2015 bulgarian national english spelling bee …...2015 bulgarian national english spelling bee...

2015 Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee Regional Level Study Words 1 abbreviate съкращавам You should not abbreviate in formal writing. 2 abhor ненавиждам I abhor people who are dishonest. 3 absence отсъствие We did not receive any news during his long absence. 4 absolute абсолютен She wanted absolute silence from the class. 5 accent акцент He pronounced words with a different accent. 6 access достъп A key is needed for access to the house. 7 accident произшествие Luckily, nobody was injured in the car accident. 8 accomplice съучастник The thief must have had an accomplice. 9 accuse обвинявам Do not accuse him unless he is to blame. 10 achieve постигам You can achieve your dreams if you work hard. 11 acknowledgement признание The award is an acknowledgement for his work. 12 acquaintance познат An acquaintance from London is going to visit me. 13 act действам If we want to save the planet we have to act now. 14 add добавям Shall I add your name to the list? 15 admire възхищавам се I admire and respect my older brother. 16 advantage предимство An advantage of travel is seeing a new place. 17 advocate застъпник He is an advocate for human rights. 18 affable любезен The receptionist was very affable and courteous. 19 affect повлиявам Your opinion will not affect my decision. 20 afford позволявам си I can't afford to buy a bike on my budget. 21 afford позволявам си I cannot afford to buy these shoes. 22 against против Are you for or against school uniforms? 23 age възраст She needs more friends of her own age. 24 air въздух Let's go out for some fresh air. 25 album албум I filled my photo album with many pictures. 26 align подравнявам I will align the crooked picture on the wall. 27 alive жив We don't know whether he's alive or dead. 28 all всички I invited my five sisters but not all of them can come. 29 alliance съюз Seven more countries have been invited to join the alliance. 30 ambulance линейка He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. 31 amethyst аметист The amethyst is a purple semi-precious stone. 32 amiable мил His gesture was very amiable. 33 ancient античен The ancient letter is ten centuries old. 34 angry сърдит She is angry at me for breaking her toy. 35 animation анимация Cartoon animation brings the drawing to life. 36 anonymous анонимен You can leave an anonymous comment about the service. 37 ant мравка A tiny black ant crawled on the picnic table. 38 appeal молба The appeal for help was heartbreaking. 39 apprehensive загрижен I was apprehensive about my daughter traveling alone.

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Page 1: 2015 Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee …...2015 Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee Regional Level Study Words 1 abbreviate съкращавам You should not abbreviate

2015 Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee

Regional Level Study Words

1 abbreviate съкращавам You should not abbreviate in formal writing.

2 abhor ненавиждам I abhor people who are dishonest.

3 absence отсъствие We did not receive any news during his long absence.

4 absolute абсолютен She wanted absolute silence from the class.

5 accent акцент He pronounced words with a different accent.

6 access достъп A key is needed for access to the house.

7 accident произшествие Luckily, nobody was injured in the car accident.

8 accomplice съучастник The thief must have had an accomplice.

9 accuse обвинявам Do not accuse him unless he is to blame.

10 achieve постигам You can achieve your dreams if you work hard.

11 acknowledgement признание The award is an acknowledgement for his work.

12 acquaintance познат An acquaintance from London is going to visit me.

13 act действам If we want to save the planet we have to act now.

14 add добавям Shall I add your name to the list?

15 admire възхищавам се I admire and respect my older brother.

16 advantage предимство An advantage of travel is seeing a new place.

17 advocate застъпник He is an advocate for human rights.

18 affable любезен The receptionist was very affable and courteous.

19 affect повлиявам Your opinion will not affect my decision.

20 afford позволявам си I can't afford to buy a bike on my budget.

21 afford позволявам си I cannot afford to buy these shoes.

22 against против Are you for or against school uniforms?

23 age възраст She needs more friends of her own age.

24 air въздух Let's go out for some fresh air.

25 album албум I filled my photo album with many pictures.

26 align подравнявам I will align the crooked picture on the wall.

27 alive жив We don't know whether he's alive or dead.

28 all всички I invited my five sisters but not all of them can come.

29 alliance съюз Seven more countries have been invited to join the


30 ambulance линейка He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

31 amethyst аметист The amethyst is a purple semi-precious stone.

32 amiable мил His gesture was very amiable.

33 ancient античен The ancient letter is ten centuries old.

34 angry сърдит She is angry at me for breaking her toy.

35 animation анимация Cartoon animation brings the drawing to life.

36 anonymous анонимен You can leave an anonymous comment about the


37 ant мравка A tiny black ant crawled on the picnic table.

38 appeal молба The appeal for help was heartbreaking.

39 apprehensive загрижен I was apprehensive about my daughter traveling


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40 approval одобрение I cannot come to the party without my parents'


41 arch арка The doorway is shaped into a rounded arch.

42 arm ръка He escaped with only a broken arm.

43 asleep заспал When his wife came home, he was already asleep.

44 assistant асистент He hired a personal assistant to help him.

45 astounding поразителен Her beauty is astounding.

46 athlete спортист Dimitar Berbatov is a famous athlete.

47 attach прилагам You have to attach a copy of the form and your photo.

48 aunt леля Aunt Mary, my mother's sister, came to visit us.

