
8/14/2019 2-TECHINTGRPPROJDMK1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/2-techintgrpprojdmk1 1/19 Curriculum Technology Integration Group Project 1 Running head: TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION GROUP PROJECT Integrating Technology Into The Classroom Curriculum Richard Joffray, Mary Laundry, and Tanzania Jones Argosy University Group Project Dr. Rick Siebert May 15, 2008

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Curriculum Technology Integration Group Project 1


Integrating Technology Into The Classroom Curriculum

Richard Joffray, Mary Laundry, and Tanzania Jones

Argosy University

Group Project

Dr. Rick Siebert

May 15, 2008



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Students are encouraged to utilize the resources of the International Academy Career

Development office.



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Current Curriculum Technology Evaluation

Currently the technology used in the curriculum is represented by common technology

tools used commonly by students. There is use of the Internet for some of the curriculum

although more directed involvement could be utilized. Specific tasks of appropriate

technology can be emphasized rather than inferred. The Internet can still be the primary

use of technology, however teaching Internet search skills and use of online web tools

should be incorporated into the curriculum as web tools have already been developed for

this very purpose.

Project Strategies

A strategy for this project is to integrate the technology into the curriculum with

Constructivist [1] pedagogy. The term refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge

for themselves with new knowledge built from a previous base either alone or as a social

group. This from John Dewey (1938).

"Every genuine experience has an active side which changes in some degree the

objective conditions under which experiences are had. The difference between

civilization and savagery to take an example on a large scale is found in the degree

in which previous experiences have changed the objective conditions under which

subsequent experiences take place" (p. 39)

Using a Wiki can be a effective tool for gathering information. By incorporating the wiki

concept of group collaboration, students can more effectively learn from each other



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creating a synergy for learning.

• Use a wiki for knowledge-base during and after class completes (Online


• Incorporation of familiar technology like email, the Internet, social networking

sites, multimedia, and familiar business tools to promote better understanding in

hybrid classroom environment (University of Houston, 2008). The Internet has

become a vast resource of information for both needed skills and postings of 

opportunity. With patience and critical evaluation, information obtained from the

Internet can be validated and utilized for career development.

Curriculum Components with Added Technology

Job searching skills. Use careerbuilder.com, monster.com and other job search

engines to investigate various job titles in desired field (Internet webquest)

Industry Knowledge. Investigate professional organizations and/or industry events to

attend or join. www.creativedir.com or www.aiga.org site (Internet webquest)

Resume Writing. Developing, sharing traditional word doc. and creative resumes -

post at www.optimalresume.com site (Microsoft Office Desktop Publishing & Internet


Portfolio Development. Utlizing online electronic portfolio site such a

www.visualdiner.com - post 1 portfolio piece and comment on 2 fellow classmates

(Internet use & Online Community)



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Interviewing Skills. Video tape in class mock interviews - receive immediate

feedback from peers, indiviual reviews video noting 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses (Video)



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 Rational Toward Strategies and Tools

Job Searching Skills. Job searching skills are needed in today’s competitive job

markets. With the unemployment rate increasing, job searching skills saves time and finds

the right job best suited for your abilities.

• To improve students qualifications for hire.

• Increased success rate for interviewee.

• Improved abilities to "sell oneself" during interview.

Industry Knowledge. Entering job interviews with self researched information

about the potential position and company can only be a _plus_ during the interview. This

knowledge speaks volumes to the potential employer in terms of passion and drive.

• Ability to access history/background of potential employer.

• To gain knowledge for potential position.

Resume Writing. The ability to effectively format a resume is a must in the job

market. Remember at times the employer sees the resume before meeting you. The format

should be professional with terms and descriptions that capture and spark interest.

• The ability to format education, skills, job experience(past and present)etc. for

potential job interviews.

• The ability to "sell oneself" on paper for potential employers.

• To format an introduction to ones employment abilities and expectations.

Portfolio Development. Having the ability to present a portfolio during an



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interview is a(n) nice addition. The employer has the opportunity to view your abilities

which can diversify your qualifications.

The ability to create a portable collection of job abilities through examples, ie

pictures or film.

