1ri rx8 ¯¯ ¹ · doterra frankincense oil and told me to apply a single drop to the area three...


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Beckie Farrant


With NO ONE Watching




Chapter 1 2

Chapter 2 5

Chapter 3 9

Chapter 4 14

About the Author 19


Chapter 1

2016 was going to be a year unlike any I’d had before. I could sense it. My word for the year was

PURSUE, and I was intent on doing just that. I planned to pursue relationships, business opportunities,

and my spiritual growth in radical ways. I’d just returned from China, where I had gone with several

ideas I wanted to manufacture. One of those products was a slimline travel case for essential oils, which

had just arrived on my doorstep and I was wondering how I was going to sell them.

Then I got a phone call that changed everything.

Okay, let me back up a minute and create some context. I’ve been a DIY blogger since 2007, and until

2016, I had enjoyed my job so much. It was my baby, and it had grown from a place of connection for a

worn out new mom to a six-figure income generator for my family. But one thing that always bothered

me: out of all the DIY posts I’d created--and there are some pretty amazing projects at

infarrantlycreative.net--the most popular one had nothing to do with crafts or home decor. The most

read post on my blog was the story about Kayla, my youngest daughter, and her health issues.

Weird, huh? In case you haven’t read it, here’s what happened.


In 2009, I was sick throughout my second pregnancy. I had kidney stones and a cold that resisted every

medicine I threw at it. Shortly after Kayla was born, I had to have an emergency appendectomy. So, I

should’ve realized that Kayla was going to come out a “hot mess.”

Kayla would get sick easily. What was a sniffle for anyone else in our home became a full-fledged cold

or ear infection for her. In her first year of life, her pediatrician treated her with nine separate courses of

antibiotics. Back then I was an ignorant mom, who didn’t know that the antibiotics meant to cure her,

had instead, compromised her immune system. By the time she was two-and-a-half, the pediatrician told

me that the next treatment option was steroids. That’s where I drew the line and began to question, for

the first time, that traditional medicine might not be the route I needed to take to help my little girl.

Let me pause here to state for the record I had never been an au naturel gal. I don’t eat organic, vegan, or

vegetarian. I didn’t take vitamins and rarely ever checked labels. I thought western medicine was always

the way to go and I went to the doctor and took my children to the doctor. So, alternative medicine

wasn’t in my DNA, nor was it on my radar. But Kayla’s ongoing health struggles brought out the Mama

Bear in me, and I was desperate, willing to try anything to help her feel better again.

I took her to a chiropractor who also was a licensed naturopath, homeopath, herbalist, and nutritionist.

He assessed her health and told me that her gut, where 80 percent of our body’s healthy bacteria is


produced and maintained, had been severely damaged by the antibiotics. He put her on a regimen of

natural supplements to help her body rebuild its immune system. She, like most children, is resilient, and

the course of action worked. It took a while, but she rebounded and returned to her spunky self.

Then something really strange happened. It was allergy season. Kayla was sniffling and sneezing a lot.

Somehow, she got a tiny cut in the crease of her nose. My guess is because three-year-olds aren’t

proficient at Kleenex using yet. It became infected and grew bulbous. Every time she bumped it, it bled,

so I began to investigate options. Long story (and $2200 out of pocket) short, Kayla had surgery to

remove what the otolaryngologist diagnosed as a keloid, a hard, rubbery overgrowth of skin that her

body had produced to try to contain the infection and heal itself. Later, he changed his opinion and

instead described it as a hemangioma, a swelling of blood vessels that forms outside the body. I didn’t

really care what it was because it was GONE.

