2014 annual report pages

S U N F L O W E R M I S S I O N ANNUAL REPORT CREATING A PATH FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE 2014 PO Box 1385 Stafford, TX 77497 (713) 478-9240 education@sunflowermission.org www.sunflowermission.org

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2014PO Box 1385 Stafford, TX 77497 (713) 478-9240 [email protected] www.sunflowermission.org

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We hope to inspire our students in Vietnam to become successful teachers, engineers, and professionals. Our volunteers learn the skillsets required of effective leaders, including compassion and global perspectives.


We are a 501(c)3 organization committed to improving the lives of people in Vietnam, mainly through educational assistance programs. We bring school facilities, teaching and learning materials, and scholarships to teachers and students in Vietnam.


We support students only on the basis of academic potential and need without consideration of race, religion or gender. We comply with US and Vietnam laws and regulations.


Letter from the Chairman 3

The Frees Foundation’s Collaboration 4with Sunflower Mission

2014 in Review 5

The Workcamp 2014 Experience 6

San San’s Sunflower Story 8

2014 Scholarship Recipients 9

LEGO® Robotics Workshop 10

Dance for the Children 2 11

The Story of SEEDS 12

2014 Financial Statement 14

Our Donors 15

School Map, Board of Directors & Advisors 16

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“What are the benefits of education?” - A seemingly simple question that contains a plethora of answers. For students in Viet Nam, having an education can be the difference between working a muddy rice field or becoming a successful engineer — the catalyst that enables the curiosity of brilliant minds to manifest in ways that better both their lives

and the lives of the families and communities around them.

Sunflower Mission (SM) is able to answer this question with specific examples of young lives we’ve touched through our programs. It is an understatement to say that achieving Sunflower Mission’s 2014 goals was only possible through your unwavering support.

All supporters of our mission make a crucial impact, whether by donating financially or by providing the time and skills necessary to carry out the work of the organization. We would like to acknowledge a few behind the scene individuals who have done so much for SM. Kim Tuyen Tran has been SM’s work camp coordinator over the last 4 years as well as a donor and contributor to projects since its inception. Quyen Ma, a working mother of twins, uses the little time left in her day to meet SM’s needs as Director of Communication, never failing to reach the finish line. Tram Mai, SM’s tax accountant, has provided SM with accounting stability and consistency since 2004. Tung Tran, a former director and webmaster, developed and maintained SM’s website for over 10 years. These individuals are prime examples of the selflessness and capability of our volunteers. They are the reason that SM has managed to maintain an average 0.83 percent general and administration cost in the past 12 years.

We ended 2014 by welcoming in our 2015-2017 Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. The members include returning board members and others who have served SM in various informal capacities over the years. Under the new leadership, Sunflower Mission will continue to grow and execute our core programs as we have in the past. Please meet our new board members listed on the back cover, which also features an updated map of where classrooms have been built throughout Vietnam.

To ensure SM’s future; SM has created a role to focus on capacity development under the leadership of Board Member Dinh Ngo. In addition, our new website is set for release in the second quarter of 2015, which has been updated to current standards and allows for easier navigation, donations, and access to a more complete image of Sunflower Mission.

As we look back through our history and reflect on the fact that Sunflower Mission has built 139 classrooms, has given out 12,344 scholarships, and has seen 337 students graduate in the past twelve years, we could not be prouder of our accomplishments. By getting involved, all of us have helped to answer the question “What are the benefits of education?”

Thank you for your support.Sincerely,Tuan Dao, Chairman

Letter from the Chairman

signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776)Phi·lan·thro·py (noun) Benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind.See also: Sunflower Mission-phile: (suffix) Indicating a fondness of something.

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The Frees Foundation’s Collaborationwith Sunflower Mission

The Collaboration between the Frees Foundation and Sunflower Mission has entered into its eighth year. There are multiple reasons why the Frees Foundation has chosen

to support Sunflower Mission.

Values: We share the same belief that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, improving the standard of living for individuals, families and communities, and fostering the leadership skills needed for the next generation of leaders.

Opportunity: Sunflower Mission provides the opportunity for an education for children and youth in remote, rural areas of Vietnam who would not otherwise have access to an education. Without an education, these children would face a future of meager income and a daily struggle to survive.

Commitment: The Frees Foundation has every confidence in Sunflower Mission’s commitment to its goal to continue to build schools in underserved, rural areas and to provide scholarships to students so they will be released from having to work in the fields and be able to attend school. As children progress with their education, scholarships provide support for children to stay in school and to even receive a college and professional level education. The commitment is to each student and to each school.

Sustainability: Sunflower Mission has developed a program for maintenance, repair and improvements to existing schools. Travel to inspect each school occurs regularly and scholarship funds are distributed twice a year to ensure students receive this support and are making progress academically. Staff headquartered in Vietnam assists with the logistics for school construction and the selection of scholarship recipients.

