editor · 2015-02-09 · talu milton r . «f»hxtr*. editor * proprietor! * n^tn yih«t«ih -...

Talu MILTON r. «F»HXtr*. EDITOR * PROPRIETOR! * iH n^Tn YiH«t«- Sokieri- AH d i h f i i M rtre< «• pap« e p.,.l •mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al 85cent* per Stantoris External Remedy, H U N T »-Si Is now ..i."iecr*»lly «ckno« li-dpcit U> be the INFAL- LIBLE R6ME&Yf« RheiHU-lw.n. Spinal Affect™ &•**. Old Ulcer* Pnitm in the Back am) Cl.eet. Ago in [he Bre.i*t and FIOP, Tontli At-he, Sprain*, Bru)w S.lt Rlicuoi, Burn*, Croup, Kroiled r'eel,»od al! No . "'^''TRIP^PHANT SUCCESSi which hai ajtU ICItiE in curing llntmn*' ieverti (-Vtei'odhrdinVren Dw-.aa'-nlHwnitme.l.—ainltlie HIGH ENCOMIUMS il.ai linn? hee*tl>8»towej M|-onil, wherever it hmbeen iinrmliir»d give* mallie right fo mil «iu IIT ASFLfC TED 10r c A it m.rie io the OJVL VRF.MEE V Til AT CAN BE BELIED Off. \ - CT Th* ftll»ivi»,| crriifieve *tti' cut, of « sfci ni chtUl is nlufticieiit jruitraiitcu of iLe coafiijpuea 1 rony1»* pln'i'd 'i'i HifKl'i Liniment, - ! Colombinvillr, Culumbin Col No*! 15, lf*« Mr. Geo. E. Sumon,—8i<—y.-u will nllow: inc henr lr»:iitn"iiy to lUc liciMnf properties tifyuur |ir . .miion c.ll«if Hum 1 . Linimrnl, TU fi>ll..«i ••/<•, "r"lV lieiii-fimt' Hii«e whn inny tnjrrt with * «ilnilar •Fciitrnt- Wcl>ilcl'>r> i "«g>>l>uornl>Kwiii«<.'«R. ">(be jtre "! r«-ftt!"«* l iwghi. of n eattit ngnny ; your Un i l id „ applied, «•<) relief was given inatitnlly, mid • few •piirauoli* rnitrrly rerovrml. 1 jtliin/t it iiivnllinblc KI nFpecdvjJ^AHutfirl >nJ Bffviae rv-r.ry ftiinily to!k«<T IV. ami G. S u m of Hmlaon. Yours. JOSRPII WILD. ( *|II-JIII emire.y c.uie,i with one bull al liir Liu 'of H,,nt 7 iUni. NfW VOW, . :-7-tl nffrrrla rite pfeaijire -- •* ikt - le«.i|ipliS-»1«.ri|of «r LiuiMimr^Hl riwad fro MbiiiX Irjifl. in mm anpei I in whirl. I ifested he;.pial ; [Frnm (lie N-Y-Tiibnne.] . . 1 ' ProgrcM. . Bg Mist Fkabe Carey. \ •.: Does ihe earth contain one spirit Sowed despondent to the dust. On the midnight of whose VIMO*, . ' Beams no stir of hope anil trust. i Let lh»t soul but pause and ponder OD tlie works the past has done, . And an earnest, bright and glorious, ! '. 'For Ihe future ahfll be wan. i " \ tor tlie soul must feelthe stirring ', Of its destiny sublime, Who but rigbUj views the Present, . . With its earnest bean and mind. - ; - - . t i . . 7 7 Toiling in tba earthly vineyard j Mao; bauds have found M place; ... Some are nearing to tbe summit—— - Some are at the mountain's base. Progress is the stirring watchword - Cheers them upward to the heigh: Ciinsi tbou pause and piaj the laggard, ' With its glories full in- sight T ' And while fair andbroad and glorious ID our vision we can see, ' , Still theFuture bright); stretching ' I luiojfar infinity ; ; Who' shall tell what bound or] barrier; To improrement Heaven designed t WhQehall dare to (is the limits, t. To tbe onward march of mind T , ' Oulv'He, who into being Called th' unfathomed human soul, j tie l'nr whutn tbe hymn of progress Through eternity shall roJJj ! For i!ie rl.infieU Union. The Broken Yow. My friend was one of Nature's favored few hai partial darnc had moulded her men tall) and physical j in her finest mould. Her mind was as pure as the'unsullied petal pf ihi- soow-wbile lillj. She was confiding and generous in her yjaaiurtj, deeming all'as pure-mindedi and unsni- II her sflTery Bplendort ', are criminulrj t ow, beiieaih the broad blue canopy le took a diamond ring from his hand, *nd ftla- lected 'And cing.ii|opon,hersKiheyJ(Bei upo^iiuU pi****'The«*J'f ,e : «h«e first ahc saw him, and towed a trotlj to , re 'nearly gone : and.die Almighty Father is acied love, •' until death aWl separate." Ood eipoatuj^fiig, " O, Ephxaim, what shall I do im- 'itnew, ilratfiW theVpUage, they parieB.', to *hee.T" ^JM, the^belgredyouDg friends ' h* ofl d'b nd " h ' '' ; "*^ S? *" J°' ir •nec««»aie. Father, and bewill .!"WJ™ e ?" f '*T, *^" n * e < > *«»| :ie f; hw j »b?ir ba«iiii4iBJf»i j»wl lore/jou freely tjje spirit ol;her drcaiu;" be Hhom.she liadnr- er dimbted, cb»ug«d from the wnnti tad sangm betrothed io the cold correspoDdeitt. All »ai he change IDsweet MarjeUa's cuuduci, Iier became less quick, her ejt la'ngi •one fied Hum her cheek, ' Bplendort Nature * M »erene *n<i^ Perhip* weHow addreig m«ny who h*Te neg- ihe Ihroad blue cinopy pi Uw» U j ^ d l * iiB Every recepti D from biui ecuoniiie than itn prnilniwni, mil UlQIl * quest for the-promise ring. ' ', ••'"• She read, and for ah instani, reason' toitereii on her throne. TWRS bit a m<H»ei^, again •rtie was calm. It w.is an unearthly c'ajrriueaj,' that took possession of i.er soul. SI!«looked upon the ring, still where it wasfirstpUced—then up- on theletter. A.lther cmtHly i...pea w«« ed. But she could 'ne*ef -jivf b^ick the Ting, Uniil dealli should clasp her in Ins ley embrace Her' efteek grtw'p«l*^heV eye giaJwj 1 —Jttj damps of ;aealh;Tvereoil ber h r W 'Sh^^re,w e ring from her finger, and. wrote wiih^a, ing hand,—" De-ith separates i dies." Then wrapping the riog in i.lie naU, handed it toher. father, saying, " send tt to hi|t> that ring has long seemed my'death-warrant mast die, beloved father, amJ lent you." Aa she reclined upon the\ tata, she drewfcrVhher watch, murmuring,Just aubioly; '• ihtee_ ci'ciiici the ueventh of JaiiCj one year ago [his day hour—O Q.xi forgive him !•'. The words died ipon ber lips—a deaih-like silei>ctf reigned— afn.ing ihe lining. .-. I rgues ^t a»d ,-j-r thiagreii; jnslitution are rapidly en* iUiie^ ; of the. connndnitTj anr 1 seeing yiUi a "fijim gf asp Che affections, of the « fleeting andbeneyoleiMof our race. Themotit r re»iiing and opponitloa is fclosed. , tbe reli .us, aye! iheveryxhurch Uself begins to pon -,prir jhe matter^ jild compi-re ita ^wn worpj benevolence with.those of this institution, am akes,-Do arcajl s"hame lo herself that a moral in "•'"IT uutiful .JOHN G. MACIIEK. 41 Hullttntl IT Tlie followiiig letter ml«!re»«d the Edilnra ... ike Clujeuu Adi-wile, tram l)w HKI. Tl>eodoti..s 1 Cl.rfc.of tl.eMf.l.ml.si El .i«c.o).a{ Ct.ifrl, In feature sli< her dark auburn hair was neatly separated iapou the 'finely developed forehead, andclimbed plain, leaving ihepolitlied tempted free. Indeed she an interesting girl of seventeen. She was eniallv an orphan ; but tbe idol of a dining father, whose*only:earthly solace ,wsj his child ; whom he had taught tolook beyond this cMug- •f ing world forjiitppiriers. Nor had he taught in M.arjctta «• At truly and devotedly pi was her f ThH9» eth bi ih-d»y. jouiU, beauty and woi-lh sacrificed upon ihealtar of bl)ghied(»n"ecuon,—this bein} buton« iiistaobeMtil of many, of woman's lo*e und man's anUithfnlntis. Beware, 6ht frai mortality, of loving (lie creature imore than 'the . -.- Tkr Pgth to tht B*JA. It is tlie pr.ctice of many Chri*lian!zed Rot tentoM, in order u> enjoy the prnitago ofiAre prayer with greater priracy ami fremkiin than they could epjoj , il in their itvviv confided ,„ jg Loitges, beirjg an iiicriaae 24 Lodges since iha; IM Annual Repent The, iraTebeeii 1506 innfatlontt durin? fhe jear, m»k e f ing tip ttwnfrt of ioatnbtaing 1st J«ly Mf.,«78&? .ThpTBtew d to »3BO97 7^ D ? fhe jear, membttt o L 1st J«ly Mf.,«7 . amounted to »3B*O97 b h bfl f,7 to » har« mmbt e of.ihe Lodge* ^. Doriogiihe « f brothers and 11 year tb^re ha« w.ft owedi families Mli«TC4 ; S7 brother l»^»l 40 B b4iJ fa'h « owedi families « ; l»^»l. 40 Bna b4en-p h" «364 73f b 7 r far'.he r«*f«f bro f l»^»l. 40 Bna b4enp.iJ far.he r«*f« r thers"; «364, 73far ibe relief of wi*>-t*d fan. lies ; »31« 00 forjedncation of orptiutti »l 037 37 for barjiBff the de»d ; making the *ha amoonl of relief #1 J,OJ» 55; f ., __ iw^epae ef re- ihe year previoos of near V5 the year p r e i o s e $ beei. 16 expulsioaa, 8 far in mmorality andinq>ri*ef h * The Reason of tie Tkixg.j— A poor Wlenr r as yesterday brought before Justice Drinker, i urged with ihe tnme of being intoxicated.-— lie Justice interrogated him : " WeH, what do 70a get drunk and dome I here in this conditionforT' See 1 here," waa; tbe reply ottered with tb*> ' iccough and " acoenmatioo of drankennea^ * What do you gi»e licenses for f This qneatiou waa too rniteh fbr the jtutlce. 'he prikoaer had the best of tbe argument and n i queftiooed an fanber.— Tribune, •Affecting.- Thefollowing pathetic bit of m*-' Miie poetry, is"B"wlen from tho Boston Post—il. • euonsh to dra.w teaWfrom a 1 milt-stone • * Amiff the crowd inere walked a youtlT, Whose feu* seemed charged with wo, ' Hiseyes were Wot upon the deck, His.step nad «nd alow. Iljwas not unrc^urted lore, '< th^muCSViSknnxb^ cheek ofTootlt-' 1 ' »«:coul,lii'i-*Hi.hiB bootai ••"#«***&»** ttV Wi-y is- the editr.r of the Ltiuisrille Jour- al'a caretr tlirupgh life like a ! celetiriiterf >ui.eT Because il is vhe- • Rogue's Much.'—Atabam. Why will the editor of ihe Flag, at, the of hi» esmev through life, be fck* a~tone of Pagsrini.'s T-^Bwanse he will be exeiiuted' oji j- Douglass ie*»)d, the Editor'oflhe Londoti * ;i nuishp)! as-follows: " If the Empemr of Russia chos* to sell oat the stock he hoW* in the British funds, he eonld drain the Bank'<tf all «s gold;; tie aVe absolate 1 . |y at his mere/. 'Such a state of things' is 'dis^- graceful vaiiar taftio**! cn*»SWtf."^' Among the" deaths in M«i™» w ni^inrt. theoame of \Vi Van Pjk%»,- , t ,..,. -> e suppose the individual refcrred;**,.^^, . . •a Van Dyke, a Nephe w of the late Major Van 500. There ha»«t temrierauce, 4for$i ductj and 4 fiir various other re< . . Tbe Grand Euf^ipment is eompultd of 112 -.•Rfcers, andbaa-bder itsjarisdiolioii 18 wor- king; encampments, two hating been instituted within the last t#o W.seks. There h«»e been 2-JV'initiation* during ihe but jear/making 586i eo«ributine fnembers. The reienue of the EncampmeoS amounted to *3;47i Id. 35 Pati=raroh« reJie.ia, md -«5 IS 42 paid therefcr ing bos now^p publicity—•dfer hflifcil b sulwdinatBLodgts, make. • U ( 6ll 97, the t«Janiouneofi-e.ifefpaid in tbe StaW.ior theia** ting the relief Juried Pmit! Dried Fruit * *• , (tic true dignity of in^qpunodioUs hats, 10 y action ; she wa» and bushes- in the vicinity of y, »otth« the nwmbersof :d b hi y y, d«iroaj-.dww.:edo.parisonB between vhis and the numerous religi'Mis and moral institutions occu- l Wfkn.-nt.jie Agent* HOADLEY, PHZLPS Street, i j • 1 KUbMTOSIt CO. 110 Di ABU6 Sy& .Irish Pauper Immigration. '• - T h e stream of Irish immigration into Li pool JIBS again a^f in: againat as at a fearftil r • nd urrleM «on>Jthtn* he done lo arrlesl hipers n>~ ihe hsJlowed • *pt«a -w L l L L 2 L I ' t -' 1 ' ' ld, she be'path.in the jiasa, wJiich lies betweBw their tiabi- i d h i b i know bowits pressure can preta your Last inoulh, we-Iearn from the record : tatiofil and w h e a i e i - b i e a sctmw ofeoMmun- OEORGF, E. STAKTCH, Prop Ne,.«rk,—H.lba Biicbiri, A fm«L.ttinn—J. IS." Cr«« ford. .i|iil,llr>villf,—N. R. Bro»n. It was her nineteenth birth-day. Seated up- on the piaaza fronting her childhoods home, Elixabeihtown—Wm. M. Wtiiwl.ead; Or. J.! ft , that het hefrrt had heart were centred uponhim. There ia but HM w«y of oh*ai». sements. The newspaper . if whiefa the ttdreniaing is kept O-Fun i* &n, buf when ajouag f«ll«r mm ictfaer one #atking off with bi« Bwe^fce«KV -m no fun at «IL So sajra Benja/uin, . ; JV» R<mn\iatk* Washington Union «ys a Rail Romd long, from VreaMiode Rio Grande : the Oilfff qalifofnia, litorild *>enre .thePa***.• He thmks It mocb t the route br the Isthmus of TehBant* of Danen. \ Tlie eapeotw wcoW in pared with iti.^ Whitney's-prmert i •• -. - rr.;. - .f ,Mg ^*j rt ^oVgeageBlM?g « -...eidea upon paper— Another wiU follow, »t*U. another, tiJJ,jpujhave w/iue'n a page., fmftmi not fathopi- JO#I mind. , There .ia a wttt *t ihogght' there which , bat- j*> bottom. : T-h*.- more you draw from il, the jnore clear and m ft«ii&il U;wUtl¥ "»«• ^g'^t J*Mel bide that heart to ihroh. "Qoi c^t, cUrling me, ye baelt^ii'djug; c^Ud"eh, x|.d' | v child," ha aaid, " permit am not to keep thee y°« gracitj-tsly, AII« lore ym irte\^'r from that enp of ioylwhieh it tlj jwt SeterL" . A™ •"^••'Wf'W ( '""" '' ll q . mrcl her «^«, . n i l h e , Wilehful ..J IVShful r ir diettnt Und. Long mil prayerful w a s t h e friend liiid liie sati»f«ciion «iiri reward b thht ah«smliteled With h«} ieelipgs: but the ysnderw,.tesiqred,^J^ " hi « d 4 t « * Wi b " h bUlU '" ' use other peopie'i thoughts, giving them i «nef, jobwill never know what you afecm. of, Al first, .Mur ideas m»y«wie out in lump* bomelj ftfiji^Mptlpftr-iittt no «uuter; tinw and per«veraiy» wiU|>aI»h a»d >rri»ge. them. Learn to think, and you will aoon learn to write; nid the man you think, (he better you will ex- ens yoai i4^a. South Cfctfelina is BOphrttuicd on the subject of Slavery-as to make it B hsHginj; matter lo steal slow- -A.BIavehdltler tndy murder one of his negroes, iw any gentleman may' blow out another's br*in»tin some slight provt*calion,and the law i«i powerlpss topunish the offence..— h £•«. aggriTMion of there heiog sueh an *** lh1> '* b *" ">epoblicamtimea and jodic- 4h«T|be paruo now trrifinff • * of "•""»»««*» rfftjlW aoutherb and «6wb- iimmj fiillfiiiiii.il jiiMiina and mendi- "?""» States. _. ants, the first '.inquiry of most of whom on set- The PPIIOBJJ etLihe IMMflU pi January,-whftn Or'. Dowling Amkept a'm- tMi Sul * ird of the daily.- arrivals, 2<i'2,C75 immigrants ' : i ifiv«;«rJi»ed ^;l^ei Tofat >-ofti«lMiB,- with fhe e rt ( gd eiception.of »a)o»e who baye proceeded to Aw* Mica, and tUo *** * h o bave ret<iro«d if oar M- *» 4feeU•w«'«wmrf, ihe bulk «re set- ihput lh* eotitrtry, n danorous begg*ra. Horn we are toniwi room for more it ia not easy to/tee., tf l s ^ s r fhat'weshiillflot he able m ihe approaching winter to find erntilAyinent for , -or own ieopli' itifiaiiUeafldiJIfieult to d«?i>e " l !^' plan.forBrhpSlng'lhainvaMOMrflJie Irish laud- P**** 11 •* ,o)T(tuardians perairt i tbrotflg ; Tnt*, wr. •••' T«lRSI>AVv.>i»¥K.n«Cll : 30 ( .)IS4l'. FLAINFIEU), muni* « nnv r. •«**»•. EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. ... a, *.I»0 nfa» **nwf*. if M iTpRidM ....in. 8f-86s;»*4 if iU BiiO will is all > oio* it upon hen,, tin 5#,N »*M inad**ac«,o(hi|wia«98. If. •*lil.ll»rr..r*^«. .r. p * k ® i*«»*IWher. no. rice filing « S am( )«lu s|k>*a.< I" - h » *'*•'«— 1*7 '>•• T*V eerti. .•*•.•** wol -nhe*' erdees In laui . On the works the past has dooe, , And an earneat, brigbi and ^edioua. . 1 Tor Ibe fliiure ahall be wan. tor the aonl nut feel lie stirring Or iU destiny sublime. Who but righllj ri«wa the Present, With IU earnest heart and mind. Toiling in lie earthly vineyard Many hands hare found a place; Some are nearing lo the summit— Some are at the mountain's base. Progreaa ia the auitiug watchword Cheer* than upward lo Die height ; Canst thou pause and play the laggard. With iu florin lull in slgM T And wbi|e fair and broad and glorious In oor vision wo can aee, ' ,f Still the Future brightly stretching intoiiar infinity; Who ahall tell what bound or barrier To improreinent Heaven designed f Who shall dare lo fir the limits. To the onward march of mind 1 Only'lle, who inlo being Called th' unfaihomod he man soul, He for whom the hymn of progreen Throngli olernilj ahall roll ! Tor ilia PliintaU Unlea- The Broken Tow. friend was on a of Nature's Ihrored fei at doubled, changed from tit warm and i betrothed to the eeld eorre.poodeee the change id sheet Maryana's coin atep became lean quick, her eye lafigi roue fletf frHm her cheek, bul oeitd gul cause. Erery leeeptiup bora Wiu wat fecuoasto than iu predecessor, and t qwest far ibo gramme nag. - i dialled. puuliahed. Upon i gfet&fe Stanloria External Remedy, HUNT’S tTfllMEBT. I* iw* .iuiee*a*lly eehaowledsed to be th# IBEAL. I IBI.F Rt'II DV foe Rkeemallwo. Spinel AITeru-io. Caenimolio'i* of lb. Mu.clra. S.-re Tl.ront *nd tfui..«T. laano*. UU Wests fkhi in the flask and Chat, Age* in Ihe Bres.tsiwl rnc*. Toolli A.ke. Sprains .Bruises. Sail Rhssai. Burn., Croup. Fruited test. aad all |«er- '"li. Triu'mI'HANT SUCCESS "kirk has aR*h- i„ i be appli. riinn uf I kin now iTOVDERFUl. MEC( /C/.VE in Carina 'Vl"-» Saeera ran*, nT th* rfthrrsn r. _l ...III.. II HZ II F ATfllfl 17 MS She read, and for an inaanf, rebbo 1 tthiWed j on her Ihreoej Twee bht a iMUdnk, kghte «u , »u calm It m an tineuihl) ckWram foil I took poaeeasico of ner soul. Bbqiookeif upon * the ring. «U1 whdt* « wesilmpleced—efith eg. j on the letter. Atlfher oanaly hope. went bl.w , ed. Bui nbe oould Deter girt bimh the rmg, i until dealh should el asp' he r in' h isicy 'iaiBrace 1 1 He,' cheek gre-'p^-hdf eye aOMfe | dampe of death were her brow. Sbe drqw the ring from her finger, end. wrote with'.a “eBr blmg hand—" Do-ith separate. u*,.|||«j«t. dies." Thru wrappuig ihe rinf in tbe notee handed it to her father, Hying, •' sewdrt to faitb; that ring ha* long seemed my'dealh-Wvralil; I meat die, befoeed felhe'r, tad lease yob." Ac a tie reclined upon die sofa, aba draw forth her .if,on la e|oeed: The r*i- Church itself begins to puo- ynd compare its own wotfin those ofthia ihatiintioh, sod In herielf that a moral in-' »> .&JSSJ3E&& aye! ibe eery' ed ; 27 brothera Wu.fod.t- e amtd faai.be raf.ef-f bro- the relief of widowed Ulhi- duration Of orphan# i *!.- he dead | mekihg Ihe wfid« I ,S90 Mj an me r oaae of f** * yam pee* Krai of near •&* ter Among the' deaths'in iiea.no we nffaM' the «me of d f, VraHyWVoWiifahS*: Dyku, ot th^Cty.-^w ft-mih&l. Aderrlria^f" There ia bet rauwey ef olfieiaX ich, murmuring, just aubitily' *1 force d'e the aeeeuth of June, one y»r up tkra d#y and i hour—O God (wgira him IU Th. w»d. died | upon her l.pe-a deatW.ke ailenoi reigned— | Marycua wan no loose earning .(ha lhfaag..ilt | was her twentieth biftlfcday.' fo J' d I Thus was yooth, hekuty ahd' worth sacrificed ' upon the altar^>r bligfitod,a«euiori,—this being ' butene mataneeout of many,of aromedfi lose , and mail's neftiihfolneae. feewahe, dh'l ft.if I inorlalny, of lovrag the dpeatnae limwe ihan Hhc ; odd far Ortod t e-*lir*i he bad taught to look beyond this chaug-! H ia the pf aaiiee'nf A any Chriatlsnized' Her- ^ mnoua >rlJ fur ImpShicaa. Nor badfic taught iD teuton, in or*' fo «>of»he puiUage effaBrel , ,, M, r . wH .ru,, ml dcfoydly ^ SS' ^ ahe *dranc<^J in years, (be »rue dignity ol i»cncnnodun» buu. U> rMir# iiqoimt lht«M r developed i^elf in ever j action ; »be wu and buahes ia vicinity.of the * vtJlag*, tbm ^.7 in the gloorty and dcaolatc hural. rclwring dfoy aaay .ait upra God wkham imarraprlon ^ ..nta of Ihq-dratilnfo, fo. aick and the a* J, and difTuiin^ that holy light upon ibe w „h a aptrii c>o»ecrated by cofttn.unmrtl »ah rued mind, wb ch the tnifc ctiristiao alone >s God. Each individual aalccM, fin hi* owu iige J a»^m.«.rara.'^-3Saa25^W^§*33i happy and -reoderiiig oibefa. happy, Ah) .onh, „f nnn.rk, rVu Ji, 4»hU my yUiry mM aad one ,but il i^uBtbc,fti M sb- considered as an 6r*<*j in Shf t«u*tber _ Wealth drew ita• flaucrcra arooruj. . Suit- or bu«« by'wluvhrit haa khudt»e«h appropriated, , oltbr united vd hwdfonio all came to' and which DC * ef ' ,,olu,ed "J « efen „^-4 up wnh JX- care- Bid none could win her frpm' lhat: hie .oral,,per. » the hallowed l mem, a ^ '"J ' r'a mdc-1 ihc, hi. onl, ora, coold, .be ralpmh .nttej.^^ IfonW.wrawUcirlmbk JJ V* ipalitution in the email Buie at thmjho mamberwof th# Or- iep«raaene b##-c rathe mwl the is and moral inuitution' oocn. Immigration. * immigration into Liver- amatusat efeufal rat#; a doe# lo aritesc it. w# Prepiiet erurtber - . brainpn# toaeaftghl prorocatioe.'and the law » pewertrai to punish the oflenefi.— And th ra iy •hem ihepeblie adntimea sad indie- id admiorttraeioa of fa iHe sodtbcih and adwlb- iutlt# tcan ,.w her atiU id lore b, that .dt.r-headed wcrc^uirel'with man. ! 1 ' f. ->- s|nrrd nnlhing oflV It wu her nineteenth bifth-day. Sealed up- plscenCy, but whi gigs phat, wondering of th. future I—“ Whfre ahall 1 -. Wh/' r^dia< it I be east year tgta hourf" aad looting M her " hecauH |hc fra watch, the Mid, the urenth of Jen#, thraowh clock, B:M." ' Aanhc replaced her walekfokta ecoratomed place at fait side j a fodtfsll sounded oa her ear, and footlap np'shsraoountaead tlfo (lane# of a yooth Sal stranger, -hear lofty bra. wu shaded by reken locks, and art eye that be- rrara, lhat lb# partiee now arriring Ua of J th.,P^ thiaycarto mine, m,feu, )»*« CrSne. 8ms "Let rtw rtgli.Tfot fahiicmf ir'll neu, an rice,lent Wflui v.di' head f* mil cnnfcuahd u-iilf icr. ojrrow, font net heart bM iV««r hud turned hwayftdm the Lord.- 'ThU i hr lari an admdmtioi,; bat act, the backslidrr wit coarcfl. rer 61 her Weys. aad her witehr, friend had the .satisfaction ed buth, but to the ryoewed far. who ever welcomed the prutfifal hu .aid f|r. oiir edrpordfcfaem. of tha dady! arrivals, She bred, end ioeed ardratlyr dll aha .flee- Hoot of her pare heart were ecalerd tgmr him. Which wu now dearest to her soul 1 That sainted father or that youthful 'lore, f The time aria well-olfh oorifo for hit departure to a far distant liwf. Long and prayerful was the hour that ihe straggled with her fedinga; but ahe wu firm tn Ner filed purpike—.he Would user leave her father while yet the riu) .park bad. that heart to throb. "<K my d.rl.og child,’’ he mid, " permit un ant le keep then from that cap of Jof which n thy jut deaen.’ 1 “No!“ wm her firm reply. j f He cam. te bid adlau. Tha{.m9M.hlfanb it) ii ahold j ed the lot Ifo'ea.f L IfUv '

