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1ST MARINE AIR WING - HISTORICAL DIARY 7 - AUGUST 1951 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-153 CD: 02 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

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    Korean War

    Korean War Project Record: USMC-153

    CD: 02

    United States Marine Corps History Division

    Quantico, Virginia

    Records: United States Marine Corps

    Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

    Records Group: RG 127

    Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

    Location: College Park, Maryland

    Editor: Hal Barker

    Korean War Project

    P.O. Box 180190

    Dallas, TX 75218-0190


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305817DECLASSIFIED

    e ,...... ...~--- " ....... ~ Of.J?

    6736 6737 6738


    l62200-170l30 l6220D-170130 170ll5-l?Ci;45 1701l5-17d!45

    v .... t...c.an 't..T 'P.'fl oA~ u ......... ~..._. n ....,,. , _ _.,

    Singye N BT 8464 Koksan N Singye N



    LIGH'INDJG BUG ZEIDA w/work w/FLYTRJ,I!I 03 tbru 08. LIGHT.NING BUG XRAY w/work

    w/FIX'IRAJN 09 thru 14

    (9) Bomb Damage Assessment:

    (a) Folg list of prebrie.fed tgt to be atkd dU!'ing nite 1.5 and 16 Aug nnd day l6 Aug 51. Sec vert photo scale 1:101 000 unless otherwise indio 1 upon

    notification .fr JOC of folg tgts:

    Tgt No Target Tir'ue Acft

    Z-3435 lBth F'R'""' ----- --u 0930 48

    Sec pre-strike and post-strike pnoto scale 1:7500. To be used for eva1ustion

    of ftr strilal against !ill oars in yard.

    B-,1609 RR By-Pass Br CU 639CU3 i:IAG J2 z-4476 Sup & Bldg DT 188727 MAG 12 z-40Q) Cable Rpt S~ YD 4a.5J.57 l)6th FBWg z-4580 Rll cuts XE 6506 - XD 7794 51st Frilg Z-4581 RP. Cuts - XE 3 713 - XE 6109 8th Fll'.Tg


    '1~./'; .. ~J-DECLASSTFt!CD

    '.7CD 1,( ...., V/CD 24 ;83 R4599 wen 16 0930 40 0930 56


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305818DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order M, 1st Marine Air Wg will'.:

    (1) 1st Mar Air Wg Photo Unit will:

    (a) Perform photo recon in coord w/67th Tac Recon Wg. (2) Mar Air Gp 12 will:

    (a) Mission No 1.201 and 1202 - Dispatch flare acft ;>. loaded max flares to work w/FLYl'HAIN 1~ thru 20 vic Singosan CU 6302 ,....,. TOT 2200 and 0?00. (b) Mission No 1203 thru 1220 - Dispatch acft to pre~ J ~ vent eny veh fr moving over fol!1' rts ni te of 16 and 17 Aug

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305819DECLASSIFIED

    Oporatiohs Order ?28-51 for 16 August 1951 (Ccntld) (3) Mar Air Gp 33 w:lll:

    (a) Mission No 3301 max nap and WJAR preb:r1efed rc,r CAS TOT 1130.


    (i"''-' rnAr~" - Dispatch 11 4 acft flt 1qaded L) trng to COLOSSAL at DS 077e. I

    effort to des 1 Pen ea flt or dam. Acft w/b f!iven.

    (b) Mission No 3302 thru 1308 - Dispatch 28 sortie rq brs on MSR fz Sepo-ri CT 5878 to Anbyon CU 7?22/.e.>\ .... 1'\ W/-b loaded with but;terfHes and dropped on brs des\'?'P/ ..(c:f w/also perform armed recon. Max last light covera~,.,.._.; ' v "\

    (c) Dispatch a eft prebr:!.efed for CAS to ROBIN COtJTROL at DT ?306 as fols:

    Mission No Sorties TOT -3309 0900 .. 3310 4 1100 3311 4 , ":11"'1/'\ .A..lVV (IA.5 !Z (d) Mission r-ro :to start w/3370 - Maintain 1. 4 acft flt on JOC Alert at K-31 acft w/b replaced as soon as possible wh~l"l..- "l .. _J scrambled. Acft w/b scrambled lby JOC. Max sorties - 24. .::t.~"'7-

    \l-(e) Mission No to start w/3391 - Commit 1, 4 jet IJ Q flt for READINESS ALERT (ABbE) at K-3 fr ~0 min befcr~ sunrise to ~nJ 30 min after sunrise. Jl.cft v/b scrambled by DEV ABLE .1 or JOC in an r emerg only. Commit l, 2 jet acf't flt on REl'.DINESS ALE.KT (BAKER) fr rl ' 30 min after sunrise to 30 rnins after sunset. Acft w/b scrambled / (. by DEV ABLB. _;_ .--:: -i'l i




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305820DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order for 16 August 1951 (Cont'd) N. 6153rd AB Sq will:

    (1) Dispatch 2, C-47 acft to SNOWFLAKE to perform 3 V&L missions for EUSAK PW v:!.o fron'~ lines. Mission No 5301 thru '1303. TOT at Sq cots discr.

    (2) Dispatch 1, C-47 acft to SNOWFLAKE to perform 1, RI m:!.:"sion .+'or FECLG v:!.c CU 1735. TOT 2230. Mission No '5304. (3) Dispatch 1 C-47 acft to SNOWFLAKE to perform 1 pre-briefed AD mission for F~CLG. TOT CO's d:tscr, Mission No '1305.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305821


    ,1 ~ A .~" ~ .A

    _..~ .r,,.,.(~" o:.,r ..,

    Operations Order 22851 for 16 Ail!!llst 19'il (Cont 1d)

    x. (1) Same a~ Opr Ord 2?2-51 for 10 August 19'51. (2) Ail plts w/b br:lefed as fols:

    (a) thru (f) in

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305822DECLASSIFIED

    S~?!R..er Operations Order 228M5l .for 16 Augus1; 1951 (Contd)



    5 CCinMAND AND SIGNAL I .. l:t~.ITERS;

    A. See current COI.

    B. See Annex B, C and G.


    ANNEXES: A~ Dll' of Korean Mlds D. Tac Air Con system

    JiJJES FERGUSON Brigadier General, USAF Vice Collll1l!lrxier


    C~ Rad Fac and Lids to Na,r D. NaV"'j'" IrLfo E~ Bomber Info F ~ Night Atk Info G SAil In.f o

    1.' )J!a ~, 0:) ~ Mt.~i 'C2 GILBERT L. J.!EYERS //k'

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305823


    12 Qper.!'\!:_ions Qr~

    Sarue as Annex 11A11 to Operations Orders 220..51 for 8 August 1951 and 226-51 for 14 August 1951.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305824


    No. 2213-Sl . .LOR .16__AUGUST l95L


    l, Rg.dar and Comnunica.tions Faqilitios - a, Information covering the capabilities of the Tactical Control System is ~~-nished for tho 5Yidance of all air crow personnel, Facilities as ~1tlinod below are in addition to the normal JL\CS navigational aids at air base installations and are available to suuulo-ment tho tower control, homers and pround control approe.ch systems, The Control Systo!'l is an integrated radar, VHF and VHF/DF net work capable of air surveillance, position fixes, homing and course bearings, Stations composing the not are as follows:

    Locatl.lm Seoul

    7 Hilos S of Taogu


    Yoju OS 8930

    Pusan EP 1394

    10 Hiles N, E, of K-.3

    See Para lb,

    Call Sigp SNO\VFLAKE











    VHF/DF Net

    F)=gquengy Black White Ivory Green 121, 50 137. ss 149.58 132,12

    W'hi te Green Blue Ivory 137.S(3 121.50

    White Grezm Blue Ivory Crimson Silver 121,50 137,88

    \Vhi te Groen Blue Ivory 137.!!8 121.50

    White Groen Blue Ivory 137,8!! 121,50

    White Groen Blue Ivory 137,$8 121,50



    , .

    Spryice ~yailable Reporting L~ and out messages to JOC

    . G'CI 1 .ueoaown aSSl.SoS Fixing and Homing F.!O

    GCI, Letdown assists Fixing and Homing RIO

    GCI, Latdowu assists Fixing and Homing RIO

    GCI, Letdown assists Fixing and Homing RIO

    GCI, Letdown assists Fixing P~d Ho~ing

    Fixes and Vectors


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305825DECLASSIFIED

    K-18 BROMtDE ABLE LW 1.n....r .J. .... C-roon lll--- Aid RIO n,I. .... IJI,;J "'t:.Ve Blue 121,50

    XC 4704 BROMIDE BAKER LW Blue 121,50 Nav, Aid RIO

    K.-40 CO!

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305826DECLASSIFIED

    - d, Following $HORAN stat:i.ons aro available for bbg and nnvigational



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305827

    X US CORPS lst 1-Rrinc Division 1st l>hrinc Rogt lst Bn 2nd Bn 3rd Bn

    5th Marino Regt let Bn 2nd Bn 3rd Bn

    7th ~larine Regt lst Bn 2nd Bn 3rd Bn

    Korean l>larino Rogt lst Bn 2nd Bn 3rd Bn

    2nd Inf~~try Di\~sicn 5th ROK Division 7th ROK Division 8th ROK Division

    I ROK CORPS Capital ROK Division 3r-d ROK Division 11th ROK Division

    Rod Purple Groen Drown Gray Violet Tan


    1L,2,02 132,84 140.58 139.86 136.08 148.14 1.39.32



    Orange Blue Le.vonder Silver l.fe..roon Ivery



    Fregunpgy .Q.W

    138.60 wH:tto 134.64 Gold , ~ "" '0.1 .... , .. -lJ+..JeU4 .L..1,,U.l\. 142.38 Black 128.70 Yellow 135.90 Crlnnson


    116,10 134.28 , 1, ~ ~---vv

    140.04 137.52 136.80

    Frequency 1.35.90 Ivory is authorl.zod ns alternate l

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305828DECLASSIFIED

    a?S-51 t'or 16 August 1951


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305829


    No, 228-51 for 16 Aug 1951

    .!:!6.Y! INFORMATION

    1. Navy Gunfire Warning,

    a. East Coast area from bombline to hl30N - Nav-y gunfire can be e.xptj!cl..t:a against coastal hwys and targets of opportunity from patrolling naval vessels :in this area~ Usual concentrations at bombl:l.ne and Wonsan area;

    b. West Coast - Navy gunfire can be expected in the Yonan, Haeju and Chinampo area,

    2. Recogn.ition signals fox 14 Au.g thru 25 Aug 51.

    a, One complete circle; Series of long white flashes by one light.

    b, Narrow cloth strip at lee,st eight feet long and one foot wide elevated on pole or mast,

    3. Navy Carrier Operations.

    a; E~3.st Coast - Jehova: Buz.zsaw; Trust Put"ld.


    b, West Coast - Underfield: Knave,

    A/R 34, Defensive 18,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305830

    No of pmrs


    1~ ,, , ,

    TVnA ............... &-29


    'S.uYV--+ li,NNEX "E II TO -Oper;9t:!.ons Ordor

    No. ?28-"1 for 16 Au.e: 51


    c::.llsign 'l'trfo ~


    YD 4020 1 ... - .......... ~") .lU -'':1.1.0

    "'"'" 6V6 .c__n..:f rJ'Inf. ... H .......... J r w 0929 EASY - YC 5061

    FOX YC 4298 L/R YC 0989

    B-29 MOCCP.SIN GOLFBAT.T. XRAY CT 1115 CT 075449' ONE 077442

    1 B-29 MOCCASIN GOLFBALL ZEBRA CT 1200 CT 10640') TWO 080424

    Request MPQ-2 sites take note of r~quested target coordinates and assign same.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305831


    J\NNEX 11 Fii

    TO -No. 228-51 fot' J..q !\118 51

    !fll{lf ATTACI: lNFffiMATIQl

    11ll acft employed in intruip.r, ;r,~con or CAP activities 1'1/monitor 142 .ce e.t all t:i.Jms. This freq w/b used for cont hltween acft oprg in search area N of bb lineo All other acft w/use rad procedures directed by current cor.






    B-26 ASHCAKE




    Target --!,Ia in CO!IL'il R outos




    Pyongyang-snr :iJ.'lon-Kangdon...g

    Pyongyang-S).nanj u-Suchon


    ' Sinu:l,ju,..Sin~.nju

    BT 8464~. )3T 9895

    B~ 8464, BT 9895

    cu 6302

    cu 6302

    East Coast

    1 D-29 !.IOCCJ~SlN ffiiilER Front Line SU:;Jport !.IFJ-2 ONE

    1 D-29 !IOCCJ\SlN ffiii,lER Front Line support LIIQ-2 .. f\.VD

    l B-29 I.IOCCASIH ffi ll.m:R F.r"oht Li..1'J.o Support IJ~~2 TWD





    I ,ow












    17 ,5oo



    ( \. . .._A _, - .. - .,.-..:: :.>'~-C/\...L-1'



    1\-s dark

    Hrs dark

    Hrs dark

    Hrs dark

    ilt's dark

    Hrs dark

    ilt's dark

    llrs dark

    Hr:s dark

    lir's dark

    Hrs dark

    Hrs dark


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305832DECLASSIFIED

    (- - '--,/ .a.. :-:;>-...u_.oj:>tc_,q. -.

    cperations Order 228-51 Wf. 16 August 19.51 (Annex 11 F11 Con.) Callsign Alt

    l B-29 I!OCCASJN DOO CNE DT 41801 BT 9795; YC4164,YD 2791 Various 2230 YrJ 0989, cu 1735, cu 4966, cu 663~

    1 B-.29 MOOCASJN DOG TWO CV 801.01 CV 751:7; CV 68.30; CV 774-91 Various 2.300 DV 4255; EA 1701, EB 57181 EB 6 826



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305833DECLASSIFIED


    ~.NNEX 11 G11 .

