1st level analysis - design matrix, contrasts & inference nico bunzeck, katya woollett

1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

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Page 1: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference

Nico Bunzeck,

Katya Woollett

Page 2: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

1st level data analysis in SPM5

• (i) Specification of the GLM design matrix, fMRI data files and filtering

• (ii) estimation of GLM parameters using classical or Bayesian approaches

• (iii) interrogation of results using contrast vectors to produce Statistical Parametric Maps (SPMs) or Posterior Probability Maps (PPMs)

Page 3: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

Page 4: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Timing parameters: to construct the design matrix

- Units for design: onset of the events or blocks (in sec or scans)

- Interscan interval: TR in sec; = time between acquiring a plane for one volume and the same plane in the next volume; constant

- Microtime resolution: (t) the number of time-bins per scan used when building the regressors (default = 16)

- Microtime onset: (t0) the first time-bin at which the regressors are resampled to coincide with data acquisition (default = 1)

Page 5: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Data & Design matrix: defines the experimental design and the nature of the hypothesis testing

- matrix: organized in rows (each scans) and columns (for each effect of explanatory variable = regressor or stimulus function)

- can be replicated and/or manipulated for each subject/session

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(i) fMRI model specification


-Scans: select the images for the model that has to be estimated

Page 7: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Condition: can be event-related, blocked design or a combination of both – they are modelled in the same way -> they are later convolved with a basis set

- Name: be creative

- Onset: specify the onsets for this condition

- Durations: default for events = 0; single number: SPM assumes that all trails have this duration (block)

for mix of blocks and events: number must match the number of onset times

Page 8: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Multiple conditions:

- load all the conditions defined as *.mat

- it contains cell arrays: names, onsets and duration eg. Names{2}=‘finger tapping’, onsets{2}=[10 45 100], duration{2}=[0 0 0]

Page 9: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Regressors: additional columns in the design matrix that may not be convolved with the HR, eg. movement parameters

- Name

- Value

- Multiple regressors: either *.mat or *.txt file that contains details of the multiple regressors; they will be named: R1, R2 … Rn

Page 10: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- High-pass filter cutoff: default = 128s

- slow signal drifts with a period longer than 128 will be removed

- removes confounds without estimating their parameters explicitly

Page 11: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Factorial design: if you have a factorial design SPM automatically generate the contrasts that are necessary to test the main effects of interaction:

- F-contrasts: at within-subject level

- contrasts for second level analysis

- create as many factors as you need – name, levels (for each factor)

- for example: ‘Stimulus-Repetition’ – 3 levels

Page 12: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Basis Functions:

- SPM uses basis functions to model the hemodynamic response; either 1 function or a set

- Canonical HRF: most common choice, default, easiest way to interpret the data

- Model derivatives: = ‘informed’ basis set -> covers variations in subject-to-subject and voxel-to-voxel responses: peak and width

Page 13: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Model interactions: inputs (RT) convolved with the basis set

- Directory: where the SPM.mat file will be written

Page 14: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Global normalization:

- estimating the ‘average within-brain fMRI signal’ (gns) over scans (n) and sessions (s)

- ‘Scaling’: SPM multiplies each value in scan and session by 100/(gns) eg. scaling over all sessions

- ‘none’: default, estimation of a ‘session specific grand mean value’ (gs) = fMRI signal over all voxels in a session; each fMRI data point in the session is multiplied by 100/(gs); eg. Session specific scaling

Page 15: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

- Explicit masking: only those voxels in the brain mask will be analyzed

- speeds up the estimation

- restricts SPMs to within-mask voxels

- Serial correlations: due to aliased biorhythms and unmodelled neural activity

- SPM uses an autoregressive AR(1) model during Classical (ReML) parameter estimation

- but they can be ignored (‘none’) - Bayesion estimation

Page 16: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) fMRI model specification

• What should be included in the model?

– Think about contrast/comparisons before the experiment

– The more information you have the better: the model represents the a priori ideas about how the experimental paradigm influences the measured signal

Page 17: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) Review a specified model

Page 18: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) Review a specified model

- Design matrix:

- 24 conditions/session

- last 2 columns model average activity in each session -> total of 50 regressors

- 191 fMRI scans/session -> 382 rows and 50 columns

Page 19: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(i) Review a specified model

- Explore Sessions and regressors:

- time domain corresponding to the regressor (4 events)

- frequency domain corresponding to the regressor: experimental variance is not removed by high-pass filtering

- bottom: basis function = HRF

Page 20: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

- for which voxel does the model (or a explanatory variable) explain the observed variance??

