2009.03 newsletter

[email protected] (763) 682-1245 www.zionbuffalo.org ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH • BUFFALO, MN MARCH 2009 The forty days of Lent have begun. It is a time to review God’s expectations of us, our standing before God, and God’s mercy through Jesus Christ. This year Zion will focus on forgiveness and its connection with justice, righteousness, revenge, and God’s generosity. These forty days are our time to walk the journey with Christ to the cross, ending when we reach the triumphant Easter day. The forty days offer the time to come to Zion for midweek worship, be intentional about devotions at home, and participate in special events for the season.

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Zion's March 2009 Newsletter


Page 1: 2009.03 Newsletter

o f f i c e @ z i o n b u f f a l o . o r g ( 7 6 3 ) 6 8 2 - 1 2 4 5 w w w . z i o n b u f f a l o . o r g


The forty days of Lent have begun. It is a time to review God’s expectations of us, our standing before God, and God’s mercy through Jesus Christ. This year Zion will focus on forgiveness and its

connection with justice, righteousness, revenge, and God’s generosity.

These forty days are our time to walk the journey with Christ to the cross, ending when we reach the triumphant Easter day. The forty days offer the time to come to Zion for midweek worship, be

intentional about devotions at home, and participate in special events for the season.

Page 2: 2009.03 Newsletter

Sunday Worship Times

8:30 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, Sunday school, & nursery 9:45 am Family Express in Trinity Hall 10:30 am Jubilee Worship in the Sanctuary, Sunday school, & nursery

Contact Us

Email [email protected] Online www.zionbuffalo.org Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Church Office (763) 682-1245 Chapel Line (763) 682-1312 Fax (763) 684-1967 Street Address 1200 Highway 25 South, Buffalo (across from 13th St S.) Mailing Address PO Box 88, Buffalo, MN 55313

Zion Staff

Chris Hagen Interim Pastor / x304 / [email protected] Rebecca Sogge Pastor (on sabbatical) Judy Burgett Winzig Interim Associate Pastor / x305 / [email protected] Sherilyn Burgdorf Shared Ministry Director / x 307 / [email protected] Roxie Otten Co-Director of Christian Education / x 331 / [email protected] Holly Husom Co-Director of Christian Education / x331 / [email protected] Myron Crawford Director of Youth Ministries / x308 / [email protected] Jim Onstad Youth Staff Diane Montplaisir Administrative Secretary/ x302 / [email protected] Angela Bengtson Communications & Membership / x325 / [email protected] Sue Stensrud Financial Secretary / x303 / [email protected] Jill Pryor Building & Grounds Manager / [email protected] Tom & Melissa Janzen Evening / Weekend Custodians Jennifer Weese Nursery Staff Tina Eich Nursery Staff Michael Walsh Coordinator of Music

Zion Council

Kevin Bergquist 2009-2011 Zion Foundation Carol Clark 2008-2010 Secretary /Finance Dirk Foster 2008-2010 President /Personnel Jud Goerss 2008-2009 Treasurer /Memorials & Placement Kelly Hanson 2009-2011 Evangelism & Outreach Debbie Johnson 2007-2009 Social Ministry Charles Krause 2008-2010 Youth Kevin Lincicum 2007-2009 Worship & Music Colleen Manninen 2009-2011 Fellowship Scott Morin 2009-2011 Christian Education Steve Peterson 2009-2011 Stewardship Dave Schmidt 2008-2010 New Member Doug Schmidt 2008-2010 Property Marci Wold 2007-2007 Global Missions Idella Ziegler 2007-2009 Stewardship


Pete & Judy Weis Stephen Ministry Leaders Julie Kabe Food For Friends Coordinator

2 fyi

Prayer Requests

Call the church office at 763.682.1245 or visit Zion‟s community at www.zionbuffalo.org with your prayer requests. If you want a pastoral visit or would like to be included in pastoral prayers during worship, please use a yellow pew card or call the church office.

Address, Phone &

Email Corrections

Zion maintains a database of all its members. If you have had any changes to your address, phone number, marital status, etc. please contact the Membership Secretary with your name, phone number and the changes that need to be made.

If You Are Ill Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members are admitted for care. Call 763.682.1245, and let us know so we can support you with prayer and with presence.

Publishing Deadlines

Weekly Bulletin: Thursday Noon

Newsletter: Monday 3/16 Noon

If you would like to contribute to the church newsletter please send your submissions to Angela in the church office or [email protected].

Zion seeks to share

Christ’s word,

strengthen faith and

serve those in need.

Page 3: 2009.03 Newsletter

3 from the pastor

The Gift of Lent She would roar her big Buick into my drive way and pick me up for Lenten midweek worship. It was just my Aunt Liz and I, wild driver that she was, who then sped uptown to St. Peter‟s Church. Inside, we would sit with elders and families, people I had grown up seeing on Sundays, together on dark Wednesday nights.

I can‟t tell you that I remember much about the services, except I think we sang “Go to Dark Gethsemane” a lot. I‟m sure that Pastor Berg‟s sermons were still too long for my High School mind to grasp. What I do remember is being there, there in church soaking it all in, and that it made the Easter celebration better. Not better because I had won “browning points” with God and the elders of St. Peter for my presence. But, better because what I would now call “walking the weeks of Lent” helped me focus on faith; my faith and the faith of the community to which I belonged. Each Wednesday we walked together closer to the cross. Unspoken was the sense of our corporate recognition that as a community of faith we needed to not just pursue the call of Jesus to discipleship, but to deepen it together.

Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez, Professor of church History at Columbia Seminary in Decatur, Georgia wrote of Lent:

“Lent reminds us of that fact (life of discipleship) and gives us a specific time to reflect on our own need for recommitting ourselves and our congregations to the true following of Christ. Just because we call our selves Christian does not mean that we are not tempted to follow the way of the world. In fact, we can easily fall away from the discipleship if we do not have this annual reminder of our frailty.”