49 auspicious благоприятен It was an auspicious date for a wedding.

50 author автор The author of that book is a famous journalist.

51 away далеч Stay away from the hot stove.

52 bag чанта She opened her bag and took out her purse.

53 bagpipe гайда Can you play the bagpipe?

54 bakery пекарна This bakery makes the best bread in town.

55 balance равновесие Athletes need a good sense of balance.

56 balcony балкон You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room.

57 balloon балон The lost balloon floated across the sky.

58 bang хлопвам Don't bang the door when you go out!

59 bare бос She likes to walk around in bare feet.

60 bark лая Dogs bark when they are upset or excited.

61 basil босилек Sweet basil is an herb in the mint family.

62 bathroom баня We put a new sink and toilet in our bathroom.

63 beam лъч A beam of light was entering the room.

64 bear мечка The bear is a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws.

65 beauty красота A rose is a symbol of beauty and love.

66 beg прося We managed to beg a meal from the café owner.

67 below под Please do not write below this line.

68 bend извивам You can bend a wire into the shape of a circle.

69 benevolent великодушен He is such a benevolent person and always wants to

do the right thing.

70 berry дребен плод I picked a red, ripe berry for the jam.

71 bite хапя An angry dog can bite with its sharp teeth.

72 bitter горчив The dark chocolate was bitter without sugar.

73 bizarre нелеп The whole situation was bizarre.

74 boil варя She put some potatoes on to boil.

75 boisterous буен My brother was very boisterous when he was a


76 boost увеличавам Getting that job did a lot to boost his confidence.

77 boundary граница The fence marks the boundary between my property

and hers.

78 brain мозък Our soft brain is encased in a hard skull.

79 bridge мост Cars use a bridge to cross over the river.

80 bright ярък I like bright colors.

81 brittle крехък Crisp autumn leaves are fragile and brittle.

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82 broom метла Use this broom to sweep the floor.

83 browse разглеждам I will casually browse in the book store.

84 bug буболечка There is a bug crawling on me!

85 building сграда The office building was constructed last year.

86 bulb ел. крушка The light bulb in the lamp was very bright.

87 butter масло I prefer butter instead of margarine.

88 button копче He unfastened the top button of his shirt.

89 bye довиждане He will say "bye" when he leaves.

90 cable кабел A cable connects a printer to my computer.

91 call обаждам се Please call me on the phone.

92 camel камила I rode a camel in the desert.

93 campaign кампания We led a campaign to stop air pollution.

94 canary канарче The small yellow canary sang in its cage.

95 candidate кандидат He is a candidate in the election for mayor.

96 capable способен She's a very capable teacher.

97 capital столица Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.

98 castle замък The large stone castle is home to the king.

99 casual случаен The exhibition is interesting even to the casual visitor.

100 casual неофициален We can wear casual clothes at school.

101 cataclysm катаклизъм The cataclysm caused a lot of damage.

102 catch хващам I throw the ball and you catch it.

103 cautious предпазлив He was cautious when he was walking on the thin ice.

104 celery целина Eating celery is really healthy.

105 cell килия The prisoners escaped from the cell.

106 ceremony церемония The awards ceremony will take place in the big hall.

107 chair стол He sat in the chair.

108 chaos хаос The house was in chaos after the party.

109 characteristic характерен She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.

110 charity благотворителност Most of the runners in the marathon are raising money for charity.

111 check отбелязвам Check the box next to the right answer.

112 cheese сирене I put a slice of cheese on top of my sandwich.

113 cheetah гепард The spotted cheetah is the fastest cat.

114 cherish ценя You have to cherish the people who love you.

115 chess шахмат He is the school champion in chess.

116 chill охлаждам He put water in the refrigerator to chill.

117 china порцелан The cups are made of china.

118 chocolate шоколад Chocolate is the main ingredient in brownies.

119 choke задавям се Chew your food very well so you don't choke.

120 circumstance обстоятелство We did not foresee this circumstance.

121 city град Los Angeles is California's largest city.

122 clay глина The pots are made of clay.

123 clever умен The clever boy finished the puzzle quickly.

124 climb катеря се The boy had to climb over the fence.

125 clover детелина А four-leaf clover brings good luck.

126 coast крайбрежие The Black Sea coast is very beautiful.

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127 coin монета I put a coin in my piggy bank.

128 collar яка I turned up my collar against the wind.

129 colloquial разговорен This phrase is only used in colloquial language.

130 comb реша Don't forget to comb your hair!

131 comely миловиден The little girl looked very comely in her white dress.

132 compare сравнявам It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.

133 compare сравнявам Before you buy a new phone, you should compare

all the models.

134 compass компас The needle on a compass always points north.

135 compelling завладяващ This story is so compelling that I cannot stop


136 competitive състезателен He has a competitive nature and likes to win.

137 complacent самодоволен Her complacent attitude drives me crazy.

138 comply съобразявам се They refused to comply with the UN resolution.

139 compose съчинявам She was asked to compose the letter.

140 composition съчинение I wrote a literary composition about my trip.

141 concealed скрит The camera was concealed in the rim of his glasses.

142 conceive разбирам The students could not conceive what the teacher

was talking about.

143 concern грижа My concern is for the health of my children.