Stewardship: Sunflower Mission directs at least 97% of dollars raised to the scholarship fund and to the construction of schools. The Board of Directors and Board of Advisors set strategic goals and provide frequent reports tracking progress against these goals. One outstanding practice is raising operating funds for the subsequent year to ensure an achievable work plan. Resources are leveraged in partnership with corporations and with other non-profit organizations along with the donated time and services of countless volunteers.

Innovation: Sunflower Mission continues to add new components to the education curriculum. New learning experiences that are being introduced include: increased access to technology through LEGO® Robotic workshops, introducing children to LEGO® Build Competition, partnering with Room To Read for books, construction of school playgrounds at selected schools, partnering with local and overseas doctors and dentists to offer medical and dental exams to the students and their parents. Cultural Exchange: The annual work camp experience for American and Vietnamese youth provides an opportunity to create a shared vision and to experience working together to successfully achieve that vision. Seeing the difference one can make in the life of an individual, family and community by joining forces is a powerful life lesson. No doubt, an appreciation for cultural diversity, different perspectives and respect for one’s heritage is also learned.

The Frees Foundation is honored to partner with Sunflower Mission and looks forward to continuing to support Sunflower Mission in the second ten years of their exemplary work providing an opportunity for an education and a better future for children and youth in rural Vietnam.

Nancy Frees Fountain

Managing Director The Frees Foundation

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June 20, 2014

Sunflower Mission Work Camp

Dance for the Children 2: ‘70s Friday Night Fever

September 4, 2014

December 14, 2014

January 2, 2015

2014 in Review

Tau Kappa Omega Fraternity meets Sunflower Mission’s Board of Directors

Year End Appreciation Party

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say good-bye, and this year, Ngoc will be the one that does it for me. Tomorrow is the last day I will get to see her adorable smile and hear her infectious laugh, and leaving her is going to be one of the most difficult moments of my trip. But I will keep her in my thoughts always, and I hope that once in a while, when it rains, she’ll think of me.

We have had a great experience with Sunflower Mission from our first interaction 4 years ago through the entire process to building this school and this work camp trip. I hope we can join another future camp with Sunflower. This is an experience that I expect will continue to change us into the future in ways we do not yet realize.

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Blaise’s Workcamp Experienceby BLAISE COULTER (age 10)

TODAY WAS ANOTHER work filled day at the school. There were still lots of jobs to be done. Even though you may feel tired, the day gets to be lots of fun. There was painting on windows, doors, and walls through out the day. I met a friend named Katie. I feel that she motivates me and always keeps me positive.

I met kids that are from the village and ones that will go to the new school. At first I was a little shy but met a new friend. She is a 10 year old girl in the third grade named Trang. There were more boys than girls. They all luckily played together and got along. They would always find a way to make time pass by. With even the littlest things like a flip-flop could entertain them. It made me realize that I take things for granted and that these kids would try to do the best they could and work so much to get something as regular as an ice cream cone.

working with our LEGO® workshop coordinators to teach 60 elementary school students about engineering and robotics through LEGO®.

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Rain, Rain Don’t Go Awayby BRITNEY DAU (age 18)

AS A THIRD-TIME work camper and team lead, I can definitely say I have a bit of experience working with Sunflower Mission. However, with each year I volunteer, I have the privilege of witnessing a new group of people enriching the lives of young students through their hard work. Today, I was able to see the faces of 60 local children light up as our team of volunteers introduced them to the field of engineering through robotic LEGO®.

Each volunteer is appointed mentor of a group of children. We are to help them understand the mechanics of engineering and open their minds to the world of programming. However, as I began to work with my six children, I also picked up a little straggler, a six-year-old local girl named Ngoc. I first met her yesterday, and we bonded when I braided her hair. She came in as we were beginning our lesson, so I sat her down at one of the tables. As the day went on, she continuously approached me with various different objects she had built with the LEGO®, from scissors to umbrellas and cameras to airplanes. At one point, she even made a mini comb and brushed out my eyebrows.

Needless to say, Ngoc captured my heart in the short time I’ve been able to know her. We were glued together for the continuation of the day, and she even refused to return home when some of the adult volunteers told her to do so. I guess I didn’t make it easy for her to leave considering I held her in my arms for most of the day. We even ran to the gate and back twice during our daily monsoon, saturating ourselves from head to toe. I don’t particularly enjoy running, but as long as Ngoc is with me and there’s rain involved, you won’t find me saying no.

On each work camp I attend, there are always a couple children I grow attached to. They make it that much harder to

Round 6by DAN Q DAO (age 20)

AFTER ONLY 3 DAYS at this year’s work camp, I’m very happy I decided to join my sixth camp and take on the role as one of the youth team leads. Having attended previously, I was a bit unsure of how this workcamp could teach me anything new, but I’ve really been surprised over the past few days.

