2010-2011 texas hunting seasons and regulations summary

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  • 8/8/2019 2010-2011 Texas Hunting Seasons and Regulations Summary


    2 | Texas Parks & Wildlife OuTdOOr annual 20102011

    20102011 Hunting SeasonsIn addition to a hunting license, a migratory game bird stamp endorsement ($7) is required to hunt

    any migratory game bird, including mourning dove (a Federal Sandhill Crane Permit also is required to

    hunt sandhill crane). An upland game bird stamp endorsement ($7) is required to hunt turkey, quail,

    pheasant, lesser prairie chicken, or chachalacas. See County Listings for specific county regulations.

    All igAtor

    22 counties & special properties (by permit only) Sept. 10-30

    Remainder of the state (see pg. 63) Apr. 1-June 30

    Pron gh orn An teloPe

    By permit only Oct. 2-10

    Dov e (PLEASE REPORT LEG BANDS TO 1-800-327-BAND)North Zone and Central Zone Sept. 1-Oct. 24, Dec. 25-Jan. 9

    South Zone Sept. 17-Oct. 31, Dec. 25-Jan. 18

    Special White-winged Dove Area Sept. 4, 5, 11 and 12, Sept. 17-Oct. 31,

    Dec. 25-Jan. 14

    eArlY teAl -onlY Statewide (all counties) Sept. 11-26

    W h ite - tA i l eD Deer

    Archery-Only Season Oct. 2-Nov. 5

    General Season:

    *Special Youth Season Oct. 30-31, Jan. 3-16North Texas (208 counties) Nov. 6-Jan. 2

    South Texas (30 counties) Nov. 6-Jan. 16

    Late Antlerless and Spike:

    Edwards Plateau (39 counties) Jan. 3-16

    South Texas (30 counties) Jan. 17-30

    Panhandle (28 counties) Jan. 3-16

    Muzzleloader (57 counties) Jan. 3-16

    Mule Deer

    Archery-Only Season Oct. 2-Nov. 5

    General Season:

    Panhandle (39 counties) Nov. 20-Dec. 5

    SW Panhandle (11 counties) Nov. 20-28Trans-Pecos (19 counties) Nov. 26-Dec. 12

    JAvel inA

    (43 counties) Oct. 1-Feb. 27

    (50 counties) Sept. 1-Aug. 31


    **Special Youth Season Sept. 25-26East Texas (51 counties) Oct. 1-Feb. 6, May 1-31

    Other Open counties (see County Listings) Sept. 1-Aug. 31

    Ph eASAn t

    Chambers, Jefferson and Liberty counties Oct. 30-Feb. 27

    Panhandle (37 counties) Dec. 4-Jan. 2

    quAi l

    Statewide (all counties) Oct. 30-Feb. 27

    rio grAn De turkeY

    Archery-Only Season Oct. 2-Nov. 5

    Fall Season:

    *Special Youth Season Oct. 30-31, Jan. 15-16

    North Zone (122 counties) Nov. 6-Jan. 2

    South Zone (26 counties) Nov. 6-Jan. 16

    Brooks, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Willacy counties Nov. 6-Feb. 27

    Spring Season:

    North Zone (101 counties) Apr. 2-May 15

    *Special Youth Season Mar. 26-27, May 21-22

    South Zone (54 counties) Mar. 19-May 1

    *Special Youth Season Mar. 12-13, May 7-8

    1-Turkey Bag Limit (11 counties) Apr. 1-30

    +eAStern turkeY

    Spring-Only Season:East Texas (43 counties) Apr. 1-30

    Ch ACh AlACA

    Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy counties Oct. 30-Feb. 27

    rAb b i tS An D h AreS No closed season.

    * In all counties that have an open season for those species.** In all counties that have an Oct. 1-Feb. 6 and May 1-31 Open Squirrel Season.

    + Rio Grande and Eastern Turkey may be hunted in these counties.

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    Rs SmmryTxas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 17



    20102011 Smmry fsh d H RsVali Sptmbr 1, 2010 throuh Auust 31, 2011

    iMPoRtant notiCe: Th iformatio i this ui is a SuMMaRY of rulatios a statutsovri huti a shi. For mor tail iformatio o am a rulatios, plas cotact a TPWdLaw eforcmt ofc (s p. 18) or call (800) 792-1112 (8 a.m. 5 p.m., Moay throuh Friay). Plasot that iformatio cotai i this summary is subjct to cha by th Txas Parks a Willif Commis-sio, th Txas Lislatur, a/or th fral ovrmt. Th ofcial rulatios, currt to th ay, ca baccss at www.sos.stat.tx.us ur Titl 31 of th Txas Amiistrativ Co. Th Txas Parks a Wil-lif Co ca b accss at: www.statuts.lis.stat.tx.us


    Whr to gt Iformatio a Licss ............................................................................................................. 18

    gr H d fsh Rqrms/RsrcsCrimial Paltis a Civil Valu Rcovry | gral Law ...................................................................... 19gral Iformatio About Licss, Stamp eorsmts a Tas .................................................... 20Huti a Fishi Combiatio Lics Packas .................................................................................... 21Liftim Licss | Fishi Licss a Packas ........................................................................................ 22

    Fishi Stamp eorsmts a Tas | Lics Rquirmts for Borr Watrs ........................... 24Huti Licss a Prmits ........................................................................................................................... 25Huti Stamp eorsmts | Boatr eucatio ....................................................................................... 26Hutr eucatio | Trasfr of Willif Rsourcs | Importatio of Willif Rsourcs .................. 27

    Smmry 20102011 Rcr fsh Rsgral Fishi Ruls for Frsh a Salt Watrs ......................................................................................... 28Rsrvoir Bouaris .......................................................................................................................................... 30Frshwatr/Saltwatr Bouary........................................................................................................................ 31ditios .............................................................................................................................................................. 32Lal Frshwatr a Saltwatr dvics a Rstrictios for Fish .......................................................... 33Frshwatr Fishi Harvst Rulatios ......................................................................................................... 36

    Statwi Ba a Lth Limits | excptios to Statwi Frshwatr Harvst Rulatios.......... 37How to Attach R drum Fish Ta | How to Masur Fish a Crabs | Tips for Rlasi Fish .... 41Iticatio of Yllow, Whit, Strip, a Hybri Strip Bass ........................................................... 42Iticatio of Smallmouth, guaalup & Spott, a Larmouth Bass ........................................... 43Saltwatr Fishi gral Iformatio | Ba a Lth Limits for Saltwatr Fish ........................... 44Saltwatr Frz evts | Shrimp Rulatios............................................................................................... 46Crab a ghost Shrimp Rulatios ............................................................................................................... 49Oystr Rulatios............................................................................................................................................... 50Othr Aquatic Lif (Frsh a Salt Watrs) .................................................................................................. 51

    Fish Cosumptio Bas a Avisoris ................................................................................................................ 51

    Boati Rulatios a Saf Boati Tips | Opratio gam Thif ............................................................. 54

    Smmry 20102011 H Rsditios .............................................................................................................................................................. 55Mas a Mthos ............................................................................................................................................. 56Tai dr or Turky .................................................................................................................................... 58Proof of Sx ........................................................................................................................................................... 59Aftr Killi a dr | Procssi dr, Turky, or Atlop i Camp | Col Stora or

    Procssi Facilitis ........................................................................................................................................ 60Taxirmist ............................................................................................................................................................ 61gam Aimals: ..................................................................................................................................................... 61-64

    Prohor Atlop; dsrt Bihor Shp; dr; Whit-tail dr Youth-Oly;Javlia; Squirrl Youth-Oly, Alliator

    gam Birs: ........................................................................................................................................................... 64Miratory gam Birs; Phasat; Quail; Turky; Turky Youth-Oly

    Miratory gam Birs (early Saso).............................................................................................................. 65noam a Othr Spcis [iclui fros a turtls] ......................................................................... 68Rstrict Aras i Coutis ............................................................................................................................ 69

    Couty Listis ........................................................................................................................................................... 70-93

    Alliator Hi Ta Rport Form ............................................................................................................................ 92

    Willif Rsourc documt ................................................................................................................................. 93

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    18 Txas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 Rs Smmry




    Whr g irm d lcssRcratioal huti a shi licss a stamp orsmts ar availabl at approximatly 1,700locatios throuhout th stat i aitio to th ofcs list blow. Ths locatios iclu sportioos stors, u shops, partmt stors, iscout stors, bait a tackl shops, rocry stors, a mayothr typs of stors. Som commrcial huti a shi licss ar availabl OnLY at th Austihaquartrs a ofcs list blow. For a covic, rcratioal licss may b purchas by phoor throuh th Itrt with approv Visa, discovr, or MastrCar. A $5 amiistrativ f will b charfor thos sals. Call (800) TX LIC 4 U (1-800-895-4248) btw 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Moay throuh Friay (closSaturay, Suay a most holiays), or lo o to http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/licss/oli_sals. May

    licss may b purchas for immiat us xcpt whr tai is rquir, i.., r a turky.

    txs Prs d Wd Dprm Hdrrs: 4200 Smith School Roa, Austi (78744)

    t-r rm: (Mo. Fri., 8 a.m. 5 p.m.) (800) 792-1112 or (512) 389-4800txs Prs d Wd Dprm ir W S: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us

    tPWD R d fd lw ercm ocs:

    a, 281 north Willis (79603) (325) 673-3333amr, 203 Wst eihth, Suit 200 (79101)

    (806) 379-8900

    bm, 5550-K eastx Frwy (77708)(409) 892-8666brws, 5460 Pars Li Roa, Suit 201

    (78526) (956) 546-1952brwwd, 301 Mai, Suit d (76801)

    (325) 646-0440C S, 12815 FM 2154 (Wllbor Roa),

    Suit 160 (77845) (979) 696-4148Crps Chrs, 5541 Bar La, Suit 232 (78405)

    (361) 289-5566e Ps, 401 east Frakli, Suit 520 (79901)

    (915) 834-7050

    fr Wrh, 5400 Airport Frwy, Suit e (76117)(817) 831-3128frpr, 210 Wst First Strt, Suit C (77541)

    (979) 233-7968 hours 9 AM to 1 PM (boatristratio ot availabl at Frport ofc)

    grd, 346 Oaks Trail, Suit 100 (75043)(972) 226-9966

    Hs (orth), 350 north Sam Housto Pkwy e.,Suit 100 (77060) (281) 931-6471

    Hs (south), 10101 Southwst Frwy, #206(77074) (713) 779-8977

    krr, 309 Siy Bakr South (78028)

    (830) 257-7611

    lMrq, 14037 dlay Roa (77568)(409) 933-1947

    lrd, 5119 Bob Bullock Loop (78041)

    (956) 718-1087lc, 1702 Lamark La, Suit 1 (79415)(806) 761-4930

    l, Ol Txas Plaza, 4100 S. Mfor driv,Suit 204B (75901) (936) 632-1311

    Mdd, 4500 Wst Illiois, Suit 307 (79703)(432) 520-4649

    M. Ps, 212 South Johso (75455)(903) 572-7966

    Rcpr, 715 South Hwy. 35 (78382) (361) 790-0312Rs, 580 Wst Sixth Strt (75785) (903) 683-2511S a, 3407 South Chabour (76903)

    (325) 651-4844S a, 858 Wst Rhapsoy (78216)(210) 348-7375

    tmp, 3615 South gral Bruc driv (76504)(254) 778-8913

    tyr, 3330 South Southwst Loop 323 (75701)(903) 534-0388

    vcr, 2805 n. navarro, Suit 600A (77901)(361) 575-6306

    Wc, 1601 east Crst driv (76705) (254) 867-7951Wch fs, 100 Frmar Vally (76301)

    (940) 723-7327

    Sp Pch! fr 24-hr rpr s, c

    (800) 792-gAMe, Austi (512) 389-4848, Housto (281) 842-8100 (s p. 54)

    TPWd rcivs fral assistac from th U.S. Fish a Willif Srvic a othr fral acis. TPWd is thrfor subjct to Titl VIof th Civil Rihts Act of 1964, Sctio 504 of th Rhabilitatio Act of 1973, Titl II of th Amricas with disabilitis Act of 1990, th Adiscrimiatio Act of 1975, Titl IX of th eucatio Ammts of 1972, i aitio to stat ati-iscrimiatio laws. TPWd will complywith stat a fral laws prohibiti iscrimiatio bas o rac, color, atioal orii, a, sx or isability. If you bliv that you havb iscrimiat aaist i ay TPWd proram, activity or vt, you may cotact th U.S. Fish a Willif Srvic, divisio of FralAssistac, 4401 n. Fairfax driv, Mail Stop: MBSP-4020, Arlito, VA 22203, Atttio: Civil Rihts Cooriator for Public Accss.

