2013 02

Cople News February 2013

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Cople village magazine


Cople News

February 2013

February 2013 2


Telephone: 01234 838 240

Friendly. helpful staff, well stocked shelves, wide range of products.

News paper& magazine ordering service, optional delivery to Cardington, Cople, Willington and Moggerhanger.

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Chilled snacks and sandwiches, salads, ham, cheese, and bacon,

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MONDAY-FRIDAY 6:30AM to 6:00PM SATURDAY 7:00AM to 6:00 PM. SUNDAY 8:00 AM to 12:00 NOON.


February 2013

Cover picture. “Motherly Love” by Marilyn Southgate


I have started to publish extracts from a pamphlet called

“Childhood Memories of Cople” written by John Ernest Storton. He

was born in 1909 and wrote his account in 1989. People who have

lived in the Village a long time will probably have already read his

story but it will be news to the many of us incomers who have

arrived in the last 20 years. His recollections bring home the

changes that have taken place in society in the space of one long


There are about 850 people in Cople and it is remarkable how

many diverse talents and activities there are. Eve Carroll has

written a piece about bringing together the creative spirits in the

village to share ideas and possibly form a co-operative. I found it

interesting to review what goes on already. The Friends of Cople

Church bring people together to give talks, perform or participate

in social events. Jill Ebbs marshals the music fraternity. You will

see from their article, that the Cople Argus Cricket Team is as keen

as ever, as are the footballers judging by the turn out at weekend

matches. The Village Trust provides us with the playing fields and

a well used Village Hall. All Saints Church plays a central role in

the community as does Cople Lower School. The Five Bells and the

Sports and Social Club are ever popular and the Tuesday Club

attracts 30 to 40 people to its monthly events. There is a weekly

coffee mornings in the Village Hall and the Over 60’s Club get

together twice a month. Carpet Bowls are offered every

Wednesday evening in the Village Hall. We have a Mothers’ Union

and a thriving Baby and Toddler Group which meets on Thursday

mornings. Steve Halton has opened our eyes to the flora and

fauna that surrounds us and Michael Roadnight encourages the

horticultural community to soldier on. Ian Whiting has given us a

top quality village website. I should also mention the numerous

fund raising activities, fetes and bazaars that take place throughout

the year. You will probably be able to extend the list yourselves

without any trouble. The point of all this is that although this is a

small village we do an incredible amount and we do it ourselves

because we want to, without “direction” from above.

Ged Peeke

February 2013 4


February 2013


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February 2013 6

Letter from the Vicarage

Easter is early this year which means that Lent begins on 13th

February with Ash Wednesday. In the evening there will be Holy

Communion service at 7.30pm.

I am not sure how most people regard Lent in our increasingly

secular society. The Christian church takes Lent seriously and

challenges us to focus on the old traditions of fasting and alms

giving. The two are closely related, for clearly if you give up some

luxury item such as eating out or drinking alcohol you will have

more money available to give to charity. We know that it is good

for our health to abstain from some things that are bad for us. We

also know that to keep fit and lose weight we should take up more

exercise. As the forty days of Lent is a considerable length of time

in which to be self disciplined, by its end we should have developed

some good habits that will last. I have met people who have given

up smoking during Lent and have never touched a cigarette since.

The same is true for our spiritual health. As Christians we see Lent

as an opportunity to improve our prayer lives and deepen our faith.

Each person will approach this differently and that is all well and

good. Sometimes, as with physical discipline, it is easier to do this

with a like minded group of people. So maybe you will decide to

join us at our weekly morning prayer on a Monday morning at 9am.

Indeed some people who have done so in the past have continued

to worship with us. Alternatively you could make an effort to pray

more and for longer or decide to attend the monthly Benefice

exploring prayer group.

Many people like to meet together for fellowship and study and give

this a priority in Lent. This year instead of meeting in our usual

home groups we have decided to do the York course on a

Wednesday evening at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church Willington

The course has been written by Canon David Winter and is called

“Glimpses of God”. I have listed the dates and the titles of the five


20th February “The God who hears our cry”

27th February “The shepherd who guards and guides his


6th March “The Son who is the way, the truth and the life”


February 2013

13th March “The God who shares our pain”

20th March “ The God who calms our fears”

All the sessions are self contained so you are most welcome to join

us even if you know that you cannot attend every week. There is a

CD to listen to and then the opportunity to discuss what we have

heard over a cup of coffee. The evening will end at 9.30pm. It will

be really good to meet together with others from the Methodist

church and the Benefice.

So what about alms giving? This year’s charity which we will launch

in time for Lent is called “Tools for self reliance” in Africa. We have

chosen to raise money to buy sewing machines for single mothers

in Uganda and pay for repairs to bicycles in Ghana. At the Family

service on February 3rd at 11.15am there will be more information

about this.

Lent is an opportunity to improve our physical and spiritual health.

It also affords an opportunity to give to those who are in greater

need than us.

