2012annual general meeting | assemblée générale annuelle … · 2014. 3. 20. · board of the...

The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education La société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur 2012Annual General Meeting | Assemblée générale annuelle AGENDA | Ordre du jour _________________________________________ 28 May 2012 | Le 28 mai 2012 Wilfrid Laurier University 11:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Room N 1057 Science 11 h 30 à 14 h 1. Call to Order | Ouverture 2. Adoption of Agenda 2012 | Approbation de l’ordre du jour 3. Adoption of Minutes from 2011 | Approbation de procès-verbal de 2011 4. President’s Report | Rapport du président 5. Treasurer’s Report and Nomination of Auditor | Rapport de la trésorière et désignation de vérificateur 6. Proposed By Law Changes 7. Publications Committee | Comité sur les publications 8. Awards | Prix a. Geis Award | Prix Geis b. Masters Award c. Sheffield Award | Prix Sheffield d. DistinguishedMemberAwards | Prix de membre émérite 9. Affinity Groups reports 10. Conference 2012 | Congrès 2012 11. Conference 2013 | Congrès 2013 12. NominatingCommittee | Comité de mise en candidature 13. Election of the 2013 NominatingCommittee 14. Other business | Autres affaires 15. Adjournment | Ajournement Alan Davis Alan Davis Alan Davis Kathleen Matheos Alan Davis Walter Archer, and Lesley Andres Michelle Pidgeon Walter Archer Lesley Andres Alan Davis Davis/Archer Dianne Conrad Dianne Conrad Alan Davis

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  • The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education

    La société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur

    2012Annual General Meeting | Assemblée générale annuelle

    AGENDA | Ordre du jour

    _________________________________________ 28 May 2012 | Le 28 mai 2012 Wilfrid Laurier University 11:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Room N 1057 Science 11 h 30 à 14 h

    1. Call to Order | Ouverture 2. Adoption of Agenda 2012 | Approbation de l’ordre du jour 3. Adoption of Minutes from 2011 | Approbation de procès-verbal de 2011 4. President’s Report | Rapport du président 5. Treasurer’s Report and Nomination of Auditor | Rapport de la trésorière

    et désignation de vérificateur 6. Proposed By Law Changes 7. Publications Committee | Comité sur les publications

    8. Awards | Prix

    a. Geis Award | Prix Geis b. Masters Award c. Sheffield Award | Prix Sheffield d. DistinguishedMemberAwards | Prix de membre émérite

    9. Affinity Groups reports 10. Conference 2012 | Congrès 2012 11. Conference 2013 | Congrès 2013 12. NominatingCommittee | Comité de mise en candidature 13. Election of the 2013 NominatingCommittee 14. Other business | Autres affaires 15. Adjournment | Ajournement

    Alan Davis Alan Davis Alan Davis Kathleen Matheos Alan Davis Walter Archer, and Lesley Andres Michelle Pidgeon Walter Archer Lesley Andres Alan Davis Davis/Archer Dianne Conrad Dianne Conrad Alan Davis

  • The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education

    La société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur

    2011 Annual General Meeting |

    Assemblée générale annuelle


    _________________________________________ 31 May 2011 | Le 31 mai 2011 University of New Brunswick 11:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 103 Wu Centre (The Chancellors 11 h 30 à 15 h Room) AGENDA

    16. Call to Order | Ouverture 17. Adoption of Agenda 2011 | Approbation de l’ordre du jour 18. Adoption of Minutes from 2010 | Approbation de procès-verbal de

    2010 19. Presidents Report | Rapport du président 20. Treasurer Report and Nomination of Auditor | Rapport de la trésorière

    et désignation de vérificateur 21. Publications Committee | Comité sur les publications 22. Awards Committee | Comité des prix

    e. Geis Award | Prix Geis f. Sheffield Award | Prix Sheffield g. DistinguishedmemberAward | Prix de membre émérite

    23. Conference 2011 | Congrès 2011 24. Conference 2012 | Congrès 2012 25. NominatingCommittee | Comité de mise en candidature 26. Other business | Autres affaires 27. Adjournment | Ajournement