Until it wasn’t. Just three weeks after surgery, it was back and bigger than ever. The doctor reverted to

his original diagnosis of keloid and suggested returning to the operating room. I was desperate,

discouraged, frustrated, and completely at a loss to know what to do. During that time, Kayla was taking

art lessons. Her teacher listened intently to all the details of our saga, and then she did something that

would alter the course of my life. (I just didn’t know it at the time.) She suggested that I might want to

try using essential oils on Kayla’s keloid. I had never heard of essential oils, but, as I said, I was

desperate and willing to do anything to avoid another surgery for Kayla. She gave me a sample of

doTERRA frankincense oil and told me to apply a single drop to the area three times a day. We started

using it that same evening.

Within 24 hours, I knew it was working. I was so blown away that a drop of this oil could make such a

big difference. I continued this regimen, and every morning Kayla would run to the mirror, look at her

nose, and say, “Mommy, come look. My nose is getting better.” She was so excited, and within one


week, I was so shocked at the results. By the time a month had passed and the date for Kayla’s

appointment at Riley arrived, the keloid was GONE. I wanted every single essential oil I could get my

hands on and began educating myself about their medicinal properties.


Fast forward to 2016 and that phone call. Two friends, who I knew were making six figures operating

their own business, were leaving that one to start another. They were calling me to gauge my interest in

partnering with them in their new business venture. They wanted me to consider becoming an advocate

for dōTERRA. “That’s weird,” I thought to myself. dōTERRA is the same company that manufactures

the essential oils that had changed Kayla’s life. It was the same company that I ordered product from for

the past three and a half years, every single month, since that fateful day I opened that sample of


Although I had been an unofficial, unpaid ambassador for essential oils for the three plus years since

Kayla’s keloid incident, I had never wanted to build a business around them. Although I knew the

business opportunity was there, the time had never been right. Honestly, I wanted nothing to do with a

network marketing business because I never appreciated it, didn’t understand it, and had never seen

anyone do it in a way that resonated with how I knew I would need to run it so that it would feel

authentically “me.” However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been restless most of 2016. I had

started the year in pursuit of a manufacturing opportunity that took me all the way to China and back in

order to get an essential oil travel case that would suit my needs. Did that have anything to do with the

opportunity before me? Again, I thought, “That’s weird.”

Yet I couldn’t stop thinking about it, wondering if this was my next step in my journey.

Questions for Reflection:

Have you ever had a health crisis in your family that left you desperate but not knowing what to do?

Have you ever wanted to feel empowered to take control of your own health?

Have you ever investigated natural things as an alternative to medicine or the other chemicals you use in

your home?


Chapter 2

As I thought about starting a business with dōTERRA, I became paralyzed by my fears. There were so

many unknowns that I just didn’t have any answers to! I wondered:

▪ If I talk about the products, will people think I’m annoying?

▪ Will I be ostracized by my friends if I choose to do this?

▪ Am I going to be successful?

▪ Can I help other people be successful?

▪ How will I work with women? Women scare me!

▪ Are women going to like me? I’m intense, I’m passionate, and a straight shooter and if I become

a leader in a business like dōTERRA, I’m going to have to say hard things.

I knew I would have to answer those questions in order to know whether joining dōTERRA would be

right for me, but none of those scared me as much as this question:

Am I going to isolate myself, when what I desire most is a community?

When I began writing my blog, the internet was a different place. The people who read blogs regularly

became online communities, and I felt known by my readers. I had friends all over the United States that

I could call to meet for lunch if I happened to be passing through their town. Infarrantlycreative.net

became a place of connection for me, and I enjoyed it so much. In fact, if it wasn’t for my blog, I

probably wouldn’t be a social media user. I love personal connection. I don’t love the comparison that

social media so often perpetuates.

Besides the online community that developed as the blog grew, our family had cultivated a large

community of friends in Indianapolis. I am a deeply authentic woman who seeks out the intimate

community in my relationships. I had found that in the neighborhood where we lived and at the church

we attended.

The introduction of Pinterest brought a change in how readers interacted with blogs. Holy cow, the eye

candy was amazing and DIY projects were easier to find than ever! I noticed, though, that my readers

were stopping by to see what I had to offer but spending less time interacting with me and each other. I

had to up my game to keep my readers interested. Pinterest also had increased the opportunity for

corporate sponsors to fund infarrantlycreative.net. I chose to keep much of my family’s day-to-day life

private in order to have a public blog that generated income for us.