With all good wishes

Lynda Klimas

Mothers Union

Our next meeting will be held on Monday 4th February at 2:30pm

at a venue to be decided


We give thanks and Praise, 0 God,

for the Gospel of the Presentation:

for the wisdom of Simeon and Anna,

for the loving care of Joseph and Mary,

for the simplicity and innocence of the child Jesus '

We pray for the different generations of our own day,

that in offering their lives in service to you

and to each other, they may grow in mutual respect

and understanding,

and so enrich the life of all, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen

(MU The Prayers We Breathe)

February 2013 8

Christmas 2012 giving to charity

We are writing to thank you for your generosity in supporting our

chosen charities at Christmas.

The Kings Arms project for the homeless. £170

The Children’s Society (from the Christingle service and the

collecting boxes) .£234.34

BECHAR (the Prebend day centre for the homeless from the

travelling crib). £25.87

The Friends of the Church have also given £305:81 to BECHAR

from their Celebration of Christmas concert.

Cople PCC

Songs of Praise Sunday 10th February at 6pm

at Cople

Theme “Love and Marriage”

Last year we held a wedding reunion to which we invited the

couples who had been married in the Benefice during the past few

years. It was a lovely service and others who were married

elsewhere also joined us.

This year we have decided to hold a similar service at Cople on

Sunday 10th February at 6pm. The date has been chosen as it is

near to Valentine’s Day. We will sing about six favourite wedding

hymns. An introduction to each hymn will be given explaining who

wrote the words and the music. Revd Keith Brown will play some

favourite wedding music on the organ at the beginning and at the

end of the service. There will also be special prayers for those who

are married and others who are preparing to be married later this


Children are welcome and we will organise an activity table with

some colouring at the back of the church to keep them occupied.

Afterwards there will be cake and a glass of wine or fruit juice. If

you were married elsewhere we hope that you also may wish to join

us. Even though the focus is on marriage those who are not

married are also welcome to attend.

Lynda Klimas


February 2013

From the Registers


29th December Billi- Leigh Worrall


8th December Susanne Thompson and Colin Siklodi

29th December Chainie Conroy and Ralph Worrall


St. John’s Church, Blunham Road


This has already proved popular and the next meeting will be on

Tues. 26th February, 10.00-12.00. Wools, needles and know-how

will be available, so just come along. You can bring your own

knitting with you, or you can just do a little knitting for charity from

the wools available.


Do you belong to a walking group? We welcome them, so why not

suggest that yours stops at the meeting place in the church for a

cup of coffee. We would ask you to be there by 11.30 to give the

volunteers time to serve you before closing at 12.00. We would

also ask you to let us know a day or so before that you’re coming

(on 01767 640124), so that we can make sure we have enough


Although the church is normally closed in the afternoon, if booked a

few days in advance we can open it for groups wanting this service.

Just contact the number above.

Our SHOP is open 10.00-12.00 Monday-Saturday in the church

vestry, with a very large range of goods for its size. The venture,

which is now 12 years old, is the brain-child of the previous vicar

and is a non profit-making concern totally separate from the church

although housed in its vestry. Come and have a look – you will be


Judith Mooney (MMPS Publicity)

February 2013 10

Police Update


Bedfordshire Police and other forces nationwide are now using ‘101’

as the non emergency number replacing the existing 01234

841212. You can use this number anywhere in the country and it

will take you through the nearest towns police station.


Since the beginning of December, there have been two burglaries

in outbuildings. The first was on the 28th December which involved

bales of hay removed from an outbuilding. An arrest has been

made for this. The second was during the night of 7th/8th January

where a garage was broken into, however nothing was taken.

Please continue to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity on


Paul Jones PCSO 4760


February 2013

Architectural Design

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February 2013 12

The Eagle Choir to Perform in Willington

On Saturday 9th February 2013 at 7.30pm, the Eagle Choir will be

performing their acclaimed "Mozart to Manhattan" programme at St

Lawrence Church, Willington.

The Eagle Choir is made up of parents, friends and staff of Bedford

School. They have performed at Bedford Corn Exchange and

several churches in the Bedford area since forming in 1998 and

their performance in Willington will include a repertoire of great

variety....literally from Mozart to Handel to Vaughan Williams to


The choir is directed by Charles Martin and this latest musical event

in Willington follows the inaugural organ recital from Andrew Lucas

in November and the performance by the North Herts Orpheus

Choir in December after the Bishop of St Albans dedicated the

newly installed organ at St Lawrence Church a few weeks earlier.

The Eagle Choir also promise to showcase the new organ during

their performance!

Tickets for the Eagle Choir concert are £6 per adult including

refreshments (children free).

To book your ticket, please call Nigel on 01767 627307 or email

[email protected]

The Eagle Choir pictured at a previous concert at St Peter's Church,



February 2013

Tuesday Club

Tea plays a central part in our lives. Millions the world over enjoy

tea on a daily basis. We welcomed back Alan a coffee and tea

merchant to our Tuesday Club to commence our exciting 2013


Legend has it that tea was discovered by the Chinese Emperor

Shang Nong in 2737 BC. One day while he was in the garden a few

tea leaves fell by accident into his boiling water he liked the smell

and taste so much, he gave the command that tea bushes be

planted in the garden of the Palace. The custom of brewing fresh

tea leaves began and quickly spread!

