1student admission system

PROJECT REPORT ON Student Admission System Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Masters in Computer Science – 4 th Sem. MDU University, Rohtak 1

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M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) – 4th Sem.


This is to certify that Miss. Monika, Enrollment No. 2010200011 has worked under my supervision to prepare her project report on Student Admission System. The work embodied in this report is original was conduct at Govt. College Gurgaon. She has completed all requirements of M.Sc.(F) 4th Sem. ordinance.

Sign of H.O.D Sign of PrincipalComputer Science Date:-


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I Monika hereby declare that the minor project entitled

Student Admission System submitted for the M.Sc. – 4th

Sem. is my original work carried out by me under the

guidance of Mr. Satish for the partial fulfillment of the

award of M.Sc.-4th Sem. The matter embodied in this

report has not submitted anywhere else for the award of

any other degree.




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Signature of the candidate:


I would like to convey my thanks to Mr.Satish and Mrs. Geetika head of department (computer science) of Govt. College sector 14, Gurgaon for there immense help and guidance in my project. It’s only due to there efforts that my project could be completed successfully. This project report is submitted by Monika, student of M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) – 4th Sem.

Thank YouMonika


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Develop a PC based Student Admission System. The system should accept the information that will be specified by a student in his application form. It should include Application no., Name, Address, Marks obtained in the qualifying examination etc.After obtaining the above information, the software should produce Merit Lists for admission basis and also generate the Admission intimation slips.

Develop the software using Visual Basic/C++.

Make assumptions wherever necessary.


The PC based Student Admission System developed by me has following features:

a) The front end is in Visual Basic

b) The back end or the datbase has been implemented in MS Access

c) The front-end application accepts university admission forms for the students.

d) A middle tier has been created for implementation of business rules as follows:

1) The student name cannot be left blank


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2) The date OF Birth cannot be left blank.

3) Should have an average of 55% marks in passing examination.

4) Should have at least 55% marks in each subject (assuming that there are 5 subjects)

5) Address should not be left blank etc.

e) The student is handed over the intimation slip if his name appears in the Merit List.

f) The records are saved in a table in the backend.

g) After submission of forms the merit list and a waiting list is generated automatically for maximum of 10 students.

The code blocks and screen shots are given in the pages that follow.


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The traditional file-oriented approach to information processing

has for each application a separate master file and its own set of personal files.

DATABASE Package supported these file-oriented applications. It was used

for developing applications such as of payroll, inventory, and financial

accounting. However, in general an organization needs flow of information

across these applications also and this requires sharing of data, which is very

difficult to implement in the traditional file approach. In addition, a major

limitation of file-based approach is that the programs are dependent on the

files and the files are dependent upon the programs.

These file-based approaches, which came into being as the first commercial

applications of computers, suffered from the following significant


2.1.2- Data Redundancy :

In a file system if an information is needed by two distinct applications, then it

may be stored in two or more files. For example, the particulars of an

Some of this information may be changing, such as the address, the pay

drawn, etc. It is therefore quite possible that while the address in the master

file for one application has been updated the address in the master file for


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second application may have not been. Sometimes, it may not be easy to find

that in how many files the repeating items such as the address has occurred.

The solution, therefore, is to avoid this data redundancy by storing the address at just one place physically, and making it accessible to all applications.

2.2.3- Program/Data Dependency :

In the traditional file oriented approach if a data field (attribute) is to be

added to a master file, all such programs that access the master file would

have to be changed to allow for this new field that would have been added to

the master record. This is referred to as data dependence.

2.2.4- Lack of Flexibility:

Since the data and programs are strong coupled in a traditional system,

most information retrieval requests would be limited to well anticipated

and pre-determined. The system would normally be capable of producing

scheduled records and queries that it has been programmed to create. In

the fast moving and competent business environment of today, apart from

such regularly scheduled records, there is a need for responding to un-

anticipatory queries and some kind of investigative analysis that could not

have been envisaged professionally.


A database is defined to be a collection of related information stored in a

manner that many users share it for different purposes. The content of a


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database is obtained by integrating data from all the different sources at a

centralized location (in general) in an organization. Such data is made

available to all users as per his/her requirements and redundant data can

be eliminated or at least minimized. The Data Base Management System

(DBMS) governs to create an environment in which end user have better access to more and better managed data than they did before the DBMS become the data management standard.

Some of the common database applications are student database

system, business inventory, accounting information, organization data etc.

There can be a database, which stores new paper articles, magazines, books,

and comics. There is already a well-defined market for specific information

using databases for highly selected group of users on almost all subjects.

MEDLINE is a well-known database service providing medical information

for doctors and similarly WESTLAW is a computer based information service

catering to the requirements of lawyers. The key to making all this possible is

the manner in which the information in the database is managed. Some

commercially available DBMS are INGRES, ORACLE, DB2, Sybase etc. A

database management system, therefore, is a combination of hardware and

software that can be used to set up and monitor a database, and can manage

the updating and retrieval of database that has been stored in it. Most

database management systems support the following facilities/capabilities:

(a) Creation, modification and deletion of data file/s;

(b) Addition, modification, deletion of data;

(c) Retrieving of data collectively or selectively.

(d) Sorting or Indexing of data.

(e) Creation of input forms and output reports. There may be

either standardized forms/reports or that may be specifically

generated according to specific user definition.


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(f) Manipulation of stored data with some mathematical

functions, support for concurrent transactions

(g) To maintain data integrity and security.

(h) To create an environment for Data warehousing and Data


The DBMS interprets and processes user’s requests to retrieve information

from a database. Figure 1 shows that a DBMS serves as an interface to

various types of interactions. The user may key in a retrieval query directly

from a terminal, or it may be coded in a high-level language program to be

submitted for interactive or batch processing. In most cases, a query request

will have to penetrate several layers of software in the DBMS and operating

system before the physical database can be accessed.

The DBMS responds to a query by invoking the appropriate subprograms,

each of which performs its special function to interpret the query, or to locate

the desired data in the database and present it in the desired order as desired

by the user. Thus, the DBMS shields database users from the programming

they would have to do to organize data for storage, or to gain access to it once it was stored.

Thus, the role of the DBMS is an intermediary between the users and the

database, which is very much, like the function of a salesperson in a

consumers distributor system. A consumer specifies desired items by filling

out an order form, which is submitted to a salesperson at the counter. The

salesperson presents the specified items to consumer after they have been

retrieved from the storage room. Consumers who place orders have no idea of

where and how the items are stored; they simply select the desired items from

an alphabetical list in a catalogue. However, the logical order of goods in the

catalogue bears no relationship to the actual physical arrangement of the


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inventory in the storage room. Similarly, the database user needs to know

only what data he or she requires; the DBMS will take care of retrieving it.