Each year, the camp experience is filled with its own unique moments and this one has already given me so many unforgettable memories—including being tricked into eating barbecued rat, having our soccer game with the locals interrupted by a huge monsoon downpour, and meeting a great group of talented and generous teammates.

One of the most meaningful highlights for me so far was when my new friend Kiet, one of the kids from the village, surprised me with a ki niem, or souvenir that he had carved out of bamboo and drawn on. It was touching to see how a 12-year old kid who had very little would take out the time to make a gift for me and it made me feel good knowing I had made at least a small positive impact on someone’s life.

Tomorrow, I’m looking forward to

TheWorkcamp 2014ExperienceStories told by volunteers from the work camp.

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“…. Sau đó, địa phương mới thông báo mời trẻ em đến khám; nhóm Thoa đã lo là sẽ không có trẻ đến khám vì thông báo quá trễ nhưng không ngờ là chỉ 15 phút sau đó, cha mẹ đã đưa trẻ đến thật nhanh và thật đông! Nhờ có Hội chữ thập đỏ địa phương ổn định trật tự, phát số khám bệnh và anh Tuấn cùng các bạn trẻ của Sunflower Mission ở bên trường Vĩnh Thạnh phụ giúp gọi thứ tự, cân đo nên khoảng 30 phút sau, công việc chuyên môn chạy tốt: các bé được cân, đo rồi khám Nhi tổng quát, khám Răng hàm mặt, sau đó nhận thuốc và quà (ít bánh kẹo) … Khám chính thức là 202 trẻ nhưng khi chuẩn bị đi ăn cơm thì có 3 trẻ nữa được mang đến và tha thiết được khám nên BS Minh ở lại khám và 1 trong 3 trẻ đó được khuyên đi nhập viện vì viêm phổi!

Địa điểm: Trường tiểu học Bình Thạnh Trung 2, Lấp Vò, Đồng ThápNhân sự: -3 BS Nhi khoa-2 BS Răng hàm mặt-1 Dược sĩ-các thành viên khác của đoàn và địa phương hỗ trợ cân, đo, phát quà, sắp xếp, giữ trật tự, …

Kết quả:

• Tổng số khám - 205 trẻ em, trong đó có 120 trẻ nam và 85 trẻ nữ - nhỏ nhất: 4 tháng tuổi; lớn nhất: 15 tuổi

• Tình hình dinh dưỡng - bình thường: 81 trẻ (39.5%) - suy dinh dưỡng: 120 trẻ (58.5%), trong đó còi cọc: 30 (14.6%) - béo phì: 4 trẻ (2%)

• Tình hình răng hàm mặt - khám răng hàm mặt: 188 case - trong đó 143 trẻ có răng sâu (76.1%)

Afterwards, we played some volleyball with some of the local guys, though this happened after a heavy midday rain, so the court became a muddy playing field.

The Sunflower Mission team lost.

Today, one conversation I remember the most happened between my teammates. Programs like Sunflower Mission are great when we are able to build schools and provide opportunities for these children. However, I learned that providing material things, like clothing, can get pretty controversial. According to past experiences or familiarity with other programs, providing material things creates a sense of wanting material things. Material things will get people so far. Providing an opportunity for education will hopefully instill a sense of wanting an education. Whether they are my own kids or the kids in the villages that I hope to reach, I want to live my life as an example of understanding the value of education.

I can’t wait for the rest of this journey and future trips to come. I hope to reach, I want to live my life as an example of understanding the value of education.

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A GROUP OF 6 DOCTORS from Vietnam collaborated with Sunflower Mission to provide basic medical exams for local villagers and students where Sunflower Mission held the work camp in 2014. A brief extract from their sharing is below along with the photo of the team.

Before the afternoon storm came, Katie and I painted the bathrooms and back of the school with a little help from the fellow campers. Later that day a local man brought his 2 year old grand-daughter to see the work. After a little

play time with her she decided she was tired. The overall day made me feel so good and proud to be helping out and soon changing so many lives.

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Daily Lessonsby AJ PADAYHAG (age 21)

TODAY, I WOKE UP LATE for the first time this trip at 7:00AM. The bus was leaving at 7:15AM.

I usually wake up around 6:00AM, but I think Sunflower Mission’s workload has been creeping up on me. Luckily, the team was not leaving until 7:20AM, so I had some time to rush through some breakfast.

On the walk today, I decided to run halfway along the path, which jumpstarted my sweating for the day, but was pretty helpful because today was going to be a workday. After shoveling a whole pile of rocks and dirt, my group stationed at another site for the day came back to the main school area to see the children working on the LEGO® projects that were being led by our engineering team members.

