2014 cuyahoga county natural resources assistance council applicant workshop

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Cuyahoga County Natural Resources Assistance Council http://planning.co.cuyahoga.oh.us/nrac/


  • 1. CUYAHOGA COUNTYNATURAL RESOURCESASSISTANCE COUNCILClean Ohio Green SpaceConservation ProgramApplicant WorkshopWatershed Stewardship Center at West CreekOctober 15, 2014Round 9

2. AGENDA1. Overview of the Clean Ohio Green SpaceConservation Program Statewide and District 1 Purpose Eligible Projects2. The Cuyahoga County Conservation Program Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) County Principles3. Round 9 Application and Selection Process Funding Policies Application and Evaluation Methodology4. Q.&A. 3. CLEAN OHIO The Clean Ohio Fund restores, protects, and connectsOhio's important natural and urban places bypreserving green space and farmland, developingstate-wide recreational trails, and cleaning upbrownfields to encourage redevelopment andrevitalize communities. The Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Programhelps to fund preservation of open spaces, sensitiveecological areas, and stream corridors. 4. CLEAN OHIO CONSERVATION -Statewide2000-2014: 885 Projects were funded $292 million have been awarded Area protected: 73,300 acres of natural areas and greenspace 5. CLEAN OHIO CONSERVATION-CuyahogaCounty (District 1)2000 2014: 89 Projects were submitted 54 Projects have been funded $25 million have been awardedArea Protected: 1275 acres of natural areas and greenspace 15,430 lineal feet of riparian corridors 6. PURPOSEA Unique Opportunity toAdvance Conservation Preserve Open Space. Protect Riparian Corridors. Protect Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species. Support Open Space Planning. Preserve Wetlands and Other Scarce Natural Resources. Preserve Streamside Forests, Natural Stream Channels andFloodplains.Forested Bank on the Chagrin River 7. TYPES OFPROJECTS OPEN SPACE Acquisition of open space Acquisition of land or rights in land for parks,forests, wetlands, natural areas that protect anendangered plant or animal population. Construction or enhancement of facilities to makethe acquired open space accessible and useable bythe general public. Acquisition of land to connect natural areacorridors.Wood Creek Preserve 8. Category 3 Forested WetlandTYPES OFPROJECTSFee simple acquisition of landsto provide access to ripariancorridors or watersheds. Acquisition of easements for the purpose of protectingand enhancing riparian corridors or watersheds. Reforestation of land or the planting of vegetation forfiltration purposes.Euclid Railroad Green Creek CorridorRIPARIAN CORRIDORS 9. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIESMill Creek Conservation Project Before Acquisition Expenses Fee simple purchases Easement purchases Planning and Implementation Appraisal Closing costs Title search Environmental assessments Design Construction or Enhancement of Facilities i.e. internal low-impact trails, boardwalks, lookouts, benches,small parking areas for accessCleanupMill Creek Conservation ProjectToday 10. INELIGIBLE PROJECTS ANDACTIVITIES Acquisition of land for activities other than preservationand conservation Water management activities Flood control projects (dams, dredging, etc.). Projects that accelerate untreated water runoff. Stormwater management is the primary purpose. Plan preparation See OPWC Application Instructions for more on Eligiblevs. Ineligible project components 11. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTSLocal SubdivisionsCountiesCitiesVillagesTownshipSpecial DistrictsConservancy DistrictsSoil and Water ConservationDistrictsJoint Recreation DistrictsPark District/AuthorityNon-Profit CorporationsExempt from federal income taxation.Has conservation activities as a primary part of its mission. 12. CUYAHOGA COUNTYCONSERVATION PROGRAMSolomons Sealwildflower at BeechersBrookEast Branch Rocky RiverHeron Rookery 13. OPEN SPACE IN CUYAHOGACOUNTY Largest and most urbanized of Ohios counties. 90% of land is developed and only 10% is designated openspace. Existing open space areas. Fragmented Not always accessibleto the public Some are degraded/destroyed by pollutionand mismanagement Others abandoned due to poorplanning and outmigrationExisting Open Spaces 14. CLEAN OHIOCONSERVATION PROGRAMIMPLEMENTATIONOPWC Appoints NRAC members. NRAC Implements Clean OhioConservation Program inCuyahoga County. Develops project selection andevaluation methodology. Selects projects for fundingand makes recommendationsto OPWC.OOPPWWCCDOPWIC Oversees Issue 1 and Clean OhioConservation Program. Approves NRAC methodologies. Give final approval ofrecommended projects. 