2014-2015 pre-dental society board elections

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Post on 18-Oct-2015




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Voting begins Monday, March 31, 2014 until Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Please refer to candidate biographies for guidance.Voting is only open to current paid members. Only one vote valid per member.New officers for 2014-2015 will be announced during the first general meeting on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at Muwekma Ohlone Conference Room, 7:00-8:00pmPlease copy and paste the poll link to your address bar to vote: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1k1Gi80Qify5TzRAwuHL6uYMLoXfjLgohv2k36Xi06IA/viewform


  • President Steven Lu

    Vice President Geraldine OMara

    Treasurer Arian Rahbar Neetu Handa Renzo Noratto

    Secretary Alyssa Neelley Kathleen Nguyen Stacy Suen

    Historian Alyssa Neelley Tiffany Vanichviroon

    Web Designer Kathleen Nguyen Tiffany Vanichviroon

    Volunteer Coordinator Amir Shababi Arian Rahbar Stacy Suen

    Social and Outreach Coordinator Neetu Handa Renzo Noratto

    Shadowing Program Coordinator Nisha Joseph

    2014-2015 Pre-Dental Society Board Elections

  • President

    Steven Lu Hello fellow members of Pre-Dental Society, I am Steven Lu and I want to become your president for 2014-2015 year. Currently, I am the volunteer coordinator for Pre-Dental Society. During my work as a volunteer coordinator, I set up and coordinated volunteer events for our members to participate in. In the fall of 2013, I was an intern for Salud Para La Gente of Watsonville, where I was able to contribute myself to a completely different environment than Santa Cruz. In these positions, I learned that leadership and participation has a strong positive influence in your community, whether it is the Pre-Dental Society, the university, or the Santa Cruz area. Being in PDS for two years, I have knowledge and experience of how the club operates and how it constantly improves each year. I aspire to cooperatively lead and learn from this like-minded community of future dentists. Vote for Steven Lu for president of the Pre-Dental crew!

  • Vice-President

    Geraldine OMara My name is Geraldine OMara. I am currently a third year, MCD Biology major, affiliated with Cowell College, and I would love to be the Pre-Dental Societys Vice President for the 2014-2015 school year. I am very qualified for this job because I have had a lot of past leadership experience: I was Vice-President of my Senior class and Secretary during my Junior year in high school, served as an Orientation Leader for Cowell College during 2012-2013 Fall move-in, and have been working/volunteering at a dental office in my hometown since my sophomore year of high school. I became an active member in PDS during my second year and I currently hold the position of Historian. Balancing school and extra-curricular activities, such as PDS, has become second nature to me and I really enjoy organizing events, fundraisers, and activities. Being involved with many organizations has naturally made me a very organized and hardworking person because I put a huge effort into everything I do. As Vice President, I will readily assist the new President with any needed task, will work with the rest of the PDS board to plan a successful year for PDS which will include conferences, dental school tours, application information etc. And will readily be a knowledgeable source for any pre-dental students at UCSC. I am very passionate about my journey to become a dentist, and I am more than willing to help my peers achieve the same goal and dream. I look forward to the upcoming school year and please vote for me for Vice President. Thank you.

  • Treasurer

    Arian Rahbar My name is Arian Rahbar and I am currently a freshman, studying MCD Biology. When I was a child, my oral hygiene was less than adequate. I would not brush my teeth for several days at a time which led to cavities and severe tooth decay. Unknowingly, I was doing harm to my own health by neglecting the importance of oral hygiene. As I grew older, my curiosity about oral health grew, catalyzing my passion for the study and practice of dentistry. I began to spend lots of time on YouTube, watching videos of dental implants, tooth extractions, and even removals of tumors within the oral cavity. Keep in mind that before this, I could not even stand to watch a needle penetrating the flesh of anyone's arm. Going back five or four years, I would have never imagined myself studying anything related to biology or chemistry in college, if it were not for my love of Dentistry. However, I now find myself pursuing a biology degree and tackling chemistry and calculus courses (which I deem to be my weakest points in academia). I entered this university with the mind-set of preparing myself for dental school; so when I saw that there was organization full of other students who shared this passion and goal of mine, my heart dropped from excitement. I am very enthusiastic for the Pre-Dental Society, as I see it as one of my biggest priorities and assets in UC Santa Cruz. I plan on serving the PDS, next year, as your treasurer. I know that I would enjoy and efficiently carry out every responsibility which pertains to this position because I truly enjoy to manage my finances and believe that I could bring a lot to the table, as a treasurer for the PDS.

