2012 industry trends

21 Years 1991-2012

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21 Years



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John Moran John Moran I I President/FounderPresident/Founder

Marketing ProfessionalsMarketing Professionals Producers Producers II Operations Operations II Sales Sales II Designers Designers II Copywriters Copywriters

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

Our Integrated Marketing Services:

• Corporate Events & Event TechnologiesCorporate Events & Event Technologies• Video/Film Production & Web TVVideo/Film Production & Web TV• Online + Interactive MediaOnline + Interactive Media

Including Web Design, Social, MobileIncluding Web Design, Social, Mobile• Graphic Design + Printing Graphic Design + Printing • Promotional Products + Custom ApparelPromotional Products + Custom Apparel• Market Intelligence + Strategic AnalysisMarket Intelligence + Strategic Analysis

Our Integrated Marketing Services:

• Corporate Events & Event TechnologiesCorporate Events & Event Technologies• Video/Film Production & Web TVVideo/Film Production & Web TV• Online + Interactive MediaOnline + Interactive Media

Including Web Design, Social, MobileIncluding Web Design, Social, Mobile• Graphic Design + Printing Graphic Design + Printing • Promotional Products + Custom ApparelPromotional Products + Custom Apparel• Market Intelligence + Strategic AnalysisMarket Intelligence + Strategic Analysis

21st Anniversary 2012

creative solutions since 1991

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TeamTeamWhy Commission a Study?Why Commission a Study?

• • Because of the challenges facing senior-level executives today, many Because of the challenges facing senior-level executives today, many are interested in information that will help them survive and thriveare interested in information that will help them survive and thrive

• • Blue & Promotions relies heavily on companies like yours for our Blue & Promotions relies heavily on companies like yours for our buWave Marketing siness - so we want to help in any way we canbuWave Marketing siness - so we want to help in any way we can

• • We partnered with a research company to study the most significant We partnered with a research company to study the most significant challenges of marketers today and to identify solutions challenges of marketers today and to identify solutions

• • We are pleased to share this executive briefing with you!We are pleased to share this executive briefing with you!

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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Goals and Priorities to be Achieved

• Lead Generation• Client Retention• Market Share Growth• Investor Communications• Competitor Differentiation• Brand Awareness• Revenue Growth• Marketing Outsourcing

Top Challenges in Marketing Today

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The 5 Most Critical Marketing Trends Facing Companies Today

• Social Media Strategies for Business

• Explosion of Online Video

• Impact of Mobile Marketing

• Power of Promotional Marketing

• Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

Top Challenges in Marketing Today

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Top Challenges in Marketing Today

According to Justin Kirby and Paul Marsden authors of Connected


• 90% of people, who are able to skip TV ads, do skip TV ads.

• 65% of people believe they are constantly bombarded with too much advertising.

• 56% of people avoid buying from companies that they feel advertise too much.

• Of the 91% of consumers who opt out or unsubscribe to emails, 46% are driven to

brand defection because the messages are simply not relevant (2009 poll from CMO

Council and InfoPrint Solutions Company).

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Top Challenges in Marketing Today

Online social network users were three times more likely to trust their

peers' opinions over advertising when making purchase decisions.

("Social Networking Sites: Defining Advertising Opportunities in a

Competitive Landscape," JupiterResearch)

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The Growth of Facebook

• Facebook replaced Google™ as the most trafficked website

• Currently, Facebook has over 845 million users

• 81% of online marketers use social media such as Facebook for increased exposure of their businesses

• 62% of business people credit Facebook for increased traffic and business and 85% of small businesses claim to reap direct benefit from social media

• 81% of business executives state that social media marketing boosts their bottom line results and enhances their brand and business relationships (“Facebook for Business Facts and Statistics”, AFFILIATEX)

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Businesses’ Use of Social Media

• 2 out of 3 social media users believes Twitter influences purchases

• Online ad spend surpassed print for the first time in 2012 e-marketer

• 38% of CEO’s label social media as high priority, and 57% plan to hike their social media spend in 2012

• 50% of people now follow brands on Twitter

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Social Media and Average Time Spent