144 condescending снизходителен I do not like it when people talk to me in a

condescending tone.

145 confess признавам си I confess (that) I know nothing about computers.

146 confine затварям My dog is not happy when I confine him in the


147 conqueror завоевател Napoleon was a great conqueror.

148 contaminate замърсявам We should not contaminate our planet.

149 contract договор The two companies signed a contract.

150 conversation разговор I had a long conversation with her the other day.

151 costume костюм She dressed in a cat costume for the play.

152 couple двойка A young couple from Argentina won world tango competition.

153 courage смелост I am jealous of his courage and strength.

154 coziness/ cosiness уют I like the coziness of my home.

155 crew екипаж None of the passengers and crew were injured.

156 currency валута What is the currency in Tanzania?

157 cycle цикъл The life cycle of a tree begins with a seed.

158 cycling колоездене Cycling is a great way to travel around the city.

159 dark тъмен My room is dark at night with the lights off.

160 dazed смаян When she saw him, she was dazed and confused.

161 deaf глух A deaf person cannot hear any sound.

162 debate дискусия The presidential candidates will have a debate


163 deceive мамя Please tell the truth and do not deceive me

164 deep дълбок You cannot see the bottom of a deep well.

165 deliberation обмисляне After some deliberation, they decided to buy the


166 delicate деликатен Babies have very delicate skin.

167 delight наслада Icy lemonade is a delight on a hot day!

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168 delightful възхитителен My friend's surprise for my birthday was delightful.

169 delirious замаян He was delirious after the fall.

170 demeanor/ demeanour

поведение Her elegant demeanor is worthy of admiration.

171 dentist зъболекар The dentist takes care of people's teeth.

172 depict изобразявам The photos depict a happy family.

173 desert пустиня A cactus can grow in the hot and dry desert

174 devious непочтен He got rich by devious means.

175 dexterous/ dextrous сръчен As people grow older they generally become less


176 diamond диамант She wore a ring with a diamond in it.

177 dinner вечеря I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

178 direction посока The wind changed direction, from west to east.

179 disappoint разочаровам They are so reliable, they never disappoint.

180 discover откривам The explorer will discover an unknown land.

181 discrepancy несъответствие There was a discrepancy in the bank's records.

182 discuss обсъждам We will discuss our opinions about the book.

183 dishonest нечестен He was dishonest with me and did not tell me the


184 distortion изопачаване This is a distortion of the facts.

185 dome купол You can see the dome of the cathedral from the top of the hill.

186 dot точка The island is a small green dot on the map.

187 double двоен The double hamburger has twice the meat.

188 drawback недостатък The drawback of this laptop is the design.

189 drawer чекмедже The top drawer is full of sweaters.

190 dream сънувам People begin to dream an hour into sleep.

191 drum барабан Play the drum by pounding a rhythm on it.

192 durable траен The strong, well-made chair is durable.

193 dust прах She is allergic to house dust.

194 duty задължение The duty of the police is to protect and serve.

195 eager нетърпелив I'm eager to read my exciting new book.

196 eat ям It is important to eat healthy food.

197 eclipse затъмнение When is the next solar eclipse?

198 edge ръб He stood on the edge of the cliff.

199 education образование A good education will help me get a good job.

200 elbow лакът I can bend my arm at the wrist and elbow.

201 eloquent красноречив She is an eloquent speaker.

202 embarrassed смутен He felt embarrassed at being the center of attention.

203 emperor император An emperor is the ruler of an empire.

204 energy енергия I eat and rest well to have energy for sports.

205 engine двигател My car has a diesel engine.

206 enter влизам I will enter the room through the door.

207 enticing примамлив An enticing smell came from the kitchen.

208 equal равен One plus one is equal to two.

209 erase изтривам If you write with a pencil, you can easily erase any


210 even четен 4, 6, 8, 10 are all even numbers.

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211 exam изпит We were given an exam to test our knowledge.

212 expand разширявам се Metals expand when they are heated.

213 expectancy очакване There was an air of expectancy among the waiting


214 expel изключвам We will expel all students who misbehave.

215 expensive скъп The expensive dress costs too much money.

216 expunge зачерквам Did you expunge the wrong information?

217 exquisite изтънчен Her necklace is very exquisite.

218 exterminate унищожавам You need to buy pest control to exterminate the


219 extremely изключително Their new CD is selling extremely well.

220 exude излъчвам Their faces exude happiness.

221 fable басня A fable is a story that teaches about morals.

222 fabulous чудесен Jana is a fabulous cook.

223 face лице She always has a smile on her face.

224 fade избледнявам When colors fade, they become less bright.

225 fake фалшив It was clear the ring was a fake and had no value.

226 farm ферма My grandmother grows corn on her farm.

227 feasible осъществим You have to set feasible goals.

228 feel чувствам I feel proud when I get good grades.

229 festival фестивал We had fun at the annual harvest festival.

230 fever треска He is sick and has a high fever.

231 fidget шавам Stay still and don't fidget!

232 fight бия се The soldiers are trained to fight.

233 fine добре Things were going fine until you showed up.

234 finger пръст I wear a ring on my index finger.

235 finish завършвам She will finish school next year.

236 firefly светулка Have you ever seen a firefly?

237 fisherman рибар The fisherman caught a big fish.