    Neetu Handa Hello, My name is Neetu Handa and I would like to run for Treasurer. I am a current sophomore majoring in Human Biology. I initially joined the pre-dental club freshmen year and honestly wasnt that active till winter quarter 2014. But after attending a few club meetings as well as Volunteer events and attending the UCSF conference. I have been drawn to the club a lot more and would really like to participate and do more with the club and its members. I am running for the treasurer position and think I can do an excellent job because I have had previous experience in high school as treasurer for ASB senior year, and I was treasurer for class council sophomore and junior year. I am patient and am great with money/math. I understand that it will be my responsibility to make sure everyones dues are paid and the disbursement of t-shirts and pre-dental binders are given to all paid members. I also understand that my duty as treasurer will include creating quarterly budgets as well as making sure the funds for the club keep growing and that we always have enough to fund new ideas. I know there are more responsibilities and I look forward to dealing with them next year.

    Renzo Noratto Hello all member and Board Members of the Pre-Dental Society. For those of you that may not know me, my name is Renzo Noratto. I am a junior affiliated with Stevenson College and I have been a part of the Pre-Dental Society since Spring quarter of my freshmen year. The positions I am running for are Treasurer. I initially was interested in becoming a dentist my senior year of high school. During high school I was part of many clubs where I have participated in positions like secretary, treasure, and historian. I am a very reliable person and if something is required for me to be done IT WILL be done no matter the circumstances. I know a position like Treasurer requires someone responsible and dedicated to be at every meeting and participate in all to most events and with a board position I can certify that the tasks required would be accomplished if I was chosen. I am very familiar with most of the club and board members. And actually pretty good friends with some which would allow us to coordinate better and have more unity in the club which is something I would like to influence next year if elected. I have also worked at UCSF as an intern and am familiar with some faculty at the School of Dentistry and Parnassus Medical Clinic there who I could also get in contact with for tours or campus visits. If chosen I will do my best to constantly be in contact with board members about events and meetings and continue to contribute to the growth of this club for the future years to come.

  • Secretary

    Alyssa Neelley Hello, fellow Pre-Dents! My name is Alyssa Neelley and I am a second year student at UC Santa Cruz. I am pursuing a degree in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology and am considering minoring in Electronic Music. When I am not studying or attending PDS meetings, I try to hike, play piano, and go to the beach as much as possible. I am also very into the electronic music scene and spend much of the money I make at the College Eight/Oakes Dining Hall on concerts. Over the summer when I have more free time, I plan on learning how to produce electronic music, a premature hobby of mine. I love being a consistently active member of the Pre-Dental Society and hope to become more involved by taking on a leadership position. I am specifically interested in the Secretary position because I am excessively and borderline obsessively organized and efficient, qualities necessary for note-taking and minute-keeping. Additionally, I check my emails quite religiously, so the email portion of the Secretarys responsibilities would prove no challenge for me. I look forward to becoming increasingly active in the Pre-Dental Society in my upcoming years as an undergraduate student and taking what I learn with me to graduate school.

    Kathleen Nguyen Hello my fellow Pre-dents! My name is Kathleen Nguyen and Im currently a 2nd year MCD Biology major affiliated with College Nine. After joining Pre-Dental Society my freshman year, Ive had many opportunities to explore the field of Dentistry. Dentistry peaked my interest since I was young. However, after attending several dental conferences and shadowing sessions, it solidified my urge to pursue such a respectable and rewarding profession. With each and every day, I learn more about oral health and encourages me to educate others and promote the importance of dental care. I admire the many abilities dentists have while serving their community: being able to work with their hands at such a tactical level, establishing life-long patient relationships, and bettering the lives of others daily. Aside from being a pre-dental student, I am an avid volunteer, freelance graphic designer, and occasional badminton player. Im running for Secretary because I admire the fact that it is beyond just typing up minutes for board and general meetings; but rather the multiple roles that make up its title, such as: the informer, the planner, and most importantly the role of a board member. Although I lack the experience in being a secretary, I will do my best to see it as an advantage to think more creatively, take it as a learning experience, and perform my duties to the best of my abilities. I want to be your secretary not only because I enjoy typing for hours on end, I thrive off of helping out others; especially for my fellow pre-dents. I enjoy being a resource of information. We can all say being well-informed gives us a sense of security of knowing whats ahead, and it is inevitable that things can be forgotten but Ill always be here to offer any assistance. Being a voice on board is an admirable position as well; I would hope to contribute new ideas to further the true potential of PDS, act as a mediator when difference in opinions would arise, and contribute compromises to any issues that we may come across. I would also serve as another reliable hand for anyone in need, whether it is a task, or even advice, I am at your service! In terms of new ideas my goal is to send out minutes bi-weekly because I feel it is an effective tool to visually see upcoming events that may have been missed on our daily planners or for those who missed meeting. Text reminders can also be taken into consideration if that is something others would like to see. I would also like to improve the monthly newsletters. I hope to revamp the image of Pre-Dental Society, create a professional template for the newsletters, and open it up to my fellow pre-dents for any ideas you would like to be incorporated.

