2015 laws of nature manuscript.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Adventures of Thunder & Avalanche Laws of Nature 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 List of illustrations 37 Needle in a Haystack: cover 38 Too Cute Kittens: title page 39 Mountain Lily: opposite 40 Forked Road: next 41 Flowerful Field: next after next 42 Home: table of contents 43 Mountain Kittens: page one 44 Balcony Sunrise: two/three 45 Natural Kingdom: four/five 46

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  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    The Adventures of Thunder & Avalanche Laws of Nature

    10 11 12

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19

    20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

    List of illustrations 37 Needle in a Haystack: cover 38 Too Cute Kittens: title page 39

    Mountain Lily: opposite 40 Forked Road: next 41

    Flowerful Field: next after next 42 Home: table of contents 43

    Mountain Kittens: page one 44 Balcony Sunrise: two/three 45 Natural Kingdom: four/five 46

  • Balanced Breakfast: six/seven 47 Dancing Plants: eight/nine 48

    Mousin Around: ten/eleven 49 Duck Pond: twelve/thirteen 50

    Butterfly Creek: fourteen/fifteen 51 Climbing Kitties: sixteen/seventeen 52

    Neighborhood Dogs: eighteen/nineteen 53 Elk Meadow: twenty/twenty-one 54 Storm Ridge: twenty-two/three 55

    Lightning Strike: twenty-four/five 56 True North: twenty-six/seven 57

    Foxtrot: twenty-eight/nine 58 Rocky Outlook: thirty/thirty-one 59 Mountain Lair: thirty-two/three 60

    Rolling Downhill: thirty-four/five 61 Leap of Faith: thirty-six/seven 62

    Healing Waters: thirty-eight/nine 63 Sleepy Signs: forty/forty-one 64

    Coyote Ridge: forty-two/three 65 Raccoon Bridge: forty-four/five 66 Courage Bump: forty-six/seven 67

    Cornered Coyotes: forty-eight/nine 68 Landslide Avalanche: fifty/fifty-one 69

    Bough Echo: fifty-two/three 70 Somersault Fun: fifty-four/five 71 River Learning: fifty-six/seven 72

    Downstairs Bears: fifty-eight/nine 73 Birdseye View: sixty/sixty-one 74

    Sunset Beginning: sixty-two/three 75 Golden Spot: about me 76

    Nobodys Portrait: credits 77 78

    Cast of Characters 79 80

    Animals are a grounding force. They are concrete emblems of symbiosis in the world. 81 Wilderness has long served humanity in silence, sharing wisdom. Throughout history, 82

    people have strived to possess the higher states of wild creatures by acting like 83 beasts, but life belongs to one family that shares the experience of birth and death. 84

    We choose our own direction and purpose on earth as lessons are arranged to help us 85 understand the specific mysteries arising in, around, and through the present. 86 Learning happens when we embrace others in all shapes, sizes, and abilities. 87

    88 Pocket Mice are extremely humble, considering the importance of their role as 89

    mediator between the surface world and underworld. Fond of burrowing, mice emerge 90 from the ground and represent one of the basic building blocks essential to life. 91

    Predators of all shapes and sizes depend on this tiny animal to survive. Few know 92 about mouse dreams, but mice fantasize of climbing wind currents like eagles and 93

    surfing ocean waves like dolphins. Until then, they gather seeds and tunnel elaborate 94 pathways underground allowing water to meander and nourish roots. They have 95

  • helped human beings gain wisdom throughout history by acting as agents of creative 96 thought. Their primary purpose is expanding consciousness inside all living beings 97

    everywhere. 98 99

    Magpies are viewed as guardians at the gateway to the spirit world. Their varied 100 expressions speak volumes as they click, clack, caw, yak, sing, and soar. They can be 101 opportunistic in their behavior. Like the coyote, they are known to trick others, not to 102

    teach a lesson but rather to generate confusion. Through their knowledge of the 103 nature of cosmic laws, magpies can multiply and are given power over some animals. 104

    They do not care whether anyone listens to their conversations, or if people watch 105 them go about their business when they are around. They are extremely self-serving. 106

    When they are not foraging for food, they are usually out socializing with friends. 107 108

    Black Crows and magpies flock together. Local groups usually meet at sunrise and 109 map out a strategy for the morning. They are great scavengers and natural leaders. 110

    They can be bold and bossy but can also be challenged and learn from their mistakes. 111 Not only do crows use tools to complete tasks but they also work together to lead 112

    predator and prey into crossing paths. Their birds eye view allows them to see 113 forward to the outcome of a series of events, usually before the lower terrestrial 114

    animals do, and they manipulate the scene to their benefit. Crows are teachers that 115 love a good joke. They enjoy being local. Their squawk echoes across empty space. 116

    117 Red Foxes are clever and focused. They are playful and friendly like dogs but not as 118 trusting as their canine cousins. Pups usually live in the den and form a pack while 119

    they learn to hunt. If their range is plentiful, they will set out on their own when they 120 are old enough. Their orange fur relates to their enthusiastic and playful personalities. 121

    Being kissed by a fox for a moment in a frozen gaze is intense because they are 122 messengers. They will say a lot without moving or speaking. Most of the time, foxes 123

    will rush by as if driven to another destination. Timid, they skitter away at the first 124 impulse of fear. 125

    126 Mallard Ducks possess the ability to walk on the ground, swim in the water, and fly in 127 the sky using only their bodies. Masters of the physical world, they display confidence 128

    as they waddle about. Some cultures view the duck as sacred because of all the 129 lessons they teach. Like geese, they are migratory and are able to travel to many 130 places teaching many things. Among the lessons that ducks display are classes on 131

    how to be graceful during easy and difficult times, how to shed confusing and 132 destructive emotions, and how hard work fosters a humble respect for creation. Ducks 133

    enjoy socializing with each other. 134 135

    Chickadees have a big personality despite their tiny size. Their bravery and curiosity 136 around larger animals in the forest brings levity to their interactions. They always 137

    travel together in pairs or in groups, usually warbling, cheeping, and chortling 138 chirrups to keep track of everyone along the way. 139

  • 140 Red-winged Blackbirds, like all avian beings, assist in acquiring wisdom because they 141 are able to navigate a higher physical plane. Highly protective of their territory, these 142

    birds develop societies and devoutly defend their communities. Their unmistakable 143 vocal oak-a-lee rings out during dusk and dawn and can be heard from the cottontails 144

    down by the pond in summer. 145 146

    Cackling Geese gather together before they migrate. Their sense of direction is only 147 rivaled by their strength as they tear their trail through the air. When they are not in 148 the sky, they are usually socializing in large gaggles next to water. After they nestle 149

    into all the nooks and crannies nearby, families snuggle during the night. Their iconic 150 V in the sky points us to being conscious of creation. Geese are directional guides. 151

    152 American Robins are morning spirits capable of radiating the sun. Their red breast 153

    symbolizes the source illuminating the day ahead. Their beak represents its rays 154 shining forth. Robins not only tweet truth, they can point to prophetic visions once 155

    their spell of awakening has been cast. They can predict specific future circumstances 156 for anyone. Robins are also a perfect union of earth and sky, eating worms from 157

    underground and then using the energy to fly. They are dependable witnesses 158 attending the beginning of each day. 159

    160 Butterflies, because of their metamorphic powers, represent a strength possessed 161

    from rocks to trees, and on through to animals and humans, that is, they can change 162 on the spot. This ability to be in the moment, alert and awake while also being able to 163

    change, is a powerful tool. In the present, anything, something, nothing, or 164 everything can happen. The butterfly spirit is always stirring emotions, spinning its 165

    insides to gold, even if the external world is stuck or seesawing to and fro. Creation 166 offers us many opportunities to advance along the same arc as the butterfly. 167