Drinking tea in the afternoon began during the 19 century

attributed to the Duchess of Bedford. Afternoon tea was meant to

abate hunger between meals (snacks were often served with the


The inventor of "tea bags", Thomas Sullivan, had a custom of

sending tea samples in white silk bags to his customers. On the

appearance of tea bags the price was lowered because tea was

much more convenient and suitable for mass consumption. All

types of tea; white tea, black tea, green tea, herbal tea etc are all

produced from the same plant. The differences between them

results from the different processing procedures producing the tea.

The health benefits of tea are, it is calorie free (without milk sugar

or honey) and it contains antioxidants which extract harmful

substances from the blood. Green tea is thought to lower the risk

of cancer. A little caffeine is not harmful and is necessary to the

body. There is less caffeine in tea than coffee. China, India and

Kenya supply 75% of the worlds tea. In British culture, drinking tea

is an institution when ever something happens, good or bad the

common reaction is to have a "cuppa"!!.

We will meet next 12th February Cople Village Hall 7 30pm. All

welcome to a bring and buy in aid of our charity of the Year ACORN

a local group that offer support and friendship to cancer suffers and

their carers. Please come and support this unique group of people.

Eithne Dandy

February 2013 14

Recipe for Marmalade

Christmas and New Year celebrations over, I look forward to my

annual event of making marmalade. I get a real kick out of making

jams and chutneys, my husband calls it ‘therapy’. I first started

making marmalade about 30 years ago, when we lived in Cyprus, a

great orange growing island, but the bitter Seville oranges grew

everywhere, and their fruits left to rot on the ground. The children

and I just had to gather them up. Seville oranges are available in

the supermarkets for a limited time in January/February.

Marmalade is surprisingly easy to make, delicious to eat, a great to

give as a gift.

Do try this simple recipe. It makes about 10lbs. 8-10 jars.


1.4 kilo Seville oranges

Juice of 2 lemons

2.7 kilo sugar (I use preserving sugar or jam sugar)


Halve the oranges and lemons, squeeze out juice and pips.

Put pips and any orange membrane in a piece of muslin and tie with

string, leaving a long enough piece so that it can be tied onto the

handle of the saucepan, yet still be in the mixture.

Chop up the oranges as finely as you like. (this can be done in a

food processor but be careful not to chop it too much, or there will

be no bits left after it has boiled)

Put in a large pan with 6 pints of water.

Simmer gently for 2 hours until peel is soft, and the liquid reduced

to half.

Remove muslin bag, squeezing well so that all the liquid goes back

into the pan.

Add sugar, heat gently and stir until sugar has dissolved.

Bring to boil and boil for about 15 minutes, until it has reached

setting point.

Remove any scum with a slotted spoon, and leave for 15 minutes.

Stir and pot into clean warm jars.

Place tops on while warm.

Jane Peeke


February 2013

Cricket Corner. Cople Cricket Club

Everyone at Cople CC would like to wish you all a Happy New year.

As we all know, we are all guilty of sitting around for too long over

the Christmas period and eating too many mince pies, so I am

pleased to announce that Cople CC has started its Winter Training

with some Indoor Net Practice. All players, new and old, are

welcome to attend so please spread the word to friends and family

that you think might be interested, sons, brothers, grandsons,

nephews; the more the merrier.

The nets are taking place at The Alexander Sports Centre, Sidney

Road, Bedford on the following dates. We hope we get to see some

new faces.

3rd February : 3:00 - 4:00

10th February : 3:00 - 4:00

24th February : 3:00 - 4:00

3rd March : 2:00 - 4:00

10th March : 2:00 - 4:00

17th March : 3:00 - 4:00

24th March : 2:00 - 4:00

14th April : 2:00 - 4:00

Many of you won’t know that we enter a side into the Bedfordshire

Indoor League and there are currently 4 Divisions. Unfortunately

we are in the 4th. But it’s not all bad as we are currently unbeaten

after playing 4 games and sitting top of the division. Results so far:

· Cople 148-5 (12) v Potton 144-4 (12 overs a side.)

· Brickhill Tigers A 162-2 (12) v Cople 164-2 (11)

· Cople 140-2 (12) v Elstow B 111 All Out

· Blunham C 139 All Out v Cople 140 -3 (9.5)

Excellent results so far, 5 more to play so let’s keep it up. You can

keep up to date with Fixtures & Results, as well as News & Events

by checking out our websites below and join us on Facebook by

adding Cople Cricket Club as your Friend.

If anyone is interested in joining us then don’t hesitate to call.

Daniel Moss 07905822341 (Saturday Captain)

[email protected]

Or Kevin Draper 07730553455 (Chairman) [email protected]

www.copleargus.play-cricket.com www.cople.org/cacc

February 2013 16


February 2013

Eamonn , Julie and Katie would like to welcome you to the Five Bells in Cople , a traditional country village pub .

It is our intention to provide a warm welcome in comfortable surroundings for visitors and locals alike to enjoy a drink or a

hearty meal .

Wherever possible , we have sourced our ingredients from local suppliers and our menu is designed to be as homemade as possible .