I enjoyed watching the selected students succeed in combining computer programming and LEGO® to achieve some pretty amazing results. For students who were not selected, the team opened up a room in another room and left them to do their bidding with a few boxes of legos. Some of these personal projects were pretty cool.

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I knew about Sunflower Mission through my parent’s work with the group. Sunflower Mission is a non-profit organization that goes

to Vietnam to build school for students and provides scholarships. Students in Vietnam should have an education like me. I had another idea to help children and mothers in Vietnam.

I decided to do a car wash and raise money for the Linh An Shelter in Vietnam. Linh An Shelter is a safe haven where abandoned children, mothers, and pregnant women can go when they do not have a place to live. I chose to help Linh An Shelter because there are more and more women, mothers, and children coming to the shelter and there are not enough rooms to take them in. These lonely people need a place that can provide safety and a feeling of being loved.

I organized a car wash at my dad’s office with the help of my family and friends. I put up flyers around the school and asked my friends if they can volunteer their time and effort to this great cause. About fifteen friends came to help with the car wash for 3 days during Spring Break week and we raised $580.25.

My mom brought me to the Sunflower Mission annual spring picnic to present the money we earned at the car wash. SM will ensure that the money we worked so hard to raise goes directly to Linh An Shelter.

The carwash helped me learn that I can do something for sick, homeless, and lonely people. It changed me because now I want to help people in different places in the United States and in different countries like Vietnam. I am glad to be able to help make a difference at Linh An Shelter because the women and children will have an opportunity to have a safe haven where they can call “home” and be loved. I would like to visit my parents’ homeland, Vietnam, WITH SUNFLOWER MISSION, one of these days to help the people there have a better life.

Matthew San San Hoang5th grader

SAN SAN’S SUNFLOWER STORYA Classroom for Students, a Shelter for Families

Although there is no relationship between Sunflower Mission (SM) and Linh An Shelter; this feature story is an example of SM’s collaboration with like-minded individuals, regardless of age. The power to make a difference is ageless.

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1. Nguyễn Huy Hoàng2. Đặng Văn Tài3. Nguyễn Thành Huy4. Trần Long Hưng5. Vũ Thùy Linh6. Doan Cong Danh7. Cao Đăng Khoa8. Nguyễn Đình Đại 9. Trinh Hoai Nam10. Tran Anh Hang Nga11. Dinh Quang Son12. Ngo Nhu Tri13. Nguyen Thi Thu Thao14. Trần Anh Khoa15. Nguyen Tang Thanh16. Nguyen Van Hong Thang17. Nguyen Quoc Dung18. Ho Dac Tri19. Truong Minh Vu20. Bui Van

1. Nguyễn Văn Hóa Vũ2. Trần Thị Thanh Tâm3. Vu Nhat Minh4. Lê Quang Tâm5. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh6. Phạm Nguyễn Thùy Vân7. Nguyen Van Viet8. Dam Linh Quang9. Phan Trọng Khôi10. Ho Trung Dat11. Nguyen Thanh Dung12. Cù Gia Huy13. Ho Duc Dan14. Le Van Ninh15. Nguyen Ba Quyen16. Tran Dai Thang17. Le Nguyen Nhat Vu18. Nguyen Hoang Thien19. Nguyen Vu Gia Bao20. Truong Tan Tai21. Hồ Lai Tuân 22. Quang Nhat Nguyen Le23. Luong Quang Giap24. Vu Manh Duong25. On Vu Ngoc Minh26. Truong Quang Hanh27. Le Quang Long28. Nguyen Duc Anh29. Phan Đăng Khoa30. Le Quang Truong31. Nguyen Si Dat32. Hoang Nguyen Anh Quoc33. Le Tan Dang Khoa34. Nguyen Dinh Luan

1. Nguyễn Văn Thể2. Nguyễn Thị Nga3. Võ Văn Tú4. Phan Hoàng Vũ5. Phạm Thị Mỹ Phương6. Nguyễn Thiên Kim7. Nguyễn Phạm Vân Thảo 8. Lữ Thị Như Ý 9. Huỳnh Thúy Kiều 10. Trần Thị Phụng11. Võ Thị Tình12. Nguyễn Thị Kiều13. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư14. Nguyễn Chí Thanh15. Nong Thi Ha16. Võ Thị Thùy Diễm17. Lê Thị Thanh Thúy18. Nguyễn Thị Tám19. Phạm Thị Minh Nguyệt20. Phạm Thị Thu21. Dang Van Thanh Tuan22. KOM23. Lê Minh Chí24. Mai Thị Bé Ty25. Nguyễn Nhựt Linh26. Nguyễn Thành Tài27. Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Ngân28. Phạm Thị Diễm Sương29. Phan Văn Thân30. Trần Thị Việc Trinh31. Bùi Tấn Lượng32. Huỳnh Duy Tân33. Nguyễn Trọng Ân34. Nguyễn Bá Phúc35. Lê Thị Thanh Hương36. Trần Thị Bé Ngoan37. Trần Thị Loan38. Trương Thị Vẹn39. Phạm Thị Huyền Trâm40. Phan Chí Cao41. Nguyễn Thị Kiều - DT42. Lê Tuấn Khang43. Lê Nguyễn Thuỳ Trang44. Nguyễn Phong Thuỷ45. Phan Thị Diễm Kiều46. Bùi Nhật Duy47. Từ Thị Lan Linh48. Trần Thị Thảo Trang49. Lê Thị Minh Thư50. Phan Thị Ngoc Bich