    168 Dogs are the friendliest and most helpful of all beings. They will bark, whimper, 169 whine, yip, yap, and yelp trying to communicate with people. Their loyalty and 170

    affection overflows in boundless joy. Like all canines, they are predators. They have a 171 strong sense of independence and a basic instinct to hunt. Dogs have their own form 172 of communication they use among themselves, one where they do not have to work 173 so hard to be understood. They are smart and perceptive and can serve as valuable 174

    companions. Once a bond is formed with a human being, they will view protection as 175 their primary responsibility. It is no wonder their name is an anagram for a singular 176

    term given by many to describe the creator of all things. 177 178

    Hummingbirds can appear angelic as they suspend in the air to feed. Thumping at 179 1,200 beats per minute, the hum of a hummingbirds heart is a direct example of the 180

    amount of effort needed to harmonize with creation. Viewers are offered endless 181 insight into the infinite detail of the natural world as these birds make gardens sing, 182 while they decide which flower perfectly fits their needle-like nose. The ring of their 183

  • tiny wings nearby can remind listeners to look in often on other peoples hearts and 184 minds. 185

    186 Beavers create habitat by building mammoth waterworks projects. The scope of these 187 tasks is enough to alter the flow of rivers and form new streams where many animals 188 gather to sup. Beavers create robust regions of activity in the forest by raising sacred 189

    lodges with views over rippling reflections of stars underneath an ever-evolving 190 cosmic swirl. They show us that all the resources we need have been provided on 191 earth. These hydro engineers use their ingenuity to change the course of water in 192

    ways that foster growth. 193 194

    Grasshoppers are a symbol of fertility, but can quickly shift to a sign of destruction if 195 their swarm is not grounded in stability. This duality between creation and destruction 196 gives the grasshopper power. When the earth is in balance, these insects are seen as 197

    messengers bringing good news. During these times, grasshoppers are associated 198 with innovation, self-expression, and abundance. Intimately associated with the 199

    moon, these tiny insects have influenced human beings in profound ways since they 200 first met long ago. 201

    202 Raccoons are shy animals with incredible coordination. Their masked face is a symbol 203

    of the divide between our social and true selves. The social self is the personality 204 projected outward and the true self is the one located inside. The raccoon stares at us 205

    from behind a mask saying that the whole animal kingdom shares in a parallel 206 experience, one where inner and outer worlds run alongside each other and mix in a 207 helical dance. Raccoons are reminders that discovery and coordination are traits that 208

    evolve from regular practice. 209 210

    Woodpeckers create a bridge between the animal and plant kingdoms with the rhythm 211 of their beats. The sound of their beak ratta-tatta-tapping on trees pulses through the 212 forest, and the resonance awakens listeners to the profound opportunities around. In 213

    the woods, every step is a new door to open once a flow is found. Woodpeckers are 214 knocking. The world they open is one of universal kinship. 215

    216 Elk communicate the hidden language of nature. They are tribal creatures whose 217

    generosity knows no bounds. Protection and preservation are primary to the herd. The 218 elks strength is enough to overpower any fear associated with competition. The 219

    antlers on the males are used for the purpose of defense but their shape also shows a 220 deep connection to plants. Similar to timber in shape and hue, they represent the 221 networks run by elk in the woods. The movement of their migration installs tracks 222

    similar to plant shoots. One makes lateral trails and the other reaches skyward. None 223 of this arrangement is by chance. It is a result of an intelligent design that evolves as 224

    it is observed. Highly adaptive, elk flow down chutes through ravines dozens at a 225 time, like water dropping in torrents of flesh and bone, leaving no trace except for a 226

    path to follow through the trees. 227

  • 228 Coyotes are great teachers. Their chorus of howls, shrieks, yawps, and screams echo 229

    in our imaginations as much as they do around the mountain forest at night. Their 230 lessons have power and a lasting effect. The coyotes intelligence comes from their 231

    continual movement of intersecting loops over the landscape. Knowledge of place 232 gives them power. 233

    234 Wolves are teachers, too. They use strategies to hunt, migrate, and find dens. Highly 235 social creatures, they live in packs. They use touch, vocal intonations, body gestures, 236

    and eye contact to express themselves. Wolves will continue their efforts to relay a 237 message until the receiver accepts receipt. Then, it will engage and enlarge its word. 238

    For this reason, wolves are associated with loyalty and the heart. They are friendly, 239 compassionate, and generous to those who win their trust, but once the pack no 240

    longer serves its needs, a lone wolf will set out on its own and watch over the forest. 241 242

    Black Bears are powerful animals. The color of their fur can be brown, cinnamon, or in 243 rare cases, white. Bears hibernate in hollow trees, rock crevices, in burrows 244

    underground, or in arrangements of fallen trees and brush that will protect them from 245 the cold of winter. For more than half the year, bears walk in the dream world. This is 246

    a very special ability. To those who listen and learn, the bear shows a way of life in 247 harmony with the cosmos. It is no wonder that the stars in the sky arrange 248

    themselves in both big and small versions of this terrestrial bruin. 249 250

    Mountain Lions, also known as cougars, are great witnesses. Members of the feline 251 family, cougars are curious and independent by nature. They gather in groups called 252

    prides and stay mostly out of sight. Their silent nobility as they watch from lofty 253 perches is an iconic symbol of judgment. This power of observation is their gift. Great 254 stalkers with incredible coordination, they use the environment as an advantage when 255

    pursuing their prey. 256 257

    Golden Eagles symbolize the flight of the spirit as it overcomes all challenges holding 258 it back. The ascendancy of this bird in the sky commands respect from all other 259

    animals, even the bipedal beings below. Descendants of the thunderbird in Native 260 American myths, these animals control the rain. They steer the clouds as they see fit, 261 stirring storms by flapping their wings and creating rippling rings of rising wind. True 262 freedom is formed in the steady glide of flight and is filed away in each fiber of their 263 feathers. They circle peaks observing with a watchful eye, protecting all individuals 264

    equally. They are tasked with keeping the earth in balance by harmonizing evolution. 265 Seeing this august ace is a good time to send off a prayer of gratitude for creation. 266

    They show us the choice all beings have to pursue their own path. Golden eagles 267 demonstrate a vision of composure and dignity we all can grasp through our journey 268

    inside the spirals of life. 269 270

    One 271

  • Mountain Kittens 272 273

    Two 274 A Rocky Adventure 275

    276 Three 277 Home 278

    279 Dedicated to everyone still alive. 280

    281 Mountain Kittens 282

    283 High up in the mountains where the land touches the sky and the wind whispers its 284

    secrets between the branches of the evergreens lived two kitties named Thunder and 285 Avalanche. During the spring thaw one year, a man was hiking alone in the forest and 286

    saw the pair huddled together in an old, hollow tree stump. They were young, brand 287 new in the world. Alone, hungry, and frightened, the kittens looked up at the large 288

    beast, which tilted its head at them and smiled. Avalanche was a Siberian breed with 289 sky blue eyes and dirty white fur. Thunder was an American Shorthair with a brown 290

    coat and apple green eyes. Right away, they liked the man and trusted him and 291 followed him home. 292

    293 Once they were fed a bowl of warm broth inside the house, it did not take the two 294

    friends long to launch into a rollicking bout of chase and wrestle. They were always 295 together and they loved to play every day, especially outdoors. They spent most of 296

    their time exploring the forest and meeting all of the animals. To the curious kittens, 297 their new home was perfect. They had a safe place to stay at night and an endless 298

    yard in front of them to explore. They grew quickly in those first few months. 299 300

