2013 slow food asiogusto, food, justice and peace in asia

Food, Justice and Peace in Asia 食食 , 食食 食食食 食食 By Kim Sung-Hoon ( 金金金 ), Ph.D Chairman emeritus of Korea Slow Food Culture Center Ex-minister of Agriculture & Forestry Keynote Speech, 2013 AsiO Gusto, Namyangju City, Korea, Oct. 2-5, 2013

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Alternative Plan 2.0 (대안 代案) Environmentally Friendly Agriculture 친환경유기농 Organic Wholefood/ Slow food 유기자연식품/슬로우 푸드 Strict GMO Labeling System 엄격한 GMO 표시제 Non-GMO Project Verified 가공식품에 대한 비GMO 인증표시 운동 (생산자·유통업계 자율) Food, Justice and Peace in Asia 食糧, 正義 그리고 平和 Keynote Speech, 2013 AsiO Gusto, Namyangju City, Korea, Oct. 2-5, 2013 By Kim Sung-Hoon (金成勳), Ph.D Chairman emeritus of Korea Slow Food Culture Center Ex-minister of Agriculture & Forestry


  • 1. Food, Justice and Peace in Asia , By Kim Sung-Hoon (), Ph.D Chairman emeritus of Korea Slow Food Culture Center Ex-minister of Agriculture & Forestry Keynote Speech, 2013 AsiO Gusto, Namyangju City, Korea, Oct. 2-5, 2013

