warning · 2015-05-05 · themselves. the last 15 – 20 years has brought us the atkins diet, the...


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Page 1: WARNING · 2015-05-05 · themselves. The last 15 – 20 years has brought us the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the Hollywood Diet, The Blood-Type Diet, the Soup Diet, the Low-Carb
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This program will change the way

you look at food!

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I have always had a strong interest in the anatomy and physiology of the human body. In more recent times I have developed an interest in the age old question “how do improve the health & well-being of the general public”. This interest has led me on a 25 year journey to discover the secret behind obtaining true health and optimal body weight. The obesity epidemic sweeping Australia, and indeed the world, has become completely unmanageable. There is so much conflicting evidence available that people are genuinely confused about how best to help themselves. The last 15 – 20 years has brought us the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the Hollywood Diet, The Blood-Type Diet, the Soup Diet, the Low-Carb Diet, the Protein Only Diet, the Caveman and Paleo diets and this is to name but a few. These diets then triggered the low fat, low calorie, low salt, low carbohydrate and low cholesterol phenomenon. What have all of these products of marketing genius achieved? Absolutely nothing! Have they ended the obesity epidemic sweeping the world? Absolutely not! We are continuing to see dramatic increases in obesity levels, particularly in children, throughout Australia and the world. This only confirms that in future we must look elsewhere to achieve healthy and permanent results. The drain on the health care system is sending the nation and the world broke. Society in general, is constantly on the lookout for a ‘magic pill’ or a ‘quick fix’ which as yet has not been found. We must change our daily exercise and nutritional habits if we truly wish to improve our health, well-being and maintain optimal bodyweight. The Living Lean program has been developed after witnessing a dramatic rise in disease and obesity levels in the community and the major impact this has on the lives of the general public. Also of interest is the strong correlation this has with diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

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The Living Lean program has taken many different forms over the years. After trialling countless recipes, concoctions and formulas, the program has evolved into the user-friendly product we see today. The program with its unique combination of supplements has been perfected over time to ensure a fool-proof way of achieving detox and weight loss goals. If you commit 100% to this program the rewards will be life-changing. Doctors, specialists, dieticians, naturopaths and herbalists from all over the world have all been consulted in establishing this program. The wealth of knowledge accumulated from each individual specialist has been collated and provides the backbone of this revolutionary program. The aim of the e-book is to provide a reference source to educate and motivate you on how to become the next Living Lean success story. I trust you will enjoy the read. Remember that if you can commit to the program you will achieve substantial rewards in very short periods of time. Good luck.

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Welcome to Living Lean – The World’s Fastest Way to Alkaline Your Body

Are you tired of counting carbohydrates, calories and fat? Have you tried every detox and diet known to man yet still struggle to lose weight? If so, Living Lean is the answer to all of your prayers. Congratulations on making the decision to further your knowledge on this ground-breaking program. Living Lean truly is a detox and weight loss revolution. It has been specifically designed to improve overall health and strip body weight (fat) at lightning speed, by improving the chemistry of your body. Before getting too excited however, it is important to note that the program requires a strong commitment. Although you will see immediate results in weight (fat) loss, an improvement in energy levels and skin health, the program has been designed to improve your internal health through the regeneration of blood cells. Your body may require multiple periods of regeneration to effectively improve your body chemistry and allow you to achieve your health, well-being and fat loss goals. This booklet is to be used to educate and motivate you in the methods and processes involved in ‘creating a new you’. Be sure to read and re-read this e-book as you progress through the program. It is to be used as a source of reference to consult when required. If you have any questions after completing the book please do not hesitate to contact me personally at [email protected]. Good luck. Stay committed and enjoy the clarity of mind whilst watching the weight disappear.

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Success Story

Craig (33 years old) “I have had trouble controlling my weight my entire life. I have found that most of the weight loss programs out there in the marketplace simply did not work, or if they did, results were slow to achieve and were only ever short-term. This led to constant frustration resulting in me becoming a classic yo-yo dieter. This was something I swore I would never allow myself to do. My physical fitness and health were a mess. I was sick and tired of moving from diet to diet trying to find the one that worked for me. In fact, I started to think that this did not exist. When I was carrying the weight I struggled to walk up stairs without getting out of breathe let alone compete on a sporting field (I had played AFL most of my life). My skin health and energy levels were poor and I constantly felt flat and tired. Weekends involved not much at all apart from re-charging my batteries to allow me to perform at work come Monday. I am disappointed to say that as a 33 year old I was allowing life to pass me by when I should have been in my prime and living life to the full. Living Lean changed all of this in a matter of days. In the first two weeks I lost an amazing 8.2 kilograms. That was more than I had achieved collectively undertaking all the other diets over 5 years. Forty-nine days later I had lost 21.1kgs. The most pleasing part is that it is continuing to fall off me, all by simply drinking the water and eating the ‘approved’ foods. My exercise routine did not change although exercise has become a lot easier. Having tried every other diet on the market, nothing comes close to the fast and effective results achieved on this program. This is cutting edge research and something you simply MUST do! I have never felt healthier or looked better.”

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Self Assessment

Before we move into the theory and reasoning behind the Living Lean program I would like you to answer a few questions and complete a few tasks for me. The reasons for doing so will become clear once completed. Please take the time to fill in the ‘blanks’.

Question 1. Are you truly committed to achieving a strong detox and/or

significant weight (fat) loss? If so give 3 reasons why?

“I am truly committed to achieving outstanding results”

Yes No (please circle)

Reason 1 _________________________________________________


Reason 2 _________________________________________________


Reason 3 _________________________________________________


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Question 2. How long has it taken you to accumulate your excess weight?