    Alan Davis Alan Davis Alan Davis Alan Davis Carol Miles Walter Archer Keith Archer Lesley Andres Keith Archer Carol Miles Alan Davis Keith Archer


    1. Call to Order | Ouverture (A. Davis)

    Alan called the meeting to order at 12:25pm (25 needed for quorm):

    2. Adoption of Agenda 2011 | Approbation de l’ordre du jour (A. Davis) Move: Lesley Andres Seconded: J. J. Carried

    3. Adoption of Minutes from 2010 | Approbation de procès-verbal de 2010 Move: C. Miles

  • Seconded: K. Archer Carried

    4. Presidents Report | Rapport du président (A. Davis) Alan submitted a written report (see attached). He thanked Tim Howard for his continued work with the society. Alan discussed the visioning process of the society, along with membership (e.g., affinity groups), and approval of interm guidelines for affinity groups that occurred at the Board meeting on May 30 (see attached). He also presented overview of fall conferences, bylaw review, and other work (e.g., advocacy).

    5. Treasurer Report and Nomination of Auditor | Rapport de la trésorière et désignation de vérificateur(T. Howard; C. Miles)

    There were no outstanding issues in the budgets and financialstatementsprepared for 2007, 2008, and 2009. Copies of reports are available for members. Motion : To approve and recieveauditor reports for 2007, 2008, and 2009 receivedfrom K. McDuff.

    Move: C. Miles Seconded: K. Archer Carried

    Motion : To maintainauditor services of McKay Duff for 2011-05-31 Move : L. Andres Seconded : M. Pidgeon Carried An overview of the budget presented, Alan highlighting profits fromAutumn 2010 conference, reduction in costs of CJHE, and projections for Autumn 2011 conferences. Motion : To approve 2012 Budget Move : C. Miles Seconded : M. Pidgeon Carried 6. Publications Committee | Comité sur les publications (W. Archer) Walter submitted a written report, providing an overview of the responsibilities of the committee and membership. He provided an updated on the CJHE, highlighting the upcoming SSHRC application for the journal, Professional File, and Website, thanking Janine and Tim for their work and dedication to the report. Items the committee are working on are: 1) copyright policy statement; 2) sponsorship; and 3) French side of the website. Lesley Andres presented a written report for the CJHE, highlighting the success of the journal via the OJS system. In addition the CJHE celebrated the 40th anniversary of the journal. Three special issues of the journal were done over the last three years of her

  • tenure. Lesley acknowledged the support of the UBC library, who have scanned all back issues of the journal at no charge, these articles will be posted online. Lesley also thanked Sharon Hu for her ongoing support and dedication.

    7. Awards Committee | Comité des prix (K. Archer/L. Andres)

    Geis Award | Prix Geis: Glen Jones Sheffield Award | Prix Sheffield: Mia DistinguishedmemberAward | Prix de membre émérite : Michael Skolnik

    8. Conference 2011 | Congrès 2011 (A. Davis/C. Miles)

    77 pre-registration and 10 registered at the site. Therefore, we are very happy with the CSSHE 2011 turnout. Alan thanked Carol and Dragna and their team at the University of Carleton for their work on putting together a stellar program and Amanda Benjamin for being a fantastic local coordinator. 9. Conference 2012 | Congrès 2012(A. Davis)

    University of Waterloo withour program coordinator, Diane Conrad and local coordinator, XXXX. 11. NominatingCommittee | Comité de mise en candidature (A. Davis/K. Archer)

    Alan provided an overview of the Board member. Keith spoke to the nominations committee process, he indicated that current board members will be asked if they will be willing to stand on the committee, and if positions required, a nomination process and elections will take place. The call for nominations will occur in the Fall 2011. Keith also spoke of the length of term and the review of by-laws, and that will be reviewed and discussed by the Board and will be reviewed at the 2012 AGM. Keith announced that his service will end at this AGM, as he has taken a new position outside the academy as the new Chief Electoral officer for British Columbia. 12. Other business | Autres affaires