One of the main advantages of using a database system is that the

organization can exert, via the Database Administrator (DBA), centralized

management and control over the data. The database administrator is the

focus of the centralized control. Any application requiring a change in the

structure of a data record require an arrangement with the DBA, who makes

the necessary modifications, Such modifications do not effect other

applications or users of the record in question. Therefore, these changes meet

another requirement of the DBMS: data independence. The following are the

important advantages of DBMS.

2.3.1 Advantages :

A)-Reduction of Redundancies:

Centralized control of data by the DBA avoids unnecessary

duplication of data and effectively reduces the total amount of data storage

required. It also eliminates the extra processing necessary to trace the

required data in a large storage of data. Another advantage of avoiding

duplication is the elimination of the inconsistencies that tend to be present in

redundant data files. Any redundancies that exist in the DBMS are controlled

and the system ensures that these multiple copies are consistent.

B)- Sharing Data:

A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of application programs or users.


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C)- Data Integrity:

Centralized control can also ensure that adequate checks are

incorporated in the DBMS to provide data integrity. Data integrity means

that the data contained in the database is both accurate and consistent.

Therefore, data values being entered for storage could be checked to ensure

that they fall within a specified range and are of the correct formatting. For

example, the value for the age of an employee may be in the range of 16 and

75. Another integrity check that should be incorporated in the database is to

ensure that if there is a reference to certain object, that object must exist. In

the case of an automatic teller machine, for example, a user is not allowed to

transfer funds from a nonexistent saving account to a checking account.

D)- Data Security:

Data is of vital importance to an organization and may be

confidential. Unauthorized persons must not access such confidential data.

The DBA who has the ultimate responsibility for the data in the DBMS can

ensure that proper access procedures are followed, including proper

authentication schemes for access to the DBMS and additional checks before

permitting access to sensitive data. Different levels of security could be

implemented for various types of data and operations. The enforcement of

security could be data value dependent (e.g., a manager has access to the

salary details of employees in his or her department only), as well as data-type

dependent (but the manager cannot access the medical history of any

employees, including those in his or her department).

E)- Conflict Resolution:


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Since the database is under the control of the DBA, she or he should resolve

the conflicting requirements of various users and applications. In essence, the

DBA chooses the best file structure and access method to get optimal

Performance for the response-critical applications, while permitting less

critical applications to continue to use the database, albeit with a relatively

slower response.

F)- Data Independence:

Data independence is usually considered from two points of view: physical data independence and logical data independence.

Physical Data Independence:

Physical data independence allows changes in the physical storage devices or

organization of the files to be made without requiring changes in the

conceptual view or any of the external views and hence in the application

programs using the database. Thus, the files may migrate from one type of

physical media to another or the file structure may change without any need

for changes in the application programs.

Logical Data Independence:

Logical data independence implies that application programs need not be

changed if fields are added to an existing record; nor do they have to be

changed if fields not used by application programs are deleted. Logical

data independence indicates that the conceptual schema can be changed

without affecting the existing external schemas. Data independence is

advantageous in the database environment since it allows for changes at

one level of the database without affecting other levels.

Logical data independence is more difficult to achieve than physical data


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independence. Since application programs are heavily dependent on the

logical structure of the data they access. The concept of data independence

is similar in many respects to the concept of abstract data type in modern

programming languages, like as C and C++ Languages. Both hide

implementation details from the users. This allows users to concentrate on

the general structure rather than low-level implementation details.

2.3.2- Disadvantages:

A significant disadvantage of the DBMS system is cost. In addition to the cost

of purchasing or developing the software, the hardware has to be upgraded to

allow for the extensive programs and the workspaces required for their

execution and storage. The processing overhead introduced by the DBMS to

implement security, integrity, and sharing of the data causes a degradation of

the response and through-put times. An additional cost is that of migration

from a traditionally separate application environment to an integrated one.

While centralization reduces duplication, the lack of duplication requires that

the database be adequately backed up so that in the case of failure the data

can be recovered. Backup and recovery operations are fairly complex in a

DBMS environment, and this is exacerbated in a concurrent multi-user

database system. Furthermore, a database system requires a certain amount

of controlled redundancies and duplication to enable access to related data


Centralization also means that the data is accessible from a single

source namely the database. This increases the potential severity of security

breaches and disruption of the operation of the organization because of

downtimes and failures. The replacement of a monolithic centralized database


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by a federation of independent and cooperating distributed databases resolves

some of the problems resulting from failures and downtimes.


System analysis is a management technique . which helps in

designing a new system of improving an existing system. System

analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts diagnosing

problems (if any) , using information to recommend improvement to

the system . There are four basic elements of the analysis system .

These are :

1. Output

2. Input

3. Files

4. Processes

For computerization of any system , the existing system must be

thoroughly being understood to determine “ hoe the computer can

be best used to make its operation makes effective”. This is acquired

by analyzing existing system .


I n current competitive scenario every business establishment needs

Quality processes to increase their efficiency as well as improve

their productive . Since the existing system (manual work) takes


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more time and man power for processing . It is keeping in mind this

business philosophy (mantra) a customer complaint registration

and resolution system for Telnet Infocom was proposed . This

system will deal with all the aspects of CRM.


The purpose of preliminary investigation is to evaluate project

Requests . It is the collection of details to describe the buisnees

system in all respect . Preliminary investigation also examine project

feasibility, the likelihood the system will be useful to the

organization . Preliminary investigation helps to accomplish the

following objectives .

1. Clarify and understand the project request .

2. Determine the size of the project.

3. Assess costs and benefits of alternative approaches.

4. Determine the feasibility of alternative approaches.

I made a lot of assumptions for the requirements because it is the

Crucial part of the S/W development life cycle. I first thought

about the various departments of TELNET INFOCOM to learn

About the type of work it will provide . For this organization

procedures helped in various important steps in

receiving ,assigning managing and closing the problem /



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Then I assume the activities of the system , the office environment

work load of the system and users method of work and the

facilities provided by the organization . This information helped

to understand how the system should operate.

Application Used : Visual Basic

File Type : Standard.ExeFile Name : clientend.exe

Main Screen :


Private Sub admfrm_Click()Admfrm1.ShowUnload MainfrmEnd Sub


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Private Sub DONECMD_Click()Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub feecmd_Click()feeform.ShowUnload MainfrmEnd Sub

Private Sub MERIT_Click() MERITFORM.Show Unload Mainfrm MERITFORM.MERITLBL.Visible = FalseMERITFORM.MERITTXT.Visible = FalseMERITFORM.DONECMD.Visible = FalseMERITFORM.namelbl.Visible = FalseMERITFORM.NAMETXT.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub SLIPS_Click() Load INTIMATION INTIMATION.Show Unload Me End Sub


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11.System Implementation:

After testing of the system , the new system is installed and implemented at user place. The old system is change to new or modify system and users are provided traning to operate the new system . this is a crucial phase of SDLC and is known as implementation phase . The term implementation may be defined as “Implementation is the process of converting the manual or old computerized system with the newly developed system and making it operational , with out disturbing the functioning of the organization.