Engineering & Technology In Da Nang

Engineering & Technology In Saigon


2014 Scholarship Recipients

Sunflower Mission’s Engineering & Technology (SM’s E&T) scholarship program was established in 2005. The program awards scholarships to college students who not only excel academically in the field of STEM, (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), but also demonstrate potential civic leadership. The application process includes writing an essay that is reviewed by a team in America and a face-to-face interview with eSilicon’s team of engineers in Vietnam.

Sponsor-A-Student (SAS) is a scholarship program where a donor sponsors a specific college student.

Sunflower Mission also provides scholarships to elementary through high school students; however, the list of students is too lengthy to publish.


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The Vision Behind LEGO® Robotics Workshop at Sunflower Mission’s Work Camp What It’s Like to Be an Active Part of the Vision

by Khoa Dang PhamApplications Engineer, National Instruments

Even though it was my second time at a Sunflower Mission work camp as an LEGO® Robotic Workshop instructor in 2014; as I headed to Dong Thap, my excitement was high

as if it was my first experience. It feels great to teach kids, who are our future, about engineering and technology. The workshop provides helpful and meaningful hands on activities which is lacking in rural Vietnam. Although each of the four workshops last only half a day, the activities could help spark the passion to become engineers and scientists in kids; and “LEGO® WeDo” is a great tool for this purpose. We know that science and technology is vital to a community’s prosperity.

The workshop integrated fun play and technical skills. Students can make mistakes and learn from it, which helps them apply the lessons better. Some students went beyond the instructions and experimented with other designs and functionalities; exhibiting an important trait for engineers, curiosity.

In addition, the kids are trained to work as a team: one team member comes up with a good way to divide tasks, one member finds the appropriate LEGO® pieces, another member builds, and one member checks to ensure the pieces are assembled correctly.

At the end of the workshop we collected feedback to see what the students thought of the activities. The results show that they learned new skills, had a greater appreciation for engineering work, and were thankful to have had the opportunity to participate. One student expressed: “I feel like becoming an engineer. I learned a lot about engineering and even practiced the work of a real engineer.” Another student wrote: “The teachers have taken care of me for the whole day today. I will never forget you.”

After completing the workshop, I have so much hope for these kids’ future! An added bonus as a LEGO® Robotic Workshop instructor is that I have a chance to visit the peaceful Vietnam country side and interact with the friendly people of the Mekong delta.

by Duy-Loan LeBoard of Advisor

Dreaming is the beginning of everything! But when one is born in abundant poverty and surrounded by perceived impossibilities, how does one know what is

possible to dream? I reflected on this question and in 2005 the answer came to me: the Engineering & Technology Scholarship program. This prestigious annual scholarship not only awards the students with a full year of tuition, it also provides them with an opportunity to ask questions and gain insight from corporate executives. In addition, through partnership with eSilicon Corp. a selected group of scholarship recipients are offered internships and employment.

However, I felt something was still missing: what about the young elementary students in Vietnam? How do we plant the seed in this young generation so that they can imagine, create, think and dream! While serving as a member of National Instrument’s Board of Director; an email from Amanda Webster, National Instrument’s Corporate Partnerships Manager, arrived in my mailbox on August 4th, 2010. Amanda recommended a partnership between LEGO® Robotics, National Instrument (NI) and Sunflower Mission (SM). The pieces came together - it was a eureka moment!

LEGO® is the perfect toy for American children because it fosters creativity and nurtures their imagination. Unfortunately, LEGO® is a luxury for children in Vietnam. In fact, it is an understatement to say that LEGO® is a luxury because even adult Vietnamese engineers have never had a chance to play with it. The partnership with LEGO® Robotics goes beyond bringing LEGO® pieces seen on the shelves of American toy stores to children in Vietnam. LEGO® Robotics requires children to learn how to use a computer and basic programming to make their LEGO® modules move.