    Operations Order

    228-n f'or 16 August 1951


    1, Crash Boats&

    a, ;56' K-10

    b, 6;>' K-9

    c, 6:;' Tsuiki

    d. R.;l Paengnycng-dc -;

    e, 114 1 Ashiya

    2, Amp hi bioue Aircraft 1

    a, One SA-16 on strip ale,rt statue at K-16,

    b, Two SA-l6 1 s will orbit at ;sao ;so N - 124 ;so1 E (XC ;5060) from 0915 to 1015.

    c. One 3A-l6 will orbit at ;58 ;so N- 124 ;10' E (XC 3060) from 1745 to 1845.

    -N.Qfi.E. !"1 ... 11 .. -t-n ..... ~~-A "tL 11-nrr..,..,.., ...... - ~ """"'"'"..a.'"'.L.!Sl V..L VJ'\-.l,.U J.JV!YlDV

    knots and can make landings in seas 4 to 5 11 DUlllbo 11 will guard 121.50 mea,

    Sh-16 has a max1mum.speed of 190 feet high and water 5 feet deep,

    ;., Sibrsky H-5 (Nav) H03S) H,licopter&

    a, One 11 P2Dit0 11 on strip alert at K-16,

    b. One 11 PC:DiW 11 on strip alort status at Oho-do (XO 6065), on 121,50 mea, . ,. Contact

    c, One "PEDi\0 11 on strip alert status at let Cavalry Area, (or _?008). Oontact "JErr>;,ANE" on 142,02 (Red) e>r 140,04 (alack),

    d. Navy helicopter stationed vicinity of :1/onean. Contact fil-IONTE CARLO" on 121.50 moe,

    e, Marine 11 JE\'IELL 11 helicopter stationed with let Marine Division, Contact through Devastate Baker,

    NOTE: Sikorsky helicopter capable of daylight VFR flight, Approxi-t:Il.qta radius of action 80 nautical miles. Helicopter can be alerted through any r ADO or 11 SNO.,/FLAK2:11 , -t '




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305834DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 228-51 ~~/tti ... ~ ( Cont 1 d) Annex II Gil for 16 August 1951 -4, SB-29 "Boatdrop 11 aircraft on strip alert at Yokota, Callaign

    n A!HDALE 11 "'

    5. Nayal vessels 1

    E~;H COAST

    ~ Destroyers, 2 PF, 1 LSD, 1 helicopter 1 Destroyer, 2 s:nall patrol vessels

    2 Carriere, 10-14 Destroyers, 4 h

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305835


    SEC!tET By Authority Of

    co, 5th Air Force 16 Aug 51~ W. Date lm.tials


    rn, 5TH AIR FWCE APO 970 16 August 1551

    Offi?.ATiaTS ORDER !10: 229-51 for 17 August 1951

    CHART 00 IIAP HEFERENCES: USAF Pilotage Chart, Korea, 1:500,000 UTN Grid; AilS ... ~rJ,... y; ___ -- ., .... rJ ..... ................. '---~ --' !0:>"' 1\orea, J.:~'v1 vuu \U'H.I UKllJ).

    TASK CRGANIZATICN: Same 6 .ltugust 1951.


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305836DECLASSIFIED

    - ~~-h .. -'r. )-'". Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 19~1 (Corittd)


    A, 6160th Air Base Vl/g will:

    (1) Dispatch 2 acft to K-14 to maintain alert during hrs dark, Acft w/b scrambled by DENTIST. Acft w/have opnl radar equip, M1~~1nn Nf'l tn ~~:~+:~,..+: u.t/~R"'1 ,.. ........... ,..A ... '1o+o UTh.ln ... ot .. ro. ,.,.._~'f't. .... ,.._+.~., tv ..... main= ---~---- - -...- ..... ~ ... "' "'' ._...,..._.._. VV'V,A. ..... .L.ol..l. ..... \ol,_, U/.I.Uto.l.Loi-4..1.'0 [1, ,... ... ,tJ' .., tain 2 acft on READINESS ALERT: 2 acft on AT EASE Status,

    B. ROK AF w/b off combat Oprs until further notice,

    c. 6147th Tac Con Gp will: (,_1) T"' .. e!'l"''f'l+nh f"_l1'7 ~ .... +"'+- l"looeto,1

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305837DECLASSIFIED

    (J ,. ---\ -.~

    Op:lrations Order 229-5'1 for 17 August 1951 {Contd)

    D. 3rd Bomb ;rg performing norlll!l1 effort will:

    (1) Dispatch 28 acft mission no 0301 thru 0328 to perform max destruction of vehs a.."ld rollL--~ stock, maintain continuous nita coverage preventing the eny from moving on PURPlE 1, GREEN 3, PURPLE 3, GREEN 6, TOT and ord load Wg COle discr.

    (2) Acft performing J.lffi recon in ';Tons an a rea, vr/cont W'JNTE Cl\.RLO for coord strikes in accord w/Plan ~/OLVERWE,

    (3) All acft w/rpt to SNOWFLAI\E to and rtng fr flts on 116,10, w/b cent over Hoengsong and w/issue final in11tr, "Aoft to proceed thru bb and :rtn thru bb lL11.e under control of T1 .. :0c on 116.10. (4) TTlos and arned recon w/b called to JOG NLT 1600 hrs daily.

    (5) B-26 fl.nro acft may be dispatched at; '.'rg co s discr.

    SNO.iFLAKE line,

    (6) last resort tgt for ShoJ,an equip;:ed acft w/b Chinnampo Yt: 1089.

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305838DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Contld)

    E. 452nd Bomb ;g performing normal effort will:

    (1) Dispatch 24 acft missl.on no 5201 thru 5224 to perform mex destruction of vehs and rolling stoc:k1 maintain continuous nite coverage, prevent:L.""lg t.1'1e eny from moving on Flffi:PLE.ll, PliRPLE 4, PURPLE 5, GREEN 5 and GREEN 8. Ord load and TO'r Wg CO's d.iscr. (2) Icission nos 5225 thr1.(5228 w/b JOC Alert co,mencing at 0700 hrs. If acft. are not used prior to 1900 hrs, they w(b dispatehed to SNO\:IFLAlCE: to per-form Tad)ole missions. Ord load max. 500 lb GP b'bs, Unit w/b notified of fusing if alerted by JCC. (3) A ll acft w/rpt to SNO/TFl.Al\J~ to and rtg fr flts on 140.5!3. SNOW-fLA~ w/b cont over Hoengsong and '\':/issue wf'i.J....:.,al :Lns-tr. Acft to proceed and rtn thru bb line under control of TADC on 140.58.

    (4) T'!Rs and armed recon rts w/b called to JOC NLT 1600 hrs daily. (5) B-26 flare acft may be dispatched at ,vg co s discr. (6) L1.st resort tgt for Shoran equipped acft w/b Kyomipo YC 2891, Shoran tgt )'217, Jl;Jrch 2 or 4.


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305839DECLASSIFIED

    (1) Dispatch 28 sortie effort to perfonn ftr sweep in Sinuiju area to

    provide screening force for F-80 acft~ callsign J,LPJ!ABET, atkg ra:U MSR vic XE 3713 and for F-(!0 acft, ca1lsign~ CAPABLE atkg rail. MSR vic XE 6504. cont on 136.80 . pr~"n; 135.90 seed. TOT 1730. Mission NO w/b 0401. Use callsign DIGNITY.

    (2) Qommi t lj 2 a eft. fl t for REL.DINESS .i~LERT (Et\KE,.9.) at K=l3 fr .30 min before sunrise to 30 min after sunset. Acft to be scrambled by DENTIST. one acft w/have opnl IFF Mission No to start w/0491. iiCft need not be repJa ced when abn.

    (3) comm.i t 1, 4 a eft fl t for R&~.DJHESS ;~U;RT (i~BlE ) at. K-13 fr 30 min before sunrise to 30 min after sunris30 .t,cft w/b scrambled by SECTOR TJJJC or JOC in an amerg only.

    (4) Dispatch 1, 2 acft .f"lt to perfonn wea obser recon as indio below,

    Mission No - 0403 Rpt Tinte - 0800 RPt pt - DU 0000 Qbser Pts - Mike sunchon YD 5366; Uncle

    samdong-ni BU 6)58; QUeon HUngsuri BT 4060

    RPt To - STARDUS.T MIIiZ JEJ,DER RPt ME-thod -VHF Ftr Callsign - LITTLE JOE RPt Freq- 136.80 or 135.90

    Request LITTLE ,JOE fl,y to Queen first then to Mike and Uncle then to IlJ 0000, , , n ---reporting weo,ther onrout11 fr MIKE to IYu 0000. amrs wjbreak left to HDG 1ouu

    {5) 77th IntQl>"'li'tr sq (RAAF) will:

    (a) Dispatch 16 acft to,S,NOI'IFUKE to escort B-29 Mft .:Is, !hdic below1

    Mission No NO of B-29

    7701 - 7 ~ BU 9892

    Rv Time - 0900 Rv ;,lt - 22,0001 Tgt - Prim Mike Sunchon YD 5366

    seed - Queen BT 4060; sugar BT 5855 L/R - Tare YO 2891

    yoke CV 8410

    TOT - 0915 TYPe Escort - close Ftr cal.lsign - GUiiDECK MIKE, Ni,N 1 OBOE 1

    & FETER :Bmr callai~n. - ST.t~RDUST MIKE & Nt~.:tl prim Freq - 136.80 seed preq - 135.90 Ref j,lt - 181 0001



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305840DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-'51 for 17 /,ugust 19.::1 (Cent 1d)

    G. 8th Ftr-Bmr Wg will:

    (lj Dispatch 20 sorUe effort to SNOWFLAKE loadAd Wf! C0 1s discr to suppress hvy flak vic Sunchon YD "1366 imm prior to B-29 strike. Plan of atk at Wy CO't:r d1scr, but not to ber,in more than five min prior to bbs away. cont w/b made w/bmrs prior to atk. Code word for bnrs 10 mins .from bbs away is WINDY. Code word for bmrs 5 mins fr bbs away is EIGHTBALL. Meteor acrt, callsign GUNDECK w/b on close escort for bmrs. cont on 136.80 prim; 135.90 seed. Bmr TOT - 0915 Ftr Callsign - ALPHABET

    Mission No - 0801 No of Bmrs - 7 Bmr Alt - 22 000 T!'t - Prim Mlke Sunchon YD 5366

    Seed Queen - BT 4060 u surar BT 58'l5

    Bmr Callsign - STARDUST MIKE m ~N Prim Freq - 136.80 Seed Freq - 135.90

    (2) Disp!itch 28 sortij9 effort to SNOWFLAKE to make mul -rA ~ 1 cuts a len!" rail MSR fr XE 3713 to XE 6109 as indic belo,,~, F-86 a eft callsipn DIGNITY w/b in the Sinuiju area as cover for this mission and for other F-80 acfti. cells:!..gn Ct.PAPLE, atkr rail MSR fit XE 6504 cont 136.80 prim; 135.9

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305841DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229 .. Sl for i?' August l9"l (Cont 1 d) H. l8'th Ftre.Bmr Wt v .. d.ll:

    (1) Dispatch 9. 4 a(lft flts to SNQV,FLAKE loaded max nap, 5 in HVAR, and 50-cal ammo to perform close spt w/ROBIN Control,-. PL~30? l. ~ TP:~ _!:!:c PL~33~!: ~ Phs>!S~ a~~~~nn~!~ !ed ~~y~rla?..in?l T.OTs J.';IUVI J.';IJ.Ui J.';lt:'V 1 J.';ljV 1 J.';I'IV 1 J.';I,V 1 t:'VUV 1 t:'VJ.V 1 t:'\J

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305842DECLASSIFIED

    . -SLg$J~ Operations Order ?29-~1 for 17 August 19~1 (Conttd)

    I. 136th Ftr-Bmr Wg will:

    (1) Dispatch 20 sortie effort to SNOWFLAKE to make mul-tiple rail cuts along MSR fr YD 4014 to YD 4206. Mission No w/start w/3601.

    Station w/start

    (2) Dispatch - .&- '1:1'T'> A,...,....,,..,,.. ctL UJ '-+UJJ.f?o w/362')

    ?0 sortil3 effort to atk and des Cable Repeater Photo No lOOVV R4906B prev sent. Mission No



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305843DECLASSIFIED

    Operatj.ons Order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Cent I d) Jo 49th Ftr-:smr l;g will:

    (l) Dispatch 12 sortie effort to make multiple rail cuts along MSR from IC 4082 to YC 3871. ord load, TOTS at Wg COS discr, Mission No to start w/1!901.

    (2) Commit 1, 4 acft flt for READINESS ALERT at J-13 fr 30 min prbr to 3unrise to 30 min after sunset. Aci't 1;o be scrambled by rtazuke ADCC. Mission NO to start w/4991. Acft need not be replaced when abn,

    I P.r.ocJ) )6)0 to~. ,!ax sorties -

    ,.,,...,..,.,.,.,...,.:.j... 1 I. ~ ... .t'J. .t.">,..t. , __ _..l __ , "~ ......... _ -'.

