2 shortcut keys

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  • 8/2/2019 2 Shortcut Keys


    1. 15 Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

    To take advantage of this drill, you should be comfortable using a keyboard, otherwise the

    speed you want to increase will be taken away by you not being entirely sure where a certain

    key is, so it helps to be familiar with the layout.

    First, take a good look at your keyboard and be familiar with the layout. Most of you will

    have something similar to the illustration seen here as this is a standard 101 key keyboardlayout.

    Figure 1


    Laptop users may have the same keys on their systems, but in different places so take a

    second to familiarize yourself with key placement before you begin the exercise. If you have

    something similar, then you will be fine. Many peripheral vendors added a lot to their

    keyboards, such as multimedia options and so on.

    2. Tip 1: Quickly Accessing the Start MenuKeyboard Shortcut: Windows key

    Figure 2

    If you are just plan old sick and tired of using the mouse to click on the infamous button to

    display the Windows Start Menu, then you simply only need to hit the Windows Key.

    Using either or (there are usually two of them, one on a laptop keyboard) so you can use

    either or. The Windows key once pressed will launch the start menu once you release the

    key, the menu will appear. Get used to this key; many of the other shortcuts you will use relyon this key.

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    You may have a very old keyboard that may not include the Windows Key on it. You will

    not be able to use this shortcut unless you get a new keyboard.

    You can also use Ctrl + Esc

    3. Tip 2: Quickly getting to your System Properties

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + Pause/Break

    Figure 3

    There will certainly be times where you will need to access the System Properties for your

    computer. When you need to get to the properties, many times you will go through a pretty

    long exercise. There are a couple of ways to get to the properties, most commonly by right

    clicking the mouse over the My Computer icon on your desktop and then selectingproperties from the drop down menu. If you do this very often, you may consider using this

    keyboard shortcut.

    4. Tip 3: Quickly getting to your Run Dialog Box

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + R

    Figure 4

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    The Run dialog box is used to allow you to either browse to a command to run, or simply

    enter the path to one if not already entered in the systems path statement. (path=)

    To quickly run an executable (such as calc.exe), just type calc in the Run dialog box and if in

    the path statement, it will simply run. The Run dialog box is used often so this shortcut will

    really come in handy.


    You can also quickly access websites by entering URLs in the Run dialog box .http://www.rsnetworks.net/

    -or- You can also open files with the following: file:///C:/filename.txt

    5. Tip 4: Quickly Locking your System

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + L

    Figure 5

    There will surely be times where you want to quickly step away from your system and not

    leave it accessible to prying eyes in the office or home. How do you quickly lock up your PC

    and allow it to be secure from immediate access at the console? By locking it up, thats how.

    Commonly, the quickest way to do this was to use the Ctrl+Alt+Del key sequence (will be

    covered shortly) which would allow you to select an option to Lock Workstation. Using this

    keystroke will allow you from moving to using three keys and the mouse to navigate to asimple keystroke that will lock your system immediately.

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    6. Tip 5: Quickly Search for Anything

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + F

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + Ctrl + F

    Figure 6

    If you want to find files (and or computers, and other random things on your system) you will

    want to use the Search feature built into Windows XP. To use this, remember the old name

    for it, which was simply Find. Now the Windows Key + F will invoke the Search function

    and within a few seconds, you should see your Search Results dialog box come up. Use this

    feature to find items on your system or on remote systems that you may have access and

    connections to. You can also use this feature to find other computers on your network if youwanted to add the ctrl key in that keystroke sequence. If not, you can use the original

    keyboard shortcut and then just select Computers or people as the criteria you want to search.

    7. Tip 6: Quickly Minimizing and Restoring Windows

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + D

    Figure 7

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    One of my favorite keyboard shortcuts is the Windows Key + D shortcut. Try to remember

    the word desktop when you try to remember the D, think of using this shortcut to reveal the

    desktop and it may help you remember it.

    Many times I am very tied up (like right now) with many Windows open on my system. This

    is because most times, I am working within multiple applications. There are times where I

    may want to view the desktop for one reason or another, and that can very quickly be done

    with a keystroke. There were many ways to minimize all Windows that may be blockingview of the desktop, but this is one of the quickest. Another very quick way is if you have the

    quick launch toolbar setup in your Taskbar. If you do in fact have this set up, this is also a

    quick way to reveal the desktop, as well as to put it back again.

    8. Tip 7: Quickly getting to the Utility Manager

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + U

    Figure 8

    Users can start accessibility programs before logging on to the computer by using this

    keystroke. If you are fond of using the Utility Manager, then this keyboard shortcut will

    definitely help you to get to it. Tools such as 'Magnifier' and 'Narrator' can be set to start

    automatically and so on with this system utility.


    Utility Manager enables users to check an accessibility program's status and start or stop an

    accessibility program. Users with administrator-level access can designate to have the

    program start when Utility Manager starts. The built-in accessibility programs available from

    the Utility Manager are Magnifier, Narrator, and On-Screen Keyboard. Narrator, a text-to-

    speech program, starts when Utility Manager opens. This gives users who are blind or have

    impaired vision immediate access to Utility Manager. Using Utility Manager, you can tell

    Windows to automatically start accessibility programs each time you log on to your

    computer, when you lock your computer desktop, or when Utility Manager starts.

