2008 06 02 sapience hr delivery process

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  • 8/6/2019 2008 06 02 SAPience HR Delivery Process


  • 8/6/2019 2008 06 02 SAPience HR Delivery Process


    SAP 2007 / Page 2

    1. Solution

    1.1. CLC Country Legal Changes the new process

    1.2. Information Concept

    1.3. Consistent Procedure

    2. Timeline


  • 8/6/2019 2008 06 02 SAPience HR Delivery Process


    SAP 2007 / Page 3

    New HCM Leg al Change Delive ry Proce ss@SAP

    Requests of customers

    Why New HCM Legal Change Del ivery Proc ess

    LC Deliv ery

    per country

    Consist ent Del iveryProcedure

    Informat ion of Legal Changes

    Separation of country specific changes Import of HRSP only 2-3 times a year Early Information about upcoming Legal Changes

    Consistent way of delivery Synchronisation of Standard and CEE countries

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    SAP 2007 / Page 4

    Solu t ion - Overview

    Information for Customers

    Early announcement ofupcoming Legal Changes

    Overview of Legal Changes inthe countries in the ServiceMarketplace

    Consistent Procedure

    One delivery process for all countries

    Delivery synchronization of Standard and CEEcountries

    CLC Country Legal Change

    Legal Changes per countrywill be shippedin addition via CLC Packages

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    SAP 2007 / Page 5

    1. LC Del ivery per Count ry Process Def in i t ion

    12 HR Support Packages& Xmas HRSP per year (as usual)

    2 HRSPs are Synchronization HRSP- mandatory for the process;Synch HRSP will beYELC HRSP and June HRSP

    In case of a Legal Change a CLC Package(Country specific Legal Change) for thiscountry will be created which contains allcountry specific transports of the actual

    HRSP and the previous HRSPs down toSynch HRSP or previous CLC Package ofthis country

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    Ex ample of the process

    A B C

    B B

    A A A

    A B C A B C A B C A B C

    B B

    HRSP 10 HRSP 11 HRSP 12 HRSP 13 HRSP 14

    CLC 12 B CLC 14 B

    CLC 13 A










    Normal HRSP Process

    Additional CLC Process

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    LC Del ivery per Country Process Defin i t ion I I

    Description CLC Packages only when necessary (expectation: 1-3 CLCs per country/year)

    The CLC Package of one country is independent from the CLC Package of

    another country

    Restriction: International changes which affect more country versions (e.g.payroll, reporting, company car) are only delivered with Synchronization HRSP

    International changes which affect no country versions (e.g. Learning,

    Recruiting) can be delivered with every HRSP

    Validity of the new process

    The process is valid for the software componentsSAP_HR, EA-HR and HR-CEE

    The process is valid for all releases in standard maintenance4.70, ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0 and Enhancement Packages

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    SAP 2007 / Page 8

    2. Informat ion for cust omers

    Service Marketplace Overview of planned Legal Changes

    per countryQuicklink: LegalChangeshttp://service.sap.com/LegalChanges

    Early announcement of upcomingLegal Changes

    New SAP Note category:Announcement of Legal Change

    Notes with category Announcementof Legal Change will be postedautomatically in the inbox of thecustomer in the Solution Manager

    Work Center (depending on theactive country versions, asdetermined by Solution Manager)

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    SAP 2007 / Page 9

    Ex ample for Belg ium

    Legal Changes Belgium HCM

    Updated: 14-Apr-2008 (15:45:52 GMT)

    Description SAP NotePlanned

    Delivery Date


    Delivery Date

    Legal Change Advance Taxes - Key formula 2008 1123216 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-07

    Legal changes Social Insurance DmfA 2007-Q4 1123913 15-Jan-08 3-Jan-08

    Legal changes Social Insurance DmfAPPL 2007-Q4 1123913 15-Jan-08 3-Jan-08

    Legal Change Advance Taxes - Annex III 2008 1123217 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-07Table values for Advantage Company Car / Railway Tariffs 1140933 30-Mar-08 22-Feb-08

    Fiches taxes 1142679 30-Mar-08 29-Feb-08

    Legal Changes: Social Insurance decl. 2008 Q1 - DmfAPPL 1155247 30-Apr-08 9-Apr-08

    Legal Changes; Social Insurance declarations 2008 Q1 - DmfA 1155247 30-Apr-08 9-Apr-08