    To some of the smaller creatures around the house, the cats were vicious predators. 301 The young companions were excellent hunters. To them, it was a game. They were 302

    immature and unaware that they were not supposed to hunt outside if they lived 303 indoors. The mountains were patient though and waited for a particular lesson to line 304 up perfectly for the pair. On one of their adventures deep into the forest, their usual 305

    role was reversed, and Thunder and Avalanche became prey, two happy hounds 306 humbled in the hunt. The lesson was needed so they could become part of the forest 307

    family. 308 309

    The callow kittens had no one to teach them the laws of nature. The man sometimes 310 tried to describe the framework to the cats but he had trouble explaining how it 311

    worked. They had to discover on their own how all of the animals worked together to 312 sustain their societies on the planet. 313


  • The ingenuous duo loved to watch the sky when its hues of pinks were fused 315 together. Before it rose, the rays from the sun split into a spectrum of colors, and 316

    pastel shades of light reflected across the heavens. From the upstairs balcony, they 317 could see the mountains recast in the clouds as they lingered, slowly drifting over the 318 morning. The impression was weak and washed, and bubbled in bits as it was strewn 319

    across the canvas, swept aside by a blend of blues. 320 321

    The two friends liked to pretend that the sky was a movie screen, and they loved to 322 watch the opening scene. All of the animals were stars, everything was part of the 323 production, and the whole forest was the stage. Each individual actor responded to 324

    the affairs set in motion by all of the other characters as the day proceeded. 325 Overhead on some mornings, little puffy clouds rode the crests and troughs and lit up 326

    and bandied about in imaginations. Some took classic shapes of clichd heroes as 327 they drifted over the landscape while others morphed into miscellaneous ambiguous 328

    bodies. Sometimes the beings in the sky fell and all the animals ran away and hid. 329 Each day, the young kittens sat upstairs and watched the morning overcome night. 330

    331 The curious companions usually stayed close to home at first. Their favorite spot was 332

    down by the pond. They liked to sit in the grass behind the cottontails and listen to 333 the ducks. One of the bunch that lived in the surrounding brush was really good at 334

    telling jokes. During their morning social, it always made the other birds come apart 335 at the seams laughing. 336

    337 The pair made a lot of friends as they were learning the laws of nature. The other 338 animals were very forgiving when the wide-eyed, young ones made mistakes, but 339

    there were rules everyone had to follow. Actions always caused effects that rippled 340 out into the forest and the surrounding mountains. 341

    342 The kitties felt safe now because they could spend the night indoors. The man kept 343

    them inside when he was away, but as soon as he returned and opened the door, 344 they were ready to bounce. They would ricochet off the furniture, hurdle over him 345

    kneeling in the doorway with open arms, and leap to freedom outside. 346 347

    Whenever it rained and they had to stay inside, the kitties used the whole house to 348 play. Their roost was not big but it felt huge to the small kittens. There were two 349

    floors. The lower level was one large room with a window facing south and a round 350 fireplace in the center. A set of stairs led to a loft with a bed and balcony. 351

    352 The man who looked after Thunder and Avalanche gave his new friends plenty of 353 healthy food and clean water. Each kitten had a bowl of agreeable kibbles, ample 354

    enough for them to climb inside and be buried in the bits. The man also kept a few 355 toy mice around for the kitties to play with, but usually, his new friends preferred a 356 rollicking game of tag up and down the stairs. The two kitties received their names 357

    shortly after they arrived because of the noises they made ripping through the house 358

  • during their frolicsome fun. Their games always sounded like a rumbling thunderstorm 359 or a roaring avalanche as they rolled over the indoor terrain. 360

    361 They liked to nap during the day on the couch in front of the window, and at night, 362

    preferred to sleep in the bed. They always nuzzled up against the man, who was 363 usually awake working before sunrise. 364

    365 Their home was located up in the mountains more than a mile and a half in the sky. 366

    The air was always clean and the rivers, which started nearby on the mountain, 367 flickered white and gold in the summer. For six months, the ponds and creeks 368

    charmed viewers with rippling bands of color under spinning leaves and wispy clouds. 369 For the other six months, beauty lay still and silent, shimmering and sparkling like a 370

    blanket of snow. 371 372

    On some mornings, the man built a fire in the den. The flames would dance together 373 with his singsong sounds as he tried to make the beginning of each day lively. 374

    Sometimes the fire popped startling the kitties, and they darted into the kitchen and 375 jumped onto the counter looking for attention from the man. He would pat them on 376

    their heads and help them simmer down while continuing to arrange the meal. There 377 was always plenty of tenderness for everyone. 378

    379 One day while the man was preparing chow, he poured himself a glass of water and 380 drank half of it. He placed the cup next to the stove and kept cooking. Seeing it as 381

    half-full, Avalanche sprung onto the counter and went over to have a drink. She 382 stretched her neck down and began lapping up the fresh water, but when she went to 383

    pull her head out, she was stuck. The young kitten began to panic and shake back 384 and forth, but the man quickly stopped her and helped her break free without 385

    shattering the glass. Once her friend was safe, Thunder nearly fell off the counter 386 laughing. Embarrassed by her folly, Avalanche tackled her pal and the two tumbled to 387

    the floor. 388 389

    The very next morning after the sun came up and the dew on the grass started to 390 evaporate, the two pals jumped through the open window downstairs and headed 391

    outside to play. The leaves on the flowers in the yard were dancing as the wind 392 rustled along the ground. 393

    394 The two friends did not notice their shadows that were stretched long from the rising 395 sun. It appeared as though a jaguar was stalking each mouser. The plants grew tall 396 during the summer, and the two kitties were able to hide in the long stalks of grass 397

    and spy on the other animals. The pair liked to travel next to the creek and drink 398 water straight from the stream as they ducked in and out of the lanky turf. 399


  • The young kittens simply thought that plants were kind. The two friends were already 401 learning how the flora in the forest produced food and shelter for everyone. To them, 402

    trees were the most humble and generous of all living beings on earth. 403 404

    While the pair was exploring along the creek on this particular morning, they thought 405 they heard a voice calling to them. When they spun around, no one was there. Only a 406

    stand of three trees was waving in the breeze. Avalanche approached one of the 407 swaying trio and pressed into its soft bark with her claws. Thunder followed by 408

    scratching anothers trunk. In an instant, as though the branches of the three reached 409 down to swoop up the two fledglings, like a mother lifting children into her arms, the 410

    two friends learned that day how to climb trees. 411 412

    That afternoon while they were exploring along the stream, the young pupils found a 413 mouse burrow in a rock wall around a garden. Several mice were living there. 414

    415 The kitties were excited about the idea of bringing home a small pet of their own. 416

    They wanted to catch a mouse to play with inside the house. One of the little rodents 417 that occupied a den near the top of the wall was cowering in a cranny. The naive 418 predator reached one paw down and stretched out its claws, clenching dirt while 419

    grasping air. Thunder was focused on Avalanche and she did not notice the other 420 frightened mice in the garden. One very close to her was looking for a way to flee 421

    while a hover of hummingbirds suckled garden blossoms above. 422 423

    Avalanche called Thunder over to help when the mouse proved too difficult to catch by 424 herself. The two friends took turns using their sharp nails to rake through the dirt 425

    trying to drag the tiny creature from its den. 426 427

    The other mice saw an opportunity to go and they fled. The cornered rodent popped 428 its head out, attempting to split with the others from its nest, but Avalanche swatted 429

    it down with her paw. The terrified mouse panicked and bolted. Avalanche hopped 430 down from the rocks, maintained perfect balance, and grabbed it in her mouth. She 431 ran toward the house. Thunder followed close behind. When they reached the front 432

    door, the predator let go of its prey, and the two sat nearby waiting for it to wake up. 433 434