238 fizzy газиран My mother never buys me fizzy drinks.

239 flamboyant претрупан This dress is too flamboyant for my taste.

240 float нося се Clouds float in the air.

241 flood наводнение The flood filled the whole town with water.

242 fluid течност Water and milk are both types of fluid.

243 flute флейта The player holds the flute sideways and blows across a hole at one end.

244 foreign чуждестранен Speaking a foreign language will help you find new friends.

245 forward напред He took two steps forward.

246 fraud измамник The person who called me earlier was a fraud.

247 freeze замразявам Water turns to ice when you freeze it.

248 frivolous несериозен Sometimes she can be very frivolous when she

makes decisions.

249 fuel гориво We have to find a gas station because we are out of


250 fun забавен This game looks fun!

251 fur козина I bathe my dog to wash his fur and skin.

252 furious бесен I was furious at the way we’d been treated.

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253 future бъдеще What will the cities of the future look like?

254 gain спечелвам You can gain new friends by being kind.

255 galaxy галактика A galaxy is made up of billions of stars.

256 gap пролука Leave a gap between your car and the next.

257 gentleman джентълмен Thank you — you're a real gentleman.

258 gesture жест They communicated entirely by gesture.

259 gesture жест Whistling can be considered an offensive gesture.

260 girl момиче She is the youngest girl in class.

261 glass стъкло The front door is made of glass.

262 glide плъзгам се Skates help you glide smoothly along the ice.

263 globe глобус We examine earth on a round, spinning globe.

264 glory слава She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.

265 gorgeous великолепен The rose was beyond pretty; it was gorgeous!

266 gracious мил She is an old, gracious lady.

267 grant отпускам (пари) The sponsors will grant us money for the competition.

268 grate рендосвам Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the tomatoes.

269 grateful благодарен I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.

270 green зелен To cross the road you have to wait for the light to turn green.

271 growth растеж The country is experiencing a period of high growth.

272 guarantee гаранция He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen


273 guest гост Our special guest tonight is Maria Ilieva.

274 hail градушка We drove through hail and snow.

275 half половина The second half of the book is more exciting.

276 ham шунка Put a slice of ham on top and toast it.

277 hammer чук I used a hammer to hit the nail.

278 handsome красив He is as handsome as his wife is beautiful.

279 hanger закачалка He put his coat on a hanger and hung it up.

280 hardly едва I could hardly hear the quiet speaker.

281 harp арфа The upright, stringed harp is a large instrument.

282 hatch излюпвам се The chick will hatch from the egg.

283 haughty надменен Rich people are sometimes very haughty.

284 haul дърпам They had to use ropes to haul him out of the water.

285 hawk ястреб A hawk, like an eagle, is a large bird of prey.

286 headline заглавие What is the headline of your article?

287 heavy тежък The box of books was too heavy to lift.

288 hero герой The hero was given an award for bravery.

289 hiccup хълцам I started to hiccup during the interview.

290 holiday празник Halloween is my favorite holiday.

291 honest честен An honest person always tells the truth.

292 hoof копито The cow stepped on a plant with its hoof.

293 horn рог A rhino has a bony horn on its nose.

294 horrify ужасявам My Halloween costume will horrify you.

295 humble скромен Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.

296 humiliated унизен I have never felt more humiliated in my whole life.

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297 humpback гърбица The camel has a humpback.

298 hungry гладен I eat when hungry and drink when thirsty.

299 iceberg айсберг The ship struck a hidden iceberg.

300 ideal идеален This beach is ideal for children.

301 ignore пренебрегвам It is rude to turn your back and ignore me!

302 imagine представям си I can imagine a tropical beach in my mind.

303 immerse потапям Immerse the plant for a few minutes.

304 immovable недвижим A house is an example of immovable property.

305 impatient нетърпелив An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.

306 impose налагам The government has to impose a ban on the sale of


307 impossible невъзможно It's impossible for me to be there before eight.

308 impress впечатлявам The Grand Canyon never fails to impress.

309 improve подобрявам Your grades will improve if you study more.

310 indefinitely неограничено You can stay here indefinitely.

311 independent независим Bulgaria became independent in 1908.

312 indigenous местен The indigenous population is trying to preserve its


313 inevitable неизбежен We had no other choice, it was inevitable.

314 infiltrate прониквам The spy could not infiltrate in the system.

315 injury травма Two players are out of the team because of injury.

316 innocent невинен The judge concluded that the woman was innocent.

317 insane луд Everybody thought that the old man was insane.

318 insincere неискрен I had a feeling that he was being insincere.

319 insipid безвкусен The soup tasted bland and insipid.

320 insomnia безсъние She suffers from insomnia and cannot sleep well.

321 inspiration вдъхновение I find creative inspiration in nature.

322 insufficient недостатъчен The money we have is insufficient to pay the bills.

323 interest интерес He shows interest in history.

324 invade завладявам When did Germany invade Poland?

325 irrelevant неуместен Your comment is irrelevant to the conversation.

326 island остров An island is land surrounded by water.

327 jar буркан I keep the strawberry jam in a jar.

328 jeopardize рискувам If you fail your exam, you will jeopardize your

chances of going to university.

329 journey пътуване I made my journey across the sea in a boat.