• The top advantage of social media is generating exposure for the business, indicated by 85% of all marketers, followed by increasing traffic (63%) and building new business partnerships (56%)

• People spend 700 billion minutes on Facebook

• 56% of marketers are using social media for 6 hours or more each week and 30% for 11 or more hours weekly

• Social networking accounts for 19% of all time spent online, a major difference from a mere 6% in 2007

Time invested in social media depending on business type


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The Benefits of Social Media

• 73% of marketers indicated a rise in search engine rankings as a benefit of social media marketing

• 72% of marketers who have been using social media for more than 3 years report that it had helped them close business

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The Benefits of Social Media

• 78 % of business saw an increase in website traffic

• 45% 0f people who invested in 12 months or less in social media report new partnerships were gained

• B2B companies also succeeded with brand monitoring, as well as with using Twitter invites for in-person events (the least common tactic of all).- www.emarketer.com

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Explosion of Online Video

• 182 million viewer watched online videos in the US in September 2010, with over 5 Billion videos watched (comScore, Inc)

• E-mail Click-throughs improved 3 - 4 X when video included (Wistia)

• Viewers 4 - 7X more likely to respond to dynamic audio-visual content than static text and graphics (Google & Double-Click)

• More Engagement - viewers spend substantially more time on website when videos engaged

• Video ads accounted for 14.1% of all videos viewed, and 1.2% of all videos viewed online.

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Explosion of Online Video

•With proper optimization, video increases the chance of a front-page Google result by 53x. (Forrester, 2010)

•181 million Americans watched 40 billion videos in January 2012. The • average viewer watched 22.6 hours.

• E-commerce sites that use product videos sell up to 45% more

• Zappos reports a 6 to 30 percent increase in sales for products with video

• Consumer video usage on retail and brand sites hit record numbers during the 2011 Holiday season.

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Explosion of Online Video

• A Digiday survey found that 57% of marketing respondents plan to increase video advertising in 2012.

• 105.1 million Americans watch video online each day, up 43% from 73.7 million in 2010

• The average video view length is up from 5 minutes to 5.8 minutes, showing an increasing willingness to watch longer form content

• By 2014, that figure is forecast to rise to 77% of Internet users, (193.1 million people). In the same period, online video advertising spending will surge from $1.4 billion to $5.2 billion

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Facts about YouTube

• YouTube generates 4 Billion views a day• As of July 2011 YouTube is the 2nd most visited website• It is localized in 23 countries, across 24 different languages • On average, people spend 15 minutes on YouTube each day• There are 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute• There are 45 Million home page impressions every day in the

US alone • It would take 1,700 years to watch the hundreds of millions of

videos on YouTube (Jason Kincaid, TechCrunch)

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Explosion of Online Video

• 67% of Internet usage is Video Based! 

• Almost 70% of internet users go online to watch videos

• Over 37 million people watched the VW Darth Vadar Super Bowl Ad on YouTube

• The average U.S. Internet user watches 239 videos per month.

• (Sources: http://rbeale.com/internet-marketing/why-b2b-marketers-should-consider-adding-video-content-on-youtube/, http://www.pewinternet.org/~/media//Files/Reports/2010/PIP-The-State-of-Online-Video.pdf, http://www.pixability.com/blog/bigger-you-think-surprising-statistics-about-online-video )

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Explosion of Online Video

Case Study: Colgate

• Utilized online video to launch Wisp a new mini

toothbrush aimed at young urban audience.

• Colgate reported 6 million + engagements with the

Wisp campaign

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Explosion of Online Video

Case Study: CISCO

• Cisco: By 2013 video will be 90% of all consumer IP traffic

and 64% of mobile.

• Their campaign built momentum among its target audience

and resulted in a positive reception to the launch of the ASR-

9000 product website, which also makes heavy use of video

elements (http://www.cisco.com/go/getready). 