    Stacy Suen Hello Pre-dents! My name is Stacy Suen, and I am running for the Secretary position for the Pre-Dental Society at UCSC. I am currently a second year Neuroscience major and I have been a proud and active member of PDS since my first year. As of now, I am the Members at Large, or the e-mailing coordinator for the club, where I keep track of the e-mails and send them to the designated people. I believe that I am fit for this position because I have had several experiences that relate to it. I am currently the Fight Back Chair for the Relay for Life committee here at UCSC, which is an organization that raises money and awareness against cancer. Back in high school, I have held a position in both Key Club and Interact Club, the two largest volunteering clubs on campus. This prepares me by giving me knowledge of how to organize and plan for volunteering events and how to work with the members and board. I was also the secretary/president for the Future Doctors of America and the secretary of the orchestra club in my high school. I am a very organized and well-disciplined individual, and I will always try to get the job done and turned in on time. If you vote for me, I will help our Pre-Dental Society improve and grow even more by setting this position as one of my top priorities and work close together with the other board members. Vote for Stacy, because shes not lazy! Go pre-dents! =D

  • Historian

    Alyssa Neelley Hello, fellow Pre-Dents! My name is Alyssa Neelley and I am a second year student at UC Santa Cruz. I am pursuing a degree in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology and am considering minoring in Electronic Music. When I am not studying or attending PDS meetings, I try to hike, play piano, and go to the beach as much as possible. I am also very into the electronic music scene and spend much of the money I make at the College Eight/Oakes Dining Hall on concerts. Over the summer when I have more free time, I plan on learning how to produce electronic music, a premature hobby of mine. I love being a consistently active member of the Pre-Dental Society and hope to become more involved by taking on a leadership position. I am a strong applicant for the Historian position namely because I am interested in photography and am experienced with a camera. I took photography classes in high school and was published in Johns Hopkins Imagine Magazine, so taking photographs and keeping track of them is something I am very familiar and comfortable with. Additionally, I am a very organized and responsible person and would love the opportunity to prove this via being appointed Historian.

    Tiffany Vanichviroon Hello everyone, my name is Tiffany Vanichviroon! I am currently a second year Biology major student, and I am affiliated with Stevenson College. I would like to run as the Historian for PDS next year because I am organized and I enjoy taking photos! I am familiar with phone applications, photo-sharing websites, and I know how to manage sharing or publishing photos on a Facebook group page. As a current member of PDS, I have attended multiple events. I will continue to attend these events in order to capture the memories of our organization and build strong bonds for the following years. My name is TV, vote for me!

  • Web Designer

    Tiffany Vanichviroon Hello everyone, my name is Tiffany Vanichviroon! I am currently a second year Biology major student, and I am affiliated with Stevenson College. I would like to run as Web Designer for PDS next year because I believe that I have the right qualities and experiences for this position. Currently, I am a member of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and hold a similar position called the Web Monitor. I have moved and created a new website for the organization as well as consistently publish posts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. My work can be viewed at www.gammaphibetaucsc.com. I believe that a Web Designer has an important role to maintain an outstanding public media in order to represent PDS well. I have also worked with the ResNet IT department on campus and feel comfortable working with computers. I am a quick learner, I am hardworking, and I am very knowledgeable with phone applications. These are three solid qualities that I believe a Web Designer must entail. My name is TV, vote for me!