330 judge съдия The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.

331 judicious благоразумен Even though he is young, he is judicious and


332 jungle джунгла Monkeys and parrots live in the jungle.

333 key ключ This key will open the lock on that door.

334 kick ритам Can we kick the ball around for a while?

335 kindness доброта He showed his kindness by sharing his lunch.

336 knead меся Knead the dough into a ball.

337 knot възел Connect the ropes by tying a large knot.

338 know знам Do you know who Napoleon was?

339 laboratory лаборатория They work in a pharmaceutical laboratory.

340 labyrinth лабиринт He got lost in the labyrinth of small streets.

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341 lamb агне A sheep just gave birth to a tiny lamb.

342 lantern фенер Make a wish and let the lantern go.

343 late късен The late show ends well after midnight.

344 laugh смея се I laugh if I am happy or something is funny.

345 layer слой A thin layer of dust covered everything.

346 lazy мързелив I was feeling too lazy to go out.

347 legend легенда The story tells the legend of the brave king.

348 length дължина The river is 30 km in length.

349 lesson урок The new lesson is about future tense.

350 listen слушам Listen to the conversation and answer the questions that follow.

351 liver черен дроб The liver is a large organ in the body that cleans the blood.

352 location местоположение What is the exact location of the ship?

353 locker шкафче The student kept his books in the locker.

354 loyal верен A friend is always loyal.

355 magazine списание A magazine has articles and pictures inside.

356 mail поща The postman brings the mail every day.

357 mammal бозайник A mammal gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk.

358 marathon маратон The marathon is a forty-two kilometer footrace.

359 market пазар Buy your food and supplies at the market.

360 massage масаж Massage will help the pain.

361 mechanical механичен Don't copy the words in a mechanical manner.

362 medicine лекарство Patients feel better after taking medicine.

363 mediocre посредствен They have replaced a great leader with a mediocre


364 mend поправям Could you mend my bike for me?

365 mention споменавам Did you mention our idea to the teacher?

366 meticulous точен He is always meticulous and on time.

367 microscope микроскоп Use a microscope to see the tiny cell enlarged.

368 mighty могъщ Elephants bend trees with their mighty trunks.

369 million милион One thousand thousands is one million.

370 minimize/ minimise свеждам до минимум Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.

371 mint ментов My toothpaste has a fresh mint flavor.

372 mirror огледало You can see your reflection in the mirror.

373 modest скромен He is very modest, even though he is so successful.

374 moist влажен Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist.

375 monster чудовище The scary monster was ugly and mean.

376 mosquito комар A mosquito is a flying insect that bites humans and animals.

377 motivate мотивирам They inspire and motivate me to work hard.

378 move движа се Don't move—stay perfectly still.

379 mundane обикновен He had no interest in such mundane details.

380 museum музей We saw an exhibition at the museum.

381 muzzle намордник The dog was wearing a muzzle.

382 myriad безброй There is a myriad of restaurants to choose from in

the center.

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383 myth мит Unicorns are a myth and they are not real.

384 national национален We participate in the Bulgarian National Spelling Bee.

385 nature природа We camp in the woods to spend time in nature.

386 navy военна флота My uncle is an officer in the navy.

387 near близо до I sit near the TV so I can see well.

388 neglect пренебрегвам Don't neglect your health.

389 negligence небрежност You make mistakes because of negligence.

390 negotiate преговарям The government will not negotiate with terrorists.

391 neighbor/ neighbour

съсед A new neighbor moved in next door.

392 nestle гушвам She likes to nestle the baby in her arms.

393 never никога You should never cross the road without looking.

394 night нощ Did you hear the storm last night?

395 noble благороден He died for a noble cause.

396 nominate номинирам I will nominate you as our candidate.

397 nose нос I cannot smell very well with a stuffy nose.

398 novice начинаещ I am a novice guitar player.

399 number номер What's the number of your car?

400 object възразявам If you don't object, we'll postpone the meeting till next week.

401 oblique прикрит There is an oblique meaning of what he is saying.

402 obnoxious неприятен He is very rude and obnoxious.

403 obscure неясен The meaning of the word was obscure.

404 observant наблюдателен Journalists are trained to be observant.

405 obtain придобивам I will go to school to obtain a diploma.

406 occasion събитие The award ceremony is a very special occasion.

407 occupation професия Please state your name, age and occupation below.

408 occupy населявам They occupy the house next door.

409 ocean океан An ocean is a very large body of salt water.

410 odd нечетен 1, 3, 5 and 7 are odd numbers.

411 odorous ароматен She bought a set of odorous candles.

412 official официален He made an official visit to Brussels in March.

413 officious досаден One of my classmates is very officious and always

asks me personal questions.

414 often често How often do you go to the theatre?

415 old стар We had more room in our old house.

416 olive маслина An olive is a small oval green or black fruit.

417 ominous зловещ The darkness was ominous.

418 omit пропускам Lemonade is sour if you omit the sugar.

419 oppose противопоставям се I oppose the use of violence.

420 oppressive тираничен The Ottoman rule in Bulgaria was very oppressive.

421 optimistic оптимистичен An optimistic man is hopeful about the future.

422 orange оранжев Mix red and yellow to make the color orange.

