20-6 writing a business letter

Writing a Business Letter

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Writing a Business Letter

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• Steps:- • 1.) All lines in the letter should start

at the left margin. Any business letter worth its salt these days has to be done in a word processor.

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• 2.) Letterhead has its own merits but if you do not have it, fine.. Use a neat and good quality paper that measures 8.5 x 11 inch.

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• All formal letters are normally written in this size paper. A classy touch is achieved by the envelope that matches the paper.

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• 3.) Type your address after giving a decent blank space on the top of the paper. Usually, 4 or 5 spaces should be adequate. Date should be typed right after the address after leaving 2 or 3 lines gap.

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• 4.) A recipient, though he knows who is and what he is doing in the business entity that you are writing to, likes to see him being addressed formally. Leave 2 or 3 lines and type his full name with his assigned title like Mr or some such distinct word , his designation and full address.

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• 5.) Two lines after the address, you should address the recipient with words like Dear, Respected or some such salutation. This salutation should be very appropriate and should not give the impression of being approximate.

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• 6.) The body of the letter should be to the point. Make an introduction of yourself if you are writing for the first time. Remind him, if you have happened to have met previously, of the fact.

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• You can always say “I hope you recall our meeting at the Arab conference ”. This could not only bring back the occasion but a certain affinity would also unconsciously be created.

• Affinity means “ a strong feeling that you like and understand someone or something ‘

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• 7.) In the next paragraph, get on with the business and tell him what this letter is all about. Remember it should be brief and concise .

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• 8.) After which, leave two lines and proceed with complimentary close phrases like yours sincerely, Thanking You, Regards etc.

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• 9.) Leave a gap of 2 or 3 lines to accommodate your signature, type your name and title.

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• 10.) Sign the letter, send it off and hope for the best!

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Communicate Quickly and Effectively

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• In this world of corporate blogging, instant press releases and brand building in 140 characters or less, being able to communicate quickly and effectively is an increasingly vital skill to have. For writing that appeals to the readers you want, follow these essential ten tips to create effective business communication.

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• 1. Be Accessible• Most readers skim written communication

pieces before deciding if they’re worth reading thoroughly (just as you probably did before reading this); carefully chosen paragraph breaks, headings and subheadings help readers evaluate if they are interested in the content.

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• 2. Be Concise and Brief• Remember that your readers are as busy

as you are! Use as few words are possible to present your thoughts (concise) and present as few thoughts as possible to convey your overarching idea (brief). Avoid tangential information.•

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• 3. Be Honest and Accurate• This should go without saying; people are

going to more willingly trust (and therefore do business with) companies known for their integrity. Be intentional about spreading the truth and about verifying information—anything less will annoy readers who know the facts and motivate them to look elsewhere.

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• • 4. Be Clear• Clear writing focuses on a specific objective

and a specific audience. Examine your assumptions about • “Write to serve people rather than to

impress them.”•

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• 5. Be Thorough• Truly effective communication anticipates

readers’ questions and counterpoints and addresses them immediately. This, along with being accurate and honest, creates a repertoire with readers for your business as being a trustworthy source of information.

• Repertoire means ” The total number of things that someone or something is able to do”.

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• 6. Revise and Correct• Multiple errors in clarity, sentence structure or

grammar undermine your validity and can be confusing for readers. Be fanatic about revising for better clarity and presentation and about editing grammatical errors throughout the writing process.

• Undermine means ‘to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective: ‘

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• 7. Be Timely• Providing relevant information at the right time

is a constant challenge, but an absolute necessity. On the other hand, rushing ill-prepared communication in a dash to be relevant can create an equally sticky situation. Timely communication is effective only when it is prepared properly.

• Sticky means difficult or dangerous.

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• 8. Build Goodwill• Each and every piece of written communication

becomes a part of people’s perceptions of your business. Effective communications elicit positive reactions from readers and offer them the chance to create a personal connection with your company.

• Elicit means “to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult: “

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• 9. Package Attractively• Content is always the most important ingredient

of business communication, but don’t be fooled—you start communicating with your readers even before they start reading. Simple or complex, the package that your content comes in should look professional, should be used friendly and should be free of untrustworthy-looking advertisements.

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• 10. Be Balanced• Ultimately, effective business communication

happens when the message you present is received, understood and accepted by your intended audience; and the best way for this to happen is to create a balance—passion with control, grammar with rhetoric and readability with enjoyment.

• Rhetoric means “language that is used to persuade or influence people, especially language that sounds impressive but is not actually sincere or useful: “

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• Words

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