    The man arrived home from work and saw the two kitties standing over a dead 435 mouse. They were taking turns trying to nudge their catch back to life, first rolling it 436 over with their paws and then tossing it willy-nilly into the air. None of their efforts 437

    were successful. 438 439

    When the man approached, the cats stopped playing. He picked up the deceased 440 animal and placed it under a spruce tree nearby before going in to prepare supper. 441 Thunder and Avalanche ran around chasing the lustrous insects a bit longer before 442

    going inside for the night. 443 444

  • While they were all eating supper together, the man tried to explain to the kittens 445 that there was no reason for them to hunt in the forest as part of a game. He went on 446

    to say that there were always bigger animals out looking for food while the smaller 447 ones were searching for prey. Most predators were hunted, he said. The web of life 448

    included everyone, even cats and human beings. Then the man smiled and scratched 449 behind each of his friends ears. The two furry felines swished their tails back and 450

    forth weaving them together like two rivers meandering to the sea. 451 452

    They were brand new to the mystery of the mountain forest and had not even met all 453 of the animals yet, so it was a good lesson for them to hear, even if the man 454

    stumbled through its complexity. After supper, the man told the kitties a long story 455 about how the earth was created to produce many kinds of plants and animals in 456

    every shape and size. He said that lifeforms evolved over time to fit a specific task 457 and explained how each one had to find its purpose to be able to apply itself in ways 458 that kept the forest healthy and vibrant. He proposed that all beings were intelligent 459 and free and that there were laws to nature. Thunder and Avalanche listened as he 460

    outlined a few more traits he thought were in everyone and everything, everywhere. 461 462

    Both kittens continued listening with interest as the man suggested they figure out 463 why the other animals in the forest lived and acted in certain ways. Then, he rolled 464

    their whiskers between his fingers and patted their heads. 465 466

    Before bed, the noisy neophytes played their regular game of tag and tore through 467 the house. Booms punctuated the bout as they knocked into things on the split-level 468

    set. The man smiled as he read his book by the fire. Soon, though, everyone grew 469 tired and went to sleep. 470

    471 A Rocky Adventure 472

    473 The next morning as the opening strings of light embarked upon their arc over the 474 horizon, Thunder and Avalanche sprung through the mistakenly left open window 475

    downstairs and hopped out into the morning. The early birds were already tending to 476 their tasks in the forest when the two felines joined the vibratory wave and rolled into 477

    the swollen stages of broken twilight. The young ruffians usually only ruffled a few 478 feathers as they reveled in the enfolding dawn. The time just before the sun entered 479

    the scene was their favorite. 480 481

    When daylight broke, a bevy of birds was twittering around the pond. Hummingbirds 482 were sipping nectar from the flowers and woodpeckers were hammering out lofty tree 483

    homes. Magpies were squawking in the aspens and robins went about looking for 484 worms in the grass. Chickadees fluttered through the evergreens and ducks swam in 485

    the pond. Red-winged blackbirds were calling oak-a-lee from the cottontails while 486 birds of prey circled high above in the winds keeping score on the actors in various 487

    scenes below. 488

  • 489 Before heading down to the pond, the pair went over to the spot where the man 490

    placed the dead rodent. They did not find it there. A bit later on, when another mouse 491 jumped joyously across their path, the two froze. Remembering the woven web of life 492

    from the mans story the night before, they watched the skittering critter scuttle 493 safely away. 494

    495 Riding on a wind current high overhead, a golden eagle spotted the little kittens on 496

    the ground. The raptor ripped free from the runnel of wind and rode a warm updraft. 497 It began spiraling down, bouncing in bursts, peering at its prey. The predator was 498

    trying to determine if Thunder was small enough to carry away. Closer to the pond, 499 several red-winged blackbirds became territorial and swept sideways above Avalanche 500

    in shapes of figure eights. 501 502

    The two friends decided to leave the pond and explore along the creek for a stretch. 503 They loved to travel along the rivulets where so many other animals lived and played. 504

    They liked sitting in the brush attending to current business. 505 506

    The kitties hopped over the narrow band of water and walked along the rocks next to 507 the stream on the other side. There were many grasshoppers and butterflies 508

    everywhere. The two young friends chased after several shimmering sprites into the 509 fields. Thunder was so focused trying to catch one of the critters, as it flit hither and 510

    thither, that she climbed a tree and ran out on a branch while chasing after the 511 elusive insect. She stopped just before the limb narrowed, but momentum and gravity 512

    asserted themselves, and she fell through the boughs. Avalanche looked like a furry 513 white frog bobbing in the grassy waves following a grasshopper. The playful pals 514

    continued pouncing as they haphazardly jounced about. 515 516

    The pair ran the rill a bit more before heading away from the watershed and toward a 517 stand of aspen trees. A group of robins was resting in the branches after foraging for 518

    worms all morning. Some barking started in the distance and the kitties looked up. 519 Their ears rotated back and forth like mini-satellite dishes trying to get a signal to pin 520

    down the exact location of the young, rambunctious woofs. More yapping echoed 521 through the trees again and gave them a chance to recognize the source. These three 522

    dogs were their closest neighbors and liked to start a game of chase whenever they 523 saw the two playmates. 524

    525 Thunder and Avalanche decided it would be fun to practice climbing trees in case they 526 were found. After preparing a plan, the kitties took off in opposite directions. They ran 527

    rival ovals before leaping into a stand of trees. They ripped up the trunks, gripping 528 tightly into the soft bark with their claws. Once safely perched in the branches, they 529

    sat and looked around. 530 531

  • The family of robins had flown away when the cats burst into the boughs and a group 532 of magpies and crows was arriving. The attending flock was squawking wildly about 533 the weather, so Thunder and Avalanche did not hear the dogs when the trio started 534

    barking again. The young duo hid among the sprigs and listened to the clutch. 535 536

    The magpies were in favor of pushing on but the crows thought the sky overhead 537 signaled a fast approaching storm. The kittens watched as the magpie tiding 538

    overcame the crow muster in the debate. One magpie noticed the team behind the 539 leaves after the squalls from the squabble stalled and alerted the others. A cacophony 540

    of caws erupted and the birds throbbed in the branches. It was not long before 541 everyone departed the scene. 542

    543 By the time the covey split and the kitties were back on dirt, Thunder and Avalanche 544

    had forgotten all about the distant woofs. They were caught completely off-guard 545 when the dogs appeared directly in front of them. 546

    547 The quintet sprang into action. Thunder tore through the forest like a bolt of lightning. 548 Avalanche broke free away from her pal. One dog chased each kitty on their separate, 549 opposing arcs. The third canine sat in the middle and watched as the quartet traced a 550

    circular crossing course. The playful companions winked at the midpoint when their 551 paths linked, and the dogs in pursuit crashed into each other. The pair was pleased 552

    with their plan. 553 554

    When they reached the spot where they had practiced their leaps, the kitties vaulted 555 into the stand of trees and raced all the way to the top. The two tree huggers 556

    balanced in the branches while their limbs swayed on the thin arms. The rowdy 557 hounds woofed, pawed, and tried to grip the chalky bark on the trunk. 558