System Implementation comprises the following:

1.Creating Computer Compatible Files.2.Training The People Who Are Going To Actual Operate The System. 3.Installing The Necessary Hardware.4. Installing The Proposed Software.

11.2 Types Of Implementation .

There are two types of implementation.

A. Fresh Implementation:Implementation of totally new computerized system by replacing manual system .


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B. Replacement Implementation:Implementation of new computerized system by replacing old computerized system .C. Modified Implementation:Implementation of modified computerized system by replacing old computerized system .

11.3 Process Of Implementation:

Whatever be the kind of implementation , the implementation process has following two parts.

1. Conversion 2. Training Of Users.

11.4 Conversion :

Conversion of the process of changing from the old system to modified or new one . Whatever be the conversion method followed


1.The conversion portion of the implementation plan is ultimetly approved.

2. The conversion method to be followed is decided and initiated.

3.The data in existing file is converted in to a form accepted to the new system.

4. If any discrepancies arise, diagnose and correct discrepancies .

Conversion Methods:


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1. Direct Cutover

2. Parallel Conversion

3. Phase In Method Of Conversion

4. Pilot System

11.5 User Training:

Training of users is another part of implementation . It is consideredMost important part of software development , as it helps users in operating and maintaining the system. Training strategies are determined by who is being trained and who will train them . The analyst will want to ensure that any one whose Work is affected by the new information system is properly trained by the appropriate trainee .

Elements of user training:

1.Training Objectives 2.Training Methods 3.Training Sites4.Training Materials

Training Aids:

1. Training Programs And Seminars2. Web Sites3. Users Manual4. Help Screens 5. Data Dictionary6. Training Cases7. Job Aids


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12. MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTIONAfter completion of implementation phase, the software is required to be properly maintained. If the system is not properly maintained, it may fail too. Therefore, generally more than 50% of total software development times is spent in maintaining the system.

Maintenance is actually improvement and updation of software in response to the organization.

Maintenance is quite labour- intensive and expensive phase of a software development project .A system may become difficult to be maintained if it is not properly designed.

Maintenance task is assigned to a special group consisting of maintenance programmers. The maintenance programming team’s job involves keeping the operational, that is undertaking preventing measures to keep computer programs running.


There are three type of system Maintenance:-1. Corrective Maintenance2. Adaptive Maintenance3. Perfective Maintenance


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Primary activities of a maintenance procedure are:-

1. Maintenance staff receives a request for service from authorized user.

2. Maintenance staff studies the definition of the required modifications.

3. Maintenance staff acquires source program statement printout from library.

4. Also, acquire the documentation of this source program, if any.

5. Make required changes to programs and systems.

6. Test changes.

7. Submit test result for user approval.

8. Once approved, the modified documentation is filled with the library.

9. A project completion notice is sent to the user, signaling the termination of the project.


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13. Testing:

Testing is the most time consuming, but an essential activity of a software project. It is a vital to the success of new system. Though, during development phase programmer also tests their program & neither compares the output with requirement nor test the complete system. For making the system reliable & error free, the complete system must be tested in a systematic & organized way.

The testing process therefore proceeds in six stages:-


Individual function or procedures are tested to ensure that they are operating correctly .each component is tested individually.


A module is a collection of dependant component such as an object class, procedures & function. All modules are tested to check whether they’re properly working.


Sub system testing a collection of modules which have been integrated into sub system.


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The system are connected together to make the whole system. System testing would be concerned with checking that the system meets the organization.


Running system under live data by the actual user is called acceptance testing. It can be done during both testing & implementation phases.


In beta testing the system is delivered to a number of potential users who agree to use that system & provide feedback to the designer. Testing should be repeated if any modification is done based on the feedback given users. Hence, it is sometimes called as regression testing.


WHAT DO WE TEST FOR?We test for following things:-






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1. We do test for see whether it produces correct outputs or not.

2. In test, we create as many records as would normally be produced to verify that hardware & software will function correctly.

3. We do test for security reasons (security test).

4. Recovery test determines if data lost for whatever reasons, whether it can be recovered successfully or not.

5. The usability test verifies the user-friendly nature of the system. This relates to normal operating & error handling procedures.

5. The storage test determines the storage capacity of system under all possible situations.


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14.Input And Outpui Design:

Designing of Inputs and Outputs are the major functions of system design phase.For successful implementation of system, these designs must be acceptable to the user. Therefore ,the analyst pays great importance to design these documents.

Input Design:

In a manual system ,data is generally available in many sources such as office file Ledgers ,invoices ,cash books ,bank books and other documents of the organization .The format of these documents may not match with required computer based format . If data is entered from these user –originated documentsDirectly , then there are possibilities of in accuracy in feeding of data .In accurate input data are the most common cause errors in data processing .

Input Design is the process of converting user originated input format to a computer based format . This computer based format is called as input form or source document .


1. Input forms must be complete and accurate.2.They must be designed in such a way that the data entry becomes easier.3.There should be not any inconsistency of data in input forms.4. Input form should be attractive to the user.5.Assuring input meets the intended purpose.6.Input forms must be easy to fill out.7.Avoiding extra steps.


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In entering data ,operates need to know the following:

1.Size of each field.2.Field Sequence.3.The format in which data fields are entered :For example ,filling out the date field is required through the edited format mm/dd/yy .When we approach input data design , we design the source documents that capture the and then select the media used to enter them into the computer.


The steps for input form design are:

1.Detailed study of user originated documents.

2.Study of data dictionary.

3.Capturing of fields from user originated documents or data dictionary.

4.Identification of fields whether they are constants or variables.

5.Studying of software Requirement Specification document.


The system is accepted by the user only by quality of its output. If the output is not good quality , user is likely to reject the system . Therefore an effective output design is the major crieteria for deciding the overall quality of system.