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Page 1: EDITOR · 2015-02-09 · Talu MILTON r . «F»HXtr*. EDITOR * PROPRIETOR! * n^Tn YiH«t«iH - Sokieri-AH dihfiiM rtre< «• pap« e p.,.l •mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al



iHn ^ T n YiH«t«- Sokieri-AH d i h f i i M rtre<

« • pap« e p.,.l

•mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al 85 cent* per

Stantoris External Remedy,

HUNT »-SiIs now ..i."iecr*»lly «ckno« li-dpcit U> be the INFAL-

LIBLE R6M E & Y f « RheiHU-lw.n. Spinal Affect™

&•**. Old Ulcer* Pnitm in the Back am) Cl.eet. Agoin [he Bre.i*t and F I O P , Tontli At-he, Sprain*, Bru)wS.lt Rlicuoi, Burn*, Croup, Kroiled r 'eel ,»od al! No

. " ' ^ ' ' T R I P ^ P H A N T SUCCESSi which hai ajtU

• ICItiE in curing llntmn*' ieverti (-Vtei'odhrdinVrenDw-.aa'-nlHwnitme.l.—ainltlie HIGH ENCOMIUMSil.ai linn? hee*tl>8»towej M|-onil, wherever it hm beeniinrmliir»d give* mallie right fo mil «iu IIT ASFLfCTED 10 r c A it m.rie io the OJVL V RF.MEE V Til A TCAN BE BELIED Off. \

- CT Th* ftll»ivi»,| crriifieve *tti' cut, of « sfcini chtUl is n lufticieiit jruitraiitcu of iLe coafiijpuea 1rony 1»* pln'i'd 'i'i HifKl'i Liniment, •• - !

Colombinvillr, Culumbin Col No*! 15, lf*«Mr. Geo. E. Sumon,—8i<—y.-u will nllow: inc

henr lr»:iitn"iiy to lUc liciMnf properties tifyuur |ir. .miion c.ll«if Hum1 . Linimrnl, T U fi>ll..«i ••/<•,

"r"lV lieiii-fimt' Hii«e whn inny tnjrrt with * «ilnilar•Fciitrnt- Wcl>ilcl'>r> i"«g>>l>uornl>Kwiii«<.'«R.

"> (be jtre"! r«-ftt!"«*


iwghi. of neattit ngnny ; your Un

i l id„ applied, «•<) relief was given inatitnlly, mid • few• •piirauoli* rnitrrly rerovrml. 1 jtliin/t it iiivnllinblcKI n FpecdvjJ^AHutfirl >nJ Bffviae rv-r.ry ftiinily to!k«<T

IV. ami G. S u m of Hmlaon.Yours. JOSRPII WILD.

( *|II-JIII emire.y c.uie,i with one bullal liir Liu

'of H,,nt7iUni.

NfW VOW, .:-7-tl nffrrrla rite pfeaijire- - • * ikt -

le«.i|ipliS-»1«.ri|of «r LiuiMimr^Hl riwad froMbiiiX Irjifl. in mm anpei

I in whirl. I ifested he;.pial

; [Frnm (lie N-Y-T i ibnne . ] . . 1

' ProgrcM. .Bg Mist Fkabe Carey. \ •.:

Does ihe earth contain one spiritSowed despondent to the dust.

On the midnight of whose VIMO*, .' Beams no stir of hope anil trust.

i Let lh»t soul but pause and ponderOD tlie works the past has done, .

And an earnest, bright and glorious,! '. 'For Ihe future ahfll be wan. i "

\ tor tlie soul must feelthe stirring', Of its destiny sublime,Who but rigbUj views the Present, .. W ith its earnest bean and mind.

- ; • - - • • . t i . . 7 7

Toiling in tba earthly vineyardj Mao; bauds have found M place; ...Some are nearing to tbe summit——- Some are at the mountain's base.Progress is the stirring watchword -

Cheers them upward to the heigh: •Ciinsi tbou pause and piaj the laggard,

' With its glories full in- sight T '

And while fair andbroad and gloriousID our vision we can see, '

, Still the Future bright); stretching 'I luiojfar infinity ;

; Who' shall tell what bound or] barrier;To improrement Heaven designed t

WhQehall dare to (is the limits, t.T o tbe onward march of mind T ,

' Oulv'He, who into beingCalled th' unfathomed human soul,

j t ie l'nr whutn tbe hymn of progressThrough eternity shall roJJj !

For i!ie rl.infieU Union.

T h e B r o k e n Y o w .My friend was one of Nature's favored fewhai partial darnc had moulded her men tall) and

physical j in her finest mould. Her mind wasas pure as the'unsullied petal pf ihi- soow-wbilelillj. • She was confiding and generous in her

yjaaiurtj, deeming all'as pure-mindedi and unsni-

II her sflTery Bplendort

', are criminulrj tow, beiieaih the broad blue canopyle took a diamond ring from his hand, *nd ftla- lected 'And •

cing.ii|opon,hersKiheyJ(Bei upo iiuU pi****'The«*J'f ,e:

«h«e first ahc saw him, and towed a trotlj to , r e 'nearly gone : and.die Almighty Father isacied love, •' until death aWl separate." Ood eipoatuj^fiig, " O, Ephxaim, what shall I do im-

'itnew, ilratfiW theVpUage, they parieB.', to *hee.T" ^ J M , the^belgredyouDg friends' h* ofl d'b nd " h ' '' ; "*^ S? *" J ° ' i r •nec««»aie. Father, and be will

. ! " W J ™ e ? " f ' * T , *^"n*e<>*«»| : i ef; h w j »b?ir ba«iiii4iBJf»i j»wl lore/jou freelytjje spirit ol;her drcaiu;" be Hhom.she liadnr-er dimbted, cb»ug«d from the wnnti tad sangmbetrothed io the cold correspoDdeitt. All »aihe change ID sweet MarjeUa's cuuduci, Iier

became less quick, her ejt la'ngi•one fied Hum her cheek, '

Bplendort Nature * M »erene *n<i Perhip* we How addreig m«ny who h*Te neg-

ihe Ihroad blue cinopy pi U w » U j ^ d l * i i B

Every recepti D from biuiecuoniiie than itn prnilniwni, mil UlQIl *

quest for the-promise ring. ' ', •• '"•She read, and for ah instani, reason' toitereii

on her throne. TWRS bit a m<H»ei , again •rtiewas calm. It w.is an unearthly c'ajrriueaj,' thattook possession of i.er soul. SI!« looked uponthe ring, still where it was first pUced—then up-on theletter. A.lther cmtHly i...pea w««ed. But she could 'ne*ef -jivf b ick the Ting,Uniil dealli should clasp her in Ins ley embrace

Her' efteek grtw'p«l*^heV eye giaJwj1—Jttjdamps of ;aealh;Tvereoil ber h r W 'Sh^^re,w

e ring from her finger, and. wrote wiih^a,ing hand,—" De-ith separates i

dies." Then wrapping the riog in i.lie naU,handed it to her. father, saying, " send tt to hi|t>that ring has long seemed my'death-warrant

mast die, beloved father, amJ l e n t you." Aashe reclined upon the\ tata, she drew fcrVh herwatch, murmuring,Just aubioly; '• ihtee_ ci'ciiicithe ueventh of JaiiCj one year ago [his dayhour—O Q.xi forgive him !•'. The words diedipon ber lips—a deaih-like silei>ctf reigned—

afn.ing ihe lining. .-. I


^t a»d ,-j-rthiagreii; jnslitution are rapidly en*

iUiie^;of the. connndnitTj anr1

seeing yiUi a "fijim gf asp Che affections, of the «fleeting andbeneyoleiM of our race. The motit

r re»iiing and opponitloa is fclosed. , tbe reli.us, aye! ihe veryxhurch Uself begins to pon-,prir jhe matter^ jild compi-re ita wn worpjbenevolence with.those of this institution, am

akes,-Do arcajl s"hame lo herself that a moral in

"•'"IT uutiful

.JOHN G. MACIIEK. 41 HullttntlIT Tlie followiiig letter ml«!re»«d i» the Edilnra ...

ike Clujeuu Adi-wile, tram l)w HKI. Tl>eodoti..s 1Cl.rfc.of tl.eMf.l.ml.si El.i«c.o).a{ Ct.ifrl,

In feature sli<her dark auburn hair was neatly separated iapouthe 'finely developed forehead, and climbed plain,leaving ihe politlied tempted free. Indeed she

an interesting girl of seventeen. She waseniallv an orphan ; but tbe idol of a dining

father, whose*only:earthly solace ,wsj his child ;whom he had taught to look beyond this cMug-

•f ing world forjiitppiriers. Nor had he taught inM.arjctta «• At truly and devotedly pi

was her fThH9»

eth bi ih-d»y.jouiU, beauty and woi-lh sacrificed

upon ihe altar of bl)ghied(»n"ecuon,—this bein}buton« iiistaobeMtil of many, of woman's lo*eund man's anUithfnlntis. Beware, 6h t fraimortality, of loving (lie creature imore than 'the

. -.- Tkr Pgth to tht B*JA.It is tlie pr.ctice of many Chri*lian!zed Rot

tentoM, in order u> enjoy the prnitago ofiAreprayer with greater priracy ami fremkiin thanthey could epjoj , il in their itvviv confided

,„ jg Loitges, beirjg an iiicriaae24 Lodges since iha; I M Annual Repent The,iraTebeeii 1506 innfatlontt durin? fhe jear, m»ke fing tip ttwnfrt of ioatnbtaing1st J«ly Mf.,«78&? .ThpTBtew

d to »3BO97 7^ D

? fhe jear,membttt o

L1st J«ly Mf.,«7 .amounted to »3B*O97

b h b f l

f ,7to »har«

m m b te of.ihe Lodge*

^. Doriogiihe «f brothers and 11year tb^re h a « w . f t

owedi families Mli«TC4 ; S7 brotherl » ^ » l 40 B b 4 i J fa'h «owedi families « ;l»^» l . 40 Bna b4en-ph " «364 73 f b

7 rfar'.he r«*f«f bro

fl » ^ » l . 40 Bna b4enp.iJ far.he r « * f « rthers"; «364, 73 far ibe relief of wi*>-t*d fan.lies ; »31« 00 forjedncation of orptiutti »l037 37 for barjiBff the de»d ; making the *haamoonl of relief #1 J,OJ» 55; f. , __ iw^epae ef re-

ihe year previoos of near V5the year p r e i o s e $beei. 16 expulsioaa, 8 far inmmorality and inq>ri*ef C »

h *

The Reason of tie Tkixg.j— A poor Wlenr r

as yesterday brought before Justice Drinker,i urged with ihe tnme of being intoxicated.-—lie Justice interrogated him :" WeH, what do 70a get drunk and dome I

here in this condition for T'See1 here," waa; tbe reply ottered with tb*> '

iccough and " acoenmatioo of drankennea^ *What do you gi»e licenses for fThis qneatiou waa too rniteh fbr the jtutlce.

'he prikoaer had the best of tbe argument andn i queftiooed an fanber.— Tribune,

•Affecting.- The following pathetic bit of m*-'Miie poetry, is"B"wlen from tho Boston Post—il.• euonsh to dra.w teaWfrom a1 milt-stone • *

Amiff the crowd inere walked a youtlT,Whose feu* seemed charged with wo, '

Hiseyes were Wot upon the deck,His.step w « nad «nd alow.

Iljwas not unrc^urted lore, '<

th^muCSViSknnxb^ cheek ofTootlt-'1 '»«:coul,lii'i-*Hi.hiB bootai ••"#«***&»**

ttV Wi-y is- the editr.r of the Ltiuisrille Jour-al'a caretr tlirupgh life like a!celetiriiterf >ui.eT

Because il is vhe- • Rogue's Much.'—Atabam.

• Why will the editor of ihe Flag, at, theof hi» esmev through life, be fck* a~tone

of Pagsrini.'s T-^Bwanse he will be exeiiuted' oji

j - Douglass ie*»)d, the Editor'oflhe Londoti

* ;i nuishp)! as-follows:" If the Empemr of Russia chos* to sell oat

the stock he hoW* in the British funds, he eonlddrain the Bank'<tf all «s gold;; tie aVe absolate1.|y at his mere/. 'Such a state of things' is 'dis -graceful vaiiar taftio**! cn*»SWtf." '

Among the" deaths in M«i™» w ni^inrt.theoame of \Vi Van P j k % » , - , t ,..,. ->

e suppose the individual refcrred;**,.^^, . .•a Van Dyke, a Nephe w of the late Major Van

500. There ha»«ttemrierauce, 4 for $iductj and 4 fiir various other re< . .

Tbe Grand Euf^ipment is eompultd of 112-.•Rfcers, andbaa-bder itsjarisdiolioii 18 wor-king; encampments, two hating been institutedwithin the last t#o W.seks. There h«»e been2-JV'initiation* during ihe but jear/making586i eo«ributine fnembers. The reienue ofthe EncampmeoS amounted to *3;47i Id. 35Pati=raroh« reJie.ia, md -«5 IS 42 paid therefcr

ing bos now^ppublicity—•dferhflifcil b

sulwdinatBLodgts, make. • U ( 6 l l 97, thet«Janiouneofi-e.ifefpaid in tbe StaW.ior theia**

ting the relief

Juried Pmit! Dried Fruit * *•

, (tic true dignity of in^qpunodioUs hats, 10y action ; she wa» and bushes- in the vicinity of

y, »otth« the nwmbersof: d b hi

y y,d«iroaj-.dww.:edo.parisonB between vhis and thenumerous religi'Mis and moral institutions occu-


Wfkn.-nt.jie Agent*HOADLEY, PHZLPS

Street, i j • 1KUbMTOSIt CO. 110 DiABU6 S y &

.Irish Pauper Immigration. '• -The stream of Irish immigration into Li

pool JIBS again a^f in: againat as at a fearftil r• nd urrleM «on>Jthtn* he done lo arrleslhipers n>~ ihe hsJlowed • *pt«a -w

L l L L 2 L I ' t - ' 1 ' 'ld, she be'path.in the jiasa, wJiich lies betweBw their tiabi-i d h i b i know bow its pressure can preta your

Last inoulh, we-Iearn from the record:

t a t i o f i l a n d w h e a i e i - b i e a sctmw ofeoMmun-


Ne,.«rk,—H.lba Biicbiri, Afm«L.ttinn—J. IS." Cr«« ford..i|iil,llr>villf,—N. R. Bro»n.

It was her nineteenth birth-day. Seated up-on the piaaza fronting her childhoods home,Elixabeihtown—Wm. M. Wtiiwl.ead; Or. J.! ft

, that het hefrrt hadheart were centred upon him.