Lent for me became a gift: a gift of time and worship, of fellowship and community. In the midst of the being bombarded with all of those messages about how things in the culture around us can bring us whatever it is we think we need, we have the gift of Lent. Let us together embrace this gift, and open its promise and prodding for our community‟s life and the life of the world.

“Return to God, with all your heart, the source of love and mercy; come

seek the tender faithfulness of God.”


Lectionary and Preachers

March 1 First Sunday in Lent Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Pastor Hagen preaching Wednesday March 4 The Giving God: Foundation of Forgiveness” Psalm 85 Pastor Winzig preaching March 8 Second Sunday in Lent Mark 8:31-38 Pastor Hagen preaching Wednesday March 11 Pastor Winzig preaching March 15 Third Sunday in Lent John 2:13-22 Pastor Hagen preaching Wednesday March 18 “Betrayal: Forgiving Judas” Matthew 26:14-16, 36-49 Pastor Winzig preaching March 22 Fourth Sunday in Lent John 3:14-21 Pastor Winzig preaching Wednesday March 25 “Revenge: Forgoing Forgiveness” Romans 12:14-21 Pastor Hagen preaching March 29 Fifth Sunday in Lent John 12:20-33 Pastor Hagen preaching

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4 news & views

Thanks Pete! Many people work behind the scenes to make ministry at Zion succeed. It is right to stop and recognize them from time to time. Pete Hauer is one such servant who had faithfully managed the sound system at worship for many years. We are blessed and we give thanks to God for Pete. “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Active Military

Please Pray For Fred Pierce, stationed at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, CA; Aaron Hatling, stationed at Heidelberg, Germany; Cody Bauman, stationed at Fort Bragg, NC; Chris Paulsen-Schmidt, stationed at Great Lakes, IL; Ben Pecarina, stationed at Nellis AFB, NV; Jake Swanson, stationed at Fort Bragg, NC; Greg Bremseth, deployed to Iraq; Jon Strommen, deployed to Camp Liberty, Iraq; DeAnna Strommen, deployed to Kuwait.

Please let the church office know of any additions or corrections to this list.

Council Update

From the Council President

By Dirk Foster, on behalf of the Church Council

2009 is going to be an exciting year for Zion Lutheran Church. The Call Committee has 7 nominations for our Senior Pastor position and will be starting interviews very soon. Pastor Chris and Pastor Judy have been doing an outstanding job and the Social Ministry Committee has been very busy getting ready for a number of small group ministries starting during the Lenten season.

The Council will have their annual retreat on Saturday, February 28th. One of the items that will be discussed at the retreat are the goals for the Church this coming year. There are three goals that will be central to the Council‟s discussion. They are:

1. Renew our focus on the mission of our Church. The mission of Zion is to “Seek to share Christ‟s word, strengthen our faith and to serve those in need.” Over the last three years, we have become distracted from this mission. Events that have occurred and things that have been said have taken our time and efforts away from our mission. We have a number of ministries that support our mission and that is where we need to concentrate our time, our resources and our efforts.

2. Increase the number of people involved. We have a very large church and there is room for everyone to take an active role in whatever may interest them. Roger and Sandy Brenny and the other members of the Social Ministry Committee have gotten a great start on identifying and recruiting enthusiastic individuals and facilitating new opportunities. These opportunities are identified throughout this newsletter. Please check them out. We hope that you will find something that interests you and that you will get involved with Zion this year.

3. Finally, identify and call a new Senior Pastor. The Call Committee will be starting interviews soon. It appears that we are on track for calling a new senior pastor some time this spring or summer. Of course, the goal here is finding the right senior pastor for our congregation. Please continue to pray and provide support for the Call Committee during their very important work.

2009 will, indeed, be a year of transformation for Zion. This will be a very tough year financially for the church itself and members of the church. But we will only be successful if we stick together, help our neighbor in times of need and provide encouraging and helpful feedback and comments.

Ongoing Email Updates

In an effort to improve communication between the council and the congregation, Dirk is now sending out a regular email update to Zion families. If you have not received the first updates and would like to start receiving them, you can sign up online at www.zionbuffalo.org/enews.

Minutes of all council meetings are available on the church website at www.zionbuffalo.org/council once they are approved (typically at the next

(Council Council continued on page 5)

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Bridgebuilder Report

Monday, March 30 at 7:30pm

Pastor Mary Halvorson and Al Perry will return to Zion to present a formal written report to the council and congregation. They are considering everything that they heard at the January learning event, February interviews, and the written comments they have received; and will recommend some strategies to help Zion keep moving toward health and growth. All congregation members are welcome, and those that have already participated in the Bridgebuilder process are especially encouraged to attend on March 30.

Family News


Max Aaron Torgrimson Son of Kristy & Aaron December 31, 2008


Sophia Joy Olson January 25 Carter Michael Watne January 25

Funerals Shirley Olson January 4

February births & pastoral acts will be reported in the April Newsletter.


council meeting). You can also contact Dirk personally by email at [email protected] with your concerns or questions.

January Meeting Summary: Wednesday, January 21

YTD offerings substantially below expenses and expectations in both General

and Forward in Faith funds.

The call committee has been provided with 7 candidates, has conducted some mock interviews, and requested a formal job description for the Senior Pastor position.

A motion was approved to seek a credit line of up to $50,000 to cover interim cash flow needs. This decision and the rational will be communicated to the congregation.

Mary Lynn Leff and Jane Wahlberg were appointed to the Zion Foundation.

Rolf Mohwinkel and Laurie Blauert were appointed to the Personnel Committee.

Pastor Hagen presented rough outlines of three different pastoral/business models for church organization. After discussion, the council advised the Call Committee to use a business model with Senior Pastor focusing on preaching, teaching, and being a community leader in interviewing candidates.

