2011-2012 school agenda


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Page 1: 2011-2012 School Agenda


Welland Centennial

Secondary School

240 Thorold Road West

Welland, Ontario

L3C 3W2

Attendance (905) 735-6876

Fax (905) 735-8063


Principal: Ms. Paula MacKinnon

Vice-Principal: Mrs. Jane Kopp

Student Services : Mr. Sardella, Ms. Brennand,

Mr. Speck, Ms. Purdie

This agenda belongs to:






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Principal’s Message

Each September, students approach the new school year with confidence and pleasant

anticipation. There is an old saying that goes, “If I plan to learn, I must learn to plan.” One of

your goals must be to become the best student that you can be. This planner has been produced

to assist your success through careful planning and preparation. Have an outstanding Cougar

year and best of luck with your studies!

Table of Contents

School Information 1

Principal’s Message and Table of Contents 2

School and Personal Timetable 3

Expectations and Responsibilities 4

Dress Code 5

School Council 5

Student Council 6

School Dances 6

Specialized Programs and Sports/Clubs 6

Centennial Routines 7-8

Student Services 8-9

Library, Lockers, Elevator Keys and Lost Books 9

Awards 10

Goal Setting 10-11

Welland Centennial Sports and Co-curricular Eligibility 11-12

Communication Devices 12-13

Smoking Policy 13

Attendance Policy & Punctuality 13

Assessment and Evaluation 14-15

Vacationing Students, Buses 16

Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 16

Consequences of Misbehaviour 17

Peer Mediation 17

Detentions, Suspensions 17

Canine Unit Searches 18

School Map 19

Mental Wellness 20-21

Niagara Mental Health Programs & Services Directory 22-23

Important Dates for 2011-2012 Back Cover

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Welland Centennial Secondary School Timetable

Week 1 Schedule Week 2 Schedule

8:20 – 9:39 Period 1 8:20 – 9:39 Period 2

9:39 – 9:49 Break 9:39 – 9:49 Break

9:49 – 11:05 Period 2 9:49 – 11:05 Period 1

11:05 – 11:50 Lunch 11:05 – 11:50 Lunch

11:50 – 1:06 Period 3 11:50 – 1:06 Period 4

1:06 – 1:14 Break 1:06 – 1:14 Break

1:14 – 2:30 Period 4 1:14 – 2:30 Period 3

2:30 Dismissal 2:30 Dismissal

My Personal Timetable

Semester One

Period Subject Room Teacher





Semester Two

Period Subject Room Teacher





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Mission Statement It is the mission of Welland Centennial Secondary School to empower students to improve individual

performance, achieve personal goals, and become responsible citizens.

C’est la Mission de L’Ecole Secondaire Welland Centennial de se surpasser à inculquer aux élèves les

habiletés nécessaires pour améliorer leur performance individuelle, atteindre leurs buts personnels, et

devenir des citoyens responsables.

Expectations and Responsibilities for the Centennial Community

All Individuals Have the Right

to be respected as an individual

to take an active part in a worthwhile educational and academic program

to learn, teach and live in a safe and orderly environment

to be free from physical and verbal harassment

All Individual Rights Imply Responsibilities

Students are required to:

attend consistently

arrive on time for all classes

have all equipment needed for each class upon arrival

show respect for themselves, others and school property

Teachers are required to:

plan and conduct meaningful lessons

provide progress reports to parents/students

assist students to achieve academic goals

demand order, discipline and effort from students

model the qualities expected of a good student/citizen

School is a partnership between Students, Teachers and Parents. Let’s all co-operate to keep the partnership


Centennial’s Safe School Policy

These key qualities for respect underline the points that follow:

Respect for Self Respect for self is a key to my success in school. When I feel good and show respect for myself, school is

a great place.

Expectations include:

attending school

dressing appropriately for school

being free from the influence of alcohol and drugs

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Respect for Peers Respect for your peers is essential in school and in society at large. We must work together with all people

in our school.

Expectations include:

courtesy to other students

freedom from physical and/or verbal harassment for all students

Respect for Authority All adults in our school must be shown respect at all times. In society at large, people are expected to find

positive ways to deal with persons in authority.

Expectations include:

showing courtesy, consideration and respect to teachers, school administrators, office staff,

cafeteria staff, caretaking staff, bus drivers and any invited Centennial guests

Dress Code Expectations Head wear may not be worn in the school. Examples include hats, bandanas, and hoods. Why? So that

intruders to the school may be easily identified and in places of business hats are not worn.