Incorporating LEGO® Robotics into Sunflower Mission’s work camp required tremendous support from NI engineers and Sunflower Mission Board’s approval. National Instrument’s assistance in the introduction of LEGO® Robotics into Sunflower Mission’s work camp started something great. Over the years, we have garnered strong support from LEGO® Foundation in Denmark, eSilicon employees, and Texas Instruments’ engineers. With their help Sunflower Mission was able to expand the program to include non-robotic LEGO® activities for children in Vietnam.

The initial logistical challenge was daunting; however, I would rather reflect on the fact that the dream to give elementary students a forum to play, imagine, create and ultimately dream has been realized. Dreaming is the beginning of everything!

LEGO® Robotics Workshop

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11Dance for the Children 2

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by NANHI TRAN (age 22):

I am currently a student at University of Houston. I am also a sacristan for Life Teen mass at Christ the Incarnate Word Parish in Houston, TX. I teach Sunday school at the same Parish. In short, I am with people all day, everyday! I am a Co-Founder of the Sunflower Mission SEEDS. Volunteering and teaching are a big passion of mine and is seen through all of my activities.

Being a SEEDS member has taught me so much in the past few years; Confidence, organization, and compassion being a few traits. Confidence is being strong and being able to perform a task in your own way. Confidence has helped me with becoming a leader. Organization is important because it is needed in order to host or help out with events. Compassion comes with learning to be humble. Going to Vietnam at such a young age as well as actively being a volunteer, opened my eyes and heart to a new world. Confidence, organization, and compassion, are all a part of being a successful leader. Thanks to SEEDS, I AM A LEADER.

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by CHRIS SABBAGH (age 20):

SEEDS has done for me what no other program could do – offer a perspective on the opportunities I am given in the present, and provide an avenue in which I can pay it forward in the future. As a college student,

it is very easy to get caught up in the events of everyday life. Take a walk through a college campus during the day and you’ll find students struggling to understand difficult concepts, worrying about GPA, and planning for the future. Very seldom will you see students thinking outside of their current situation.

Being a member of SEEDS has shown me that this shouldn’t be the case. The program works hand in hand with Sunflower Mission to provide educational opportunities to students in Vietnam, many of whom would love to take advantage of the resources we have in the United States. Although I still struggle to understand difficult concepts, worry about my GPA, and plan for the future, SEEDS has taught me to take time to appreciate the life I am blessed with, to use my abilities to help those around me, and to work hard in my current situation so that I can eventually give back to the organization that shaped my life and so many others.

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by NIKKY PHI (age 19):

I’m a freshman majoring in finance at the University of Texas at Austin. As a result of having been involved in Sunflower Mission through SEEDS, I have a broader perspective of the world and life which in turn helps me better understand today’s global economy.

After attending my first Sunflower Mission work camp in the summer of 2010, I came back with a completely new perspective on life. Spending a week building a classroom and interacting with the children taught me the importance of simplicity. I was no longer attached to technology, I no longer felt the urge to buy everything that caught my attention, and I realized how little value materialistic things had in our lives. These kids had so little; they wore the same clothes every day, walked miles just to get to their school, and returned to a single room home at the end of the day. Yet, they were still happy. That’s when I realized that buying new clothes, shoes, and purses only brings temporary happiness; true happiness comes from within.

When you interact with these children and see the pure joy in their eyes, you can’t help but want to give them the world. After my experience with Sunflower Mission, I felt a sudden urge to give back, and SEEDS is my outlet for that. As the former president of SEEDS, I was able to organize fundraisers, plan Spring Socials, and help out Sunflower Mission in any way possible. I also gained a lot of leadership, organization, and communication skills that will benefit me in the future. On top of all that, I can genuinely feel like I am making a difference in the world.

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t h e s t o r yo f s e e d sby Dan Q. Dao, Nanhi Tran, and Vi-An NguyenSEEDS founders

How has being a Sunflower Mission SEEDS member helped you grow?

NaNhi, Vi-An, Dan

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By GABBY PHI (age 21):

I am a junior at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with plans of earning a Masters in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. When I’m not studying or in class, I work for the university managing their social media accounts and act as Editor in Chief of the Texas chapter of Spoon University, a student-run online food publication.

Being a SEEDS member has helped me hone my skills as a team player, from helping plan Easter social with other SEEDS members to finishing the final touches of a new school with fellow work campers. It has helped me communicate better with others and taught me to be more patient. It has reminded me to not be quick to judge and to consider other perspectives and viewpoints before coming to a conclusion. It was eye-opening to see that despite our individual differences as SEEDS members, we all came together and worked towards one common goal: to help the children of Vietnam. I’ve taken all that I’ve learned as a SEEDS member and apply it constantly to my daily life, whether it be at school, at work or with friends.