423 orchestra оркестър She plays the flute in the school orchestra.

424 order ред Put the names in alphabetical order.

425 outdated остарял The information you have is outdated.

426 overcome преодолявам We will overcome that difficulty when we get to it.

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427 overwhelm завладявам The movie will overwhelm you. It is very powerful.

428 ox бивол A strong ox pulled the plow through the soil.

429 pale блед Are you feeling all right? You look rather pale.

430 palm длан I held the ball in the palm of my hand.

431 pancake палачинка A pancake with strawberry jam is my favorite.

432 panda панда The black and white panda ate bamboo.

433 parachute парашут The skydiver opened his colorful parachute.

434 paradigm образец You should follow the paradigm as an example.

435 parcel колет The large parcel won't fit in our mailbox.

436 parent родител Either parent can attend the meeting with their child.

437 pastime занимания в свободното време

Photography is her favorite pastime.

438 payment плащане The bank accepts payment by cash or check only.

439 peaceful спокоен I prefer peaceful and relaxed holidays.

440 peach праскова A peach is a round fruit with soft red and yellow skin.

441 pebble речен камък A pebble is a smooth, round stone that is found in or near water.

442 peculiar странен The movie was peculiar, but I like it.

443 peel обелвам Would you peel me an orange?

444 penalize наказвам You ran away from home, so now I have to penalize


445 penguin пингвин A penguin is a bird that swims but cannot fly.

446 pensive замислен She sat with a pensive expression on her face.

447 perpetually постоянно The rays stream perpetually from the sun.

448 perplexity недоумение He was confused and looked at me with perplexity.

449 perspective гледна точка From my perspective, I see it differently.

450 petty незначителен I only made petty mistakes on my exam.

451 pick бера We will pick the apples from the tree.

452 picture картина The child drew a picture of her dog.

453 piece парче Please save me a piece of cake.

454 pillar колона There was a marble pillar in the middle of the hall.

455 pilot пилот A pilot is a person who flies a plane.

456 pinch щипя Pinch it tightly with your thumb and finger.

457 plan план My plan for tonight is to watch a movie.

458 plate чиния Mom put some salad on my dinner plate.

459 player играч He is the best player of the championship.

460 please моля Please help me with the dishes.

461 pleasure удоволствие In the evenings she likes to read for pleasure.

462 plot сюжет The book's plot had a surprising end.

463 plural множествено число The plural of ‘child’ is ‘children’.

464 poet поет The poet wrote a new poem.

465 poison отрова Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.

466 polite учтив She is always polite and never rude.

467 ponderous тромав He had a dense, ponderous writing style.

468 poppy мак A poppy is a plant with bright red flowers.

469 portrait портрет An artist painted the child's portrait.

470 positive положителен The report ended on a positive note.

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471 postcard картичка Send us a postcard from Venice!

472 pot гърне I cooked the beans in a pot.

473 praise хваля I will praise her for the great job she did.

474 precious ценен You're wasting precious time!

475 predecessor предшественик The telegraph was the predecessor of the telephone.

476 preferential привилегирован Some of the candidates were given preferential


477 preserve запазвам It is important to preserve endangered animals from extinction.

478 pretty хубав You look so pretty in that dress!

479 prevail надделявам Justice will prevail over tyranny.

480 prevalent преобладаващ This is the prevalent opinion among the people.

481 privilege привилегия Education should be a universal right and not a


482 probe изучавам The scientists probe different chemical reactions.

483 problem проблем I asked my dad to help me solve my problem.

484 procrastinate отлагам It is not a good idea to procrastinate doing your


485 professor професор The professor teaches art at the university.

486 profound задълбочен His later articles were a little more profound.

487 prominent виден Angela Merkel is a prominent politician.

488 proximity близост The hotel is in close proximity to an airport.

489 psychology психология He studied psychology at university.

490 pull дърпам Pull the object to you, then push it away.

491 pumpkin тиква We will carve a pumpkin for Halloween.

492 punch удрям с юмрук Boxers punch heavy bags with their gloved fists.

493 purpose цел Our main purpose is to help.

494 pursue преследвам You should pursue your goals.

495 put слагам Did you put sugar in my coffee?

496 pyramid пирамида We visited the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

497 quantity количество Quality is more important than quantity.

498 quarter квартал She lives in the Latin quarter of Paris.

499 quiet тих Be quiet during the test and do not talk.

500 quote цитирам He likes to quote Shakespeare.

501 rabbit заек A long-eared rabbit hops and eats carrots.

502 race състезание I won the race because I was the fastest.

503 raise вдигам Raise your hand if you know the answer.

504 rare рядко It is rare for her to arrive late.

505 react реагирам You never know how he is going to react.

506 ready готов He is always ready to help his friends.

507 reason причина I'd like to know the reason why you're so late.

508 recall припомням си I can't recall his name.

509 recapitulate резюмирам Can you recapitulate the last chapter of the book?

510 recognize/ recognise

разпознавам Do you recognize this tune?

511 reconsideration преценка After careful reconsideration we decided to change

the schedule.

512 rectify поправям You have to rectify your behavior if you don't want to

be expelled.

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513 recycle преработвам Recycle paper, save trees!

514 red червен Strawberries are red.

515 reduction отстъпка The store offered a price reduction for clothes from

last year's collection.

