2014-12-17 dealing with iran threat: lessons from diplomatic negotiation with north korea on...

Dealing with Iran Threat: Lessons from Diplomatic Negotiation with North Korea on Denuclearization by Dennis Halpin with Dr. Yleem Poblete contributing EXCHANGE OF LETTERS The recent disclosure of a secret letter sent by President Obama to the Iranian leader caused public uproar just a few weeks before the final round of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna. Yet this presidential letter to the head of a regime which continues on a path to the development of nuclear weapons, in defiance of both international agreements and the world community, has its parallel with the failed North Korean process as well. In December 2007, it was disclosed by the New York Times and other media that President 1 George W. Bush, at the suggestion of Secretary of State Rice and then Six-Party chief negotiator Ambassador Christopher Hill, had written a letter to then North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. The letter, addressed to “Dear Mr. Chairman,” sounded similar in its tone to that of President Obama who urged Iran in an UNGA speech this fall to “not let this opportunity pass.” President George W. Bush’s December 2007 letter “held out the prospect of normalized relations with the United States if North Korea fully disclosed its nuclear programs and dismantled its nuclear reactor,” according to then administration officials. Although the letter was not “secret” the Administration at the time declined to make copies of the letter available. The announcement of the letter came as quite a surprise as President George W, Bush had referred to North Korea as part of “an axis of evil” during his 2002 State of the Union address and had reportedly referred to Kim Jong Il as a “pygmy” and a “tyrant” who starves his people. The George W. Bush letter was sent to the North Korean leader a mere three months after an Israeli surgical strike in the Syrian desert in September2007 had eliminated a nuclear plant near the Euphrates River. This plant was widely reported as being “supplied with material from North Korea.” The plant’s layout in the Syrian desert was reportedly a near carbon copy of the Yonbyon nuclear facility in North Korea which provided fissile material which was used in North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 (and possibly for the third test in 2013). Given the central role played by the Yongbyon facility in achieving Pyongyang’s self-stated goal of becoming a “nuclear power state,” as publicly acknowledged by then IAEA director general http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/07/world/asia/07korea.html 1 Halpin & Poblete, North Korea Page of 1 7

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The recent disclosure of a secret letter sent by President Obama to the Iranian leader caused public uproar just a few weeks before the final round of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna. Yet this presidential letter to the head of a regime which continues on a path to the development of nuclear weapons, in defiance of both international agreements and the world community, has its parallel with the failed North Korean process as well.


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Dealing with Iran Threat: Lessons from Diplomatic Negotiation with North Korea on Denuclearization

by Dennis Halpin with Dr. Yleem Poblete contributing


The recent disclosure of a secret letter sent by President Obama to the Iranian leader caused public uproar just a few weeks before the final round of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna. Yet this presidential letter to the head of a regime which continues on a path to the development of nuclear weapons, in defiance of both international agreements and the world community, has its parallel with the failed North Korean process as well.

In December 2007, it was disclosed by the New York Times and other media that President 1

George W. Bush, at the suggestion of Secretary of State Rice and then Six-Party chief negotiator Ambassador Christopher Hill, had written a letter to then North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. The letter, addressed to “Dear Mr. Chairman,” sounded similar in its tone to that of President Obama who urged Iran in an UNGA speech this fall to “not let this opportunity pass.”

President George W. Bush’s December 2007 letter “held out the prospect of normalized relations with the United States if North Korea fully disclosed its nuclear programs and dismantled its nuclear reactor,” according to then administration officials. Although the letter was not “secret” the Administration at the time declined to make copies of the letter available. The announcement of the letter came as quite a surprise as President George W, Bush had referred to North Korea as part of “an axis of evil” during his 2002 State of the Union address and had reportedly referred to Kim Jong Il as a “pygmy” and a “tyrant” who starves his people.

The George W. Bush letter was sent to the North Korean leader a mere three months after an Israeli surgical strike in the Syrian desert in September2007 had eliminated a nuclear plant near the Euphrates River. This plant was widely reported as being “supplied with material from North Korea.” The plant’s layout in the Syrian desert was reportedly a near carbon copy of the Yonbyon nuclear facility in North Korea which provided fissile material which was used in North Korea’s nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 (and possibly for the third test in 2013).