________________________ weeks / months /years

(please circle) Question 3. How much weight do you wish to lose on this program

(kgs)? _______ kgs

Multiply this number (your desired weight loss) by 5

_______ kgs x 5 = _______ days

This equation represents the total number of days it should take you to achieve your weight loss goal whilst on the Living Lean program. If you are truly committed, as identified in question 1 this goal will be achieved. I have seen it countless times before. Comparing this time frame to the time taken to accumulate the weight (as identified in question 2) you can see that the Living Lean program achieves results in never-before-seen timeframes. Now that I have your attention and provided incentive and motivation to commit, let me move on and show you how easy it is to achieve. It is vitally important to read the next few chapters explaining the philosophies behind this revolutionary program. Remember that ‘preparation guarantees success’ so be sure to take the time to read this e-book from cover to cover. You will be rewarded if you do.

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Background Information

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True Health = Healthy Blood Cells

The primary aim of the Living Lean program is to balance body chemistry. This is achieved through a focus on blood cells. The body is continually replacing blood cells with all cells being replaced in 12 week cycles. This process is like a snake shedding its skin. Out with the old and in with the new every 12 weeks. To further explain this point, refer to the examples below, showing both healthy and unhealthy blood cells. The reasoning behind the compromised health of the cells is outlined below. These live blood readings were taken from the same person 12 weeks apart. Example A

Week 1 Week 12

Unhealthy Healthy Week 1 = Protein Linkage (unhealthy) This condition is the first sign of cell sickness. Protein linkage is a sign that excessive protein is being consumed and/or that protein is not being digested completely. As the cells start sticking together, it becomes harder for the heart to push the blood through veins and arteries. Week 12 = Normal Red Blood Cell (RBCs) The circulatory system is the means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and

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functioning efficiently. Our blood looks this way when we are experiencing move through capillaries easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns

Example B

Week 1 Week 12

Unhealthy Healthy Week 1 = Rouleau (unhealthy) When the blood gets to this condition the amount of oxygen that can be transported is severely diminished. This condition is caused by high fat and a high protein diet which causes high acidity. Blood will look like this if you drink one can of soft drink and will stay that way for at least two hours. Because your cells are not getting oxygen you will feel tired, have poor digestion, and experience skin disorders. Week 12 = Normal Red Blood Cell (RBCs) Same as Example A. The circulatory system is the means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and functioning efficiently. Our blood looks this way when we are experiencing optimum health. The erythrocytes (cells) are round and separated and move through capillaries easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns

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We can see from these examples that change can occur very quickly. The Living Lean program gives you 100% piece of mind in knowing that rapid and significant weight loss does not compromise body health. It is for this reason that the program is suitable for people of all ages.

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The pH Scale – Your Guide To Rapid Weight Loss

To fully grasp the Living Lean philosophy you must comprehend and fully understand the pH scale. pH is a term that measures acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances (pH stands for 'potential of Hydrogen'). A pH value is represented on a scale that runs from 1 to 14, with 7 as the middle (neutral) point. The human body however has a neutral pH of 7.365. Values below 7 indicate acidity. Acidity levels increase as the number decreases with 1 being the most acidic. Values above 7 indicate alkalinity. Alkalinity levels increase as the number increases with 14 being the most alkaline. This scale, however, is not a linear scale like a centimetre or inch scale (in which two adjacent values have the same difference). It is a logarithmic scale in which two adjacent values increase or decrease by a factor of 10. For example, a pH of 3 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 4, and one hundred times more acidic than a pH of 5. Similarly, a pH of 9 is ten times more alkaline than a pH of 8, and one hundred times more alkaline than a pH of 7. The ph scale is seen below.

0 7.365 14

Acidic Neutral Alkaline

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The human body maintains correct pH of the blood (between 7.35 and 7.45)

at all times, via homeostasis. Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to

seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal

environment, even when faced with external changes.

This process however, is stressful for the body’s systems when in an acidic

environment is maintained. The body produces buffers (salts) that are

drawn from cells and bones in an effort to combat the acidic state. This

homeostasis process whist living an acidic lifestyle constantly places

pressure on the body to balance the pH of the blood and is therefore

creating never-ending stress on the internal workings of our body systems.

It is a different story within the cells however. Urine tests (as used by Living

Lean) show clearly the changes in alkalinity caused by diet and lifestyle.

The pH scale in relation to the cells, plays a very important role in achieving results on the Living Lean program. To ensure success you will be required to keep your body’s pH level (of the cells) above 7.365. Why? Doing this ensures that the body cells are in an alkaline state and not an acidic one, meaning the body is not being stressed to keep the blood alkalinity within the pre-set range (7.35-7.45), as outlined above. Testing your pH is as simple as visiting the bathroom. Urinating on litmus paper on your first visit to the bathroom each day will provide an accurate reading of your pH level. When conducting the test the litmus paper will change colour. Compare the colour of the wet paper to the scale found in the packaging. This will give you an accurate reading of your pH level. The Living Lean program requires you to check your pH on a daily basis. This will provide continual feedback on whether you are in a healthy, fat burning

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(alkaline) state or an unhealthy fat storing (acidic) state. Be sure to check your pH level prior to starting the program. Write the results down as a reference to look back on when you have achieved your detox and weight loss goal. Remember that your pH reading is your guide to achieving rapid weight loss.

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Why Excess Weight

Has Nothing To Do

With Fat!

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Contrary to popular belief, excess weight has nothing to do with fat! The major cause of weight gain and/or an inability to lose weight is due to moderate/high levels of acid found within the body. Therefore most popular nutritional options and diets are in fact extremely unhealthy. Allow me to explain. When we consume food, a chemical reaction occurs to break down and digest those foods. This reaction determines whether the food we consume is acidic (unhealthy) or alkaline (healthy). The human body is alkaline by design yet acidic by function. The acidic functionality of our lifestyle and diet sees our body unable to cope with this foreign functioning and is a major cause of weight gain and obesity. Occasionally, foods that are acidic outside the body become alkaline upon consumption. Good examples are lemon and lime. Both products are highly acidic outside the body however when consumed they actually have an alkaline effect. Generally speaking though, the higher the acid level of the food, the higher the amount of acid produced by the body. A high acid level within the human body does not only come from the food and drink we consume. It can also be accumulated through stress and environmental factors (pollution), exercise, recreational drugs and cigarettes. Acid produced by the body is just as toxic and dangerous as the acid you place into your swimming pool. Acid is extremely dangerous and must be treated with caution at all times to minimise the ill-effects on both our short and long term health.

