2007 installing your chemstation

Agilent ChemStation for LC Systems Installing Your ChemStation Installing ChemStation for LC Systems Agilent Technologies

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Page 1: 2007 Installing Your Chemstation

Agilent Technologies

Agilent ChemStation for LC Systems

Installing Your ChemStationInstalling ChemStation for LC Systems

Agilent Technologies

Page 2: 2007 Installing Your Chemstation

Notices© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2004, 2005-2007

No part of this manual may be repro-duced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copy-right laws.

Manual Part NumberG2170-90024


Printed in Germany

Agilent TechnologiesHewlett-Packard-Strasse 8 76337 Waldbronn


The material contained in this docu-ment is provided “as is,” and is sub-ject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the max-imum extent permitted by applicable law, Agilent disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par-ticular purpose. Agilent shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or perfor-mance of this document or of any information contained herein. Should Agilent and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this document that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in the sep-arate agreement shall control.

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Safety Notices

CAUTIONA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly per-formed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated condi-tions are fully understood and met.

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Software RevisionThis guide is valid for B.03.xx revi-sions of the Agilent ChemStation for LC Systems software, where xx refers to minor revisions of the software that do not affect the technical accu-racy of this guide.

Microsoft ® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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In This Guide…

In This Guide…

This guide describes how to install the initial software, how to add further instrument modules, how to configure your analytical system, and how to verify that the installation and configuration are complete and operational.

1 Installing Agilent ChemStation

This chapter provides a description of the installation process. It gives you anoverview of the complete installation procedure, starting with the PC and op-erating system requirements and ending with the connection of the analyticalinstruments. The installation of the Agilent ChemStation software itself is de-scribed in detail in this chapter.

2 Prerequisites

This chapter lists the minimum requirements for successful operation of theAgilent ChemStation software. It provides detailed information about the re-quirements that must be met to ensure proper operation of the Agilent Chem-Station. Requirements include PC type and performance, network protocol,printer type, GPIB/LAN cards, USB-GPIB Interface, and the operating system.

3 Installing Communication Components

This chapter gives the background information you need in order to prepareyour Agilent ChemStation hardware and operating environment. Verify thatyour PC meets the hardware and software requirements for the Agilent Chem-Station and do the necessary adjustments where appropriate. If you boughtyour Agilent ChemStation as a bundle from the Agilent Technologies ChemicalAnalysis Group, these steps have already been performed for you. In this case,PC hardware has already been set up, the LAN card has been installed and con-figured, the operating system and operating environment have been preloadedon your computer’s hard-disk, and the Agilent ChemStation has been installed.

4 Installing the Analytical Instruments

This chapter describes how to connect the HP 1090, HP 1046, HP1049, and Ag-ilent 1100/1200 LC analytical instruments (and specific detectors) to the Agi-lent ChemStation using LAN, GPIB, or USB-GPIB connection. Default GPIBaddress settings and firmware requirements for the LC Instruments are alsodescribed.

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In This Guide…

5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation

This chapter describes how to perform a short system integrity test. The stepsoutlined in the chapter help you when validating your system intallation.

6 Configuring the Analytical System

The first section in this chapter describes how to configure the communicationof your Agilent ChemStation software with your LC instruments using a GPIBor LAN connection with the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor. Thesecond section describes how to configure a BootP Service that can be used forcommunication using a LAN connection.

7 Troubleshooting

This chapter will provide elementary troubleshooting information in casesomething goes wrong. The chapter will cover the most common softwarestart-up problems, printer problems and computer problems and how to over-come them.

8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations

With Agilent ChemStation B.01.0x release the Agilent ChemStation made a pro-gressive move towards new feature sets and structure changes. Due to this thenew Agilent ChemStation is starting with a new major revision change: B.01.0x.Within this Chapter a summary of the introduced new functionality for the re-vision cycle A03.x till B.02.x is documented.

9 Supplementary Information

4 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStation 7

Installation Procedure 8Contents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs 9Agilent ChemStation Product Structure 13Installing the Agilent ChemStation 15Uninstalling the Agilent ChemStation 22

2 Prerequisites 25

Agilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details 26Operating System Requirements 30Number of Instruments Supported 31

3 Installing Communication Components 33

Installing LAN Communication 34GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication 38

4 Installing the Analytical Instruments 61

Connecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation 62Connecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation 66Connecting Miscellaneous Instruments to the Agilent ChemStation 70LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements 721090 and Miscellaneous LC Instrument Firmware Requirements 76

5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation 77

Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification 78Qualifying Operation — Agilent ChemStation Verification Test 83

6 Configuring the Analytical System 85

Using the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor 86Example for LC Configurations 90Using the Agilent Bootp Service 94

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7 Troubleshooting 103

Troubleshooting LAN Communication 105Troubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems 107Software Startup Problems 109Printing Problems 115Computer Problems 119LC Instrument Start-up Problems 121Using the WinDebug Utility 123Gathering System Information 126

8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations 127

Introduction 128ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x 129ChemStation Revision Cycle B.x.x 134

9 Supplementary Information 135

Agilent ChemStation Revision Code Convention 136Agilent Technologies Support Services 137Calling the Agilent Technologies LSCA Customer Contact Center 138

6 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

1 Installing Agilent ChemStation

Installation Procedure 8

Contents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs 9

Agilent ChemStation Modules 9

Installation Verification Utility for Installation Qualification 9

I/O Libraries for the Agilent 82350 A/B GPIB Interface and the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface 10

BootP Service 10

Agilent ChemStation Software Status Bulletin (SSB) 10

Agilent ChemStation Revision History 10

Agilent ChemStation Product Documentation 11

What Is Reference Information and Where Is It? 11

What Is Task-Oriented Information and Where Is It? 12

Where Can I Find the Description of Agilent ChemStation Commands and Data Structures? 12

I Upgraded from a Previous Version - How Do I Know What Has Changed Since Then? 12

Agilent ChemStation Product Structure 13

Additional Data Evaluation Modules 13

Installing the Agilent ChemStation 15

Overview 15

Installation Procedure 15

Activating the XML based interface 21

Uninstalling the Agilent ChemStation 22

This chapter provides a description of the installation process. It gives you anoverview of the complete installation procedure, starting with the PC and op-erating system requirements and ending with the connection of the analyticalinstruments. The installation of the Agilent ChemStation software itself is de-scribed in detail in this chapter.

7Agilent Technologies

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationInstallation Procedure

Installation Procedure

To ensure the successful installation of the Agilent ChemStation and the connection of analytical instruments, we strongly recommend to follow the following step by step procedure:

1 Check the computer and operating systems requirements in “Prerequisites” on page 25.

2 Install the Agilent ChemStation software as described in “Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation” on page 77.

3 If required install and configure the drivers for GPIB or USB-GPIB communication or if necessary the BootP Service as described in “Installing Communication Components” on page 33.

4 Install the analytical instruments as described in “Installing the Analytical Instruments” on page 61.

5 Configure the Agilent ChemStation software according to the chosen installation as described in “Configuring the Analytical System” on page 85

6 Examine the installation as described in “Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation” on page 77.

NOTE To perform an upgrade from a previous ChemStation to B.03.xx please refer to the Upgrade Preparation Guide for Agilent ChemStation for detailed instructions. The documentation is available as printed document as well as PDF file in the manual directory of the ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

8 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Contents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs

Contents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs

Starting with the ChemStation Release B.03.01, the Agilent ChemStation comesalong with two CD-ROMs. The CD-ROM contents are splitted up in the followingparts

• CD 1 - Installation containing all Installables, Firmware and Communication tools in order to install your system

• CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories containing ChemStation Manuals, Support Documentation and Software Accessories e.g. User Contributed Library (UCL)

Agilent ChemStation Modules

The CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) contains the executable files for all modules that belong to the Agilent ChemStation product family. In order to install a module, you have to supply a license registration number valid for the module. Those numbers “unlock” the protected CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation). They are included with the original product and are your proof of license.

There is a main setup program setup.exe for the Agilent ChemStation modules located in the root directory on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation).

Installation Verification Utility for Installation Qualification

The Agilent ChemStation comes with a utility that allows to qualify and document the completeness and integrity of a new installation. The Installation Verification Utility is installed automatically with the Agilent ChemStation.

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationContents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs

I/O Libraries for the Agilent 82350 A/B GPIB Interface and the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface

The Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) contains the version of the I/O Libraries that have been successfully tested with B.03.xx of the Agilent ChemStation. The I/O Libraries must be installed separately to be used with the GPIB cards as well for the USB-GPIB device. The installation is described in “Configuring the Agilent 82350 GPIB Interface Drivers” on page 41.

BootP Service

The Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM(CD 1 - Installation) contains a BootP Service setup in the directory BOOTP that can be used to supply the analytical instruments that are connected to a LAN with an IP address and configuration settings. This BootP Service is easy to configure for the use of analytical instruments using a LAN connection. Refer to section “What is the Agilent Bootp Service?” on page 94 for more information about the BootP Service.

Agilent ChemStation Software Status Bulletin (SSB)

The Software Status Bulletin is a document reflecting the results of Agilent Technologies defect logging, tracking, and repair methodology by publishing the current status of Agilent ChemStation application software products (known defects, available fixes, additional information).

The SSB is located in the SUPPORT\SSB directory of the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2- User Documentation and Accessories).

Agilent ChemStation Revision History

The revision history is targeted towards users who may have to consider revalidating their analytical data system after upgrading to a new revision of the application software. The history files are located in the SUPPORT\HISTORY directory of the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2- User Documentation and Accessories).

10 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Contents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs

Agilent ChemStation Product Documentation

The Agilent ChemStation product documentation consists of paper handbooks with reference information and online documentation for task-orientated topics. The manuals are also located on the second ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories) in the directory MANUALS, together with the required Adobe Acrobat reader.

For first time users a “Tutorial” is available in the online help of the Agilent ChemStation and documents in detail the first necessary steps to control and run an Agilent 1100/1200 LC System.

The implemented XML interface is fully documented in the XML Connectivity Guide, which is also available as a PDF document on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories). For the ECM Integration with ChemStation, please refer to the ECM Interface Guide as well available in the manual section.

Documentation regarding the LC used standard LAN communication card (G1369A LAN card) is available as a PDF document on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (Agilent G1369A LAN Interface Manual) (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

What Is Reference Information and Where Is It?

With the documentation strategy for the Agilent ChemStation chosen by Agilent Technologies, all reference information, i.e. explanation of general concepts, algorithms, and formulae is contained in the “Understanding” handbooks. The reference handbooks generally do not provide any task-orientated information (e.g. “How to set up a sequence”).

The Agilent ChemStation handbooks do not cover details on analytical hardware (other than those required for installation and configuration for operation with the Agilent ChemStation).

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationContents of the two Agilent ChemStation CD-ROMs

What Is Task-Oriented Information and Where Is It?

Task-oriented information describes how to perform a certain task and is therefore very context-specific. The context-specific “How-To” information is contained in the Agilent ChemStation help system. The help system always can be evoked by pressing the F1 function key, the Agilent ChemStation “Help” menu, or the “Help” button available in Agilent ChemStation dialog boxes.

Access the “Help/Help Topics” menu and click the “LC Tasks” or “GC Tasks” index. Select the analytical task that you need instructions for.

Where Can I Find the Description of Agilent ChemStation Commands and Data Structures?

The Macro Programming Guide and Commands Reference are available for advanced users and Agilent ChemStation application developers. The Commands reference information can be accessed from the Agilent ChemStation help menu (“Help/Commands”) and is structured into command categories and the command descriptions with syntax, parameters, and return values along with a discussion and frequent examples.

The Macro Programming Guide is available electronically through the Agilent ChemStation help system.

I Upgraded from a Previous Version - How Do I Know What Has Changed Since Then?

When starting the Agilent ChemStation for the first time, you can select to go to the What’s new section of the help. Later on you can always go to the table of content of the help file and select new features to find out what features have been added to the Agilent ChemStation.

For upgrades from Agilent ChemStation Rev. A.xx.xx to Rev. B.03.0x a separate guide called “Upgrade Preparation Guide for Agilent ChemStation Rev. B.03.01” is available as printed manual as well as PDF document within the manual section of the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

A list of all defect fixes since the last revision is located in the directory support\history.

12 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Agilent ChemStation Product Structure

Agilent ChemStation Product Structure

The Agilent ChemStation for GC, LC, CE, CE/MS, LC/MS, and A/D has been designed as a series of software modules for instrument control, data acquisition, data analysis, and reporting. Technique-specific single instrument modules provide control capabilities for a given separation technique, e.g. for one Gas or Liquid Chromatograph. A single instrument configuration may be expanded by adding an additional instrument control module. With this approach, one Agilent ChemStation is capable of controlling more than one analytical system, e.g. two chromatographs of the same or different separation techniques.

Please note the memory requirements for every additional instrument module (see “Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for the Agilent ChemStation” on page 27).

Figure 1 Agilent ChemStation Module Architecture

For further information regarding Solution Add-Ons (e.g. Purify Software, ChemStore, ECM) please contact your local administration.

Additional Data Evaluation Modules

The acquired data is typically two-dimensional (“2D”), i.e. by measuring detector response over time. Spectroscopic detectors can deliver three-dimensional (“3D”) data, by additionally measuring detector response over a third axis (e.g. wavelength or mass range). The optional “Spectral

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationAgilent ChemStation Product Structure

Evaluation Module” permits analysis and reporting of this “3D” data and is included with the CE, CE/MS, and LC/MS modules, and optional for an LC module.

The Agilent ChemStore Database Module, a results storage and organization module, may be added to all separation techniques.

The Agilent ChemStation is capable of controlling up to four instruments. The number of allowed modules per instrument is depending on the used communication module. For configuration limitations please refer to “Number of Instruments Supported” on page 31. For CE/MS and LC/MS no additional instruments are supported on the PC system. For CE additional CE, LC, or GC instruments are supported only as co-existing instruments on the same PC, but co-execution is not supported.

Please note the memory requirements for each additional data evaluation module. For further details on supported configurations and their PC requirements, see “Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for the Agilent ChemStation” on page 27.

Figure 2 A Combination Of Modules

14 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Installing the Agilent ChemStation

Installing the Agilent ChemStation


This section explains how to use the enclosed CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) to:

• install the Agilent ChemStation for the first time

• upgrade existing Agilent ChemStation software

• install an additional Agilent ChemStation module

Installation Procedure

Use the following procedure if you are using the CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) to install or upgrade the Agilent ChemStation.

Before installing the software:

1 Set up the computer hardware: If you are going to connect your instruments using a GPIB or USB-GPIB connection, install the communication device as described in “GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication” on page 38.

2 Install the Windows XP Professional operating system and the required patches and/or service packs on the PC. Refer to the documentation delivered with your PC or with the operating system. Start the operating system. Please make sure that your logon has administrative capabilities, as changes will be made to the ChemStation.ini file (location: c:\windows ) and the Windows registry.

NOTE To perform an upgrade from an Agilent ChemStation Rev. A.xx.xx system to B.03.0x please refer to the Upgrade Preparation Guide for Agilent ChemStation Rev. B.03.0x for detailed instructions. The documentation is available as printed document as well as PDF file in the manual directory of the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationInstalling the Agilent ChemStation

• Set up the computer settings:

It is recommended that the Regional options in the Control Panel of your System are set to English (US). If another location is used, the following settings are mandatory:

Decimal symbol = . (point)

Digit grouping symbol = , (comma)

List seperator = , (comma)

• When a non-bundled PC is used, please follow the instructions outlined in the Configure and Maintain your Agilent ChemStation Computer document, which is available as a PDF document on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories). This documentation describes required system settings for best Agilent ChemStation performance.

• Keep your PC disconnected from the Internet during the installation phase. It is strongly recommended to install the latest security fixes as supported from Agilent and virus definitions before connecting to any network.

3 Check the partitioning scheme of your PC and ensure that the Agilent ChemStation is installed on a sufficiently large partition and that the path to the data directories is configured to a sufficiently large partition (see “Configuring Paths” on page 88).

4 Insert the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) into the CD-ROM drive.

5 From the Start menu in the Task Bar, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

6 At the command line, type diskdrive:\Setup (e.g.,D:\Setup), then click on OK. The Install Wizard will start immediately.