• To share diversity of skills.

• Career building through presentation.

Interviewing Skills. The ability to interview and interview well doesn_t come easy.

Posture, verbiage, and attire can make or break the interview. Having confidence in your

interviewing abilities is the first step. Most employers allow some room for nervousness.

Be honest and sincere in all your responses and most of all RELAX and BREATHE.

• To increase job qualification.

• To improve job posture and presentation.

• To build confidence and comfort during interviews.

Online Tools

Title: Optimal Resume

URL: http://www.optimalresume.com/  

Description: OptimalResume.com provides colleges and universities with

comprehensive, online experiential learning software that helps students and alumni

launch their professional lives. It delivers a set of university-branded learning modules



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that prepare students and alumni to engage employers with professional-quality

documents and successful interview skills.

Evaluation: This is a one-stop-shop for students, graduates and career counselors.

This site thinks of every aspect of the job searching process. One great feature is the

ability for students and graduates to film a mock interview and receive feedback from

career counselors.

Title: Monster

URL: http://www.monster.com/  

Description: This website allows companies and organizations to post various job

opportunities they have available. It also allows job seekers to search, view, and apply for

these various opportunities. It also supplies many resources for job seekers about their job

search and career opportunities.

Evaluation: This site is very easy to use by employers seeing talent as well as

people looking for employment and career advices. The major benefit to this site is that it

is worldwide organization that allows people to search for opportunities all over the world

and provides an extensive array of opportunities in any industry.

Title: Creative Directory

URL: http://www.creativedir.com/  



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Description: The Chicago Creative Directory is the most convenient and

comprehensive directory in the Midwest. It is essentially a “yellow pages” for the creative

community in Chicago. The creative services it advertises includes: Computer Graphics,

Photographers, Illustrators/ Designers, Print/Pre-Press Services, Multimedia, Film &

Videotape Production, Sound Studios & Producers Services, CD/ROM/Interactive, Post

Production, Equipment, Talent, and Advertising.

Evaluation: This site has an extensive list of all companies and organizations that

provide creative services. This is a great site for students and graduates to access to see

what companies they can target when searching for an internship or career opportunity.

The listings typically include direct links to the companies’ websites for ease of 

continuing to research the company.

Title: American Institute for Graphic Arts

URL: http://www.aiga.org/  

Description: AIGA_s mission is to advance designing as a professional craft,

strategic tool and vital cultural force. AIGA, the professional association for design, is the

place design professionals turn to first to exchange ideas and information, participate in

critical analysis and research and advance education and ethical practice. AIGA sets the

national agenda for the role of design in its economic, social, political, cultural and

creative contexts.



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Evaluation: This site is helpful to any graphic designer at any level of their career.

The site and organization provides five critical functions for the design profession in

providing information and support for continued sharing of information, encouraging

communication among professionals, ideally leading to inspiration, validation and

continued support or representation



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Title: Visual Diner

URL: http://www.visualdiner.com/index.php/site/  

Description: This site allows visual communication students to engage in an

online community of designers. The site provides the opportunity to post work, receive

feedback and critiques, start blogs and share with fellow designers. The site also provides

the opportunity to engage in multiple tutorials that may assist the novice designer in using

various software or techniques in their design.

Evaluation: This site is developed to encourage interaction between designers. I

believe this site would be helpful because designers can learn from their peers in their

own work and others. This site will also allow students to refresh skills and learn new


Title: CareerBuilder

URL: http://www.careerbuilder.com/  

Description: This site allows job seekers to distribute their resume, read tips on

how to get more interviews, help people decide what career is right for them through

career testing and various other career advice. The site also provides a salary calculator

and training on networking skills. It has same features as Monster.com in providing

employers the ability to advertise job openings and job seekers to view and apply to those



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Evaluation: This site is very thorough in the amount of information available to

support someone in their job search. It is nationwide so job seekers can see a variety of 

opportunities all over the United States.

Curriculum Technology Integration

This is the original curriculum for the class. It has any mention of technology highlighted

in green.