There ia but HM w«y of oh*ai».

sements. The newspaper . if

whiefa the ttdreniaing is kept

O - F u n i* &n, buf when ajouag f«ll«r mmictfaer one #atking off with bi« Bwe fce«KV -mno fun at «IL So sajra Benja/uin, . ;JV» R<mn\iatk*

Washington Union «ys a Rail Romdlong, from VreaMiode Rio Grande

: the Oilfff qalifofnia, litorild *>enre

.thePa***.• He thmks It mocb tthe route br the Isthmus of TehBant*of Danen. \ Tlie eapeotw wcoW inpared with iti.^ Whitney's-prmerti •• -. - rr . ; . - .f ,Mg ^*j rt

^oVgeageBlM?g «-...eidea upon paper— Another wiU follow, »t*U.another, tiJJ,jpujhave w/iue'n a page., fmftminot fathopi- JO#I mind. , There .ia a wttt *tihogght' there which , bat- j*> bottom. : T-h*.-more you draw from il, the jnore clear and mft«ii&il U;wUtl¥ "»«• g ' ^ t J*Mel

bide that heart to ihroh. "Qoi c^t, cUrling me, ye baelt^ii'djug; c^Ud"eh, x|.d' | vchild," ha aaid, " permit am not to keep thee y°« gracitj-tsly, AII« lore ym irte\^'rfrom that enp of ioylwhieh it t l j jwt SeterL" . A™ • " ^ • • ' W f ' W ('""" ''

2£l l q . m r c l h e r « ^ « , . n i l h e , W i l e h f u l . . J IVShful

r i r d i e t t n t U n d . L o n g m i l p r a y e r f u l w a s t h e f r i e n d liiid l i ie s a t i » f « c i i o n «iiri r e w a r d

b t h h t a h « s m l i t e l e d With h « } i e e l i p g s : b u t t h e y s n d e r w , . t e s i q r e d , ^ J ^

" hi « d 4 t « * W i b " h b U l U ' " '

use other peopie'i thoughts, giving them i«nef, job will never know what you afecm.of, Al first, .Mur ideas m»y«wie out in lump*—bomelj ftfiji^Mptlpftr-iittt no «uuter; tinwand per«veraiy» wiU|>aI»h a»d >rri»ge. them.Learn to think, and you will aoon learn to write;nid the man you think, (he better you will ex-

ens yoai i4^a.South Cfctfelina is BO phrttuicd on the subject

of Slavery-as to make it B hsHginj; matter l osteal • slow- -A.BIavehdltler tndy murder oneof his negroes, iw any gentleman may' blow outanother's br*in»tin some slight provt*calion,andthe law i«i powerlpss to punish the offence..—

h £ • « . aggriTMion of there heiog sueh an *** l h1> '* • b * " ">epoblicamtimea and jodic-4h«T|be p a r u o now trrifinff • * of >« " • " " » » « « * » rfftjlW aoutherb and «6wb-iimmj fiillfiiiiii.il jiiMiina and mendi- " ? " " » States. _.

ants, the first '.inquiry of most of whom on set- The PPIIOBJJ


pi January,-whftn Or'. Dowling Am kept a ' m - t M i S u l *ird of the daily.- arrivals, 2<i'2,C75 immigrants • ':A» iifiv«;«rJi»ed ^;l^eiTofat>-ofti«lMiB,- with fhe e r t ( gd

eiception.of »a)o»e who baye proceeded to Aw*Mica, and tUo *** *ho bave ret<iro«d if oar M-

*» 4feeU•w«'«wmrf, ihe bulk «re s e t -ihput lh* eotitrtry, n danorous begg*ra.

Horn we are to niwi room for more it ia not easyto/tee., tf l s ^ s r fhat'weshiillflot he able mihe approaching winter to find erntilAyinent for ,-or own ieopl i ' itifiaiiUeafldiJIfieult to d«?i>e " l ! ^ '

plan.forBrhpSlng'lhainvaMOMrflJie Irish laud- P****11

•* ,o)T (tuardians perairt i tbrotflg ; Tnt*,

w r . • • • '

T«lRSI>AVv.>i»¥K.n«Cll:30(.)IS4l'. FLAINFIEU),

muni* « ■nnv r. •«**»•. EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. ... a, • *.I»0 nfa» **nwf*. if M iTpRidM ....in. 8f-86s;»*4 if iU BiiO will is all > oio* it upon hen,, tin

‘ 5#,N »*M inad**ac«,o(hi|wia«98. If. •*lil.ll»rr..r*^«. .r. p • *k® i*«»*IWher. • no. rice filing • «Sam( )«lu

s|k>*a.< I" -h» *'*•'«— 1*7 '>•• T*V eerti. .•*•.•** wol -nhe*' erdees In laui

. On the works the past has dooe, , And an earneat, brigbi and ^edioua. . 1 Tor Ibe fliiure ahall be wan. — tor the aonl nut feel lie stirring Or iU destiny sublime. Who but righllj ri«wa the Present, With IU earnest heart and mind. Toiling in lie earthly vineyard Many hands hare found a place; Some are nearing lo the summit— Some are at the mountain's base. Progreaa ia the auitiug watchword Cheer* than upward lo Die height ; Canst thou pause and play the laggard. With iu florin lull in slgM T And wbi|e fair and broad and glorious In oor vision wo can aee, ' ,f Still the Future brightly stretching intoiiar infinity; Who ahall tell what bound or barrier To improreinent Heaven designed f Who shall dare lo fir the limits. To the onward march of mind 1 Only'lle, who inlo being Called th' unfaihomod he man soul, He for whom the hymn of progreen Throngli olernilj ahall roll !

Tor ilia PliintaU Unlea- The Broken Tow.

friend was on a of Nature's Ihrored fei

at doubled, changed from tit warm and i betrothed to the eeld eorre.poodeee the change id sheet Maryana's coin atep became lean quick, her eye lafigi roue fletf frHm her cheek, bul oeitd gul cause. Erery leeeptiup bora Wiu wat fecuoasto than iu predecessor, and t qwest far ibo gramme nag. - •

i dialled. puuliahed. Upon i gfet&fe Stanloria External Remedy,

HUNT’S tTfllMEBT. I* iw* .iuiee*a*lly eehaowledsed to be th# IBEAL. I IBI.F Rt'II DV foe Rkeemallwo. Spinel AITeru-io. Caenimolio'i* of lb. Mu.clra. S.-re Tl.ront *nd tfui..«T. laano*. UU Wests fkhi in the flask and Chat, Age* in Ihe Bres.tsiwl rnc*. Toolli A.ke. Sprains .Bruises. Sail Rhssai. Burn., Croup. Fruited test. aad all |«er- '"li. Triu'mI'HANT SUCCESS "kirk has aR*h- i„ i be appli. riinn uf I kin now iTOVDERFUl. MEC( /C/.VE in Carina 'Vl"-» Saeera ran*, nT th* rfthrrsn r. _l ...III.. II HZ II F ATfllfl 17 MS

She read, and for an inaanf, rebbo1 tthiWed j on her Ihreoej Twee bht a iMUdnk, kghte «u , »u calm It m an tineuihl) ckWram foil I took poaeeasico of ner soul. Bbqiookeif upon * the ring. «U1 whdt* « wesilmpleced—efith eg. j on the letter. Atlfher oanaly hope. went bl.w , ed. Bui nbe oould Deter girt bimh the rmg, i until dealh should el asp' he r in' h isicy 'iaiBrace 1 1

He,' cheek gre-'p^-hdf eye aOMfe | dampe of death were o» her brow. Sbe drqw the ring from her finger, end. wrote with'.a “eBr blmg hand—" Do-ith separate. u*,.|||«j«t. dies." Thru wrappuig ihe rinf in tbe notee handed it to her father, Hying, •' sewdrt to faitb; that ring ha* long seemed my'dealh-Wvralil; I meat die, befoeed felhe'r, tad lease yob." Ac a tie reclined upon die sofa, aba draw forth her

.if,on la e|oeed: The r*i- Church itself begins to puo- ynd compare its own wotfin those ofthia ihatiintioh, sod • In herielf that a moral in-' »> .&JSSJ3E&&

aye! ibe eery'

ed ; 27 brothera Wu.fod.t- e amtd faai.be raf.ef-f bro- the relief of widowed Ulhi- duration Of orphan# i *!.- he dead | mekihg Ihe wfid« I ,S90 Mj an me r oaae of f** * yam pee* Krai of near •&*

ter Among the' deaths'in iiea.no we nffaM' the «me of d f, VraHyWVoWiifahS*: Dyku, ot th^Cty.-^w ft-mih&l.

Aderrlria^f" There ia bet rauwey ef olfieiaX

ich, murmuring, just aubitily' *1 force d'e the aeeeuth of June, one y»r up tkra d#y and i hour—O God (wgira him IU Th. w»d. died | upon her l.pe-a deatW.ke ailenoi reigned— | Marycua wan no loose earning .(ha lhfaag..ilt | was her twentieth biftlfcday.' fo J' d ’ I

Thus was yooth, hekuty ahd' worth sacrificed ' upon the altar^>r bligfitod,a«euiori,—this being ' butene mataneeout of many,of aromedfi lose , and mail's neftiihfolneae. ■feewahe, dh'l ft.if I inorlalny, of lovrag the dpeatnae limwe ihan Hhc ;

odd far Ortod t

e-*lir*i he bad taught to look beyond this chaug-! H ia the pf aaiiee'nf A any Chriatlsnized' Her- ^ mnoua >rlJ fur ImpShicaa. Nor badfic taught iD teuton, in or*' fo «>of»he puiUage effaBrel , ,, M,r. wH .ru,, ml dcfoydly ^ SS' ^

ahe *dranc<^J in years, (be »rue dignity ol i»cncnnodun» buu. U> rMir# iiqoimt lht«M r developed i^elf in ever j action ; »be wu and buahes ia vicinity.of the * vtJlag*, tbm ^.7 in the gloorty and dcaolatc hural. rclwring dfoy aaay .ait upra God wkham imarraprlon ^ ..nta of Ihq-dratilnfo, fo. aick and the a* J, and difTuiin^ that holy light upon ibe w„h a aptrii c>o»ecrated by cofttn.unmrtl »ah rued mind, wb ch the tnifc ctiristiao alone >s God. Each individual aalccM, fin hi* owu iige J

a»^m.«.rara.'^-3Saa25^W^§*33i happy and -reoderiiig oibefa. happy, Ah) „ .onh, „f nnn.rk, rVu Ji, 4»hU my yUiry mM aad one ,but il i^uBtbc,ftiMsb- considered as an 6r*<*j in Shf t«u*tber _ Wealth drew ita• flaucrcra arooruj. . Suit- or bu«« by'wluvhrit haa khudt»e«h appropriated, ,

oltbr united vd hwdfonio all came to' and which “ DC*ef ',,olu,ed "J « efen „^-4 up wnh JX- care- Bid none could win her frpm' lhat: hie .oral,,per. » the hallowed l mem, a ^ '"J ' r'a mdc-1 ihc, hi. onl, ora, coold, .be ralpmh .nttej.^^ IfonW.wrawUcirlmbk JJ V*

ipalitution in the email Buie at thmjho mamberwof th# Or- iep«raaene b##-c rathe mwl the is and moral inuitution' oocn.

Immigration. ■ ‘ * immigration into Liver- amatusat efeufal rat#; a doe# lo aritesc it. w#

Prepiiet erurtber-. brainpn# toaeaftghl prorocatioe.'and the law » pewertrai to punish the oflenefi.— And th ra iy •hem ihepeblie adntimea sad indie- id admiorttraeioa of fa iHe sodtbcih and adwlb-

iutlt# tcan ,.w her atiU id lore b, that .dt.r-headed wcrc^uirel'with man. ! 1 ' “ f. ->- s|nrrd nnlhing oflV It wu her nineteenth bifth-day. Sealed up- plscenCy, but whi

gigs phat, wondering of th. future I—“ Whfre ahall 1 -. Wh/' r^dia< it I be east year tgta hourf" aad looting M her " hecauH |hc fra watch, the Mid, “ the urenth of Jen#, thraowh clock, B:M." ' Aanhc replaced her walekfokta ecoratomed place at fait side j a fodtfsll sounded oa her ear, and footlap np'shsraoountaead tlfo (lane# of a yooth Sal stranger, -hear lofty bra. wu shaded by reken locks, and art eye that be-

rrara, lhat lb# partiee now arriring Ua of J th.,P^ thiaycarto mine, m,feu,


CrSne. 8ms

"Let rtw rtgli.Tfot fahiicmf ir'll neu, an rice,lent Wflui v.di' head f* mil cnnfcuahd u-iilf icr. ojrrow, font net heart bM iV««r hud turned hwayftdm the Lord.- 'ThU i hr lari an admdmtioi,; bat act, the backslidrr wit coarcfl. rer 61 her Weys. aad her witehr, friend had the .satisfaction ed buth, but to the ryoewed far. who ever welcomed the prutfifal hu .aid f|r. oiir edrpordfcfaem.

of tha dady! arrivals, She bred, end ioeed ardratlyr dll aha .flee- Hoot of her pare heart were ecalerd tgmr him. Which wu now dearest to her soul 1 That sainted father or that youthful 'lore, f The time aria well-olfh oorifo for hit departure to a far distant liwf. Long and prayerful was the hour that ihe straggled with her fedinga; but ahe wu firm tn Ner filed purpike—.he Would ■user leave her father while yet the riu) .park bad. that heart to throb. "<K my d.rl.og child,’’ he mid, " permit un ant le keep then from that cap of Jof which n thy jut deaen.’1

“No!“ wm her firm reply. j f • He cam. te bid adlau. Tha{.m9M.hlfanb it)

ii ahold j ed the lot

Ifo'ea.f L IfUv '

Page 2: EDITOR · 2015-02-09 · Talu MILTON r . «F»HXtr*. EDITOR * PROPRIETOR! * n^Tn YiH«t«iH - Sokieri-AH dihfiiM rtre< «• pap« e p.,.l •mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al

robM and l a a r a a n . a o a e 9 o r a ~Cmtm in . S«nr.a , night Tkn I

bomt 8 o'clock! l C tracea of Wood oostironiihe wnfon. indicated thai Ik. need h

- r tne bridge i

to Eliiabeth-T< _ ,3 f i mi l nit 'or porebase and hold Wlr"• | of land on toe So»od in the towasfaip of

'—kl islsit In-alhmiiii lhm» mllajii iilliaiirhn >•' • • - ^ T * ^ y .•*•«• »_-_ :_L1 J U Ui in the renicle with him, first rVrinj Railroad lo ibe nJljofN.

" " ' i authorize them toeonstrnMthen hUakall was dreadfully fractured b,

« death instantly; j River Delaware, or Id» Mactvie br wniek be wa> «™t wounded Ihe Camden and Amboy Railroad >took place .ear a farm boose, tbeowner of which Trenton.wnat ontimrwe*"'*'/ W S M » what afterward. : i . • ... .,

i-ri* the hat of the deceased 00 fie

d / 1 •-i-.'-m i r n i!r:ie i up (he roar!,e.»u WIN iow-i--t» C.u.itVn [at

Ii i

raaqsUoii! L.Umy ye.rs ..f pge.roundabout, dark of grey paiu^.y(..i a


i suppused Ia Phiiape.pt,.* ia the boat at Walnut

street. The pocket-hoe*, of the murdered man,rifled of all il. iboi.ej it probably contained, wasiband thrown into' a canal-boa; sear \ the spotwhere (hi. »U (>.IM..US mm wu seen by thewatcbrnan. The som Hie murderer obtained, 'thought to have been not more than 910 or $1The deceased was a man about forty years oface, and leaves a widow and si* children. Hifirst Wifc was a daughter of Judge Rogers, ofWaterford township. - }

•500 reward is offered for the detection ofthemarderer.

OCT An Englishman, who

Noah had thiee sum, Bhem, Ham andNow. *ho was the father of Noah's three sons T one hand, while attempting; he boys ofthe third class pause, and look du- - " '

tasty at their teacher, but there is no reply.)Master.—What! can't yon tefl 1 ' Let roe 0-

.-ttraie. Here is Mr. SmitQ, our next door

, iedbyawomso rejoice, in the latter half of that dii

tinctive 'appellation, was yesterday brooght be-fore Justice Elmer, charged with having enter-ed list residence of Col. El.ha BriUw* on Su»-day evening, and stolen a Shawl and bonnet, be-,longing to a lady reined to the family. Therwerw arrested aaW the residence of Mr. Joi,-[-than CEandler, at a late hour on Sundayand the stolen articles being found ... iW,session, ihet were commuted to ibe ikcoHghJail to await their trial at the next term of tne

JV«e England EnUrprit at fiU SouthThe Northampton 'Courier gives the followingeitraet . from • letter of L. H.residing ia Alabama, to hi. brother, of thai town.

" Yesterday 1 rode over to PrattviHe. where1 spent several hours. This village is of Yan-kee origin, aud exhibit, fruit, of the industrytod energy of iu owner and (bunder. MrPratt W, I think, a native of Connecticut, ai isMewMtaleo. He came io thi* country (Ala,]BOOM fifteen years ainee. and began to work .:a gin aaikor. After being engaged is this bos-iMcafbr three or (our years, he mirch-aed. atract of land couuting of hill and Jala, swamp

Marsh, through which ran a large week.*through which ran a large„ consisted of 2600 or SOW .

|rWhiehbew«U.p.y«32,000, in aon.S. insUl-sesls. The geptleman of whom the purchasewas made nriJt believed thai Mr. Prall would•ever be able lomeet the debt, and tlut after hav-ing paid iu part for the land would give ttp thewbWof it with . . . improvement.. But con-tiawing to work at his trade he wa* able to real-ise a profit from his gins equal to the aiinnal in-stalments, and thus to pay them promptly. Hisneighbor, thought he WM ruining biiwJf, batthe source of the meant for meeting his pay-

1 were better known to'«lmg iijmaelf

uthorize theaa toco«ttu«t a .rent* R.Flemingtonin the county or Hunterdolescatoibe River Delaware, er w m<

. rent* Railroadr Hunterdon, and


Imamifrtm P**ltry—It U attted ia the re-port of the connmtee on fowls, made at t be lastW ( M . ) C.«le Show, thai Eben

from 3? fowl., in <e»en m.*lb.:obta1ni.il 190 do> egg-, which sold %

id#i chickens soMfor «™" • ' * r ;

too street, which CM seal him rweh eiceesive.awl excitement, th.t he burst a blood resaelthe cheat and died in a few niinuies. —Jour.Cam.

fn 1MB Buffalo oootsincd 18,213 inhabitants- in 1845 it had incteased to >XbJ13, «nd therei* scarcely a reason to doubt, remarL. the Buffa-lo Commercial, that it i. now upwards of 96,000

Tki Htir .1 am Jri*k Estate.—Sure, and I'mheir to a splindid estate under my father's will.Wheoh, died, he ordered my Vothcrto divideIbe bouse with me, and by St, Patrick be did it

'yt be; tuck the inside himself and gave me

Two Dutchra

.dV2D eggs vixwli.f the fowl* was, "v so

hUf.tih? ThL" -**^f»»**io i^de» i« iSTi?amna

What sort of wedder you think

stience, at lengthdialogue :-

il will bet

1 i\

: Diitrtising and_ Fatal Accident.~At theTendue of Mrs. Uererna, at the Seotcn'piainHotel on Thursday afterjioon, the 18th inn.young man named Wiggan*, son of the Irishgentlcman.who purchased and preside* on theftrm forwerlj' belonging 'toiVfm.p. Stewart,Eaq in Washington Vailey, wia fatally woundedin the face and brain.* He attended the salewith his dogs and gun, a double-barrelled fowj-ing-piecs, and It the time was leaning uponit, while mome turned poet* were Belling, one ofWhich roiled *gM*t the look, .onsing the gunto be diachirgei ; The charge entered at theaide of the noeejand lodged jagainst the top ofh f h | k l l Hi f h d

j g j gthe fore part of the| skull. Hia fatherhi h h i h h

on was musteriagainet the inaUrgent*. andexpected to take place. :

ful Et(X?" The schr. Sarah arrived at New Orleans

rom the Brazen, report* the fever aa increasing, Letter* frotB the city of Mexico say that theown of Adisca in Mexico was destroyed by anearthquake on-the 23rd October. - Not a houseivaaleft eland ing. A large portion of the iuhs,b-Unts were b .Tied beneath the ruins. Seriousiamage wa* dune io the surrounding country

ihevillages and moontairjj, many c which• eribtoWn. '

iter accounts say that the city desttoy-

nian, in the State of Atlisco, other-

Another Peram Killed in 'Gumming.—InKioney, a worthy young Irishman of S7, shot

Trials of « Sckoot-Moittr.—Ms*er—Boys, ! himself while hunting near Mend ham. Morr:-Noah had tlnee M M , Shem, Ham and Japhet. county/one day last week. Holdingg his guh in

, , «ai t • rabbitwith the other, it was accidentally discharged in-to bia left breast, causing death almost instantly.

Kdl tht rUtawa /—Early on Monday ning, Mr. Wm. U. KitsbeU delected two

i making too free with bis flock of sheep.

ihree •ooa-Sfaem, Hunree •ooa-Sfaem, Hun a»dJapk>et.aa the father of Noah'* three son. TB ( U i t ft h d

*fr ht Mlii*,.It ,s said that TenTona of fine Poultry were brought over the Eas-t R a i l d h i f th B

a the father of Noah* three son. T T f e oultry were brought oer the EasB<,ys—(Unaaimousty after a hide hesitation,) tern Railroad this morning for the Boston raar-

-Mr. Smith.A late Dublin Magazine has a story some-

» hat skin to thi., nave that the teacher and po-ll were alike thick-beaded. An Irish twor isxamining a lad in Scripture history : vTutor—Is then any account given in the

aripture, Phelim, of a dumb bake spakiug T

Tutor—What dumb baste wait it that spake TUd—It was a whale' iTutor—Ye* To whom did the whale .pake IL.d—To Moses in ths bullrusbe*.Tutor—Troe. What did the whale .ay to

nOwsinthebullruahe-Ttad—Almost thou penuadert hie Iu be a

ihriMian.Tutnr—Very well. What wi i Hosts'reply tLad-Thou an tl«? man.CouM there be any thing mo e broadly bur.

-*-i thiat

CM Vtry.—The B*-»ton Beefor the following story,—as ricl an insverdancy aa we have met with, li teJy : :

A gentleman from the

ket.—Bo*tt»t Trant.

wise the above i

front Mexico dated Oct.