    559 After an hour or so, the dogs left and went home. The two kitties came down from the 560

    trees and looked around. All the birds were gone too and the forest was quiet now. 561 The cats talked about the dogs while they walked up another ridge. Once they 562

    reached the top, they looked over an expansive valley. The kitties observed several 563 families of elk playing and grazing below. The tribe ebbed through the green grass 564

    surfing the swells. 565 566

    A lone, playful coyote was also watching the herd from the opposite ridge. None in the 567 group noticed the trickster, so the coyote decided to teach the gang a lesson. It 568

    skittered down into the valley, crossed the stream, slinked between the tall stalks of 569 grass, and nipped the backside of a calf. The startled sort quickly roused to defensive 570

    positions. The bulls advanced toward the coyote, lowering their antlers, stomping 571 their hooves, and snorting while kicking tufts of grass and dirt up in the air. The cows 572 gathered the calves together and circled them. Proud of its trick, the coyote retreated 573

    a few steps and began boasting. The young canid nodded its head up and down and 574 pranced around yipping at the clan before vanishing. 575

  • 576 The elk continued grazing as the clouds above started to look like a mob of sheep 577

    migrating across the sky. Once the band of vapor blocked out the sun, the tribe 578 gathered and one of the large bulls spoke to the others before they all walked away 579 quietly into the forest in a single-file line. Curious, the young kittens ventured down 580

    into the meadow to investigate. 581 582

    They walked over to the stream that ran through the valley and drank some water. 583 Thick clouds billowed overhead and the sky bubbled infinite shades of grey. The two 584 looked around before one found the scent of the canine trickster. Both felines sniffed 585 the scene. They knew coyotes and dogs were similar, but they also knew coyotes ran 586

    in packs and dogs lived in houses. The pair made a plan for what to do if a troupe 587 ever found them and started a real chase for game. 588

    589 The weather worsened and the kitties scooted ahead and crossed another stream. The 590

    storm clouds rose above the mountains and an orange glow began to fill the air. The 591 weight of the clouds crashing together created friction, and sparks flickered inside the 592

    bubbling bumps in the sky. 593 594

    Just as the last patches of blue were fading to maroon, one of the bubblers popped 595 and began to spill into the others. The ripples shifted the nearby clouds, and elephant 596 top hats burst unrehearsed. The sky above the kitties started tending worse after one 597

    cloud glowed. Its white light was snuffed and washed grey. As the mist lingered and 598 shuffled in the sky, seesaw winds formed along the ground and ruffled the fur on the 599

    friends. 600 601

    Thunder and Avalanche were looking for shelter when the first raindrops began to fall. 602 They laughed and continued playing while trying to dodge each drop until lightning 603

    flashed and sent them bolting for cover under an evergreen. The earth shook under 604 the kittens, and a deep rumble filled the valley as the sound rolled over the terrain. 605

    The clouds gurgled and a deluge of oversized beads was jiggled loose from above. The 606 pair would have to face the fast-moving storm right where they were. 607

    608 Just then, an incandescent glow filled the scene and lightning struck. The sky 609

    crackled. The bolt burst the immediate air molecules shattering them to bits, and then 610 a loud boom resounded across the coulee and echoed off the surrounding hills. The 611

    ground under the evergreen where the two were trembling shook and rattled. The sky 612 lit up again and thunder flooded the ravine. The frightened kittens shuddered as they 613 huddled together. Another flash lit and hit a rock near the two. Tiny flecks of ore shot 614

    out in every direction. 615 616

    The rain fell in sheets, and each evergreen needle above the crouching companions 617 was like a faucet of running water raining down on them. With each gust of wind, the 618

  • kitties were blitzed with an avalanche of water from the side. There was nowhere else 619 for them to go. They held tightly onto each other. No one was coming to help. 620

    621 Just then, the fur on Thunder and Avalanche began to rise. Before either knew what 622

    happened, the air crackled and lightning pounded an aspen tree directly next to them. 623 Each kitty was jolted into the prickly verdant vegetation. 624

    625 The sound from the lightning bolt, as it dissolved into an adjacent branch, boomed 626

    before rebounding across the crumpled hills. The limb burst into flames and broke free 627 and fell to the ground before rain dissolved the embers and smoke billowed upward. 628

    The two friends crouched close to the trunk of the tree, frightened by each flash. In a 629 panic, Thunder darted out into the forest in the squall without any thought at all to 630

    which way she went. Avalanche followed her best friend into the storm. 631 632

    The clouds cleared just as quickly as they had arrived. The remaining rain stayed in 633 the sky as a hanging shelf of colored virga scowling down at the kitties. In the 634

    distance, the clouds were dissolving along the horizon. Both agreed it was time to go 635 home, if only they knew which way to go. 636

    637 The two friends talked and traced the path of their adventure. They had gone past 638

    duck pond and along the creek, past their favorite three climbing trees and through 639 elk meadow. They were now in unfamiliar territory and further from home than they 640

    had ever been before. 641 642

    It was already late in the afternoon and soon it would be dusk, a dangerous time of 643 day for prey, a time when many beasts began prowling the woods. Night was not a 644

    good time for newcomers this far into the forest. 645 646

    The kitties were growing restless. No answers came. They were lost. Avalanche 647 looked like she had an idea, and when Thunder asked to hear it, she suggested they 648 climb to the top of the next ridge to get a better view. Thunder expressed hope, and 649

    the stray crew set out still searching for a route home. 650 651

    Near the top of their climb, the pair noticed a cave. The cats were curious and went 652 over to peek inside. When they looked, eight eyes stared back at them. Four hungry 653

    fox kits were waiting for the tod and vixen to return home with their supper. Two 654 came out to meet the kitties. They were the same size as the young felines. Thunder 655 kept her distance and meowed a greeting from behind her trembling whiskers to one 656

    of the pups. It bounced back an excited reply, and the other pair emerged to play. 657 658

    It was not long before the adult foxes came back. The worried mother had a dead 659 duck in its jaw, and once it saw the kitties retreating, it quickly went to tend to the 660

    kits. The adult male growled softly at Avalanche and watched what the two would do. 661 662

  • One kitty looked confused and the other was acting irregular. This was not the first 663 place the pair was scared but Thunder was quivering. In a flash, she shot down the 664 hill and up a tree. Avalanche stayed only long enough until Thunder was clear, then 665

    she raced to catch up to her pal. 666 667

    The restless one surprised her friend by dropping from a tree unexpectedly when the 668 two rendezvoused in the valley. Both knew they needed to climb one of the 669

    surrounding hills to see the way home, but there was only one other mound nearby, 670 and the path up to the top looked steep and rocky. 671

    672 It was well into the afternoon when the friends started their climb up the ridge. 673

    Blending in perfectly with the rocks a bit further up along the trail, two mountain lions 674 sat on opposing perches watching the kittens. They saw them struggling over the 675

    rough and uneven rocks as they approached. In spots, the boulders changed to 676 smaller stones called scree. The loose footing made it difficult for the kitties to keep 677 their balance. At times, it looked as if they were about to slip and fall, tumbling and 678

    breaking into a million pieces on the way down. 679 680

    The larger felines sat still as the smaller ones approached. The cougars were crouched 681 with their ears erect and eyes focused on the unsuspecting prey. Without moving, 682

    they steadily stalked the two tyros. 683 684

    Sensing discord, Thunder and Avalanche stopped. They felt something was wrong, but 685 neither kitty saw or heard anything so they continued climbing. This time, there were 686 no neighborhood dogs around. Only a trio of crows clicked and cawed into the empty 687

    valley below. 688 689

    Thunder slipped on the loose rocks and several of them slid down the slope. A few 690 picked up speed as they fell. Both kitties froze and watched as the bits ricocheted off 691

    sticks and stones. A few of the smaller ones smashed to pieces. One of the kitties 692 joked and said she would not be as quiet on her way down. The other laughed 693

    nervously as the two trekked on. 694 695

    The lost kittens climbed carefully across the scarp before finding a place to rest their 696 paws near the last seep of water. The kitties glanced up at the trail ahead and only 697 rocks remained. The air twinkled nearby as the companions supped a few sips. The 698 sky was just beginning to mix its colors into night. Not a single pinhole had poked 699

    through the canvas yet when the two restarted their ascent. 700 701

    At first, the tots did not spot the predators gazing directly down at their prey. An 702 immature cub was playing around on a pile of rocks above the two adult cougars. The 703 opportunity to view this encounter as an eagle was unique, so the mother lion joined 704

    its cub. 705 706

  • Avalanche skipped a few steps near the top as the rocks became smaller and less 707 jagged. She hastened her gait once she thought she found a lane to a view. Thunder 708 tried to remain balanced on the choppy turf as she struggled to keep up with her pal. 709 Near the top, the fleeter one waited for the other to catch up. The pair found a perch 710

    next to a ginormous rock in the shade and looked carefully at the path ahead. 711 712

