2...aryabhatta, homi jehangir bhabha, apj abdul kalam, jagadish chandra bose, srinivasa ramanujan,...


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Page 1: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam
Page 2: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam



3 Today’s NGO – KISES

5 COVER STORY – National Science Day

6 Inspirational Person – Turlapaty kutumba Rao

8 Strive towards Ideal

9 Why Disabled Persons are so Hurried ?




14 Career Guidance



Turlapaty kutumba Rao

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Service Activities of Today's Kalam Foundation by contributing

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Bank Details : Account name : TODAY'S KALAM FOUNDATION Bank Name : State Bank of India Account no : 37374596795 IFSC code : SBIN0020775 MICR code : 500002377

Page 3: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam



Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society (KISES) a NGO run by a husband and wife team from Vijayawada

was established in the year 1999 and since then working in the Khammam and Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh.

The major areas focused on women empowerment, health, sanitation, education, Agriculture development,

Emergency Relief and rehabilitation for affected people from disasters. Mr. Shourya Babu Rebba, founder of KISES

and his wife Mrs. Rajani Suram, Executive Director of KISES.

Strategies of the organization ➢ Promote livelihoods. ➢ Development of leadership qualities in

all levels and all the sections of people of the targeted area.

➢ Generation of data base on ground realities of the concerned issues.

➢ Creating awareness by information dissemination to communities.

➢ Creating interest among communities to work with the cause.

➢ Capacity building to the SHG’s. ➢ Involving all the stakeholders in all the

programs as partners at all levels. ➢ Proper planning and implementation

Mission : To work with grass root level groups merging with all communities without discrimination for the

development of target group focusing on Rights based approach and issues by development of linkages with

similar organizations and net working with other actors who are working for the cause attaining the goals.

VISION : To create a amicable society by removing the social barriers of discriminations, eradicating the poverty

and to attain self reliance and to create sustained economic system to the community through promoting self-governance & accountability among the community empowering the women through capacity building and welfare activities.

LITERACY PROGRAMMES Established for, ➢ To literate the Dalit women ➢ To reduce child marriages ➢ Main streaming of education ➢ Establishment of self help groups for

economic development ➢ To provide vocational training ➢ Establishing bank linkages ➢ To create Awareness on health, environmental

cleanliness ➢ To remove the superstitions and avoid

from the alcoholic addiction. ➢ To create awareness on the govt schemes and access them to avail the same.


KISES have a health center to free service for nearly

30000 coastal rural people and health awareness

sessions to village community and children at schools.

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“Sheltering 25 street dogs against all odds”

It started some years ago at Surampalli, Vijayawada city when Mr. Shoury Babu Rebba, doing human programs brought home a street dog, seriously injured in a road accident. Due to his timely intervention and proper medication the life of the dog has been saved and it has become part of our family. But, this has ignited in us the new initiative to take up “animal welfare” activities along with human welfare activities. Thus started the “Animal Welfare Ashram” at our home itself. Slowly, the number of does in distress given shelter in our “Ashram” has been increased and reached 25 by the end of the first year.

For a animal welfare, we think an ABC (Animal Birth Control) and rescue dogs in Vijayawada city with the support of animal lovers may be involve voluntarily.

Activities of KISES : ➢ SELF HELP GROUPS : KISES strongly believes that to have the sustainable development in the family the

women should have the economic power and though initially the men were reluctant for the economic power to the women but gradually convinced by the awareness meetings.

➢ CHILD SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME: The main object of this programme is to as loss of parents or

economically weakened families the children deprived opportunities and their Rights, consequently becomes the victims of exploitation.

➢ EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME : Self Employment scheme for women KISES conducted a tailoring centre

for school dropout girls and unemployed youth at Rebbavaram village for the girls from surrounding villages. ➢ Area Selection : KISES selected the island villages of Nagayalanka Mandal is mainly there is no

transportation to those villages and more over to go to those villages have to cross the river and ferry is the only way to cross the river to go to villages.


• Boat repairs

• House construction

• Live stock distribution

• Toilets construction ➢ HEALTH PROGRAMMES

• Health camps • Eye Camps • Dental Camp

Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society


House No.54-20/9-10A, Srinagar Colony,

VIJAYAWADA – 520 008, A.P, India.