If this is an installation on a new computer, proceed with step 8, if you would like to upgrade the system or to add an additional instrument proceed with steps 6 and 7 as well.

16 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Installing the Agilent ChemStation

Figure 3

If you are upgrading your system or adding an additional module, click on Upgrade to continue. With the next step you have to choose between upgrade or installing additional instruments:

Figure 4

Choosing No the user can add additional instruments by using the initial installation screen.

Choosing Yes enables the upgrade routine and the Setup program updates all existing Agilent ChemStation software on your PC. This guarantees all Agilent ChemStation instrument modules have the same version.

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationInstalling the Agilent ChemStation

After updating the existing Agilent ChemStation installation, you can specify whether to install additional modules such as additional instrument control or add-on software modules. If no, you may skip the following steps and start working with the new version of the Agilent ChemStation.

Figure 5

7 If you need to install an additional module, specify the number of the instrument that you want to add or modify.

Figure 6

Select an instrument number and click on Add/Change.

18 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Installing the Agilent ChemStation

Figure 7 Configuration Window

8 Agilent ChemStation B.03.01 uses Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, which improves both security and speed of applications and generates a basis for programs of various programming languages. If Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework is not already installed on your computer, the Agilent ChemStation installation notices you to run its installation. Microsoft.Net Framework is available on the ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation), directory dotnetFramework 2.0 (CD 1 - Installation). The

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationInstalling the Agilent ChemStation

upcoming message displays the location of the file. Execute the file dotnetfx20.exe.

9 Select the appropriate software module from the list of available products in the Configure Instrument dialog and press Add (see Figure 7 on page 19).

10 Enter the License Registration Number for the selected module in the New License Number Field and press Add.

The applicable product and license numbers are printed on your Software Certificate and Registration Packet (see the example license registration label).

Figure 8 Example License Registration Label

If you need to install another module for this instrument, e.g. an additional data evaluation module, proceed with step 6. If you have purchased more than one instrument control module license for this PC, click OK and proceed with step 7 to install it as an additional instrument.

11 Check that the path points to the correct partition, default is C:\. Click on Install of the Instrument Setup box to continue.

12 The Setup program will prompt you to configure additional new instruments you installed, for fresh installation the configuration editor appears directly on screen. If you want you can skip this option and configure the instruments later.

NOTE The Agilent ChemStation will add a path statement into the operating system environment variable PATH, e.g. c:\Chem32;c:\Chem32\sys

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Installing the Agilent ChemStation

Figure 9

Click on Yes to access the Agilent Configuration Editor and configure your instruments. Click on No to exit the Setup program and return to Windows.

13 Your software installation is now complete. The Setup program made changes to your CHEMSTATION.INI file and saved a copy of the original CHEMSTATION.INI file in the files named ChemStation.XXX (i.e., ChemStation.000, ChemStation.001, ChemStation.002, ChemStation.003) in the directory C:\CHEM32\BACKUP.

Remove and store your CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) in a safe place.

Save your license numbers in a safe place. These will be required, if you have to reinstall your software or for future upgrades.

14 After you install and configure the Agilent ChemStation software, be sure to exit Windows and reboot your system before starting the Agilent ChemStation.

Activating the XML based interface

In order to activate XML support, you need to make changes to the CHEMSTATION.INI file. For full details see the XML Connectivity Guide on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationUninstalling the Agilent ChemStation

Uninstalling the Agilent ChemStation

In some cases you might need to uninstall the Agilent ChemStation, for example, if you wish to install it in a different location.

To completely remove a Agilent ChemStation installation you can use the standard Windows uninstall procedure (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs). For uninstallation, please proceed with the following steps:

1 If the Agilent ChemStation is running close all sessions and reboot the computer.

2 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Select Agilent ChemStation B.03.01 and press Change/Remove. The wizard starts and the system will ask you wether to perform an upgrade or to remove the Agilent ChemStation. Continue by selecting the Remove options and press Next.

NOTE If any other products belonging to the Agilent ChemStation Plus Family are installed the uninstall routine alerts that an Add-On Solution (such as ChemStore or ECM) has been detected. Add-On solution software needs to be uninstalled using the standard Windows uninstall procedure (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs). Please uninstall these products using the Windows routine PRIOR to uninstalling Agilent Chemstation B.0x.0x. This also includes all Service Releases or Patches for the Agilent ChemStation that may have been delivered for the Agilent ChemStation revision you want to uninstall. The system may need you to manually modify the ChemStation.ini file. Please refer to the corresponding software documentation of the Agilent ChemStation Plus products for details.

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Installing Agilent ChemStation 1Uninstalling the Agilent ChemStation

Figure 10

3 Before starting the uninstalling you will be prompted to verify the deinstallation before proceeding. Click Yes to continue.

Figure 11

4 During uninstallation the system will backup your Agilent ChemStation data, methods, sequences, UV-libraries, customized report styles, tune files

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1 Installing Agilent ChemStationUninstalling the Agilent ChemStation

(for CE/MSD systems), and if present any customized macros such as user.mac.

The system creates a directory called e.g. c:\Chem32_Backup to store the data. The original structure of the data will remain, e.g.:

• \CHEM32_Backup\1\

• \CHEM32_Backup\2\

• \CHEM32_Backup\3\

• \CHEM32_Backup\4\

containing all data, methods, sequences, and tune files (in case CE-MSD addon was installed) for instrument 1 to 4

• \CHEM32_Backup\REPSTYLE contains your customized reports

• \CHEM32_Backup\SPECLIBS contains your spectral libraries

• \CHEM32_Backup\CHEMSTOR contains local Agilent ChemStore databases

• \CHEM32_Backup\CORE might contain custom macro user.mac

5 The complete CHEM32 folder is removed from your hard disk.

6 The Agilent ChemStation path statement is removed from the environment path variable within the Windows operating system environment.

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

2 Prerequisites

Agilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details 26

Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for the Agilent ChemStation 27

Non-HP Computers 27

Printers for the Agilent ChemStation 28

Advanced Power Management Not Supported with Analytical Hardware 29

Operating System Requirements 30

File Names and Naming Conventions 30

Number of Instruments Supported 31

This chapter lists the minimum requirements for successful operation of theAgilent ChemStation software. It provides detailed information about the re-quirements that must be met to ensure proper operation of the Agilent Chem-Station. Requirements include PC type and performance, network protocol,printer type, GPIB/LAN cards, USB-GPIB Interface, and the operating system.

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2 PrerequisitesAgilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details

Agilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details

This section states the PC hardware and operating system requirements that must be met for successful installation and operation of the Agilent ChemStation.

The Agilent ChemStation B.03.01 and greater is supported on personal computers with an Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz (or higher).

Using a GPIB interface one PCI slot is required. For details about GPIB interface requirements refer to the section “GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication” on page 38.

If a LAN connection is used for the analytical equipment, a LAN interface supported by the operating system is required and the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol must be installed.

All PC hardware and peripherals must be listed in the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) which is available from the Microsoft home page on the world wide web (http://www.microsoft.com). If your PC hardware is not listed in the HCL, the system may not work correctly with the Agilent ChemStation software.

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Prerequisites 2Agilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details

Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for the Agilent ChemStation

Table 1 Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for Windows XP Based Systems

Non-HP Computers

The Agilent ChemStation has been designed to successfully run on a wide range of compatible personal computers equipped with accessories and peripherals that adhere to the programming standards for the Intel PC platform and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

However, Agilent Technologies has tested the Agilent ChemStation software mainly on Agilent Technologies equipment. All configuration information listed in this manual applies to Hewlett-Packard/Compaq Kayak, Vectra and EVO computers and may not be optimized for other vendor’s PCs. The standard configuration of the GPIB interface, for instance, may conflict with the memory configuration of a non-HP computer.

Additional accessory interface boards may cause conflicts of hardware related resources (I/O ports, interrupt settings, DMA channels).

For a non-Hewlett-Packard computer, use the setup utility program supplied by the manufacturer to configure your computer and check the documentation supplied with it and the accessories to eliminate resource conflicts in your PC’s setup, especially regarding the configuration of the GPIB interface.

Processor Pentium IV 1.5 GHz

Screen resolution Super VGA (1280 x 1024)

Mass storage 40 GB Hard-Disk and CD-ROM

Minimum Memory for Single/Multi Instrument 2D/3D 512 MB of RAM

Instrument configuration with Agilent ChemStore C/S database module (Rev. B.03.03 SR2),

512 MB of RAM

NOTE Generally a maximum of four instrument systems may be configured to each Agilent ChemStation, but there is a limitation of around 18 individual modules connected to the Agilent ChemStation PC. Refer to “Number of Instruments Supported” on page 31.

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2 PrerequisitesAgilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details

Printers for the Agilent ChemStation

The Agilent ChemStation has been designed to work with printers that are compatible with the operating system. Printers may be attached to a local (preferably parallel) or networked port on the PC. Serial port printers are supported by the operating system but may exhibit speed performance limitations. Networked printers must be shared by a network server running a network protocol supported by the Microsoft operating system.

We recommend printers that are capable of interpreting an escape code language (e.g. PCL) or page description language (e.g. PostScript). Host-based printers (e.g. GDI or PPA printers) impose more printer processing tasks on the CPU and are not recommended for use with Agilent ChemStation on-line sessions.

For best printing results with your Agilent ChemStation, use HP LaserJet printers. High performance HP DeskJet printers may also be used if the amount of printing required is low. Check the readme.txt files for information on recommended printer driver versions.

Agilent Technologies has not tested all printer and printer driver combinations that are supported in the Windows environment. Print performance and results may vary on other manufacturer’s printers and appropriate drivers. The printers listed in Table 2 on page 28 have been successfully tested at the time this handbook was printed.

Table 2 Successfully tested Printers

NOTE Some low-end printers may not be suitable for unattended high data-throughput operation of the Agilent ChemStation due to limited print-performance (< 8 pages per minute) and paper tray capacity (less than 150 pages), e. g. in multi-instrument configurations or when running large sequences with many injections and relatively short run-times (e.g. less than 5 minutes), even if listed in Table 2 on page 28.

Printer Model Driver comment

HP LaserJet 4050 and HP LaserJet 4100 HP PCL 5e Driver or PCL 6

HP LaserJet 4200 HP PCL 5e Driver or PCL 6

HP LaserJet 4250 PCL 6 Driver

HP LaserJet P3005D PCL 6 Driver

28 Installing ChemStation for LC Systems

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Prerequisites 2Agilent ChemStation PC Hardware Details

Advanced Power Management Not Supported with Analytical Hardware

The BIOS and operating systems of many modern PCs supports Advanced Power Management (APM). After a specified idle time, the BIOS will switch the system to stand-by by turning off the computer display, hard disk, and other devices, reducing the output of the PC’s power supply and the internal clock frequency to save energy.

The reduction in internal clock speed and hard disk slow down can render the PC incapable of handling the real-time requirements of instrument control and data acquisition. Typically, this results in overflows of the internal instrument buffers, or, (in other words) data loss. APM is not supported in systems used for on-line operation of analytical hardware.

HP Color LaserJet 2500TN PCL 6 Driver

OfficeJet Pro K550DTWN PCL 3 Driver

Printer Model Driver comment

NOTE Please note that this list is not comprehensive and does not include printers and printer drivers made available after the release of this handbook. If your printer is not listed here, it does not mean it will not work with the Agilent ChemStation, but it has simply not been tested.

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2 PrerequisitesOperating System Requirements

Operating System Requirements

ChemStation Rev. B.03.01 is supported on Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2).

It is available in three languages:

• English

• Japanese

• Chinese

Depending on your choice of language you will need the corresponding language version of the operating system.

Windows XP Professional is the only supported operating system for the Agilent ChemStation data acquisition and analysis software. For up-to-date information on supported operating systems please contact your local service and support center.

If you use a LAN to connect to the analytical instruments, the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol must be installed and configured.

File Names and Naming Conventions

Detailed information regarding allowed characters used for file and directory names, as well as path length statements are documented in the “Understanding your Agilent ChemStation” manual, Chap. 1. The manual is delivered with the instruments and available as PDF file on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

NOTE Agilent cannot give a support statement for other language versions of the operating system.

NOTE ChemStation Rev. B.03.01 is NOT supported on Windows 2000 Professional.

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Prerequisites 2Number of Instruments Supported

Number of Instruments Supported

A maximum number of 4 instruments can be configured on a single Agilent ChemStation PC. Each instrument can consist of several modules, like Agilent 1100/1200 LC modules, HP 1090 mainframe with DAD, HP 1046 FLD etc. For specific configurations and software add-ons, the maximum number of instruments is listed in Table 3 on page 31.

Table 3 Maximum Number of Instruments

There is also a limitation on the total number of instrument modules connected to the Agilent ChemStation. Up to a maximum number of 18 modules per PC can be connected, depending on the exact module configuration and LAN connection point. The maximum number of 18 modules can consit of approx. 12 modules like pumps, detectors, injectors, etc. and approx. 6 can-slave modules like valves and UIB interfaces. A maximum of 4 detectors per instrument are supported, whereas only 2 of one kind can be used in the same instrument, in case of the VWD up to 3. As soon as a G1315C DAD Detector is used, the max. numbers of G1315C detectors is limited to two detectors per PC.

NOTE While acquiring data in three or four instrument configurations, interactive data reprocessing is not recommened.

Description max. Number of instruments

ChemStore C/S Data Management Module 3

2 modules that can acquire on-line spectra, e.g. DAD or FLD 2

Agilent LC/MSD 1

NOTE Please contact your Agilent representative to check if your exact configuration is possible, especially when your configuration is above 12 modules.

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2 PrerequisitesNumber of Instruments Supported

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

3 Installing Communication Components

Installing LAN Communication 34

Installing TCP/IP on Windows XP Systems 34

Installing the Agilent BootP Service Program 35

Using fixed IP address for Communication 37

GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication 38

Instrument Compatibility Matrix 38

Agilent 82350 A/B GPIB Interface card 39

Installing a GPIB Interface Board in the PC 39

GPIB Cabling 39

Configuring the Agilent 82350 GPIB Interface Drivers 41

GPIB board Configuration with the Agilent ChemStation 46

Configuring and Installing the Agilent 82357A USB - GPIB Interface and Driver under Windows XP Professional 46

This chapter gives the background information you need in order to prepareyour Agilent ChemStation hardware and operating environment. Verify thatyour PC meets the hardware and software requirements for the Agilent Chem-Station and do the necessary adjustments where appropriate. If you boughtyour Agilent ChemStation as a bundle from the Agilent Technologies ChemicalAnalysis Group, these steps have already been performed for you. In this case,PC hardware has already been set up, the LAN card has been installed and con-figured, the operating system and operating environment have been preloadedon your computer’s hard-disk, and the Agilent ChemStation has been installed.

33Agilent Technologies

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsInstalling LAN Communication

Installing LAN Communication

If you decide to connect your instrument using a standard LAN connection, you must ensure proper communication between the PC and the analytical instruments. The communication uses the TCP/IP protocol, which needs to be installed as a network protocol on your PC. For the configuration of the JetDirect card or G1369A LAN card that is used to connect the analytical instrument to the LAN, the boot strap protocol is used, which requires a BootP Service.

This chapter outlines the installation of the TCP/IP protocol on Windows XP systems. Windows XP systems will typically come with TCP/IP pre-installed. Instructions are also included for the Agilent Bootp Service program required to configure TCP/IP parameters for your instrument.

Installing TCP/IP on Windows XP Systems

1 From the Start menu in the Task Bar, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2 Open Network and Dial-up Connections, select Local Area Connection and use right mouse click to access the properties.

3 In the General tab, select the internet protocol TCP/IP and choose Properties.

4 Select Use the following IP address to ensure that the system does not use the DHCP address (see section “DHCP Server” on page 106 for details).

5 Ask your IT department for a valid IP addresses, gateway, subnet mask, DNS and WINS server, if your PC is connected to a site network. If you are setting up your own internal network and are not connected to any other network, you may use the example settings from Table 4 on page 35Gateway, DNS, and WINS IP addresses do not need to be configured in this case, as you do not connect to any other part of a network. Figure 12 on page 35 shows an example of the TCP/IP configuration on Windows XP.

NOTE You need one IP address per device. This means one for the PC, another one for the MSD and a third one for the 1100/1200 pump.

