2015 world leading life coaches

Life Coaching Sessions: From the World’s Most Widely Distributed Book written by the World’s Leading Life Coaches The most widely distributed book ever is the Christian Bible. More than 5 billion copies have been printed. The Christian Bible is two collections of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years by more than 40 authors. The first collection of 40 books is known as the Old Testament. The first five books of the Old Testament are believed to be written by Moses. This establishes Moses as the first personal/life coach and author for God’s people. He gives us God’s law and instructions, and the 10 Commandments. Moses introduces us to Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and others who teach us many of life’s essential skills for spi ritual, physical, emotional, financial, and relational well-being. The second collection of 26 books is known as the New Testament. The first 4 books of the New Testament were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are known as the Gospels (of Jesus Christ). These first four books establish Jesus Christ as the primary personal/life coach for all Christians. On January 1, 2016, I reviewed notes I had taken during services at First Baptist Church Robersonville NC going back to September 7, 2014. I had a blinding flash of the obvious. The purpose of the bible is self-help. The following notes are shared with the hope they will be a job-aid for you to help yourself in lifes most challenging situations. Mitchell W. Manning, Sr. 12151227 Sunday Morning Resolutions for Your Life's Mission 12151227 Sunday Evening How to Accomplish Extraordinary Goals 20151220 Sunday Morning What Difference For Me? 20151220 Sunday Evening The Gift of Peace 20151213 Sunday Morning What is so special? 20151206 Sunday Morning Light For Your Dark Days 20151206 Sunday Evening Don't Miss Christmas 20151129 Sunday Morning How to Heal Hidden Wounds 20151122 Sunday Morning Gratefulness and Giving Thanks 20151122 Sunday Evening The Original Thanksgiving Hymn: Psalm 100 20151115 Sunday Morning Diffusing Conflict in Relationships 20151115 Sunday Evening Why You Are Here 20151108 Sunday Evening How to Handle Opposition 20151101 Sunday Morning What Is In A Name? 20151101 Sunday Evening Be the Peace Maker 20151025 Sunday Morning Live With Integrity 20151018 Sunday Morning Who Do You Think You Are? 20151018 Sunday Evening Be Pure in Heart 20151011 Sunday Morning How to Be Unselfish 20151011 Sunday Evening Your Ministry of Mercy 20151004 Sunday Morning Good News for Discouraged Believers 20151004 Sunday Evening Be Hungry and Thirsty 20150927 Sunday Morning Personal Peace 20150927 Sunday Evening Blessed are the Meek 20150920 Sunday Morning Worthy of the Calling 20150920 Sunday Evening Blessed Are Those That Mourn 20150830 Sunday Morning Four Tests of a Real Believer

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Life Coaching Sessions: From the World’s Most Widely Distributed Book written by the World’s Leading Life Coaches

The most widely distributed book ever is the Christian Bible. More than 5 billion copies have been printed. The Christian Bible is two collections of 66 books written over a period of 1500 years by more than 40 authors. The first collection of 40 books is known as the Old Testament. The first five books of the Old Testament are believed to be written by Moses. This establishes Moses as the first personal/life coach and author for God’s people. He gives us God’s law and instructions, and the 10 Commandments. Moses introduces us to Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and others who teach us many of life’s essential skills for spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, and relational well-being.

The second collection of 26 books is known as the New Testament. The first 4 books of the New Testament were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are known as the Gospels (of Jesus Christ). These first four books establish Jesus Christ as the primary personal/life coach for all Christians.

On January 1, 2016, I reviewed notes I had taken during services at First Baptist Church – Robersonville NC going back to September 7, 2014. I had a blinding flash of the obvious. The purpose of the bible is self-help. The following notes are shared with the hope they will be a job-aid for you to help yourself in

life’s most challenging situations. Mitchell W. Manning, Sr.

12151227 Sunday Morning Resolutions for Your Life's Mission 12151227 Sunday Evening How to Accomplish Extraordinary Goals 20151220 Sunday Morning What Difference For Me? 20151220 Sunday Evening The Gift of Peace 20151213 Sunday Morning What is so special? 20151206 Sunday Morning Light For Your Dark Days 20151206 Sunday Evening Don't Miss Christmas 20151129 Sunday Morning How to Heal Hidden Wounds 20151122 Sunday Morning Gratefulness and Giving Thanks 20151122 Sunday Evening The Original Thanksgiving Hymn: Psalm 100 20151115 Sunday Morning Diffusing Conflict in Relationships 20151115 Sunday Evening Why You Are Here 20151108 Sunday Evening How to Handle Opposition 20151101 Sunday Morning What Is In A Name? 20151101 Sunday Evening Be the Peace Maker 20151025 Sunday Morning Live With Integrity 20151018 Sunday Morning Who Do You Think You Are? 20151018 Sunday Evening Be Pure in Heart 20151011 Sunday Morning How to Be Unselfish 20151011 Sunday Evening Your Ministry of Mercy 20151004 Sunday Morning Good News for Discouraged Believers 20151004 Sunday Evening Be Hungry and Thirsty 20150927 Sunday Morning Personal Peace 20150927 Sunday Evening Blessed are the Meek 20150920 Sunday Morning Worthy of the Calling 20150920 Sunday Evening Blessed Are Those That Mourn 20150830 Sunday Morning Four Tests of a Real Believer

20150830 Sunday Evening Grace 20150823 Sunday Morning Never too Late to Start Over 20150823 Sunday Evening Goodness/integrity/self control 20150816 Sunday Morning Powerful Ordinary People 20150816 Sunday Evening Secret of Kindness 20150809 Sunday Morning Why Have Hope? 20150802 Sunday Morning God's Promises 20150802 Sunday Evening Achieving Peace 20150726 Sunday Morning Contentment 20150712 Sunday Morning Succeeding In Life 20150705 Sunday Morning How to Maintain Joy 20150715 Sunday Evening Conquering Complaining 20150628 Sunday Morning Conquering Anger 20150621 Sunday Morning Model for Manhood 20150614 Sunday Morning Choices and Decisions 20150607 Sunday Morning Worry Less 20150607 Sunday Evening Reduce Conflict 201505 Sunday Morning Foundational Values 201505 Sunday Evening Grow In Faith 201505 Sunday Morning Transformation 20150412 Sunday Morning Facing Storms 20150412 Sunday Evening The Purpose of the Resurrection 20150329 Sunday Morning Stand Up 20150322 Sunday Morning The Servant is not Greater Than the Master 20150308 Sunday Morning How will you Fulfill Your Mission? 20150301 Sunday Morning Redemption and Salvation 20150222 Sunday Morning What Will You Do? 20150215 Sunday Morning Keep Asking Keep Seeking Keep Knocking 20150208 Sunday Morning Plan of Salvation 20150125 Sunday Morning What Are Your Plans? 20150118 Sunday Morning What Are You Dedicated To? 20150111 Sunday Morning The Life of the Church 20141228 Sunday Morning What Kind of Person Are You? 20141116 Sunday Morning Hope 20140907 Sunday Morning Follow Me: Command or Invitation

2015 Sermon and Message Notes

First Baptist Church - Robersonville, North Carolina The following notes are from sermons and messages delivered during a transformative year at First Baptist Church in Robersonville, North Carolina. January 1, 2016 12151227 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Resolutions for Your Life's Mission We can take the 3 ambitions of the Apostle Paul to make our life/church mission. We can dig out God's words to us through Paul and apply it to our lives. Paul uses the word ambition 3 times in his writings. The translation can be used to mean resolution. If our vision is for our Christian church to be filled in 5 years, our long range goals will begin to take care of themselves. Paul's ambitions are: to edify others; to testify to the lost; and to glorify the Lord. 1. 1Thessalonions 4:9 -11 Be ambitious to edify one another. Start with verse 9 "love each other…" Verse 11 "lead a quiet life. 2 Thes 3 "some are acting like busy bodys." When you talk strengthen one another. Say "I want to encourage people." Go back to the cross "that is where the Hope is." 2. Romans 15:20 "it has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known…" Paul was arrested, punished, and given strict orders not to preach but he obeyed God rather than man. In our world today we have moved from obedience to convenience. Policing doesn't change hearts. Testifying for Christ can be compared to one beggar telling another beggar where the bread is. Jesus is the bread of life, the water of life. There are beggars who are starving for Jesus Christ. Testify to them and they will never hunger or thirst again. 3. 2 Corinthians 5:9 "make it our goal to please him." Be ambitious to please God. Search for Paul's ambitions. Learn to number your days. There are 16,425 days between age 25 and 70; 12,775 days between 35 and 70; and, 9,125 days between age 45 and age 70. Dr. James Dobson wrote that in the darkest days of a personal health crisis he realized the only things that mattered to him were; who loved him; who he loved; and what he had done for God. We can get better at each of these 3 things if we set our mission "to edify others, to testify for Jesus Christ, and to glorify God in all things we do." 12151227 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard How to Accomplish Extraordinary Goals Hebrews 11:23-28 The book of Hebrews is called the Hall of Fame. It honors ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things. It identifies 4 keys to effective living that can be applied in our daily lives: 1. Be Yourself; 2. Accept Responsibility for Your Own Life; 3. Establish a Value System for Your Life; and, 4. Never Take Your Eyes Off the Goal. God does not always call the qualified, but he always qualifies the called. Moses felt ordinary. He was a stutterer. In verse 24 "by faith Moses chose…" Why was God able to use Moses? Moses had settled basic questions in his life. Remember Jesus called ordinary unqualified men to be his disciples. 1. Be yourself. God did not make junk when he made you. He has a purpose for you. Moses had to settle this early in his life. Nobody can be better than you at your intended purpose. Moses was a Jew raised as an Egyptian prince. Moses had an identity crisis. He had to decide "who am I." Moses refused to live a lie. He chose to do what he was created to do. In verse 25 Moses chose to be mistreated. 2. Accept responsibility for your own life. Know that what you chose today will determine how you live in your future. In verse 23 "God chose Moses as a baby." In verse 25 Moses chose God. The earlier in life you decide the easier it is to commit and manage your life. Ask yourself am I going to be bitter or better. The I makes the difference in the outcome. Your character is determined by what your decision about responsibility for your life. 3. Establish a value system for your life. Determine what is really important to you. In verse 26 "he regarded…" God's will for you is of greater value than all the riches in the world. Is it possible that unhappy rich people chose the wrong thing for their life? The world teaches us 3 common values: pleasure; possessions; and, power. Moses as the son of an Egyptian princess had all of these, but chose to walk away from it all for something that would last. His values were right because his vision was right.