Given the central role played by the Yongbyon facility in achieving Pyongyang’s self-stated goal of becoming a “nuclear power state,” as publicly acknowledged by then IAEA director general


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�Mohamed ElBaradei in April 2009, Pyongyang’s activities in the Syrian desert should be 2

considered the most dangerous, overt example of North Korea’s nuclear proliferation. (Newly arrived U.S. Ambassador to Seoul Mark Lippert’s October 30th statement to the South Korean wire service Yonhap that "I'll work to ensure that we will remain fully aligned in our efforts to achieve the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea and prevent proliferation of key technologies" looks rather like the adage of “closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out” given the statement by Mr. ElBaradei.3

The letter from George W. Bush to Kim Jong Il was widely perceived as seeking to achieve a tangible diplomatic legacy achievement during the last two years of his administration, this closely paralleling President Obama’s overly optimistic approach to Iran seeking a similar breakthrough in the last two years of his own administration. North Korea had reportedly agreed in October 2007 “to dismantle all of its nuclear facilities and to disclose all of its past and present nuclear programs by the end of the year in return in return for about a million tons of fuel oil or its equivalent in economic aid.”


The pledge to provide a full and complete disclosure of North Korea’s nuclear programs was based upon a September 2005 Six-Party Joint Statement (from the Fourth Round) which ”unanimously reaffirmed that the goal of the Six-Party Talks is the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.” This was followed by another Joint Statement issued by the Six Parties in February 2007 (Fifth Round) in which “North Korea will shut down and seal the Yongbyon nuclear facility, including the reprocessing facility and invite back IAEA personnel to conduct all necessary monitoring and verifications and, in return, the other five parties in the six-party talks will provide emergency energy assistance to North Korea in the initial phase of 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil, to commence within 60 days.”

North Korea issued a partial, incomplete inventory list in November 2007 and stated that it was awaiting completion of the promised aid shipments. Pyongyang made what was seen as a largely symbolic gesture in June 2008 by exploding the cooling tower of the Yongbyon nuclear plant – a structure which a number of experts agreed could be easily rebuilt – in a scene telecast by CNN cable news and news networks from around the world. At the same time it issued an updated, though still partial account of its nuclear arms program, which failed to address in any way Pyongyang’s suspected second-track highly enriched uranium (HEU) program for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. The New York Times reported that: “Almost simultaneously, President George W. Bush announced that Washington was removing North Korea from the U.S.



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�list of state sponsors of terrorism, and issued a proclamation lifting some sanctions under the Trading with the Enemy Act.”

Looking at the P5+1 negotiations with Iran, the Joint Plan of Action with ever changing requirements and deadlines, the easing of sanctions on Tehran under dubious claims of cooperation on the nuclear front while ignoring the regime’s missile activities and state-sponsorship of terrorism, it would appear the Obama Administration and Western allies are content with following the failed North Korea model for its engagement with Iran.


The removal of North Korea (DPRK) from the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism formally took place on October 11, 2008. This action caused dismay especially for America’s ally Japan where it was widely perceived as a betrayal of a previous commitment.

In Congressional testimony in April 2004, Cofer Black, the Ambassador-at-large for Counter-terrorism in the first George W. Bush Administration, stated that the abduction issue is ’‘one of the most important” elements in the designation of North Korea as a terrorism-sponsoring state. As late as in April 2007 the Country Reports on Terrorism had stated that “The DPRK continued to harbor four Japanese Red Army members who participated in a jet hijacking in 1970. The Japanese government continued to seek a full accounting of the fate of the 12 Japanese nationals believed to have been abducted by DPRK state entities; five such abductees have been repatriated to Japan since 2002.”

President Bush’s April 2006 White House meeting with Sakie Yokota, the mother of Japan’s most famous citizen abducted by North Korea, schoolgirl Megumi Yokota, also raised expectations in Japan that Washington would not alter its position on North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism until the issue of Japanese abductees was resolved. Bush reportedly referred to the meeting as “one of the most moving” of his presidency.

The Bush Administration gamble on making firm headway on the North Korean nuclear issue, as urged by negotiator Chris Hill, backfired. After North Korea’s removal from the terrorism list, Pyongyang reneged on the verbal assurances it had reportedly given to Ambassador Hill that it would accede to a transparent verification protocol for denuclearization. As a result, the Six-Party talks collapsed in December 2008 (they have yet to reconvene almost six years later.)