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Installing Communication Components 3Installing LAN Communication

Table 4 Example IP addresses

Figure 12 TCP/IP Configuration Screen

6 Select OK to finish the configuration.

Installing the Agilent BootP Service Program

If you wish to use a local BootP Server/Service or if there is already a BootP Server/Service running in your network, contact your system administrator with the information supplied in “Addresses” on page 95.

PC or instruments IP address Subnet mask

PC 1

instrument module 1 (MSD)

instrument module 2 (1100/1200 pump)

... ....

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsInstalling LAN Communication

The configuration of the Agilent BootP Service is outlined in “Configure the Agilent Bootp Service Program” on page 96.

1 Logon as Administrator or other user with Administrator privileges.

2 Close all Windows programs.

3 Insert the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) into the CD-ROM drive.

4 Open the Explorer and double-click x:\Bootp\Agilent Bootp Service.exe, where x: is the CD-ROM drive letter.

5 Follow the instructions on the screen for the installation of the Agilent BootP Service program. It is recommended that you read the readme.txt file, that might contain last minute information not included in this manual.

6 When the installation is finished, the BootP Settings screen appears. The BootP Settings screen contains unconfigured default settings. They will be corrected during the configuration procedure.

Figure 13 BootP Settings

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Installing Communication Components 3Installing LAN Communication

7 Select Maintain bootp tabfile?

8 Check Do you want to log bootp requests?

9 In the Default Settings part of the screen enter subnet mask and gateway. See your network administrator if you do not know the subnet mask and gateway. For standalone systems the default subnet mask and no gateway can be used. If you would like to proceed already with the configuration of your system, do not proceed with step 10. Continue with the configuration of your instruments as outlined in “Addresses” on page 95.

10 Click OK. The Install Wizard complete screen appears.

11 Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now. Remove the CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation)from the drive.

12 Click Finish. The computer will reboot.

The Agilent BootP Service program can now be edited using the Agilent Bootp Service icon from the Agilent ChemStations group in the start menu to add instrument.

Using fixed IP address for Communication

Since Revision A.09.1 it is possible to assign fixed IP address to the Agilent 1100/1200 modules, using the Control Module or Telnet to assign IP addresses. The IP address will be stored in the non-volatile RAM of the modules. The minimum required firmware for the G1369A LAN card is A.01.05.

For more details, please refer to the manual Agilent G1369A LAN Interface. The manual is available as PDF document in the manual section of the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Analytical instruments that communicate with the Agilent ChemStation via GPIB require a GPIB board to be installed in your computer. You can use an Agilent 82350A, the Agilent 82350B PCI high-performance GPIB interface card or the Agilent 82357A USB-GPIB Interface.

Instrument Compatibility Matrix

The following table helps you to select the correct interface for your system.

Table 5 GPIB and Analytical Hardware Compatibility Matrix

NOTE The HP 82335 and the Agilent 82341C/D cards are not supported. The Agilent 82350A/B cards are supported on Windows XP Professional, for HP 1090 Systems only. Note that Agilent 1100/1200 and 35900E using GPIB communication are not supported with ChemStation Rev. B.03.0x; LAN connection is required. The upgrade from GPIB to LAN connection needs to be done PRIOR the upgrade to ChemStation Rev. B.03.0x.

Instrument Type Agilent GPIB Card 82350 A/B

Agilent USB-GPIB Interface 82357A

HP 1090 LC Yes Yes

Agilent 1100/1200LC No No

HP 1046 FLD Yes Yes

HP 1049 ECD Yes Yes

35900E A/D Converter No No

NOTE The GPIB board is static sensitive and should be handled with care so as not to damage it. Be sure to hold the board by the edges and do not touch the electrical components. Use anti-static equipment, such as a grounding mat and wrist-straps, during installation.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Agilent 82350 A/B GPIB Interface card

The Agilent 82350 is a PCI GPIB interface card. Therefore no additional settings such as changing the I/O base address are required.

Installing a GPIB Interface Board in the PC

Since these boards can be installed in several different computers, the following instructions are general. If you have difficulties during the installation, consult your computer manual or dealer.

1 Turn OFF and unplug your computer, then remove the computer’s cover(s).

2 Select any empty PCI slot to install your 82350 GPIB board. It is best not to place the GPIB board next to a graphics adapter. As the GPIB connector is wider than a typical PC slot, you may have to leave the slot(s) adjacent to the GPIB interface empty.

3 Loosen the mounting screw and remove the selected empty slot’s rear plate.

4 Holding the board by its edges, insert the board into its slot. Make certain that the board’s edge connector is fully seated. Lock the board into place with the mounting screw.

5 Replace the computer's cover(s). Plug in, and restart the computer.

GPIB Cabling

When connecting GPIB devices together, there are several basic rules that should be observed.

1 Whenever possible, turn off and unplug the computer and all attached devices -before the GPIB cables are installed.

WARNING Be careful with the high voltage power supplies.

It may harm your health.

• Turn OFF and unplug your computer and all attached electrical devices before removing any covers.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

2 Before connecting any analytical instrument to a GPIB cable, consult the documentation supplied with each device and determine its GPIB address. No two devices connected to the Agilent ChemStation may have the same address. Alter their addresses as necessary to avoid any duplication. Write down each GPIB address. This information will be needed later.

3 Try to use short GPIB cables that are two meters long or less.

• GPIB cable (0.5 m) (10833D)

• GPIB cable (1.0 m) (10833A)

• GPIB cable (2.0 m) (10833B)

• GPIB cable (4.0 m) (10833C)

4 Connect one end of a GPIB cable to the computer’s GPIB connector.

5 Be certain that you properly tighten all GPIB connectors. A poor connection causes errors which are difficult to diagnose.

6 Connect GPIB devices in a chain. A chain occurs when a GPIB device is connected to the next GPIB device, and it is, in turn, connected to the next, and so on. Avoid star configurations (connecting all of the devices to a central point).

WARNING According to the IEEE 488 specification for the General Purpose Instrument Bus (GPIB), the bus is not designed for dynamic configuration.

Cycling power on a GPIB instrument that is connected to the bus while other GPIB instruments are actively communicating to the GPIB controller can induce electrical spikes that may potentially corrupt the GPIB protocol. In extreme cases, this may require cycling power on all instruments, including the GPIB controller (i.e. typically the Agilent ChemStation).

• Connect GPIB devices in a chain.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Configuring the Agilent 82350 GPIB Interface Drivers

After installing the GPIB board in the computer, it is necessary to install the corresponding driver and configuration software, located on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) in the “\IO Libs” directory. An IO Libs installing guide can be found on the CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) as well. To install the I/O Libraries proceed with the following steps:

1 Using the Windows Explorer, locate and start ‘m0101.exe’ in the \GPIB directory of your Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation). Follow the instructions in the installation Wizard (see Figure 14 on page 41). This will install the Standard Interface Control Library (SICL) on your computer, update the registry and add a new Program Group called “Agilent I/O Libraries”.

The InstallShield Wizard opens and starts the IO Libraries installation.

Figure 14 Install Shield Wizard

NOTE The Agilent ChemStation B.03.01 and greater requires version M.01.01 of the I/O Libraries. These libraries are supported under Windows XP.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

2 Choose Next/Yes to accept the License Agreement and to view the Readme Information. With the next step the Selection Screen for the Installation is coming up.

3 Choose Full installation for installing the SICL libraries and VISA components (see Figure 15 on page 42). Select Next and the system will start the installation of the SICL and VISA components of the I/O Libraries.

Figure 15 Choose the full SICL and VISA installation.

4 After the installation has been successfully finished, select Run IO config to configure the IO interface card.

5 From the list of available interface types choose the correct interface type: “82350 PCI GPIB” for the Agilent 82350 board (see Figure 16 on page 43).

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 16 Selecting the appropriate interface type in the I/O Config Screen

6 Select Configure. The configuration utility, “IOCFG.EXE”, now attempts to detect the selected GPIB interface in the PC in order to assign the correct resources to the card.

7 Set the SICL Interface Name to “hp82341”, the Bus Address to “30” and the “System Controller” flag as shown in Figure 17 on page 44. Please note that the appearance of the dialog slightly differs depending on the type of GPIB board installed.

NOTE If the GPIB card is not detected in your PC although it is installed, proceed with the section “Troubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems” on page 107. Or refer to the Installation Instructions coming along with the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 17 Configuring the GPIB Interface for Use with the Agilent ChemStation

8 Click OK. The configured GPIB board should now be listed under “Configured Interfaces” in the Interface Configuration Screen (Figure 18 on page 45).

NOTE You need to type in the SICL interface name hp82341 with lower case letters.

NOTE In order to be recognized by the Agilent ChemStation the SICL Interface Name has to be “hp82341” even if you have an Agilent 82350 GPIB Interface Board installed.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

9 You have now successfully configured the GPIB Interface board. Restart the computer to finish the installation.

Figure 18 The Interface Configuration Screen now shows the configured GPIB Board

The interface configuration screen can be accessed from the I/O Libraries Program Group by selecting I/O Config.

CAUTION If you replace an Agilent 82350A board with an Agilent 82350B board or vice versa first remove the configuration using the I/O Config Utility from the I/O Libraries Program Group before exchanging the board.

• After the replacement you must rerun the “IOCFG.EXE” utility to configure the correct drivers for the installed board.

• Do not attempt to start the I/O Config Utility or Visa Assistant while the ChemStation is running.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

GPIB board Configuration with the Agilent ChemStation

Use the following values to configure the Agilent 82350 GPIB interface for use with the Agilent ChemStation. The available fields depend on the type of interface installed. See Figure 17 on page 44.

SICL InterfaceName

The SICL Interface Name is the symbolic name used by the Agilent ChemStation to identify and address this GPIB interface. The default Interface Name used by the Agilent ChemStation is “hp82341”, without the quotes. The same symbolic name has to be used for both interface types. It needs to be typed in lower case.

VISA InterfaceName

The default VISA Interface Name is “GPIB0” (this setting is not used by the Agilent ChemStation and thus does not need to be altered).

Logical Unit The Logical Unit number is used by the Standard Interface Control Library (SICL) to uniquely identify this GPIB interface. The Logical Unit number is an integer in the range of 0-10000. The Agilent ChemStation always uses the default value of “7”.

Bus Address The Bus Address determines the address of this GPIB interface on the GPIB bus. The Agilent ChemStation uses Bus Address “30” for the System Controller.

System Controller The System Controller determines which bus devices talk and listen. Each device connected to the GPIB bus must have a unique GPIB bus address and one (and only one) device acting as the System Controller. In Agilent ChemStation installations, the System Controller is always the GPIB board installed in the PC.

Configuring and Installing the Agilent 82357A USB - GPIB Interface and Driver under Windows XP Professional

The USB-GPIB Interface driver (IO libraries) needs to be installed prior to the connection of the Interface device.

1 Using the Windows Explorer, locate and start ‘m0101.exe’ in the \IO_Libs directory of your ChemStation CD-ROM (CD1 Installation). Follow the instructions in the installation Wizard. This will install the Standard Interface Control Library (SICL) on your computer, update the registry and add a new Program Group called “Agilent I/O Libraries”.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

The InstallShield Wizard opens and starts the IO Libraries installation.

Figure 19 Install Shield Wizard

2 When the title screen appears, click Next to go the License Agreement screen and then click Yes to accept the licenses terms and to display the Readme Information.

Figure 20 Installation screen IO Libraries

3 Click Next to display the Select Type of Installation screen.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

4 Choose installation option Full Installation, for an installation of both the SICL libraries and VISA components. The System will go to the next screen and display the current settings (see Figure 21 on page 48).

Figure 21 Installation options

5 By default SICL is installed in C:\Program Files\Agilent\IO libraries. VISA is installed by default in C:\Program Files\VISA\winnt. Click Next if you accept the default setting, or go back to set the directory you want via Custom Installation option. By clicking Next the IO Libraries will be installed.

6 The IO Libraries have been successfully installed now. Finish the installation without viewing the Readme file and without running the IO Config. Leave the screen with Finish and reboot the system.

7 Plug the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface into the GPIB connector of the GPIB card of the instrument. If a GPIB cable is used to connect multiple modules (e.g. HP 1090 mainframe and DAD), the USB Interface device needs to be plugged into the GPIB connector (see Figure 22 on page 49).

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 22 82357A USB-GPIB Interface on e.g. HP 1090/DAD

8 Connect the USB connector of the 82357A USB-GPIB interface into the USB port of your Computer. The hardware wizard detects a USB device and the Found New Hardware Wizard will start (see Figure 23 on page 50).

9 Select Option 1 and click Next and the installation will start (see Figure 23 on page 50).

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 23 Found New Hardware Wizard Windows XP, first detection

10 To initialize the interface select Option 1 and click Next and the initialization will start (see Figure 24 on page 51).

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 24 Found New Hardware Wizard Windows XP, first detection

11 The system will initialize the USB device. This might take some seconds (see Figure 25 on page 52).

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 25 Initializing the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface in Windows XP, first detection

12 Select Finish to close the wizard after the initialization Hardware driver(see Figure 26 on page 53). The initialization of the USB device is finished, the installation still needs to be done.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 26 Finish Device Driver Installation in Windows XP

13 The hardware wizard detects now the USB-GPIB device for a second time and the Found New Hardware Wizard starts again (see Figure 27 on page 54).

14 Select Option 1 and click Next (see Figure 27 on page 54).

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 27 Found New Hardware Wizard Windows XP, second detection

15 Select Option 1 and click Next to start the installation (see Figure 28 on page 55).

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 28 Found New Hardware Wizard Windows XP, second detection

16 The system initializes the 82357A USB-PGIB Interface device. This might take some seconds (see Figure 29 on page 56). Please wait until the configuration screen appears, see step 14.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 29 Installing the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface in Windows XP, second detection

17 The system automatically detects the installed USB-GPIB Interface. Select Accept to start the IO Configuration Utility (see Figure 30 on page 57).

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 30 USB- GPIB Interface detected

18 Set the SICL Interface Name to hp82341 and the Bus Address to 30 as shown in Figure 31 on page 58. Press OK to finish the configuration.

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 31 Configuring 82357A USB-GPIB Interface

19 Select Finish to close the wizard after the installation of the Hardware driver(see Figure 32 on page 59). The installation of the USB device is finished, the new hardware wizard will show a taskbar message in the right hand corner of the Windows XP system: “Your new Hardware is found and ready to use”.

NOTE You need to type in the SICL interface name hp82341 with lower case letters.

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Installing Communication Components 3GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

Figure 32 Finish Device Driver Installation in Windows XP

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3 Installing Communication ComponentsGPIB and USB-GPIB Communication

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

4 Installing the Analytical Instruments

Connecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation 62

Instrument cabling 62

Connecting Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN 63

Connecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation 66

GPIB Cabling 66

USB-GPIB Cabling 67

Remote Cable 67

Setting the GPIB Address 69

Connecting Miscellaneous Instruments to the Agilent ChemStation70

Setting the GPIB Address 70

35900E Communication 71

Remote Control Cabling 71

LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements 72

1090 and Miscellaneous LC Instrument Firmware Requirements 76

This chapter describes how to connect the HP 1090, HP 1046, HP1049, and Agilent 1100/1200 LC analytical instruments (and specific detectors) to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN, GPIB, or USB-GPIB connection. Default GPIB address settings and firmware requirements for the LC Instruments are also described.

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsConnecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation

Connecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation

You can connect the following modules of the Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to your Agilent ChemStation using LAN:

• Agilent 1100/1200 autosampler (ALS)

• Agilent 1100/1200 well plate autosampler (WPS)

• Agilent 1100/1200 dual loop autosampler (DLA)

• Agilent 1100/1200 thermostatted autosampler (ALS)

• Agilent 1100/1200 pumping system (PMP)

• Agilent 1100/1200 diode array detector (DAD)

• Agilent 1100/1200 multi wavelength detector (MWD)

• Agilent 1100/1200 variable wavelength detector (VWD)

• Agilent 1100/1200 fluorescence detector (FLD)

• Agilent 1100/1200 refractive index detector (RID)

• Agilent 1100/1200 thermostatted column compartment (TCC)

• Agilent 1100/1200 chip cube interface (CC)

• Agilent 1100/1200 fraction collector (AS/PS)

• Agilent 1100/1200 micro fraction collector (MFC)

• Agilent 1100/1200 vaccum degasser

Instrument cabling

Installation and interconnection of your Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC modules are described in more detail in the Agilent 1100/1200 Series Module reference manual supplied with each module.