    The male lion was now directly above them and was tracking the two from only a few 713 feet away. Lured by the appeal of the interaction, the female cougar moved higher up, 714

    closer to its kitten to see the hunt unhidden. The cub was now showing its teeth and 715 shrieking into the sky, imagining a whole kingdom to rule over in its mind. 716

    717 Both kitties gasped and froze when they looked up and saw the two large cats and 718

    their cub. The male cougar snarled. Thunder shrunk. Avalanche arched her back and 719 the predator stood and straightened its spine. Avalanche recognized her 720

    miscalculation and quickly deflated. The two kitties had never met a mountain lion 721 before. None of the cats were sure what was going to happen next. 722

    723 The mountain lion delayed and swished its tail back and forth when Thunder abruptly 724 bolted for the pass. A delicate breeze blew and ruffled the fur on the predators paws 725 as it followed the naif with its eyes. Avalanche sprung loose but Thunder was already 726 gone, choosing to shoot over the pass. Before the cougar could grasp the action, one 727

    kitten had followed the other up and over the hill. 728 729

    The cub stayed behind with the adult female cougar while the bewildered lion shook 730 off its confusion, leapt from its perch, and pursued the small prey. Two eagles circled 731

    above the pile, patrolling patiently and surveying the score. 732 733

    When the predator finally caught up to the cats, they were halfway down. It reached 734 out its massive paw and swatted Thunder, who was running at full speed, sending her 735

    tumbling down the rest of the slope. 736 737

    Avalanche stopped to watch her friend as she fell and was promptly bumped down the 738 hill. She landed on an incline cluttered with scree. She surfed the rocky wave all the 739

    way to the grassy valley. The pair was down from the mound, but Thunder was 740 scratched and bruised and in a dizzying daze in a bush up against a stone. The male 741 cougar was still advancing. Avalanche galloped toward her friend through the alpine 742

    meadow looking for another way to help. 743 744

    The cougar moved in on Thunder who was trying to shake off the shock of her fall. 745 She was bleeding from one of her hind legs and everything appeared blurry to her. 746

    Thunder did not panic. She rose and fled with the lion tight on her tail. She found the 747 nearest tree and clawed skyward. 748


  • The young feline slowed down once she reached the top. Thinking her rival 750 outmatched, she paused and peered down. The cougar was climbing, slinking with her 751

    every step. It was not long before the predator roosted, right beside her, ready to 752 seize its defenseless prey in the skinny shoots. Avalanche looked up at the scene of 753

    the two silhouettes in the dusky sky. There was no way for her to help her friend from 754 where she was standing. 755

    756 Thunders choices shrunk to one as she popped out onto the nearest limb. She shot 757

    along the flimsy twig, balancing her three uninjured legs on the stick, as it flexed like 758 a vault under her weight. The mountain lion added to the branchs spring by stepping 759

    firmly on the fulcrum right before the kitten leapt. 760 761

    Nighttime twinkled in the sky, and one star poked through the dark canvas as though 762 one hundred million angels were taking a photograph. Thunder landed in a 763

    neighboring tree and gripped tightly into the new branch with her claws. It swayed up 764 and down. A few drops of blood dripped from her injured limb before she ripped 765

    across the span of the tree to the next one, and the next, until she was low enough to 766 leap from the boughs to the ground and disappear into the forest. By the time the 767

    mountain lion descended from the tree, the woods had grown quiet again. Thunder 768 and Avalanche were gone. 769

    770 It was almost an hour before the pair found each other. The sun was set and twilight 771

    was now rising in the mountains. A single star remained stuck in the sky. Thunder 772 waddled over to greet Avalanche when she saw her approaching. The two tottered 773 over to the edge of the brook and lapped up some cool, clean water. After a drink, 774

    they talked by the creek. 775 776

    Thunder told Avalanche what happened in the tree. She was hurt. Her hind leg was 777 cut. The scratches where the mountain lion had swatted her were bleeding under her 778

    fur. She told Avalanche she was having trouble walking, so the two decided they 779 would rest a bit before continuing onwards. 780

    781 They talked more about the coyotes that would arise and roam the forest in packs. 782 They were still a long way from home and both kitties only caught a glimpse of the 783

    track back. Avalanche wanted more time to figure out their route and her companion 784 needed to rest. At the very least, Thunder needed her leg cleaned. The blood on her 785

    fur would rub off on the leaves and grass as she brushed up against them. Any 786 prowling predators would have a straight path to the injured pal in the pair. 787

    788 The two friends found a boulder and Avalanche helped Thunder climb on top. They 789

    settled in behind the branches of a nearby tree and nuzzled safely among the shaking 790 leaves. There were thousands of them standing watch over this section of the river 791 where the kitties were resting. They had a clear view over the valley from on top of 792

  • the stone. Thunder smiled and closed her eyes for a few, while a rabbit chewed on the 793 leaves of a bush nearby, before hopping off for a spell and drifting to sleep. 794

    795 Avalanche remained awake, looking carefully in the direction she thought they should 796 go. She cleaned Thunders wound while she searched for a way home. The rabbit was 797

    gone. The pair was learning what it felt like to be perpetual prey in the forest. 798 799

    Avalanche did not attempt to wake her friend when she first heard the foremost yips 800 in the distance. Thunders legs twitched as her mind played out a chase scene in a 801

    dream. Avalanche watched a curious set of balanced rocks, one on top of the other, 802 three high, wavering in the light next to the river. The stack arced like a bow, the top 803 rock resembling an arrow. Its edges were worn. The reflection of the stochastic stack 804

    of stones wrinkled in the rivers current. The light from the rising orb was absorbed by 805 the air and diffused through a mild mist. It shifted the arrows subtle shadows, and 806

    Avalanche watched still for a stint. Then, as if seemingly spun by an irresistible 807 impulse, she turned to see a wolf in front of the moon, which was rising over the 808

    neighboring ridgeline. 809 810

    She immediately woke up her other half and tried to explain what happened. Thunder 811 was excited when her friend told her about finding the way home, but she became 812 frightened when the faraway yapping kicked up again. She quickly swept the sleep 813 from her eyes and was ready to go in a jiffy. The pair would not be able to hide for 814

    long from any predators wandering in the woods. They needed to get going right 815 away without delay, on the double to avoid any serious trouble. 816

    817 Avalanche helped her friend to the ground and the two lionhearted beasts transitioned 818 to the tough slog ahead. Thunders heart was thumping. Avalanche spoke in a steady 819

    tone while she told her companion about the stack of stones and the wolf in the 820 moon. Thunder shook her head not fully understanding the details but despite being 821

    puzzled, she was sure her friends certainty pointed the way home. 822 823

    The untested stars picked up the pace and moved quickly along the ground. 824 Avalanche ran forward to check the trail and boomeranged back to report what she 825

    found. The pair skittered across the valley and into a thicker set of trees. 826 827

