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RadiumOne Social Retargeting Marta Mattioli 22-Feb-13

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RadiumOne Social Retargeting

Marta Mattioli


What is it?

RadiumOne is a social advertising platform that combines three

traditionally disparate pieces to deliver audience scale and target

consumers across the web, on desktop and mobile:

• First-party and social sharing tools that create social data,

• Audience amplification of this data through its patent-pending

ShareGraph™ technology, turning Big Data into new audience

segments in 20 milliseconds or less,

• The delivery of display, mobile and video ad campaigns across the


RadiumOne integrates these capabilities in a single platform, and the

solution is uniquely optimized for ad exchanges and real-time-bidding

systems like FBX.

The integration with Facebook’s RTB system – Facebook Exchange –

was just announced in November 2012. RadiumOne customers can

benefit from instantaneous campaign performance data for dynamic

campaign optimization, resulting in a more holistic conversation with

consumers on the web and within Facebook.


Watch video about RadiumOne

Some Stats


RadiumOne was Founded in 2009 in US, but it is fairly new to

Europe: a new office opened in Apr 2011 in UK and only last year

in France.

The platform is currently serving advertising in 20 countries around

the globe.

700M Unique consumers engaged monthly

10B Sharing events monitored monthly

25B Real-time impressions served per day

Mobile AdSpecs

RadiumOne’s First-Party Products


Each one of these four free tools are designed to seamlessly link to RadiumOne's ShareGraph technology and provide targeting data

for advertisers. As they are multi-channel, the can create data across web and mobile.

These products enable brands to finally scale their social activity and monetize it, with a smarter and more effective Paid activity.

po.st Launch: Nov 2011.

Po.st is a social sharing widget

that includes an ad unit and

social analytics dashboards.

The widget can be personalized.

It is also a URL shortener that

allows to see who clicks on the

links published on any platform

and leverage this data to build

new audience segments.

Link: http://www.po.st/

Watch video about po.st

via.me Launch: March 2012.

Mobile and desktop application

that allows users to capture,

filter and share pictures,

videos, audio and other

content across social


Watch video about via.me

Link: http://via.me/

Pingme Launch: Sep 2011.

PingMe is a group messaging

application for mobile devices.

The goal is to offer a white

label, skinned version of the

app to advertisers that they

can offer to customers.

Link: http://pingme.net/

Social Advertising


ShareGraph is RadiumOne’s proprietary ad serving algorithm.

It tracks and evaluates the sharing activity that takes place amongst

those audiences built through the use of RadiumOne’s products.

The more often strong connections interact on the open web, mobile

as well as offline, the more this algorithm is able to serve ads to

users that they may be more interested in seeing and potentially

share through what is called “social retargeting”.

Once the audience is identified, the ad is served via an RTB

strategy making it possible to optimize the campaign in real-time.

Privacy policy: RadiumOne never collects or sells personal data.

Click to see the Privacy policy.

Watch video about ShareGraph


6 words

Social retargeting links Paid Owned Earned


Po.st is now present in 40,000 websites.





700M monthly

Contact @ RadiumOne: [email protected]

Thank you