4. Never take your eyes off the goal. In verse 27 "he persevered…" Moses kept on looking. There were enormous problems. You never make progress without problems. How do you get to the Promise without Faith? Moses focused on the promise not the problems. God will strengthen and direct you when you set your eye on your purpose. 20151220 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard What Difference Does Jesus' Birth Make For Me? John 3:16 "for God so loved the world…" The world shuts down on Christmas day for one event. Even WalMart closes. But, if the Waffle House closes you likely missed the rapture. How does Jesus' birth affect me? Three things in your life are true. Your past can be forgiven. Your presence can be managed. Your future is guaranteed. If you trust that Christmas is the birth of your savior. 1. Romans 3:23-24 "God declares us not guilty, if…" No one is perfect. Guilt does all kinds of damage to our lives. Forgiveness is the only solution. When God forgives it is instant, undeserved, and complete. Grace is a free gift. "Their sins I will remember no more…." 2 Corinthians verse 5 "a new person altogether." 2. Where you live today can be managed. Philipians 4:13 "I have the strength to do…" God assumes the responsivility to meet all your needs when you commit your life to Jesus. Romans 8:32 "can we not trust sucha a God to…" 3. My future is guaranteed because I know Jesus. "I'll fly away." Hebrews 2:14 -15 "became like us…" We will all die. Statistics on death are still 100 percent. When we've been there 10,000 years… "There is appointed to every man a time once to die… Oh death where is thy sting? When I leave this life, death is a home going. A pilgrim and a stranger passing through a foreign land. We have 3 gifts from God at Christmas in addition to Jesus. Ephesians 1:4 - 7 "the free gift…" Forgiveness. John 14:27 "peace of mind…" Strength. Romans 6:23 "eternal life…" Life everlasting. Have you received God's Christmas gift, Jesus Christ? How do you receive God's gift at Christmas? By believing. The tragedy is billions of people celebrate Christmas each year without receiving God's gift. And, that is the difference the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas makes to the world today, and to you personally. Just as you are, broken and hurting, come to me for life everlasting. 20151220 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard The Christmas Gift of Peace Isaiah 9:6 "for to us a child is born…" Isaiah was written 700 years before Christ was born. There are three kinds of peace: Peace with God; Peace within; and, Peace with others. Each builds on the others. It is hard to find someone who has true peace. Angels to the shepherds "peace, goodwill toward men…" John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you…" Only Jesus can give true peace. Most peace treaties which have ever been written have been broken. There are 790 verses in the Christian bible on peace. 1. Peace With God. This is the most important peace for man. It is spiritual peace. This affects everything else in your life. 2 Corinthians 5:18 The only way to have peace with God is to go through Jesus. To disobey God puts you in conflict with him. You must do things God's way for his blessing of peace. God made us to be connected to Him. Romans 5:1. Because of what Jesus has done for us. Romans 5:10. Many religions make a peace offering. Through Jesus, God did that for us. 2. Peace within. Emotional peace. Calming of nerves. Peace of God. Colossians 3:15 Hebrew word = Shalom = ending hostility = harmony, happiness. There is a peace for everyone of your problems. God says when you have peace with me I'll give you peace of me. 3. Peace with others. Relational peace. The farther we get from God, the more it messes up our relations with other people. We are free moral agents. God does not make us serve him. Ephesians 2:16. Whether the other person changes or not you can still have peace. Galatians 3:28 Jesus is the great equalizer. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. 20151213 Sunday Morning Randal Woodard What is so special about Christmas? In the month of December the whole world focuses on one event. This event is still causing traffic jams more than 2000 years later. Even our calendar is based on this event. It divides human history, Before

Christ and Anno Domini (since Christ was born). What is so special about Christmas? There are four things special about Christmas: Relevance; Reality; Revelation; and Result. 1. The Relevance of Christmas - God came to earth! Do you realize God actually came to earth as the baby Jesus? Jesus proclaimed he is God throughout the New Testament. This is called preeminent theology. Jesus said "if you've seen me, you've seen God. Galatians 1::15-16 'he existed before…". 2. The Reality of Christmas - God became a man. The most helpless, weakest form of life is a human baby. If you were God would you reveal yourself in this humble, helpless state? Phillipians 2:7-8 "he made himself nothing…".He could have come any way he wanted. This is how Jesus is like you and me. .1 He was born like us. There was no flashy entrance. This must have been confusing to all the angels. .2 He grew like us. Luke 2 "he increased in wisdom and in stature." .3 He was tempted like us. Hebrews "he resisted sin." .4 He suffered like us. Jesus got tired; he felt lonely; he grieved; he felt pain. He became what we are. So, we can become like him. Jesus had you and me on his mind. 3. The Revelation of Christmas - Jesus came to die for our sins, yours and mine. Phillipians 8 "obedient to death." Jesus voluntarily lay down his life for you and me. He could have called 10,000 angels. There are 3 reasons Jesus came, died, and rose again: .1 To demonstrate God's love. Romans 5:8 .2 To pay for our sins, yours and mine. The wages for sin is death. God's penalty for human sin has been paid. All you have to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. 1Peter 2:24 "he personally carried the load for our sins." .3 To be mankind's Savior - It is no coincidence that his birth splits human history right in to. His birth is the single most important event in the history of mankind. 4. The Result of Christmas - Phillipians 2:9-11 Jesus Christ is Lord. What does it mean to be a Christian? It means confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that "all I have is through Jesus Christ." There are two ways we can confess: 1. On this side; and 2. On the next side. In Phillipians 2:10-11, Paul tells us "one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess." On that day, the exalted by people and self will be humbled; the humble (before Jesus Christ) will be exalted." Part of the Christmas story transfers into the Easter Story. Jesus Christ doesn't make you confess before him in this life. He lets you make that decision by giving you free choice. Your heart is the only thing that Jesus doesn't claim. If you take the 4 things that make Christmas special into your heart, you will live life more fully. Christmas is special because it helps us separate the old way from the new way; the old self from the new self; the sinful heart from the sinless heart. The relevance, reality, revelation, and result of Christmas is proof that God loves you that much! 20151206 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard The Light of Christmas: For Your Dark Days Jesus is the light for Christmas. The angels put on a dazzling light show for the shepherds. The wise men followed a bright star to Bethlehem. 1John 'God is light and in him there is no darkness.' The first command of God in the Christian bible is "let there be light." Jesus is talking about personal darkness from disappointment, distress, doubt, and depression. These are 4 types of darkness explored in the Christmas story and how Christians, followers of Christ, need to respond. Imagine these circumstances. 1. Disappointment - Mary is told she will be the mother of the savior. She gives birth to Jesus, in a stable miles from her home and family. Think of Job 30:26 "I hoped for happiness darkness and trouble came.' 2. Distress - Mary rode a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem and is alone and unattended in the stable. Reflect on David in Psalm 22:1 "I cried for help but it didn't come." 3. Doubt - Mary is a young pregnant woman betrothed to an older man who works as a carpenter. Think about John 12:35 'one who walks in the dark knows not where he is going.' 4. Depression - Mary is pregnant and not by her betrothed. Think of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 2:11 'everything was meaningless.' Psalm 88 "there is darkness everywhere." How can Jesus dispel your disappointment, distress, doubt, and depression? Something happens when a person presses into Jesus. 1 Samuel 22:29 'you Lord are my life. You dispel my darkness.' 1. He encourages you when you are discouraged. Psalm 34:18 'he encourages those who have lost all hope." Emanuel means God is with us. 2. He strengthens you when you are distressed. Phil 4:13 'I have the strength for all things through Christ.' David renewed himself through the Lord. Psalm 23:4 ' through the deepest darkness I will not be afraid." Remember there are 365 'fear nots' in the Christian bible.