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The Effects of Acid

Moderate to high levels of acid in the body can lead to:

1. Weight gain 2. Disease 3. Weight loss (occasionally)

Let’s investigate these three. The central focus of this investigation will be centered on weight gain, as this is our primary concern. We will only briefly investigate the effects of acid (pH) on disease and weight loss.

Weight Gain

Acids are eliminated by the body in one of three ways, either through the bowel, urinary track or skin. Putting it bluntly we either poo it out, wee it out or sweat it out. It is impossible for the body to excrete 100% of the acid that may be present particularly if we continue to consume a diet high in acidic foods and/or indulge in an acidic lifestyle. The initial response by the body when in an acidic state is to decrease the potency of the acid. The body buffers or neutralizes the acid to the best of its ability by producing salt. The salt used to combat this gets drawn from cells of tissues, bones and essential bodily organs. The loss of salt from the cells of tissues, bones and organs then leaves them open to disease. The breakdown of these cells acts as a marinade would when tenderizing meat. During cell breakdown the body goes into self-preservation mode and stores the acid inside fat cells. The body is continually preparing itself for another ‘hit’ of toxic acid. Further ‘hits’ of acid require further storage sites leading to an accumulation of fat cells.

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The only place the human body can store acid is inside a fat cell. The body acquires and/or retains fat cells to store this abundance of acid. Acid, when stored by the body, is illustrated in the diagram below:



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The following diagram represents a fat cell without acid


When comparing the two diagrams above note the change in overall size once the acid has been removed. Not only does the size decrease once acid is removed, so too does the weight and density of the fat cell. Putting it into layman’s terms, the more acidic we are, the more fat cells we require for acid storage. This leads to weight gain and makes it virtually impossible to lose significant amounts of weight. This also illustrates why other weight loss programs may not have worked for you in the past. If fat cells were not available for storage, the toxicity of the acid would burn through our vital organs and arteries and would eventually lead to most certain death. In the short term your fat cells are saving your life. They are in self-preservation mode by protecting organs and arteries from acid exposure. In the long term however, the abundance of fat cells accumulated and retained by the body significantly speeds the ageing process, can lead to

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major health problems and potentially cause premature death. So how do we know if we are acidic or not? Even without undertaking your pH urine test (as described earlier in this book) we can make some general assumptions as to your current pH and associated acid levels. Generally speaking if you consume or experience four or more of the following you will be acidic.

Simple carbohydrates i.e. bread, pasta & cereal


Caffeine (including tea)

Alcohol or recreational drugs


Soft Drink

Dairy products

Meat products

Processed or fast food



White foods


Exposed to heavy pollution

Little or no exercise

Consume little or no water You must remove these problematic foods and lifestyle habits immediately if you wish to avoid an accumulation of fat cells. If you take nothing else from this book remember the following point: Excess weight has nothing to do with fat! It is caused by a build up of acid.

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Over-acidification can also lead to disease. Acid, when first detected will see the body attempt to decrease its potency. The only way the body can do this is by drawing upon salt deposits contained within the body. As previously discussed, salt is obtained from healthy cells found in tissue, bones and organs. Once this salt has been released by the cells they themselves become exposed to disease. This is a factor in many of today’s common health issues including high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Research indicates that diseased cells can only exist in an acidic environment and goes on to suggest that at a pH of 5.5 (acidic), many common and well known diseases will thrive. Yet at a pH of 9.5 (alkaline), these same diseases will die. The diseased cells simply cannot withstand living in an alkaline environment. The diseased cells re-generate into healthy (alkaline) cells to cope with their changed surroundings. This is the reason fantastic detox results are achieved when on the Living Lean program and why you will experience a strong change in skin health, clarity of mind and energy levels.

Weight loss

Whilst not common, there are people who require an increase in body weight to improve the well-being and functionality of their body. We have all experienced the shock of seeing photos of those suffering from bulimia and anorexia. These are classic examples. It is clear that in these rare cases (although not as rare as you may think) the efficiency of the re-production of body cells is compromised due to the lack of nutrient dense nourishment being achieved.

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For this minority group, this is just as unhealthy and dangerous as the situation encountered by those at the other end of the scale requiring a reduction in bodyweight.

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Did you know….

“Botulism is a rare but potentially life-threatening bacterial illness. Clostridium Botulinum bacteria grows on food and produces toxins that, when ingested, cause paralysis. Botulism poisoning is extremely rare, but so dangerous that each case is considered a public health emergency. Studies have shown that there is a 35 to 65 percent chance of death for patients who are not treated immediately and effectively with botulism antitoxin”. It is an Australian Government regulation that food companies acidify their food products to stop botulism. Acidification of food extends the shelf life and improves its colour. Acidification of the human body compromises body chemistry which may lead to disease and weight gain. We are eradicating one disease and potentially causing another.

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The sole purpose of the Living Lean program is to assist the body’s

transformation from an acidic (unhealthy) state to one which is more

alkaline (healthy), and in doing so, ensure the body operates the way it was

designed. The Living Lean program attempts to maximise alkalinity by:

The consumption of high quality healthy fats

Having a strong focus on green vegetables

Drinking appropriate amounts of water

Ensuring correct supplementation for optimal body health and cell


Exercising consistently

Following the five step program (SCOWE) for optimal health, fitness

and wellbeing (to be discussed later in this booklet)

Benefits of increasing the body’s alkalinity include:

A reduction in the chances of contracting disease

Ensuring ideal body weight

Ensuring maximum muscle mass

Improved clarity of mind

Improved skin health

Improved hormonal balance

Improved energy levels

The more alkaline our body becomes the healthier we are, the more energy

we have and most importantly, the more weight we will lose Remember a

fat cell with no acid present looks like this:

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And not this:


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The change in size and weight of these fat cells is dramatic. When we remove the acid from our diet we eliminate substantial amounts of stored body fat in very short periods of time. This is the secret behind the outstanding results achieved on the Living Lean program.