    None discussed 13. Adjournment | Ajournement The meeting was adjourned at: 12:05 Motion: Walter Carried

  • CSSHE President’s Report for the Board and AGM, May, 2012 CSSHE Board This year has seen some mid-year changes to the Board, with the resignations of Keith Archer (past president), Carol Miles (treasurer) and Janine Joengbled (member at large: graduate student) all of whom had significant changes in work or location. I am grateful to the following for stepping in a short notice: Kathleen Matheos (treasurer), Michelle Nilsson (member at large) and Alexandre Beaupre (member at large: graduate student). In the absence of a past president, I undertook the liaison with the Nominations Committee, chaired by Esther Enns. A full slate of nominees for the 2012/13 Board has been recommended by this committee, which has also recommended to the Board the recognition of 2 distinguished members. Lesley Andres will report on CJHE, and I grateful to her for continuing the editorship and working on a succession plan for the next editor. Meetings The society sponsored or co-sponsored 2 fall meeting sin 2011: one on International Education at SFU in Vancouver, and one with COHERE on Blended Learning at the University of Guelph. We are in the process of collecting responses to a survey for ideas for future fall meetings. This year’s annual meeting at Waterloo/Laurier has been developed in collaboration with CSSE and CASAE: a fairly loose collaboration to see if synergies among the 3 societies might be mutually beneficial in the future. I am pleased that we have already identified the program and local coordinators for our 2013 meeting in Victoria: Dianne Conrad as program chair and Darlene Clover for local arrangements. We have undertaken some advocacy with respect to Library and Archives Canada, taking the lead from CAUT. The Board has spent time at its meetings to consider the longer term vision for CSSHE: the key issue being the level of membership, which has dwindled from about 3 or 400 to about 100. This vision is updated after every Board meeting and filed with the minutes. The executive of CSSHE has met every month by teleconference, and is also open to Board members. I am grateful to the executive group, especially Walter Archer, Michele Pidgeon for their ongoing support, and to Tim Howard for his excellent work. Respectfully submitted, Alan Davis

  • To: AGM From: Alan Davis, President Re: Notice of motion regarding bylaw changes: the Vice President and Past President terms; changing the Secretary-Treasurer role into separate Secretary and Treasurer roles. Date: May 9

    th, 2012

    The following proposed changes to the CSSHE Bylaws will be moved at the society’s AGM on May 28

    th, 2012 at

    Wilfred Laurier University, Ontario Process for change in the bylaws:

    1) The CSSHE board of directors reviewed these changes to the bylaws and recommended that they be sent to the membership for approval (February 28

    th, 2012)

    2) The membership is asked to approve of the changes at the AGM, which will happen if 66% (2/3) of the members present (must be a quorum (25 members = quorum)) vote in the affirmative.

    Article 21a Current text All officers of the corporation shall be elected by such means of balloting including mail, fax and electronic balloting as is determined appropriate from time to time by the board of directors for the following terms: (a) two-year term for President, Vice-President and Past-President, with the Vice-President automatically to become the President and the President to automatically become the Past-President; Proposed text All officers of the corporation shall be elected by such means of balloting including mail, fax and electronic balloting as is determined appropriate from time to time by the board of directors for the following terms: (a) two-year term for President, one-year term for Vice-President and one-year term for Past-President, with the Vice-President automatically to become the President and the President to automatically become the Past-President; Article 21 b Current text All officers of the corporation shall be elected by such means of balloting including mail, fax and electronic balloting as is determined appropriate from time to time by the board of directors for the following terms: (b) three-year term for the Secretary-Treasurer. Proposed text All officers of the corporation shall be elected by such means of balloting including mail, fax and electronic balloting as is determined appropriate from time to time by the board of directors for the following terms: (b) three-year term for the Secretary, and three-year term for the Treasurer.