15. NATURAL RESOURCESASSISTANCE COUNCIL(NRAC)Eleven members appointed by DOPWIC. 1 member from DOPWIC 1 member from Cuyahoga County Soil and WaterConservation District 9 members to represent 5 categories: 2 - Government 3 - Environment 2 - Park Systems 1 - Agricultural 1- Business, Realtors or Planning 16. DISTRICT 1 NRACMEMBERSHIPMember RepresentingDAVID BEACHDirector, GreenCityBlueLake InstituteEnvironmentKYLE DREYFUSS WELLS, CHAIREnvironmental Manager, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer DistrictEnvironmentDOROTHY HAZELBoard Member, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation DistrictSoil and Water Conservation DistrictHONORABLE MICHAEL PROCUKMayor, Village of Brooklyn HeightsGovernmentHONORABLE SUSAN RENDA,Mayor, Village of Moreland HillsDistrict One Public Works Integrating Committee (DOPWIC)KIMBERLY RASSI-GALLINBoard Member, Cuyahoga County Farm BureauAgricultureNATALIE RONAYNE, VICE CHAIRExecutive Director, Cleveland Botanical GardenEnvironmentJENNIFER SCOFIELDDirector Regional Collaboration, Office of County Executive Edward FitzGeraldGovernmentJESSICA SHAMSHOUM FRENCH, SECRETARYSpecial Projects CoordinatorPark SystemDONNA STUDNIARZDirector of Strategic Initiatives, Cleveland MetroparksPark SystemCHRISTOPHER URBANManager of Physical Development, Greater Cleveland PartnershipBusiness, Realtors, Planning 17. DISTRICT 1 NRAC PRINCIPLESTo ensure that projects are visible, accessible andinstructional, the NRAC has 5 guiding principles:1. Preserve natural areas or open space.2. Restore landscapes that have been degraded ordestroyed.3. Enhance the quality of natural areas or open space.4. Link natural areas to each other or to county culturaland civic heritage areas.5. Provide public access tonatural areas and/or countycultural and civic heritage areas.West Creek CriticalConservation Linkages 18. ROUND 9 19. ROUND 9 FUNDING Funds Available. Round 9 Allocation - $3,339,704 Available balance - $ 251,618 Total $3,591,322 Awards grants only. Maximum grant award 75% of TotalProject Cost. 25% Local Match Required. No limit to the amount requested. 20. LOCAL MATCH Contributions of money by any person, local politicalsubdivision or the federal government Contributions in-kind through the purchase ordonation of equipment, land, easements, interest inland, labor and materials necessary to complete theproject. Appraised value of property. 21. APPLICATION MATERIALS1. OPWC Clean Ohio Conservation Application OPWC website:http://www.pwc.state.oh.us/GSCApplication.html2. NRAC Project Checklist3. NRAC Application Cuyahoga County Planning Commission website:http://planning.co.cuyahoga.oh.us/nrac/ Available as a Word document4. A certified appraisal performed by an Ohio Department ofTransportation Prequalified Appraiser who is credentialed in valueanalysis.5. Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officers property valuation. http://fiscalofficer.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/REPI.aspx 22. APPLICATION MATERIALS6. Resolution(s) of Support: A project will need a resolution ofsupport from the appropriate political subdivision(s) (CuyahogaCounty, municipalities, townships) as determined by the OhioRevised Code, section 164.237. Documentation of pending land transaction, e.g. purchaseagreement, letter of intent, memorandum of understanding ifapplying for open space acquisition.8. Maps and other Documents as needed.9. A compact disc or flash drive with items 1 through 3; as well as allsupporting documentation. 23. OPWC POLICIES ROUND 9 Projects not scheduled for acquisition within 12 monthsfrom the date of the Project Agreement will be rejectedby the Commission. All post acquisition activities must be concluded within atwo-year period from the date of acquisition unless aformal extension has been approved by OPWC. Program Year 9 applications will be required to have acertified appraisal performed by an Ohio Department ofTransportation Prequalified Appraiser who iscredentialed in Value Analysis. 24. OPWC POLICIES - APPRAISALS Projects with Purchase Contracts exceeding the appraised value will bereturned to the Natural Resources Assistance Councils for validation.These projects will not be issued a Notice to Proceed until thisvalidation has occurred. Projects that consist of leveraging the difference between the appraisedvalue and purchase contract will also be required to have an appraisalreview performed by an Ohio Department of Transportation PrequalifiedAppraisal Reviewer to ensure that the purchase price history,comparables, adjustments, and disclaimers are accurate. Applicants that have an appraisal review rejected will not be issued aNotice to Proceed until these discrepancies are resolved. Properties above appraised value are eligible, but it is important for theNRAC to be cognitive of this difference and must validate the value ofproperties that are using the difference between the Purchase Contractand appraised value as scored. 