3. He will guide you when you are doubtful. John "I am the light of the world." Psalm 119:105 'your words keep me from stumbling.' God says I will give you just enough. Remember the manna. Get enough for today. Learn to fall into the everlasting arms of Jesus. Look ahead one day at the time. 4. He will change you when you are depressed. He wants us to use depression to become stronger. Ephesians 5:13 'the light of God can turn darkness to light.' The light of Jesus can do what years of therapy cannot do. There is darkness across the world. Not everyone will come to the light of Jesus. 1John 2:8 'the new light shines in.' Point people to the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus will clean them. 20151206 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Don't Miss Christmas There are 3 reasons people miss the true meaning of Christmas, and 3 things you can do about it. 1. Busy -The inn keeper in Bethlehem was so busy he missed the greatest opportunity of his life. Luke 2:7 "and placed him in a manger." The inn keeper could have advertised and commercialized the birth place of our savior. Are you going to miss opportunity this Christmas because you are busy? 2. Familiar - the religious leaders in Jerusalem, only 5 miles from Bethlehem, were too familiar with the prophesy of the saviors birth to be inspired, awed, in wonder of the signs. Not one religious leader attended the birth although the priesthood had been waiting for centuries. Micah 5:4 "will be born in Bethlehem." They would rather debate the prophesy than participate in the actual event. Will you be inspired, awed, amazed, in wonder this Christmas? 3. Fear - Herod feared the birth of the savior. People still argue and fight over the nativity scene. They want control of their life. They want to call their own shots. They call the birth of Jesus and his ministry nonsense, offensive, and idiocy. Herod was a Roman citizen of Arab descent. The Jews hated him. He killed his wife, his children, and anyone who threatened his position. His men told him of the signs of the birth of the savior. He told them 'when you find him tell me and I will go worship him.' Then, he had all babies under two years of age killed. If the Christmas story is true, you can't live out your lust. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Will you fear Christ in Christmas this year? The anecdote to missing Christmas requires you to take three actions: Stop, Look, and Listen. 1. Stop - stop filling your life with less important things. Set priorities. Psalm 39:6 'storing riches for others to spend." Are you so busy you are distracted from the Christmas message? Perhaps, God told the shepherds first because they were not distracted by the ways of the world. Psalm 46:10 'be still.' 2. Look - look closely at why Jesus came. What difference does Jesus make? Jerimiah 29:13 "you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.' Jesus came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Are you too familiar with the worldly way to see the blessing this Christmas? 3. Listen - listen to the good news of Christmas. "I bring you good news of great joy.' Luke 2 "the angels said fear not." John 10:10 "life more abundantly.' Will you miss the meaning of Christmas this year for fear of what the world will say about you? 20151129 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard How to Heal Hidden Wounds 1Peter 4:1-11 Many of us have hidden wounds from hurtful memories: rejection, abandonment, injustice, prejudice. What did Jesus do? 1. Forgive the offender (see verses 1 and 2). Why? Because: 1. God forgave you; 2. You'll need forgiveness; and, 3. It will begin the healing process of your hurt. 2. Focus on God. Focus on the healer not the hurt. Romans 15:13 "overflow with hope, joy, peace…" 3. Face your future. Job 11:13-16 "face the future again." Courage is moving ahead in spite of fear. 4. Find a supporting relationship (see verses 8-11). Hebrews 10:25 "meet together…" Matthew 11:28 "come to me…I will give you rest…" 20151122 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Gratefulness and Giving Thanks 1Chronicles 29:16 "all of it belongs to you…" What am I grateful for and how do I give thanks? Very little thanksgiving to God will get done on Thanksgiving day. The greatest sin is not caring. If you live a holy life, brag on God. He gives the desire and power. I am grateful for: 1. The grace he had shown me (Ephesians 1:8); 2. Plans he has for me (Jeremiah 29:11); 3. Home he has prepared for me in heaven ( 2 Corinthians 5:1); and, 4. Changes he is making in me (Philippians 2:13). How do I give thanks? 1. Singing (Psalms 147:7); 2. Serving with my life

(Hebrews 12); 3. Giving; 4. Telling (Isaiah 12:4). Make known to the nations what he has done. Live life more fully. Share the Good News. 20151122 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard The Original Thanksgiving Hymn Psalm 100 Sarah Hale was the editor of two women's magazines. She wrote leaders for 40 years to have a national day of thanksgiving. President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last day of November for thanksgiving. President Andrew Johnson forgot the holiday in 1865 and celebrated it in December. We know what we are supposed to do for there is a command to be thankful in scripture. But, do we know why (the reasons) we are thankful; and, do we know how to give thanks? Three Ways to Give Thanks: 1. Shout joyfully; 2. Serve with gladness; and, 3. Sing. In Psalm 100 the verses 1 and 2 tell us How; verse 3 tells us Why; verse 4 tells us How; and, verse 5 tells us Why. So, why give thanks? There are 4 reasons: 1. He is God (verse 3, also 1Kings 18:39); 2. He is Good (verse 5, also Psalms 103); 3. He has made us (verse 3, also Psalms 139 13-16); and, 4. We are his sheep (verses 3-5). The anecdote to ingratitude is joyful singing (1Thessalonians 5:16-18). This Thanksgiving, give thanks. Pray "Lord, create in me a clean and grateful heart, an attitude of gratitude. Grant me the strength to praise you and the weakness to depend on you. I give you my strengths and weaknesses to serve you. Give me enough not to steal but not so much that I forget you (Proverbs). Humble me, but sustain me, so I may grow stronger in my walk toward you. Amen Always remember, discouragement cannot grow in a grateful heart. It is impossible to be proud and grateful at the same time. The seeds of Satan are bags of discouragement. The springs in the valley are the grateful hearts. Create in me a clean and grateful heart. 20151115 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Diffusing Conflict in Relationships 1Peter3:8-10 Peter is writing to these people saying God wants you to get along. You are put in challenging situations for development. Peter gives 6 principles to apply in your daily life. The world teaches a lot that is contrary to the word of God. Sympathy; Loyalty; Compassion; Humility; Mercy; and Maturity. 1. Sympathy v8 Validate their feelings, not their ideas. There are 2 benefits: 1. People want to be understood. 2. We all need to feel our feelings are okay. Lord, help me to understand their needs, their backgrounds, and their circumstances. How do I become sympathetic: Use your ears more than your mouth. Listening tells people "I care." People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. 2. Loyalty - accepting each others differences. Acceptance doesn't mean my love for you depends on you changing. God loves diversity. You're a good egg, even if a little cracked. 3. Generosity/Compassion - Col 3:12 clothe yourself. "love in action." What can I do to help you? Ephesians 4:29 their needs, 1John 3:18 "true caring", Romans 12:10 "in brotherly love." 4. Humility 1Cor 13 "love is not prideful"; Prov 13:10 how patient has God been with me?" I was wrong. Admit mistakes. Prov 3:13 "forgive me, I am sorry." 5. Mercy 1 Peter 3:9 pay back with blessings. Jesus was done wrong but he forgave. Mercy is giving more kindness than justice demands. Col 3:13 "you must forgive others." 1 Cor 13:5 love keeps no record of wrong. 6. Maturity - as you become more like Jesus on your knees, reading your bible, seeking God, conflicts will go down. You are not feeding into that drama. Maturity is the ability to master your mouth. Big ships are controlled by small rudders. Aging is not maturity. You are mature when you can control your tongue. Applying the first five points in your daily life leads to maturity. We all are Works In Progress. 1 Peter 3:10 "keep control of your words." 20151115 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Why God Made You: Why You Are Here There are 5 reasons God made you and 5 things he needs you to do. 1. God planned you for his pleasure. Worship God. 2. God formed you for his family. Learn to love others. 3. God created you to become like Christ. Learn to grow spiritually.

4. God shaped you to serve Him. Serve others. 5. God made you for a mission. Tell others about Jesus. There are no illegitimate children in God's eye. Every person has a purpose. Mark Twain said the two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you learn why you were born. There is a purpose for all things. Only your Creator can tell you your purpose. God's got this thing. He can fill in your details. Eph 1:1 "in Christ we find what we are living to do." Col 1:16 - Everything God started in Christ. You were made by God and for God. God knew you before you were in your mother's womb. If you miss what God says you will never figure it out. You were made to last forever. Two things are meant to last forever: 1. The Word of God; and 2. People. Begin to practice what you will be doing in Heaven for eternity. This is your calling. God planned you for his pleasure. God created you just to love you. God is love. You are made in the image of God. God does not need us, He wanted us. God says "I want a relationship with you." Rev 4:11 - "created everything for your pleasure." Psalm 149:4 "the Lord takes pleasure in His people." Eph 1:4 "God had us in mind. In heaven we will love on God for eternity and he will love us. If there were Cliff Notes for the Christian Bible there would only be 2 lines: 1. Love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind; and, 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. Hosea 6:6 "I wand your love…you to know me." God formed you for his family. Objects of his love. Eph1:5 God's unchanging plan has always been to adopt you into his family and this gave God great pleasure". 1 Peter 1:3 Privilege to be born again…to be members of Christ." 1 Tim 3 the church is a family. Brotheers and sisters. 1 Peter 2:17 love your spiritual family. Learn to love others - real people not just ideal people. Bring unity. Rom 12:5 each of us needs all the others. God created you to become like Christ. We can't get it all on this side. God is interested in what you become, not in what you do; your character. Rom 8:29 "become like His son." Col 1:15 "in Jesus we see God's original purpose." God is going to let you go through what Jesus went through. Phil 2:5 "think and act like Jesus." 2 Cor 3:18 we become more and more like him. Every problem has a purpose. Learn to grow spiritually. God shaped you to serve Him. You are uniquely shaped, size. voice, color, eye, thumb, finger to fulfill a unique purpose. Psalm 139:13 "you shaped me." A unique heart and gifts and passion. Gifts are what you are good at. Passion is what you love to do. Use these gifts to bring glory to his name. Painful experience is used to shape us. We change when we feel the heat. That is a loving God. Eph 2:10 "He planned us in advance." God made you for a mission. John 7:18; Acts 20:24 "tell others about Jesus." Matt 11:28-30 "you will recover." Acts 10:35 "the door is open." 20151108 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard 20151108 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard How to Handle Opposition to My Faith Matthew 5:10 - 12 8th Beatitude Blessed are the persecuted. Three things to remember when facing pressure, and, five things to do when under pressure. Dr. David Jerimiah has said there is nothing left that needs to happen before the end times. The prophesies have been fulfilled. If you believe in and love Jesus Christ, you will be persecuted. Love the Lord, love people, hold Christian beliefs strongly. 3 Things to Remember: 1. Opposition can make me more like Jesus. John 15:18-20 "it hated me first." Lonely, tempted, discouraged, fatiqued, mangled, criticized, lied about. John 3:19 "darkness hides evil action." 2. Opposition can deepen my faith. Strengthening a muscle. If you're not working it and doing it, it ain't helping. The best exercise video doen't help if you don't do the exercise! 1Peter 1:7 'gold is purified by fire and heat…." You faith will be strengthened by opposition. 3. Opposition will give me eternal rewards. Reread Matthew 5:10 - 12. 5 Things to Do