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305844DECLASSIFIED - ~_..e,.o, ~ 7,-operations order 229-51 for 17 J,ugus1; 1951\l:ontld)

    K. 51st Ftr-rntcp wg will: (1) Dispatch 24 sortie effort to SNO/IFIAIIE to make multiple rail cuts along rail J,ISR fr XE 6504 to XD 7894 4li _ll __ !fl] F-86 acft1 oallsign DIGNITY wfb in the sinuiju area as cover for this mission and for other F-80 acft, call-sign ;,LPHilBET, vic XE 3713 1 cant 136,80 Jl' im; 135,90 seed, uso callsign c.:.PJ.BI.E. If flt cannot reach prim tgt multiple rail cuts w/b made on rail MSR fr BU 5844 to BJ 5423. TOT 1730. Mission No 5102,

    (2) Dispatch 16 sortie effort to make multiple rail cuts along MSR fr BV 6948 - BV 6033. Ord lo

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305845DECLASSIFIED

    Operations order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Contrd) L 67th Tac Recon v;g will:

    (1) Dispatch 11, 2 a.cf't flt. s to perform vis reccn w/photo veri in EUSAK Corps area as indio. Acft wjrj1t both in and out to Corps TACP on 143.82 and work on 142.02 when N of bb line,, callsign w/b as i'ols: US I Corps, TOPKICK ABiE; US IX Corps, TOPKICK BAKER; US X Corps, TOPKICK CHARLIE; ROK I corps, TOPKICK DOO.

    Mission No w ~ Mission No TOT Area -6770 1045 US I Corps 6775 1430 us X corps 6771 1100 us IX corps 6776 1?15 nq v ,.,,..,,...,...o ....... n,. '-'"""'1:' ... 6772 1115 US X Corps 6777 17.30 us IX corps 677.3 1400 US I corps 6778 1800 us I' corps 6774 1415 US IX Corps 6779 1100 I ROK Corps 6780 17.30 I IDK corps

    Aci't working I ROK Corp! w/cont TACP

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305846DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Par l.L. contld)

    Tgt No

    z-4701 z-4702 z-4703 z-4704 z-4705 z-4706 z-1+707

    z-4708 z-4709 z-4710 z-4711 z-11112


    YD 2651 YC 2 ?&J YC 423962 BS 5298 cu 6312 cu 6505 CT 5573,

    b. RH. cuts -

    YD 533219 IJU 1202 YC )671 YC 4266 YC 3674

    NO Cuts


    Rd Br Rd'Br

    2 l l

    1 1 1 2 1

    (c) All outstanding photos asgd by this hq,


    8th FBWg 8th FB'Wg 8th FBWg 16th FBWg 16th FBWg 18th FB\Vg 18th FBWg

    136th FBWg MAG 12 tlth FBWg 49th FBWg 49th FBWg

    (4) Dispatch 11 acft as indio to perform nite vis recon w/photo verif of rts described in :iAF opr Ord 116-51. one crew member w/maintain listening watch on 142,02 to receive info on B-26 strikes and sightin;:;s of unusual interest, Sec photo of all train sightings and any large veh convoy and train strikes made by B-26 acft. Rpt sightings onE rt to MONTJ!i CARLO on 142.02 or 116.10. rtPV train and large veh sightings to ASHCAKE & SKILLFUL acft on 142,02, prior I. Rpt prior as fols: I West; II central; III East.

    Mission No noute TTR Mission No noute TTR --6745 west 2110 6750 central 0020 6746 central 21L10

    ,. .......... west ...... ................ O()J. .. I.N)U 6747 East 2220 6752 East 0120 t:..?I.A TUnc+ .,,_nn "''~~ 1~Jt::..~ +. 0200 '-"141oo" IV"""""~ '-J"''"' ..... ,,.,.,., ~ ...... ~ -6749 East 2340 6754 East 0230

    6755 central 0300

    (5) Mission NO 6795 - Dispatch 1, RB-26 acft to perform wea obser recon as indio, Prior I,

    (a) Obser pts = K=l6, wonsan, pusan to K-2,

    (b) Rpt Time - 0)00 daily, (c) Rpt Method - In clear, (d) npt ~m>~'LAKE.- 140,58, (e) Callsign - ICE AGE ABIE, (f) wea rpts to be made to tower on l2 6,18 at K-6, K-13 1 K-14,

    K-l and K-10.

    (6) of folg rt, by 1600 hrs turning pt.

    MiRsion No 6796 - DiSIB tch 1; Fll-26 acft to perform wea obser reoon K-2 to J8N-12300E to 33N-123E to K..e, To be abn so as to reach K-2

    daily, wea rpts to be trans on CW 6705 every JO min and over ea Callsign ICE AGE BAKER, prior II

    11AC'. "'"-;-DECLASSIFIED


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305847DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-.51 for 17 AuguE:t 1951 (Par J,L, Gontld) /7\ 'lr.:;l[!l,.,~,...,.., u,.,,.., l-::'7n'7 +-t....., L"7l'"'ln ..... .::--.L-L..., ---tf\L --~_._,-'- ---,.. \f/ JvJ..a.UU4-V~~ J.ljVo "-'l7l va.1.u. v177- .LJ.LV,!.J:;L ~.o~.,:u .) 1 tt..t;S-!'GU o.la.l.i LO per1.orm tactical wea recon of tgt area w/i area pounded by sariwon, pyongyang, wonsan,

    and pyonggang, nemain in tgt area aprx 3. hrs rptg wea obser in clear to SNCJ1.,1'MKE or DENTIST at pts listed below using Alphabet reference: A. Namchonjom; B. Sari'won; Co pyongyang; D. Tangyang CU .2836; E. ;;onsan; Fo Sepo-ri CT 57'{8; Go pyonggang, on 140.58 or 116,10 or 67.05 kcs, prior I. TTRS and callsign as indicated,


    (a) (b) (c)


    0600 0900 1500

    Above flts to be p:: rformed f.i., imarily ~:ting periods of inclement wea but to be cancelled, diverted or postponed only ,upon notification from JOCo

    (8) Dispatch 4, c-47 flare acft to perform flare drops on call fr F7F, F4u a eft, callsign FIXTRf,IN as indio 1.

    Mission No Tar Orbit ?t callsign

    6735 172200-180130 K'~ksan N BT 9895 LIGHTNING BJG XRAY 6736 1?2200-180130 s:Lngye N BT f\1.1'.1, T Tf'I_UTn'r.TT't.T,-, t:J"T.f'\ 1'7L>T':.'I'H, ............. '"!' .l.I..LU11L1~.1.J.~U .LU IJ '-'!!ID!l,t.l. 6737 180115-180445 K1lksan N LIGHTNING BUG XRAY 6738 180115-180445 S:lngye N LIGHTNING BUG ZEBRA

    IJGHTNlNG BJG ZEBRi\ w/work w/FLYTRAIN 03 thru 08, LIGHTNll~G BJG 'XRAY w/work v,;/FLYTRhiN 09 thru 14.

    {9) BOmb naw.age ll.SSeS.S!!1-ent::

    (a) Folg list of prebriei'ed tgt to be atkd during nite 16 and 17 Aug and day 17 Aug 51, sec vert phoi;o scale 1,10,000 unless otherv

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305848




    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Conttd)

    M lst Marine Air Wg will,

    (1) lst Mar Air \ig photo unit will:

    (a) Perform photo recon in coord w/67th Tac Recon wg. (2) Mar gir GP 12 will!

    (a) Mission No 1201 and 1202 - Dispatch flare acft to work v/FL:trRAIN 15 thru 20 ViC' Singosan cu 6302. Tar 2200 and loaded max flares 0200, :J!If .r' (b) Mission No 1203 th;ru 1220 - Dispatch acft to prevent eny veh fr moving over folg rts nite of 17 and 18 Aug 51.

    1, Singye BT 8!+64 No I t' I (>) MT t r '' ~

    2. Koksan BT 9895 N 3. Singosan CU 6302 No

    TOT 2145, 2300, 0015, 0130, 04001 024~;. LIGif"T'NING .WG ZEBR& orbit vic Singye BT 8464. LIGHl'NING WG XRii.Y w/orbit vic Koksan BT 9895, FJ.TFJ;CE w/orbit vic Singosan cu 6302,

    (c) Displlltch acft loaded 1000 lb GP fused 4-15 sec deJa y and HVAR prebriefod .for Cf,S to ROBIN CCNTROL at DT 1333 as fols, overlay for Map of Korea 1: 501 000 incl.

    Mission No sorties TOT .13 ' 1/ ......... ~ -1221 4 1700 1222 4 1715 1223 4 1730 1224 4 1745 1225 I. 1800 4 1226 4 1815 1227 4 , Q':l~ .J..V..)V 1228 4 1840 1229 4 1850

    All a eft r1/lea ve tgt area not later than 1900.

    (d) Mission No 1230 - Dispatcl< 1, 4 acft flt to des sup bldgs and" sups in Chon,gon 'l,emnle area at DT 188727. TOT and loading at Wg cars discr. , .. -!

    & ( ft' "'

    photo No 83 R4559B prev sent. - ";!1/ l/, I./ ?/~~

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305849DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229--51 for 17 August 1951 (par J.M. Contd) ... (h) Mission NO to start w/l295 - Maintain 1 acft on

    at K-1 during hrs dark. >eft w/b scJ'll.mbled by DEV ii.BIE (3) Mar Air Gp .3.3 will 1

    (a) Mission No 3.301 - Dispatch 1, 4 acft flt loaded max nap and HVAR J:I' ebriefed for C.t.S trng to COLOSSAL At DS 0778. TOT 08,30. !''1

    (b) Mission No .3.302 thru .3.307 - Dispatch 24 sortie effort to des , rd brs on MSR fl' sepo-ri CT 5676 :to Anbyon CU 7222. 1 acft ea i'lt w/b loaded f'ith 1i.:(! butterflies and dropped on brs des or dam. After brs are atkd1 n ts w/oall CJ L{ t TOPKICK for add tgts on RED C}'l..a.nnel. Max last light cov-erage w/b giveth ..k-

    (c) in rail tnl at DT incl,

    Mission No .3.308 thru .3.310 - Dispatch 3, 4 acft flts to des n.nuno /pe. 1.35742. TOT and loading at Wg CQ1s discr. photo NO 1.3 R3885B I;-

    I (.:)/'J. (d) Mission No JJ.L.L - Dispatch 1, 4 aci't i'lt to des NK corps CP

    in Yongwon Temple at DT 2127.36. TOT .lnd loading at Wg cos discr. Photo No V\ i ''

    l pJ885B incl.

    (o) Mission NO to start w/3.370 - Maintain 1, 4 ncf't flt on JOG J,J.e rt at K-:3 ,\eft w/b replaced as e~on as possible when scrambled. A eft .r/b scrambled by JOC. Max sorties - 24.

    , r:i: (f) Mission NO to start "/.3.391 - commit 1, 4 jet i'lt for RE!IlDINE.$ ,1 "1'

    ;~mRT (l..B!E) at K-3 fr 30 min before 13unrise to ,30 r.'J.n after sunrise. ,~oft w/b~. 1~ .... - ?~;.> scrc.mbled by DEV ;,BLE, or JOG in e.n emerg only. commit 1, 2 jet aci't fl t 011 1 ,,,, RFJ~DINESS AW.RT (B.'!.!OtR)"" fr ,30 w.in aft~~r surr..rise to 30 mins o.ftar S"u.ru;et . Ac.ft ~-... ,~ w/b scrambled by DEV iBIE "" J . L-1 1 n.r t 1 "-"' fr

    P.J " nW

    ""' r



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305850DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Clr'der 22 9-51 for

    N 6l53rd Air Base &:J,dn will:

    (1) Dispatch 2 c-47 acft 1;o SNm'I'F'IAKE to perform 3 V & 1 missions for EUSAK P\J vic front lines, Mission No 53Ql thru 5303o TOT at Sq CO's discr.

    (2) Dispatch 2 C-47 acft to SNOWFLAI\E to perform 2 prebrieed AD +' ......... T.'Tl-:"nTf"'' u..; ....... ..;,.. .... "lT,.. ~':lrtl. ..,.,....A, C'~t"C. rnrYl' o+ c-. (lntc:o ..:~;Q,.,..._ .l.U,I. .i'.I.'J\J.u..r J..l..L.OO.l.V.I.J, .L'I!V _.}~""'+

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305851DECLASSIFIED

    - (~~\ __ - Operations Order 229-51 for 17 AIJgUllt. 1951 (Cent 'd)

    X. (l) All flt leaders vr/b briefed that when prebriefed missions w/take them :Into the area bounded by a line drawn N .fr YD 6000 to the Yalu River and dravm l'T fr YD 6000 to XD 00001 only the oalls:l.gn1 mission nUmber and number of acft mo"'e or less than sched 1 w/b rpt.d to SNCY'IFLAKE inbound.

    (2) fill plts w/b briefed as fols:

    (a) No tgts w/b atkd inside the bb line unless under dir control of a T!\CP, liOSWITO acft or DEV BAKER

    (b) In case doubt exists by either the tac pilots, EOs:)UITO pilot or TACP Controller, ~rhether the tgt is e~w. tlle tgt w/n/b atkd.

    (c) E""Cry precaution wt'b takon to avuid violation of GHii~ESE -RUSSII.N borders. No bridges on the Yalu rtivor or other tgts near the Korean border H/b atkd if there is a possibility of this violation. No tgts N of the l:lne joining Hoeryong EB 6297 arrl Suu, E:S 9060, 1:/b atkd; ho!rever photo or vis 1.mar1red recon missions may be made N of this line to too ~1anchurian or Russian border. This hq wjb notified by the most expeditious 100ans of any such bolder violation.

