2014 north texas cares classic with transparent logo

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  • 8/12/2019 2014 North Texas Cares Classic With Transparent Logo


    T h e T r i b u t e G o l f C l u b

    10 0 0 B o y d R o a d

    T h e C o l o n y, T e x a s 7 5 0 5 6

    ( 9 7 2 ) 3 7 0 - 5 4 6 5

    The 5th annualThe 5th annual

    North Texas CaresNorth Texas Cares

    ClassicClassic Presented byPresented by

    April 11, 2014April 11, 2014

    At 1:00pmAt 1:00pm



    QQUESTIONSUESTIONS: [email protected]: [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 2014 North Texas Cares Classic With Transparent Logo


    Q U E S T I O N S : P A U L R E Y E S , M D A T ( 2 1 4 ) 2 2 3 - 7 2 8 9

    What is North Texas Cares?A Community healthcare clinic staffed serving families

    who are without health insurance.

    Since 2005, North Texas Cares has provided

    quality healthcare to those in need

    through the extensive dedication of volunteers.

    Becus y cr, Noh Txa Cre

  • 8/12/2019 2014 North Texas Cares Classic With Transparent Logo


    P r e s e n t i n g S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Presenting Name of ourgolf tournament. Your logo will also be placed on all of our signs.Your gracious donation will help to cover the costs of emergency roomvisits that are needed for patients of Frisco Cares.

    T i t l e S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Title Name of our golftournament and our clinic. Your logo will also be placed on all of oursigns, prizes, and our clnic. Your gracious donation will help to coverthe costs of hospital visits that are needed for patients of Frisco Cares.

    A w a r d s S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Prize sponsor of ourgolf tournament. Your logo will also be placed on all of our prizes.Your gracious donation will help to cover the costs of clinic visits and

    followup care for the patients of Frisco Cares.

    F i r s t R e s p o n d e r S p o n s o rWe offer a team reservation for our First Responders of cities of TheColony, our host city for the golf tournament and Frisco, our host cityfor our clinic. Please show your support if you would like to sponsor ateam, The Colony Fire, Frisco Fire, and/or Frisco Police.

    Donation: $10,000.00

    Donation: $7,500.00

    Donation: $5,000.00

    Donation: $700.00 (up to 3 teams)

    H o l e S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Compassion partner ofour golf tournament and clinic. Your logo will also be placed on ourplacards on the golf holes. Your gracious donation will help to coverthe costs of clinics for the patients of Frisco Cares.

    Donation: $250.00

    C o m p a s s i o n S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Compassion partner ofour golf tournament and clinic. Your logo will also be placed on ourgolf carts. Your gracious donation will help to cover the costs ofmedical equipment for the patients of Frisco Cares.

    Donation: $1000.00

    C o m m u n i t y S p o n s o rYour company logo and name will be placed as Compassion partner ofour golf tournament and clinic. Your logo will also be placed on ball

    drop prize. Your gracious donation will help to cover the costs ofmedications for the patients of Frisco Cares.

    Donation: $500.00

    DONATIONS ALSO CAN BE MADE AT www.ntxcares.org/news-events/golf

  • 8/12/2019 2014 North Texas Cares Classic With Transparent Logo


    REGISTRATIONS CAN BE COMPLETED ATwww.ntxcares.org/news-events/golfI F Y O U H A V E A N Y Q U E S T I O N S , P L E A S E F E E L F R E E

    T O C O N T A C T P A U L R E Y E S , M D A T 2 1 4 ) 2 2 3 - 7 2 8 9O R A T E M A I L : p r e y e s @ n t x c a r e s . o r g

    N o r t h T e x a s C a r e s C l i n i c , a 5 0 1 c ) 3 ) n o n p r o f i t c l i n i c7 0 1 1 A s h S t r e e t

    F r i s c o , T X 7 5 0 3 4

    P L A Y E R # 1



    PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________

    Price: $175.00



    P L A Y E R # 2



    PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________

    Price: $175.00INCLUDES 2 MULLIGANS & 3 DRINKS

    P L A Y E R # 3



    PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________

    Price: $175.00


    P L A Y E R # 4



    PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________

    Price: $175.00