• Connect a controller-area network (CAN) cable between each of your Agilent 1100/1200 modules except the vacuum degasser. One CAN cable is included with each Agilent 1100/1200 module.

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4Connecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation

• Connect a remote cable (part number 5061-3378) between the Vacuum Degasser and one other Agilent 1100/1200 module.

• Connect the Agilent 1100/1200 module with the G1369A LAN card inserted to your LAN component, using the appropriate EtherTwist 10BaseT cable. See sections “Connecting Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN” on page 63 for details.

• The G1315C DAD-SL or G1365C MWD-SL detectors have on-board LAN communication, use the appropriate EtherTwist 10BaseT cable. See sections “Connecting Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN” on page 63 for details.

Connecting Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN

This section gives a brief description on how to set up a dedicated mini LAN for the analytical instruments. If you are going to connect to an existing LAN, please contact your system administrator for further assistance.

Single instrument installation

In a single instrument installation, only one instrument can be connected to the PC and the PC can not be connected to a LAN. In this configuration, use the black 10 ft. long crossover twisted pair cable 5183-4649, supplied with the Agilent ChemStation software. It can only be used for the direct connection of a single instrument to the PC.

NOTE We recommend connecting the LAN card cable to an Agilent 1100/1200 detector. Using the G1315C DAD or G1365C MWD this is a definitiv must. If no Agilent detector is used, please contact your Agilent Representative to get information about the insertation point of the communication card.

NOTE A LAN connection requires the Agilent 1100/1200 modules to have firmware version A.06.02 or higher. The main board (DAM) of the module with the G1369A LAN card inserted must be GXXXX-66520 (exchange board GXXXX-69520), were XXXX denotes the part number of the Agilent 1100/1200 module.

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsConnecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation

Multiple instrument installation

If you want to connect more than one instrument to the Agilent ChemStation PC or if the PC needs to connect to a network, a hub (for example the G2402A 12 port hub) is required. The hub G2402A comes with one standard 8m EtherTwist 10BaseT cable G1530-61480 that is used for the connection to the PC. Use the standard EtherTwist 10BaseT cable G1530-61480 provided with the G1369A LAN cards to connect the hub to the instruments.

Figure 33 LAN connection using a hub

NOTE For direct single instrument connection you can only use the cross-over cable 5183-4649 supplied with the Agilent ChemStation software. Do not use the standard Ethertwist 10BaseT cable supplied with the G1369A LAN card.

NOTE Do not use the cross-over cable 5183-4649 in an installation with multiple instruments.

1 Personal computer

2 Network hub

3 Instruments

Use standard twisted pair LAN cables for the connections.

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4Connecting an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC to the Agilent ChemStation

Setting the IP Address of the Agilent 1100/1200 module

The IP address can be set using the following options:

The IP address of the G1369A LAN card inserted to the Agilent 1100/1200 module can not be set from the Agilent 1100/1200 system. A BootP Service can be used, to provide the G1369A LAN card with an appropriate IP address, each time it is started. Refer to section “Installing the Agilent BootP Service Program” on page 35 and section “What is the Agilent Bootp Service?” on page 94.

Since Revision A.09.1 it is possible to assign fixed IP address to the Agilent 1100/1200 modules, using the Control Module or Telnet to assign IP addresses. The IP address will be stored in the non-volatile RAM of the modules. The minimum required firmware for the G1369A LAN card is A.01.05. For more details, please refer to the manual Agilent G1369A LAN Interface. The manual is available as PDF document in the manual section of the ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

NOTE You need to ensure that the BootP Service is running before the instrument is switched on, as the configurational data is only loaded to the G1369A LAN card when the module is switched on.

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsConnecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation

Connecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation

You can connect the following HP 1090 Liquid Chromatograph components to your Agilent ChemStation:

• HP 1090 LC Mainframe. This includes injector, pump and oven.

• HP 1090 diode array detector

Installation of your HP 1090 is described in the Installation Guide contained in the Guide Books for the HP 1090 (part number 01090-90214).

Starting with B.01.03 it is possible to use eiter the common GPIB connection or the Agilent 82357A USB-GPIB Interface as replacement. This connection requires the 82357A USB-GPIB Interface and a USB port on your PC.

GPIB Cabling

1 Connect an GPIB cable from the GPIB connector at the rear of the HP 1090 to the GPIB connector on the diode array detector (DAD).

2 Connect an GPIB cable from the GPIB connector on the DAD to the GPIB connector on your computer.

The following GPIB cables are available:

A 10833B cable is included with your HP 1090 Series II system and a 10833D cable is included with your HP 1090 DAD.

Part Number Length

10833A 1 m

10833B 2 m

10833D 0.5 m

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4Connecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation

USB-GPIB Cabling

1 Connect an GPIB cable from the GPIB connector at the rear of the HP 1090 to the GPIB connector on the diode array detector (DAD).

2 Plug the USB-GPIB Interface on top of the GPIB connector on the DAD to the USB port on your computer.

For details please refer to “Configuring and Installing the Agilent 82357A USB - GPIB Interface and Driver under Windows XP Professional” on page 46.

Remote Cable

Each analytical component of the system must be connected with a remote cable (part number 01040-60202) so that time-critical events, such as injections, can be coordinated. For example, with an HP 1090 system fitted with a diode array detector (DAD), you must connect a remote cable between the DAD and the rear of the HP 1090.

Some typical HP 1090 system configurations are shown in Figure 34 on page 67 and Figure 35 on page 68.

Figure 34 HP 1090 Win Liquid Chromatography System

1 HP 1090 Series II/M2 Remote cable (01040-60202) included with HP 1090M #083

NOTE A remote control cable (part number 01040-60202) and an GPIB cable (part number 10833B) are included with the diode array detector when ordered as an option to an HP 1090 system.

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsConnecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation

3 10833D GPIB Cable (0.5 m) included with HP 1090M #0834 Agilent ChemStation5 Centronics cable6 Printer7 10833B GPIB Cable (2 m)

Figure 35 HP 1090 Win LC System (Includes FLD and A/D Converter)

1 APG remote cable (5061-3378)2 Remote cable (01040-60202) included with HP 1090M #0833 HP 1090 Series II/M4 10833D GPIB Cable (0.5 m) included with HP 1090M #0835 10833B GPIB Cable (2 m) included with Agilent ChemStation6 Agilent ChemStation7 Centronics cable8 Printer9 Standard Twisted Pair Ethernet Cable10 Two signal cables (option to Agilent 35900E)11 10833A GPIB Cable (1 m) included with FLD #30512 HP 1046A Fluorescence Detector13 APG remote cable included with FLD14 Agilent 35900E Dual-Channel Interface

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4Connecting an HP 1090 LC to the Agilent ChemStation

Setting the GPIB Address

These instruments are shipped with the default GPIB addresses listed in Table 6 on page 69.

Table 6 Miscellaneous Instrument Default GPIB Addresses

If you configure more than one module of the same type, you must change the default settings so that each module has a unique GPIB address. For further details, refer to the instrument handbooks.

LC Module Default GPIB Address LAN Connection

HP 1046 FLD 12 --

HP 1049 ECD 11 --

Agilent 35900E Dual Channel Interface

-- defined IP address

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsConnecting Miscellaneous Instruments to the Agilent ChemStation

Connecting Miscellaneous Instruments to the Agilent ChemStation

In addition to the HP 1090 and Agilent 1100/1200 Series, you can connect the following stand-alone analytical instruments to your Agilent ChemStation:

• Agilent 35900E dual channel interface

• HP 1046 fluorescence detector

• HP 1049 electrochemical detector

To install these instrument, see the operator’s handbook shipped with each instrument.

Setting the GPIB Address

These instruments are shipped with the default GPIB addresses listed in Table 6 on page 69.

Table 7 Miscellaneous Instrument Default GPIB Addresses

If you configure more than one module of the same type, you must change the default settings so that each module has a unique GPIB address. For further details, refer to the instrument handbooks.

LC Module Default GPIB Address

HP 1046 FLD 12

HP 1049 ECD 11

Agilent 35900E Dual Channel Interface


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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4Connecting Miscellaneous Instruments to the Agilent ChemStation

35900E Communication

These instruments are using LAN connection for communication, the setup is similar to the LAN set up for LC instruments. Please see the operator´s handbook shipped with the instrument.

If you configure more than one module of the same type, you must change the default settings so that each module has a unique IP address. For further details, please refer to the instrument handbooks.

Remote Control Cabling

All modules of an instrument that accept timetable entries or which go into the run mode during an analysis must be included in the remote control loop. In general, each module must be connected to the other devices with a remote control cable. The HP 1046 FLD, the 1049 ECD, and the HP 1090 Series II include a dual-APG remote connector with pass-through capability. This means that you may use one remote connector as an input and the other as an output. All remote signals which enter these connectors pass through to the other connector, as well as being seen by the module.

The 35900E dual channel interface use APG remote, but the two remote connectors are not pass-through connections. When you operate the 35900E with both channels, only the A-channel remote will be connected. The B-channel acts in synchronization with the A-channel and will react to the remote signals from the A-channel remote connector. The only time you connect a remote cable to the B-channel remote connector is if you wish to operate the B-channel independently. In this mode, one instrument may start and stop the A-channel while another instrument has control of the B-channel.

The built-in DAD of the HP 1090 Series I LC does not include standard APG remote connections. Anyhow the HP 1090 I LC needs to be updated to an Series II LC.

When connecting additional devices (that typically support APG-remote) to an HP 1090 system, a signal distribution module must be used.

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsLC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

The LC ChemStation software will require minimum firmware revisions in order to work with the following devices shown in Table 8 on page 72.

Table 8 LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

NOTE Using 1100/1200 modules in one instrument, the firmware of the whole module stack needs to rund on the minimum required firmware mentioned in the table below. Mixed firmware versions are not supported.

LC Instrument Product Number Firmware Revision Part Number


Agilent 1100/1200 Automation Interface G2254A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100 Autosampler G1313A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermo. Autosampler G1329A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 Thermo. Autosampler SL G1329B A.06.04 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100 Micro Sampler G1389A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Preparative Autosampler G2260A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100 Well Plate Autosampler G1367A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 High Performance Autosampler G1367B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 High Performance Autosampler SL G1367C A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100 Thermo. Well Plate Autosampler G1368A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Micro Well Plate Autosampler G1377A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermo. Micro Well Plate Autosampler G1378A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Dual Loop Autosampler PS G2258A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

Column Compartments

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermostated Column Compartment G1316A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 Thermostated Column Compartment SL G1316B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Chip Cube Interface G4240A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1


Agilent 1100/1200 Isocratic Pump G1310A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Quaternary Pump G1311A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Binary Pump G1312A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 Binary Pump SL G1312B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Capillary Pump G1376A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Preparative Pump G1361A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Nano Pump G2226A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1


Agilent 1100 DAD G1315A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 DAD G1315B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 DAD SL G1315C B.01.02 or newer2 n.a.1

Agilent 1200 DAD G1315D B.01.04 or newer3 n.a.1

Agilent 1100 MWD G1365A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 MWD G1365B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 MWD SL G1365C B.01.02 or newer2 n.a.1

Agilent 1200 MWD G1365D B.01.04 or newer3 n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 FLD G1321A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100 VWD G1314A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1200 VWD G1314B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

LC Instrument Product Number Firmware Revision Part Number

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4 Installing the Analytical InstrumentsLC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

Agilent 1200 VWD SL G1314C A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 RID G1362A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 UIB G1390A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Fraction Collectors

Agilent 1100 Fraction Collector G1364A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Fraction Collector PS G1364B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Fraction Collector AS G1364C A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Micro Fraction Collector G1364D A.06.02 or newer n.a.1


2Pos/10Port Valve G1157A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

2Pos/6 Port Valve G1158A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

2Pos/6 Port Valve SL G1158B A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

6Position Selection Valve G1159A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

12Pos/13 Port Selection Valve G1160A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

2Pos/6 Port Micro Valve G1162A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1

2Pos/10 Port Micro Valve G1163A A.06.02 or newer n.a.1


Agilent 1100/1200 Degasser G1322A All Revisions

Agilent 1100 Micro Degasser G1379A All Revisions

Agilent 1200 Micro Degasser G1379B All Revisions

Agilent 1100/1200 manual injector G1328B All Revisions

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermostat f. Sampler/Frac.Collectors G1330B All Revisions

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermostat f. Sampler/Frac.Collectors G1330B All Revisions

LC Instrument Product Number Firmware Revision Part Number

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Installing the Analytical Instruments 4LC 1100/1200 Series Instrument Firmware Requirements

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermostat f. Sampler/Frac.Collectors G1330B All Revisions

Agilent 1100/1200 Thermostat f. Sampler/Frac.Collectors G1330B All Revisions

Agilent 1100 Control Module G1323A A.02.104 n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Control Module G1323B B.04.025 n.a.1

Agilent 1100/1200 Instant Pilot G4208A B.01.02 or newer n.a.1

1 The Agilent 1100/1200 series of LC modules have flash ROM memory. Firmware updates are distributed electronically. The latest firmware can be downloaded from the following Agilent Technologies website: http://www.chem.agi-lent.com/scripts/cag_firmware.asp. Starting with firmware A.06.0x/B.01.0x, a new firmware update tool is available and distributed along with the Agilent ChemStation Software CD-ROM (CD 1- Installation).

2 The Agilent G1315C DAD and G1365C MWD modules require minimum firmware B.01.02. This firmware is only compatible with firmware A.06.02 or higher. As soon as a G1315C/G1365C is used in an 1100/1200 stack, the whole stack needs to be compatible using firmware A.06.02 or higher.

3 The Agilent G1315D DAD and G1365D MWD modules require minimum firmware B.01.04. This firmware is only compatible with firmware A.06.02 or higher. As soon as a G1315D/G1365D is used in an 1100/1200 stack, the whole stack needs to be compatible using firmware A.06.02 or higher.

4 The Agilent 1100 local user interface G1323A is only supported in combination with the following modules: G1310A, G1311A, G1312A pumps, G1313A ALS, G1314A VWD,G1315A DAD, G1316A TCC, G1321A FLD

5 The Agilent 1100/1200 local user interface G1323B is not supported in combination with a 1100/1200 stack that includes a Chip Cube module G4240A

LC Instrument Product Number Firmware Revision Part Number

Installing ChemStation for LC Systems 75

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4 Installing the Analytical Instruments1090 and Miscellaneous LC Instrument Firmware Requirements

1090 and Miscellaneous LC Instrument Firmware Requirements

The LC ChemStation software will require minimum firmware revisions in order to work with the following devices shown in Table 9 on page 76.

Table 9 1090 and miscellaneous LC Instrument Firmware Requirements

LC Instrument Product Number Firmware Revision Part Number

HP 1090L MEM D-3321 01090-66573

HP 1090L LIB E-3321 01090-66579

HP 1090M MCO all revisions 01090-66542

HP 1090M MEM D-3321 01090-66573

HP 1090 II/L LIB E-3321 01090-66579

HP 1090 DAD option #080 COM board firmware rev.E-3014 79880-13007

HP 1046 dual grating FLD HP 1046A FDC board rev. B-2630 01046-66503

HP 1046 dual grating FLD HP 1046A FDI board with firmware rev. B or C 01046-69509

HP 1049 Electrochemical Detector HP 1049A Firmware rev. E-3314 01049-13002

NOTE If there is a CTL board in the HP 1090, replace it with the assembly kit MCO/MEM board 01090-69708.

NOTE Pre-1985 HP 1090 LCs require the following new boards: COM board (79880-69516) and DAP board 79880-69504.

NOTE When connecting an HP1046 and /or a 35900E A/D dual channel interface to an HP 1090M or HP 1090L (that is, prior to Series II), use the cabling kit 01090-68700 (includes signal distribution module 01090-60302, two remote cables 01040-60202).