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Success Story

Danielle (34 years) “I have had a few health issues over the years which has caused me to accumulate weight and provided major struggles to lose. In fact, the weight simply does not come off. The scales may move by a kilo or two but never has it dropped lower than that. I train 2 or 3 times per week at the gym spending one of those sessions with a personal trainer. Nothing seemed to work to help me achieve my weight loss goals. That was until my trainer suggested the Living Lean program. To say it changed my life would be an understatement. I went from struggling to see any change on the scales to losing 9 kgs in 10 days. My routine did not change apart from eating as the program suggested and drinking my green drink. I could not be happier with my results achieved on this program as it provides an achievable lifestyle that gives you fast and effective results. I not only lost 9 kgs in 10 days but gained energy, confidence and a new passion for life. Making myself healthy has never been so easy.”

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The Reason Most Popular Diets Do Not Work!

Over the years we have seen countless diets appear, all claiming to be the answer to your weight loss problem. The Australian Government started it all with the food pyramid. Since then we have had the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the Hollywood Diet, The Blood-Type Diet, the Soup Diet, the Low-Carb Diet, the Protein Only Diet, the Dukan Diet, the Caveman Diet and the Paleo Diet not to mention Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers & Lite and Easy. And that is to name but a few. Do these diets work? Sure. Some do but most don’t. In my opinion, most popular diets:

Only ever provide short term results, if any at all

Take a lot of time to see results and lose the weight

Require high intensity, high volumes of exercise

See the reduction in weight coming from fluid and/or muscle mass

See food restrictions border on starvation which becomes extremely difficult to maintain long-term

See’s the weight re-appear when you go back to your normal routine (often the weight acquired exceeds your pre-diet starting weight)

Generally speaking, most popular diets include high amounts of protein, usually found in the form of lean meats, seafood or dairy products. These high protein foods create acid and as we have learned, acid leads to an accumulation of fat cells and a resistance by the body to them go. Acid also leads to weaker muscles, a slower metabolism and low energy levels. Living Lean is different to these popular and ‘fad’ diets. The program is a true lifestyle change and ensures acid is never allowed to accumulate causing short-term (excess weight) and/or long term (disease) concerns.

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Ensuring the Living Lean principles are applied to your lifestyle should be your long-term goal. Knowing what you now do, you will understand why we have all struggled in the past and become frustrated at not achieving real weight loss results.

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The Protein Myth

I often hear, “so where do I get my protein from if I am not eating animal protein”? This is a great question, as we have been led to believe, often by supplement companies, that animal protein and whey protein (as found in protein shakes) is the ONLY way for you to absorb muscle building protein and stop muscle ‘wastage’ or ‘atrophy’. This is a huge misconception as the body’s ability to process protein from animal sources rather than plant sources, in incredibly inefficient. Where do animals like cows obtain their protein? Of course the answer is grass (plants). Where do we as humans obtain the majority of our protein? Primarily this comes from animals, like cows (beef). Given that we can lose between 80 - 95% of the real protein value at each of these steps (the cow eating the grass and then humans eating the cow), doesn’t it make more sense for us to obtain ‘quality’ protein by going straight to the plant source and skipping the animal protein altogether? This is a much more efficient way of ensuring we maximise not only the amount but quality of the protein we consume and avoids the dreaded by-product of animal protein, which is acid. The Living Lean program provides an abundance of protein (amino acids) through the plant-based Living Lean Alkalising Formula. As human beings can only process between 25 – 30 grams of protein in any one meal, additional protein supplementation is not required when undertaking the Living Lean program. The general public usually over estimate the quantities of protein that the

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human body requires for growth and maintenance. As previously stated, the billion dollar supplement industry and ill-informed personal trainers have been the cause of this for reasons of obvious self interest. A good analogy, is to compare the source (quality) of protein you consume to the petrol you put into your car. If you own a Ferrari and want to keep it running at an optimal level, are you going to fill it with poor quality petrol? Of course not. So why do we continue to consume large amounts of animal protein when we can obtain a superior quality protein from plant matter. This theory also relates to the energy derived from the foods is explained below. Different categories or levels, exist in determining the body’s ability to convert consumed foods into energy. These levels or theory, as seen below, are referred to as ‘The Tropic Food Chain’.

Level 1 Food: Plants and algae.

Plants and algae make their own food and are called primary producers.

Level 2 Food: Herbivores

Herbivores eat plants and are called primary consumers.

Level 3 Food: Carnivores

Carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers.

Level 4 Food: Carnivores

Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers.

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Level 5 Food: Apex predators

Apex predators that have no predators are at the top of the food chain.

The Living Lean program harnesses the energy (and protein) of level 1 foods.

The energy transferred between levels can also be thought of as approximating to a transfer in biomass.

The efficiency in which energy or biomass is transferred from one tropic level to the next is called the ‘ecological efficiency’.

The Living Lean program has been designed to maximise ecological efficiency.

It is known that humans at each level convert, on average, only about 10% of the chemical energy in their food to their own organic tissue.

This level of energy conversion continues to decline the further up the tropic food chain foods are found. Each individual step can see a decline of between 80 – 95% of this energy conversion.

The Living Lean nutritional formula utilizes Level 1 tropic foods for maximum energy production, maximum protein absorption and improved metabolic functions.

Furthermore, the Living Lean customized meal plan focuses on Level 1 tropic foods. These Level 1 foods, or primary producers, unlock the body’s ability to function at an optimal level which will result in more energy, less body fat, improved physiological functions and maximal health.

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NOTE: Customers (outside of Australia and New Zealand) who insist on enhancing the Living Lean program with an additional protein supplement should use hemp powder. Not only does hemp powder contain more protein than anything else on the planet but it has an alkalising effect on the body. Therefore it is ideally suited to the Living Lean program. Australia and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world where hemp powder is illegal to consume orally.