Students are required to wear clean clothing appropriate for a secondary school. Examples of inappropriate

dress includes ripped jeans/clothing, cut-offs, tank-tops, beach-type halter tops, tube tops, any top exposed

in the midriff, T-shirts bearing racial, anti-religious, sexual or obscene messages, droopy pants that reveal

underwear and dangerous accessories such as large link chains or metal bracelets. Why? Student dress must

reflect the safe school policy and support the academic purpose of the school.

Appropriate gym attire is required in physical education.

Safety glasses must be worn in classes where machinery is in operation and in science laboratories when

chemical experiments are conducted. It may be required to fasten long hair out of the way in science and

technology classes.

Shoes are required at all times and appropriate shoes are required in technology areas.

Outdoor coats may only be worn in class at the discretion of the teacher.

School Council

The Welland Centennial School Council is a group of interested and concerned parents. The Council meets once a

month, on the third Monday of the month, to discuss activities at Centennial and important educational issues that

may affect our students.

The School Council is not a fundraising organization but it does assist various causes and activities at the school. As

members or observers of the Welland Centennial School Council, parents are able to keep in touch with what is

available to their children during their secondary school years. Whether it is school activities or events, curriculum,

staffing, or updates on provincial education policies that may affect their children, our parents find it worthwhile to

attend meetings and become informed.

The Council takes pride in promoting the image and importance of Welland Centennial, and is very excited to see

such a committed and enthusiastic group of parents and community partners dedicating their time to keep Centennial

such a great place for our students to learn.

Meetings are open to all parents/guardians of Centennial students. If you are interested in attending a meeting or

would like more information about the council, please call the school.

Feel welcome to join us!

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Students’ Council Students’ Council is a group of students elected to represent the school. These leaders arrange most school events,

including running of assemblies, lunch time activities, games, contests, dances and coffee houses. Their

responsibilities are many: making posters, presenting announcements, filling display cases, and interacting with the

student body. Students’ Council works hard to make the school year a success. Suggestions are always appreciated!

School spirit and participation is the only way to make Cougar Country the place to be!

Students’ Council Members 2011-12

Prime Minister – Nyle Collins

Deputy Prime Minister – Sophie Helpard

Executive Director – Rob Colonico

Executive Director – Sara Allison

Executive Director – Farzad Hemmati

Executive Director – Devin Lundy

Grade 12 Reps – Katrina Frausel, Brett Murray

Grade 11 Reps – Sydney McDowell, Mike Turmel

Grade 10 Reps – Cole Fast, Darcy Feagan, Tara Lundy, Calder White

Arts Reps – Zachary Voth, Jessica Wilson

Athletic Reps – Mitchell McNall, Craig Maltais

Tech. Reps – Emily VanderVeen, Bethany Heaton

Grade 9 Reps – to be elected in September

Staff Advisors – Mrs. Douglas, Mr. Code

School Dances/Coffee Houses These student events start at 7:00 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m. Students who leave the

building will not be readmitted. Students who wish to bring guests must get prior

approval from administration. Our code of behaviour and dress applies to all dances and

coffee houses.

Sports and Clubs “Get Into The Action At Cougar Country!” These are some of the sports and activities that we have traditionally offered at Welland Centennial Secondary

School. Listen to morning announcements to find out how to get involved.

















Centennial Music –

Concert Band,

Cat’s Band,

Vocal Ensemble

Chess Club

Cougars for Christ

Cougar Pride


Drama Club



Reach for the Top

Tech AV

Think Bowl


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Centennial Routines

If you are absent from school?

Parents must phone the school to inform us of your absence (905-735-6876). A message may be left

24 hours a day. If you are 18, you are responsible to notify us that you have a valid reason to be

excused from school.

If you are late for school?

Sign in at the office. As punctuality is important, frequent lateness will lead to disciplinary actions.

If you must be excused during the day?

Go to the Attendance Office before leaving the school. (A signed note from home or parental phone

call is required). If you return the same day, sign-in when you get back. Leaving school without

signing in or out is truancy.

If you are sent out of class by the teacher?

Report directly to the Office. You will be required to fill in a student discipline report. Failure to

report to the office is considered opposition to authority and can result in suspension from school.

If you feel too ill to stay in class?

You must ask your teacher to be excused and then report to the office. We will assist in making

appropriate arrangements for you.

If you have an accident?

In order to comply with insurance regulations, an accident report must be completed A.S.A.P. in the

Main Office.

If you require emergency medicines (e.g., Epi-pens) Students in need of prescribed emergency medicines must have them in their possession at all times.

You may be denied access to school, school activities and/or trips if you fail to do so. For emergency

reasons, it is strongly recommended that anaphalactics have an extra epi-pen stored in the main office.

We cannot give students Aspirin or Tylenol under any circumstances.