05- Hon. William Wright has iwued a Cir:ular to Us fellow Whigs of New Jersey, whichoccupies a column and a half in the NewarkDaily Advertiser, of Wednesday etenrngjUst.—He details,ihe circumstances attending his nation, and the causes or his defeat, which he

•scribes Io the opposition or a'_few Whigs in theFifth Congress District—and seemsjo regret itonly as being a defeat of .the party.. He considered the nomination of Mr. Kinneyin 1843, aa unfair, because, among other reas-ons, Newark, »ith a, population of some 20,000,

iel, stales that Saul.i Am.,|p kis residence at Tebnacan whence

he intends to- -defend himself againM the charg>es brought again;t him. : It it not only allegedagaihat him that be abandoned the city on thelight of Seal, 43, with his army, in a.mosttow-irdlj manner; leaving the city without protec*

die treasury department uf all boother species of available means.off all suspiciou from himaelf, he

was allowed bu\;< 1 in the Conventto

! Jersey Veal— A calf raised: by J. 1. Schenck, allowed 14•ear CSover Hit), in thi. county. 5 months and r for

while 14 other townships in ibe District, »iili

aggregate popuJation of only about 19,000 H

Eittaerdinar* PerforManee.~Oniou. Mr. John L. Case, of Clover Bill.to the Held of Mr. Jacob W. Nevius, o.place, aud in exactly (en hour, hulked 162bushels of corn, good measure.' We have never

be 19il»

«T the same169}

, gheard anything equal thuaking.—ih. I

thi. jn the way of corn

Gn. Hmttm md tkt Pr*U**cy<—K Dem-ocratic mass meeting of the citizens of St. Au-gu.tine, Texas, anal the adjacefft counties, "re-spectfully andi f h U

esas, ana the aand deferential!ly proposes to the peoV

f G npie of these United States,.tne name of Gen,Ban. Houston for the next Presidency ; subjectio the <eei.ionof National CooveBtioo." . :

A SUtrin lear — The following is said libbe the ealander of a Siberian or Lapland year:Jane 23rd enow melt*—Jul

t j f l | 6th, field, quite green;—14th, plants at full-r m 1 1- {••>• tnet pa- ] grown^-16th, planu in flower—August 2d, frait

E )now stopped at one of our hotels, entered ,ipe—IOth, plants shed theirseed—andthesnowoeonveraauon whnoneof ti» boardet. ,«fc. „», k* eoniinues tVom August 18, to June 33d.

. after e t , eboarder drew «ot Us cigar em and aakedthecountryman—.-I ' Will you

yWill you take a cigar, liri ;.Wa-a-a-J, 1 don't mind if I dew, wa. tbW

The c

p ghe cigar tirM

M them passed to kink,

; yIhing i* Ibe

T e New l e s Nasays that an old lady having read Bome-Ibe n w p b t h E i l i h d

that an old lady havinnewspapers about the


gt e Eiigliah and

China, sent the following

vote* He therefore consented igres», if. the Democrats would RIcandidate, thus throwing the cot

•en two Whigs, and rendering it inj hare the seat filled by a Democrat.


t'of fur reae seen (his great speech for themselves, tio need that jve give a synopsis of its iIs. He takes inucli the same ground, in op-

position to .the war that has been taken by'Mr.Webster, the National Intelligencer,'New York

receipt for the benefit of the public: iTribunen^dpefhaps the gre>ter>n. ^ • ^ b M b M C h , f a . , y o » l must put_ Ifc . • L ' u t S l V eJd-Lnl -n,W,. , „_ put the

piecea together e.refully, tie them up with a

irt'of hi.L

party. It is truly an efdqUenl and well-wribeiproduction, which adds even to his

t h e S e a t e»f W a r .— -O*CArA«r,iM—ABqtth Etpt'ttA.11 • Louisville, Nov. 25ib, 1847.

By the arrival of traders from Santa Fe, laterdares from thai quarter have been received.

Another iniarreciiun had taken place amongU» Mexican* at Cbibuabiu, and the A m - -esidents there (breed to fly tuescape being rote-lacred, leaving much of their property behind. m

Col. Euston was mustering a force to inarchgainet the inaUrgent* and a battle wak rfiortlbattle wak rfiortly



Ceralno on the 4th inst.

ita Anita Tried far, &eati*g.—A letterind published in

JJ, he robbed.ds and every

And to cast, __ then ordered

hat the pri&m:of theAceortladaLe opened and 'Is convicts let loose upaji the community. TheSall'of ihe House of Representatives wits enter-ed bj them, its chandcliifrs broken in a thousand

the rich tapp-iry.if.rn from the windowsmd •strweti -stiuut iln- An, md the! residue orthe splentM liall n.milated, if not emirelj dt-

I . a t c r f r o t n Iffcxlcq.erii,i_\,'s S". Y. Sttti has the following, two

tjajs'.attr n««s, rec«tnM by ithe Edith, at New' •*--•- — - Ocim Vera Ciui, and pubtiahed in the

EJflra, of the fii.' . •r rfem:'QLuerei)i|ri>, dialed Oct. 25, sayseanjiifit, were Ulpin ihe city, and »ev-

,.iy, .:ini| it1 was believed thatjld be "

T |c nrst buMinoi. .Tlie candidates are Pens', Almonie,•rrtrjt

ichedahere ofthe ca.pi

in design:!,tp form Mexico i

( lie LSvH'H ffci^vu. u n n c jncru ail. \JIJIIH.I • rn*. cf rti VIIIKID S_EI,I IJIC taiij, nr.u it WDD •** »'"" ***• ."it

week beibre last?-Chief Justice Green presid- ^ J Boon;t4|re-wou.di be Bufficiem (o open theV . . . . I n n »l'li*.' Rr^t hiiBMitoaini Itnt t n * **••>*-'i.tia i.T

ing. Only one Civil cause was_tried, which re-sulted in a noii-su it.

In the1 critninat branch, Thomas '(Brokaw,black msn, wu Iriei! for setting" fire to the burnof Reuben Freeman,'near Bound Brook—i J

acquitted—lheSerider.ee being very frail-James Monroe was tried for breaking into tlie

store of Isaac Brown of Somervilfe. and stealingtherefrom, was convicted and sentenced to uyears' imprisonment in the State'penitent.nry.

Mr. Clay's 9p«ek.-

io great s»a .an UnidO-f* A paper considers ibis a ntw part j.

The A rc.n Iris atatelr that the number of Upi-:.in Finw.ps iinw in tlif'tielil at rlifferenl sUliom,

t'3i,ooj>.;; ,A Jeiter from the Nitionnl Bridge, dated 4th.

.mi'-sioiiiTnl'Piidro J-iramn with jHtare pro-;ionn.- :Thc Vmite bfing tired nf war andi*ig:, to Itome unVlerl Ithe fprotection of our:-rnk;ni;peH- I'nttersf.n coolly told the Ctini-ifancr ifpurjuni-wished io return'to Vera

,;rii« a.i n gooo ciliieu, to itispcrse his com-


m hb pocket; took : " B*grkk.—»cket «hd cut off i h t Ib k

other*. He first put a dam across the creek andlasr mill;—drained his lands and

gin fac-eleered np hi* »-* .ra|w t ie erected, thd then s eWton factory,—built nouses lor

his wi>rk urn huilt a bridge across the creek.nri rorftt-i 't—put op stores and Bhnpi-on'both

grounds, frti™ *h:d.t i i r t>vvn, a i i t j I i d ••

filled with the choicest .eral out-houses and offices ben.les a rich galleryof paintings. -,' ' j

The village no ,v cooaiils of huinlre.U of houseswith chtt'ches .'Cthe various deno....n >ti«is. •About 600 g,

tu a splendid gardenj whiicest plains He ha^nowd fB b l



bis jsck knife oui of hi* sockei and cut off ihat mence The porkipg busineM V\ «keend ot the lighted cigar which &d been iu tne of another, who hJd . «ty in his eye.nwuth of bis generous friend, and commenced " Explain," uid the afflicted one.

l i V U I t l I L I U M Til • 111. I l l , B ^ I ' H I I ^ h . l l l l I J h

every Ciiprjlial.e cnughi- -. *in water fltreegty* infuteet) jwoduotion. which adds even to his reputation, A letter (joni Vein Criil. (luted Sth insL.aays

, : : ! ' [and hssbwn looked for by the whins with B§fgopdl forwarded to Iho hteri.-r via Oriznba, are .: \¥\ ' '- L. k 1-4.-1 i. • • u *JL a- -J • !*"» lp*"g*r Mixed by the Mexican • authorities,

m ace yon going to cota-J f^"-" not gre«er anxiety, than the President s ^ thtitihe auei-rilla force is gating »e«k- .bathteMl'j! asked a person Message. For * is manly, decided atad freely . e r yera(|rua mi U* cottnlry around is get-

fi 1 sea yo<

run. a foul of so deter aJeller, in ihe city, u hog in my eye now." "'

t four stjr ready."

pexpressed oppotition tinto any Dortionf of the Mexicao.Territory, he

"" 'PT'"ti°°

, , ndeffully AmericmTheliMl.ltni'MJitainorn

get- :

r We oaee hnm • L i u trhn Iein Nnnh C « 4 . v a n d X h a p

jpatriot tn'the Dniied States. >Ve_ hojie this(speech will be productive of great good in this

1 tSat Et will not be; any hindrance

„ ,wbohold geatleanan. called cinquired i" '

F. Calhoun will.1 it is said, arrive at Wash-ington a day or two before the session. He,ferls very deeply, as a recent letter from him is in the way of peicj, in Mexico. The Was

" " " •-*' ' t T • — ' H.c«r»pondAtortbeN.Y.Joun.aloflerce, SfHteB :-*!•

Mr. Clay's re*olutiona may have some i

t the Stains of Sanand one other, had

•- ' nw. ia r ' : -eoie, and proffered him 18,000 troop.. Senor,ii;.i» ~*t'r filed noon f-.~ ii^-. I ' . . . ^ I . . . ia, • - T P

e Uay ahof the old lady, who,

t the door on hearing his waJI.K.• t o r 'dicajah, air, you wi«1t" l a it j , , y

the old lady, who knew not howth th


. i___J__ li Li i -' iJ -:°-f"-rr.U *>»«i»"o.ef. ,

jr»u l ;»_i,ie , n i t o r r e p . « U i the ffe' • •8 ' s l "°""h« ' 1 !«f«»»f !»f He-Ill« . h p « f ^ Y k h

.Pe ir -

> -n-»e., n wards of • 10,000 far .he lm S.e monih..

lent, unfavorable ibecau*e tfaey.will show_that a large

" ^ k tired rif the waf-wbich is uue—Mid that ouon of Mexican territory will be but tern-

.. m V I Iof Ewopoij. iriterteitiion, whichcalculated (i|ion. Many Mexicanter are hostile to the mvvenient, slo join the Umied Stales to prevett

nfi-cml;st ,, , . .-

re re_djCOI1SUIU-

. _« N. TJ C o l ^ o f Ps Mr. Pen;,Had-*, I wi.h _ see," re- ' " " ! » « » " " ' t» f»«fcssor A.—.r.. who

Tenniutt.Stiator.—After « great number ofballoting., the Te . Legislunre, oil

0 S"

Perry was atwas Micajah be wiabedit length g i t i e n t

itwas Micajah be wiabedio « e . * •At length grown impatient, atwisupposingthe c f l e c t u r 4 M-

good lady was mocking him, he (kejaimed rather Eb p

', of i«st wedt, elected John Bell it. &

n*added a1 free p«*aag« ti*ketj-"tr b<m ^ ^ |*«w—*• t»e gratifioatipi.«f ihethe steamer Northerner, pre- | oawereal whig jj>arty Mr, Bell wu long a di»

tber of the Honse of Remeaen-!«me its Speaker. He was also

1 U 7 « « H . a^ted • e * « d ** ¥ e - ^ Spofcrt fe Tilerton, wftere unguisned me.al^ ' *; the FWeseor is engaged to deliver »new series;uiivee, and bee

A gentleman farmerlj : "By G d. m.«l=,>.i, I dmi.t know acquaintance tells us, that for three years he

er he is y.mr cagey w MM, lut n Mr. had planted potatoes at three different period*,af bonaer—Ctorrolltim (W, Gurttt. <,,%. early in April, late in April and in Jfl*j.4r

V '*'' Er th l h b dtorrllm (W, Guttt. ,,%. early in April, late in April and in Jfl*j.4rV ••'*'' . Every jear the eatly potatoes, have been sound.—The following .from nn and firm, the middle part unsound, and the late

d b j i d H i i l l i h i hpaper ia loo good to be « t : :Whig Be«. r.«ed in

. R. Shunk ; and the Uin Pennsylvania by t e c e pLock Foe* Turnip cullect inthe W i t o t P he early

Bart unsound, and , _•iiined. He .ay. il is early planting-which pro-tects the potatoe against the epidemic We re-

- . . .. ...... ^_ collect in a great many accounts af the rot thatproduced in New York by the Wilmoc Prof ISM. the early potatoes; were count).—Jmm*. of Com.

private source that inform-g districts uf Scdl-Bl«aiber, represent

• !- Confi-gonA,

lie cap-

wbom at least trill meet again in the new Senate—Messrs. We|eter, OriOenden, Badger andBell—and varjf likeiy Mr- Ewing, another wm-ber of that Cabinet, wifl be elected U. S. iiena-

, ftan, rte »ronf.eUiri

j in her head snd the embargoi the region n ' h e r jocular vein, and all fromueniiiK the window in t be-night to throw a bot-'E »t a braou of belligerent c m in the shed. |

. ^ Jtbough n

as approachmg * crisis.

it m bmiU in the at s o i M s s > a proud pillar, hat I willmj tofesa on the bestn,i*t o? a tent of i.^r.r.ce I »,... ,_! . V_'V U

lant enongh, they

, ^ — „ r : waa an action on a. rromwof Mr. Uarfison'a Cabinet—four of d r B W 0 bv Hatiaon ^ Ticbei

lor from Oh o,

k&ction.—The whig. har« elect-ajority if 2 on joint ballot in the Legiela-

5 S t e and 51 in tlie House,nave 17 in the Se.nate

15 Jh the Sentola]_m—the ^aad 47 in the House, total &i.

was «onnei«d oT Ihe murder of his wife, and- o b* executed, but had his sen*e«ee

by lOov. Young, on account of. bis fence end<?ainyi-ie, §;•vliicn at Uifi

the globe.

id from the;N. Y.a, and is now at large,

07* T r | Essci Courts are now in session atlewjbrk. The Circuit Court opened lastTneB-ay,—Judge Netius presides—There were 2ouils.iioti'ccii for trial. The Common Pleas en-

WreiJupon|tb«lM of appekls_ on Wednesday!moitqing. | j t isj expectpd that the Orphan's;Court will'lake up business trxlay.

The following ca*es tried in the Circuit Courtare till that we jjraliee, likelyto be interesting t<

r readers :Alfred Berry vs. Alfred Tichenor impleaded

withiBen^miH F. Hamw—In Case—Thfcaction on a Promissory Note for «500

dene defended. The nibove interest.- The dedal

; thelaslofwhoai•as dated tp.}830,lion did not stale

thht (he mile was for the amount with interest ;wnereupi.ii. Defendant i-*jet(cd to it* admissionire erideaee. This objeetioB tne Court oveirbi-ed. 'One jblea'of the defense was the Stati '~ed. One fcleaof the defence was thLimitation*, ti» which it wai replied tfaat Hasfin liad paid the inwreal within 6 years. It fther »pp««j«feth»i I>«fc>nd««a bad ceased lofc>

1^7,: « dw ft

d.1 was argued

ihe conoecifcai

Ruis,' wbo parnter, tihoBgh

ooutaiued 18*13 inhabitants oeteased lo y».77*. rod them

»«m« (Msro.) Cattle I Colo of GraAoo, from 87 fc obtained 198 <lo« egga. . rod 08 chtekaas aoldlbc mif -' 89 dicen cog. W<l f -*i i.| the fowls wag. '' n all k nds of grant, some lira rod in the.

(Hr Lite? accounts say th«t the oily dnstroy- ed was OcotiM, in the Stale of Atlisco, othet- wbe the abov* is correct;

Canale, died at Coral ro on the 4th urn. Satin Amu Tried far Herdin*.—A letter flora Mexico dated Oct. 20, and published in the Tampico Sentinel, atalea that 8anta Anna had taken up Me reaidence at Tebeacen whence be totendi to defend himself against the char*, e. or ought againrt him. H la not rady alleged agaihat him that he abandoned the city cat the oigl* of Sept. 13, with hta army, in a.tnoat ton. ardly manner, tearing the city without protec- tion ; but that prerioua to hia leaving, he robbed tlie treaanry department of all boudsand every other specie, id available mean. And lo cast ltd all suspicion bora hitnaelf, be then ordered that the prism .of the Accord ad a he opened and its convicts let luoae opub the community. The Hal I'of the House of Representatives was enter- ed by them, rW chandeliers brokeu in a thousand pieces, the rich lapr.trr turn from the windows and Slrfwed. about the |oor, and the residue of the splendid hall o.ulilfted, if not entirely de- stroyed.

I.nlrr from ncslco. Yesterday's N. V. Sub lut the following, two

data'later m-a, receievid by thn Edith, at New Orleans, frotn Vera Citut, and puld.died In the Picayune Extra, of the t-td

A letter from Querrtir.., dated Oct. 25, aaya that Tl depotiea were ifim'io the city, and sev- eral olher. on the way, end it we. be|ie*ed that yery voon there would be lufRctcnt to open the session. T*e Bret buwnraa ia the plfctiun ur Presul'iii. The candidates are Penn, Almonte,

eroaand lo Philapdphi. in the Ural at Walnut meet. Thu poehnadww* of the murdered mm, rilled of nil ite money it probably couiawied. waa found thrown into a camnl-boal near . the apot where thia sasp.ntoas man was seen by the watchman. Thn earn tlie murderer obtained, in Ihonght to have beeo not mere thwt 810 or 812 Tho doeeaaed wan a man .bow. forty yean of Kind Iravrs a widow and ail children His wife wav a daughter of Judge Rogers, of

tsow, woo waa inn tauter ov noan a lovwe.aonn I wv wm, wwvaa wnempitug in atari a raoovt (Ike boya of the third clam panae, and look dn- with the other, it waa aceideaially diaoharged its- hionaly at their teacher, bat them ia no reply.) to hia In# breed, caumcg death aimed instant!y iJrrir.^’revolt neighbor 1 e haa three aontl, John, Jnmaa, am# : ^ fr«^h bftfiie* tS aawa;u - 8.rn-(AI. ugather, m eager ea.foo. drift.) | kX IS TEf

Master—Certainly I ftftU Wdl now let na Inm to the Brat question. Mod. had * ™!m"d inthu Stale Jeraryam. three aooa —Sbem, Ham andJaptict Now who tori far Ik. Mlimn.—It w mid that Ten waa the father of Noah'a three m t Too. of line Poultry were brought over the Earn Boy a—(O nutimoualy after a Intle hesitation,) tar. Railrond Um morning (or the Bod,-, mar.

j m - r j Ue considered thh nomination of Mr. Kinney

in 1843, as unfair, because, among other reas- on., Newark, with a.populkuoo of nome20,000, was allowed but one rote in the Conrention, while 14 other loin. hip. ia the District, with an aggregate prftnidioD of only about 19,000 ware allowed 14 votem He therefore commuted to run foe oogreaa, if. the Democrats would not auaoibatn • candidate, thua throwing the eor-

lioctiva appellation, waa ycaterdiy brooght bo- ftn Indie. Elmer, charged with harmg eniar- ad thn mntdaoen of Col. EJibu BriUin, on Sun- day evening, and dolan a shawl tod bonnet, be- bmgmg to a lady rofaaad to the family. Thav aaM mtdd and thn ramdnnce of Hi Joua- iku CSnAar, u a Um Inu oo 6uo>i*y night. EetTmedinrry Pnfarmaaa—On thn Wtb md. He. John U Cana, of Queer Hill, went in- to the Bold of Mr, Jacob W. Neviua, of the aam* place, aud in exactly ten hour, boats.) lag bushels of oorh, good meaaora. We have uevm heard anything equal to thin fa the way of oora

Thn Somerset Court, were held at Somerville week before lastr Chief Justice Green presid- ing. only one «iri| cause waa .tried, w hich re- sulted in a non-doit.

In the criminal branch, Thomas^Brokaw, a blank man. was tiled foe selting fire ia tin barn of Reuben Freeman,'near Bound Brook—rod acquitted — ibejevidence being vary frail.

James Mtxiroe was tried for breaking into the do*, ofjsaao Brown of Somerville, and Mealing therefrom, waa oonticied tod lenlenccd ' lo Mo yams' ioipriaonmeal in the Stale jteniientlnrj.

front the National Bridge, deled 4rh. ieulara of Gen. Patterson's march i'll*itluiut molestation to bin Hoad- Santa Anna's residence, liter Beat hah received a visit from a arrofPadte Jarautn with peace pro- :3'h* Padie being tired of war and come under the .protection of onr jtleii. Payer son coolly told the Cont- PJuiauta wished to retire lo Ve»a iuod cuilen, to divpcrte his com- yhoceed there indtntly, lind oo one -.1 iheln, hdding that hafthould hang alia l-a caught. ’ ftom Vcrw Crus, dated 8th inet. says ayded lo lltu Interior via Orlxaba, are (Sard bf the Meaican • authorities, at the guerrilla force ia getting weak- Crue and tl* oounlry around ia get- arfolly Americanised.

ha the calender of a Siberian nr Lapland year-.