The second thing that made me wonder if joining dōTERRA was going to isolate me was the fact that in

2014 my husband, executive pastor at the church we attended, chose to quit his job. After being involved

there and being known in that community for seven years, the loss was enormous. We left Indianapolis


devastated and moved to Columbus, Ohio, to start over. I didn’t share any of this on

infarrantlycreative.net because I felt I couldn’t without violating my own operating rules for the site. I

was also in too much pain to make the effort to find the right words.

I closed the doors to my heart and my new home and poured all my energy into decorating. I continued

doing my thing, partnering with companies, and perpetuating a Pinterest lifestyle on the blog. What I

find ironic, looking back, is that the “perfect Pinterest life” was the farthest thing from where my heart

was. I’d always aimed to use my blog to empower women to make their house a home, and I saw my

house as a place where anyone who was hurting, hopeless, or happy was welcome. Instead, I was

struggling alone, isolating myself when I was dying for community. Nobody knew what I was going

through, and yet my blog continued to be this “happy” place.

After six months, I couldn’t stand myself, so I went to counseling to process the losses I experienced

after leaving Indianapolis. During that time, I identified one of the things I’d lost--my authentic voice. In

the quest for making an income and being somebody in the blog world, I had purposely denied myself a

safe place to be “me.” Fear had caused me not to speak out when I was hurting. I missed an opportunity

to connect and share life. I had been afraid I would lose what I thought I had when I didn’t really have it

anyway. I realized that dōTERRA might give me an opportunity to find that voice again, and to establish

a new community in an authentic way around a product I already was passionate about.

Still, I was fearFUL. I did not want to use my blog or any of my social media platforms (57,000 on

Facebook and 41,000 on Instagram) to sell the essential oils. I had positioned myself as an expert in

DIY, and I thought I could lose my credibility if I started talking about my new business there. I

anticipated the response in my head: “She used to be passionate about DIY and now she sees the money

in oils and is jumping on that bandwagon.” I didn’t want to be misunderstood.

I already felt that some who followed me thought my life, my marriage, and my parenting were better

than theirs, all because of tiny glimpses they were seeing through social media. I was scared that my

announcement to join dōTERRA could become just one more way people would judge me. This was the

response I expected: “She has a perfect life, the perfect home, the perfect family, and now she has this

perfect new business. Click, unfollow.”

My fears were beginning to rule my life, so I made some decisions to help move me forward.

I decided that my belief in myself had to be greater than my fear of what people would think. That was

HUGE for me because I wanted people to like me--not for their sake, but for my sake. I wanted people to

think well of me. I decided that I had to be willing to risk what people would think of me if I was going

to do something that could change the course of my life, and a lot of other people too.


Another huge decision for me was to accept why I had influence. As a pastor’s wife for 20 years, I’d

always thought I had influence because of my husband’s position. One year, I decided to keep track of

all the home parties I was invited to. The grand total was 136! That’s an average of one every three

days! I knew I wasn’t that popular. Slowly God began showing me that my influence had nothing to do

with my husband, but everything to do with who He made me.

To help reinforce these decisions and inform my fears, I created a list of truths about how I would

approach each day as a dōTERRA business owner. I began to read these to myself every day:

▪ There is no room for doubt and worry in my heart because I have so much excitement, passion,

and momentum in my business.

▪ I will attract passionate, hard-working, driven builders to this business because you attract what

you are.

▪ I will focus on learning new things and improving my skills daily, and I commit to reading 10

pages in a good book each day so that I will never grow stagnant.

▪ I am committed to empowering my team with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration that I am

also learning so that they can self-sufficiently attain any level of success they wish.