    The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of officers to serve on the Board of the CSSHE for 2012-2013: President Walter Archer Past President Alan Davis Treasurer Kathleen Matheos (3 years) Secretary Michelle Nilson Levisohn (3 years) Directors Lesley Andres (1 year) CJHE Editor

    Deb Bartlette (2 years) - College Anne Charles (2 years) Dianne Conrad (1 year) 2013 Conference Chair Rhonda Friesen (2 years)

    Cheryl Jeffs (2 years) Alexander Lavallée-Beaupré (2 years) (graduate Student) Peggy Patterson (2 years)

    Respectfully submitted by 2012 Nominating Committee: Esther E. Enns (Chair); Janette Barrington; Michael Owen; Lori Wallace

  • The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education

    La société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur

    Publications Committee Report

    May, 2012

    _________________________________________ Ex officio members:

    Lesley Andres, Editor of CJHE Valerie Lopes, Editor of the Professional File Kathleen Matheos, Managing Editor of CJHE

    Members at large: Walter Archer (chair) Cindy Ives Andrea Rounce

    The committee has met once by teleconference over the past year, supplemented by email communication, to carry out its assigned function, which is “to give direction and supervision to the printed and electronic publication activities of the Society.” CJHE A three year SSHRC grant in support of publication of the CJHE was received. It was decided that the editorial team would remain in place for an additional two years, including a transition period to the new team. The transition to the new OJS system is being completed with the mounting of back issues on the system. A copyright policy statement has been added. The agreement with ProQuest has been renewed for the CJHE and the Professional File. A full report on the CJHE is being submitted separately by Lesley Andres, Editor. Professional File The Editor of the Professional File, Valerie Lopes, sent a call for submissions to the CSSHE listserv but has not received any. This continues the trend of a declining number of submissions in recent years. Given that the Professional File was created in an era of all-print publications, there is an apparent need to reconsider its function and nature. This will be placed on the agenda of the Board for the May, 2012 and perhaps subsequent meetings. Website The process of fine tuning the new website continued over the past year. Thanks largely to the efforts of Tim Howard, the French side of the website, in particular, has been vastly improved. Outstanding items Sponsorship issues related to CJHE Should CJHE join the new CALJ Consortium of Academic Journals? Addition of interactive features to the website, particularly for affinity groups

  • 1

    Report for the May 27, 2012 Meeting of the CSSHE

    Canadian Journal of Higher Education

    Submitted by Lesley Andres, Editor

    1. Publication Schedule

    We have a queue of journal issues waiting to be published. The next issue to be published is Volume 42(2), a special issue entitled The Next 100 Years of Liberal Arts: Confronting the Challenges, guest edited by John Coates (St. Thomas University). We have begun adding an extra article (from 5 to 6) to each issue which has the potential to increase our SSHRC funding by $2400/year, assuming the same funding arrangements. A special issue on Blended and Online Higher Education: Teaching and Learning in a Wired World, guest edited by Martha Cleveland-Innes and Heather Kanuka, is planned for 2013. 2. Directions for the CJHE (2012) a. OJS Progress (1) We have hired a student to help with uploading the back issues of the journal. We plan to have all back issues uploaded by the end of the year. Approval to pay the student $3000 from the SSHRC transition funds was received from Walter Archer and Tim Howard. (2) I propose that we adopt the Creative Commons License Deed – Attribution-Non-Commercia-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) for the Journal that allows sharing, and requires that the work is attributed to the CJHE/CSSHE, it cannot be use for commercial purposes, and the work cannot be altered, transformed, or built on (attached and at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/). The copyright is retained by the author. b. Editorship The editorial board has changed considerably over the past year. New associate editors include Jake Murdoch, Michelle Weber, and Maria Adamuti-Trache. Jake Murdoch would be pleased to take over the editorship in June 2013. He is bilingual in English and French and wishes to make an effort to encourage the Francophone community to publish in the CJHE. He would be an asset in terms of future SSHRC funding. Since he is currently an associate editor, I propose that he should be appointed as incoming Editor and that I will work with him closely to ensure a smooth transition. Also, I propose that I continue as Editor-in-Chief until