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation

Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification 78

Overview 78

Installation Qualification 78

Adding the Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification Utility79

Agilent ChemStation Installation Qualification Utility Execution79

Agilent ChemStation IQ Utility Results 79

Generating an Installation Verification Reference File on a Customized Installation 81

Qualifying Operation — Agilent ChemStation Verification Test 83

Overview 83

Performing the Verification Test 83

Acceptance Criteria 83

This chapter describes how to perform a short system integrity test. The stepsoutlined in the chapter help you when validating your system intallation.

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5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStationAgilent ChemStation Installation Verification

Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification


After installing the Agilent ChemStation system software on your computer and configuring the analytical system, your internal validation procedure may require you to assess the correctness and completeness of the installation and to verify that the analytical system is fully operational.

Installation Qualification

The Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification utility uses factory delivered installation reference files to verify the existence, correctness, and integrity of the required Agilent ChemStation system files (executable program files, binary register files, macro files, initialization files, help files, customized report templates). This process is called Installation Qualification (IQ).

File integrity is verified by comparing the 32-bit cross-redundancy-check (CRC) checksum of the installed file with the checksum of the original file recorded on Agilent Technologies’s installation master. The file details of the installation master are delivered on so-called reference files. Modified or corrupted files have different checksums and are thus detected by the IQ utility.

The integrity of the reference files themselves is also tracked with the help of checksums. In case the installation verification utility is supplied with a reference file that was modified after its generation, this will be flagged in the report (section invalid reference files).

NOTE Any patches or other changes delivered by Agilent Technologies are not delivered with new reference files. An IQT Patch Wizard is included in the patch distribution and provides IQ possibility for the installed system

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Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation 5Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification

Adding the Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification Utility

The Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification is automatically installed and the appropriate IQ reference files are copied to your PC’s hard-disk and the appropriate Agilent ChemStation IQ icons are added to your Agilent ChemStation group.

Agilent ChemStation Installation Qualification Utility Execution

Double-click on the “Installation Qualification” icon in the Agilent ChemStation group.

The checksum calculation for all Agilent ChemStation system files may take several minutes. A dialog box indicates the name of the system file that is currently being analyzed.

Figure 36 Analyzing file

Agilent ChemStation IQ Utility Results

The Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification utility displays the verification results on the screen and can optionally generate a report of its findings.

NOTE Make sure the Agilent ChemStation is closed before running the Installation Verification Utility.

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5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStationAgilent ChemStation Installation Verification

On a complete and consistent installation, the installation verification completes without any error messages and no files are reported missing or modified.

If the verification report lists files as missing or modified, the installation verification utility displays the error message Installation Verification completed with error(s) in the message line.

The Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification reports the following file categories:

Figure 37 Example for System Modifications Detected by Installation Verification

The printed report contains the license registration numbers used on the system that was checked. It also lists the reference files (name and date code) that were used for the installation verification.

Example report:

ChemStation Installation Verification

Installed licenses

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Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation 5Agilent ChemStation Installation Verification


Reference files

e.g. sys\lc3d.ref (29. May 2004, 12:43)

Identical files


hpced02.exe 238B APG Configuration Editor

hpfabs00.dll 9BC0 support functions


Generating an Installation Verification Reference File on a Customized Installation

The Agilent ChemStation has an open architecture that allows knowledgeable users to add their own customization code. In regulated environments, it is general practice to document such adaptations, additions, or modifications. For your own tracking purposes, you can use the Agilent ChemStation installation verification utility to generate a reference file listing for the customized system. You can use this reference file to qualify the completeness and integrity of the customized Agilent ChemStation and use it as a tracking document for future modifications. The program scans for files with the extensions {*.dlc, *.dll, *.drv, *.enu, *.exe, *.hlp, *.ini, *.mac, *.mcx}.

For example, in order to create the file contents list along with the corresponding file checksums for your existing installation, execute the Agilent installation verification utility with the following command line options:

C:\CHEM32\SYS\HPVERI00.EXE -f custom.ref

Add the resulting reference file to your project documentation. To automatically run an installation qualification test using the new reference file, set up an icon with the following command line specification in its properties:

hpveri00.exe -r custom.ref

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5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStationAgilent ChemStation Installation Verification

NOTE See the installation verification help system for a complete description of the installation verification utility’s command line options. The installation verification does not check method files, sequence files, or data files. These files are stored in Agilent Technologies proprietary, unalterable binary formats and are checked for integrity when loaded into the Agilent ChemStation.

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Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation 5Qualifying Operation — Agilent ChemStation Verification Test

Qualifying Operation — Agilent ChemStation Verification Test


The Agilent ChemStation provides a verification test function that checks out the system’s software operation. Using either Agilent-supplied or user-generated data files and methods, the system will match calculated integration and quantification results with ones that have been previously generated and archived in an unalterable, checksum-protected, binary register file.

When using an Agilent 1100/1200 Series detector, or Agilent CE instrument with a built-in DAD (G1600A), the verification test can be extended to include a data acquisition check. The verification test generates a report that includes a list of the tested configuration, the verification test details like the data file and method used, and the test results that indicate whether the system passed a specific test step or not.

Performing the Verification Test

• After installing the Agilent ChemStation and successfully passing the Installation Verification, start the Agilent ChemStation.

• Select Run Test from the VerificationView and run the verification test procedure called default.val.

• Please refer to the analytical tasks section of online help system if you require further information.

Acceptance Criteria

The test was passed successfully, if the verification test report indicates that all individual test steps were passed. This proves that internal components such as the Command Processor, Method Handler, the internal Memory

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5 Checking Out the Agilent ChemStationQualifying Operation — Agilent ChemStation Verification Test

Manager for data objects, registers and tables, the Data Analysis modules for peak identification, peak quantification, report formatting, and the Agilent ChemStation print spooler are fully operational.

If the test fails, the verification test report indicates which part of the test did not meet the acceptance criteria. Verify you used the correct verification procedure. If the verification test continues to fail, we recommend that you reinstall the Agilent ChemStation. Do not delete your current system installation, as the installation procedure will copy the original Agilent ChemStation files on top of the existing ones.

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Installing ChemStation for LC SystemsInstalling Your ChemStation

6 Configuring the Analytical System

Using the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor 86

What is the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor? 86

Starting the Configuration Editor 86

What You Do 87

Select and Configure the GPIB Interface 87

Configuring Paths 88

Example for LC Configurations 90

Configuring an Agilent ChemStation Instrument 90

Configuring an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC System 90

Configuring an HP 1090 LC System 93

Using the Agilent Bootp Service 94

What is the Agilent Bootp Service? 94

Addresses 95

Using the Agilent Bootp Service Program 95

Configure the Agilent Bootp Service Program 96

Determine your MAC Address 96

Using the Launch Manager 97

Configure the Agilent Bootp Service 99

Configuring the G1369A LAN Card Using BootP 100

The first section in this chapter describes how to configure the communicationof your Agilent ChemStation software with your LC instruments using a GPIBor LAN connection with the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor. Thesecond section describes how to configure a BootP Service that can be used forcommunication using a LAN connection.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor

Using the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor

What is the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor?

The Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor is a program that allows the easy configuration of your Agilent ChemStation software. This includes

• Detecting the GPIB interface in your PC,

• Selecting communication using LAN or GPIB (as well for USB-GPIB),

• Configuring the analytical hardware connected to the PC,

• Configuring the path used for method, data and sequence storage,

• Configuring color display of the Agilent ChemStation.

After installing the Agilent ChemStation software, you are prompted to configure the complete analytical system.

The Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor needs to be run every time a GPIB device is connected to or disconnected from the GPIB bus of the PC. Since the Configuration Editor modifies the internal communication module database, the Agilent ChemStation must be closed beforehand.

For a LAN connection, the configuration editor only needs to be run, if the IP address of the instrument is changed.

Starting the Configuration Editor

CAUTION Any devices that contain an GPIB interface and do not have the power on cannot communicate with the Agilent ChemStation.

The Agilent ChemStation reports a Power Fail event on the corresponding device.

• To avoid communication errors on the GPIB bus, we strongly discourage you from powering modules on or off while the Agilent ChemStation is running.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor

1 Start the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor by double-clicking on the Configuration Editor icon in the Agilent ChemStation start-up group or by running “C:\CHEM32\HPCED02.EXE” from the Start/Run menu .

What You Do

1 Select/configure the GPIB interface (for GPIB, USB-GPIB communication) or set up the BootP Service or fix IP address in module (for LAN communication)

2 Configure the instrument type (1090 system, modular system, data analysis only, all with or without spectral capabilities).

3 Configure the instrument devices, like special detectors, access points, etc.

4 Configure the paths used for methods, sequences, and data files (optional).

5 Configure the colors used for chromatograms, titles, and baselines (optional).

6 Save your configuration.

Select and Configure the GPIB Interface

To establish communication through the GPIB bus (either using GPIB cards or USB-GPIB Interface), the interface configuration must be set in the Configuration Editor. These settings are not necessary if only a LAN connection is used.

NOTE If GPIB connection is used, a GPIB interface must be installed in the PC or a USB port for the USB-GPIB interface device must be present. This does not apply for the Agilent ChemStation Data Evaluation Only products, Agilent G2090BA and Agilent G2190BA. The I/O Config utility “IOCFG.EXE” must have been run to configure the interface.

NOTE If LAN connection is used, Microsoft TCP/IP protocol must be installed and configured on the Agilent ChemStation PC. In addition a BootP Service must be running and configured for the instruments to be used.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor

We recommend that you check your GPIB card has the correct default settings. See“GPIB and USB-GPIB Communication” on page 38 for more information.

1 Choose GPIB Card USB-GPIB Interface from the Configure menu. The Configuration Editor attempts to detect the installed card.

2 For the Agilent 82350A , Agilent 82350B GPIB interface as well for the Agilent 82357A USB-GPIB Interface, select hp82341.

3 Choose OK to save changes and return to the Configuration Editor display.

Details are outlined in the manual “Agilent IO Libaries “. The manual can be found on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories) in the manual section, Installation.

Configuring Paths

The Configuration Editor lets you specify alternate path settings for your sequences, methods, and data files. This allows storing data files on a separate drive. Starting with B.02.01 it is as well possible to configure the path for methods, sequences, and data files within the Agilent ChemStation using the Preferences.

This section describes how to configure different paths for your methods, sequences, and data files. The AgilentChemStation default path settings are also listed.

1 Choose Paths from the Configure Menu.

2 Set your data file path. Default = C:\CHEM32\1\DATA\

CAUTION Default method and sequence are used as a template for new sequences and methods.

You cannot set up new methods and sequences anymore.

• Do not delete the default method and sequence (“DEF_XX.S” and “DEF_XX.M”, where XX stands for the technique (LC, CE or GC ).

NOTE Before you modify the path settings using the Configuration Editor, you need to create the appropriate directories.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor

3 Set your method path. Default = C:\CHEM32\1\METHODS\

4 Set your sequence path. Default = C:\CHEM32\1\SEQUENCE\

5 Choose OK to update the path information and return to the Configuration Editor display.

NOTE All path names have to be terminated with a backslash \.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemExample for LC Configurations

Example for LC Configurations

Configuring an Agilent ChemStation Instrument

In most cases, the Agilent ChemStation instrument configuration information has to be adapted to match the connected analytical hardware after the installation of the Agilent ChemStation application software. Most Agilent Technologies analytical hardware is modular and can be combined in various ways. The following instrument types are available for an LC configuration:

Table 10 LC Instrument Types in the Agilent Configuration Editor

Configuring an Agilent 1100/1200 Series LC System

The following example describes how to configure an Agilent 1100/1200 Series system with modules connected together by the Agilent 1100/1200 Series controller area network (CAN) that will automatically configure each module .

1 Start the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor.

2 Select the Configure/Instruments menu.

3 Select the appropriate instrument type (Modular LC System or Modular 3D LC System).

4 Assign a name to your analytical instrument.

Instrument Type Supported LC Hardware Data Evaluation Capabilities LAN

1090 3D LC system HP 1090 DAD spectra evaluation included No

1090 LC system HP 1090 no spectral evaluation included No

LC 3D data analysis only no instrument control spectra evaluation included No

LC data analysis only no instrument control no spectra evaluation included No

Modular 3D LC system Agilent 1100/1200 spectra evaluation included Yes

Modular LC system Agilent 1100/1200 no spectra evaluation included Yes

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Example for LC Configurations

5 Select NO for initially start instrument session. This allows you to start your instrument using the appropriate Agilent ChemStation icon.

6 Specify your preferred screen window size (Normal,Icon, Full Screen).

7 Click OK.

8 In the Device Configuration dialog, select 1100/1200 System Access from the list (see Figure 38 on page 91). Select the LAN radio button.

Figure 38 Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor: Device Configuration Dialog

9 Select Add to add the selected system access to the list of configured modules. For LAN access type in the IP address (or host name if name resolution is implemented on your network) of the Agilent 1100/1200 module with the LAN connection.

10 Select OK to exit and return to the Configuration Editor display.

11 Save your configuration changes by selecting File/Save.

12 This step is applicable for online instruments using LAN connection only. For data analysis only configurations, proceed with the next step. If your IT department did not set up a BootP Service for you, you need to do this yourself or you need to fix the IP address with the analytical instrument.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemExample for LC Configurations

13 When you start the Agilent ChemStation for the first time, the Configure System Access dialog box displays the Agilent 1100/1200 modules detected during instrument initialization (see Figure 39 on page 92). Agilent 1100/1200 modules that have been recognized are listed as online (indicated by a green icon) along with their serial numbers. Agilent 1100/1200 modules that have not been detected are marked offline. You can selectively take certain modules out of the software configuration, e.g. if your Agilent 1100/1200 system includes two Agilent 1100/1200 detectors and your next analysis only requires one of them. The unneeded Agilent 1100/1200 module may then remain turned off but still be connected. You may also re-order modules, for example if you wish to use one pump as the primary analytical pump and another as a make-up pump. After modifying the configuration, you must restart the Agilent ChemStation. The Configure 1100/1200 System Access dialog is available from the Instrument menu in the Method and Run-Control view, when Full Menus are displayed.

Figure 39 The Configure LC System Access dialog allows to selectively include detected Agilent 1100/1200 modules into the configuration.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Example for LC Configurations

Configuring an HP 1090 LC System

Configuring an HP 1090 LC System

The following example describes how to configure an HP 1090 system with the following devices:

• HP 1090 PV5 solvent delivery system

• HP 1090 autosampler

• HP 1090 diode array detector

Configuring Your Instrument Devices

This section describes how to set up each device that you have connected to build your instrument.

1 Start the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor.

2 Select the Configure/Instruments menu.

3 Select the appropriate instrument type (e.g. 1090 3D LC System).

4 Assign a name to your analytical instrument.

5 Select NO for initially start instrument session. This allows you to start your instrument using the appropriate Agilent ChemStation icon.

6 Specify your preferred screen window size (Normal,Icon, Full Screen).

7 Click OK.

8 Set the GPIB address of your HP 1090 mainframe (default is 14).

9 Select the HP 1090 diode-array detector from the Modules list box.

10 Set the GPIB address in the GPIB address list box (default is 15).

11 Choose Add from the main menu to add the HP 1090 diode array detector in the Selected Modules list box.

12 Select OK to exit and return to the Configuration Editor display.

13 Save your configuration changes by selecting File/Save.

NOTE If your HP 1090 uses a filter photometric detector (FPD), you must configure an Agilent 35900E dual channel interface to convert the analog detector signals to digital signals for the Agilent ChemStation.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

Using the Agilent Bootp Service

What is the Agilent Bootp Service?

Agilent BootP Service provides central administration of IP addresses for Agilent instruments on a LAN. The service runs on the instrument LAN PC, which must be running TCP/IP network protocol and cannot run a DHCP server or another BootP Service.

When an instrument is powered on, an Agilent JetDirect card in the instrument broadcasts a request for an IP address or Host Name and provides its hardware address as an identifier. The request may continue for up to 5 minutes. The Agilent BootP Service answers this request and passes a previously defined IP address and Host Name associated with the hardware address to the requesting instrument.

In case of the instrument on the LAN, the G1369A LAN card used to connect the Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the LAN does not store any settings, so each time the instrument is powered on the card sends a request to the network for an IP address and setting information. The implementation of the bootp protocol on the G1369A LAN card conforms to RFC 951 and RFC 1048.