▪ I will treat every customer as a friend, having the utmost integrity to provide them with solutions

to their problems and not just look at them as a sales goal.

▪ I will not ride on the waves of emotions that come with network marketing. I am decided. I will

persevere, I will push, I will succeed. I will not quit. Negative emotions will only hinder forward


▪ I refuse to run faster than God is wanting me to run in this business. God opened this door to the

business and promised me that He would “ktizo” (which is Greek for “God will build”).

Therefore, I trust him to lead and direct me each day and my decisions and my leadership will

reflect that.


It wasn’t that I wasn’t still fearful. I decided that the saying, “Sometimes you gotta do it afraid” was true

and that I had bigger goals than my biggest fears.

A friend shared these verses from Romans 8 in The Message version of the Bible recently. They really

spoke to me.

So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent.

There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all.

The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life.

God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!

I sensed God’s moving me in a different direction, and after weeks of consideration and confirmation

from various sources, I realized committing to be a dōTERRA business owner was a matter of

obedience I had to pursue. I called my friends and said, “I’m in.”

Questions for Reflection:

What fears are controlling your life, holding you back from meaningful relationships, a potential

business opportunity, or a healthy change?

What is the first step you need to take to challenge your fears with the truth so that you can pursue a new

direction? Do you need to write out your truths, ask for advice from a trusted friend, or simply be open

to new possibilities?

How would you be able to harness your fears if you knew you were not alone? Imagine what you could

do if you had a community cheering you on and encouraging you during hard times.


Chapter 3

You may think that working through my fears is what made it possible for me to say “Yes” to the

dōTERRA opportunity. While that helped, the truth is I am still scared. However, I have bigger reasons

and bigger goals that influenced my decision to join.

Here’s a little background on dōTERRA. In the nine years, it has been in business, dōTERRA has

become the number one provider of essential oils in the industry. Why? I believe it is for several

reasons. First, the integrity of the 7 people at the helm is unbelievable. Secondly, I think dōTERRA has

been successful because it saw a market full of essential oil providers with no standards for quality and

purity and established and defined them.

Aside from its organizational success, I chose to say “Yes” because the company’s mission aligned with

my heartbeat for people. I was already a satisfied customer, but once I learned about how the company

approaches the sourcing of its oils, I was even more impressed. dōTERRA believes that the best

essential oils are sourced from plants grown in their indigenous locations. These plants are grown in

over 40 countries, more than half of which are considered developing nations. The land is rich but its

people are poor.

Through what the company calls “co-impact sourcing,” dōTERRA empowers growers, not only by

paying them a fair wage, but also by investing in their communities. Through its Healing Hands

Foundation (HHF), dōTERRA improves the lives of the people in the communities where the oils are

sourced. HHF partners with local organizations to build health clinics, schools, install water filtration

and irrigation systems, and support vocational training. In the past nine years, dōTERRA has created

18,000 jobs in these communities. They sow hope by investing in lives, not just products. I’ve never

seen another company whose heart is so aligned around people as it produces a product.


Besides the heart of the company and the purity of the products, this had to be something that was going

to be worth my time, energy and resources. My blog provides a good income for my family. If I was

going to invest time in a new venture, I needed it to have a level of financial growth potential my blog

alone couldn’t give me. I was also looking for something that would ultimately lead to financial freedom

for my family, which truly means time freedom. To build a residual income that would provide that

freedom, I knew partnering with a company that provides both a consumable product and a solution to

people’s health problems was the answer.

More than a steady income stream, though, I wanted a job that would enable me to cultivate authentic,

ongoing connections with my customers. I wanted to work with people--not just once, but 30, 60, 90

days, and beyond after they started using the oils--so that they could continue to be empowered by the

benefits they experienced. The average retention rate in network marketing is 15 percent. What that

means is that if you purchase a product the chances of you ordering again that year are about 15 percent.

dōTERRA’s retention rate is 65-70 percent. And that doesn’t mean 65-70 percent of people order just

once more. That means that 65-70 percent of customers who currently have an account with doTERRA

have ordered something in the past two months. Wow, that statistic is staggering when building a

business! I was super skeptical of that number until I realized that I had helped build that number by

being one of those customers for the past 3 1/2 years!