25. OPWC POLICIES MINERALRIGHTS Existing oil and gas leases, at the time the NaturalResources Assistance Council approves the project,will be treated as pre-existing easements. Thus, theseapplications will be approved as submitted. Requests to engage in oil and gas leasing on CleanOhio Properties that have been acquired along withthe mineral rights will be denied. Requests to engage in these activities on Clean OhioProperties acquired with a third party holding themineral rights will be dealt with on a case by casebasis in conjunction with the OPWCs legal counsel 26. DISTRICT 1 NRACREQUIREMENTS A certified appraisal done by an ODOT Prequalified Appraisermust be included. A resolution of support from appropriate legislative authoritymust be included. Documentation of pending land transaction must be included. To be eligible for points, restoration work must comprise aportion of the project scope, budget, or local match andsupporting documentation must be included If existing structures on the property are being acquired,provide the appraised value, proportion of value to the overallvalue, and the intended actions for the structures (e.g.demolition, re-use) 27. APPRAISAL REQUIREMENTS A certified appraisal must be included. Appraisals must be done by an Ohio Department ofTransportation Prequalified Appraiser, who iscredentialed in value analysis. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Engineering/RealEstate/Pages/LPA.aspx http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Engineering/Consultant/Consultant/prequal-row.pdf The project will not be evaluated if the appraisals andsupporting documentation is not attached. 28. RESOLUTIONS OF SUPPORTApplicants must include a resolution(s) of supportwith the project application unless the applicant is apark district. Except as otherwise provided in the ORC, a copy of aresolution supporting the project from each county in whichthe proposed project is to be conducted All resolutions from Cuyahoga County will be read on at leasttwo (2) separate regular Council meetings In between readings, the resolutions will be heard incommittee. A staff member from your organization should planto be present at the committee hearing. Alison Ball of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission willassist applicants through the process. Resolution requests are due by November 5, 2014 at 4:30PM. 29. DOCUMENTATION OF LANDTRANSACTIONApplications must include one of the following: A Fully executed contract with the owner (signedpurchase agreement). A contract (purchase agreement that does nothave all the signatures) A letter/memorandum of understanding.Applications that utilizes confidentiality agreementsin lieu of purchase agreements will not be evaluated. 30. RESTORATION ACTIVITIESIn order to receive points restoration MUST comprise a portion of theproject scope, budget, or local match and supporting documentationmust be included.Examples of restoration components: The project reduces or eliminates nonnative, invasive species ofplants or animals. The project restores, or improves one or more of the following:aquatic biological communities, headwater streams, functioningfloodplains, water quality, natural stream channels, stream bankerosion or buffer zones, and streamside forests. The project reforests land and/or restores plants or vegetation,and/or eliminates impervious surfaces to improve water quality. The project restores steep hillsides 31. MINERAL RIGHTSIn accordance with the OPWC guidelines regarding gasand oil leasing, NRAC will award 10 bonus points forprojects that acquire and maintain available mineral, oil,gas and/or extraction rights as part of the propertyacquisition.Applicants must indicate whether: The current landowner will retain the mineral rights; The mineral rights will be purchased and transferredto another entity; or The mineral rights will be purchased and maintainedDistrict One NRAC will not approve projects that utilizeClean Ohio Funds to purchase parcels with active gas andoil wells. 32. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL toNRAC Must submit 1 original, noted as such in the upperright-hand corner, and 12 copies. Copies to be submitted: 13 Hard copies double sided; 1 Digitally on compact disc or flash drive. Materials must be typed using at least an 11 point font,and have page numbers at the bottom of each page. All copies should be stapled or clipped on the left-handcorner. 33. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL toNRACIt is the applicants responsibility to ensure that all ofthe documents are accurate and complete and inaccordance with the requirements, terms, andconditions set down by OPWC and the District OneNRAC. Failure to meet these conditions will result inthe disqualification of a project.INCOMPLETE OR LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BEEVALUATED BY THE NRAC. 34. APPLICATION AND PROJECTEVALUATION 35. OPWC APPLICATIONImportant points. Financial Information Page 2 Financial Resources Page 2 Project Schedule Page 3 Project Description Page 4 Project Officials Page 5 Attachments Page 6http://www.pwc.state.oh.us/Documents/PWC0002.pdf 36. NRAC APPLICATION Relates directly to the NRAC EvaluationMethodology. Used along with the OPWC Application to reviewprojects. Applicant is responsible for making sure alldocuments are complete, accurate and submittedon January 9, by 4:30PM. Screened for eligibility prior to evaluation. 37. PROJECT EVALUATIONThe Evaluation Process is divided into three majorcomponents:Phase 1: Project EligibilityPhase 2: Preliminary Project Scoring (includes ApplicantInterviews) and Public MeetingPhase 3: Final Project Scoring and Recommendations toOPWC 38. PROJECT CHECKLISTREQUIREMENT YES NO N/A PAGE #REGULATORY REQUIREMENTSCompleted Application Received by Friday, January 9, 2015.Appropriate Resolution of Support Included (ORC164.23(B))PROPERTY INFORMATIONConfirmation of availability of property by:Letter of IntentPurchase AgreementCertified appraisal by credentialed ODOT Prequalified Appraiser:Self-contained Appraisal ReportSummary Appraisal ReportCuyahoga County Fiscal Officers Property Valuation.PROPERTY COSTSPurchase Price of PropertySeller of PropertyPurchaser of PropertyRESTORATIONRestoration is Part of the Project Scope 39. PROJECT EVALUATIONThe NRAC Application Supplement has six major sections thatare scored:Section One: Project EmphasisSection Two: Project DescriptionSection Three: County PrinciplesSection Four: Project BenefitsSection Five: Needs Of The DistrictSection Six: Other Relevant Factors 40. PROJECT EMPHASIS Based on the factors stated in authorizing legislation Indicate each factor that will be achieved by the project Check as many as apply in one categoryEXAMPLE: Open space project will acquire property identified in the citysopen space plan and will preserve a high quality wetland that will be usedby the citys school district as a hands-on science laboratory; then allthree factors should be checked.NO POINTS AWARDED 41. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Name Type of Project Acquisition of land Acquisition of land/facilities for accessibility Riparian Corridor restoration Appraisal or Conservation Value Provide no more than a three-page project descriptionthat includes a map showing the project location(s) andthe local setting.NO POINTS AWARDED 42. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONTypes of Acquisition: Project site must be secured in perpetuity. Land Securement Tools - Fee simple: Absolute title to the land, free of any conditions,easements, limitations, encumbrances, or other claims againstthe title such that a property owner can sell the property orleave it to another by will or inheritance. Conservation Easement: a right or interest in land that is heldfor the public purpose of retaining land, water, or wetland areaspredominantly in their natural, scenic, open, or woodedcondition. Recorded as a deed restriction. 43. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONAppraisal: Certified appraisal from an ODOT PrequalifiedAppraiser who is credentialed in value analysis Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officers propertyvaluation: Purchase Price of Property: Seller of Property: Purchaser of Property: Is this a bargain sale, in which purchase price isless than the appraised value? 44. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONMap Example: Abram Creek WetlandProtection AreaIdentify: Project site Property lines Communityboundaries Surrounding areas Local roads, majorbuildings orinstitutions 45. COUNTY PRINCIPLES Foundation of the NRAC methodology.Preserve Enhance ProvideRestore Link Identify the principle(s) that will be advanced by the project. Describe how the project will achieve the identifiedprinciples. Project must include restoration as a part of the projectscope, budget or local match if it is to be eligible forrestoration points.MAXIMUM POINTS - 10 POINTS PER PRINCIPLE 46. PROJECT BENEFITSECONOMIC BENEFITSExplain the economic benefits that apply: Improving a communitys image Increasing the value of surrounding property Adding amenities that retain and attract businesses andproperty owners Reducing blighted