Ph.+91 866 2541720, Mobile No.+91 94405 73842

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kisesngo.org

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NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY On 28 February in the year 1928, the renowned Indian physicist Sir Chandra sekhara Venkata Raman discovered the phenomenon of scattering of light, popular as Raman Effect, at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in Kolkata. Recognizing the significance of the discovery in the field of Physics and the contribution of C.V. Raman, the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) proposed to celebrate 28 February as National Science Day. The Government of India approved the request and therefore since 1986, the country has been celebrating this day as National Science Day. Also, the Raman Effect was honoured with the rank of being a National Historic Chemical Landmark by the American Chemical Society on 15 December 1998. It got designated as an International Historic Chemical Landmark in the year 2013 on the National Science Day. The day is also observed to recall and celebrate the contribution of all the great scientists of India who made fundamental discoveries and advanced human knowledge. Some of these are: Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana

The Raman Effect : When a light beam passes through a transparent medium, some part of it is scattered. The

wavelength of these scattered rays is different from that of the incident rays of light. This phenomenon of scattering of light is termed as Raman Scattering, while the cause of the scattering is called the Raman Effect.

Awards won by C.V. Raman

➢ Fellow of the Royal Society (1924) ➢ Knight Bachelor (1929) ➢ Nobel Prize in Physics (1930) ➢ Bharat Ratna (1954) ➢ Lenin Peace Prize (1957) ➢ Fellow of the Royal Society (1924) The entire nation celebrates the National Science Day as a science festival by organising science exhibitions, workshops, seminars, symposiums, and many more activities. The aim to celebrate the day with great enthusiasm is to impart scientific temper in the minds of people of all age groups. Events are organized in educational institutes as well as research centers involving experts, learners, and scientists. Every year, a large number of people attend the National Science Day celebrations to participate in public debates, virtual tours, open houses, science quiz programs, poster making, science shows and many more activities. Also, new projects and latest researches of various institutes are displayed before the public.

Major celebrations take place at: ❖ The Indian Department of Science and Technology ❖ The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) ❖ The Councils of Science and Technology in every state ❖ The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) ❖ The CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) ❖ The Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium

- By Rizwan Syed

Cover Story

The discovery by C.V. Raman brought him the

Nobel Prize in 1930, the first time for an Indian.

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INSPIRATIONAL PERSON It is indeed a rare phenomenon that a single Individual displays excellence in multiple areas. Such a rare talented person is Mr. Turlapaty Kutumba Rao hailing from the hub of commercial and political activity, the city of Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Veteran journalist, virtuoso orator, intrepid speaker, éclair of the stage and epitome of values, his versatile personality won him many laurels. This champion of awards, a Telugu prodigy, Turlapaty is the pride of India.

About: He was born on 10th august, 1933 to Sundara Ramanuja Rao and Seshamamba. He grew up to become a distinguished personality of the noblest quality and the least egoistic.

Career : He began his career as journalist at an early age of 14 working under the footsteps of “Andhra kesari” Tanguturi Prakasham Pantulu garu fighting for the justice for People in genuine cases. He worked as sub editor in 1951 for telugu weekly ‘Vahini’ of Acharya N.G. Ranga till today and achieved many milestones in his journey.

• Turlapaty Kutumba Rao has the ideal combination of the skills of his pen and the tone of his rich voice. Both have greatly admired all sections of people everywhere.

• He was honored as state orator for a period of three years from 1982 by the government of Andhra Pradesh.

• He had singular credit of delivering over 16,000 speeches through out the state touching almost all concepts on the face of earth.

• As a Journalist, he written over 4000 biographies.

Padma shree Turlapaty kutumba Rao

The journey of his life is recorded in his

autobiography, Naa Kalam - Naa Galam,

released in 2012.

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• Best biographer

• National citizen award

• Padma shree award

• Pratibha Puraskar


• Kala Saraswati

• Upanyasa Samrat

• Upanyasa Kesari

• Vyasa Vidya Visarada

• Kalaprapoorna

• Guardian of Telugu

• Sabha Samrat and many more

Turlapaty Kutumba Rao is a friend of Film Industry since he acted as editor for Jyothi Chitra.

Turlapaty Kutumba Rao completed his seventy years of journey in Journalism and let us hope the pride of telugu people will reach heights under his guidance.

Be a Proud Member of Today's Kalam and support our Magazine and Service

Activities of Today's Kalam Foundation by contributing Monthly Rs 100 or

more. Receipts will be given for every Contribution. We accept Donations through PAYTM and Bank Account.