The biggest reason I said “Yes” was the team. I was restless, looking for something to fill the void

created in my life by the loss of community. I wanted a support system; I desired personal connection.

Although I had never been involved in network marketing before, I knew that through it I would gain a

group of people who would really partner with me, pour into me, and teach me everything I needed to

know. This team had a radical track record of success, so I knew they could equip me to be successful.

And both community and radical success were of highest value to me.

I want to live a life like no one else is living. I want to be able to give radically and generously, to help

people and provide wealth for my family as well. Through dōTERRA, I saw the vehicle to get me there.

Besides my “Yes,” I had my “Why.” dōTERRA had provided a solution for my daughter’s health issues

when I was desperate for hope. It also gave me a way to help people as I listened to other women talk

about their health concerns and shared my family’s stories. I saw the possibility of educating others

about the amazing relationship western medicine and the holistic approach of essential oils could have,

and I wanted to be part of offering people that solution.

With a clear vision created by knowing my “Yes” and my “Why,” I formulated a phenomenal strategy

for success that has led to my achieving the rank of Diamond in just 4 months and 8 days with

dōTERRA all without leveraging my online communities through my blog, FaceBook, Instagram or

Pinterest (more about this in Chapter 4).


When I started interacting with people and sharing my essential oils story, one of the main things I

realized is that women have stopped dreaming. I know many who are raising kids, rushing to and from

sports, doing whatever it takes to get through the day. Reality has hit and they’ve let go of their passions

and dreams. As I’ve talked with these women, I’ve discovered that one of my passions is to help them

become entrepreneurs. dōTERRA allows me a beautiful way to partner with them and support their

dreams! As the leader of my organization, my role is to help women have a strong belief in themselves,

the product, and the company so that they can keep moving forward in pursuit of their goals and dreams.

This business is built on an easy concept, but it can be very hard. I tell women before they start that this

will bring out both the best and the worst in them. It will expose some huge, glaring red flags in them

that they didn’t know existed, but it will also bring some beautiful things to the surface. I coach them as

they work through those things so that they can be successful.

My strategy as a business owner in dōTERRA is to go all the way to the top, earning the rank of

Presidential Diamond. I want to take as many women and families with me as I can. Currently, I am at

Diamond, two levels below Presidential Diamond. There are a couple of ways to reach my goal, but I

don’t want to get to the top and stand there alone. A huge part of my success is my team. In October of

2016, I began building that team.

I asked each woman I invited to join my team to explore these three questions:

“Where am I in my life?”

“Where do I want to be?”

“Is this the right opportunity for me?”

I knew my task was to make the opportunity available and leave it to God to move them one way or the

other. I wanted to drive the ball down the field with teammates whose reignited dreams and goals would

fuel our success.

Once I had built my strategy and invited women to join me, I knew I had to take another risk--engaging

in the community again and allowing myself to be known. I’d hidden my whole self from my blog

community and social media followers, and I didn’t want to make the same mistake with this new group

of women. I’d like to share with you what I shared with them so that you can get to know me too.

As much as it scares me to “put myself out there” like this, I’m only asking you what I ask of my

customers and my teammates--mutual trust. I ask my customers to trust me with the stories of their

personal health struggles. I ask my teammates to trust me to lead them with integrity, intentionality, and

passion. In this spirit of trust, I’m going first.


I am a woman with a deep heart for people, community, and connection. I want to leave people better

than I met them. I want to know and be known in deeply authentic ways that allow each of us to grow

and learn as we speak life to each other. I know what it’s like to feel isolated, and I don’t want anyone

else to feel they are without community.

