2-negative skin friction

Upload: agita-marsaulina-simanjuntak

Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 2-Negative Skin Friction



     Negative Skin Friction

    What is negative skin friction? Negative skin friction is a downward shear drag

    acting on the pile surface due to relative

    downward movement of soil strata surroundingthe pile.

    The following are some of the causes of negative

    skin friction•Due to pile or pile segment passing through

    compressile soil stratum which consolidates

    •Due to placement of a fill on compressile soil

    la!er causing the la!er to consolidate

  • 8/17/2019 2-Negative Skin Friction



     Negative Skin Friction

    •#owering of ground water tale causing theshrinkage of e$pansive soils.

    •%nder consolidated natural or compacted soils.

    &f the pile tip is on a stiff or hard stratum' therewill e a relative downward movement of upper

    compressile la!er of soil w.r.t. pile ' due to aove

    causes' causing a downward drag force.

  • 8/17/2019 2-Negative Skin Friction



     Negative Skin Friction

    •)esic stated that downward movement as little as *.+inch ma! e sufficient to moili,e full negative skin


    •The down drag will not affect the geotechnical

    capacit! of end-earing piles ut will increase stresses

    on the pile and pile cap.

    The negative skin friction of a single pile is given !

     Negative skin friction load %nit frictional resistance

    /downward0 #ength of the pile aove ottom of the

    compressile la!er 2erimeter of the pile cross section

    3nd total downward load negative skin friction load 4

    live load4 dead load

  • 8/17/2019 2-Negative Skin Friction



     Negative Skin Friction

    For a pile group it can e assumed that there is norelative movement etween the piles and the soil

     etween the piles. Therefore the total force acting down

    is e6ual to the weight of the lock of soil held etween

    the piles' the weight of the piles and the pile cap and

    the downward drag along the pile group perimeter due

    to negative skin friction

  • 8/17/2019 2-Negative Skin Friction