    (d) No tgts, vis or radar 11/b made against Wonsan and adjacent Y/Ster areas of Yonghung-man.

    (e) Atka w/n/b made a&;i>inst lllrsonnel or installations on Islands along tl\e Korean coasts S of the 3930N Parallel unless spec directed to do so by this hq.

    (f) Electrical j;Jower plant in.'3tallations are not considered fair tgts a.nd Yr/not be atkd. by U.l"lits of th:is command.

    (3) The code word for recall of acft in inclsroont vrea is BLUE DECK.

    (4) Last resort tgts - lf these tgts fall w/i the bb line 1 due to fluid situation, they w/n/o atkd.

    (a) Ichon CT 1561

    (b) Imong-ni CT 5163

    (c) Hanpc-ri BT 7733

    (d} Cha.ngdo-r i CT 8363

    (e) Any road, rail or by-y;ass bridges

    Sl~-uj::_ DJCCLASSIHJW


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305852DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 1951 (Par 3.X. Cont'd) (5) I'!OS1triTO acft of the 2nd Inf Div w/n/o operational until further notice.

    (6) 111 crew members w/b directed that trey are net to fly over or in :imm vicinity of Navy ships nor approach in a llllnner that may be construed as hostile. This is to include all shippin;:: in the Han estuary west to Haeju. (7) 1ne area vri thin a 15 mi radius of KAESCNG is RESTRICTED to all ncft unless specifically directed by this headquarters and under no circu'lStances will acft enter the area 5 miles either side of main road fr-om KU1.:CHCN to KAESONG to l.iUN Sf,N-NI.

    (8) In case of cease-fire the code rrord IDANDY "ii'INI: w/b used for recall., (9) The code word DOUGHNUT w/o used by bmr forces to notify ftrs if escort is no longer needed and w/b US(ld by ftrs to notify bmrs that they are break-inv t"'lff' ~c:o,.,.,.,.,...+ -o .... - ............ ,.,..._. .... u



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305853DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229=51 for 17 August 1951 (Contld) !J.. ADJTTIHi::TRATIVE AND LIXliSTICAL HATTERS:



    A. See current cor. B, Soe Annex B, C and G,


    JAl.!ES FERGUSCl~ Br:igadler General, USAF

    ANNEJ~S: A~ D:!r of Korean Aflds B~ Tac Air Con System


    C; Rad Fac and Aids to Nav n; Navy Info z; Bo~-er L,fo Fo Night Atk Info G. S!ill Info

    Vice Commander




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305854DECLASSIFIED

    0~~ II

    MJ!lEX 11A11

    Operations Clt'd~

    229:51 fox 17 August 1951


    Srune as Annex "A" to qperatione Clt'ders 220-51 for 8 August 1951 and 226-51 for 14 August 1951,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305855DECLASSIFIED

    ANNEX 11 B11


    No, 229-51 :~OR 17 AUGUST 1951


    same as Annex "B" to Operations Order 220-51 for 16 August 19$1.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305856



    Operation$ Order

    229-51 for 17 August 1951


    Same as Annex 11C11 to Operations Order 22)-51 for 11 August 1951, except as indicated below:

    a, K-5, Homing beacon temporaJ~ily inoperative,

    b, K-6, Homing beacon temporSJ~ily inoperative,


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305857DECLASSIFIED

    ~lNNEX "D"

    Operations Order

    No, 229-51 for 17 Aug 1951


    1, Navy Gunfire Warning,

    a, East Coast area from bombline to 4130N - Navy gunfire can be expected agai..r"J.st coastal hwys and targets of opportunity from patrolling naval ves ~els in this area, Usual concentrations at bombline and Wonsan area,

    b, West Coast - Navy gunfire can be expected in the Yonan, Haeju and Chinampo area,

    2, Recognition signals for 14 Aug thru 25 Aug 51.

    a, One complete circle, Series of Long white flashes by one light, b, Nar>'ow cloth strip at least eight feet long and one foot wide elevated on pole or mast,

    3, Navy Carrier Operations,

    a, East Coast - Jehova: Buzzsaw; Trust Fund,

    Event -Special

    No, Acft




    A/R 1?, Photo 11, Nite B, Inter 91, Dtlfensive .32, NGFs B,

    b. West Coast - Underfield: Knave.

    A/R 34, Defensive 18.




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305858DECLASSIFIED

    ANNEX "E" -

    Operations Order

    No. 229-C::l f'or 17 Aug 51 BOMBER INFORMATION

    No of Bmrs Tvne callsign !.Q! Seed Tgt 7 B-?9 MIKE S ht..n M IY nQ1 r:: "''I'Trt"M STARDUST MIKE une .. -- - - ,_, c;u,r.1~ !1Ungsu-& NAN YD 5'366 . - r1 M/Y BT 4060

    SUGAR S1nmak M/Y BT '58'55

    L/R TARE ~~9lipo YC

    L/R YOKE Hung-nam M/Y CV 8410

    6 B-29 STARDUST UNCLE Samdong-ni M/Y 0915 Same as above



    & VICTOR BU 6358 P~29 STARDUST GOLF- As directed BA.LL ONE

    B-29 STARDUST GOLF As directed BALL TWO


    1115 None

    1200 None


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305859



    Operations Order

    No, 229-51 for 17 Aug 51


    .. :' ... -~.

    All acft employed in intruder, recon or CAP activities w/mon-ito:r 142.0? at all times. Thill freq w/b used for cont between acft opr!!' in search area N of bb line. All other a eft w/use rad pro.- cedures directed by current COI.













    Main c,.,mm Routes

    Pyong~ra ng -sunchon-Takchon

    m m 7000-7?00 ars dark








    BT 8464, BT 9895

    BT 8464, BT 9895

    cu 6302 cu 6302 East Coast



    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Low Hrs dark

    Varlous Hrs dark

    Various Hrs dark


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305860DECLASSIFIED

    -s:~ - --

    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 August 19?1(Cont 1 d)

    ~ Call sign Target ill lQI 1 B-29 STARDUST PRIMER Front Line Support 17,500 2230



    'F"ront Line Support 18,'500 2400


    Front Line Support 17,'500 0130

    , '0 __ 1')(} 1\81"\f""l" f\ CO Tl\T f7TI'I"nnA .,.,... A, t.:A ""' 1'\()Qt'\ ..,.,... ,..,nn'1 I"JI"'f'\1'\ ... J ... -c. 7 .LY!VVV.f'~U .L.H t..,J..:.I J.J.I. \fi .l.v ""t .LI..J""t ' .l.v V 7U,.' .l.v ,:;. ( 7C. c.c.vv ONE :RT 979~'. cu 17~5, cu 4966 cu 6634' DT 41 0


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305861

    1, Crash Boats

    a, ~6' K-10

    b, .s~ Tauiki

    o, 85' K-9


    ANNEX 11 0 11

    229-51 for 17 August 1951

    ti.ML IN;;'ORijATION

    d, 85 1 Paengnyong-do

    e, 1141 Aehiya

    2. Amphibious Aircraft:

    a, One SA-16 .. .._ Tf , L o.Lt r..-J..U

    b, One SA-16 will orbit

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305862DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 229-51 for 17 Au~;ust 1951 -. ....... YT (Oont 1 d) Annex nan 4, SB-29 11 Bo~tdrop 11 aircraft. on strip alert at Yokota, Oallsign 11 AIRDALE 11 ,

    5o Nav&l vessels:

    gsr OOASr Unit

    ~ Destroyers, 2 PF, 1 LSD, l helicopter 1 Destroyer, 2 e~all patrol vessels

    2 Carriere, 10-14 Destroyers, 4 helicopters l Destroyer, 2 patrol vessels

    WiZ:3 r COA3!

    6 Destroyers, 1 Carrier, 1 hel.icop

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305863

    ( I

    . . . . c,


    (1) Add to Par 3 H. (1), the folg:

    Flts w/b scheduled so as to have max no of acft in recon ~reas at last light.


    OFFICIAL: /"1 ,., /lA _.r)

    C4f./IJ/~ / GILBEil'T L. MEY'"RS L? . ColMel USAF ~

    Deputy for Operationtr' 9 -


    JAMES "'ERGUSON Brigadier General, V:!.ce Commander




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305864

    -. S~cn.ET

    By ~"~u.thority of CG, Filth A:ir Force 17 Aug 51 r7hf /1/1 Date IriHfills


    OF.!ItATI:JiiTS u.tDJ

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305865DECLASSIFIED

    - .. ;~..,u:t 230-51 r1!'18 August 1951 (Cent I d) O~ra.tions Clr'der

    3. ~KS Fffi SUBffiDlNATE UNITSt

    A. 616oth J,ir Base Wg uill:

    (l) Dispatch 2 acft to K-14 iio maintain alert durii"'lg r~s dark. .l'~cft Y:/b scrambled by DENTIST. Acft 11/have opnl radar equip. Mission No to start rr/6C01,

    Coordinate 1'f/llririne l'~lert plts to ma.intai.Yl 2 acft on R&J\DINESS ALEnT; 2 acft un AT EMlli Status,

    B. ROK AF rr/b off combat operaticms until further notice.

    c. 6147th Tac Con Gp will:

    (l) Dispatch c-47 acft callsign UOSlUITO tllar.'FIJdill to w.e.i.Yltai..Yl a.bn ln between SNOHFLiKE nnd TJ,Cs indio 'in par (2 ). /lOft wjalso act asrelay to s:O:'IFIAKE

    for any tac aci't in the btl area. J;dt w/orbit Chunchon CS 8893, at 10,000 ft.

    Crystallizationfbr automatic relay r~/b as fols and 1111lY be chanc;ed only in extreme


    Air to Air Pickup

    140;58 GREEN . ., , .. "1 r\ lf'trTTITI"G1

    .L....I,.V~..&.V 1~J..I..L.J.J,:.J

    Auto Re la;y to SN 0 IFLI>KE

    149.58 1,32.12

    Crystallization for 1111lnual relay w/b as fols and w/b monitored continuously by c-47 Controllers:

    121;50 EHHG 14202 TIIID

    140~04 BLACK 143.82 L\ VE!IDER

    (2) Dispatch acft to SNO.'IFLilKE to perform as TAGs w/TACPs indic, .Acft

    w/rpt to TLCP at sunrise relg thereafter on sta until dark. Ti.G acft cnllsign w/b name of Ti.CP preceded by word JWS:)UITO,


    ,...., ........... ..,..~ uv~.,JJ\1


    NOTE'.'fffi THY mrsffi,!fJI r.:rnrrm BURDEN OVlliTURE


    '1"'\m l)"l/"'1. J.J J. C....J VI.J

    DT 6h26 CT 6634 CT 3003 CT 5222 CT 8718 (Cover NIGHT:ilillE CT 9228) DT )220 DT l2l4



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305866DECLASSIFIED

    - Q- - -- ~--1-..... ./~

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305867

    E. 452d Bomb Wg performing normal effort will! (1) Dispatch 24 acft, !iiission No 5201 thru 5224, to perform max destruc-

    tion of' v-ehs and rolling stock, maintain contil:!uous nite coverage, preventing the eny fr moving on PURPlE 111 PURPLE 41 PUllPLE 5f GREEN 5 and GTIED~ 8. Ord load and 'roT nt ,~:rg COts discr

    (2) Fission Nos 5225 thru 5:~28 w/b JOO J.lert commencing at 0700 hrs. II ncft nro not used rrior to 1900 hrs, they w/b diverted to ar1:cd recon r.lissiors. Ord load max )00 1b GP bbs, Unit w/b notified of fueing if alerted by JC:Co

    (3) J,ll acft w/rpt to SNC!'!Fif.KE to and rtg fr flts on 140,58. SNOWFT AKE ;:/b cent over Hoengsong and w/iitsUo i'~Uwl instr. Acft to proceed arxi rtn thru bb line under control of TJ.DC on l4o.5B.

    (4) TTrrs and arood r.econ r"ts w/b called to JOG NIX 1600 hrs daily,

    (5) B-26 flare acft may be dispatched at Wg CO's discr.

    (6) lAst resort tgt for snoran equipped ueft Vi /b Kyom.ipo Yc 2891. Shoran Tgt ;!'217 1 Aprch /12 or 4.