2. Prologue: Oriental Culture & Philosophy on Food Axiom To be a real good human-being(), he/she must eat() everyday a certain amount of food(). Family member() means Food- Sharing Mouth. 2 3. Human Good Rice Daily food A certain amount Family mouth To be a good human being, a certain amount of food(rice) must be provided. 3 4. Axiom Peace ( or ) implies the state of fair food sharing among needy people; literally translated, Rice () eating mouths () should be treated Fair and Even (). 4 5. Paddy (rice) mouth Peace Even = Peace: State of Food Evenly Distributed among Many Mouths. 5 6. Axiom The Great King Sejong(1397-1450, AD) said, The Origin(source) of a Nation is People. People behold Food as their Heaven. Therefore, the Nation must take care of Food and Agriculture with its utmost. () , (). . ( ) 6 7. 7 ) : The sources of food and medicine/disease are the same, ) : The nature of human bodily structure is not far from that of the earth soil and climate where he is grown. ) : Farming could not be isolated from urban life. ) : Care and Sharing sowing 3 seeds in a hole for nature and human being, sharing first harvest food and first produced food with neighbors, Axiom : 8. Axiom : You Are What You Eat Junk/Frankenstein/ GMO Foods 9. To age gracefully, Eat organic/living Slow Food like Soybean Paste/Kimchi! 9 Axiom 10. Ceramic Jars Containing Various Fermented Food: Living Microogarnism 10 11. World Food & Agriculture, FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013 1) During 2010-2012, about 12.5%(868 million prs.) of the total world population suffering from starvation/ malnutrition, who mostly reside in developing countries, Africa and Asia. 12.5%(868) , . 11 12. 2) Also, 26%(1.8 billion prs.)of children in South-east Asia and Africa are being stunted in their growth, whereas 1.4 billion persons in developed countries are overweight or obese. 26%(18) , 14 . 12 13. Syria Case At present about 4 millions people in Syria are facing with starvation due to internal warfare!! 4 . 13 14. UNICEF/WFP/WHO and North Korea CBS ( ) report in March, 2013: 27.9% (476 thousand prs.) of children under the age of 5 are suffering from chronic malnutrition/stunting ( , ), 15.2% low weight ( ) and 28.7% anemia() North Korea Case 14 15. 3) World grain production increased 3 times during the past 5 decades largely owing to yield increase per hectare. Thus the per capita food supply increased 2,200 kcal per day in 1960s to 2,800 kcal per day in 2009 with the highest increase in Europe. 50 3 . . 1 1 1960 2,200 kcal 2009 2,800 kcal . 15 16. 4) Grain production in the world covers more than a half of total cultivated land area and amounts to approximately 2.3 billion M/T, of which 1.0 billion for human direct consumption, 0.75 billion for animal feeds and 0.5 billion for industry, seeds and wastes. It is reported in Korea that about 18 trillion won worth (US$ 1.8 million approx.) foods are annually left-over wasted!! , 18 . 16 17. Dangerously small margin between grain consumption and grain production Now we face long-term trends that: increase food demand limit food production , 1960-2011 We are only one poor harvest away from chaos in world grain markets. - Lester R. Brown Photo Credit: iStockPhoto / Tobias Helbig 17 Precarious Global Food Situation - - 18. World-wide Zero Hunger Challenge: Goals and Performance : 1) MDG No. 1 1 Based on the criteria set-out by 2000 UN General Assembly, 20 countries reached the target goal of reducing a half of general hungry people during the period of 1990-1992 and 2010-12. In Asia are included Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Jordan and Maldives. 18 19. 2) WFS Goal + MDG No. 1 + 180 World Food Summits gathered at FAO in 1965 to set up the reduction of absolute hunger by a half during the same period above. 18 countries including Thailand, Vietnam, Samoa, Kirghiztan in Asia achieved the goals in 2012. 19 20. Evaluation 1) Food System And yet, 852 million people, 15% of developing countries and 1.6 million people in developed countries are still suffering from starvation/malnutrition in 2012. Main reason behind this is the lack of access to resources and services needed for production, purchase and/or secure nutritious food by the most of needy households. 868 Services . System / Corporatocracy ( ) . 20 21. 21 2) An Era of Rising Food Prices 2007-08: Grain and soybean prices more than doubled, leading to food riots and unrest in some 60 countries Prices eased somewhat with global recession 2010-11: Another price spike helped fuel the Arab Spring 2012: Prices again approaching or setting records Corn Futures Prices Wheat Futures Prices Soybean Futures Prices Source: CME Group - Lester B. Brown 22. Year Foodgrai n Meats Dairy Grain Fats Sugar 2003 97.7 96.8 95.1 98.1 100.8 100.6 2008 199.8 153.2 219.6 237.8 227.2 181.6 2013 213.1 178.6 227.0 242.4 202.1 258.3 Increase (times) 2.18 1.86 2.39 2.47 2.0 2,57 World Yearly food Price Index (as 2002~2004=100), FAO 3) Agflation 22 23. 4) Koreas Self-Sufficiency Rate of Foodgrain Production in 2011 ( () , 2011) Commodity Self Sufficiency Commodity Self Sufficiency Rice 83 % Barley 22.5 % Wheat 1.1 % Corn 0.8% Pulse 6.4 % Potatoes 97 % Others 6.7 % All foodgrains: 22.6 % (lowest among OECD member countries) 23 24. 5) Trends of Korean Governments Annual Budget, 2005-2012, 20052012 ( ) Year 2005 2007 2009 2011 2012 Nation Total (A) 2,096,000 2,384,000 2,845,000 3,091,000 3,254,000 Agri, Forestry, Fishery & Foods (B) 124,374 135,539 146,363 148,644 154,083 % (B/A) 5.9 % 5.7 % 5.1 % 4.8 % 4.7 % unit: billion, % 24 25. 60% (2010 ) 6) Obesity In America, By The Numbers 26. Crops. Total (A) GMO area (B) Rate (B/A) Corn 39 million 34.32 million 88 % Soybean 30.8 28.64 96 % Cotton 5.09 4.78 94 % Sugar 0.5 0.485 97 % Canola 0.66 0.631 93 % (2012)7) 27. 8) Mystery? Where Are they Gone? 2012 beef 15M/T , 40%... ? 2) 2012 GMO 784M/T ( 192M/T) ... GMO . ? 28. Alternative Plan 2.0 () Environmentally Friendly Agriculture Organic Wholefood/ Slow food Strict GMO Labeling System Non-GMO Project Verified , , GMO , GMO ( ) 28 29. Wholefood Markets in Canada and U.S.A. 29 30. Redefining Security = Historically, security has been defined mostly in military terms. But today climate volatility, emerging water shortages, spreading hunger, and failing states are the new threats to survival. Food security is not just in the hands of agricultural departments. The challenge is to reorder fiscal and policy priorities to match these new dangers. New concept of National Food Sovereignty is needed. Photo Credit: Yann Arthus-Bertrand 30 31. Lets Prevent Breakdown of Asias Food Culture and Sovereignty! AsiO ! Preventing a food breakdown requires a huge political effort undertaken on many fronts and with a fierce sense of urgency. Make sure your elected officials know whats important. The overriding priority is redefining security and reallocating fiscal resources accordingly Take action in an area that concerns or excites you. Photo Credit: iStockPhoto / kryczka 31 Thank You Very Much