1. Don't be surprised. 1Peter 4:12 Be vigilant/Be aware 2. Don't be afraid. 1Peter 3:13-16 "fill yourself.' Be brave/be bold. Love casts out fear. 3. Don't be ashamed. 1 Peter 4:16 'called by his name.' Hebrews 11: Hall of Fame. 1 Peter 3:17 "God's will." Be proud of your faith, the values of your faith, and your eternal reward. 4. Recognize the source of the opposition. Ephesians 6:12 "evil forces." Revelation 12:10 "the accuser of the Christians." To Kill, steal, destroy, Satan can only hurt God through his children. 5. Refuse to retaliate. Romans 12:17-18 God is the Judge. 6. bonus Respond with a blessing. Return good for evil. Romans 12:21 "overcome evil with good.' You don't make the world brighter by blowing out everyone's candle. a. Love your enemy b. do good to those who hate you c. bless those who curse you d. pray for those who hurt you e. stay filled with God's love. Learn to "shake the dust" and move forward. Three armed and disguised men burst into a Christian service just as it was about to start. One raised a weapon and asked who is prepared to pay the ultimat price to remain faithful to God? Some left. Some stayed. The men lay down their weapons and removed their disquises. "Now we know who the real Christians are. Let's have our service." 20151101 Sunday Morning Brian Botwell Baptist Children's Homes What Is In A Name? John 10:10 "that they might have life more abundantly." A lot of the movie stars we know were not born with the names we know them by. God named Adam. Adam named the animals. Names do carry power. Jesus changed the names of the disciples. Children often live with unflattering names. God will give us a brand new name (see Isaiah 49:15-16). Stop and remember the need of the child and where their identity can be. Kenya or Kinston NC or right here in Robersonville children can be reached. What happened to you? Why are you behaving that way? We are all born in sin. We have to introduce children to God's plan for them. Remember the worlds of contrast between the educated and uneducated, the churched and the un-churched, the loved and the unloved, the sinful and the sinless. A godly grandfather brought us a rough child whose options were us or jail. His name is Isaac. In 3 months Isaac accepted Christ. Through Christ this drive-by shooter became a Marine sniper, and then a West Coast SWAT team member. 20151101 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Blessed Be the Peace Makers - (Matthew 5:9) this is the 7th beatitude from the Sermon On The Mount. If you want to have a blessed life be a peacemaker. Learn to resolve conflict. Conflict resolution is proof of a child of God. There are 7 principles. We can take God's word and make it actionable in our life. Peace making is not: Avoiding or Appeasing; Peace Keeping; Peace Speaking; Peace Seeking. How to do it? 1. Make the first move. Matthew 5:23 "leave the offering by the altar. Go at once to be reconciled. Waiting hurts you spiritually. Get filled with God's love. 2. Seek wisdom. James 1:5 "ask God who gives generously without finding fault." 3. Claim your faults (begin with). James 4:1 "selfish desires." You are born self-centered/selfish. You have to learn how to share. Proverbs 13:10 "pride leads to arguments." 4. Listen for their hurt, perspective, and needs. James 1:19 "quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger." Philipians 2:4-5 "your attitude should be the same as Jesus Christ." Forgive them for they know not what they do. 5. Speak the truth tactfully (in loving kindness) Ephesians 4:19 "helpful words." Ephesians 4:15 "truth is not enough." You are never persuasive when abrasive. Proverbs 12:18 "bring healing." Hurt people often hurt other people. I realize I must get on God's nerves. 6. Fix the problem not the blame. Colossians 3:8 "rid yourself…" 7. Focus on reconciliation not resolution. Re-establish the relationship. You can't resolve every disagreement. Accept unity without uniformity. The challenge is to becoming an agent of reconciliation in a lost and hurting world. Peace Makers are part steward, servant, and shepherd. 20151025 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard How to Live With Integrity 1Peter 2:11-17 'Live such a good life that the people around you will glorify God.' What do people watch for: 1. Does your walk match your talk? How do I live with integrity? There are 3 principles: 1. Stay away from temptation; 2. Show respect for authority; 3. Seek God in suffering. There is a war of good and evil

going on in everyone (see verse 11). God's will for my life is to live with integrity as an advertisement for Jesus Christ because people are watching everyday (see verse 15). 2. Yield to authority. Yielding is a sign of maturity and self control. Respect everyone for the Lord's sake (see verses 14 and 17). 3. Be strengthened by suffering. See verses 19 - 23. Suffering is the greatest test. We want to retaliate, to make threats, but Jesus did none of these things. We live in a fight back generation. Does that glorify God? 20151018 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Who Do You Think You Are? This is the way God sees born again Christians. Paul "I am weak but he is strong." 1Peter 2:9 "chosen people.' Peter is writing to a very discouraged group of people. How can you apply this to your life? As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Your beliefs determine your behavior. We will reveal 4 principles from the bible. The truth sets you free. There are 4 analogies in chapter 2: 1. A chosen people; 2. People bought and paid for by Jesus Christ; 3. Living strong see verses 4 and 5; and, 4. A royal priesthood. Remember Jesus did not buy junk. The God of the Universe said this about you (4 points); 1. You are acceptable (verse 4); 2. You are valuable (verse 4); 3. You are competent (verse 5); and, 4. You are forgiveable (verses 6-8). Never confuse your value with your values. What people are willing to pay depends on who has the need for it. Isaiah 43:45 "I forgive your sins." Dr. James Dobson reported from a study of over 10,000 women the number one problem was low self esteem. Do I really matter? Yes, you are wonderfully made, with a purpose for your life, and you have ultimate power over the decisions in your life. 20151018 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Blessed are the Pure in Heart, they shall see God - the sixth beatitude for the Sermon on the Mount Grace is undeserved favor. God loves you just as much on your worse day as on your best day. There are hurting people throughout this community who need Jesus. If they come into your path point them to the cross. Two things will last forever: 1. The word of God; and, 2. People. As a church we need to invest in those two things. The beatitudes are keys to a blessed life. Do these things. God is not into appearance. God cares about your heart. 1Samuel16:7 "the Lord looks at the heart." Purity equals integrity. What does it mean to have purity/integrity? It does not mean sinless or perfect. Think of Noah, Abraham, David, and Moses. None were perfect. Each sinned. Each was chosen by God to do great things. God's offer is to try me and I will bless you for your purpose/mission. There are 6 ways the bible shows you can have integrity. Apply these points to your life and live more abundantly. 1. Keep your promises (verbal integrity). Proverbs 25:14 "clouds and wind that bring no rain." 2. Paying your bills (financial integrity) Psalms 37:21 "wicked man never pays back." 3. Refusing to gossip (relational integrity) Proverbs11:12 "gossip not trustworthy." 4. Faithfully tithing (spiritual integrity) God can get you further on 90 percent than you can on 100 percent. Malichi 3:8-10 "robbing God." 5. Doing your best at work (vocational integrity) Proverbs 18:19 ""vandalism." Ephesians 6:6 "with gladness." Colossians 3:22 "do your best." Colossians 3:23 "for the Lord." 6. Being real with others (personal integrity) 2Corinthians 4:2 Seek only God's approval. Psalms 119:9 "keep my way pure." Stay in God's word. Pray and work on subjects where God is dealing with you. 20151011 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Relationship: Wives and Husbands Your Inner Self How to Be Unselfish Submission - the single most important quality. The bible definition is "having the courage to give up my rights to meet another's needs. There is My Way, God's Way, and Other's Way. There are 3 reasons to be unselfish: 1. Unselfishness is the source of conflict (James 4:1); 2. Unselfishness is the secret to change: and, 3. Selfishness short circuits prayer. There are 3 ways to become unselfish: 1. Understanding (1Peter 3:7 and Philipians 4:5); 2. Respect (1 Peter 3:7 and Philipians 2:3); and, 3. Sacrifice - the willingness to act on another's behalf (1James 3:18, 1 Corinthians:3:5, and 1Peter 1:22). 20151011 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Your Ministry of Mercy Matthew 5:7, the fifth beatitude Blessed are the merciful.