Many new output devices are being introduced in the market because of recent Development in computer technology. System analyst must be aware of these technology and try to use these new output devices if possible.Currently excellent graphics displays are widely available . sppech output


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Admission Form:


Dim CDATA As ObjectDim sum As IntegerDim MSG As StringPrivate Sub cncmd_Click()Unload MeLoad MainfrmMainfrm.Visible = TrueEnd Sub

Private Sub rscmd_Click()clear_fieldEnd Sub

Private Sub clear_field()


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FIRSTTXT.Text = " "DOBTXT.Text = " "SEXCMB.Text = " "MRTCMB.Text = " "occtxt.Text = " "SALTXT.Text = " "forgtxt.Text = " "NTXT.Text = " "WORKTXT.Text = " "RESTXT.Text = " "FFTXT.Text = " "ADDTXT.Text = " "add2txt.Text = " "INSTXT.Text = " "YPTXT.Text = " "BOARDTXT.Text = " "

M1TXT.Text = " "M2TXT.Text = " "M3TXT.Text = " "M4TXT.Text = " "M5TXT.Text = ""End Sub

Private Sub savcmd_Click()Set CDATA = New admission.studentclassDim retVal As Variant

CDATA.studname = Trim(FIRSTTXT.Text)CDATA.sdob = Trim(DOBTXT.Text)CDATA.sex = Trim(SEXCMB.Text)CDATA.martial = Trim(MRTCMB.Text)CDATA.focc = Trim(occtxt.Text)CDATA.fsal = Trim(SALTXT.Text)CDATA.forg = Trim(forgtxt.Text)CDATA.nationality = Trim(NTXT.Text)CDATA.offph = Trim(WORKTXT.Text)CDATA.resph = Trim(RESTXT.Text)CDATA.fname = Trim(FFTXT.Text)CDATA.address1 = Trim(ADDTXT.Text)CDATA.address2 = Trim(add2txt.Text)CDATA.institute = Trim(INSTXT.Text)CDATA.yearpassed = Trim(YPTXT.Text)CDATA.studboard = Trim(BOARDTXT.Text)CDATA.marks1 = Val(Trim(M1TXT.Text))CDATA.marks2 = Val(Trim(M2TXT.Text))CDATA.marks3 = Val(Trim(M3TXT.Text))CDATA.marks4 = Val(Trim(M4TXT.Text))CDATA.marks5 = Val(Trim(M5TXT.Text))


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retVal = CDATA.save()If retVal = "Success" Then MSG = "Student information entered into the Database." & vbCrLf & "Please note your Student ID " & CStr(CDATA.STUDID) MsgBox MSG, vbInformation, "Success" clear_fieldElse MsgBox retVal, vbInformation, "Error"End If

End Sub

Merit List Generation:


Option ExplicitDim CDATA As New admission.studentclass

Dim nam, mer_l As String Dim n, w, m, sid As Long

Private Sub DONECMD_Click()Unload MeMainfrm.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub ENTERCMD_Click()Dim data As Stringsid = CLng(Trim(TXTSID.Text)) data = CDATA.searchrecord(sid, "merit") If data <> "NOMATCH" Then n = InStr(1, data, "#", vbTextCompare)


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w = Len(data) nam = Left(data, n - 1) mer_l = Right(data, w - (n + 1))MERITFORM.MERITLBL.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.MERITTXT.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.DONECMD.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.namelbl.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.NAMETXT.Visible = True Print NAMETXT.Text = nam MERITTXT.Text = mer_l ElseIf data = "NOMATCH" Then FALSECAPTION.Visible = True MERITFORM.DONECMD.Visible = True End IfEnd Sub


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Intimation Slip:


Option ExplicitDim CDATA As New admission.studentclass

Dim nam, mer_l As String Dim n, w, m, sid As Long

Private Sub DONECMD_Click()Unload MeMainfrm.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub ENTERCMD_Click()Dim data As Stringsid = CLng(Trim(TXTSID.Text)) data = CDATA.searchrecord(sid, "merit") If data <> "NOMATCH" Then n = InStr(1, data, "#", vbTextCompare) w = Len(data) nam = Left(data, n - 1) mer_l = Right(data, w - (n + 1))MERITFORM.MERITLBL.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.MERITTXT.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.DONECMD.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.namelbl.Visible = TrueMERITFORM.NAMETXT.Visible = True Print NAMETXT.Text = nam


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MERITTXT.Text = mer_l ElseIf data = "NOMATCH" Then FALSECAPTION.Visible = True MERITFORM.DONECMD.Visible = True End IfEnd SubFEE Record:


Dim CDATA As New admission.studentclassDim sid As LongDim feereport As StringDim MSG As String

Private Sub cancelcmd_Click()stidtxt.Text = ""NAMETXT.Text = ""feetypetxt.Text = ""Text2.Text = ""End Sub

Private Sub DONECMD_Click()Unload MeMainfrm.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub SAVECMD_Click()Set CDATA = New admission.studentclassCDATA.stfee = Trim(Text2.Text)CDATA.stfeetype = Trim(feetypetxt.Text)CDATA.savefeesid = CLng(Trim(stidtxt.Text))feereport = CDATA.searchrecord(sid, "fee")


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If feereport = "NOMATCH" ThenMsgBox "SORRY YOU ARE NOT HAVING ENROLLMENT IN OUR COLLEGE", vbCritical, "ERROR"ElseIf feereport <> "NOMATCH" ThenMSG = "YOUR FEE HAS BEEN DEPOSITED " & "FOR" & " " & (CDATA.stfeetype)MsgBox MSG, vbInformation, "success"End IfEnd Sub


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Business Rules Layer

Application Used : Visual BasicFile Type : ActiveX.DLLFile Name : admission.dllClass Name : studentclass

CODING And Validation for Business Rules layer (admisiion.dll):

Option Explicit

Private feetype As StringPrivate fee As LongPrivate sid As LongPrivate sname As StringPrivate stdob As StringPrivate s_dob As Date


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Private ssex As StringPrivate smartial As StringPrivate fathoc As StringPrivate fathsal As StringPrivate fathorg As StringPrivate fathname As StringPrivate nation As StringPrivate officep As StringPrivate residencep As StringPrivate add1 As StringPrivate add2 As StringPrivate instit As StringPrivate bod As StringPrivate ypass As StringPrivate mar1 As IntegerPrivate mar2 As IntegerPrivate mar3 As IntegerPrivate mar4 As IntegerPrivate mar5 As IntegerPrivate smerlis As IntegerPrivate swaitlis As IntegerPrivate bdata As ADMISSIONBACKEND.STUDBACKEND

Private Sub Class_Initialize()Set bdata = CreateObject("ADMISSIONBACKEND.STUDBACKEND")End Sub

Public Property Get studname() As Variantstudname = snameEnd Property

Public Property Let studname(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)sname = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get sdob() As Variantsdob = stdobEnd Property

Public Property Let sdob(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)stdob = vNewValueEnd Property


Public Property Get sex() As Variantsex = ssexEnd Property


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Public Property Let sex(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)ssex = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get martial() As Variantmartial = smartialEnd Property

Public Property Let martial(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)smartial = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get fname() As Variantfname = fathnameEnd Property

Public Property Let fname(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)fathname = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get focc() As Variantfocc = fathocEnd Property

Public Property Let focc(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)fathoc = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get fsal() As Variantfsal = fathsalEnd Property

Public Property Let fsal(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)fathsal = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get forg() As Variantforg = fathorgEnd Property

