2012 07 ciard introduction (ciem - cid viet nam)

presented by Franz Martin Knowledge and Capacity for Development [email protected] Introduction for the Central Institute for Economic Management CIEM / CID. Viet Nam. (02-07-2012) www.ciard. net information@ciar d.net Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development Photo Credit: United Nations

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Page 1: 2012 07 ciard introduction (CIEM - CID Viet Nam)

presented by Franz MartinKnowledge and Capacity for Development [email protected]

Introduction for the Central Institute for Economic Management CIEM / CID. Viet Nam. (02-07-2012)

[email protected]

Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research

for Development

Photo Credit: United Nations

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Knowledge Sharing in Agricultural Innovation

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Agricultural Research Outputs

Photo Credit: Oneworld.net

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Scientific Collaboration Map(2005-2009)

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Territory size shows proportion of scientific papers published in 2001 by authors living there. Copyright SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)

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Challenges in knowledge sharing inAgricultural innovation

Page 7: 2012 07 ciard introduction (CIEM - CID Viet Nam)

2nd IISAST Consultation

CIARD Initiative launched

(15 founding partners)

Regional Consultations

70 countries

1 st IISAST Consultation

Task Forces

CIARD endorsed - GCARD & FARA

100+ partners & CIARD-RING…

20092007 20082005

Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development

A new global movement to provide a platform for coherence between information-related initiatives

to make public domain agricultural research information and knowledge truly accessible to all

e-Consultation & Beijing Consultation

+ Regional Workshops

GCARD 2012


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Founding PartnersFounding Partners

More than 150 other organizations participating…More than 150 other organizations participating…

The MovementThe Movement


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“To make public domain agricultural research information and knowledge truly accessible to all”

• All organizations that create and possess public agricultural research information disseminate and share it more widely

• CIARD partners will (a) coordinate their efforts, (b) promote common formats, (c) adopt open systems

• Create a global network of public collections of information

The Vision and Manifesto

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Virtual Fair


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Other scientists will publish our results if we share them

CIARD support for overcomingthe Challenges in Research Communication

Our institution has no policy on communicating its outputs

We have no systems and tools for Internet dissemination

There are no staff with the skills in

digital technologies

We don’t have time to adapt our results into the what extensionists want


Page 12: 2012 07 ciard introduction (CIEM - CID Viet Nam)

[email protected]

Photo Credit: United Nations

Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development

Presentation under Creative Commons LicenseAttribution: Non-commercial, Non-Derivates 2.0. I