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2013 Annual Report Annual Business Meeting March 30, 2014 First Assembly 5545 Ardilla Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 805-466-2626 www.atascaderofirst.com

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2013 Annual Report

Annual Business Meeting March 30, 2014

First Assembly

5545 Ardilla Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422

805-466-2626 www.atascaderofirst.com

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2013 AFA Staff

Rick Comstock - Senior Pastor

Garrett Kruse - Youth Ministries

Kirkley Peterson - Children’s Ministries

Sara Svenby - Early Childhood Center

Donna Skinner - Finances

Jaynee Heck - Pastor’s Secretary

Laura Denes - Facilities

2013 AFA Board

Pamala Berry

Bill Bilek

Pastor Rick Comstock

Rick Curley

Kristin Feavel

Kyle Feavel

Erik Goble

Sid Rodriguez

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Introduction 2

Order of Business 3

Previous Minutes 4

Ministry Reports 5

Financial Reports 17

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INTRODUCTION By Rick Comstock Senior Pastor

“On earth we have nothing to do with success or its results, but only being true to God and for God;

for it is faithfulness and not success which is the sweet savor before God.” Frederick W. Robertson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As we close one year and embark on another there is a desire on our part to look for the results of last year’s labor, to measure and find that a ministry or event has been a success. And yet the reality is that our one responsibility is not to have been successful, but to have been faithful. Hannah Whitall Smith wrote, I “forget the things that are behind the moment they are past, leaving them with God… I refuse to think about my work at all, leaving it with the Lord to overrule the mistakes and to bless it as He chooses.” Thank you for your faithfulness this past year. We leave our work in God’s hands. He has surely overruled any of our mistakes and has certainly blessed what you have done. The pages of this report are a testimony to your labor for God. The ministries and giving represented here, because they were done or given in Jesus name, are far more significant than any of us will ever know this side of eternity. May God continue to encourage and empower us to serve Him, one another and the people of our city. With great love, appreciation and respect, Pastor

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1. Devotional 2. Confirmation of Quorum 3. Approval of Previous Minutes 4. Ministry Reports 5. Financial Reports 6. Report of Committees 7. Unfinished Business 8. Ratification of Administrative Board Members 9. New Business 10. Adjournment

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April 14, 2013 Meeting Began at 5:30 P.M. 1. Devotional- Pastor Rick reminds us to continue to seek: Growth Within Us, Grace Among Us and Giving Beyond Us. 2. Confirmation of Quorum- 35 members present, members needed for a quorum is 25% of 122 (32) 3. Approval of Previous Minutes Dated March 25, 2012- Members given a few minutes to review the minutes. No questions arose. Motion to Approve Minutes by Jan Bewley, 2nd offered by Donna Andre, motion carried. 4. Ministry Reports- Reports submitted for review: Ministry Report from Pastor Rick Comstock (Pastor adds that Valerie Hall had been a member of the Elders for two years, and had stepped down recently as she and her family are moving out of state. He thanked her for her faithful service, and apologized for not including her name in his report.) Youth Ministries from Pastor Garrett Kruse Kids In Action Ministries from Pastor Kirkley Peterson Early Childhood Center from Director Sara Svenby Worship Ministries from Pastor Garrett Kruse Motion to Accept Reports by Rebecca McLemore, 2nd offered by Rick Curley, motion carried. 5. Financial Reports- Board Treasurer, Terrie Winslow submits three reports: 1. Finances (Highlights, Little Lambs Closed and 2013 Outlook)