We also provide a wide selection of fine ales , wines and spirits and great care is taken to ensure they are kept to the highest standard

Themed Menu every Wednesday Live Music most Saturday nights (see website for details)

Sunday Roasts £8:50 (Very popular, booking recommended) Party bookings available

Tel : 01234 831330 www.fivebellscople.com

February 2013 18

Contact us now for a free, no obligation quote

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We hold a valid Waste Carriers Licence

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February 2013

Cople Sports and Social Club

There has been plenty of banter in regard of the footie supporters

who have been frequenting CS&SC supporting their teams. We will

be scheduling new event evenings over the coming month so if any

members have any great ideas please let us know.

If anyone has any interesting information or photos in regard of

CS&SC could you please speak with Jeanette as we would like to

profile the club on Cople Website.

Football fixtures to be shown at CS&SC: Barclays Premier League

(If there is a particular football match other than the above you

would be interesting in watching please contact CS&SC)

Please see poster in Club for full fixtures

Jeanette Skipsey

Mob: 07749272249 Email: [email protected]

Sat 02 Feb QPR V Man U Barclays 12.30 Sky

Sat 02 Feb Fulham v Man United 17:30 ESPN

Sun 03 Feb West Brom v Tottenham 13:00 Sky Sports

Sun 03 Feb Man City v Liverpool 15:30 Sky Sports

Sat 09 Feb Tottenham v Newcastle 12:30 Sky Sports

Sat 09 Feb Southampton v Man City 17:30 ESPN

Sun 10 Feb Aston Villa v West Ham 13:00 Sky Sports

Sun 10 Feb Man United v Everton 15:30 Sky Sports

Mon 11 Feb Liverpool v West Brom 19:00 Sky Sports

Sat 23 Feb Fulham v Stoke City 12:30 Sky Sports

Sun 24 Feb Manchester City v Chelsea 13:30 Sky Sports

Mon 25 Feb West Ham v Tottenham

February 2013 20


February 2013

Friends of cople church

Safari supper



february 2nd 2013

7 – 7.15 P.m.

Hosts are required. If you are able to offer a starter or a main course please

contact us

Tel. nos: (01234) 838763, 838467, 838714, 838683

Tickets £13:50

All proceeds towards the

upkeep of all saints’ church,


February 2013 22


Reg. No. 1096386

The tenth ‘Celebration of Christmas’

demonstrated just how much local talent we

have here in Cople and provided yet again a

fine start to the Festive Season. We are

indebted to all those who made it go with

such a swing, whether performing or working

behind the scenes. Singers, instrumentalists

and readers were splendid and we were filled

with admiration. Nothing, however, would be

the same in a church devoid of decoration or

without delicious mulled wine and home-

made mince pies, so thanks must go to all

who played a part, however small. Thank

you too, audience, for filling the church,

joining in the singing and contributing so

generously to a retiring collection for

BeCHAR. £290.81 was handed over the

following morning to a very appreciative

Director at the

Prebend Day Centre.

(Since then an

additional £15 has

been donated to

bring the total to


There has been a

good response to

requests for help at

the Safari Supper on

February 2nd but we

are always pleased to hear from anyone else who is willing to act as

a host. For information or tickets please contact 838683, 838714,

838763 or send an e-mail. We hope the weather will be kind to us

as we make our way around the village, but come rain, snow or

whatever, we always have a jolly time. Do join us.

Vaughan Southgate

www.org.uk/friends [email protected]


February 2013


Professional Friendly Free initial consultation.

Sole traders, Ltd companies, Start ups, CIS, VAT, TAX

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01767 601221

Mob: 07899 808592


February 2013 24


February 2013

Sunday Church Services in February

3rd 11:15am Family Service.

10th 09:00am



Holy Communion BCP

Sunday School

Songs of Praise theme “Love”

17th 09:45am


Sunday School

All age Communion.

24th 09:45am


Sunday School

Sung Communion with the Choir

Cople All Saints

Willington Saint Lawrence

3rd 10:00am Holy Communion BCP

10th 11:15am Parish Praise

17th 10:00am Sung Communion

24th 10:00am Covenant renewal service at the Methodist

Church Willington

Moggerhanger St John the Evangelist

3rd 09:00am


Sung Communion

Hospice Memorial Service

10th 10:00am Family Service

17th 6:00pm Songs of Praise

24th 09:00am All age Communion

February 2013 26

Cople Calendar February 2013

Saturday 2nd

10:30am—12 noon Traidcraft coffee morning Willington.

7:00pm Friends Safari Supper

Monday 4th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

2:30pm Mothers Union Meeting

6:15pm Junior Choir Cople Church

8:00pm Exploring Prayer group at Moggerhanger

Tuesday 5th

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60s Club in the Sports Club

Wednesday 6th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

Thursday 7th (Green Bin)

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Saturday 9th

10:00am to 3pm Blunham Giant Book Sale

7:30pm The Eagle Choir at Willlington Church

Monday 11th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

6:15pm Junior Choir practice at Cople Church

Tuesday 12th

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Cople PCC at the Vicarage

7:30pm Tuesday Club Meeting in Village Hall including

Bring and Buy in aid of ACORN

Wednesday 13th

7:30pm Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday at Cople


7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall


February 2013

Thursday 14th (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Monday 18th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

12:30pm Luncheon Club in Cople Church

Tuesday 19th

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60s Club in the Sports Club

Wednesday 20th

7:30pm Lent Course at Willington Methodist Church

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

Thursday 21st (Green Bin)

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall


09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

6:15pm Junior Choir practice Cople

Tuesday 26th

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting in Cople Church

Wednesday 27th

7:30pm Lent Course at Willington Methodist Church

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

Thursday 28th (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Blunham Giant BookSale

Saturday 9thFebruary 2013

At Blunham Parish Church 10.00 – 3.00

Come and browse and buy our huge selection of nearly new books.