Mr.CU,: Spteek.—As most ’of 9tir resders ^ < bare seen ibis g*e«t speech for thomsel***, there ^ol

is ao n«e4 that fire a synnpsia of ita Con- teou. He take* much the same fround in op- Go« peailioD to%lY» dtar that has been lakea by*Mr. m\» Wybater, the National Intelligencer,'New lurk J-'* Tribune, and perhaps the grealer ponion’of hi- ™*] pnrlj. It ia Uu^ an afoquenl and well-wrilten oto j prodiobooi »l>l«h »dd» even to hia reputation, I I and haa been logked foe by the whiga with aa mnch, ifaot greeter antiety, than'the Preaidenl'a ^ Memage. For hia manly, decided and IVeely eiprensed opposition to the extenaion^of Slavery tint Into any portico’ of the Meiieao.TmrKory, he .1 deserves the approbation and gratitude of every . 1

patriot l«;the 0luted Stales. We,_hope this ,|^ speech vriB be jeodootlee of great good in this mb country—and list it will not bn. any hindrance l'u in the my of ptfcce, in Mexico. The Wnabinf *1

ton correspoodmt of the N. Y. Journal of Com- Jf’,' , rnnrce, writes 4- l0j,

liming to work at hia trade ha wa shin to real- iM a pruBt from bis giao eg uni In thn annual io- ■robnnnu, end I boa to pay than promptly. Hia aoighhor. thought hr .« ruining hima^f, but the source of tM utnaa for nmeimg hta pay- anna worn better known lo bimadf tknn lo •eharw Ha (rat pat a dam scrum the creek and eeoeend a at* aHli-deeinnd hin lands and fiaarad ap hia awwniia He erected a gin fac- tory and then a nation factory,—built kouaee for hia work nen built > bridge xeroa thn creek —• * op wnrea and shop, on 'both •luilt a .-plemlid mai/vum oiarhlr f-u taiiiin' hit front ah By and beautiful jet is i aplendi.1 garden! which ia 1 | llama He haa uow eee- Beea ber-lee a rtab gallery

tbyrillage now conaiau uf hnadreilaof houses with ohurebra -rf the laiioue About 600 g„t, of nil wee. a. anau.ll, ot.4r and Slid at troiU $200 to 8990 oach. Thegr at-

" Explain," Mid the nflieted one. " Ini* ” r~ hero got your aly reedy." '• Turn,'' .. th. reply, ' rod I have got one hog in ay eye now.” , j i j Ms. Cslhotin will, A is said, arrive M Wak- am a dty or two before the aeaeion. ; He •ay deeply, a a recent letter Bom him ta -aid to allow tha.rw.ponobility which real, upon the Avar, ha regard to the present etas of things, and think, that the crisis demands the) axereaM of the greatest prudence and modern-1

nored liter* that tho Stairs of 8in ecaa, Durango and oua uUier, had favor of Paredes' monarchical proflhred him 18,000 iroopa. Sapor fixed upon for tho throne, iu ease ; imerrention, nhieb in confidently i iron. Many Meatoana ia that gaar- ■ le lu the moreraenl. and are ready ! niled Buie* to prerent its cooaom-

of so clerer foftllet.

fo once know l feniily who Ined in a North Carol tipi, and peeliapa car aull ve. by tbe name .f P.-vry, Thn fami- ed of ike old grnllci-ro, whose Sana pah, hia wife nod two wins. ■gar, who had nope hi.aowm wait thn

sidna nf :r,r vtrt-oa- liwtninaeir'rteittrl ■

. cy Th* Eandx Codrta are now in aeroioa at I Newark. Thegirc.it Court opened laatTaea- day,- Judge Net ms pteaMno—Thorn were 25 suit*.noticed for Dial. The Common Plea* am. trred upon- the list of appeal, on Wednesday rooming. Jt is; espooled that the Orphan'^1

Court willTake up btuiuao today. The founding eases tried in the Circuit Courj

arn all tha| we notice, likely to be interesting to out reader*: Alfred Berry m. Alfred Ticheuor implooM with' Beniapdn F. llarnwm—lu Carte—Tmi

A Pat Of,,.—The Com—livaiooera of Brai- [ration state ia their report to the New York -egislaiure that tlye fees of the HeMtl Officer u the port of New York, have aro—imed to up. r^d. of 910,000 far the last five months. The Blndenu of the N. Y. CollegiofPhy.it- -semis, who' is de- lect urea before Hum. eaSror ihed the aum ol 8200 in half in added ■ free passign ticket he wearovw Norther'ier, pro- 8po«brd & TUeMon. whete

vis. early in April, late ia April and in May.— Every rear the eat Is potatoes have been sound rod firm, the noddle part unround, and tfie U|e ruined. Hr say. it U early planting -hmh pro- leetsfhn polntoe against Ihsspidemic- Were- Artfan.—The whig, hare eftet- ra 90 joint hallo* in thn Legiala. the Senala and 51 in die Jlouae,

entocrat. has. 17 m lb. Scp.t. loom, total 04. Java Ron — Ctlrin Rum, who

Page 3: EDITOR · 2015-02-09 · Talu MILTON r . «F»HXtr*. EDITOR * PROPRIETOR! * n^Tn YiH«t«iH - Sokieri-AH dihfiiM rtre< «• pap« e p.,.l •mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al

Cm in< taic Turn.—The tettai'ou • « "ibeliulun of > •<«. for MSO, »hteh w *counlri br 1)>' rttinfiekl B " * . «•* " • " • "1U>

Ibe poMeuion of ibe. pl«inliS> " Receirew •Moo«it«—*«> "f lb»fc»li The pnmuptlrwinf urged in defence was, that it did not ap-beir in evidence that the Receirers had erer ta-i n tin requi.iu, oath of office. Verdict fo. ibeoUintifft W06M, with6 cento costs. For theB S M M D ! D 5 3 , Jr. aod J. P. Brad!.,. Torlb« Defendanu, L C. Oroter.

On Sooiaj aaociog Ua, about 4 o'clock, thell Ptraiin, bound op the lakes, "^en

l»il« of Sbebo/gaPi on Lake Mfeb,-fci b lire under the deckri was discovered

Wu found in-powtbletoShe bad more "150 of whom we<of the passengers

n this place, on the 17lh inst. by he Rev. L.Bond, Wm. C. Williaras, of Willi«*i«' Parme,to Pctronella, daughter of Lucaa V Hotgland,of Plainfield.

dtTlbe 17th inst. Wmi H. Meek r, fa jK., daughter of Samuel Whitehead, dl of El.z-beiht


bj200. paasetigers ae German emigrants,succeeded in :escaping I .t either perished in the flafaes• Those who were in tbe boats

were'plcked up by the; steamer Delaware, whichhove hi aielit just in lime to see tbe dreaiiftil(L of those on board of ibe Ul-pUrred Phasbix,hat too Uie U> reader them arly earthly asjriat-.nee. Every attention was paid to the survivorsbT tbe officers «nd crew of the Delaware-" The PbjenU W"? owned by P e u e &• .Al|en,of Clenrelapd, nnd insured for $15,000. I

M .rtorje in Hudson St., N . Y,, U tbe Itlowing—"H-HARK. W whet Coals for eHere.". . .

A country toy bcin^asked ,thfe other day whal

r^phed/'"tVliy,"j" meT.is tb i / sve r* man shijaldsafer .dikeL", . (

TUXialMJAeMeaL—Vtraia Rothscfctfiilwugh imrnerisely rich, is occasionally rttjWtiv He was called upon recently to g iveagoodefinition r>f the RealTaud the Heal , whe$ heanswered, " I cannot give a rqore forcible; ex-ample limn tKfe following ! T h e Real is the'fcur--rent coin, "f Spain, and a[Spanlsh Bond, whichji supposed to [epreoent.iti istl ie.Ideal."

to Talleyrand, " 1 know-n(jailed a wicked m a n / f o r I ne*er

Oct. 36th, at the Catholic Churchseph, sod of the late Joseph Collet,!of

n, to 'Augustine, daughter o fP Remy, of><*M>. -J n the 28th of Sept. M , V«n. M. t)«y, ! to

Lydta Ann Cole, of NewProtyidenceL ; , , : .Near £ i x Mile R a n , on the 16th inst. Ftede-

k H Disborough, of Millstone, to Ahn', dtugh-er. of John S. Ncviuc, Esq.

why Inn . .die wiiole course of my life performed but (OIK,ci'i.fwickediie»s" [ "Bu t when," replied f ale-'rand, wi|l . ijii. a c t i v e an e, • -

UK.- >H-f-:«MAN's [oLOSUJKfUN, OR AI.I.


W» V - Ci<tuLblSG, wel'l kiiowu ilirnutitu .

:••! Suraicil /lis'nim.mt makurV and .MurutCic-lurer'.'l T,--Uses,—57 tlia'tiam street, I

Dear Strj.—-I have been frequency efucntiiineieeiicermniMhe remedy which y i u liavcjin'rpdii-rrd'tn j»utilip notice i under the name of OLiOS-AQNIANJ « - ALL- t iCALlNO- BALSAM

A great fortune totG a w p i n g and lying go together.It would be wdl ia tooM in»t>nce» if adjric

ere not gi ien until asked for.There i t a stalk of corn so high,

hal the gorernment has bought it f r • light-•e! Luxuriant •oU.

Near Bdundbrotlk, insi. Mary| 8wife o U s a a c &• Bfokaw, 'aged abont| 38 years.

InSUower Rahwsy, on ihe 26th jmJBt. M r i Si-ne.m Thaclier.

1Elizabeth town and Soniervillo

R a i l I t oad . j .' \ Hai been relaid.with a heavy II Rail. [

Wittter Arrangement ;Cinn.ntncing Dee. 1-1, i

: Tli« P««enger Trnina will l e s . e |OmervilleforNew Y o r i . i l 7, A. !H and 2, P. •fattGaU, ' i ' ! 7 l - i • B I SVe-field, \' 7 3-4 a 3.4Jtzjbelulon-tt, 8J-4, ]2 3 4 * 3 1-4

R-Hirinng.ifaieNe'wTorkbyN. J . Railroad;,fo.fCourilaudt^reci,Bl9o'<loe1t, A .M. |» n d3> . M•fiy 5te»ml,.iru I'ler No I , North Ri*cr,•<i ; . , :k . . \ . J I . ( .ml i , l312P.M. ] -

THE FREIGHT TRAIN I IWiltleavo Somtr.illt for New York st 5 o'clock A

itraiax, leave NewlVork for Soinei ' "«t| i i r No. J, North Kiver, at ] | O'I

». i Purs...., «i«hin( their freight to \gt>New V»rk,wiM*end by ths 11Passenger Train trill take no Ii

•Btjigea will be ii, i-Qadii.es* on the arrival -atadtnerviKeihyil.eHo'iioc., \ M Irom N< ...1O cmvcy patuengart to Eamlun, AUeutonn, Wj/k.*-h*rir, «mJ Mnurl. Cbunk, pn. ; and to hemln^ioi


trik and Mhuchor£i Uirnnflr/WIti

ow«J, JugiovJn, &c

i Fresh Tens ! Fresh i eas !Our Yodng HJSOD, at 6a. is generally ac-

knowledged by good judges to bi* equal to what Dr. To<vif«e..d i foai 8cart be obtained elsewhere -for 9 1 — and that «'r.-nn you timtiliraoWmy , ,js- 'zood ennuzh for any bodr." They do sar al-il.'ir Sc r" f"'• %> '.'" "** *1*'^""

Dr. Townnend's Sai^aparilin. IThrMozt Extraerdiuny Jfcrf.«»r i+tki World

THIS K u f * t i l -••

t . _ . riel.ii«wi3igl»«patle..v •The great le.uty Hnd aaperirrrily ut thia 9ara. .

ii 'nMtVtii vi'ibratelthe h^v!*' It i" "pi'of ( l l *?"*r « Spring •mt^imiiwr llie'dicine* evtr Bno^uj Unl ; puritiea ihc whole' p.h-m and Rrchltlieaa"

of iia « ond*rful »ucc.»*." It l i t .med iviihin tl.c pis! iwoyean,, n»r« t h u 35c o t . .v.r* .••cVof.auKaie: «i 1^.-6,000 of tlre considered 1 ncurable-Men than : • • . ( * * , . ; ,

3,000 c».Pir.f Clxionic Rlieiii[>»ti»ra; i

4,000 tHIt . af Geoersl"" 'V.OOflciW.oftheduTr.2,000 « « e . of 8rrof»J«.1,500 cdaen of the Liyer C 'm^kiM.2Ji00e«««a.r0iMi.*e1:..fil.. Mlj.^yanndDfate.W»icBM*K C.ii.M.iiipu-1./ •: •

And thouapiKlf nTciKa^l J>.vn K.»f int; blond, icera, CrVnipeiaa, cilirheain. |>iiil|>'-<E>i "",tbe iV<t '6. Tufrrt'lurr witli iiumfniu eaiea uf -ipk h«KV

Dr. Tawnwnd'*eurin< Ihi* dMiih« Blf*d, D j . riiy. EM>'

Dr. IT»-••pnrilU'*rt



7 / JPi*»/ / I I:r>«rill. ia iw ItM »uece«aftl in

amplaini. than for <!<**••«• ofi P i l > b i l

U-handa. Youra ttuly.•5.1848. S JOHN HALL. <9 TUIBT. I I .

Principal Office, 12$ Fnlton .1. 8Un Building. N. T.

Agent for tMainfield,

Oet. 1*. 1847.—ly. I

'•r'ef.B R°Van "U"I*'T*!' ¥£'. ombJe .IruKguta ii. Newark. N- J.r«f«rta more ttwit 159 enact in

whicli ne wiH refer If with nleasure. r>..j u. ™Jo Vfcharacter. Ii-Mlhe b«»t nMaitinc !"in In1 (ix-wni-ilivcafJi.Mieii.owii'. It undoubtedly fliived the livM < 'mart ban1 • " '• . . > '

5,000 Children the po.t ceafoo,I it removed rlit ciUae .if diae* .e^and prcpaml th*i

e '"'II'MTSP*STATES OFFICER, [jfiCapt. G, W. Mcl^aii, al the Ct.iied autUtt Nay,d m-Hbpt or tbe Ne%v Jtrwy Uli.lature, ha,lit,:

. : Ruhwaj, Jan. S, 1847.'"'A j e w Diact I ivu t«Li-.n will. li.E Mitlurnia. and W y],,,k «>,t!.-in left TH • i-l/riiini,-.] pwi*. I » u induced

twn nrihiee bc.nl*.'. t ii-i\-Vf« much reitjn^awd af-lr.1,,1,,. ii'cntiralv to the said Sar»|»Lr'>Ma. I Uive eontinurd uSibgit,* finrttnat 1 im,,rov« every day. I

•lieve ii mvfd mv it>,. :mij'iv<iuld tiot 6' without i!ider.any ^oiiudaraiioR. - O. \V HtLCAN.

SCI^OFVl2A CJUREEt, \ • ; ,This Ci iiiiii-iii- fimrlujiTf ly girove. ilnit tlib Snriu-trilU l>ni pcrlent coiitrul i>*er Uin moai ob.linale dia-iietnrtlic O.DMJ. Three-benoni cured in M e h m wunjirecBdejrterf.; : I, . . • ' ' '

THlrl n iu .MII .hsve the nleua

1 in ?l>.en"aef of theJLangi 1 be(ie»«•M me.Jiciue (hat hits ever been ivc-

VVjabthg you success,

1 Inp; 8iil« Aceni Kr Piuinfield,Whorif'JnV Touili foi te , Poor Mati'i

>t,•o»'.W«k Te» at4a.ru theonlygobd° ' t l ) e l l n d "• Ballad ID Plailifie d. • •

41 Pii?6e» Alpneca,

3. piece Pi<t° Alto Clc' [pi.-.-.. Vu-iorin Caalit.

Received,i Scoir.li ningtiHirii,Inuiabl* for L«l.*VDr.

iU. Voufa, re»

i w i ^

THEMS AND MAKRitlh tdD/ES.;\ of SitrMparillp liaa been ."t].i'p*«Jv p

Wl,,, l.«««.... .»...pSl?.t,."'"' 1. •• TheUiri. of Ui l ,

iin •lif*TaiiUrVB

1 The tempmary' advantage or pallialcninmon ini tlie. |ffaciice of the various methodsit) Pulmonary mid Scrofulous complaints, isjoneiff ig-eai and mniiifrHtlj 'dangerous tendency.—.T,ime ia thus losi wbioh ia iuvaluable to the V«r-jtrffr, nnd if it were pussed in the use nf thoseI'Ofroalile and eBeelirs Ihdiati Remedied ofBtjint, would reoilt 'in a rapid ami perma*<curje.

' •: Alui'inncs for lS4Sf

WHOLKBAL E and Rat.ii.3 Cu. (ingl., ».. ad.e n , o r A 3 . . l u . u d r e d , i n . , • , , ! . • «. , - , . f . - H i t , 1 0 i

<..>•.* .l_^....nr i\.r M I. ' U i? / ^ n u l . t h m

, . . <cbiBfif.it,-,,i.f Iria," sboukl |iH|.l^rt lli.lk*!

,... oinive for nny M1 tli* iniinei"ii-MAft . • B,,d i ^ ,* , , , diteaajti to which fannl*.* urn *.il,j."<i u

m tlit » IMw*rpe,jrir.t.i,iM7. ,mpjtinn is the cume of our Northern:. Ii is a Wight ofdorn«atic felicity ,iml

he despoil^r of beanty. It robs the chwfc ofIs I: fall h full hlixitn, ihe mind ofils ecrenitf, kndIM>. ere of iitit l>riirmncy. It •wasies the fdrm,

.* ilif intellect*, and plunge*iiu victim intoarly gri(te. The young arid'lhe old, the ier-'i and the ga;, the city belle, the country Ia» ,alike its prey and its victims. Blessingal onman, ilien," whose genius and research furn-us with weapons to bid1 bpfiance to this

'Dwejlerar the, Threshold!" He rrrerits theand gratitude of ages;^- he shall ha-

ours, it lea*.One of the most .importantj discoveries of

nodern science, for the cure of pulmonary j afl>c(iong| is the Balsam ofWild |Cherry. andjhecreditor iia discovery is due toithe celebrated

The valuable compound lias re-«'oted thousands of sufferers lo health. I t isn-ieetorant, tonit and demulcent, and'it is said

beia pur*5y Tfgetsble preparation" UniJ.rahgic i n a ^ M the moat obsti

colds, and bronchial irrititiotw di\i and can reeommend i., _„°n , when ihe great Moseof disease,, are »(i prevalent.

Sold in riainfield by Dr. 1

S-r*s»i thnEutWi

Cwmu, Nov. 27, 1847J

; 4.75 io &&&3,44 to 3,501.20 I

; /suitesK O|>'-neit by :it 14, itittT. ' A

H. F. CCtBHl

b Moreen,Shirts, \

1: ll.ll.K CARPK-F WARP, of th* b«.l qu^litv. • fu» S,.lrJ tflicap |,y | • • D. B• •*l,t»(AN ;D ^ c . ^ i e j e , • . _- \ \ y < i

Mlurskw <j»i>- i L- iiin,

i.r nil "f tlie uulirate di«ea«v»:U> whirli ivomeiiect. It lirflcf* ih# vv hn'e rJ/v ctTi, rcim w* pflrlr. .he natural cnergi<a by.re'naviin tl.e iiiigiuntiefof lh«.ody, tint BO Inr simulating:thi; »yatom aa io produoe a.nbai-qtl<-ntr«lnxiiii«iii, wliieli if tlie ciiiu) trilli wo*t nm-iiehiea taken for ieni.il>' «irnkitPitnnd dixpaae. |

UREA T FEMALE MEDICINE*lycuiefur >i<eiui«i.l CumantMion. BnHrtir.cw, 1J;U

' :.g,<n IVlnira.obMrucied.tifdiflWuliMtni

MUM f r-UaeoivadiB Good Aikortmeht •

ill iJugara of quilitiett n.ul at ptin,D. ULLI.MA.N.

liir.iniiudiep of Urine. »r intuJuiilary disrhnr|e ihorr-J mUlenl.n«niitteiof.nnil l«r uW neneral uroair«i.n. .if iliflljj-.nm—-at- Fcvsr Sc Ague, -mattrr whether ih* remili «l .nliPnr.n i - i . » W C I I H E I , Huor Alhim. (or'pn-HM^ by lnafdlarity;, •*!«». .•ra^.rfn.t. :_ , [„. . I ,l,r.,,,,, , ,

•(WINDOW SHADES. » « ••>,for«a.fbv . I j


Si-A Frt.h( different patt

c,' oi

^ p y ofrn!, jyaj i . h


Mon: New Carpets,F111IE Sub»(:ribci(Sr«jaatraecivii]e a freihawor'•X iiieniuf<;jr|ieii»Ei,loltioM.tNe»Yofk|.(


DAIXt-.Y'S Original and onlyG* nuine Magical Pain Extractor,

THE.WQNDE* OF THE A G t l jr p H E Worid « » e r beforo Uave bad an Imlghty. ithe relief of liuinnn ana brute niiuriei, iti-sina, aimiml paint. • • i« fouud in DBIIBJ'* Macical t'oin E

ind external H>8amatk>B and ache*.SlioulJ WUUJDIU mid prudriKt ttcr be Ihe ralin^.

euid* in ma'ail . f a i n , tbca will rvery hoir.e be alwaya.-ellaKKked .vlth U*II«V*« Magical Pain Enr.ctor.

lal. Because aaeb ijeraoi. ia nora accare with'H HI

lid, Bec.uao.rnJuraOEe uf .nff*ring and p.iini., ,,-e.iithe iBQM anoaiaeil caaaa, Hn be caded in Fiva Mm

.ijmy quit

*• "• Lillej, 10,00: J Po

c ilivill h«al any cut,.ora. woand, pile oriC l t d • a re perfect than can oiherwiaa be

Bccau«e', il l e i r u na Bear", even in ihe M ve;\w\ can fntove old Mara, ami o n relax i

_ iiimiatii tana date.17 (o 48 Sth, Deeaow it can curt what any other" thine '«,

" [liouauid ailment* No Other preparation but ilitr

ri*d» uf o*arwk«liain" tcitinuiBT rrotn the*

OMwIr depot in Kew vV.rV,Mtor, will nacnimMer In p , r

4 i H.r.CL'8IJIA-G.

Grnefenberg Company's Offtte,50 Broadway, Jfae Ywrk. A*gnM 9 1 , IS«7.