    Kathleen Nguyen Hello my fellow Pre-dents! My name is Kathleen Nguyen and Im currently a 2nd year MCD Biology major affiliated with College Nine. I became a part of Pre-Dental Society my freshman year where Ive had many opportunities to explore the field of Dentistry. After attending several dental conferences and shadowing sessions, it solidified my urge to pursue such a respectable and rewarding profession. With each and every day, I learn more about oral health and it encourages me to educate others and promote the importance of dental care. Ive always admired the abilities dentists have when serving their community: working with their hands at such a tactical level, establishing life-long patient relationships, and bettering the lives of others daily. Aside from being a pre-dental student I am an avid volunteer, freelance graphic designer, and occasional badminton player. Im running for Web designer because I would really love to utilize my graphic design background to help revamp the face of Pre-Dental Society at UCSC. Even as a member, I strived to be more involved and decided to bring forth my abilities to improve what I could for PDS. As a result, I created the new Pre-Dental Society logo to reflect what we represent as a club on campus. With that said, I am also the creator of the crewnecks! Ive have designed a total of 15 t-shirt designs thus far, and aside from my experience in designing t-shirts I also have experience in editing photos, creating graphics, flyers, pins, and brochures. With some exposure to websites I hope to construct a new website to refine our image for dental schools to see. Pre-Dental Society at UCSC has so much potential to flourish and grow, with the addition of a new website it would help further the growth of our club and highlight what sorts of activities we do. I would also like to introduce new ideas such as an alumni page, photo gallery, and direct links to ensure that the website is a solid source of information for our members. My goal would be to collaborate with the secretary and historian, to actively update the website. Being a voice on board is an admirable position as well; I would hope to contribute new ideas to further the true potential of PDS, act as a mediator when difference in opinions would arise, and contribute compromises to any issues that we may come across. I would also serve as another reliable hand for anyone in need, whether it is a task, or even advice, I am at your service!

  • Volunteer Coordinator

    Amir Shababi Dear members of Pre-Dental Society, I'm submitting this personal biography for the volunteer coordinator position for the 2014-2015 academic year. My name is Amir Shababi, I am a junior transfer on the path of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular, Cell, Developmental Biology. Ultimately goal is to become a dentist. I've spent the last several years preparing myself as a pre-dental student for dental school. In the past I have had the opportunity to hold position for several clubs in my previous Community College including Chemistry Club and the American Red Cross Organization Club. I also worked at the career center of my previous Community College that I attended. This was the same location where club members asked for volunteering opportunities for their club. My role was to contact people and organizations and book volunteering opportunities for the clubs. I believe I will be able to contribute a lot as a Pre-Dental Society board member. I will not only work hard to benefit the members of the Pre-Dental Society, but also the Santa Cruz community by volunteering in the community. If elected I will do my best to have small weekly or biweekly volunteering events for fellow club members so they have the chance to obtain as much volunteering hours as possible before applying. Thank you for taking your time to read my short personal Biography.

    Stacy Suen Hello Pre-dents! My name is Stacy Suen, and I am running for Volunteering Coordinator position for the Pre-Dental Society at UCSC. I am currently a second year Neuroscience major and I have been a proud and active member of PDS since my first year. As of now, I am the Members at Large, or the e-mailing coordinator for the club, where I keep track of the e-mails and send them to the designated people. I believe that I am fit for this position because I have had several experiences that relate to it. I am currently the Fight Back Chair for the Relay for Life committee here at UCSC, which is an organization that raises money and awareness against cancer. Back in high school, I have held a position in both Key Club and Interact Club, the two largest volunteering clubs on campus. This prepares me by giving me knowledge of how to organize and plan for volunteering events and how to work with the members and board. I was also the secretary/president for the Future Doctors of America and the secretary of the orchestra club in my high school. I am a very organized and well-disciplined individual, and I will always try to get the job done and turned in on time. If you vote for me, I will help our Pre-Dental Society improve and grow even more by setting this position as one of my top priorities and work close together with the other board members. Vote for Stacy, because shes not lazy! Go pre-dents! =D