Paytm Number : 9618243916

Bank Details : Account name : TODAY'S KALAM FOUNDATION Bank Name : State Bank of India Account no : 37374596795 IFSC code : SBIN0020775 MICR code : 500002377

Page 8: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam



by Nuzhath M Syed

Every Subject of Learning makes human life better and empowered, let it be Science, Mathematics or Language (a system that consists of the development, acquisition, maintenance and use of complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so). These are the basic subjects of learning human education system holds in it. The analytical approach of mind gives the shape to these subjects. Lecturing, Demonstrating and collaborating with peer helps to develop understanding of these subjects through reasoning and discussion. There are methods of learning, which are natural like environment based, growth based, area specific, culture specific etc based on collaboration with the entities around and within us. These methods help in self refection as a major need. Self reflection on the level of outer and inner knowledge, within reasoning and beyond reasoning also come into play through the reflection of body, mind and soul. All the methods need tools which appeal to five basic senses and the sense beyond them. Art Based learning uses art as tool in this process of learning and art integrated learning includes art into learning working on the emotional intelligence, critical observation, creative ability and life skills of the children. Spiritual learning happens through internal search for knowledge which guides the intellect in us. Not only on self and life lessons but also social and world lessons. Story telling has always been a powerful tool to provide knowledge through prose, poetry, vocal, theatrical or becoming a story yourself. The child or human in us likes to relate to the characters, puppetry, theatre, film etc are mediums of experiential learning. Music touches the sense of hearing both sensually and spiritually. Fine Arts like painting or sculpting gives the experience of touch, vision and abstraction. Metaphoric representations and Parables have always been the best way to touch the human heart which have been used as tools in most of the spiritual scriptures. We can give up the subject division but should never give up the constructive method of art, music, storytelling, games etc because learning is always connected to methods content can be infused into it. I have been observing the impact of humanizing education through alternate methods of thinkers like Jiddu Krishnamurthi, Rabindranath Tagore, Al Ghazali or Ibn Sina or Sufi Mystical Methods, Yogic Methods of education which have tried to show the deeper you go the possibility of true knowledge reaching you is higher or it is possible you end up in the superficial layers of truth or worse in the fundamentalist literal approach. The kind of philosophy you choose in education can make a powerful impact on body, mind and spirit or leave you with the illusion of knowledge which is surrounded by ritualistic approach to learning, rote methods of education, materialistic perspective of knowledge and worse lack of persuasion and further seeking. Why didn't the major texts in the world come in the form of dull prose or equations why did they take the art's route of poetry and storytelling as in Quran, Psalms, Bible, Torah or Buddhist Parables. What we consider the mainstream education method today are nothing but a way of cutting the creative person inside and making all the same. Cutting diversity of thoughts and souls to one common path. Let it be the Western Education of Industrialization or Religious Methods of so called Religious Institutions whichever faith they belong to. Tribal Culture has been different to the farming culture and the modern industrial culture, the alternative method serves best as an option for the child to learn from and excel in the areas of interest and internal qualities they are born with. Gurus or Ustads or Teachers of all methods in the past used the alternative approach, though the eternal content and truth might be similar but all the children have different ways to approach it. If you cut a poet's romanticism and force him to be scientific in approach you will create more of one kind of machines which we keep calling humans. The above scenario is not only bad but very destructive. I always hoped to keep the education constructive and sustainable not destructive which is void of satisfaction, this hope allowed me to go deeper into not only the arenas of education philosophy but also into myself and my religious text. As Education makes future of this world, I see the storytellers and artists are as much needed to create more and more efficient systems as scientists and this might create satisfied societies in all subject areas whatever the child chooses to pursue. They can only choose when they are polymaths at the entry level of primary, secondary and higher secondary education. What will be the society when we see there is only one truth and people are just the seekers of it through different viewpoints. The teachers will become more efficient with these approaches of integration because they would be internally compelled to keep learning and being creative in their approach to satisfy the children's questions. The teachers should be compelled to be polymaths themselves and this will not only change how the children grow but also how the teachers impact the people around them. I am sure you will call me an idealist but if not approached from an ideal viewpoint no other view point can be reached. Because Ideal itself means "a standard to strive toward". I will strive towards it and keep hoping you will accompany me in this striving towards that standard.

Strive towards Ideal

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Why Disabled Persons are so Hurried …?