: r pHia U w cwtiry that Mr.

tan rfN««l«| & thorised In edI Local Depou thervm j apgrVnt ngliw to TCI>« tbe C « *p.iiy's Heuiciiiei. Cirery AMot < M hare . urtioc.te

I wit£ ibe aeal of Ibe Comthereunto;—Bigned b



Tledicines.The [ladeniarneil >» fully prepared to euahliah ,

EI-ENBERG Bl'jPOT I'D nil placet ofpr..i>er • »r«rwy. lnimed"»W«p!jlicaik.nih..u d lie-n*d«,lj or l.y letter-. Aa.UMre. will onffnarily be»j«m iii a piade, the agency Will W very vaU

The celenratrd -ne.fkir.eoof ill* GRAEFENB£R(COMPANY are1 rapidly and- rnmrletely aa^oraedinp ' trt.. Where o..6« intmdueed BO one thi.ika J

any other.. Tfaeir fhnrartei :t brmi eiplau.e

30,0ti<)'bolus of tbeir Pills alone are sold intiaeh and every week.

r Cf-ruficatf a upo^ certificiiei from all part* of th

" ^ r a K ***** *•-*•?'

. , Tbe Parti•ritirely new pt.i

!,,, , i i the Und"h"iiV««iioir£rai. M m "hind"!faMMHeJiclne, a,»l an orfraniutie.. l i b (bat of il,

1BV ,ay .. oT'iBr-B-oan, pubb., i.npomnct. By thic u t rtJi-M* nwdicinn i"»y be Ud. ' .

Tlie lending aniole to which «,«Uie au«fui«n •• invite

jg Veg.table PHIa.7'iir finiowiiis; comulaiat* yield witli certainty lataa

I Groen Sic knew.ainta, , Gripe*,ntacilon In Heartburn,

Aaillma,Billiou. IBowel., delCaivtb, 'Coiillipa

ncantiiiaikw of Urine,

•rVoiw, hih

nd lull ui eiifrj;, mill'

i(y. .IIBHM'W a.f*-'•urprwiHii ih;.ii «

i.ie. i^'Kilil *..!•

-, StootacLi,White.) White..

Uini. the timat impjicK IWJWDC

which Uth.Kre1-tfcauM1.17n1I. u .1 n.. ,. , ,„•, t..,i.,i M,

11.111.. . to.exhibit -'.-I i 1 ii. .>!••»sure 'bs*ffli>'-ie:>, (hiirte<l to jr. . Sf*f-fivi-tii>uiVliiJdrj|.:n[

vi,i.-nd :,»iy Hife being g

ieldio tl«irpt>V*r.


nil rratored ber iir.ikfi.. _ . . p le laureip Ihua

HIE •(> and rocuuimending it to ijie buiific.M. D .MUUJtl

Albmiy.Ang. 17, fS47. F <3r.Md and

drteCuunBtfr cimipli

Pries-JS tnd 60

the Graefeaberg- Fever A Ague Pill—Tbe tnoit implicit ralianca cm b* placedPilikj They arc the oujy pokim. eurc kmahould b« tned by alt wbo .ofer from tiaia

iana V ibeU»i i

.^uSiiikr»>(^rVla^ji«4Mienuble pr*|»r ii'mu of the Siu-

•1-inttwmi.rkeI. I) r* PI LlS«j M. D.« ; B . eiti'ijGStM. D ; .

y, Ayr I I.19HS, ' P..I;.. EJ-HC-SI>OHF. 'tpJlf.Ibltdwii^j )•: fnun «.i.* •• Uir limit rtiptcttUe

•i.Ui. , .u l...ng laln.,d:V- - .GrepnuoK. July 10, 1846.

Tewnarnil ! Dear Sir^Ii •• wit* MMOcliaa)OIBI I a .y lu juu, iliat I li:.v»reK««y vrmeued, in *«

nU,[ lir.ieMal re-uli. from UfrjH* of• parill*. • BriKf euoged in the

lisve prr»crttwd inn M-f(mrea-benebt. Iti t(« r»raoval ot*<hv

M^» .riaiop fro... a uVeranaedviai*^ t U dig-Kivt. or.(.n-.ji.uiHlirr.ic i! Tar eii-r i k t m fliiiiROl tlie kii>4:..-, . . l l . re j f thapublic. You Witt pleu.XKid mim. duzi-n, * c . &c. - RcMpertfully

—lordiaorfrr. iifihe rTj*> (his Lotion b u M equalIt ia »»|~in.d,»l Lpoi. Vie MM Mitificj.ruiripl*• »d fca- perfMihcil eitftwrdinwy ;.iurea. for rioUni..«aa..Mtto.,dl»tiieM Si ftittnE afifce right, we.

M f t t l * Ey* v : - : , - . wiping, <O»i|D ««itj« nd

1 hi.

rChMbs..RHEUMATISM. ] T ' f'TBwiUa ia UM. with UM mm t pwhst m -

havefcwii wilm.ux fMldreii.il i.iii o, (! .i « l«ttl«. ui 'he mrt l . It I* «i««i*iln tn ever, d<aa*w M *b>«ht lur .i.nni.,1.!. HicditiiVhitfe'br.... ii-i>.« d mil. • c-'iiltfrcii **d yunih art aubieel. For m i f m « « nhealthy oBaiirii s ' ff - \ " ' • " ! |>L '">»". n»»«nte«r, and»ll otktr •Awbonaof ta*>Uua>

' --h M.K] bowel., fi i* jplkilible. :Prkc 50 n..a.botll«, With ample direetiou.

ri vegetable Oint

Grarjemtmrg Hrahk Bitters' ildu[.:th. e r » r v ^ ( .y•(««,,

•.ml «ir»r rt.e .kin. ;rrfcee *i» r » , n jiKek Ju t

ThtGratjtnbetg Sarsapetrtila 1POUflD.—W»rrant«J >• jiiike two qiauniilT U> aovife th* wofid. , 1'fflblU 7

! 7 K C(»s«mii/t«»'» iJo/tn.

DEHAKT.bt Plain&ld.


^ P L D O C . 'lu.1 and .peedy Ko.Bdy for Bl

m H , Shiin, Woumtair SiilV Joi

•rt.^-enuofailiiK.orlwtiaerteao^li^enu, two ttnu>«IW T5 onti, Ihrer lm«a •*»•• . . for »l7i f 1 JS



BOOT0 AUD siioi.s.THE Bub.t-rib^r hai remove.) to front »t. n u t i(*«r

10 th. port 0 ,K«, where he I.*, on hand .mi iH-11 of BOOTS Ah'D

Mo. Kip nnd (Hgt-1 Booia fMen'^C.lf.nii Kip W a n . and . l i ^ a n ,Boy • Bonti and *IHM«. Fine arid aaarav.Adi«*'ttlaeli rtd-#ol«rW Qalura,

Hlark»Hd coIor»dGnH»r H-Jikiiia. !wMMadehi J.ej.»DUtk«n(|—Pi.ll.andBirMonGnl.fr*.om™.ndrHildran1aU«thor»hoaiofiinhr»A;.J

Allof whi.h » , | | b . «ia :H,«p:f« r.»fc. ,yApra<0,lMf. • ; GCOBGE 8. COON.

Comeattay lo the established [

UlkY WAKETOryr^im'p*d CUrrlSt.. Plmi^jUid

rncourage Hnitic h

Featlicrs, Fe«U»ers, f

rHB wbacribdr-««Jd re*p«rr« iy intWa il,*Wwhu are about cuKineoclitc bowh ietpi < , »«a\

PLAIN Mtltitao-A8 15 iwTr ' t

•laioli*, M0BI8, »*h • costs coma. tor the PUiMift, D. Do*). Jr. and J. P. Bridle;. For the Defendant*, L. OOroeer.

'»r* ir** purS£i* n- £" O. Sender -»*'»*Hf. **•*«

WAR MARRIED). * this piece, on the 17lb inn by Bund, to. C. Willasroa, of Williu

10 Petronella, daughter of Lucan V of Plainfield.

On-lhe 17lh mat. Wm. H. Meekc K . daaghtdr of 8emnel Whitehead, abethtown. Oct. 20th, at tbe Catholic Church aoph, and of the late Joeeph Collet.lof

Dr. Townsend's Sanovparilln, i ft. Mtel £tfroo"fiaeey ttaKcin. in tie IVpeid thiii («'«• '• i""' *p «■ i—i wiiia., it t. >ii tinea ■hvaper. pl.sssatrr, nt mnan,i noperasv'la ranyaold H cuA.d» ossa whho.t mooting urmag. aieasninp, or HebMoatfegfoe patient, Tba rmtl.ea.ta and aopnnortiy .4 tkia Harsaha till* oaa ail other madtelnaa in. aibila it erndtcnia. di. area it intraoratn*tbehaSv. It i. ay of tlmylrj

p£d«r.",h.*Cm!7 a,asm, .JVJ.o'JpvJa i” peraaa. b.t areata, nan. *nea a.rlrlrli blood: a pad. *r puaeerol by bo other ■*OaTiCU». And in (liia

ill* «rr mil

ISO of -hot. were German emigrant.. Man; oftltopa—nger. auceeeded tn reaping by the ton. and |he rent either periahed in the flabiea or wen dreamed. ' Thaw who were in tbe bent, were picked up by the at earner DM.«are, which here III eirlit ioitt in tun. to aee the dreadful fate of thotie on board of tbe ill-marred Phteoia, bat too late to tender them an; earthly aaniat- ■oc*. TjiVJ sHsntmo ws* paid to the pumrors 1»t tbe officer* »nd crew of the Delaware- ™The PMenix owned b; Pease 4c Aden, of Clearelafd, and insured far * 16,1100.

M .more in Hudabt. St.. N. Y-. i. the M lowing-"'HARK and whet Colli for bale llere.”

A cntmlrj bnj bcin j[ aaketl the olhrr day ’I*1*1

was meant by uniteraal suffrage, imtnedialniy replied “ H hr, it means that eaety nun ahtiuld

\TlLLmjtJf. ■ of Cbsnlc (ba.maUam'p igKElftihifag*-., B mndbroRk, on thei22d in.L

Isaac 8. Brokaw, aged about S5 caret Rahway, on the 26th pint, t Om.lt.IMT-1,. Grnefemberg ;C«

»rop«jL - .f.b-bk-H. m*

... .... xf «pt ha«MH «de amt Jbe. • M* n+mr*. moM«pp-nr llbcr«fllbl~, M wt • lb** plij tici*ti* and Mir ■«•(. from *■ . lin.i-l tfsttj. informin' n. * K. Van Bu«dtr*. Faq onoor tba mo*i reJ r-**>••# mi N J. me dint he » ir**re titan IWraata m lliat ,.<**» lh<«.aaiMt> oftM.. in !»>• ekr of N«w Y*rh wilt refer to with pleasure, and to. itoo of It is fhe beet iitedifcire for hr prrro«i«tUr l.ionn. It eMfeobtwil/saved'the lives of 5,000 ChiIJrrn tbe past seat-on, a It removed fit# ttan of dwea-«,aiul pfcpwi4 Atm

'"'iTMrFn 8TATEB OFFICER. Cap*. G. W. Mcl-ran. ai A«C«>'od StaWa Navy, nd niPuiber •>< lU Now kiHi UfolUaff, Wa« atnd- aeui na Ac follow it.t crn.bcate. Iiaolln ita n« ■ aMry - Kahway, Ja. t,IM».

rfp&lB it to eottiiy that Mf. L B. DEH A.tT. uf NawoeA. . « Ad J yoptn*wl Ibo (ooorol k Af tnt of rWa Company in aod ifo*lfco 8tata of Now Vorooyi ■Vandia •■•iboriamd to awnMoab . I Local Dtpou Acrttff* ; apd to /I'tm n*i»u to rand ihc C» te-St!r;2a^ ? ,lf ,h* Caa^aay

And t Uleora, Ihlizabelbtown and Somerville Halt Road.

Has been releid.with a beary H BaiL H'Otfer Arrangement. Cuin.nraeing Dae. l.t. The I’aaaangaa Tralaa will Itara dainerrillc far Naw Yor*. at 7, A. If aad.t.P II PtaipBelS, . Til tig tVsufi.W. T3A 13-4 Kli^ihrtl.u.wa, 8.14. It 34 & 3 34 R-lurnit.. . Irate New York b, N. J. Railr.a4.ro.. tifCauitlauJt atraet, alt o’aloea, AH.and3.P. M. Bd Sla.inboat .l-.ar No I. North Knar, at 8 M o’glqek .A. II. and at 3 11 P. M. THK FKCIGHT TBAIN ! ' tPitlleava X—rr.illa for Now York a I o'eloch, A M- itavo Now'Yotk fo» 8oMh«i«i\lr, by t eainboni, j|t No. 1, Nortli Bivor, at II o'clock. A >1. Pcra .ua "ithia: tboir frcicht to p Uiroetl. ‘l*.roRg!.frt...i New York.will*•«« bj the 11 oVIocl 1 Moat, at ilia Paaoongor Tmin will IBko no freight .Whip* will bo in r<i»din«»e «< >ho arrival of At mm* al^.»mrr»i:/c by the II o’clock. A M I rod Now York ;.ocdncdy paoaaagmra «- E-awn, Ai/cntofn, Wi/hr* harrf.and Mauri. Cbonki Pa.; nod to rfconavion Not A Ort 1 •—'• * '* • — f

y mtmch rolUvcd. laraoparilU. 1 k«vk « i. I lim cn .rjiSb i Mr LEAN. Tlte l,i'e*i”r teatintouial'wna' race sodj.’from VTII M. GtH'I.DIXG, well blown tkrMldlcul ilia ci'J atsl eountiy, aa onaofthe ntom 00101.™. tod Sur«ir«i fnt runtaoy makeraj and Manufrc. tarer»t T.m—a,i—67 Chatham atreet, Dear Sir.—1 haa* bean frerjaso'ly quentipoo.l copcornuig the remedy which yeu liaaojin'rpdu- rod In prihlie notice, under the rame of OIX)S- AOXUN. O. ALL.HEM.lNG BALSfiM I 'Are boon ailrpriard et il.oBeot in Co— w|ior. I Pure a.snan It tn be uacl mid have no liapiia taut in anyiat; ili« I belltaa it to he a Wop i.rf.il IIratio.re. It aneodily rurea a Cough, its rtfrrra to pat.tea. ord.flioully of hreurbing are unpre earRotod. and in diaeaaea of the Lengs I bekere Ihe ho hs« mndicineihut hat erer been ice- oaded, jahiog you aucoeaa.

White tlouac, Lrb.noa .CUnir , Jrc.N.J. . Freph Tea* ! Froah I eas! Our Yoong Hjsoa, a( Os. is general -o —J80®. « Oi » generally *e- awledged by good judges lo br eqtaa) to Whs* n be obtained elsewhere for f I—and that at . good enough for any body.' They do mi ai* that our. Black Tea the only good ?» of the kind to be>ad in Plainfield. *; A Fresh Supply Just Receired, by

Dr.Towiwiid » 6*11 dir—1 bw» «b» ptanaarc to In- form you Ilia! thru* #d my (InUrts l»W* IkWh eurM of • be Scn^Ml. by ilm oa» of y.-ur csccManl mcdirlac.— I They war# affliciod vcrjrarvprcly wnS bad oar«« iM*f Uken aonie lf«n boiMra ; ;i» tank Aem .sway, fu Wbkh I f r • tnt eelf ui.dcr dacu obJicoUoa. Yoofa, rwapset fully. ISAAC W CRAIN. IW Woust^ST New YoffK.Marrtb l.lftaT. Brodvil.M, Jan J. 1045; TO MOTHERS AND NaRMKD LADIES. Tina cstrnctot fiaraopafilbi haabcan -apre-fy pt^ parcU i rcforai.t a lo frm^uT««'inpMkiM. No frnt»l« who haa rcaauii mauppuac ahe la apprearh m« tbiu «-Ni. ica) (>•• null. - Tho tum of W*f» abouM h-,1-1 id '»*< il, a. i| m ccitrtin pre.otiiivr fat any *f (lac* raminmi. and lion A.* diwanaa «o wfetcb fomaic vc aobirci si this 11111* of M* Tbi« per*-1 u»*y b* laved for a«v *ral vri*ii by >imii| ibia ntMiciae Nne is M less t^alua bl* t<* iboac • |>|.' oorbi.tg womawbeod. aa i* la ealculsi' ' * :~* “• *■ Theniap the bl.xtd and .-d Uiia medicine ia iuv.lwafiia

«ioo iliroui X23K coaipasy I Wwtiysnd

liMirnditimisvA for publishing tbe an* Our udllorini bndl*" Nuuaal WkU i.

Tht Umltng «nicU to which .bbc aMenoos ia U Grnffenlrerg Vegetable Pill*.

Ths foils wing comptnibto y laid with curtniMy to > Aowsr j Awhma.. . Qrewn Sickness. Dillioua (wnUaU, J Orisea, Uuwela. det&Msiscdod in Hsnnbum, 8rtfc--y. ! ES-eDHm caiaat ,i. r- t- hagouin,; ——— DtairbmA ! • Jaundice, | Dyap«p«», *’ Liver Complaint, II vaoenlis CutlMmotionw UtaUraiZa waaa

rLIJ4A.\ Almanacs for 1948,

KtSAL E and Retail, S eu. sincle, Vs. •r $ J a Ituodrrd, hi Ignde «>r ercdil, >ifor cnak M F.CCMlI, BOOTS AHD SUOF.9, rriHE Rubnerib4« hu puSbored U Yronl at. mi A is tbs Fast QAce. toilers hs has on ksnd m lends keeping n gkwsrnismvrtment sf BOOTg 1 HOE Sr onmlotimf ef Utott’ r>ae CairTssU—Ue.double molt dm.

ay etc n>. The tewporbry ‘ advantsge of pdilating, * so i mm on m tilt iwacticc of the various methods i I Pulmonary and StroMdn complaints, isjone rjjycil end mnivjli-^ly 'dangerous tendency.— ■at* ia thus lost which ia invaloible to tlte suf- >rfr, and |f it irsrw passed in the use of tlinsr

wsllnfth*.. - ■ — 4t. Il brace* ill* - hob *?■*•«*, renew. permnusiUl is nslurkl energies—by.rcpKiviiijr the impaiiilisanf il* ody. not #o l«*r alhnelaimg itui *yWe« aa iu produce . ibi.-q.lrrir*l"»ath>B. wbtclt ip*!•« c«a*r witii uiual bk leines uken for fbfnslc weaktinannJ diasaas. OREA T FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Tow serin!'* Jlaraaipawjia ia a aowruyn and aim* 1 ears fur meipieni CunaempffK*. ,»•»., I^a her.,or Whiles, •ba«ruUwl«Kd.»cnH HcnaUumiu, ikcowiinence bf Ufins, a. AeulwMery dor Ui»» ib*r«

l>r»b Moreen, Amcle fer L'uliet' Skirt*, IT.'’ IVEB8TER A MARSH. and iK^tiau Indian Rentrdiei of .1.1 : J a .1. .

•il.E CARPET WARP, of ih. b w dah^haap by D B'* UUWev fb^bi^T 1}(

Itea’a LaMh.f ahm, »r.n khada. 'll ha aold rhaap Raa fllali. 3, GEORGE ff. COOM, rrawthk 11..mn niw .n.l.pe. On. I. IHI7. ' Cnnoin'ilinn is tlie horse of nor Northern 1,tit,id™. It ia a Might of domestic felicitv and |he drapniler nf beam;. It roba the cbeelc of it) hraitlifol Miaun. the mind of its arrenilj.and the eye of ita htHiiane;. It waatea the form, dim. the intellect*, and plongea ita rletim into an rail; grlre. The ;oung and the old, the aer- uma and thoga;, the nit; helle, theeountr; laaa, are alike in (Be; and ill victim.. Blt-uingn on the man, then.* wbooc genius aod research film- tah ua with weapons lo bid befiance to ibis " DweBrr Of the Threshold 1“ He meriu the applause and gratitude or age.he shall hare uom, atlrait One Of the morn important discover— of modern inieooe. for the core of polmooarv aP Wo, ia Ihe Balaam of Wild Cherry, aodlhe eretbtof it, dipwrery i, dtie to the eelebrmed In-WiMar. Tlfo valuable compound baa ro- omed thousand, rf suffevera to health. I( ii etpeetorant, t«ni* and demulcent. andTil i. Mid tekek purely vegetable preparation* Under «a..,tc mfl^ce the mom obmio.te cough... and bronchial wr its Dana diaspprar. We used U aod cso recommend it, psrikoloHy

KiAKS-J .a. Uareived, a Geed AaporineAl W !.rnuiil'iil Fresh dugsrs ef qusKilsa -ml ai prkwa Ail all by vD. BtLLMAN C*mc attaji to the established .

'AtSDLERY WARDEM <?U#£ Cm— ./ «... rwi Cteer, eu. rUi.JUU *. j And rncuurag* Horn* Intlmtrj,

.Id In It— power. * ftte. Meta Vhoa. Tn| name* sf lb* nR^r nwdkiwse art as fbNstos «w

- I The Children’s I’nnacea. TUia aomw!ai.0.14 a. b, ereee —mU; Hem,ghoul r wocl.l-. Il M’.aovcrelf a im every Siaasas to tobtok • •Wlyeti mm4 yetolk erf aubiecl. For isiptosr earn*

1 aid™ “To July 7. 1640. £>. BULLMAN. I iARPET«,-^ ChrlVifu^l tt‘

FrSeh Happl; ef Ingram 1 arpsi1 real psnerss, j«ai rceeive at tbe D UULLUAN.