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Mobile Marketing

• US mobile and ad spending is set for dramatic growth (+50%), with eMarketer forecasting more than $2.6 billion in spending in 2012 (emarketer.com)

• 57% of businesses and 67% of agencies that took part in Econsultancy’s Marketing Budgets report for 2012 said that investing in mobile applications was their top priority for the next year

• In 2009, the U.S. market for local mobile advertising was worth $213 million. Various outlets are predicting that revenues will top $2 billion by 2014 (www.kelseygroup.com)

• 60% of large businesses surveyed were interested in mobile advertising

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Mobile Marketing and Smartphones

• By the end of 2012, there will be more smartphones than feature phones

• Mobile ad sales will enjoy growth of more than 20 cents of every online ad dollar spent next year


• Mobile advertising expenditures will continue to experience double-digit annual growth, hitting $5.04 billion by 2015 http://www.btobonline.com/article/20101104/FREE/101109955/study-u-s-mobile-ad-spending-to-hit-1-24-billion-in-2011#seenit

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Mobile Marketing and Apps

• Apps are key in the success of the mobile industry: The mobile app market will increase from $6.8 million in 2010 to $29.5 billion by 2013 (http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jsp)

• Next year’s budgets for mobile apps are poised to grow 58.7% over the course of the upcoming year, accelerating from 2010 growth of 45.1 percent, making apps the fastest growing category of mobile advertising (http://www.digidaydaily.com/stories/survey-apps-are-fastest-growing-category-of-mobile-advertising/)

• In 2009, the U.S. market for local mobile advertising was worth $213 million. Various outlets are predicting that revenues will top $2 billion by 2014 (http://www.kelseygroup.com/press/pr100928.asp)

• Mobile search and display ads are expected to pass messaging in 2012 (http://adage.com/digital/article?article_id=146553)

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Mobile SMS Case Study

• OBJECTIVE: Build database of customer's cell numbers for more effective and

timely communications and to send mobile promotions.

• PROGRAM: The Fuddruckers program includes corporate owned restaurants.

For this campaign, customers are prompted to enter to text win a prize. Once the

customer sends the text they receive a bounce back text prompting them to

complete their entry by texting their 5 digit zip code to 89800. This enables

Fuddruckers to create individual databases by their customers' zip codes allowing

numerous marketing possibilities. The program is promoted by means of signage

throughout the restaurants.

• RESULTS: In less than 5 weeks Fuddruckers had over 2,000 opt-in

customer cell numbers in their database.

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•A key study finding is that even in a slowly rebounding economy, event and experiential marketers are expecting their event and experiential marketing budgets to grow by 7.8% in 2012.

•A significant 95% of the respondents said that participating in a recent event made them more inclined to purchase the products being promoted.

•Brands that measure their event programs expect their budgets to increase by a significant 12.5% in 2012

Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

(Based on a recent FutureWatch 2009 survey conducted by Meeting Planners International (MPI) and American Express in January 2009)

Why Live Events?

• Face-to-face meetings are still considered to have highest ROI of all marketing tools

• Registration and joining instructions score 11% higher for live vs. virtual events

• Speaker feedback scores 9% higher for real life event than virtual

• Effective live events spark and engage all five senses for significantly better retention and impact, not possible with virtual events

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

In a world of: All Content…All the Time

How do you capture ATTENTION?

…and most importantly tell your story?

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

If you want their attention

First you need to WOW them

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

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Creating a WOW factor, is all about

exceeding the expectations of the


Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

The WOW factor is an emotional response

You know it when it happens

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

Very simply being “Creative” is

often doing the opposite of what

people expect

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Corporate Events: Creating the “Wow” Factor

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The Case for Promotional Marketing

• Nearly 83% of consumers recognized the brand of the promotional product they owned. Compared to print and other forms of TV ads, which only demand a 53% recall rate, brand recall for promotional products is greatly more significant than other forms of media

• Promotional product industry’s revenue is up to $16.56 billion from $15.64 billion (Promotional Product Association International)

• 48% of people want to receive more promotional products (Promotional Product Association International)

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The Case for Promotional Marketing

• 74% of people keep promotional products in their workspace (Promotional Product Association International)

• 76.3% of attendees had a favorable attitude towards the company that gave them the product (Promotional Product Association International)