Annual Meeting Summary: Sunday, December 7, 2008

A motion that was tabled at the 2007 annual meeting was amended to read: Zion Lutheran Church, Buffalo, MN endorse the Vision and Expectations: Ordained Ministers in the ELCA, in particular p. 13, “Ordained ministers who are homosexual in their self-understanding are expected to abstain from homosexual

(Church Council continued from page 4)

(Church Council continued on page 13)

Zion Day Camp

Registrations: Available at Zion in the main office during business hours

Questions? Contact Holly: 763-682-1245 or [email protected]

Summer Child Care Program



Register By

March 30



Outdoor Activities

For Children ages 5 (completed kindergarten)

to 12

Page 6: 2009.03 Newsletter

6 volunteers

Easter Basket Project

Buffalo Food Shelf

Zion will again this year be helping feed the hungry of our community by providing Easter Dinners. Last year we collected, gathered, decorated, and filled 180 bags for distribution by the Buffalo Food Shelf. This year, with the current economic situation, the demand has increased dramatically and we are being asked to provide 250 meals!

During the month of March, please help to meet this commitment. Fill the church food shelf baskets with:

Boxes of instant mashed potatoes

Cans of green beans

Cans of fruit

Boxes of Jell-O

Cans or packets of gravy

Boxes of dessert mixes

Money contributions are also always accepted. They will be used to help buy the hams which will be included in the baskets.

Spring Fever Anyone?

God’s Gardeners

All the garden areas looked great in 2008, and many visitors and members of Zion enjoyed the colorful greeting.

Gardeners, it‟s time to start thinking about planting your garden spaces for this year, keep an eye open for upcoming information for 2009 season.

If you have a new interest in God's Gardeners please call the office for contact information.

Library Cataloging Party

Bring Your Wireless Laptop and Get Zion’s Library Online

On Saturday, March 7, a group of volunteers will be getting together to work on compiling a catalog of Zion's library books.

Zion‟s collection is being entered in an online catalog (www.librarything.com), and will be accessible not just from the new computer that the Zion Foundation is placing in the library, but from anywhere in the building, and even from your home! A sampling of the collection has already been entered to try out the system and you can check it out at www.librarything.com/catalog/ZionBuffalo.

Additional volunteers are welcome on March 7. Entering books is easy, it's much like an internet search . . . you just enter the name and the system automatically pulls up the other details like author, publisher, and an image of the cover.

Come to Zion on Saturday, March 7 at 9am.

If you have a laptop with wireless, please bring it with you, but don't worry if you do not have one.

We will plan to work until at least noon and then break for lunch (provided).

If you are not able to come on March 7, you can still help with whatever is left over. There will be instructions available after the 7th for anyone who would like to come in at any time to do more data entry.

Thanks to the Zion Foundation and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for making this project possible.

Did You Know….

Homebound Communion Visitors Did you know that each first Sunday of the month Zion members visit those who are homebound to bring communion after worship? These visits serve as a way to “carry the worship service” out of Zion‟s doors and into the homes of some of our members who cannot get to church on Sunday mornings. We thank those who have served or continue to serve each month as visitors: Cindy Bonde, Howard Burgdorf, Jill Hanson, Carol Krause, Sam Monson, Carol Nusbaum, Kathy Swanson.

A training session for all who are interested in becoming homebound communion visitors will be held in April. Interested? Call the church office or contact Pastor Judy or Sherilyn Burgdorf.

Worship Volunteers It takes all of us to make things run smoothly for the extra worship services at this time of year. Please let contact Sherilyn ([email protected]) if you would like to serve as an usher, greeter, nursery worker, communion server, altar guild member, coffee fellowship host or Family Express host.

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Lenten Mission Projects Mission Projects will be underway during Lent in an effort to reach out to our community in tangible expressions of love and good works. God desires to reach people who do not know him through people like us at Zion. Showing others in our community our faith by what we do is vital to helping others see God for who He really is. As it says in James 2:18,

“You say the way to God is by faith alone, plus nothing: well, I say that

good works are important too, for without good works you can’t prove whether you have faith or not.”

These mission project meetings will also include a spiritual time.

Which of these will you get involved with?

Technology Seminar

For Staff and Volunteers On Tuesday, April 21, Zion will host a free seminar for area churches on using technology for outreach and communication. There will be a presentation by Beth Lewis, CEO of Augsburg Fortress, and time for discussion. Interested committee members and other volunteers can get more information and register online at zionbuffalo.org.

Harvest of Hands

Crafts for World Hunger

Are you creative?

Come to one of our sessions to join us in creating crafts.

Create crafts at home to donate to the annual event. We have supplies available for you. Please contact Joy at 763-658-6124 for details.

Do you like to plan or organize things?

Come to one of our sessions with your ideas and help us plan and organize the annual event.

Do you like to make new friends and visit old friends?

Come to one of our sessions to meet new and old friends.

Do you want to make a difference in the world?

Come to one of our sessions to help us rid the world of hunger.

Projects for March

Tuesday Mornings


Wednesday Evening

Bead Work – Jewelry, bookmarks, ornaments

Members of the committee and craft groups would like to see you at one of the next sessions. If you have any questions, please contact Joy at 763.658.6124.

All proceeds from the November Harvest of Hands event benefit local and global hunger organizations such as ELCA World Hunger.

Buffalo Food Shelf

Preparing and/or distributing Easter food baskets to needy families in our community. Bring non-perishable food items to Zion during Lent and/or help prepare or deliver baskets (details on page 6). Contact Judy Sandeen.

Faith in Action

Help provide transport to appointments, grocery shopping, light household chores, respite for providers, friendly visits, or phone calls. Contact Ron & Nancy Elam.

Love INC Work with the Delano based outreach organization to help needy people. Bring large packages of diapers to Zion. Contact Deb Johnson.

Timber Bay

Help prepare meals for senior high students on a Tuesday evening as they meet for study and support. Contact Ron & Nancy Elam.