Public Property Let forg(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)fathorg = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get nationality() As Variantnationality = nationEnd Property

Public Property Let nationality(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)


Page 39: 1student Admission System

nation = vNewValue CONTD…End Property

Public Property Get offph() As Variantoffph = officepEnd Property

Public Property Let offph(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)officep = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get resph() As Variantresph = residencepEnd Property

Public Property Let resph(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)residencep = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get address1() As Variantaddress1 = add1End Property

Public Property Let address1(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)add1 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get address2() As Variantaddress2 = add2End Property

Public Property Let address2(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)add2 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get institute() As Variantinstitute = institEnd Property

Public Property Let institute(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)instit = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get yearpassed() As Variantyearpassed = ypassEnd Property

Public Property Let yearpassed(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)


Page 40: 1student Admission System

ypass = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get studboard() As Variantstudboard = bodEnd Property

CONTD…Public Property Let studboard(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bod = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get marks1() As Variantmarks1 = mar1End Property

Public Property Let marks1(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)mar1 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get marks2() As Variantmarks2 = mar2End Property

Public Property Let marks2(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)mar2 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get marks3() As Variantmarks3 = mar3End Property

Public Property Let marks3(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)mar3 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get marks4() As Variantmarks4 = mar4End Property

Public Property Let marks4(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)mar4 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get marks5() As Variantmarks5 = mar5End Property

Public Property Let marks5(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)mar5 = vNewValue


Page 41: 1student Admission System

End Property

Public Function save() As StringDim count, stotal As IntegerIf sname = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & "Student Name Cannot be left Blank" count = count + 1Else bdata.stname = snameEnd If

CONTD…If stdob = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & "Student date of birth cannot be left empty" count = count + 1ElseIf Not IsDate(stdob) Then save = save & vbCrLf & "Invalid data should be in dd-mm-yy or dd-mmmm-yyyy" count = count + 1Else bdata.stdate = CDate(stdob)End If

If ssex = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & "Student sex must be specified" count = count + 1Else bdata.stsex = ssexEnd If

If smartial = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students martial status must be specified" count = count + 1Else bdata.stmartial = smartialEnd If

If fathname = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students father's name must be specified" count = count + 1Else bdata.stfname = fathnameEnd If

If fathoc = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Please fill in the the occupation of student's father" count = count + 1Else bdata.stfocc = fathoc


Page 42: 1student Admission System

End If

If fathsal = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Enter the salary in the given field" count = count + 1Else bdata.stfsal = fathsalEnd If

If fathorg = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Enter the name of the organisation" count = count + 1Else bdata.stforg = fathorgEnd If

If nation = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Please enter the nationality" count = count + 1 CONTD…Else bdata.stnation = nationEnd If

If officep = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Please enter the telephone number" count = count + 1Else bdata.offphone = officepEnd If

If add1 = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Please feed in the address" count = count + 1Else bdata.stadd1 = add1End If

If instit = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & "Name of the institute cann't be left blank" count = count + 1Else bdata.stins = institEnd If

If bod = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Student's board must be specified" count = count + 1Else bdata.stbod = bod


Page 43: 1student Admission System

End If

If ypass = "" Then save = save & vbCrLf & "year passed must be specified" count = count + 1Else bdata.stypass = ypassEnd If

If mar1 < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students must have minimum 55% marks" count = count + 1Else bdata.stmark1 = mar1End If

If mar2 < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students must have minimum 55% marks" count = count + 1Else bdata.stmark2 = mar2End If

If mar3 < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students must have minimum 55% marks" CONTD… count = count + 1Else bdata.stmark3 = mar3End If

If mar4 < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students must have minimum 55% marks" count = count + 1Else bdata.stmark4 = mar4End If

If mar5 < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Students must have minimum 55% marks" count = count + 1Else bdata.stmark5 = mar5End If

stotal = mar1 + mar2 + mar3 + mar4 + mar5

If (stotal / 5) < 55 Then save = save & vbCrLf & " Student must have an aggregrate of 55% to get admission" count = count + 1


Page 44: 1student Admission System

Else bdata.sttotal = stotalEnd IfIf count > 0 Then count = 0 Exit Function Else bdata.stmerlis = smerlis bdata.stwaitlis = swaitlis bdata.resphone = residencep bdata.stadd2 = add2 bdata.save sid = bdata.s_id save = "Success" If bdata.s_id >= 10 Then bdata.Merit_Wait (10) End IfEnd IfEnd Function

Public Property Get studid() As Variantstudid = sidEnd Property

Public Property Let studid(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)sid = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Function searchrecord(stid As Long, str As String) As String searchrecord = bdata.search(stid, str) CONTD…End FunctionPublic Property Get stfee() As Variantstfee = feeEnd Property

Public Property Let stfee(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)fee = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stfeetype() As Variantstfeetype = feetypeEnd Property

Public Property Let stfeetype(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)feetype = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Function savefee()


Page 45: 1student Admission System

bdata.studfee = feebdata.studfeetype = feetypeEnd Function

The Backend Layer


Page 46: 1student Admission System

Application Used : Visual BasicFile Type : ActiveX.EXEFile Name : ADMISSIONBACKEND.exeClass Name : STUDBACKEND

Coding for STUDBACKEND Class module:

Option ExplicitPrivate db As DatabasePrivate rs As RecordsetPrivate bname As StringPrivate bdob As DatePrivate bsex As StringPrivate bmartial As StringPrivate bfname As StringPrivate bfoc As StringPrivate bfsal As StringPrivate bforg As StringPrivate bnation As StringPrivate bofphone As StringPrivate badd1 As StringPrivate bins As StringPrivate bboard As StringPrivate bypass As StringPrivate bmark1 As IntegerPrivate bmark2 As IntegerPrivate bmark3 As IntegerPrivate bmark4 As IntegerPrivate bmark5 As IntegerPrivate btotal As IntegerPrivate bmerlis As IntegerPrivate bwaitlis As IntegerPrivate bfee As Long


Page 47: 1student Admission System

Private bfeetype As StringPublic s_id As LongPrivate badd2 As StringPrivate bresphone As String

Public Property Get stname() As Variantstname = bnameEnd Property

Public Property Let stname(ByVal vNewValue As Variant) bname = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stdate() As Variantstdate = bdobEnd Property

Public Property Let stdate(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bdob = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmartial() As Variantstmartial = bmartial

End PropertyCONTD…

Public Property Let stmartial(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmartial = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stfname() As Variantstfname = bfnameEnd Property

Public Property Let stfname(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bfname = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stfocc() As Variantstfocc = bfocEnd Property

Public Property Let stfocc(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bfoc = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stfsal() As Variantstfsal = bfsal