    Huti a shi rulatios, as wll as stat-maat hutr ucatio a safty iformatio, aralso availabl oli i Spaish. Visit www.pwd.s.x.s/sp, or with spcic qustioscall (800) 792-1112.

    e spaol, l sumario l rlamto para cacra y psca, as como la iformaci sobr lrquisito crticaci ucaci y suria la caza, s cutra ispoibls lavisitao: www.pwd.s.x.s/spo co prutas spccas llamao a (800) 792-1112.

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    geneRal Hunting anD fiSHingRequiReMentS/ReStRiCtionS

    Crm Ps d C v Rcry

    i y sh d wd ws, dd c rs y my: d (Css C $25$500; Css b $200$2,000; Css a $500$4,000; S

    J fy, $1,500$10,000); jd (Css b d hhr ss); c mc ssps r rc css r p yrs; r h r, cd rrms, sd cmm .

    Civil ReStitution: I aitio to th crimial palty for huti a shi violatios, th part-mt will sk th civil rcovry valu for th loss or ama to willif rsourcs. Th civil rstitutio cost ispayabl to Txas Parks a Willif dpartmt a is i aitio to th assss by th court. Failur topay th civil rcovry valu will rsult i th partmts rfusal to issu a lics, ta, or prmit. A ii-viual who huts or shs aftr th rfusal commits a Class A mismaor which is puishabl by a otlss tha $500 or mor tha $4,000; puishmt i jail ot to xc o yar; or both a comt.

    liCenSe ReinStateMent: A prso who sks ristatmt of lics privils followi licsrvocatio or ial must apply for lics privil ristatmt a pay a $100 applicatio f. For qus-tios cocri civil rstitutio call (512) 389-4630.

    iMPoRtant note: Txas is ow a mmbr of th Itrstat Willif Violator Compact (IWVC). ThIWVC is a multi-stat compact that allows mmbr stats to shar iformatio about willif violators a toy licsur to prsos who hav fail to comply with cosrvatio law i mmbr stats. For xampl, ifa prso has ha thir huti, shi or trappi privils susp i o mmbr stat, th suspsiomay b rcoiz by ay mmbr stat. For mor iformatio call (512) 389-4381.

    gr lw

    Th followi iformatio arsss som of th mor commoly ask qustios about huti a shirquirmts a rstrictios. For aitioal iformatio ot iclu i this ui, cotact your local amwar or pho th Txas Parks a Willif dpartmt (TPWd) toll fr at (800) 792-1112. inSPeCtion autHoRitY: A am war who obsrvs a prso a i a activity ovr

    by th Txas Parks a Willif Co or rasoably blivs that a prso is or has b a i such aactivity may ispct:(1) ay lics, prmit, ta, or othr ocumt issu by th partmt a rquir by th Txas Parks

    a Willif Co of a prso huti or catchi willif rsourcs;(2) ay vic that may b us to hut or catch a willif rsourc;(3) ay willif rsourc i th prsos possssio; a(4) th cotts of ay cotair or rcptacl that is commoly us to stor or cocal a willif rsourc.

    Prs idc: Wh h, sh r rpp, prss 17 yrs r

    dr ms crry hr prs drrs cs r prs dc crcssd y h txs Dprm Pc Sy. n-rsds must carry similar ocu-mts issu by th acy i thir stat or coutry of rsic that is authoriz to issu rivrs licssor prsoal iticatio crticats.

    Pssss lm: For all willif rsourcs tak for prsoal cosumptio a for which thr is apossssio limit, th possssio limit shall ot apply aftr th willif rsourc has rach th possssorsprmat rsic a is ally procss.

    Spcial rulatios a ocumts ar rquir for th trasfr a importatio of willif rsourcs (sTrasfr of Willif Rsourcs, p. 27).

    Ws gm: It is a offs (Class C mismaor) if a prso whil huti kills or wous a ambir or am aimal a ittioally or kowily fails to mak a rasoabl ffort to rtriv th aimal orbir a iclu it i th prsos aily or sasoal ba limit. It is a offs if a prso ittioally taks r

    psssss a am bir, am aimal, or a sh a ittioally, kowily, or rcklssly, or with crimiallic, fails to kp th ibl portios of th bir, aimal, or sh i a ibl coitio. It is a Class Amismaor to fail to rtriv or to kp i a ibl coitio a whittail or mul r, prohor at-lop, or srt bihor shp hut without laowr cost; from a vhicl, boat, or aircraft; o apublic roa; at iht; or with th ai of a liht.

    Rr gm: no prso may pursu a wou willif rsourc across a proprty li withoutth cost of laowr of th proprty whr th willif rsourc has . Ur th trspass provi-sios of th Pal Co, a prso o a proprty without th prmissio of th laowr is subjct to arrst.

    Hrssm Hrs, trpprs, r ars (Sportsms Rihts Act TPWd Co, 62.0125)is puishabl by a of $200 to $2,000 a/or 180 ays i jail.

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    20 Txas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 Rs Smmry




    i s w : tak, attmpt to tak, or possss willif rsourcs withi a protct lth limit, i ratr umbrs, by

    othr mas, or at ay tim or plac, othr tha as iicat withi this ui. stor, trasport, or abao a uscur loa rarm i a plac whr chilr ca obtai usupr-

    vis accss to th rarm. A prso ur a 17 who has lawful accss to a rarm may hut with thrarm if th youth has succssfully complt th hutr ucatio cours, or is accompai by alics hutr a 17 or olr who has compli with th hutr ucatio rquirmt, if applicabl.

    riv a motor vhicl i th b of a aviabl frshwatr stram, ulss approv by a local rivr accss

    pla stablish by a city, couty, or rivr authority. This law os ot apply to th Caaia Rivr aPrairi do Tow Fork of th R Rivr. Thr ar othr xmptios as wll. Th full txt of this law mayb fou i Txas Parks a Willif Co, Chaptr 90.

    sh o privatly ow watrs, sh i public watr from privat la, or hut o privatly ow laswithout th prmissio of th owr or th owrs at. Ur th Txas Pal Co (30.05) it is aoffs for ay prso to tr proprty that is cd, psd wh s(s), r mrd (prpp) without th xprss prmss of th owr. Posts or trs bari prp p markiof ot lss tha iht ichs i lth a ot lss tha o ich i with at ot lss tha thr or mor thav ft from th rou costitut otic that th proprty is psd. A prso who huts withoutlaowr cost a kills a srt bihor shp, prohor atlop, whit-tail r, or mul rcommits a offs that is a Parks a Willif Co stat jail floy. Upo covictio, your huti ashi lics is automatically rvok. You ar ot rquir to hav a shi lics to sh i privatwatrs i Txas; but, if you ar o privat proprty whil shi i public watr, a shi lics is rquir.

    ischar a rarm o or across a public roa. S id Wd Prs: th w d wd prs my prchsd

    r sd prdd h pr ws wy r pssssd: Hair, hi, atlrs, bos, hors, skull, hoovs, or siw from th followi am aimals: mul r,

    whit-tail r, prohor atlop, srt bihor shp, ray or cat squirrls, fox squirrls or rsquirrls, a collar pccary or javlia.

    Fathrs from ucks, s, a brat may b us, purchas, or sol for maki shi is, pillows,mattrsss, a similar commrcial uss.

    Fathrs from miratory birs may ot b purchas or sol for hats or oramtal purposs or may aprso purchas or sll mout miratory am bir spcims tak by huti.

    Fathrs, bos, or ft of am birs othr tha miratory am birs (turky, rous, phasat, par-tri, quail, a chachalaca). Hr or: no hutr ora is rquir whil huti o privat proprty, but it is rcomm. Thr is o op saso for ay wil aimal, wil bir, or xotic aimal o public roas or th riht-of-way

    of public roas. i s w pssss dr r y pr dr h hs h y mr hc.

    gr irm a lcss, Smp edrsms d ts

    S scs fsh (p. 22) d H (p. 25) r spcc cs rm.

    lcs s r rd.

    a h css, cs pcs, smp drsms, d s list i this ui, ulssothrwis ot, may b purchas at approximatly 1,700 locatios statwi whr licss ar sol.

    May licss may b purchas by pho or throuh th Itrt with approv Visa, discovr, orMastrCar. Call (800) TX LIC 4 U (1-800-895-4248) btw 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Moay throuh Friay(clos Saturay, Suay a most holiays), or lo o to: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/licss/oli_sals gry, sh d h css d smp drsms ar vali from th atof sal throuh Au. 31, 2011. Tmporary huti a shi licss a packas, Yar-from-Purchasshi licss a Lak Txoma shi licss hav iffrt xpiratio ats. a mr drsms, smms cd smps ar availabl for purchas withshi packas (p. 22) a huti licss (p. 25) at th tim a lics is purchas. All shi a allcombiatio packas iclu o or mor stamp orsmts. Aitioal stamp orsmts ar avail-

    abl for purchas aytim uri th ffctiv at of th lics/packa. Actual stamps with picturs othm ar o lor issu with th huti a shi licss; howvr, a book of commmorativ stamps(itm Typ 555), which ar ot vali for huti or shi us, is availabl for purchas for $21.65. Thbook, which cotais all six Txas pictur stamps (thr huti, two shi, o o-am), may b pur-chas aywhr huti a shi licss ar sol, by pho (1-800-895-4248; $5 f char for allpho sals), at ay TPWd Law eforcmt ofc, or Austi haquartrs. Commmorativ stampspurchas aywhr huti a shi licss ar sol, by pho or at a Law eforcmt ofc will bmail. Iiviual stamps ar ot sol by TPWd.

    ls/Dsryd lcs, Pc r Smp edrsm: Ay typ of lics or stamporsmt that has b lost or stroy may b rplac at ay lics sals locatio by sii a

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    Rs SmmryTxas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 21




    Applicatio for Rplacmt Lics afavit. Fs vary from $3$10 for rplacmt of rcratioallicss or stamp orsmts.

    A ReSiDent is a prso who has liv cotiuously i Txas for mor tha six moths immiatlybfor applyi for a lics. Mmbrs of th U.S. Arm Forcs (a thir pts) o activ utyaywhr ar titl to purchas a rsit lics. Th trm activ uty mas full-tim uty i activmilitary srvic, iclui th natioal guar a Rsrvs of th Uit Stats. Such trm iclus full-tim traii uty a attac whil i th activ military srvic at a school siat as a srvicschool by law or by th Scrtary of th military partmt cocr. no-rsits ur 17 yars of

    a ar siat as rsits for huti lics purposs ( d r lm lcss).Rsicy is prov by ay thr of th followi (all ocumts must rct th applicats am a a

    physical arss i Txas). excpt for a vali rivrs lics or a stat issu iticatio car, ocum-tatio is ot rquir at tim of purchass or whil huti or shi:

    a currt Txas homsta proprty tax statmt th most rct six moths of utility bills th most rct six moths of paychck rcipts th prsos most rct tax rtur from th Itral Rvu Srvic a statmt from a parol boar or probatio ofcr stati that th prso has cotiuously rsi

    i Txas for th six moths immiatly prci th applicatio for a lics or prmit a vali Txas rivrs lics* a currt Txas votr ristratio crticat*

    a currt vhicl ristratio**must hav b issu at last six moths prior to lics or prmit applicatio

    A non-ReSiDent is ay prso who os ot mt th rquirmts list for qualicatio as aTxas rsit. i s w :

    hut or sh without a vali lics, or a prmit a stamp orsmt o your prso a availablfor ispctio by a am war, ulss xmpt by a, proram or a rciprocal armt withaothr stat.

    us aothr prsos lics or ta to hut or sh. lt somo ls hut or sh with your lics or tas.

    i s w prchs r mr h h w css: Rsit Huti Txas Rsit Activ duty Military Supr Combo Packa

    Youth Huti Rsit Combiatio Huti a Fishi Packa Sior Huti Sior Rsit Combiatio Huti a Fishi Packa Fr Rsit disabl Vtra Supr Combo gral no-Rsit Huti Rsit Supr Combo Packa no-Rsit Spri Turky Huti Sior Rsit Supr Combo Packa

    Sc Scry nmrs Rrd y lw: th cc h Sc Scrynmr s mdd y h fdr grm d s rrd rrdss . tPWD hs p cmpy wh fdr lw d cc h mrsrm h prchsrs css. TPWd caot forc you to provi your social scurity umbr;howvr, ur Fral Statut, w caot sll you a lics. Your social scurity umbr is rquir tob collct for th purpos of chil support collctio forcmt ur Fral Statut 42 U.S.C.A. 666

    a Txas Family Co, Sctio 231.302. If you ar buyi a lics for aothr prso, th law rquirsthat th purchasr provi th social scurity umbr of th prso who will b holi th lics.