Week 1

Objective and Learning Component: Industry Knowledge

Technology Used:

• Use AIGA and Creative Directory sites for research

• Use Microsoft Word to give description of their work 

Week 2

Objective and Learning Component: Job Searching skills

Technology Used:

• Use Career Builder and Monster websites to do research



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• Use any other site found in web quests

Week 3

Objective and Learning Component: Resume Writing Add assignment to complete first

draft of resume

Technology Used:

• Use tutorials on Career Builder, Monster or Optimal Resume websites

• Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Publisher

Week 4

Objective and Learning Component: Resume Writing Add activity of peer review of 

resumes and student to make adjustments to turn into teacher week 5

Technology Used:

• Use tutorials on Career Builder, Monster or Optimal Resume websites

• Microsoft Word and/or Microsoft Publisher

Week 7

Objective and Learning Component: Interviewing Skills

Technology Used:

• Research using Career Builder and/or Monster

• Use Optimal Resume site for interviewing practice



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Week 11

Objective and Learning Component: Portfolio Development

Technology Used:

• Present portfolio pieces uploaded to Optimal Resume or Visual Diner


• Share examples in a PowerPoint presentation

Group Member Project Reflections

Tanzania Jones

During our group project we decided to present our findings via wiki software. Of 

course I was in complete support of this idea, especially since one of our group members

had an extreme comfort with this program. I_m always open to something new so I

 jumped on board. Well, once I finally got the chance to visit the software I was

completely overwhelmed. I attempted to manipulate the software with doubt and

frustration which was not the right approach. I eventually attempted the task again and

found the software more user friendly, I just needed to take my time and read the prompts.

A conference call was arranged and with suggestions and advice my comfort level grew.

Overall, the wiki software seems to be a very useful and resourceful tool for both the

student and instructor with regard to technology.

Mary Laundry



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I think that we all made an effort to contribute to this group project. I have to

acknowledge Richard Joffray on his idea of using the wiki to present our project. It is not

a tool I have used before so I was a little apprehensive. However, in the end I am glad that

Richard suggested this tool. It has been exciting to be exposed to new technology and way

of creating a home for our research, work and ideas. Richard was patient and supportive

in walking Tanzania and I through getting started. He provided guidance as well as a

thorough tutorial including notes on how to best use the technology. I have a new

appreciation for this way of sharing information and collecting information in a common

area. I have found myself having discussions with other educators on their experiences

using this technology. I feel like I am “in the know” with new technology!

Tanzania Jones was quick to add her information and provide additional detail

when requested. It was challenging for all of us to connect considering we all have

varying schedules and we reside in separate parts of the country. Nevertheless, we are all

wiling to carve out time to actually speak and responded to each others emails to

accomplish the goals of this project.

It was clear that we each took a leadership role based on our prior knowledge and

experiences. Richard was the driver for the wiki and I shared the resources I have used in

the past to support my students and graduates. I frequently emailed my group members to

summarize and organize our progress as we completed the project. This is typical

behavior for me to stay on track and complete projects on time. Hopefully, my



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reorganizing and regrouping was helpful to my fellow group members.

Richard Joffray

The key to group project facilitation is having clear and distinct roles for each

member in the group. Our group was able to do just that. I became the facilitator and

scribe and was the most familiar with the wiki process. Mary the resident curriculum

expert and Tanzania the provider of the rationale for the strategies and tools.

The wiki was used as a repository and collecting spot for the contributed

materials. My original concept for using the wiki was that it could be used in an integral

way for the curriculum itself, however as it turns out that might be a different project.

Originally, I wanted to make the project about teaching the use of a wiki in education and

develop the curriculum from ground up. Logistics, time, and requirement of this project

did not lend itself to do that for this project. Mary's curriculum contribution made this

project doable and naturally lent itself to the requirements of this project as well as

became feasible to accomplish in the time allowed.

The process of communication through email and teleconferencing was a success

and despite the time differences, we were able to coordinate our efforts and complete this

project in an equitable manner.

As a result of this class and the use of this wiki, I have further explored it's uses in an

educational environment and found that wikis are a great tool for group participation in

that they provide instant results, are easily monitored by the entire group, provide a



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