- parameters are estimated for each voxel so that the error is minimized

- there are more than 1 variables -> it is unlikely that the betas exactly fit: SPM calculates different parameter-sets

- each parameter-set determines a fitted response:

(ii) fMRI model estimation


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- differs slightly from the observed Yj

- the algorithm minimizes the residuals


Page 21: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(ii) fMRI model estimation

Fitting X to Y gives you one (parameter estimate) for each column of X and e. Betas provide information about the fit of the regressor X to the data, Y, in each voxel

Page 22: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(ii) fMRI model estimation

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(ii) fMRI model estimation

- Select SPM.mat: -

- Method:

- “Classical”: applies Restricted Maximum Likelihood (ReML); for spatially smoothed images

- after estimation effects of parameters are tested by T and F-statistic -> SPM(T), SPM(F)

- “Bayesian 1st-level”: applies Variational Bayes (VB); images do not need to be spatially smoothed; takes long;

- results: contrasts identify regions with effects larger than a user-specified size, eg 1% of the global mean signal (Posterior Probability Map – PPM)

Page 24: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(iii) Results

• Testing hypothesis• T-test: is there a significant increase or is there a significant

decrease in a specific contrast (between conditions) – directional• F-test: is there a significant difference between conditions in the

contrast - nondirectional

Page 25: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(iii) Results

•Contrast-vector:c‘ = [-1 1 0 0 0 0 ]

H0: no difference between condition 1 and 2 in the 1st block

H1: there is a difference between condition 2 and 1 in the 1st block (condition 2 > condition 1)

654321ˆˆˆˆˆˆ Parameters:

T-statistics in the usual way: Comparison of betas to variance








Design matrix:

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(iii) Results

•Contrast-vector:c‘ = [-1 1 -1 1 0 0 ]

H0: no difference between condition 1 and 2 in the 1st and 2nd block

H1: there is a difference between condition 2 and 1 in the 1st and 2nd block (condition 2 > condition 1)

654321ˆˆˆˆˆˆ Parameters:

T-statistics in the usual way: Comparison of betas to variance








Design matrix:

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(iii) Results

•Contrast-vector:c‘ = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]

H0: the factors 1, 2, 3 and 4 do not explain a significant amount of variance

H1:the factors 1, 2, 3 and 4 do explain a significant amount of variance:

654321ˆˆˆˆˆˆ Parameters:


Design matrix:










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(iii) Results










•Contrast-vector:c‘ = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

H0: the factor 1 does not explain a significant amount of variance

H1:the factor 1 does explain a significant amount of variance:

654321ˆˆˆˆˆˆ Parameters:


Design matrix:

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(iii) Results

Results: Glas-brain(maximum intensity projection (MIP))

List of activated


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(iii) Results

The multiple comparison problem• Voxel-level P: chance of finding

a voxel with this or a greater height (T or Z), corrected or uncorrected for search volume

• Uncorrected: Default: 0.001 -> 50.000 voxels = 50 false positives

• FWE: ‘family wise error’ is a false positive anywhere in the SPM

• controls any false positives• FDR: ‘false discovery rate’ –

controls the expected proportion of false positives among suprathresholded voxels -> it adapts to the amount of signal in the data

Results: Glas-brain(maximum intensity projection (MIP))

List of activated


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(iii) Results

Results: Glas-brain(maximum intensity projection (MIP))

List of activated




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(iii) Results

Results: Glas-brain(maximum intensity projection (MIP))

List of activated




• Cluster level (P): chance of finding a cluster with this many (ke) or a greater number of voxel, corrected or uncorrected for search volume

• Set-level (P): the chance of finding this (c) or a greater number of clusters in the search volume

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(iii) Results

Estimated effect sizes Fitted responses

Plotting responses

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(iii) Results

Overlaying the data

Slices Sections

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(iii) Results

Overlaying the data


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Thanks for your attention.

Page 37: 1st level analysis - Design matrix, contrasts & inference Nico Bunzeck, Katya Woollett

(ii) fMRI model estimation

- Bayesian 1st-level: applies Variational Bayes (VB); allows to specify spatial priors for regression coefficients and regularised voxel-wise AR(P) modelsfor fMRI noise prcesses

- images do not need to be spatially smoothed

- takes 5x longer than the classical approach

- results: contrasts identify regions with effects larger than a user-specified size, eg 1% of the global mean signal (Posterior Probability Map – PPM)

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(ii) fMRI model estimation

















Matrix design

jLjLjjjY 2211

Graphical design