    H d fsh Cm lcs Pcs

    fr txs rsds y:Th Spr Cm iclus a Rsit Huti Lics, a Rsit Fishi Lics a all v stat

    stamp orsmts (archry, frshwatr shi, saltwatr shi with a r rum ta, upla am bir, amiratory am bir) at a iscout pric. For rsits who hut a sh frsh watr a/or salt watr, thSupr Combo packa ca sav purchasrs up to $18. Rsd Spr Cm lcs Pc- (Typ 111): $68; Sr Rsd Spr Cm lcs Pc (Typ 117): $32 (fora 65 a ovr).

    Th Combo packas iclu a Rsit Huti Lics, a Rsit Fishi Lics a ithr thsaltwatr stamp orsmt (with a r rum ta), frshwatr stamp orsmt, or both, pi oth spcic packa purchas. Rsd Cm H d frshwr fsh: $50;Rsd Cm H d Swr fsh: $55; Rsd CmH d a-Wr fsh: $60; Sr Rsd Cm H d frsh-wr fsh: $16 (for a 65 a ovr); Sr Rsd Cm H d S-wr fsh: $21; Sr Rsd Cm H d a-Wr fsh: $26.

    Rsits who purchas Combo packas spcic to ithr salt or frshwatr shi may upra toth All-Watr packa throuh th purchas of th appropriat stamp orsmt (i.., th stamporsmt ot iclu i th iitial lics packa purchas).

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    Rsd Dsd vr Spr Cm H d a-Wr fsh Pc (Typ 502): fReeAvailabl to a rsit qualifyi as a isabl vtra. disabl vtra mas a vtra with a srvic-coct isability, as by th Vtras Amiistratio, cosisti of th loss of th us of a foot or l,or a isability rati of 60% or mor, a who is rcivi compsatio from th U.S. for th isability. Ofcialproof of isability (issu by th V.A.) must b show wh applyi for this lics a must stat th rat ofisability. Iclus all v stat stamp orsmts (archry, frshwatr shi, miratory am bir, saltwatrshi with a r rum ta, a upla am bir). Th Fral Watrfowl Stamp is ot iclu.

    txs Rsd ac Dy Mry Spr Cm H d a-Wr fsh Pc(Typ 510): fReeAvailabl to ay Txas rsit o activ uty i th U.S. Army, navy, Maris, Air Forc, Coast guar,Rsrvs, or natioal or Stat guar. Iclus all v stat stamp orsmts (archry, frshwatr sh-i, miratory am bir, saltwatr shi with a r rum ta, a upla am bir). Th Fral Watr-fowl Stamp is ot iclu. Pr rsdcy r hs cs s: mry src rcrd(s)dc h h prss hm rcrd s txs r h h prss dy s- r h sx mhs mmdy prr h m ppc s txs.

    lm lcss

    lm Rsd Cm H d fsh: $1,800; lm Rsd H-: $1,000; lm Rsd fsh: $1,000. not: A liftim rsit huti or shilics ca b upra to a liftim rsit combiatio huti a shi lics for $800.

    Rsits may buy huti a shi licss vali for th liftim of th lics holr. Th liftimlics xmpts th holr from stat stamp orsmt rquirmts. Th liftim lics ds xmpt th holr from th Fral duck Stamp rquirmt. n d r cmmrc r rp-p. Liftim tas may b obtai at rtailrs ach yar at o f. Applicatios for liftim licss mayb obtai from TPWd ofcs, oli at http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/ or by calli (800) 792-1112(optio 9, xt. 4820). lm css r r prchs rm tPWD ashdrrs d lw ercm cs.

    fsh lcss d Pcsa d sh cs wh rshwr r swr smp drsm s rrd sh, msss, cms, crysh, r hr c h pc wrs txs. a h cs s rrd rs d rs.

    th rs Srdy J ch yr s h fr fsh Dy d prs srrd h sh cs r smp drsms wh sh h dy.

    a sh cs d smp drsm r rrd sh rm h s pr r wrs cmpy csd y s pr. a hr sh r-s, sch s h d ms, rm c.

    Rcratioal alrs must hav a Txas shi lics a saltwatr orsmt to bri ay sh tak ifral watrs ashor i Txas (s also Txas Stat Watrs Fral Watr o p. 44).

    Rsd fsh lcss:Rquir of ay rsit (s ReSIdenT, p. 21) who shs i th pc wrs of Txas. Y d d cs/pc y:

    ar ur 17 yars of a. wr bor befoRe Spt. 1, 1930. ar a mtally isabl prso who is ai i rcratioal shi as part of mically approv

    thrapy, a who is shi ur th immiat suprvisio of prsol approv or mploy bya hospital, rsic, or school for mtally isabl prsos. Th mtally isabl prso must

    carry a authorizatio itifyi th tity supplyi th srvic. This authorizatio may b i thform of a I.d. car that cotais th am of th sposori tity. ar a mtally rtar prso a you ar rcratioal shi ur th irct suprvisio of a

    lics alr who is a family mmbr or who is a lics alr that has prmissio from th fam-ily to tak th mtally rtar prso shi. Whil shi, th mtally rtar prso s aot from a octor stati th prso has b iaos as mtally rtar.

    A rsit shi lics is iclu i all Supr Combiatio a Combiatio packas (iclui TxasRsit Activ duty Military), th Liftim Rsit Combiatio a Liftim Rsit Fishi licss,a th various rsit shi packas offr by th partmt. A rsit who hols o of thslicss/packas is ot rquir to purchas a sparat rsit shi lics.

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    n-Rsd fsh lcss:Rquir of all o-rsits who sh i th public watrs of Txas. Licss/Packas ar ot rquir ifyou ar a: o-rsit ur 17 yars of a; Louisiaa rsit 65 yars of a or olr who posssss a vali Louisiaa Rcratioal Fishi Lics

    (iclus Sior Fish/Hut Lics); or Oklahoma rsit 64 yars of a or olr.

    A varity ofsh pcs ar offr from which th public may slct bas o th typ of shi(frshwatr, saltwatr, or both) a uratio of lics sir.

    lcs Yr fsh Pcs iclu a rsd, sr rsd, spc rsd, r-rsd shi lics vali from th at of sal to Au. 31, 2010 a ithr a frshwatr stamporsmt, a saltwatr stamp orsmt with a r rum ta, or both stamp orsmts vali forth sam tim prio.

    Sr Rsd fsh Pcs ar availabl to ay Txas rsit who is at last 65 yars of aa was bor o or aftr Spt. 1, 1930. Th packas iclu a sior rsit shi lics, a ithr afrshwatr stamp orsmt, a saltwatr orsmt with a r rum ta, or both pi o thpacka slct.

    Spc Rsd a-Wr fsh lcs is availabl to ay Txas rsit who is lallybli. Stamp orsmts ar ot rquir for this lics. O r rum ta shall b availabl at oaitioal char.

    o-Dy a-Wr fsh lcs iclus a rsd or -rsd shi lics valifor th slct ay or ays purchas. Stamp orsmts ar ot rquir for this lics. Coscutivays may b bouht at th tim of purchas. O r rum ta (Itm 598) shall b availabl at o aitioalchar with th purchas of th rst o-ay lics oly.

    Yr-rm-Prchs a-Wr fsh Pc ( y txs rsds)iclus a rsit shi lics, a frshwatr stamp orsmt a a saltwatr stamp orsmt with ar rum ta, all vali from th at of purchas throuh th of th purchas moth of th xt lics yar.

    2010-2011 fsh lcss d fs:

    Rsit: no-Rsit: Frshwatr Packa $30 Frshwatr Packa $58 Saltwatr Packa $35 Saltwatr Packa $63 All-Watr Packa $40 All-Watr Packa $68 Sior Frshwatr Packa $12 O-day All-Watr Lics $16 Sior Saltwatr Packa $17 Sior All-Watr Packa $22 Spcial Rsit All-Watr Lics

    (for lally bli) $7 Yar-from-Purchas All-Watr Packa $47

    O-day All-Watr Lics $11Ps h y w y d rshwr sh pc, y w prchs swr smp drsm, d crsy, y w y d s-wr sh pc, y w prchs rshwr smp drsm.

    Spr oysr b lcs:Rquir wh usi a sport oystr r or tos to tak oystrs. Rsd (Typ 328): $13 Forboats ristr i Txas or havi a U.S. Coast guar ocumt that shows th owrs arss is iTxas. n-rsd (Typ 428): $51

    fsh gd lcs:Rquir for ay prso who for compsatio, accompais, assists, or trasports ay prso a i

    shi i th watrs of th stat. frsh Wr (Typ 600): Rsits or o-rsits oprati as a shi ui i frsh watr. F

    is $132. a-Wr Prsos oprati as a shi ui i all public watrs (salt watr oly or both frsh a

    salt watr): For rsits, th f is $210 (Typ 610). For o-rsits, th f is $1,050(Typ 710). no prso oprati a motoriz vssl or boat as a shi ui o or i th salt watrsof this stat may b issu a shi ui lics ulss th prso prsts oriial ocumtatio attim of purchas that th applicat posssss a vali a appropriat U.S. Coast guar (USCg) Opra-tors Lics. It is th oprators rsposibility to assur compliac with USCg rulatios. For ai-tioal iformatio, cotact th USCg Rioal examiatio Ctr i Housto, Txas at (713) 948-3350.

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    a-Wr Pdd Cr: Prsos oprati as a shi ui i th coastal watr of Txas autilizi pal craft (caos, kayaks, tc.) whil uii ca qualify for a shi ui lics by prst-i crticatio or proof of compltio of a TPWd boatr safty cours, CPR/First Ai traii, acompltio of th Amrica Cao Associatio Lvl II esstials of Kayak Touri a CoastalKayak Trip Lai courss or th British Cao Uio Thr Star Sa Kayak a Four Star LarSa Kayak courss. F is $210 for rsits (Typ 650) a $1,050 for o-rsits (Typ 750). Thislics is applicabl oly to pal craft a caot b us wh a prso is oprati a motorizvssl. Howvr, ay prso who posssss a All-Watr shi ui lics a a vali USCg vssl

    oprators lics is quali as a All-Watr pal craft shi ui. a-Wr d a-Wr Pdd Cr sh d css r y tPWD lw ercm cs. frshwr sh d css r y c whr css r sd.

    fsh Smp edrsms d ts

    frshwr fsh Smp edrsm (Typ 256): $5This stamp orsmt is rquir i aitio to a vali shi lics if you tak or attmpt to tak shi th public frsh watrs of Txas. If you ar ot rquir to hol a shi lics, or if you hol a liftimcombiatio or liftim shi lics, this stamp orsmt is ot rquir. A frshwatr shi stampis iclu i frshwatr a all-watr shi packas.

    Swr fsh Smp edrsm (Typ 211): $10This stamp orsmt is rquir i aitio to a vali shi lics if you tak or attmpt to tak shi th public salt watr of Txas. If you ar ot rquir to hol a shi lics, or if you hol a liftimcombiatio or liftim shi lics, this stamp orsmt is ot rquir. a rd drm sh ssd dd chr wh ch swr sh smp drsm. Asaltwatr shi stamp is iclu i saltwatr a all-watr shi packas.

    Rd Drm t:This ta is rquir for a iiviual to tak o r rum pr lics yar ovr th maximum lth limitof 28 ichs, a is iclu fr with th purchas of a saltwatr shi stamp orsmt or ay packathat iclus th saltwatr shi stamp orsmt. S tai iformatio, p. 41. Prss wh w rd drm d r eXeMPt rm sh cs

    rrms my prchs exmp ar Rd Drm t r $3.

    bs Rd Drm t (Typ 599): $3This ta is rquir for a iiviual to tak a aitioal r rum pr lics yar ovr th maximumlth limit of 28 ichs. Bous ta ca b purchas at ay lics sals locatio upo prsti a valishi lics or othr vali prsoal iticatio. Oly o bous ta allow pr prso pr yar.

    Swr tr t (Typ 307): $5Rquir for ach 300 ft, or fractio throf, o all o-commrcial trotlis a sail lis plac i thcoastal watrs of Txas. Availabl at TPWd Coastal Law eforcmt ofcs.

    idd b-shrmp trw t (Typ 334): $37Rquir for sport shrimp trawls us to tak shrimp for prsoal us. Availabl at TPWd Coastal Law

    eforcmt ofcs.

    lcs Rrms r brdr Wrs

    all sh dd txs ms cmpy wh txs d h ms. no eXCePtionS.

    txs-ohm d txs-arss: I Oklahoma or Arkasas watrs of th R Rivr, th rquirmts of thos stats apply, iclui sh-

    i rulatios. A prso must hav a vali Txas shi lics to sh from th Txas bak from diso dam to

    Shaw Crk (s illustratio). A Oklahoma shi lics is rquir to wa-sh or sh from aboat i ths watrs.