Enjoy refreshments - teas/coffee cakes & biscuits, home made

soup. Also Hand Made cards a Raffle and a Fairtrade stall.

All profits to Blunham Church Fabric Fund.

February 2013 28


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February 2013

February 2013 30

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February 2013

Are you or do you know someone

who is a resident in Cople who is over 60

years old/and or is likely to be vulnerable to

the cold?

Could they benefit from a Warm Home Pack

from Just Ask? Which contains a snuggle

blanket and other energy saving items/

information (subject to eligibility) please call

to check.

Your Village Agent is also able to offer you an Energy

Review to make sure you are saving money where you

can and to check you are on the best energy tariff?

Would you like some help to find out or to change it?

Village Agent Report

Village Agent can also offer many more services:-

Information on agencies who can offer (Free Smoke Alarms,

Door Chains,/Window Locks, Spy Holes).

Free “Message in a bottles” (peace of mind if you are taken ill

and the emergency services are called).

Information on Pension Credit & Attendance Allowance.

If you need help or advice on any of the above or have any

other problems just call Wendy on

FREE PHONE 0800 039 1234

or my mobile no: 07717 269 440

Home Visits Available

(All Agents are CRB Checked)

February 2013 32

Childhood Memories of Cople

John Ernest Storton (1909—2003) wrote a 33 page pamphlet in

1989 in which he recorded his childhood in Cople. This is part one

of an abridged version of his story and more will follow in future


I was born 27th October 1909 in a brick built house in the small

village of "Hatch". My father was born at Brook End just nearby

and my mother in Waterloo Row, Hitchin Street, Biggleswade. The

Storton’s father line are old Sandy people, also on my mother’s side

the Barley’s are a well known Biggleswade family. Father’s side

worked on the land as labourers, horse keepers, stockmen or small

holders. My mother’s, the men worked in breweries and the girls in

domestic service.

When I was a small child I had rickets and had a stay in South Wing

Hospital, Bedford (they say that it is caused by under nourishment),

my brother Joe carried me to school for a time, to Northill School

about a mile from our home in Hatch, when I was five years old.

On May Day we joined in dancing round Ickwell maypole. They still

cerebrate May Day today and the procession still starts from

Northill School. In my time they rode on a trolley drawn by Mr

Marsom’s horse, which was all decorated up with ribbons and paper


We left our home in Hatch in 1914 to move to 62 Water End, Cople,

because our father went to work as horse keeper to Mr John

Franklin, Hoo Farm, Cople, but he had to go into the army, Beds &

Herts Regiment, when the First World War started in August 1914.

During the war Mr Shuttleworth, who owned the houses, let the

families whose fathers were serving in the forces live rent free and

when the time came for them to be demobbed the rent was only

one shilling a week.

Our home was a four roomed terrace cottage made of brick and had

a tiled roof, it also had a large front room where you had your

meals. The fire grate had an oven also a hot water tank on one

side with a tap on it. There was a kitchen with a larder cupboard, a

stair hold cupboard to keep brushes in, also shoes, cleaning

materials and other things you used. The kitchen also had a

dresser to keep crockery on, then there was a sink made of yellow


February 2013

stone, it was about 2 feet 6 inches wide, 18 inches long and 4

inches deep. The copper was in the corner near to where the grate

was, so that the smoke from each fire used the one chimney. It

was all hand washing for the ladies and ironing was done with a flat

iron, heated in front of the front room fire. The water was drawn

from two wells, with a bucket and well hook, one well was hard

water for drinking and cooking, the other was soft for washing and

cleaning. There were two bedrooms each big enough to take two

three quarter size beds, the back room had a cupboard for the linen

and your best clothes. They were warm houses and most had big

families in them. There were nine children in ours, but when us

boys got to the age of 16 we went into lodgings, also at the age of

14 the girls went into domestic service until they got married.

Our family all went to Cople School. There was an infant teacher

who had a learner aged about 16-18. The children in their classes

were aged 5 to 7. In the big room there were 4 classes numbered

3 to 6. These were taught by the Head Teacher Mrs Stacey, who

had a single lady teacher to help with the lower classes. When we

first got to school it was a hymn and prayer before we started

lessons, also the register was read and marked each day. At

school we had concerts which we all partook in, sometimes it would

be a negro play, or one of all sorts of tradesmen. They were held in

the evening so our parents could come and watch.

As a child I ran errands for the neighbours, like fetching milk for

them from Barnards before going to school, also taking shoes to the

cobbler in Cardington to be mended and fetching coal for people.

On Saturdays I went to a house to clean shoes, chop wood for the

fire lighting and clean the hen house out. Theirs was a family of

grown up sons and they put money in a box for to buy me clothes

and shoes. I remember it, so well, also they had me sit at the

dining table with them. My favourite pudding was a light steam one

cooked in a basin with jam or treacle in the bottom of the basin, so

when it was turned out the stuff ran all over it.