Page 48: 1student Admission System

End Property

Public Property Let stfsal(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bfsal = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stforg() As Variantstforg = bforgEnd Property

Public Property Let stforg(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bforg = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stnation() As Variantstnation = bnationEnd Property

Public Property Let stnation(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bnation = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get offphone() As Variantoffphone = bofphoneEnd Property

Public Property Let offphone(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bofphone = vNewValueEnd Property


Public Property Get stadd1() As Variantstadd1 = badd1End Property

Public Property Let stadd1(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)badd1 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stins() As Variantstins = binsEnd Property

Public Property Let stins(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bins = vNewValueEnd Property


Page 49: 1student Admission System

Public Property Get stbod() As Variantstbod = bboardEnd Property

Public Property Let stbod(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bboard = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stypass() As Variantstypass = bypassEnd Property

Public Property Let stypass(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bypass = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmark1() As Variantstmark1 = bmark1End Property

Public Property Let stmark1(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmark1 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmark2() As Variantstmark2 = bmark2End Property

Public Property Let stmark2(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmark2 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmark3() As Variantstmark3 = bmark3End Property

Public Property Let stmark3(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmark3 = vNewValueEnd Property CONTD…

Public Property Get stmark4() As Variantstmark4 = bmark4End Property

Public Property Let stmark4(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmark4 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmark5() As Variant


Page 50: 1student Admission System

stmark5 = bmark5End Property

Public Property Let stmark5(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmark5 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get sttotal() As Variantsttotal = btotalEnd Property

Public Property Let sttotal(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)btotal = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stmerlis() As Variantstmerlis = bmerlisEnd Property

Public Property Let stmerlis(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bmerlis = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stwaitlis() As Variantstwaitlis = bwaitlisEnd Property

Public Property Let stwaitlis(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bwaitlis = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get stadd2() As Variantstadd2 = badd2End Property

Public Property Let stadd2(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)badd2 = vNewValueEnd Property

Public Property Get resphone() As Variantresphone = bresphoneEnd Property


Public Property Let resphone(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bresphone = vNewValueEnd Property


Page 51: 1student Admission System

Public Sub save()GetsidSet db = OpenDatabase("students.mdb")Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("studentmaster", dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly)rs.AddNewrs!studentid = s_idrs!Name = stnamers!dob = stdaters!sex = stsexrs!nationality = stnationrs!martial_status = stmartialrs!namef = stfnamers!nameins = stinsrs!board = stbodrs!ypass = stypassrs!marks1 = stmark1rs!marks2 = stmark2rs!marks3 = stmark3rs!marks4 = stmark4rs!marks5 = stmark5rs!aggregrate = sttotalrs!foc = stfoccrs!fsal = stfsalrs!forg = stforgrs!address1 = stadd1rs!address2 = stadd2rs!ofphone = offphoners!resphone = resphoners!waitlist = stwaitlisrs!meritlist = stmerlisrs.Updaters.Closedb.CloseEnd Sub

Public Property Get stsex() As Variantstsex = bsexEnd Property

Public Property Let stsex(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bsex = vNewValueEnd Property

Private Sub Getsid() Set db = OpenDatabase("students.mdb", True) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("studentmaster", dbReadOnly) If rs.BOF = True Then s_id = 1


Page 52: 1student Admission System


Else rs.MoveLast s_id = rs!studentid s_id = s_id + 1 End If rs.Close db.CloseEnd Sub

Public Sub Merit_Wait(Num As Long) Dim i, j As Long Set db = OpenDatabase("students.mdb", True) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT meritList, waitlist, aggregrate FROM studentmaster order by aggregrate desc") i = 1 j = 1 With rs Do While Not .EOF .Edit !meritlist = i .Update .MoveNext i = i + 1 If i = Num Then Do While Not .EOF .Edit !WaitingList = j .Update .MoveNext j = j + 1 Loop End If Loop End With rs.Close db.CloseEnd Sub

Public Function genInitList() As String Set db = OpenDatabase("students.mdb") Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select studentid,name,address1,meritlist from studentmaster where meritlist > 0") With rs Do While Not .EOF


Page 53: 1student Admission System

Loop End WithEnd Function

Public Function search(studid As Long, str As String) As StringSet db = OpenDatabase("students.mdb", dbReadOnly)


Select Case str Case "merit" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select studentid,meritlist,waitlist,name from studentmaster") rs.FindFirst "studentid = " & studid If rs.NoMatch = False Then search = rs!Name + "#" + CStr(rs!meritlist) ElseIf rs.NoMatch = True Then search = "NOMATCH" End If rs.Close Case "INIT" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select studentid,address1,name from studentmaster") rs.FindFirst "studentid = " & studid If rs.NoMatch = False Then search = rs!Name + "#" + rs!address1 ElseIf rs.NoMatch = True Then search = "NOMATCH" End If rs.Close Case "fee" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select studentid,fee,fee_type from studentmaster") rs.FindFirst "studentid = " & studid If rs.NoMatch = False Then With rs .Edit !fee = studfee !fee_type = studfeetype .Update End With ElseIf rs.NoMatch = True Then search = "NOMATCH" End If rs.Close End Select db.Close End Function


Page 54: 1student Admission System

Public Property Get studfee() As Variantstudfee = bfeeEnd Property

Public Property Let studfee(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bfee = vNewValue

End Property

Public Property Get studfeetype() As Variantstudfeetype = bfeetypeEnd Property

Public Property Let studfeetype(ByVal vNewValue As Variant)bfeetype = vNewValueEnd Property


Page 55: 1student Admission System


The system before the Computerization of the Student Admission system was manual. The

information regarding the applicant was collected in large no of registers or notebooks.

Monitoring the status of the application, which was submitted by the applicant, required more

time consuming paper work as well as file management activity.

The effective cost in the manual system was on an increased due to the hiring of different staff

members for different activities like verification and submission of the application forms to the

Administration office as well as for reporting the status of the applications of various students as

well as the total number of Admissions so that there exists the possibility of inaccuracy and

inconsistency in manipulating data.

Receiving applications required submitting the application to the duty clerk, which was then

verified and confirmed by administration staff, that makes the process time consuming. Reports

required by administration staff need retrieval of data from different registers, which is a quite

slow process. Apart from all these the user cannot view the status of their applications directly.

Hence, the objective of this project is to develop a computerized system titled “STUDENT

ADMISSION SYSTEM” and further the objectives of this system are:

1. To make a structured Database so that record maintenance, retrieval is made easier.

2. To provide accurate and fast admission over the current manual sysytem.

3. To make a user-friendly system that helps the duty clerk to work efficiently and faster. The

system made is so user – friendly that it can be operated without the help of duty clerk.