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305868



    n -+- .,.... ') >{?,,.V,t..C . '-230-51 for 18 August 1951 \Contld) Operations Clt"der F. 4th Ftr-Intcp Wg will1

    (1) Dispatch 28 sortie effort to perform ftr sweep in Sinuiju area to provide screening force for F-80 acft,, callsign ALPHABET, atkg rail !:ru vic XE 3713 and for F.:080 acft, callsign, CAPABLE atkg rail MSR vic XE 65C4. Cent on 1.36.80 primJ 1.35.90 seed. TOT 1000. Mission No w/b

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305869

    . .. ,

    Operations Order


    Mission No - 7-103 No of B-29s - 6 Rv Pt - DU 9744 Rv TifilO - 18J$


    A J!,, ,.fl.,..-},...... -23(}..51/! 18 Aug,;;"'i"i~.,(~~;';F . Cent~

    Dispatch l6 acft to SNOF/FLU(E to escort B-29 acft as indjc balolv

    TOT - 1830 (Ieft turn off tgt) rype Escort - Blose

    RV Alt -.. 201 000! Tgt - !'rim Uncle Kunu-ri M/Y YD 4898

    &led and 1/R - Same as for %\RNF11 l.ii!ill & IJJ'u1

    Ftr Callsign -' GUNDECK UNCLE & VICTOR lJI1lr Callsign - WARNER UNClli & VIC'.:OTI Fr-lla Freq ~ 136~80 Seed Freq - lJ5 .90 Ref Alt - 15,oo~

    (c) Dispatch !l sortie effort to perform ftr sweep in Sinuiju area to provide scrcen:l..rig force for F-80 a.cft 1 callsign lLPHABET, atkg rail liiffi vic XE 3713, and for"F.;.8Q acft, cCJ.llsign, Ci~P.ABIE atkg rail MSR vic XE 6504. Cent orl 136.80 prim; 136.90 seed. This missi.on w/b run in conjunction w/Mission No d!02 Use ca.l1~ign .. fiJ.!Z!...C. Hission No ??01;



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305870



    \ Orerations Order 230-'11 for G. 8th Ftr-Pmr ~g will:

    No of Acft !.Q.! 1000 18l

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305871

    I ' I I


    .. .~C>t.Qt"; Operations Or-der 23G-51 for 18 August 1951 (Cont ld) H J.8th Ftr-Bmr Wg will:

    (1) Disratch 20 sortie effort to S!WJFMKE loaded ".'fg cor s discr to perform armed recon and to des rd trs in the portions of Area G-1.; C-2, D .... l, D-2 1 and E-2 as indic on overlay prev sent. Coordinates of bridges given in Opr Cir'd 223-51 for 11 Aug 51 Mission No to start w/1801.

    (2) Dispatch 181 4 acft flts to S!JO'.-WLI.KE loaded. max nap, 5 :in' E"V!C+_ rpfYf'i ,.;.>J:"'U Vt,;VU Hf~.;,,4\,J.\J"._],J,J..L'..Jl~ VVJ.lV.I.V.,I,. 1..1.1, VI.} ... V V,L IV/l~V.l...I..L,I.~ '"''-'.O.~V,j.V..._ .U.J. '-_,1""'-' "-.L ... ~"' ......... .._

    0720 and every 40m!.n tr,ercafter or until advised otherwise by Joe. Mission No w/start w/1850.

    (3) Conu-,Jit 11 Jl acft flt loaded Lk1X nap, 5 :in HW.R and 50 cal'ammo for JOC ,-,lert 0630 to 19)0, lhssion No bo start w/1871. i.Iax [lOrties - 16.

    fl.' ,...,.,:..,...,....,4-n'\., 1 ') ...,,f'.j.. {"1-! +,... ,...1-,,..,,....,....r..-,. ~"'"'"" "'""" 1'\I'Jl h_],')t, "il'T1 ')";).fit. .r'I'Y"OO f''Y" ..... Tfll \"+} .J.J.l.l.)!-'"-'oVV.U .,J.., '-

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305872I


    Ooorati.ons OrdAr "

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305873


    Operations Order 230-51 for 18 J.ugust 1951 (Cent 1d)

    J. 49th Ftr-Bnr 'Tg will:

    (1) Dispatch 16 sortie ellOl't to make multiple rail cuts nlong Uffi from YD 3239 to Yl:l 3626. O.~d load, TOTs ai; '.fg 001 s disdr. Mission No to start w/1901.

    (2) conunit J 4 acft flt lor:ded 7fg cos discr !or JOC 'Alert at K-2 :.'r 0630 to 1930. This flt is for opernt:lons EMAT ROCK. J.:ission No to start w.Jk;So. !!ax sorties - a. - -




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305874! ' '


    ~d Operations 0tder 230-'11 for li9 August 19~1 (Cent 1d) K. 51st Ftr-Intcp Wg will:

    (1) Dispatch a eft to SNOWFLAKE to make mul tip1e rail cuts

    ~~0he r~f~u~3~ ~~e~ a~"g6v~~ :~r 7~615 mf;~~og~ 1}g;ggtg~~N~!so w/b acft, ca-llsign ALPHABET, vic XE 3713. Cent on 136,80 prim: 13'1.90 seed. If flts cannot reach nrim t!!t. multinle rail cuts w/b made on rail MSR fr YD 2283 to w 3243. ~ Use c~lisign CAPABLE . Number acft, TOTs and Mission Nos li!!ted below:

    1:[Q of Acft

    (a) 20 (b) 20.

    ~'I"JT -:LOOO J.81?

    Mission Nos

    '1101 ,:;102

    (2) Dispatch 8 sortie effort to SNOWFLAKF for Combat Tng M1s>'if)n N of bb line. Ord loetd, tgt and TTRs at WI! C0 1 s ~iscr. iHss:fon N'o 5151 and '?152~



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305875DECLASSIFIED

    ~,fvJq-~ 2Jo-5l for 18 August i95l (Conttd) ,

    L. 67th Tac necon Wg will;

    (1) Dispatch B, 2 acft flt~ to perform vis recon w/photo ve:rif in EUSAK

    Corps area as indic. J~cf't l:tfrpt both in and out to Corps Ti:..CP on J13 .82 and mrk

    on 142,02 Ttl'.cn N of bb line, CalJ.sign'w/b ns fols: us I corps, TOPKICK ABIE;


    Mission No TOT A!'lea.-.- M:l.ssion No TOT Area

    6770 1

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305876DECLASSIFIED

    "-.0 /~ c '/ ~OLJV. VtJ" VU,&.i;,~ '"

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305877




    Op:lrations Order

    230..51 for 18 August 1951 (Par 3, -

    L, Cent!

    (5) Mission No 6795 - Dispatch 11 RB-26 acft to p:lrforil) wea obser r

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305878DECLASSIFIED

    ,,. Operations Order 230-~1 (Cont 1 d)

    M. lst Marine Air W!! w:111:

    (1) lst Mar ;\ ir 1Ng Photo Un1 t will:

    (a) Perform photo recon in coord w/67th

    (2) Mar Air Gp 12 will:

    (a) Mission Nc' 1201 and l;~ - Dispatch flare ,,...n~,...:. -~, >#11n-.................. .-..-1.r- .. ,Jt,.fv.,'6XT~ .,.,, ~() uo4n ~ .. ne~!'"\~At"' CTf "'-V~YVY U~,h .l...LU.I.V~ VV U~J.&.A VVfJ'._..J..L.i.\.-J. .... ,I.1 .-/ W ......... ._.._. ,..,._...., ...,_..,,.,.....~...,-.., --

    6302. TOT 2?00 and 0200. / I f'JI,II

    (b) Mission No l&Lthru J22.Q..- Dispatch acft tn pr,,vent eny :veh fr moving nver folg l~ts nita of 18 and 19 Aug 51

    1. Singye BT 8464 N 2. Koksen BT 9895 N. 3. Singosan CU 6302 N.

    TOT 2145, 2300.1. 0015, 0130, 0400 J.. 0245. LIGHTNHiG BUG ZEBRA orbit vic Singye BT tl464. LIGHT~iP'G BuG XRAY w/orbit vic Koksan FT 9895. ""'"'FAf'lli' ..,/,.....""~"'+ -l~ .. .., ~.f...,wna!":ln ,TT ~'::lf"'\~ J.'n.. 'AVJ.:.I Hf , ... .., '-'.&.'-' v.a.w ..... .&..t'*"'V' ... ~-.o. "-''-' Y.,J.._.._,Ij

    (c) Disratch acft prebriefed for CAS to DEVASTATE BAKER at DT 3134 as fols. Cont w/b on WHITE CHANNEL.

    Mission .,_ ~ ..... -~ .......... mrm T ...,l!"l!A"'""'"' l'V OU.L- \.I.L'O'.;:) .l \.,1 ..L ~\.4U..&.,I.ol. --!1221 4 O'i'OO Napalm, HVAR 1222 4 o~:2o NajJalm; HVAR :1223 4 0940 Na~lm HVAR '1224 4 .. "' "" lOve# Qp 4-1~ delay .lJ. U\J '122~ 4 12'20 Napalm, HVAR \1 :;>::> 4 1340 Napalm, HVAR '1?2~ 4 1500 lOO()i' GP 4~1 c: delay P-?2- 4 lli?O Napalm, HVAR 1..22 .L.L.61l\ol I,;'JVC~c.r.~"C YI IJ g~Vtffl

    (f) Miss ion No to start vtt:1,,?.6.Q"- Me inta in 2 READINESS ALERT at K-l fr ?0 min berore sunri~e to ?O sunset. Acft w/b scrambled bv DEV .ABLE ._4..



    acf't on min after


    '" .,

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305879DECLASSIFIED

    ~ 18 August 19~1 C3.M. (;:>) Contd) Operations Order 230-'1 for r.,, .. ~qlssJ."on j\)o _.__ _ _ _.__~~.I.., ---' .. "'"'1"\ ""~--- ... -""'I") ., ... .p ... tv~ \.b ..:.1_ 1JO St;trri'"L W/J..e'."1U- .l.l.l.i~:t}.JOI.,.\.:U c:.. u~o,..a,....,-

    ~-13 to maintain alert during hrs dark, Acft w/b scrambled by , , . DENTIST, Coord w/68th Ftr Sq to maintain 2 acft on. READINESS ALER

    2 1J? 2 acft on AT EASE. ~ ~ J..i:_ ... 1 l

    th! (h) Mission No to start w/129'1 - Maintain 1 acft on 1 ,_ READINESS ALERT at K-1 durinP hrs dark, Acft w/b scrambled by DEV


    (3) Mar Air Gp 33 will:

    (a) Dispatch acft prebriefed for CAS to DEVASTATE BAKER at DT 3134 as fols: Cont w/b on WHITE CHANNEL.

    Mis s:!.on No Snrt1AS IQ1 Loading -4 0740 f\Tapalm, HVAR

    .,. ,... ,.. ,.. II A "'' ..3 ... ., , ,! . 13301

    3302 3303 1~04

    4 0900 l.t..JU\.P,T GP 't-.J."J U.t;;:;: .J,.t.

    () ' () 1"-

    dJ ,j

    I \I il . I '--''

    330, 3306 330? 330!3 3309

    4 A .. 4 ' 'i 4 4 4

    1020 11J!f'\ ..... .......... "" 1300 ,...,~" .1-""T(;..V'

    1,40 1?00 18?0

    Napalm, HVAR Napalm, HITAR 1000# GP 4-lC: del1 Napalm, H'JAR Napalm, HVAR 1000# GP 4-lC: del1 Na.!:'iilm, HVAR

    (b) Mission No 3.'UO .thru 3313 - Disratch l6 sortie effort to des rd brs on MSR fr Sepo-ri CT ?878 to Anbyon CU 7222, 1 acr1; ea flt wfo loaded with butterflies and dropped on brs des Ol dam. After brs are atkd, flts w/call TOPKICKacft for add t~ts on RED CHAN~'EL. Max last l:ight coverage 'I'J/b civen.

    \lf fl t on JOC (c) Missi'm No to start w/3370 - Maint1nE1 1 4 acft

    Alert at K-3. Acft w/b replaced as soon as possf1le when Acft w/b scramble!d by JOC, Max sorties - 16, scrambled,

    (d) Mission No to start w/3391 - Commit 1, 4 jet . fl t for READINESS ALE.RT (A Bun at K-3 fr 30 min before sunrise to

    / . ;~ /30 min after sunrise,' Acft ~~/b scrambled by DEV ABLE, or JOC in ar , /" emerg only, Commit 11 2 jet

    acft flt on READINESS ALERT (BAKER) fl (l r~ ~~ml~IJ~ter ~unr1se "'o 30 mj~n ~,fte:r s~.nset. A eft w/b scr;-:tmbled b~



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305880DECLASSIFIED

    .. . . ......

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305881DECLASSIFIED

    - c ~ ~r.A~ .... -Operations Order 23.1 for J:'tAt;'?~Yt'\ 9t!l (coW'c1) x. (1) Same as Ops Ord 229-?1 for 17 August 19q.

    (2) Same as Cps Ord 229-

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305882DECLASSIFIED

    Opel'ations Order 2.30-51 for 18 August, 1951 (Cont lc'.)



    A, See Ctn"rent COI.

    B, See Annex D, C and G


    ANNBXES: j, ~ Dir of Korean Aflds n '""~ ;\ir rn..., _q.,.,.c.+_om vo -~~ v...., .... .... ~ ................ c~ l~ad ::t'ac and Aids to D~ Navy Info E; Bomber Info p; Night Atk Info G. SAil Ihfo


    r u)tPl!.~ p 1/)e3 k. j-.. (rL GILBERT L, iEYERS ~ ~

    Colonel, USAI< Deputy for Gpezations


    JALW:;s FERGUSCN 1Tigadier General, USAF Vice C ommarder



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305883DECLASSIFIED

    ... = Operations Qroder

    ?30-51 fcL 18 August 195:l,


    Same as Annex 11A" to Operations O!'ders 220-51 for 8 August 1951 and 2~.6-51 for l4 August 1951,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305884


    7::: t.~StR.ic11D I ' ,. .


    QE!ffi.!~)_QN. _OJlA_J&B

    No. 2JP-5~ JOR 1S AUGUST 1951

    JAC~ICAL .Al11.fm"l!.J10L SYSm;!

    Sn.mo P!.S Armex "B" to Overat,ions Order 22S-;l for 16 Aucust 1951.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305885


    ~~tions Orde.,.