516 referee съдия He was sent off the field for arguing with the referee.

517 regular редовен There is a regular bus service to the airport.

518 relative роднина She is my distant relative.

519 relax успокоявам се I will only relax when I know you are safe.

520 relevant подходящ Do you have the relevant experience?

521 relocate премествам се The firm may be forced to relocate from Sofia to Plovdiv.

522 remind напомням Can someone remind me what I should do next?

523 remuneration възнаграждение Are you satisfied with the remuneration?

524 renovation ремонт The castle is closed for renovation.

525 report отчет Can you give us a progress report?

526 represent изобразявам The paintings represent the artist's search for


527 resilient издръжлив If you want to climb Everest, you have to be very


528 resource ресурс Time is your most valuable resource.

529 respect уважавам I respect Jack's opinion on this subject.

530 return връщам се We will go home and return to work tomorrow.

531 reveal разкривам The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.

532 revenge отмъщение He swore to take revenge on his enemies.

533 rhetorical риторичен Do not ask me rhetorical questions!

534 rhyme рима A poem should be written in rhyme.

535 rice ориз Many international dishes include rice.

536 riddle гатанка The answer to the riddle made us laugh.

537 ridiculous абсурден This story is ridiculous.

538 ripe узрял Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.

539 risk опасност There is a risk that we will be in danger.

540 river река Can we swim in the river?

540 road път Cars travel on the road.

541 roar ръмжа Lions and tigers roar when they are angry.

542 robot робот A robot does tasks safely.

543 rocket ракета A rocket is a tall round vehicle that flies into space.

544 root корен I tripped over the tree's large root.

545 rotten изгнил The smell of rotten vegetables was everywhere.

546 ruler линия Use the ruler to draw a line.

547 rumor/ rumour слух I heard a rumor that they are getting married.

549 rust ръжда The pipes were covered with rust.

550 sacrifice жертвоприношение They killed the goat as a sacrifice to the gods.

551 sad тъжен I often cry when I feel sad.

552 sailor моряк A sailor takes orders from the ship's captain.

553 salmon сьомга Pink salmon is my favorite fish to eat.

554 sauce сос I top my spaghetti with tomato sauce.

555 savage дивашки He has savage manners.

556 scale люспа Remove every scale from the fish before cooking.

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557 scar белег Will the operation leave a scar?

558 scent аромат Modern roses have no scent.

559 science наука Chemistry is a very difficult science.

560 score резултат The final score was 4:3.

561 scorpion скорпион A scorpion is a small creature with eight legs and а long tail.

562 scramble разбърквам I have to scramble the pieces before you start with

the puzzle.

563 season сезон Spring is my favorite season.

564 seat седалка The back seat of the car is wide enough for three people.

565 secretary секретар Call the secretary to make an appointment.

566 seek търся Treasure hunters seek far and wide for gold.

567 sentence изречение Put a question mark at the end of the sentence.

568 serious сериозен He is very serious and does not play around.

569 shark акула A great white shark has many sharp teeth.

570 shield щит The shield protects your body when you are fighting.

571 shoe обувка He took his left shoe off.

572 short къс He had short curly hair.

573 shoulder рамо She carried her bag on her right shoulder.

574 shout викам When you shout, I hear you loud and clear.

575 shrink свивам се Will this shirt shrink in the wash?

576 shy срамежлив He was too shy to speak to her.

577 sign знак Her smile was a sign that she felt better.

578 signature подпис She put her signature on the check.

579 significant значителен Your work has shown a significant improvement.

580 silver сребро I prefer jewelry made of silver.

581 size размер The size of a lion is much larger than a cat.

582 skin кожа I fell and scraped the skin off my knee.

583 skip пропускам Skip the first chapter and start on page 22.

584 sleep спя I couldn't sleep because of the noise.

585 sleeve ръкав I put my arm into the sleeve of my coat.

586 slice парче Put a slice of cheese on top of the sandwich.

587 slim слаб The clothes looked too big on the slim boy.

588 smile усмивка She had a happy smile on her face.

589 sneeze кихам You sneeze when you get a cold.

590 soak накисвам Leave the apricots to soak for 20 minutes.

591 solar слънчев Solar panels use the sun to create electricity.

592 somewhere някъде I've seen him somewhere before.

593 spacious просторен I want to buy a house with a spacious kitchen

because I love cooking.

594 sparkle блясък I was amazed by the sparkle and luxury of the hotel.

595 specific конкретен I gave you specific instructions.

596 spicy пикантен Indian food is very spicy.

597 spider паяк She stared in horror at the hairy, black spider.

598 splash плискам When we play in the pool we splash water at each other.

599 sponge гъба I bought a natural, sea sponge for my bubble baths.

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600 spontaneous спонтанен I like being spontaneous and to live in the moment.

601 spooky призрачен The old house seems scary and spooky.

602 spoon лъжица You need a spoon to eat soup.

603 staggering изумителен Their resemblance was staggering.

604 stain петно There is an ink stain on your shirt.

605 stewardess стюардеса The stewardess was very polite.

606 stick залепям I will stick the poster to the wall with tape.

607 stimulate поощрявам To stimulate learning, parents should encourage their children to read.