4. The information regarding details of the students can be can be accessed easily from the



Page 56: 1student Admission System

5. To make system flexible so that it can adapt further changes.

6. To provide proper rights to the officials so that no unwanted access to the system could be


7. To generate proper reports those are being specified by the organization.


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This is Application Software being developed on Client-Server Architecture Model having a

common RDBMS (MS SQL 2000) at the backend and Visual Basic 6.0 at the front end for User


The database is the central repository of all data related to the project. Each of the Host sends

and receives data to the database and share messages where most of the interaction between the

components occurs. Control Flow is provided between the components in the following Control

Flow Diagram





Project Starts




A detail project plan is developed. The project plan describes the scheduling and allocation of various tasks.

Various measures and timesheet information (defined by process group) are collected from project guide periodically.

Review the overall system for validity

Generate the reports in the form of graphs and tables

Graphs and tables are used in decision-making.

Project continues?

Templates are designed to collect abstract information

User 1

User 2

User 3

User 4

User 5



Page 58: 1student Admission System



Analysis is done in order to understand the existing system very well. There are two activities in

this phase of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle): problem understanding or analysis and

requirement specification. In problem analysis, the analyst has to understand the problem and it’s


This requires interaction with the clients and end users, as well as studying the existing system

and procedures. The goal of this activity is to understand the requirement of the new system that

is to be developed. Once the problem is analyzed, requirement documents must specify all

functional performance requirements; the format of input and output; and all decision

constraints. Structural analysis is one of the best approaches to analyze the problem.

The project deals with all the issues related to the existing Admission System for Administration

office. It includes the following tasks, which were done manually.


Page 59: 1student Admission System


It includes maintenance and monitoring of all information relating to Admission holders of the

Administration-Office, Gurgaon. All the details of the students are maintained manually in

registers by operational staff.


Page 60: 1student Admission System

Class Categories

The total number of classes that exist with their full details. The existing classes are

Graduation(1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year) and Post graduation and other class also under the different

courses offered by the different Colleges.


The information about the staff authority, which is issuing the various kinds of forms for the

Students Admissions, under the different class categories about the signature of the staff and

principal, which is used in the student admission.

Class Selection

This selects the category upon which students applies for the admission and check if it is the list

of students for admission under this categories. After verification mark the student admission

form as checked and send it to further recommendation to the Head of the Department or for the

stamp of the head or principal.

Record Visualization

This checks the details of the applicants, which are selected under the selected range of merit list

by the colleges as well as according to the particular category of the student. And afterwards

hand over it to the applicant if it is issued or notify the reasons due to which his/her application

being rejected.


Page 61: 1student Admission System


The purpose of data flow diagram is to clarify system requirements and to identify major

transformations that will become programs in system Design. It is also known as bubble chart. It

is also the starting of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirement

specification down to the lowest level. The bubbles represent data transformation and the lines

represent data flow in the system.

Data flow diagram for Student Admission System for admin office

Students Details regarding category of admission



Data Flow Diagram Of The System

Reports of Validation

Queries on recordVisualization



Student Admission System for administration – Office

Dealing staff Administration

Verification of Details

Administration Dept.

Page 62: 1student Admission System

Queries on studentsDetails

Raw Data

Requisition ofAdmission


* Entities* Process* Documents








Page 63: 1student Admission System

First Level Data Flow Diagram:

Student’s Details:


Information FlowReports

Queries Reports


Admission Managemen


Data Entry and Verification




Admission Database


Page 64: 1student Admission System


Page 65: 1student Admission System


Analysis & Design Phase Schedule





Analyzing the Need 6 Dec 10, 2009

Analysis 10 Dec 20, 2009

Feasibility Analysis 7 Dec 28, 2009

Deciding the Platform and software

requirements2 Jan 6, 2009

Revising VB6.0 Fundamentals 9 Jan 11, 2010

Preparing the Structured Tools DFDs ,

ER & Control Diagram 5 Jan 25, 2010

Preparing the Synopsis 8 Jan 28, 2010

Deciding the Program Flow 12 Jan 30, 2010

Implementation Phase Schedule


Page 66: 1student Admission System





Designing Project Layout 6 Feb 1, 2010

Coding for Client Application 16 Feb 2 , 2010

Making the Test Plan 3 Feb 4, 2010

Unit testing of different modules 7 Feb 12, 2010

Integrating the different modules of

the program3 Feb 13, 2010

Final testing of the Project 4 Feb 15, 2010

Release of the code& Documentation

7 Feb 20, 2010


Page 67: 1student Admission System

Entity Relationship Diagram

The ER model is a conceptual data model that views the real world as entities and relationships.

A basic component of the model is the Entity-Relationship diagram, which is used to visually

represent data objects. It maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the ER model

can easily be transformed into relational tables.

It is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training. Therefore, the model can be used

by the database designer to communicate the design to the end user. In addition, the model can

be used as a design plan by the database developer to implement a data model in specific

database management software.

I have identified the following entities in the system

Projects with attributes

Students, staff,Admission,class, Category

Following diagram shows the various entities for existing system. For the sake of clarity the

attributes of entities are not shown; attributes of entities are shown above in this section which

includes the name of the student, his address, city, district, the category under which he applies

for the admission.

As it is clear from the figure below, the main entity in the system is Student. Student is the parent

entity of almost all the entities. Each Student has various attributes like his name, address, the

category of the certificate for which he applies and these are used to check and verify the student

so that he is an authentic candidate for the admission to be issued.


Page 68: 1student Admission System

Entity – Relationship Diagram

Each project is divided into modules and assigned to teams. One team can handle more than one

module. From the teams, various base measures (related to task they are doing) are collected.

Examples of these measures are LOC, Number of Defects, Number of class diagrams etc. These

measures can be used to calculate various metrics, which are defined by Process group.



Student Admission

Database Authority

Applies for

Give admi ssion

Checked for Class

Page 69: 1student Admission System

Computer base Certificate Student Admission System for Administration-Office. has

been developed to manage and monitor the various functions of Admission Management for the

applicants come under colleges, which are currently being done manually. The system contains

following six main modules:

Student’s detail

Class categories



Category selection

Records visualization

Studetnt’s detail module involves maintenance, management and retrieval of the details of the

Student that include student’s name, Father’s name, address, diary number, date of Admission,

and the category in which he needs to Admission certificate.

The module facilitates following tasks:

Addition of new Student’s Detail: All information relating to the new student who is

seeking the admission under a particular class category is entered into Details table of the

backend database through interactive user interfaces (data entry forms).

Updation and Deletion of Existing Student’s Detail: Existing details of the student’s

(that is the student’s which are having admission occurs by the staff authority) are

updated students are:

1.Short listed

2.Admitted student

3.Total students old +new student


Page 70: 1student Admission System

Class categories module involves managing and monitoring of the list of various kind of

Admission class on under which students applies.