    2J0-51..1J'r 18 August 1951


    See attached Radio Facilities and Aids to Navigation chart for 18 August 1951.

    a, K-1. Hcm:i.ng beacon temporarily inoperative,

    b, K-5 and K-6 homing beacom1 resumed normal operation,


  • Korean W

    ar Project U



    1::1 !"'j ('")

    ~ ool ~: "rj .

    t:;J 1::1

    :fk.o.Z~.lc~~ RADIO FACILTIIES AilD A!ffi TO NAVIGATION --urectj:v:eJ:ifAug~t -:C95l ---

    r- =--""iitiDiiJlliST'ONAiVi?..\TrC~== Ail GRCiillJD VOICE-r--mOOl ____ .,._ AIR- FREQUENC~ OtJI'-IlUST CAJl.L F~~NCIES CALL li'REQUI !:NCIES PORT TU'E JJEl!l._. TRANS I REC . PtJI' lEARI~ SII~ TRANS 'REG IGN l1RA!lS Kl HIJ!.ER FH - 16J;Okcs I ~DOw ON F!l'.:LD . .NG JL26.JJ El.EV - - . rn;E Viole 1.;!1 YG/ZB az- -- 540 kcs I 25w ON FII!:LD I lCWER l1rans


  • Korean W

    ar Project U



    1::1 !"'j ('") t"" > [JJ [JJ

    ~ t:;J 1::1

    Ra.tUo Facilities 'md Aids to Na-vigation, Eff ~ Acl?USt 1951 - (cont"d)

    -------------------- . AJNGRotlliiD-VOIGE J,';:"J]p AIIS TO N~VIGA:l'IOU - c.A.Li- ~Rlj~UENGIES AIR- ~JENCI[___ OUJ- DIST POR:r TYPE IIENT TRARJ RI!X: pu:r EEruliNG SIGN Tru.Ns ]~ K-6 HOJIER ~ ........ 330 lros 25v 00 "'T'6Ji'LD ELE11 . -~- Z7C'P 3 Mt 1641

    VHF/DF KlliG SIX 121,50 121.50 ON FIEI.D IlF HO!>ER -K-8 HOMER KS . - l490kcs J,OOw ON""ffii.D

    EL1W 6t HOMER IJ3-- 350 lees 400w BG TC FLD - 41>. 24CP l

  • Korean W

    ar Project U



    -=:' ~I r;, r' ~ rz IJ..! _, ~I

    ~I -=:'

    Radio lia.cL-:-::ios and Aids t.o Navigation, Eff 18 Atlg'USt 1951 - (co1t c:) &41~"ti:d~ - ~~ Aioo :ro l'illVIGITJ:..

    AIR- ~~!~ __ om- DIST CALL FRE:cfuENim;?_ CAIJ, FBl~UENCIES_..;.. REMlRKS PORT TTIE IDE~:-:-: TRABl~ REC PU:r IEARING SIGN TRM iREG - SIGN TRIINS GUARIB - ---K-14 HCER JX -- - 36oil:cs 50011 BG TO ]II,D KING Kll'IG 126.18 126.J!.8 EIEV - - 262 1~: 111: l4 5055 5055 14 121.50 121.50 58' AllYS TOO:R

    GGA - SEE GCA D.m KIMPO 137.88 :1..37.88 CON- l3!i.90 :135.9C I TROL, 126.18 126.18

    SL ;-;-;- ----:;-- t- ~ m N''OF 12l.SO ] 2) .50

    126.18 1---------tt-K-16 HO!ER 348 kcs 25w KING 126.18 ELEV ........ END HWY 16 121.50 12l.!i0 35 1 ------:::,--f-- ooFIEi:n-- TOO:R y~~ YellJ..d./

    JlBIE XTAL KING 121J.18 126.J.8 --11.-'37

    ELEV '37 121.50 121.!;0 '2101 -----:c--1-- oo F'IEI;n- - Tcm:R 126.]:8 "TiliEif" OPERJIITES J)URING': K-40 HOIER WD-- 264 kcs 2:5w Kll'IG 126.18 ELEV - . . FORrY DAYLIGHT HOURS ONLY. 45 1

    1475i~ 1-- TCME:R K-41 HOJ.ER m- .. 40011 ON FIEI.D -----

    --!-:=-=... --::-1-- ON F'IEi;n- - 126Sif -~~oPEruTES'

  • Korean W

    ar Project U



    e ~": !"':

    ~ if.' [f.

    ~ ~ e

    Green White Red 126.18 121.50


    Crimson 13.\..10

    Crimson ].3.\,.10 13'7,.88

    Green Blue

    rfkaZ;,.:.idU. cr.Jt; !'ATA - Y.W:.A

    :grrec:tive 18 Augusi, 195:~


    500 Fr



    ,,.J1j~ ;;.:.,,

    3500 FT

    OVER PG HO~ER A~' 3000 FT,,



    OVER JK I .U.W/ HOl~~ A1' 3500 FT, HEADING

    Page 4 of' 4 puges

    c i"l (j

    :;: ffj ffj

    ~ t:;J c

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305890DECLASSIFIED

    ' ... jJ I A~ ... ~ .... ~NN'J!:x no"

    ""' ~

    Onerntions Orrler

    No. 2)0-51 for lS Aug 1951


    1. N~vy Gunfire Warning,

    a. against in this

    East Coast area from bombline to 4l)ON - Navy gunfire can be expect(r! coastal hwys and targets of opportunity from patrolling naval vesse'.s area, Usual concentrations at bombli.ne and Wonsan area.

    b; West Coast - Navy gu.."lfire can be axpected in the Yona.r1, Haeju and Chinampo area,

    2. Recognition signals for 14 Aug thru 25 Aug 51.

    a. One complete circle. Series of Long white flashes by one light.

    b~ Narrow cloth strip at least eight feet long and one ioot wide elevated on pole or mast.

    ). Navy carrier Operations.

    a. East Coast - Jehova: Buzzsaw; Trust Fund.

    'J.j..,,on ... "- A eft E:!l TACP ""-'Y ...... ~~ ... l~V -Navy 4 4 ()/.,}. ~ Monitor ......... ..,.., Navy 6 4 OS15 Compliment Nt.vy g 4 1000 Monitor Navy 10 4 1130 Compliment Navy 12 4 1)00 Monitor Navy 14 4 1445 Compliment Navy 16 4 1615 Monitor Navy 18 /, , """' CompliJilent ~ ..L.UVV

    A/R 16, Photo 10, Nite 8, Inter 94, Defensive 32, NGFs 8,

    b. West Coast - Underfield: Knave.

    A/R 34, Defensive 18,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305891DECLASSIFIED

    .-/~~ ~JmRX "E"



    Opera1!2ns Order

    ]Q. 230-~1 for 18 August 19~1

    No of Bmrs Ca11si'm rrnrr Seed 'l'oo+: ~ - b ~ .. Tf.!ARNER MIKE & Huichon M/Y

    NAN MIKE BV 6950 7 1830 XRAY Hwanr

    ju HiY YC 4086

    L/R YOKE Chinnampo YC 0989

    LiR ZEBRA ~~m~~!,l2 l.,.oV {--t.LU

    6 B-?9 WARNE B. UNCLE & Kunu-ri M/Y VICTOR UNCLE YD 4898

    1830 Same as Above

    1 t>_':la 1,.~;ARNER 11/'"\T T:'l . - Directed .1...1-~. / UVJ..tL' '"" lllt;' None BALL OIVE 1 B-29 WARNER G0I}' As Directed 1200 None



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305892


    A.m:!EX "F"


    No 2~Q-51 for 18 Aue 51


    All ncft emrloyeEi in :Intruder, recon or CAP activities w/:oon-1 tor 142.02 n t 311 times= Th:ls freq w/b used for cent bStween ncft oprg in search nrea N of bb line. Al 1 other acft w/use rad pr,, cedures dir by current COI, ~ Callsign

    RB-26 B-26




    Tor get

    Main Comm Houtes ill

    ?000-7500 Pyongyang-Sunchon-Takchon















    Hrs dnrk Hrs cbrk

    Hrs dnrk

    Hrs cltuk

    Hrs 0ark

    Hrs da.rk

    Hrs d,"rk

    Hrs dark C-47 LIGU~~ING BT 8464, BT 9895 Low Hrs d~Jrk


    F?F 1 F4U FLYTRA!N BT 8464, BT Hr-s PB4Y FATFACE cu 6302 Vll rious Hrs dar' AD4N JEHOVA . East Coast Vl'rious Hrs dar:



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305893DECLASSIFIED

    . ' Operations Order 230-t::I for 113 August l9'il (Annex 11F 11 Cont 1 d) l B-29

    1 B-?9

    1 B-29

    ,...,,.,_ .. __ yo.&...LP.Lf.U




    1 B-29 ~:OCCASIN QUEEN


    Jrront Line Spt

    Front Line Spt

    ~~ ~~: ~ ~~~ )~ 9096, XE 6407 BV 6849 t Bl\. 983 7

    YD 2386



    o L BJ. v -









  • Korean War Project USMC-00305894DECLASSIFIED

    .J.~-~:.-t ANNEX 11 G11 Operations Order

    230-51 for 18 August 1951


    1, Crash rloats:

    a, ;6' K-10

    b, 6;' Tsuiki

    c, 85' K-9

    d, 85' Paengnyong-do

    e, ",.-J,I Aahiya .Ll."i'"

    2~ Amnhibioue Airora~t~

    a, One SA-16 on strip alert status at K-16.

    b, One SA-16 will orbit ,at ;8 ;o N - 124 ;o1 E (XC ;060) 'from 0950 to 1040 and from 1815 to 1900.

    c, One SA-16 on strip al,rt at K-18, Contact 11 Brocnide Able" or K-18 tower to alert 11 DUlllbo",

    NOTE: Call sign of s:,-16 '' DUM80 11 , SA-16 has a maximum speed of 190 knots and can make landings in se9.13 4 t~ 5 feet high and water 5 feet deep, 11 0uw.bo 11 will guu.rd 121.50 mao.

    :;~ Sikor okv H-'i INavv HO~S) Helioo-oter~

    a, One 11 PEDR0 11 on strip rt at K-16,

    b, One 11 PEDi'l0 11 on strip "lert status at Paengnyong-do (XC 5002). Contact 121.50 !1,.., " on mce or oror:uide Baker,

    c= One "P:SDR0 11 on strip ~:tlert eta.tv.e at let Oave.lry Areo . (C!T 3 =08}. Contact 11 NOEW0.1\THY 11 on 142,02 (Red),

    d, Navy helicopter stationed vicinity of Wonsan. Cont

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305895


    .Ji.. .Je-t v t.t- ..I.. Operations Order 2;50. for 18 Au,gust 1951 - (Cont 1 d) .ex 11 G11

    4, SB-29 11 Boatdrop 11 aircran on strip a&rt at Yokota, Oallsign 11 AIRDALE 11 ,

    5 Naval veaeela:


    :S destroyers, 2 PF, l L3D, 1 heli(~opter 1 destroyer, 2 small patrol veeael.a

    2 Carriers, 10-14 destroyers, 4 hE>licopters 1 destroyer, 2 patrol vessles

    6 destroyers, l carrier, l ehlicopter


    '1'/onean East Coast

    Bomb line 40N l29-45E Songjin

    27N 124E

    Voice Call

    i~onte Carlo

    i'hurstcn Jehova Ole.nel.!le.n

    Goose bump

    NOTE; All surface unies will guard 121,50 ,nee, Most ships will ile ade to relay messages to 11 SNO\iFLAKE 11

    6, ~AL JRIEFING;

    a, All pilots will be briefed that the following information ahr,uld be trane.uitted to effect the rescw:: of downed aircre.o~st

    ( 1) LOCATION of downd air crew,

    (2) Is the downed aircrew IN SIGHT AND ALIVii:?

    (;5) The time aircraft over downed e.ircre1; can REi4AIN IN Ail._;!:A,

    - 2 ...


    ,: ..

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305896

    SECl1ET By Authority 0!

    CG, 5th Air Force 18 Aug 51....,,J.JJ, "

    ""'V, n. ~ bate Iriiti~is


    \ OP.ERATio:JS ffiDEfl NO: 231-51 for 19 August 1951

    lQ, 5TH A:G"t FiliCE APO 970 18 August 1951

    CHART m i.'Ji.P :lEFEtEiiCES: USAF Pilotage Chert, Korec, 1:5001 000 UTi.: Grid; f.:.iS IS52, Korea, lt25o,ooo (UTI.! GRID).

    TASI~ ORGAEJZA'!'IO:J: Salll9 as Opr Ord 218-51 for 6 August lSSl.

    l, GENT

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305897I

    Opera t iDns DECLASSIFIED

    n V-,1\

    ff'I\~J \,;...! '-. 17 August 1

    3. 'f'MK~> FOR SUBORnTNATE UNT:l;:..:.

    A. 6160th llir B

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305898) '


    -~ ~ " ,, "...J-, Opornt~ons Order 23l-5i"'::'~~9 ~~ l$51 (cont d)

    D. 3rd Bonb vrg perforning norr.Yll effort will:

    (l) Diapntoh 28 ncft, 1.:1ssic'n No 0301 thru 0328, to porioro = destruction of .veha and rolling stock, t'IOintnin cent nito covornr;e prevontin1: the

    cny fr ou oOvinc on PURPLE 1, GREEN 3, Pffi PLE 3, GREEN 6 TOT an.d ord lond n t 1rg co a diacr.

    (2) Acft perforning !.!$ roc on in VTcnsan area, w/cont l!ONTE CJ\RLO : .:>r

    coord strikes in accord n/Plan WOLVERlllE.