In order to provide this information to the card, the BootP Service must be operational before the card sends the request and the BootP Service must be configured to know the hardware address (also called MAC address) of the G1369A LAN card. Multiple G1369A LAN cards can be configured with a single BootP Service.

If your network is already using a BootP Service, please refer to section “Configuring the G1369A LAN Card Using BootP” on page 100. If you do not have a BootP Service, we suggest to use the Agilent Bootp Service program supplied on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation).

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent Bootp Service


Before installing and configuring BootP Service, you must know the IP addresses of the computer and instruments, the subnet mask, and the gateway. If the system is on an isolated LAN, the following default addresses can be used.

Table 11 Example /Default addresses

Using the Agilent Bootp Service Program

The Agilent Bootp Service program allows configuring the G1369A LAN card. Within the Launch Manager of the program you can easily add a MAC address and IP address pair to the configuration. The Launch Manager is displaying a list of the currently configured MAC address and allows modification of the current configured settings.

Device Address


LC - 1

LC - 2

Subnet mask


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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

Figure 40

Configure the Agilent Bootp Service Program

Before configuring BootP Service, you must know the IP addresses of the computer and instruments, the subnet mask, and the gateway. The MAC or hardware address of the G1369A LAN is a world wide unique identifier. No other network device will have the same hardware address. The MAC address is printed on the card or can be read out during the configuration procedure:

Determine your MAC Address

1 Determine the MAC address of the LAN card installed. The number is engraved in the board. Either write down the MAC address before installing the card into the module. To remove the card from the system, turn the

NOTE If the PC has been rebooted after installing the Agilent BootP Service, the Agilent Bootp Service is started automatically during the next startup of the system. To change BootP settings, the service must be stopped, the changes made, then restarted. The details are documented within this section.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent Bootp Service

module off before removing the LAN card. Read the MAC address from the label. Reinstall the card and turn on the module again or

- OR -

use the Agilent BootP Service to determine the MAC address.

2 To obtain the MAC address from the instrument using Agilent BootP Service you have to power cycle the LC module containing the LAN card.

3 After power cycling the module open the logfile using Notepad. The contents will be similar to the message in the figure below:

Figure 41 MAC address information in the BootP logfile

4 Record the MAC address, here called hardware address.

5 Close the logfile before turning on another instrument. In order to add an additional instrument you need to rerun step 1-3 in order to get the MAC address for the additional instruments.

Using the Launch Manager

1 To add the instrument to the network go to Start > Programs > Agilent BootP Service > Edit BootP Settings. The BootP Settings screen appears.

2 Uncheck Do you want to log bootp requests?

NOTE The logfile will not be updated if the file is open.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

3 Click Launch Manager.

The BootP Manager screen appears.

Figure 42

4 Click Add.... TheAdd Bootp Entry screen appears.

5 Make the following entries for your instrument:

• MAC Address

• Host Name

• IP Address

• Comment, if desired

• Subnet Mask

• Gateway Address

6 Click OK.

7 Exit Launch Manager and power cycle the LC module.

8 Ping the IP address to verify.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent Bootp Service

Configure the Agilent Bootp Service

BootP Service starts automatically when your PC reboots. In order to add an additional instrument or to change the configuration the service must be stopped. After the changes have been applied, the service must be restarted.

1 To stop the BootP service go to Start > Settings > Control Panel and select Administrative Tools > Services. The Service screen appears.

Figure 43 Service screen

2 Right click Agilent BootP Service.

3 Select Stop.

4 Close the Services and Administrative Toolsscreen.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

5 To edit the BootP Settings go to Start > Programs > Agilent Boot Service > Edit BootP Settings. The BootP Settings screen appears. When this screen opens the first time, the default settings from installation are displayed.

6 To edit the TabFile you have to select Maintain bootp tabfile? The default tab file was created at installation and is located at Program Files\Common Files\Agilent Shared\BootP\bin\TabFile. It contains configuration information entered on this screen. If necessary you can

• change the Bootptab File Location by using browse on the right (a valid BootP tabfile must exist).

• create your own template for the tabfile by selecting Create template BootP tabfile? and click Create Template.

7 Check Do you want to log bootp requests?The default logfile was created at installation and is located at Program Files\Common Files\Agilent Shared\BootP\bin\LogFile. It contains an entry for every time a device requests configuration information from BootP. If necessary you can change the Bootplog File Location by using the browse button on the right (a valid BootP tabfile must exist).

8 Perform your necessary changes by e.g. creating a logfile entry of a new instrument and edit the new instrument using the Launch Manager.

9 Uncheck Do you want to log bootp requests?

10 Click OK to save the values or Cancel to discard them. The program ends.

11 To restart the BootP Service go to Start > Settings > Control Panel and select Administrative Tools > Services. The Service screen appears.

12 Select Start.

13 This completes the configuration.

Configuring the G1369A LAN Card Using BootP

In order for an internal G1369A LAN card to use BootP, the default setting: bootp=YES must be set. This is the default setting from the manufacturer and can be viewed on an Agilent 1100/1200 system using one of the Agilent 1100/1200 control modules. In the System view of the control module, select Configure > MIO for the module where the G1369A LAN card is inserted and scroll down to corresponding item.

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Configuring the Analytical System 6Using the Agilent Bootp Service

To change the setting, the card must be reset; this is done each time the Agilent 1100/1200 module with the G1369A LAN card inserted is power cycled.

A BootP Service uses a file called bootptab were all the necessary information is stored. The BootP Service program on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) allows easy editing of the bootptab file. If a BootP Service is already installed, the following information must be supplied to the system administrator to be able to correctly set up the bootptab file.

# Bootptab file

# global defaults















The entries are described below

NOTE When the MIO dialog is opened on the Agilent 1100/1200 control module, the Agilent ChemStation cannot communicate with the Agilent 1100/1200 system.

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6 Configuring the Analytical SystemUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

• # LC1100 G1369A LAN Card - Instrument 1

Every entry on a line after a # is a comment and ignored by the BootP Service.

• LC-1:\

Host name of the instrument. The host name communication can only be used if a DNS server (Domain name server) is correctly set up for the name or a corresponding entry in the HOSTS file exists (windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).

• ha=0060B0047394:\

This is the hardware or MAC address of the G1369A LAN card. It is usually printed on a label attached to the card. If not, see section “Determine your MAC Address” on page 96.

• ip=\

This is the IP address that will be send to the card. This address needs to be set in the Agilent ChemStation Configuration Editor.

• sm=\

This is the subnetmask address that will be send to the card.

• gw=

This is the gateway address that will be send to the card.

• T145=64:T146=01:T147=01

These parameters set the buffer handling of the G1369A LAN card. These are required for the instrument on the LAN to work properly and should not be changed.

Additional entries for the subnet mask and default gateway might be required, depending on your network setup. These values need to be set by your network administrator.

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7 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting LAN Communication 105

Power fail reported on the Agilent ChemStation 105

Frequent Buffer Overrun in Instrument Log Book 106

Troubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems 107

“Autoadd Button” of IOCFG Installs Defaults Incompatible with the Agilent ChemStation 108

Software Startup Problems 109

An online core must be purchased in order to install additional instrument modules 109

ChemStation cannot be located on your system. You must first install Agilent ChemStation before installing an instrument 109

Agilent ChemStation online session does not finish startup 110

…key in section [PCS…] of CHEMSTATION.INI not valid or specified file does not exist 112

General Protection Fault in Module... 114

Printing Problems 115

Agilent ChemStation Print Spooler hangs after an error occurred115

Printing in Multi-Instrument configurations 115

Recovering from Printer hang-ups 116

Printing Messages 117

Computer Problems 119

Sporadic Hang-Ups 119

System Crash in an Online Session 119

Cannot create file… 119

Slow Hard-Disk access or Hard-Disk Activity LED is continuously flickering 120

Agilent ChemStation Performance Degrades over Time 120

LC Instrument Start-up Problems 121

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7 TroubleshootingUsing the Agilent Bootp Service

Agilent ChemStation does not see an LC hardware modification (HP 1090) 121

System remains in a wait-state waiting for a module that has been taken out of the configuration 121

Data File is empty (contains no signal) 122

Devices report “Buffer Overflow” in the logbook 122

Using the WinDebug Utility 123

What is the WinDebug Utility? 123

WinDebug in Windows XP 123

Gathering System Information 126

Gathering System Information with Windows XP 126

This chapter will provide elementary troubleshooting information in casesomething goes wrong. The chapter will cover the most common softwarestart-up problems, printer problems and computer problems and how to over-come them.

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Troubleshooting 7Troubleshooting LAN Communication

Troubleshooting LAN Communication

Power fail reported on the Agilent ChemStation

Power fail reported on the Agilent ChemStation

If your Agilent ChemStation cannot connect to the analytical instrument configured using a LAN communication, please perform the following troubleshooting steps.

Verify that the IP Address is correct

1 Check the IP address and subnet mask of the Agilent 1100/1200 system by using the control module, if available. In the System view of the control module, select Configure > MIO for the module where the G1369A LAN card is inserted and scroll down to the IP address of the G1369A LAN card.

Verify that Basic Communication is possible

Use the ping command, to verify that the IP address is operational.

1 Open a command prompt window on your PC.

2 Type ping and press Enter; where needs to be replaced by the appropriate IP address or by the selected host name.

The command ping will send a request for reply to the IP address, bypassing part of the Windows TCP/IP settings. A successful ping would look like Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

If request timed out is displayed, the IP address can not be reached by the ping command.

3 If the ping request was answered successfully by the instrument, you need to verify that your Windows TCP/IP settings are correct for the selected network, especially the subnet mask and gateway settings should be chekked.

NOTE When the MIO dialog is opened on the Agilent 1100/1200 control module, the ChemStation cannot communicate with the Agilent 1100/1200 system.

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7 TroubleshootingTroubleshooting LAN Communication

Identify by host name

If you identify the Agilent 1100/1200 system by host name, ensure that the used host name and IP address are correctly set up in the DNS server or the corresponding entry in the HOSTS file exists, see “Configuring the G1369A LAN Card Using BootP” on page 100. Try using the IP address in the Configuration Editor.

Verify that the G1369A LAN Card is correctly configured

To ensure that all parameters of the G1369A LAN card are correctly set, use the Agilent BootP Service program from the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation) and disable any other means that configure the G1369A LAN card of the instrument. Install the BootP Service as described in section “Installing the Agilent BootP Service Program” on page 35 and configure it for the MAC address of the LAN instrument. Power cycle the PC and the instrument and verify that the BootP Service configures the G1369A LAN card correctly. Thus you ensure that the parameters for the buffer handling in the G1369A LAN card are set for analytical instruments.

DHCP Server

Check that no DHCP servers interfere with the usage of Agilent BootP Service, as these servers also respond to bootp request. They also may send a different IP address to the instrument each time it is started.

Frequent Buffer Overrun in Instrument Log Book

Please contact your system administrator to check if the network is not capable of the network traffic induced due to the data acquisition of the instruments. This can also be caused by an incorrectly configured G1369A LAN card, see above.

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Troubleshooting 7Troubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems

Troubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems

The most common problem encountered when using I/O Config is that an interface is not found. For Agilent 82350 A/B GPIB interface, this is due to one of the following reasons:

Figure 44 No GPIB Interface Was Detected on the System

• The interface was not installed in the PC before running I/O Config. Install the GPIB interface card in your system and then run I/O Config again.

• The interface is not firmly seated. Ensure that the board is in place and the boards edge connectors are fully seated. Please refer to the section “Installing a GPIB Interface Board in the PC” on page 39.

• The GPIB interface was replaced by a different type or was installed in a different slot. Rerun I/O Config, remove the configured card and reconfigure the new one.

• The interface has already been configured by I/O Config. To solve this problem, you need to edit the existing configuration entry for the interface, instead of trying to add a new interface. In the main I/O Config window, click on the name of the interface configuration entry for the Agilent 82350 in the Configured Interfaces list box. Then click on the Edit button directly beneath the Configured Interfaces list box to edit the configuration entry for the Agilent 82350 GPIB interface.

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7 TroubleshootingTroubleshooting GPIB Interface Problems

“Autoadd Button” of IOCFG Installs Defaults Incompatible with the Agilent ChemStation

IOCFG has an Autoadd button. We strongly discourage you from using the Autoadd button because it installs default settings that are not compatible with the Agilent ChemStation. Please configure the IO Libraries interactively as described in “Checking Out the Agilent ChemStation” on page 77

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Troubleshooting 7Software Startup Problems

Software Startup Problems

An online core must be purchased in order to install additional instrument modules

Most probably, a previous version of the Agilent ChemStation was installed on the PC, but the CHEM32 directory subtree was deleted before starting setup. CHEMSTATION.INI still contains references to the deleted Agilent ChemStation installation in the [PCS] and [PCS,...] sections. Delete the [PCS] sections in CHEMSTATION.INI.

ChemStation cannot be located on your system. You must first install Agilent ChemStation before installing an instrument

Before installing an add-on instrument control module, you need to install the Agilent ChemStation core (e.g. G2170BA).

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7 TroubleshootingSoftware Startup Problems

Agilent ChemStation online session does not finish startup

No valid license…

Before you can use the Agilent ChemStation, you need to enter the license registration number supplied with the registration packet delivered with your Agilent ChemStation installation disks. You need to enter a registration number for every instrument module that you install.

If you installed the Agilent ChemStation yourself, the installation routine prompts you to enter the license registration number of the appropriate instrument module.

If the Agilent ChemStation core software was preinstalled by Agilent Technologies, you need to install the instrument module software and the license registration number.

If you do not specify the license registration number at time of installation, you need to start the license registration utility from the Agilent ChemStations group of Windows Program Manager. The license registration utility prompts you for the appropriate license registration numbers.

The Agilent ChemStation does not initialize an instrument module for which no valid license registration number has been entered.

Instrument not found

GPIB communication to the configured instrument or instrument module is not possible. This may be caused because:

• the instrument is turned off,

• the instrument’s GPIB address does not match the address configured in the Agilent ChemStation,

• the GPIB cable is not properly connected,

• the GPIB board was not correctly configured (please refer to “Configuring the Agilent 82350 GPIB Interface Drivers” on page 41), or

• the GPIB card is incompatible with your PC.

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Troubleshooting 7Software Startup Problems

System Status shows Not Ready

The cause for being in a not-ready state is detected by the instrument. Not-ready conditions of the Agilent liquid chromatographs are described in the documentation accompanying the respective instrument.

Agilent ChemStation does not start

Windows needs this file to run C:\CHEM32\CORE\LAUNCHCS.EXE

The Agilent ChemStation does not start. You receive error messages that indicate that the Agilent ChemStation initialization could not access specific libraries. You can close all of the error message boxes.

Verify that the Agilent ChemStation main directories (default: C:\CHEM32 and C:\CHEM32\SYS) are included in the PATH setting of the Environment Path variable of the operating system by typing PATH at the MS-DOS prompt. If the Agilent ChemStation system directories are listed in the PATH setting, simply close all applications and restart the computer.

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7 TroubleshootingSoftware Startup Problems

…key in section [PCS…] of CHEMSTATION.INI not valid or specified file does not exist

File Initialization failed

The Agilent ChemStation reports an error during the initialization of its file structure. Verify that the Agilent ChemStation data, method and sequence path settings all point to existing directories on your PC’s hard disk. You can view these settings in the configuration editor.

Go to the [PCS…] section in win.iniCHEMSTATION.INI that was specified in the error message (for example, [PCS,1]) and check the contents of the key entry.

If the mismatch is in the _Exe(cution)$ key, check whether the _EXEPATH$ key contains the correct path specification for the Agilent ChemStation core modules (default: C:\CHEM32\CORE\).

If the _Meth(od)File$ key is reported to be inconsistent, verify that your instrument method directory (for example, C:\CHEM32\1\METHOD) contains a method directory called def_lc.m;default:method;method:defaultdef_lc.m.

If the _Seq(uence)File$ key is reported to be inconsistent, verify that your instrument sequence directory (for example, C:\CHEM32\1\SEQUENCE) contains a sequence file called def_lc.s.

If one or both of them do not exist, either restore a backup copy, copy the corresponding files and directories from another Agilent ChemStation instrument, or reinstall the software.

