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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Neutrinopower


ETH ZETH Züürichrich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: neutrino power

„..., until in 1898 I obtained mathematical and experimental proofsthat the sun and other heavenly bodies similarly conditionedemit rays of great energy which consist of inconceivably smallparticles animated by velocities vastly exceeding that of light.So great is the penetrative power of these rays that they cantraverse thousands of miles of solid matter with but slightdiminution of velocity.“

1898 discovery of Neutrino Rays


• transportation of energy with more than speed of lighttransportation of energy with more than speed of light is reality in physics (speed of the group > c): is reality in physics (speed of the group > c):•• Conflict with the postulate of the relativity theory. Conflict with the postulate of the relativity theory.

Dr. Tesla writes of his discovery, New York Times:Dr. Tesla writes of his discovery, New York Times:

• Nikola Tesla, „Father of Free Energy“ is the discoverer of Neutrino Rays!

Nikola Teslawith awith a

wirelesswirelesslight bulblight bulb

examplesfrom the TV-film (ZDF): „Turningthe World onit‘s Head“

31.Jan. 07 ARTE (Premiere, two languages)07. Feb. 07 ARTE (German and French)03. + 04. May. 07 TV-Phönix08. Jun. 07 Phönix (ARD+ZDF, repetition) 8 times: ZDF Doku-Canal 2008 French TV5, Poln. und Russ. TV, ...

Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Meyl:Energie aus dem FeldZDF b


Salt Lake City 2007

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl: scalar wave experiment


Salt LakeCity

TeslaTech 2007TeslaTech 2007

wireless wirelesstransmissiontransmission of 5 Watts of 5 Watts

Closed resonant circuit

Prof. Dr. K. Meyl: scalar wave experiment


schematic diagramschematic diagram

•• The field lines ofThe field lines ofthe capacitor gothe capacitor gofrom one elec-from one elec-trode to the othertrode to the other(longitudinal)(longitudinal)

•• New: they showNew: they showproperties of aproperties of a(scalar) wave!(scalar) wave!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: 150 Jahre Nikola Tesla


ExperimentiersenderExperimentiersendervon Tesla in Coloradovon Tesla in ColoradoSprings (1899) mitSprings (1899) mit10 kW-Sendeleistung10 kW-Sendeleistung

Prof. Dr.-Ing.Konstantin Meyl

Colorado SpringsColorado SpringsLaboratory ofLaboratory ofNNikola Tesla,ikola Tesla,called:called:““MagnifyingMagnifyingTransmitterTransmitter””


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl

Magnifying Transmitter10 000 W Scalar Wave10 000 W Scalar WaveTransmitter (Tesla, 1899)Transmitter (Tesla, 1899)

•• transmission of energytransmission of energyover a distance of 42kmover a distance of 42km

•• with more than speed ofwith more than speed oflight (v > c)!light (v > c)!

•• with an over-unity-effectwith an over-unity-effect

•• as a scalar waveas a scalar wave

•• biological effectivenessbiological effectiveness

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: scalar waves

Transfer of Energy TechnologyAfter patentwritings of Dr. hc. mult. N. TeslaAfter patentwritings of Dr. hc. mult. N. Tesla

Transfer of energyTransfer of energy EfficiencyEfficiency

•• polyphase system polyphase system < 100 %< 100 % (i.e. 3-ph.current) (i.e. 3-ph.current)

•• one wire system one wire system = 100 %= 100 %

•• magnifying trans- magnifying trans- > 100 %> 100 % mitter (wireless) mitter (wireless)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: 150 years Nikola Tesla


modell of a controlled roboticmodell of a controlled roboticboat designed by Tesla.boat designed by Tesla.

one of these one of these „„TeleautomatsTeleautomats““had been a submarine.had been a submarine.

(Century-Magazin, 1900)(Century-Magazin, 1900)

today in the Tesla-Museum,today in the Tesla-Museum,BelgradBelgrad

first wireless controlfirst wireless control

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: 150 years Nikola Tesla

Wireless controlshown the 1st time in 1898shown the 1st time in 1898

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: 150 years Nikola Tesla

189818981. Plans of the submarine

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: 150 Jahre Nikola Tesla

Picture of the boat1898 erstmals vorgef1898 erstmals vorgefüührthrt

ZDF Film d/Teil 7

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl: Neutrino Power

  • disposable interactions: static static oscillating oscillatinginteractioninteraction interaction interaction

on the interaction problem

gravitationgravitation(mediates mass particles)


(mediates charge carriers)

levitationlevitation(Gravitation wave)

ResonantResonant(inter alia (inter alia weakweak))

interactioninteraction(mediates neutrinos)

interaction = precondition for energy profit!interaction = precondition for energy profit!

ZDF Film Teil 9