    A Oklahoma rsit 64 yars of a or olr is xmpt from shi lics rquirmts i Txas,

    iclui o Lak Txoma.


    TexasDenisonDam Red River

    mouth ofShawnee Creek

    GPS coordinates forborder markers:

    OK/TX state line




    133 49'8.1" N Lat96 34'5.0" W Long

    33 49'11.5" N Lat96 33'20.2" W Long

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    A prso may sh i Txas or Oklahoma watrs o Lak Txoma oly with th appropriat lics fromth rspctiv stat, ulss th prso posssss a Lak Txoma shi lics, which is vali aywhro Lak Txoma.

    l txm lcs (Typ 208): $12 With this lics, which is vali util dcmbr 31 follow-i th at of issuac, a prso may sh i both th Txas a Oklahoma watrs of Lak Txomawithout ay aitioal Txas or Oklahoma shi licss or stamps. A Txas rsit 64 yars of aor olr os ot this lics to sh i th Oklahoma portio of Lak Txoma. A Lak Txomalics is vali OnLY o Lak Txoma.

    txs-ls: Rsds of ithr stat, who ar proprly lics i thir stat (or ar xmptbcaus of a), or prsos who hol vali o-rsit shi licss issu by ithr stat may sh iay portio of th laks a rivrs formi a commo bouary btw Louisiaa a Txas ila froma li across Sabi Pass btw Txas Poit a Louisiaa Poit. Fish la i Txas must ahr toTxas ba a lth limits; s ps. 37-40 a 44-45.

    txs-Mxc: A shi lics issu by Mxico is rquir to sh i Mxica watrs.

    H lcss d Prms

    n: a H Smp edrsm my rrd (s p. 26).

    S p. 21 r spcc rm lm, Dsd vr, xs rsdaCtive DutY MilitaRY, d Cm css. For rsits who hut a sh frshwatr a/or salt watr, th Spr Cm packa ca sav purchasrs up to $18.

    A huti lics is rquir of ay prso, rarlss of a, who huts ay aimal, bir, fro or turtl ithis stat (xcpt furbarrs, if th hutr posssss a trapprs lics). no lics is rquir for ui-sac fur-bari aimals (s p. 69), prati hos or coyots (s blow). no-rsits ur 17yars of a may purchas a hut with th Youth Huti Lics (Typ 169).

    excps: h cs s rrd h h w: Coyots, if th coyots ar attacki, about to attack, or hav rctly attack livstock, omstic

    aimals, or fowl. dprati fral hos, if a laowr (rsit or o-rsit) or laowrs at or lss is taki

    fral hos causi pratio o th laowrs la. Fur-bari aimals, if th hutr posssss a trapprs lics or if th fur-bari aimals ar causi

    pratio.n: All laws a rulatios ovri hutr ucatio still apply.

    Rsd H (Typ 101): $25Vali to hut ay lal bir or aimal (trrstrial vrtbrats). Smp drsm rrmsppy. Rquir of ay rsit (s ReSIdenT , p. 21) ulss th rsit posssss a vali: Sior Rsit Huti Lics; Youth Huti Lics; Supr Combo or Rsit Combiatio Huti a Fishi Lics Packa; Liftim Rsit Huti Lics;

    Rsit disabl Vtra Supr Combo Huti a Fishi Lics Packa; Liftim Rsit Combiatio Huti a Fishi Lics; or Txas Rsit Activ duty Military Supr Combo Huti a Fishi Lics Packa.

    Sr Rsd H (Typ 102): $7Vali oly for rsits 65 yars of a a olr. Vali to hut ay lal bir or aimal. Stamp ors-mt rquirmts apply to prsos 65 a ovr.

    Yh H lcs (Typ 169): $7Vali for ay prso, rsit or o-rsit, ur 17 yars of a at th at of lics purchas. exmptfrom stat stamp rquirmts. Lics a stat stamp xmptios rmai vali for th tir lics yar.

    n-rsd gr H (Typ 105): $315

    Vali to hut ay lal bir or aimal (iclui r). Smp drsm rrms ppy.

    n-rsd Spr try(Typ 118): $126. Availabl aftr Fb. 1.Vali to hut turky oly uri th op spri turky saso. Holrs of this lics ar xmpt fromth upla am bir stamp orsmt rquirmts. (Ulawful to possss both this lics a a valino-Rsit gral Huti Lics.)

    n-rsd Spc H (Typ 107): $132Vali to hut: exotic aimals (s p. 68), all lal am birs (not valiD foR tuRkeY), all o-am aimals, squirrl, javlia a alliator ( d r hr m ms, not valiDfoR DeeR). Smp drsm rrms ppy.

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    n-rsd 5-Dy Spc H (Typ 157): $48Lal for ay prio of v coscutiv ays (vali huti ats will b prit o th lics whissu). vd h: exotic aimals (s p. 69), all lal am birs (xcpt turkys), all oamaimals, squirrl, javlia a alliator ( d r hr m ms, not valiD foRDeeR). Smp drsm rrms ppy.

    n-rsd bdd brd H (Typ 120): $27Vali oly to hut ba am birs (bobwhit quail, partri, phasat, mallar ucks) o privat birhuti aras.

    trpprs: Rsd (Typ 106): $19; n-rsd y (Typ 115): $315Rquir for all prsos to hut, shoot, or tak for sal thos spcis classi as fur-bari aimals orthir plts. (S p. 69 a Fur-bari Aimal dist for mor iformatio.)

    H ls lcs (Typs 132, 133 a 134)Rquir of a laowr or laowrs at who lass huti rihts to aothr prso o proprtythy ow or cotrol for pay or othr cosiratio. Th lics must b isplay o th prop-rty. lcs : $79 for 1 throuh 499 acrs; $147 for 500 throuh 999 acrs; or $252 for 1,000 acrsor mor. note: H s cs rcrd r rrd.

    fdr Sdh Cr H Prm (Typ 590): fReeThis prmit is rquir to hut sahill cras. Th prmit ca b obtai i prso OnLY at TPWd Law

    eforcmt ofcs (s p. 18) a TPWd haquartrs i Austi, but also is availabl by pho at(800) 792-1112 (optio 5, mu 2) or (512) 389-4820, 8 a.m. 5 p.m., Moay throuh Friay or oli aytim at http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/licss/oli_sals. For pho a oli orrs, a cormatio um-br will b issu i liu of a prmit. A $5 trasactio f will b char for oli orrs. Prmitts shoulkp a rcor of huti activitis bcaus 26% of cra hutrs ar chos for a fral harvst survy.

    Hrs irm Prrm (HiP) Crc (Typ 137): fReeThis crticatio is rquir to hut ay miratory am bir.

    H Smp edrsms

    SPeCial note: n State smp drsms r rrd r y dr 17

    yrs (rsd r -rsd), hdrs lm Rsd Cm, rlm Rsd H css. th yh h cs d s smpxmps rm d r h r cs yr.

    archry Smp edrsm (Typ 135): $7Rquir to hut r or turky uri a Archry-Oly op saso. Rquir to hut r at ay timi grayso Couty.

    txs Mrry gm brd Smp edrsm (Typ 168): $7Rquir to hut ay miratory am bir (watrfowl, coot, rail, alliul, sip, ov, sahill cra, awoocock). A vali Fral duck Stamp a HIP Crticatio ar also rquir of watrfowl hutrs 16yars of a or olr. A fr Fral Sahill Cra Huti Prmit is rquir to hut sahill cras.

    upd gm brd Smp edrsm (Typ 167): $7

    Rquir to hut turky, phasat, quail, lssr prairi chick, or chachalaca. no-rsits who purchasth no-rsit Spri Turky Lics ar xmpt from this stamp orsmt rquirmt. My sd h ry wh n-rsd Spc H lcs (typ 107) r n-rsd 5-Dy Spc H lcs (Typ 157).

    fdr Mrry brd H d Csr Smp (duck Stamp): $17Rquir for all watrfowl hutrs 16 yars of a or olr; availabl at most U.S. Post ofcs, TPWd Laweforcmt ofcs, Austi haquartrs, a all lics rtail sals locatios. Th stamp must b si oits fac by th prso usi it. A vali huti lics, HIP Crticatio, a a vali Txas Miratory gamBir Stamp orsmt ar also rquir.

    br edc

    a prs dr 18 yrs my y pr s 10 hrspwr r mr,wdw sss r 14 , d prs wrcr pc wr h s,y h prr s:

    ccmpd y prs 18 yrs r dr, r s s 13 yrs d ss h 18 yrs d hs sccssy cm-

    pd pprd br edc tr Crs. n: Miimum a a prso may b crti is 12 yars of a.

    For cours iformatio, plas call TPWd toll-fr at (800) 792-1112 (mu 6) or call (512) 389-4999or cosult th TPWd Boatr eucatio sctio at: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/lari/boatr_ucatio/

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    Hr edc

    ery hr (cd --s hrs) r r r Sp. 2, 1971, ms sccssycmp Hr edc tr Crs. Pr crc r drr s rqrd yr prs wh h. Mmm crc s 9 yrs d cs s $15.

    If you wr bor o or aftr Spt. 2, 1971, a you ar: ur 9 yars of a, y ms ccmpd*. a 9 throuh16, you ms sccssy cmp hr dc crs r ccmpd*.

    a 17 a ovr, you ms sccssy cmp hr dc crs; r prchs Hunter Education Deferrald ccmpd*. Hunter Education Deferral (cs: $10) Allows a prso 17 yars of a or olr who has ot com-plt a hutr ucatio proram to fr compltio for up to o yar. A frral may oly b obtai oca is oly vali util th of th currt lics yar. A prso who has b covict or has rcivfrr ajuicatio for violatio of th maatory hutr ucatio rquirmt is prohibit from applyi fora frral. Tak th cours by Au. 31 of th currt lics yar a rciv a $5 iscout.

    *accmpd ms: By a prso (rsit or o-rsit) who is at last 17, who is licsto hut i Txas, who has pass hutr ucatio or is xmpt (bor bfor Spt. 2, 1971), a youmust b withi ormal voic cotrol.

    n: Crticatio is rquir to purchas a huti lics. bwhr edc: Crticatio is rquir o crtai aras of Txas (Harma natioal WillifRfu, Pottsboro; a Camp Bullis, Sa Atoio).

    n: Bowhutr ucatio os substitut for Hutr eucatio crticatio.For cours iformatio, plas cosult th TPWd Hutr eucatio sctio at: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/

    lari/hutr_ucatio/ or call toll-fr (800) 792-1112 (mu 6) or call (512) 389-4999.

    trsr Wd Rsrcs

    A prso may iv, lav, rciv, or possss ay spcis of lally tak willif rsourc, or part of th rsourc,that is rquir to hav a ta or prmit attach or that is protct by a ba or possssio limit if th willifrsourc is accompai by a Wd Rsrc Dcm (WRD) (s p. 93) from th prso who killor cauht th willif rsourc. Also at: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/publicatios/aual/ral/trasfr/ For r or atlop, a proprly xcut WRD shall accompay th willif rsourc or part of th rsourc

    util it rachs its ds a is qrrd (s ditios, p. 55-56). For turky, th WRd

    must rmai attach util th turky rachs its ds a is ally procss (s p. 55). no WRD is rquir to possss a willif rsourc that is rquir to b ta if th willif rsourc

    is ta. For all othr willif rsourcs, a proprly xcut WRD shall accompay th willif rsourc util it

    rachs th possssors prmat rsic or a col stora/procssi facility, xcpt: no WRD is rquir if a prso rcivi th willif rsourc os ot xc th possssio limit

    (xcptio: s Miratory gam Birs - documtatio, p. 66). A prso may us th WRD ocumt provi i this ui (p. 93) or a ha writt WRd ocumt that

    iclus th sam rquir iformatio may b us.

    note: no willif rsourc ocumt is rquir wh th tir carcass of a r (iclui ha, whichmay b ski or uski) or atlop (iclui ha, which must b uski) is iv to, or tras-

    port by, aothr prso if th ta from th hutrs lics a othr rquir prmits or th prohorprmit rmais attach util th carcass rachs its al stiatio a is quartr.

    impr Wd Rsrcs

    It is ulawful to import a willif rsourc ito this stat or possss a willif rsourc tak outsi thisstat ulss th prso possssi th willif rsourc posssss a vali huti, shi, or othr applicabllics, stamp orsmt, ta, prmit, or ocumt for th stat or coutry i which th willif rsourcwas lally tak. Such ocumtatio must b prouc upo rqust of a am war.

    note: i s w d y r prs y sh rm pc wrwh prcd h m, r xcss h dy m r pssss msshd r hs sh txs, rrdss h s r cry whch hy

    wr ch.A prso possssi a willif rsourc for importatio must prouc, upo rqust of a am war,

    a vali rivrs lics or prsoal iticatio crticat.A prso may possss a aimal or bir kill outsi of Txas that is list i Txas as thrat or

    ar, provi that th prso posssss proof that th aimal or bir possss was lawfullykill. Proof cosists of bill-of-sal, lics ta, or otariz afavit. note: (iMPoRtS fRoM MeXiCo) Th rquirmts list abov ar waiv if a ofcialUit Stats Customs Ofcrs Sm is obtai from th Uit Stats Customs Ofc at thport of try showi that th willif rsourc was brouht i from Mxico. Th Customs Ofcrs stat-mt must accompay th willif rsourc to a al stiatio.