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Success Story

Glenn (51 years) “I have been moderately active all of my life. I grew up surfing and playing touch football but over the past 10 years I have seen my weight increase. I enjoy the finer things in life like good food and the occasional drop of alcohol but I continue to stay active. Nothing seemed be working in shifting the weight I kept accumulating. The best achievement I had when trying to lose weight was when I participated in an 8 week Fat Loss Challenge at my gym. I ate perfectly for 8 weeks, drank no alcohol and trained my butt off to take fourth place. I was proud of my effort but the weight went back on much to the disappointment of myself, my wife and my personal trainer. This was the last straw so I decided I had nothing to lose by giving the Living Lean program a go. I was sceptical to begin with but once I started and saw the weight virtually fall off me I knew everything I had learned on the Living Lean program was 100% accurate. I have had so many people commenting on my appearance and new look. The results I achieve (as seen below) in the first fourteen days (6.9 kgs) exceeded what I had achieved in 8 weeks on the Fat Loss Challenge. I only wish I had found this 10 years earlier.”

Day 1 Day 14

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The Program

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Before You Start. Prior to embarking on this revolutionary program it is important to answer the questions below to ensure your suitability to the program and maximise your chances of success. Can you really commit to the program?

The Living Lean program requires a strong commitment. It is not a ‘quick fix’ or ‘magic pill’. It requires dedication and perseverance but most of all requires 100% commitment. If your commitment level is currently rated at 80-90%, do not waste your time (or money) starting now. Instead, wait until you are suitably committed and attempt the program at this time. When you begin the program you will need to clear your diary for 5 days for the detox or 15 days for the weight loss program, to ensure that our initial ‘cleanse’ phase can proceed uninterrupted. If this cannot be done due to work, family or social commitments, now is not the time to start. We offer guaranteed success* on this program so be sure you take the time to prepare yourself according. Follow the principles explained in this book at all times. Can you ‘let go’ of past education on dieting and weight loss?

We all have those friends who can’t stop telling us about the latest diet or weight loss program achieving outstanding results for themselves or an acquaintance. If the methods and philosophies of these ‘wonder weight loss programs’ have not worked for you, do not attempt to over-complicate the Living Lean program by trying to justify how this new and exciting information correlates with the information you learned on any of your past programs. If these past programs met your expectations and achieved your weight loss goals you would not have purchased this program. Living Lean contains information you may never have heard before. It is important for you to let go of all your past education and let the results

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speak for itself. The program has been devised, researched and trailed on countless people with all achieving outstanding results. Have you reduced your caffeine intake? The Living Lean program requires the elimination of all caffeine products in the first 5 (detox) or 15 (weight loss) days. Prior to the commencement of the program it is imperative that you remove the caffeine to prepare for the initial 15 caffeine-free days. You need to be consuming no more than 1-2 caffeine ‘hits’ per day to be confident of starting the program. If you are consuming more than this amount you should not start the program as the detox symptoms will be virtually unbearable with this amount of caffeine still in your system. If the level of caffeine currently being consumed is moderate to high, attempt to reduce your intake prior to commencing the program. This may take a few weeks but by doing so will ensure you are destined for success without being de-railed by major detox symptoms. Time to take some photos! Before starting the Living Lean program you must take some start -point photos. I know it seems self-centred and egotistical but time and again I see people with genuine regret having not taken these start-point photos. The photos provide a balanced view of just how far you have come. Clothes, scale-weight and girth measurements only tell part of the story. You simply MUST do this. No-one needs ever see these photos. Not even your husband or wife! If you wish, you can bring them out for public view once you reach your weight loss goal and become the talk of the town. Your Living Lean Starter Guide provides information on how to compile and store your start and end point photographs as well as other key indicators.

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About The Program As previously stated, the Living Lean program is a lifestyle change that ensures balanced body chemistry through the removal of unwanted acids and stored body-fat. The program achieves this through an increase in the alkalinity of the body. The Living Lean program increases the alkalinity of the body by:

Consuming high quality healthy fats (coconut milk, avocado, seeds and nuts)

Focusing on green vegetables

Drinking the appropriate amount of water

Ensuring correct supplementation for optimal body health and cell production

Regular and consistent exercise

Following the five step program (S.C.O.W.E. principle) for optimal health, fitness, weight loss and wellbeing

The final point speaks of the ‘S.C.O.W.E.’ principle. ‘S.C.O.W.E.’ is the backbone of this revolutionary program and stands for: S Supplements C Chlorophyll & Chlorella (Greens) O Organic Vegetables W Water E Exercise Allow me to expand and discuss in detail how each is applied in the success of the Living Lean program.

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Living Lean Alkalising Formula will provide the required supplementation to ensure correct nutrition and cell production thereby providing the basis for fast and effective weight loss. The supplements will suppress your appetite, remove all food cravings (particularly sugar cravings) and ensure the correct dosage of vitamins and minerals are achieved. The Living Lean Alkalising Formula contains a unique combination of three essential salts produced by the body. These salts aid in the neutralisation and buffering of acid. Whenever acid is present our salt reserves become depleted. (The reason for this is explained in the food pathway found below) Artificial supplementation of salt is required to combat this. If salt was not artificially introduced into the body through supplementation, salts would get drawn from the cells and bones leaving them open to disease. Consuming the recommended dosage of the Living Lean Alkalising Formula will assist in rectifying this problem and aid in elevating your pH levels and alkalinity. The body can never produce enough pH boosting salts whilst on an acidic diet! Our only chance of success in becoming more alkaline is to consume these salts through supplementation.