Redeemer Lutheran Church in Minneapolis Work with our mission partner church to organize activities, fund drives and more. Part of the Lenten self-denial offering also assists Redeemer Lutheran. Contact Rick Johnson.

God’s Angels

Work with other skilled Zion members to provide free repair service for small home projects to those who cannot afford it otherwise. Contact Dave Schmidt.

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Lenten Spiritual Groups Zion is a large church community and members have a real need to break down into smaller groups to better bind together in building our faith. It is a way to make new friends, strengthen faith, and care for each other. Small spiritual groups will be offered during Lent which will meet on a regular basis with a study guide provided by church staff.

During Lent of 2008, many members participated in „Zion Inside Out,‟ the 40 Days of Community program which included small groups and mission projects.

In 2009 committees and staff are again providing a variety of extra opportunities for Zion members to participate in small groups including spiritual groups and mission projects similar to those that were offered in 40 Days of Community in 2008.

Tending the Seed A short Bible study using the Parable of the Sower to encourage spiritual growth will be led by Pastor Judy each Wednesday after both the noon and evening Lenten worship.

Learn how practices embraced by generations of Christians can become tools for nurturing your own "hundredfold" growth. This six-week study encourages deeper understanding of God's love and affirmation. Discerning God's hope for your life grows naturally out of recognizing God's care for you.

Book Club For March, the Zion Book Club will be participating in the 4th Annual “Buffalo Community Book Read” of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen.

A reception will take place at Buffalo High School from 5-6 pm followed by student-led discussion groups until 7 pm. Author Ben Mikaelsen, will give a presentation on his book “Touching Spirit Bear” from 7-8 pm.

The goal of the Buffalo Community Book Read is to promote literacy, create inter-generational book discussions, and build a bridge between the community and its schools through the exploration of literature. The event is FREE and open to the public!

fellowship & study

Family Suppers

Continue During Lent

February 25 - April 1

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm

Everyone is invited to join friends each Wednesday night during the Lenten season for a wonderful evening of fellowship and tasty meals. The Lenten worship service follows the meal at 6:30pm.

Lenten Menu:

2/25 Chili and Soup

3/4 Baked Potato Bar/Chicken Nuggets

3/11 Pasta

3/18 Sub Sandwiches

3/25 A Lenten Tradition: Soup & Grilled Cheese

(fundraiser for youth programs)

4/1 Chicken Kiev

No supper on 4/8 (Holy Week)

Suggested donation per plate is $3/person or $12/family

After Lent . . . The family suppers will continue after Lent as a Wednesday tradition at Zion following a six week menu rotation. Come for a great meal each week on this busy program night at Zion!

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Have You Read

“The Shack” by William P Young

One of the hottest reads around the country is “The Shack” by William P. Young. It is a novel about the grief and unanswered questions that a father has after the tragic death of his daughter. How God meets this man and speaks to him is quite unique. A conversation about this book will be take place at Zion after Easter. More specific times and dates will be announced, but you can start the reading now!

Pastor Chris Also Suggests

Revenge: A Story of Hope by Laura Blumenfeld

Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace by Miroslav Volf

Spiritual Small Groups Small groups of about 10 people that will meet to discuss spiritual topics raised in Bible study and/or furnished as needed by the Zion staff. Indicate your interest online or at the information desk.

Beautiful Womanhood

Inspiring Christian Marriage

Marriage is hard work! Many of us are looking for encouragement and practical advice for our roles as wives.

Author Sandy Ralya, founder and director of marriage mentoring ministry Beautiful Womanhood, will be coming to Zion, May 1-2. Using humor

(Beautiful Womanhood continued on page 18)

Film & Faith

Fridays at 7pm in Trinity Hall

Join Pastor Chris for these movies and conversation about the theme of forgiveness woven through them.

There is no cost. Popcorn and soda will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own comfortable folding chair (such as a lawn chair) if you prefer that to the usual Trinity Hall chairs.

There are links on Zion‟s website to further information about both movies. These movies are for adults (Changing Lanes is rated R for violence, mature themes, and language); there will also be childcare and a movie for children (Horton Hears a Who on 3/6 and Kung Fu Panda on 3/20) shown in a separate room.

Devotional Materials for Lent Devotional guides for children, adults, and families are available at the information desk. Email devotions can be found at www.luthersem.edu/lent.

Zionaires After the noon worship service and Pastor Judy‟s Bible study on Wednesday, March 25, Zionaires will gather for refreshments.

3/6: The Power of Forgiveness

The POWER of FORGIVENESS includes stories and interviews with people from many faith traditions: Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel on forgiveness in the Jewish faith; Azim Khamisa on forgiveness and Islam; Rev. James Forbes, pastor of Riverside Church in New York, on forgiveness from a Christian perspective. And best-selling author Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul) speaks on forgiveness from a spiritual dimension.

There are stories on forgiveness research, building a Garden of Forgiveness at Ground Zero and the Amish teaching on forgiveness. And we hear from doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists who present the measurable benefits of forgiveness and the hidden costs of unforgiveness.

Journey Films.com

3/20: Changing Lanes

Changing Lanes contains themes of revenge, the evil inside each of us, the need for forgiveness & conversion. It tells the tale of 2 ordinary men (Ben Affleck, a Wall Street lawyer & Samuel L. Jackson, a recovering alcoholic struggling to keep his family together) who enter a vortex of retaliation because of a car accident between the 2 of them. It is an exceptionally complex & interesting portrayal of how any of us might be tempted into extreme measures. Conversion only takes place when each of the men sees the other as a person, moving from extreme self-centeredness into the reality of the other. The movie is replete with symbolism (Christian & other..light & dark, lots of rain & water) and has William Hurt as S. Jackson's AA sponsor as the voice of his conscience. He tells Gibson (Jackson's character) that he has violated the human covenant & later, tells him that chaos (not alcohol) is his drug of choice.