    Thunder hobbled along the track set by her friend through the woods. Avalanche was 828 looping in and out of sight looking and listening for danger. The pupils were pleased 829 with their progress. They began to recognize the mix of familiar flora when the pack 830

    of coyotes discovered the boulder where the kitties rested. Loud whoops of delight 831 rang out. In an instant, the hunt quickened. 832

    833 There was no time to spare. Avalanche looked at Thunders leg and noticed it had 834

    opened up again. Her blood was rubbing off on the leaves and grass that they passed. 835 She could see the pain in her friends face, but the increased clamor from over the 836

  • crinkled hills spurred the pair onwards faster. The two knew the frenzied fervor was a 837 result of the coyotes picking up their trail at the rock. Avalanche looked down at the 838 ground around Thunder and could trace their track all the way back and out of sight. 839

    It would not take the troupe long to find the duo. 840 841

    The din from the coyotes meandered through the forest, not quite like a pack 842 pursuing its prey, but more like a band bobbing and swinging, sounding a distinct 843

    tune, casting a specific hue designed to capture certain creatures. Their steady lope, 844 compared to the zigzag of the pair, allowed them to gain ground with frightening 845

    speed. 846 847

    Avalanche swept back and forth across the stream listening and watching for the 848 coyotes, while Thunder staggered ahead to a set of stones in the river suitable for 849 crossing. A mother raccoon was guarding the rock bridge protecting its cubs while 850

    they carefully crossed. Thunder was nearly in a panic. Not considering any 851 consequences, she leapt from a boulder next to the river. She saw the cubs on the 852

    bridge just before she was pulled from the air by the sow. A loud pop burst. Silence 853 quickly settled in the seriousness of the situation. A raucous round of shrill howls filled 854

    the void and the family of raccoons scampered away. 855 856

    Panic gripped the pair underneath starlight that was a few billion years old. They had 857 run out of room. 858

    859 Thunders eyes leaked as she dragged herself across the rock bridge and into the 860 river. Avalanche saw right away that her friend needed help and jumped into the 861 water. Thunder hugged her buddy like a bear. One towed the other up onto dry 862

    ground. 863 864

    The coyotes were in sight. The raccoons were long gone but the grievous scene they 865 left behind was quickly filling with confusion. A series of shrieks escalated along the 866

    ground. They harmonized into a symphony that resonated out and caused the nearby 867 air to vibrate. Thunders whole body began to shake as the rattle from the underlying 868

    hum kept pace like a drum. Avalanche put her head under Thunders heart and 869 nudged her onwards. From above, a beautiful dance was unfolding as the two hustled 870

    toward home. 871 872

    Thunder was dragging her broken leg behind her while Avalanche cut in and out of 873 sight. The pair recognized the shrinking arc of their track and stopped to plan the way 874 back as the predators closed in on their prey. The band unified with a collective howl 875

    that rattled the hollow. 876 877

    It was not long before the coyotes caught sight of the kitties. They reacted in an 878 excited burst of raptured pursuit. Avalanche told Thunder to hurry ahead. She said if 879

    she stayed behind and distracted the pack, her friend would have more time to hobble 880

  • home. Thunder recognized the plan as soon as Avalanche whispered it in her ear. The 881 two winked at each other and Thunders eyes teared. Avalanche held out her fist and 882

    the two bumped paws before setting out to do their jobs. 883 884

    Once Thunder was on her way home, Avalanche bounded with a sagacious gait toward 885 the coyotes. The space between the posse and Avalanche continued to shrink. The 886

    lone kitten halted her charge once the coyotes began closing their circle around her. 887 Avalanche found a comfortable seat in the grass near her favorite stand of trees and 888

    looked to see if her pal had made it home yet. The pack tightened their grip as 889 Thunder entered the house. 890

    891 Right away, the man raced outside. One kitty limped upstairs to watch the other. The 892

    mangy mob merged their mumbles as the alpha male orchestrated a concert of 893 alluring tones. It wove the music with the troupes tortured dance, trying to hypnotize 894

    Avalanche. 895 896

    The calm kitty saw the man approaching and motioned for the scene to begin. A 897 single coyote lunged at the kittens neck. Two others reached to grab her hind legs 898

    with their jaws. Three more yawped and shrieked adding to the fray. Avalanche 899 dodged each attack. The coyotes went berserk. 900

    901 Twelve eyes flit in the night the way a ramble of butterflies flickers about during the 902

    day. The young kitten, whose fur washed grey in the moonlight, watched them in 903 pairs. The pack snarled, their saliva dripping into the earth. The sounds grew quieter 904

    as the bunch pinched closer for the kill. 905 906

    Just then, a grasshopper decided it was time to go and bounded away, distracting half 907 the pack. Seeing her window, Avalanche leapt into the boughs. 908

    909 The bulk of the band pawed at the trunk, grasping at air, while a few others hollered 910

    at the stars and bellowed into the darkness. All six coyotes continued bobbing around 911 on the ground through the bushes. None noticed the man, who was now calling to his 912 friend. As he came closer, one by one, the tricksters split up and disappeared into the 913

    night. The alpha looked over its shoulder to confirm the chase was lost. 914 915

    When he got to the stand of three trees, the man sat down and leaned against one 916 and balanced out his breath before he looked up to find his cat in the branches. The 917

    moon lit up the surrounding space like a movie set. It did not take long for Avalanche 918 to come down. The man stood up as she descended before the pair went inside to find 919

    Thunder. 920 921

    They found her upstairs still sitting on the windowsill watching the last canid 922 disappear. As soon as she saw Avalanche, she leapt down and hugged and kissed her 923

    pal. In a flurry of motions, gestures, and sounds, forgetting all about her broken leg 924

  • for a moment, she told Avalanche that she saw her fly into the air like an owl, perch 925 in the branches like a hawk, and rescue her like an eagle. She told her she looked like 926

    a wolf outlined against the sky. The two were so happy to be reunited. 927 928

    The coyotes were gone and the pair was safe but Thunder was badly hurt. Her tears 929 of joy quickly turned to strain when she realized what had happened and what needed 930

    to be done so her leg could heal. 931 932

    The man helped the battered kitten over to the sofa where he and Avalanche looked 933 at her wounds. One of Thunders rear legs had teeth marks in them and was broken. 934

    He figured it must have snapped when something bit her. She also had four scratches 935 across her hindquarters. All of them needed to be cleaned and bandaged. One was 936

    still bleeding and required three stitches. Avalanche sat next to her friend on the bed. 937 She comforted her pal during the operation by telling funny stories about imaginary 938

    ventures. The man molded a cast for her leg and packed it with plenty of padding so 939 Thunder would be comfortable while her leg healed. 940

    941 After the ordeal was complete, the man went downstairs to make supper. Thunder sat 942 still on the bed and listened while Avalanche explained how the stack of stones helped 943 her see that she was courageous, wise, and powerful like a wolf. Thunder understood. 944

    She said they would need to learn more about the laws of nature, and three coyotes 945 howled outside punctuating her words. 946

    947 When the man brought two bowls of warm broth up to the loft, both kitties jumped at 948

    the sight. Thunders cast got tangled in the blankets and she tumbled to the floor. 949 Avalanche quickly helped her up. The two friends smashed their heads together as 950

    they mowed through dinner. When they were done, the man went downstairs and the 951 two listened to the coyotes. They watched the shadows dance outside in the steady 952

    starlight. The music and motion melded before permeating the house. The two gentle 953 souls snuggled on the cozy bed and sunk into a deep slumber. 954