If you lose something of value? Check Lost and Found in the Caretaker’s Office. Inform the Principal or Vice-Principal of your loss.

Keep your locker combination number confidential. Note: The school is not responsible for lost or

stolen items. Do not bring valuables to school.

If you want a visitor to come to school?

A note from a parent and the approval of the Principal or Vice-Principal is required at least 48 hours

in advance. All visitors to the school must sign in at the office. Administration reserves the right to

limit or refuse visitors to the school.

Where can I drop off my child for school?

Please use the main entrance and drop off at the auditorium entrance. Students should NOT be

dropped off in the staff parking lot for safety reasons. Parents are asked to obey all signs and to park

only in the designated areas between the lines.

Where can I use the telephone?

There are pay phones in the front and back entrances of the school. The phone in the Guidance Office

is available only to students who have an emergency and need the phone. Phone calls should not be

made during class time. Students may not use cell phones in class.

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If you bring a car to school?

Students must park only in the student parking lot (front of school). A registration form must be

completed in the office. You will be given a pass, which is to be displayed in the windshield. If you

drive carelessly in our parking lot, parking privileges will be removed.

If a staff member asks you your name?

Students must immediately identify themselves to any teacher, secretary, custodian or administrator

upon request. Failure to do so is considered “opposition to authority”. This is a serious code of conduct


Why is the parking lot off -limits?

The safe school policy prohibits students from hanging around the parking lot for two very good

reasons. The reasons are to keep your person safe and to keep our parking lot free of vandalism.

Warnings will be given and parking privileges may be removed.

Now that I am eighteen, can I sign out for any reason? Eighteen-year-old students are considered to be adults and can sign out without parent permission. If

you sign out without a valid excuse, you could face consequences in your courses or with

Administration. Don’t abuse this privilege.

Can I bring my skateboard/roller blades to school?

Students are allowed to store their boards and skates in their lockers during the school day, however

they are NOT to be used any time during the school day on school property (including sidewalks and

parking lots).

Student Services Department at Centennial www.wellandcentennial.com

Click Departments: Guidance or Co-op

Student Services Counselling – Mr. D. Sardella, Mr. D. Speck, Mrs. V. Brennand, Ms. Purdie

For each student, through individual, small and large group sessions, our goals are to:

facilitate success in school by recognizing strengths and supporting weaknesses;

help identify interests, aptitudes, skills and explore diverse opportunities;

assist in planning/ attaining realistic educational and vocational goals;

assist in dealing with problems of personal or interpersonal natures.

Peer Tutoring Senior level students with a minimum of 75% in the related course may apply

to be a peer tutor to assist grade 9 and 10 students in their courses. The Leadership and Peer Support

(GPP301) course also develops seniors as classroom helpers or PALS.

Youth Counsellor, Mrs. L. Iannetti Book appointments with the Guidance Secretary.

Centennial’s youth counsellor, accessed through the Student Services Office, provides

discreet support for students with personal, emotional and family concerns.

Alcohol and Drug Counselling, Mrs. J. Baker (private bimonthly counseling by appointment through the Guidance Secretary.)

To access help with substance use and abuse ……and is a first step in the right direction!

Individual, group and parental counseling. Workshops deal with drug and alcohol issues.

Resource Support Counselling, Mrs. B. Kowal Room 115

Students who have been identified through formal Board evaluation processes may access

the support of a learning resource teacher (LRT) or a special education resource teacher (SERT). As often

as possible, this support will be provided within the regular classroom setting.

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Health Counselling, Mrs. W. Davies Appointments through the Guidance Secretary. The school

nurse provides personal counselling for specific health needs. Group presentations include nutrition,

lifestyle programs, education, communicable disease and immunization program, smoking

prevention/cessation, dental health, stress management and injury prevention.


Co-Op Education (& O.Y.A.P.)– A Centennial Pre-Employment Experience and

Pre-Apprenticeship! Mr. D. Colonico, Mr. R. Motola. Earn credits by combining on-the-job

experiences with in-school studies. Through OYAP, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, in-school

courses and on-site work are credited to apprenticeship hours. Co-op prepares students for the demands of

the work world while providing direction and developing self-confidence. The Co-op placement runs for a

half day in each semester.

The Library-Resource Centre

Provides students with learning resources such as books, periodicals, electronic databases and Internet

ready computers to assist them with independent research projects in every subject area.

Expects students to respect the right of other students to have a QUIET place to work and to use the

learning resources responsibly and return them on time to improve access for others.

Eating and drinking is PROHIBITED in the library at any time. Stealing library materials and equipment will be dealt with as theft and the range of consequences may

include suspension, restitution, banning from the library and/or computer usage and possible police



Lockers will be assigned, according to homeroom, on the first day of each semester. Students are not

permitted to share lockers.