2. Income Statement Comparison, Ending 12/2012 and 2011 3. Balance Sheet Comparison, 12/2012 and 2011

Terrie took the podium to give her thanks for the honor of serving on the Board and to offer clarification and answer questions. Mark Sobowits had a question regarding future plans for our Del Rio Property. Pastor Rick explained that there were no plans to build on, or to sell any portion, awaiting Atascadero City’s final stand on the Wal-Mart issue, which greatly impacts our property’s value. David Phillips questioned what financial assets went with, and what remained that had been a part of Little Lambs Pre School, and urged that the board undertake a review of our real property assets. Motion to Accept Financial Reports by Rita Keefer, 2nd offered by Norma Gibbons, motion carried. 6. Report of Committees- No Committee Reports. 7. Unfinished Business- No unfinished Business 8. Ratification of Administrative Board Members- Two Candidates submitted by the Board Nominating Committee, Pamala Berry and Erik Goble, Ballots were distributed to members, then collected and tallied with both nominees being approved by majority vote. Pamala Berry to a two year term and Erik Goble to a three year term. Terrie Winslow is the off-going Board member, and Pastor Rick presented her with a card and gift of appreciation for her commitment and level of skill, knowledge and service on the Board. 9. New Business- No new Business. Pastor Rick announced his gratefulness for the opportunities that serving as a Chaplin for the Atascadero Police Department has given him. He is planning a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on May 19, 2013. Pastor invites the church to join in planning and blessing local law enforcement. He hopes to make this an annual day of recognition to the men and women involved in local law enforcement. 10. Adjournment- Meeting concluded at 6:10 P.M. Minutes Respectfully Submitted By Pamala Berry Board Secretary

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AFA MINISTRY - Pastor Rick Comstock

I read recently about a watch called Tikker, which along with the time of day, tells you how long you have to live – the years, weeks, days, hours, and minutes you have left on earth. The wearer simply fills out a questionnaire, deducts his/her current age from the results, and Tikker is ready to start the countdown. While it might seem strange to be fascinated by how long we may have to live, the idea of making each day count is quite biblical. Near the end of his 120 years, Moses wrote Psalm 90, which includes these words… “Our Lord, in all generations you have been our home. You have always been God—long before the birth of the mountains, even before you created the earth and the world. At your command we die and turn back to dust, but a thousand years mean nothing to you! They are merely a day gone by

or a few hours in the night. So teach us to number our days, that we might live wisely.”

Psalm 90:1-4, 12 As we enter a new year we need to take a look back and see if we have indeed, “lived wisely” as a Congregation (i.e., ‘society of believers’), as Children of God and as followers of Jesus. I think we have and I pray that God Himself thinks so too. “Living wisely” results in God’s children growing in their faith (Maturity). “Living wisely” means those presently outside God’s family are being invited into it by those who already belong (Missions). “Living wisely” is evidenced by a greater love of our other brothers and sisters, a greater concern for the needs of people in general, a greater willingness to spend one’s gifts, talents or financial resources for the benefit of others, and a greater interest and investment in the things that matter for eternity (Ministry). As I look around our Body I see evidence of all those things. As the year unfolds before us we will continue to seek God’s voice and His will, so that we can both discern His special purposes for Atascadero First Assembly, and receive His Spirit’s power to carry them out; so that at the end of 2014 we can know with certainty that we have “numbered our days, and lived them wisely.” I am so very thankful to anyone and everyone; member, regular attender or frequent guest who is a part of this Body. And I am so very much indebted to all of you whom the Lord has used this past year to accomplish His will. I am grateful beyond words for the sacrificial ministry of Pastor Kirkley and Beth Peterson. They have the awesome responsibility of reaching and nurturing children for Christ at the most crucial point of their young lives; and they do an extraordinary job in accomplishing that task. And I praise God for Pastor Garrett and Kristen Kruse, our Youth Pastors who give themselves, heart and soul, to the Youth of this congregation and community. The fruit of their labor is evident and will be seen for years to come.

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The Church has been privileged to be served this past year by a group of very wise and godly Elders: Art Amsk, Henry Guerrero, Rita Keefer, Rob McNerlin, Ron Orcutt, Maureen Townsend, and Chuck Sites. The value of their prayers, spiritual counsel and practical ministry is immeasurable. The church has also been the beneficiary of the wonderful leadership of our Church Board: Pam Berry, Bill Bilek, Rick Curley, Kristin Feavel, Kyle Feavel, Erik Goble and Sid Rodriguez. They are tremendous men and women of God who lead with wisdom and have the best interests of this Church at heart. My office staff is extraordinary. Laura Denes is a tireless worker who maintains our facilities, serves as a receptionist and brings an infectious joy to our office. Donna Skinner is our bookkeeper. Not only does she help manage the resources that God’s people give to the ministry here, but she is a powerful intercessor for those who call or come to the office with spiritual needs. Jaynee Heck is an exceptional person. She both manages the office and serves as my secretary. The quality of her work is exceeded only by her integrity and love for God. Again, I am so very grateful to be able to work alongside these many men and women as we carry out God’s purposes for our Church in this community. Finally, I thank God for my loving wife Phyllis who makes my ministry possible and for all of you who have allowed us to continue to serve as your pastors, and to the Lord Jesus Christ who saw fit to call me to this great and awesome privilege of caring for the souls of men and women. Continue on in 2014, and let us continue to ask God to “teach us to number our days so that we might live wisely!”