In the first six months of 2009 Pyongyang abducted two U.S. journalists along the Chinese border, followed by missile tests and a nuclear test in the spring. In May 2012 North Korea officially announced that it had changed its constitution to declare the country “a nuclear-armed state.” As Graham Allison, a Harvard professor and expert on proliferation publicly noted: ‘When the history of this era is written, the scorecard will be Kim 8, Bush 0”.

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In this regard, neither the Clinton Administration which preceded nor the Obama Administration which followed has been any more successful with North Korean nuclear diplomacy. The Yongbyon nuclear facility, which included a reactor, began construction in 1980, with Soviet technical assistance and went critical in 1986. In December 1985 North Korea had acceded to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

After a report as required by the treaty on implementation was submitted by Pyongyang in May 1992 and IAEA inspections began, inconsistencies emerged between North Korea’s initial submission and IAEA findings. North Korea refused to provide access to certain sites and was declared as being noncompliant in April 1993, providing the new, incoming Clinton Administration with a full blown foreign policy crisis.

Tensions increased, with a threat of renewed war on the Korean peninsula, until North Korean leader Kim Il Sung invited former U.S. President Jimmy Carter as an intermediary to Pyongyang in June 1994. Carter, though in the capacity of a private citizen with no authorization to negotiate from the Clinton Administration, gained a verbal commitment from Kim Il Sung to stop his nuclear program. When Kim Il Sung died of heart attack a few weeks later, the successor regime in Pyongyang felt compelled to carry out the last expressed wishes of the Great Leader.

Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Robert Gallucci was the chief U.S negotiator in the drawing up and implementation of the denuclearization agreement which was known as “the Agreed Framework.” Signed on October 21, 1994, the Agreed Framework froze the North Korean reprocessing of spent plutonium fuel at the Yongbyon nuclear plant with the provision of proliferation resistant light water reactors (LWRs) instead. In addition, 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil (HFO) per year were to be provided to North Korea. North Korea agreed to remain as a party to the NPT and IAEA inspections would resume. Spent fuel rods would be stored and disposed of WITHIN North Korea.

The Agreed Framework began to unravel in October 2002 when a US delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State James A. Kelly arrived in Pyongyang and confronted North Korean officials with evidence that North Korea had been involved in a covert highly enriched uranium (HEU) program. The North Koreans vigorously denied the charges. The United States halted HFO shipments in December 2002 because of the impasse. Pyongyang, in retaliation, announced its withdrawal from the NPT ion January 10, 2003. This was followed in February 2005 by a formal declaration by Pyongyang that it had manufactured nuclear weapons as “a nuclear deterrent for self-defense.” This was followed in October 2006 by Pyongyang’s conducting of its first underground nuclear test. The Agreed Framework was over.

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An unclassified CIA fact sheet provided to the U.S. Congress in November 2002 following the Kelly mission to Pyongyang reported that there was "clear evidence indicating the North has begun constructing a centrifuge facility." The report further asserted that this plant utilizing highly enriched uranium (HEU) processing could produce enough HEU for two or more nuclear weapons per year when completed. Certain experts who were skeptical of the assessment presented the view that HEU was a red herring put forward by the George W. Bush Administration to undermine the Clinton era Agreed Framework.

New evidence publicly surfaced near the end of the George W. Bush Administration regarding North Korea’s HEU processing. Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, in an exit press interview in January 2009, expressed concern that North Korea might have continued to engage in uranium enrichment activities despite a Six-Party pledge to give up all nuclear weapons. His remarks followed the discovery by government scientists of HEU particles found in documents and aluminum tubes provided by North Korea as a part of the verification process.

After repeated denials, Pyongyang abruptly reversed course on the HEU issue in November 2010. A U.S. delegation led by Stanford University Professor Siegfried Hecker, and including John Lewis and Robert Carlin, arrived to visit the Yongbyon facility. They were then shown in the Yongbyon complex” a small, recently completed, industrial-scale uranium-enrichment facility and an experimental light-water reactor (LWR) under construction.” Hecker recorded in an article published in Foreign Affairs that “I was stunned by the sight of 2,000 centrifuges in two cascade halls and an ultramodern control room…I was amazed by its scale and sophistication. Instead of finding a few dozen first-generation centrifuges, we saw rows of advanced centrifuges, apparently fully operational.”