The kind of class in different colleges: -

(a) Graduation

(b) Post graduation

Configuration module involves maintenance information about the staff, which is doing the

various kinds of admission. It also maintains information about the stamp of the staff, which is

used in the distribution of admission form.

Category selection module enables the user to select the category upon which he applies for the

Admission. In this module the students are selected on the merit basis or entrance of the exam for

admission. The admission occurs of these student which are selected not of all they are apply.

Records visualization module shows all the information about the Admission in new class.

Report module facilitates dynamic query formation and generation of reports according to the

information entered by the officials or the member of the staff.

Code: this sub module facilitates addition, deletion, updation and retrieval of different types of

code used in name, father’s name, address, city, category, caste etc.

Save: this sub module facilitates creation and management of the back up of the database.


Page 71: 1student Admission System


1. User

Column Name Data Type Constraints

User Name Text Primary KeyPassword Text Not Null

2. Form Category

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Class Text Primary KeyFormid AutoNumber

3. Configuration

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Line1 Text Primary KeyLine2 TextStampid AutoNumber

4. Category

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Class Text Primary KeyAdmission date Date/timeFinalDate Date/time


Page 72: 1student Admission System

5. Caste

Column Name Data Type Constraints

CasteName Text Primary KeyCategory Text Primary Key

6. Applicant’s Details

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Salution TextName Text Not NullF_Salution TextFatherName TextAddress TextAutoNumber AutoNumberFormID Number Not NullStampid NumberCaste TextCategory Text


Page 73: 1student Admission System


Software Requirement

Platform : Windows98 or Win NT or Win XP or UNIX

Front – End : Visual Basic 6.0

Back – End : Microsoft SQL Server 2000



Visual Basic 6.0

Microsoft Visual Basic is a development environment in which the Rapid application

development work can be done as easily as possible. Forms can be created, edited and

managed. It combines a rich set of databases connectivity tools, wizards and design time

controls to increase the functionality and reduce the development time.

Visual Basic-6 is a development environment that runs under Microsoft Windows. It is

used to write programs that also run under Microsoft Windows. It is the programming

environment used by more programmer than any other in the history (more than 3

million). It combines extraordinary ease of use with great power and flexibility. Visual

Basic is used in many ways and at many levels from novice programmers to the expert’s

artists of programming.

Visual Basic language is having several faces. One is Visual, which comprises of objects

and tools that easily assembles themselves into a modern Windows interface.

Another face is the Visual Basic language, which is an outcome of the original BASIC

language. BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). BASIC was


Page 74: 1student Admission System

invented in the early 1960s. It was intended to be as easy to understand and as close to

layman language as possible.

Visual Basic has kept the BASIC tradition intact in this respect. It is one of the easiest

computer languages to work with and understand.

Visual Basic is used in two modes; these are design time and run time.

In design-time environment you create and modify objects, design screens (forms) and

enter code. The run-time environment simulates running the program that you created in

the designing environment.

The run-time simulation has several advantages. One, it makes the development process

faster than it would be if you had to stop to compile a program, and then run it, to

determine the impact of the changes you have done in the source program. Another, the

VB run-time environment provides tools that help you understand exactly what goes on

when your application runs.



Microsoft SQL Server was born in late 80’s in collaboration among, Microsoft, Ashton-tate and Sybase Corporation to create a relational database to run on IBM’s OS/2 Operating System. Microsoft SQL Server 200 is an upgraded version of that Microsoft SQL Server. It is complete RDBMS with a lot of strong functionalities and capabilities.

MS SQL 2000 provides lot of such type of features, which was of actually great

importance in this project. These are as follows:

Speed : MS SQL 2000 has been optimised to be faster than other Microsoft

database by being able to split one query across many processors, and to decide

when it is best to do so. This allows the maximum use of CPU’s in a computer

during requests.

Indexing options also allow for faster access to data when sorts or specific queries are used.


Page 75: 1student Admission System

The Queries optimiser has been automated to constantly to update old

statistics on the database, enabling up to – the – minute information for the

query plan.

Another speed enhancement is Tabular Data Stream (TDS) that the query

processor engine uses. It is the protocol used by SQL server to communicate

with the server.

Tuning : One of the largest improvements to SQL Server is the automatic tuning

that takes place in SQL Server 2000 one of the most time consuming and difficult

tasks a DBA had was to tune the dozens of interrelated settings that controlled

buffers, memory and the like to keep the database running in optimal fashion.

Platforms : Most relational database products run only on fairly large – scale

computers and usually on only a network operating system. This always presented

a problem for developers who wished to have demonstration versions of their

software or for users to run their applications on a disconnected network. By

enabling SQL Server to run the same code base on windows 98 and windows

distributed of applications using SQL server.

Upgrades : Easy up gradation of databases in SQL server 7.0 is possible.

Data Transformation: Microsoft has created a very powerful tool called

Data Transformation service (DTS). This tool allows data to be moved to

and from Microsoft SQL server 7.0 using graphical wizard or programs.


The system made can work efficiently on a Platform from Windows 98 to Windows NT

or UNIX. Both Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 are from Microsoft therefore have

a great compatibility with Microsoft Operating System.


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Hardware Requirement

Following are the Minimum Hardware Requirement Specification for the System.

Pentium III processor or above

128 MB RAM

10 GB Hard Disk

Other System Requirement.

These requirements are in context of Windows 98 /Windows XP for other Operating Systems

it is required to use the minimum requirement specification for that Platform.


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Security in CMIS

CMIS is fully secured system. Each user has a unique user-id and password. Password is stored

in encrypted form. Further users are categorised into three classes:


Administrator user has all the rights. He/She has full access to the system. The main rights of the

system administrator are:

Measure Definition

Metric Definition

User Maintenance

New Project Definition

Project Information Modification

Base Measure Entry

View Reports


User has following rights:

To add data in the details table with the help of Application Details form.

To add a new category as well as modification in the previously stored category.

To select the dates within which he/she may wish to see the report.

View Reports


Guest has very limited access to the system. He/She can only view the reports nothing else.


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The project could be a complete pool of information. In future the project can include many

more information for the user and Staff Car Cell Officials, which have not been included at


Limitations and Scope for enhancement

The Student admission system has been installed successfully. The development has been a

learning process. Though the system is running successfully, there are some limitation to the

system and further scope for enhancement. These can be given as follows:

The Student admission system for the Administration office, Gurgaon can be made online

in the near future.

Extra facilities regarding the direct interaction between the user and the administration

via computer can be built within future.

With the increase in the size of the database, there may be need to use Advanced versions

of back end as Oracle or MS-SQL server for managing large database size.

More forms and modules can be easily incorporated for giving extra facilities to the

operator while using this system.

The system can be supplemented with “help screens”, an aid to the operation of the

system. The user would be able to use these as a reference if he/she gets stuck anywhere.