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EPIC YOUTH MINISTRIES – Pastor Garrett Kruse

“To Bring Glory to God Through Lives Changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” EPIC Youth Mission Statement

WE ARE EPIC. Although Merriam-Webster defines “epic” as “extending beyond the usual or ordinary, especially in size or scope”, I would argue that the true definition is found at Atascadero First Assembly, Room 200, on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. I know what you’re thinking, “That sure sounds a little conceited there Pastor Garrett”, but if you’ll allow me, I’d like to take a moment to share with you why I believe we have the best youth ministry in the world.

To get the awesomeness started, (“awesomeness” is not a real word, we made it up. You should try it out some time. Maybe when you’re done reading this annual report?) We completely re-launched our youth ministry this past year. With it came a new name, “Epic Youth Ministries”, a complete room remodel (we spent months building new stage pieces, hand made artwork and opened the “Epic Café” lounge where students can hang out after school, play games or do homework while enjoying coffee, candy and more) and finally, a new series, “The Story”, where we spent 8 weeks going through the narrative of the entire Bible. Have you seen a Bible? It’s huge! And we went through the entire story, Genesis to Revelation, in only 8 weeks. Additionally, we restructured our Sunday “Ignite” services. Instead of running a stand-alone weekly Bible study, we felt the students needed a place to discuss practical applications of what was preached on Wednesday nights through small groups. Linking Wednesday night sermons to Sunday morning discussions was an incredible change for us, because now we can spend time with each individual student to make sure they have solidified the weekly teaching into their heart and life. They get time to ask clarifying questions, add input, share their struggles and pray with one another as they grow in faith and maturity (while enjoying free coffee and donuts of course). We launched a student missional leadership team called, “Catalyst”. The students of Catalyst are committed to three things: Following Jesus, furthering His Gospel and transforming our city for His glory. They meet once a month for leadership training, prayer, accountability and strategic planning on how we can make a greater impact on our community. And let me tell you… we ARE impacting our community! Our weekly attendance has more than doubled since last year. At the time of this writing, we had fifty-six students on Wednesday night, which is amazing when I remember the eight students we started with when I first came on staff. We literally are running out of space in Room 200, which is an amazing problem to have. We also baptized twelve students in 2013 and have had countless students come to saving faith in Jesus! (I’m sure you’re jumping up and down in excitement right now. If you’re not, feel free to set this report down so you can really get into it). Speaking of numbers, our students raised $1,800 for Speed the Light and World Vision this year, which is a six-fold increase from last year. With this money, we were able to provide equipment to missionaries across the nation and support a young boy named Kwanele from Mbabane, Swaziland.