    955 Home 956

    957 In just a few months it would be winter, the pond would be frozen over, and 958

    everything in the forest would be buried under several feet of snow. Thunders leg 959 continued to heal during the last days of summer while the pair went outside to play. 960

    If the door or a window were open, the cats were usually out. 961 962

    Thunder was nicknamed Pirate Kitty during this time because when she walked across 963 the room, her cast thumped on the floor. She was not able to bend her leg at all, and 964

    found it difficult to walk at first, but she adjusted quickly. Within a week, she was 965 playing tag with her friend around the house. When they went outside, Thunder 966

    pounded the ground and Avalanche still rolled over the terrain, only now, there was 967 an exclamation point that popped behind them. 968

  • 969 The pair was proud of their adventure deep into the forest. They not only broadened 970

    their home base but they also learned valuable lessons about the laws of nature. 971 972

    The coyotes returned on some nights looking for food, but the young prey learned to 973 be inside before dark. There was one dawg that came around during the day scooping 974

    up mice from the tall stalks around the pond. The two extras slowly tried to make a 975 compeer of it. They always learned best when they saw their abilities in others and 976

    conducted themselves in ways to benefit everyone. 977 978

    They usually stayed close to home outside. The sprightly moppets were growing fond 979 of resting in the shade next to the creek watching natures creations dance their way 980

    down the current. The monsoon would soon conclude in the mountains and a new 981 wave of storms from the northwest would begin gusting in accumulated days of colder 982

    fronts. 983 984

    The valiant pair slept a lot on the couch while Thunders leg healed. They watched the 985 clouds, each wave and each storm, loving the livelong day. One night while the two 986

    rested on the bed upstairs, four mice shot out into the room. They performed a 987 number of acrobatic feats, trying to start a game of chase with their young rivals. 988

    That night, instead of a raucous ruckus, the cats sat, and the lesson on the laws of 989 nature came full circle. Thunder and Avalanche listened as a lone wolf howled 990

    between flashes of light in the distance. 991 992

    Early in the morning the next day, the two friends went out to play just like they 993 usually did. Avalanche hopped onto a boulder in the middle of a bourn past the pond. 994

    She was pawing at a fish swimming near the surface. Thunder was banging around 995 nearby while the colors of morning mixed with night. She stopped to watch her pal, 996

    who was balancing above the creature circling in an eddy just below the rock. 997 Avalanche began tapping the top of the water, but the fish quickly ended the game by 998

    splashing her. The feline fell in the creek. The slow gyre pulled her underwater, only 999 briefly, and then spit her out a few feet away. 1000

    1001 From just above the riverbed, the fish carefully watched the cat as it swam 1002

    submerged slightly below the surface. Avalanche was dog paddling trying to keep her 1003 body afloat as the river carried her downstream. Thunder hustled to the freshets 1004

    edge and whumped alongside her plucky playmate, coaching her to the bank. 1005 1006

    Up ahead, the river angled around a large rock and the course quickened, but 1007 Avalanche was able to pull herself out before the bend. Thunder balanced on a plank 1008

    of wood by the side of the stream and wobbled over to her friend. When she was 1009 close enough, the soaked swimmer shook her body and got her buddy all wet. 1010

    Thunder responded by woofing and wiggling her rump like a dog. Avalanche laughed 1011

  • and thumped her leg around in the grass making pirate noises. The two tackled each 1012 other and rollicked in the turf next to the rill. 1013

    1014 Quiet settled over the house that evening. The wind rustled through the trees, and a 1015

    few crickets and frogs chirped and croaked in concert down by the pond. One last 1016 group of chickadees flickered through the spruce trees calling to each other on their 1017

    way home, well past curfew. The water gurgled as it stirred in the stream and its 1018 melody rambled through the woods. All of the forest sounds blended together and 1019 lingered in the air like a single verse of a poem before they invaded the house and 1020

    settled as silence. 1021 1022

    After seeing a color he liked streak across the sky, the man went outside with his 1023 camera to capture it in a photograph. The kitties were resting upstairs. 1024

    1025 When he exited the house, a family of four bears entered. The sow went straight to 1026

    the refrigerator door and opened it. One of the cubs jumped up onto the counter while 1027 the other waited patiently by its mothers side. The boar busted in and stumped on 1028

    the couch. 1029 1030

    The noises downstairs woke Thunder and Avalanche as the cinnamon colored bruin 1031 went through the items in the fridge. First it threw melons, bananas, and apples into 1032

    view. Then it grabbed the tomatoes, basil, and garlic and lobbed them toward the 1033 couch before pitching out the peaches, strawberries, and blueberries. It placed two 1034

    jars on the countertop and was struggling to open one when its cub knocked the other 1035 to the floor. The glass broke and startled the boar. 1036

    1037 The cubs moved in on the fruit and grunted while they gorged. The sow stood on its 1038 hind legs and began examining the contents of the freezer. Thunder and Avalanche 1039

    jumped down from the bed and sidled up to the railing to get a better view. They 1040 knew this crew from the neighborhood. 1041

    1042 The mother bear took out the sticks of butter and ice cream next and ripped off the 1043

    wrappings. It threw a few clumps on the deck before ramming the rest in its maw. It 1044 found three bags of sugar in the pantry and dumped them onto the floor where its 1045 cubs were already submerged in the cold creamy lumps. One cub held a paw to its 1046

    head trying to thaw its own frozen melon. The other cub was holding its tummy while 1047 it continued eating. Then, the sow found the cereal and bread next to a few bags of 1048

    nuts and jerky in front of four cans of brew. 1049 1050

    The man was not back yet and his pals were beginning to giggle upstairs. While the 1051 pair looked on, two mice ran out and picked up a few crumbs from the kitchen floor. 1052

    Right then, the sow bit into a can of the brew. Beer exploded everywhere and the 1053 boar and sow burst out the door. The two cubs stepped in a glob of jam and tracked 1054

  • their mini-paw prints across the floor. Two sets of eight jelly footprints, sixteen in all, 1055 went over the couch and out the window. 1056

    1057 Silence again settled inside. Outside, the sky was glowing orange along the distant 1058

    skyline. Thunder and Avalanche went downstairs to see the mess up close. Everything 1059 was all mixed up. 1060

    1061 The pair went outside to see if they could catch a glimpse of the bears or if they could 1062

    spot the man coming back. They saw the two cubs down by the pond washing their 1063 fur and getting a drink. 1064

    1065 One coyote yawped from a nearby hill that was covered in darkness. The howl 1066

    resounded across the valley and both kitties felt a tremor. Two more coyotes whipped 1067 up some scuttle and circled back up the hill. Three more were now onboard as the 1068

    symphony began to sound like it did before, and then it, too, faded as silence 1069 ascended over the mountains. 1070

    1071 In the morning, the two kitties went outside to play while the man cleaned the house. 1072

    Thunders leg healed and the pair was ready for more adventures in no time. There 1073 was a new kindness between them, one that made the two more aware and careful of 1074

    all the beings in the forest. 1075 1076

    The pair was always planning creative ventures. They liked to wangle listeners to 1077 warble with them past the pond and down to the river where the casts and themes in 1078

    the scene were in constant motion. The actors were always changing roles. 1079 1080

    Thunder and Avalanche learned to be kind in the forest around their home. When they 1081 went down to the river, they learned it was best to practice being grateful and respect 1082

    life. Only after they learned this lesson did the laws of nature forge from these two 1083 souls one whole. 1084

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