  • 2

    June 2014 to work on some of the “bigger picture” items that, to date, I have been unable to take on. 3. Marketing of the Journal Consistent with earlier reports, there is no systematic marketing strategy in place for the CJHE. It continues to be beyond the current resources of the CJHE editorial team to market the journal. Marketing would be one of the “bigger picture” items that I would work on between June 2013 and 2014. Respectfully, Lesley Andres May 27, 2012

  • Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States - CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 12-05-25 5:06 PM

    Creative Commons

    Creative Commons License Deed

    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

    This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license).Disclaimer

    You are free:

    ® to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the workUnder the following conditions:

    (!) Attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the• I. author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse youor your use of the work).@ Noncommercial - You may not use this work for commercial purposes.~ No Derivative Works - You may not alter, transform, or build upon this~work.

    With the understanding that:

    Waiver - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you getpermission from the copyright holder.

    Public Domain - Where the work or any of its elements is in the publicdomain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by thelicense.

    Other Rights - In no way are any of the following rights affected by thelicense:

    o Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyrightexceptions and limitations;

    o The author's moral rights;o Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how thework is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

    • Notice - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.

    http:// creativecommons.org / lice nses/ by-nc-nd / 3.0/ us/ Page 1 of 2

  • CJHE submission As of May 17, 2011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    1. Waiting for Editor's initial review

    2. Waiting for reviewer assignment 7

    3. Waiting for 3 reviewer comments

    4. Waiting for 2 reviewer comments 1 2

    5. Waiting for 1 reviewer comments 5 4

    6. Waiting for author's revisions (Accepted)

    7. Waiting for author's revisions (Major Revision) 8 1

    8. Waiting for editor's decision (all 3 reviews back) 6

    9. Waiting for editor's proofs 5 2

    10. MS in layout process 1

    11. MS rejected - after review 21 14 18 17 7

    11. MS rejected - without review 12 2 6 6 10 2

    12. MS declared dead (author declines to resubmit) 5 3 5

    13. MS declared dead (past RS deadline) 3

    14. MS published 14 12 15 10

    15. French MS received - waiting for author's revision 3 3

    15. French MS received - waiting for reviewers comments

    16. Re-review - wait for 3 reviewers comments

    17. Still need 1 more reviewer (2 confirmed reviewers) 2 2

    18. Still need 2 more reviewer (1 confirmed reviewer)

    19. Still need 3 more reviewers (0 confirmed reviewer)

    20. MS conditionally accepted - in queue for publication

    21. Waiting for 3 re-review

    22. Waiting for 2 re-review

    23. Waiting for 1 re-review

    24. Waiting for editor's decision (revised MS) 1 2

    Total 55 31 44 42 47 18

  • AWARDS 2012 | PRIX 2012

    Sheffield Award | Prix Sheffield

    This award honours the lifetime work of Edward F. Sheffield by

    recognizing the author judged to be the most excellent in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education.

    Presented to Rozzet Jurdi, Sam Hage and Henry P.H. Chow

    Volume XLI-3 (2011)


    Créé à la mémoire d’Edward F. Sheffield, ce prix qui rend hommage au meilleur auteur de La Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur.

    Décerné à Rozzet Jurdi, Sam Hage et Henry P.H. Chow Volume XLI-3 (2011)


    Geis Award | Prix Geis

    George L. Geis Dissertation of the Year Award for the most outstanding

    Doctoral Dissertation in Higher Education.

    Presented to Catherine Larouche (Université Laval)


    Prix George-L.-Geis pour la thèse de doctorat le plus remarquable

    cette année dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur.

    Décerné à Catherine Larouche (Université Laval)


    Distinguished Member Award | Prix pour un membre émérite

    This award is presented for outstanding service to the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education and to the profession in


    Presented to Dr. Paul Anisef

  • ********************************************************

    Ce prix est pour services éminents rendus à la Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'enseignement supérieur et à la profession


    Décerné au Pr Paul Anisef


    Distinguished Member Award | Prix pour un membre émérite

    This award is presented for outstanding service to the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education and to the profession in


    Presented to Dr. James Turk


    Ce prix est pour services éminents rendus à la Société canadienne

    pour l'étude de l'enseignement supérieur et à la profession enseignante.