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In November, we went to Youth Convention in San Diego. I like to call Youth Convention, “Christian Comic-Con”; 3,000+ students, all together for a weekend of worship, incredible services, games, concerts and more! It’s our biggest trip of the year, and we brought more students than ever before. Through fundraising, cookie dough sales, and most importantly, our church’s tremendous generosity, we were able to raise over $2,000 for our students. For those of you who gave; thank you. Words cannot express my gratitude for your willingness to invest in the eternity of our students through this incredible trip. Pretty exciting, huh? Well let me tell you where the awesomeness comes from: our fantastic adult leadership team. Sid and Nora Rodriguez, Kyle and Kristin Feavel, Wendell Mathis, Alice Koski, Diana Rohde and my incredible wife Kristen; THANK YOU! You are the most hilarious, hard-working, generous, gospel-centered, and passionately ferocious people I’ve ever known. Your love for our students and zeal for our God keeps me more energized than coffee (if you know me then you understand the magnitude of that statement). Finally, I’d like to take a moment to thank my family. To my wife Kristen, you are my best friend, my love, my strength and my helpmate. You’re the one who encouraged me to become a youth pastor and you’re the one who gives me the courage to continue on. Thank you for your unprecedented compassion for and devotion to our students. And to Matthew, our baby boy and youngest Epic student: Your mom and I love you so much. Every time you’re in youth group, you light up the room with your adorable smile and incredible energy. Even now, I know that God has His hand on you. I know He is actively working in your life as He builds you into the man of God He has called you to be. We are so proud of you and are so thankful for the gift God gave to us in you. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church…” Ephesians 3:20-21 What makes us EPIC? Our all-powerful God who is able to do immeasurably more than all that we ask or imagine. So let’s ask Him for MORE! 2013 was the most exciting and successful year of ministry that we have ever experienced, but He’s just getting started.

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Create. Share. Guide. Teach. It’s What We Do.

Of all the things I get to do at AFA, the above things are by far my favorite. Above games, snack time, activities, snack time, our all niters, and snack time… NOTHING compares to how great it is to do the above things. What exactly are those things you ask? It’s who we are as a children’s ministry. We CREATE an irresistible and safe environment for kids. We SHARE God’s unconditional love with as many kids as possible. We GUIDE kids as they take the next step in their faith with Jesus. We TEACH God’s Word with enthusiasm and relevancy. This is the DNA of Kids in Action Ministries. And we love doing it!

We also make it a point for kids to know when they leave our group, that they are more loved and more known. Without dedicated leaders, the journey would be rocky (that would be an understatement!). These great leaders spend countless hours in preparation and application! They have impacted the lives of kids in such a positive, eternal way. I believe that leading kids is so significant that I ask for the best from our volunteers, and not just get people to fill the gaps. If you see one of these great leaders walking around in their STAFF shirt or Royal Ranger uniform, please thank them for being awesome and “training up kids in the way they should go”. Thank you Kids Church, Small Group, Rangers and Mpact staff for being faithful and dedicated and for loving kids so much!

Finally, I would like to say thank you to my First Assembly family. Thank you for your prayers, kindness, words of encouragement and love you pour into our lives. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do, without your support. Please continue to pray and hold up our ministry. 2013 was a great year, with so many God moments, but we are ready to embrace what God has planned for 2014.

Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to what the future holds.

Amazing Children’s Ministry Staff:

Kids Church: Beth Peterson, Joseph Burkett, Stephanie Bravo, Kate Bravo, Noah Bradley, Sylvia Monge, Austin Thompson, Rebekah Bilek, Danielle Ocampo, Greg Smith, Mia Griffin, Jacque Rodriguez

Royal Rangers: Ed Moore, Collin Moore, Morgan Moore, Juan Rios, Greg Smith, Joseph Burkett, Ben Carr, Jordan Burkett, Noah Bradley

Girls Ministry: Jane Sumner, Christina Dawson, Jessika McElwain, Michele Smith, Maria Rios, Casey Smith, Bailey Smith, Bella Rios

Small Groups: Beth Peterson, Dan Rohde, Lorretta Griffin, Jamie Mathis, Jane Sumner

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As I reflect on the ministry in the ECC during this past year, I see faces. Faces of precious children singing, dancing, playing, listening, creating, concentrating, praying, be-friending… I see new baby faces joining our crew, as faces of preschoolers turned kindergartners graduated to join the KIA crew. I see faces of parents and grandparents thankful to know their child loves coming to church. I see faces of a supportive team that gave more than they had to just because they wanted to.

2013 really was a year of change in the ECC. At the beginning of the year, the preschoolers ruled the ECC! The preschool room was often bursting at the seams Sunday after Sunday and wild and crazy Wednesday night after wild and crazy Wednesday night. But, by the end of the year, the littler ones began to hold their own as several babies were born and new toddlers joined the ECC.