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    9. Tip 8: Quickly getting to Help and Support

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key + F1

    Figure 9

    If you are in need of help or support, look no further. By using Windows Key + F1 (the F1

    key), then you can use the help and support system that comes with Windows XP.


    Help and Support may take a second to load on most systems, so be patient.

    10. Tip 9: Quickly getting to Windows ExplorerKeyboard Shortcut: Windows key + E

    Figure 10

    Here is another great shortcut you may not know about. If you want to access Windows

    Explorer (not Internet Explorer the Web browser), you can use the Windows Key + Eshortcut. This will open up Windows Explorer for you so you can manage files and other

    forms of data on your system.

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    Be aware that this may take a moment to open if you are working on a network and have

    mapped drives, so be patient if it takes a moment.

    11. Tip 10: Quickly delete something without being

    ASKED to

    Keyboard Shortcut: Shift + Del

    Figure 11

    This is absolutely my all time favorite shortcut, now you can delete something from your

    system and not be asked 82 times if I really am sure I want to do that.... this keyboard

    shortcut allows you to bypass the asking your data is deleted without question.

    Note:This is only dangerous if you are not sure if you want to delete something or not, but

    honestly, with the fact being that you have to empty your recycle bin anyway as long as

    you dont have a task set up to do it then this is definitely something you want to consider.

    12. Tip 11: Quickly getting to your shortcut menu

    Keyboard Shortcut: Windows key

    Figure 12

    Newer keyboards have a key that allows you to now get properties menus from anything you

    select that can provide you with a menu. For instance, if you have Office document on your

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    desktop (let's say, a spreadsheet named tax.xls) then you can select it and press the Window

    key and then the shortcut menu key and you can now quickly view properties for a selected

    object. Although this is not the fastest keystroke sequence in the world, it happens to be a

    very helpful one especially if you do not have a mouse attached to your system.

    13. Tip 12: Quickly getting to your Task Manager

    Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + Del

    Figure 13

    By far the most commonly used keystroke sequence used on just about any and every

    Windows system ever created. By pressing (and holding down) the Control key (ctrl), then

    the Alt key (Alt), and then the Delete key (Del), it will allow you to lock your workstation,

    change a password as well as use Task Manager.

    14. Tip 13: Quickly switch between runningprograms

    Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Tab

    Figure 14

    If you work with many programs (most people who work on computers these days fit this

    description) then you will definitely want to learn about and master the Alt + Tab keystroke

    sequence. By selecting the Alt key and then holding it down (try this with your left thumb)and then use the tab key to switch between running programs, highlighting and selecting a

    specific program will bring that one to the foreground, maximized in your screen so that you

    can work within it. Releasing the Alt key brings up the program you want to use.

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    This keystroke needs to come with a small warning. If you hit the Caps Lock key by accident,

    then you will get no results other than your Caps Lock being on and maybe causing you some

    confusion and headaches a little later on. As well, if you hit the Alt key only by accident, it

    will select the menu in just about any open dialog box you have in the foreground. Just be

    aware that missing keys and hitting others in this situation will not only cause you to not get

    the result you wanted, but then some unwanted results as well.

    15. Tip 14: Quickly Getting to Full Screen Command


    Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Enter

    Figure 15

    If you want to see the Command Prompt in full screen (not in a small Window), you canquickly expand it to full screen with the Alt + Enter keystroke sequence. The only problem

    with this is, you need to have the Command Prompt open to expand it to full screen, so, to

    open it you can use the Run dialog box.

    Here is a way to use two keyboard shortcuts at once as you may recall, we already learned

    the shortcut to get to the Run dialog box, which was using the Windows Key + R. Now, once

    open, type cmd and hit enter. This will then open your Command Prompt.

    CMD gives you full screen mode only if you select it from the properties of the Command

    prompt Windows you can select full screen mode by default, but I dont like it this way, it

    is too intrusive and cumbersome using the Keyboard shortcut will give you want you wantvery quickly and give you access to both types (Windows or Full Screen) as quickly as you

    can hit the keystroke sequence.


    Alt + Enter can be very confusing because its one keystroke that does many different things

    depending on where you are at the time of usage. Alt + Enter with no programs open it may

    do nothing. Just be aware of how you are using the command keystroke and what you have

    open at the time.

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    16. Tip 15: Quickly make your own Shortcut

    Make your own shortcuts wow, does it get any better? Ok, so the Keyboard shortcuts you

    already learned are lame in your mind or you just want to be different, whatever youre

    reasoning you can make custom shortcuts in a flash. I assign a keyboard shortcut for the

    files and applications that I launch many times a day, such as Microsoft Word 2003.

    To make a shortcut, follow these steps:

    1. Simply right-click an application shortcut in the Start menu or on the desktop and

    choose Properties.

    Figure 16

    2. If not already selected, select the Shortcut tab.

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    Figure 17

    3. Click in the 'Shortcut key' box and press your desired shortcut keys. I use a lot of Ctrl

    + Shift + Alt key sequences. You can use your own desired sequences as well. One

    prerequisite of Windows is that your shortcut must use at least two modifier keys

    (Ctrl, Shift, or Alt and/or a function key or a key on keypad.

    4. Click OK to close the properties windows and use your new keyboard shortcut.


    If you want to remove your shortcut, follow the same path into your properties dialog again

    and just select the Shortcut Key: field and then backspace one time to remove the shortcut.

    Click Ok to close the properties windows and the shortcut keyboard sequence will be