    Décerné au Pr James Turk


    Master’s Award | Prix de maîtrise

    CSSHE Award for the most outstanding Master Thesis or Project in Higher Education.

    Presented to Isabelle Skakni (Université Laval)


    Prix de la SCÉES pour la thèse ou le projet de maîtrise le plus

    remarquable dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur.

    Décerné à Isabelle Skakni (Université Laval)


  • CSSHE Award for the most outstanding Master Thesis or Project in Higher Education.

    Presented to Rhonda Friesen (University of Manitoba)


    Prix de la SCÉES pour la thèse ou le projet de maîtrise le plus

    remarquable dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur.

    Décerné à Rhonda Friesen (University of Manitoba)



    2013 Budget 2012 Forecast 2012 Budget 2011 Actual 2010 Actual 2009 Actual

    Revenues / Revenus

    Memberships - Regular / Cotisations - Titulaire 18,000.00$ 18,000.00$ 22,000.00$ 16,341.00$ 17,259.00$ 20,340.00$

    Conference - Registration & Other / Congrès - Inscription et autre 12,000.00$ 12,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 9,860.00$ 14,100.00$ 11,260.00$

    Conference - Travel - Grant / Congrès - Voyage - Subvention 9,555.00$ 9,555.00$ 9,555.00$ 5,997.86$ 6,348.06$ 2,241.06$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 21,555.00$ 21,555.00$ 20,555.00$ 15,857.86$ 20,448.06$ 13,501.06$

    CJHE - Grant - SSHRC / RCES - Subvention - CRSH 22,550.00$ 22,550.00$ 13,500.00$ 18,500.00$ 18,500.00$ 18,500.00$

    CJHE - Subscriptions & Royalties / RCES - Abonnements et redevances 1,100.00$ 1,100.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,130.10$ 1,431.93$ 9,254.07$

    Professional File -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 115.84$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 23,650.00$ 23,650.00$ 15,000.00$ 19,630.10$ 19,931.93$ 27,869.91$

    Autumn conference - Registration / Congrès d'automne - Inscription -$ -$ -$ 10,600.00$ 11,150.00$ 32,440.00$

    Autumn conference - CSSHE share / Congrès d'automne - partie SCÉES 6,200.00$ 5,200.00$ 5,200.00$ 5,067.84$ -$ -$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 6,200.00$ 5,200.00$ 5,200.00$ 15,667.84$ 11,150.00$ 32,440.00$

    Other - Charity / Autre - Dons de charité 50.00$ 50.00$ 50.00$ 50.00$ 35.00$ 390.00$

    Other - Interest & Exchange / Autre - Intérêt et échange -$ -$ 50.00$ -$ 344.61$ 1,926.12-$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 50.00$ 50.00$ 100.00$ 50.00$ 379.61$ 1,536.12-$

    TOTAL 69,455.00$ 68,455.00$ 62,855.00$ 67,546.80$ 69,168.60$ 92,614.85$

    Expenses / Dépenses

    Conference - Expenses / Congrès - Dépenses 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 2,832.94$ 4,952.90$ 8,803.38$

    Conference - Travel - Grant / Congrès - Voyage - Subvention 9,555.00$ 9,555.00$ 9,555.00$ 5,997.86$ 6,348.06$ 2,241.06$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 17,555.00$ 17,555.00$ 17,555.00$ 8,830.80$ 11,300.96$ 11,044.44$

    CJHE - Expenses / RCES - Dépenses 22,550.00$ 22,550.00$ 13,500.00$ 15,403.91$ 15,796.67$ 40,926.58$

    Publications - Professional File / Publications - Professional File -$ -$ -$ 41.58$ -$ -$

    Publications - Web site / Publications - Site Web 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,818.72$ 2,556.37$ 66.37$