Our 2013 amazing and faithful team included Jessica Burkett, Christina Dawson, Kyle Hastings, Maureen Townsend, Rita Keefer, Maria Brown, Phyllis Comstock, Noni Pratt, Jamie Mathis, Jody Hamby, Stacy Tidd, Jana Nichols, Terrie Winslow, Frances Sites, Beth Peterson, Debbie Dawson, Karen Hamann and Vicki Blankenship. The faithfulness of this team month after month, and for some week after week, just blesses me! I love to see these stellar influences help shape young lives for the kingdom of God!

Time and time again this past year, the team that surrounds me went above and beyond!!! Early into the year, children began to far outnumber me on Wednesday nights, so Terrie Winslow and Frances Sites joyfully began a consistent rotation that continues to this day, coming to my rescue by volunteering their time, energy, and love to the little ones on Wednesday nights. Then, at the end of summer, my husband and I welcomed our third son into our family. Pastor Kirkley, Beth Peterson, and Jessica Burkett were INCREDIBLY gracious by allowing me the rest of the year to take a break from the ECC and focus on my family. I cannot even express how extremely grateful I am for their generous kindness and love bestowed to me during a time when I definitely needed it! I also have Debbie Dawson to thank, who generously started giving her time and talent to the children in the ECC weekly (rather than monthly). As Jessica and Beth took turns operating as the Director during that time frame, they also were able to add new members to our ECC team, including Ilona Denes, Jennifer Puckett, Alice Koski and Bailey Smith. Toward the end of the year, we reluctantly sent off our beloved Jessica Burkett as she moved to southern CA, while welcoming the ever-sweet and capable Ilona Denes to fill the assistant position.

While much did change over the course of the year, some things remained, like our determination to love each child that came in our care with the love of Christ; like our commitment to develop in these children a foundation of faith, built on the truth of the Word of God. We spent our Sundays and Wednesdays doing several things: engaging in play with these precious ones; teaching them lessons straight from the Word of God; singing songs with them about God and to God; thanking God with them and praying to God; making crafts and artwork reflecting our Bible lessons; and obeying Christ’s command in Matthew 19:14 to let the little children come to Him, without hindering them.

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WORSHIP - Pastor Garrett Kruse

“Give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him; sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who

seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually.” 1 Chronicles 16:8-12 (ESV)

In our prayer times before each setlist, we often ask God to move in a very specific way. Although God is obviously free to move however He wants, and what we’re asking is rather short and simple, it’s a prayer that has really become the heartbeat of who we are as a ministry. We do not ask God to “repeat” what He has already done in worship, as incredible or as powerful as it might have been. Instead, we pray “God, create something new in us today” and as we kick off each worship service, we sing and play in the joy and expectation that He will move in our hearts like never before. Our God is not a replicator, He is a Creator, and as we dive into 2014 I am again praying that He would create something new. Our ministry is committed to lifting up the name of Jesus with passion, excellence and clarity as we lead people into His presence. This year, by God’s grace, we grew numerically as a team, in our giftings as musicians and sound techs, but most importantly, we grew together in our passion for God. We recently restructured the way our ministry is organized, and expanded into three rotating worship teams instead of just one. This change has been great for our current team members, but it also opens the door for more to be involved while giving the congregation a variety of styles and talents through the different teams. No worship service is the same! Though the object of our worship stays the same, regardless of the style (can I get an amen?). On the tech side of things, we purchased new speakers, a new digital soundboard, a new computer, and recently upgraded our service presentation software. Although our team is still learning how to make the most of our new “toys”, the change is tremendous. (Can you hear the difference? We sure can.) I want to sincerely thank and commend every member of this ministry. To my fellow worship leaders: Pam Blake, Shari Ruvalcaba, Bruce Smith, Bill Bilek, Steve Denes, Gloria Duveneck, Renee McNerlin, Aaron Svenby, Vicki Blankenship, Ed Costa, Jim Pinard, PJ Sawyer, Andre White and our tech team: Jan Bewley, Erik and Kathleen Goble, Mike and Rita Sweet and Patrick Sumner; THANK YOU ALL for being passionate worshippers, amazingly talented musicians and skillful service producers. Your friendship, loyalty, hard work and sacrifice have been such a testament to me personally. Please pray for our worship and tech ministry teams as they lead our worship services. I encourage you all to be at church on time, already worshipping and expecting God to do amazing and miraculous things here at AFA!