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By BRITNEY DAU (age 19):

My name is Britney, and I am a former vice president of SEEDS. Sunflower Mission has had a prevalent presence in my life since I was ten years old. I’ve attended various events with my mom, who first introduced me to Sunflower Mission, and since my first work camp to my fourth work camp, I’ve only become more and more involved with this incredible group. Being a part of Sunflower Mission has opened my eyes to the potential that I hold as a person and the potential that we hold as a team. As an individual, I can use what I have, what I can do, to lend a helping hand to a person in need. As a team, we can use the entirety of what we have, the entirety of what we can do, and work together as a unified body to improve the lives of countless others.

I owe an immense amount of gratitude to this organization, to this family of Sunflower Mission. I’ve met a vast amount of people who hold nothing but goodness in their hearts. I’ve built friendships with people all over the world, and I’ve seen firsthand the difference that I can make. So despite what I can do for SM, I’d like to thank Sunflower Mission for what it has done for me.

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By DON DAO (age 17):

I like to say that I was born into Sunflower Mission -- many of my earliest memories revolved around our cherished organization. The founding of SEEDS offered us, the next generation, an environment in which we were expected to plan our own fundraisers, negotiate our own budgets, recruit new members, and truly understand the impact that education can make in shaping the future. As the current president and former treasurer of SEEDS, I have gained much ins ight on people management , responsibility, and organization --crucial life skills that I am honing as I complete my final year of high school.

The most rewarding part of our work occurs each summer, when many of us SEEDS come together and experience the results of our work firsthand. These annual workcamps are among the most formative experiences of my teenage years; both the local students and SM members work together and display unparalleled genuinity and compassion. I am honored to be a part of this mission and make a positive impact on our global community, gaining valuable leadership experience and forging lifelong friendships in the process.

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Founded in 2009, the purpose of Sunflower Mission’s SEEDS was to create a space for students and youth in our local community who were interested in helping the organization’s efforts improve education in Vietnam. SEEDS, which stands for “Students Expanding Education by Devoting Service,” was an outlet not only to improve the lives of students in Vietnam, but also a

source of meaningful opportunities for students in America. Through witnessing our parents’ work with Sunflower Mission at a young age, we were inspired to contribute beyond just setting up for events and attending charity functions as reluctant

bystanders. We wanted to take things into our own hands and get our friends involved in the effort as well.

Following the creation of SEEDS and with tremendous guidance from SEEDS’ advisor Quyen Ma, we were able to create, plan and execute our own fundraising initiatives from scratch. From car washes to lemonade stands and selling raffle tickets at Sunflower Mission’s events, we successfully raised over $2,000 in our first year. As we grew, our events became bigger in scope and our work was also reflected in our involvement with Sunflower Mission’s work camp program in rural Vietnam. After we graduated from high school and moved on to college, we were able to confidently hand the torch down to younger members who did amazing things with the group.

As SEEDS alumni, we still carry many lessons and skills acquired from our work. Each ‘event’ we hosted required us to put our heads together to brainstorm everything from scratch—from creative fundraising techniques to fun games and practical budgets. Though at times it was difficult being a high school student trying to do bigger things, we kept each other accountable, delegated tasks and learned to communicate effectively together. Serving as youth liaisons to Sunflower Mission’s Board of Directors, we gained a voice to express our own interests and bridge the gap between the

older and younger volunteers.

While Sunflower Mission’s goals are huge, SEEDS is living evidence that no one is too small or too young to play an important part.

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Scholarship $75, 656.00

Dao Le $45, 040.00

Sponsor A Student $14, 396.00

Engineering & Technology $16, 220.00

School $72,181.00

Construction $71,481.00

Supplies & misc. $700.00

Work Camp $32,000.00

General & Adminstrative $1,058.74

Postal $462.64

Website $359.64

Public relations $236.46

Income (unaudited) Expense (unaudited)

Temporarily restricted fund $117,350.55

Scholarship $13,392.55

Schools $77,500.00

Work camp $26,458.00

Unrestricted fund $107,555.42

Fundraising events $46,366.67

Universities’ events $1000.00

General donation $58,578.67

Stock $391.32

Interest income $1,218.76

Reserve fund $40,500.00

PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Sunflower Mission complies with all applicable state and federal laws regulating tax-exempt organizations and fundraising practices. The Annual Report includes:

· Description of purpose.

· Description of program activities, accomplishments and geographic area served.

· Summary of the total cost of each major program.

· The organization’s board of directors.

Annual financial statements conforms to generally accepted accounting principles required by state and federal law. Program names, activities and financial information listed in the Annual Report and IRS Form 990 are consistent.

FINANCIAL ACTIVITY At least 97% of annual expenses are for program activity and not more than three percent for administrative and general overhead cost. All U.S. volunteers pay all of their own travel expenses. Sunflower Mission’s operating principle requires fund on hand in year “n” for year “n+1” operation.