System Exception in dialogs.c

The Agilent ChemStation was terminated abnormally and does not restart. This is usually caused by specific libraries of the application still being active in the PC’s memory. Close down all applications and restart Windows.

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Troubleshooting 7Software Startup Problems

Configuration Editor no longer runs

If changes are made to the CHEMSTATION.INI configuration file manually, or CHEMSTATION.INI becomes corrupted, it is possible that syntax errors or inconsistencies are introduced into the Agilent ChemStation sections of this file which cause the Configuration Editor to fail.

The best solution to this problem is to restore a backup copy of the CHEMSTATION.INI file which does not have the errors. If a backup is not available, the configuration sections can be removed manually and the configuration restored using the Configuration Editor. To do this, edit the CHEMSTATION.INI file using the NOTEPAD editor and remove the sections that are preceded by [PCS,1], [PCS,2], [PCS,3], and [PCS,4], including the section titles. Then, edit the lines for devices and instruments in the main [PCS] section to read:

devices= instruments=

Remove all of the other device statements. At this point, you should be able to run the Configuration Editor. Add the instruments back to the configuration and reconfigure the instrument devices.

If the configuration information is still inconsistent and the configuration editor does not open, we recommend that you remove the [PCS] section from CHEMSTATION.INI and re-install the software.

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7 TroubleshootingSoftware Startup Problems

Autostart Macro failed

During the initialization, the Agilent ChemStation automatically loads and executes macro code from a defined set of macro files. A run time error caused the autostart macro to fail.

A text error message is displayed in the (red) message line of the Agilent ChemStation.

If you have added your own customization macro code to User.Mac in the Agilent ChemStation core directory (default path: C:\CHEM32\CORE), check that all the macros loaded in this macro file are correctly specified.

If you cannot identify or isolate the problem, rename User.Mac to Usr.Mac and restart the Agilent ChemStation. If the error message does not occur, you need to debug your customization code.

If the error persists, the working copy of the Agilent ChemStation’s configuration register may have been corrupted. Rename or delete the configuration register in the appropriate instrument directory:

• the configuration register for instrument 1 online is C:\CHEM32\1\CONFIG.REG, or

• the configuration register for instrument 1 off-line is C:\CHEM32\1\CONF_OFF.REG.

Alternatively, one of the Agilent ChemStation’s macro files may have been modified or corrupted. In this case, you need to reinstall the Agilent ChemStation software.

General Protection Fault in Module...

The operating system reports a General Protection Fault (GPF) when it detects that an application has attempted write access to a memory location that belongs to another application or process. Potentially, a GPF is the consequence of a system corruption. For the diagnosis of GPFs, it is mandatory to record the exact error message and error address information in order to identify the part of an application program that caused the failure.

Windows allows tracking of GPFs with a utility called WinDebug (WinDbg). For more information on this utility, please refer to “What is the WinDebug Utility?” on page 123.

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Troubleshooting 7Printing Problems

Printing Problems

Agilent ChemStation Print Spooler hangs after an error occurred

If the Agilent ChemStation spooler does not continue after a print error has occurred, try initializing the Agilent ChemStation spooler by typing the following command on the Agilent ChemStation command line:


The Agilent ChemStation spooler prompts you whether to cancel all pending print jobs. If you do not want to cancel the pending jobs, press No. If the printing error comes again, you need to save your work, close all applications and restart Windows and the Agilent ChemStation to reinitialize the operating environment.

Printing in Multi-Instrument configurations

When printing simultaneously from multiple Agilent ChemStation instruments (e.g. during a sequence), resource conflicts may result in printing errors.

If you experience printing problems that appear to be related to a temporary shortage of available system resources as multiple programs print in parallel, you can reduce the Agilent ChemStation’s frequency to hand back CPU control to another application by typing the following command on the Agilent ChemStation command line:

_LoadServiceChromSplYield 2000

This command specifies how often (in milliseconds) the Agilent ChemStation Spooler lets other application use the computer’s CPU. The default value is 300 ms. Increasing this number increases the printing speed at the expense of user interface response and should only be used in automated mode.

You can make this setting permanent by adding it to a macro file called USER.MAC in the Agilent ChemStation core directory (default: C:\CHEM32\CORE). This executes the command automatically every time the

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7 TroubleshootingPrinting Problems

Agilent ChemStation is started. For further details on the customization possibilities associated with USER.MAC, please refer to the Macro Programming Guide which is available as online help.

Recovering from Printer hang-ups

If for some reason the communication to the printer hangs and the printer therefore does not finish the current printout, there are two steps that have to be done:

Depending on whether the printer is local at your PC or connected via a network:

• on a local printer do a reset on the printer panel itself, or

• on a networked printer you have to clear the network communication problem. This may involve checking cabling, or checking the printer spooler on the network host machine, or doing a reset on the printer panel itself.

On your PC the printer driver or the Windows Print Manager has to be reset. This is done by one of these alternatives:

• if there is a printer driver dialog box visible that has just a Printing… or similar message in it together with a Cancel button, press that Cancel button, or

• if instead there is the icon of the Windows Print Manager visible, close it, discarding the current print jobs.

If the problem persists try stopping and restarting the Windows Spooler Service. Select Services from the Windows Control Panel, scroll down the list and highlight the item Spooler. Choose Stop to stop the service and restart it again selecting Start.

When the Agilent ChemStation spooler reports printer errors, a message window displays the error messages, for example:

Printing problem 106, with page file: c:\CHEM32\1\temp\~p3d0004.tmp

These failed print files can be printed with a command typed on the command line, for example

MFPrint "c:\CHEM32\1\temp\~p3d0004.tmp"

Do not forget to delete these temporary files after you have printed them.

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Troubleshooting 7Printing Problems

Printing Messages

Printing Problem 100

A file belonging to the current print job could not be found. Check the consistency of your hard disk’s file structure.

Printing Problems 101, 102, 106, 108, 110, 210, 212, 300

Due to low system resources or insufficient disk space, a print-file could not be accessed either in memory or on disk.

Check free system resources using the Windows Task Manager. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del and select Task Manager. On the Performance Tab you will find the available physical memory. If free system resources are significantly below 30 %, you should save your work, close all Windows applications and restart Windows.

Printing Problem 104

The print page could not be copied in memory. Check available memory on your computer.

Printing Problem 202

The printer driver could not be initialized.

Reset the Agilent ChemStation spooler and check the printer driver name and version of your printer. Refer to the list of tested printers on the Agilent ChemStation Software CD-ROM (CD 1 - Installation).

Check available system resources.

Printing Problem 204

A print page could not be sent to the printer driver.

Verify that your printer is correctly configured, connected, and online.

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7 TroubleshootingPrinting Problems

Printing Problems 206, 208, 302

Printer escape sequences to initialize a new page or indicate the end of a print job could not be sent to the printer driver.

Verify that your printer is correctly configured, connected, and online.

Printing Problem 214

A print job could not be removed from the print queue. Either the print job file does not exist in the temporary directory or the Agilent ChemStation print queue file (hpspl100.que) does not exist.

Printing Problem 400, 401, 402, 403

The Agilent ChemStation spooler could not be initialized properly. If this occurs as a consequence of previous errors, save your work, terminate all your applications and restart Windows.

Parts of the chromatogram missing on the report or strange fonts in the report

This may be caused by low system resources in Windows. Either too many applications are running or one or more applications have not freed up all the system resources that they allocated during their operation. Check the percentage free of system resources in the Windows Task Manager. When free system resources get below 30 %, you should save your work, close all applications, and restart Windows.

NOTE The print queue file and Agilent ChemStation temporary files must not be deleted while the Agilent ChemStation is running.

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Troubleshooting 7Computer Problems

Computer Problems

Sporadic Hang-Ups

You can use DOS commands like e.g. CHKDSK to verify that there are no inconsistencies in the file structure. If you find such inconsistencies on your PC’s hard disk, correct them. Information about maintance for your computer can be found in the manual “Configure and Maintain your Agilent ChemStation Computer” available in PDF format on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories) in the manual section.

System Crash in an Online Session

If your system crashes when trying to establish the GPIB communication to the chromatograph, there may be hardware conflict between the GPIB board and another device installed in your PC (for example, a specific graphics accelerator card, an infrared port, a soundcard). Using a different IO port and/or a different interrupt level for the GPIB card can eliminate the problem. Refer to the GPIB card configuration information in this handbook.

Cannot create file…

Check the available disk space on your system. Delete unnecessary files, for example, left over temporary files or archive data files that you do not currently need to a backup medium. Information about maintance for your computer can be found in the manual “Configure and Maintain your Agilent ChemStation Computer” available in PDF format on the Agilent ChemStation CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories) in the manual section.

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7 TroubleshootingComputer Problems

Slow Hard-Disk access or Hard-Disk Activity LED is continuously flickering

Your hard disk may be fragmented. Use a defragmentation utility to reorganize the logical order of file clusters on your disk. If system performance is generally low and your hard-disk appears to be accessed very frequently for relatively long periods of time, the system is most probably low on RAM and using virtual memory (i.e. the page file) excessively.

• Reduce the number of concurrent programs.

• Use Computer Management options (e.g. right-click on My computer icon and select Manage) to access the disk management utility.

• Check whether your disk cache utility is installed and optimally configured.

Agilent ChemStation Performance Degrades over Time

If your environment requires continuous routine operation of the Agilent ChemStation over days or even weeks without restarting Windows, the system performance may degrade over time due to memory and resource leaks in the system. To overcome this problem, we recommend rebooting the PC on a regular basis.

Windows Service Packs are available on the Microsoft Home page. Following items need to be checked prior to the installation of Service Packs:

• the Service Pack addresses performance issues

• the Service Pack is supported with the Agilent ChemStation revision in use.

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Troubleshooting 7LC Instrument Start-up Problems

LC Instrument Start-up Problems

Agilent ChemStation does not see an LC hardware modification (HP 1090)

After modifying the hardware configuration of the LC or an LC module, this change may not be reflected by the Agilent ChemStation.

All of these changes require you to close the Agilent ChemStation down and reinitialize it. Subconfiguration information of the LC hardware is only checked at start-up time of the Agilent ChemStation.

Implementing the modification while the Agilent ChemStation is running and simply resetting the module from the Agilent ChemStation user interface is not sufficient.

System remains in a wait-state waiting for a module that has been taken out of the configuration

On systems that are frequently reconfigured, i.e. devices are added or removed from the current configuration, the system may remain in a wait-state as long as the unused devices are still connected to the APG remote cable. The only possible work-around is to disconnect/connect the remote cable when deleting/adding the external module from/to the current configuration.

If a second detector is not needed for certain experiments, but for convenience reasons is not taken out of the configuration, selecting a very short run-time for the unneeded detector is not recommended.

For example, when acquiring data on an FLD while the DAD is configured with a short stop-time, it may happen that the DAD lamp is switched off before the LC analysis is finished. This produces a not ready condition so that the next analysis does not start. Alternatively, acquiring with the DAD and selecting a short stop time for the FLD does not produce this problem as a lamp off status is a perfectly valid operational mode with the FLD.

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7 TroubleshootingLC Instrument Start-up Problems

Data File is empty (contains no signal)

Check the remote cabling of the detectors. A detector does not change into the run-status unless the start signal is transmitted over the remote line. Refer to the cabling diagrams in “Connecting Agilent 1100/1200 modules to the Agilent ChemStation using LAN” on page 63.

Devices report “Buffer Overflow” in the logbook

This message usually indicates by a bad performing PC, when the data transfer from the instrument to the PC is not capable of handling the data stream. The bad performance can be caused by

• Power save features of the PC, refer to section “Advanced Power Management Not Supported with Analytical Hardware” on page 29.

• Bad network performance, refer to section “Frequent Buffer Overrun in Instrument Log Book” on page 106.

• Bad hard disk performance, see section “Slow Hard-Disk access or Hard-Disk Activity LED is continuously flickering” on page 120.

• Other programs accessing the hard disk or using the computers resources, like scheduled defragmentation, backup, or virus scanning.

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Troubleshooting 7Using the WinDebug Utility

Using the WinDebug Utility

What is the WinDebug Utility?

Microsoft developed certain diagnostic tools that provide detailed information on the internal state of Windows when General Protection Faults (GPF) occur on the system. WinDbg.exe is the GUI version of the debugger and supports both user-mode and kernel-mode debugging.

The Window debugging package comes in three versions: a 32-bit version for x86 binaries, a 64-bit version for Itanium binaries, and a 64-bit version for AMD64 binaries. For Agilent Bundle PCs, download and install the 32-bit version for x86 binaries.

If an application error occurs, WinDbg automatically creates a special dump file in the file system root directory. You can enter the details about the circumstances (scenario) under which the application error occurred and save it with the dump file.

If General Protection Faults recur sporadically or even regularly, supply the dump file to your application vendor to discuss the source of the application error.

WinDebug in Windows XP

The Window debugging package comes in three versions: a 32-bit version for x86 binaries, a 64-bit version for Itanium binaries, and a 64-bit version for AMD64 binaries. For Agilent Bundle PCs, download and install the 32-bit version for x86 binaries.

Install WinDbg onto your system by running the setup. The install shield opens and the user has to accept the license agreement. After editing the user information, click Next and select Typical as installation type. If necessary, you may enter a installation location, click Next to start the installation. A new group, “Debugging Tools” for Windows, will be present within Start > Programs.

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7 TroubleshootingUsing the WinDebug Utility

1 WinDbg needs to be the default postmortem debugger for your operating system. To define WinDbg as default debugger, open cmd prompt by Start > Run and type “cmd” in the command line. Within the cmd prompt, execute the WinDbg program once with the parameter -I to create/change the appropriate registry entries:

e.g.: C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\windbg.exe -I

This command will display a success or failure message after it is used. When WinDbg is the postmortem debugger, it will be activated whenever an application crashes.

2 One registry entry needs to be modified to define the kind of information placed into the dump file in case of a system crash. The modified arguments are necessary to automatically dump all the memory information of the failing program. The argument options can be obtained by entering the WinDbg help.

Open Start > Run and type regedit into the command line; the registry opens. Open the registry path

\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug

The registry key DEBUGGER needs to be modified. By double-clicking on the data variable, you are allowed to edit the value data. Modify the value data from e.g.

C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\windbg.exe" -p %ld -e %ld -g

NOTE Only a system administrator can alter the postmortem settings.

NOTE The path statements and key entries mentioned for the cmd prompt and the registry depend on your installation directory of WinDbg.

NOTE The dump files intentionally contain the whole process memory and may have substantial size. Depending on the defined data values the dump file size will vary. Compress the dump file and save it to an external media or another partition in order to maintain enough space on your ChemStation system.

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Troubleshooting 7Using the WinDebug Utility


C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\windbg.exe" -p %ld -e %ld -Q -c ".dump -ma -u \user.dmp;q.

The data variable values may differ for certain troubleshooting task. During the troubleshoot process, it might be necessary to modify the DEBUGGER registry entry again.

3 In the case of a failure, a dump file named user_<date>_<time>_<pdid>.p is placed in the files system root directory. Enter all instrument configuration details, a description of the circumstances and steps leading to the failure and save it with the dump file. Supply all information to your application vendor.

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7 TroubleshootingGathering System Information

Gathering System Information

Gathering System Information with Windows XP

Windows XP Professional include a comprehensive information reporting and diagnostics program that collects and presents information on device driver information, network usage, and system resources such as IRQ, DMA and IO addresses. This utility is called “System Information” and can be found under the System Tools menu in the Windows Accessories menu.

Hardware conflicts will usually also be logged in the Windows Event Viewer, if for instance, Windows cannot start a service due to a misconfigured device.

For Windows XP Professional Error Reporting is implemented and enabled by default.

To access the settings for the reporting feature:

1 Click Start.

2 Right-click My Computer, then click Properties.

3 Click on the Advanced tab.

4 Click Error Reporting.

For more information, refer to Windows XP Professional help.