    Arian Rahbar My name is Arian Rahbar and I am currently a freshman, studying MCD Biology. When I was a child, my oral hygiene was less than adequate. I would not brush my teeth for several days at a time which led to cavities and severe tooth decay. Unknowingly, I was doing harm to my own health by neglecting the importance of oral hygiene. As I grew older, my curiosity about oral health grew, catalyzing my passion for the study and practice of dentistry. I began to spend lots of time on YouTube, watching videos of dental implants, tooth extractions, and even removals of tumors within the oral cavity. Keep in mind that before this, I could not even stand to watch a needle penetrating the flesh of anyone's arm. Going back five or four years, I would have never imagined myself studying anything related to biology or chemistry in college, if it were not for my love of Dentistry. However, I now find myself pursuing a biology degree and tackling chemistry and calculus courses (which I deem to be my weakest points in academia). I entered this university with the mind-set of preparing myself for dental school; so when I saw that there was organization full of other students who shared this passion and goal of mine, my heart dropped from excitement. I am very enthusiastic for the Pre-Dental Society, as I see it as one of my biggest priorities and assets in UC Santa Cruz. I plan on serving the PDS, next year, as your Volunteer Coordinator. I know that I would enjoy and efficiently carry out every responsibility which pertains to this position because I truly enjoy to manage my finances and believe that I could bring a lot to the table, as a treasurer for the PDS.

  • Social & Outreach Coordinator

    Neetu Handa Hello my name is Neetu Handa and I would like to run for Social Chair Coordinator. I am a current sophomore majoring in Human Biology. I initially joined the pre-dental club freshmen year and honestly wasnt that active till winter quarter 2014. But after attending a few club meetings as well as Volunteer events and attending the UCSF conference. I have been drawn to the club a lot more and would really like to participate and do more with the club and its members. I think I would do a great job creating socials for the pre-dental club. I think socials bring the club together on a lighter note and really lets students get to know another so I aim to plan at least 2 socials a month. Im great at being organized and having to multitask so I can handle planning multiple events at a time if its with the Care clinic or if its just to plan tabling at the quarry plaza I can handle the responsibility.

    Renzo Noratto Hello all member and Board Members of the Pre-Dental Society. For those of you that may not know me, my name is Renzo Noratto. I am a junior affiliated with Stevenson College and I have been a part of the Pre-Dental Society since Spring quarter of my freshmen year. The positions I am running for is Social & Outreach Coordinator. I initially was interested in becoming a dentist my senior year of high school. During high school I was part of many clubs where I have participated in positions like secretary, treasure, and historian. I am a very reliable person and if something is required for me to be done IT WILL be done no matter the circumstances. I know a position like Social & Outreach coordinator requires someone responsible and dedicated to be at every meeting and participate in all to most events and with a board position I can certify that the tasks required would be accomplished if I was chosen. I am very familiar with most of the club and board members. And actually pretty good friends with some which would allow us to coordinate better and have more unity in the club which is something I would like to influence next year if elected. I have also worked at UCSF as an intern and am familiar with some faculty at the School of Dentistry and Parnassus Medical Clinic there who I could also get in contact with for tours or campus visits. If chosen I will do my best to constantly be in contact with board members about events and meetings and continue to contribute to the growth of this club for the future years to come.

  • Shadowing Program Coordinator

    Nisha Joseph Hi, I'm Nisha Joseph, a third year MCD Biology student here at UCSC. I am pursuing a career in dentistry because a hands on approach to improving health is something I have been interested in. I want to apply for the position of Shadowing Program Coordinator because as a responsible and organized coordinator, I would find ways to help members get a direct approach to the dentistry field. As an individual who uncovered her passion for dentistry after working in an internship, I am not only motivated to get club members out to shadow, but to see and learn the various aspects of dentistry, just like I did and still do. I also hope to find a way to increase the amount and variety of dentists our members have to choose from to shadow, hopefully widening the possibilities for the future. I feel strongly that I could help the clubs mission/vision because in my past experiences as a club secretary I realize the importance of organization and responsibility when coordinating events with members and would pass that on to this position.

  • Voting begins Monday, March 31, 2014 until next Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Please refer to candidate biographies for guidance. Voting is only open to current paid members.

    Only one vote is valid per member. New officers for 2014-2015 will be announced during the first general meeting on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at Muwekma Ohlone Conference Room, 7:00-8:00pm. Please copy and paste the voting poll link to your address bar to vote: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1k1Gi80Qify5TzRAwuHL6uYMLoXfjLgohv2k36Xi06IA/viewform