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MEN – Pastor Rick Comstock

"If you are going to be the kind of man you are supposed to be, you have to be connected with other men;

who can speak into your life, who can call out the best in you, who can cheer for your success,

who can admire your efforts, and who can be your friend."

Robert Lew

The goal of the Men’s Ministry at Atascadero First Assembly is to enable men become the “kind of men they are supposed to be”. To that end, the ministries and activities we offer are intended to help men develop the kinds of friendships with other men that will aid their growth, both spiritual and otherwise. We want men not only to be better (more confident and consistent) followers of Jesus; but better husbands, fathers, friends, neighbors, employers and employees. That’s why we plan and promote: - Weekly Bible Studies - Monthly Men’s Breakfasts - Regular Recreational or Fellowship Activities - A Yearly Men’s Retreat - Opportunities for Community Service 2013 was a productive year in terms of the number of men participating in the Men’s Ministry inspired events. 2014 promises to be even more fruitful as we are planning an expansion of opportunities for knowledge of God, fellowship with other men, recreational activities and service to the Church and community. We want to express our gratitude to Bill Nickson, Chuck Duveneck and Mike Ceniseroz who provided the primary leadership for Men’s Ministry in 2013; as well as to all those who worked behind the scenes to make Men’s Ministry an effective tool for God to use in the transformation, renewal and growth of men’s lives.

"What a man needs is a brother to draw close, minister to him, and help him mature. He needs somebody to demonstrate to him another way to live, modeling a godly marriage,

biblical parenthood, and the love of Christ." Steve Sonderman

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COUPLES – Jamie Mathis Our home group for couples, “For Better or Worse”, is in its 3rd year and going strong! We have a great core group of 6 couples who attend regularly, but we could have anywhere from 10-12 couples on any given night. It’s a great time for couples that love the Lord or may want to learn more about how to seek the Lord in their marriage. We enjoy great food and fellowship time together, followed by video teaching where we can then talk and share with one another. This ministry has been very positive and encouraging in many if not all of the couples in our group.


The Community Meal serves food to the AFA community and to the Atascadero community. We have been very happy with the results, both attendance as well as the Albertson’s Fundraising program to support this ministry. We have a great volunteer base that help set up, tear down and provide meals. We also have extended the core team, adding an additional couple to the ministry. We are looking forward to engaging a broader community with this fellowship opportunity.

MEALS – Terrie Winslow

Thanks to the team effort of many volunteers in our church, we were able to help several individuals and families with hot meals when they were faced with illness, a surgery, or a death in the family. Thank you all for showing the love of Jesus in such a simple but important way!

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MISSIONS – Pamala Berry

We are most definitely a church body that takes the support of Missionaries seriously. In 2013 we supported 38 individual Missionaries around the world in the total amount of $23,400. Many of their faces, names and locations are framed and can be viewed on the Sanctuary lobby wall.

We had numerous Missionary guest speakers in 2013. Pastor Hudson from Uganda spoke in March. We donated $4,000 to the Uganda Faith Children’s Home, for a land purchase as well as $350 in additional donations. An honorarium of $170 supported Gideon’s in May. Missionary David Cleveland was a guest who spoke in July, and an honorarium of $370 was given to his ministry. Also in July, Chris Comstock from Campus Crusade for Christ in Santa Barbara was our Guest Speaker, receiving a $150 honorarium. Missionary Evangelist, and bestselling Author, Jason Frenn spoke to us in September. $1,936 was received to support his dynamic ministries which include a wide reaching radio program, Nueva Vida, which ministers to thousands of people in parts of Oregon, California, and northern Mexico. Dallas Hinds, Missionary to Argentina, spoke to us in November and a love offering of $200 was received for his ministry.