A moment with Accessible and Dysfunctional E-CORNER of SBI

Yes, we are a bit hurried about things, about smells, about life around and inside us. Today I went to an ATM nearest to my home, MVP COLONY, VISAKHAPATNAM… First ever Accessible ATM and E-corner by SBI that’s been advertised in papers. As and when our car used to cross that I used to see at that with lot of hope, that one day I can access that, without any help of others, without someone always breathing behind my neck. Hmmm.. Life of disability is so fun and so irritating at times…!! So finally I went there, parking is already taken. the ramp is good. But still, someone needs to push it. Here, I am talking about the angle of it. They have put tactile tiles, but no Braille instructions anywhere. So you forget sign language instructions/interpreters. They have put an assistant there to help all of us (universally, including normal customers) who don’t have any clue of anything happening. Inside .. finally the server is down and they think being on wheelchair, my mind is also gone and I don’t know internet based issues…. They don’t know when it will be OK. And suggested me to go to branch nearby which is in the upstairs. My husband’s face is dark with rage. They just physically allowed me, not functionally. Still functional disability is there for everyone. Here, i don’t blame one particular person. But the lack of knowledge on what is called UNIVERSAL DESIGN AND ACCESS..I laughed at the irony of birth of hackers like Julian Assengem, who were born out of exasperation and revenge.. lol while accessing the ramp, we had to specifically ask people to remove fancy mat ( you can see that in picture) , so that its easier for care giver to push my wheelchair. An extra person has to open the door for me… hmmm.. long dead independent living in India..!! Having said that, I have enjoyed my so called bank (look alike) visit. Because its the first time, being a finance professional I entered bank physically with just a single person, rather than, someone lifting or I am using my smartness not to go to bank. It’s just that, people and system improves the quality of ATM‘s and access … for many PHYSICALLY vulnerable people like me , PREGNANT WOMAN, ELDERS, PERSONS WITH GAIT AND ORTHRITIC PROBLEMS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES EITHER VISIBLE OR HIDDEN. NOW THAT THE NEW PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES DRAFT BILL IS TABLED WITH ALL ITS FLAWS AND LIMITATIONS DESPITE PROTEST FROM SEVERAL ACTIVISTS… THERE ARE CERTAIN ISSUES THAT GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO FOCUS FOR ITS OWN BENEFIT · Persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities are way too bigger segment to NOT TO CATER. · The quality of service, gets bettered when banks involve persons with disabilities, not otherwise. · DESIGN, ATTITUDE, RIGHT KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY TO UNIVERSAL ACCESS… THEY MAIN INGREDIENT OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ( THOUGH IT’S A JIANT LIKE STATE BANK OF INDIA, ONE HOLE IS ENOUGH TO SINK A SHIP ) while coming back , my husband categorically said- “ why you hurry about every new thing that’s around the corner , i know these people and i want to test before all these things .. in order to save you the disappointment…hmmm my unspoken answer to him is like this-

Yes, we disabled are hurried … to experience life, to taste, smell, eat, wear, live, love … we never know when this clock stops and our account closes.. !! Permanently ..!! –Sai Padma

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Tata Trusts is amongst India's oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organizations. Tata Trusts has played a pioneering role in transforming traditional ideas of charity and introducing the concept of philanthropy to make a real difference to communities. Through grant-making, direct implementation and co-partnership strategies, the Trusts supports and drives innovation in the areas of natural resources management, education, healthcare & nutrition, rural livelihoods, enhancing civil society and governance, media, arts, crafts & culture, and diversified employment. The Trusts engages with competent individuals and government bodies, international agencies and like-minded private sector organizations to nurture a self-sustaining eco-system that collectively works across all these areas.

How the Idea of micro planning initiative came into reality. It all started when the Hon’ble Prime Minister announced the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) in October 11, 2014 to make Indian villages into smart villages. This scheme proposes that during the tenure of the present Parliament, each of the 795 MPs will choose and work towards making 2 villages in their constituency as "Adarsh Gram" (ideal village). The scheme envisages that the MP will provide leadership to converge all central and state Government schemes for the purpose of ushering in the developments in the Adarsh Gram. Immediately following announcement of the scheme, the Trusts wrote to all the MPs, offering help in community mobilization and micro-planning for preparation of Village Development Plans (VDPs) under the scheme. The offer was to ensure that this was done through competent partner organizations located close to the chosen villages.