On Good Fridays when we were going home we had to pass Cople

House which was built in the likeness of Dog Farm, Octagon and

Middle Farms, of light coloured bricks and slate roofs. They each

had plenty of outbuildings and also lots of acres of land. Old lady

Barnard would be at the gate sitting at a table with a tray of hot

cross buns also six pennies and if the boy saluted or the girl

curtsied she gave them a bun and money.

February 2013 34

This Month’s Gardening Tasks

According to an old headmaster of mine, ‘February fill the dykes’!

Judging by the drainage ditches, rivers and streams around this

area, there’s not much room left as it is! But its not just rain we

can expect this month; snow, frost, and wind can all feature

extensively and batter our beloved gardens so it might be prudent

to check fences, sheds and glass houses to see if any remedial

works are required to prevent irrevocable damage from occurring.

A new pane of glass here (Gordon Denny Glass in Biggleswade are

excellent 01767 315 614) or a replacement fence panel there (HBS

also in Biggleswade can not be bettered 01767 312 800). If you

haven’t already done it, this month is also a good time to take

mowers, strimmers and trimmers in for a service. Groundcare

Machinery in Cople (01234 831 123) are where my much put upon

equipment goes and I am always impressed with their work.

But if the prospect of venturing outside to be savaged by the

elements has absolutely no appeal, now is an excellent time to plan

what you hope to achieve in your garden over the forthcoming

twelve months. New plants can be selected and ordered and it is

also the ideal opportunity to think about everything you want to

see. In my view, planning like this actually increases one’s

enjoyment as in addition to enjoying what you have you are also

thinking of what plants are coming next.

Thank you for all of your correspondence regarding the Christmas

Quiz (December Magazine) and here are the answers:

1. Plantain Lilly or Hosta. 2. Biennial. 3. Bear’s Breeches.

4.Common or Ordinary. 5. Viburnum. 6. Coppicing. 7.Both sexes

must be planted together. 8. c). Grenadier. 9. Apricots. 10. Flower

clusters where single stalks arise at one point (see above). 11. Its

leaves fold when touched. 12. Hot Water Plant. 13. Lawn Mower.

14. Lilac = First Love, Rose = I Love You, Red Tulip = Love. 15.

Decimus Burton

First name out of my hat was Mrs Anne Currie of Grange Lane who

wins an hour’s worth of gardening from yours truly! Very well done

Anne and you clearly know your alliums!

Please feel free to email/telephone me any questions you may have

and I will leave you with a quiz question. Contact me with your


February 2013

answers and I will give you a mention in next month’s piece:

Vegetable Spaghetti, Crookneck and Yellow Patty Pan are all types

of which relatively uncommon vegetable?

Lawn Doctor

Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance

Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855

Email: [email protected]

Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle Clearing, Landscaping,

Lawn Improvement, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing/Weedkilling, Holiday Watering etc.,



3 x City & Guilds Qualified & Widely Experienced – References Available Upon


‘Lawn Doctor deserve a medal. They are worth their weight in gold and I,

without doubt, will be using them in the future. A true gem.

Thank you Lawn Doctor, you have given me my garden back’, Ms N.Patadia, Mill Hill


Member of the Institute of Chimney Sweeps

Fully qualified and insured All types of chimneys swept

Brush and vacuum . Clean and tidy service

Chimney Safety Certificate issued Local, professional and reliable

Tel: 01767 627591 / 07950 705479 9 Ickwell Road, Northill

February 2013 36

Mobile Library for February

Wednesday 13th and 27th

10.05 am All Saints

10.25am Water End

10.40am Outside Five Bells

Cople Village Hall and Playing Field

Available for Hire for

Private Functions, Children’s Parties,

Weddings, Conferences

and other bookings by arrangement

Hire Charge from £ 9 per hour

Please Contact

Bookings Officer: Marie Grohmann

Telephone : 838248

Cople Village Trust (Registered Charity No 1090113)


On the boundary of Cople Playing Field there some trees, however

there are many gaps and it would be good to have more planted.

Cople Village Trust are seeking interest from anyone who would like


Plant a tree in memory of a loved one

Would you be prepared to obtain a suitable tree, arrange planting

and look after it until it was established?

If you are interested - please contact one of Cople Village Trusts’

Trustees or alternatively phone 01234 831344.

Sandra Thacker

Chair of Cople Village Trust


February 2013


200 CLUB

Prize winners for January 2013

1st Prize of £60 208 K Becker

2nd Prize of £30 204 A Chillingsworth

3rd Prize of £10 222 A Jones

200 Club Subscriptions for 2013

Subscriptions to the 200 Club run by the Village Trust are now due.

It costs £12 per year to take part and cheques, made out to the

Cople Village Trust, can be posted to Catherine Bayliss at 14

Grange Lane or given to your 200 Club representative. Money left

after paying prizes goes to support Trust activities. If you are not

a member but would like to take part please contact Marie

Grohmann on 01234 838248.

Cople Carpet Bowls Club

Have you ever thought of playing bowls. If so why not come along

and join in a game of carpet bowls which is played indoors on a 30

ft carpet in Cople Village Hall on Wednesday evenings 7:30 to

10:00 pm Any enquiries contact Pauline on 01234 838102.