• 58% of people keep promotional from one to five years (Promotional Product Association International)

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The Case for Promotional Marketing

•91% of people keep promotional products in their kitchen (Promotional Product Association International)

•The inclusion of a promotional product to a mail promotion increased the response rate by 50% (Promotional Product Association International)

•40% of salespeople who used gifts commented of how well the gifts were received by their customers. (Promotional Product Association International)

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Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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In business since 1991, BLUE WAVE began as both a surf apparel & action sports film brand, and a creative marketing solutions company

We deliver creative, high-impact solutions for many of world’s top brands since the company’s inception

Like extreme action-sports athletes test the limits of their minds, bodies and spirits - as well as the very rules of the game BLUE WAVE takes an extreme approach to marketing

Blue Wave dives in to deliver exceptional marketing strategies to produce EPIC RESULTS

In business since 1991, BLUE WAVE began as both a surf apparel & action sports film brand, and a creative marketing solutions company

We deliver creative, high-impact solutions for many of world’s top brands since the company’s inception

Like extreme action-sports athletes test the limits of their minds, bodies and spirits - as well as the very rules of the game BLUE WAVE takes an extreme approach to marketing

Blue Wave dives in to deliver exceptional marketing strategies to produce EPIC RESULTS

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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Our Clients

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• Wave KNOWLEDGEwe work to understand your message, market, audience and the latest media trends & ROI

• Wave CREATIVEwe deliver cool creative that really works

• Wave PERFECTION we’re expert media & product producers

• Wave INTEGRATIONwe seamlessly integrate our services to deliver

powerful multi-channel solutions & epic results

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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Our Integrated Marketing Services:

• Corporate Events & Event TechnologiesCorporate Events & Event Technologies• Video/Film Production & Web TVVideo/Film Production & Web TV• Online + Interactive MediaOnline + Interactive Media

Including Web Design, Social, MobileIncluding Web Design, Social, Mobile• Graphic Design + Printing Graphic Design + Printing • Promotional Products + Custom ApparelPromotional Products + Custom Apparel• Market Intelligence + Strategic AnalysisMarket Intelligence + Strategic Analysis

Our Integrated Marketing Services:

• Corporate Events & Event TechnologiesCorporate Events & Event Technologies• Video/Film Production & Web TVVideo/Film Production & Web TV• Online + Interactive MediaOnline + Interactive Media

Including Web Design, Social, MobileIncluding Web Design, Social, Mobile• Graphic Design + Printing Graphic Design + Printing • Promotional Products + Custom ApparelPromotional Products + Custom Apparel• Market Intelligence + Strategic AnalysisMarket Intelligence + Strategic Analysis

Creative Solutions Since 1991

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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To Find Out More About Blue Wave, our services, and view examples of our work, tour our interactive website:


Read our Marketing Blog: blog.bluewavemarketing.comFollow us on Twitter: twitter.com/BlueWaveBuzzBecome a Fan on Facebook:www.facebook.com/bluewavemarketing

To Find Out More About Blue Wave, our services, and view examples of our work, tour our interactive website:


Read our Marketing Blog: blog.bluewavemarketing.comFollow us on Twitter: twitter.com/BlueWaveBuzzBecome a Fan on Facebook:www.facebook.com/bluewavemarketing

creative solutions since 1991

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

Page 45: 2012 Industry Trends


How can How can BLUE WAVE BLUE WAVE Help You? Help You?

Our Free Offer & Thank You:Our Free Offer & Thank You:

• Give us one or two of your greatest marketing Give us one or two of your greatest marketing challenges, and wechallenges, and we’’ll come back to you with our ll come back to you with our creative ideas and solutions - creative ideas and solutions - on us.on us.

How can How can BLUE WAVE BLUE WAVE Help You? Help You?

Our Free Offer & Thank You:Our Free Offer & Thank You:

• Give us one or two of your greatest marketing Give us one or two of your greatest marketing challenges, and wechallenges, and we’’ll come back to you with our ll come back to you with our creative ideas and solutions - creative ideas and solutions - on us.on us.

creative solutions since 1991

Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

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