Deborah G. Seles

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Sunday March 1 Holy Communion at 8:30, 9:45, and 10:30 8:30am Sunday School 8:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Worship Service led by First

Sunday 10:30 Sunday School Monday March 2 9:30am Lake Ridge Bible Study 3:45pm SONshine Choir 6:30pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday March 3 9:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm LSS Counseling 6:00pm Baptism Class 6:15pm Rock NU 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30pm Call Committee Wednesday March 4 “The Giving God: Foundation of

Forgiveness” 12:00pm Lenten Worship 12:30pm Tending the Seed Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm Kids' Club 4:30pm Snow tubing at Elm Creek 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Family Supper 6:30pm Lenten Worship 7:15pm Joyful Ringers 7:15pm Senior Choir 7:30pm Graceland 7:30pm Tending the Seed Bible Study Thursday March 5 6:30pm Fireproof Couples' Study Friday March 6 9:00am LSS Counseling 7:00pm Film & Faith: The Power of

Forgiveness Saturday March 7 9:00am Library Cataloging Party

Sunday March 8 Senior High MegaRally @ Bethel 8:30am Sunday School 8:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Jubilee Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School

Monday March 9 9:30am Lake Ridge Bible Study 3:45pm SONshine Choir 6:30pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Book Club 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Tuesday March 10 9:00am Harvest of Hands Crafts 9:00am Kitchen Cleanup 9:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm LSS Counseling 6:15pm Rock NU 6:30pm Women United in Faith 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30pm Call Committee

Wednesday March 11 “Prying Loose the Log: Forgiving

Oneself” 10:00am Devotions at Parkview 12:00pm Lenten Worship 12:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm Kids' Club 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Family Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Lenten Worship 7:15pm Joyful Ringers 7:15pm Senior Choir 7:15pm Harvest of Hands Crafts 7:30pm Graceland 7:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study Thursday March 12 6:30pm Fireproof Couples' Study

Friday March 13 9:00am LSS Counseling 7:00pm Middle School Fun Night @ St

Francis Education Center

Saturday March 14 10:00am First Communion Class 1:00pm Freed-Up Financial Living Sunday March 15 Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30 8:30am Sunday School 8:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Jubilee Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Monday March 16 9:30am Lake Ridge Bible Study 3:45pm SONshine Choir 6:30pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Freed-Up Financial Living 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday March 17 9:30am Staff Meeting 9:30am Naomi Circle 12:00pm LSS Counseling 6:00pm Stephen Ministries 6:15pm Rock NU 7:00pm Property Committee Meeting 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30pm Call Committee Wednesday March 18 “Betrayal: Forgiving Judas” 9:15am Devotions at Sunrise 12:00pm Lenten Worship 12:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm Kids' Club 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Family Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Lenten Worship 7:15pm Joyful Ringers 7:15pm Senior Choir 7:30pm Graceland 7:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study 7:30pm Church Council Meeting

look for updates & links at: www.zionbuffalo.org/calendar

10 March calendar

Page 11: 2009.03 Newsletter

Thursday March 19 8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible

Study 6:30pm Fireproof Couples' Study 7:30pm Rebecca Circle Friday March 20 9:00am LSS Counseling 7pm Faith & Film: Changing Lanes Saturday March 21 Sunday March 22 Sanctuary Sunday 8:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Jubilee Worship Service Monday March 23 9:30am Lake Ridge Bible Study 3:45pm SONshine Choir 6:30pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Freed-Up Financial Living 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday March 24 9:00am Harvest of Hands Crafts 9:00am Newsletter Crew 9:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm LSS Counseling 6:30pm Women United in Faith

7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30pm Call Committee Wednesday March 25 “Revenge: Forgoing Forgiveness” 9:30am Devotions at Lakeridge 10:30am Devotions at Parkview 12:00pm Lenten Worship 12:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study 1:30pm Zionaires 5:00pm Family Supper (youth fundraiser) 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Lenten Worship 7:15pm Senior Choir 7:15pm Harvest of Hands Crafts 7:30pm Graceland 7:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study Thursday March 26 8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible

Study 6:30pm Fireproof Couples' Study Friday March 27 9:00am LSS Counseling Saturday March 28 8:00am Food for Friends

Sunday March 29 Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30 8:30am Sunday School 8:30am Traditional Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Jubilee Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School Monday March 30 9:30am Lake Ridge Bible Study 3:45pm SONshine Choir 6:30pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Bridgebuilder Report 7:00pm Freed-Up Financial Living 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday March 31 9:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm LSS Counseling 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Overeaters Anonymous 7:30pm Call Committee Wednesday April 1 “Justice: Forgiveness Complete” Similar schedule to March, including: 12:00pm Lenten Worship 12:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study 5:00pm Family Supper 6:30pm Lenten Worship 7:30pm „Tending the Seed‟ Bible Study

Lenten Services at Noon and 6:30pm

Wednesdays March 4 to April 1

Wednesday worship will deal with the Lenten theme of forgiveness. Choose the time that fits your schedule. Confirmation students are encouraged to attend worship each Wednesday.

“Tending the Seed Bible” study will be led by Pastor Judy after the noon and 6:30pm services.

Noon in the Library/Chapel

Come during the lunch hour for a midday worship service of scripture, hymns, prayer and pastor‟s meditation.

6:30pm in the Sanctuary

The familiar Holden Evening Prayer service will be led by the Zion Youth Choir and will include scripture, pastor‟s meditation, and music from Zion‟s choirs.