FUNDRAISING Solicitations and informational materials clearly and accurately describe the purpose or programs for which the contributed funds will be used. The donor is provided with Sunflower Mission’s address or phone number.

Statement of Activities - Year Ending December 31st, 2014

Total Income $265,405.97

Total Expense $180,895.74

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Benefactors ($5000+)

Albert Haertlein & Cala FerrandBP FoundationCenter for the Encouragement of Self Reliance Dolsoft Inc.Drs. Hana Bui & Tito Nguyen & FamilyeSilicon Corp.Journey Charitable FoundationKim Son RestaurantMona FoundationNational Instruments Corp.T. K MaiTexas Instruments Inc.The Frees FoundationVigilant SolutionsWinmagic Inc.

Patrons ($1,000-$4,999)Ann Nguyen & Khiem NgoAnna NguyenDr. AnChanh NguyenCharles & Kimberly SmithChi Dang & Oanh NguyenCiCi Pizza HW6Dao-Le FamilyDr. Khanh TruongDr. Kun Shan & Mrs. Judy LinDr. Monique Nguyet HoangDr. & Mrs. Anthony Hoang PhiDr. & Mrs. Ha P. HoDr. & Mrs. Tam & Bich Lien NguyenDr. & Mrs. Thuc La - La Dental IIExxon Mobil FoundationFMC TechnologiesFrank KellyHoa TaHung Hoang & Nga NguyenJP Morgan Chase FoundationKatherine LeKim Nguyen MeierKim & Mike AlesKnut & Annette EriksenJames AdamsMark EvensonMark & Judith FingerMinosa Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Tony Trinh LaNguyet T. HoangNick N & Thu M NguyenPatrick NguyenPaul A TranPham Nguyen Law Group PCPhuc Hong NguyenQue VuQuynh Anh Tran McMahanRobert Alan EustaceShaunna Flynn BlackTBK CPA PLLCThao P Le & Don Q NguyenThe Benevity Community Impact FundThe Catholic University of AmericaToan & Lan DaoTy & Ha OngUniversity of Oklahoma: Tau Kappa OmegaVietnamese Culture & Science AssociationVivian & Rafael Herrera

Dao-Le FamilyDolsoft Inc.Dr. Tam & Mrs. Bich Lien NguyeneSilicon CorporationExxonMobil FoundationHoa TaJP Morgan Chase FoundationMark EvensonMona FoundationHung Hoang & Nga NguyenTy & Ha OngNational Instruments Corp.Phuc Hong NguyenTexas Instruments Inc.The Frees FoundationVietnamese Culture & Science AssociationWinmagic Inc.

Sponsors ($500-$999)Albums Innova LLCAmina TangBao & Tan NguyenBao Chau PharmacyCindy TheriotClaudia De MariniConocoPhillipsDinh NgoDinh P. NguyenDiscount PowerDr. Thang Quang Lam DDS PADr. Thuan & Mrs. My Chuong TranDuc NguyenGiap Nguyen & Fidelity CharitableHoi Nguyen & Tram Anh HuynhHuyen Thanh LuuJeffrey & Elaine FriedbergKhanh & Diep LyKim Van Vo & Trang LeKim Williams-SmithLan Anh Huynh-TruongMai T. Le & Echo Northrop GrummanMediterranean Grill HouseMinh Huy Nguyen & Phuong ChuOanh Thi LePearland Professional GroupQuynh Bui & Linh NgoQuy NguyenSolofill LLCS. W. DentalCareTan HoangTexas Tempered Glass Inc.Tho Le & My Khanh NguyenThoa HuynhThuy DaoTrina C. La & Tan M. LaVan Dao & Quoc Tran

Special Acknowledgements

Sunflower Mission expresses deep gratitude for the support from the individuals and groups listed below: 1. Mr. Danh Huu Le & Mrs. Huyen Thanh Luu who have provided printing service for our annual report since 2012 2. Tau Kappa Omega from the University of Oklahoma provided the design service for this annual report issue. The design team includes Peter Nguyen and Chris Vu.

3. DLST Management Venture LLC for sponsorship of various events throughout the year.

4. eSilicon Corp. for multi-year partnership administering the E&T scholarship program.

Leadership Donor Circle

In honor of Patron & Benefactor donors for at least 5 years since 2008


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Tuan DaoKim Oanh NguyenHoa TaTram Anh Huynh Dinh NgoDuc Nguyen

Board of Directors

Board of AdvisorsDr. Nam Hoang

Duy-Loan LeBao Nguyen

Peter Cuong TranDr. Thuan Tran

Elena TranFrank KellyDr. Hoang PhiDr. Tito Phuc NguyenQuynh Bui

Names and locations of schools constructed from 2003-2014,

totaling 139 classrooms