Have a heart like Jesus. Take the message to a lost and dying world. Your ministry of mercy. What you give, you will receive. There are 5 ways to transform your relationships by becoming and agent of mercy. It is God's will for all Christians. Why should I be merciful? 1. God has shown you mercy. Ephesians 2:4-5 "mercy, love, and grace." 2. God commands me to be unselfish. Micah "merciful and humble. 3. I am going to need more mercy in the future. James 2:13 "must show mercy.' 4. Showing mercy is a source of happiness. Proverbs 14:21 "be kind to those in need." Proverbs 11:17 "your soul is nourished when you show mercy." Matthew 10:16 "the heart will deceive." Jerimiah 17:19 " the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." How to be merciful in an unmerciful world: premise all Christians are ministers of the gospel. How to fulfill your ministry: 1. Be patient with peoples quirks. Ephesians 4:2 "make allowances for other's faults." James 2:13. 2. Help anyone hurting around you. If you care be aware. Proverbs 3:27 "do good to those who need it." 3. Give people a second chance. Ephesians 4:31-32 "be kind and forgive." 4. Do good to those who hurt me. Mercy is giving people what the need not what they deserve. Luke 6:9. 5. Be kind to those who offend me. 1 Timothy1:13-16. James 1:22-23 'how you show mercy." Matthew 10:16 "wise as serpents, strong as an ox." 20151004 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Good News for Discouraged Believers 1Peter Conservatives, evangelicals, Christians and like-minded people around the world are living in discouraging times. Liberals, politicians, judges, news media have attacked the very foundation of our beliefs. Discouragement is curable. Peter is writing to very discouraged Christians to encourage a very hurting people. Three principles from 1Peter can help us be encouraged: focus on Salvation; Sanctification' and, Glorification. 1. Salvation - focus on what is really good in your life. God has chosen me to be part of His family. God is working in my life. God has secured my future. The world did not give this to you. The world cannot take it away. 1Peter 1:1 "chose you to be a part of His family. Why me? Because, he is the God of everlasting love. None of us deserve salvation, but he has freely given the decision to us. Salvation is based on God's mercy not our performance. 2. Sanctification - God is working on my life even when going through problems and difficulties. In verse 2 "and the Holy Spirit cleanses and changes you." The goal of the Christian life is to become more like Jesus. Life is like crochet. I see the bottom now. On day I will see the top. You are not forgotten. God has an eye on you. In verse 7 faith must be tested by problems. 2 Corinthians 4:17 "short time of problems result in blessings for ever and ever." God puts more emphasis on your character than your comfort. Trust and obey for there is no other way. 3. Glorification - God has secured my future. In verse 4 "and God has reserved…" If you died today are you sure you will go to heaven? If you stand before God and He asks you why He should let you into heaven, what will be your answer? Jesus said "I have told you these things so you will know." John 10:29 "are in my hands." Romans 8:39 "no one can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus." 1Peter 1:6 "relax and rejoice." Keep your perspective in times of trials and tribulations. It is settled if you know Jesus. You will have trouble in this world but take heart. In verse 12 "how fortunate you are." The angels would give anything to be in on this. God brought you here to hear this message. You can be encouraged in a discouraging world. 20151004 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Blessed Are Those That Hunger and Thirst Matthew 5:6 the fourth beatitude. Righteousness is a relationship and lifestyle. I am right with God. Those who practice righteousness are God's children. How do I keep the hunger and thirst going all my life? How do I stay spiritually hungry and thirsty? Five things help maintain when the world is squeezing God out. Love him more and more each day, but never as much as tomorrow. 1. Remind myself how much God loves me. Remind yourself each morning how much God love us. I have two blessings each morning. My eyes open and I see. Ephesians 3:18-19 "wide, long, high, deep love…" 2. Stop filling up on spiritual junk food. Politics, salary, status, sex, prestige, appearance, ego, work are junk food. Are you full of your self? Proverbs 15:14 "a wise person hungers for truth while the fool feeds on trash." What makes up who you are? Isaiah 55:1-2 'come and eat for free what is good…" The stuff

that satisfies.Example - in a famine people at soil. They died from starvation although they were full. Keep an appetite for God. What are you hungry for this minute? 3. Make knowing God your number one goal. Seek God not things. Pray without ceasing. Psalms 63 David says "I really want to know you as the deer pants for water. He was in the desert at Judah. When life drys out hunger and thirst for God. Our heart will change. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 "and all these things will be given to you as well." If you want to get frustrated, try to change some body. 4. Get into God's word every day. We all get hungry everyday. The more I listen to God's word the more I hunger. The bible is bread, milk, honey, meat. It is your soul food. Jesus said man will not live by bread alone, but by every single word of God. 1Peter 2:2 You must crave pure spiritual milk. Develop that appetite. Grow. Be nourished. Lord, help me be filled. Thing didn't change for Paul but his faith and understanding flourished. He found contentment in life. 5. Associate with people who hunger for God. Our appetite is influenced by the people we associate with. Proverbs 2:20 "join the company of good men and women who will keep you on the path of righteousness. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Grace God loves me just as much when I am at my worst. 20150927 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard The Path to Personal Peace John 14:27 "peace I leave with you." Three things/areas of tension that pull the peace out of you: when circumstances are uncontrollable; when people are unchangeable; and, when problems are unexplainable. Three things you can apply to your life to bring peace: accept what you cannot change; trust in God's loving care; and, surrender to God's loving control. When Peace is pulled from you: 1. When circumstances are uncontrollable - there is nothing wrong with being a control freak, but, many things are beyond our control. Frustration causes loss of peace of mind. 2. When people are unchangeable - people naturally resist change. If you allow it to frustrate you and cause tension, they are controlling you. 3. When problems are unexplainable - You lose inner peace. Jehovah Shalom - I am the God of Peace. Come to me, I want you to have peace in the storm. Peace has nothing to do with problem free living. Jesus said you will have trials and tribulations. The Balm of Glead can be applied in the midst of conflict. Peace of mind is dependent on 3 important decisions. You can have inner peace by applying: Acceptance; Trust; and, Surrender. How to Find Inner Peace: 1. If you want to have peace you have to accept what cannot be changed. Stop beating yourself up. 2Samuel 12 - King David slept with Bathsheba who became pregnant and the baby was dying. He prayed in the temple for 7 days and on the 7th day the baby died. David's advisors were fearful. David cleaned up, ate a big meal and went back to work. He accepted and looked ahead. 2. Trust in God's loving care - Your demand for an explanation (why, why, why) will keep you in turmoil. If you come to the Lord and say "I don't understand it but I trust you" you have the power of God come into you and give you peace. If God wants you there he will put you there. Philipians 4:13 "accept the things…" Serenity Prayer - it is edited. There are 8 more lines than we usually recite. The power of peace is in the part we cut out. Acceptance, Trust and Surrender. Isaiah 26; Proverbs 3:5-6; John 9; Philipians 4:6-7 - pray about everything. Find God's wonderful peace. 3. Surrender to God's Loving Control - The world thinks they know better than God. We are fighting for control of our life. Roman 8:6 "life controlled by sinful self…" God knows a little bit more than we do. He loves you so much he is not going to let you win. Evidence - obedience to do what God called you to do. God has us on the Potter's wheel. Surrender all. Psalm 119:165 "find peace nothing will defeat Him." Make peace with God. 20150927 Sunday Evening Randall Woodard Mathew 5:5 Blessed are the meek… This is the third beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount. To have a blessed life embrace the 8 beatitudes. When you learn the true meaning of gentleness and apply it to your life the whole world will be yours. In our hard driving ego centric world we do not hear about gentleness. True gentleness is strength under God's control. A gentle person does not overreact, is not driven by emotions. A wild stallion has the same strength after it is under control. Fit for the Master's use. There are 8 benefits of learning gentleness.

1. Gentleness diffuses conflict. It curbs anger. It is an anecdote. Proverbs 15:1 'a gentle answer turns away wrath.' When other people raise their voice lower yours. 2. Gentleness disarms critics. 1 Corinthians 4:13 Paul says respond gently when evil things are said against us. Titus 2:8 "your conversation should be sensible.' A pastor is forbidden by God to get into arguments. 2 Timothy 2:24-25 "must never quarrel but be kind and gentle." Our goal should always be redemption. Pray for a tough skin and a warm heart. You will be talked about as you go up in leadership. Be fit for the Master's purpose. 3. Gentleness is persuasive. Proverbs 25:15 "gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses.' A gentle word can get through the hardest head. Nagging never works. It takes God's grace. I'm never persuasive when I'm abrasive. 4. Gentleness is attractive. I attract what I am. 5. Gentleness communicates love. Colossians 3:19 'love your wives…' Ephesians 6:14 'do not provoke children to anger." 6. Gentleness earns respect. Proverbs 11:16 "a woman of gentle grace…" What we need as leaders is gentleness. Jesus is the supreme example. Numbers 12:3 "Moses was gentle." Jesus wrote in the sand. He could have been writing sins. The older ones started backing away. Moses was the only other man in the bible called meek, and he angered and murdered. I want my strength under control. Are you teachable like Moses? Moses was meek because he was teachable. 7. Gentleness is a witness to unbelievers. Our number one call as a church is to go forth and make disciples. Titus 3:2 "believers should never speak evil of anyone." Don't get caught in the trap. Unbelievers will say I don't want any of that. This is a Christian, a Christ follower. Be gentle and show courtesy. Stand up for Christ. Stand your convictions. 1Peter 3:15 "always be prepared to give an answer with gentleness and respect." Those people stand on the word of God. Tough skin can cover a tender heart. 8. Gentleness makes me more like Jesus. Matthew 11:28-29 "come to me and I will give you rest…" Take my yoke all weary and burdened. The fruit of the spirit is true gentleness. God help me to treat people the way you treat me. Matthew 5:5 "blessed are the meek." 20150920 Sunday Morning Scott Setzer Worthy of the Calling for personal attributes that promote Unity In The Body of Christ read Ephesians 4: 1 - 16. Scott is our associational missionary in the South Roanoke Baptist Association. His message today is to welcome Randall Woodard as our first bi-vocational pastor. 20150920 Evening Service Randall Woodard Blessed Are Those That Mourn from Matthew 5:4 the second beatitude from the "sermon on the mount." What is Jesus talking about? It seems ludicrous. Life can be tough with defeats, disappointments, losses, sickness, pain. How do you rise above the inevitable losses in your life? God has some good stuff out of his word. It is powerful for its simplicity, understanding, and application to our daily life. We all mourn. How do we get unstuck? What wisdom and strength does God provide in His Word? Here are 6 principles for comfort we can apply to our lives when we are in mourning. 1. God draws us close to Himself. Psalm 34:18; Hebrews 15:5; 2 Corinthians 6:10. 2. God grieves with us. We grieve because we are in God's image. Isaiah 53:3; John 11:35; 'Jesus wept." This is the shortest verse in the Christian bible. Isaiah 61: 2 - 3. 3. God gives us a church family for support. Romans 12:5, 10, 15; 1 Thessalonians 5:11. 4. God uses grief to help us grow. Proverbs 20:30; Romans 8:28. 5. God gives us the hope of heaven. Time on earth is small compared to eternity. 1 Thessalonians 4:13; Revelations 21:1-4. Eternity in heaven is our ultimate hope. 6. God use our pain to help others. God doesn't want to waste a hurt. We need to be wounded healers. 2 Corinthians 1:4. 20150830 Sunday Morning Randall Woodard Four Tests of a Real Believer Hebrews 11: 8-19. Examples from the life of Abraham