    (3) 1>11 acft w/rpt to SNO'IFJJ,.Jill to and rtng fr flts on 11.6 0 10. ;:;;W!f-

    Fu,m;; w/b cent over Hoongsong and w/i!IS'Lll final instr. Acft to proceed tku bb line, and rtn thru bb line under control of TADC on 116.10. }.eft departin"

    frou or rtng to K-8, 1v/rpt to DENTIST over point ZEBRl~ BT 4959 n.nd SNQ1.7FU.:'E over po int 01308

    (4) TTR.s nnd nrmd recon rt!l u/b called to Jm NLT 160? hrs daily.

    (5) 13-26 flnre acft my be dispctched at Ylg CQis discr 0

    (6) Last resort tgt for Shoran T10t //216, Aprch /14.


    YC 1089.


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305899DECLASSIFIED

    ..... .. . )!!e. (Y c.,ftf/

    o-yz:rntions Ordor 23l-5l for 19 August 1951 (Conti d) (1) Dispatch 24 P.Cft 1 l!ission Uo 5201 thru 5224, to perforr.1 ts..x destruc-

    tion of vohs and rolling stock, mintnin continuous nite coverage, p:'OWnting the my fr l.JOving on PURPlE 111 PURPLE 4, PURPlE 5, GREEN 5 and GREEN B, Ord load and ror at '!g co a dis or.

    (2) l.Iission Uos 5'225 thru 522E\ tr/b JOC Alert oor.u:-encing ot 0700 hrs. rf acft nrc not used II' ior to 1900 hrs 1 they w/b diverted to aroed recon r.iissionD. ')rd land tlnX t)'()()]h f1P hhl=l- Tln-i+. wlr. """"-i-.-1-f'-!..,..4 ,...p .;o.,~~-.-. ~~ .. ,,.,-.,j..-...:1 ,_,_ .. if .. TrY'! - - ... --- ~- --- ... ~-- ... ''I W" ... - ............................... ~ ... \,oi,0.;1olool."'5 .~. ...,~"' VQV. u ..............

    (3) All acft w/rpt to SNOHFI/d(E r/b cont over Hocngsong and w/issoo final Line under control of TiJlC on 140.58.

    to and rtg f'r flts on :llio.t;8. .'Th!Cl\'JFT. KR - ' -~ - -- --- -- --instr. Acft to proceed o.nd rtn thru 'Jb

    (4) Tl!ls o.nd o.rned recon rts w/b called to JCX:: NLT 1600 hrs daily. (5) &-26 :f'lare acf't m:y be dispatched nt Vlg COis discr;

    (6) li:lst resort tgt for Shorc.n equipped acft w/b Kyo!:,lipo yc 2891. lhornn Tro;t }217 1 Aprch #2 or 4.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305900)


    Opero.t~ons Qedor- 231-51 for 19 AuguSt 1951 {Contt d) F. 4th Ftr-Intcp :rc ,-,ill,

    (1) Dispe.tch 28 sortie eff

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305901DECLASSIFIED

    operations order 231-51 for 19 August. 1951 (Cont rd) (1) Dispntch 28 sortie effort t.o SNOYlFL.'UCE loo.ded V/g COis discr to

    suppress hvy flak vic pyongyang East H/Y YD 4020, irnm prior to B-29 strike , plan of atk at '\vg co s discr, but not to begin more than five min prior to bbs away, cont w/b mr1do w/bmrs prior to atk. code word for bmrs 10 min fr bbs away is 'lilllDY, Code word for bmrs 5 rains fr bbs nwo.y is K[ GHTBALL, Meteor ncft, calls ign OUNDECI\ w/b on cl esc escort for brfli"s. cont o:n 1)6,80 primi 135.90 seed.

    Mission NO - 0801 NO of Bmrs - 9 Bmr Alt - 22,000 Tgt - prim Able P'Jongyo.ng E !f/Y

    B.Tll.r TOT - 1059 Ftr calJs ign - ALPH.\BJ:.'T Bmr callsign - UOCCASIN ABLE. BAKER &

    CHI\RLm Prim Freq - 136.80 Seed Freq - 135,)10

    (2) Dispntch 28 sortie ef'fo:rt to SN01JFU Y~ to n:ake mul tilplo rail cu ,s along rnil MSR fr BV 6948 to BV 6033, F-86 acft, calls ign DIGNITY w/b in the Sinuiju mea as cover for this mission nnd for other F-80 acft1 calls ign CAPA ,,T.E atkg rai 1 MSR in same urea, cant lJ6, 00 prim; 135.90 seed, If fJ.ts cannot r ach prim tgt, multiple raU cuts w/b nu:.de on rail MSR fr YD 2282 to YD J24J, use calls ien ALPE\.BET, TOT' 1800, MiBsion No 0802.

    f,3,\ Com __ TI_l_it _1, ? ~~f't f'1t f'm .. ,:-;r,~TiTl\ft:'CC /T'7'RI'I'l /n~rrr:>n:\. on+ T, __ ,l . .P ..... ~(\ rr,i,-, _ - ---- ~ - ~__,_,; --v -- ~l..u.

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305902DECLASSIFIED

    ~~ e Operations 0rder ?31-"71 for 19 August J.9'i1 (Cont'd)

    H. 18th Ftr Bmr Wg will:

    ~0 cal sorties

    (2) Dispatch 16 sortio effort to SNOWFLAKE loaded wi: '1 max ,.. ,...,... ., '\_ ... .... ri _ - ... - .... - .. -- .. - - - - - * - ~ ~ L._ )uv .1.u

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305903DECLASSIFIED

    ~ Oper-ations Order 231-51 for 19 Augusto 1951 (Contd) I. 136th Ft,r .... Dur Wg nill:

    (1) Dispntch 20 sortie effort to SNOi'o'FIAKE to nuke r.mlhple rail ouils along rail liEn :fr YC 4296 to YC 4189. :.lission No w/start w/3601.

    (2) Dispatch 20 sortie effort to srra:.'FIAKE to nake raultiplc rail cuts along rnll ::SR fr 13U 4820 to YD 5720. l.iission tlo w/start 11/3602.


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305904DECLASSIFIED

    - :_ - . ~b~h-....

    ~erat~ns Order 231-51 for 19 August 1951 (Contt d)

    J. 49th Ftr-llr.r Wg will1

    (lj Dispatch l6 sortie effol:t to oolro nultiple rnii cuts along llffi i'r~ 1p J'IIUIP to 11) .1181!6-. Ord load, TOTs il1; ~ CO's discro lii.Ssion No to start w/4901~

    . (2) Coonit 1, 4 acft .flt la.ded 1"/g CO's discr for JOC Alert at IC..2 fr q530 to 1930. This f).t is for operatJ.ons Sl'lAT ROCK. l.Iission No to start "1'!1'4950. ).Tax sorties - 6

    (3) Cotl!"lit 1, 4 acft flt for REt..DlliESS AU!RT at J-13 ir 30 f.l:i.n prior to sunrise to 30 nin after sunset. Acft to be scrnrJbled by Itnzuke P.DCCo :Iission No to start Yi/'4991. l~.oft need not be :rupla.cud wl'run ubn.

    .'"19 I



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305905DECLASSIFIED

    . .. '3...o_~-0pPrati0ns Order ?31-~1 for 19 August 1951 (Cont'd)

    Ko 51st Ftr-rntcp VlG will:

    (1) Dispatch 24 sortie effort to SNOVIFDI.KE to des rolling stock in M/Y at chon~.>ju XD 9094. Photo 29 R 3541B incl. F-86 acft, callsign DIGNITY v1/b in the Sinuiju area as cover for this mission, for F-51 acft callsign GODFHEY atkg same tgt, and for B-29 acft atkg ~;ongyang YD 4020. cont an 1)6.80 prim; l35.90 seed. If fl t cannot reach prim tgt, rolling stock in M/Y at Tongsinchor' YC 402858 w/b mtkd. Photo 61 R4937l3 incl. Qrd wjb max napalm. Tar 1105. MissL on No 5ltll, This mission w/b run in conjunction with 1850.

    (2) Dispatch30 sortie effori; to _SNOWFLAKE to make !lllltiple .rail cue:' ril mg r

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305906' I




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305907



    Operations Qrder ~31-51 for 19 August; 1951 (Par 3L (3) Contld) ,3. c-4738 Pul:f. fr P7{0n5.1--a..."lg to sariwcn YC 4065. scale l"t.l01 000, To be flown every other day until cane, FOr sr,:e c e.nalysis of RR.

    4, perform spec l'econ of Chinnampo al'ea to discovel' pm:c.r launches vis w/photo verif. FR-721, prior III

    5, rn cmj v1/opr Plnn STRANGLE, sec vert photo scale J ,51,000 of folg rd and Pw.11 cuts. F"i;'d 3 sets unat'"lnotated prints to 8th APIIJ p:tiol. II

    HR cuts -

    Tgt No,

    z-4748 z-4749

    z-4750 z-4751

    z-L~752 ..., I_..,,.,.., .-,., ;J.)


    Rd cuts -

    Tgt NO

    ,.. \ ... r-Jr' "-'-+ ( ,::> z-4756 z-h757 z-4758 z-4759 z-4760


    YD 4211 DT 3.30870-DT 310850 YD h206-YD 4208 YD 2920-YD 2517 YC 3976 YC 4285 YC 5798


    cu 6612 BV 6848 TVl' 2099 ~-cu 6518 BT 7882. DT 9545

    (4) Dispatch ll o.c.rt o.~waJ.c to perform nite vis recon w/photo wrii' of rts described J.n 5J,F apr ord 116-51, one crew member w/maintain listen .. ag watch on 142~02. to receive info on ]3-26 stri.~ s and sig.b.t4"1gs. of unusual ii,tezest. sec p;1oto of all trai.n sightings and any large veh convoy and train stril

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305908DECLASSIFIED

    operations order Contrd)

    (a) Obser pts - K-18, \ionsan, Kanggye,, pyongyang, K-14, 35N-125':, Fl-J.san to K-2.

    (b) R.[L Time - 0300 daUy. (c) Rpt Method - In clear, (d) Rpt SNOhFLAXE - 140.)8. (e) Callsign - ICE AGE ABLE {f) 't~ea rpts to oe made1 to tower on 126.18 at K-6, K-13, K-llJ, K-

    16, K-9 1 K-1 and K-10,

    (6) Mission NO 6796 - Dispatch 1, RB-26 acft to pcri'crm wea obser recon of folg rt: K-2 to 38N-12300E to 33N-123E to K-2. TO be abn M as t( reach I(-2 b,i 1600 hrs daily. Wee. rpts to be trans on m> 6705 every 30 min c.nd over ea turning pt. call sign ICE Ami: BAKER prior II

    (7) Mission NOs 6797 thru 6799 -Dispatch J, RB-26 acft to perfnl'lll tac wee. recon of tgt area w/i area bcrunded by sariwon1 p-yongyang, Wct1san, e.nd pyonggang. Rell'.ain in tgt area aprx 3 hrs rptg wea obser in clear to SNCJ.i ''IJ,KE or DENTIST, n.t pts listed below usinr: alphabet reference: J.!J. NBmchonjorr,.; s .. sariwon; c. pyongyang; D 'J::l!lgyang CU 2836; E wonsan; F. Sepo-ri CT 577d; a. pymggang on 140.58 or 116.10 mcs or 6705 kcs. prior I. TTRS and callsign as indio:


    (a) ICE AGE CF-~F~IE (b) ICE AGE DOG (c) ICE kGE FOX


    0600 0900 1500

    j,bove flts to be performed primarily during periods of inclement wea but to be can.c, diverted or postponed only upon notification fr JOC.

    (8) Dispatch 4_.. C-h? flare ilcft to perform flare drops on call !r F lF, FLU acft, callsign FLYTRAIN as indic 1

    Mission NO Tar orbit pt callsign ,. ......... ~ 192200 - 200~30 Koksan N BT 9895 LIGHTNING BUG Xfll,Y 0 (.)J~ 6736 192200 - 200130 S:Lngye N BT 84611 LIGHTNING BUG ZEBRJ, o?3? 200115 - 2001.45 KOksa..YJ. " T Tf'1ut(ll.TT'IIlf' rnrn vn,, v " .I.I..I.UU..Lh.L.J.~U" UUU' AJ-~~ 6738 200115 - 200445 S:i.ngye N LIGHTNING lUG ZEBRf,

    LIGHTNING lUG ZEBR< w/work w/FLYTRiJl\ OJ thru 06, J,IGHTNING BUG XRAY w/;rcl': w/ FLYTR/,IN 09 thru 14.

    (9) Bomb oanagc Assessment!

    (a) Folg list of prebrj.efed tr;t to be atkd during nite l~ aod 19 1~ug and dey l9 ;,ug 51, sec vert photo scale 1110,000 unless otherv1ise indio, upon notification fr JOC of folg tgts:

    Tgt NO Tgt unit Atkg

    Z-3464 py on gyn r'4J E M/Y.


    (} 0929 llB --.1Vt--\..e-i"-




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305909DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Qrdor 231-51 for

    li. 1st I~nr ino Air Wing wills

    (1) lst l!nrine Air vring Photcl Unit v;ill:

    July 1951.