Pauline Baynes.

B. W. Taylor

Plumbing Roofing and all Building


From “Complete Bathrooms and Kitchens” including tiling and plaster-ing through to “Ball Valves and “Garden Taps”

No Job too small Local Reliable service at Reasonable Rates

References Supplied if Required

Telephone: Barrie Taylor 01234 - 838 676 Mobile 07979 - 928 186

February 2013 38


February 2013













LANDLINE 01234 838274

MOBILE 07773 077042

EMAIL: [email protected]


February 2013 40

Wild About Cople

It’s the start of a new year and now, as the days begin to lengthen

in both the mornings and evenings, nature begins to stir herself in

response to the increasing light. And, even this early in the year,

there are some very, very early signs of spring.

Apart from the obvious lighter mornings and evenings (which I

think make us all feel better and more optimistic) there is now a

small but discernible increase in bird song at dawn and dusk –

around Cople since Christmas I have already heard birds such as

robins, song thrushes, blue tits, dunnocks and collared doves

singing their spring songs. Indeed, as mentioned in an earlier piece,

robins have two distinct songs; an ‘autumn song’ which is sung

between September and December and is very mellow and wistful

and, now, a ‘spring song’ sung between December and July which is

more livelier, louder and optimistic-sounding. Out in the fields the

skylarks are becoming more active and chasing each other (mainly

males sorting out their territories) and pairing up with the females.

There is a lot of activity and these small brown birds call and fly up

from their resting places in the still brown fields, stubble or young

corn. On a sunny, still day the males will start to perform their well-

known song displays, rising from the ground on fluttering wings and

climbing high into the sky pouring out their beautiful liquid song,

sometimes for 20 minutes or more, through the air and onto the

ground below. This is partly a way of saying ‘this is my territory,

keep away’ to other males but also ‘I’m a fantastic singer, very fit

and healthy and come and be my partner’ to the females!

In areas where there are plenty of trees such as the area around

Water End, Woodlands Close and the churchyard now is the best

time of the year to listen to the lovely, mellow, woodwind calls of

our resident tawny owls around the village. Tawny owls, of course,

are usually strictly nocturnal and can only be heard, and seen, at

night. The tawny owl, sometimes also called the brown owl, is a

fairly common bird throughout the UK and sometimes you may see

one as it floats silently on soft rounded wings at dusk. They come

in two colour varieties; a grey form and a commoner, brown form.

The birds usually pair for life and both defend a territory all year

round; they breed very early in the year (from February onwards)

so during January they are very active re-forming their pair bonds


February 2013

with much calling and vocalising.

The well-known, beautiful, spine-tingling ‘hu……hu-hooooo’ call is

usually made by the male;

the female produces the

other, equally well-known,

but louder, sharper ‘kewick’

or ‘u-wee’. Everyone really

should go out and

experience the true magic of

these lovely birds at night,

even if only in your own


The birds usually nest in

holes in old trees but will

sometimes use old magpie

or crows nests. They lay

two or three glossy white

eggs and the young fledge

from the nest sometime in

May/June but the parents

still continue to care for

them for another two or

three months, during which

time the young can be very

noisy with their food-

begging calls. Tawny owls

also readily use purpose-

made owl nestboxes details of which can be found here:

www.bto.org/nnbw/nesting_birds/tawny_owl.htm. The boxes are

simple to make but need to go on large, mature trees – now is the

ideal time to put one up.

While still on night-time things, look out later this year for the

predicted appearance of two striking comets in the sky. It is

believed that they will even become visible during the day and are

named Comet Pan-Starrs (due spring 2013) and Comet ISON (due

autumn 2013). More news soon!

Steve Halton [email protected]

Picture; Tawny owl (brown form)

February 2013 42

Willingtots Pre-school Peace Memorial Hall

Church Road Willington

Telephone 07972 148085

E-mail [email protected] Website www.willingtots.co.uk

Fundraising www.buy.at/willingtots

Sessional care for children aged 2 to school age during term time

FREE PLACES for eligible 3 and 4 yr olds

09.15-12.15 Monday to Friday (£9.00)

12.15-15.15 Tuesday & Wednesday (£9.00)

Lunch Club daily 12.15-13.15 (£3.00)

Registered Charity No. 1035672 Member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and registered with OFSTED

“We are totally committed to safeguarding children”

37, Ridge Road

Kempston, Beds MK43 9BS


February 2013

Cople Lower School

Before & After School Club

Regular and one off bookings, including Casual


Registration forms and information packs

available from: Naomi Whittingham – Play Leader

07592 012 249 [email protected]

Hours Fees

Monday to Friday Regular bookings

Breakfast 8.00am – 8.45am £3.00

Session 1 3.30pm – 5.00pm £7.00

Session 2 3.30pm – 6.00pm £8.50

Casual bookings:

an additional £1.00 on

regular session fees

Cople Baby & Toddler Group

Has opened its doors again

Every Thursday (Inclusive of school holidays)

10.00am-11.30am At the Cople Village Hall (off Grange Lane)

First session free, £2 per family thereafter Adults with one child under 7 months £1

February 2013 44

Being Creative is Good for the Soul!