I’m an intense person. I have been told I’m “too much,” yet I am who I am because God has made me

this way. To deny who I am would be to deny His design.

I am a driver. When there’s a goal, I’m laser focused and never waiver. Literally, I’ve never quit

anything mid-stride that I can remember. I asked one of my team members this question: “What’s it like

to be on the other side of me?”, a really clarifying question that I’d read in a book by John Maxwell, a

renowned business leader and mentor. She thought about it for a while before she said this: “You’re

unconventional. I don’t know anyone who does things the way you do things.” That’s a really good

description of me. I don’t see things the way other people see them and “average” doesn’t work for me.

I’m a huge risk taker. Most of the time, I jump in the deep end, realize I don’t have floaties on, and then

learn how to swim. The term “risk” sums up what I felt when I started in this business. But I’ve

discovered that the things that seem to have the biggest risks also have the biggest rewards. I’m willing

to take the risk in order to discover the reward.

I am an influential leader. I currently have over 100 business leaders under me, looking to me to lead

them and I have to lead well. Because I am committed to being who they need me to be, I read at least

10 pages a day in a book about leadership and listen to multiple podcasts throughout my week. I’m

working through my own junk so that I can be a healthy leader guided by humility and not driven by


ego. I know that investment is going to benefit my entire organization. As I lead my team and engage

with customers, I never want to forget to see people and show them they are valuable and loved.

I am fiercely, deeply committed to those I’m in a relationship with. Whether you’re a customer or a team

member, my prayer from the very beginning of this venture has been to lead well and love deeply. If you

are my customer, that means I will never see empowering you to take control of your health as a means

to a sale for me. If I ever become that person, I will walk away. If you are my teammate, that means I

want you to know that we’re in this together. I don’t always get it right, and I have to apologize more

than I care to admit. But you can know this for certain: You may own your own business, but you’ll

never be alone in your business if you’re on my team.

I hope what you’ve read has helped you get a glimpse into my heart and passion for connecting with

people and partnering with them for success in business. Do you have dreams tucked away in your heart

that you’ve all but given up on? Would you like to be seen for who you are and have your potential

fanned into flame? If so, I want to invite you to be an entrepreneur and to know the joy of owning your

own businesses in the context of a caring community of like-minded women. I’m all in.

Questions for Reflection:

What are your dreams? Has reading this sparked something in you that you thought was dead?

Are you where you want to be in your life?

Am I the kind of leader that could help you reach your dreams?


Chapter 4

When I began formulating my strategy for achieving Diamond rank, I had to address the “elephant in the

room”: was I going to take the community of infarrantlycreative.net, the 57,000 Facebook followers,

41,000 Instagram followers and 112,000 Pinterest followers on this journey? When I say I struggled to

know what to do, I mean I really, really struggled. I called my counselor, I talked with a business coach.

I debated the pros and cons over and over and over in my head.

On one hand, I felt guilty for holding my team back because I knew I wasn’t utilizing this network that

could be cultivated for contacts and connections. I felt that if I could just put it out there and leverage

those channels, there was a possibility that many people would order or want to join my team, and then

everyone on the team would benefit.

But I still couldn’t do it. I was paralyzed by anxiety.

As I continued to analyze what was causing my paralysis, I realized the fears (which I detailed in

chapter 2) were part of it, but there was something greater holding me back. Eventually, I figured out

what it was. I believed that using my platform would actually handicap my team. I didn’t want them to

look at me and say, “Well, of course, you’re successful--look at all your readers and followers on social

media.” I didn’t want them to think they couldn’t do it if they didn’t have what I had.

Eventually, I got to the place where I decided I needed to build the business in a way that was

authentically me and that felt right--one person at a time, one class at a time, one connection at a time.

Just the way I was telling my team they could build their businesses. It was also really important for

them to see me struggle. I wanted them to see that I was not exempt from the hard work I was asking of

them. Putting it out on the blog and social media didn’t feel authentic to me at that time, and it was

really important to me that it be that.