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8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations

Introduction 128

ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x 129

Agilent ChemStation A.02.0x 129

Agilent ChemStation A.03.0x 129

Agilent ChemStation A.04.0x 130

Agilent ChemStation A.05.0x 131

Agilent ChemStation A.06.0x 131

Agilent ChemStation A.07.0x 132

Agilent ChemStation A.08.0x 132

Agilent ChemStation A.09.0x 132

Agilent ChemStation A.10.0x 133

ChemStation Revision Cycle B.x.x 134

Agilent ChemStation B.01.0x 134

Agilent ChemStation B.02.0x 134

With Agilent ChemStation B.01.0x release the Agilent ChemStation made a pro-gressive move towards new feature sets and structure changes. Due to this thenew Agilent ChemStation is starting with a new major revision change: B.01.0x.Within this Chapter a summary of the introduced new functionality for the re-vision cycle A03.x till B.02.x is documented.

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8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStationsIntroduction


With ChemStation B.0x.0x release, the Agilent ChemStation made a progressive move towards new feature sets and structure changes. The revision number beginning with “B” indicates the major revision change. Within this chapter, a summary of the new functionality introduced for the revision cycle A.01.x to B.02.x is documented. For all implemented defect fixes, refer to the HISTORY directory on the Agilent ChemStation software family CD-ROM (CD 2 - User Documentation and Accessories).

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Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations 8ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

Agilent ChemStation A.02.0x

Data Analysis is now part of the method settings and stored in a binary register file.

• A.01.0x includes an older version of the Integrator module. The values accepted for the threshold settings have been redefined. To make the integration threshold settings equivalent on both platforms, the threshold values need to be increased by 5.

• The conventions followed by G1304/5A (HPLC2D ChemStation), revision A.01.0x, regarding the origin handling in calibration curve calculations are different from the conventions followed in the later revisions. Revision A.01.0x offers three different modes for origin handling (ignore, include, force origin). The definition of Force Origin has been changed (see below). A new origin handling method Connect Origin has been added, which does exactly what Force Origin did in A.01.0x.

Agilent ChemStation A.03.0x

Methods now include a dilution factor, in addition to the multiplier that was already part of revision A.02.xx methods.

Column informationis restored when the new software is started for the first time. You have to select the currently installed column from the column information screen to make this information available on the reports. Column information is only restored for columns that have been used and identified for the current system. Column information from methods transferred from other systems is not restored.

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8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStationsChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

Agilent ChemStation A.04.0x

The Agilent ChemStation supports the enhanced integrator since revision A.04.01. Using the enhanced integrator is optional. Methods imported from a previous version of the Agilent ChemStation can continue to use the original integration algorithm.

The user interface allows the conversion of a method imported from a previous version of the Agilent ChemStation. Once a method has been converted to use the new enhanced integration algorithm, it cannot be converted back.

To evaluate the enhanced integration algorithm of the Agilent ChemStation, we recommend that you create a backup copy of your original method.

The parameter sets of the original Agilent ChemStation integrator and the enhanced integrator are different. For example, parameters such as the initial threshold are values to the power of 2 of a detector specific constant.

The enhanced integrator uses the true physical dimensions for integration parameter settings like slope sensitivity (Response/Time) or height reject (Response).

The results calculated by the two integrators may vary on real chromatograms due to the differences in the determination of baselines, shoulders, and tangent skimmed peaks.

The Internal Storage Format of Quantification Data changed. Revisions prior to A.04.01 used single precision floating point representation for the internal storage of quantification data; the internal precision of the quantification results used 7 digits.

In revision A.04.01, the internal storage format has been changed to double precision floating point representation, and the internal precision of quantification calculations and results is now 15 digits.

The following changes have been implemented in the sequencing user interface and internal structure of the Agilent ChemStation.

• The sequence table has been enhanced with an Append Line button.

• The hard-coded link between sample information and specific vials has been removed to allow for easier cut/copy/paste operations on sequence lines.

• The partial sequence screen has been equipped with a print button.

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Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations 8ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

• Better integration of Sequence Summary into the sequence user interface. Sequence Summary Setup is now accessible through a new menu called Sequence Output.

• Sequence recalibration table has been eliminated from the method.

• A new sample type has been implemented to allow for quality control samples. Control samples can be used to verify the system’s suitability to run a defined set of analyses prior to running the real samples. If the defined system suitability criteria are not met, the sequence can be programmed to stop before running the real samples.

Agilent ChemStation A.05.0x

The default integration algorithm used by revision A.05.01 and higher of the Agilent ChemStation is the Enhanced Integrator. In previous revisions, the default integration algorithm used was the Standard Integrator. Data analysis methods could be converted to the Enhanced Integrator.

The user interface of the Peak Purity function available in the Agilent ChemStations for LC and LC/MS has been simplified, but required modifications to the peak purity parameters stored in the data analysis method. If you convert to the Enhanced Peak Purity function, the previous spectra settings are saved in a text file called SPCOPS.OLD in the method directory. Once you have converted a method to use the Enhanced Peak Purity function, you cannot revert back to the original method. Make a backup copy of your original method before converting.

Agilent ChemStation A.06.0x

The methods used for operational qualification and performance verification (enhanced OQ/PV) of the Agilent 1100 system were enhanced. The standard methods can be used by selecting the Standard Tests from the Options menu in the Verification view of the Agilent ChemStation. Additional software verification tests were also added that are used by the Agilent ChemStation A.06 OQ/PV service.

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8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStationsChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

The advanced baseline option was added to the enhanced integrator introduced in revision A.04.01. The tangent skim option was enhanced with respect to A.05.01. The default setting for both options did not change.

Calibration points weights 1/Y and 1/Y2 were added to the calibration table.

The report now also allows to generate HTM files for direct posting on a web server.

Agilent ChemStation A.07.0x

The sequence filldown utility allows the user to change sequence table column settings for specified vial ranges. Sequence table columns can be selected and values entered for method, sample type, updating response factors and time. Sample name and file name can be given a prefix and auto incremental number.

Agilent ChemStation A.08.0x

The ability to control the new Capillary LC system that is designed for increased sensitivity and for analyzing limited sample volumes was added.

The software now supports the Agilent 1100 Series well-plate autosampler, which is available in a standard and thermostatted version.

With revision A.08.0x, you can upgrade the Agilent Chemstation product to the Agilent Chemstation Plus Security Pack supporting the FDA requirements of CFR 21 Part 11.

Agilent ChemStation A.09.0x

The ability to control the new Agilent 1100 Series Fraction Collector and the Preparative Scale 1100 Autosampler, as well as the Agilent 1100 Series Purification System for HPLC and LC/MS.

The 35900D A/D card is no longer supported (card based on the older ISA bus standard).

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Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStations 8ChemStation Revision Cycle A.x.x

Agilent ChemStation A.10.0x

The ability to control the new Agilent 1100 Series Fraction Collectors:

The Agilent Chemstation supports the new 40 funnel tray for high volume collection for high flow rates and the new tray for Eppendorf tubes (80.5 ml, 1.5 ml and 2.0 ml).

The A.10.0x ChemStation software supports the Agilent 1100 Series Purification System for HPLC and LC/MS, version A.02.01.

The new XML based interface has been implemented to link the Agilent Chemstation to LIMS and knowledge management systems.

G1364B Preparative Scale

G1364C Analytical Scale

G1364D Micro Fraction Collector

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8 Upgrade History - Previous Revision A/B ChemStationsChemStation Revision Cycle B.x.x

ChemStation Revision Cycle B.x.x

Agilent ChemStation B.01.0x

Agilent ChemStation revision B.01.xx is supporting the use of long file names, a higher resolution for the screen and improvements and enhancements for the integrator. In addition following new hardware modules are supported:

• G4240A Agilent 1100 Chip Cube

• G1315C Agilent 1100 Diode Array Detector

• G1365C Agilent 1100 Multi Wavelength Array Detector (80 Hz, 8 Signals)

USB-GPIB interface support has been added for GPIB communication based LC and CE systems (HP 1090, HP 1046, HP1049, CE, CE/MS).

For CE ChemStation users enhancements have been added in B.01.03 ChemStation:

• More flexibility defining vial usage set points within the sequence setup

• Enhanced productivity for CE ChemStation customers due to instrument set points modification directly in the sequence table for each sequence line.

Agilent ChemStation B.02.0x

Agilent ChemStation revision B.02.xx is supported with the M.01.01 GPIB drivers and SICL libraries for the 82350A/B card as well for the 82357 USB-GPIB interface. The software introduces an improved User Interface design along with a tree and table based navigation, providing fast and flexible data handling and the possibility to configure flexible storage locations for data, methods and sequences. A new packaging concept guarntees consistency fore sequence and single sample data and makes use fo the new data review and reprocessing capabilites in the Data Analysis Navigation Table.

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9 Supplementary Information

Agilent ChemStation Revision Code Convention 136

Agilent Technologies Support Services 137

Calling the Agilent Technologies LSCA Customer Contact Center 138

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9 Supplementary InformationAgilent ChemStation Revision Code Convention

Agilent ChemStation Revision Code Convention

Revision numbers are created according to the scheme outlined below:


P- Denotes the identifier of the series of a product. This letter is identical to suffix character in the product number.


The B in the product number G2170BA defines that revision code starts with a series identifier B. It is current Agilent Technologies policy not to change the series identifier unless the software changes in purpose or function. The A in the product number stands for the American English version.

RR- Represents the major revision number. Changes in this code typically include significant software enhancements that may require complete revalidation of the system for customers operating in regulated environments. These revisions may also include defect fixes and documentation changes.

xx- Represents the minor revision number. These revisions correct software defects and are generally isolated in nature. They may contain minor enhanchments or new features, but the functionality has not changed. A minor revision change usually does not require revalidation of the system for customers operating in regulated environments. These revisions only include defect fixes that do not affect the accuracy of the handbooks.

Y- Represents the localisation code. This character states the localised version of Software. For example, the B.01.01C is representing the Chinese version of the Agilent ChemStation. Note, this additional code is only present for localized versions, for standard American English version no Y suffix will be present.

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Supplementary Information 9Agilent Technologies Support Services

Agilent Technologies Support Services

Agilent Technologies offers different options to help you obtain the professional assistance you need to achieve maximum productivity with your Agilent Technologies analytical software. This service is available nearly worldwide through our Customer Contact Centers.

The Agilent Technologies network of Customer Contact Centers provides access to support professionals who help you resolve operational difficulties and offer assistance and advice on running Agilent Technologies analytical software. Traditionally, this support is given over the telephone but may also be extended to remote support via modem when you authorize us to do so.

Software support is available for your Agilent Technologies software solution. First year software support is available and may be extended by two years at very competitive rates. This support provides entitlement to telephone assistance, software revision upgrades when they are released, and regular delivery of Software Status Bulletins containing important information on known problems and available work-around solutions for your Agilent Technologies analytical software. For more information on how to register for these services, please contact your local Analytical Support Representative.

Your local Analytical Support Representative will also provide information on available consulting, customization, development, and training services on Agilent Technologies analytical software products.

Agilent Technologies support and update services are subject to your local country’s prices, terms, and conditions ruling at the time you place your order.

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9 Supplementary InformationCalling the Agilent Technologies LSCA Customer Contact Center

Calling the Agilent Technologies LSCA Customer Contact Center

When you call the Agilent Technologies Customer Contact Center, please be at your computer and have the product documentation at hand.

We recommend that the following information be readily available:

• the registration packet label with the product number, revision code, and license registration number of your analytical software

• the exact wording of any error messages that the system produced

• a list of the instrument modules including firmware revisions that are connected to the PC. You may use the Serial number information from the Agilent ChemStation (Method/Run control>Instrument (in Full Menu view only) > Serial numbers and Columns) to generate this list.

• a printout of the Dumpfile (see “What is the WinDebug Utility?” on page 123)

• a full printout from Windows System Information

• a description of the scenario that leads to the failure.

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11046 70

1049 70


default GPIB 71

advanced power management 29

Agilent 1100 Series

CAN cabling 62connecting 62controller area network (CAN) 90GPIB cabling 62

Agilent 1100 system access 91

Agilent 35900 dual channel interface

connecting 70

Agilent 82350 39, 41, 38

Agilent 82357A USB - GPIB Interface 46

Agilent 82357A USB-GPIB Interface 38

Agilent ChemStore 14

APM 29

area calculation mode 129

Autoadd Button 108

autostart macro failed 114

Bbootp server 94

BootP 35

buffer handling 102

buffer overflow 122

buffer overrun 106

bus address 46


GPIB 40, 67, 66remote 63

cabling 62


Agilent 1100 Series 62, 90

cannot create file 119

cannot find file 111


area calculation mode 131, 132, 133

checkdisk utility 119

checksum 78

ChemStation.ini 22


connecting Agilent 1100 Series 62connecting HP 1090 LC 66connecting miscellaneous instruments70uninstalling 22


COM board 76, 76

commands reference 12

computer problems 119

computer settings 16

config.reg (configuration register) 114

configuration editor 87

configuration register 114


editor 90instrument devices 93paths 88


printer cable 28


remote 71

controller area network

Agilent 1100 Series 90

Agilent1100 Series 62

CTL board 76


HP 1040 70

DAP board 76

def_lc.m 88

def_lc.s 88, 112

default sequence 88


GPIB addresses 69, 70, 71method 88sequence 88, 112


electrochemical 70filter photometric 93HP 1040 diode-array 70HP 1046 fluorescence 70HP 1049 electrochemical 70

device configuration dialog 91

diode-array detector

HP 1040 70

dual channel interface 70

dual channel 70

Eelectrochemical detector

HP 1049 70


integrator 130

Ffile initialization failed 112

FILES setting 117

Installing ChemStation for LC Systems 139

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filter photometric detector 93

firmware revisions 72, 76

fluorescence detector

HP 1046 70

fluorescence 70

GGPF 123

GPIB addresses

Agilent1100 37, 65default 69, 70, 71HP 1090 69, 70

GPIB cables 66

GPIB interface 26


Agilent 1100 addresses 37, 65cable 40, 62, 67, 66connector 67, 66HP 1090 addresses 69, 70

Hhardware address 94, 96


installing 26requirements 28

host name 102

how-to information 12

HP 1040 diode-array detector

connecting 70

HP 1046 fluorescence detector

connecting 70

HP 1049 electrochemical detector

connecting 70

HP 1090 liquid chromatograph

connecting 66GPIB cable 66

HP 82335 38

hpced02.exe 87

II/O config utility 87

installation qualification 78

installation verification 78


instrument log book

buffer overrun 106

instrument not found 110

instrument types in configuration editor 90


enhanced 130


dual channel 70

IOCFG, autoadd button 108

iocfg.exe 87

IQ 78

LLAN communication

troubleshooting 105

license registration number 20

license registration utility 110

license, no valid 110

logical unit 46

MMAC address 102, 94, 96

macro programming guide 12

MCO/MEM board 76, 76


default 88

mobility report 130, 131, 132, 133

multi-instrument configurations

printing 115

Nnon-HP computers 27

not ready state 111

not ready system status 111

NT Workstation 30

Oonline core 109

operation qualification 83

PPCS section 112

power fail 86, 105

print spooler 115

printing messages 117

printing problem 117

printing problems 115

product structure 13


operation 83

quantification data

internal storage format 130

Rreference files 78

reference information 11

remote cable 67


cable 63connector 71


mobility 130, 131, 132, 133

resource conflicts 27

revision history 10

revision numbers 136

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default 88, 112

service pack 3 30

serviceinfo macro 138

SICL interface name, 46

signal distribution module 76

software certificate and registration packet20

software start-up problems 109


requirements 28

specified file does not exist 112

system controller 46

system exception 112

system status

not ready 111

Ttask-orientated information 11



verification 83

Uuninstalling the ChemStation 22


user.mac 114


test 83

VISA interface name 46

Wwin.ini 21

WinDbg.exe 123

Windows 2000 Professional 30

Windows 95 30

XXML support 21

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In This Book

Use this handbook when you install the Agilent ChemStation for the first time or when you make changes to an installed system. This handbook describes how to install the initial software, how to add further instrument modules, how to configure your analytical system, and how to verify that the installation and configuration are complete and operational.

This handbook lists the PC hardware (see “Operating System Requirements" on page 39) and software (see “Operating System Requirements" on page 39) requirements that need to be met in order to install and operate the Agilent ChemStation successfully and explains PC configuration details that you will find useful when upgrading your computer, optimizing your system, or when trying to solve an installationrelated problem. You may skip these chapters if your Agilent ChemStation was fully installed by Agilent Technologies.

© Agilent Technologies 2004, 2005-2007

Printed in Germany 02/2007


Agilent Technologies