Pre Quota CMU วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ Part 1: Expressions (20 items) (Items 1 – 20 : 1 point each) Instructions : Choose the most appropriate answer for each blank.

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Pre Quota CMU

วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ

Part 1: Expressions (20 items)

(Items 1 – 20 : 1 point each)

Instructions : Choose the most appropriate answer for each blank.

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26. If you __________ gambling, we __________ properties. We have nothing left!

1. are playing / will not mortgage

2. had not played / would not have traded

3. were played / would have rented

4. has stopped playing / would have many

27. One of the racketeers __________ to one of the underdeveloped countries before the police

officers __________ drugs hidden inside the container at the pier.

1. had escaped / captured

2. had escaped / were captured

3. has escaped / are capturing

4. has escaped / have been captured

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28. The curse of the Hope diamond __________ from one generation to another.

1. is telling 2. was telling

3. has been telling 4. has been told

29. The president has his personal secretary __________ the officer who hacked the

information of the firm.

1. monitor 2. monitored

3. monitoring 4. had monitored

30. The penalty will be deducted for __________ did it confessed.

1. who 2. whose

3. whoever 4. who else

31. __________ of the restriction of the IATA, passengers unpaid attention to the on-board

safety demonstration.

1. Regard 2. Regards

3. Regarding 4. Regardless

32. Mathematics , unlike physics or chemistry , __________any expensive equipment.

1. do not require 2. does not require

3. are not required 4. is not required

33. Tsunami hit Japan, __________ the country is one among many nations which has the

safest warning system.

1. but 2. then

3. hence 4. Though

34. The more you study harder, __________ you fly higher.

1. more 2. most

3. the more 4. the most

35. Nowadays, teenage girls prefer to have __________ hairstyle.

1. a brown short bob 2. a short brown bob

3. short a brown brunet 4. bob short a brown

36. Let’s enjoy the breakfast our father prepare for us , ___________?

1. will you 2. did he

3. shall we 4. does he

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37. Jacob found working in Japan very difficult ___________the language problem.

1. result in 2. because

3. because of 4. According to

38. The pupils really enjoy _____________ what the teacher tell them____________.

1. to do , doing 2. doing , to do

3. doing , do 3. to do , do

39. Battle Ship is the ____________ movie I've ever seen.

1. most excited 2. more excited

3. most exciting 4. most excitable

40. Not only the students but also their instructor ________ been called to the principal's office.

1. has 2. have 3. do 4.does

41. A : _________________ ?

B : Sure , I had pizza .

1. Did you have lunch 2. Will you have lunch

3. Are you having lunch 4. Do you have lunch

42. He was so worried about ________ he should ask to the big dance, that he ended up not

asking anyone.

1. who 2.whom 3.which 4.where

43. ______________she has been living in London since she was young , Malee still

speak Thai very well.

1. Although 2.Whenever 3.Despite 4.Even if

44. The victim of the fire was killed in a _________________ .

1. smoke-filling room 2. smoke-filled room

3. room-filling smoke 4. room-filled smoke

45. Those who violate traffic laws should be both_____________to prison.

1. fining and sent 2. fining and sending

3. fined and sending 4. fined and sent

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Passage 4 : Items 70 - 74

Salads of the future may still be served in bowls, but their ingredients might be grown in

skyscrapers. That's the hope of scientists and architects who are erecting a unique strategy to feed a

swelling population on a planet with finite farmland. "In another 40 years, there'll be another three billion

people. That's the problem," said Dickson Despommier, a professor of public health at Columbia

University in New York. "We have to find another way to feed them."

One solution, Despommier believes, is to grow everything from salad greens to staple grains

year-round in highrise buildings at the hearts of urban centers. This so-called vertical farming could put

food within easy reach for billions of people while reducing carbon emissions from shipping crops across

continents and oceans, he notes. "The concept is based on technologies already in use throughout the

world, mainly high-tech greenhouses," Despommier said. For example, many existing greenhouses use

hydroponics, a technique for growing crops in smaller spaces using nutrient-enriched water instead of


70. What is the tone of the context?

1. suggestive 2. objective

3. informative 4. Manipulative

71. Which of the following should be the best title for the text?

1. The Breakthrough of Food Science

2. High-Rise Farms: The Future of Foods

3. The Future of Mankind

4. The High-Tech of Greenhouse

72. According to the passage, all of the following are false, EXCEPT _________.

1. We should consider planting seeds in high-rise buildings

2. In another 40 years, all food supply will be shortage

3. Greenhouse technology is not common used around the world

4. Salads ingredients must be grown in skyscrapers

73. Why does Dickson Despommier refer to high-rise buildings?

1. he believes this is the only survival of world population.