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The Food Pathway & It’s Implication on Salt Levels Upon consuming acidic food the body produces pH salts in an attempt to:

breakdown and digest the food dilute the acid

The process of food breakdown begins upon food entering the mouth and the commencement of chewing (mastication) which produces saliva. pH salts are present in saliva showing the first situation where the body loses pH salts. Once swallowed, the food particles proceed to the stomach and then into the intestines. Further pH salts are produced in both of these areas. Prior to excretion the body removes minimal amounts of salt from faeces in an attempt to replenish its salt supplies. This process is responsible for a large deficit in salt supplies as those produced by the body in the breaking down of food far exceeds the amount retained prior to excretion. The exact amount of salt produced in saliva, the stomach and intestines cannot be identified as it is completely dependent on variables such as the acidity and density of the food consumed. To help understand this point let us look at the following example. Let us assume that we lose a total of 5% of salt in saliva, 5% in the stomach and 5% in the intestines (15% in total). And we may reclaim 5% prior to excretion (the exact amount is indefinable). This indicates a deficit of 10 % in total salt supplies. Re-producing this example the number of times we eat per day explains why salt supplementation is paramount to achieving your weight loss goals and explains why certain salts are contained in to Living Lean Alkalising Formula.

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& Chlorella


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Definition: Chlorophyll is the molecule that absorbs sunlight and uses its

energy to synthesise carbohydrates from CO2 and water. This process is known as photosynthesis and is the basis for sustaining the life processes of all plants. Since animals and humans obtain their food supply by eating plants, photosynthesis can be said to be the source of our life also. In layman’s terms, Chlorophyll is the active ingredient that makes plants green. It is rich in electrons therefore making it a strong neutraliser of acid which is a major reason why it plays such an integral role in the Living Lean program. The structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of haemoglobin - it transports oxygen through the body making stronger blood and stronger body cells. Chlorophyll is contained in your Living Lean Alkalising Formula. The formula contains over 125 vitamins and minerals and includes amino acids (protein) and fibre.


Chlorella is the fastest growing organism on the planet. It is capable of reproducing itself four times every 24 hours.

Chlorella is 65% protein and contains more Chlorophyll and Nucleic acid (DNA & RNA) than any other known plant. Due to these high amounts of chlorophyll, the protein found in chlorella remains alkaline (unlike other protein sources) which speeds recovery after exercise. Chlorella possesses 19 amino acids including the 10 essential acids required by that the body for optimal health, that it cannot produce itself, making it a complete protein.

It is also a super-charged health and well-being supplement as it contains essential fatty acids, countless vitamins, minerals and enzymes and the elusive vitamin B12.

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Organic Vegetables

Organic vegetables are the staple food of the Living Lean program. They are incredibly beneficial and nutritious and ensure high amounts of vitamins and minerals are obtained. They also provide an additional source of quality chlorophyll making blood and body cells stronger. The benefits of organic vegetables are well known as they contain anti-aging and de-stressing qualities, combat hardening arteries and helping with the fight against many diseases such as high blood pressure and cancer. Whilst ‘organic’ is not essential, it is preferred. If you have the option of purchasing organic produce over non-organic please buy the former. If organic produce is not available simply consume fresh non-organic produce. The Living Lean program calls for you to eat from a specific list of ‘Approved Foods’. Whilst following the Living Lean program you can consume as many ‘approved’ organic vegetables as you like. Including vegetables that are green in colour will ensure you are consuming vegetables containing chlorophyll. This program is not about depriving yourself of food, so be sure to enjoy beautiful produce as often as you can.

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Water is essential to weight loss, improved health and well-being. Adequate hydration assists with every single process that occurs within the human body. It also allows us to function effectively, just as we were designed. How much water is enough? Do we really consume adequate amounts of water per day? How do we know what optimal water levels are? If the average person loses 2.5 to 3 litres per day in respiration (breathing) and perspiration (sweat) alone, consuming 2 litres of water per day is never going to be sufficient. This highlights that the general population are consuming inadequate quantities of water suggesting that the majority of these people suffer from some form of dehydration every single day of their lives. From a weight loss and health perspective it is important to note that:

Mild dehydration can slow the metabolism by up to 3% Dehydration is often interpreted as hunger Dehydration is the primary cause of daytime fatigue

Drinking adequate amounts of water helps eradicate these issues.

Recent studies have also shown that:

Drinking 5 glasses of water per day reduces the risk of colon cancer in women by up to 45%

Back pain is reduced by up to 80% with 8 – 10 glasses of water per day

Drinking 2.5 litres of water per day reduces the risk of bladder cancer in both men and women by up to 50%

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Drinking 2.5 litres of water per day reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by up to 79%

Drinking just 2 cups of water increases your metabolism by almost a third, with your metabolism remaining elevated for 30 minutes.

Apart from assisting with health and weight loss, the specific purpose for water when on the Living Lean program is to assist with the removal of acidic waste. This will ensure the body continues to avoid the ‘fat storing mode’. When talking water, it must be noted that any old water will not do. Tap, mineral and many bottled waters are acidic and therefore counter-productive to our weight loss goals. The only water to be consumed when on the Living Lean program is ‘alkaline’ water. Alkaline water is simply water with no acid present. Alkaline water can be obtained through one of two ways; either through an alkalising machine (approximately $2000 RRP but well worth the investment as it provides water of a higher pH) or via the Living Lean Water Wands. The Water Wands are simple and effective to use. Prior to use they must be rinsed and then placed into your drinking container. The amount of water prescribed whilst on the Living Lean program (daily water requirement) is seen below: Women are required to drink 3 litres per day Men are required to drink 4 litres per day The Living Lean program achieves outstanding results only when the daily water requirement is achieved. Therefore the consumption of water must become your major focus. If you wish to purchase a water alkalising machine please contact [email protected]

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Did you know….

The human body is 70% water and usually stores between 38 – 50 litres at any one time.

All muscles (including heart muscle) are 75% water

The brain and kidneys are 83% water

Lungs are 86% water

Your eyes are 95% water

All bones contain 22% water

Your blood is 90% water

It therefore makes good sense to ensure plentiful amounts of high quality water is consumed on a daily basis.