images Decreasing the cost of municipal servicesMAXIMUM POINTS - 10 47. PROJECT BENEFITSSOCIAL BENEFITSExplain the individual and community benefits that apply: Protecting and improving human health Creating educational opportunities Providing for communal activities and social interaction Creating exercise opportunities Enhancing the cultural and civic assets of an area Maintaining the history and heritage of an area Providing psychological benefitsMAXIMUM POINTS - 10 48. PROJECT BENEFITSENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITSExplain the ecological benefits of acquiring, conserving and/orrestoring the project: Improving biodiversity and protecting plants and animals Creating wildlife habitats Removing invasive species Conserving energy and reducing heat island effects Cleaning urban water, land and air Reducing stormwater runoff and improving water infiltrationand sequestrationMAXIMUM POINTS - 10 49. NEEDS OF THE DISTRICTWill the Project Advance a Concept from an Adopted Plan? Be of Regional or County Significance? Retain Parts of the Countys Natural Heritage? Provide Openspace to Areas that Lack Access? Provide Openspace to Low-Income MinorityNeighborhoods?MAXIMUM POINTS - 10 50. OTHER RELEVANT FACTORSOther Project Funding: Each project requires a minimum 25% local match Points awarded based on percentage of local match thehigher the local match the higher the points.MAXIMUM POINTS - 10Level of Coordination: Project is coordinated with another NRAC project. Another community, federal/state agency, community orconservation organization, or a business group.MAXIMUM POINTS - 10 51. OTHER RELEVANT FACTORSReadiness to Proceed: Project will be ready-to-go within 6 months or 1 year.MAXIMUM POINTS - 10MAXIMUM 10 BONUS POINTSImmediacy: Project requires immediate action or the conservationopportunity will be lost. 52. OTHER RELEVANT FACTORSMineral rights are emerging as a major influence on property values.Explain what property rights will be conveyed by the terms ofpurchase of land or conservation easement, specifically in regards tomineral and extraction rights. The date of any pre-existing lease or similar agreement on themineral rights, including oil, gas and/or extraction leases and ifthe lease or agreement allows for surface disturbance within theproperty. Property Rights: Explain if the current landowner will retain the mineral rights; The mineral rights will be purchased and transferred to another entity; or The mineral rights will be purchased and maintained.10 BONUS POINTS 53. NRAC EVALUATION POINTSCRITERIA MAXIMUM POINTSWEIGHTFACTORMAXIMUM WEIGHTEDPOINTS%County PrinciplesPreserves 10 3 30 11.5Restores 10 2 20 7.5Enhances 10 2 20 7.5Links Areas 10 3 30 11.5Provides Access 10 2 20 7.5Principles Subtotal 50 120 45.5 54. NRAC EVALUATION POINTSCRITERIA MAXIMUMPOINTSWEIGHTFACTORMAXIMUMWEIGHTEDPOINTS%BenefitsEconomic 10 1 10 4.0Social 10 2 20 7.5Environmental 10 3 30 11.5Benefits Subtotal 30 60 23.0Needs of the District 10 3 30 11.5 55. NRAC EVALUATION POINTSCRITERIA MAXIMUMPOINTSWEIGHTFACTORMAXIMUMWEIGHTEDPOINTS%Other Relevant FactorsOther Project Funding 10 1 10 4.0Level of Coordination 10 1 10 4.0Readiness to Proceed 10 1 10 4.0Immediacy (bonus) 10 1 10 4.0Property Rights 10 1 10 4.0Other Subtotal 50 50 16.0TOTAL* 140 260 100*PROJECTS MUST RECEIVE A SCORE OF AT LEAST 60% or 156 WEIGHTED POINTSOF THE TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING. 56. New for Round 9 Include Page #s Project Eligibility Checklist Appraisals Certified ODOT Prequalified Appraiser who isCredentialed in Value Analysis County Auditors Valuation Purchase Price Restoration Points Readiness to Proceed Mineral Rights Disclosure for Bonus Points 57. ROUND 9APPLICATION DUE DATETo be considered for financial assistance,application must be received by:4:30 P.M. FRIDAY, January 9, 2015atat theCuyahoga County Planning Commission2079 East 9th Street, Suite 5-300Cleveland, OH 44115(216) 443-3700 58. ROUND 9 SCHEDULEACTIVITY DATEApplicant Workshop Wednesday, October 15, 2014Applications Due to NRAC Friday, January 9, 2015Preliminary Screening January 12 23, 2015Project Evaluation January 23 February 20, 2015NRAC Applicant Interviews Wednesday, February 25 & Friday February 27, 2015NRAC Scoring Meeting Wednesday, March 18, 2015NRAC Project Selection Wednesday, March 25, 2015OPWC Approval of Projects April 2015ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 59. CONTACT INFORMATIONClean Ohio Conservation Program contact:Lou Mascari, Program RepresentativeOhio Public Works Commission(614) [email protected] County Natural Resources Assistance Council contact:Alison BallCuyahoga County Planning Commission(216) [email protected] 60. QUESTIONSANDANSWERS