20150514 cnn


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Post on 05-Dec-2015




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He seem pointing an missing launch,which north korea missle says he ordered.Beeping with pride and submarineon the back ground.Tonight,King Johnen rezene clain it's successfully test launch ballistic missle fire from the sub.One US officials says that this was not a real ballistic missle test,but simulated firing.Another says US is looking at whether the image of water ejection behind King might be photoshoped.One US offical says this was a test of a missle ejection system at best.Steve W?Ah,yes.we see,the white that indicate the missle did penetrate the water,and later,we see that the missle fired it's engine.So this indicates me that there was a successful missle test,was not just a test of the ejection system.A South Korea defence offical says that North Korea could have a fully-opertional submarine with a ballistic missle within 4 or 5 years. W's experts officials says even if this test was all that it claimed to be,North Korea could still eventually put nuclear war heads on this missle could hide them from the merchant's ship and fire them from those deffules close to the America coastlines than bases. North Korea's number of war heads is reportedly growing,US officials say they have already believed that Korea has an ICBM that could reach the US's coast.This latest test came out the same weekend can have explanded to Moscow for blackmail Putin's grandial celebration at the end of the World War 2.But Russian official says came back out for internal reasons.The internal blackmail situation in North Korea was not settled.And internal security for King is absolutely necessary before the eventual was offer to the trouble broard.Analyse Michale says still King is still dealing with the fall out with the enemied he made inside the North Korea when he executed his powerful uncle at the end of 2013.I strongly suspect that he is not attatined complete royalty,not for maybe senior robel seniorly,but that's the miss level means junctsen can make a very very powerful political passionate work in North Korea power's next and can deal with that.