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Exercise plays a major role in the removal of acid from the body. This assists in achieving our weight loss goals. The benefits of exercise are well known and include improved energy levels, joint support and stabilisation as well as contributing to a healthy heart and improved lung function. The Living Lean program calls for you to exercise for 30 minutes per day. The exercise undertaken does not need to be over-zealous or back breaking. It does however require you work up a sweat. As you will recall sweating is one of only three ways the body can eliminate acid. With this in mind, the harder you exercise and more you sweat, the more weight you will lose! Exercises undertaken should be challenging, yet enjoyable and fun. Activities such as tennis, dancing, and rollerblading are just as useful as gym workouts or heavy weights. The key is to complete a form of exercise you enjoy.

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Getting Started

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The 5 Day Detox


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The Living Lean Detox ‘Blast’ (Phase 1) A Living Lean 5 Day Detox ‘Blast’ will assist in the internal process of cleaning out the old, unwanted and unhealthy acid currently in your body system. Detox symptoms usually occur on day 2 or 3 and are commonly restricted to a mild head-ache and/or muscle aches. Detox symptoms are a positive sign as it provides physical evidence demonstrating the body’s elimination of the unwanted acid which is therefore improving body chemistry. The vast majority of people experience a strong clarity of mind and an abundance of energy 12 hours after experiencing the detox symptoms. Weight loss can be significant in this detox phase. 75 – 100% of all food (Approved Food) consumed whilst undergoing a 5 day detox ‘Blast’ is required to be soft, mashed or pureed. There are no limitations to the amount of food you consume in this ‘Blast’, so long as the food appears on the ‘Approved Food’ list A 5 day Living Lean Detox ‘Blast’ should be repeated every 1 – 3 months. This is the most difficult stage of the program. Recipes specifically tailored to the Living Lean program can be found on the website at www.livinglean.net.au. Foods that appear with the logo are suitable to be included in the ‘soft, mashed or pureed’ category.

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The Living 5 Day Blast – Made Easy

All food consumed is required to appear in the ‘Approved

Food’ List. 75 – 100% of this food is required to be ‘soft, mashed or

pureed’. Test your pH daily on your first visit to the bathroom. Aim for a

reading 8 -9 or Navy Blue – Purple Total Living Lean water (including Alkalising powder and water

wand) that is required to be consumed: Women: 3 litres per day Men : 4 litres per day

Repeat a Living Lean ‘Blast’ every 1 – 3 months

A Complete Shopping List and Meal Plan for the 5 day Living Lean Detox is contained in your Living Lean kit.

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15 Day Weight Loss

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The 15 Day Living Lean Weight Loss Program (Phase 2)

A Living Lean 15 Day Weight Loss program will maximise your body’s acid cleansing capabilities and will result in a rapid reduction of weight. As with the 5 day ‘Blast’, detox symptoms can occur on day 2 or 3. (Please refer to the 5 Day ‘Blast’ information above). Weight loss is significant on the 15 day program. Please track your scale weight on a daily basis and note that the scales will fluctuate, over time, but will continue to decrease. 100% of all food (Approved Food) consumed whilst undergoing a 15 day Weight Loss Program is required to be soft, mashed or pureed. There are no limitations to the amount of food you consume in this Weight Loss phase, so long as the food appears on the ‘Approved Food’ list Recipes specifically tailored to the Living Lean program can be found on the website at www.livinglean.net.au. Foods that appear with the logo are suitable to be included in the ‘soft, mashed or pureed’ category.

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The Living Lean 15 Day Weight Loss Program – Made Easy

All food consumed is required to appear in the ‘Approved

Food’ List. 100% of this food is required to be ‘soft, mashed or pureed’. Test your pH daily on your first visit to the bathroom. Aim for

a reading 8 -9 or Navy Blue – Purple Total Living Lean water (including Alkalising powder and

water wand) that is required to be consumed: Women: 3 litres per day Men : 4 litres per day

A complete Shopping List and Meal Plan for the 15 day Living Lean Weight Loss program is contained in your Living Lean kit.

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The Lifestyle

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The Lifestyle – Maintenance Phase (Phase 3) Having completed the 5 day Detox or the 15 day Weight Loss program, you should aim at making dietary changes to enable you to follow a ‘Living Lean Lifestyle’. The Living Lean Lifestyle should be applied on an ongoing basis. As the name implies, this phase is intended to change habits so that Living Lean becomes a lifestyle. The Living Lean Lifestyle enables you to revert back to consuming solid foods but in the ratio of 80/20. This simply means that 80% of every meal consumed should come from the ‘Approved Food’ list. The remaining 20% of the meal can be anything you like. Steak, seafood, fruit juice... whatever you feel like. Acid is now able to be consumed and controlled in restricted amounts due to our new found ability to remove it through the SCOWE principle. By continuing to follow this principle and consume the Living Lean Alkalising Formula supplemented water, these foods should no longer lead to weight gain or ill health (you will actually continue to feel fantastic and lose weight eating this way). So now you can enjoy the finer things in life so long as the 80/20 ratio is applied. For example if pasta is your thing, go for it...so long as it is in the 80/20 ratio. (i.e. 20% pasta and 80% fresh vegetables or salad) You should attempt to continue drinking at-least 1 litre of the Living Lean water every day. This will assist in ensuring the acid levels remain controlled. Your pH strip is your indicator as to how much Living Lean water you should consume. If your strip drops below 7.4 on the pH scale, increase the amount of water you consume. Our goal is to keep you on the alkaline side of the pH scale, which is indicated by a reading above 7.4. It is also recommended that you complete a three day cleanse once per month and re-visit pureed food. This ensures we are continually cleaning

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out the old, unwanted and unhealthy stored acid and maximising our alkalinity levels. Continuing the SCOWE principle will allow the body to continually improve health, maintain the clarity of mind and energy levels achieved and see further weight loss occur. The Lifestyle phase is aimed at changing habits long term and enables you to not deprive yourself of foods you enjoy which will enable greater adherence to the program. The program will allow you to have a bad day! Bad days are unavoidable. That is life! If you experience a bad day return immediately to the ‘Approved Food’ list and the SCOWE principle. By doing this the body will be armed with the tools required to discard the accumulated acid (from the bad day) with little or no damage done. Then simply carry on as normal with the Living Lean Lifestyle and SCOWE principle.