1. Where heb 11:8. Where was Abraham going? 2. When heb 11: 9-10 the delayed promise. Promise of Issac. In God’s time. I’m in a hurry God’s


3. How - Impossible problem heb11:11-12. Father of a great nation. How am I? 4. Why? A senseless tragedy. Tested. Help thou my unbelief. God is faithful.

20150830 Evening Service Randall Woodard Grace- fruits of the Spirit – gentleness – a sanctified set apart life. We will lay our crowns at his feet. All I had to offer is broken pieces. He made them into something beautiful. Phil 4:5 the Lord is near. Gentleness is strength under control. 5 characteristics help me take it to my family, community, and work. POWER an acrostic. Make a weak personality strong and a strong personality dynamic under God’s control.

1. P ersonality – humor, integrity. Opposite of rudeness, temper, fault finding, whining. Jesus’ closest friends were James, John, and Peter. What were their personalities? Jesus sees the power of your potential. Eph 3:20 God can do more than you can wildly imagine. John 15:14. Abide and grow in Jesus.

2. O utlook – connected to the vine. Character change has profound impact on our outlook. Work for the benefit of others. More understanding.

3. W ords – are under God’s control. The tongue is set on fire by he'll itself. Your tongue can direct your life. Eph 4:29 watch the way you talk. Luke 6:45 what's in the heart plows out the mouth.

4. E xpectations – of other people change under Gods control. When disappointed are we gentle or judgemental? 1King 19 Elijah stood before God on a mountain. God spoke to him in the sound of a gentle whisper. Elijah defeated 450 prophets and fell to Jezebel.

5. R espouse – prov 16:32 He who is slow to anger. Are you in control? 20150823 Sunday Morning Randal Woodard Never to late to start over, Jonah, Nineveh Job17:11. My days have passed, my plans shattered…. How to deal with failure, setbacks, defeats, losses. There are 5 possible causes of failure. See Proverbs the book of wisdom. 4 things to do to have afresh start. You are never a failure until you quit.

1. Don’t plan ahead. Prov 27:12. A sensible man. Remember Noah was 120 years old. 2. Think we have a right (ego). Prov 15:22 3. Afraid to take risks. 4. Give up to soon. Failure is the path of least persistence. Thomas Edison. Abraham Lincoln. An

oak tree is a nut that refused to give up ground. 5. We do not listen to God. God is more interested in your future than your past.

4 Principles for a whole new life. 1. Accept responsibility for your own failure. Adam blamed God and Eve. 2. Stop regretting and start repenting. 2Cor 7:10. Almost every success in life is built on failure.

Takes a painful situation to change our ways. 3. Forget the former and focus on the future. Phil 3:13-14 4. Trust God to work it all out. Rom 8:28. See Hebrews 11 for heroes of the bible.

Joel 2:25 a new beginning. Not much would get done if God only used perfect people. 20150823 Evening service Randall Woodard Fruits of the spirit – goodness/integrity/self control Gal 5:22. 1Chron 29:17 I know God that you test the heart. How do we make it applicable to our life? Integrity is deciding to integrate my hearts values into daily actions. Love, joy, peace, goodness, integrity. Practical daily actions – 4 things. Prov 28:6 what God thinks is valuable. Americans face incongruent values. We say this is important but we do something else. This preaches easy but it lives hard. The spirit is willing but the mind is weak. There is a frustration gap. Paul the greatest Christian of all times is an example. Rom 7:18-20the things I want. To do I don’t. The things I don’t want to do, I do anyway. Rom 8 living a spirit controlled life. 4 things to build integrity into relationships.

1. Speak honestly – Mark Twain said it takes stress out of our lives. Eph 4:15. Speak the truth in a spirit of love.

2. Confess regularly – admit when you are wrong. James 5:16 admit your faults to each other and pray for each other.

3. Live consistently – hipocracy is the opposite of consistency. Do as I say not as I do. Lot more caught than taught. Words and actions.

4. Commit openly – make up your mind in advance. Rom 10:9 confess repent, salvation. People will try to use you, if their hearts are changed it will be worth it. Plans when I was 21 - Stay in Robersonville, find a job even if minimum wage, find a local girl who needs me, marry, and raise a family.

20150816 Sunday Morning Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives Randall Woodard Paul 3 times "take this thorn from my flesh. Jesus "take this cup from me. Not my will but your will be done." Message - The type person God uses. God uses ordinary you. Genesis ch 6, 7, 8, & 9 talking about Noah. Heb 11 - This is the word of God. The Hall of Faith. Noah v7. Why did God choose Noah? Approximately 1 million other people were living. Chron 16:9 God looks at the heart. The eyes of the Lord. Noah found favor with the Lord. 4 Principles 1. Noah was available. Availability more than ability. God does not need superstars. No room at the level ground of the cross for ss. 2. Noah dared to be different. He walked with God. 3. Noah followed God completely without question v22. He did everything as God commanded. The rewards are out of this world. 4. Noah never gave up. Epilogue Genesis 9. There is a need to know the bad news. 20150816 Sunday Evening Kindness Randall Woodard Gal 22. If you don't fix the problem the devil has you chasing after symptoms. Spills into relationships. The Secret of Kindness The fruit of the spirit comes out of us if Jesus is in U.S. Titus3:4 4 characteristics of Jesus What he gives to us put into relationships. 619 laws in the Torah. Only 2: love the Lord and love your neighbor. By your love for one another. Kindness is love in action. We'll look like and act like Jesus. 1. He understands my weakness. Heb 4:16 understand others. Be kind to unkind people. Gal 6. Gently and humbly help. Do things with kindness. 2. He tells me the truth. John 8:32. Loves us just as we are and sets us free. Eph 4:15 truth in love. Pa141:5 a good man will rebuke me in kindness. 3. He forgives my sins. Out of kindness and grace (undeserved favor). Rom 3:23&24. Eph 1:4 stand before him covered in kindness. We do t come to church to rub it in but to rub it out. Wip 4. He affirms my worth. Ps139: before I was born and scheduled each day of my life. Rom15:7. Kindness is love in action. Dollar for each affirmation rich or poor? Close this thing down. Our world knows very little about genuine kindness but enormous amount about cruelty. On a path to wip. Our world needs a massive dose of kindness. Who can you be kind to this week. Lead people to the cross the cross will change them. 20150809 Sunday Morning Hope Randall Woodard Here is why I have hope, RW. Hope is an optimistic outlook based on powerful promises. The object of Christian hope is Jesus Christ. Jimmy Beasley sang Use Us Dear Jesus and When Men Pray. His wife is Rosemary. The message was When God Called Me. The scripture was 1Peter 15. Bloom where you are planted. 4 Essentials for Helping the Hopeless 1. Properly focused hope. 2. Reasons individually prepared. 3. Gentleness sincerely expressed. 4. Confidence courageously maintained. Illustration with Noah. My confidence/hope is in the Lord. 20150802 Sunday Morning The Promise Randall Woodard God's promise to meet all our needs. Phil14:44&45 Phillipi was not a rich church. The premise v14-18. The promise v19-28. The conditions:

1. Be generous to others. 2. Invest in the future v17 3. Please God v18. Sacrificial giving How this verse is misused. 1. Consequences of laziness not invitation to laziness. 2. All your wants - 16 basics to survival 100 years ago. Now, we require 98! 20150802 Sunday Evening Achieving Peace Randall Woodard Achieving Peace Peace is not avoiding the problem or appeasing the other person. Meekness is strength under control . PEACE P- plan a peace conference. Matt 25:23-25. At once! E- empathize with them 1Peter3:8 Listening shows you care. A- attack the problem not the person. Speak the truth in love. Eph 4:15, 4:29 C- cooperate as much as possible. Compromise is essential in relationships Rom 2;9, James 3:17 Wisdom allows for discussion. James3:18 seeds of peace. E- emphasize reconciliation over resolution. 2cor 5:18 the ministry of reconciliation. Put God's word into practice. Acrostic - PEACE UNITY without uniformity Iron sharpens iron 20150726 Sunday Evening Contentment Randall Woodard 4Principles of contentment - a learned behavior 1. Learn to avoid comparisons. Comparisons always lead to discontent. 1Tim6:6-8 2. Learn to adjust to change. V12 , Rom 12:18 3. Learn to draw on Christ's power. v13. Relationships love, joy, peace, patience 4. Learn to trust God to meet my needs. V19. Matt 6:31-33. I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. 20150719 Sunday Morning Reduce Stress Randall Woodard

Subj: 4 things to reduce stress Phil 4:4-8, July 19 1. Worry about nothing. Substitute praying for worrying. 2. Pray about everything. Be specific with God. No matter who is in power God is in control. James4:6 you have not because you ask not. 3. Thank God for all things. V6. List 50 things you are grateful for.1Thes 5:18. Give thanks 4. Think about the right things. Thoughts become reality. Joyce Meyer Battlefield of the mind. True, noble, right.