Hecker pointed in Foreign Affairs to Pakistan as the likely provider of the technology needed for the development of such an HEU facility. “The items needed to manufacture the centrifuges were likely obtained through North Korea's complex and far-reaching procurement network -- in which Pakistan likely played a significant role. Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf admitted in his memoirs that the Pakistani scientist A. Q. Khan delivered what amounted to an enrichment starter kit of 24 centrifuges around the year 2000. There were also reports that before A. Q. Khan's house arrest in 2004, North Korean scientists had cooperated closely with the Khan Research Laboratories, which provided hands-on training at their centrifuge facilities.”

It was now clear that North Korea had consistently deceived the international community by maintaining a second-track for development of nuclear weapons through HEU processing throughout the whole period of implementation of the failed Agreed Framework. It also meant that North Korea had a means for producing two or more additional nuclear weapons per year.

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North Korea has long engaged in illicit activities, such as drug smuggling and counterfeiting of US hundred dollar bill “super notes,” to both fund its nuclear and missile programs and to maintain its elite in power. Banco Delta Asia (BDA), a Macao-based bank owned by the Delta Asia Financial Group, was cited by the U.S. Treasury Department in March 2007 because of the business the bank conducted with North Korean entities, including holding $25 million North Korean deposits obtained through suspected illicit activities.

Treasury invoked Section 311 of the USA Patriot Act which calls for blocking access to e American banks by “state sponsors of terrorism” (in 2007 North Korea was still on the state sponsor of terrorism list), alleging that BDA was engaged in money laundering. Then U.S. Treasury Under-Secretary Stuart Levey stated that an eighteen-month Treasury investigation confirmed the bank's "willingness to turn a blind eye to illicit activity, notably by its North Korean-related client.” The resulting sanctions imposed on BDA included the freezing of North Korea’s bank deposits. The sanctions imposed on BDA, which is owned by a Chinese family, reportedly intimidated Chinese banks which feared loss of access to the international financial system if they conducted business with North Korea.

The sanctions also disrupted North Korea’s ability to transfer foreign exchange. Pyongyang raised BDA at the Six-Party talks on its nuclear disarmament, threatening to hold progress in the negotiations hostage to resolution of the banking issue. U.S. chief Six-Party negotiator Ambassador Christopher Hill moved to resolve the BDA issue by unfreezing the North Korean assets. In June 2007 the $25 million in frozen assets were transferred to North Korea via the New York Federal Reserve Bank after a number of private banks reportedly declined to facilitate the transfer out of concern that they could be subject to future sanctions.


The old saying “fool me once, shame on you (the Agreed Framework); fool me twice, shame on me (the Six-Party talks) seems to apply to Washington’s diplomatic negotiations with North Korea on denuclearization. Despite the spectacular failure of both the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations in their attempts to engage North Korea, the Obama Administration, under Special Envoy Glyn Davies, made its own aborted attempt to engage Pyongyang in early 2012. Named “the Leap Day Agreement” because the preliminary agreement was reached on February 29th, the pledge to impose a moratorium on Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs almost immediately fell apart when Pyongyang announced its intention to conduct a missile launch near the 100th anniversary on April 15th of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung’s birth, in violation of a number of UN Security Council resolutions.

The agreement was also noteworthy in that it broke with the long-term policy of the Clinton and George W. Bush Administrations specifically de-linking denuclearization negotiations from food

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�assistance on the principle of Ronald Reagan that “a hungry child knows no politics.” Instead of basing food assistance on assessed nutritional needs for at-risk populations in North Korea, Ambassador Davies specifically included 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance to sweeten the Leap Day deal.

North Korea made an unsuccessful launch of a long-range missile on April 13, 2012. In May North Korea revised its constitution to declare itself “a nuclear-armed state” and in February 2013 it carried out its third, and reportedly most successful underground nuclear test. The Six-Party talks have been suspended for nearly six years, negotiations remain at a standstill as the Obama Administration adheres to a policy of “strategic patience.” Still, North Korea has been quite effective in engaging American presidents late in their second terms as they seek legacy issues through foreign policy initiatives. In the last months of President Clinton’s term, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright traveled to Pyongyang to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and President Clinton almost traveled to North Korea himself.

In his last months in office, George W. Bush sought a breakthrough with North Korea by authorizing the removal of North Korea from the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. It remains to be seen whether Barack Obama will follow Bill Clinton and George W. Bush on the road to Pyongyang, or Tehran, in search of legacy.


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