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    an etHiCal


    ts y wh hy c s, d ss wh hy .

    awys rcycs r prpry dspss mm

    prc h rm d c r wd rsrcs.

    ls r d ds p r wrs.

    Rcrds hr rphy wh cr, d rrs h wr.

    SuMMaRY of 20102011 ReCReational

    fiSHing RegulationS

    gr fsh Rs r frsh d S Wrs

    For purposs of this ui, salt watrs a coastal watrs ma th sam thi.

    Spc nc: O lavi ay public or privat boy of watr i this stat, a prso shallimmiatly rmov a lawfully ispos of ay harmful or pottially harmful aquatic plat that is

    clii or attach to th prsos vssl, watrcraft, trailr, motor vhicl, or othr vic us

    to trasport or lauch a vssl or watrcraft. Fi $25-$500. For a list of harmful a pot-

    tially harmful plats, plas call TPWd at (800) 792-1112 (mu 4) or (512) 389-4444 or visit:


    gr Prhd acs

    i s : Tak, kill, or isturb sa turtls or sa turtl s;

    Tak, kill, or isturb ay ar or thrat spcis (lik palsh, shovl-ossturo, smalltooth sawsh, a othrs);

    Tak or kill (no Op Saso) iamoback trrapi, lartooth sawsh, porpoiss, ol-

    phis (mammals), or whals;

    Fail to immiatly rmov th itstis from tilapia, rass carp, or ay othr sh list as

    harmful or pottially harmful, xcpt o thos watrs whr a vali Triploi grass Carp

    Prmit is i ffct. I thos watrs, it is illal to possss rass carp. Ay rass carp cauht

    must b immiatly rtur to th watr uharm. For a list of watrs with a Triploi

    grass Carp Prmit, plas call TPWd at (800) 792-1112 (mu 4) or (512) 389-4444.

    Plac ay am sh ito public watrs, othr tha th boy of watr whr th sh was

    cauht, without a vali prmit issu by TPWd. This iclus sh cauht by pol a li. For

    prmit iformatio, plas call TPWd at (800) 792-1112 (mu 4) or (512) 389-8037.

    grss Crp


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    achr bs d vsss

    i s :

    Lav uatt for ay prio of tim or achor a bar, boat, or shi platform i th

    Triity Rivr blow Livisto dam i a ara 1,000 ft from th am to a poit 1,500 ft

    owstram from th am:

    for mor tha 10 hours i a 24-hour prio without movi 100 ft or mor uri that

    tim, or

    for v or mor coscutiv ays, whthr or ot it has b mov; Achor or moor a vssl, bar, or structur for a prio xci two coscutiv ays

    withi th ara i Car Bayou btw a partmt si rct whr Msquit Bay

    ows ito Car Bayou a th partmt si rct ar th poit whr th pass

    mptis ito th gulf of Mxico.

    Us a vssl of ay typ to harass sh.

    t fsh It is ulawful to rlas ito th public watrs of this stat a sh with a vic or

    substac implat or attach that is si, costruct, or aapt to prouc a auibl,

    visual, or lctroic sial us to moitor, track, follow, or i ay mar ai i th locatio ofth rlas sh. It is to plac a iticatio ta o th xtrior of a sh a rlas this

    sh back ito public watrs. Cautio is avis as us of ths tas ca ama sh.

    Ws fsh It is ulawful to lav ibl sh or bait sh tak from th public watrs of

    th stat to i without th itt to rtai th sh for cosumptio or bait.

    Pssss fsh rm Pc Wr

    Ay sh cauht must b tak by lal mas a mthos. Fish cauht a immiatly

    rlas ar ot cosir to b i your possssio. Ay sh ot immiatly rlas that

    ar rtai by usi ay typ of holi vic such as strir, coolr, livwll, or buckt ar

    cosir i your possssio a must ahr to stablish protct lth a ba limits.

    Whil shi, it is illal to b i possssio of mor sh tha th aily ba limit or sh that ar

    withi a protct lth limit. Fish cauht must rmai itact (ot altr, llt, or cla i ay mar) util a alr

    ally las th catch o th maila, a pisula, or barrir isla ot iclui jttis or

    pirs a os ot trasport th catch by boat. Broabill sworsh, shark, a ki mackrl

    may hav th ha or tail rmov, but th carcass must rmai itact a may ot b llt.

    Ay sh tak from public watr a la by boat or prso i Txas must ahr to th

    protct lth limits a aily ba a possssio limits stablish for thos sh i Txasrarlss of th stat or coutry i which thy wr cauht.

    Th ba limit for a ui shi party is qual to th total umbr of prsos i th boat

    lics to sh or othrwis xmpt from holi a lics mius ach shi ui a shi

    ui ckha multipli by th ba limit for ach spcis harvst.

    Spc ar Dss d Rsrcs

    i s mov, rmov, fac, altr, or stroy ay si, pth markr, or

    othr iformatioal sia plac by th partmt withi, or to liat bouaris of th

    Rsh Bay Stat Scitic Ara.

    i s uproot sarass from th bay bottom i Rsh Bay Stat Scitic Arausi a propllr. It is ot a violatio to achor a vssl or us a lctric trolli motor i

    th Rsh Bay Stat Scitic Ara. Iformatio for th Rsh Bay Stat Scitic Ara a

    sarass ca b fou at: http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/sarass/

    R grd: Portios of th Rio gra ajact to th Black gap Willif Maamt

    Ara ar siat as a Wil a Scic Rivr. Spcial fral ruls apply to shi, boati,a othr uss i ths aras. For mor iformatio cocri ths ruls a bouaris,

    call th Bi B natioal Park at (432) 477-2251 (mu 3, optio 3).

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    30 Txas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 Rs Smmry



    Rsrr bdrs (For ba, possssio a lth limits):

    Buchaa Rsrvoir i Burt, Lampasas, Llao, a Sa Saba coutis compriss all impouwatrs of th Colorao Rivr from Lak Buchaa am upstram to th U.S. Hwy. 190 bri.

    Cao Lak i Mario a Harriso coutis compriss all impou watrs of Bi CyprssBayou from th Txas-Louisiaa borr upstram to th Stat Hwy. 43 bri.

    Cayo Rsrvoir i Comal Couty compriss all impou watrs of th guaalup Rivr

    from th Cayo am upstram to th U.S. Hwy. 281 bri. Lak Coro i Motomry a Walkr coutis compriss all impou watrs of th

    Wst Fork of th Sa Jacito Rivr from th Lak Coro dam upstram to FM Roa 1791bri.

    Coopr Lak (Jim L. Chapma Lak) i dlta a Hopkis coutis compriss all watrs withith Corps of eirs las o Coopr Lak upstram from Stat Hwy. 19/154 a ow-stram from FM Roa 71.

    Lak gortow i Williamso Couty compriss all impou watrs of th north Forkof th Sa gabril Rivr from th Lak gortow dam upstram to U.S. Hwy. 183 bri.

    gibbos Crk Rsrvoir i grims Couty compriss all watrs withi th Txas Muicipal

    Powr Acy proprty bouaris. Iks Lak i Burt a Llao coutis compriss all impou watrs of th Colorao Rivrfrom th Roy Iks dam (Iks Lak dam) upstram to th Lak Buchaa dam.

    Lak Limsto i Lo, Limsto, a Robrtso coutis compriss all impou watrsof th navasota Rivr from th Lak Limsto am upstram to th Fort Parkr Stat ParkLak dam.

    Lak Livisto i Lo, Housto, Maiso, Polk, Sa Jacito, Triity, a Walkr coutiscompriss all impou watrs of th Triity Rivr from th Lak Livisto dam upstramto th lock a am ar Stat Hwy. 7.

    Lak Lyo B. Johso i Burt a Llao coutis compriss all impou watrs of thColorao Rivr from th Alvi Wirtz dam (Lak Lyo B. Johso dam) upstram to thRoy Iks dam (Iks Lak dam) iclui th Llao Rivr upstram to th Stat Hwy. 16 bria Say Crk upstram to th Stat Hwy. 71 bri.

    Lak Marbl Falls i Burt Couty compriss all impou watrs of th Colorao Rivrfrom th Max Starck dam (Lak Marbl Falls dam) upstram to th Alvi Wirtz dam (LakLyo B. Johso dam).

    Lak Murvaul i Paola Couty compriss all impou watrs of Murvaul Crk Bayouupstram from th Lak Murvaul dam a Murvaul Crk Bayou owstram from th amto FM Roa 1970 bri.

    Lak O Th Pis i Camp, Mario, Morris, a Upshur coutis compriss all impouwatrs of Bi Cyprss Crk from th Frrlls Bri dam (Lak O Th Pis dam) upstram

    to U.S. Hwy. 259 bri. Lak Palsti i Arso, Chrok, Hrso, Smith, a Va Zat coutis compriss

    all impou watrs of th nchs Rivr from th Blackbur Crossi dam (Lak Palstidam) upstram to FM Roa 279 bri, iclui Kickapoo a Flat Crks i HrsoCouty.

    Lak Pat Mays i Lamar Couty compriss all impou watrs of Sars Crk from PatMays Lak dam upstram to Couty Roa 35610.

    Purtis Crk Stat Park Lak i Hrso a Va Zat coutis compriss all watrswithi th Purtis Crk Stat Park bouaris.

    Lak Somrvill i Burlso, L, Milam, a Washito coutis compriss all impou

    watrs of Yua, east Yua a Mil Yua Crks upstram from th Lak Somrvilldam. Tolo B Rsrvoir i nwto, Sabi, a Shlby coutis compriss all impou

    watrs of th Sabi Rivr from Tolo B dam upstram to th U.S. Hwy. 84 bri iShlby Couty.

    Lak Travis i Burt a Travis coutis compriss all impou watrs of th ColoraoRivr from th Masl dam (Lak Travis dam) upstram to th Max Starck dam (LakMarbl Falls dam), iclui th Prals Rivr upstram to th Hammtts Crossi-Hamilto Pool Roa bri.

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    frshwr/Swr bdry

    All public watrs ast a south of th followibouary ar cosir salt watr: biiat th Itratioal Toll Bri i Browsvill,orthwar alo U.S. Hwy. 77 to th juctio ofPars Lis Roa (FM Roa 1847) i Brows-

    vill, thc orthwar alo FM Roa 1847 toth juctio of FM Roa 106 ast of Rio Hoo,thc wstwar alo FM Roa 106 to th

    juctio of FM Roa 508 i Rio Hoo, thcorthwar alo FM Roa 508 to th juctio ofFM Roa 1420, thc orthwar alo FM Roa1420 to th juctio of Stat Hwy. 186 ast ofRaymovill, thc wstwar alo StatHwy. 186 to th juctio of U.S. Hwy. 77 arRaymovill, thc orthwar alo U.S.Hwy. 77 to th juctio of th Arasas Rivr

    south of Woosboro, thc astwar alo thsouth shor of th Arasas Rivr to th Juctioof th Arasas Rivr Roa at th Boi Viwboat ramp; thc orthwar alo th ArasasRivr Roa to th juctio of FM Roa 136 to FMRoa 2678 to th juctio of FM Roa 774 iRfuio, thc astwar alo FM Roa 774 toth juctio of Stat Hwy. 35 south of Tivoli,thc orthwar alo Stat Hwy. 35 to th

    juctio of Stat Hwy. 185btw Bloomitoa Sarift, thc

    orthwstwar alo Stat Hwy. 185 to th juc-tio of FM Roa 616 i Bloomito, thcorthastwar alo FM Roa 616 to th juctioof Stat Hwy. 35 ast of Blssi, thc south-war alo Stat Hwy. 35 to th juctio of

    FM Roa 521 orth of Palacios, thc orthast-war alo FM Roa 521 to th juctio of StatHwy. 36 south of Brazoria, thc southwaralo Stat Hwy. 36 to th juctio of FMRoa 2004, thc orthwar alo FM Roa2004 to th juctio of Itrstat Hwy. 45btw dickiso a La Marqu, thc orth-wstwar alo Itrstat Hwy. 45 to th juc-tio of Itrstat Hwy. 610 i Housto, thcast a orthwar alo Itrstat Hwy. 610 to

    th juctio of ItrstatHwy. 10 i Housto, thc

    astwar alo Itrstat Hwy. 10to th juctio of Stat Hwy. 73 i Wii,

    thc astwar alo Stat Hwy. 73 to thjuctio of U.S. Hwy. 287 i Port Arthur, thcorthwstwar alo U.S. Hwy. 287 to th juc-tio of Itrstat Hwy. 10 i Baumot, thcastwar alo Itrstat Hwy. 10 to th Louisi-aa Stat Li.