    Educational Leave: new forms 1147895 30-Apr-08 1-Apr-08

    BELCOTAX Yearly report Taxable Incomes 1131617 30-Apr-08 19-Feb-08

    Change: publish planned deliverydate as calendar week

    Change: will not publish actual deliverydate, just Available: Yesor No






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    SAP 2007 / Page 10

    Ex am ple for HCM overv iew

    Legal Changes Global HCM

    Updated: 14-Apr-2008 (15:45:48 GMT)

    Country /

    Regional topicDescription SAP Note


    Delivery Date


    Delivery Date

    United Kingdom Changes to Absence Infotype Screen 1072550 1-Dec-07 15-Nov-07

    France DADS-U / V08R05 (New Version of DADS-U / V08R05 to be used in 2008 for

    declaration of wages paid in 2007)

    1072688 30-Sep-07 7-Sep-07

    United Kingdom Company Car Changes 2008 1082346 28-Dec-07 21-Dec-07

    Germany Tax: Year-end-changes 1085048 14-Dec-07 14-Dec-07

    Germany Socal Insurance: Year-end-changes 1085049 14-Dec-07 14-Dec-07

    Malaysia Digital Signature for Borang EA 1090826 21-Jan-08 18-Jan-08

    Malaysia Display BIK in EA form (f column) 1090826 21-Jan-08 18-Jan-08

    Malaysia Borang EA-Section F sequesntial page 1090826 21-Jan-08 18-Jan-08

    Malaysia Borang EA-Additional Pension in section E 1090826 18-Jan-08 18-Jan-08

    Russia Maximum for Sick-list & Maternity benefit (Federal Law N 183-FZ) 1091253 19-Oct-07 10-Sep-07Switzerland Year change 2007/2008 1095445 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-07

    Russ ia Changes in form P-4 (Decree of Federal Offic e of S tate S tat ist ics N46 ) 1098093 20-Oc t-07 1-Oc t-07

    Netherlands Change of Loonaangifte 01.01.2008 1101022 1-Jan-08 15-Dec-07

    China China Monthly IIT Report Enhancement (II), 1108133 28-Dec-07 28-Dec-07

    Netherlands Negative WGA premium 1108740 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-07

    Netherlands Change of SI and Tax calculation after leaving the company 1108740 31-Dec-07 15-Dec-07

    Netherlands Change of SI and Tax calculation after leaving the company 1108740 31-Dec-07 15-Dec-07

    Netherlands Change in SI and Tax calculation for parttimers 1108740 31-Dec-07 15-Dec-07

    Italy New legal reporting for legal change in modello F24 - management for local


    1110204 6-Dec-07 6-Dec-07

    Netherlands Change in company car 1110909 1-Dec-07 20-Nov-07

    Ireland P35 Version 4 1111429 31-Dec-07 26-Nov-07South Korea Year Legal Change 2007 (phase 1) 1113815 18-Dec-07 18-Dec-07

    Ireland P60 Changes 1115768 31-Dec-07 26-Nov-07

    Ireland Budget XChanges 2007 1115908 26-Dec-07 10-Dec-07

    Netherlands Yearchanges 2007 - 2008 1116206 30-Nov-07 30-Nov-07

    Austria Year change 2007/2008 1117029 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-07

    Netherlands Changes of Sickness notification forms 1118157 31-Dec-07 30-Dec-07


    r con




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    SAP 2007 / Page 11

    3. Consist ent Proc edure

    The customers requested one delivery

    process for all countries

    All legal changes need to be realized in an HRSP

    Additional possibilities to deliver Legal Changes

    Via Note

    correction instruction for coding, interfaces,UI,

    description for table entries

    no CLC Package is necessary

    Via CLC Package

    Changes are not possible via correctioninstruction(extensive DDIC changes, )

    As less SAR-Files as possible

    Delivery synchronization of Standardand CEE countries

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    SAP 2007 / Page 12

    Available June, 12th Available July, 10th Available August, 14th


    CLC Del ivery Tim el ine

    Delivery of Subcomponents

    Synchronisation HRSP

    Prototype CLC Package

    Productive CLC Package


    Legend: Duration Milestone

    4.70 HRSP 82 4.70 HRSP 83 4.70 HRSP 84

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    SAP 2007 / Page 13

    New HCM Leg al Change Delive ry Proce ss@SAP

    Informat ion

    Announcement of the new delivery process will be done

    via note 1167891

    Quicklink http://service.sap.com/HRLegalChanges

    Quicklink http://service.sap.com/LegalChanges

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    SAP 2007 / Page 14

    Thank you!

  • 8/6/2019 2008 06 02 SAPience HR Delivery Process


    SAP 2007 / Page 15

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