Are you a creative person and interested in being part of a

local arts cooperative? There is a growing trend across the

country of local makers and craft workers coming together

to share in the cost of market stalls, craft fairs and

promotion of their work.

I am interested in meeting like-minded people who may be

interested in forming a craft collective with the intent to promote

and support the handmade crafts in and around Northill, Cople,

Willington, Moggerhanger, Blunham, Sandy and surrounding areas.

I am a potter living in Cople and am aware that there are other

creative souls like myself working locally but we are all currently

working independently without local contact, inspiration and

sharing of ideas.

Having moved to Bedfordshire 4 years ago, I looked around for an

art collective and found the Eagle Gallery in Castle Road, Bedford;

a real gem of a place. The gallery has 45 or so artists/makers

helping to keep the gallery open Mon – Sat 10.00am – 5.30pm. It

is well worth a visit if you happen to be in the Castle Road area, we

are next door to the fabulous Eagle Book Shop. Follow this link for

more information: www.eaglegalleryartists.co.uk

As there is now a farmers market in Frosts Willlington on the last

Sunday of the month and soon to be a monthly ‘Have a Go

Market’ (aimed at new enterprises) in Sandy, every 2nd Saturday, I

feel that an opportunity presents itself for those of us who enjoy

creative work and would possibly like to pursue a part time

enterprise but have not got round to it until now.

The benefit of such a group means we could start to brainstorm

ideas looking at how we might come together and have a presence

at local markets, as well as finding a place where both established

and emerging artists can sell their work.

The craft collective’s philosophy is a refreshing one; the belief that

making things yourself, by hand, can be a powerful tool. The

purpose is to help get crafters’ work out into the public by hosting

fun and unique sales locally.


February 2013

I am hoping that for other creative people like myself, this could

well be the springboard for taking your craft/art work to the next

level and possibly to self employment, either part or full time.

There is something unique about selling your work in person and it

would be great to take the handmade movement that is already

happening around the country, put a name to it, and help it to

grow here in this part of Bedfordshire. More and more people are

seeing the value in supporting handmade work because not only

are you getting unique goods but you are directly supporting artists

and enabling them to do what they love and work hard at it.

If you are interested in finding out more information about being

part of such a group, please email me with your details at:

[email protected] or telephone 01234 838593 and

maybe we could get together.

Eve Carroll

Air Ambulance Christmas Cards

Thank you to everyone who bought Air Ambulance Christmas Cards

from me this year. A total of £125 was raised. I wish you all a

happy 2013.


Nearly New Centre

Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm

& Saturday 10am to 1pm

At Sue Ryder Palliative Care Home St.

John’s Moggerhanger

February 2013 46


February 2013

February 2013 48

Village Hall

Bookings: Marie Grohmann

Email: [email protected]

Tel : 838248

Over 60's Club

Secretary : Hazel Shreeves

Tel : 838817

Mothers Union

Contact: Jill Ebbs

Tel : 838659

Cople Lower School

Headteacher : Helen Johnson

Tel : 838827

Cople Village Trust

Chair : Sandra Thacker

Tel : 831344

Royal British Legion

Chair: Max McMurdo

Tel: 01767 680624

Welfare: David Hansen

Tel : 01767 226020


PC Paul Jones

Riseley Police Station

Tel : 01234 - 842864

Carpet Bowls

Secretary : Pauline Baynes

Tel : 838102

Willingtots Pre-School


Tel: 07972– 148085

Before & After School Club

At Cople Lower School

Tel: 07592 - 012249

Brownies (Willington)

Amanda Briscoe,

Tel: 07504 299994

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Contact Emma Whiterod

Tel: 07908 167356

Friends of Cople Church

Chair: Vaughan Southgate

Tel: 838714

Cople Sports & Social Club

Chair: David Hughes

Tel : 838669

Tuesday Club

Joy Duthie

Tel : 838407


Cople Argus Cricket Club

Chris Gregory 01234 838396

Biggleswade Chronicle

Village Correspondent:

Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Cople Web Site

Ian Whiting Tel : 838347

Email: [email protected]

Web Site :www.cople.org.uk

Cople Baby and Toddler

Contact Kylie Dougall

Tel: 01234 740745

07999 257165

Just Ask

Wendy Worgan

0800 039 1234

Village Contacts


February 2013

All Saints Church


Rev Lynda Klimas

The Vicarage

Grange Lane, Cople

Tel: 01234 838 431

[email protected]


June Shanahan Mike Vacher

34 Grange Lane 91 Willington Road

Cople Cople

Tel: 01234 831705 Tel: 01234 831207

[email protected]

Cople Parish Council

Clerk to the Council: Jeanne Pope

42 Wingfield Road, Bromham, Beds. MK43 8JY

Tel: 01234 823 297 [email protected]

Cople News

Editor : Ged Peeke

39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH

Tel 01234 838379

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates Annual Charges

Full Page £95

Half Page £47:50

One Third Page £31:50

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month Circulation 360 copies

February 2013 50


February 2013

February 2013 52

GroundcareMachinery Services Limited

Water End, COPLE, Bedford

Suppliers of Leading Brand Names

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powered garden machinery


with full service back up

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