More New Carpi pHE Tiihaeralraraarajoat rarer,u, l ■Wi|.(Csrp,i,ala.latraaU,t *Mar 13. last. ""V™ ‘

boulc, The Grei't Mo KENT—W h'rover vegetable <Hnt-

L>Al.1,1 .VS Original and only Genuine Magical fain Extractor, THE.WONDE* or THE AGE I THE World aevar kefiare ha.a had - mlghav. ... .aloablr, an aaletarv aadwnnbeap a sanative for lha mltef a human and hr— tniaoaa. .un.na, ..... —I p.iiia, aa ia hmu4 i. D.llaa'a Un,i«l t*.i. El itaiur. enpahla of earing all bur... C—. bit... 8w.lrt.ga, Coratip.li —. ay4 ..m, aiad <d* iham—t a.d asteaiml mga—tann and aahaa. 81—Id wiwtem and pradn.c. aaor ha Ike ml.— raid, ia affolra. tha. w.U ..... I—™ h. alreap. wallamekad ..Uh UMlar'a M.,—1 P... tamour

d>°.ld PA«*I lb. Tht Greuf.nberg Eye J,.-tip wStorirn *filw *:4ea ChU Uboa bito w« a •Mir.touMf hpM lto moot asfawllftr pf4*d I hau psNertooil aiitoerfhiery *%rmt. Fer v ■■Bi Itos. AtollSWR «<>d ftllfiqr sflbe Sight. m ml tbe fcre-J tov*»«.tory toSspiag. «h »e Ih* Dyu; kc.'k le « peakira nwA ap>3»

•ml IS Ritiht.1 Alii refHti- t-raisra fr-to ritrtV that w*. tbr uudi-iiiehed, I’bya*- li* 4 AlbanV. h>M "uete.u-. case* ■ Totouarieif*i Fdtrtd^Hu i l«. a»d hrli** (a M ic i near raluable prepar .r.f.aa of the Bat- ffmaritot. If TFWLING. M.D., S WILSON kf. IV H. B m. D. 1.1*5. P. t->!#•

INFORMS .11 aa*‘,erpe4 the bappy to rsseive ab4 rmadf t> bm-rUa, of lb* tM|t. . tw.m|. h. build .p Ih. . — ■—d —•'lb.•PPbl'W.*-' -foardw rtlo. Paim 86 aW. e parkapa. . ThGrdeJenbeSarseporelte POUND—tV.mmwl lijaakainiaaruw

Whmit Floor, Rta Floor, Indian Peel, Jersey, Alban,, <pr


by WLBbTEJl - Mi

Page 4: EDITOR · 2015-02-09 · Talu MILTON r . «F»HXtr*. EDITOR * PROPRIETOR! * n^Tn YiH«t«iH - Sokieri-AH dihfiiM rtre< «• pap« e p.,.l •mkVfoVniw dollar t und continued al

ew Spring and Summer Goad


[ ai,d r-U*rio«rtk,O«id«. U f l W recently |tliay would in*"* aiienuon (o the lollow

ka Italian mid Gr« de KUi le. !17,S9 and :lwide, . - ' y ' e C

d, White nnj Vellow FI ni.ncl", •!••'• 11'«»«aohcd and Unbleached Cauti'n r'l*n»rU.,)>era,TowE)inft.N<>i>kina *..u T,,blf(:,,i

--lr.-.lur-.-d the A l H T IO H-TjiJVI. Li.tuiliuc.il], uT N«v york.;.find that

A O o n \ ™ d RADIATOR PARLOR STOVES,hie i#inat improved pailorn*; Russia »nJ CI»I I™6yi«dr $fi*»f all »ixe.. R. & W. ure ngen f

Kaoe'a «eif~regulating air-tight stovf r Nur*eriei, Bed Ki.oms, Hot bouses, * « . Tkb iihe mbal cnai|>!rte Move ever invented. .• It ia ao aitrpie in il* eonairncunii ilintacliild can regulhU ill* lieauf ti.e TOMB 10 any temper mure uriibed i | • V

N. D. Oue of i lie l'rinm'3uive* will be tp opasmtat nirr More fro-n tlir 10 :)i-|,-etnUer (iili.il Jan',* , ifhere'itca,, t.eps«,ni-..l.

KUC'irORD &. VVORi.E3t.= - " Vc*ey Kl...j>im»lle Wiuhin«<oil Itlaj*

JUST RECEIVE^, '?-.-,• Good AiionmcKtor Rocking and Pur ,hir Chain, constatingof Binittye Maple, IBLefc Wiln.it, *n<I >

M Maw XorJk pru


itilla of53;s, Hni, ag- «y, ilea|.a>r, a ad nfua of II-.HI, by [in- w fur ;.

La, tliat they w<


v i m p r t t dtsrnic i i t' very poWcrAI iiifliiencp, i» tliai

DirtKAVEft LIVEK,i i i

ilove-qfthe bfStqultlhy »ird iSitu smJCutl*/! •(<>, 1

• - d Mualin EdsiOf»«i«* In

|Hahajil»llii|l. • ) » '

fBr rWA., lKMu , l l l

, .'nVi.irjCiVp.ir'fBd »o,"doi.."* £i».SHV;vUentfe.W "


afb-r evert KDCWD remedy tintf (sited in |>rpiliicc tliid««in-il rftct. • ' ' : . ^ ; i

Bfsid^ciu ailon tailing *ffic»Cjr in l l iedneues • -bnv.-mention^ we alrafiiid ii • vory efcetnal rem.

J -AStTHJMAn«bmpl*lMtn-wttKH il hr - >-•

art atamlii.g. I ',HOI only emanate1

In, been well r.hanivliirl. iiia

Icc.dedsurceam.cveii in c u e

frmnn regular Pliywrian. buBled in all iJie phmn'innli foiJ. It ianotrty intention,theren mvilfrv. or in BJIj- wn

jAtb.e-itini|B,Batin,Silk;v:«1ent{a.WDokri'¥eh<-i*,. ftrj'ervr ihepuhliR 1>v ••Verrhjiiig iu vlrtMa I fP the enn-

wopda,Plaid r8triped and Plain, auii&biE f«r iioVa.';•> *la nKfuIimta and flatter rnyfleif thni, its:Wi>riMngmill •• . > Scary tville'iable ifte tn famish -qrh pri^fn nfila *ir-

'aihington Stelpaa with a fenrrs I varietyoiLpea*' mmsa mil aaiial> me moat credul.iiis. tlistCn.iiurnp-taihuM. ' " rlunntarand" Can BE CUEED." it thlsiriedirinehe

ti . lra; including C,«rpeti.,(»', Kufi, OH CI;nUs,

ivemidf.irka,anioDiIiiii™ iron* ,croc WarV ,&c. Ac.

^MWtmer.inf Oroceriftand-PrMrision allIt be .aid m Ihe lotreji mn'rUn prie«l for

Tina certifies thaiil have recommended; llie uae oWiMar'i Baleam of WILD CHtRKX f..r d>«a.es

I%cw Go«ds for !..>«. Spj~\ BULL

Barege SJ,«,v)», .u-ipedVod )IUM1II^Ii.ini.K good as*inl INC.I.

M i K i , Full ILivn

N.l.Ueen..b»^br^n._;..Jc«.ttV11,de..Lu»»' Stripe*and Pl.uJ.iot duiaiiicrn«*r, "

beoelicml reaulla. ! • imjh I a: i« fi rm e ij C on * ui n |i t iij t

Wild Clierry e*.-ci«d a cure ',t . BOVDEN,Phyaiei

Dr. Bradford Knapp, of Crv

ACCI. Ctii<ip*t FnngiCH, and other fine drawer i;Cari>«t".ti«—A (uod •••urlinent af all nunlilies *nd

r,,"[..,., s"ineeniir«lT m w deaigna. f "Wu.duw 3li.id«a—a clio c >^ot. cl .D»P ) p.inehaserr »r

N. 11. Tli" pulilie will •

r1 ' Batia* of Wild Vhcrry.Exeter. Mi',. S*ni:30, 1843.

h d t tl« <

»y patients al. tvj.ere il

•<t Augatt 3J, 1645 snyi: "In 1M in t!ie vjcimtir I h ^ « . i e d ii

i Point, N. V , ui

rior to tiie aeieeiioDt ftoot IIIIH.!0 n..d fitrines, on-.t«hj*cls that Cs e«pe,-t*d la undet-iand.,S M I T B ' I F I U T BOOK I K JQBI

thrown ofl'frt.t.ulw btwd and o.iher j uice* ««!•« bod?nnd dupDM* (jyr"tl.»- inisani-of. nearly «l( P>» >^ur i t i ea^Mi l i iu l T h e l«ngu«g««>™,e 8efif*lureip>•intlic h)«od iatjtelifc." Ifiibeeon«.ir.iprtfeHm«1,

i H f h I n i i b t

owalieslai idviui l i i j ! iasuffic.ei.twiModton)! jj*rticlifti«pJiflin«.'«--iejic« to ..(.en tllB porea, .intlie a l ir[«e" 'HUB we 3fp S1> mu«ti intern.il rem

-*toVetli«l'n9fln»ibl«peratiiration. T k ^ h a M H o n i a1n,i«3i ici .vSif |>nii l i« Hydro path it I an muds "« 'i

lial tnrve no oaeful ^urpoae.

AljreLa-afiir.ommondolioal.i 1» which afl tl« rp.

ui™t».ilierBi.»otiin; pu^vefi, hut, on tiie. in. uctix•Inn, to'load the |W|>M undentaruffcigly, all

h'iglnr <&>i •- Thi. it a rMw aiKf onii.i.tiie firit iuwmplat

.ddoBBau»wiio mercdry,r^ea u . with pi'la. pil|a, ptheBmovntoflnseniiule Perntthe' le«rn«d DC. Lewenblhrll )

ructioo of fli* E.i-li.(i Lan

etop.i>e»l»C the prineijd.e ofl.ieh n ;il«oinmend itMlf •'(

j • dCdJen tTfanaitH*!. t^o|n heat to cold ti c pore a'

tmefiK .in .tvnry candid mind what cnar>>dated

-feTthe* .««h<;rjj i Pulmonary CemplainU, at

'ruuui-a a aup|>ly of ihe medicine.Dr. A. H. Macnair, of Titrbtro, North Car...rit^s us under dnte of Fell. J*. 1817. thai lie h >#«:

•r Wisur'B Bnlrvin of Wild Cherry ill hia prnc1>« Inst eiphiMii Irmntlit, and een>j.i«t-i it tha>i et>a*Mian ofthc fcindhc a»a* Mfv, Slid knows ofni-deserving ilie I'ulilic pnlronage.

D'.AVirt.A. Shnw, bl Washinaton, H. C , wri'ii.d?rd»teof M*J J . K4R. aa folfowa;: i

* dfddcided benatVial•hid .i>(in*ny cn»e* ofduci.led htcila u«i--rt].Vtinlly Attiunn mul <

" * • - • <>»ed t h e \

•I ba .ffect. ft

lougli ufftpnaintHiic rnararicr- . (Eare uneo (iie-tvikiCherry a greatdffkl tn itrm'i1)ee- and rt'ti^ m*rhed-j* f»ilr'»tillsin .bo»e pa.-et.-of great nriviua mobility, milirrkabiliiy, to «hicb-Inl?- L~* -•-•*Til.- e.imf-in«tion «fihea*,»ipll,nv,ijCh.n)i.-

U*dicBt;mtn ar5e-jmilT'<!i»iru»ifi,ror r'a,,-,,t M.-.litii-#»i in general, '<«t c*ndartntift diacri'"i":it4? but wetm

U^lVrr^n'.irlitirtuA-t it uiil. ii,«fici iie

d ..ei-hlv. „ ! Uv,.

Clwt-a. GlMa. Brltan,! Siane Ware,

Roehinx Chair*. Brt*(o* lea, tJboveb, Hoei

•—Bnolsand Stio««.For t . . . , ^ . * * . -

wlllbeaoldat the loweat price, („•J Produoft-,.

'1'fiti tons established .'luariniiiii^'PNii MI.J i.JMinv.i-1 «• i»rfc»i.ii, liHH niwj «iru - ' 1 ' fc «S " ^ ^ *O"»t••

not be e.-r«..iiy i »Wd ,auv« by ti.e j »»n>>d. « piuinfield Bakery and Confectionary.^.rio;

na^.^w.Civ"«M^,^X™T* • JACfCSOJY POUJYD,

RE8Pt :CT£* l Li.Y inrunna tl.e citizens of. Plain.fivid «..(! us vicinity il.ai lie ciint-iiiueai tti« »bOve

"TbiTUUniJ and nu«" Puin filriuiaTa^I"".Htiered thro'the eoantry nre bane imit:iii.,n> ..f tbia anrivailul reine-

f « l - i.irj,ihes.ollof ilvoerAicled . larg.

Piiefl S5 cent*, pei1 b"j. Fullow irectiou* i*pamnWtd'tivercd wild iiy box. . |

G*? 11 eri. I 'fcffei't H W iipiif ivr I OB John st 1Yort. •nj.o.'.t n.1^ tl,e ae«.it IW lite lirOilibJ* KcrnVdyfor ,V.r;.;-? Sore Mo,,,!. 1':<,,i.,;, [i,,.,,,l,ri,-, Quin.;.

' TV*« '• "" in^er Xaxintg f.-r «^e Kgc*. than for».r* T«rt—jintVeil hj ill.- use uf the F' AiQericaii Eye

.Jrf.'1'..ni .l'.s.M ......•,. II.:.1 |I..I..,'C..ri^!l. .•

B hand ifidlbr sale, Large Brifnd, Cokea, CraIda CrHcftera, Milk Biicu.t, FUol Bread,r««er.i Candies ofall ki,id*,*c, &e. «i \)e "lid lt.eia.il, na cbeal> ••can be ohcaiiietUre and many tbank* for nllrwuom. .A,,y |.«BOO>aying sny claii... or den,.• aKbftr.'ber, f'>t biHchamiiliiup, |imn

w.mtd likiike ii in p.itBlnea. nan.. #at«


A.fWilww, Itarii_ V U.-1-tiiwi. Noiib VniMh.[• V1..1 ' i l l "f •- I" Tha Ciirfl«,B:iakeiIring^

i*'f"> i*S*«"r"«" K«war,i. K-w :Bf«n»w,ci,, M«r

s's Sariaparilkt,Hathaitxiif s Arabian 'Hdhaoi^i> ileifs Magical Wait? Eft uctarifktfg Linimertfor the f U<g. '/.f zrnges~~Wr>rm, Cougk. f that

1 (le, Camphor and Cot dial,Cr«*|(»* C»m»omid JJr the Pil*», ; fHu t'* Pill*, und Slolitaeh Cordial,

Khr'i - - ,Silks, *fc.wi....

EjaniMiarftiir Hy-iiiinry. . ..-IIYf. 't 17-ir |j=.l— E

y - a i > Aquu

rf Bone (.iiii.neiu—Itl.-i

HiiDiiiigiloii, Pa., cured L.„ -jwr l it uVc|ar*« he ein.ld do no more

ltt. "rVe'ieig'^Tf'^.^"^'. 1i".%,:^yt he' * — UU.tIoff.-ur yemai •landing, thai

_ Skill..mi,, M. l>"of Buunabrook 'he beat medicine f..r cuntiimpiinn, hi

• aver ki.,.wii., We migl.trei,rff had i i e rwin, Lh;it woul

Jf t i w l J t« tlw u*u«Abralinm Ski l l^ .

ija it ia the b•tase, il.ni !,,:

J liiiD(Lrf.dB atinre iD t-fiwgreai viriuc. [ I f l


The unparalleled ond aatonishW" efficacy of Or.WUtar'a ttnlioin of Wild Clio ry in all die flineasei

roi.«i,>fi .leinam! lor- - v , - . * 1 unjirincipled mmioj^linoffsjiui'

i«Iiit and apaijeafa>.,ce, l«r the geiluii.e Balaam.-;-Biijne are cnit.ii l Syrup uf Wild iCIiirry," "Balaai..i S(i-!,,;nard," -VvildCiiFrry CajiilM)y>Jtfa, AnntWr '•W»l«r.»Bal.-un . ,r\V'ikl Cherry," n.uunelliiliti.nuie, nutl forging certificalva toTCseinblt- ihoae Ihe irue ButMni *• Or. VVittsT's Bal '

ry." it tfit-onlv original. The re**nanieJif Uie or^i.iai, m,iJt u.cj ,,

B«laam.<f WildCI,*r' ' tMlli

of 11

a (H3UD.

" •Jalini

HekoBche ofWyeai inJinganJ Who !«d it regal< «»ery iveok.ao iJmt v,iiniiiu<r ofttAi tooX plane .

OeafoMs ami Kat Attie.ire helped with • likeet* \

OLD FfiET.—Con»iimptinii.I,iv«rrompl»ii>»pe .pie o^che.t falling nfl" uf the h:.ir, une "r il.nlinvt" itccumiiKfiy cold leei. It ia • rurC aigii of

.e )r> |t.« .y. te« t.>>nve cohl feel. ,

i BTATJOtfXRS,%9ja%tf STRBET. NEWiYOtg^ •

bj«h the /ollowirjg Valuable Bcbool Books'.-


Tlii» » * v.ery concu* arid cemprehrnane wotk^ i d d rtjWitim. bf"?i • u J r i k o u a t m a t u t . ,

i lin I kiitJTtle h l f f i h

plan, atTj

=.tl,«it.i1 , .«be t au fUl«T ,HJ . Nonee Colliwrii'i FirwUiiooi in Arithmennmnlmo^lj approval by^Teaeher.

» u <for T e h ,mo^lj appr

l l l

Teaeher..Tefl.h,ra ™iyj with th*

Guide to tlit Con-hy the Anslyua

it;.iuinjac)earde-~Grnnnnar,on« newplan

. . . . - ... «_ rationr.f. and jihituauph].»e(j ini*J!igeiii teaoher. This boi^t.ao teach-

. jiiy, ivHI ptodiice a ((rea( eliange in <fi<vinstructionvet. in Hi!, .r^iicv—beai ,H.inginiuerij6 [WaT .«od

roceciimfM-p Ly stej., ss ilio child* uuoeritatiiiing

117 The. above valuable •erii-aof achoo) bonk.

ei* York. Sept. 11. IS 17

Ufo-nfMA SUB'neSd, IJO JohnHIT ,c I •

. Brant's Indi'ina ".rtfirirtnt ntfcm^iiiwi of "iheir iireri.

i n - iKflur>ieo of il.c Pulmomti^ Balaam o»ef

Ittising Torjturcs of ihe ;y r V t V J S ' S COCOH,

Ili*c*i3«tin,(of tlmlrpaina, tlio iacres- • fivciliiy nffurriril t...tho ::, EXfECTORATIQir,

\lie absence j»f thaw ' ,I>c\»ilitantig INightSweo

eeiher piodtHC tlm VtmciomUM of,RtUffmd Ftmt*i C*» in tlio pliient'a mind. Add to theae C

\ DISTRESS 0F TEOUSAXDS,e VBifrlr auBei mud idie wtlb (l>o b4rrid atuurgeef

' ; SCJtOFULAiiribloo.i>inl At* Vtmii.and

Ctait aorejEyea, tjiiinry 8iken, i.r».rfe Brea'.l Piles,

Hil. uAitlimfi, O|.nr.'Mii<

i .*Ji t i i . e»^ki iow& S O Eo

•'!>imptea**"lne* F«cn, Mr«re.—Its Gr.tanti.il. ia t.

Sore TliruiiL Broneriiti

rillpn orilfr. |- jDec. 25, 1840.—If

, a..d n.,th\,.Meltfiim pny H a y .

»i,).anvonei»!rni.( l,;i;, n-ii"),-.

h v j t g or f. DUTTdB* enreful find geithe geu.iinc WISTAB'S BAL-

SAM'OF Wflp UHEKKY.tehui atvayt btar, tk-"'ritu* mgittirff I. B*t(i. Alt clktn art Ca**Un

• .U..rt.K all orders to j :: \ , -SKTH W FOWf.E, Banon, Mam.

f.S,ilc in Plain field dr Dr Lewis Crttu


apuli«auon!rctno*«> the Im

'fchrTuia f.

II o r e N e w CTOO«1M.

Just iieceivt;d at the i hean *A I \ I ' I * . ^..x» I 111 ' ! _ _ ' • ' . .

first; then apply (hoI Erstfrcaio,, a,nd the •.t.-oi.d ,.,ifcird»|.|.i|CK,r..n rorfyer prevent, faie arnwiLar u -mnre h , i ^ o u the place where il ball be«n H|.pli«d.

T U S T ^ W i v a ^ , J i r ^ t r r » m p;, M.«i-I,*i.| a full at-J >ortm«nl nf ihe Bbove 1,,-i,:, ,-'..),. ,..rd .iurd«ae<-

•lily popular M«kiciHP> t l l i H ' C i 100>ortm«nl nf ihe Bbove 1,,-i,:, ,-'..),. ,..rd .iurd«ae<-

•lily popular M«kiciHP>, t rliclitd Hn<r 'Coiiir, 1,00

•Ian, for aile Kimp,.p* I ill. an fv.ij-eBlm«ii.g MI up, Bvxes nnd fttuahVi.ai.er....1.7rrrri.Too.h P . . . . , S | _

Pulmonary Syrup,Anlibiliou* PiUs,

Tanie Pills ; andHealing Salve,

ow fatal mo-rdlv ^ttiy would be

ly ">e.mifog«"pillBll iavwiably, wl.r.1

OLD S<iRES.—That.

GOUUd, a

i, De iaineaT^

Will al war* arovMRHELMA-TliM-

iabecitiue iheycanwrtliass (.els oftfie Inasnaible P«ra(rfheskd up the unriurities n.u.r it wi!! enilnnger life: Tt>

anil iinglieh I'rinia, Slieeling, SHiriiiig and'cunbneJMiuIina; t'nney Muslim, L S M I , Eilgiiitl*. Fringe,fGnpi.fcr,

Tog ei1pi-. «

b'enci'it when s.feirboiea of

; irp-trmluci

n-d aarnrliiipm uf Woollf; All of which will he -ui

. IRA IMtfJUliN.