We also support missionary works with faithful monthly pledges, such as Project Hope ($600), Light For The Lost ($3,000), Africa’s Children ($600), Church Planting ($299), and Vanguard University ($299).

The needs of our own community are not forgotten by us. We give to Tree of Life Pregnancy Crisis Center ($1,500), the El Camino Homeless Shelter ($2,302 consisting of $600 in donations and $1,702 in fundraisers in 2013). Many of our church members donate their time and talent in various ways on a regular basis, serving meals, helping with maintenance and providing supervision and encouragement to people who find themselves in need of shelter.

Our church opens The Food Pantry on our Del Rio Property every Thursday. This Mission Ministry collects and provides food, encouragement and prayer to people in this community. It takes a small army of dedicated sacrificing saints from this body of believers to deliver weekly to the people in need. Many of you are involved in keeping this vital ministry operating smoothly and winning souls for Christ on a regular basis. See the Benevolence Ministry Report for details on the church’s provision to hurting people in our community.

We provide our community the opportunity to hear the gospel through Saturday Evangelism Street Ministry – an outreach that many members participate in by going out and bringing the light to the lost in our own city.

We are developing plans for a large mission trip to Rancho De Sus Niño’s Orphanage in Mexico in the late summer of 2014. Watch for the announcements and signup clipboards.

Most importantly, continue to pray for our Missionaries, the ones out of country, and our local community outreach efforts. I know that the darkness of this world is being pushed back by your faithful giving and prayers. If you have an interest in helping in any way with our church Missions, please let me know!

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EVANGELISM – Pastor Rick Comstock In 1979, Rebecca Manley Pippert wrote a book entitled: Out of the Saltshaker & into the World: Evangelism as a Way of Life. The book opened with these words: “Christians and non-Christians have something in common; we're all uptight about evangelism.” The word “uptight” is defined as “tense, nervous, jittery; annoyed or angry”. If you have ever shared your faith with someone I imagine that you or they have felt one or all of those emotions. Sharing Jesus with those who may know about Him, but do not have a relationship with Him is not an easy thing. And yet God COMMANDS:

That we tell those in darkness (Acts 26:18) – how to come into the light (Col. 1:13)

That we tell those in bondage (2 Tim. 2:26) – how to find freedom (John 8:36)

That we tell those who are dead (Col. 2:13) – how to be made alive (Eph. 2:5) The SEED Evangelism ministry was birthed in the heart of Tige Griffin, early in 2013. Tige and a handful of people, Dee Griffith, Jo Babcock, Wendell Mathis, Bob Bass, Rebecca McLemore, James May, Maureen Townsend (and the list goes on) began going out every other Saturday (which soon turned into every Saturday) to the local parks, the Sunken Gardens, and other venues where people were gathered to tell them about the love of God in Christ. They hand out tracts, engage in spirited discussions, provide practical help by giving out gift cards for food or other necessities, pass out clothing and offer prayer for healing or other needs. They have seen a few people pray to receive Jesus. Some of those they have prayed with have visited the church. Others have expressed an interest in knowing more about what it means to be a Christian. In most every case the people who were spoken to were grateful for what these followers of Jesus were doing. The SEED Evangelism Ministry continues on in 2014 and it is our hope that more of those who attend Atascadero First Assembly will participate as this year unfolds. The best way to express our gratitude for the fact that someone shared the Gospel message with us – is for us to share the Gospel message with someone else. You can call the church office at 466-2626 Ex. 304 for more information about this ministry.

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PRAYER & HEALING – Laura Willison

AFA prayer rooms have been a powerful ministry and testimony to the power of prayer! We have fluctuated in the number of people who come for prayer; some Sundays we have more than others. We are working on how we can get the word out better so more people can benefit from the power of prayer. We have about 4-5 prayer warriors available to pray after each service for those who come up for prayer. We want to add more prayer warriors to join our amazing teams. Miracles are happening upstairs! We have seen God move and touch lives in the upper rooms. We’ve had a person healed from cancer, headaches relieved, injuries and pain healed and a lump in a throat removed. People come in heavily burdened and they leave covered with the peace of God! We have had people commit their lives to God. We have seen God pour out wisdom, healing, visions, strength and words of encouragement. The Holy Spirit has spoken through our prayer teams and has used them mightily for His glory! The prayer rooms are a healing ministry that offers the hope of Jesus to all that come. It is a place that people can lay down their burdens at the feet of the cross and leave them there. People leave refreshed and filled with the Hope of Jesus!