    Th followi public watrs ar ot cosir

    salt watr: (1) watrs of Spiltop Bayou ilafrom th cocrt am at Russls Lai oSpiltop Bayou i Jffrso Couty; (2) orth ofth am o Lak Aahuac i Chambrs Couty;(3) th watrs of Taylor Bayou a Bi Hill Bayouila from th saltwatr locks o Taylor Bayoui Jffrso Couty; (4) galvsto Couty Rsr-voir o Stat Hwy. 146 a galvsto Stat ParkPos #1 throuh #7 i galvsto Couty; (5)Lakviw City Park Lak, Wst guth Park Po,a Walro Park Po i nucs Couty; (6)

    Lak Burk-Crshaw a Lak nassau i HarrisCouty; (7) Fort Brow Rsaca, Rsaca lagurra, Rsaca la Palma, Rsaca los Cuats,Rsaca los Frsos, Rsaca Racho Vijo, aTow Rsaca i Camro Couty; a (8) LittlChocolat Bayou Park Pos #1 a #2 i PortLavaca i Calhou Couty.

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    arc lr:Ay lur (iclui is) with hook or hooks attach that is ma-ma a is us as a bait whilshi.


    Somthi us to lur ay willif rsourc. It is ulawful to us am sh or ay part throf asbait.

    Cmmy fsh l:All public impoumts 75 acrs or smallr locat totally withi a icorporat city limitsor a public park, a all impoumts of ay siz lyi totally withi th bouaris of a statpark. S ps. 38-40 for a listi of spcic shi rulatios for ths watrs. For a list of Com-muity Fishi Laks i your ara, call (800) 792-1112 (mu 4) or chck th TPWd Wb sit at:http://www.tpw.stat.tx.us/shboat/sh/rcratioal/laks/


    A 24-hour prio of tim that bis at miiht a s at miiht.

    fsh:Taki or attmpti to tak aquatic aimal lif by ay mas.

    fsh gd:A prso who, for compsatio, accompais, assists, or trasports a prso or prsos ai shi i th watr of this stat.

    fsh gd Dc Hd:

    A prso i th mploy of a shi ui who assists i oprati a boat for compsatio to accom-pay or to trasport a prso or prsos a i shi i th watr of this stat.

    gm fsh (iclus hybris or subspcis of sh o this list):

    Bass: guaalup, larmouth, smallmouth, Pickrl Sparsh, lobillspott, strip, whit, yllow) R rum Sworsh, broabill

    Catsh: blu, chal, atha Sailsh Tarpo Cobia Saur Tripltail Crappi: black, whit Satrout, spott Trout: brow, raibow Mackrl: ki, Spaish Sharks Wahoo Marli: blu, whit Sook Wally

    gr t:A ta costruct of matrial as urabl as th vic to which it is attach. Th ar ta must blibl, cotai th am a arss of th prso usi th vic a th at th vic was stout. dat is ot rquir for saltwatr trotlis or crab traps. For julis a frshwatr trotlis,proprly-mark buoys or oats qualify as vali ar tas.

    nm fsh:All spcis ot list as am sh xcpt ar a thrat sh which ar arulat ur sparat ruls.

    Prm Rsdc:Os pricipal or oriary hom or wlli plac. This os ot iclu os tmporary aboor wlli such as a huti/shi club, or ay club hous, cabi, tt, car, truck, or trailr housus as a huti/shi club, or ay hotl, motl, or roomi hous us uri a huti, shi,plasur, or busiss trip.

    Wd Rsrcs:Ay wil aimal, wil bir, or aquatic lif.

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    l frshwr d Swr Dcs d Rsrcs r fsh

    onlY DeviCeS anD ReStRiCtionS liSteD MaY be uSeD to take oR atteMPtto take aquatiC life.

    gm sh may b tak oly by pol a li (which iclus ro a rl), xcpt as othrwis provii this ui.

    i rsh wr, s w sh wh hd prd dc hd drwrxcp h spr r spr my sd nongaMe sh.

    Cs n: A t that ca b ha-throw ovr a ara. May b us to tak nongaMe sh a shrimp oly. May ot b ratr tha 14 ft i iamtr. I Salt WateR, oam sh may b tak for bait purposs oly.

    Dp n: A msh ba susp from a fram attach to a hal. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly. May b us to ai i th lai of sh cauht by othr lal vics. I Salt WateR, oam sh may b tak for bait purposs oly.

    g: Ay ha-hl pol with a hook attach irctly to th pol. May oly b us to ai i th lai of sh cauht by othr lal vics, mas, or mthos. Fish la with a affMaY not b blow th miimum, abov th maximum, or withi a protct

    lth limit.

    g: Ay ha-hl shaft with sil or multipl poits, barb or barblss. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly.

    Hs: I frsh watr oly, it is ulawful to sh with mor tha 100 hooks o all vics combi.

    J: For us i fReSH WateR oly. A shi li with v or lss hooks ti to a fr-oati vic.

    May b us to tak nongaMe sh, chal catsh, blu catsh, a atha catsh oly. Pcm d lc Rsrcs: Julis may ot b us i

    Commuity Fishi Laks (s p. 32 for itio) Rsrvoirs or sctios of rivrs lyi totally withi th bouaris of a stat park Lak Bastrop i Bastrop Couty Bllwoo Lak i Smith Couty Lak Brya i Brazos Couty Bor City Lak i Kall Couty Laks Coff Mill a davy Crocktt i Fai Couty dixila Rsrvoir i Camro Couty gibbos Crk Rsrvoir i grims Couty north Cocho Rivr from O.C. Fishr am to th Bll Strt am

    Lak Purvill i Travis Couty South Cocho Rivr from Lo Wolf am to Bll Strt am Takrsly Rsrvoir i Titus Couty

    t d Mr Rrms: Must b us with a vali geAR TAg (s p. 32) attach withi 6 ichs of th fr-oati vic;

    ar ta is vali for 30 ays aftr th at st out a must iclu th umbr of th prmit to slloam sh tak from frsh watr, if applicabl. Proprly-mark buoys or oats qualify as valiar tas.

    For o-commrcial purposs, a juli must b mark with a whit, fr-oati vic. For commrcial purposs, a juli must b mark with a ora, fr-oati vic.

    lw archry epm: Iclus lobow, rcurv bow, compou bow, a crossbow.

    May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly.

    Mw trp: May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly. Trap may ot xc 24 ichs i lth. Th throat may ot xc 1 ich by 3 ichs. I Salt WateR: geAR TAg (s p. 32) vali for oly 30 ays must b visibly attach.

    Prch trps: For us i Salt WateR oly. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly. May ot xc 18 cubic ft.

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    Must b mark with a oati visibl ora buoy ot lss tha 6 ichs i hiht a 6 ichs iwith. Th buoy must hav a geAR TAg (s p. 32) vali oly for 30 ays attach.

    Must b quipp with a raabl pal as scrib for crab traps (s p. 49). Buoys or oats may ot b ma of plastic bottl(s) of ay color or siz. It is ulawful to plac ay typ of trap withi th ara i Car Bayou btw a partmt si rct

    whr Msquit Bay ows ito Car Bayou a th partmt si rct ar th poit whr thpass mptis ito th gulf of Mxico.

    P d l (which iclus ro a rl): A li with hook, attach to a pol. May b us to tak gaMe anD nongaMe sh. It is ulawful to tak or attmpt to tak sh with o or mor hooks attach to a li or articial lur

    us i a mar to foul-hook a sh (sai or jrki). A sh is foul-hook wh cauht by a hooki a ara othr tha th shs mouth.

    gam a oam sh may b tak by pol a li, xcpt that i th guaalup Rivr i ComalCouty from th sco bri crossi o Rivr Roa upstram to th astrmost bri crossi oFM Roa 306, raibow a brow trout may ot b rtai wh tak by ay mtho xcpt articiallurs. I this ara oly, articial lurs caot cotai or hav attach ithr whol or portios, livi ora, of oraisms such as sh, craysh, iscts (rubs, larva or aults) or worms, ay othr aimal orvtabl matrial, or sythtic sct matrials. This os ot prohibit th us of articial lurs thatcotai compots of hair or fathrs. It is a offs to possss raibow a brow trout whil shi

    with ay othr vic i that part of th guaalup Rivr i this pararaph. Pol a li is th oly lawful mtho for taki am sh a oam sh from Commuity Fishi

    Laks (s itio, p. 32; iclus impoumts lyi totally withi th bouaris of a stat park),sctios of rivrs lyi totally withi bouaris of a stat park, th north Cocho Rivr from O.C.Fishr am to th Bll Strt am, th South Cocho Rivr from Lo Wolf am to Bll Strt am, aLak Purvill.

    S l: For us i Salt WateR oly. A typ of trotli with o of th mai li x o thshor, th othr of th mai li attach to a wi-powr oati vic or sail. noam sh, r rum, spott satrout, a sharks may b tak with a sail li. no mor tha o sail li may b us pr shrma. Th sail li must b att at all tims th li is shi. Sail lis may ot b us by th holr of a commrcial shi lics. Sail lis may b us sv ays a wk. t Rrms: Must hav a vali SALTWATeR TROTLIne TAg for ach 300 ft of maili

    or fractio throf bi sh. Csrc d Ds Rsrcs:

    Sail li may ot xc 1,800 ft from rl to sail. Sail a th most shorwar oat must b briht ora or r color. All othr oats must b

    yllow. n may b mor tha 200 ft from th sail. A wiht of 1 ouc or mor must b attach to th li ot lss tha 4 ft or mor tha 6 ft

    shorwar of th most shorwar oat. Rctors of ot lss tha 2 squar ichs shall b attach to th sail a oats. Thy must b as-

    ily s from all irctios. This applis for sail lis oprat from 30 miuts aftr sust to 30miuts bfor suris. May hav o mor tha 30 hooks. Thr is o hook spaci rquirmt. no hook may b plac mor tha 200 ft from th sail. May b bait with ithr atural or articial bait.

    Pcm d lc Rsrcs: Must mt placmt a locatio rquirmts for saltwatr trotlis (s p. 36).

    S: (Iclus a push t.) A sctio of o-mtallic msh wbbi, with th top buoy upwarsby a oatli a th bottom wiht. May b us to tak nongaMe sh a shrimp oly.

    May ot b lor tha 20 ft. May ot hav msh xci 1/2-ich squar. Must b maually oprat. I Salt WateR, oam sh may b tak by si for bait purposs oly.

    Shd trw: For us i fReSH WateR oly. A ba-shap t which is ra alo th bottomor throuh th watr to catch aquatic lif. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly. May ot b lor tha 6 ft or with a mouth larr tha 36 ichs i iamtr. May b quipp with a ful or throat a must b tow by boat or ha.

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    Spr: Ay shaft with sil or multipl poits, barb or barblss, which may b propll by ay mas,but os ot iclu arrows. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly.