Elevator Keys Students unable to use the stairs due to injury or special needs may obtain an elevator key from the Main

Office. Failure to return the key will result in payment of the replacement cost of the key.

Lost Books

Students are responsible for the full replacement cost of textbooks. Students will be billed for the cost of

missing or damaged books.

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Welland Centennial Achievement Awards

Academic Athletics Co-Curricular

Each course mark Basketball 15 Student Council Exec 20

90% 6 Cheerleading 15 Yearbook Editor 20

80% 5 Football 15 Student Council Rep. 15

70% 4 Volleyball 15 Concert/Cats Band 10

Peer Tutor 5 Pts./Yr. Rowing 15 Vocal Ensemble 10

Baseball 10 Drama Production 10

Soccer 10 A/V Club 10

Track & Field 10 Academic Contests 5

Swimming 10 Clubs 5

Badminton 5 Creative Challenges 5

Cross Country 5

Golf 5

Tennis 5

Softball 5

Team Manager 5

Scorers 5

Additional point sources

Zone qualifier 5

SOSSA qualifier 5

OFSSA qualifier 5

GOLD AWARD 300 points in a minimum of two areas

SILVER AWARD 250 points in a minimum of two areas

BRONZE AWARD 200 points in a minimum of two areas

Goal Setting

Can You See What You’re Aiming For? Goals Give You Direction.

Goals are like targets. You must have goals because it’s hard to reach a target if you

have never thought what that goal was.

Do people plan to fail?

No. The problem really is they fail to plan!

Describe where you are heading.

Write down 1 or 2 goals.

Explain why you want to reach these goals.

Identify the obstacles you have to overcome in order to reach your goal.

What do you need to know to reach your goals!

Identify the people you need to work with in order to get there.

Come up with a specific plan of action in order to get there.

Decide what date you will reach your goal.

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Goals can be related to:

Personal growth

Academic achievement

Friends and family

Career aspirations

Magnet Students

Centennial students in grade 11 and 12, in addition to selected grade 10’s, have the opportunity to take

specialized technical credits. These programs are called “magnet” programs, which allow our students to

expand their academic experiences.

These courses are offered at Port Colborne High and Eastdale Secondary School. Magnet students will

follow Centennial’s student expectations as well as abide by the expectations at the magnet schools.

Consequences will result if a student does not follow bus or school rules. Take advantage of our magnet

opportunities and it will be a positive experience for everyone!

Welland Centennial Sports and Co-curricular Eligibility Sports and Co-curricular activities are enriching opportunities offered to students at Welland

Centennial and will be available to students if they meet the eligibility requirements listed below:

In school, students are required to:

attend consistently and not have excessive absences

arrive on time for all classes

have all equipment needed for each class upon arrival

show respect for themselves, others and school property

hand in all assignments which are required by their teachers and these assignments need to be

complete and submitted by the due date specified by the teacher

take all tests, quizzes and exams on the date specified by the teacher

seek help and tutoring if they are experiencing difficulty

be passing all of their courses before the activity commences and to maintain passing grades

during the entire season / activity period

be a role model for other students in the building

be good citizens of the school

submit a completed medical form before they can participate

if you are a transfer student, you must submit an OFSAA transfer form and be approved to

participate by the SOSSA transfer committee before beginning league play.

On the playing field/court/stage/ice/during the activity:

students need to participate in a sportsman like and appropriate manner

students must show respect to all participants, the officials and to their coach, director or advisor

students must abide by the OFSAA directives related to good sportsmanship and fair play

students must attend each practice and each game/performance

if they are unable to attend a practice, game, rehearsal or performance they must inform their

coach, director or advisor in advance and in a timely manner

students must be physically able to participate and attend practices/games/performances as per

OFSAA directives or as per the expectations established by the director or advisor.

coaches/advisors/directors determine the final cast, participant list or roster; decide on the

appropriate playing position or part to be offered to a participant and determine the substitution

pattern and playing time in game and/or activity situations.

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Participation on a Welland Centennial Team or in a Welland Centennial Activity:

participation is an opportunity that students may pursue but no guarantees of playing time or

participation is provided to any participant.

the decisions of the coaches/advisors/director is final and must be accepted by the participants or

they will not be allowed to represent Welland Centennial.

Before establishing the final roster, cast or participant list:

Coaches, directors and staff advisors must post a list in the staff room by the teacher mailboxes and/or seek

input by memo from all staff members at Welland Centennial as per the academic eligibility of potential

team members, cast members or participants.

If a player or participant has been experiencing extended periods of poor academic performance, behaviour

and/or attendance they will be placed on academic probation and withdrawn from game participation,

activity participation or formal performances for a 30 day period. Students on academic probation may still

attend practice or rehearsals to maintain their conditioning or continuity but their success at school must

take priority during this 30 day period of withdrawal. During the 30 day period, students on academic

probation must attend each of their classes each day, submit all assignments and reports, take quizzes and

tests as per regular classroom procedures and seek extra assistance as required. If they exhibit consistent

progress for the 30 day period they will be reinstated to the active roster, activity list or cast list when the

coach, director or staff advisor determines that an appropriate opening exists on an active roster, activity

list or cast list.

Student athletes or activity participants who fall behind on school work in selected subjects, may be

withdrawn from participation for shorter periods of time (1 to 15 days) based upon consultation between

the student’s teacher and the coach, director or staff advisor, in order to give priority to their classroom

commitments. The participant will be reinstated to the active roster, activity list or cast list when the coach,

director or staff advisor determines that an appropriate opening exists on an active roster, activity list or

cast list.

If a student must be placed on probation for another 30 day period during the same semester due to

attendance issues or other academic issues, the student will be excluded from co-curricular activities for the

remainder of the semester.

If a student ends a school year on academic probation in June they will start the following school year on

academic probation for the month of September.

The principal will not sign an eligibility sheet which contains an academically ineligible player. New

eligibility sheets will be submitted if a player is declared ineligible for 30 days.

In order to participate in a game/show/competition, students must be in attendance for the entire day

on the day of the scheduled activity.

Personal Communication Devices It is the policy of the District School Board of Niagara that cellular telephones, pagers, and similar types of

communication devices owned and/or carried by students are to be turned off or silenced and are not to be

used in the school during the instructional day, which is from 8:20 am to 2:30 pm. This policy includes a

ban on such use in hallways, classrooms, auditorium and private areas such as locker rooms and bathrooms.

Personal Communication Devices may be used outside of classroom time only, outside of the building or in

the designated areas, which are inside of the double doors of an entrance and out of the hallways.

If a teacher catches a student using a personal communication device in the classroom during the

instructional day, the following progressive discipline will be followed:

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First incident: the teacher will instruct the student to place the device on the teacher’s desk and it

will be returned to the student by the teacher at the end of the period.

Second incident: the teacher will instruct the student to place the device on the teacher’s desk and

it will be returned to the student at the end of the instructional day.

Third incident: the teacher will instruct the student to place the device on the teacher’s desk and it

will be returned to the student by an administrator at the end of the instructional day.

Further incidents: could result in a meeting with parents, teacher and/or administrator.

Smoking Policy Consistent with the Tobacco Control Act (provincial law), our school policy prohibits smoking anywhere in

the school or on school property, by anyone, at any time. The policy applies to students, staff and anyone

using school property. Tobacco enforcement officers will ticket anyone smoking on school property.

Penalties include fines and court appearances Fines start at $305.00. The Zero Tolerance Policy is

designed to prevent smoking on school property. Smoking cessation programs are available in the school.

Being an Effective Learner at Centennial

Learners Participate actively and are self-motivated.

Learn independently but collaborate with teachers and fellow students.

Keep accurate and complete daily notes.

Take risks and are willing to struggle with new learning.

Accept responsibility for their own learning.

Attendance and Punctuality Research supports a strong correlation between attendance and academic success. Students who are

frequently absent from school miss lessons, assignments, group-activities and class discussions. To support

academic achievement, Centennial has the following attendance policy.

Our direct attendance line number is (905) 735-6876. Messages may be left 24 hours a day.

The Blazecast system calls home for any classes missed by students. Parents may contact our attendance

secretary, between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily regarding attendance concerns.

Attendance is taken every period. A call or note from a parent/guardian is required for all absences.

Students with unexcused absences are considered truant and subject to consequences. The first skip will

result in a detention. Further unauthorized absences could result in a range of consequences including

completion of a conduct package, in-school suspension and out of school suspension.

For students who continue to skip school, the following consequences will apply:

5 unexcused absences – parent/guardian contact

10 unexcused absences – student referred to administration

15 unexcused absences – parent conference to improve attendance

20 unexcused absences – parent and student referred to Attendance Review Committee to develop a plan

for improvement. Possible removal of the student from the course.

For students with punctuality problems, the following will apply:

10 lates – complete form in classroom

15 lates – 1 hour detention after school with teacher

20+ lates – sent home or in-school suspension one day.

Recognizing Excellent Attendance Centennial recognizes excellent attendance at the year end assembly and on a monthly basis. Students with

perfect attendance are entered into a draw at the end of each month and semester.

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Assessment and Evaluation for Grades 9-12:

A Summary for Students, Parents and Staff The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Teachers use

assessment to gather information about students’ strengths and needs as learners and to provide feedback

to improve student learning. Evaluation is used to judge how well students are meeting the curriculum

expectations. Marks are assigned during the evaluation process and these are included in a student’s report

card grade.

Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources –

observations, conferences, and student products. Student products could include tests or exams and/or

assignments for evaluation. Assignments for evaluation do not include ongoing homework that students

complete in order to consolidate their knowledge and skills or to prepare for the next class.

Determining a Report Card Grade Before making a decision about the grade to be entered on the report card, teachers will consider:

all evidence collected through observations, conversations, and student products;

equity for all students, by ensuring that test/exams and assignments for evaluation are completed

whenever possible, under the supervision of a teacher;

assignments for evaluation must not include ongoing homework that students do in order to

consolidate their knowledge and skills or to prepare for the next class;

assignments for evaluation may involve group projects as long as each student’s work within the

group project is evaluated independently and assigned an individual mark, as opposed to a

common group mark;

when appropriate, the impact that missing assignments will have on the student’s grade when they

fail to submit major assignments; and,

that bonus marks may not be included when determining report card grades.

Late and Missed Assignments for Evaluation Students must understand that they are responsible not only for their behavior in the classroom and the

school, but also for providing evidence of their achievement of the curriculum within a time frame

specified by the teacher, and in a form approved by the teacher. There will be consequences for not

completing assignments for evaluation or for submitting assignments late.

Each teacher will use his/her own professional judgment, including the consideration of specific individual

circumstances, when determining if a late penalty will be applied. Before a late penalty is applied a teacher

will use strategies to support students to meet their responsibilities including, for example:

asking the student to clarify the reason for not completing the assignment;

helping students develop better time-management skills;

taking into consideration legitimate reasons for missed deadlines;

providing alternative assignments or tests where, in the teacher’s professional judgment, it is

appropriate to do so;

deducting marks for late assignments; or,

the full value of the assignment may be deducted if the assignment is not submitted.

Deduction of Marks For major assignments for evaluation, teachers may impose mark deductions for lateness, after considering

individual student circumstances.

For Grades 9 and 10 courses, a 5% per day deduction up to a maximum of 15% of the assignment

may be deducted. For example, if a student earns 80% on a major assignment for evaluation, and it is

handed in one day late, the mark on that assignment is 75%.

If the assignment is two days late, the mark becomes a 70%

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If the assignment is three days late or more, the mark becomes a 65%.

For Grades 11 and 12 courses, a 5% per day deduction up to a maximum of 25% of the assignment

may be deducted.

For example, if a student earns 80% on a major assignment for evaluation, and it is handed in one day late,

the mark on that assignment is 75%.

If the assignment is two days late, the mark becomes a 70%

If the assignment is five days late or more, the mark becomes a 55%.

Academic Dishonesty – Cheating and Plagiarism In our schools, we strive to help students develop integrity, a strong work ethic, responsibility and learning

skills and work habits needed for success beyond school. Academic dishonesty hinders students from

developing these attributes and will not be condoned within our schools.

Cheating is defined as “any effort to defraud, deceive, or elude someone else.” Examples may include:

taking a test or an examination in a dishonest way through improper access to answers, or giving or

obtaining assistance without acknowledgement.

Plagiarism is defined as “the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another without

attribution, in order to represent them as one’s own original work”. Plagiarism often takes one of the

following forms:

using a quotation or sentence word for word without citing the source;

using, without acknowledgement of the original source, diagrams, charts, graphics, etc.;

submitting any work by another person and claiming it as your own.

Consequences Consequences for academic dishonesty may escalate based on the following mitigating factors:

the grade level of the student and/or course type;

the maturity of the student;

the number or frequency of incidents;

the individual circumstances of the student.

Teachers consider the factors above as part of their professional judgment in cases of suspected academic

dishonesty. Consequences for cheating and plagiarism are based on the factors outlined above and may

include one or more of the following:

redoing part or all of an assignment;

completing an alternative assignment;

a loss of marks;

a mark of zero; and,


Vacationing Students The Ontario Curriculum emphasizes in-class demonstration of skills and knowledge. It may not be possible

to reschedule certain elements of course evaluation, if missed. Students should not plan vacations outside

of the statutory holiday periods and are fully responsible for work missed at school. One week prior to

going on vacation, students must provide a note to the administration from their parents. The

administration will contact the teaching staff and make accommodations as deemed appropriate.

Students must be prepared to:

Have extra assignments before they leave on vacation

Have extra assignments upon their return

Accept that in certain subject areas no make-ups or extra assignments will be available.

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Buses All bus company personnel are to be treated with the same respect given to school personnel. Unruly

behaviour reported to the school by bus personnel will be dealt with by school administration. Parents will

be contacted in these matters. All rules of the bus company must be followed. Bus transportation is a

privilege not a right and therefore privileges could be revoked. Concerns about transportation should be

reported to Centennial at 735-0700.

Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Student use of network services provided by Welland Centennial Secondary School and the District School

Board of Niagara requires the student to abide by all directives contained in the “ICT” document and other

guidelines concerning electronic messages as established by School staff.

The use of networks is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those

privileges. These rules apply to all computers in the school as well as computers used outside of the school

when the name, photograph, video image and/or accomplishments of any student, teacher, or support staff

members are being used.

Students are prohibited from using the name of Welland Centennial Secondary School or any persons

associated with WCSS (students, teachers, support staff) on any network (Internet) without the written

consent of these individuals and of the school. Students using the network inappropriately will immediately

remove offensive materials and provide full disclosure about offensive materials on any other network


Failure to observe and follow this policy will result in consequences ranging from:

review of the guidelines with the student

consultation with parents

community service performed in the school

termination of school network privileges

suspension ranging from three to twenty days

expulsion from the school.

Written authorization by the parent/guardian is required before network access will be reconsidered by the

school. Direct the authorization to the principal.

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Consequences of Misbehaviour

Failure to display responsibility will lead to disciplinary action by teachers and administration.

Consequences could include:

Examples of Misbehaviour:

1. late to school

late to class

unexcused school / class absence

unacceptable attendance pattern

2. rudeness/insolence/refusal to act

verbal abuse/threats

physical assault

3. disruption of class

mockery / slander / libel

threats / intimidation / bullying

assault / fighting

harassment of any type

4. littering

vandalism of any school / personal property

5. lack of preparation for class

inappropriate language

behaviour / dress

copying / cheating / plagiarism

cigarette / alcohol / drug use

weapon possession

Possible Range of Consequences (1 or more of the following may be used)

warning from teacher



peer mediation


sent from class

interview with administration

behaviour contract

attendance contract

controlled timetable

parental contact

parental interview

temporary removal from class

supervised study

loss of school privileges

school/community service

removal from course

program change

participation in a range of self-help groups

police liaison counselling

police referral

in-school suspension

suspension from school

expulsion (by Board)

Peer Mediation Peer mediation helps students solve their conflicts before they become a

problem. If you or someone you know experiences problems with rumours,

teasing or fighting, please fill out a referral in the office or Student Services.

You can also see the School Youth Worker, Resource Teacher or Vice-

Principal to make a referral. Peer mediators are senior students trained in the

area of conflict mediation and the service is confidential.


Detentions may be assigned by your class teacher or administration to be served at lunch or after school in

the detention room.

Suspensions Suspension from school as a consequence is employed when a serious and/or a continual breach of school

rules and/or student responsibilities occurs. Suspensions exclude that student from all educational,

recreational, athletic or social experiences occurring in or sponsored by any DSBN school. Students must

remain away from all school board properties during a suspension. Suspended students and their parents

are required to attend a re-admission interview at the end of the suspension.

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Canine Unit Searches In common with the other schools in Niagara, and as part of our Safe Schools Policy, searches may be

carried out by school authorities with the assistance of private companies offering drug dog services, or by

the Niagara Regional Police, including the Canine Unit, at the direction of school authorities when there are

reasonable grounds to suspect a breach of a school rule.

The Principal has the authority under the Ontario Education Act to conduct searches which are reasonably

related to the maintenance of order and discipline in the school. The Principal may retain the services of a

private company or invite the Niagara Regional Police, including the Canine Unit, to accompany and assist

in conducting a search that may reveal evidence of the breach of a school rule. The search may be

conducted by the Principal, Vice-Principal, or designated teaching staff. Charges may be laid by the

Niagara Regional Police as a result of these searches and students may be disciplined in accordance with

the Education Act. Any drugs or drug paraphernalia that are found as a result of these searches are turned

over to the Niagara Regional Police for further investigation and/or disposal. We appreciate the support of

our parents/guardians and School Council in our efforts to maintain a safe school environment.

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Mental Wellness Today’s youth face many obstacles. Adolescence can be a tough time, and the weight of a mental health issue can only add to the pressures of youth. Parents and adolescents are encouraged to seek support to assist them in their journey to positive mental wellness, the reduction of stigma and improving quality of life. When an adolescent’s behaviour changes, it is important to identify the changes and contact a professional, just as you would for any other illness. There is no prescription for the symptoms, perceptions and emotions felt by an adolescent facing a mental illness. Being aware and acting on concerning behaviours is the first and best step a caring adult can take when helping an adolescent in need. Some common concerning symptoms, perceptions and emotions are listed below as outlined by the Canadian Mental Health Association. Symptoms

self destruction or abuse of substance(s)

withdrawn from friends/family

change in temper/argumentative/impulsive

loss of interest in pastimes/hobbies/interests/athletics

change in focus/concentration/academic performance/energy levels

decline in personal hygiene

excessive changes in sleep patterns/appetite


increased sensitivity to light/thoughts/auditory stimulation/clothing

uncontrollable thoughts/fears



extreme guilt/anxiety/pessimism/depression/panic/paranoia

low self-esteem

loss of motivation/concentration/feelings/emotions/reasoning/memory/judgement

suicidal thoughts, delusions, grandeur

The following resources can be accessed in the Niagara Region: Contact Niagara www.contactniagara.org (905-684-2728) Your first link to information and all services in Niagara – a central hub that will help to identify the appropriate resources available Pathstone Mental Health www.pathstonementalhealth.ca (Crisis Services: 1-800-263-4944 (24/7) or Tel: 905-688-6850) Treatment services and programs for individuals (up to 18 years of age), and families, including therapy, counselling, crisis service and parent workshops

Community Addiction Services of Niagara www.cas-n.ca (905-684-1183) Provides access to relevant treatment resources for individuals and their families with alcohol and drug concerns

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Information Niagara www.211Ontario.ca (211) Helps to identify municipal, regional, provincial or federal government programs/services/departments

Canadian Mental Health Association www.cmha.ca (905-641-5222) A nation-wide, charitable organization that promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health www.camh.net (905-988-9094) Clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues

Distress Centre of Niagara www.distresscentreniagara.com (905-688-3711 or 905-382-0689) A 24-hour, free, confidential telephone crisis intervention support service Additional assistance can be found at your school through the Guidance department. It is also important to continue to maintain communication with the school so that they may support the needs of the adolescent.

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Important Dates for 2011-2012


Sept. 6 First Day of School

Sept. 9 Students’ Council Corn Roast

(lunch hour)

Sept. 16 Photo Day

Sept. 19-23 Spirit Week

Sept. 20 Grade 9 Parents’ Night

Sept. 23 Catch a Slice of Cougar Life

Sept. 23 Early Release Day

Oct. 7 P. A. Day (no classes)

Oct. 10 Thanksgiving Day

Oct. 14 Progress Reports

Oct. 18 Parent-Teacher Interviews

Oct. 27 Halloween Dance

Nov. 2 Take Your Kids to Work

Nov. 18 Mid-Semester Reports

Dec. 2 Grandparents’ Tea

Dec. 6 Christmas Concert

Evening Performance

Dec. 12-16 Christmas Drive

Dec. 15 Christmas Dance

Dec. 23 Christmas Assembly

and Talent Show

Dec. 23 Staff-Student Basketball

Dec 24- Jan 8 Christmas Holidays

Jan. 9 Classes Resume

Jan. 9-20 Gr. 9 Math Assessment

Jan. 19 Senior Drama Showcase

Jan. 24-30 Semester 1 Final Exams

Jan. 31 P.A. Day (no classes)


Feb. 1 First Day of Semester 2

Feb. 10 Distribution Sem. 1 Report Cards

Feb. 13-17 Semi-Formal tickets on sale

Feb. 17 Early Release Day

Feb. 20 Family Day

Feb. 24 Semi Formal

Mid-Feb. Course Selection & Intention Sheets

Mar. 5-8 Spirit Week

Mar. 8 Spirit Assembly

Mar. 9-16 Spring Break

Mar. 20 Progress Reports

Mar. 22 Parent-Teacher Interviews

Mar. 29 OSSLT (Literacy Test)

Apr. 5 Students’ Council Nominations

Apr. 6 Good Friday

Apr. 9 Easter Monday

Apr. 24 Mid-Semester Reports

Apr. 26 Students’ Council Assembly &

Executive Election

Apr. 26-28 Music Man

Apr. 27 Students’ Council Grade Rep. Election

May 3-4 Music Man

May 15 Spring Concert Evening Performance

May 18 P.A. Day (no classes)

May 21 Victoria Day

May 30 Cougarfest and Awards Assembly

June 5-20 Gr. 9 Math Assessment

Jun. 14 Senior Drama Showcase

Jun. 21-27 Semester 2 Final Exams

Jun. 28 Graduation

Jun. 28-29 P.A. Days

July 6 Report Cards Mailed Home