2. he believes vertical farming will reduce air pollution and feed people enough.

3. he believes high-rise buildings will increase carbon emission

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4. he has faith in modern technology

74. Which word best describe erecting?

1. eradicate 2. eliminate

3. exterminate 4. construct

Passage 5 : Items 75 - 80

I have always been happy that I'm not a snorer — or at least I was until recently, when my wife

told me otherwise. After a few days of adamant denials,I decided to place a tape recorder on the bedside

table. When I hit play the next morning, I was surprised to hear a rhythmic, rumbling noise that was

enough to disturb my wife's sleep. In my case, the problem was transient, caused by a recent bout of

allergies and sinus trouble. When my breathing cleared up, so did the snoring. Yet for millions of other

couples out there, snoring is a cause not just of health worries but also of marital woes.

According to a recent study, nearly 1 out of 4 people married to a snorer will eventually be driven

out of the bedroom rather than spend another night battling for sleep. Sometimes even that's not

enough. "I see a lot of patients whose spouses can't just go to another room. They have to escape to a

whole other area of the house," says Dr. Marc Kayem, medical director of the Snoring and Apnea Center

of California, in Los Angeles.

Snoring is caused by a few things, but the biggest culprit is a vibration of very relaxed muscles

and tissues in the throat, which rattle against narrow breathing passages. Symptoms are worse when you

are overweight, have a short neck or still have your tonsils. "It's almost like trying to sleep with a straw in

your mouth," says Kayem. As you might guess, snorers should refrain from sleeping on their back, as

gravity will pull muscles toward the back of the throat. Sleeping on your side is best. It's also helpful to

cut back on relaxants like alcohol and certain medications before bed.

Nasal strips, which adhere to the bridge of the nose and widen airways, are popular, but I have

always been dubious about them. Kayem recommends them but only for people whose snoring is due

to sinus blockage. They won't help chronic snorers with loose muscles in their throats.

There are some over-the-counter sprays that work by coating the soft palate. But if you use the

spray, be sure to reapply it after you drink any liquid. Mouth guards customized by a dentist can be

useful yet pricey. They work by moving your jaw forward, which allows more room in your throat. Similar

appliances are sold over the counter, but sleep experts urge patients to pass up such no customized


Weight plays a key role too. For many people who have noticed their snoring symptoms

worsening, the answer may be as simple as dropping five or 10 extra pounds. But many people need to

lose a lot more than that. For these folks, snoring is more than a nuisance; it can literally be a matter of

life and death. Two-thirds of chronic snorers develop a serious condition known as obstructive sleep

apnea. In between snores, the breathing passages get completely blocked, resulting in no air at all for 10

seconds or more. In those 10 seconds, your brain isn't getting oxygen and your blood isn't pumping to

your heart. This can cause high blood pressure, fatigue and a decrease in productivity. In severe cases, it

can lead to stroke or heart attack.

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Many patients experience dramatic improvements when their doctors prescribe nighttime

breathing masks, which gently force air past obstructions. A relatively new, minimally invasive solution

called the pillar procedure may fix the problem permanently with the aid of three to five implants inserted

into the soft palate. The idea is to stiffen the tissue and provide a wider opening for breathing. Small

studies show a 75% success rate. The procedure takes only about 15 minutes and is said to be virtually

painless. The downside is that it costs from $1,500 to $3,000 and isn't usually covered by insurance. No

matter what method you choose, the key is not to brush off symptoms. If you catch them early, you can

protect both yourself and your marriage. So thanks, honey, for telling me I snore. With reporting by

Danielle Dellorto /Atlanta

75. What is the best title for this passage?

1. The Sum of All Fear

2. The Sinus Problem

3. The Chronic Disease

4. The Snore War

76. What kind of magazine you may expect to see this article?

1. Science Journal

2. National Geographic

3. Discovery Magazine

4. Cleo Magazine

77. What is the threat of snoring?

1. Apnea.

2. Marriage life.

3. High blood pressure.

4. All correct.

78. What is the main cause of snoring?

1. Short neck

2. Overweight

3. Vibration of very relax muscles and tissues

4. Vibration of uvula

79. What is the closest meaning of recommend ?

1. available 2. to give suggestion 3. annihilate 4.comparision

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80. How to improve the symptom that cause from snoring?

1. Drink a lot of water.

2. Meet psychotherapy.

3. Use nighttime breathing mask.

4. Concentrate and focus during deep breath.