2013 texas condominium sales report_december 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    Texas Condominium Sales Report

    2013 Edition

    Release date: Dec. 2, 2013

    About the Texas Condominium Sales Report

    The Texas Condominium Sales Report is based on data from The Real Estate Center at Texas

    A&M University. The report analyzes condominium sales data from January 2013 through

    September 2013 for Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The Texas Association of Realtors

    distributes insights about the Texas housing market each month, including quarterly market

    statistics, trends among home buyers and sellers, luxury home sales, international trends, and

    more. To view these reports, visitTexasRealEstate.com.

    About the Texas Association of REALTORS

    With more than 80,000 members, the Texas Association of REALTORS is a

    professional membership organization that represents all aspects of real estate in Texas.

    We advocate on behalf of Texas REALTORS and private-property owners to keep

    homeownership affordable, protect private-property rights, and promote public policies

    that benefit homeowners. VisitTexasRealEstate.comto learn more.

    Contact: Stacy ArmijoPierpont [email protected]

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

    Executive Summary

    The 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report showed double-digit growth in condominium (condo) and townhome sales among Texas four

    major markets year-to-date through September 2013.

    According to the report, Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio experienced an average 26 percent jump in condo sales between January and

    September 2013. Individually, Dallas condo sales jumped 38 percent, followed by Houston at 25 percent, Austin at 24 percent and San Antonio at

    18 percent.

    Trends during this time mirrored those of single family home sales across Texas, with double-digit decreases in active listings and days on the

    market and moderate increases in median and average price.

    In Dallas, 4,468 condos were sold between January and September 2013. Compared to the same period in 2012, the median price increased 10

    percent to $153,000. The number of new listings also increased 10 percent to 6,311, whereas active listings dropped 26 percent to 1,607 listingsand pending sales jumped 33 percent to 4,077 year-over-year. Finally, days on the market dropped to 67 days, a 28 percent decrease from the

    year prior.

    In Houston, 5,067 condos were sold between January and September 2013. Compared to the same period in 2012, the median price increased

    seven percent to $140,000. The number of new listings increased three percent to 7,552, whereas active listings dropped 31 percent to 1,737

    listings and pending sales increased 17 percent to 2,827 year-over-year. Finally, days on the market dropped to 61 days, a 27 percent decrease

    from the year prior.

    In Austin, 2,450 condos were sold between January and September 2013. Compared to the same period in 2012, the median price increased

    seven percent to $192,420. The number of new listings increased eight percent to 3,306, whereas active listings dropped 28 percent to 635listings and pending sales jumped 22 percent to 2,706 year-over-year. Finally, days on the market dropped to 52 days, a 30 percent decrease

    from the year prior.

    In San Antonio, 469 condos were sold between January and September 2013. Compared to the same period in 2012, the median price increased

    six percent to $98,900. The number of new listings decreased three percent to 776, whereas active listings dropped 22 percent to 379 listings and

    pending sales increased 11 percent to 415 year-over-year. Finally, days on the market dropped to 113 days, a 23 percent decrease from the year


  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University


    Condo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    4,468 Total condos sold, 38 percent more

    than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $153,500 Median price for condos, 10

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $199,957 Average price for condos, 11

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012. $131 Average price per square foot for

    condos, 11 percent more than January

    September 2012.

    67Average number of days condos spent on

    the market, 28 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University


    Condo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    6,311 Total new condo listings on the

    market, 10 percent more than January

    September 2012.

    1,607 Average active condo listings on the

    market, 26 percent fewer than January

    September 2012. 4,077Total pending condo sales, 33 percent

    more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University


    Condo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    5,067 Total condos sold, 25 percent more

    than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $140,000 Median price for condos, seven

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $186,757 Average price for condos, 10

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012. $114 Average price per square foot for

    condos, 11 percent more than January

    September 2012.

    61Average number of days condos spent on

    the market, 27 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University


    Condo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    7,552 Total new condo listings on the

    market, three percent more than January

    September 2012.

    1,737 Average active condo listings on the

    market, 31 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

    2,827Total pending condo sales, 17 percent

    more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

    AustinCondo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    2,450 Total condos sold, 24 percent more

    than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $192,420 Median price for condos, seven

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $245,417 Average price for condos, nine

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012. $193 Average price per square foot for

    condos, 11 percent more than January

    September 2012.

    52Average number of days condos spent on

    the market, 30 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

    San Antonio

    Condo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    469Total condos sold, 18 percent more than

    JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $98,900 Median price for condos, six

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $159,776 Average price for condos, 11

    percent more than JanuarySeptember 2012.

    $126 Average price per square foot for

    condos, 15 percent more than January

    September 2012.

    113Average number of days condos spent

    on the market, 23 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

  • 8/13/2019 2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report_December 2013


    2013 Texas Condominium Sales Report December 2013


    Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

    San AntonioCondo and Townhome Sales Statistics, January

    through September 2013:

    776 Total new condo listings on the market,

    three percent fewer than JanuarySeptember


    379 Average active condo listings on the

    market, 22 percent fewer than January

    September 2012.

    415 Total pending condo sales, 11 percent

    more than JanuarySeptember 2012.