608 stranger непознат There was a complete stranger sitting at my desk.

609 stretch разтягам Raise your arms and stretch your body!

610 stubborn инат He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

611 study уча I used my math book to study for the test.

612 stunning зашеметяващо You look absolutely stunning!

613 substantial значителен We were able to see a substantial improvement.

614 subtle изтънчен I could sense the subtle smell of his perfume.

615 suddenly изведнъж It all happened so suddenly.

616 sun слънце The sun is highest in the sky at noon.

617 superficial повърхностен According to some people, beautiful people are


618 superiority превъзходство Apple products have obvious superiority over all

other laptops.

619 surveillance наблюдение He was arrested after being kept under constant


620 susceptible податлив Teenagers are more susceptible to manipulation.

621 sweep мета Use a broom to sweep the kitchen floor.

622 symbol символ A dove is a symbol that means peace.

623 tail опашка The fox has a long tail.

624 tasteless безвкусен The soup was tasteless.

625 tea чай Would you like tea or coffee?

626 tear сълза A tear rolled down his cheek.

627 tease дразня The other boys used to tease him because of his accent.

628 telescope телескоп We use a telescope to look at the stars.

629 tempting примамлив When I am on a diet, food looks so tempting.

630 tenacious упорит He is regarded as a persistent and tenacious


631 thick дебел The walls in old houses are thick.

632 thirsty жаден Salty food makes you thirsty.

633 thriving преуспяващ His new business is thriving.

634 thunder гръмотевица I saw lightning, then I heard thunder.

635 tiger тигър A tiger is a large, wild animal of the cat family.

636 tiny мъничък The baby was tiny and cute.

637 tire/ tyre гума (на автомобил) You have to pump up your left tire.

638 toast препечена филийка I usually eat a toast for breakfast.

639 together заедно We like working together rather than alone.

640 tour обиколка I took a guided tour to learn about the city.

641 tram трамвай Take the tram #12 and get off at the second stop.

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642 tranquil спокоен This area of the park is always very quiet and


643 translate превеждам I will translate his words into English.

644 trap капан The fox was caught in a trap.

645 treasure съкровище We found a buried treasure.

646 treatment отношение You deserve a better treatment from your boss.

647 trouble затруднение I am having trouble with this difficult test.

648 trunk хобот The long nose of an elephant is called a trunk.

649 tunnel тунел The tunnel goes under the river.

650 turmoil бъркотия I could not find my phone in the turmoil.

651 twelve дванадесет Six plus six equals twelve.

652 twice два пъти Laura visits her grandmother twice a week.

653 unbelievable невероятен We had an unbelievable time in Paris.

654 uncertain несигурен I was uncertain whether I knew the answer.

655 uncle чичо A brother of my father is my uncle.

656 underline подчертавам Underline all book titles in your essay.

657 universe вселена The universe includes all things in space.

658 unlawful незаконен Corruption is unlawful.

659 unleash отвързвам I sometimes unleash my dog to run freely in the park.

660 unpack разопаковам Unpack your luggage and put everything away.

661 upset разстроен I am sad and upset that my dog ran away.

662 usual обикновен He came home later than usual.

663 vacation ваканция I like to camp when I go on summer vacation.

664 value стойност This ring has great sentimental value for me.

665 vampire вампир

A vampire is a mythical creature who leaves his grave at night.

666 vegetable зеленчук Spinach is my favorite type of vegetable.

667 versatile всестранен He has many versatile talents.

668 vertical вертикален Draw a vertical line straight up and down.

669 vicious зъл The vicious storm left the town without power for


670 village село Only two hundred people live in the tiny village.

671 violate нарушавам Your act will violate the law.

672 visible видим The whole city is visible from the viewpoint.

673 voice глас She has a good singing voice.

674 volunteer доброволец I need a volunteer to help with the clean-up.

675 wander скитам Stray dogs wander about until they're caught.

676 warm топъл The warm fire heated the chilly room.

677 wary предпазлив My mother always told me to be wary of strangers.

678 waste губя Hurry up, don't waste your time.

679 weak отпаднал She is still weak after her illness.

680 wealthy богат One day I want to be famous and wealthy.

681 website уебстраница I shopped online at the company website.

682 weigh тежа How much do you weigh?

683 welcome добре дошли Welcome to the opening of our new gym!

684 white бял The fresh snow is pure white in color.

685 whole цял I ate the whole pizza by myself.

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686 widow вдовица A widow is a woman whose husband has died.

687 willow върба There is a beautiful willow near the lake.

688 wink намигам He will wink one eye at me to let me know he sees me.

689 wisdom мъдрост My grandfather has acquired much wisdom during his long life.

690 without без I cannot see without my glasses.

691 wool вълна This scarf is 100% wool.

692 worm червей A worm had eaten a small hole in my apple.

693 wrench изкълчване The fall caused my ankle a wrench and it hurts when

I walk.

694 yacht яхта The fancy yacht is the biggest boat there.

695 yard двор Our neighbor's yard is covered in grass.

696 yellow жълт Lemons are yellow and limes are green.

697 youth младеж The youth of today cannot live without technology.

698 zealous разпален He is a zealous football fan.

699 zone зона The Balkans are in an earthquake zone.

700 zoology зоология The study of animals is called zoology.