    (2) l.Iarino Air

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305910DECLASSIFIED

    .~~-cf- Operations Order 231-51 for 19 August 1951 (Cont 1 d)

    N. 6153rd Air Base Sq will:

    (1) Dis~atch 1 C-47 acft to SNO~TU\h~ to perform 3 V & L missi">ns for EUSAK PW vlc front lines. Mission No 5301 thru 5303. ~nm ~+ ~~ ~nt~ A~~~~ J.VJ. Q\.1 ~;4 vv-;:;J u,a..g.Le

    (2) Dispatch 2 C-47 acft to SNO\VFLAI

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305911

    I '


    .... )lP--Ut* -

    Operatinns Order ~31 ... 51 for 1~1 August 19'i1 (Cont 1 d)

    x. (1) Same llS Ops Ord 229-'ll for 17 August ...... ~ .. J. ';'? J.. ,,.,, ,., ___ as Ops "-"' '1'"'lf"l. r:", .. ~~ 11'7 ,.,,,,C'!+ , 00:1 . v::; Od.llltJ UJ.'I..l c. c. 7- '.L ~v ... , .U.lA.15'1o&.;l'V ... /./.,.... {3) Same as Ons Ord 2'29-0:1 fnr 17 August 19'51.

    (4) Sams as Ops ord 229-0:1 for 17 August 19q.

    (5) Same e.s Ops Ord 229-5L for 17 August 19'll.

    (6) Same as Ops Ord 229-'il for 17 August 19"1

    (7) Same as Ops nrd 229-'i 1 for 17 t.ugust 19l c J. .,, J..

    (Q' ri'h~ ,..nn~ ,.,,...,.,,; 1"\ t:ll'tT 'I' "'/h used hv bmr forces to n':>tify \ 71 .l,j,J.\:.0 .............. '"' " ............. V#-~ .. ,~ _.. .. , ..... --ftrs if escort is no longer needfld and w/b used bv ftrs to notify ' bmrs that they are breakin~ off escort.

    (10) No atks w/b me.de a.gainst HADO-PANDO Penninsulo in Wonsan area during the perind 172200 to 210"00

    A ... Omitted.

    5, COM!!AN]) AND SIGNAL W.ATTJmS..!.

    A, See current COl, B. See l'nnex B, C and G.


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305912


    I I



    Operations Order

    221-51 J~or 19 August.J:.22l

    .:0il;;.;;.N AiilFIELUS.

    S.ame as Annex ''A" to Operatl.ons Orders 220-51 for 8 August 1951 and 226-5 for 14 August 1951,

    r ... ( l' .~;/ /r .


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305913DECLASSIFIED


    .Ql-:'lJH'~J;O_l{S QJl.D.E]

    Eo_._ 2J.:l.,-.5). _ _l~QR l.'l /~~G.\JPX J.9.5),

    S2.r:te as .lb.1.nex "B11 to ~9'r"ti

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305914DECLASSIFIED

    e ANl'lEX

    Opere..tio11e Order

    231-51 for 19 August 1951


    See attached Radio Facilities and Aida to Navigation chart for 18 /_uguet 1951.

    a, K-1, Homing beacon temporarily inoperative.

    b, K-5 and K-6 homing beacons resumed normal operation,

    c, Change1 K-8, 11 LB" hocner is 25W,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305915DECLASSIFIED

    ANNEX 110 11


    No, 2;31-51 for 19 Aug 1951

    Rill. INFOHMA 'I' ION

    1, Navy Gw1fire ,varning,

    a, East Coast area from bombline to 41JON - Navy gunfire can be expected against coastal hwys and targets of opportunity from patrollingnaval vessels in this area, Usual concentrations at bombline and Wonsan area,

    b, liest Coast - Navy gunfire can be expected in the Yonan, Haeju and China.mpo area,

    2, Recognition signals for lh Aug thru 25 Aug 51,

    a, One complete circle, Series: of long white flashes by one light,

    b, Narrow cloth strip at least eight feet long end one foot wide elevated on pole or ma8t,

    J, Navy Carrier Opera ti.ons,

    a, F..ast Coast- ,Jehova: Buzzsaw; Trust r'und,


    b, West Coast - Underfield: Knave,

    A/R 34, Defensive 18,



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305916

    No of Bmrs





    Operations 0rde r

    No 2~1-51 19 Aug 19')1


    I.lllli, Callsigq I&i TOT Seed T.;i

    B-?9 MOCCASIN ABLE, Pyonf!yang E 10

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305917

    I '

    I t


    -- SiJ_AJ L..~ a.t!!iEX 11F II \ IQ

    ODerations Order

    No 211-51 for 19 Aug ?l


    All acft employed in intruder recon nr CAP activities w/monitor 1A':> (\":> o+- o1, .f."'""""'.. m\....t...o .P--- ... /1.. ---~ .~:t~- ---.&. '------- --~.&.. ----i;~ ;~~r~h ~;;a "it';!. bb~li~e : 4 .,~ll 1 ~th~;-,a~ft ~~~~e IJ~~d .. ~~o~~d~~~J air by current cor.














    ~rget ill Main Comm Houtes 7000-7500

    Pyongyang-Bunchon- Low Tnkchon

    Kangdong-Wcmsan Low

    Pyonggang-Wonsan-Sinpo Low

    Py"lngyang-flariwon-Kangdong Low

    Pyongyang-sinanju-sunchon LO'II

    o of ..... e .... ,.,,_v,.. .. ,,......... T.u~,-~J !W,,....L,lC.',".I:.JU-.1.\.Coi.L.Lf;!~~t;;; ._.

    Sinuiju..Sinanju Low

    Yangdok-Singye Low

    BT 8464, BT 989') Low

    BT 8464' BT 9895 ,cu 6302 Low cu 6302 Vtilrious East Coadt V r rinus



    Hrs d.-,,k

    Hrs dp,k

    Hrs chrk

    Hrs c'::trk

    Hrs .\ark

    Hrs nark

    u-~ ;3,... _, .. .U.l.O .. Hl..L'A

    H:rs d~:rk

    Hrs dark

    Hrs dsrk

    Hrs dRrk

    Hrs dar!,

    Hrs dr. r c


  • Korean War Project USMC-00305918DECLASSIFIED

    e - - j~J'.., , -

    Operations Order 231-51 fot' 1.9 August 19q (Cont 1d)

    I.Y.Il. t;;aJ.lign ~m Alt .I.Q! 1 :B .. 29 MOCCASIN PRHillR Frrnt Line Spt 17,500 2230


    1 B-29 MOCCASIN PRIMER Front Line Spt 18,500 2400 TWO

    1 BM29 HOCCASIN PRIMER Front Line Spt 17,500 0100 THREE

    , 'tl_t")n Uf\r'(,...A c:"!' T'?IT T\1'\,.. "~ A,LJI '"' r..non 1'"),..,~" ... .u-c. 7 !Yll. 1 \JVUUJ..J.V J.IVIJ -'-" '

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305919

    1, Crash Boats:

    a, 26' K-10

    b . / Tauiki o;r

    C; ll

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305920DECLASSIFIED

    Operations Order 231-51 for 19 August 4. SB-29 11 Boatdrop 11 aircraft ,on strip aler.t at Yokota. Callsign

    n AIRDALEii

    5 Naval vessles1

    3 destroyers, 2 PF, 1 LSD, 1 helicopter l destroyer, 2 small patrol vessels

    2 Ce.rriere 1 10-14 destro;rers, 4 helicopters 1 destroyer, 2 patrol vessels

    'iES1' COAST

    6 destroyers, 1 carrier, 1 helicopte1r

    Vicini tv

    il'onsan East Coast

    Bomb line 40N l29-45E Songjin

    27N 124E

    Voice Call

    Monte Carlo

    Thurston Jehova ClansillB.n

    Goose bump

    NOrE: All surface u.,."1its wdll guard 121.50 mea. ivlost. ships will t:; able to relay messages to 11 SNO,/F'LAKE. 11

    6. S?!i;CIAL .d.UEF'IifG:

    a. All pilots will be briefed thai; the following infor.nation shc.

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305921




    A:::END;::IJNT NU:iR"'It ONE TO FIFTH Ant FC!1CE OPET'J.TIONS OilDErr ~')1 Fcrt :W AtfdUST 1951 - -

    1, Reference Paragraph ),0, 1 Delete Ti.CP El1PmE CT 4423 and substitute mrr:-nll'ITn~ tvn 1'>11. .._,y.L.:.aj.~.,LUI.~J.:ol J..JJ. .U..-'4

    DY C01~1/J'ffi OF [AJffi GENERAL EVEREST:


    JJU.IES FEfWUSCN Brigadier General, USAF Vice Co~"'Ulnder



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305922

    SECRET By Authority of c~9 1~~ ~ir~~~~

    Date - Tn!tia s


    ~~A 5TH AIR P~RCE .H. rv 970 19 Aup.ust 19'il

    OPERA"'I"1~1S ORDER NO: 232-')1 for 20 AugtJSt 19'il.

    CFART rlR MAP REFERENCES: USAFPilotage Chart, Korea 1 l:')OOJOOO UTM Grid;. AMS L5"'2, Korea, 1:2?0,000 ~UTM GRID

    '!'ASK ORGA~TIZATir>f>T: Same as Ops: Ord 218-51 for 6 August 19"'lo

    1. GENF.RAL SITUATI0N: See ~th AF' D~>ily Intelligence Situati'm Rpt.

    2. M!SriON: Same as 0ps Ord 2'18-51 1~or 6 August 19"1.



  • Korean War Project USMC-00305923DECLASSIFIED

    Operatiohs Order 232=51 for 20 AUgust 1951 (Cont'd) 3. TASKS FOR SUBrlRDIKATE UNIT..!.

    A. 6160th Air Base W? will:

    (1) Dispatch 2 acft to K-13 to maintain alert during J::ns

    ~i;;ion A~~t t~1;t;~~a~,~~gl ~y g~~;Ji~~te A~5~a~i~:v~l~f~1 ri~;~~o r JUip\ ~ maintain 2 acft on READINESS ALERT; 2 acft on AT EASE Status. . ..

    B. ROK AF w/b off cnmbat operations until furthE>r notice,

    C. 6147th Tac Con Gp will:

    (1) Dispatch r-47 acft callsign M0SQTTITfJ SNOWFLAKE tc maintain abn ln b~'>tween SNOWFLAKE and TACs indic in nar (:?), Acft w/a lso act as relay to SNtW!FLAKE for any tac a eft in thr> btl :.rea, Ac~t v(t?rbit_Chun~~nn C~ ~893,_at 10,000. ft, _cry~ta~liza~inr for .... automatlc re.Lay W/D as ro.Ls ano may 0

  • Korean War Project USMC-00305924DECLASSIFIED

    - .2-U/t~ O):erations Order 232-.5-or 20 1.1JGU$~ ~9.5i (Cont'd)


    D, 3rd Bomb Wg perforr.d.rtg norr,)i).~ effort will:

    . . (1) Dispatch a acft, ::ission NO, 0301 thru 0308 to des rollinG stock in I:.fy at Sinanju YD 2486. Shoran Tgt ;~20.5, 22.5 1 230, ;.prch ;~2 or 4, Foroo to be divided ar.10ng a:U:ling ;>oints. TOT ~{: COi ~ discir. Ord load r.111x 100 lb GP w/ ,1 nose and liD tail fuses.

    (2) Dispatch 5 acft, :.!iss ion No 0309 thru 0.31.3 to des rolling stock in E/Y at liaegunc;dong Yo 2.391. Shoran tgt ;f-.357, l)rch //2 or 4, TOT '.'!g COts discr, Ord load mx 100 lb GP w/ ,1 nose and ND tail fuses.

    (3) Dis)Xltch 5 acft, Mission No 0314 thru 0318, to des rolling stock in i!/Y at Yonr,;J:tidong YD 1692. Shoran Tgt ;:!3.25 1 J,prch #1 or 3, TOT 1'Tg cor s discr. -- "" '" .-""' '" -- I ., - .,...,... -'- - '., I!> Ura .Loaa !:lax .LVV .LO ul" w; ,.L nose ana JN!J vll.L.L .L uses,

    Q..+) Dispatch 6 a.cft, :.!issio:n No 0319 th.ru 0324 to parforn r.mx destruction of vehs and rolling stock, t:mintain nitc covercce, ~Jreventinc eny fr i.Jovinc on l'UflPIE 1, GREEN 3, PURPlE 3, GREEN 6, TOT and ord load c7g COe discr,

    (5) l.iission No 032.5 thru 0329 .-r/b JOC ;,lert cornJenc:i.ng at 0700 hrs, I.f' a eft ore not used prior to 1900 hrs 1 'they Y'l/b div-erted to arnad recon r.1issions. Ord load max .500 1b GP bbs. Unit v1/b notified of fusinc if alerted by JO:::.

    (6) Mft perforuinc :.;S:1 recon in 'Jonsan aron, w/cont !10!!TE CJJlLO for coord strikes in accord w/Plan '.70LVER:D.'IE.

    (7) 1,11 acft w/rpt to SNO',"JFLI~ICE to and rtnc fr flts on 116.10. SNO'"IF'UKE w/b cent over Hoenr:song and w/issue .final instr.. l~.cft to pl""'oceed th.ru bb lin.e, and rtn thru.,bb'l~.nc undor control of Ti.DC on 116,10. l.cft departing fron or rtng ~o K-8 1 rr/rpt to DEI1TI3T over point Z.'B:DP .. .ll BT 4559 and &!0.7F!L.KE over poi..nt OBOE~

    (8) TTRs and arr.IOd roc on rts n/b called to JOC NLT 1600 hrs daily, . . (9) D-26 flare acft nay be dis~?Utched nt :rc; CO's discr.

    (10) last resort tet for Shornn equipped a eft TT /b Chinnnupo YC l089J Shornn Tt;:t #216, l~,~ch #4 .




  • Korean War Project USMC-00305925DECLASSIFIED


    E. 452d Bonb ;~ pe