BENEVOLENCE – Pamala Berry

In 2013 there was $4,200 in the Benevolence budget. Our church responded to approximately 54 requests for assistance. There were 17 individuals with past due utility bills assisted. We also provided several bus fares to help stranded travelers get home. We were able to assist with a few nights of lodging for people who would have slept out in the cold. We handed out small gasoline vouchers and food vouchers. There was food purchased for a funeral reception. Benevolence funds helped cover the cost of prescriptions and helped to pay a portion of rent for several folks. Our benevolence covered the cost of a smog check and assisted with car repairs. Keeping assistance to $100 or less enables us to help approximately four families each month. We also pray with folks, encourage them, invite them to our church activities and refer them to other organizations to assist them. Also, donations given that are designated for Benevolence certainly allow us to help many others. If you are interested in helping with this very rewarding ministry, contact Pamala Berry at 805-712-4738.

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FINANCES – Treasurer Rick Curley

Our Pastors, Staff and Board would like to thank the congregation for your generous and faithful giving throughout 2013. Your generosity enabled us to support our World Outreach programs which include benevolence giving, food pantry distribution, community outreach, general council giving, as well as our monthly support of nearly 40 world-wide missionaries. We were also able to support our adult, youth and children’s ministries, as well as maintain and improve our facilities. God is great! Our 2013 income was $448,548, with total expenses of $446,807, which is a net of $1,741*. Our income was down from 2012. However, with careful budgeting and combined effort from our Pastors, Staff and many volunteers, our income exceeded our expenses and allowed our continued support of the aforementioned ministries. The unbudgeted cost of facility improvements in 2013 totaled $19,185. These included new carpet, tile and paint for Room 200, as well as the much-needed new stairs and deck in the breezeway. We wish to thank the faithful volunteers who assisted in the completion of these and many other maintenance projects, allowing us to diminish expenses and keep our facility safe and inviting. We hope to preserve such teamwork as we look ahead to maintain and improve our church facilities. The 2014 budget* has been created with a conservative spirit, but allows continued support of our ministries, and completing necessary repairs to our church. We continue to wait for God’s direction regarding the development of the Del Rio property (valued at approximately $1,000,000). We thank God for His faithfulness and stand upon His promise in 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (NIV) Amen! *Detailed Profit and Loss and the Annual Budget are open to the congregation and available for review in the church office by appointment.

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Atascadero First Assembly INCOME STATEMENT

Ending December 2013

2013 Actual


Tithes & Offerings $429,502.30

Outreach Ministries 5,959.00

Building Donations 553.00

Spanish Church 12,000.00

Facility Fee Income 40.00

Interest Income 493.78

TOTAL INCOME $448,548.08



INSURANCES (Liability/Wkrs Comp.) 6,664.03


Office Expense 18,907.84

Ministry Expense 4,421.41

Utilities 19,851.24

Property Upkeep/Maintenance 7,651.82

Building/Facility Improvements 19,185.16

Facility Furniture/Equipment 1,605.62





ECC & Children's Ministries 16,474.67

Youth Ministry 10,506.24

Adult Ministries 1,205.80

Media & Worship Ministries 4,453.53

Evangelism & Assimilation 2,577.89


TOTAL EXPENSE $446,807.62


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Atascadero First Assembly

BALANCE SHEET December 2013



Current Assets


Petty Cash




Savings - General


Building Savings


Building Certificate of Deposit


Total Checking & Savings


Other Current Assets

Prepaid Expenses


Total Current Assets


Fixed Assets





Building Improvement


Modular Building


Del Rio Site


Furniture & Equipment


Total Fixed Assets


Other Assets (Suspense)





Other Current Liabilities

Health Insurance Payables


Pass-Through Donations


Accrued Payroll Liabilities


Total Current Liabilities





Church Equity


Net Income