Page 12: 2009.03 Newsletter

12 finance & stewardship

Financial Report

January 2009

General Services Fund Income Jan 2009 YTD 2009 General Offering $44,643.71 $44,643.71 Rent and Sunday School $715.04 $715.04 Missions and Hunger $1,243.00 $1,243.00 Other Designations $100.00 $100.00 Total $46,701.75 $46,701.75 Expenses Synod Benevolence $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Other General Services $53,665.67 $53,665.67 Total $55,165.67 $55,165.67 Account Balance as of 1-31-2009: $4,516.00

Forward in Faith Fund Income Jan 2009 YTD 2009 Offerings and Interest $17,556.25 $17,556.25 Other Receipts 0.00 0.00 Total $17,556.25 $17,556.25 Expenses Building Mortgage $17,087.30 $17,087.30 Roof/Parking Lot Loan $565.87 $565.87 3% Tithe Expense/Other Expense 0.00 0.00 Total $17,653.17 $17,653.17 Account Balance as of 1-31-2009: $69,555.95

Other Benevolence Jan 2000 YTD 2009 $0.00 $0.00

Memorial Gifts A Zion hymnal in memory of Shirley Olson from Dorothy and Al Valentine.

Memorials to the Zion Foundation in memory of Emil Chalupnik from family and friends.

A memorial to the Handbell Choir in memory of Shirley Olson from Judith and Kevin Bergquist, Carol Elliott, & Anita Bazan

A memorial in memory of Victor Miller from Andy and Sherilyn Burgdorf.

A memorial to the Library Fund in memory of Shirley Olson from Donna & Clifton Stedje.

Memorials to the Zion Foundation in memory of Shirley Olson from Vernon & Dorothy Kiffmeyer, Orville Johnson, Carol & Norman Runeberg, Joyce Edwards, Jud Goerss, & Del Haag.

Teach Your Kids to Share

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

You can instill sensible money habits in your kids and have fun doing it. On the evening of April 24, families across the country will come together for a lively and interactive educational experience. Using innovative tools and techniques, the event focuses on a values-based approach to money management.

Together, families will:

Explore ways kids can share, save and spend.

Discuss the importance of being responsible with money.

Build a financial foundation for children that will last a lifetime.

There are three sites in our area that will be hosting this events.

1. Chaska-Landscape Arboretum 952.443.1400

2. St. Cloud-Stearns History Museum 1.866.253.8424

3. St. Paul-Mn Children's Museum 651.225.6000

A $10.00 family registration fee will get participants pizza, activities, prizes and stuff to take home!

Parents will gain a better understanding of why it's

(Teach Kids to Share on page 18)

Supporting Mission Partners Lenten self-denial folders have been sent to those who have used them in the past and to new members. More folders are available in the narthex. These quarters assist Zion‟s ministry at home and throughout the world. Our partner-ship with Redeemer Lutheran and our missionaries in Af-rica benefit from this gift. By denying ourselves, we spread God‟s love in many parts of the world.

Page 13: 2009.03 Newsletter


Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and

your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

Freed-Up Financial Living

Managing Financial Resources Using Biblical Principles

“Freed-Up Financial Living” is a workshop presented by Good Sense Ministry and facilitated by Zion‟s Dave Wright and Mark Minkler. The goal is to explore our relationship to money in a fun and non-threatening environment, and why that has such an incredible amount to do with our relationship to God.

“The curriculum outlines biblical essentials on earning, giving, saving, spending, and reducing debt, while providing practical tips to help participants achieve their own financial, personal, and spiritual goals.”

The workshop is divided into six sessions. The first three sessions will be presented on Saturday, March 14 from 1:00 until 5:00 p.m. The last three sessions will be presented the following Monday evenings, March 16, 23, and 30, from 7:00 to 8:30pm.

Please sign up on-line (www.zionbuffalo.org) or at the church office by March 8. A suggested donation of $15 will cover the cost of the workbook, however the cost will be covered by the Stewardship Committee if the donation will pose some difficulty. Pre-workshop materials will be distributed when you sign up.

The workshop is designed to help not only those of us who may be struggling financially, but also those of us who feel financially secure and want to deepen our understanding of how money and spirituality are related.

Expected Outcome:

To achieve Financial Freedom:

“The contentment we feel as we faithfully manage our financial resources according to God’s principles and purposes.”

sexual relationships”; and that this congregation supports the ELCA Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality definition, p 33, “Marriage is a structure of mutual promises between a man and a woman blessed by God (Mark 10:7-9) and authorized in a legal arrangement by the state.” The amended motion carried.

A motion to reject budget and send it back to the council and finance committee for reconsideration failed.

The proposed budget was approved.

A motion to table revisions to the constitution to give the congregation more time to review the proposed changes, and because the church wide assembly will review the model constitution in 2009 carried.

Sixteen members brought forward concerns for Council study or investigation.

Pastor Hagen noted again that council had implemented many steps already to try to address the communication issues, including Bridgebuilder.

(Church Council continued from page 5)

Paul dearly loved Onesimus.

What did he say to Philemon about him?

1. Cross out every B, L, P, and V.

2. Write the remaining letters in order on the lines below.

Page 14: 2009.03 Newsletter


Redeemer Lutheran Church

Celebrating 100 Years at Redeemer

by Pastor Kelly Chatman

“Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the coastlands far away; say, „He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him as a shepherd a flock.‟”

In preparation for graduation, a pastor who was to deliver the college graduation message requested a meeting with some of the students. She explained that it would help her prepare her message to the graduating class if she met with several of them. “What would you like me to cover?” she asked.

One student raised a hand and said, “What is God saying to us?” That response surprised the pastor. The student continued, “We will hear much advice over the next couple of weeks from leaders in the field. We will hear the keys of success but what we really want to know is what God is saying to us.”

It was a humbling moment for the pastor. The student was correct in his assessment. We hear how to be a good neighbor and how to become the person we‟ve always wanted to be. But what is God saying to us at the start of this New Year? What is God saying to our congregation as we celebrate 100 years? What is God saying to us under the leadership of presidential administration?

The prophet Jeremiah proclaimed the word of God even as he spoke to audiences who did not always want to hear what God was saying to them. Still, God does speak to others through the church, the faith community. We dare not shy away from the role God has entrusted to us to share the good news that Jesus entered into the world in order that the world might know God‟s love.