    Spr g: Ay ha oprat vic si a us for proplli a spar, but os ot icluth crossbow. May b us to tak nongaMe sh oly, ot a lal mas to tak sh i a commuityshi lak.

    thrw: For us i fReSH WateR oly. A shi li with v or lss hooks a with o attach to a prmat xtur. Compots of a throwli may also iclu swivls, saps, rubbr, arii support structurs. May b us to tak nongaMe sh, chal catsh, blu catsh, a atha catsh oly. Pcm d lc Rsrcs: Throwlis may ot b us i:

    Commuity Fishi Laks (s p. 32 for itio) Rsrvoirs or sctios of rivrs lyi totally withi th bouaris of a stat park Lak Bastrop i Bastrop Couty Bllwoo Lak i Smith Couty Lak Brya i Brazos Couty Bor City Lak i Kall Couty Laks Coff Mill a davy Crocktt i Fai Couty dixila Rsrvoir i Camro Couty

    gibbos Crk Rsrvoir i grims Couty north Cocho Rivr from O.C. Fishr am to th Bll Strt am Lak Purvill i Travis Couty South Cocho Rivr from Lo Wolf am to Bll Strt am Takrsly Rsrvoir i Titus Couty

    trw (idd b-Shrmp trw): For us i Salt WateR oly. A ba-shap t whichis ra alo th bottom or throuh th watr to catch aquatic lif. S p. 46 ur Shrimp Rulatios for trawl si rstrictios. noam sh (eXCePT thos spcis rulat by ba or siz limits) tak icital to lal shrimpi

    opratios may b rtai. Lal shrimpi opratios mas th us of a lal trawl i placs, at tims, a i mars as autho-

    riz by TPWd (s sc Shrmp r ds). 200 oam sh tak with a iiviual bait-shrimp trawl may b rtai pr prso for bait

    PuRPoSeS onlY.

    tr: A o-mtallic mai shi li with mor tha v hooks attach a with ach attachto a xtur. noam sh, chal catsh, blu catsh, a atha catsh may b tak by trotli. R rum, spott satrout, a sharks cauht o a trotli may ot b rtai or possss. gr Csrc d Ds Rsrcs: Trotlis may ot b us with:

    a maili lth xci 600 ft; hooks spac lss tha 3 horizotal ft apart; mtallic staks; or th mai shi li a attach hooks a stais plac abov th watrs surfac.

    trs i frsh Wr t Rrms: Must b us with a vali geAR TAg (s p. 32). Proprly-mark buoys or

    oats qualify as vali ar tas. gar tas must b attach withi 3 ft of th rst hook at ach ofth trotli a ar vali for 30 ays aftr th at st out.

    Csrc d Ds Rsrcs: May ot hav mor tha 50 hooks o ay o trotli. Pcm d lc Rsrcs: Trotlis may ot b us i:

    Commuity Fishi Laks (s p. 32 for itio) Rsrvoirs or sctios of rivrs lyi totally withi th bouaris of a stat park Lak Bastrop i Bastrop Couty Bllwoo Lak i Smith Couty Lak Brya i Brazos Couty

    Bor City Lak i Kall Couty Laks Coff Mill a davy Crocktt i Fai Couty dixila Rsrvoir i Camro Couty Faytt Couty Rsrvoir i Faytt Couty gibbos Crk Rsrvoir i grims Couty north Cocho Rivr from O.C. Fishr am to th Bll Strt am Piksto Rsrvoir i Shlby Couty Lak Purvill i Travis Couty South Cocho Rivr from Lo Wolf am to Bll Strt am Takrsly Rsrvoir i Titus Couty

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    trs i S Wr no mor tha 1 trotli may b us pr shrma. t Rrms:

    Must hav a vali SALTWATeR TROTLIne TAg attach to ach 300 ft of maili or fractiothrof. (Must b purchas at TPWd Law eforcmt ofcs, s p. 18.)

    Must b us with a vali geAR TAg (s p. 32) attach withi 3 ft of th rst hook at ach of th trotli. Ta os ot to b at.

    Csrc d Ds Rsrcs:

    Must b mark with a yllow oati buoy ot lss tha 6 ichs i hiht, 6 ichs i lth, a6 ichs i with, bari a two-ich wi strip of cotrasti color, attach to xturs.

    Buoys or oats may ot b ma of plastic bottl(s) of ay color or siz. May ot b bait with othr tha atural bait. nr is a whol or cut-up portio of a sh

    or shllsh or a whol or cut-up portio of plat matrial i its atural stat, provi that o ofths may b altr byo cutti ito portios.

    May ot b us with hooks othr tha circl-typ hook with poit curv i a havi a ap(istac from poit to shak) of o mor tha o-half ich, a with th iamtr of th circl otlss tha v-ihths ich (comparabl to Musta 11/0 circl hook Mol #39960ST).

    Pcm d lc Rsrcs: May ot b us i or o th watrs of th gulf of Mxico withi th jurisictio of this stat.

    May ot b plac closr tha 50 ft from ay othr trotli, or st withi 200 ft of th ofth Itracoastal Watrway or its tributary chals. May ot b us i Arasas Couty i Littl Bay a th watr ara of Arasas Bay withi o-half

    mil of a li from Hail Poit o th Lamar Pisula, th irct to th astr of goos Isla,th alo th southr shor of goos Isla, th alo th causway btw Lamar Pisulaa Liv Oak Pisula, th alo th astr shorli of th Liv Oak Pisula past th tow ofFulto, past ni-Mil Poit, past th tow of Rockport to a poit at th ast of Tally Isla,iclui that part of Copao Bay withi 1,000 ft of th causway btw Lamar Pisula a LivOak Pisula.

    no trotli or trotli compots (eXCePT Sail Lis), iclui lis a hooks, but xcluipols, may b lft i or o coastal watrs btw th hours of 1 p.m. o Friay throuh 1 p.m. oSuay of ach wk, xcpt that att sail lis ar xclu from th rstrictios impos by

    this claus. I th vt small craft avisoris or hihr mari wathr avisoris issu by thnatioal Wathr Srvic ar i plac at 8 a.m. o Friay, trotlis may rmai i th watr util6 p.m. o Friay. If small craft avisoris ar i plac at 1 p.m. o Friay, trotlis may rmai i thwatr util Saturay. Wh small craft avisoris ar lift by 8 a.m. o Saturay, trotlis must brmov by 6 p.m. o Saturay. Wh small craft avisoris or hihr mari wathr avisoris arstill i plac at 1 p.m. o Saturay, trotlis may rmai i th watr throuh 1 p.m. o Suay. Itis a violatio to t, bait, or harvst sh or ay othr aquatic lif from trotlis uri th priothat trotli rmoval rquirmts ar susp ur this provisio for avrs wathr coi-tios. For purposs of forcmt, th oraphic ara customarily covr by mari wathravisoris will b liat by partmt policy.

    umr n: A o-mtallic msh t that is susp horizotally i th watr by multipl lisattach to a rii fram. May b us to tak crabs a nongaMe sh oly. May ot hav withi th fram a ara that xcs 16 squar ft.

    frshwr fsh Hrs Rs

    Statwi rulatios apply for all public frsh watrs xcpt for thos locatios ot i th excptiosto Statwi Frshwatr Harvst Rulatios o ps. 37-40.

    A prso taki or attmpti to tak am a oam sh from frshwatr for o-commrcial

    purposs is rquir to hav a vali shi lics a a frshwatr shi stamp orsmt. Possssio limit is twic th statwi aily ba. Th oly xcptio to th statwi possssio limits ifrsh watr is for strip bass from Lak Txoma (s p. 39). Plas ot that o Lak Livisto aTolo B Rsrvoir whr som aily ba limits ar larr tha th statwi aily ba, th posss-sio limits rmai twic th statwi aily ba limits list o p. 37. Fish stor by a prso at thirprmat rsic (s p. 32) o ot apply to thir possssio limit.

    For saltwatr sh spcis cauht i th public frsh watrs of this stat, statwi ba, possssio, alth limits as list o ps. 44-45 apply.

    Som rsrvoirs hav spcial rulatios for r rum. S excptios to Statwi Frshwatr HarvstRulatios.

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    Swd b d lh lms

    (s blow a ps. 38-40 for xcptios)

    Spcs Dy b lh ichs



    5larmouth a smallmouth 14

    spott a guaalup(i ay combiatio)

    no limit

    Bass, strip a hybri strip bass (also kow as 5 18

    palmtto or sushi bass) (i ay combiatio)

    Bass, whit 25 10

    Bass, yllow no limit no limit

    Catsh: chal a blu catsh, thir hybris 25 12

    a subspcis (i ay combiatio)

    Catsh, atha 5 18

    Crappi: whit a black crappi, thir hybris 25 10

    a subspcis (i ay combiatio)

    Palsh no harvst allow

    gar, alliator 1 no limit

    Sauy 3 18

    Sush: various spcis iclui bluill, no limit no limit

    rar, r, warmouth a loar

    Trout: raibow a brow trout, thir hybris 5 no limit

    a subspcis (i ay combiatio)

    Wally 5 no limit

    (oly two ca b lss tha

    16 ichs i lth)

    For shs ot list abov, thr ar no statwi ba or lth limits. Thr ar spcial rquirmtsassociat with th harvst of harmful or pottially harmful xotic shs (tilapia, rass carp); s p. 28.

    excps Swd frshwr Hrs Rs

    Bait Fish ExceptionsI Brwstr, Cra, Crocktt, Culbrso, ector, el Paso, Jff davis, Huspth, Kiy, Lovi, Pcos, Pr-siio, Rvs, Trrll, Upto, Val Vr, War, a Wiklr coutis, th oly shs that may b usor possss for bait whil shi ar commo carp, fatha miows, izzar a thra sha, olshirs, olsh, Mxica ttra, Rio gra cichli, silvrsis (Athriia family) a sush (Lpomis).

    Hw s h (ps. 38-40): First, look for your locatio of itrst (lak or rivr) urlc. Th locatios ar list i alphabtical orr. If you th locatio you ar looki for,rst chck th coutis list to th riht of th locatios to mak sur you hav th corrct locatio. If

    thos match, cotiu rai to th riht a ot th cos for rulatio xcptios. excptiocos ar list starti o p. 40.

    For istac, Lak Braui is locat i Bxar Couty. Th cos for rulatios that ar xcptiosto statwi rulatios ar Bass7 a RDrm1. Locat ths cos list o p. 40. Th ra thscriptio for ach rulatio xcptio. Plas ot MLL = Miimum Lth Limit.

    If you o ot th locatio you ar looki for, that mas statewide regulations apply. Plass abov for Statwi Ba a Lth Limits. If th lak is lss tha 75 acrs a withi a public park,it is most likly a Community Fishing Lake. S th Commuity Fishi Laks listi for rulatioxcptios a also s th itio o p. 32.

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    excps Swd frshwr Hrs Rs (s How to us th tabl o p. 37)

    lc Cy(s) excps

    Ala Hry garza Bass14

    Aquilla Hill Bass7

    Aths Hrso Bass9

    Bastrop Bastrop Bass9 gar3

    Bllwoo Smith Bass7 Ctfsh1 gar3

    Bor City Lak Kall gar3

    Braui Bxar Bass7 Rdrm1

    Briport Jack / Wis Bass8

    Briht Williamso Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar2

    Brushy Crk Lak Williamso Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar2

    Brya Brazos Bass7 gar3

    Buck Kimbl Bass4 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Buschr Stat Park Lak Bastrop Bass9 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Burk-Crshaw Harris Bass8 Ctfsh2 gar2

    Cao* Harriso / Mario Bass8

    Calavras Bxar Bass7 Rdrm1

    Casa Blaca Wbb Bass7

    Clbur Stat Park Lak Johso Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Coff Mill Fai gar3

    Colto Crk Rsrvoir golia / Victoria Rdrm1

    Commuity Fishi Laks (xcpt Various - S p. 32 for itio Ctfsh2 gar2

    Rsrvoirs totally withi Stat Parks;

    s Stat Park Laks, p. 39)Cocho Rivr (north Cocho Rivr Tom gr Ctfsh2 gar1

    from O.C. Fishr am to th Bll Strt

    am a South Cocho Rivr from

    Lo Wolf am to Bll Strt am

    Coro* Motomry / Walkr Bass6

    Coopr (Jim L. Chapma)* dlta / Hopkis Bass7

    davy Crocktt Fai Bass8 gar3

    dvils Rivr Val Vr - Stat Hwy. 163 bri Bass12

    owstram to dola Falls

    dixila Camro Ctfsh1 gar3

    elm Fort B Ctfsh2 gar1

    Fairl Frsto Bass7 Rdrm1

    Faytt Couty Faytt Bass10 gar4

    Fork Hopkis / Rais / Woo Bass11 Crpi2

    Fort Parkr Stat Park Lak Limsto Ctfsh2 gar1

    Fort Phatom Hill Jos Bass6

    gortow* Williamso Bass8

    gibbos Crk Rsrvoir* grims Bass10 gar3

    gilmr Upshur Bass7

    grabury Hoo Bass6

    grapvi dto / Tarrat Bass8

    guaalup Rivr# Comal Trout1

    Housto Couty Housto Bass9

    Jacksovill Chrok Bass7

    *S Rsrvoir Bouaris o p. 30. #S p. 34 for bouaris ur Pol a Li. (Continued)