T«ro Houses Co Rent,-nquire of 17'ii

- Clocks! Clock*,'

4 PATENT LEFfift,2 AIkr«i, I

. 8.Soda*1 CJ«k«, p w avJiWAnj.ai, -47 i r t f i 3ft W

«i»fi|ing when trie patn

• OintCO ItN 8 OccHional u»« ofih*OmtJ.e nt wi Uthvan

leep Corrt ftnnk grnwing. people need never b«rouble.' t^illr Ui nr if they LT.1I naeh- •

Aa aRaMi.y lleiliciue DOIMI e»n MBaaor* IU Vn"B, Si. lijiisr "> ihe .ton roll over KM

.ong • • i w iremla .lie «irih Uibject I.)-illfle.Ti—6 ( di >nd nckne^ i


. pl«f aff.fdeu by

: Grant's Purifying Kitract,1 lii..|i in to II.;.HV Munitu.viiiii a force and rapidiij

' li.-yn.id ev^n 111- ]

Sanguine tix/trctHtnm of the InvalidBRANT'S



LN'PIAN PURlPYlNGJEXTRAtfU tin- Chief'i GHB«T PckiriCK at T>E llLtwn,»»J

ever, tut failea ti. eire 'or.uftila, Kryaipt-ta*, Ulcer*led and Nureiog

{&* Muftib, Bile., Utww, Scald Hnd,I RhemnaiMm S«lt Hheum, and all

J • Kruptive and Skin Diseases, ; -ml bj \t= ciitamdiibky power in ie(ub«irtj and «qu»-

AND CCMTIVENESS.* G.nernl Agent. (lficeS

nuiied n* Agent*, -Pj»:ilfie!d,

'JOHN A CLt 'oaiunn, uenerar,Csdar It Hew Yuth; wlio Jim appiiii

ind •Alarsfi,iS9, * Bound Ii 100k,' n4 Hardcastla, SoiBerrille . .

rARiniE.begs re«p<«tfulljr lo cal

e i O Q.i«iity of ihe NTHE S«bitciiUertwi;»re(

itZejie^— lliVhairiU"!* G^twe'lfailljfntf'oSf'^B?*^Pea(l : B«t«.«,—C-tmb-.—Steel V d Gold P W . -Spuol «nd Ball pulton,-7-Suv JBindingi—y**"p p St

and Eyei,—Tii--.L!•*<* * » 'i HICM'D

nAwl41 MyrtU AMn

* i longWlwi,mUlc (It till ifcM..

JAMF.S MrAFLlSTER. * CO.nine t.HIe.le Aliiler i

Co. ia 1VS1TTKN with-a PEN uwNitovvry label.N o » » * l.rrel.y ^ff.r a rew-rd of »St)O ta be l»id I>1|

C..nvi<:i<<Mi in any «T (••«oaa«itutpd eonrta o( tiie Unil S f l i i d l l * i i l

irir. Dtixena-dit fionneio an eipeelfully in*,fted iKal Dr. «. E. AKM8 vril ™\£%£*&

^jicutt^ii^ululiefdU may'b? bon<Eliaabeililowii nn Titrt^aya, We Ina*

»—st Iiia office UJN*»»i"k, 180 lari»«nd jt'ridayav—snrf •» h'» «•*• i*

, Wtieional wr"w'ij may do •« I* dioppiajal*

Dii Crti| afia will Mt i i r i I ' f r f rn m <!«• "**•

Fer ITSBSTKU & MARSH, om M»<« ' . would inlit; •».«»!!<>• lo ill I v.r:;^.’VA‘;lvfo,L.d,.

I.ift Pump*, e.lheiwHI reiee 10.

-.1 uGidV,, Wl « >~d . fo. olj "ioCHp'iab * ivoKuur. .. W-d.,,!— Kaka. I —" im •UUi.. Muu. *«. laguK •ab.idiuuM.jU.

VtTLSOHAKT OBOAflg. A *«»» important disease over *M*kthia " Ur la • very p«*«W ieiOenee, U that of a OIHKAVEO LIVEH, ,*? laihU ranap'aialll h*» undoubtedly ee»v« ■T. ...... |L. .. ...a I dh

rran«l, I tid and 8t»« and Grada

*4«l H.aarU. » T»W» Cn*«*ra. Mia ihfftnl niNr, .... V. .. J a . a. _ . ' u*fC bod v-f-fli -rill be a- imun • *••» «H p^iidai .filial ihlaptupirnlienl

for tUehriui a thick nio fare.Mho U tarrwpirdli

. The language oftl,# Befiptur The langeagl 1 iTfr." IfH^aa wh.wkd * woitf.tir, »rata*<. iii i in-dianA ihi AIK TIGHT P«HH L SlHIVI. i>u Huruli) uf Maw yuk.Gid 1.11 ad, ih.ua nion t.n|i<mc *a,..euaaaiuu. Tlwr m* aaa.rv uiair faaairy euaaoinaii. lai, »H mb- IIIIKJ • • ,.~»W~li.lWrrlr I»«- Tin

.^WIiAmindli llllkoao.UlMpia liljT iaaufBc'.vnlk .,o.id Parse Twisi.l.laeksml« law $ hades, Parasol*. I J I . . . A ll “ Broad t'folJii.Ami ■ Plaint Voaunga.b.t.n.8 •pprnirf b/Tn*n. ~ i*ama. (foe Teachers only)

*>*' ia GaaMBU.oc Guide jo r. vr.w^iTw: iriot_» also IWi. >ed and Plain, T *e-d.,PI. id,

tVaahmg'on fflelpea with i th. lllnpalllM Unad.iml *tna, u.»»h iheSIn.trfin* qdkcHlnrfea aa Milk m’la. pill., P*H*. . Togivd »o»na|deaeftfca amopetef leeanaikle Per- -Nrhiloa pa wilbtale lhatthe learned !>#. (aweohor k avert efnrd thai*re-Hrl.lhaorall we receive Into the atomeeh.paeaedwfbv liitwtn..-laothe* words. .1 weeataeddrinf right pound* per day. Me eveeeat* ««• poatffb pfltftv Ibe !■■—ihle Perainraiioa. 4Ki.ideane*het than the used up pprneleaoftbe

r*.,4«lha,}iiieea *••'»* place »o I be o. » and fresh onea. Tjoehecfc tbit therefore,is to retain tu.lb* eys teA five eigtubrfof all the tiftilaiit mailer tiiat aatur. demand* should leerr>the bedy. By a eadden Q a nail folt C.o*» heel toco Id ike porceare flow of the juir-daoripiBairaeotaaBy complaint*. Let ei| Ban >i«> i every daedid mind whet rn.r.#

Mhieh rt»h a general variety of H*eeeke«niujr aaascaj •rka.traoottiWi^ifona .creeper? >&c. *e. Mortmmiof Oroerrir ■■nd'P**viainn all >. nil it (In lowtai m 1IL.1 prlmt for

KADIATOK PAKI.UK STOVES.^ ,.eJ pniwrul inw nad Cm Inm ,nf ill .ilM. K. A W bn f-resulaline air-tight more IUd Kooim. Hm kowu, it. TIB it Irti .I".! mr iimiMd. Him M r.iupii, lit.I .child CIO diuim lU Unit .111 tnmparnturn will.! i film l'iA.,n'Stnv«. will li tp Ipnttuinn it th. I Si.. ..I Hep*.mini nil lil.m-

aSTbSt ■re eloped*.—Weald y®*« r^J5sc?jsaS-_

t)'B 5M.VE. Ithaa pover toraator Ilia left pn the need around old bo* it m «lipr' whether diaaaeed alightl/« «», Fall Kiver, Cochlea, Ac. new :k cepnotnew ha aiMpeeaea, dTaMe'Cofer.,

".JSSSTSSzu-. Hi’ Ktrip., nud Pint^wn H.niMt.tW, • lb*. C.wnMfl. Ill Vn.iini. n ftMll.tnriM.nl, ki.(. Mn.lint. Claelt. Ac. ■ l.r,. mmmi. cka, Dirnwi, Collera and Cravam, enet. dwiee,Canabricaud Mull MuBlIaa, . ice. ti'napa, Fnn|ea, and other Ana drawer vande. rpeiinfl—4 flood eeoiwlMi.nl ef all unlltUe end olora. e»rae eaiiraly na w deeicaa. # tiduw Sliedee—a «ho c * lot. cheep, purcba.rn bm wgae»l. d lo look at I Item before buy..,. *. 15. Tin* public will at all timed And Oat .fwl pe and Mell ummib.1. The f. Y. iMark-fnill b* irdindevegr we«-h (•ethe rictwet ami luuailaalnou lej"«d« urliWh Mid*low prirra.hr bepr.te yain >

Prieu. N< a*lee.oi t, RECE1VF.O i^ Weebtgima, N. C., writet ny raae. of decided l>*n«6' i»l iiwrtally Aatlima and chronic • •e/u-r I here the Wif i |*»a. lire.pn.IW U» m.rliedfl.m.1 »f ftrat nrimti tn. bility, and •nflanuMun and jiidw.uu*. all*' dittruwfill nT Patent Hrdi indoritMef divr*mpn .l- bri id nintiama awdUiuv modi inns >ut .ry. .iidlu.many well alte«-

atlrr/ehan heala them. ItnuolT |hat aMhep. otfihe whole ran. aUorJrr*. and reatoras the epti Ulhe fnnetiona. i> .. i. ,i.. p.-LH- ,l. .

| h-iTyvd iflorlhe l.i»founem ye.re f. rail diaenw** of t'.oeh-wt. anuMt..M.no.*s li.er iuvolriofl tha umif #1 ,1a . jet H«.l i«B|i me Uihty. and f daclar- befom Hear, r,, and .nB..^UwiMoinnoeihfMe«ea hap it failed It, hen th. whaffthe pauert waa within reach of mortal "uB. h-G iilfml..., l.irncU ll In pmfM*i«n 1 hx*e had ...iattiere of the liM.pel—Judge an th# »m.,oh AMermcn and Le«rrere.gentlraira of tha highest rr,nk .. I le.iit.tndCB of the poor. u»c It in every vnria<y'ef war. a ml ihcfe he. been hat one voice—one ne'tcd. U- •i«nvu> m.tde — aey inn ** Mc'Alli.ter, your Oinftnrtit iet»>oO.,,j' CO.NdL Vfl*TIO»-l med not a»y ibet it iecurtn* iicf »»n» nf CflnaamiilinD c«>ntiunelly elikowgh we arc mid. d U MhUou. | dace net wf.ei .1 Paid, no long ■a | Mta curd anverel thuuannd prraona yc.nly . HEApAflHt.-Tfcf8«h» haa cored pereon.ofrhe Headache of 14 years .UnJing and who had it regular- '»V”t r‘\r "-i p’s*....

I*l• ll-ITMt-n. AliiMiuflen. fa^ cored ■ child o A.Mime Willi it.n*er he tfrrlawfl 1.0 cruddde nnatore w |t>. hia ...rdici.w, am) the ebiU rnurt «fie 1>» IreSlgh. ef Baupen.ee, N- V-. anya he enred Ll«t. Couwl" *-«! yeora. siandi.ig, lhai would ■ «t ik IJ u.iIm u»wai ramoJire.i i' - j Abraham 3k,1^'-'- M |>, of Bu„-Jb,o..k N. i, Baja It is the beV medicine f..r poneam^tin.., ... Me ry wage, that he Ima «ver luuvn. W. might refer yoe te In.mlc.la ul i-aarr, had we root*, that would eo»* »mrc all ofite great utnee. SEWAGE Of CliCNTERPI’.ITS MfD I MIT A- ... ...... 1 .

facility MTurdrd tu.*hr i j EXP ECTOR A TH)K, the absence of thoac f PrUilitatiue Night-S>*rnl«, •tpssiA’SwSGT St DISTRESS OF TEOU&AIfDS, wbP terfrlj auflcf and ifie wlifa the b«tnJ k«urjeef SCROFULA, doing np their blood nnd tlwW Vitale, and ’ ebarrva .iirapUIn rrlef iffi^dril by ' I

! ItruntV Puritying Extract, . •dJcl I.. M. «»ir w.M • *»l npl*J . Uiyiiil !.«■ Hi j , Sanguine Ex/nctatwn uj Ike Invalid BRART’8

I DIi\ PU M NARY BAI.SAM ‘ CwMartpt, t»,8riTTige . -j — ... Brra ee , J .- BaiK.and Lav an ConruAiav*, and i BHA|PPS l

INDIAN I’LRIFVmO EXTRACT h Urn Ck*,; Gun rninu u« n> Vml.lW .■even hea fatlea to ei re f |; Swrutila, Krtiipilli, UU-Tiinl >nd N>nW

asm Mobil,. Utlri, Ulcm.ScilJ Hnd, Ri.cOTii.Mir, S«li Rheuii, ud ill

- Eruptive and Skin DUeaw*. ■■ ■ niG«iih.«ii.m»

—AlkVi— A Su,ipl/.if frt.l. llncrrici ..I'uri -nil, (CM.lMlllcl.cipilC.lllU- I-,....HI...1.,, AIM.M*k.« l.V-il"J K-,Al»i. Ill lyohirr Ulaaees a CA"lcf and r Irganl |o( ..falli China, filaee. BriUnnie Liverpool. Cartlirn Sioiw Ware Rocking rhaira. Bnatnn Roekerw-Bnui, and She Bpadea. BhuveU, lloef, Mhkea. Porfce.,4>e. ** ' All the -ahov# will t>« a«dd at the leweel price. Caal. or C-.uairy Produce-, April 13* 1847.

TIU.NB. j { rbe unwarallelerf and aaiomthisig rfficary of Hr. kaiar’o BaleoiO of Wild Chnry its ell (he tltveaara mhieh ilia recommended curing tiiany runafkm lawillof the beef phyaicinna woe Unavailing, haa beted n Urge ana inrreaain. .Utnand for it- TliU •t haa rnuaed several unprincipled c»uu|erfeite.a fl i mil a toia to (Ultn off apnrlene mu I tare* of similar m« and "i‘| lev ibe gee dine Balaam.^ me are eaif. d - Syrup uf Wild Chprry- BeUpwi Bp-kenard,” ' Wild Iherry CeMifrvy ”&e A no- r WramSH^ ./ttlld Pswry.-umMeHim i name, and Urging eertiftcetea In rcaemhlr thoee • T i true H-l-ni «• fir. WUiar a Balsam VW.WtCl.er- " *• «he *»nlv ertflioai. The rra* mervly imitate the n,**4 Ute originai, wiuie they po«e se none of in LOOK WBLL TO THF. MASKS Or THE OEM'INK. Th<-genuine Balaam a put up in UittU., with the Mda- |>r. Wia(.r'. Balaam of wUd Chevr,, Ph ld.f' .wn 1.1the g|.'an: each ovale beat mg a label on the w.th the pagnature of H- W|3TAK. M. D, TkL Ml .11 kl am ,1.1 IU.lt km.ni. -ilk 1

The long establitkeil Plainfield Baker; and Confectionary.

JA.CfCSOJS FOUJVD, RKBPliCTrt LLY IlfWiii iWcuipin of pi.,.. Geld lid in rleUklG kin lie e«H(4iuc,ihi d.i., kuiieeis at hi* «>ld atau J—%-hc|« l>« keeps cuusianilu „n hand endToraele, Large Hrdad. Cakes. Crackeia. t*od» Crechera. Milk Biacuit, Pilot Bread, Buga* Cr.ck.rs.Candie.of.il kind*.Ac. Ac at Whole, ■ale and ICetail. as cheap aa ceu he obtained .|^ where, and many thank* for allreatom. kata.tailor*eg, wagon.in-k.i.g, flour. com. bay, oat# Or feed, alee Uvere, dm-aoi's and lawyer', bill., and all ••(her demands whatsoever, are venaested ta are Milt them fWaattlewieni wlthvmr delay. Thoee.udobledlehin.be I,opes will not pin then. B..1vee eolpfibe way te pay up tbeir »r»owi,t. I ni whweca.eventcel he woeld like to have it. and wll' take i> >u pG.taMiea. r.een. eeta, weed k» cash, or any tiling else which they have to spare. Ilr haprslmie after noni will ask him fbr lr«mt. aa Ire I rtfanrfsto do

COLD F in the afi* g ..IT of the hair, cold feet. It ie i »B*e eold feeu , every raae. —.-/rjrelBe, Salt Rhrnm. plaint 8o»e;Ey«a. Uun.ry Bore Tlirm Broken, or 4>r* Brea'.t Piles, all the c|i siirf. as Aatlhnn. OpdrrMM.n. Pnina. «l^ < heppml hailda. Tumor a Cutaneous Ent dineaseh and of Ihu Spine -thure in. nfrelieino u p* known aa good—and ns f« not na equal)nkhe wOrld ' n*impWa >4 the Feee, Mavelit.e Skin A.. -..I m_ ....I .11 I..

have iethetrgffglMi seed. #a|wfmimed .te aorehmg. V* ***(*» I UHUU ill —-H— •» ewn merits, a com pound prepared express ly ford,sea. ed Eyes, of cortl/ineleriela. and svith elahoeeu rent aed aasetuees. The public are caiuhmed that (he “Thousand and oee” Peie fxirarior#,rcaliered thro’ the foenJrr are base imitations of Um eoovslfwl rciee- dy en-*ery one might knew that wfwuwiU ruivdmao ed oyeie. will subdue mil pain, btrua, i.iHeta,oi|m,i. Ac. price S3 cents, j»e> Ua. Follow JireclMMia in the npmeliHl delivered with be« Generel Agent, H. WmH.em.-r. log John at. New York »h<i if. wlewthe agmu for the iMalliUe Remedy for A'erriey <er. Vo.Ik ranker, Urm.. I ftiv, Ue.twy- Thme ie no inkier S*r-it9 f«r b.^c /.**#. then fi r em« 7W/»—|»rn*r«l hy tin- use of the •*' Amerirap Eye Anlve,* ' r-<ppi« f.y Vf»#'b4 mieats. m, F. Omkiep, and Aaf- den Fho ft ..mi Hr. Still,,.sm e ••Ore. l7*,„6clo. Hs|l.y v Adair. *ryuh RhMi.


If pare,Its knew bow fatal moat mvdi liildrea lahen i.matdly (hey would br a thkhi.-F-apeelall;->4* mifuge-,ulU • <s Bo one can tail invariably, wheb mya tell ifa rhild has worms. If will vnalage of tbepi away. ! mbly ho medicine oD tko face of the > Mire and so safe ■■ lha ueulaion of

r.iiAssssiEr . ptWErdiA. ru.ea and cuktiveness. JOHN A CLUS3H1N, Oi«.r.,,:Al.ni. Ilfcll Cot., „ How Y-trkj .bu 111 irp,«M AglU, tV'lMUr and Minh, PU ufieid, -Ihwpk'Han.' 4«widh,uok,’ • JlirkrtO* S (IndCialli, oiuenilll |

Iidj *5. IS1T -1T

A If S. iWiu. Unit■ Hedges At Kiesl J.U Urrh-. m. liar i tan. , cutlet to the

nnels of the Itisonaible Pe.spir- re healed op the impurities moat ,or it will eadaeber Ikfb. Thia r amah emerge weiea. ry moves almeetimmedialdy the .11 ore Hew Croud•-

JuU Keeuivcd at the t'lienn A U,~Gi.l .1,1,muu.hi ul GOUUr*. luch u Clnbi, CGvtiuiin, Si, C_u. ,. uuGiubinu, DllUncl. AI|.««1, llrnuuui. 1 •lU, Eufluh uniu. bb.cliM, ai.I.u,- -.M C, Mo.l.,0, I'll,, M-.lio., Liu... EA,,U1. I Q Hfl. . Tug.11,1 MKh 1 cblMp ud lUud lMOTM-m ■' oeriee. Hardware. Cutlery,Glean. Cret kcrt.ai ,GT" « Sluue.Tm and Wu.ubu Wu.. Bcb.u. r.ili. Tubi, Ckurm. uud hi WuMliuTlii.j.. A,to ■ ,u.^ UMMIM.1I ..rM I. imn.n I C.uiun Caruu I All of Mhkk will I - r~Jut.. Ira pkue Aaf. .0, 10,7.-18-

DrBk.orAB» par* oft lief are withoulthe l«-n»i a Theftrel applioatier pinottt the hair euriri after shorn two -lontbs there tin ha ace* a f ikllA.IM.II.-.MM, fiMUkl, ab. (U.d Mum balfou Iba place when ll bu buu ini * T,lra, .kolu.li bp.-aa. hi ■ e. Cu.biuf.Agliafua PliiiAilG. s^rjfcufffjteadgggS Pclll ia.co,w,-C"uik.,-S...I .~I CoN »~r- guull uud 8.11 CuMu. — Stljr !*i.dl.(»—Tapt-1 Aluikt aud Eri*,—TbiaibIn.-—5ciiMif..—fiMbal Gin>•«.**. ' KICK'D «ICHA*D» Imforii, of s,uu, tot *H<Y Otoft, • 18 l-i SiUio-Labu.K— Yuak.1 Aiklll HpnliA»iia.Blo*bl]>t

Sands'a SursupunlUx, . Hotkaawiy”* Arabian Maltam, IhsUr ft mgteat I’alk' Etl ftcldr, llaf's Lint meet Jar the I ties. Lozenges—»•'*, Cow eh, Cltkar

tie. Camphor and Cordial, , Gillia1 Cunanaaind far Ihl Pilu. ; | Hum’. Pilh, Hid sui|i..es Cawi.1,

vn a.iabi.i.i a rua i» li , ,IiAu.IpJ lid ibm

VlS'Ubli PI to Rent. ■ It Maiia. Enquire of a. r; CD8B(ng.

SSKoSEirkST PATEIKT l_EVEK, 1 Afcrui. S doH-l CWrku p« ul* bj

*■ Id ibiiAa—Rli—u i »p*'i&u.A- IUKT KECP.IVI.D la.raal Mill... »«T Hpaiif Hanaa Obic. 'Vii'i. u. p.PuSHinq. \ SUUJtAS- iwis •H PUTT DKABK.