20150719 Sunday, evening Randall Woodard Conquering Complaining Bible complainers- Moses num 11:15, Solomon Ecl 1:2-9, Adam, Prov. 21:19 perfectionist 1. Admit it is a problem. Prov 8:13 2. Accept responsibility for your life. 3. Develop the attitude of gratitude. 4. Look for God's hand in circumstances. 2 cot 4:17-18 5. Practice speaking positively. Eph 4:29 out of your mouth. Believe the bible because it doesn't hold out the bad stuff on great people.

You will be like shining stars. Complaining kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land. God's purpose is bigger than your problem! 20150712 Sunday Morning Succeeding In Life Randall Woodard Phil 3: 12 - 21. Succeeding In Life. Evaluate, eliminate, simplify, accelerate. 3:12 forgetting those things that are left behind 3:12-13 4 patterns of successful living. 1. Face my faults. Prov 38:13 give up your sins. 2. Forget what is behind and reach forward. Ish 14:43 do not dwell on the past. 3. Focus on the future. 2Cor 5:9. Well done good and faithful servant. Press toward the goal. 4. Determination. Fight to the finish 2Tim 7:4, ph 3:15-16, Ph1:6 what God starts he will finish. This church: doesn't care about your past, we focus on the future, we do not quit God's work. 20150705 Sunday Morning Maintain Joy Randall Woodard 20150705 Phil 3:3-11. How to maintain joy 1. Resist legalistic attitudes. Safeguard - live each day by grace. 2. Reevaluate your activities. Safeguard- keep your priorities in order. 3. Refocus your ambitions. Safeguard- get to know Christ better and better. 20150628 Sunday Morning Conquering Anger Randall Woodard Eph 4:25-32. Anger is not a sin, allowing it to be hurtful is. V26 in your anger do not sin. V27 3 fonts and 1 do. V28- don't nurse your anger. V29- don't rehearse your anger. V31- don't disperse your anger. Do 1- reverse your anger. Forgiveness, loving kindness, tenderness, remember the forgiveness of Christ. Be compassionate and forgiving. Pray, Lord, show me what I need to do. 20150621 Sunday Morning Model for Manhood Randall Woodard Father, I Adore Thee p4 Great is Thy Faithfulness p 54 God is So Good p23 Randall Woodard, God's Model for Manhood, Phil 2:19-30 The theme of Phillipians is Joy. Also se Judges 20:11. 5 Values: 1. Compassion - People before profit. 2. Consistency - character before comformity. 3. Cooperation - collaboration before competition. 4. Commitment - contribution before comfort. 5. Courage - Service before security. Greatness is determined by the wal? 20150614 Sunday Morning Choices: Resist Temptation Randall Woodard

Phil2:12-13 three tools God uses inside us. I can resist anything except temptation. Oscar Wilde 1. The bible. 2Tim 3:16-17 2. Holy Sprit. Rom 8:1 3. Circumstances. Hb 2:10 3 choices- choose what you think about, choose to depend on God, choose your response Fruits of the spirit - who controls your power source? Take charger not the phone!

201506 Sunday Morning Worry Less Randall Woodard Pray More Worry Less 20150607 Worry is a fruitless exercise, a waste of time. " worry is an old man with blended head carrying a load of feathers which he thinks are lead. Corrie Ten Boom. 1. Worry is inconsistent. 6:25 2. Worry is irrational. 6:26 3. Worry is ineffective. 6:27 4. Worry is illogical. 6:28-30 5. Worry is irreligious. 6:31-32

To win over worry we need a system of priorities 6:33. To win over worry we need a strategic program 6:34. Focus on today. 20150607 Sunday Morning Reduce Conflict Randall Woodard How to reduce conflict with others 5 practical steps

1. Defuse competition james 4:1-2 2. Delete conceit v3, Prov 13:10 3. Decrease criticism v3 4. Demonstrate consideration v4 5. Develop Christ likeness

Causes of conflict: competing causes/desires v3 Personal pride v3, failure to value other people v3, failure to look and listen, insensitivity to needs of others. V4 selfishness. Jesus was a master of relationships - v7-8. Jesus did not demand his rights v6. Jesus had a serving attitude v7. Jesus was obedient v8. Selfishness does not have to be taught. Sharing has to be taught

201505 Sunday Morning Foundational Values Foundational Values 1. Have a perspective to live from 2. Have priorities to live by. Focus on what counts to you, not others. 3. Have power to live on , Phil 1:13 4. Have a purpose to live for. V1:21 201505 Sunday Morning Grow In Faith Randall Woodard Grow In Faith 201505 1. V3. Be grateful for the good in people. Lesson1 remember the best forget the rest. 2. Practice positive prayer v4. Lesson - pray for people to change them quick. V9-11 3. Be patient. V6 he will carry a good work. Lesson3 - God finishes what he starts. John 1:12 4. Love people from the heart. 201505 Sunday Morning Transformation Randall Woodard Eph 4:12 equip God's people to do his work. Judges 6 and 7. Hebrews 11 - hall of faith The process of transformation. 1. Affirmation. 2. Revelation. 3. Confrontation. 4. Transformation. Gideon - power always comes after the test. I am sending you. I am equipping you. You cannot fail. We limit God by our own life. 20150412 Sunday Morning Facing the Storm Randall Woodard A Mighty Fortress Is Our God p8 His Name Is Wonderful p203 Have Thine Own Way Lord p294 Randall Woodard "Facing the Storm(s) There are 3 kinds of storms: Spiritual (Proverbs 127); Relational; and Emotional. The church needs to be a hospital for the sick not a hotel for the saintly. Three facts about storms: Inevitable(Jjames1:2); Unpredictable: (Mat 3:24); Impartial (Mat 5:4). Our response is what is important. Will we choose Peace or Panic? Jesus knew they were sailing into a storm. What I want to offer you is a plan and a process for your storms. First, the most spiritual thing you can do sometimes, is take a nap. There are 3 things to do: Remember God is close. Mrk4:59. Jesus never wasted a miracle. God's only begotten son was on the boat. God was going to save his son. Relax in His Care. Rely on His control. Isa 43:1-2. Fear not for I have redeemed you. Remember how much God cares about you. There are over 7,000 promises in the bible. You're going to make it to the other side, because of who you trusted.

20150412 Sunday Evening Resurrection: Starting Over Randall Woodard; "The purpose of the Resurrection; and, what it means for you." You bloom where you are planted. God's will will be done. God wants to use you. You are planted here. He has a plan and a purpose for you. Within 3 miles of this church a lot of people are hurting. We have the answer. The importance of resurrection and meaning to your life is we are going to the other side. The last time I checked the death rate is still 100 percent. How many need Jesus in the boat? What difference does His resurrection make? Because Jesus Lives: 1. Your past is forgiven. 2. Your presence can be managed. 3. Your future is secure. Have you ever wanted to just start over? Because Jesus Lives we have unlimited new beginnings. Gal 3:14. The devil will haunt and taunt, but your past is cast into the sea of forgiveness. Jesus didn't come to rub it in, he came to rub it out. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ. His mercy is the Etch A Sketch kind. When you turn your life over your past sins disappear. Because Jesus Lives my presence can be managed. My children, my job, my relationships can be managed because Jesus lives. Maturity is when you realize you can't manage all that life sends you alone. A young single scholar wrote and began speaking on "The 10 Commandments for Raising Children." After marrying and their first child he changed the title to "10 Tentative Suggestions for Raising Children." After their second child he changed to title to "10 Hints for Raising Children." After their 3rd child he quit speaking on the subject altogether. Eph 120 "How incredibly great is God's power. He says "Trust Me In A Danger." Phil 4:13 I'm ready for all things. Because Jesus Lives I can manage all things. God will not bless me from a problem. He will bless me through a problem. Lastly, my future is secure. What did Jesus tell the thief on the cross? Today you will be with me in paradise. Last time I checked the death rate is still 100 percent. The average age at death for Americans is 77 years of age. God is faithful. God is good. BJL you can face all your tomorrows. We are always wanting to know and to see the future. Jesus said I am a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path. In closing, there are two plans for salvation. 1. The Performance Plan: you earn it. In this plan you must always make the right decision, always do the right thing, and be error free for life. 2. Trust Jesus Christ. Work to establish and build a relationship with Jesus. He hung on that cross for me, a dreadful, rebellious, wicked sinner. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The resurrection has meaning because God loves you with an everlasting love. To Him. Everyone matters. The same power that resurrected Christ is the same power available to each of us to manage the situational, relational, and emotional storms that life sends our way. 20150329 Sunday Morning Jacob Meetze Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus p485 His Name is Wonderful p203 Heaven Came Down p438 Jacob Meetze "If You Love Me Obey My Commandments" John 14:15. John 13:33 I'm going to be with you always. Peter, I will lay down my life. Jesus, before the rooster crows. John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans. James, care for widows and orphans. The disciples and Jesus experienced amazing things. Jesus' ministry is not complicated: Jesus came to serve; and, Jesus came to teach love for one another. 20150322 Sunday Morning The Servant is not Greater than the Master Randall Woodard For the Beauty of the Earth p44 In the Garden p187 I Surrender All p275 Randall Woodard "The Servant is not Greater than the Master" John 13:12. Blessed are you if you do them. The ground is level at the cross. Grace is undeserved favor. Questions I can't wait to ask: 1. What did Jesus write in the sand?; and, What was the thorn in Paul's side? We scream for justice but what we want is the advantage. You can't drive home looking in the rear view mirror. How many have climbed the ladder of success and found it leaning on the wrong wall? Joy comes to those who put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself third. Joy - keep the main thing the main thing. The world is telling you the opposite of what you need to do. Be found faithful. Bloom where you are. Seek the lost opportunity. Howard Hughes flew out of the Phillipines after a natural disaster. Roberto Clemente flew to his death taking a mission of mercy to the Phillipines. Everyone occasionally runs away from some