So that’s what I decided my approach would be. I would build my business the way that felt right to me.

I knew that if they could see me do it this way, they would know they could do it too. Ultimately, it

came down to wanting to see if I could do it. I gave myself the ultimate “double dog dare”: to do it

without accessing those audiences until I reached the level of Diamond in the organization. I did this

while you--my blog community, my Facebook friends, my Instagram followers--weren’t watching. I

truly believe I would have been doing my readers and myself a disservice to have done this any other


As I look back on the choice, I’m proud. I am sharing this now because I want to empower more women

to be entrepreneurs and provide more customers with a personal health solution. I don’t want anyone to

think I’m offering them essential oils because I need a sale. I don’t. That, in my mind, is using someone


for my own benefit, and I’m not that person. I am opening myself up because I want to make the

connection and community I pursue in my life available to those who know me through my platforms.

How did I build a six-figure business in dōTERRA in less than five months without leveraging my

social media platforms? When I joined my friends’ team, we launched in late October of 2016. That

November, I started with 11 team members, which allowed me to enter the company at the rank of

Silver and my front-line team members launched at the rank of Elite. I have an excellent understanding

of the compensation plan offered by dōTERRA, and, as I’ve said before, I am very good at creating

successful strategies. My original goal was to maintain Silver in November 2016, hit Gold in December

2016, Platinum in January 2017, and Diamond in February. It didn’t end up happening that way.

Momentum is not something that happens--it’s created. It was really important for me to create

momentum that was sustainable. So, in order to build that momentum and fuel the fire for huge success

within my organization, I chose to stay at Silver, skip Gold and Platinum, and work to achieve Diamond

in February. My team, in turn, would skip Premier and rank up to Silver. This strategy allowed everyone

to rank at the same time so that everyone would access the biggest financial benefits available at each

level. In other words, instead of choosing to err on the side of safety, I chose crazy.

It was a crazy risk that most people wouldn’t have taken. I’m not most people. The mental game

required to intentionally delay gratification and seemingly stall momentum in order to meet your goals is

not for the faint of heart. For the sake of going big or going home, and for the sake of the team, we did it

this way. I don’t know anyone else within dōTERRA (although I am sure there are others) who has gone

from Silver to Diamond in a month, but everyone on the team was dedicated to doing it this way, and it

paid off! I earned Diamond on February 28, 2017, just four months and eight days after I launched.


This business is not for everyone, but everyone can learn to be successful in this business. I am doing

network marketing differently than anyone else, and I want you to join me.

What do you get if you join my team? You get access to an amazing group of business builders. As I

mentioned in chapter 2, each year I choose a word to focus on. All my words in years past have been

about self-improvement, self-care, self-discovery. My word for 2017 is INVEST. This year, I’m in a

healthy and whole place, and for the first time, my word of the year is not about me. It’s about pouring

myself into others.

Whatever level of success you’re invested in, my team is available to help you develop a plan to get you

there. When a new builder launches her business, we come to her town and stand by her as she hosts her

initial event and shares her story. We have systems in place to train you so that you are fully equipped to

be successful. I have a private Facebook group where I seek to inspire my team regularly through video

interactions. I pour my own resources into my team’s success. I offer crazy financial incentives to

motivate you and I provide discounts that can be passed along to customers to help you meet your goals.

Others have invested deeply in me, and I’m paying it forward.

Although I am a successful businesswoman investing my time and energy in running a large

organization, dōTERRA is not the be all, end all of my life. Because I have goals for my life, I’m

making intentional choices to INVEST in other areas of life--my family, my church, my community. I

want to leave every person I encounter better than they were when I met them. With this in mind:

▪ My team knows that every week my husband and I take a date night, a time I guard fiercely. I

have been married for almost 19 years, and I’m really proud of that. Our marriage is strong

because we have consistently invested intentional time in it. I intend to finish well with my

husband and continue to build intimacy, so we carve out the time. I believe good marriages don’t

just happen. They are built.