The Trusts received responses from various MPs; including Hon’ble MP of Vijayawada-Mr. Kesineni Srinivas and Hon’ble MP of Bengaluru (Rural)-Mr. Veerappa Moily. To begin with, the Trusts conducted a detailed micro-planning activity in Dec-2014 in Gollamandala - the village adopted by Mr. Kesineni Srinivas under the SAGY. The MP was impressed with the quality of the mobilization and the micro-planning exercise. He requested that he would like the Trusts to help him repeat the exercise for the remaining 264 Gram Panchayats (GPs) in his constituency as well. He went personally to meet the Managing Trustee as well as the Chairman to communicate his desire to collaborate with the Trusts at a larger scale. This presented a challenge as well as an opportunity for Trusts to scale this kind of operation. The Trusts began its activities in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, by initiating an assessment of the needs of each village at household level. The Trusts took up this opportunity to design a program called as Micro-Planning Assessment (MPA). With the help of a technical partner, Social Cops, and an implementing partner, Centre for Peoples Forestry (CPF), a comprehensive survey was conducted in the rest of the 264 GPs of Vijayawada Parliamentary Constituency (VPC). This MPA was done digitally with the support of more than 1000 local volunteers who were trained on how to use tablets and smart devices. The task involved gathering detailed data from over 2.5 lakh households in these 264 villages. The MPA was

conducted over a period of three months resulting in the development of VDPs for each of the 264 GPs.


Conducting training sessions for surveyors to

collect the data by using Tablets

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Micro planning initiatives in numbers

villages covered 265

households surveyed 250,000

Total population Above 10,00,000

data points collected 100 mil.

surveyors trained 1,200

Legislator’s words on Micro Planning initiative

“With the launch of these 264 Village Development Plans for Vijayawada Parliamentary Constituency, we have redefined participative democracy and given our citizens real say in development. In this unprecedented effort, over 1 million people were mobilized for the creation of development plans. What we have achieved today is a big step in our mission to make Vijayawada a model constituency” - Shri Kesineni Srinivas, Member of Parliament, Vijayawada

Way forward

After the preparation of Village DevelopmentPlans through micro planning initiative,they were then presented to executives and decision makers at various levels including the CM’s office, the planning department and district administration. The Trusts also came forward to facilitate the development of these villages with the help of various state departments. For that an MoU was signed on 24th August, 2015, between the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Tata Trusts to develop 265 GPs as ‘Adarsh Grams’.

Krupakar reddy, Tata trusts

Using PRA tools and social mapping to

understand and micro planning the village

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Gandhi Hill - Vijayawada Gandhi Hill or Gandhi Stupa was formerly known as Orr Hill and is located at an elevation of 500 ft. It is the first Gandhi Memorial with seven stupas (a mound-like or semi-hemispherical structure). Located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh it was constructed to pay tribute to the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The Gandhi Hill provides a panoramic view of the city of Vijayawada. The city lights, the calming breeze and the crowd together turn the place into one of the travel attractions of Vijayawada.

History The huge Gandhi Memorial structure, 52 ft. in height, was unveiled on October 6, 1968 by Dr. Zakir Hussain on this hill to spread the teachings and ideas of Mahatma Gandhi. It is considered as the first Gandhi Memorial in India to be constructed on a hillock.

When it was newly constructed, this monument was the tallest structure on the Vijayawada skyline.

Attractions At Gandhi Hill A planetarium and a Light and Sound show which unfolds the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi is a huge draw. Gandhi Hill has a well maintained library known as Gandhi Memorial Library which houses a huge collection of books. Books on and by Mahatma Gandhi will give you rare insights into the life and works of Mahatma Gandhi. A toy train which skirts the Gandhi Hill is one of the attractions of the place. A ride on this toy train will give visitors a 360 degree view of Vijayawada city. Gandhi Hill is really a monument dedicated to India’s freedom struggle. Stone slabs with the inscriptions of teachings of Mahatma Gandhi can be seen here. When To Go? What Should You Know ? Operating Hours : Mon-Sun Address : Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Holidays : Tuesdays


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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old Welsh proverb that most of us are familiar with, but what makes this fruit so special? What health benefits are associated with eating apples? As one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, apples are continuously being praised as a "miracle food". In fact, Apples were ranked first in Medical News Today's featured article about the top 10 healthy foods. Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. The phyto nutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Health Benefits of Apples

1. Apples Are Nutritious

2. Apples May Be Good for Weight Loss

3. Apples May Be Good for Your Heart

4. They're Linked to a Lower Risk of Diabetes

5. They May Have Prebiotic Effects and Promote Good Gut Bacteria

6. Substances in Apples May Help Prevent Cancer

7. Apples Contain Compounds That Can Help Fight Asthma

8. Apples May Be Good for Bone Health

9. Apples May Protect Against Stomach Injury From NSAIDs

10. The Antioxidants in Apples May Help Protect Your Brain in Old Age

Selection and Storage Fresh apples can be readily available in the stores all around the season. Choose fresh, bright, firm textured apples with a Pleasant flavor. Avoid fruits with pressure marks over their surface as they indicate underlying mottled pulp. Fresh apples can be kept at room temperature for few days and stored in the refrigerator for up to two to three weeks. Wash them in clean running cold water before use.

