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CSCS-LCG2 Migration to SLURM CNAF, March 11th 2014 Miguel Gila, CSCS [email protected]

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CSCS-LCG2 Migration to SLURM

CNAF, March 11th 2014 Miguel Gila, CSCS [email protected]

CSCS-LCG2 (Phoenix cluster)

•  Swiss Tier-2 for ATLAS, CMS and LHCb

•  Currently providing 1.8PB of storage and ~26kHS06 – ~2k jobs running at all times – ~1k jobs in queue avg. / seen max of ~4k

•  Has some particularities: – Using Infiniband QDR/FDR and 10GbE fabrics – GPFS 3.4 (soon 3.5) as scratch filesystem for all jobs – 20Gb/s connectivity to the world – Running ARC and CREAM CEs

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 2

ATLAS, 40%

CMS, 40%

LHCb, 20%

CPU share ATLAS,  47%  

CMS,  47%  

LHCb,  6%  

Storage  share  

Moving to SLURM

•  Previously running Torque/Moab for ~3 years

•  Decided to move to SLURM because – License renewal implied upgrading to new Torque version – Moab license is expensive – We have SLURM knowledge and development in-house – SLURM is the site-wide reference scheduler

•  Details of the migration – Tested in development environment for ~2 months

– Developed a number of scripts for monitoring – Mostly Ganglia: look at


– Migrated 76 WNs, 4 CREAM-CEs, 2 ARC-CEs and 2 LRMS

– ~2 months rollover upgrade (Sept. 4, Nov. 11)

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 3

Our evaluation of SLURM

•  What we like about SLURM

– Works great with MC jobs (no configuration changes to support it!)

– SLURM itself is very easy to configure & deploy: – 1 general configuration file + optional extra configuration

files – 1 configuration file for accounting DB – RPMs easily built

– Stores accounting information on a DB (MySQL)

– HA works for the scheduler (Master/Slave) and accounting DB (Master/Slave out of the box, Master/Master easy to do)

– Easy integration with node health check scripts (~WN black hole


– Easily customizable (prolog/epilog) © CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 4

Our evaluation of SLURM

•  More things we like – Scales up very well: Piz Daint @CSCS runs SLURM; 1 control node

with 32GB, 16 core manage 5.2k nodes, 5.2k GPUs, ~6.2PF


– In our test environment, we managed to get ~10k jobs in queue on a single VM with no performance issues

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 5

Our evaluation of SLURM

• What we don’t like (and problems encountered along the way)

– Some SLURM versions have serious bugs – 2.6.2 breaks when reserving single slots for OPS jobs – Stay away from new features!

– SLURM accounting, fair share and QoS are complicated to set up

– Accounting DB can become a bottleneck if not properly planned and configured

– we run it on the same servers that run the SLURM control daemons: 2 VMs with 8 core and 16GB RAM

– my.cnf needs some tweaking

– Command line syntax is not consistent across different s* tools

– Having a common API to query SLURM would be great (currently calling s* commands and parsing output)

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 6

Support & Documentation

•  Support: – Rely on the community:

– [email protected] – [email protected]

– Pay SchedMD for support: – In our experience on a ‘small’ T2, it hasn’t been necessary – In the case of bigger clusters/supercomputers, it is a must

– Have development in-house: – Not always making sense, but very useful if you have special

requirements (in our case, integration with Cray systems)

•  Documentation: – Excellent man pages – Excellent online docs on topics not covered by man pages:

http://slurm.schedmd.com/documentation.html © CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 7

The middleware

•  CREAM-CE: – Recently found a serious bug in CREAM that marks jobs as failed

when they completed OK. Quickly fixed by CREAM devs – Information system didn’t fully work when we migrated (=had to

build our own glite-info-dynamic-ce) •  ARC-CE:

– Worked ok from the beginning (small recent update for MC jobs) •  APEL:

– Accounting migration from APEL EMI-2 to EMI-3 has been necessary and quite laborious

– Several bugs in APEL parser running on CREAM CEs spotted and solved

– SLURM had some problems managing the Daylight Saving Time changes: this messed up the APEL client DB and we spent a lot of time fixing the DB

– In general, the EMI-3 APEL was not ready for SLURM, but all major issues should be solved now thanks to the APEL support

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 8

Summarizing our experience

• Overall, SLURM itself works and scales well

• Unfortunately, the migration process has been painful as the middleware had some initial issues

• On the other hand, our experience will make it easier for other sites in the WLCG community

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© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 10

Thank you for your attention.

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 11

Backup slides

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 12

SLURM processes

•  slurmd: – runs on the clients (WN, ARC and CREAM)

•  slurmctld: –  it is the scheduler itself – runs on the control nodes (can be HA)

•  slurmdbd: –  it connects slurmctld and the accounting DB – runs on any node (usually control nodes, can be HA)

•  mysqld: – runs anywhere (can be HA)

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Our setup

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APEL server











HA slurmctld slurmdbd mysqld DB DB

LRMS server #2

LRMS server #1

VM VM /slurm




Configuration details

•  7 partitions (atlas, atlashimem, other, ops, lcgadmin, cms, lhcb) •  All nodes are in all partitions/queues •  1 reservation for priority_jobs

– OPS + VO *sgm users – 2 nodes fully reserved (because of bug on slurm 2.6.2)

•  TaskProlog.sh and TaskEpilog.sh empty •  nodeHealthCheck.sh runs on all nodes every 3 minutes and checks for

basic system health. It drains the node if not all checks are successful •  Both SLURM control daemon nodes need to share /slurm for consistency •  Hierarchical accounting configuration

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 15


ControlMachine=slurm1 BackupController=slurm2 […] SlurmdSpoolDir=/tmp/slurmd TaskProlog=/etc/slurm/TaskProlog.sh TaskEpilog=/etc/slurm/TaskEpilog.sh AuthType=auth/munge SchedulerType=sched/backfill SelectType=select/cons_res SelectTypeParameters=CR_CPU_Memory TaskPlugin=task/none ProctrackType=proctrack/linuxproc DefaultStorageType=slurmdbd AccountingStorageType=accounting_storage/slurmdbd JobAcctGatherType=jobacct_gather/linux JobCompType=jobcomp/script JobCompLoc=/usr/share/apel/slurm_acc.sh AccountingStorageEnforce=limits HealthCheckInterval=180 HealthCheckProgram=/etc/slurm/nodeHealthCheck.sh […]

© CSCS 2014 - Miguel Gila 16

[…] PriorityType=priority/multifactor PriorityDecayHalfLife=07-12 PriorityFavorSmall=YES PriorityMaxAge=4-0 PriorityWeightAge=1000 PriorityWeightFairshare=5000 PriorityWeightJobSize=1000 PriorityWeightPartition=10000 PriorityWeightQOS=1000 FastSchedule=1 PreemptType=preempt/none […]