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The Living Lean Lifestyle (Post Program) - Made Easy

Eat solid foods

Ensure you follow the 80/20 Principle

(80% approved and 20% non-approved foods)

Eat as much food as you like

Continue with the SCOWE principle

Supplement your alkaline water with the Living

Lean Alkaline Formula

Reduce the total litres of water consumed – refer

to your pH strip

Eat your Organic Vegetables (from the approved


Complete your exercise

Test your pH on first visit to bathroom daily. pH paper should be

above 7.4

Enjoy your new lifestyle

Remember that it is ok to have a bad day

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Interesting to note….

The human body is alkaline by design yet acidic by function! The evolution of man has caused a significant shift in the internal operations of the human body from an alkaline functioning in caveman days to an acidic function seen in present day. In caveman days, survival was based mainly on plant matter and water (alkaline). The kill of a beast (acid) provided a feast for the tribe but occurred only on rare occasions. Cavemen were able to deal with the acid from the beast as their main diet was rich in chlorophyll (plant matter) and water. The cavemen simply excreted the small amounts of acid created when consuming the kill and continued on their alkaline way of life. There were also no additives or preservatives found in their diet allowing their alkalinity to remain relatively high. The Living Lean program aims to replicate this ‘back to basics’ philosophy by ensuring acid levels remain controlled by not over-exposing the body to meat based, and other acid producing products.

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Success Story 4 Vivianne (59 years) “Wow. What can I say about a program that is easy to follow and encourages real, healthy eating? As someone who had attempted every diet imaginable over the past 30 years from the 'Soup Diet' to the 'Atkins Diet' to the 'Low Carb High Protein Diet' I feel I am well qualified to give true perspective on this so called weight loss phenomenon. I can sum it up by using one simple phrase....just do it! The results I have achieved on this program far exceed anything else I have done on any other program in not only total weight lost but the speed at which it occurs. Being only 56 kilograms I thought that losing a kilo or two in 14 days would be a great result. To see 5.2 kgs come off in the first 7 days exceeded all of my expectations. The most pleasing part was that the weight came from the hard to lose areas like by tummy, thighs and bottom. I cannot recommend this program enough. Again, don't hesitate, ‘just do it’

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Ensuring Success

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You WILL NOT be successful on this program if you are not organised! You will need to think ahead and plan your week carefully. This may require shopping for, and then preparing meals in advance to allow you to remain focused during high stressful work or family situations. It is beneficial to keep a food and exercise diary to track your results. Ensure you complete this diary daily. Ensure you have clearly defined goals leading into the program. These goals should also appear in your dairy. Once a goal has been achieved reward yourself with something other than a food treat. Then reset your goal, setting out to achieve this. A new goal must be set immediately after achieving the previous one. Be mindful that your family and friends can sabotage your program. Although they often mean well, they are usually the ones that de-rail and distract you. Be strong, persevere and be prepared for this when it occurs. Finally remember to have fun with this program. One bad day does not negate the great work and results already achieved. Just ensure you get straight back onto the program immediately after an ‘off’ day. The program works! Be confident and ensure that you finally achieve those detox and weight loss goals, once and for all.

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Success Checklist

Be organised

Set and re-set goals

Keep a food and exercise diary

You are not a failure if you have a bad day

DO NOT compound a bad day by continuing these ways

The program will forgive you for a bad day

Living Lean is a lifestyle and a new way of living

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Life is too short to start tomorrow, so start today!

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Money Back Guarantee of the Living Lean program

Living Lean guarantees the success of their unique, cutting edge

program. A money back guarantee applies to all sales of the Living Lean

Detox and Weight Loss Programs on the stipulation that the following

conditions are met:

A food and nutritional diary are maintained and provided to

Living Lean head office, detailing daily pH readings, nutritional

and exercise practices and total supplemented water that has

been consumed. Nutritional practices must include the total of

soft, mashed or pureed food

The ‘Help Desk’ is consulted if pH readings do not exceed 7.4

on the pH scale by day 3

The customer completes a survey outlining the reasons why

the program was not suitable

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Profile of Founder and Author Ben Sammut is Australia’s premier health and fitness expert. Raised, educated and currently residing in Sydney, Ben’s passion for sport - in particular rugby league - led to a successful nine year professional career with the Cronulla Sharks, Gateshead and Hull (UK). Over the past 25 years, Ben has established himself as a specialist in all things health and fitness. His thirst for knowledge, sound principles, cutting edge programs, coupled with his supportive and caring temperament has cemented his position as Australia’s leading personal trainer, health and fitness consultant, author, columnist and presenter. He is a sought after professional who regularly conducts corporate programs and speaking engagements with some of the Australia’s largest corporations. He works with professional sporting organisations acting in a strength and conditioning, specialist coaching and mentoring capacity. Ben also continues to monitor and actively train his loyal clientele who continue to be amazed at his varied sessions and ability to maximise health, fitness, well-being and weight loss results. Working out of OXYGEN, his purpose built one-on-one training facility in the south of Sydney, Ben and his staff have lifted the standard of personal training through their unique systems and customer service, plying their trade in a comfortable yet motivating environment. The Living Lean program is the crowning glory for this health and well-being pioneer. Ben’s incredible knowledge and continual research of nutritional practices has ensured he remains at the cutting edge of development and maintains his position as Australia’s leading authority on health, fitness and well-being.

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He is in demand, as people, the world over, are continually requesting his time to gain an insight into his health and well-being practices. The avalanche of Living Lean success stories continually passing over his desk has proven that this 25 year dedicated has been influential in changing the lives of countless people.

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Page 73: WARNING · 2015-05-05 · themselves. The last 15 – 20 years has brought us the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the Hollywood Diet, The Blood-Type Diet, the Soup Diet, the Low-Carb