It is easy for me to see how God continues to bless not only Redeemer but many people and lives that are touched by this ministry. Each day I see the smile on the faces of children as well as the adults who care for them. Many times the adults who inspire those smiles on the children‟s faces are people who have successfully raised children of their own. What inspires those adults who care for the children in the neighborhood surrounding Redeemer? Each day Redeemer is a congregation rooted in its neighborhood inspiring people to dance, sing and participate in life transforming relationships. Redeemer is a congregation where we ask of ourselves the question, “What is God saying to us?”

We begin this 100th year celebration as a congregation in the Harrison neighborhood of north Minneapolis with this important question, “what is God saying to us?”

We have heard through his death on the cross and victorious resurrection from the grave the amazing love God has for us. What is God saying to us now? God is telling us to reach out and share God‟s love with others. God is presenting us with opportunities beyond our own imagination. God is saying to us as people of faith, we have amazing possibiliti3s to love, trust and witness to God‟s love. To listen to God is to dare to imagine how through God Redeemer‟s ministry might experience success beyond our greatest expectations.

Did you know?

Global Partnerships

Did you know that each of the 65 Synods of our Evangelical Lutheran church in America has at least one global partnership? Through the Minneapolis Area Synod, we are companions and partners with two international Lutheran church bodies. They are: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Saxony, Leipzig District and the other is the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria.

If you want to know more about what is happening in our companion church bodies, check out the latest Companion Synod Newsletter at www.mpls-synod.org/companion_synods/index.html.

Lifeline Stroke Screening

Wednesday, April 1

There will be a community health screening for stroke prevention at Zion by LifeLine screening from 9am-4pm on April 1.

There is a flyer available at the information desk that details the tests that will be available.

missions & social ministry

Page 15: 2009.03 Newsletter


Rivers of Hope

Donations Needed:

Trial sized toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, conditioner, shampoo, soap and wash cloths) can be placed in the basket at the information desk on Sundays. They will be collected and picked up each month and given to those in need. If you need further information, please contact Bev Danielson or Maureen Fellger.

Rivers of Hope is a non-profit community based agency offering advocacy, support and referral services for victims of family violence. Rivers of Hope has been serving communities in and around Sherburne and Wright counties since 1989. Rivers of Hope is dedicated to helping victims of family violence.

Daffodil Days

Hope and Renewal

“Daffodil Days is one of the American Cancer Society's oldest and most beloved fundraising programs. As the first flower of spring, the daffodil represents hope and renewal. To the American Cancer Society, the daffodil symbolizes the hope we all share for a future where cancer no longer threatens those we love. . . You can provide hope to all people affected by the disease by participating in the American Cancer Society Daffodil Days.”

Daffodil Days 2009 is coming up March 9-13. Donations of daffodils for Zion‟s worship services on March 11 & 15 in honor or in memory of loved ones can be arranged through the church office, information desk, or church website. Daffodils are $10 per bunch, payable to “American Cancer Society” and need to be ordered by March 8.

Easter Garden Every year Zion has a beautiful display of all kinds of different plants and blooming flowers for our Sunday morning Easter Services. The plants/flowers are usually given in memory of or in honor of someone special to you and/or your family. It is a nice way to recognize your loved ones and to show gratitude for God‟s many blessings.

The plants are arranged on Saturday, April 11, at noon. If you can help, please feel free to stop in, and lend a hand.

If you would like to donate a lily or other plant:

1. Fill in the form below, email [email protected], or call 763.682.1245, by Monday, April 6. A list of plant donors will be published in the bulletin on Easter Sunday.

2. Order the flower yourself from the florist directly, or pick one up at a grocery store or discount store. No flower orders, or money will be handled through Zion.

3. Instruct the florist to put your name on your plant and have them deliver it between 9:00am and 11:00am on Saturday, April11.

4. If you bring the plant, remember to put your name on it

5. Pick up your plant after the 10:30 Easter Service or on Monday, April 13 (you may have to use the back door as the office will be closed).

In MEMORY of ____________________________________________


In HONOR of_______________________________________________

Donated by__________________________________________________

Due Monday


Easter Garden 2009

Page 16: 2009.03 Newsletter


Director of Youth Ministries Myron Crawford

763-682-1245 ext. 308

[email protected]

Zion Youth Ministries We exist to reach out to youth, to come to-

gether and learn how to be for God and others through worship, study, fellowship and service.

youth ministries


Schedule (Grade 7-8)

Confirmation Classes will not meet during Lent. It is recommended that students attend Wednesday evening worship with their families.

Classes will resume on April 15!

Please work on Mentor requirements throughout Lent, they are available online at www.zionbuffalo.org/confirmation.

Baby Animal Fair

This is an opportunity to use your creativity, enthusiasm and leadership skills to teach others about hunger throughout the world and how everyone can help.

Open to all Confirmation students!

Sat Apr 25 - 10am - 2pm Setup

Sun Apr 26 - 10am - 4:30pm Event

Register by Apr 8 to get a spot!

Senior High

Mission Trip Update

Zion has 25 students and 5 adults registered for the Mission Trip to Wind River, WY for July 18 - 26, 2009. The following are important dates to mark on your calendars:

Mar 1 & 15 - Cinnamon Rolls

Mar 4 - Apr 8 - Nails for Service

Apr 12 - Easter Breakfast

May 3 - Mission Trip Meeting

May 10 - Stock Certificate Sale


Mar 4 - Snow tubing Mar 8 - MegaRally @ Bethel Mar 20 - Final Mission Trip payment

due! Apr 25/26 - Baby Animal Fair

Mega Rally - Sun Mar 8

Featuring national recording artist Fireflight & speaker Bob Stromberg at Bethel University.

Will stop for dinner at Rosedale Mall food court on the way, so bring money for food!