    Publications - Pub Committee / Publications - Comité sur les publications -$ -$ -$ 53.28$ -$ -$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,913.58$ 2,556.37$ 66.37$

    Admin - Secretariat Fee / Admin - Services de secrétariat 11,430.00$ 10,394.00$ 10,394.00$ 10,394.00$ 10,322.00$ 10,262.50$

    Admin - Translation / Admin - Traduction 500.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ 415.76$ 166.29$ 25.63$

    Admin - Bank Charges & Commissions / Admin - Frais bancaires 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,500.00$ 2,257.40$ 1,309.45$ 846.10$

    Admin - Telephone&Internet / Admin - Téléphone et Internet 100.00$ 100.00$ 100.00$ 8.17$ 3.93$ 5.56$

    Admin - Supplies & Duplicating / Admin - Four. de bureau & reprographie 200.00$ 250.00$ 250.00$ 180.07$ -$ -$

    Admin - Audit & Professional Fees / Admin - Frais professionnelles 4,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 5,028.26$ 7,239.95$ 10,022.52$

    Admin - Postage&Courier / Admin - Affranch. et messagerie 525.00$ 525.00$ 525.00$ 99.60$ 321.42$ 191.08$

    Admin - Insurance / Admin - Assurance 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 190.89$ -$ -$

    Admin - Miscellaneous / Admin - Divers 265.00$ 300.00$ 300.00$ -$ -$ 291.74$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 21,020.00$ 19,069.00$ 18,569.00$ 18,574.15$ 19,363.04$ 21,645.13$

    BoD - Tele-Meetings / CA - Télé-réunions 330.00$ 360.00$ 360.00$ 295.59$ 248.80$ 256.47$

    BoD - F2F Meetings / CA - Réunions f-à-f 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 2,927.43$ 3,094.08$ 2,399.39$

    BoD - Miscellaneous / CA - Divers 400.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ -$ -$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 3,730.00$ 3,860.00$ 3,860.00$ 3,223.02$ 3,342.88$ 2,655.86$

    Mmb - CFHSS / Adh - FCSH 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,880.26$ 2,410.20$ 2,574.39$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 1,880.26$ 2,410.20$ 2,574.39$

    Prizes / Prix - Geis 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,192.13$ 970.55$ 149.08$

    Prizes / Prix - Masters 150.00$ 150.00$ 150.00$ -$ 298.23$ -$

    Prizes / Prix - Sheffield 150.00$ 150.00$ 150.00$ 140.27$ 149.12$ 1,630.70$

    Prizes / Prix - Research 150.00$ 150.00$ 150.00$ -$ -$ 149.08$

    Prizes / Prix - Distinguished 150.00$ 150.00$ -$ 140.27$ -$ -$

    Prizes / Prix - General Exp. -$ -$ 50.00$ -$ -$ 51.25$

    Sub-total / Sous-total 1,600.00$ 1,600.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,472.67$ 1,417.90$ 1,980.11$

    Autumn conference - Expenses / Congrès d'automne - dépenses -$ -$ -$ 16,978.58$ 4,926.36$ 25,480.99$

    Sub-total / Sous-total -$ -$ -$ 16,978.58$ 4,926.36$ 25,480.99$

    TOTAL 69,455.00$ 67,634.00$ 57,984.00$ 68,276.97$ 61,114.38$ 106,373.87$

    Excess of revenue over expenses / Excédent du revenu sur les dépenses -$ 821.00$ 4,871.00$ 730.17-$ 8,054.22$ 13,759.02-$

    Surplus, beginning of year / Excédent au début de l'exercice 9,609.12$ 1,554.90$ 15,313.92$

    Surplus, end of the year / Excédent à la fin de l'exercice 8,878.95$ 9,609.12$ 1,554.90$

    Unrestricted Surplus / Surplus sans restriction -$1,696 -$2,107 -$11,383

    Restricted Surplus / Surplus à restrictions $10,573 $11,715 $12,936

    $8,877 $9,608 $1,553

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