opportunity. You will never know everyone you've touched in your life. Some fly in, some fly away, and some just fly by. Ask, Lord what are you trying to show me? We are the coffee, God is the filter. The servants hope - no matter - there is hope in Jesus. 1Tim1 You cannot serve 2 masters. Make JOY the main thing in your life. Jesus, Others, You!!!!! 20150308 Sunday Morning Fulfill Your Mission Scott Setzer How will you fulfill your mission? Scott is the Associational Missionary from the South Roanoke Baptist Association. He came today to provide a special service for sending Amy Roberson out in the missionary field. Mark 1: 16 - 20 "come follow me." Faith; Transformation; Obedience. Luke 9:23-27 "if anyone should come after me…" Act 4:13 "for they could see these men had been with Jesus…" 20150301 Sunday Morning Redemption and Salvation Royce Williams Crown Him With Many Crowns p161 The Lily of the Valley p189 In the Garden p187 Royce Williams "Redemption and Salvation" Psalms 139 King David begs for forgiveness. Recognizes God's power over all. Nothing can be hidden. God knows even our thoughts. God seeks us out. See also John 5 and 6. God loves us more than number of the sands on the earth. There would be no Psalm 51 without Psalm 139. Psalm 139 is the path to redemption. 20150222 Sunday Morning What Will You Do? Jacob Meetz All Creatures of Our God and King p27 At the Cross p139 It Is Well With My Soul p410 Jacob Meetz "What Will You Do?" Proverbs 14:30 Envy rots the bones. Ecclessiastes 4 All labor springs from envy. Check yourself with the Creator. Matthew 25:14 Have you invested your talents? What are you going to do with what he has given you? What Is Wrong With That? Transparency, Comparison, Information, etc. 20150215 Sunday Morning Keep Seeking Mike Edwards How Majestic Is Your Name p29 Tell It to Jesus p451 When We All Get to Heaven p514 Mike Edwards "Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking" Micah 7:7, Matthew 15:21-28 The Canaanite woman asks healing for her daughter. Jesus insulted her 3 times. She complied to gain Christ. God's grace is intended for all people. Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, Seek, Knock. Job 23-28 God's perceived abandonment in plague and need is the space for us to get involved. What will you do? Never underestimate the need for crying out to Jesus. The most spiritual prayer sometimes is "help!" The greatest general in the bible is Joshua who fell down on his knees to God before battle. 20150208 Sunday Morning Salvation Billy Crabtree Come Count Every Blessing p15 O Worship the King p16 Victory In Jesus p426 Billy Crabtree John 3:1-7, John 2:21-25, Matthew 7:21 "Plan of Salvation." The Roman's Road. Wheat and Tares. 20150125 Sunday Morning What Are Your Plans Mike Edwards Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee p7 This Is My Father's World p43 He Leadeth Me p52

Mike Edwards "What Are Your Plans" Woody Allen said "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his steps but the Lord directs his steps. God is a God of order. He gave us reasoning. We never work and plan absent of God's sovereignty. Prov 3, 5, and 6 Trust in the Lord. Do not lean in your own understanding. John 15 I am the vine, you are the branches, apart from me you can do nothing. Remember the firey furnace. Shadrack, Meshack and Abedigo, and the King Nebukenezzer. Would you bow down? Circumstantial Planning - if and when, where do you go, what do you do? We need a new pastor. God will show us. Imagine being Joshua. Only God would come up with the plan for the walls of Jericho. Ester - Mordecai at the palace gates oversees plotters planning to kill the king. Hamaan wanted to destroy the Jews. Very pleased with himself. Ester 6:1 the king could not sleep. Read the Chronicles. Hamaan describes how to honor the hero. You can't make this stuff up. Saul of Tarsus. William Cary has one convert after 7 years of missions. Starts to translate the bible into languages. That is his gift. George Meuller runs an orphanage built on prayer. The baker and the milkman show up when the children are hungry!!!! When searching for the pastor: Be constant in pursuit of God. Make God preeminent. Be constant in prayer. Be constant in fellowship. Be constant in corporate and private worship. Be constant in compassion and generosity. Be constant in asking for Devine will. 20150118 Sunday Morning What Are You Dedicated To? Brooks Wadsworth Brooks Wadsworth "What Are You Dedicated To?" 1Corinthians Temple of God, Romans 12:1-2. What are you dedicated to; body, mind and will? Issac was a living sacrifice. Jesus was a living and holy sacrifice. Will you be conformed or transformed by the world, the love of God, your own mind? You can conform to the world. God's love can transform you. Are you presenting your body, your mind, your will to the wisdom and mercies of God? 20150111 Sunday Morning The Life of the Church Brooks Wadsworth FBC-R Standing On the Promises p335 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus p320 Victory In Jesus pp426 Brooks Wadsworth "The Life of the Church" Matthew 16. We should dedicate ourselves to Jesus and give him dominion over our lives. We should not be diverted or distracted. Ask "what have I done for Jesus?" 20141228 Sunday Morning What Kind of Person Are You? Billy Crabtree FBC-R Billy Crabtree "What Kind of Man/Woman Are You?" Matthew 2 and Luke 2. Are you a JOSEPH kind of man/woman? J - a Jesus man. Whereever, whatever, however God told him to do! O - he was obedient to the Lord. S - he was sanctified. He was set apart. E - he was an eager man. He didn't wait, hesitate, or procrastinate. P - he was pliable. His plans for his life meant nothing compared to the Lord's plans. H - he was Mary's husband. He was present and supportive. Jesus was submissive to Joseph for 30 years. 20141116 Sunday Morning Hope In Christ Tom Jones FBC-R My Jesus I Love Thee p210 Breathe on Me Breath of God p241 The Solid Rock p406 Tom Jones "Hope In Christ" A Paul kind of hope… to die is gain…sing praises from prison. Heaven begins when we receive a new heart; when we leave our earthly body. What is your hope and how does it shape how you live? Vs 1-3 Restored earth. Vs 4-5 Restored body. Vs 6-8 Restored relationship with Christ. Isaiah 65 I create new heavens and new earth. Romans 6:5 United with him. Romans 3:22 For all who believe. Rev 21:10-11 We will be sin free and crystal clear in the Holy City. What is your hope? Leviticus 26:11-12 I will be your guide and you will be my people. 20140907 Sunday Morning Follow Me Perry Noble NewSpring Church. Charleston, South Carolina

Perry Noble, Pastor "Follow Me - Command or Invitation?" Matthew 3 Follow me. It is an invitation. What is my next step? Matthew 4:19 to Peter "I will make you into who you need to be." Following Jesus is not difficult, it just takes time. In Jesus' day tax collectors were lower than sinners. Matthew 9:9 Jesus to Matthew. Follow me. Did it work? Matthew 10:38 "It is easier to sin than to follow Jesus." Not always easy and sometimes I don't like the plan. Matthew 11:20 "I'll give you rest." What is my next step in my walk with Christ? When am I done? When you are dead. You always have a next step in your walk with Jesus. Don't confuse activity with progress! You could be in a culdesac going round and round. Psalm 12 "Your Lord will keep the needy safe. In Matthew 3:13 Jesus walked 60 miles to be baptized by John. Baptism was a big deal to Jesus. John tried to deter Jesus (Matthew 3:14). Jesus said let it be now (Matthew 3:15). In Matthew 3:16-17 the Spirit of God descended because baptism is always pleasing to God. In Matthew 24 Jesus commanded "go and make disciples." Would it require baptizing them? Why do people resist baptizing? It was done to me when I was a baby. I've had it done before. I'm afraid of water. I'm embarrassed by how I'll look. Baptism is immersion after salvation. Delayed obedience is immediate disobedience. Confess, Repent, Salvation, Public baptism.