Cost is only $5! Register by Mar 1!

Snow tubing on March 4 Remember, we leave Zion @ 4:30 Return @ 9:30. The cost is $20 which covers admission and transportation, but you may bring money for concessions.

Middle School


Mar 4 - Snow tubing Mar 13 - Friday Night Fun Night @

St Francis Ed Center Apr 15 - Confirmation Resumes Apr 25/26 - Baby Animal Fair

Friday Night Fun Night Fri Mar 13 @ St Francis Ed Center Open to all Middle Schoolers! The cost is only $3 for the night!

Canoe Trip

Canoe the Namekogan & St. Croix Rivers. Tentative dates are July 30-Aug 1 or Aug 6-8, 2009

Open to current 6th-8th Graders, par-ents are welcome to participate too!

Cost is only $70, which covers food, transportation and canoe rental. If you are interested, please register by April 1.

Rock N U Schedule

Rehearsal Mar 3, 10 & 17 Apr 7, 14 & 28 May 5 & 12

1 Timothy 4:12 Don‟t let anyone look down on you

because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.


Graceland is open to all Senior High Youth to come and explore their faith through games, media, studies and discussion. Throughout Lent, Graceland will gather to go over the book “Messy Spirituality” by Mike Yaconelli.

Meet in the youth room by 7:30pm! Don‟t forget Bible, book, pencil & notebooks!


Page 17: 2009.03 Newsletter

Zion Day Camp Registration Deadline Registrations are due in the office by March 6th. If you are looking for a place for your children (just finishing kindergarten through finishing 5th grade) this summer, Zion Day Camp will be available to those registered by Friday, March 6th. Please contact Holly or Roxie for details or if you have questions.

First Communion Class Holy Communion is central to our church family and to our Lutheran Faith. During class, students are instructed the language of Holy Communion, what Martin Luther says, the history of The Lord's Supper, the foods, and the worship.

The students have a "how-to" session on First Communion, to reassure them about the details of how to take communion, and participate in a worship service.

Dance Photos The Father Daughter Sweetheart Dance was well attended and was great fun. Thank you to all who participated . . . Check your email for more photos!

Sunday School

New Students Stop in the Sunday school office on Sunday morning, about 15 minutes before Sunday school starts, to register new students and find pickup/drop off locations.


We have a few positions opening up in the next few months. One shepherd and two teachers are needed for March, April, and the 2 Sundays in May. (These are 10:30 positions) For details, or if you can help, please stop in the Sunday school office on Sunday morning or contact Roxie in the church office. Thank you.

Co-Directors of Christian Education Roxie Otten

[email protected]

Holly Husom [email protected]

763-682-1245 ext. 331



children’s ministries


Open Your Bible Challenge:

Please come to the Sunday school office and tell one of the office staff, to receive a treat or prize.

Kindergarten, first and second grade question: Page 427 “The Man Who Remembered”, what did the man remember?

Third-grade through sixth-grade question: Look up Luke chapter 23, verse 38. What was written on the notice above Jesus?

Sanctuary Sunday

Come to Church as a Family… On the 4th Sunday of each month something exciting has been happening at church – the Sunday School classrooms have empty and the church pews have been full! This year our Sunday school program includes a Sanctuary Sunday.

Sanctuary Sunday is a time for families to come to church as a family. Sunday School classes are dismissed for the day in favor of spending time together in church. Worship services for the day are built specifically around the focus of community, children and building and strengthening the relationships that God has blessed us with.

The next Sanctuary Sunday will be March 22 . See you in worship!


Sunday, March 1st: (Lent)

Sunday, March 8th: (Lent)

Sunday, March 15th: (Lent)

Sunday, March 22nd: Sanctuary

Sunday ; Let‟s Worship


Sunday, March 29th: No Sunday

School ; Let‟s Worship


Page 18: 2009.03 Newsletter


and practical insights gained from her own marriage of almost 30 years, Sandy brings one of the most dynamic seminars available to women in the church today.

This community seminar will be hosted here at Zion , from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 1 and continuing Saturday, May 2, from 9 -11:30 a.m. Dessert will be served Friday night, as well as a full breakfast Saturday morning. Tickets cost $25 and are available now online at www.BeautifulWomanhood.com and at Zion and other local churches starting in April. Contact Marissa Russell, Beautiful Womanhood Committee Chair, if you have any questions at 763.684.3953.

(Beautiful Womanhood from page 9)

important to teach kids about financial principles. Kids will learn how even small decisions regarding money can make a big difference.

This event is open to adults and children. Children between the ages of 6-10 would benefit the most. You do not have to be a member of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. No products of services will be sold.

For more information about this event call 800.263.3736.For more information about Thrivent and it's products please call Mark Worner at 763.682.6011.

(Teach Kids to Share from page 12) Tending Your Field of Dreams

Women’s Conference in Lakeville April 17-18

This conference will be held at Hosanna! Lutheran Church and will feature Judith MacNutt of Christian Healing Ministries and Hosanna‟s Pastor Kristi Granger. A „Spiritual Spa” and individual sessions with trained prophetic prayer ministers will also be available.

More information and registration is available at www.LutheranRenewal.org.

Page 19: 2009.03 Newsletter


Zion Lutheran Church 1200 Highway 25 S. PO Box 88 Buffalo, MN 55313

www.zionbuffalo.org Address Service Requested


ch 2



U.S. Postage

PAID Permit 11

Buffalo MN 55313

Address Label Here

Thanks Pete 4

Library Cataloging Party 6

Lenten Mission Projects 7

„Tending the Seed‟ Study 8

Lenten Suppers 8

Film & Faith 9

Lenten Worship Services 11

Freed-Up Financial Living 13

Daffodil Days 15

Youth Ministries 16

Children‟s Ministries 17

Out of Town? You can hear sermons, read the

weekly program, newsletter, and get other information on our website:







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