Safety profile Good yield demands close attention and supervision of apple fruit crop. According to the environmental working group reports, the apple fruit is one of the heavily pesticide-contaminated produces. The most common pesticides found in apples are organo-phosphorous and organ chloride pesticides like Permethrin and DDT. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the fruit thoroughly before use. If possible, use organically certified apples. Sindhu ma

Food is thy Medicine

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COMMERCE 1. What are the job opportunities for a B.Com/M.Com graduate?

Ans : There are plenty of job opportunities for a commerce grad. The main areas are Finance, Banking, Chartered

Accountancy, Insurance, Foreign Trade, Stock Broking and Economics.

2. What are job positions available for a commerce grad?

Ans : Accountant, Tax Consultant, Human Resource Manager, Banker, Auditor, Stock Broker, Lecturer, Export

Import Manager, Finance Consultant, Insurance Consultant, Event Manager, Travel Agent, Economist,

Administrative Officer, Market Researcher, Company Secretary and Investment Analyst etc.

3. I have applied for a company for the position of Accountant with B.Com degree, but I didn’t get an opportunity though I tried several times?

Ans : The best way to settle as Accountant is to join with any Chartered Accountant (CA) as the junior or learner or

Intern or Assistant. You can join for no payment basis or minimum payment or whatever the deal in between. First

learn the Accountancy then apply for jobs. Show your experience of working with a CA and then apply for a

company. Youngsters or the fresher’s should always remember that you must learn first about the job exactly. We

can appreciate your knowledge that you may say you are the topper and excel the academics. But before you must

undergo the real time experience and the on-the-job training for one or two years.

4. I am a B.Com graduate and I want to become a Chartered Accountant (CA)? How Please tell?

Ans : It has three levels Common Proficiency Test (CPT), Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) and

Final Examination. After passing your 10th Standard examination, register for CPT in Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India (ICAI). Appear for CPT examination after you pass 12th standard and after completion of a

period of 60 days from the date of registration for CPT. Passing the CPT and 12th exam is compulsory, otherwise

you are not allowed to register for IPCC. Then at last Final Exam. Here you have several other exams in between to

appear for final exam like Group I& II etc. If you are the B.Com grad, then you should have 55% marks and can take

IPCC (and should appear for articles for 9 months) directly without CPT exam.

5. You have mentioned about the Marketing Researcher, what is it and How to become?

Ans : Marketing Researcher (MR) is a person who collects and analyzes the data about the market (it can be any

area). Then he will make certain recommendations based upon his/her findings. This is very essential job now a

days which is becoming famous and paid in higher amounts. There are more chances of becoming a freelancer in

this field. Most of the work will be a quantitative research that involves collecting numerical data about the market

of any particular business and using statistical software the data is interpreted and then conclusions were made as

a final report. Based on this report given by a MR the business can be done or initiated.

To be Continued…

Career Q & A

By Prof. Zahoorullah.S.MD.

Page 15: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam



National Girl Child Day Celebrations

On 24th January, the National Girl child day is celebrated in Govindarajulu Municipal school, Vijayawada. It was

organized by Marpu foundation and Anusha garu, HHH Foundation. Gadde Anu Radha garu, Zilla parishat Chairman

and Hymavathi garu, State Child Commission chairman are the chief guests for the program.

National Youth Day Celebrations

Vivekananda Youth association has Celebrated National Youth day on 12th January. They successfully completed Vivekananda 155th birth anniversary celebrations and Nivedha -2k18.


Page 16: 2...Aryabhatta, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Har Gobind Khorana The Raman Effect : When a light beam



Today’s kalam has taken an initiative on a trail basis to explore the

hidden talents and introduce them to the youth. The endevour is to introduce persons who are

contributing silently to the underprivileged in the society so that they become role models to

the youth. We showcase both budding authors as well as experienced educationalists, social

activitists, industrialists or anyone with unique capabilites and excellent skills. Hope our

Today’s kalam will provide a unique platform to bring to light the deserved ones.

Do not hesitate to send your ideas /concepts for betterment of our magazine.

Our editorial team will contact you. Our aim is to see that every talent or selfless work gets an

opportunity to reach the public. To send your article/concepts contact ,

Editor : Arshad Shaik


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