, linoleum, a blackboard, a table and chairs. it is a co-working space shared with the Vincle productions.

A contar mentiras: it is the headquarters space of the dance company la coja dansa. it is a space of 8 x 9 metres with grey linoleum, mirrors, dressing room, bathroom and it has a particularly suitable floor for dance companies and physical work.


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to be a resident

to be a resident means to be part of a creation granary during the time of your own creation. it means to trace on a project and in a space. to interfere and to enrich in the creative process of proyecto inestable, creating and sharing. to open the process to others. to teach a creative process and its working method. to involve viewers and to show an unconventional piece in 2016 performing arts programme of espacio inestable.

working for a while, set in the proposal (with a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of one year), in any of the residents spaces of creation granaries’ call: residences mode. the piece will be included in the performing arts (theatre, dance, circus, performance, other contaminants ...) and may be contaminated by any art field of culture. the work of the residents will have "the manure" of the main topic, understanding the manure as a thematic ideas proposed by proyecto inestable in order to unify different networks of residences.


in this sense, this model that we propose seeks to achieve a number of goals: • consolidating working groups • stimulating the cultural event • building from other than the display model, which is based on quotas and numbers and which is oriented of the fast creation artistic products • facilitating the exchange of working methods • providing some funding to companies and creative professionals with the support of public institutions as INAEM, CulturArts and others. • creating new audiences • strengthening generated audiences • promoting collaboration and artistic exchange with residence collective and the inestable collective • strengthening the work between the performers, dancers and creators of the region of valencia. • participating in a plan of activities parallel to the residence ( workshops, tutorials, talks ...)


These objectives seek to settle an estable future from a series of intentions:

• promoting intercultural dialogue between artists


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• build spaces of international residencies • building a stable network of residential spaces • easing the exchange of artists and their creative processes

it will be well valued, especially, contemporary art projects, current stage languages and new creation that challenge and redefine the conventional scenic fact. (you can check the section ways to do) this call will also grant a residence to a non-stage project of any discipline related to the culture field work that affects the strengthening of some proyecto inestable’s aspects: creation of audiences, workshops, connections, inter-residence relationship, coexistence ... thus creates a proactive residence that unites to other residents.

manureeurope we wish, europe we have. europe we dream, europe we generate. is europe just an economic union? is europe an oligarchy made of financial lobbies? is europe another scam? does europe satisfy our needs? does europe satisfy our wishes? is europe a broken dream? is europe an entelechy? is europe just a territory? what is a territory do we believe in europe? are we europeans? are we european citizens? are we single currency? are we international grants? what are we? what are we not? are we europe? what we want to be?

we think in an europe based in the desire. europe and its spaces europe and its wishes the wishes and nightmares of an individual, live and conflictive europe the fears of europe an europe inherent of the mourning by hits of goya dark europe, injured europe, hidden europe, peripheral europe of darkness, hysterical, bigoted, confrontational, dodge,  opaque, border, xenophobic, racist, ultra-Catholic, fanatical, slave europe and its lethargy, its stretch, its slow times, its old skin, its snobbery europe and its clouds, and its languages, and its scars, and its saltpetre, europe that is caught in a fist, in a fist tightens europe and its towers, bridges and arms, and its tools, and its fields,everything and nothing in Europe

facebook group “europa en un altar” (activity of the residences 2015) https://www.facebook.com/groups/839878202742068/?fref=ts


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ways to make

it will be well valued especially unconventional stage proposals that question and reformulate the usual creation and exhibition models and roles of the artist and the viewer. multidisciplinary and multi-spatial proposals that are designed more like experiences as artistic products. experiential processes that endure over time and space. participatory, experiential and collective proposals. both working methods and ways of conceiving the meeting between artists and spectators will be well valued.

proyecto inestable makes available to the artists all spaces are there to be potentially scenic, artistic and meeting areas (mobile stands, a versatile, mobile and interchangeable stage area, dressing rooms, bathrooms, terrace, ambigú, etc) as well as all available materials. proyecto inestable will assess and motivate such proposals and support all the needs that artists generate during the process of creation in favour of the unconventional piece may be possible.


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main topic 2016: europe we wish. europe we have. europe we dream. the manure is not necessarily the topic of the piece, but it is the beginning of thought, or a place where to arrive, or where to think. each year it will generate different manure for supporting the sowing of the residences.

delivery date of the material until 30th june 2015. It will be resolved on 30th july 2015.

residences dates

from january to december 2016.


4 residences from the region of valencia being in 2016 espacio inestable programe around 4 weeks, and 2 residences from abroad our community being in the programming around 2 weeks.


between €4.000-€6.000 each residence.


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material to deliver (drafts) creative process or master lines of work, written about adhesion to the “manure” from its creative process (check the section manure), possible team (curriculums/trajectory), times of the residence, method of work and any other document that could be interesting.

try to create a dossier with the work intentions of the creator, company, and collective.

it will be especially valued the creation process and the exhibition model (check the section ways to do)

it is no necessary to have the artistic team created. there will be the possibility that creators of other regions and countries present a project with an artistic team from the region of valencia. the stage space will be open for this case a via (mode executors/creative) to facilitate the equipment to the chosen project in the residence with economical consignment.

resident spaces

the residences are developed in three active centres of the valencia city with their own activities. the available programme and the conditions of the occupation will be planned with the directors of each centre.

residency spaces: a contar mentiras, espacio inestable and the vincle (check the section spaces of residence.

other resources

executors / creators of different fields. A private database will be created with names and profiles, so the projects presented can also be nourished on other performers /creators. with this mode, we will try to cover projects outside our community that require a team of valencia. it will be open from 1st June without closure.


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rights and obligations


• to transfer a rehearsal space by proyecto inestable • to provide technical and audiovisual materials • facilities for non-conventional parts as possible

obligations • to put in a visible place “resident in (in)estable’s creation granary" and the related logo. • not having premiere of the piece • not represent the piece in terms of box office in another space of the city in the metropolitan area of Valencia at least 3 months from the premiere, with some exceptions that must be communicated to proyecto inestable and agreed between the parts. • premiere in espacio inestable in its program 2016 along at least four weeks for residences of the community of valencia and 2 weeks for residences from outside. • to be active, involved and revitalizing part of the residences project of 2016 and to collaborate with the proposed activities (artistic, research, dissemination and creation of audiences)

delivery and resolution

proposal of residences: [email protected]

performers/creators: [email protected]

the resolution will be public from 30th july 2015 at the website:


and at proyecto inestable’s facebook profile:

