2010 annual report


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NIF 2010 Annual Report


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Dear Friends:

If you followed the Jewish press and our newsletters in 2010, you know that it was a watershed year for the New Israel Fund and for the Israel we love.

Never before has our work and our family of organizations been under such sustained attack, in Israel and even overseas. Never have the most basic tenets of Israeli democracy been called into such question. And never have we been called upon to lead an alliance of those determined to re-commit Israel to the progressive values that motivate us to activism for equality, for justice and for peace.

The good news is that the New Israel Fund, a thoughtful organization with a long track record of accomplishment, is transitioning quickly to meet these new challenges. We can no longer be content with our accomplishments speaking for themselves; there is too much at stake for that now.

With your support, we are building a more powerful, more agile, more visible New Israel Fund. We are augmenting our time-tested strategies of grant-making and capacity-building with a new focus on advocating for democratic values. We are enlisting new and even unlikely allies, and engaging with leaders of Israel and of Jewish communities around the world. We are developing both short and long-term strategies to safeguard civil society and our family of organizations.

This is about the Israel we believe in. And as we look ahead during these uncertain times, we must ask ourselves: What kind of Israel do we want to bequeath to our children? We believe that the answer must be the Israel envisioned in the Declaration of Independence, an Israel characterized by peace, equality, justice and inclusiveness. This is the Israel that we are fighting for.

As always, and with your continued support, we will find creative ways to meet these new challenges, stay faithful to our mission and our values, and, together, build a better Israel. Sincerely,

Naomi ChazaN DaNiel SokatCh RaChel liel


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The New Israel Fund (NIF) is the leading organization advancing democracy and equality for all Israelis. We believe that Israel can live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, without regard to religion, race, gender or national identity.

Widely credited with building Israel’s progressive civil society from scratch, we have provided over $200 million to more than 800 cutting-edge organizations since our inception. And we are more than a funder; NIF is at philanthropy’s cutting edge thanks in large part to SHATIL, the New Israel Fund Initiative for Social Change. SHATIL provides NIF grantees and other social change organizations with hands-on assistance, including


training, resources and workshops on various aspects of nonprofit management. Today, NIF/ SHATIL is a leading advocate for democratic values, builds coalitions, empowers activists and often takes the initiative in setting the public agenda.

Our values drive our work. We fight inequality, injustice and extremism because we understand that justice is the precondition for a successful democracy—and the only lasting road to peace. The New Israel Fund’s founders wanted to connect with Israel in a way that reflected their progressive values, and thousands of Israelis and Diaspora Jews have joined with us for that reason. Our supporters love Israel, and see it clearly as striving for an ideal not yet attained.

The New Israel Fund and SHATIL




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Civil and Human RightsThe Israeli Defense Force (IDF) credited NIF partner B’Tselem and other NIF-supported human rights groups for reports and information that contributed to its new, more civilian-conscious operational policy. According to a report submitted by Israel to the UN on Operation Cast Lead, the IDF has begun to take steps to reduce the number of civilian casualties in future conflicts and the use of phosphorus will be limited. “The IDF has begun implementing operational changes in commands and the fighting tradition,” the report states, “to minimize civilian casualties and harm to civilian property in the future.”

NIF grantees Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel successfully challenged discriminatory location-based tax breaks. In the High Court Ruling, the panel of three judges said the tax break “is unconstitutional because it bestows tax benefits to several





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fines for polluters. Tel Aviv is the third most polluted city in the European and Mediterranean region, and 1,100 people die annually in the Greater Tel Aviv region as a result of air pollution. IUED is supported by NIF through the Green Environment Fund.

In a precedent setting ruling, the Be’er Sheva District Court ruled that the recognized Bedouin village of Keseifa near Arad must be connected to sewage infrastructure. The decision was handed down following a petition by IUED. IUED’s annual environmental poverty report found that 150 Israeli towns and villages do not have adequate sewage infrastructure, resulting in millions of cubic meters of raw sewage flowing across village streets and countryside.

LBGT RightsAfter a two-month legal struggle, Dan Goldberg finally returned home to Jerusalem with his newborn twins. Goldberg and his partner built a family with the help of a surrogate mother in India. But after the birth, a Jerusalem court refused to allow Goldberg to conduct the required paternity test to establish parenting rights. NIF grantee New Family: Organization for Family Rights, who represented Goldberg, appealed the ruling to the District Court, which ordered that paternity tests must be permitted. Following other legal precedents won by the NIF family, the Ministry of Interior will be required to register both Goldberg and his partner as parents of the children.

communities without egalitarian, clear and written criteria; not one Arab community was deemed eligible for these exemptions.”

Social and Economic JusticeNIF grantees scored a series of important successes that will ensure access to affordable housing for Israelis with limited financial means. Affordable housing projects are now planned for Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ra’anana and Jerusalem. These achievements are due to the work of the Coalition for Affordable Housing, comprised of NGOs including NIF grantees Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights, Association for Distributive Justice, Community Advocacy: Genesis Israel, ACRI and SHATIL.

In a major victory against discrimination, five Ethiopian immigrant families defended the right of their children to participate as equals in Israeli schools. In 2004 the children were expelled from an Orthodox kindergarten in Arad because there were “too many Ethiopians enrolled.” Represented by NIF grantee Tebeka – Center for Legal Aid and Advocacy for Ethiopian Jews in Israel, the families will each receive $16,250 to be spent on educational tools and enrichment for the children.

Religious PluralismJoining voices with NIF grantee Israel Religious Action Center along with the majority of North American Jews including the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, NIF rallied against legislation that would have given the ultra-Orthodox absolute control over conversion in Israel. Among other provisions, the Rotem Bill would have required converts to live an Orthodox lifestyle. The bill has been put on hold indefinitely.

Within days of an ultra-Orthodox edict issued by some Israeli rabbis forbidding Jews to sell or rent housing to non-Jews, over 1,000 rabbis signed an NIF-initiated letter condemning the ruling and calling on rabbis in Israel to take a forceful public stand against religious racism. The signatories included rabbis from across the globe and from every denomination.

EnvironmentThanks to the efforts of NIF grantee Israel Union of Environmental Defense (IUED), Israel’s Clean Air Law came into effect on January 1, 2011. The law, which IUED formulated and lobbied for, sets strict emission standards, regulates procedures for monitoring air quality, and ensures public access to results and information. Most importantly, the law stipulates heavy




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the ideals of which president truman spoke, which are embodied in Israel’s own Declaration of Independence, are the values of the New Israel Fund. In the 63 years since those words were written, never has the work of the New Israel Fund been more integral to a society once envisioned as a model for equality, justice, compassion and inclusion.

Emboldened and increasingly powerful, Israel’s ultra-nationalists grabbed headlines in 2010 with an agenda often inimical to those values, and to the values of liberal democracy. But the New Israel Fund, along with our allies, proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Working in the most challenging climate in the

I believe Israel has a glorious future before it—not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. —Harry S. Truman

organization’s history, NIF and our family of grantees and partners emerged as leaders of the effort to preserve Israeli democracy.

In the wake of Operation Cast Lead and the shocked Israeli reaction to the harsh conclusions of the Goldstone report, elements of the governing coalition and their allies began a concerted attack on critics of Israeli government policy. Refusing to differentiate between Israel’s real adversaries and those who dissent from an ultra-nationalist worldview, the extremist agenda manifested itself in anti-democratic legislation, repression of peaceful protest and harsh policies aimed at Israeli Arab citizens.




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been granted exclusive authority over conversion, and its hegemony over Jewish practice and identity would have been formally ratified. Joining with our grantees representing the liberal streams of Judaism in Israel, and as part of a worldwide coalition of opposition to the bill, the NIF family rallied against the legislation. Following the backlash, proponents of the bill backed down and the legislation has now been put on hold indefinitely.

The New NIFDespite the unprecedented and unexpected fight to preserve civil society and democracy, the New Israel Fund family of organizations also saw progress in our day-to-day work of building a better Israel.

In 2010, NIF hosted our second annual public wedding, raising awareness about the need for a civil marriage alternative; hundreds of Israelis turned out to celebrate. We successfully advocated on behalf of Mizrachi schoolgirls segregated from their Ashkenazi

In this atmosphere, NIF itself became a target. Early in the year, a radical right-wing group, headed by leaders from the hard-line settler movement, began a well-funded smear campaign against NIF and its internationally-recognized human rights grantees. The campaign was the first shot in an ongoing battle to stifle dissent and shut down Israel’s human rights community.

Friends, Adversaries and Unlikely AlliesThe first campaign against NIF, as well as subsequent efforts, largely failed. In the wake of the initial attack, some Knesset members proposed an official committee of inquiry to investigate NIF and many of its human rights grantees. After widespread support for NIF and its mission was voiced to Israeli leaders both by Israelis from across the political spectrum as well as leading figures in the global Jewish community—including mainstream Jewish leaders, prominent rabbis and journalists—the parliamentary inquiry was defeated. Soon, ever-greater numbers of Israelis joined the chorus of opposition to the political witch hunt against progressive civil society. In ruling against the inquiry, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein said, “One of the characteristics of a democracy is the protection of human rights. For that reason in Israel, as in every other democracy, human rights organizations are allowed to operate freely.”

But the Knesset remained a battlefield. Despite a 2009 defeat for legislation requiring a loyalty oath, Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party again pushed for its passage. With support from Prime Minister Netanyahu, and despite strong lobbying efforts from NIF/SHATIL and its flagship grantee the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), a bill requiring all aspiring non-Jewish citizens to pledge loyalty to a Jewish state passed an initial vote and is currently awaiting a full Knesset vote. NIF grantees ACRI and Adalah are now fighting its legality in the High Court, and we continue to oppose the idea that Jewish and non-Jewish Israelis must pledge loyalty to a narrow interpretation of Judaism and Israeli identity.

Other legislation, too, sought to undermine Israel’s pluralistic society. The Rotem bill, introduced last summer, would have radically altered the process and consequences of conversion in Israel. For the first time, the ultra-Orthodox Chief Rabbinate in Israel would have




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classmates in religious schools, led a contingent of Bedouin women protesting “honor” killings and helped stave off deportations for hundreds of children of migrant workers.

The Transportation Ministry finally acknowledged that women could not be forced to sit in the back of public buses, even in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods. An unlikely coalition of social activists and fiscally responsible government leaders, including Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, successfully supported a campaign to raise the royalty rate for private energy companies profiting from huge new natural gas fields off Israel’s coast. And NIF President Naomi Chazan, CEO Daniel Sokatch and Israel Executive Director Rachel Liel were recognized as key leaders in their respective communities.

The continuing attacks on NIF and civil society engendered some positive results as we worked successfully to turn crisis into opportunity. The profile of our organization, work and grantees was raised exponentially. Thousands of Israelis rallied for democracy and human rights at the second annual International Human Rights Day march in Tel Aviv. More than 1,000 rabbis worldwide, from every Jewish denomination,

signed an NIF-initiated letter condemning an ultra-Orthodox edict issued in Israel forbidding Jews to sell or rent housing to non-Jews.

NIF in Israel launched the “We Will Not Remain Silent” campaign, enlisting bloggers, activists and ordinary Israelis in a viral effort to mobilize the public against repressive legislation and for democratic values. In the U.S., the network of New Israel Fund supporters grew substantially and by every measure—dollars raised, media attention, even Facebook friends—NIF became more visible and influential than ever before.

But our work for Israel’s democracy has only just begun. By early 2011, no fewer than 25 proposed bills in the Knesset were in some stage of debate or passage, all of which may compromise freedom of conscience, human rights activities or minority rights. The New Israel Fund family knows that leading an alliance of pro-democracy organizations both in Israel and overseas is now a key component of our work, a natural expansion of our mission and values designed to protect not just our sector but our vision of Israeli society. The coming year will engage us in some of the most significant challenges we have ever faced as an organization. And with your help, we will surmount them, and we will succeed.




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NIF GRANTEESThis is a partial list. For a complete listing of NIF grants, please visit www.nif.org.

Civil and Human Rights—$5,561,160NIF works to protect and promote the rights of all in Israel, and to promote a shared society. NIF’s program focuses on defending the rights of Arab citizens, new immigrants, women, foreign workers and refugees, people with disabilities, LGBTQ, and other disenfranchised groups. We work to bring justice and equal opportunities to all citizens with a focus on fair allocation of resources, equal opportunity for employment, education, healthcare, and other services, and to sustain an active and influential civil rights movement in Israel.

Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in IsraelLitigation and advocacy efforts to ensure the rights of Arab citizens of Israel.

African Refugees Development CenterAn organization led by African refugees that works to advance the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Israel through legal assistance and public advocacy.

Arab Center for Alternative PlanningAdvocacy efforts for equal allocation of land resources to the Arab population, and for representation of Arabs in planning institutions.

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)Litigation, counseling, monitoring, education and legislative consultation to establish and protect civil and human rights in Israel and the occupied territories. NIF’s flagship grantee, ACRI is the leading and most comprehensive civil rights organization in Israel.

Banoo Hoshesch Legaresh (Banish the Darkness)A coalition of Orthodox and other Jewish organizations that campaign against racism and against religious justification for racist speech and actions.

Bimkom: Planners for Planning RightsA Jewish-Arab organization that promotes public participation in land and urban planning and promotes the interests of low-income populations.





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Breaking the SilenceRaises public awareness about the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers serving in the occupied territories by collecting and publishing soldiers’ testimonies, public events and advocacy.

Council for Peace and SecurityFormer senior IDF officers who advocate an end to the occupation and a peace agreement with the Palestinians from a security perspective.

Ir AmimAdvocates for policies to make Jerusalem a more viable and equitable city, while generating and promoting a more politically sustainable future.

Bizchut: Israeli Human Rights Organization of People with DisabilitiesPromotes the rights of people with disabilities through advocacy and raising awareness.

Negev Coexistence ForumPromotes cooperation between Jews and Arabs in the Negev, with a focus on the problems of unrecognized Bedouin villages.

New FamilyWorks to ensure that all families, including those configured untraditionally, are equally entitled to family rights and benefits.

Our HeritagePromotes democratic values amongst Russian-speaking immigrants concerning issues of equal rights, Jewish-Arab joint living and peace.

Tebeka – Legal Center for Ethiopian Jews In IsraelLegal assistance and empowerment activities to advance the rights of citizens of Ethiopian origin.

The Arab Center for Law and PolicyDevelops viable alternatives to existing exclusionary law and policy, highlighting the Arab-Israeli community’s distinct identity and culture.

The Committee for Language Access to Health Care in IsraelWorks to reduce unequal access to healthcare for non-Hebrew-speaking Israelis.

The Freedom of Information AssociationPromotes the implementation of the Freedom of Information Law through awareness raising and litigation activities.

Tmura: Israeli Anti-Discrimination Legal CenterFights discrimination against Mizrachim, Ethiopians and other disempowered groups through establishing legal precedents and public campaigns

Women against Violence – NazarethLeading Arab women’s organization opposing domestic violence, advancing employment opportunities and leadership roles for Arab women.

Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) Prevents violations of Palestinians’ human rights in the territories through monitoring IDF and Border Patrol checkpoints.

Workers’ Hotline: Kav LaOvedLegal and practical assistance to workers, Israeli and migrant, whose rights have been violated in the course of employment in Israel.



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Jewish Pluralism—$2,178,700NIF aims to promote freedom of and from religion in Israel, and to foster a more tolerant society that embraces the rich diversity of Jewish identity, expression and practice. Our grantees work to foster diverse expressions of Jewish identity and practice; change the legal structure that limits religious freedom; advocate for equal allocation of resources to non-Orthodox Jewish services and education; and strengthen liberal elements within Orthodoxy.

12 Heshvan: Promoting Tolerance in an Orthodox ContextDevelops schools and youth movements for the National Religious sector that promote openness, pluralism and tolerance, and works to combat anti-Arab racism within Orthodox Judaism.

Bina Conducts pluralistic educational and social justice activities including the world’s first Secular Yeshiva and pre-army preparatory programs.

Center for Women’s JusticeLitigation and advocacy activities advancing the status of Jewish women whose rights have been violated as a result of the legal system’s reliance on religious laws.

Forum for Freedom of Choice in MarriageAdvocacy and public campaigns to promote civil marriage and other solutions that will enable every person to realize the basic right to marry in Israel according to his/her conscience.

HavayaDevelops and conducts secular Jewish weddings and other life-cycle events and raises awareness to alternatives to the ultra-Orthodox controlled Rabbinate.

Israel Religious Action Center of the Movement for Progressive (Reform) JudaismAdvances pluralism and tolerance in Israel with legal work, Knesset advocacy, and public campaigns for religious freedom and civic equality.

Masorti (Conservative) Movement Works to broaden the movement’s exposure by reaching out to new target audiences, developing congregations, and cultivating leadership, with the goal of promoting recognition of non-Orthodox forms of Jewish practice in Israel.

Mavoi SatumWorking to establish an alternative Rabbinic court to deal with issues of marriage and divorce.

Midrasha at Oranim and Beit Tefila YisraeliA joint project to establish, strengthen and network secular Jewish-Israeli congregations throughout Israel.

Ne’emanei Torah Va’AvodahThe leading moderate Orthodox organization that promotes a commitment to democracy and the rule of law, progressive religious education, opposition to ultra-Orthodox hegemony over religious affairs, social justice and women’s rights.

Kolech – Religious Women’s ForumSupports efforts by Orthodox women to advocate for women’s status and rights within the framework of halacha.

Working Group for Equality in Personal Status Issues Public education and advocacy to improve the legal status of Arab women with regard to issues of personal status (marriage and divorce).

YerushalmimYoung Jerusalem activists fighting gender segregation in public spaces, and promoting a pluralistic Jewish identity for the city.

Social and Economic Justice—$10,580,333NIF’s long-term goal is to reduce social and economic gaps by working to empower Israel’s most disadvantaged citizens. NIF works with grantee organizations to foster a broad culture of citizen action, and promote workable policies and programs addressing poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and urban decay in low-income communities, especially in the geographic and social periphery.

Adva CenterProvides policy analysis, advocacy and public education on issues of inequality among various population groups in Israel including a focus on gender.

Association for the Promotion of Arab Education in HaifaPromotes greater investment in the Arab public education system in the mixed city of Haifa.



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Sister for Women in IsraelWorks for the economic and personal empowerment of women, with a focus on Mizrachi, Ethiopian and other disempowered groups, and runs Israel’s first fair trade stores.

Social TVProvides an alternative media platform that expresses an independent and critical perspective on Israeli society.

The Israeli Association for Distributive Justice Promotes a just distribution of the income from public natural resources by monitoring governmental activities and sponsoring advocacy efforts aimed at decision-makers.

Women and Horizons – Nis’a V’afakPromotes the status and rights of Arab women through traditional and liberated interpretations of Islamic religious practice.

Women Lawyers for Social JusticeWorks to narrow social and economic gaps through public education and legal activities designed to link feminist discourse with social justice.




Awareness for YouEmpowerment activities for Arab women in the Triangle region.

Citizens Build a Community: Community Year ProjectPromotes volunteerism and higher education among Lod’s Arab youth.

Coalition for Affordable HousingAdvocacy and activities to promote access to affordable housing for middle and low income populations.

Follow-Up Committee for Arab EducationThe main body representing the Arab public vis-à-vis the education system, advancing equitable allocation of resources and greater autonomy in education for the Arab sector.

Food Security CenterRaises public awareness of the problem of food insecurity on a national level and promotes nutrition and food security among low-income groups in the Negev, with a focus on children.

Friends by Nature – Community EmpowermentDedicated to the integration of Ethiopian immigrants, this successful community-based model advances young leadership and community involvement.

HaoketsA political-social-economic blog, aimed at expanding the public and media’s discourse and creating a media platform for civil society.

Israeli Center for Social JusticeWorks for the inclusion of social objectives in the State budget and influences governmental policies to narrow social and economic gaps.

Ma’an – The Forum for Bedouin Women’s OrganizationsAdvances Bedouin women’s leadership and status, facilitates cooperation among local organizations.

MossawaPolicy analysis and advocacy efforts to ensure equality in government budgets and policies for Arab citizens, and Jewish-Arab activities to combat racism.

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Civil and Human RightsSocial Justice Fund—$3,080,000The Social Justice Fund is a fund established through a grant from the Ford Foundation to promote peace and social justice in Israel. It focuses its grant making within three areas: civil rights and human rights in Israel, equity and equal opportunities for the Palestinian minority within Israel and promoting a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel-US Civil Liberties Law Program—$207,447Inaugurated in 1980 in partnership with American University’s Washington College of Law, the program provides academic and professional experience to Israeli lawyers specializing in civil rights. The 50-plus program graduates are the core of the civil rights bar in Israel—as academics, community organizers, founders of non-profit organizations and litigators.

New Voices in the Stadium Campaign Against Racism in Soccer—$82,210 NIF’s program has helped reduce racism and violence in Israeli soccer (a notorious arena for anti-Arab incitement) by raising public awareness and successfully advocating for new legislation and law enforcement procedures to crack down on perpetrators.

Social and Economic JusticeGreen Environment Fund—$1,029,100NIF’s partnership with the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Samuel Sebba Trust and the Morningstar Foundation aims to protect and preserve Israel’s environment, promote environmental justice and strengthen the country’s environmental movement.

NIF/SHATIL Social Justice Fellowships—$123,078The Social Justice Fellowships enable a cadre of post-college Jewish young adults to spend 10 months immersed in the movement for social change in Israel. These fellowships place young Jewish activists in Israeli NGOs for a year of in-depth contribution and learning.

Orthodox Women’s Seed Pool—$72,000The initiative works to create change by advancing the rights and status of Orthodox women by cultivating projects that mobilize women through leadership development, advocacy, and cross-sector collaborations. Religious women are creating community-based programs that address the needs of Orthodox girls and women.

ProjectsPublic Advocacy Campaign—$566,431In an increasingly hostile environment, basic democratic rights cannot be taken for granted. NIF is leading a new alliance of organizations determined to protect democratic freedom and basic rights, as well as our own sector of progressive civil society. Our expanded advocacy includes strengthening the constituency for NIF work and ideas through social networks, hosting interactive events and launching short-term advocacy campaigns on specific issues.

Carmel Forest Fire Response—$16,000Following the worst natural disaster in Israel’s history, NIF immediately began mobilizing support and provided emergency grants to secure humanitarian and psychological assistance to the residents of two Druze villages in the area. Now, the NIF family is focusing on prevention, and also mapping long-term recovery needs, coordinating with environmental and social groups to address consequences of the disaster and to ensure fair allocation of resources for all victims—Jews, Arabs, Druze and others.

NIF PROJECTS AND PARTNERSHIPSIn addition to our work supporting hundreds of civil society organizations, NIF proactively tackles some of the most difficult issues facing Israeli society though projects we sponsor alone or with partners. From expanding the civil rights bar in Israel to fighting racism and teaching civics education, NIF projects are making a real difference.


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Shatil’s Center for Policy Change (CPC) In addition to providing consulting and training to social change organizations and campaigns, CPC was instrumental in defeating anti-democratic legislative initiatives aimed at weakening progressive civil society.

Cutting Edge Capacity BuildingShatil’s well-known consulting and training programs for NGOs in organizational and resource development and advocacy and mediawere complemented this year by two new skill-building areas: financial management and social media training.

Equalizing Land Rights in Israel’s Mixed Jewish-Arab CitiesShatil continues to empower residents of Israel’s mixed cities to fight for basic housing rights through advocacy for policy change, public advocacy and more.

Environmental and Distributive JusticeShatil was at the forefront of the fight to ensure that the public receive its fair share of huge royalties from the new offshore natural gas discoveries. Shatil also continues efforts to ensure public access to Israel’s natural resources and green space.

Shared SocietyShatil-led Arab-Jewish citizen groups in Haifa and Akko are developing visions for shared living in these mixed cities. Shatil’s Conflict Transformation Management Center also furthers the ideals and principles of a shared society through its Dialogue at Work program at Safed College and the Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Initiative with leaders from both communities.

Bringing Immigrant Youth-at-Risk Back from the EdgeShatil is wrapping up its four-year comprehensive project to assist immigrant youth-at-risk and empower immigrant organizations in six communities. In 2010, Shatil initiatives focused on assisting children with learning disabilities, and their families, in immigrant communities. Portions of Shatil’s program are currently being replicated in additional schools.

Bedouin WomenAs a result of Shatil trainings, Bedouin women have been increasing their community activity and entering previously male-dominated arenas such as forums that tackle the problems of Bedouin education and unrecognized villages. For the first time, women took a leading role in ongoing demonstrations against home demolitions in unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev.

Economic and Social Policy ShapersWith the second session of this training program, Shatil is adding to the cadre of Israel’s future policy leaders as well as providing a much needed contribution to social change NGOs who get the benefit of the fellows’ experience in economics and politics. In 2010, new initiatives assisted Israeli citizens in gaining access to information about the state budget and their rights.

Equality and Dignity for Women in IsraelIn 2010 Shatil continued to organize and build leadership skills among women in Orthodox, immigrant, Arab Israeli, and Bedouin communities. Shatil is also placing an emphasis in advancing equality and dignity for women in the workplace.



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Cash and cash equivalents $15,182,886 $6,526,403

Investments 16,249,493 15,236,222

Pledges receivable, current portion, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $68,890 and $51,941 respectively

1,178,430 2,254,496

Accounts receivable 917,463 221,463

Prepaid expenses 26,400 34,087

Total current assets 33,554,672 24,272,671


Furniture, equipment and leasehold improvements, net 346,874 385,074


Pledges receivable, net of current portion 183,456 161,423

Deposits 15,285 9,605

Assets held in Charitable Remainder Trust 57,373 66,779

Total other assets 256,114 237,807

TOTAL ASSETS $34,157,660 $24,895,552


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $1,525,623 $1,837,196

Grants payable 5,916,041 4,837,599

Affiliate payable 103,830 162,828

Liabilities under split interest agreements, current portion 6,300 6,300

Annuity payable, current portion 65,027 119,125

Deferred rent abatement 17,926 -

Total current liabilities 7,634,747 6,963,048


Liability under trust agreement 51,073 60,480

Deferred rent abatement - 47,950

Annuity payable 110,558 112,502

Total long-term liabilities 161,631 220,932

Total liabilities 7,796,378 7,183,980


Unrestricted 5,862,404 7,176,768

Temporarily restricted 18,135,012 8,593,329

Permanently restricted 2,363,866 1,941,475

Total net assets 26,361,282 17,711,572

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $34,157,660 $24,895,552


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STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGE IN NET ASSETS For the year ended December 31, 2010 with summarized financial information for 2009


Grants to Israeli not-for-profit organizations $16,479,487 53.34%

SHATIL 5,736,861 18.57%

Other program expenses 2,715,968 8.79%

Management and general 3,469,070 11.23%

Fundraising 2,491,579 8.07%

Total Expenditures $30,892,965 100.00%

2010 2009


Restricted Permanently

Restricted Total Total

REVENUEContributions $18,117,083 $19,244,270 - $37,361,353 $26,381,431

Investment 1,182,592 275,278 - 1,457,870 1,720,073

Special events 560,974 - - 560,974 342,758

In-Kind 84,638 - - 84,638 30,788

Other revenue 77,840 - - 77,840 211,315

Net assets released from donor restrictions

9,555,474 (9,555,474) - - -

TOTAL REVENUE 29,578,601 9,964,074 - 39,542,675 28,686,365

EXPENSESProgram Services

Grants to Israeli not-for- profit organizations

16,479,487 - - 16,479,487 19,970,482

SHATIL 5,736,861 - - 5,736,861 5,188,768

Other program expenses 2,715,968 - - 2,715,968 1,242,820

Total program services 24,932,316 - - 24,932,316 26,402,070

Supporting Services

Management and general 3,469,070 - - 3,469,070 4,161,273

Fundraising 2,491,579 - - 2,491,579 1,994,418

Total supporting services 5,960,649 - - 5,960,649 6,155,691

TOTAL EXPENSES 30,892,965 - - 30,892,965 32,557,761

Other Item

Transfer of assets - (422,391) 422,391 - -

Change in net assets (1,314,364) 9,541,683 422,391 8,649,710 (3,871,396)

Net assets, beginning of year

7,176,768 8,593,329 1,941,475 17,711,572 21,582,968


$5,862,404 $18,135,012 $2,363,866 $26,361,282 $17,711,572

The statement of financial position of New Israel Fund as of December 31, 2010 and 2009 and related statements of activities and changes in net assets for the years there ended have been derived from the audited financial statements. Copies of the audit reports and the complete financial statements are available upon request to Anthony Fullington, Chief Financial Officer at 330 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001.


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John & Betty Ann AltmanRobert & Judith AppelbaumMaurice & Flora AtkinRuth AuslanderHillel AusubelDiane & Jean-Loup BaerDavid & Margorie BalloAdrienne S. BaranowitzJoan I. BergerHoward & Dorothy BergerDavid W. BerkowitzDeborah BlankDr. Ellen BorenfreundMartin & Geraldine

BrownsteinFrederick CezerClaudia I. ChavesGloria CohenMax CohenMurray & Miriam ColeMary I. CoombsJohn W. CottonStephanie DavisAlan Chad DeChantShulamit DecktorStanley & Beverly DiamondJoy G. DryfoosDouglas E. DuckettAudrey EisenstadtRoberta ElliottWilliam L. & Barbara FairmanEugene I. FischerGlenn R. FleischmanGail A. FoormanJohn A. FrankenSonia FuentesSanford & Linda GallanterLeonore B. GersteinGhita D. GinbergMarjory GoldmanSylvia GoldsteinRena G. GolubBarbara & Isaac GreenFrank & Bette GruskayRichard & Lois GuntherHelen Mayer HackerGerald & Carol HalpernEllis & Ellen HarrisTzvee & Shoshana Harris

Ruth HarrisonSheldon HearstShirley HeimanJuliane M. HeymanSuzanne R. HirschNathaniel & Lotte HoffmanDonald & Mary Ann

HorensteinJudith S. HozoreMiriam E. JencksLinda KacserKaren KalishMichael KaplanSharon Kleinbaum &

Margaret WenigAlyse LaemmleHenry & Betty LandsbergerWilliam E. LeavittIrma & Allen LeboffPauline W. LedeenRuth LedermanEmanuel & Pauline LernerNeil & Jane LevyJan Abby LiffMargit LowensteinMartin Lowenstein & Inbar

TelemRuth B. LurieMitra Makbuleh, Ph.D.Bernard & Roberta MarcusBarbara J. MeislinAviva S. MeyerLinda B. MillerPatricia A. MillerShirley & Mitchell MillerTheodore & Marylyn MillerAnne P. MintzHarriet Mouchly-Weiss &

Charles WeissJamie NatelsonMurray L. NathanRoberta R. OliffHenry & Sophie OlshinRachel Oriel Berg, Ph.D.Estelle Nachimoff PadawerAllan & Jane PaulsonArthur PeckDoris PfefferDan M. Pulcrano

Sandford & Laurayne RatnerA. David & Esther ReddingLeon Reinharth & Francoise

RothmanMarcus M. RosenblumMolly RosenthalHoward & Kathy RosofLori A. RothJane RubinDavid M. SapersteinGerard & Lela SarnatBart SchachterDaniel D. SchechterHanna & Allen ScheppsMark Schleisner & Vivien

HoexterMildred A. SchwartzHarold ShamesEmily SkolnickDavid & Lea SoiferEllen Soren BedaHilde StaniulisElizabeth SteinAnita SteinerBruce TemkinHarry L. TurtledoveElizabeth VorenbergPaul & Dorothy WachterBenjamin WardKayla M. Weiner, Ph.D.Raymond & Marilyn

WeisbergGinia D. WexlerStephen S. WinterGail Bates Yessne & Peter

YessneBobette Zacharias

Estates & TrustsNIF recognizes the following individuals whose generous estates have been received in 2010.

Renee N. HermanHenrietta RosenIrmgard AllenDonald N. MeyersMarc Triebwasser

Edith AtkinSeymour & Sylvia Rothchild

Family 2004 Charitable Foundation

Shirley & Bernard ReifmanMartin HamburgerMrs. Carla HarrisBeverly WolfeSylvia SchamThe Lowitz Family Charitable

Lead TrustMartin KatzSeymour Rothchild

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Tillie Levin TrustSophie KalinaJacob Goldberg & Anne R.

Goldberg Revocable TrustGloria BaerncopfJanice E. & Bernard CharlupElana HelguerraRuth ChapmanMae K. MillstoneEarl HarrisEdith Wilensky

Endowments, Philanthropic & Memorial FundsThe New Israel Fund is grateful to many individuals & foundations for establishing endowments, family endowments & memorial funds. These funds honor or memorialize individuals whose lives & values are reflected in the work of the New Israel Fund.

Rosalyn Amdur Baker Endowment Fund

Moshe & Tzippora Ayalon Fund

Edith S. Coliver Human Rights Fund

The Mitchell & Esther Fisher Law Fellowship

Ford Foundation ACRI Fund

Ford Foundation Endowment Fund

Ford Foundation SHATIL Fund

Phyllis K. & Howard A. Friedman Fund

Dafna Izraeli FundGallanter Family

Philantrhopic FundHerbert Z. & Rita Gold FundThe A. Hiatt FundToby & Nathan Jelinski FundKahal Foundation Special

FundThe Karsten Family FundNaomi Kies Endowment

FundMiriam Fligelman Levy

Cross-Cultural PrizeYaffa London FundLinda B. Miller EndowmentRaquel Newman Fund for

Professional DevelopmentJosephine Bay Paul

Endowment for the Center for Law & the Child

The Pomegranate B FundThe Hirsch & Braine Raskin

Endowment for Youth & Education

Radov Family Philanthropic Fund

Esther Leah Ritz FundElizabeth Selig FundClara Spitzer Lauder

(Tanaka) FundWendy Weiker-Gordon

Memorial FundMarianne Wolman

Endowment FundRudolph & Sarah Wyner


THANK YOUThe following individuals have generously provided for the future of the New Israel Fund by naming NIF the beneficiary of a will, life insurance policy, retirement plan or by establishing a charitable gift annuity or trust.


Page 19: 2010 Annual Report


$100,000+Anonymous (8)Kathryn Ames Foundation, Inc.Arcus FoundationThe Jacob & Hilda Blaustein

FoundationThe Andrea & Charles

Bronfman PhilanthropiesNaomi & Nehemiah Cohen

FoundationNathan Cummings

FoundationBarbara & Eric DobkinDorot FoundationPaul & Joanne EgermanThe Everett FoundationFranklin M. Fisher & Ellen

Paradise FisherFohs FoundationFord FoundationSusie & Michael GelmanRichard & Rhoda Goldman

FundStella & Charles Guttman

Foundation, Inc.Arnold HiattLopatin Family FoundationMoriah Fund, Inc.The Rita Poretsky

FoundationRosenzweig Coopersmith

FoundationBonnie & Marty TenenbaumRuth B. Ziegler

$50,000–$99,999Anonymous (4) The Louis & Anne Abrons

FoundationThe Baron De Hirsch FundThe Common Sense Fund Inc.Isabel P. DunstLois & Richard England

Family FoundationThe Moses Feldman Family

FoundationFine Greenwald FoundationThe Fine FoundationPhyllis K. FriedmanSanford & Linda GallanterGermanacos FoundationGreater Miami Jewish

FederationStephen Gunther & Linda

EssakowMichael Hirschhorn &

Jimena MartinezIrwin JacobsJewish Women’s Foundation

of the Greater Palm Beaches

The Zanvyl & Isabelle Krieger Fund

The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation

Luis & Lee LainerJoseph & Harvey Meyerhoff

Family Charitable FundsLisa & Yaron Minsky-PrimusOpen Society InstituteDaniel & Joanna S. Rose

FundSylvia Sabel & Joel

RubinsteinLela & Gerard SarnatShelley Levine & Larry

SchwartzSegal Family FoundationPeter Shapiro & Bryna LinettLaszlo N. Tauber Family

FoundationHarry & Jeanette Weinberg


$25,000–$49,999Anonymous (12)Samuel I Adler Family

Supporting FoundationEstate of Irmgard AllenJoan & Robert ArnowDavid Berg FoundationThe Bydale FoundationThe Cannon Family

FoundationCogan Family FoundationBarbara & Maurice

DeaneThe Feldman Family

FoundationClaire FrankelFrankel Family FoundationThe Rosalinde & Arthur

Gilbert FoundationRobert & Doris GordonJane Gottesman & Geoffrey

BiddleSally GottesmanJohn & Kathryn GreenbergThe Irving Harris FoundationDavid Hochberg FoundationAudrey & Sydney Irmas

Charitable FoundationJ StreetJewish Funders NetworkThe Jewish Women’s

Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago

Gerald & Jane KatcherKey FoundationLinda Gerber KleinLandau Family FoundationElliot & Frances Lehman

The Max & Anna Levinson Foundation

Jan Abby LiffDavid & Barbara LipmanCaroline & Brian LurieAmy Mandel & Katina RodisWalter S. Mander FoundationMaor FoundationThe Purple Lady/Barbara J.

Meislin FundAlan Sieroty & Beth & David

MeltzerHarriet Mouchly-Weiss &

Charles WeissThe Natan FundThe Louis & Helen Padnos

FoundationStacy & Keith PalagyeRita Poretsky Memorial

Fund, Inc.Estate of Henrietta RosenDavid L. RosenhanNancy & Miles RubinLaura Scher & Ian AltmanCharles & Lynn Schusterman

Family FoundationDaniel & Sheila SegalJoan & James ShapiroShepard Broad FoundationRose L. ShureFJC: A Foundation of

Philanthropic FundsSusan StockelSun Hill FoundationTikkun Olam Women’s

Foundation of Greater Washington

Agnes VarisTerry & Carol WinogradWomen Donors NetworkPeter & Gail Bates YessneCarole & Saul Zabar

$10,000–$24,999Anonymous (22)Sari K. AgatstonRalph AlpertFred Altshuler & Julia

CheeverRonald M. AnsinMadeleine & David ArnowLee AtzilAlvin H. Baum, Jr.Richard & Eileen BazelonDavid M. Becker & Leslie C.

SeemanProfessor Alice N. BenstonHoward & Dorothy BergerMelissa A. BermanMindy Berman & Andrew


Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation

Michael Bien & Jane KahnSally Weiskopf BockJon & Bobbe BridgeThe Chrysalis FundDavid Cohen & Ellen

GoodmanJonathan Cohen & Eleanor

FriedmanCombined Jewish

PhilanthropiesDr. & Mrs. Dan CostinDemocracyinaction.org

Activism ServicesDaniel & Alisa DoctoroffEdward & Rose DreyerEpstein Teicher

PhilanthropiesLois & Irving Blum


Supporting FundJudy Coffin & Willy

ForbathForrest & Miriam FossFunding ExchangeAviva FutorianClaude P.J. Ghez, M.D.Glassman Browning

Saltsman & Jacobs Inc.Sarah & Seth GlickenhausJackson & Irene Golden

1989 Charitable TrustLisa & Douglas Goldman

FundWilliam & Serra GoldmanGoldman Sonnenfeldt

Foundation Inc.Robert & Ruth GoldstonCarol & Allen GownTerry E. GrantJoseph & Beth GreenThomas C. GreenLois & Richard GuntherMimi & Peter Haas FundHadassah FoundationHarry Kramer Memorial FundDr. Jacqueline HellerVictor & Lorraine HonigRuth P. HorwichDaniel HurwitzMarvin Israelow & Dorian

GoldmanRabbi Richard J. Jacobs &

Ms. Susan K. FreedmanJuel Janis & Roger LangsdorfJewish Charities of AmericaJewish Federation of Greater

PittsburghAlan & Carol Kaplan

The Karma FoundationSteven & Priscilla KerstenEve Biskind Klothen &

Kenneth KlothenThe Nathan & Helen Kohler

FoundationMurray KoppelmanJim & Catherine KoshlandMarjorie Kovler FundBarbara N. KravitzLinda & Frank KurtzHarry & Sadie Lasky

FoundationJesse & Dana LehmanLew & Laurie LeibowitzMatti Leshem & Lynn HarrisLewis C. LevinPeachy & Mark LevyDr. Russell M. LindenSusan LissAndrew & Sara LittTheodore R. LiveYaffa & Paul MaritzMarcia Kramer Mayer &

Michael EisenbudMAZON: A Jewish Response

to HungerJanice MeisterIlse MelamidThe Milton & Sophie Meyer

FundMills Family Charitable

FoundationLeo Model Foundation, Inc.Andrew Nagel & David

BrodskyRaquel H. NewmanLisa Orlick-Salka & Corey

SalkaBonnie OrlinLisa Messinger & Rabbi

Aaron PankenKathleen Peratis & Richard

FrankThe Howard & Geraldine

Polinger Family FoundationLisa & John PritzkerAlan & Nancy RaznickCharles H. Revson

FoundationMarcia RiklisAaron M. Roland, M.D.The Rita & Herbert Rosen

Family FoundationLyle & Gloria RosenzweigThe Elizabeth B. & Arthur E.

Roswell Foundation, Inc.Rothman Family FoundationAnita RotmanSagner Family FoundationDavid Salem & Laurie Aloisio


Page 20: 2010 Annual Report


Steven Salop & Judith Gelman

Bettylu & Paul SaltzmanFrederick P. SchafferMark & Isabel SchifferMargaret K. SchinkThe Else & David Schnur

Charitable TrustsBen & Norma ShapiroCharles & M. R. Shapiro

Foundation, Inc.Joan Blum ShaynePeter J. Silverman & Janet

HeettnerLawrence E. SilvertonThe Silverweed Foundation,

Inc.Gary B. SokolElene & Herbert SolomonSparkplug FoundationMira SpektorHenry SteinerHazel S. StixMr. & Mrs. Edward StreimThe Tilles FamilyEmily & Frank VoglPaul & Dorothy WachterBernard & Jack WeingartenJohn Weinstein & Heidi

StewartEarl L. Wiener, Ph.D.Otto & Marianne Wolman

FoundationStanley Wulf & Linda Press

WulfUzi Zucker

$5,000–$9,999Anonymous (20)Walter & Alice Abrams

Family FundWilliam & Susan AbramsKaren Adler & Laurence

GreenwaldAlpern Family FoundationSheldon AlsterAmcha For TsedakahIzhar Armony & Naomit

Armony-ErelWilliam & Donna BarrowsPatricia & Allan BeckerOz Benamram & Gali

Freedman-BenamramFroma & Andrew BenerofeJessica Bernhardt &

Theodore GoldsteinJ.B. Margaret Blaugrund

FoundationErnest & Rita BogenBeth BurnamAdam E. CarlinMatt Chanoff & Lisa Kleiner

ChanoffAlan Cohen & Robert BankMarshall & Shirley CohenPeter & Barbara CohenCompton Foundation


Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust, Gerald Cook, Trustee

Michael & Rhoda DanzigerIlana DeBare & Sam

SchuchatBenjamin DiamentReuben & Rivka DoriJoy G. DryfoosPeter EdelmanRobert & Jeana EfroymsonDavid & Audrey EggerMs. Lisa Erdberg & Mr.

Dennis GibbonsFabrangen Tzedakah

CollectiveJerome & Nancy FalkRobert & Marjorie FederMelodye Feldman & H.

Joshua GouldFox Family FoundationNaomi C. FranklinDavid Friedman & Paulette

MeyerThomas & Ann FriedmanGaia FundThe Generations FundCandice Gold & Edmond

RussellGoldberg Berbeco

Foundation, Inc.Jerome & Linda GoldenFrances E. GoldmanLynda M. GoldsteinRobert Goodman & Jayne

LipmanLela GorenDr. Deborah GorhamArchie Gottesman & Gary

DeBodeMark & Janet GottesmanJeffrey & Beth GreenEllen HaasEvelyn & Walter Haas, Jr.

FundAlan & Barbara HaubenstockLenore HechtJames & Marlene HenersonWillard J. HertzJuliane M. HeymanMichal & Jack HillmanAnita HirshMarvin Hoffman & Rosellen

BrownMartin IndykInstitute for Mediterranean

AffairsDr. Sherry IsraelHoward G. & Samita B.

JacobsLinda & Thomas KalinowskiHenry Kaminer & Ricki FierMorton & Merle KaneKarsten Family FoundationGerri KayPaul & Susanne KesterFrannie & Michael Hall

KieschnickSara & Jonathan Klein

Yosef & Carmela KleinDavid L. Klein, Jr. FoundationLauren Kogod & David

SmileyLeslie S. KogodEhud KornRobin KosbergLouis KruppEdward LabatonSusan Morse-LebowPaul Lehman & Ronna

StammSuzanne LernerThe Renaissance

Foundation, Irving Levin & Stephanie Fowler

Sally LevinLisa J. LiebermanRobert B. Lifton & Carol

RosofskyLeonard LitwinDolly L. MaassCarol MalnickDaniel & Lenore MassHenry MassieWilliam MindlinMarc S. MollerDavid E. Nachman & Amy

SchulmanJonathan M. NadlerAnita NavonNewman Family FoundationLouis Newman & Rabbi Amy

EilbergCraig NewmarkArthur & Judith ObermayerJane & Daniel OchStuart & Lee PollakJames R. Posner & Jill J.

ProskyDaniel C. & Lisa R. PriceArleen & Aaron PriestYale & Barbara RabinRichman Family FoundationDavid Rintels & Victoria

RiskinSidney RobbinsIrwin & Cecilia RosenblumDavid & Phyllis RothmanRuderman Family

FoundationNoreen Gordon Sablotsky

Family FoundationFain Malsky Charitable

FoundationDonald SchapiroRosel & Elliot SchewelPhilip Schild & Shirley Dichek

SchildHarriet & Leonard SchleyTheodor SchuchatRenata & Jack SchwebelJean & Charles SegalDeborah Shapira & Barry

SternHarold & Myra ShapiroArthur Slepian & Gerry


Karen SlossLouis & Jean SlossBruce, Steven, Gerald &

Diane Solomon FundThomas H. & Donna M.

Stone FoundationStrear Family FoundationJudith Tenzer BennSidney & Lillian TopolDiane TrodermanUnderdog FundBarry & Elsa WaxmanOreg FoundationThe Emanuel & Anna

Weinstein FoundationThe Wexler-Beron Family

FoundationBruce F. WhizinMordechai & Barbara WinterIrene & Alan WurtzelAllan & Ray Ellen YarkinEleanor L. Zuckerman

$2,500–$4,999Anonymous (20)Stephen & Joanne AbelThe Lassor & Fanny Agoos

Charity FundAlmoney FundHubert & Joan AlpertDeena AranoffFrank K. BambergerJoAnne & Michael BanderBarry & Elizabeth Bar-ElBarg & WalkowHarvey & Sonya BarshaNan BasesRonald & Enriqueta BauerRuth & Roy BelzerSandra J. BerbecoNancy Bernstein & Robert

SchoenBeth Haverim Shir Shalom

TempleRobert A. BillsteinJoseph & Joan BirmanIrene & Asher BirnbaumWilliam & Ellen BlairSue & Benjamin BoleyJoseph L. BowerDr. & Mrs. David BraunRichard & Barbara BraunMeryl BrodMinna BuckDennis & Jane CarltonChampaign-Urbana Jewish

FederationMr. Bernard P. CohenGale Mondry & Bruce CohenJames E. CohenThe Silver Tie Fund, Inc.Saul & Miriam CohenYehudah B. CohnSandra ColiverThe Edward T. Cone

FoundationMary I. CoombsMitchell & Renee Cooper

Gerry & Charles CristolRichard Dale & Dorit HarverdMark DavidowDina DublonDavid Edelstein & Jennie

BerksonRuth SteinbergLeroy & Edna Mae FademLeonard & Stephanie FarberConcepcion & Irwin

FedermanFred FeigensonGeorge FeldmanFoundation For Middle East

PeaceSharna & Irvin Frank

FoundationTom & Myrna FrankelBarbara FreedmanRobert Friedman & Kristina

KiehlThe Garfinkle FamilyJeffrey GaynesJanice Gepner & Eric

NewmanDavid GildinThe Global Fund for WomenJudith F. GoldbergBruce N. Goldberger &

Esther SperberArthur S. GoldmanMarcia & John GoldmanMargery GoldmanNatalie & Stephen GoldmanSeth Goldstein & Tina

SharkeyBetty B. GolombNeil GoteinerDavid & Rita GottliebSteven Greenberg & Avra

GoldmanLinda & Richard GreeneMarc & Diane GreenwaldBrenda Gruss & Daniel

HirschBluma & Donald HermanLinda & Steve HirschHarry HutzlerSimon & Marie Jaglom

Foundation, Inc.Peter & Karen JakesBeatrice & Robert KahnLeslie Kane & M. Manuel

FishmanRita J. & Stanley H. Kaplan

Family FoundationSally B. KaplanBFK FoundationEzra Jack Keats FoundationKenneth Klein & Harriet

BogradSonia & Lawrence KleinStella & Leonard KleinrockStuart A. KogodRoger L. KohnSusan & David KraemerJeffrey & Kandy KramerCharles & Naomie Kremer


Page 21: 2010 Annual Report


Doris & George KrevskyLinda & Jake KrigerJed Kwartler & Carol BarashDr. Barbara LaferPnina LahavBetsy & Donald LandisElizabeth & Scott LassarElliott & Phyllis LasserRichard LavensteinDr. Joel L. LebowitzTerry & Margaret LenznerIrwin & Rachel LevinRobert & Bonita LevinLeonard & Beryl LevineBernard & Lory LevingerKeith & Bari LevingstonRabbi Michael Lezak &

Rabbi Noa KushnerCharlotte LindonSarah LironLowenstein Brothers

FoundationCarla E. LyntonGayle & Jerry MargerJudith & Michael MarguliesSilvia MarxBarry & Ellen Massie

Charitable Trust in Memory of Felice Massie

The Mazur Family Foundation

Ruth W. Messinger & Andrew Lachman

Howard MetzenbergGail S. Meyers & Andy HallVicki F. Miller & Warren ZinnSabra MinkusMartha Minow & Joseph

SingerArmando M. MirandaThe Mishan FamilyRobert & Dale MnookinNorman & Jane MoscowitzElizabeth K. MoserRafi MusherJane Newman & Amy LangeJeffrey NewmanSharee & Murray NewmanJohn & Kayla NilesKimberly C. OxholmJulia Parzen & Daniel

JohnsonArthur PeckRobert Pindyck & Nurit Eini-

PindyckJudith PlaskowTUW Posnack FoundationHarvey & Suzanne PrinceDavid Reisen & Ann Peck

ReisenElsbeth Reisen & Mark DyenPaul Resnick & Joan KarlinElaine ReubenShai & Judy RobkinDan R. RoinTobey H. RolandSusan Romer & Donald


Joyce Zinbarg Rosenthal & Steven Rosenthal

Seymour & Sylvia Rothchild Family 2004 Charitable Foundation

Jerry & Bernice RubensteinPeter Rukin & Sharon DjemalDr. Margrit Wreschner

RustowAdene Sacks & Joseph

HellersteinSavitsky, Satin & BaconLouis & Barbara SavrinAlice & Robert SchlossLisbeth B. Schorr & FamilyLeonard & Celia SchuchmanMargaret & Howard

ShainbergGreg Sharenow & Julie

GerstenSandra & Charles SimonDaniel Sokatch & Dana

ReinhardtRabbi Felicia L. SolRobert S. & Jean M.

SolomonMarvin SparrowEugene & Marilyn SteinRobert & Elaine SteinStanley & Kay SchlozmanPeter & Abbe SteinglassJerry V. SternbergDr. & Mrs. Robert M. TartellThe Vivian & Paul Olum

FoundationKaren Tucker & Jerome

AvornLloyd & Lassie UlmanMichael & Marion UsherDrs. David Wahl & Carol

TrautMilton & Miriam Waldbaum

Family FoundationMichael & Judith WalzerGeorge S. WarburgMr. & Mrs. WeisbergRoger Weisberg & Karen

FreedmanWeiser Family FoundationJeff & Paula Kramer WeissKristin & Shmuel WeissmanAnn F. WimpfheimerElaine & Maynard WishnerAnn S. WolffFrances A. WolginChic WolkFredric Woocher & Wendy

DozoretzMax Yaffe

$1,000–$2,499Anonymous (53)Steven W. AbrahamsSonia S. Abrams FundKaren AbravanelMartha A. AckelsbergS. James & Mary AdelsteinPatricia & Ronald Adler

Rachel R. AdlerRichard Almond, M.D. &

Barbara Almond, M.D.Joel & Barbara AlpertDavid & Penny AlschulerLiora AlschulerJulie & Andrew AlterAnita Altman & Gil KulickJohn & Betty Ann AltmanMaurice Amado FoundationBeulah & Ezra AmsterdamAnonymous Fund 6 of

the Liberty Hill Foundation

Sanford AntignasMichael Appel & Ruth KrautPaul & Barbara ArensonWalter & Diane ArikerDan Arnon & Tao Kai LamPeter & Kathi ArnowThe Altman Aronow

Charitable FoundationHoward I. AronsonDorothy AschermanBennett Ashley & Ruth

WeinrebEileen Auerbach & Lawrence

BurgheimerMaia AzubelMichael & Charlotte BaerLawrence Bailis & Susan

ShevitzJudith BainZiona & Edwin BalabanGerald & Ursula BambergerMaggie Bar-TuraEphraim BaranEllen BarnettJane & Alan BatkinHarry BauerHowell Baum & Madelyn

SiegelWilliam & Debbie BeckerIrwin & Ruth BeenWilliam BenterJulie & Jeffrey BercowDavid BergerDavid J. BergerMarc & Elizabeth BergerMark BergerRobert L. Bergman M.D.Berkowitz Family FoundationWilliam BerleyNorma & Rabbi Donald R.

BerlinJim & Diane BerlinerNancy Berman & Alan BlochThe Berman Family

Charitable FundKerrin & Peter BermontEve Bernstein & Alex

GersznowiczLinda Lipsett & Jules

BernsteinMarge Hiatt BernsteinMichael & Amy BernsteinRalph & Gail BernsteinDavid & Rachel Biale

Hannah (z’’l) & Ernst Biberstein

Peter Bickel & Nancy BickelBerthold BilskiMarsha & Brian BilzinRichard & Elaine BinderLinda Blackstone & Paul

CastlemanDeborah BlankRita & Irwin BlittRabbi Bernard & Bailey

BloomAlan & Helen BonapartSheila & Edward BraunCarole & Marvin BreenVicki & Joel BremanBrener Family FoundationMartin I. & Shirley B. BreslerDavid Bressler & Susan

Adler-BresslerLeona & Murry BrochinShifra BronznickRabbi Sharon BrousCatherine BrownLaura S. Brown, Ph.D.Katherine BrowningRabbi Gustav & Sheila

BuchdahlPamela S. BurdmanMarcia BurnamMark Burstein & David CalleBurton & Shulamith CaineNorman L. CantorEarl M. & Margery C.

Chapman FoundationRabbi Kenneth Chasen &

Allison LeeThe Chasin FamilyChicago Sinai CongregationMichael J. ChurginAdi CohenAlice S. CohenJonathan & Victoria CohenMax CohenRobert E. CohenShelly Cohen & Julie ShapiroStephanie & Charles CohenStephen B. CohenSteven Cohen & Elsie SternSteven M. CohenDebra Leanne Wrobel CohnJonathan CohnMrs. Aaron H. ColeRobert T. ColeSusan Coliver & Robert

HermanCongregation Beth El

Tzedakah HevraCongregation Emanu-ElCongregation Nevei KodeshCooper FabricsRabbi Rachel B. CowanLarry Cuban in memory of

BarbaraCharles & Ada Beth CutlerSteven & Helena D’AngeloCharles & Jonis DavisJoel Deitz & Barbara Berko

Jay & Phyllis DenboDengrove Family FoundationDorothy & Yale DoberneKenneth Douglas FoundationDreiseszun Family

FoundationMartin DreyfussJuan Carlos & Amy DuqueMichelle S. DworkinNancy Ebb & Gary FordHarriett M. EcksteinJenny EisenbergRuth EisenbergStephen & Lisa EisensteinWill & Ann Eisner Family

Foundation, Inc.Diana EngelClement & Caroline ErbmannDeborah FalikDr. David S. FankushenOlga & Milton FarbsteinMeyer H. FedidaLeslee & Wayne FeinsteinMarc & Gail McClelland

FentonAlbert FeuerwerkerRabbi Harvey & Sybil FieldsHarriet & Michael FinckMark Finklestein & Janet

PennHarriet & Albert FishlowLeora FishmanMichael Flamm & Jennifer

McNallySamuel Fleischacker & Amy

ReichertTed & Barbara FlickerMartin & Helen FlusbergDeborah & Marc FogelSteven Foldes & Riv-Ellen

PrellCarl & Leonore FoormanFoundation For Global

CommunityBetty FoxSamuel FoxRandall & Ellen FrankDaniel & Ruth FrankfurtBarbara & Herb FranklinEllen Franz & Stephen

FleischmanMr. Morrie & Carol FredThe Honorable & Mrs.

Frederick A. FreedmanHenry & Helen FreedmanLynn P. Freedman & David

S. FrankelMatthew & Gladys FreedmanDeborah M. FreundDrs. Ruthellen Fried &

Lawrence BoxtBenjamin M. FriedmanBernard Friedman & Lesley

HyattRabbi Dayle Friedman &

David FerlegerHoward Friedman & Sherry



Page 22: 2010 Annual Report


Michael S. FriedmanRobert & Janine FrierRabbi Dara FrimmerBarbara & David FrommDr. Jonathan D. FuchsDr. Victor R. FuchsBarry & Joan GabermanDennis GaitsgoryTsvi GalGerald GalisonElkan & S. Zelda GamzuHoward Garoon & FamilyBarbara & Richard GarrettThe Joseph & Anna Gartner

FoundationRabbi David Gedzelman &

Ms. Judith TurnerStephen & Rhea GendzierBob & Veronique GerberCharles GetzAnat S. GevaAtherlie K. GiddingJack Z. Gilad & Douglas D.

HauerRan Gilad-BachrachRuth & Jack Glantz Family

FoundationDavid Glaser & Leslie Ann

EltonMarian & Arthur GlasgowMyron & Penina GlazerGlobal Impact (Yahoo)Linda G. Gochfeld, MDAvram & Carol GoldbergMilton & Jean GoldbergNancy GoldbergRaymond & Elana Daniels

GoldbergVictor J. Goldberg & Patricia

A. WaldeckRabbi Rachel Goldenberg &

James TalbottDebbie J. GoldmanIrle Goldman & Janet YassenJudith GoldmanPhyllis & Alvin GoldmanRobert & Rebecca GoldmanEdward & Joanne GoldsteinHelen GoldsteinJeffrey & Doris GoldsteinRabbi Lisa L. GoldsteinSylvia GoldsteinPeter J. GollonFrank & Joan GoodmanLouise GoodmanRabbi Donald M. Goor &

Cantor Evan KentDr. James S. Gracer & Rabbi

Judy B. ShanksRabbi Roberto & Evelyn

GraetzBennett & Marcy GrauRichard & Mary GrayBarbara & Isaac GreenBarry Green & Jennifer

AltshulerSherri Greenbach & David


Arthur N. GreenbergDoris & Leon GreenbergI. Melbourne & Louise

GreenbergJack & Deborah GreenbergRobert GreensteinWin & Jerry GreenwaldTed & Dru GreenwoodDiane Asseo GrilichesEllen GrobmanBarbara GroddJoseph & Janet GrodinSusan E. GrosserMartin & Audrey GrossmanMildred GubermanMerna & Joseph GuttentagRonald & Amy GuttmanDonna Hall & B. Michael

SilberSamuel & Marlene HalperinEllen & Jeffrey HalterEstate of Martin HamburgerEliyahou & Britt HarariHelen HarkaspiEllen A. Harnick & Andrew

KrystalHerbert & Stella HarrisRobert & Carol HausmanRabbi Shai HeldWilliam H. HelfandRobert A. HelmanClifford Hendler & Deborah

Neipris HendlerJoel Henning & Maria OjedaJudith N. HerrThe Louis J. & Ruth G. Herr

FoundationSandra D. HessHoward HiattJames HirshbergDale & Stephen HoffmanPaul HomerHoward Horowitz & Alisse

WaterstonDrs. Nina R. Horowitz &

Richard A. SussmanLarry Horwitz & Naomi

PinchukSylvia HorwitzElie HousmanWu-Teh Hsiang & Marjory

BaruchGrace A. HughesArthur HurwitzPaula Hyman & Stanley

RosenbaumToby R. HymanDaniel Jackson & Claudia

MarbachAdam Jacobson & Beth

LevineElana Caplan Jassy &

Andrew JassyThe Jewish Center &

Federation of the Twin TiersThe Jewish Federation

of Nashville & Middle Tennessee

Joe Elman Memorial FundCarol M. JosephValerie JosephArthur & Lorie JuceamMax Kahn & Kathy LampeMichael & Jacqueline KallaySheila B. KamermanGrace KaminsRabbi Emma Kippley-OgmanMurray Kane & Norma

Kane, z”lWilliam & Phyllis KantorDoris C. Kaplan, in memory

of Martin N. KaplanPaula E. KaplanKaplan Family FoundationStan & Toba KaplowitzEmile KarafiolKaruna FoundationRichard Kass & Elaine SofferRebecca KatzRichard & Heidi KatzDr. & Mrs. Sidney W. KatzStuart C. KatzAmalia KaufmanEliezer Kaunfer & Lisa ExlerKenneth Kenigsberg, M.D.Craig & Karen KennedyHarry & Doraline KestenAnne Kiehl FriedmanStephen & Susan KippurNaomi R. Klayman, PhdKaren Wilk KleinRobert & Joan KlivansRalph & Marjorie KnowlesRobert & Mickey KnoxJonathan D. KoreinRabbi Emily Faust KorzenikVictor & Sarah KovnerAlbert H. KramerMaris & Jesse KrasnowMarvin & Gerry KrausArthur Kreiger & Rebecca

BensonDr. Dolores KreismanDavid H. KrenkelSamuel & Marilyn KrimmSusan G. KrinskyJules & Lynn KrollJoseph B. KruskalHilary Kushins & Scott

HerscherPatrick Lacefield & Dinah

LeventhalAlyse LaemmleRuth & Peter LaibsonJesse Lainer-Vos & Dan VosSusanne & Bruce LandauEva & Arthur LandyMarvin LangsamRichard Lapedes & Maureen

LynchSuzanne & David LarsenMorelle Lasky LevineGary & Laura LauderMichael LawsonAllen LeboffLederer Foundation

Leona Lee BohmKenneth & Lucy LehmanJonathan & Shelah Lehrer-

GraiwerRobert & Ellen LeibenluftCarol A. LeifStephen O. LesserYossi LevanoniJoshua Levin & Debra Fried

LevinRochelle S. LevinJohn L. LevinsohnLeonard & Joyce LevitanPaula & Joel LevyLee LichterElana Lieberman & Lorne

AbramsonRobyn Lieberman & Asher

KotzJeffrey & Anna LieblichLawrence & Joyce LightBarbara LindemannNira & Alan LipnerMarc Lipsitch & Meira

LevinsonAlan Gordon Lipson & Judith

D. HarrisChanning T. Lipson, M.D.Steven & Judith LipsonAlan & Sharon LipworthHal LitoffGordon Litwin & Anne

LuzzatoStuart Litwin & Laura Baskes

LitwinJeremy LiztHenry & Elsie LoebSivia LoriaGerald & Selma LotenbergMargit LowensteinSteven Lubet & Linda LiptonOsnat LubraniAlvin LuebeckJ. Zel LurieLynchburg Jewish

Community CouncilRichard & Helen LynnPhilip & Carol LyonsBernard Lytton, M.D.Amy MachtDagny Maidman & Molly

WoodMichael & Anita MalinaJudy MannPaul & Annette MarcusJesse MargolinJudith Margolin & Seth

SchwartzMichael & Ruth MargolinJonathan Markowitz & Ruth

WengerElizabeth L. Marks, M.D.Larry & Gladys MarksPaulina K. MarksAlbert E. Marks Charitable

TrustIsabel MayBeatrice Cummings Mayer

Daniel & Karen MayersMehlman Family FundDavid Mehlman & Arlene

Alpert MehlmanJoseph A. MeisMark Mellman & Mindy

HorowitzDaniel Meltzer & Ellen

SemonoffNoa MeyerJ.S. & S. Michaan

FoundationShira Milgrom & David ElcottI. William & Diane MillenCindy L. MillerGeorge & Roslyn MillerLindsay & Aaron MillerMarjorie & Morgan MillerNina K. MillerShirley & Mitchell MillerMuriel G. Miller PearAndrea Miller-KellerJonathan I. MishkinJudith MishkinDiane & George MooreLauren Moskovitz & Scott

SholderKenneth & Anne MossCharles Stewart Mott

FoundationEllen & Michael MundellCarol & Jerry MuskinN. James & Ellen MyerbergMaxine MyersJudy W. & Jay A. NadelBennett & Sondra NathanBelle & Murray Nathan Fund

(Jewish Communal Fund)Jack NeedlemanNelco Foundation Inc.Bettyrose NelsonStanley & Adella NemerJean & NerenbergMs. Iris NewmanJim NewmanMyra & Bruce NewmanIlana Nossel & Jordan KolarRabbi Janet I. Offel &

Michael R. NebenzhalNancy & Morris W. OffitEdward D. Ohlbaum & Karyn

L. ScherThe Oppenheim FamilyAbe & Esther OrlickWilliam R. PadnosSheryl Parker & James

GrayerRichard & Martha PastcanDavid Paul & Marilyn PaulBill & Janet PauliMrs. Judith Stern PeckWendy PeikesRabbi Ephraim Pelcovits &

Rachel WeberAvigdor Pemper & Dr. Mark

RabinerDaniel & Felice PerlmutterLili Perski


Page 23: 2010 Annual Report


Joel & Jean PerwinAvrom PfefferGeoffrey P. PicketWilliam & Karen PodolskyDinah PoKempner & Robert

KushenAnonymous Donor Advised

Fund, McKenzie River Gathering Foundation

Justin PollackThe Jean & Henry Pollak

Division of the Lucile & Maurice Pollak Fund

Adam Pollock & Michal Lewin-Epstein-Pollock

Betty Ann PolseFrances R. PoselSylvia PosnerAdena PotokThe Isaac & Leah M. Potts

Foundation, Inc.Meyer & Anna Prentis Family

FoundationDr. Grant J. Price & Dr.

Fraces Y. WuProgressive Jewish Giving

FundPSN Family Charitable TrustWilliam & Martha RabinowitzEdward RaboyPaula J. RackoffRoy R. Raizen & FamilyJack RapaportRabbi Lawrence & Dr. Terrie

RaphaelMaurice & Rose RapkinMichael & Joyce RappeportElinor G. RatnerRaymond & Margery ReedMichael & Lynn ReichgottEstate of Shirley & Bernard

ReifmanPaula & Daniel ReingoldJulian & Frieda ReitmanEugene & Libby RenkinBeverly ReuterCantor & Mrs. Stephen

RichardsDrs. Barak & Laura RichmanDavid Richman & Janet

PerryDorothy Richman & Michael

SteinmanElizabeth & Hershel RichmanJoseph RichterRobert & Ellen RinskyRamona RipstonSteven M. Riskin & Claudine

IsaacsDan J. RobertsAdam RobinsonDavid RockerNeta RogerJune & Marvin RogulHarold L. RosenMilton RosenGeorge & Dorothy


Emily RosenbergH. James RosenbergJack & Lucy Rosenberg

FoundationJoseph B. RosenblattJennie & David RosennGerry RosensteinElden & Marjorie RosenthalBella Rosner & Saul SchapiroKaty & Howard RosofMeyer & Naomi RothbergJennie RothschildDaniel RothsteinH.Steven RothsteinRuth M. RothsteinCantor Judith & Michael

RowlandAnn Rubin & FamilyJonathan L. and

Barbara RyderWalter & Marjorie SalmonAlfred & Marta SamulonHarold & Deloris SandersDene A. SarasonClaire Satlof & Jeffrey

BedrickJudith & Richard SchachterDaniel C. SchafferRabbi Laurence Scheindlin &

Alison MayersohnJim & Emily ScheinmanJean Schiro-Zavela & Vance

ZavelaRobert & Dorry SchlossmannS. Ruth SchulmanMyrl S. SchusterJolie Schwab & David HodesAmy Schwartz & Eric KoenigCarol V. SchwartzJ. Sanford & Susan SchwartzMark & Marie SchwartzMark Seal & Margo BloomLynn & Paul SedwayEmily Segal & Andrew EllisJoshua Segal & Jennifer

GeetterSandra & Martin SegalJoseph & Randee SeigerClyde & Trudy SeligRita R. SemelKaren & Alan SenterThe Senville FoundationArkady & Ella SerebryannikRisa Shames & Neil

SilverstonAliza ShapiroHoward & Manya Shapiro

Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

James & Connie ShapiroStanley & Gertrude ShapiroBetty & Stanley K.

SheinbaumSamuel & Jill Deane

SheppardRochelle E. & Jesse ShereffSteven Sheriff & Michele


Reuben & Leona ShevitzJerry & Cecile ShoreHannah P. ShostackJudd & Susan ShovalRabbi Andrew ShugermanHarriet & Clement

ShugermanEdwin & Ellen Sue ShulkinSteven E. SicherAriella Sidelsky & Roy AlcalayMarvin S. SiegelPeter Siegel & Hope StevensRachel J. SiegelSherry Siegel & Robert AlterDaniel & Morrisa Golden-

SieradskiGabrielle Sigel & Howard

EpsteinAlvin SilvermanErnest & Eve SimonEllen Singer & Don SimkinPeter & Marjorie SingerEmily SkolnickDor Skuler-SellaMichael & Kathleen SlaterRichard & Cynthia SloanSteven SlutskyRonda E. SmallSeymour SmidtMalcolm & Betty SmithRichard & Greta SmoloweSnowriders FundIrwin & Ceevah SobelGene Sofer & Judith BartnoffAviam Soifer & Marlene

BoothMay SollSharmon Sollitto & Michael

LedermanRabbis Eric & Jennifer

SolomonRabbi Abigail N. SoslandAbby Sosland & Mark

GoodmanMarcia Cohn SpiegelMartin SpiroHelen & Thomas SpiroSt. Francis Lutheran ChurchSt. Louis HillelJoelle SteefelFredric & Nikki SteinHarold & Vera SteinAdele H. SteinbergPaul M. SteinerEdward SteinhouseJudge Edward Stern & Judge

Maxine ChesneyHarriet W. SternJane R. SternKenneth Stern & Linda SteinRobert Stillman & Janet

SurkinLeah StolarRabbi Ariel StoneNorman StoneShirley & Frederic StorkeMichael Strassfeld & Joy


Walter I. StraussJoan & Steve SubrinRichard & June SwartzBarbara TabachnickShirley T. Tartak FoundationSteven & Sheila TaubeDr. Ingrid D. Tauber &

Frank TaforoMorton I. TeicherRayla G. Temin, in memory

of Howard M. TeminInbar Telem & Martin

LowensteinBruce TemkinBob & Sandy TemkinTenacity, Inc.Gregory TertesDavid & Betsy TeutschJeffrey ThomasesWalter & Anne TickMarjorie B. TivenAaron & Ziva TomaresRuthellen TooleJay & Joan TopkisGary & Evelyn TrachtenJanet TraubSteven Tulkin & Sydney

KapchanJudith TullerDavid & Bonita TurnerDr. Anna N. TylorRichard & Gail UllmanJack & Margrit VanderrynBarbara VolinElizabeth VorenbergDavid Waksberg & Ellen BobThe Sarah Wall Memorial

TrustRon & Marilyn WalterMary Ann & David WarkJoan WarshawDavid Wasserman & Susan

GinsbergHenry Webber & Christine

JacobsMarilyn WeikerDenis WeilPenny & Bruce WeinAlan Weiner & Nancy MaizelsSanford & Karen WeinerMarilyn & Raymond

WeisbergMortimer & Barbara

WeisenfeldDr. David & Estare WeiserCharlotte WeissRichard & Beatrice WernickWest End SynagogueRebecca WesterfieldRuth Wielgosz & Benjamin

EdelmanLouise W. WienerJonathan WilkenfeldSylvia K. WinnerIris WitkowskyStephen & Rachel WiznerStanley F. WolfEstate of Beverly Wolfe, z”l

Robert & Joan WolffMichael WollowitzRudolph & Sara Wyner

Prize Fund at the Boston Foundation

Linda YenkinJosephus Youngerman &

Ronnie ScharfmanNorma & Arnold ZackRabbi Irwin ZeplowitzRabbi Jonathan D. ZimetProfessor Stanley ZimmeringRabbi Jessica ZimmermanMargot & Paul Zimmerman Charlotte M. Zitrin, MD


Page 24: 2010 Annual Report


Naomi ChazanPresidentJerusalem, Israel

Susan LissVice President in North America Chevy Chase, Maryland

Neta ZivVice President in IsraelRamat Hasharon, Israel

Stephen GuntherTreasurer Santa Monica, California

Peter ShapiroSecretarySouth Orange, New Jersey

Elah Alkalay Kfar Mordechay, Israel

Yifat BittonRishon Lezion, Israel

Zeev BregmanTel Aviv, Israel

Avram BurgJerusalem, Israel

Deborah BusselMiami, Florida

Jonathan CohenNew York, New York

Peter EdelmanWashington, District of Columbia

Paul EgermanWeston, Massachusetts

Nabila EspaniolyNazareth, Israel

Franklin FisherCambridge, Massachusetts

Itzik GalnoorJerusalem, Israel

Meron HaCohenJerusalem, Israel

Martin IndykWashington, District of Columbia

Amal JamalYarka, Israel

Noam LautmanTel Aviv, Israel

Brian LurieRoss, California

Harriet Mouchly-WeissNew York, New York

Lisa Orlick-SalkaSeattle, Washington

Sarah Ozacky-LazarKibbutz Ramot Menashe, Israel

Nicholas SaphirWadhurst, United Kingdom

Gerry SarnatPortola Valley, California

Daniel SegalMerion Station, Pennsylvania

Joan ShapiroChicago, Illinois

Daniel SokatchNIF Chief Executive Officer San Francisco, California

Mary Ann SteinBethesda, Maryland


Page 25: 2010 Annual Report


Avram Burg (Chair)Amb. Martin Indyk (Chair)Michel AbitbolIsmail Abu SaadKaren AdlerElah AlkalayArieh ArnonEliyahu BareketMordechai “Morale” Bar-OnYossef BeinartOz BenamramMindy BermanGabby BlumSara CannonAlan CohenCarolyn CohenYehudah CohnRachel CowanJames CummingsEllen DahrendorfJerome DavidsonAvner De-ShalitReuben DoriIsser DubinskySara EhrmanAkiva EldarLawrence EnglanderRami EntinUzi EvenSidra EzrahiLeonard “Leibel” FeinShelley FischelLois FrankEleanor FriedmanAviva FutorianBarry GabermanLily GaliliLinda GallanterSanford (Sandy) Gallanter

Joan Garson

Ruth GavisonJudith GelmanBenny GidronDavid GoldbergMark GoldbergBruce GoldbergerAmiram GoldblumFrances GoldmanPhyllis GoldmanSally GottesmanBarbara GreenJeffrey GreenSherri GreenbachLiz GreensteinLois GuntherRichard GuntherTova HalbertalYisca HaraniGilad HarishDorothy HarmanShlomo HassonShira HerzogNehama HillmanMichael HirschhornMarvin IsraelowHaim IzraeliJune JacobsRichard (Rick) JacobsMichael KariyaniJudith KarpYadin KaufmanLeslie KimerlingJonathan Klein Linda KleinSara KleinOfraKochavi ZeidmanMordecai KremnitzerJoan KurianskyLuis LainerBetsy LandisDonald Landis

Terry LenznerShelley LevineJudith LichtmanJan LiffRobert “Bud” LiftonBryna LinettPierre LoebJonathan LopatinEllen MalcolmJ. Rolando (Roly) MatalonSami MichaelCindy MillerDale MnookinRobert MnookinJacob Ner DavidRaquel H. (Racky) Newman

Louis NewmanCraig NewmarkBonnie OrlinIsraela OronRuth OttolenghiAaron PankenKathleen PeratisGabbi PeretzYoram PeriAlon PiltzStuart PollakPaula RackoffFrances RadayClaude RakovskyIrwin RosenblumNoreen SablotskyMoshe SafdieBettylu SaltzmanDavid SapersteinLela SarnatTalia SassonUri ScharfHarriet SchleyLawrence (Larry) Schwartz

Nancy Schwartz SternoffCarole SegalAmnon SellaHannan SerphosAlla ShainskayaAlice ShalviShimon ShamirAliza ShenharRuth SheshinskiVarda ShifferJonathan ShimshoniJoel SiegelAlan SolomontGideon SteinPrudence SteinerSimone SusskindAlfred (Fred) TauberIngrid TauberBonnie TenenbaumGordon TuckerDavid UmanskyAgnes VarisFrank VoglAl VorspanPaul WachterMichael WalzerSharona Izraeli Watemberg

Butch WeaverAmi WeinsteinSharon WeintraubDiane WexlerVincent WormsDan YakirAlex YoffeCarole ZabarDina ZissermanNeta Ziv


Page 26: 2010 Annual Report




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It is also a network of people around the globe who work together in common purpose. When you join together with NIF—as a donor, volunteer, advocate, or activist—you help make change possible.

Page 27: 2010 Annual Report

Boston35 Highland Circle, 2nd FloorNeedham, MA 02494781.444.7889781.444.7885 [email protected]

ChicagoP.O. Box 1127Highland Park, IL 60035847.681.2103925.888.2416 [email protected]

JerusalemP.O. Box 53410Jerusalem 91534Israel972.73.244.5000972.2.672.3099 [email protected] www.nif.org.il

Los Angeles1733 Ocean Avenue, Suite 350Santa Monica, CA 90401310.566.6393310.394.6872 [email protected]

Miami1400 NW 107th AvenueMiami, FL 33172305.392.4021305.392.4004 [email protected]

New York (HQ)330 Seventh Avenue, 11th FloorNew York, NY 10001212.613.4400212.714.2153 [email protected]

San Francisco703 Market Street, Suite 1503San Francisco, CA 94103415.543.5055415.543.6066 [email protected]

Washington, DC2100 M Street NW, Suite 619Washington, DC 20037202.842.0900202.842.0991 [email protected]

NIF Global1.888.988.FUND (3863)[email protected]

New Israel Fund AustraliaLevel 29, Chifley Tower2 Chifley SquareSydney NSW 2000Australia61.2.9216.9034www.nif.org.au

New Israel Fund of Canada801 Eglinton Avenue West #401Toronto, Ontario M5N 1E3Canada416.781.4322416.781.7443 [email protected]/canada

New Israel Fund UK25-26 Enford StreetLondon W1H 1DWUnited Kingdom44.207.724.226644.207.724.2299 [email protected]

Neuer Israel Fonds SchweizPostfach 425 CH-4010 BaselSwitzerland41.61.272.145541.61.272.3807 [email protected]


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New Israel Fund is the leading organization committed to equality and democracy for all Israelis.