▪ My children are budding entrepreneurs, so I am nurturing confidence in my son as he learns

about delayed gratification, employee relations, and what it means to have a work ethic while he

operates his snow cone business during the summer. My daughter is an artist, and last Christmas

she wanted to sell her artwork. We put together a calendar that she sold to friends and family.

Both of them demonstrating an interest in music, something neither I nor my husband know

anything about. I’m investing in an area I don’t understand so that they can explore what it might

mean in their lives.

▪ As a Christian, it’s very important for me to help women understand the Bible. I lead a bible

study, and while I do, I look for someone that I can pour into, in the hopes that they will grow to

lead other women. I attend church regularly in order to learn from those in spiritual authority

over me and grow as I invest in and receive from the relationships I have there.


▪ My parents are aging, and so I make it a priority to spend time with them regularly. They poured

into me, and I want to give back to them. I had the opportunity just recently to tell my dad just

how much I was impacted by his example as the #1 Salesman for Eby-Brown for years in his

profession. Seeing those plaques on the wall of his office really influenced the woman I am


▪ I want my community and my neighborhood to be the best it can be, so I try to make my home

the place where people feel at ease. I want my home to be a place where my kids and their

friends have a soft place to land. That means I have to be present and engaged with those around

me so I can love whoever is in front of me.

Just as I’m being strategic in how I invest myself personally this year, I’m making similar decisions as I

execute my game plan to achieve the highest sales rank in dōTERRA: Presidential Diamond. I’ve set

my sights on it, and I will not be deterred. In order to get there, I need to continue to build my team. The

purpose of this book has been to help you get to know me a little better and to pique your interest in

being part of my dōTERRA organization.

I am looking for women who are interested in joining my team and driving the ball down the field. I’m

seeking business-minded, rock star women who are able to commit 10-15 hours/week to build their

businesses. I expect those who join me to be not only able but capable of bringing their own people to

the team. By that I mean I’m looking for individuals who not only have the skill set but the capacity and

the drive to do what they set their minds to. I want goal setters willing to work hard to achieve. I need

women whose dreams have been stirred as they’ve read my story, and who believe they have what it

takes to make their dreams a reality.


As you consider my story and the invitation I’m presenting you, here are the earning estimates for each

rank of dōTERRA:

Elite: $300-$500/mo.

Premier: $600-$800/mo.

Silver: $25,500/year

Gold: $56,000/year

Platinum: $105,000/year

Diamond: $193,000/year

Blue Diamond: $438,000/year

Presidential Diamond: $1,282,000/year

I hope those numbers excite you--not for the wealth they represent, but for the dreams they reignite in


My team has so much to offer you and I believe you have so much to offer those who need to hear about

the amazing products dōTERRA offers.

Let’s have a conversation about how we can partner together. Here’s how you can reach me:

[email protected]

With Utmost Gratitude,



About the Author

Hi, I’m Beckie! I’m a pastor’s wife from Ohio with a commitment to growing in my relationship with

Jesus, my husband, my family, my friends and the community around me. I’m also a mother to two

amazing kiddos Isaac (11) and Kayla (8). I have a passion for DIY, making my home a soft place to land

for all who enter, personally developing, having authentic communication, and empowering women

around me in areas of my passion.

I found myself lost a couple of years ago after going through a difficult personal circumstance. After

hiding from the world for a year as a struggled to regain who I was, I decided I needed a change. As I

found healing and strength to overcome and push through, my heart changed in the process.

As a blogger for a decade I somehow had lost my voice. I found it again through something I never

thought I would pursue. In this process, I got to build an empire of amazingly strong women who are on

this mission with me. I also built a multi six figure a year business doing it. I did it without sharing it

with anyone in my online world, until now.

I hope this inspires you to stop playing small and bring the biggest, best version of you into the world


With Utmost Gratitude,