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    lc Cy(s) excps

    Jo Pool dallas / ellis / Tarrat Bass9

    Lay Bir (Tow) Travis Bass9 Carp1

    Lak O Th Pis* Mario / Morris / Upshur Crpi2

    Lwisvill dto Ctfsh7

    Livisto* Housto / Lo / Maiso / Polk / Ctfsh3

    Sa Jacito / Triity / Walkr

    Lost Mapls Stat natural Ara Bara Bass3 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Maisovill Maiso Bass8

    Mari Crk Tarrat Bass7

    Mrith Hutchiso / Moor / Pottr Bass13

    Mriia Stat Park Lak Bosqu Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Mill Crk Lak Va Zat Bass9

    Miral Wlls Parkr Ctfsh2 gar1

    Moticllo Titus Bass10

    Murvaul* Paola Bass9

    nacoochs nacoochs Bass1

    nlso Park Lak Taylor Bass4 Ctfsh2 gar2

    O.H. Ivi Colma / Cocho / Ruls Bass12 Bass15

    Ol Mt. Plasat City Titus Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar2

    Purvill Travis Bass7 gar1

    Pilat Fort B Ctfsh2 gar1

    Piksto Shlby Bass9 gar4

    Possum Kiom Palo Pito / Stphs / You Bass6 S&W6

    Proctor Comach Bass6

    Purtis Crk SP Lak* Hrso / Va Zat Bass5 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Rav Walkr Bass5 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Ratcliff Housto Bass6 Ctfsh2 gar1

    R Rivr blow Lak Txoma grayso S&W3 Ctfsh4

    Richla Chambrs Frsto / navarro Ctfsh7

    Sctios of Rivrs withi Stat Parks Various gar1

    Rusk Stat Park Lak Chrok Bass7 Ctfsh2 gar1

    Sa Auusti City Sa Auusti Bass8

    Shlo Harris Ctfsh2 gar1

    Stat Park Laks (iclus rsrvoirs Various Ctfsh2 gar1

    totally withi Stat Parks)

    Swtwatr nola Bass8

    Takrsly Titus Ctfsh1 gar3

    Txoma Cook / grayso S&W1 S&W5 Ctfsh5

    Crpi3 Wall1 gar1

    Timpso Shlby Bass9

    Tolo B* nwto / Sabi / Shlby Bass2 S&W2 S&W5

    Crpi1Traihous Crk Rsrvoir McLa Rdrm1

    Triity Rivr Polk / Sa Jacito S&W4 Ctfsh6 Sha1

    Waco McLa Ctfsh7

    Waltr e. Lo Travis Bass9

    Wlsh Titus Bass7

    *S Rsrvoir Bouaris o p. 30.

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    R excp Cds d Dscrps:

    bss (rmh, smmh, spd d g-dp ss): bss1 For larmouth bass, oly bass 16 ichs ilth or lss may b rtai. daily ba = 5 bass. Bass 24ichs or ratr i lth may b tmporarily rtai i a livwll or othr arat holi vic a immiatly wihusi prsoal scals. Bass wihi 13 pous or mor may boat to th SharLukr Proram; othrwis, th sh mustb immiatly rlas i Lak nacoochs. Alrs wishito oat thir bass must immiatly cas shi a cotactTPWd at (903) 681-0550. Alrs may ot rmov th bassfrom th immiat viciity of th rsrvoir ulss istructto o so by TPWd staff. Bass ot accpt by TPWd must bimmiatly rlas. bss2 daily ba for all four spcis of bass = 8 bass iay combiatio. Possssio limit = 10. bss3 Catch a rlas oly for larmouth, small-mouth, spott, a guaalup bass. bss4 Catch a rlas oly for larmouth bass. bss5 Catch a rlas oly for larmouth bass,xcpt that ay bass 24 ichs or ratr i lth may b tm-porarily rtai i a liv wll or othr arat holi vic

    a immiatly wih usi prsoal scals. Bass wih-i 13 pous or mor may b oat to th SharLukrProram; othrwis, th sh must b immiatly rlasi th lak whr cauht. Alrs wishi to oat thirbass must immiatly cas shi a cotact TPWd at(903) 681-0550. Alrs may ot rmov th bass from thimmiat viciity of th rsrvoir ulss istruct to o soby TPWd staff. Bass ot accpt by TPWd must b imm-iatly rlas. bss6 For larmouth bass, MLL = 16 ichs, a ailyba for all four spcis of bass = 5 bass i ay combiatio. bss7 For larmouth bass; MLL = 18 ichs, a ailyba for all four spcis of bass = 5 bass i ay combiatio. bss8 For larmouth bass, lth limit is a 1418

    slot. Bass 14 ichs a lss or 18 ichs or ratr i lthmay b rtai, a aily ba for all four spcis of bass = 5bass i ay combiatio. bss9 For larmouth bass, lth limit is a 1421slot. Bass 14 ichs a lss or 21 ichs or ratr i lthmay b rtai. Oly o bass 21 ichs or ratr may brtai ach ay. bss10 For larmouth bass, lth limit is a 1424slot. Bass 14 ichs a lss or 24 ichs or ratr i lthmay b rtai. Oly o bass 24 ichs or ratr may brtai ach ay. bss11 For larmouth bass, lth limit is a 1624slot. Bass 16 ichs a lss or 24 ichs or ratr i lthmay b rtai. Oly o bass 24 ichs or ratr may b

    rtai ach ay. bss12 For smallmouth bass, MLL = 18 ichs a ailyba = 3. bss13 For smallmouth bass, lth limit is a 1215slot. Bass 12 ichs a lss or 15 ichs or ratr i lthmay b rtai. daily ba = 3. bss14 For larmouth bass thr is o MLL. Forsmallmouth a spott bass; MLL = 18 ichs. daily ba = 5bass i ay combiatio of which o mor tha 3 sh ca bithr smallmouth or spott bass. Up to 5 larmouth bassmay b rtai; howvr, oly 2 may b lss tha 18 ichs. bss15 For larmouth bass, o MLL, aily ba = 5.Howvr, oly two larmouth bass lss tha 18 ichs may brtai ach ay.

    bss (srpd, wh, d hyrd srpd ss): S&W1 For strip bass a hybri strip bass, oMLL, aily ba = 10 a possssio limit = 20, a oly twostrip or hybri strip bass, 20 ichs or ratr, may brtai ach ay. Culli of strip bass a hybri stripbass is prohibit. S&W2 For strip bass, o MLL, aily ba = 5, a olytwo strip bass, 30 ichs or ratr, may b rtai achay. S&W3 For strip bass a hybri strip bass, oMLL a aily ba = 5. Culli of strip bass is prohibit.

    S&W4 For th Triity Rivr from th Lak Livistoam owstram to th FM Roa 3278 bri, strip bassMLL = 18 ichs a aily ba = 2. S&W5 For whit bass, o MLL a aily ba = 25. S&W6 For strip bass a hybri strip bass, MLL =18 ichs a aily ba = 2.

    Cmm Crp: Crp1 For commo carp, oly o carp 33 ichs orratr may b rtai ach ay. Thr is o aily ba limit

    for carp lss tha 33 ichs i lth.

    Csh (, ch, d hd csh): Csh1 For chal a blu catsh, MLL = 12 a ailyba = 5 i ay combiatio Csh2 For chal a blu catsh, o MLL a ailyba = 5 i ay combiatio. Csh3 For chal a blu catsh, aily ba a pos-sssio limit = 50 i ay combiatio. nOTe: Applis oly toth portio of Lak Livisto i Polk, Sa Jacito, Triity, aWalkr coutis. Csh4 For atha catsh, MLL = 20 ichs a ailyba = 5. Csh5 For blu a chal catsh, MLL = 12 a aily

    ba = 15. Oly o blu catsh 30 ichs or ratr may brtai ach ay. For atha catsh, MLL = 20 ichs aaily ba = 5. Csh6 For th Triity Rivr from th Lak Livistoam owstram to th FM Roa 3278 bri, blu a chalcatsh MLL = 12 a aily ba = 10, of which oly 2 sh ca b24 ichs or larr. Csh7 For blu catsh, lth limit is a 30- to 45-ichslot. Blu catsh 30 ichs a lss or 45 ichs or ratri lth may b rtai. Oly o blu catsh 45 ichs orratr may b rtai ach ay. daily ba = 25 blu a cha-l catsh i ay combiatio.

    Crpp (c d wh): Crp1 For black a whit crappi, MLL = 10 ichs

    a aily ba a possssio limit = 50 i ay combiatio. Forblack a whit crappi cauht from deC. 1 throuh th lastay of FeB., thr is o MLL, aily ba = 50 i ay combiatio,a all crappi cauht must b rtai. Crp2 For black a whit crappi cauht from deC.1 throuh th last ay of FeB., thr is o MLL, aily ba = 25 iay combiatio, a all crappi cauht must b rtai. Crp3 For black a whit crappi, MLL = 10 ichsa aily ba = 37 i ay combiatio. Possssio limit = 50

    gr (r): gr1 duri May, taki alliator ar is prohibit ith portio of Lak Txoma withi th bouaris of Har-ma natioal Willif Rfu a from th U.S. 377 bri

    (Willis Bri) upstram to th IH 35 bri.gr d mhds: (s p. 33 for Lal Frshwatr aSaltwatr dvics a Rstrictios) gr1 Fishi is by pol a li oly. gr2 Fishi is by pol a li oly. Alrs mayus o mor tha two pols whil shi. gr3 Us of julis, throwlis, a trotlis is pro-hibit. gr4 Us of trotlis is prohibit.

    Rd Drm: RDrm1 For r rum, MLL = 20 ichs a aily ba =3 a o maximum lth limit.

    Shd (zzrd d hrd shd): Shd1 For th Triity Rivr blow Lak Livistobtw Polk a Sa Jacito coutis, th aily ba for sha =500 a th possssio limit = 1,000 sh i ay combiatio.

    tr (rw d rw r): tr1 For raibow a brow trout, MLL = 18 ichsa aily ba = 1 sh. Harvst of trout is by articial lurs oly.S p. 34 ur Pol a Li for aitioal rstrictios aara covr by this xcptio.

    Wy: W1 For wally, MLL = 18 ichs a aily ba = 5.

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    Hw ach Rd Drm t

    Immiatly upo rtaii a sh:1. Rmov ta from lics a us tir ta.2. Fill i ALL iformatio spacs o frot of ta.3. Cut out ay a moth.4. Attach ta with a stri or wir to th arrowst part of th tail, just aha of th tail (s iaram).

    Hw Msr fsh d Crs

    Us ths uilis to masur sh corrctly:1. Plac th sh o its si with th jaw clos.2. Squz th tail tothr or tur it i a way to obtai th maximum ovrall lth.3. Masur a straiht li from th tip of th sout to th xtrm tip of th tail .

    tps r Rs fsh

    You maa for th futur wh you follow ths hay tips for rlasi sh. Wh prcc: Quickly play a rlas sh. Kp sh i watr as much as possibl. Rmov hook with plirs or cut li. gtly plac sh back ito watr. Rviv sh by holi upriht i watr a movi back a forth, yforci watr throuh ills.

    fr swr shs y: Th followi procurs ar not rcomm for us with ay frsh-watr shs. Wh rlasi sh that caot riht itslf or is

    showi a ist air blar: gtly isrt a thi poit (kif bla, wir, oric pick) throuh th si of th sh immiatlybhi th uppr part of th pctoral bas.This is usually irctly blow th fourth or fthspi (s iaram riht).

    Rviv sh as scrib abov.

    Rs sh dy ms r sh r s mrrw!

    dist air

    blar aut lii

    POInT OF

    PeneTRATIOnReproduced from Queensland FMA,

    Australia, 1989

    Blow fourth or fthorsal spi

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    42 Txas Parks a Willif Outoor Aual 2010-2011 Rs Smmry



    idc Yw, Wh,

    Srpd d Hyrd Srpd bss

    yw ss

    a Strips istict, brok abovaal .

    b Color silvry yllow.

    C dorsal s joi.

    D dos ot hav a tooth patchar th mili towars thback of th tou.

    wh ss

    a Strips fait, oly o xtsto tail.

    b Boy p, mor tha 1/3 lth.

    C Has o tooth patch ar thmili towars th back ofth tou.

    hyrd srpd ss

    a Strips istict, usually brok,svral xt to tail.

    b Boy p, mor tha 1/3 lth.